City Council Ordinance 182ORDINANCE AMENDMENT NO. 182 THE CITY COUNCIL OF MONTICELLO HEREBY ORDAINS THAT THE FOLLOWING SECTIONS PERTAINING TO GARBAGE/REFUSE SERVICE RATES AND OWNERSHIP OF RECYCLABLE MATERIALS SET OUT FOR CURBSIDE COLLECTION BE ADDED TO TITLE 7 OF THE CITY ORDINANCE AS FOLLOWS: 7-6-9: GARBAGE/REFUSE SERVICE RATES: The City hereby establishes a service charge for garbage/refuse collection and related services for all residential property within the city of Monticello. (A) A service charge for garbage/refuse collection, special processing fees, and disposal, including recycling service and leaf collection service, provided to residential units within the city shall be billed at the rates as established by City Council. A recycling credit as established by City Council shall be deducted from the quarterly service charge for garbage/refuse collection for any residential units which participate in the recycling prograin as per the City's requirements under the City of Monticello Recycling Plan approved and adopted by the City Council on February 13, 1989, including any amendments thereto. Charges for garbage/refuse service shall be a charge against the owners of the properties served. When requested by the owner, the City will send billings to the leasee or occupant of said premises. This in no way removes the responsibility from the owner of the property to see that the bills are paid. Garbage/refuse bills will be mailed to the owner, leasee, or occupant for each quarter year service period at the rates established by City Council. The proceeds from the collection of these bills shall be placed in the general fund to offset the cost of garbage/refuse service, special processing and disposal fees, operation of the City's recycling service, and the leaf collection service. A penalty of $1 plus 1% per month shall be added to the amount due on any bill if not paid within 30 days after the billing date. Payments received or postmarked on or before the 30th day after billing shall be deemed as paid within said period. (B) DELINQUENT GARBAGE/REFUSE ACCOUNTS: All charges for garbage/refuse service shall be due and payable within 30 days after the billing date. Accounts shall be considered delinquent when not paid within 30 days. Accounts more than 90 days past due shall be certified by the City Administrator who shall prepare an assessment roll no less than twice each year providing for the assessment of the delinquent amount against the respective property served, which assessment roll shall be submitted to the City Council for adoption on or before October 1 of each year and for certification to the Wright County Auditor for collection as other taxes are collected. The City reserves the right to discontinue service to any customer for nonpayment of charges or bills whose account is more than 90 days past due. Such discontinuance of service shall not be made without written notice. If service is disconnected, it shall not be resumed except upon payment of the charges or bills accrued together with interest and penalty thereon. Ordinance Amendment No. 182 Page 2 (C) REVISION OF GARBAGE/REFUSE RATES AND RECYCLING PLAN: The City Council reserves the right to adjust the rates charged and the recycling credits given froin time to time and to amend the City's recycling policy. 7-6-10: OWNERSHIP OF RECYCLABLE MATERIALS SET OUT FOR CURBSIDE COLLECTION: The intent of this article is to prevent the unauthorized collection of materials that are designated as recyclables and set out as part of the City of Monticello's curbside recycling program. The theft of these materials will deprive the contractor of their market value and forces overall costs to go up. These costs will eventually be passed on to the citizens of the city of Monticello. The City will also be deprived of credit for recycling tonnage reported to Wright County and the State of Minnesota. (A) For the purposes of this article, the following words and phrases will have the meanings respectively ascribed to thein. CONTRACTOR: Any person/firin that has entered into a written contract with the City of Monticello for the collection of garbage, rubbish, recyclables, and yard waste. CURBSIDE RECYCLING PROGRAM: The organized collection of iteins designated as recyclable by the contractor in accordance with the City of Monticello's plan. ITEMS DESIGNATED AS RECYCLABLE: Items agreed upon by the City and the contractor to be collected in the curbside recycling program. SET OUT FOR COLLECTION: The placing of inaterials designated as recyclables by the residents of Monticello at curbside for collection by the contractor. UNAUTHORIZED COLLECTION (SCAVENGING): The collection by any person(s) other than the contractor or his authorized representative of inaterials that are designated as recyclables and set out for collection by the residents. (B) PROHIBITION OF UNAUTHORIZED COLLECTION OF MATERIALS SET OUT FOR THE CURBSIDE RECYCLING PROGRAM: 1. The materials designated as recyclable shall be the sole property of the City of Monticello froin the time of set out for collection by the resident or when placed in the designated containers in the case of multiple units until collection by the contractor. At the time of collection, items designated as recyclable shall become the sole property of the contractor. 2. The designation of recyclables shall be accomplished by inutual agreement between the City of Monticello and the contractor. 3. It shall be unlawful for any person(s) other than the authorized contractor or his representative to collect any items that are designated as recyclables and set out for collection as part of the City of Monticello's Curbside Recycling Program. Any violation of this section shall constitute a inisdeineanor punishable by a fine of not more than $700 and by imprisonment of not more than 90 days. Ordinance Amendment No. 182 Page 3 Adopted this 23rd day of October, 1_989. Ken aus, Mayor ;�ck Wolfs ller City Administrator Published in the Monticello Times October 26, 1989.