EDA Minutes 10-14-2015MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (EDA) Wednesday, October 1411, 2015 - Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Present: Bill Demeules, Bill Tapper, Tracy Hinz, Jim Davidson, Steve Johnson, Tom Perrault, Lloyd Hilgart Absent: None Others: Angela Schumann, Jeff O'Neill, Wayne Oberg 1. Call to Order Bill Demeules called the meeting to order at 6 p.m. 2. Roll Call Bill Demeules called the roll. All commissioners were present. 3. Approval of Minutes BILL TAPPER MOVED TO APPROVE THE APRIL 8TH, 2015 REGULAR MEETING MINUTES AS CORRECTED. TRACY HINZ SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 7 -0. TOM PERRAULT MOVED TO TABLE ACTION ON THE JULY 8TH, 2015 REGULAR MEETING MINUTES, THE JULY 22ND, 2015 SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES, THE AUGUST 12TH, 2015 REGULAR MEETING MINUTES AND THE AUGUST 12TH, 2015 SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES AS THESE WERE NOT YET AVAILABLE FOR CONSIDERATION. TRACY HINZ SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 7 -0. BILL TAPPER MOVED TO APPROVE THE AUGUST 24TH, 2015, SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES. STEVE JOHNSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 7 -0. BILL TAPPER MOVED TO APPROVE THE SEPTEMBER 97H, 2015 REGULAR MEETING MINUTES AS CORRECTED. TRACY HINZ SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 7 -0. 4. Consideration of adding items to the agenda • Reschedule EDA Meeting • City Use of EDA Property EDA Minutes: 10/14/15 5. Consideration of approving payment of bills BILL TAPPER MOVED TO APPROVE PAYMENT OF BILLS THROUGH SEPTEMBER 2015. LLOYD HILGART SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 7 -0. 6. Consideration of Market Matching report WSB consultant John Uphoff reported on the following Market Matching activities: • Wright County Economic Development Partnership (WCEDP) State of the Cities Meeting — Monticello is experiencing moderate growth in the residential and commercial sectors. Industrial sector growth has lagged throughout the county. • MN DEED Familiarization Tour — Monticello`s profile and market data reports were distributed to site selectors, including those working with Fortune 500 clients. • Hotel Market Study Response — Three hotel developers engaged in early discussions. WSB organized a pre - development meeting with a developer. The developer has since discussed project parameters with investors. 7. Consideration to adopt Resolution EDA- 2015 -010 for the modification of Tax Increment Financing District No. 1 -22 as related to tax increment pooling for housing Angela Schumann recommended that the EDA modify the TIF 1 -22 Plan in order to capture the additional 10% of pooled housing increment allowable. She explained that doing so would enable the EDA to borrow against an estimated $345,000 in future increment if it has committed to funding a qualified housing project before decertification of the district in 2024. TRACY HINZ MOVED TO ADOPT RESOLUTION EDA - 2015 -010 APPROVING MODIFICATION OF TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLAN FOR TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT NO. 1 -22. BILL TAPPER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 7-0. 8. Consideration of authorizing a 2016 contribution to the Initiative Foundation BILL TAPPER MOVED TO APPROVE CONTRIBUTING $2,300 OF THE 2016 EDA GENERAL FUND TO THE INITIATIVE FOUNDATION. LLOYD HILGART SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 6 -1 WITH TOM PERRAULT VOTING IN OPPOSITION. Tom Perrault voted in opposition because there was no fund matching commitment. 9. Consideration of review and action as related to TIF 1 -35 Angela Schumann explained that TIF 1 -35 involves a parcel located at 3rd and Locust which was to be developed as a retail commercial project. The district was created to generate increment to reimburse the developer for land acquisition costs. The contract for private 2 EDA Minutes: 10/14/15 redevelopment had been amended twice to delay the start of the project and minimum improvement dates. The knock down requirement and five -year rule have been met. The tax increment has been obligated but has not yet been generated. Schumann said that she would verify that a change to the scope or nature of the development would not impact the obligation created to satisfy the three -year window requirement. Barry Fluth introduced himself as President of Masters 5th Avenue, Inc. and owner of the property. He explained that he had explored retail\housing, daycare and office options over the years in an effort to develop the property. Fluth indicated that he is open to ideas. BILL TAPPER MOVED TO TABLE THIS ITEM AND TO DIRECT STAFF TO RESEARCH ADDITIONAL OPTIONS WITH THE DEVELOPER AND THE EDA ATTORNEY. STEVE JOHNSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 7 -0. 10. Consideration to set dates for 2016 goal - setting workshop(s) of the EDA BILL TAPPER MOVED TO SET A SPECIAL MEETING DATE OF WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 18TH AT 4:30 PM FOR A 2016 EDA GOAL - SETTING WORKSHOP TO BE FOLLOWED BY THE RESCHEDULED REGULAR EDA MEETING AT 6 PM. TRACY HINZ SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 7 -0. 11. Consideration of adding items to the agenda • Reschedule EDA Meeting — This item is addressed as part of item 10. • City Use of EDA Property - Schumann explained that the City had requested use of the Cedar Street Garden Center site and the Block 34 site for storage and mobilization during the Highway 25 /CSAH 75 Intersection Improvement project. She agreed to confirm that this would not impact the Cedar Street parking agreement. Schumann also said that she'd prepare a license agreement, to include a termination provision should the sites be sold, for EDA consideration. 12. Consideration of Director's Report • Industry of the Year Update — Schumann encouraged EDA members to attend the 2015 Industry of the Year event scheduled for October 21St • Property for Sale Update — No formal offers had been received for EDA properties (Fred's Auto, 4' Street, Cedar Street garden center). 13. Adjourn BILL TAPPER MOVED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 6:44 PM. TOM PERRAULT AND JIM DAVIDSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 7 -0. Recorder: Kerry Burri Approved: `Novembers 15 j Attest: Director