EDA Minutes 01-13-2016MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (EDA) Wednesday, January 1311, 2016 - Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Present: Bill Tapper, Tracy Hinz, Jim Davidson, Steve Johnson, Tom Perrault, Lloyd Hilgart Absent: Bill Demeules Staff. Angela Schumann Jeff O'Neill 1. Call to Order Bill Tapper called the meeting to order at 6 p.m. 2. Roll Call Tapper called the roll. Bill Demeules was absent. 3. Approve Meeting Minutes TOM PERRAULT MOVED TO TABLE CONSIDERATION OF THE DECEMBER 9TH, 2015 SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES AND THE DECEMBER 9TH, 2016 REGULAR MEETING MINUTES. TRACY HINZ SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 6 -0. 4. Consideration of adding items to the agenda None 5. Consideration of approving payment of bills TRACY HINZ MOVED TO APPROVE PAYMENT OF BILLS THROUGH DECEMBER 2015. LLOYD HILGART SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 6 -0. 6. Consideration of Market Matching report Angela Schumann indicated that WSB's Market Matching representative John Uphoff was unavailable to provide a report. Schumann noted that the month by month Market Matching services contract would be in effect until the new Economic Development Manager is hired and has had an opportunity to consider the arrangement. 7. Consideration to adopt 2016 EDA Annual Work Plan Angela Schumann explained that she had incorporated revisions to the proposed 2016 EDA Annual Work Plan based on commissioner input during the workshops. She pointed out that she had inserted the phrase "and revitalization" to the second of the EDA's objectives so that it reads "Engage as a partner in other redevelopment and revitalization opportunities as they arise, actively encouraging redevelopment within the TH25 /CSAH EDA Minutes: 01/13/16 75 area." She also proposed adding two related action strategies. She added item d which states, "Implement a facade improvement program for desired revitalization areas," and item f which states, "Reexamine the Embracing Downtown Plan for possible amendment based on recent revitalization activity in the downtown." Tom Perrault indicated that he has a problem, in particular, with the objective which states, "Support opportunities for park and trail development with TH 25 /CSAH intersection and as consistent with the Embracing Downtown Plan." He doesn't want to overly encourage foot traffic downtown. Perrault also noted concern about funding additional studies. STEVE JOHNSON MOVED TO ADOPT THE 2016 EDA WORK PLAN WITH ANY MODIFICATIONS AS DIRECTED BY THE EDA. LLOYD HILGART SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 5 -1 WITH TOM PERRAULT VOTING IN OPPOSITION. 8. Consideration to approve a contract for service for a Limited Phase II Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) for EDA -owned property at 130 East Broadway Angela Schumann briefly summarized findings of the Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) and Limited Site Investigation related to the property located at 130 East Broadway ( "the Zoo ") and noted that historical evidence had identified a coal gasification use on the site. She asked that the EDA consider approving a contract with WSB & Associates for a Limited Phase II ESA to identify the extent to which contamination may exist. Lloyd Hilgart questioned the value of taking action without full site control in the area. Bill Tapper suggested that it would be more economical to look at the old bait shop and the parking lot adjacent to "the Zoo" at the same time. There was some discussion related to possible next steps related to mitigation based on possible findings. Schumann suggested that it may be useful to ask that WSB clarify the level and type of contamination which would require an immediate remediation response. TRACY HINZ MOVED TO TABLE ACTION ON A CONTRACT AGREEMENT FOR A LIMITED PHASE II ESA FOR EDA -OWNED PROPERTY AT 130 EAST BROADWAY; AND DIRECTED STAFF TO CONSULT WITH WSB & ASSOCIATES REGARDING MITIGATION SCENARIOS AND OPTIONS. LLOYD HILGART SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 6 -0. 2 EDA Minutes: 01/13/16 9. Consideration to authorize a contract agreement for a Limited Asbestos and Regulated Materials Survey and to authorize a Certificate of Survey for 349 West Broadway Schumann asked that the EDA consider a contract with WSB & Associates for Limited Asbestos and Regulated Materials Survey and a Certificate of Survey for the Fred's Auto property at 349 West Broadway to facilitate marketing and sale of the property. There was some discussion related the cost of the certificate of survey. Bill Tapper indicated that he thought it was too soon to take this action. TRACY HINZ MOVED TO AUTHORIZE A CONTRACT AGREEMENT FOR A LIMITED ASBESTOS AND REGULATED MATERIALS SURVEY AND COMPLETION OF A CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY FOR EDA -OWNED PROPERTY AT 349 WEST BROADWAY; SUBJECT TO OBTAINING TWO ADDITIONAL QUOTES FOR THE COST OF THE CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY AND MOVING FORWARD WITH THE LEAST COSTLY QUOTE WITHIN A REASONABLE TIMEFRAME. JIM DAVIDSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 5- WITH BILL TAPPER VOTING IN OPPOSITION. 10. Consideration to approve 2016 Wright County Economic Development Partnership annual membership dues Angela Schumann briefly summarized the benefits of continued membership in the Wright County Economic Development Partnership ( WCEDP) and asked that the EDA consider approving the 2016 request for financial support. Schumann noted that hiring an Economic Development Manager position enable the City to better utilize the resources and networking opportunities available through WCEDP membership. LLOYD HILGART MOVED TO APPROVE AUTHORIZING PAYMENT IN THE AMOUNT OF $2,445.90 FOR 2016 MEMBERSHIP DUES TO WRIGHT COUNTY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PARTNERSHIP. TRACY HINZ SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 6 -0. 11. Consideration of Director's Report Bertram Chain of Lakes (BCOL) Park Update —The Legacy Commission for Parks and Trails recommended that the legislature approve a $2.4 million grant which would complete the passive area of the park in 2016. Staff will submit an Outdoor Recreation grant application to acquire the remaining 41 acres in the active athletic area of the park. Keller Williams — Keller Williams representatives asked to present a detailed scope of services proposal as follow -up to information provided at the January workshop. STEVE JOHNSON MOVED TO APPROVE SCHEDULING A SPECIAL EDA MEETING TO CONSIDER A PROPOSAL FOR A SCOPE OF SERVICES TO BE PRESENTED BY KELLER WILLIAMS AT 4:30 PM ON MARCH 9TH, 2016. TRACY EDA Minutes: 01/13/16 HINZ SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 6 -0. FiberNet Monticello (FNM) — Jeff O'Neill reported that City Council has been reviewing options for contracting with a telecommunications company to manage and operate FNM in an effort to take it to the next level in terms of growth. 12. Adjourn TRACY HINZ MOVED TO ADJOURN THE REGULAR EDA MEETING AT 6:45 PM. JIM DAVIDSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 6 -0. Recorder: Kerry Burri Approved: February 10,016 Attest: Angela Schu an o munity Development Director