Library Board Minutes 02-24-1983 . MINUTES MONTICELLO LIBRARY BOARD Thursday, February 24, 1983 - 7:30 P.M. Members Present: Loren Klein, Pat Schwarz, Joel EriCkson, Warren smith, Marge Bauer. Members Absent: Donald Maus. . 1. The minutes of the Library Board held on November 15, 1982 were approved. 2. A motion was made by Schwarz to pay all outstanding bills, seconded by Erickson and unanimously passed. . 3. A portable typewriter has been purchased to be loaned out to patrons. It carries a one year warranty. Information on a maintenance agreement will be sent out shortly. A copy of this agreement will be sent to all board members fo~ study. As this would be a commercial type agreement, the cost is quite a bit more than a norma.l type agreement. The typewriter will be used in the Community Room with a fee of $1.00 for the first hour and 50~ for each additional hour. 4. Jerry Hermes has been cleaning the library since it opened in May of 1982. A motion was made by Schwarz to increase his salary to $3,000 per year, retroactive to January 1, 1983. This motion was seconded by Erickson and passed. 5. As many of the library events are so well attended, it was suggested by Bauer that a 35 MM camera be purchased so that a picture history of library events can be kept. Klein made a motion to purchase a 35 MM camera with automatic, focusing and a flash unit, the amount not to exceed $300. Money for film and the developing of the film should be included in next year's budget. Seconded by Erickson and carried. 6. A screen is needed for the air conditioning unit on the roof. It was suggested that this be board and batten and that quotes be secured as soon as possible as the construction budget should be closed by August 1, 1983. 7. It was suggested that as the flag is up continuously, it should be lighted with floods, quotes should be secured. . 8. There was a brief discussion on the use of the back door (north side of the building) as the second exit in case of emergency. AS this allows entrance to the library and all of its contents, it was suggested that possibly a blank exit with no sidewalk should be put in the northeast corner of the Community Room. This exit would be labeled "Emergency Only". This item was tabled. - 1 - Library Minutes - 2/24/83 . 9. Klein resigned as chairman of the Library Board. He will, however, remain as a member of the board. Election of officers followed this announcement with Warren Smith being elected chairman, Joel Erickson, vice-president and Marge Bauer, secretary. 10. Klein, on behalf of the Monticello Masonic Lodge, donated four tickets for the Shrine Circus. Bauer will set up a library program for children, kindergarten through 6, with the tickets being the prize. 11. There was a discussion on installing a telephone tape on Line 1 for the hours when the library is closed. This tape could in- clude the library's open hours and any other pertinent information. Klein made a motion to install the above mentioned if the cost is below $200. This was seconded by Erickson and carried. 12. Various signs were discussed. A sign for the building itself is needed. Also, an informational sign is needed on Highway 25. . 13. Klein made a motion to pay the dues for the board, Bauer and Hogie for their annual membership to the Friends of the Library. This would be the $10 sustaining membership for a total of $70.00, seconded by Erickson and carried. 14. Some discussion followed stationery and envelopes. to come up with a logo. about the library having its own Perhaps a contest could be held 15. It was suggested by Bauer that we check into the possibility of borrowing 400 books from Pinewood for the summer months. OUr stock is depleted rapidly with the children out of school. This has worked successfully in other communities. Schwarz will f.irst check with Pinewood libraries and follow through from there. 16. OUr next meeting will be held the end of May. This will be the first anniversary of the new Monticello library building. ~ I1A-?V aff(} u.tAJ Marge Bauer, Secretary . - 2 -