City Council Agenda Packet 03-13-2006 AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday March 13, 2006 - 7 p.m. Mayor: Clint Herbst Council Members: Wayne Mayer, Torn Perrault, Glen Posusta and Brian Stumpf. 1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance 2. Approve minutes of February 27,2006 regular Council meeting. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. 4. Citizen comments, petitions, requests and complaints. 5. Consent Agenda A. Consideration of approving Spring Load Restriction Map for City Streets. B. Consideration of approval of 2006 Highway Maintenance Agreement with Wright County. C. Consideration of accepting feasibility report and calling for public hearing for Cedar Street from Chelsea Road to Dundas Road. D. Consideration of resolution calling for a public hearing by the City Council on the proposed adoption of a modification to the Redevelopment Plan for Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No.1 and the proposed establishment of Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-37 therein and the adoption of a Tax Increment Finance Plan - Karlsberger E. Consideration of approving contribution made to MCC. F. Consideration of two-year lease for biosolids farm land. G. Consideration of approving a one day charitable gambling license for a raffle for Open Trails A TV Club. H. Consideration of accepting final draft of Jefferson AUAR. - REMOVED 1. Consideration of adopting resolution annexing the proposed Hidden Forest Development. 1. Consideration of adopting resolution annexing the proposed Niagara Falls Development Agenda Monticello City Council March 13,2006 Page 2 K. Consideration of approving concept stage for a planned unit development. Applicant: Rollings/Ruff 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion. 7. Review of proposals from Bolton & Menk to provide design services for two different types of biosolid dryers, including a building and all ancillary equipment and consideration of moving forward with design. 8. Review ofbiosolid dryer research and consideration of moving forward to project design. 9. Consideration of organizational shift for finance and administration and authorization to advertize for position of city administrator. 10. Consideration of approving bills for March. 11. Adjourn Council Minutes: 2/27/06 MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday February 27, 2006 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Clint Herbst, Torn Perrault, Glen Posusta and Brian Stumpf Members Absent: Wayne Mayer 1. Call to Order and Pledfe of Alle2,iance. Mayor Herbst called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. and declared a quorum present. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. 2A. Approve minutes of Februarv 13. 2006 refular Council meetinf. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE FEBRUARY 13,2006 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 2B. Approve minutes of Januarv 25. 2006 special Council meetinl!. TOM PERRAULT MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE JANUARY 25,2006 SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING. GLEN POSUST A SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH BRIAN STUMPF ABSTAINING. 3. Consideration of addinl! items to the afenda. The following items were added to the agenda: 1) Final payment to Magney Construction for pumphouse and pump for well #5, City Project 2003-4C was added as item #5P; 2) Removal of a hazardous tree in West Bridge Park was added as item #5Q; 3) Appointment of Craig Schibonski to fill the Planning Commission vacancy was added as item #5R; 4) Summary of trip to Yucca Mountain; 5) Discussion ofMCC; 6) Update on Park Superintendent position; Building Official position and RFP's for Comprehensive Plan update. Items 5G (Service fees for fire calls) and 5N (Purchase agreement for Outlot C - Jefferson Commons) were requested to be tabled. 4. Citizen comments. petitions. requests and complaints. None. 5. Consent Afenda A. Consideration of approving hires and departures. Recommendation: Ratify the hires and departures as identified. B. Consideration of request for Fire Department members to attend national fire conference. Recommendation: Authorize up to four Fire Department members to 3 Council Minutes: 2/27/06 attend a national Fire Department conference in Indianapolis, Indiana with the City covering lodging expenses and exhibit entrance fees not to exceed $1,000. C. Consideration of waiving statutory liability limits for City insurance renewal. Recommendation: Formally indicate that the City of Monticello does not waive the monetary limits on tort liability established by Minnesota Statute 466.04. D. Consideration of approving Change Order #1 for Cedar Street Stornl Sewer, Sanitary Sewer, Watermain and Appurtenant Improvements, City Project No. 2002-6C. Recommendation: Approve Change Order No.1 in the amount of$25,505.62 for R.L. Larson Excavating, Inc. for Project No. 2002-6C. E. Consideration of approving reduction in retainage for Trunk Sanitary Sewer Extension, Southeast Interceptor/Bondhus Segment and Appurtenant Improvements, City Project No.2000-12C. Recommendation: Approve the reduction of the 5% retained amount ($126,738.92) to 2% ($50,695.57) and authorize payment to Barbarossa and Sons, Inc. in the amount of$76,043.35. F. Consideration of resolution declaring intent to reimburse project costs through bond sale proceeds. Recommendation: Adopt Resolution #2006-9 declaring intent to reimburse expenditures to the proceeds of bond covering the projects outlined. G. Consideration of policy establishing service fees for various fire calls. Recommendation: Adopt a policy alllending the current fees for vehicle fires to $500 per incident and establishing service charges of between $500 and $2,000 depending on equipment usage and time spent for structure fires. H. Consideration oftransfer ofliquor license of Silver Fox Inn, 1114 Cedar Street. Recommendation: Approve the transfer of the on-sale liquor license for 1114 Cedar Street to Apurva Patel dba Silver Fox Lounge contingent upon submittal of certificate of insurance. 1. Consideration of preliminary plat approval, approval of a conditional use permit for joint access and drives and for drive-through facility for Wamert Retail, a commercial Retail development in a B-3 (Highway Business) District. - Miller Architects & Bldrs. Recommendation: Decision 1: Approve the preliminary plat for Wamert Retail based on a finding that the preliminary plat is supported by the Comprehensive Plan and is consistent with surrounding zoning and land uses. Decision 2: Approve the conditional use permit for Wamert Retail based on a finding that the proposed plan is consistent with the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance subject to the conditions from Exhibit Z listed below. Decision 3: Approve the conditional use permit for drive-through windows and joint access and drive on Lot 2, Block 1 ofWamert Retail based on a finding that the proposed plan is consistent with the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance subject to the conditions from Exhibit Z listed below: 1. A shared access agreement and shared parking agreement shall be prepared and approved by the City. 2. All landscaping areas shall be irrigated and a minimum of a one year landscaping guarantee be provided. ~ Council Minutes: 2/27/06 3. The building elevations for the exterior of "Building A" shall include false windows on the eastern portion ofthe building. 4. Proposed signage is subject to further review including consideration of variance request at a future Planning Commission meeting. 5. The photometric plan shall be subject to review and approval of the Building Official. 6. The final grading, drainage, erosion control and utility plans are subject to the review and approval of the City Engineer. 7. The applicant shall enter into a development agreement with the City. 1. Consideration of authorization to initiate EA W relating to proposed demolition of Mealy house. Recommendation: Authorize the preparation of an EA W for the Mealy house demolition subject to St. Benedict's providing an $11,000 deposit to pay for the EAW. K. Consideration of approving temporary liquor license for Hi-Way Liquors for wine tasting event on April 7, 2006. Recommendation: Approve the temporary on-sale license for Hi-Way Liquors for a wine tasting event on April 7, 2006 from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. L. Consideration of approving Change Order No.2 and Change Order No.3 for School Boulevard Street, Sidewalk and Median Improvement, City Project No. 2004-31 C. Recommendation: Approve Change Order #2 in the amount of$54,758.77 and Change Order #3 in the amount of $34,036.20 for Buffalo Bituminous, Inc. on City Project No. 2004-31C. M. Consider transportation system plan modifications related to Chelsea Road and School Boulevard (Monticello Business Center & YMCA Area). Recommendation: Accept the recommendation to remove the proposed Chelsea Road alignment and add a future alignment through the YMCA property for School Boulevard. N. Consideration of approving purchase agreement with Cory Kingbay - Outlot C in Jefferson Commons. Recommendation: Approve entering into the purchase agreement extension and development agreement as outlined. O. Consideration of transfer of wine-strong beer license for Crostini Grille. Recommendation: Approve the transfer ofthe wine-strong beer license for Crostini Grille to Forkful, Inc. contingent upon submittal of insurance. P. Consideration of final payment to Magney construction for pumphouse and pump for Well No.5, City Project No. 2003-4C, Part B. Recommendation: Approve final payment to Magney Construction of Chanhassen, Mn in the amount of $16,854.15 for pumphouse and pump for Well #5, City Project #2003-4C, Part B. Q. Consideration ofremoval of hazardous tree in West Bridge Park. Recommendation: Recognize the tree as a hazard to the general public and order the Parks Department to remove it as soon as possible. 5 Council Minutes: 2/27/06 R. Consideration of appointing Craig Schibonski to fil1 the vacancy on the Planning Commission. Recommendation: Appoint Craig Schibonski to fill the vacancy on the Planning Commission left by the resignation of Dick Frie. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED THE CONSENT AGENDA WITH ITEMS #5C, #5D AND #51 REMOVED FOR DISCUSSION, WITH ITEMS #5G AND #5N BEING TABLED AND ITEMS #5P, #5Q AND #5R ADDED. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent aeenda for discussion. #5C: Liability Limits on Insurance: Torn Perrault questioned the cost for additional coverage ifthe City did waive the liability limits. Clint Herbst stated that staff had looked at this issue previously. TOM PERRAULT MOVED TO NOT WAIVE THE MONETARY LIMITS ON TORT LIABILITY ESTABLISHED BY MINNESOTA STATUTE 466.04. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. #5D: Change Order #1 to Cedar Street Improvement Project, City Project No. 2002-6C. Clint Herbst stated the sidewalk had been removed because the contractor had not properly installed it. He felt the contractor should pick up the costs for the manhole and gate valve adjustment required because the wear course could not be placed since the sidewalk was incorrectly installed. Bret Weiss stated the change order amount was a result of a long negotiating process. He felt it would be difficult to collect this amount from the contractor unless the City took legal action. Brian Stumpf agreed that it was not the City's fault that the contractor improperly installed the sidewalk. The City Council told the contractor that he was required to fix what was incorrect at no cost to the City. If the additional costs were incurred because of the improper work the City should not have bear that cost. Bret Weiss stated the reason it took so long to get to this point was because the City was not going to accept the poor work on the sidewalk. The City did not want the wear course laid before the sidewalk was done. The City required that the manholes and gate valves be lowered for snow removal reasons. Bret Weiss said an issue dealing with landscaping and modification to the median was another reason besides the sidewalk, for not putting the wear course down. Glen Posusta questioned the $16,000 landscaping cost. Landscaping was included afterwards and there is sufficient retainage left on the project to cover reseeding and any remaining work. GLEN POSUSTA MOVED TO APPROVE CHANGE ORDER NO. I IN THE AMOUNT OF $25,505.62 FOR R.L. LARSON EXCA V A TING, INC. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. #51: Preliminary plat and conditional use permits for Warnert Retail Development. Torn Perrault asked about having the right turn lane off Chelsea Road. He felt there may be safety issues related to it. Shibani Bisson from WSB indicated that this was a right-in/right out intersection. The Council concurred that it was a potential1y hazardous situation and lo Council Minutes: 2/27/06 questioned who has the authority to make the determination on whether to allow the right turn lane off Chelsea Road. John Simola, Public Works Director, indicated it was the City's decision. City Engineer, Bruce Westby, said that without knowing what the volume of traffic is it is difficult to determine what kind of hazard this situation would pose. Glen Posusta reiterated the Council's feeling that this required further study. He also questioned the fayade on the east side of the building. He felt the long expanse of wall should be broken up. TOM PERRAULT MOVED TO APPROVE THE PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR WARNERT RETAIL BASED ON A FINDING THAT THE PRELlMINRY PLAT IS SUPPORTED BY THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AND IS CONSISTENT WITH THE SURROUNDING ZONING AND LAND UES; TO APPROVE THE CONDITIONAL USE PERMITS FOR DRIVE-THROUGH WINDOW AND JOINT ACCESS AND DRIVE ON LOT 1 BLOCK 1 AND LOT 2, BLOCK 1 OF WARNERT RETAIL BASED ON A FINDING THAT THE PROPOSED PLAN IS CONSISTENT WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE SUBJECT TO THE CONDITIONS LISTED BELOW AND WITH THE ADDITION OF #8 TO FURTHER REVIEW THE RIGHT TURN LANE AND THE FA<;ADE DESIGN: 1. A shared access agreement and shared parking agreement shall be prepared and approved by the City. 2. All landscaping areas shall be irrigated and a minimum of a one year landscaping guarantee be provided. 3. The building elevations for the exterior of "Building A" shall include false windows on the eastern portion of the building. 4. Proposed signage is subject to further review including consideration of variance request at a future Planning Commission meeting. 5. The photometric plan shall be subject to review and approval of the Building Official. 6. The final grading, drainage, erosion control and utility plans are subject to the review and approval of the City Engineer. 7. The applicant shall enter into a development agreement with the City. 8. City staff will further review the right turn lane off Chelsea Road and the fayade design. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. #5L: Change Orders for School Boulevard Median Improvements, City Project No. 2004- 31C. Glen Posusta questioned the 4' sidewalk noted on the change order. After review it was clarified that it should be 4" which references the thickness of the concrete sidewalk. GLEN POSUST A MOVED TO APPROVE CHANGE ORDER NO.2 IN THE AMOUNT OF $54,758.77 AND CHANGE ORDER NO. 3IN THE AMOUNT OF $34,036.20 FOR BUFFALO BITUMINOUS INC. ON THE SCHOOL BOULEVARD STREET, SIDEWALK AND MEDIAN IMPROVEMENT PROJECT NO. 2004-31C. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. I Council Minutes: 2/27/06 7. Public Hearing: on extension of utilities to service the Hidden Forest/Niag:ara Falls developments and consideration of approving: final plans and specifications and authorizing: advertisement for bids for Hidden Forest/Niag:ara Falls Utility Extension, City Proiect No. 200S-3C. Shibani Bisson from WSB & Associates gave a brief presentation on the proposed project outlining the improvements being made, costs and the schedule of work. The improvements include two lift stations, an 8" sanitary sewer forcemain, a 12" watermain and storm sewer. Three options were considered as far as the extension of utilities: 1) Directional bore the 8" and 12" line on the south of side of County Road 39; 2) Directional bore the 8" line on the south side of CR 39 and open cut the watermain on the north side of CR 39; and 3) Directional bore the forcemain on the south side ofCR 39 and directional bore the watermain on the north side ofCR 39. The consulting engineer was recommending Option #2. The schedule would call for bids to be received on March 29,2006 contingent upon a developer's agreement being executed. Construction is proposed to be completed in September. Clint Herbst asked why both the 8" and 12" line couldn't be placed on the same side of the road. Shibani Bisson indicated that the number of private utilities on the south side and limited amount ofright-of-way makes it more difficult for placement ofthe lines. Also the number of private utilities located in the area would make directional boring more difficult. Shibani Bisson listed project costs as follows: Lift Stations - $562,973; Storm Sewer- $336,770 and Forcemain/Watermain: $590,201 for Alt #1, $591,346 for Alt # 2 and $641,520 for Alt # 3 and added that the engineer was recommending Alt # 2 for the forcemain and watermain. The property proposed to be assessed for the improvements are the lots that will make up the Hidden Forest and Niagara Falls developments. Mayor Herbst opened the public hearing: Tom Moores, 748 101 st representing the property owner on Hall Avenue wanted to know how much the yard would be tom up. Shibani Bisson indicated with directional boring the disruption should be minimal. Brad Paumen the developer of the Hidden Forest development stated that hey would like to have the 12" watermain bid with HDP as an alternative. Bret Weiss said they are proposing the watermain on the north side be open cut and did not recommend the use ofHDP pipe in this instance. He stated they could bid HDP pipe as an alternative but they would recommend DIP. Mayor Herbst then closed the public hearing. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND AUTHORIZE THE ADVERTISEMENT OF BIDS FOR EXTENDIGN UTILITIES TO THE HIDDEN FOREST AND NIAGARA FALLS DEVLEOPMENTS. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Torn Perrault clarified that he had checked and it was deternlined that the fact that his cousin is involved in this development is not a conflict of interest and therefore he would vote on matters relating to the development. G Council Minutes: 2/27/06 8. Public Hearin!! on vacation of easements in a portion of the Commercial Plaza 25 and Commercial Court Additions. Jeff O'Neill stated the hearing should be continued to such time as a final plat for the Wamert Retail development is submitted. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO CONTINUTE THE PUBLIC HEARING TO A FUTURE DATE. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. lat of Prairie 9. It was noted that change in street names was required in order to conform with the County's grid system. Mayor Herbst opened the public hearing. No one was present who spoke for or against the proposed change. Mayor Herbst then closed the public hearing. TOM PERRAULT MOVED TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE CHANGING THE STREET NAME IN THE PLAT OF PRAIRIE PONDS 2ND ADDITION FROM DEEGAN A VENUE TO DEEGAN COURT. GLEN POSUSTA SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Added Items: Yucca Mountain: Clint Herbst stated that three representatives from the City visited the Yucca Mountain site which is the proposed site for dry cask storage of spent nuclear rods. He felt that this site was appropriate for the use proposed. Jeff O'Neill felt confident that the site would be license for nuclear waste storage. MCC: Glen Posusta stated that it was brought to his attention that some people did not like his comments about the MCC Director. He stated his comments were not an attack on any employee and he had no intention of being mean spirited. He wanted to make it clear that his questioning of procedures or actions should not be taken as a personal attack against an individual. Parks Superintendent Vacancy: John Simola stated they had received about 40 applications for the Park Superintendent position He and Larry Nolan, Parks Commission Chair have reviewed the applications at this point. It is hoped to narrow the list down and to conduct interviews on March 13th. There was discussion on Council participation in the interview process. The Council liaison to the Parks Commission and the members of the Personnel Committee may all have some interest in participating in the interviews. Clint Herbst suggested posting a notice of the interview and if there is a quorum of the Council present, the notice would cover the requirements of the open meeting law. Building Official Vacancy: Jeff O'Neill indicated that are 11 applicants for the building official position which they hope to narrow down for the interview process. Comprehensive Plan RFP's: The RFP's for the Comprehensive Plan Update are due March 9, 2006. Thus far 5-6 firms have expressed interest in submitting an RFP. Clint Herbst asked if a letter C\ Council Minutes: 2/27106 had been sent to the township regarding the plan update. Jeff O'Neill indicated that the township board was invited to participate in the Comprehensive Plan update. Jeff O'Neill also informed the Council of a meeting held with townships and cities in the northeast quadrant of Wright County for the purpose of providing input for the County's update of their comprehensive plan. 10. Consideration of avvrovin!! bills for February. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE PAYMENT OF THE BILLS. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 11. Closed meetine to discuss vendi"!! A VR condemnation liti!!atio" with City Attornev. At 8 p.m. Council went into closed session to discuss pending A VR condemnation litigation with the City Attorney. 12. Adjourn. Upon completion of the closed session, the meeting was adjourned. Recording Secretary ID Council Agenda: 3/13/06 SA. Consideration of aDDrovine SDrin~ Load Restriction Map for City Streets. (J.S.BW) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Periodically as the city grows and new streets are added and paved, the City Engineer updates our street sign map which also carries the spring load restriction data. City ordinance dictates that all public streets and parking lots in the City of Monticello have a five ton load limit unless signed with a higher or lower load limit. Whenever we add a significant number of streets we update the map and bring it to the City Council for adoption. Once it is adopted we sign the roads more or less and place the spring road restrictions in accordance with the county timetables. The updated map is included in your packet. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative is to approve the new map as included in your packet and order the appropriate signing. 2. The second alternative would be to make changes to the map. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Engineer, Public Works Director and Street Superintendent that the Council approve the map as included in your packet and as outlined in alternative number one. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of Section 9-1-5(B) of the City Ordinance relating to load limits on city streets or parking lots. 1\ (B) LOAD LIMITS ON CITY STREETS OR PARKING LOTS: It shall also be unlawful for any person or persons, firm or corporation to drive any vehicle over said streets or parking lots having an axle weight load in excess of five (5) tons during periods of the year when county road restrictions are not in effect. During periods of county road restriction or on streets designed for more than five tons, the current city street design map adopted by the City Council shall take precedence over the five (5) ton limit and can be more or less restrictive. That any person, firm or corporation wishing to drive such vehicles in excess of above mentioned weight over any of the streets of Monticello shall first apply to the City Administrator for his permission. That the City Council may designate certain streets to be used regularly by such persons, firm, or corporation in the operation of their business, outlining certain routes that said vehicles are to follow and that no deviation from such routes will be permissible. (#146,4/8/85) (C) TRUCKS OPERATING ON RESIDENTIAL STREETS: It will be unlawful f(H any person or persons, firms or corporations to operate a truck of over 9,000 pounds gross weight on residential streets except those trucks that are actually engaged in making deliveries or pickups at residential dwellings. Further, they will utilize state highways or designated truck routes wherever possible when making these deliveries or pickups. All other truck traffic not making deliveries or pickups will utilize only state highways or designated truck routes. Trucks making deliveries or pickups on residential streets will adhere to the provisions of paragraph 9-1-5 (B). (D) PENALTY: Any person violating any provision of this ordinance is guilty ofa misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be punished not more than the maximum penalty for a misdemeanor as prescribed by state law. (#358,] /8/0 I) 9-1-6: STREET NAMES: Street narnes have been adopted according to the official city map on file at City Hall. (#26, 12/27/76) 9-1-7: UNREASONABLE ACCELERATION, ERRATIC DRIVING, AND EXHIBITION DRIVING (A) Unreasonahle acceleration by any motor vehicle upon any public highway, street, parking lot, alley, or other public prope11y within the limits of the city of Monticello, except when an emergency creates the necessity for such operation, is prohibited. Unreasonable acceleration of a motor vehicle is hereby defined as acceleration which unnecessarily breaks traction between a tire or tires and the driving surface, thereby causing a squealing or screeching sound by the tire or tires or the unnecessary throwing of sand or gravel by the tire or tires or both. MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE TITLE IX/Chpt 1/Page 3 SA-(d- o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~u~~~ ~~ ~.~ "'l ~ E-c .;S lj ~ \J Z ~~ ~ o CIS ~ ~; ~~. " liill! II II -III ...1111 ".11-, ill iloUl ~ II; ;! f ~ ~ g ~h i; h~~~ ~ i!~ 8~ 1::1::1::2-g~i5;;J;;: ~~/'" ~!i ~~~~~~;~5 ~a?~ ~~ ~~U~~~H ~~~ ~&' z z z g" 8 0 0 '" lE~i!i1 -;~ :2 ~ 12 ~ 15 u..... ~ I/lO~ =l ilimUm! ! -. 4\ I Cl LJ'J Council Meeting ~ 03/13/2006 5B. Consideration of approval of 2006 Hiehway Maintenance Aereement with Wril!ht County. (1.S.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: It is once again time to renew our highway maintenance agreement with Wright County. Through this agreement we remove snow and ice from CSAH 75 from Willow Street on the west end oftown to Meadow Oak Drive on the east end of town. This includes a one time spring sweeping ofthe four lane portion. In addition, we do 25% of the snow and ice removal on CR 39 from CSAH 75 to the public works building. We also do a one time spring sweeping only on CR 39 from CSAH 75 to Kampa Circle. Lastly, our maintenance agreement includes that short section ofCR 117 outside the city limits just north of 85th Street near the Monticello Township Hall. Our reimbursement is based upon the county's average annual road maintenance cost for all county roads for the years 2002, 2003 and 2004. In 2003 we negotiated an additional $300/mile for the four lane portion for snow and ice control as this section of highway requires more than the average county amount of maintenance in the winter. The reimbursement for 2006 from the county would be $11,466.37 B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative would be to approve the 2006 Maintenance Agreement with Wright County at a reimbursement of$II,466.37. 2. The second alternative would be not to approve the maintenance agreement. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator, Public Works Director and Street Superintendent that the City Council approve the maintenance agreement with Wright County as outlined in alternative #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of 2006 Maintenance Agreement. , ~\ v~-rY Ok (JO ~ 7~Z \Yl! ~ 4"1' 1ss6 WRIGHT COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS Wright County Public Works Building 1901 Highway 25 North Buffalo, Minnesota 55313 Jet. T.R. 25 and C.R. 138 Telephone: (763) 682-7383 FAX: (763) 682-7313 WAYNE A. FINGALSON, P.E. Highway Engineer (763) 682-7388 VIRGIL G. HAWKINS, P.E. Assistant Highway Engineer (763) 682-7387 RICHARD E. MARQUETTE Right of Way Agent (763) 682-7386 February 9, 2006 Rick W olfsteller, City Administrator City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite #1 Monticello, MN 55362 rt~\ ~ ~ Re: 2005 Maintenance Agreement Kl elL Dear Mr. ~er: It is once again time to renew our annual municipal agreement for the maintenance activities on the road(s) listed on the enclosed agreement. Wright County will continue to use the same method for computing the reimbursement for these maintenance agreements with Wright County cities. Beginning with the 2001 agreements, we based the reimbursement on the average municipal maintenance costs for the previous three years. Before that, we had based the reimbursement on cost history for only one year. This change minimizes the variability in costs from year to year which can occur, particularly for snow/ice control. The estimated total cost on the attached agreement is based on the average of the years 2002, 2003, and 2004 (since 2005 costs are not compiled yet). Please note that the actual payment for this 2006 agreement will be based on the average costs for the years 2003, 2004, and 2005. I have enclosed two copies of the 2006 agreement for your review and approval by the City Council. Please return both copies ofthe executed agreement. After approval by the County Board, one ofthe copies will be returned to you for your files. A check reimbursing your city for the maintenance activities covered under our 2005 agreement has already been sent. If you have any questions concerning this or if you note any discrepancies, please don't hesitate to contact our office. Sincerely, . . Jtc / /~''"l ~ '~/ '.. /,/ '-, . 1tl}t!!{i..I"--~--.:ET~'-?' ''/7--1 Wayn(f. Fingalson " CountY Highway Enginlier Enclosure (2) 2006 Municipal Maintenance Agreements Equal Opportunity / Affirmative Action Employer S}~-{5 MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT ~ 2006 THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into by and between the City of Monticello hereinafter referred to as the "City" and the County of Wright hereinafter referred to as the "County". WHEREAS, Chapter 162, Minnesota Statutes, permits the County to designate certain roads and streets within the City as County State Aid Highways, and WHEREAS, the City has concurred in the designation of the County State Aid Highway within its limits as identified in County Board's resolutions of August 28, October 8, November 5, December 3, December 27, 1957 and January 7, 1958, and WHEREAS, it is deemed to the best interest of all parties that the duties and responsibilities of both the City and the County as to maintenance on said County State Aid Highways to be clearly defined, NOW THEREFORE, IT IS AGREED with regard to said County State Aid Highway maintenance: That the City will be responsible for routine maintenance on the following highways. MAINT. PLAN ROAD SEGMENT MILES COST/M1.* TOTAL COST* C. CSAH 75 Willow St. to Meadow Oaks Dr. 5.65 1,272.75 $ 7,190.92 (Includes four lane portion.) D. CSAH 39 From City Public Works Bldg. to 0.32 318.14 101.80 W. Jet. of CSAH 75 B. CSAH 75 Four lane portion 5.22 701.88 3,663.81 B. CSAH 39 From CSAH 75 to Kampa Cir. 0.40 701.88 280.75 C. CR 117 From a point 930 feet north of 85th NE 0.18 1,272.73 229.09 To 85th Street NE ESTIMA TED TOTAL = $11,466.37 That routine maintenance shall consist of the following: (Maint. Plan) C. Snow and ice control. D. 25% snow and ice control. B. One~time sweeping only. *Based on average annual costs of years 2002, 2003, and 2004, plus $300/mile for four-lane portion (snow/ice control only). That when the City deems it desirable to remove snow by hauling, it shall do so as its own expense. The City shall also be responsible for all snow and ice removal on sidewalks and other boulevard related maintenance outside the curb or street area. That the County will be responsible for all other maintenance. That the City shall indemnify, save and hold harmless the County and all of its agents and employees of any form against any and all claims, demands, actions or causes of action of whatever nature or character arising out of or by reason ofthe execution or performance of the work provided for herein to be performed by the City. It is further agreed that any and all fullwtime employees of the City and all other employees of the City engaged in the performance of any work or services required or provided for herein to be performed by the City shall be considered employees of the City only and not of the County; and that any and all claims that mayor might arise under Workmen's Compensation Act of the State of Minnesota on behalf of said employees while so engaged and any and all claims made by any third parties as a consequence of any act or omission on the part of said City employees while so engaged on any ofthe work or services provided to be rendered herein shall be the sole obligation and responsibility of the City. (Sheet 1 of2) 5B-\16 That the County shall indemnify, save and hold harmless the City and all of its agents and employees of any form against any and all claims, demands, actions or causes of actions of whatever nature or character, whether at law or equity, arising out of or by reason of the execution, omission or performance of the work provided for herein to be perfonned by the County including, but not limited to, claims made arising out of maintenance obligations of County, engineering, design, taking or inverse condemnation proceedings. It is further agreed that any and all full-time employees of the County and all other employees of the County engaged in the performance of any work or services required or provided for herein to be performed by the County shall be considered employees of the County only and not of the City; and that any and all claims that mayor might arise under the Workmen's Compensation Act ofthe State of Minnesota on behalf of said employees while so engaged and any and all claims made by any third parties as a consequence of any act or omission on the part of said County employees while so engaged on any of the work or services provided to be rendered herein shall be the sole obligation and responsibility of the County. That in December of 2006 ,the City shall receive payment from the County for their work. This amount shall be based on the 2005 average annual cost per mile for the years 2003, 2004, and 2005 for routine maintenance on Municipal County State Aid Highways. The average annual cost per mile will reflect only those costs associated with the areas of routine maintenance for which the City is responsible. ADOPTED: ,20_ ATTEST: Mayor City Clerk CERTIFICA TION I hereby certify that the above is a true and correct copy of a resolution duly passed, adopted and approved by the City Council of said City on , 20_. City Clerk APPROVED AND ACCEPTED: COUNTY OF WRIGHT Name of City Chairman of the Board Date ATTEST: County Coordinator Date (Sheet 2 of 2) s~~... 1 " 5C. Accept Feasibility Report and Set Public Hearin2; Date for the Reconstruction of Cedar Street (Chelsea Road to Dundas Road) and the Construction of Dundas Road (Cedar Street to Edmonson Avenue) (Citv of Monticello Proiect No. 2006-02C) (WSB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Included in your packet is a copy of the feasibility report addressing the reconstruction of Cedar Street from Chelsea Road to Dundas Road and the construction of Dundas Road from the improved segment, east of Cedar Street, to Edmonson Avenue. The improvements to Cedar Street were initiated by a petition from the proposed Wamert redevelopment located at the southwest comer of Chelsea Road and Cedar Street. The Council authorized the feasibility report to include constructing the unimproved segment of Dundas Road to accommodate increased traffic volumes on the roadway and its importance to the connection to the City's overall transportation network. The proposed improvements include constructing the roadways to a three-lane, 44-foot width with concrete curb and gutter within the existing right-of-way. Cedar Street will be realigned along the City-owned property on the east to align with the segment of Cedar Street south of Dundas Road. The project also includes construction of the right-turn lane along Chelsea Road to serve the Warnert development. Sidewalk and street lighting is proposed along the west side of Cedar Street and on the north side of Dundas Road from Cedar Street west to the trail along TH 25. Sidewalk and street lighting along the east side of Cedar Street and along both sides of Dundas Road, between Cedar Street and Edmonson Avenue, would be constructed as the adjacent properties develop. Storm sewer is proposed to be constructed within the roadways and connect into the TH 25 storm sewer system. Storm sewer stubs will be provided to accommodate drainage from adjacent properties as development occurs. Sanitary sewer and watem1ain exist along the roadways. Service stubs will be extended along Dundas Road to accommodate future development adjacent to the roadway. The proposed improvements also include construction of a segment of the dual forcemain along Chelsea Road for the future extension of the system from the Otter Creek Lift Station to the trunk sanitary sewer at Chelsea Road and Fallon Avenue. The dual forcemain would extend along the south side of Chelsea Road from Cedar Street across TH 25 to the north side of Chelsea Road. Two alternates were evaluated to cross TH 25. Alternate No.1 includes crossing TH 25 diagonally and Alternate No.2 includes crossing TH 25 perpendicularly. Alternate No.1 is preferred as it poses fewer conflicts, but would need Mn/DOT approval as an exception to Alternate No.2. The estimated project cost totals $1,252,090 for Alternate No.1 and $1,300,380 for Alternate No.2. The project is proposed to be funded through special assessments to the adjacent benefiting properties, City funds, and State Aid funds. City funding would consist of the reconstruction costs to the City-owned property on the east side of Cedar Street, general utility adjustments, and storm sewer up sizing costs along Dundas Road. Both Cedar Street and Dundas Road arc designated as Municipal State Aid roadways and are eligible for State Aid funding for street and storm sewer improvements. The Lundsten property along Dundas Road can be considered "Green Acres," in which case assessments would be deferred with interest until the property develops. The City could utilize State Aid funds to fund the improvements to Dundas Road as well as Cedar Street. The proj cct is proposed to be constructed this summer if authorized. C:\Documents and S~tliJlgs\daWl"I.grossillger\Local Settb,gs\ TE:mporary blternet FilcsIOLK3\AGN ITM-CedarDumlasf\:asihility.03J306.do(: \ 8 B. AL TERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Accept the feasibility report and order the public hearing for March 27, 2006. 2. Do not accept the feasibility report. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator to select Alternative No.1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Feasibility Report C:\Documents will Settings\dawn,grossingerILoca/ Se.llingslTemporllry lmernet FUesIOLK3L4GN fTM~CetlarDundllsFellsibilit~03IJ06,doc \~ City Council Agenda - 03/13/06 5D. A. Reference and Backeround: The Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Monticello requests the City Council approve a resolution calling for a public hearing date of April 24,2006. The public hearing is associated with the modification of the Redevelopment Plan ofthc Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No.1 and establishment of TIF District No. 1-37 and the TIF Plan. TIF District No. 1-37, an Economic District, is being created to assist in the write~down ofland and infrastructure costs and trunk fees associated with the land sale to SL Real Estate Holding's LLC dba Karlsburger Foods, Inc. The company manufactures food bases, sauces and seasonings. According to John Simola, Public Works Director, the production process places no adverse or very little effect on the waste water treatment plant. They plan to construct a 20,000 sq ft office, production, and distribution facility in the city-owned industrial park known as the Monticello Business Center. The proposed project will bring 16 existing full-time permanent jobs at an average wage level of $21.37 per hour without benefits and create an additional four jobs at an average wage level of $18.00 per hour without benefits. WSB, Inc. was authorized by the BRA on March 9, 2006 to begin the plat process for conveyance of a 2.5 acre parcel. The company and HRA have executed the Preliminary Development Agreement and the company submitted the required non-refundable deposit of $10,000. B. Alternative Action: 1. ^ motion to approve a resolution calling for a public hearing by the city council on the proposed adoption of the modification to the Redevelopment Plan for Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No.1 and the proposed establishment ofTlF District No. 1-37 therein and the adoption ofthe TIF Plan therefor. 2. A motion to deny adoption ofthe resolution calling for a public hearing ................ 3. A motion to table any action. 1 (}O City Council Agenda - 03/13/06 C. Recommendation: The City Administrator and HRA Executive Director recommend alternative no. 1. D. SUDportine: Data: Resolution for adoption, TIF map, and schedule of events. 2 dl CITY OF MONTICELLO COUNTY OF WRIGHT ST A TE OF MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION CALL LNG FOR A PUBLIC HEARING BY THE CITY COUNCIL ON TI-IE PROPOSED ADOPTION OF A MODIFICATION TO THE REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR CENTRAL MONTICELLO REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT NO.1 AND THE PROPOSED ESTABLISHMENT OF TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT NO. 1-37 THEREIN AND THE ADOPTION OF A TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLAN THEREFOR. BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council (the "Council") for the City of Monticello, Minnesota (the "City"), as follows: Section 1. Public Hearing. This Council shall meet on April 24, 2006, at approximately 7:00 P.M., to hold a public hearing on the proposed adoption of a Modification to the Redevelopment Plan for Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No. I (the "Redevelopment Plan Modification"), the proposed establishment of Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-37, (an economic development district), and the proposed adoption of a Tax Increment Financing Plan (the "TIF Plan") therefor (the Redevelopment Plan Modification and the TIF Plan are referred to collectively herein as the "Plans"), all pursuant to and in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.001 to 469.047, and Sections 469.l74 to 469.1799, inclusive, as amended, in an effort to encourage the development and redevelopment of certain designated areas within the City; and Section 2. Notice of Public Hearing, Filing of Plans. City staff is authorized and directed to work with Ehlers & Associates, Inc., to prepare the Plans and to forward documents to the appropriate taxingjurisdictions including Wright County and Independent School District No. 882. The City Administrator is authorized and directed to caLIse notice of the hearing, together with an appropriate map as required by law, to be published at least once in the official newspaper of the City not later than 10, nor more than 30, days prior to April 24, 2006, ancl to place a copy of the Plans on file in the City Administrator's office at City Hall and to make such copy available for inspection by the public. Dated: March 13, 2006 Adopted: Clint Herbst, Mayor ATTEST: Rick Wolfsteller, City Administrator s D ,- 6 :} r-- O~ 0< ~.J= ~E-- ~ .J Z ~ 0 = ~E-- ~f2 Z E: U U Z ~s~~~ E-- ~ =- ::a;>: [$ ~~~.. ~~~t~ U uO UE-- ~ ~ = t?; ~ :a ~ ~ Qd ~ ~ ~ ~ =: ~ ~ U ~ ~ ~ , II!I II I' II I! II -III ~ i .~,":",.t;U....>:: ~ ... <~ '" '" r;" -I ~_ ~'J'I ~ ,- i ~ ,,' ~,W ~_m_' '1-,:/"'\/'" . ~ -0-'-':- "",,~" ',r" ,.. ~ ""-' r < :'J' ~ ' , '" ~~! :Jtl',.' " " ./IJ^ ~~ M ."-IX " " "- 1_.' \: ..... ......u,.,,~ft- / , =-. " , " ;:j 'IJ.:ff'.." ;::.;. i/ ~II\. ,:( -'~ ~ <'" ;:;;; /, fI::1J, fi Ii " ~~,~ ~ /,,' )~~~ . s; a01/ ~! ft1 ~ ' / f:-' "~ ",'If', " ,"""Ii I^' r~~:"/' C . l :;11l~' ",/:~ // " .,,,,,' , I', IF .~ \,~ , , >I' ,'V(0. ! " /' I' --' , ,~/~ ~"i '" 1'~~:: ~,~~ - I~r-b L cg''ni/ ,~~ X i-- "-'" RS"- ~y '~\I. I ~ --../ <A : _ ~~~' !~\ 'I -s::- _~,I I 1,1 I ~ ~~~'" ~~I lj k f- r'~- .~ 1 ~, i1t ~__H I l~ - ~~~~ "fa:; ~14j- ! .1 I~ ~~::l)l ~ ' I, ,r ... '\ eJ?/ /1 ,~- -+-! - I ~ ~ (' i J J 5C)-d3 SCHEDULE OF EVENTS MONTICELLO HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY AND THE CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA FOR THE PROPOSED MODIFICATION TO THE REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR CENTRAL MONTICELLO REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT NO.1 AND THE PROPOSED ESTABLISHMENT OF TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT NO. 1-37 (an economic development district) March I, 2006 March 3, 2006 March 13, 2006 March 23,2006 March 24, 2006 March 27, 2006 April 4, 2006 April 5, 2006 April 10,2006 April 13,2006 April 24, 2006 ,2006 ,2006 AND THE AWARDING OF A BUSINESS SUBSIDY lIRA requests that the City Council call for a public hearing on the proposed Modification to the Redevelopment Plan for Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No. I and the proposed establishment of Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-37. HRA calls for public hearing on Business Subsidy Agreement. Project information (property identification numbers and legal descriptions, detailed project description, maps, but/for statement, list of sources and uses offunds, and e~timatedfiscal impacts of the pndect public improvements and on fire and police protection) for drafting necessary documentation sent to Ehlers & Associates. Ehlers & Associates confirms with the City whether building permits have been issued on the property to be included in TIF District No. 1-37. City Council calls for public hearing on the proposed Modification to the Redevelopment Plan for Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No. 1 and the proposed establishment of Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-37. Date of publication of HRA hearing notice for granting a business subsidy and land sale (at least 10 days but not more than ~O day~ prior t? hea~ing). (Monticello Times publicatioll deadline, March 20. 2006. Ehlers & A~soctates wlll e-mail notlce to newspaper hy March 17, 2(06) Fiscal/economic implications received by School Board Clerk and County Auditor (at least 30 days prior to public hearing). [Ehlers & Associates willfax & mail Oll March 22.2006.] City Council approves final plat. Planning Commission reviews Plans. HRA considers the Plans, adopts a resolution approving the Plans. HRA holds public hearing at 6:00 P.M. on Business Subsidy Agreement with Karlsburger Foods, Inc. and approves Development Agreement with Karlsburger Foods, Inc. Ehlers & Associates conducts internal review of Plans. Date of publication of hearing notice and map (at least 10 days but not more than 30 days prior to hearing). [Monticello Times publication deadline, April 10, 2006 - Ehlers & Associates to suhmit llotice and map to newspaper via email by April 7, 2006.] City Council holds public hearing at 7:00 P.M. on a Modification to the Redevelopment Plan for Central Monticello Redevelopment Project NO.1 and the establishment of Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-37 and passes resolution approving the Plans and awards a business subsidy. [Ehlers & Associates to email Council packet informatioll to the City by April 17, 2006.] City authorizes Ehlers to request certification of the T1F District. Ehlers & Associates files Plans with the MN Department of Revenue and the Office of the State Auditor, and requests certification of the TIF District with Wright County. ** The County Board, by law, has 45 days to review the plan to determine irany county roads will be impacted by the development. Please be aware thai the County Board could claim that tax increment should be used tor county roads. An action under subdivision I, paragraph (a), contesting the validity of a determination by an authority under section 469.175, subdivision 3, must be commenced within the later of: (I) 180 days after the municipality's approval under section 469.175, subdivision 3; or (2) 90 days after the request for certification of the district is filed with the county auditor under section 469.177, subdivisionl. e EHLERS 5 D- d L\ & ASSOCIATES INC 5E Consideration of approvine: contributions made to the Monticello Communitv Center. (KB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: We received a call from the family of Mary F. Mahoney who had recently passed away. They notified us that Mary had wanted some money to go to the Monticello Community Center to be used as we saw fit. Mary lived in Monticello for a period of time and had her 90th birthday party at the Community Center. She enjoyed the community center so much that she wanted to make this donation. We have not decided what should be done with the money, but feel that this is something that can be discussed at the Advisory Board. Our hope is to do something that will identify Mary Mahoney as the donor. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Approve the contribution to the community center allowing the Advisory Board to determine the best use for it. 2. Do not approve the contribution and return the funds to the donor. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator and the Finance Department to approve accepting the contribution. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Monticello Times Obituary Letter that accompanied one check from her daughter Kathleen Carlson Letter that accompanied one check from her son Jim Mahoney ;)5 City of Monticello RESOLUTION NO. 2006-13 RESOLUTION AI)PROVING CONTRIBUTIONS WHEREAS, the City of Monticello is generally authorized to accept contributions ofreal and personal property pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Sections 465.03 and 465.04 for the benefit of its citizens and is specifically authorized to maintain such property for the benefit of its citizens in accordance with the tenTIS prescribed by the donor. Said gifts may be limited under provisions ofMN Statutes Section 471.895. WHEREAS, the following persons and or entities have offered to contribute contributions or gifts to the City as listed: DONOR/ENTITY Mary F. Mahone DESCRIPTION Cash contribution VALUE $120.00 WHEREAS, all said contributions are intended to aid the City in establishing facilities, operations or programs within the city's jurisdiction either alone or in cooperation with others, as allowed by law; and WHEREAS, the City Council hereby finds that it is appropriate to accept the contributions offered. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of Monticello as follows: 1. 2. The contributions described above are hereby accepted by the City of Monticello. The contributions described above will be used as designated by the donor. This may entail reimbursing or allocating the money to another entity that will utilize the funds for the following stated purpose: RECIPIENT Monticello Conmmnity Center PURPOSE To Be Determined Adopted by the City Council of Monticello this 13th day of March, 2006. Clint Herbst, Mayor ATTEST: Rick Wolfsteller, City Administrator contributions LOL resolution.doc: 3/9/2006 t-T'"' ~ d tc, .."JL Mary F. Mahoney, 95, Monticello -'. Mary Frances (Elliott) Mahoney were married in Mahoney, 95, of the Monti- 1935. They lived in the Big cello and Buffalo area, died in Lake and Buffalo areas. In Duluth, Tues- 1938, they purchased the day, Feb. 7, farm owned by the Mahoney 2006. family since 1899. There, they Fun era I raised four children and service was actively farmed until 1968. Saturday, Feb. Mary remained on the farm 11, 2 p.m., at until 1999. Comm unity Mary was a 4-H Club U nit e d leader and was an active Methodist member of the Monticello Church in MaryF. Mahoney School Parents Association, Monticello, 1910-2006 Monticello Communityl)nit- with Rev. Dan ed Methodist Church, the Wetterstrom officiating. In- Pelican L8ke Women's Club terment was at St. Henry's and the Farm Bureau. She Cemetery in Monticello.' spent several years as a Visitation was Friday evenN j teacher's aide at Pinewood ing, 6-8 p.m., at the Peterson- Elementary School in Monti- Grimsmo Chapel in Monti- cello. cello. She is survived by her Mary was born May 23,. children, Danno (Barbara) 1910, in Saskatchewan, Mahoney, Deerwood; Kath- Canada, to Andrew and leen (Robert) Carlson, EIUD;leline Elliott. In 1912, Duluth; James (Berteil) the family moved to a farm Mahoney, Laguna Niguel, near Monticello, where Mary Calif.; and Lorna (Michael) . ,att.er,ded.a"Fural\ ~9-el-ro...,~m Shea, S~cramento, Calif; 13 ;~l1po~ and...'~~(f#!it. :e;d .~ grandc. h. !ldren;. and .26.. g..r . e.. at... . Nfontlcello High -SChool-in grandohiJ9fen."iF""t', 1928. She completed'teacher Mary -'was _ _preceded in training at St. Cloud Normal death by her 'husband; par- School and taught in several ents; sisters, Gladys Nelson, one-room schools in the Florence Lannan, and Edith Monticello area, including Elliott; brothers, Gordon, the "red brick school," until Elmer, Harold, George, 1936. Melvin, Gerald and Frank. Mary and Francis D. - 5~-dJ ,..-) /1 "! i,' .~ -,.'/ ,-. - t.1 k; -../ . ') - ,/Ce'<1.:... ..C-k j .{,::;.,::-.c,"J 2c' J ,.,(~''f i- ('l . (c: Y.r.(",j':' t.<j L. >- d , ' {C i... (t'Ce j l/'A:;Z l~" Q ",' (/L'~~~ (~:< ;Yt::;J.2C.L'/L(;: l,> (~'?/t._ Z~-L) (1 .,1.-- / lj:.Cc"'/-1-iCL'L d (/ j ,/' (~t''i...('' <,.,.. lv.-,; ,If l'-t:~( (, j{) /t Cc' ((' ), {.J,-C..,~'7V , ._~.~ ;1'. ZJ!L / ~/l~/.. />;/L' (/~~ ~?t:~~l d' ?/?C~/~ ,- /-?X'~r _.:~/d' '4--' ._ .:.t. '~./>~~:I' Ce' A... . ~/!:;... 1/1 . //~. \ /' " <'..-':r." .;!.,..! 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O:L.~. : h Fo -" (t.">. As +v ~s J/['/,' -;:j -/ f\/\ (VI ~ VlO n e.~ 9 Oc..e.('~~Jj~ 'L ~ J ~(\~ j\v: ~ ~<L { I (' A rc2 C 17 T hc~~S' I ~ose rv,"vu--o ~ L'1hh L 0 n(j SE~-d~ Council Agenda - 03/13/2006 5F. Consideration of two-year extension for biosolids farmland lease. (1.S.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The City has leased 150 acres of its biosolids farm to Ewing Spring Brook Farms (Ewing) since we acquired the property in 1996. It is essential that we grow a crop to take up the nitrogen placed on the soil through the application of biosolids. Our current lease to Ewing will expire on the 151 of April, 1006. Pete Ewing has requested that we extend the lease for a period of two years. The value of the lease is $21,000 per year. Since we are in the initial stages of building a biosolids drying facility which will change how we use our biosolids farm, it would be appropriate to extend the lease for two more years until such time we are up and running with our new Class A process. B. AL TERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative is to approve a farm lease to Ewing Spring Brook Farms for 150 acres of our biosolids farm for the amount of $21 ,000 per year commencing on April 1, 2006. 2. The second alternative is not to extend the lease at this time. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the Public Works Director and Chuck Keyes, Manager at the WWTP, that the City Council authorize a two year extension ofthe lease with Ewing Spring Brook Farms as outlined in alternative #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of proposed lease. ~~ () FARM LEASE, CASH RENT The Ciry of Monticello, 505 Walnut Street, Suite #1, Monticello, Minnesota 55362, as Lessor, hereby leases to Ewiug Spring Brook FanuslPete Ewing, 18565 County Road 14, Big Lake, Minnesota 55309, as Lessee, the land lying io Wright County, Minnesota, to-wit: 150 acres of cultivated land in the SY:, of the NE 1/4 of Section 8 and the NY, of the SE 1/4 of Section 8, all in Township 121N, Range 25W. This does not include the 4-acre area containing an old farmhouse and two pole buildiogs, nor does it include the 2-acre single family residence; to have and to hold said premises with the improvements thereon, unto Lessee, his heirs and assigns, subject to the conditions and limitations hereinafter mentioned, for the term of two (2) years from the 1st day of April, 2006, for the sum of$21 ,000.00 (Twenry One Thousand Dollars) per year, payable as follows, to wit: The first semi-annual payment of$8, 7 59.76 is due on or before April 15 th of each year; the second semi-annual payment of $12,240.24 is due on or before November 1st of each year; and, in consideration thereof, said Lessee covenants with the said Lessor, his heirs and assigns, as follows: RENT: That he will pay rent for said land as above specified; OPERATION: That he will farm said land according to the best farming practices in its locality and provide all tolls, implements, machinery and hired help necessary to that end; SEED HARVESTING: That he will use on said land only the best seed available and will promptly pay all harvesting bills during said term; STRAW AND MANURE: That he will remove no straw from said land, and will spread thereon where most needed each year all manure thereon and which shall be made during said term; except as follows: WEEDS: That be will keep all land and adjoining fence lines and highways free from weeds, and destroy same before seeds ripen by sprayiog or otherwise, and will use herbicides to eradicate weeds on tillable land; PLOWING: That as soon as possible after removal of crops each year he will plow all parts of said land for crops of the ensuing year; REPAIRS: That he will perform all work of making repairs of the improvements on said land as soon as said Lessor furnishes materials; IMPROVEMENTS; That he will accept all fences, the irrigation, well and JQ-tower irrigation system, and other improvements on the premises as they now are, or any additions thereto, and to carefully care for and protect the same from fire, wiod and all other hazards, and to keep the same clean and in repair, without demand npon or expense to the Lessor, the nsual wear, inevitable accidents, and loss by fire, lighting, heavy wind, or tornado excepted, and Lessor shall not be liable for failure of the water supply, nor shall the rental be abated therefor; ASSIGNMENT AND SUBLETTING: That he will neither assign this lease nor sublet any part of said land without consent of said Lessor, OPTION TO RENEW LEASE; Ewing Spring Brook Fanus, Inc. shall have the first option to extend or renew this lease, dependant upon successful negotiation of tenus by both Ewing Spring Brook Fanus and the City of Monticello; SECURITY AGREEMENT: That, to secure performance of the tenus and conditions herein, Lessee hereby grants to Lessor, his heirs and assigns, a securiry interest in all crops of every kind which have been planted or are growing, Or which may hereafter be planted or growing on the above-described land. THIS SECURITY AGREEMENT IS SUBJECT TO THE TERMS PRINTED ON THE REVERSE SIDE HEREOF, WHICH ARE MADE A PART HEREOF. LESSEE'S RECEIPT FOR COpy The undersigned Lessee hereby acknowledges the receipt from the Lessor of a true, correct and complete copy of the forgoing Security Agreement and Lease. WITNESS Our hands this __ day of ,2006. State of Minnesota, } County of Wright ss. The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of ,2006,by (Names(s) of person(s) acknowledged)' (Signature of Person(s) Taking Acknowledgment) r:\AOMJN\W(JldProe\fORMS\FARM LEASE CASH RENT - EWING. 2006. AGMT.wpd; 3/8/00 - PAGE 1 OF 2 - ~)~-3\ Council Agenda: 3/13/06 SG. Consideration of apDrovine reQuest for temporary charitable eambline license for Open Trails ATV Club. (RW) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Open Trails ATV Club has applied for a permit for a temporary charitable gambling license for a raffle at the American Legion Club on October 21,2006. In order for the State Gambling Control Board to issue this gambling license, a resolution by the City either approving or denying the application needs to be submitted with their application. In the past, the City has not opposed these exempt gambling license applications for charitable events. B. AL TERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Adopt a resolution authorizing the State Gambling Control Board to issue the charitable gambling license to the Open Trails A TV Cluf for a raffle at the American Legion Club on October 21, 2006, 2, Adopt a resolution denying the gambling license application request. C. ST AFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff is not aware of any reason why the Council would not allow the State to issue this gambling license. D. SUPPORTING DATA: . Resolution approving gambling license, 33 CITY OF MONTICELLO RESOLUTION 2005-64 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ISSIJANCE OF A GAMBLING LICENSE WHEREAS, Open 'I'rails ATV Club has submitted an application to the City Council of Monticello for the issuance of a one-day charitable gambling license to conduct a rank at the American Legion Club, 304 Elm Street, Monticello on October 21,2006. WHEREAS, upon review of the organization's activities, the Council is not opposed to the gambling license being issued by the State Gambling Control Board, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL that the application of Open Trails A TV Club for a one-day charitable gambling license is hereby approved and the State Gambling Control Board is authorized to process the application. Adopted by the Monticello City Council this 13th day of March, 2006. Clint Herbst, Mayor ATTEST: Rick Wolfsteller, City Administrator 3 '-\ Item #5H Consideration of accepting final draft of Jefferson AUAR has been re-scheduled for the March 27, 2006 meeting. Council Agenda: 3/13/06 51. Consideration of adoptin2 a resolution acceptin2 petition for annexation for the Hidden Forest Development and authorizin2 annexation under the terms of the City/Township ioint a2reement l!Overnin2 annexation. (RW) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The City has received a request from the property owner for the property proposed to be platted as the Hidden Forest development. The area to be annexed is 102.47 acres and the proposed use is residential. This annexation request is being processed in accordance with the provisions of the approved annexation agreement between the City of Monticello and Monticello Township. The property lies within the annexation area agreed to by the City and Township. A resolution has been prepared for Council approval and a letter has been sent to the Township noting that the City is processing this annexation request according to the terms ofthe annexation agreement. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Approve the resolution annexing the property comprising the Hidden Forest development. This request meets the criteria set forth in the annexation agreement between the City and the Township. Upon approval of the annexation request, the resolution will be forwarded to the state who may review and comment on the annexation request but is required to order the annexation within 30 days of the receipt of the resolution. 2. Do not approve the annexation request. C. ST AFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator that the annexation petition covering the property known as the Hidden Forest development be approved and the resolution forwarded to the state. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Petition and map. 36 CITY OF MONTICELLO PETITION FOR ANNEXATION Owner's Name: Brad~~~and Brian T .I'aumen Address: 7750 County Road 37 NW, Maple Lake, MN 55358 Phone: 612-221-0603 To the Council of the City of Monticello, Wright County, Minnesota: I, the undersigned, the owner of the property described below, hereby request the City Council of the Monticello, Minnesota, to annex this area to the city and to extend the city boundaries to include the same, and for that purpose respectfully state: I. The area to be annexed consists of. 102.47 '" acres, All of this land lies entirely within the County of Wright, Minnesota, and the description of such land is as follows: SEE ATTACHED SHEET 2. The area described above abuts upon the city limits at theeasterly boundary thereof, and none of it is presently included within the corporate limits of any incorporated city, 3, All of this area is or is about to become urban or suburban in character. ~ I ~c, I oS Date q /?.c;; Ir;se- ~~ I~ I. ,J ( ( , "..../ '~ ~CJ/ C/ ~~'-- Signature / Mr~ I ~ /0f;Y-;j' el L~vvUL_;J Signature S1--- '] J Bogart, Pederson & Associates, Inc, Becker' 1307(; Flrsl Street FJeckm, MN !R10B Phonf:: 763/2G2-B822 Toll fr"f: BBB/21(J-B301 F"" 7f;3!2G2.llfl~~ LAND SURVEYING CIVIL ENGINEERING IV1APPING Waite Park 303 NC ~IIIAv" Stf:.110 W;;rlcc Park, MI~ 563B7 "'honre: :j201252-(MO~J Toll l,-rw; e8e1251.0~09 Fax; 320/230.G8!>>! hi 1,1 \; (: z: ;;UU/j PROPEHTY PROPERTY DESCRIPTION PER OVflON AGREEMENT' (DOc. NO. 799~,~D DATED JUNE 26, 2002, FILED JULY 18,2002 P AFCEL ] The West 40,00 feet of the Eust285.00 feet of Government Lot 2, Seetion8, Township J 21, Range 21'1, Wrighl County, Minnesotn lying North of the center line of Cuunty Road No. 39, pCI' WR!GHT COUNTY I II (;J-1WA Y RIGI.iT-OF- WAY PLAT NO.6, according to the record cd plat thereof, said Wright. County. Subject to an easemcnt for County Road No, 39 and subject to all other easements of record, if any, Containing 0,96 Acres, more ur less. PARCEL 2 That p811 of Government Lot 2, Section 8, Township 12 J, Range 24, Wright County, Minnesota lying southerly of the center line of County Road No. 39, per WRIGHT COUNTY HIGBW A Y R]GHT-Of-W A Y PLAT NO.6, according to the recorded plat thereof, said Wright County and easterly of the east line of HARTWIG'S RIVER ROAD ACRES, according to the recorded plat thereof, said Wright COUllty, as l110nul1lented, Together with: That pal1 of the East Half of the N011hwest Quarter and the NOl1heast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section] 7, Township ]21, Range 24, said Wright CountJ' lying easterly of RIVERSIDE ACRES, according to the recorded pint thereof, said Vhight County, as 11l0nul11cntcd. (213-000172100) Together with: Outlots Band C, said R1VERSIDE ACRES, as monumented. (213-024-000020 and 213-024-000030) Subject to an eascment for County Road No. 39 and subject to all other easements of record, if any. Containing 102A7 Acres, more or Jess. S1-~ 3S ~ ill .;(~m:IC~IJ,() Location Map Hidden Forest / Sunset Ridge Addition EA W City of Monticello N Ao 500 1,000 SrY'-' - ~ A 2,000 WSB Feet - 01' ~,...irI'" I.,. Council Agenda: 3/13/06 5J. Consideration of adoptinl! a resolution acceptinl! petition for annexation for the Nial!ara Falls Development and authorizinl! annexation under the terms of the Citv/Township ioint al!reement l!overninl! annexation. (RW) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The City has received a request from the property owner for the property proposed to be platted as the Niagara Falls development. The area to be annexed is 77 acres and the proposed use is residential. This annexation request is being processed in accordance with the provisions ofthe approved annexation agreement between the City of Monticello and Monticello Township. The property lies within the annexation area agreed to by the City and Township. A resolution has been prepared for Council approval and a letter has been sent to the Township noting that the City is processing this annexation request according to the terms of the annexation agreement. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Approve the resolution annexing the property comprising the Niagara Falls development. This request meets the criteria set forth in the annexation agreement between the City and the Township. Upon approval of the annexation request, the resolution will be forwarded to the state who may review and comment on the annexation req uest but is required to order the annexation within 30 days of the receipt of the resolution. 2. Do not approve the annexation request. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation ofthe City Administrator that the annexation petition covering the property known as the Niagara Falls development be approved and the resolution forwarded to the state. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Petition and map. L\O CITY OF MONTICELLO PETITION FOR ANNEXATION Phone: G P LaViA Lol/'jO ~a LJ CVHi-~ r-d 3'1 ~E.. , . /J''''/ti'c'e/lh, ./11A/' ~~~SC~7- '7t"~s- 2-- ~.s--go9? - Owner's Name: Address: To the Council of the City of Monticello, Wright County, Minnesota: I, the undersigned, the owner of the territory described below, hereby request the City Council of Monticello, Minnesota, to annex this territory to the city and to extend the city boundaries to include the same, and for that purpose respectfully state: 1. The territory to be annexed consists of 77 acres. All of this land lies entirely within the county of Wright, Minnesota, and the description of such land is as follows: S-c=e AH4clrJ 04/ 'tJesct-, '1'+' 'ot-r ~ 2. The territory described above abuts upon the city limits at the !=tlJl .f- boundary thereof, and none of it is presently included within the corporate limits of any incorporated city. 3. All of this territory is or is about to become urban or suburban in character. y-eS e, r L61~ Co~ . ~~a f11~ -~t:e SIgnature 'flI 1/10/06 Date Date Signature \:'~'1- I.~ \ ANNEX.PET: 12110/97 ;1~!1~1~~P~:~::~':'~,:'..',':'!::t', ,: ~~~~~,.~<r"J" . ~.3q I COMMITMENT SCHEDULE A - Page 2 The West Half of the Southwest Quarter of Section 17, Township 121, Range 24, according to the United States Government Survey thereof and situate in wright County, Minnesota; EXCEPT: The North 329.99 feet of the West 649.97 feet of the West Half of the Southwest Quarter of Section 17, Township 121, Range 24, wright County, Minnesota. AND ALSO EXCEPT: That part of West Half of the Southwest Quarter of Section 17, Township 121, Range 24, Wright County, Minnesota described as follows: commencing at the Southwest corner of said West Half of the Southwest Quarter; thence on an assumed bearing of North 00 degrees 58 minutes 31 seconds West along the West ~ line of said West Half of the Southwest Quarter, a distance of 1149.17 feet to the point of beginning of the land to be described; thence South 89 degrees 42 minutes 44 seconds East a distance of 544.50 feet; thence North 00 degrees 58 minutes 31 seconds West parallel with said West line of the West Half of the Southwest Quarter, a distance of 200.05 feet; thence North 89 degrees 42 minutes 44 seconds West, a distance of 544.50 feet to said West line of the West half of the Southwest Quarter; thence South 00 degrees 58 minutes 31 seconds East along said West line, a distance of 200.05 feet to the point of beginning. 'l This commitment is invalid unless the Insuring l+- , I ~ Commitment No. 280~L).J - '"'\ (7! ~~~~~IIII+ :>f-l< -1<* * OLD REPUBLIC Provisions and Sch 1~<lkZ;dN.B,".B:!l"e,u8'bt<aehed. 11,* ~ >\- ..A. -II iiiilil ~!~.~~~!w Location Map Hidden Forest / Sunset Ridge Addition EA W City of Monticello N Ao 500 5:::1 ~ L-\ ';) 1 000 2,000 , Feet A WSB - Council Agenda - 3/13/06 5K Consideration of a request for a Conditional Use Permit for a Concept Sta2e Planned Unit Development for a 12S-unit residential development in a PZM (Performance Zone- Mixed) District. Applicant: UP Development. (NAC) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND The Planning Commission reviewed this request during its regular February meeting, having received in their packet two concept plan, one for the west side of Elm Street and one for the east side of the Elm Street. Those plans were recommended for denial by staff, due to a significant number of concerns regarding the lack of open space and amount of impervious surface resulting from the unit arrangement and density. Prior to the Commission meeting, the applicant met with staff regarding the staff report and prepared a revised plan, which was presented to the Commission. The Planning Commission reviewed the revised plan, which unified both the east and west sides of the project. Staff and the Planning Commission recommended approval of the revised plan, subject to some modifications regarding circulation and unit arrangement. The City Council is asked to consider approval of the revised Concept Stage PUD plan, which includes the changes requested by staff and the Planning Commission. The staff report below analyzes the latest plan, which is included as a supporting document. UP Development is seeking a Concept Stage PUD approval for two phases of a development project on the former Ruff Auto property. Phase I is located south of West 6th Street and east of Elm Street. For this phase, the developer is proposing attached townhome units in a combination of 3-unit and 4-unit structures. The Phase II is located south of West 6lh Street and west of Elm Street. The developer is proposing a combination of detached and attached townhomes, as well as single family homes for this phase. Both sites are zoned PZ-M, Performance Zone Mixed Use. Permitted uses and standards of the R-3 Medium Density Residential are generally applied to the PZM district. The intent of the PZM/PUD district is to encourage a creative and innovative design approach to commercial and housing developments. The district provides flexibility from standard controls to allow the creation of common open space, wetlands and recreational facilities as well as mix of housing types and styles and commercial uses where feasible. Due to the flexibility of performance standards, a PUD is required to be held to higher standards of design and site amenities. Comvrehensive Plan: Monticello's Comprehensive Plan designates this area for performance zoning of mixed uses. Zoning: The subject site is zoned PZM, Performance Zoned Mixed Use District, which allows for development flexibility and special design control within sensitive areas of the city due to environmental or physical limitations. CUP/PUD: A Planned Unit Development allows for flexibility in performance standards with the understanding that the development will be held to higher standards of site and building design than would ordinarily be required. It is the applicant's responsibility to design the I 1-\ L_\ Council Agenda - 3/13/06 development with significant benefits and communicate those benefits to the City for allowing a CUP/PUD. PHASE I The concept plan for Phase I shows 45 attached townhomes on a 6.8 acre site. The applicant previously submitted a plan for this site in 2004 which contained 41 units, 30 detached and 11 attached. At that time, staff recommended denial of the PUD because the proposed project did not appear to fit the site or keep the intent of the use ofPUD in place. The applicant has now submitted a new proposal for the site. Design Overview. 45 attached townhome units are proposed on a 6.8 acre site, for a gross density of under 7 units per acre. The townhomes are proposed through a mixture of six 4-unit and seven 3-unit structures. West 6 Y2 Street is extended west to Elm Street to provide public access to, and through, the development. The primary vehicular access to all units is via a north- south oriented private drive. The units along the private drive and West 6 Y2 Street each have an approximately 24 ft. by 25 ft. driveway to the front. These driveways will provide two parking stalls for each home. Two usable open space areas are proposed. These open area may include storm water ponding, at the direction ofthe City Engineer. Lot Requirements and Standards: The following table illustrates the applicable performance requirements for the proposed use in the PZMIR-3 district. R-3 Standard Re uirements 5,000 s . ft/unit 30 feet 20 feet 30 feet 96 24,000 sq. ft. Proposed 6,059 s . ft./unit 25 feet 20 feet 25 feet 96 84,071 sq. ft. In Phase I, the applicant meets the side yard setback requirement for the PZM district, but will require variance from both the front yard and rear yard setback requirements. The applicant is proposing a front yard setback of25 feet and a rear yard setback of25 feet, both 5 feet short of the minimum requirement. The proposed variances may be addressed through PUD. Staff does have concern about the side setback distances in some locations, particularly between units 37 and 38 and 42 and 43. Open Space. In the revised plan presented by the developer, the concept plan illustrates a greater amount of usable open space. At 500 feet for everyone unit, the actual amount of required usable open space is 24,000 square feet. As the above chart illustrates, the developer is proposing to provide approximately 84,071 square feet of open space. 2 t-\ t:'J Council Agenda - 3/13/06 The revised concept plan has improved the concept of a unifying use of open space. In this plan, each of the easternmost townhome units border the public open space. AT development stage review, it will be important to evaluate connections for other townhomes into these spaces. As recommended by staff, the applicant has revised the plan to reduce density in the eastern portion of the site to create larger areas of usable open space. Building Design. The concept plan proposes 45 attached townhomes, arranged in row house format in 3-unit and 4-unit structures. In the previous version of the concept plan, the applicant proposed back-to-back six unit structures, with no rear or side windows and no private open space. During review, staff expressed concern with the back-to-back structure of the townhome units as that proposal also greatly limited exposure of the interior units and gave them a very limited amount of private open space. The revised plan, eliminating the back-to-back units and incorporating more usable open space, presents a much more attractive potential living space. Streets. The concept plan indicates a central private drive extending off of West 6th Street to the Northeast and southwest. The drive is shown at a width of 28 feet, measuring from street face to face. The revised plan has re-oriented unit 48 and 49 along West 6 Yz Street, an improvement over the previous plan, which had the unis aligned along an interior dead-end private street. PHASE II Design Overview. The second phase of development is 14.48 acre site located in the northwest quadrant of West ih Street and Elm Street. The concept plan for this site proposed 16 single family units, 27 detached townhomes, and 28 attached townhomes. The attached units will consist of four 4-unit row houses, each expected to include private driveway approximately 25 feet long. The driveways will serve as off-street parking. The detached units shown will each have a two-stall garage for parking and no driveway. There is an existing single family home on Elm Street, on the eastern edge of the site. The concept plan includes two areas of usable open space. The larger area of open space, in the center of the development, will include a guest parking area. Lot Requirements and Setbacks. Townhomes. The following table illustrates the applicable performance requirements for the Phase II townhome units in the PZM/R-3 district. Since the layout for each unit is slightly different, the proposed setbacks reflect the minimum for the site. R-3 Requirements Proposed Lot Area Per Unit 5,000 sq. ft./unit 6,900 sq. ft. Front Yard Setback 30 feet detached: 5 feet attached: 25 feet Side Yard Setback 20 feet detached: 2 feet attached: 15 feet Rear Yard Setback 30 feet detached: 20 feet 3 q~ Council Agenda - 3/13/06 attached: 25 feet Off-street parking (2 spaces per Unit) 110 71 Usable Open Space (500 sq. ft. of usable 32,000 sq. ft. 108,900 sq. ft. open space per dwelling unit) The proposed site for the townhome units provides an adequate amount of lot area per unit, as well as a more substantial amount of usable open space than shown previously. Both the detached and attached townhome units require variance from all setback requirements. The proposed variances may be addressed through PUD. The applicant ahs addressed staffs concern regarding the side setback distance between the attached units on the revised plan, removing units to achieve a larger setback as recommended. The variance from the required off-street parking will also need to be address through the PUD. The applicant has provided the required off-street parking for the attached townhomes, and has provided 15 spaces additional guest parking spaces. Single Family. The northwest perimeter of the site is proposed for 16 single family units. While standards of the R-3 Medium Density Residential are generally applied to the PZM District, staff believes that R-2A standards are more appropriate for this section. The R-2A District is intended to accommodate small lot residential development in traditional neighborhood arrangements with high levels of amenities. The requirements for the proposed use against R-2A standards are as follows: R-2A Requirements Proposed for Sin21e Family Lot Area Per Unit 12,000 sq. ft.lunit 11,082 sq. ft./unit Front Yard Setback 15 feet 25 feet Side Yard Setback 6 feet N/A Rear Yard Setback 20 feet 20 feet No buildings have been sited on the single family lots. Therefore, the proposed side yard setbacks were not provided. However, in the R-2A District, the minimum required side yard setback is only 6 feet. Since the required space is minimal, staff expects that the developer should be able to meet this requirement. Both the front and rear yard setback requirements are met. The total lot area for each unit is short of required minimum by approximately 1,000 square feet. The lot size may be addressed through PUD. However, the developer must again show that significant, tangible benefits will be provided in order to compensate for smaller lot sizes. Open Space. According to the code, the developer is required to provide 500 square feet of usable open space for each townhome unit. The concept plan indicates that just over 32,000 square feet of open space is provided, satisfying the minimum requirement. The open space is proposed in two separate areas within the townhome development. 4 1-\ -1 Council Agenda - 3/13/06 The largest portion of open space is located to the rear of the detached townhomes, in the center of the site. This area is roughly 61,000 square feet and will provide a guest parking area. In a previous concept plan, the applicant had provided a trail connection into the park from the single family homes in the northwest portion ofthe site. In the revised plan, it is the applicant has included a sidewalk along the single family area, but has not specifically addressed a connection into the park area. The usable open space area is located in the southern edge of the development, behind the attached townhomes, with a total area of 48,350 square feet. Each of the southernmost units has convenient access to the open space. Residents in the interior loop attached units will have limited access and obstructed views of this green space. Staff believes the Phase II concept plan seems to present a better plan for a unifying use of open green space. As recommended by staff, this was achieved by eliminating a cul-de-sac which encroached into the park area, eliminating potential open space. The applicant has instead continued the private drive servicing units 17-24 continue through the area, providing a connection to the central private drive and aligning with the access loop for the southern attached units. Building Design. Preliminary information regarding building design for the attached units was submitted by the applicant with the previous concept plan. The applicant has indicated that this style will still be relevant to the row house units for the eastern portion of the project. At development stage, more detailed information on each of the unit types will be required and association documents will need to support a level of design reflective of the design standards for the POO. Streets. In Phase II, the applicant again relies heavily on access to the units from private streets. A design incorporating private street access may be acceptable under a PUD arrangement, but the City must find that the other amenities to the project result in a superior neighborhood. The concept plan indicates that all streets will be private drives with a width of28 feet, including the street near the single family units. It should be noted that the private drive accessing the middle of the site is still shown at 24 feet. Staff would recommend that this drive be revised to meet the 28 foot street face to face width measurement. The applicant has indicated that an association will be established for the entire development, including the single family area. The association documents will need to address maintenance issues related to the private streets clearly. Conclusion The revised plan as presented has addressed many of staffs concern related to previous concepts presented for this site. The applicant has provided a greater amount of accessible, usable open space, created better circulation throughout the site, and reduced density to a more acceptable ratio. The main issue for consideration is whether or not either Phase would meet the City's requirements for PUD approval. Planned Unit Development allows for flexibility in performance standards with the understanding that the development will be held to higher standards of site and building design than would ordinarily be required. 5 t~.t Council Agenda - 3/13106 Staff believes that the project has been redesigned to a project that is more reflective of the City's PUD standards. In general, the new plan is closer to the desired density and open space needed and presents a good unit mix with a variety of housing. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS Decision 1: Concept Stage Planned Unit Development for UP Development 1. Motion to approve the Concept Stage pun, based on a finding that the proposed mixed-residential design establishes a high quality residential project that meets the City's intent for PUD consideration, subject to the conditions listed in Exhibit Z. 2. Motion to deny the Concept Stage PUD, based on a finding that the project fails to demonstrate tangible amenity-based or other benefits that justify the flexibility granted by the pun zoning regulations. c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the Concept Stage pun at this time. As noted, the applicant has made significant changes to the original concept plan presented, resulting in a variety of units in an arrangement that maximizes accessibility to open spaces. The applicant has proposed a plan that is acceptable, from a density perspective, for the PZM district. The density is similar to that of the adjacent Vine Place development. Staffs recommendation is contingent on the further support ofthe City's pun objectives at development stage application. The design of the units and landscaping plans will be essential considerations in weighing the flexibility granted in setback, lot area, parking and street standards. D. SUPPORTING DATA A. Aerial Image B. Applicant Narrative C. Concept Plan - 2/27/06 Z. Conditions of Approval EXHIBIT Z Conditions of Approval UP Development Concept Stage PUD 1. The applicant remove one unit from building number 38 of the east portion of the project, to provide a greater side yard setback between structures. 2. The central private drive shown on the west side of the project be revised to a 28' private street, as measured from street face to face. 6 t\C\ Council Agenda - 3/13/06 3. Subject to submission of all applicable development stage PUD plans. 4. Grading, street and utility plans are subject to review of the City Engineer. 5. Other conditions as recommended by the City Council. 7 . ~')v..- rJ 0 http:// 156. 99 .28.84/serv let/com.esri .esrimap.Esrimap ?ServiceN ame;;:CustomParcel&Client V ersion;;:3.1 &F... 2/1/2006 S6 - Statement Describing the Proposed PUD (14 Acre Site) for U.P. Development Monticello, Minnesota JAN 0 9 2006 - The proposed PUD for U.P. Development is located in the Northwest Quadrant of West ih Street and Elm Street and consists of 16 single family units, 32 detached townhome units and 32 attached townhome units on a 14.48 acre site. D.P. Development will be developing this site along with 7 acres lying east of Elm Street was previously submitted which includes 48 attached townhome units in 2006. The attached townhome units on the west side of Elm Street will consist of four unit row houses with maintenance free vinyl siding along with decorative stone and other high quality materials. Driveways with a width of 18 feet and a minimum length of 25 feet will provide two parking stalls for each townhome. The detached townhome units will also have maintenance free vinyl siding. No driveways are proposed for the detached units. However, each unit will have a two stall garage. The single family lots average over 11,000 square feet each and will provide a buffer between the townhomes and the existing single family development to the west and north. The costs of the townhome units will start in the $200,000 area and the single family homes will start at $250,000. The market for the units will consist of singles, young families, young professionals and seniors. - The proposed development will fit into the City's overall Comprehensive Plan by providing a transition area between the single-family residential housing to both the north and west. - The proposed density of the Townhome Units is one unit per 7100 square feet or 2100 square feet greater than the minimum required area per townhome. Both the usable open space and the green space requirements have been met and landscaping will be completed to provide for an attractive neighborhood. Two ponding areas are proposed for the project to meet the water quality standards. The exact size of the ponds will be determined during the development stages of the project. - - 3 1 88-04 Statement S~ - C) \ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / --" / / / --" / / \..~) / / \' \"'\. \ /',V:; 'A '~l'~)\/ ,-,V U I V I \ I / I / ~ -" Sc:j3"OS'44"W / ,- 'I (047.48 '-... / ee) I I I I ^ Ii 1\ A I n C) I V I /T" V V I \ , I I U, I I I -;~ I I I --c:f (')J (;~) 7 ,r--X /+ /+ -I- " (\\.. < I i VJ ;ti r.-, r.-, Ii Council Agenda - 03/13/2006 7. Review of proposals from Bolton & Menk to provide deshm services for two different types of biosolid dryers. includin~ a buildine and all ancillary eQuioment. and consideration of movine forward with desien. (1.S.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Enclosed you will find a copy of the design proposal from Bolton & Menle This proposal includes all ofthe major design disciplines in order to complete the work to allow two different dryers to bid simultaneously. It includes the surveying, geotechnical, pilot plant testing, architects, structural engineers, electrical engineers, mechanical engineers, environmental wastewater process engineers, civil engineers, design technicians, and coordination and administrative work to complete the design and bid documents, as well as to recommend award. The total design cost is $275,000. This will take you through the bid and recommendations for award. Ifthe work is ordered the initial study, valued at $20,000, will be credited towards the work, leaving a balance of$255,000 to complete the design, bid and recommendation for award tasks. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative is to order the design work as outlined in the proposal to bid the Kruger dryer and the Komline-Sanderson dryer, along with the building and all ancillary equipment as outlined in the proposal. The MPCA (i.e., Jorja DuFresne) has indicated what we feel is a reasonable acceptance of both the processes. Each process will have to prove conformance with the 503 EP A regulations for Class A biosolids and guarantee same upon start-up. This is the best that we can hope for from the MPCA at this time. 2. The second alternative is to move forward based upon only one design, either the Kruger or the Komline-Sanderson. 3. The third alternative would be not to move forward at this time with the design. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: At this time it is the review committee's recommendation that the council proceed as outlined alternative #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of the proposal from Bolton & Menk for design. 53 ~ Cc:!) \?J )f II'JC. E30L- ,-OI'J &.. 1'/1 E: I'J I< , Consulting Engineers & Surveyors 1960 Premier Drive · Mankato, MN 56001-5900 Phone (507) 625-4171 · FAX (507) 625-4177 March 6, 2006 John Simola, Public Works Director City of Monticello 909 Golf Course Rd. Monticello, MN 55362 RE: Wastewater Biosolids Treatment Facility ~ Engineering Agreement Design Services Dear Mr. Simola, As a follow-up to our discussions, I have prepared a proposed engineering agreement for the design services for the wastewater biosolids treatment facility. The proposed engineering agreement has been included for your review. I have prepared a summary ofthe various design disciplines and associated work required for the design of the wastewater biosolids treatmentfacility. Costs for performing this work have also been included. Our project team consists of structural engineers, electrical/control engineers, mechanical engineers, architects, environmental process engineering, civil engineering, surveyors, engineering design technicians, AutoCAD technicians, and administrative assistants staff. Our project team has worked together for the past 15 years on water and wastewater design projects. A summary of the major design disciplines, work description and associated costs for this project is presented as follows: 2. Geotechnical Staff 3. Dewatering Pilot Plant Testtn 4. Architects 5. Structural Engineers 6. Electrical/Control En in eel's 7. Mechanical Engineers 8. Environmental Wastewater Process Engineers 9. Civil En ineers 10. Design Technicians and AutoCAD Technicians Descri tion of Work Perform site and topographic survey of wastewater biosolids treatment facility. Perform soil borin sand re are eotechnical re 011. Perform belt press dewatering pilot plant testing. Prepare building architecture design concepts, general building code review, building plan sheets and technical s ecifications. Prepare building structural design, plan sheets and technical specifications. Prepare building electrical, motor control centers, control system, Ian sheets and technical s ecifications. Prepare HV AC building design, dehumidification system design, plumbing piping design, plumbing code review, Ian sheets and technical s ecifications. Prepare hydraulic profile design, prepare building layout with equipment, prepare technical specifications and contract documents. Pre are site radin Ian and site utilities Ian. Prepare equipment, process piping, chemical feed system, layouts and Ian sheets. Cost $5,000 5,000 5,000 15,000 25,000 45,000 35,000 40,000 3,000 60,000 G:\Monticello\M2 J 36893\Corresp\SimolaL T3.doc MANKATO. MN . FAIRMONl MN . SLEEPY EYE, MN . BURNSVILLE, MN · WILLMAR, MN · CHASKA. MN . AMES, IA www.bolton-menk.com c: \ An Equal Opportunity Employer =:> \..., E3C:::> L TC:::>f'J &. ~ E: f'J K. , I f'Jc:. John Simola, Public Works Director City of Monticello March 6, 2006 Page 2 of2 Desi 11. 12. Administrative Assistants Descri tion of Work Provide overall project coordination, project quality control review, coordination with review agencies and buildin ins ectors and other roject mana ement duties. Processing of the technical specifications and bidding documents. Cost 15,000 2,000 Total Costs $255,000 A general guideline used by cities to review engineering costs is a percentage ofthe project construction cost. The construction cost for this project is $4,000,000. The proposed design fee for this project is 6.3 percent of the construction costs. The engineering design fees include the design layouts for both of the base bid dryer manufacturers equipment. The typical design percentage for this type of project would be approximately 8 percent ofthe construction costs. I have prepared the design engineering agreement for a lump sum amount of $255,000 with payment occurring at the completion ofthe various design milestones. Once you have had a chance to review the proposed engineering agreement, please call me to discuss any changes or modifications. I look forward to continuing to work with you and your staff on this project. Sincerely, BOLTON & MENK, INC. ~ RODert M. own, P.E. V ice President RMB:bja Enclosure G:\Monticello\M2136893\Corresp\SimolaL T3 .doc r~s <>, /---~\ I:=~\ (~ (9) IJ=~! AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES W ASTEW A TER BIOSOLIDS TREA TMENT FACILITY IMPROVEMENTS MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA This Agreement, made this _ day of March, 2006, by and between the City of Monticello, Minnesota hereinafter referred to as CLiENT, and BOLTON & MENK, INC., .1960 Premier Drive, Mankato, Minnesota 56001, hereinafter referred to as CONSULTANT. WITNESS, whereas the CLIENT requires professional services in conjunction with the design engineering services for the wastewater biosolids treatment facility improvements; and whereas the CONSULTANT agrees to furnish the various professional services required by the CLIENT. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and promises between the parties hereto, it is agreed: SECTION I - CONSULTANT'S SERVTCES A. The CONSULTANT agrees to perform the various design engineering services in connection with the proposed project as described in Exhibit I.A. B. The CONSULTANT shall serve as the CLIENT'S professional engineering and surveying representative as described herein. SECTION ll- THE CLiENT'S RESPONSIBILiTIES A. The CLIENT shall promptly compensate the CONSULTANT in accordance with Section 111 of this Agreement. B. The CLiENT shall place any and all previously acquired inJormation in its custody at the disposal ofthe CONSULTANT for its use. Such information shall include but shall not be limited to boundary surveys, topographic surveys, plans and specifications, reports, layouts, environmental reviews, and zoning limitations. The CONSULTANT may rely upon the accuracy and sufficiency of all such information in performing services. C. The CLIENT will give prompt notice to the CONSULTANT whenever the CLIENT observes or otherwise becomes aware of any defect in the proposed project. D. The CLIENT shall designate the City Public Works Director and City Administrator to act as the CLIENT'S representative with respect to services to be rendered under this Agreement. Said representative shall have the authority to transmit instructions, receive instructions, receive information, interpret and define CLIENT'S policies with respect to the project and CONSULTANT'S services. E. The CLIENT will obtain any and all regulatory permits required for the proper and legal execution ofthe project and pay the permit fees. G:\MONTICELLO\M2136893'A.GREEMENT-WW I3IOSOLIDS DESIGN.DOC Page 1 of 8 Sic SECTION 1lI - COMPENSATION FOR SERVICES A. The CLIENT will compensate the CONSULTANT in accordance with the following schedule of fees. 1. Total cost for the engineering design services itemized under Exhibit l.A. shall be a lump sum of $255,000. Payment of the engineering design services to the CONSULTANT shall be made by the CLIENT as follows: · $50,000 after completion of site survey, soil borings and preliminary design layout. · $] 55,000 after submitting plans and specifications to the City and Minnesota Pollution Control Agency; · $25,000 after final plans and specifications have been approved by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency; · $25,000 after the bids have been received and recommendations made to the CLIENT. 2. The CONSULTANT will complete the scope of work tasks within the CLIENT'S approved timc schedule. B. The CLIENT will compensate the CONSULTANT in accordance with the following Schedule of Fees for any change of project scope work. Any change of project scope work will be approved by the CLIENT prior to initiating the work. 2006 Hourly Billing Rates Principal Engineer/Surveyor .........................................$120-l75/Hour Associate Engineer/Surveyor ....... ..................... ..............$95-13 5/Hour Project/Design Engineer................................................. $5 5- ] 25/Hour Structural Engineer .........................................................$85-] 50/Hour Electrical Engineer...... .................... ............................... .$S5-150/Hour Mechanical Engineer ......................................................$S5-l50/Hour Architect.......................... ........... .......... .......... ............. ...$S5-] 50/Hour Licensed Surveyor ..........................................................$70-] 30/Hour Senior Technician................. .......... ............................... .$55-l20/Hour Techn ician .... ..... ...... ... ...... ....... ....... ........... ...................... .$40-90/Hour Administrative Assistant................................ .................. .$3 0-S5/Hollr GPS/Robotic Survey Equipment...................................... .$45-S0/Hour AutoCAD/Computer Time ..................................................No Charge Office Supplies ............................... ....... ............ .................. No Charge Photo Copying/Reproduction........:...................................... No Charge Field Supplies/Survey Stakes & Equipment ........................No Charge Mi (eage ............................................ .................................... No Charge The Schedule of Fees shall apply for the period through December 31, 2006. These rates may be adjusted annually thereafter by the CONSULTANT to account for changed labor costs, inflation or changed overhead conditions. The CONSULTANT shall submit to the CLIENT an annual list of revised hourly rates and these rates shall become part of the Agreement by reference. However, the maximum amount ofthis agreement shall not change without a formal amendmentto this Professional Agreement. G:\MONTICELLO\M2136893\A.GREEMENT-WW 8I0501lD5 DESIGN.DOC Page 2 of8 SJ SECTION IV - GENERAL A. CHANGE IN PROJECT SCOPE In the event the CLIENT changes or is required to change the scope of the project from that described in Section 1 and/or the applicable addendum, and such changes require Additional Services by the CONSULTANT, the CONSULTANT shall be entitled to additional compensation at the applicable hourly rates. The CONSULT ANT shall give notice to the CLIENT of any Additional Services, prior to furnishing such additional services. The CLIENT may request an estimate of additional cost from the CONSULTANT, and the CONSULTANT shall furnish such, prior to authorizing the changed scope of work. B. RESPONSIBILITY AND LIMIT A TION OF LIABILITY The CONSULTANT agrees to provide all work in a prudent and professional manner. The CLIENT acknowledges that portions ofthe project may be performed or otherwise controlled by the CLIENT, regu latory agencies, contractors or other personnel over which the CONSULTANT does not have direct employment relationship. The CLIENT agrees to hold the CONSULTANT harmless from claims, including the defense thereof, arising from the actions of persons other than the CONSULTANT'S employees. C. INSURANCE The CONSULTANT agrees to maintain, at the CONSULTANT'S expense, statutory worker's compensation coverage. The CONSULTANT also agrees to maintain such general liability insurance for claims arising for bodily injury, death or property damage which may arise from negl igent performance by the CONSULTANT or its employees of its day-to~day general business activities (such as automobile use) and exclusive of the performance ofthe professional services described in this Agreement. CONSULTANT shall also maintain a professional liability insurance policy, insuring CONSULTANT against damages for legal liability arising out of the performance of professional services hereunder, if sllch legal liability is caused by an error, omission or negligent act of the insured or any person or organization for whom the insured is legally liable. Said policy shaIl provide m inimumlimits of $1 ,000,000 and shall state thatsuch insurance cannot be canceled until 30 days after CLIENT has received written notice of the insurer's intention to cancel this insurance. D. OPINIONS OR ESTIMATES OF CONSTRUCTION COST The CONSULTANT will furnish construction cost estimates as stated herein. Cost estimates will be based upon public construction cost information. Since the CONSULTANT has no control over the cost of labor, materials, competitive bidding process, weather conditions and other factors affecting the cost of construction, all cost estimates are opinions for general information ofthe CLIENT and no warranty or guarantee as to the accuracy of construction cost estimates is made. The CLIENT agrees that costs for project financing shall be based upon actual, competitive bid prices with reasonable contingencies. G:\MONTICELLO\M2I 36893'AGREEMENT . ww BIOSOLlDS DESIGN .DOC Page 3 of 8 S~ E. REUSE OF DOCUMENTS All documents including Drawings and Specifications prepared or furnished by CON SUI..., T ANT pursuant to this Agreement are instruments of service in respect of the Project and CONSULTANT shall retain an ownership and property interest therein whether or not the Project is completed. The CONSULTANT shall be deemed the author of these documents and shall retain all common law, statutory and other reserved rights including the copyright. CLIENT may make and retain copies for information and reference in connection with the use and occupancy ofthe Project by CLIENT and others; however, such documents arc not intended or represented to be suitable for reuse by CLIENT or others on extensions of the Project or on any other project. Any reuse without written verification or adaption by CONSULTANT for the specific purpose intended will be at CLIENT'S sole risk and without liability or legal exposure to CONSULTANT and CLIENT shall indemnify and hold harmless CONSULTANT from all claims, damages, losses and expenses including attorney's fees arising out of or resulting therefrom. F. PAYMENTS If CLIENT fails to make any payment due CONSULT ANT for services and expenses within thirty days after CLIENT receives the CONSULTANT'S invoice, a service charge of one and one-half percent (1.5%) per month or the maximum rate permitted by law, whichever is less, will be charged on any unpaid balance. In addition, CONSULTANT may, after giving seven days' written notice to CLIENT, suspend services underthis Agreement until CONSULTANT has been paid in full all amounts due for services, expenses and charges. G. TERMINATION This Agreement may be terminated by either party upon ninety (90) days written notice. In the event of termination, there shall be no further obligation of the CLIENT to the CONSULTANT under this Agreement, except for payment of amount due and owing for work performed to the date and time of termination, computed in accordance with Section III ofthis Agreement. H. CONTINGENT FEE The CONSULTANT warrants that it has not employed or retained any company or person, other them a bonafide employee working solely for the CONSULTANT to solicit or secure this Contract, and that it has not paid or agreed to pay any company or person, other than a bonafide employee, any fee, commission, percentage, brokerage fee, gift or any other consideration, contingent upon or resulting from award or making of this Agreement. 1. NON-DISCRIMINATION The provision of any applicable law or ord inance relating to civil rights and discrimination shall be considered part ofthis Agreement as if fully set forth herein. J. CONTROLLING LAW This Agreement is to be governed by the law of the principal place of business of CON SUI..., T ANT. G:\MONTICELLO\M2 I 36893IAGREEMENT- WW BIOSOLlDS DESIGN .DUC Page 4 of 8 SC\ SECTION V - SIGNATURES THIS INSTRUMENT embodies the whole agreement of the parties, there being no promises, terms, conditions or obligation referring to the subject matter other than contained herein. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed in their behalf CLIENT: City of Monticello, Minnesota CONSULTANT: Bolton & Men1\., Inc. Clint Herbst Mayor Robert M. Brown, P.E. Vice President Rick Wolfsteller City Administrator G:\MONTICELLO\M2136893'AGREEMENT- WW BI0S0LlDS DESIGN .DOC Page 5 of 8 loO EXHIBIT I Engineering Services Scope of Wark G:\MONTICELLO\M2136893'A.GREEMENT -WW BlOSOLlDS DESIGN .DOC Page 6 of 8 (cl EXHffiIT 1 A. Design Engineering Services will be provided for the recommended Wastewater Biosolids Treatment Facility Improvements outlined in the Wastewater Biosolids Treatment/Disposal Design Report dated August 2005, prepared by Bolton & Menk, Inc. 'fhe specific services to be provided are as follows: I. The CONSULTANT shall conduct field surveys, engineering field studies and investigations necessary for plan preparation. 2. The CONSULTANT shall coordinate the obtaining of data or services from others for performance of soil tests and/or foundation tests as is determined necessary for the project design. 3. The CONSULTANT shall coordinate the obtaining oftest data and/or procuring ofbeJt press pilot plant equipment to determine the solids dewatering percentage and associated operating costs. 4. The CONSULTANT shall assist the CLIENT in evaluating the process dryer equipment, performing on-site observations of facilities and make recommendations on dryer equipment selections. All costs associated with the dryer equipment evaluation process shall be included in Section III. 5. The CONSULTANT shall review and evaluate the hot oil, steam and air heating sources for the dryers. . 6. The CONSULTANT shall evaluate the air heating option for the Kruger dryer. The design calculations and airflow patterns will be reviewed. 7. The CONSULTANT shall prepare preliminary design site layouts and dryer equipment process layouts. The preliminary design will also include the following: detailed process flow diagrams; site plan; equipment selection; instrumentation and control methods; building layouts; architectural concepts; process piping layouts; HV AC layouts; and updated construction cost opinions. The preliminary design layouts will enable the CONSULTANT to prepare the final plans and specifications for the biosolids dewatering and drying facilities that address the needs and desires of the CLIENT. 8. The CONSULTANT shall prepare detailed plans and specifications for the biosolids dewatering and drying facilities and associated work. The contract drawings will be generated on a computer aided drafting system (AutoCAD). 9. The CONSULTANT shall submit and review plans and specifications with the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA), building officials, and any other appropriate agencies. 10. The CONSULTANT shall submit and review plans and specifications with the CLIENT. Construction drawings ancl contract documents will be submitted at the 20, 50 and 90 percent design level for CLIENT'S review and comments. A final construction cost estimate will be prepared after the plans and specifications have been completed and approved by the CLIENT. ] 1. The CONSULTANT shall submit and review plans and specifications with the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency and any other appropriate agencies. G:\MONTICELLO\M2136893IAGREEMENT-WW B10SOUDS DESIGN.DOC Page 7 of 8 lo1 12. The CONSULTANT shall assist the CLIENT in submitting information to the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency for any modifications that may be needed to the CLiENT'S wastewater treatment discharge permit. ] 3. The CONSULTANT shall provide the CLIENT technical information sllch as capital and operating cost opinions and descriptions of the project for usc by the CLIENT and its financing consultants in preparation of any related financing activities. 14. The CONSULTANT will prepare the necessary bid documents and proposal forms, assist in the preparation of advertisement for bids and supply a sufficient number of plan sets for distribution to bidders for which a charge to cover.reproduction and administrative assistant time can be made by the CONSULTANT to plan holders. 15. The CONSULTANT will attend the public bid letting, tabulate bid prices and repoli back to the CLIENT with rccommendations on award of bid. B. ADDITIONAL SERVICES Engineering services performed other than those authorized under Exhibit LA. shall be considered not part of the engineering services and shall be authorized in writing by the CLIENT as additional services with a negotiated contract amendment. Additional services consist of those services which are not generally considered to be normal engineering services, or are not definable prior to the commencement of the project. Additional services may consist of the following: 1. To prepare detailed property survey descriptions of sites or easements to be purchased, and maps, drawings or estimates related thereto. Assistance in negotiating for land and easement rights. 2. Serving as an expert witness for the CLIENT on any litigation or other proceedings involving the project except where the CONSULTANT is a party hereto. G:\MONTICELLO\M2136893'A.GREEMENT-WW BIOSOLlDS DESIGN.DOC Page 8 of 8 fa? Council Agenda - 03/13/2006 8. Review of biosolid dryer research and consideration of movin~ forward to project desi~n. (J.S.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: At the December Council Meeting, the BioSolids Review Committee, consisting of the following members, Rick W olfsteller, City Administrator, John Simola, Public Warks Director, Tom Perrault, City Council Member, Bruce Westby, City Engineer, and Chuck Keyes, Manager at WWTP (City Council Member Brian Stumpf served as an alternate), presented information to the council regarding six different biosolid drying manufacturers. At that meeting, based upon the recommendation of the committee, the City Council narrowed the field to three manufacturers of drying equipment. The Kruger drying equipment, the Komline-Sanderson equipment and the Dragon Dryer from US Filter. The council authorized the committee to move forward with additional research on the three manufacturers chosen. During the last two days in January the review committee toured one Komline-Sanderson plant in Paragould, AR, and two US Filter Dragon Dryer plants located in Lauden, TN and Newport, TN. Additionally, from the 5th to the 10th of February, the committee toured three Kruger drying plants in Denmark. The three plants were located in Roskilde, Hundested and Randers, Denmark. After assembling summaries ofthe tour ofthe six plants, along with the numerous photographs, the review committee met with Bob Brown, our consultant, on February 22, 2006 to review all of the data and compare notes. The following are the results of that meeting. 1.) Of the three dryers reviewed/evaluated, the US Filter (Dragon Dryer) is the least desirable for the following reasons: Complexity of the system/not operator friendly. Large size. Sealed closed system - could not open to track sludge because of pressure. The unscheduled automatic shut down of the dryer at Lauden was not understood by the plant operators. The noise levels appeared to exceed 80 decibels in many areas indicated ear protection may be required. The Dragon Dryer had the highest operational temperature at 4500 F. This dryer had the highest level of off-gas, up to 600 cu. ft. per minute. Only hot oil was available for the heating source, limiting our selection. The biosolids being discharged from the dryer seemed very dusty compared to others. Based upon the above information, the committee unanimously agreed to drop the US Filter dryer from further consideration for Monticello. The committee also requested additional study take place on the following items of concern: 2.) Further study is required for the use of hot oil versus steam for heat source. 3.) We need to have additional conversations with representatives of the MPCA, specifically, Jorja Lv '--l Council Agenda - 03/13/2006 DuFresne, to discuss the pros and cons of the Koroline-Sanderson dryer and the Kruger dryer in regard to ability to meet 503 Class A EP A regulations. (*Note: Chuck Keyes and myself met with Jorja on Tuesday, March 7,2006 at the MN Rural Water Conference. After a lengthy discussion, we believe she is in reasonable acceptance of both technologies based upon proposed monitoring. She will require proof of compliance with the 503 regulations upon start-up.) 4.) We need to further investigate the pre-thickening of our biosolids. The City of Monticello should target between 16 - 20% dry solids for sludge being fed to the dryer in order to save operational costs of drying. 5.) The natural gas fired hot air unit for the Kruger should be considered along with the alternatives of hot oil or steam. In addition to the above design concerns, the tours ofthe many plants fielded a great deal of data that can be used in the design of an efficient functioning facility. For instance, it is suggested that we have manual ventilation of the building to take advantage of prevailing winds, as well as mechanical ventilation through the roof. Other items to be considered are access to the equipment, not only for operations but maintenance. In addition, the location of wash down equipment and floor drains are also a key as well as taking advantage of natural lighting where possible. The review committee would like the council to consider moving forward with the design laid out in such a way that both the Kruger process and the Komline-Sanderson process could bid the project. This would require some additional engineering work to accomplish this as we would need to do layouts for both pieces of equipment including the process piping. We also feel, however, that it is extremely important at this stage to review both ofthese drying processes with the MPCA to see if we are missing something that the MPCA could point out at this time. B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative is to request the City Council to narrow the field ofbiosolids manufacturers to be considered for the Monticello Facility to two, the Kruger and the Komline-Sanderson, and proceed with the design phase. Staff and the review committee will continue working with the MPCA during the design phase. 2. The second alternative would be to continue to narrow the field until we have only one manufacturer, and then proceed to the design phase. This alternative could result in higher prices as it would reduce competition. 3. The third alternative is not to proceed with biosolids drying. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation ofthe BioSolids Review Committee (except Rick W olfsteller and Brian Stumpf who have not yet reviewed all the data) and the consulting engineer that the City Council narrow the field to 2, and continue working with the MPCA while moving forward with the design as outlined in alternative #1. \oS Council Agenda - 03/13/2006 D. SUPPORTING DATA: Enclosed you will find copies ofthe slides ofthe power point presentation (minus the pictures) to be given on Monday evening, along with the individual reports and photographs from each one of the facilities toured, as well as a description of the proposed natural gas fired hot air heat system for the Kruger belt dryer. Also included are letters from Kruger and Komline-Sanderson regarding reasonable acceptance by the MPCA. \.C' ~, KrUger .. .'\ (Q) ~ 10. Kruger Inc. 401 Harrison Oaks Blvd Ste. 100 Cary, NC 27513 Telephone Facsimile 919-677-8310 919-677-0082 March 2, 2006 John Simola Public Works Director 909 Golf Course Road Monticello, MN 55362 SENT VIA E-MAIL: JOHN.SIMOLA@CI.MONTICELLO.MN.US Ref: BloCon@ Proposal for Monticello, MN Kruger Project No. 42230512 Dear Mr. Simola, Kruger presented the BioCon thermal drying technology to the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency in June 2005. At the conclusion of these discussions, Kruger left with the understanding that our approach is acceptable in terms of treatment and monitoring methodology with regards to achieving Class A biosolids standards. Kruger offers the following guaranty regarding conformance to pathogen destruction and vector attraction reduction requirements. The BioCon@ thermal drying process shall achieve federal Class A biosolids standards when operated as specified by the Supplier. The sludge temperature shall be monitored via infrared instrumentation at two points along the sludge drying process. The SCADA control system shall verify Class A treatment conditions are being achieved and track Class A parameters (e.g. time and temperature) to show regulatory compliance. The BioCon process shall achieve pathogen destruction requirements per either 40 CFR 503 Subpart 0 503.32(a)(3)(ii)(A) or 40 CFR 503 Subpart 0 503.32(a)(7)(ii)(Appendix B.2). Vector attraction reduction requirements (> 90 % OS) shall be achieved per 40 CFR 503 Subpart o 503.33(b)(8). We appreciate the opportunity to submit this information to you. If you have any questions or need further details, please feel free to contact either Brian Frewerd or me at (919) 677-8310. Regards, '7--- 4~. Jason L. Bivins, P.E. Biosolids Process Manager cc: Bob Brown (BMI) Jorja DuFresne (MPCA) BAF, THO, CTG, file (Kruger) Richard Corbett (Vesseo) G91~~. la, (~:~~~ fa [~ '\\,> -- ~ I II (<.Jb) Komline..Sanderson 12 Holland Av Peapack, NJ 07977-0257 908-234-1000 Fax: 908-234-9487 WVvW.komline.com March 3, 2006 John Simo/a, Public Works Director City of Monticello Office of Public Works 909 Golf Course Road Monticello, MN 55362 Ref: Monticello, Minnesota Waste Water Treatment Plant Dear John: Komline-Sanderson is presently proposing a biosolids drying system for your waste water treatment plant. The drying system will take the dewatered sludge from your dewatering equipment and dry the material to 92% solids or greater for use as a Class A biosolids fertilizer. Komline-Sanderson has constructed biosolids drying systems in other states and the product coming off the dryer has been classified Class A by EPA 40CFR, Part 503 Regulations. The method of obtaining a Class A designed biosolids using the 503 Regulations is by PFRP (process to further reduce pathogens). This regulation requires the final dried product be greater than 90% solids and that the off-gas of the dryer be hotter than aooc wet bulb on a continuous basis. The EPA document gives guidelines for monitoring the outlet temperature of the dryer gas and to take periodic sampling from the discharge of the drying system to verify compliance. In this manner, Komline-Sanderson achieves a Class A designation for the biosolids product. We have discussed using PFRP as the method of achieving Class A product with Jorja DuFresne with the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. She understands our concept and would like to talk to other agencies in other states as well as to review our instrumentation to be certain that we meet the intent of the EPA document. We are sending her additional process and flow documentation to prove our compliance and she has indicated that she will get back to us after she has had an opportunity to review this SUbject. As stated previously, the dried product from the Komline-Sanderson bioisolids drying system has successfully been designated a Class A sludge by other state agencies and we believe that Ms. DuFresne will also concur with the other agencies. We are willing to guarantee that the product coming from the Komline-Sanderson biosolids drying system will be designed Class A. k'?; John Simola, Public Works Director City of Monticello Office of Public Works March 3, 2006 2 We trust this information is complete and look forward to your comments. Very truly yours, George M. Fraunfelder Vice President GMF:kg cc: Jorja DuFresne, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Robert Brown, Bolton & Menk Sam Dyrud, Van Bergen & Markson, Inc. Council Agenda: 3/13/06 9. Consideration of oreanizational shift for finance and administration and authorization to advertize for position of city administrator. CH/JO A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: This item was placed on the agenda at the request of Mayor Herbst. At a recent Department Head meeting Mayor Herbst and Glen Posusta (The Personnel Committee) expressed appreciation for their dedicated staff and discussed goals for staff and the organization. They noted how important it will be for the organization to adjust and change at this time when the City is growing and a number of key employees move toward retirement. Mayor Herbst noted that the loss of these key people with their wealth of knowledge and experience could result in a break in continuity in the city operations. Unlike other communities, the City of Monticello combined the city administrator and the finance director into one position. While this combined position has served the city well in the past, it may be time to look at a change in the position. The City of Monticello is experiencing significant growth which has resulted in an increased work load for city staff. It is evident that the work load is such that the time may be right to separate the finance duties from the city administrator's duties and create a separate finance director position. While it has always been true that a well organized finance department is essential to the efficient operation of the city, it is especially so now when cities are facing pressure to handle increased demands for services on limited financial resources. Mayor Herbst reported that there is a need to have an experienced financial person in the position and Rick Wolfsteller agreed to serve in the capacity of finance director for the City of Monticello. In serving as Finance Director until his retirement, Wolfsteller will help to provide a smooth transition to future leadership in the Finance Department. It is the recommendation of Mayor Herbst that the city advertize for a city administrator position based on a revised job description that has the financial duties assigned to the finance director. In the interim the Deputy City Administrator would be appointed Interim City Administrator. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion establishing position of finance director and appoint Rick Wolfsteller to the new position and authorize establishment of an agreement setting pay at $85,000 through retirement. Motion includes authorization to advertise for the position of City Administrator position and appoint Deputy Administrator to serve as Interim Administrator. 2. The Council could table action on this matter pending further study. C. RECOMMENDATION: The recommendation of the Mayor is noted under alternative I above. It is staffs understanding that Rick W olfsteller supports this alternative as welL Council Agenda: 3/13/06 D. SUPPORTING DATA: None. - -- Ofil .-H'J ...:l~ filP, UP:: Hfil ~6 ou ::E: N P, - rx.,r- (f) 0' \D P, :><0 u - E-<:> HI UUlP:: HO 00 D..rl u)'<!' U 01I1 0-<0-< UJ t.'Jt.'J <l!\D ~\D ..-i0 \D 0-< 0 ...... m H <l! N D..\D rl ...... ....:J .0 N rO >. (J) <l! III ::.:: U 0. U IllUl Ii1 0. 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