Library Board Minutes 02-25-1982 . . .. MINUTES MONTICELLO LIBRARY BOARD Thursday, February 25, 1982 - 6:45 P.M.. Members Present: Loren Klein, Donald Maus, Pat Schwarz, Irwin Kallin, Marge Bauer. Members Absent: Joel Erickson. 1. The minutes of the Library Board meeting held on January 11, 1982 were approved. 2. The budget for the new library was explained by each item, a copy is attached. Loren stated that he has been authorized by the City Council to spend $54,395.95 with the approval of the Library Board on such items as draperies, lighting for the parking lot, kitchen equipment, community room furniture and landscaping. Allor part of the unspent: balance could be used for A.V. equipment. 3. As the contractor was unable to get the kitchen equipment which was specified, $1,224.00 has been returned to the Library Board's account. It was suggested that an estimate be obtained from Gene Walters for building this unit. 4. Me1Worth was present to explain the Lauver Drapes which have been selected. There was some discussion as to how they would be clean- ed and also if an electric motor was necessary for the sky light area in the community room. The manufacturer feels that opening and closing this type of drape should present no problem whereas the traditional type dTapery probably would. Approval was given to obtain quotes and ordeT Lauver drapes. 5. Approval was given to purchase half of the needed chairs for the community roPID. Although the community room will seat 64 persons, the Library could always borrow folding chairs from City Hall or the Senior Citizens Cente~ should more chairs be needed. The balance could be purchased at a later date. Approval was also given to purchase eight conference tables, 18 inches in width and 8 feet long to accommodate conferences. The chairs will cost approxi- mately $30.00 a piece; the tables $51.50. 6. Golden Valley Furniture is asking $116.00 for the 8 yards of re- maining carpet. Approval was given to purchase this for patching and repairing should damage occur. 7. The LibraTY Board wi1lbecome sustaining'1llembers 0:1; the Monticello friends of the Library. This will bell' them financially and also show support fOT wbat they do for the Monticello Public Library. - 1 - . . . Library ~oard Minutes - 2/25/82 8. Approval was given to enter into a pest control agreement for one year with the Adams Pest Control Company from Minneapolis. This could be renewed if necessary. 9. It was agreed that a locksmith be hired to rekey the library door locks. It seems several keys have disappeared during the con- struction period. It would provide for a key to open the main entrance and the community room and its subsidiary areas so that if the community room is in use when tbe main library is not, there would be no access to the library. 10. There was some discussion as to a date for the open house/grand opening. It was decided to wait until the 2nd or 3rd week in September. At that time, the City of Monticello will be having a city-wide open house. There was some discussion as to a wel1- known speaker for tbis occasion. Some suggestions were Charlie Boone, Al Quie or Dr. Nolan. Loren will check will Mona Carmack of Great River Regional Library as to who pays for this. 11. A community room policy will have to be developed in the near future. Loren will check with the Junior and Senior High Schools to see what their policies are pertaining to the use of a com- munity room. 12. New--Business. There has been no money allocated for a sign for the library. plastic lettering (2 sides) runs around $893, metal lettering on one side of the building will cost about $750.00; for two sides, $1500.00. It was suggested tbat a stone with the names of the current board members be purchased, It seems this is customary when building a public building of this sort. Loren will check with the City Council for their approval. To smoke or not to smoke was the subject of much discussion. Some members felt a small area of the library should be designated as a smoking area. Others felt tbat only the entry and the workroom should be smoking areas. As no agreement could be reached, it was decided that Loren check into the policy of the Minneapolis Public Library. We would go along with their policy. Meeting adjourned, ../4~ ~aau./ Marge Bauer, Secretary .,. 2 -