City Council Resolution 1997-56RESOLUTION 97- 56 RESOLUTION SUPPORTING PRESERVATION OF 55-ACRE NATURAL AREA THROUGH COOPERATION BETWEEN CITY OF MONTICELLO, SHERBURNE COUNTY, BIG LAKE TOWNSHIP, AND BECKER TOWNSHIP WHEREAS, according to the Bridgeview Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EAW), the plat area is comprised of 213 acres, of which a 55-acre natural area has been identified on the Minnesota County Biological Map as "Natural Plant Communities" and are identified as "Oak woodland/brushland" forest cover; and WHEREAS, the natural area has been untouched by agricultural or residential development and is the only remaining example of this type of ecosystem in the Monticello area; and WHEREAS, the proposed Bridgeview Plat design is not compatible with the Sherburne County Comprehensive Plan; environmental goal #2 states, "Protect land with significant natural features such as the Mississippi River shoreline or areas of native prairie or virgin woodland"; and WHEREAS, according to the EAW, County Forestor Tim Edgeton states, " It is one of only a few natural areas remaining in Sherburne County that typifies what this county once looked like. These areas should be preserved as much as possible. Platting this particular area into 2-acre lots will destroy the plants and other features that make this area unique. If a system were in place to acquire and preserve "open space," land such as this would be a top priority"; and WHEREAS, according to the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources Natural Heritage Database, a Bald Eagle's nest was recorded on the site. Mary Miller from the DNR recommends that construction of homes and lawns be confined to areas back from the bluff in the area of the nest and that a buffer of trees be maintained around the site; and WHEREAS, according to Larry Kramka of the DNR, the Wild and Scenic Regulations allow development densities at this location to increase from 83 units to 240 units without a variance if developed with public utilities and if the 55-acre natural area is preserved in perpetuity in its natural setting; and WHEREAS, the southern edge of the natural area extends along the northern edge of the city of Monticello; and WHEREAS, the Monticello Parks Commission supports inclusion of the Bridgeview Plat natural areas in the Monticello Parks system; and WHEREAS, preliminary cost estimates indicate that it is financially feasible to extend utilities from the city of Monticello to the Bridgeview Plat. The cost to provide trunk storm sewer is low as compared to other development property south of the freeway in the city of Monticello; and Resolution 97- 56 Page 2 WHEREAS, the Bridgeview Plat, under Township jurisdiction, will result in 83 private well and septic systems, while the City of Monticello has sufficient sanitary sewer and water system capacity; and WHEREAS, higher density development and associated shared use of natural areas serve to meet State of Minnesota goals by reducing urban sprawl; and WHEREAS, development of homes with high valuation will contribute toward balancing Monticello's housing stock, which is a goal of the Monticello Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, the Bridgeview Plat, if located in the city, will enable Monticello citizens to purchase executive "step-up" housing without having to leave the city limits; and WHEREAS, the area Townships and Sherburne County do not have a parks system and may not be equipped to manage natural areas; and WHEREAS, the city park system, including ballfields, trails, park playgrounds, and river parks are enjoyed by Sherburne County citizens; and WHEREAS, the City of Monticello is the logical jurisdiction to provide municipal services. Bridgeview residents will rely on the City to provide parks, library, community center, ice sheets, aquatic centers, etc.; and WHEREAS, due to proximity to the city, future residents of the Bridgeview Plat area will identify their residence with the city of Monticello; and WHEREAS, there are many examples of cities with land areas on both sides of a river and in two counties; and WHEREAS, development of the site under an urban setting provides a larger market base for area businesses and institutions; and WHEREAS, the Monticello Planning Commission supports working cooperatively with the Township and County toward preservation of the natural areas; and WHEREAS, expected high home valuation resulting from a desirable river setting and associated taxes generated by the site are projected to exceed the cost to provide municipal services, thus serving to justify acity/township tax-sharing program; and WHEREAS, it is projected that the cost to provide services to high value homes under Township jurisdiction is significantly less than the tax revenue generated, thus it is anticipated that annexation of the area to the city of Monticello is not supported by the Township without atax-sharing program; and WHEREAS, there are no pre-existing orderly annexation agreements between the City of Monticello and Becker Township or Big Lake Township governing annexation. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT, contingent on developer, Township, County, and State Agency support: Resolution 97- 56 Page 3 The City of Monticello supports development of a joint powers and/or tax-sharing program that will assure preservation of Township revenue projected had development occurred as originally proposed under the Bridgeview Plat. 2. The City supports development of joint powers agreements that prohibit further extension of city utilities without approval from townships. 3. The City will support creative development of the Bridgeview Plat area as a planned unit development. 4. The City will provide municipal services to Bridgeview Plat residents. 5. The City of Monticello will seek assistance from the State of Minnesota and/or environmental groups in the form of direct grants to help support the cost of the project. 6. The City of Monticello will manage natural areas in perpetuity for enjoyment by residents of the Bridgeview Plat/Sherburne County and Monticello residents. 7. The City of Monticello will work cooperatively with the developer to design a site plan that maximizes potential for economic return while preserving natural areas and complying with the Wild and Scenic Act regulations. This includes development of a portion of the lots with private access to the river. 8. The City of Monticello and developer will conduct engineering studies necessary to determine design and feasibility of utility system extension, the cost of said studies to be incorported into the financing of the improvement project. 9. Storm sewer facilities will be designed to assure proper treatment and metering of storm water run-off. 10. In lieu of development of the site under City jurisdiction, the City of Monticello supports re-design of the plat under a cluster housing design and requests that environmentally sensitive areas be protected and managed by Sherburne County as a natural area for the MonticellolBecker/Big Lake community to enjoy. Adopted by the City Council this 1 oth day of November , 1997. Mayor City Administrato