City Council Agenda Packet 04-11-2011AGENDA REGULARMEETING–MONTICELLOCITYCOUNCIL Monday,April11,2011–7p.m. Mayor:ClintHerbst CouncilMembers:LloydHilgart,TomPerrault,GlenPosusta,BrianStumpf 1.CalltoOrderandPledgeofAllegiance 2A.ApprovalofMinutes–March28,2011RegularMeeting 3.Considerationofaddingitemstotheagenda 4.Citizencomments,publicserviceannouncements,andstaffupdates a.CitizenComments: 1)JoeMahoney/WrightCountySoil&WaterConservationBoard(riverbank improvements) b.PublicServiceAnnouncements: 1)BreakfastwiththeEasterBunny(4/16) 2)SeniorCenterSpringBreakfastFundraiser(4/17) 3)EmbraceDowntowncitizenmeeting(4/18) 4)HiWayLiquorsWineTasting(4/29) c.StaffUpdates: 5.ConsentAgenda: A.ConsiderationofapprovingpaymentofbillsforApril11th B.ConsiderationofapprovingnewhiresanddeparturesforCitydepartments C.ConsiderationofadoptingResolution#2011-25toacceptcontributionsfrom DahlheimerDistributingtosponsortheMCCEarlyBirdSoftballTournamentand fromJoLynn&ThomasDavisfortheFireDepartment D.ConsiderationofadoptingResolution#2011-26callingforaPublicHearingfor considerationofeasementvacationaspetitionedbytheownerofLot19,Block3, Groveland2nd Addition E.ConsiderationofadoptingResolution#2011-27callingforaPublicHearingfor considerationofeasementvacationaspetitionedbytheownerofLot6,Block1, MonticelloTravelCenter2ndAddition F.ConsiderationofdirectingCitystafftoresearchpotentialforvacatingeasements intheGrovelandareapowerlinecorridor G.Considerationofapprovinganemergencyreplacementoftheliftstationpump controllerfortheWestbridgeliftstation 6.Considerationofitemsremovedfromtheconsentagendafordiscussion 7.Considerationofacceptingquotesandawardingcontractforarchitecttostudyand recommendplansforMonticelloCommunityCenterexteriorbuildingrepairs 8.ConsiderationofendorsingaLetterofIntentpertainingtothesaleoftheformerRiver CityLanesat101ChelseaRdtoQuarryChurch 9.Considerationofapprovingthe2011MowingManagementPlanforCitypublicareas, parks,andrightsofway 10.Considerationofacceptingproposalsandawardingacontractforroofreplacementatthe controlbuildingforthewaterreservoirlocatedat207ChelseaRdEast 11.ConsiderationofappointingCouncilrepresentativestotheTransportationAdvisory Committee 12.ConsiderationofapprovingadesignoptionforapedestriancrossingonWest7th Streetat WalnutStreet 13.ConsiderationofdesignoptionsforvehiclesaccessingeastboundCSAH75fromWest RiverStreetinconjunctionwiththe2011StreetReconstruction,CityProjectNo.11C001 14.Addeditems 15.Adjournment CityCouncilAgenda:04/11/11 1 5A.ConsiderationofapprovingpaymentofbillregistersforApril11th (TK) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: TheattachedbillregisterscontainallinvoicesprocessedsincethelastCouncilmeeting. SubjecttoMNStatutes,mostinvoicesrequireCouncilapprovalpriortoreleasingchecks forpayment.ThedayfollowingCouncilapproval,paymentswillbereleasedunless directedotherwise. IfCouncilhasnoquestionsorcommentsonthebillregisters,thesecanbeapprovedwith theconsentagenda.Ifrequested,thisitemcanberemovedfromconsentanddiscussed priortomakingamotionforapproval. A1.BudgetImpact:None A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:Noadditionalworkrequired B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.Motiontoapprovethebillregistersforatotalamountof$648,377.68. 2.MotiontoapprovethebillregisterswithchangesdirectedbyCouncil. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: CitystaffrecommendsAlternative#1or#2,perdirectionofCouncil. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: Billregisters CityCouncilAgenda:04/11/11 1 5B.ConsiderationofapprovingnewhiresanddeparturesforCitydepartments (TE) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: TheCouncilisaskedtoratifythehiringanddeparturesofemployeesthathaveoccurred recentlyinthedepartmentslisted.ItisrecommendedthattheCouncilofficiallyratifythe hiring/departureofalllistedemployeesincludingpart-timeandseasonalworkers. A1.BudgetImpact:(positionsaregenerallyincludedinbudget) A2.StaffWorkLoadImpact:Ifnewpositions,theremaybesometraining involved.Ifterminatedpositions,existingstaffwouldpickupthosehours,as needed,untilreplaced. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.Motiontoratifythehire/departuresoftheemployeesasidentifiedontheattached list. 2.Motiontodenytherecommendedhiresanddepartures. C.RECOMMENDATION: BystatutetheCityCouncilhastheauthoritytoapproveallhires/departures.Citystaff recommendsAlternative#1,fortheCounciltoapprovethehiresand/ordeparturesas listed. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: Listofnew/terminatedemployees Name Title Department Hire Date Class Name Reason Department Last Day Class Patrick Purdy Voluntary Liquor Store 3/31 PT NEW EMPLOYEES TERMINATING EMPLOYEES Book1: 4/7/2011 CityCouncilAgenda:04/11/11 1 5C.ConsiderationofadoptingResolution#2011-25toacceptcontributionsfrom DahlheimerDistributingtosponsortheMCCEarlyBirdSoftballTournamentand formJoLynn&ThomasDavisfortheFireDepartment (CS) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: DahlheimerDistributinghasdonated$500asasponsoroftheMCCEarlyBirdSoftball TournamentonApril16-17,2011.Thiswillbeusedforprizemoneyforthetournament winners. JoLynnandThomasDavischosetodonate$100totheMonticelloFireDepartmentas partofaloanclosingprogramwithRMG.ThemoneywillgotowardsfireandEMT supplies. Asrequiredbystatestatute,iftheCityacceptsthedonationoffunds,theCityCouncil needstoadoptaresolutionspecifyingtheamountofthedonationanditsuse. A1.BudgetImpact:None A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:Staffaccountsforandreconcilesdonationscontributed throughtheCity. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.Approvethecontributionsandauthorizeuseoffundsasspecified. 2.Donotapprovethecontributionsandreturnthefundstothedonors. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: Staffrecommendationistoadopttheresolutionacceptingthecontributions. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: ResolutionNo.2011-25 CityofMonticello RESOLUTIONNO.2011-25 APPROVINGCONTRIBUTIONS WHEREAS,theCityofMonticelloisgenerallyauthorizedtoaccept contributionsofrealandpersonalpropertypursuanttoMinnesotaStatutesSections 465.03and465.04forthebenefitofitscitizensandisspecificallyauthorizedtomaintain suchpropertyforthebenefitofitscitizensinaccordancewiththetermsprescribedbythe donor.SaidgiftsmaybelimitedunderprovisionsofMNStatutesSection471.895. WHEREAS,thefollowingpersonsandorentitieshaveofferedtocontribute contributionsorgiftstotheCityaslisted: DONOR/ENTITYDESCRIPTIONVALUE DahlheimerDistributingCash$500 JoLynn&ThomasDavisCash$100 WHEREAS,allsaidcontributionsareintendedtoaidtheCityinestablishing facilities,operationsorprogramswithinthecity’sjurisdictioneitheraloneorin cooperationwithothers,asallowedbylaw;and WHEREAS,theCityCouncilherebyfindsthatitisappropriatetoacceptthe contributionsoffered. NOWTHEREFOREBEITRESOLVED bytheCityCouncilofMonticelloas follows: 1.ThecontributionsdescribedaboveareherebyacceptedbytheCityof Monticello. 2.Thecontributionsdescribedabovewillbeusedasdesignatedbythe donor.Thismayentailreimbursingorallocatingthemoneytoanother entitythatwillutilizethefundsforthefollowingstatedpurpose: DONOR/ENTITYRECIPIENTPURPOSE DahlheimerDistributingMonticelloCommunityCenterEarlyBirdtournamentsponsor JoLynn&ThomasDavisMonticelloFireDepartmentFireandEMTsupplies AdoptedbytheCityCouncilofMonticellothis11thdayofApril,2011. CITYOFMONTICELLO ______________________________ ClintHerbst,Mayor ATTEST: ______________________________________ JeffO’Neill,CityAdministrator CityCouncilAgenda:04/11/11 1 5D.ConsiderationofadoptingResolution#2011-26callingforaPublicHearingfor considerationofeasementvacationaspetitionedbytheownerofLot19,Block3, Groveland2nd Addition (AS/BW) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: Mr.KennethHutchinsonsubmittedanapplicationandpetitionforCounciltocallfora PublicHearingtoconsidergrantingavacationofaportionofutilityanddrainage easementslocatedonhispropertyinGroveland2nd Addition.Mr.Hutchinsonwishesto constructanadditiononthebackofhishomewhichwouldextendintotheeasementarea. Theareaproposedtobevacatedextendsapproximately24’fromthecurrentrearlineof theprincipalstructureintotherearyard. TheCityEngineerhasreviewedtheapplicationanddrawingsandfindsthattheCitydoes nothaveaneedforthepubliceasementforutilitiesanddrainageintheproposedareato bevacated,withtheexceptionof6-footdrainageandutilityeasementsalongbothsidelot lines.ItshouldbenotedthatGreatRiverEnergyhasgrantedapartialreleaseof easementtoMr.Hutchinsonforapieceoflandalongtheirtransmissionlineutility.The areareleasedbyGreatRiverEnergyisthesamearearequestedforvacationbytheCity, withtheexceptionoftherequired6’lotlinedrainageandutilityeasements. Intheprocessofreviewingaerialphotosofthehome,stafffoundthatadeckhad previouslybeenaddedtothebackofthehouseandextendsintotheeasementarea. Vacationofthedrainageandutilityeasementaspetitionedwillincorporatethisarea. Citystaffwillpublishtherequirednoticeforthepublichearingandsendoutnoticesto propertiesthatcouldhaveapotentialofbeingaffectedbytheeasementvacation. Inaseparatebutrelateditem(Item5F),staffisrequestingthatCouncilconsiderdirecting additionalresearchonthevacationofadditionaleasementsinthiscorridor,asitislikely thatthisspecificapplicationmaybefollowedbyothersinthearea. A1.BudgetImpact:Somestafftimeandcostsofpublicationandnotificationof affectedproperties. A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:Somestafftimewasconsumedinresearchingand preparingthisrequestforCouncil. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.MotiontoadoptResolution#2011-26callingforaPublicHearingfor considerationofeasementvacationaspetitionedbytheownerofLot19,Block3, Groveland2nd Addition. 2.MotiontonotcallforaPublicHearingforconsiderationofeasementvacationat thistime. CityCouncilAgenda:04/11/11 2 C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: CitystaffrecommendsAlternative#1.IfCouncilfeelsthatvacationoftheproposed easementareashouldbeconsidered,itisrecommendedtocallforthePublicHearing. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: Resolution#2011-26 Application,petitionanddrawingsforproposedeasementvacation–K.Hutchinson CITYOFMONTICELLO WRIGHTCOUNTY,MINNESOTA RESOLUTIONNO.2011-26 CALLINGFORAPUBLICHEARINGONANEASEMENTVACATION UPONPETITIONOFTHEPROPERTYOWNER OFLOT19,BLOCK3,GROVELAND2ND ADDITION WHEREAS,apetitionsignedbythepropertyownerofLot19,Block3,Groveland2nd Addition intheCityofMonticellowasreceivedbytheCityClerkonthe1stdayofApril,2011;and WHEREAS,thepetitionrequestedthattheCityCouncil,pursuanttoMinnesotaStatutes462.358 and412.851,vacatethedrainageandutilityeasementslegallydescribedas: ThatpartofLot19,Block3,Groveland2ndAddition,accordingtotherecordedplat thereof,WrightCounty,Minnesota,lyingnortheasterlyofthesouthwesterlylineofthe 150footUnitedPowerAssociationEasement,asshownonsaidplat,andlying southwesterlyofthefollowingdescribedline: CommencingatthesouthwestcornerofsaidLot19,thenceontheplatbearingofNorth 40degrees24minutes48secondsEast,alongthewestlineofsaidLot19,adistanceof 99.6feettothepointofbeginningofthelinetobedescribed,thenceSouth49degrees57 minutes50secondsEastadistanceof92.6feettoapointontheeastlineofsaidLot19, saidpointbeing57.0feetsouthwestofthenortheastcornerofsaidLot19,asmeasured alongsaideastlinethereofandsaidlinethereterminating,exceptthosepartsthereof lyingwithinthenorthwesterly6.00feetofsaidLot19andlyingwithinthesoutheasterly 6.00feetofsaidLot19. WHEREAS,theCityClerkhasreviewedandexaminedthepetitionanddeterminedthatthe affixedsignatureconstitutesthelandownerofthepropertyabuttingtheabove-described easement;and WHEREAS,acopyofsaidpetitionisattachedhereto. NOWTHEREFORE,BEITRESOLVEDBYTHECITYCOUNCILOFMONTICELLO, MINNESOTA:thattheCouncilwillconsiderthevacationoftheabove-describedeasementata publichearingtobeheldonthe25th dayofApril,2011,intheCityCouncilChambersat7p.m. ADOPTEDBY theMonticelloCityCouncilthis11th dayofApril,2011. CITYOFMONTICELLO _________________________________ ClintHerbst,Mayor ATTEST: ________________________________ JeffO’Neill,CityAdministrator CityCouncilAgenda:04/11/11 1 5E.ConsiderationofadoptingResolution#2011-27callingforaPublicHearingfor considerationofeasementvacationaspetitionedbythelandownersofLot6,Block 1,MonticelloTravelCenter2nd Addition (AS/BW) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: IRETPropertiessubmittedanapplicationandpetitionforCounciltocallforaPublic Hearingtoconsidergrantingvacationofutilityanddrainageeasementslocatedonpartof theirpropertyatMonticelloTravelCenter2ndAddition.IRETPropertiesisworking withapotentialbuyeronaproposeddevelopmentofLot6,Block1andthatbuyerwould needtheproposedeasementareavacatedinordertoproceedwiththeproject. TheCityEngineerhasreviewedtheapplicationanddrawingsandfindsthattheCitydoes nothaveaneedforthepubliceasementforutilitiesanddrainageintheproposedareato bevacated.Theexistingdrainageandutilityeasementinthisareaismuchlargerthanis neededtomaintaintheexistingpublicutilitiesasitisaremnanteasementfromtheold OakwoodDrivealignment. InconsultationwiththeCityAttorney,ithasbeendeterminedthatinsituationswherea publicdrainageandutilityeasement(orportionthereof)isvacatedforaprivate developmentorredevelopmentproject,anyprivateutilitieswithintheeasementmustbe relocatedatthepropertyowner’sexpense.Thereareprivateutilitiesintheeasement area.Assuch,shouldtheCityCouncilapprovethevacation,IRETProperties,ortheir buyer,willberesponsibleforrelocatingprivateutilitiesinthearea. Inthatregard,IRETPropertieshasconsentedtothevacationrequestonbehalfofthe buyerwiththestipulationthatthevacationberecordedonlyatsuchtimeastheproperty saleoccurs.Inthatway,thebuyer,notIRETProperties,willberesponsibleforthe relocationoftheprivateutilities.Aconditionstatingthisrequirementisincludedinthe resolutiontocallforthepublichearing. Citystaffwillpublishtherequirednoticeforthepublichearingandsendoutnoticesto propertiesthatcouldhaveapotentialofbeingaffectedbytheeasementvacation. A1.BudgetImpact:Somestafftimeandcostsofpublicationandnotificationof affectedproperties. A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:Somestafftimewasconsumedinresearchingand preparingthisrequestforCouncil. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.MotiontoadoptResolution#2011-27callingforaPublicHearingfor considerationofeasementvacationaspetitionedbyIRETPropertiesforLot6, Block1,MonticelloTravelCenter2nd Addition. CityCouncilAgenda:04/11/11 2 2.MotiontonotcallforaPublicHearingforconsiderationofeasementvacationat thistime. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: CitystaffrecommendsAlternative#1.CitystaffsupportsholdingaPublicHearingto considervacatingtheproposedeasementareainordertopermitIRETPropertiestomove forwardontheirdevelopmentplans. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: Resolution#2011-27 Application,petitionanddrawingsforproposedeasementvacation–IRETProperties CITYOFMONTICELLO WRIGHTCOUNTY,MINNESOTA RESOLUTIONNO.2011-27 CALLINGFORAPUBLICHEARINGONANEASEMENTVACATION UPONPETITIONOFTHEPROPERTYOWNEROF LOT6,BLOCK1,MONTICELLOTRAVELCENTER2ND ADDITION WHEREAS,apetitionsignedbythepropertyownerofLot6,Block1,MonticelloTravelCenter SecondAdditionintheCityofMonticellowasreceivedbytheCityClerkonthe31stdayof March,2011;and WHEREAS,thepetitionrequestedthattheCityCouncil,pursuanttoMinnesotaStatutes462.358 and412.851,vacatethedrainageandutilityeasementslegallydescribedas: VacatethedrainageandutilityeasementoverthatportionofLot6,Block1, MonticelloTravelCenterSecondAddition,WrightCountyMinnesota,described asfollows: CommencingatthemostsoutherlycornerofsaidLot6;thenceNorth62degrees 38minutes15secondsWest,platbearing,alongthesoutherlylineofsaidLot6a distanceof14.99feet;thenceNorth13degrees08minutes31secondsEasta distanceof6.19feettoalineparallelwithand6.00feetnortherlyofsaid southerlyline;thenceSouth62degrees38minutes15secondsEast,alongsaid parallelline,adistanceof4.44feettoalineparallelwithand12.00feetwesterly oftheeasterlylineofsaidLot6andthepointofbeginningofthelandtobe described;thencereturnNorth62degrees38minutes15secondsWestadistance of4.44feet;thenceNorth13degrees08minutes31secondsEastadistanceof 153.09feet;thenceNorth34degrees02minutes46secondsWestadistanceof 65.12feettoalineparallelwithand12.00feetsouthwesterlyofthenortheasterly lineofsaidLot6;thenceSouth47degrees56minutes00secondsEast,alongsaid parallelline,adistanceof49.84feet;thenceSouth03degrees51minutes50 secondsWestadistanceof10.55feet;thenceSouth35degrees59minutes35 secondsEastadistanceof8.27feet;thenceSouth62degrees48minutes41 secondsEastadistanceof12.49feet;thenceSouth13degrees51minutes29 secondsWestadistanceof115.30feettoalineparallelwithand12.00feet westerlyoftheeasterlylineofsaidLot6;thencesoutherlyalongsaidparallelline adistanceof41.45feettothepointofbeginning. WHEREAS,theCityClerkhasreviewedandexaminedthepetitionanddeterminedthatthe affixedsignatureconstitutesthelandownerofthepropertyabuttingtheabove-described easement;and WHEREAS,acopyofsaidpetitionisattachedhereto; NOWTHEREFORE,BEITRESOLVEDBYTHECITYCOUNCILOFMONTICELLO, MINNESOTA:thattheCouncilwillconsiderthevacationoftheabove-describedeasementata publichearingtobeheldonthe25th dayofApril,2011,intheCityCouncilChambersat7p.m.; and BEITFURTHERRESOLVED,thatvacationoftheeasementtobeconsideredatthepublic hearingwouldbecontingentontheclosingofthesaleoftheproperty;and BEITFURTHERRESOLVED,thatvacationoftheeasementrequiresthepropertyowneror theirbuyerberesponsibleforrelocatinganyprivateutilitiesfromtheeasementareaattheir expense. ADOPTEDBY theMonticelloCityCouncilthis11th dayofApril,2011. CITYOFMONTICELLO _________________________________ ClintHerbst,Mayor ATTEST: ________________________________ JeffO’Neill,CityAdministrator CityCouncilAgenda:04/11/11 1 5F.ConsiderationofdirectingCitystafftoresearchpotentialforvacatingeasementsin theGrovelandareapowerlinecorridor (AS/BW/CS) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: Inanotherconsentitem,Councilwasaskedtocallforapublichearingtoconsider vacatingdrainageandutilityeasementsforapropertyinGroveland2nd Additioninorder forthepropertyownertoconstructanadditionontherearofhishouse.Whilereviewing theapplicationanddrawings,Citystafffoundthatthesubjectpropertyandadjoining propertieshavedecksextendingintotheeasementareaatthebackoftheirproperties. Inadditiontothepublicdrainageandutilityeasements,GreatRiverEnergyalsoowns easementsfortheirtransmissionlineutility,whichrunsthroughacorridorinbackof theseproperties.GreatRiverEnergyreleasedaportionoftheireasementfortheproperty ownerwhopetitionedforthevacationofthedrainageandutilityeasement. StaffsuggeststhatitmightbeappropriatefortheCitytoconsidervacatingaportionof thedrainageandutilityeasementsalongthelengthofthepowerlinecorridorforthe propertyownersthatareencroachingormayencroachintotheseeasements.Staffcould alsomeetwithGreatRiverEnergytodiscussthepotentialforthemtovacateportionsof theireasementofthetransmissionlineutilitysimilartowhattheydidforthesingle propertyowner. IfCouncilagreesthatfurtherresearchiswarranted,theycouldapprovethemotionto directstaffforfurtheractiononthis.Afterstaffcompletestheirresearchandmeetswith GreatRiverEnergy,theywouldbringthisbacktoCouncilandcallforapublichearing. A1.BudgetImpact:n/a A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:StafftimeforresearchandmeetingwithGRE. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.MotiontodirectCitystafftoresearchpotentialforvacatingeasementsinthe Grovelandareapowerlinecorridor. 2.Motiontonottakeactionatthistime. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: CitystaffrecommendsAlternative#1. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: Aerialimageshowingcorridorforpotentialvacationofeasements CityCouncilAgenda:04/11/2011 1 5G.Considerationofapprovinganemergencyreplacementofaliftstationpump controllerfortheWestBridgeLiftStation (MT/BP/TK) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: Councilisaskedtoconsideran“afterthefact”approvalofreplacementoftheliftstation pumpcontrollerfortheWestBridgeLiftStation.Althoughitseemsodd,approvalby Council,afterstaffhasalreadytakentheaction,isrequiredforAuditorreview.Also,in thatthequotewasover$5,000,thepurchaseneedstobereviewedbyCouncilin accordancewithourpurchasingpolicies. Followingisdetailregardingtheemergencyeventandpurchase.Thecontrollerbroke downonSunday,March3rdatabout2p.m.Staffwasbeingcalledbytheautodialerto respondtoafailureapproximatelyeverytwohoursuntil11p.m.whenitquitworking altogether.Staffthenhadtooperatethepumpsmanuallyuntil4:30a.m.whenitstarted workingsomewhatagain. Theoldcontrollerwasobsoletewithpartsunavailableorverydifficulttofind.Staffhas loggedmanyhoursofresponsetimeafterhourstotrytoremedybreakdownsofthisunit. Theoriginalcontrollerhadbeenreplacedonceinitswarrantyperiodwiththesamefaulty functionissues.Theliabilityofmaintainingcontinuousserviceisstaff’sresponsibility. Byreplacingtheoldcontrollerwithanewunitthatisdependableandcaneasilybe repaired,staffwillgreatlyreducethetimespenttokeeptheliftstationoperating. Staffhadquotesonfilefromtwovendorsthathadsubmittedquotesforthereplacement oftheChestnutLiftStationin2010,andthesevendorshonoredthepricestheyquotedfor thatproject. Theproposalsforthetwocontrollerswere: QualityFlowSystems:$4,850+tax (QCIModelCT1500,equipmentandlabor) USFilter:$6,530+tax (SiemensD152Controller,equipmentandlabor) TheQualityFlowSystemsoptionwastheleastexpensivesothissystemwasselectedin 2010fortheChestnutLiftStationandnowfortheWestBridgeLiftStation.This controlleralsohascapabilityforSCADAoperationinwhichtheliftstationcan communicatetoremotecomputerstoassistinmonitoringandcomputingflowsand troubleshootingfutureissueswithpumpsorflow.Thisshouldeventuallyreducedaily stafftimerequiredtoreadflowmeters. A1.BudgetImpact:$4,850+taxfromtheSewerFund. A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:Theinstallationhasbeencompletedandthenew controllerisupandrunning,thuseliminatingthecallbackofstaffafterhoursin attemptstokeeptheoldsystemrunning. CityCouncilAgenda:04/11/2011 2 B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.Motiontoapprovetheemergencyreplacementoftheliftstationpumpcontroller fortheWestBridgeLiftStationatacostof$4850plustax. 2.Motionofother. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: CitystaffrecommendsAlternative#1.Duetotheemergencynatureofthesituation,the WestBridgeLiftStationcontrollerwasreplacedaftertheweekendofMarch3rd.The newcontrollerwilleliminatethecallbackofstaffafterhourstotryandkeeptheold obsoletesystemoperational.Approvalofthisemergencyreplacementwillalsosatisfy auditrequirements. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: Proposalsfromvendorsforliftstationcontrollerunit CityCouncilAgenda:4/11/11 1 7.Considerationofacceptingquotesandawardingcontractforarchitecttostudyand recommendplansforMonticelloCommunityCenterexteriorbuildingrepairs (JO/RH/KB) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: OnMarch4,2011,wereceivedthreeresponsestoourNatatoriumRFPfromvery reputablefirms.Thebuildingsub-committeemettoreviewandrateeachproposal.The BuildingSubcommitteeincludedGlenPosusta,LoydHilgart,BrianWeldon,Jeff O’Neill,KittyBaltos,BruceWestby,BobPaschke,TomKellyandRonHackenmueller. Atthismeeting,basedonthecriteriausedtoevaluatetheproposals,theconsensusofthe committeewasinfavoroftheproposalsubmittedbyWoldArchitects.The subcommitteerequestedafollowupinterviewwithWoldformorequestions.This interviewtookplaceonMarch29th whichincludedtheprincipalsfromWoldandeachof thefirmstheyintendtouseassubcontractors:EncompassEngineeringConsultants, BKBMEngineers,andUSAquatics.Woldhasin-housemechanicalandelectrical engineeringstaff.Thesubcommitteewasabletoquestionthemindepthabouttheir company,theirexperience,theirapproachtodeterminingthescopeoftheproblem,and theirprocessforbringingforwardrecommendations. WoldArchitectsdoesalotofpublicworkforschools,countiesandcitiesandhasaclear understandingofhowtheprocessneedstowork.BrianWeldon,ourMaintenance Supervisor,madecallsonthereferencesprovidedbyWold.HecontactedShakopee SchoolDistrict,SavageSchoolDistrict,andEdinaSchoolDistrict.Thecommentswere allverypositiveincluding“theywereexcellentinallareas,”“theyhaveagood mechanicalengineer,”“theyprovidegoodbuildingdesigns,”and“theyhavereal solutionsthatmakesenseandhavebeenproventowork.”IntheEdinaschools,Wold resolvedsomeofthepoolissuestheywerehavingwithbadairqualityandstructure issues. Pertheirpresentation,theywoulddotheforensicinvestigationnecessarytodetermine thefullextentoftheproblemswiththegoalofdevelopingsolutions.Thisinvestigation wouldencompassourmechanicalsystem,thebuildingenvelope,roofing,glasswalland fullstructuralinvestigation.Forthisprocess,theywouldutilizeanengineerwho currentlydoesthesetypesofforensicinvestigations,aswellasstructuralandmechanical engineers.Thisinvestigationisexpectedtotakeapproximatelyfourtosixweeksto complete.Thecostforthisworkisidentifiedintheproposalasafixedfeeof7.5%ofthe establishedprobablecostsofconstructionforthescopeoftheworkthattheywould oversee.Thiswoulddependonwhichoptionwaschosenfortherepairs.Wedidaskthat Woldprovideuswithaspecificcostfortheinvestigativeworkandthatfigureplus reimbursableexpenseslikemileage,printing,etc.wasnotknownatthetimeofprinting (lettertobeprovidedtoCouncilassoonasreceivedfromarchitectfirm).Fromthis investigation,theywillproviderecommendationsthatwillagainbereviewedbythesub- committeeforfurtherrecommendationtotheCouncil. CityCouncilAgenda:4/11/11 2 A1.BudgetImpact:Theinitialcostwouldbefortheinvestigationandsolution developmentpartofthisprocess.Fromtheinvestigation,repairoptionswillbe providedthatthesubcommitteewillreviewandbringtoCouncilforapproval. A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:ThisprojectwouldbeoverseenbyRonHackenmueller andalsobyBrianWeldon.TheywouldensurethatWoldhasaccesstotheareas thatareneededandprovideinformation,records,etcasrequested. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.Motiontoacceptquotesandawardcontractforarchitectfirmtostudyand recommendplansforMonticelloCommunityCenterexteriorbuildingrepairs. 2.Motiontonotacceptquotesandaskthesub-committeeforfurtherreview. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: CitystaffandtheNatatoriumsubcommitteerecommendAlternative#1.Whileitis regrettablethatthesedifficultieshavearisen,theproblemsinthenatatoriumwillneedto beaddressedinatimelyfashiontoensuretheintegrityofthebuildingandthepool’s atmosphere. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: ProposalfromWoldArchitects Proposalsfromothersavailableonrequest(eitherhardcopyorviaemail) designers and researchers for public environments 305 Saint Peter Street Saint Paul, MN 55102 Minnesota Illinois Michigan Colorado Joel Dunning // AIA, LEED AP Partner-In-Charge jdunning@woldae.com tel 651 227 7773 fax 651 223 5646 Contact Us Monticello Community Center Natatorium Improvements Request for Proposal March 4, 2011 COVER letter Lead Engineer 4.1 Letter of Transmittal March 4, 2011 Ron Hackenmueller, Chief Building Official City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362305 Saint Peter Street Saint Paul, MN 55102 tel 651 227 7773 fax 651 223 5646 mail@woldae.com Minnesota Illinois Michigan Colorado Dear Ron: Wold Architects and Engineers is excited to submit the following proposal of professional design and engineering services for repairs/improvements to the Community Center Pool Facility. Based upon our discussions and onsite meetings with you, we completely understand the nature of the facility issues you are interested in resolving. This proposal includes a brief explanation of our understanding, qualifications, experience, solution options, probable costs and our proposed fees to provide full professional services to resolve the issues. Wold Architects & Engineers is very pleased to offer this proposal to you. We are excited to begin working with the City of Monticello on this successful project and to demonstrate why Wold Architects & Engineers is the premier public sector architectural and engineering firm in Minnesota. Please call if you have any questions. Sincerely, WOLD ARCHITECTS AND ENGINEERS Joel L. Dunning // AIA, LEED AP Partner-in-Charge Letter of Transmittal ........................................................ Executive Summary ................................................... 1 Company Overview ................................................. 2 Financial Viability ..................................................... 3-4 Project Experience ................................................. 5-14 Insurance................................................................... 15 Audit/Public Information .........................................15 Project Design Recommendations ...................... 16-21 Project Management .......................................... 22-26 Project Pricing........................................................... 27 Project Schedule ...................................................... 28 Subcontractors .................................................... 29-30 Record (As-Built) Plans ...............................................30 Additional Information ......................................... 31-33 TABLE OF CONTENTS Monticello Community Center // Natatorium Improvements 1 4.3 // Executive Summary Executive Summary Wold Architects and Engineers is an expert in public sector architecture and engineering in the State of Minnesota. Our experience working with municipalities and pool facilities gives us the understanding to hit the ground running and give the City of Monticello the benefits of our expertise. However, Wold Architects and Engineer’s greatest benefit is not the vast experience we offer, it is our process of working with you. Wold certainly is able to develop any number of options that will solve your facility problems. However, we focus first on understanding the unique values and priorities that you have as a community. Every client of ours is different and therefore we believe that every solution should be as well. Wold has developed a process where we elicit your values and priorities and use them to create Criteria for Success, which represent a broad base of perspectives. It is development of those criteria first, that allows a solution to rise to the top that addresses all of the concerns and become YOUR solution. Generally, Wold believes that when investigating facility problems, it is often best to address the root problem before addressing the symptoms of the problem. We have offered numerous options in this proposal as proof of our expertise, but we believe that before any specific recommendations are made, it is first vitally important for us to step back and understand what is important to you. Wold commits to explore every option and develop a prioritized list of recommended solutions which align with your criteria and your values, Wold commits to guiding you through the process of implementing those recommendations, and Wold commits to continuing to provide value to you well after the project is complete to make sure that improvements are continuing to perform as intended. A Summary of Wold’s Approaches The following are processes which center on our philosophy of focusing on your mission: A Design Process • We listen carefully • Where all interests have input • Ownership of the outcome is achieved • The outcome is an effective facility that is highly functional, sustainable, and aesthetically pleasing A Time Management Process • Milestones are set • Keeps project moving forward • On-time results A Cost Management Process • Costs are strategized up-front, not reacted to at a later date • Value is strategized • On-budget results A Quality Management Process • We utilize the City’s standards • We work with the City to ensure your expectations are met A Construction Administration Process • Works with City Project Manager • Monitor construction timelines • Provides a construction phasing plan • Achieves the quality you expected Monticello Community Center // Natatorium Improvements 2 ABOUT us »Long-Range Master Planning »Pre-Design Program and Verification »Site and Facility Analysis »Interior Design and Space Planning »Schematic Design »Design Development »Contract Documents »Security Analysis »Color/Material Selection »Sustainable Design »Cost Estimating and Management »Quality Review »Bidding and Contract Review »Comprehensive Construction Administration »Project Close-out and Archiving »Continuous Post-Occupancy Follow Through »Utility Tracking and Analysis Since its incorporation in 1968, Wold Architects and Engineers has developed an expertise in the planning, design and engineering of governmental facilities in the Midwest. Wold demonstrates depth of experience in planning, and design of facilities, and a strong commitment to client service resulting in substantial long-term relationships with our clients. Primary Disciplines & Services Provided With client service as a focus, we take a long-term posture keeping our client’s long-term interests as our goal. Our role, we believe, is much more than just “facility designer.” Because facility issues are ongoing, we offer our continuing support for the facilities we design. Our 90+ person, multi-disciplinary staff provides facility analysis, facility planning and programming, architectural design and specifications, mechanical and electrical design and specifications, space planning, interior design, cost estimating and construction administration. In addition, we have a staff of professional mechanical and electrical engineers to respond to your needs.Location of Offices With offices located in St. Paul, Minnesota; Palatine, Illinois; Royal Oak, Michigan and Denver, Colorado the Wold team accesses the base of knowledge and experience of our regional resources while maintaining the hands- on personal attention of our local team. Wold specializes in PUBLIC SECTOR DESIGN • 20+ Municipalities • 20+ Minnesota County Clients • 50+ Minnesota School Districts • 12+ Post Secondary Institutions • 10+ State and Federal Agencies WOLD ARCHITECTS AND ENGINEERS 305 Saint Peter Street | Saint Paul, MN 55102 Year established: 1968 Legal status: Corporation Ownership: Privately Owned Registered/Licensed Architects ............................................................................. Graduate Architects .............................................................................................. Registered/Licensed Engineers ............................................................................. M&E Engineering Staff ......................................................................................... Interior Designers ................................................................................................. Administrative Personnel ...................................................................................... TOTAL ................................................................................................... MN Staff ............................................................................................................... 20 32 08 16 02 12 90 66 STAFF INFORMATION 4.4.1 // Company Overview Monticello Community Center // Natatorium Improvements 3 4.4.2 // Financial Viability 2007 2008 2009 2010 REVENUE ARCHITECTURAL AND ENGINEERING REVENUE 12,211,655 10,814,058 8,085,232 7,699,591 CONSULTANT AND REIMBURSABLE REVENUE 5,384,085 5,002,126 3,335,112 2,699,425 INTEREST AND OTHER INCOME 56,053 16,636 9,235 31,225 TOTAL REVENUE 17,651,793 15,832,819 11,429,579 10,430,242 DIRECT EXPENSES DIRECT SALARIES EXPENSE 4,007,457 3,694,952 2,863,453 2,569,620 CONSULTANT AND REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES 5,047,722 4,756,445 3,131,148 2,485,930 OTHER DIRECT EXPENSES - - - - TOTAL DIRECT EXPENSES 9,055,179 8,451,397 5,994,601 5,055,550 INDIRECT EXPENSES INDIRECT SALARIES AND BENEFITS SALARIES 1,803,782 1,558,558 1,252,149 1,390,428 EMPLOYMENT TAXES 688,212 579,588 444,201 417,922 INSURANCE 301,156 281,461 181,487 153,111 STAFF AND PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 147,316 126,966 110,656 39,967 PROFIT SHARING (401K) 94,295 58,245 4,638 - TOTAL INDIRECT SALARIES AND BENEFITS 3,034,760 2,604,818 1,993,130 2,001,428 OFFICE EXPENSES PROMOTION EXPENSE 219,474 180,921 160,549 167,838 BUILDING AND EQUIPMENT RENT 984,577 847,034 854,627 819,610 OFFICE SUPPLIES 116,491 83,795 73,852 74,401 TRAVEL EXPENSE 82,744 45,069 25,811 27,989 DEPRECIATION 114,902 54,388 39,497 39,354 AMORTIZATION 20,349 29,336 22,178 22,959 GAIN/LOSS ON DISPOSAL - (906) 8,729 4,516 OTHER OFFICE EXPENSE 42,747 49,553 50,884 55,882 TOTAL OFFICE EXPENSES 1,581,283 1,289,191 1,236,127 1,212,548 LEGAL, FINANCIAL AND OFFICE EXPENSES LEGAL AND ACCOUNTING EXPENSE 75,951 68,620 45,231 44,836 INTEREST EXPENSE 2,034 359 183 2,303 OFFICE INSURANCE EXPENSE 119,129 98,419 85,174 82,563 INCOME TAX EXPENSE - - - - TOTAL LEGAL, FINANCIAL & OFFICE EXPENSES 197,114 167,397 130,588 129,701 TOTAL INDIRECT AND DIRECT EXPENSES 13,868,336 12,512,804 9,354,447 8,399,228 NET INCOME 3,783,457 3,320,016 2,075,133 2,031,014 Income Statement * Balance Sheet and Income Statement shown are prior to distributions/profit sharing/dividends. * Wold Architects and Engineers operates as a C Corporation and utilizes cash basis accounting for tax purposes. Monticello Community Center // Natatorium Improvements 4 4.4.2 // Financial Viability 2007 2008 2009 2010 ASSETS CURRENT ASSETS CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS 3,518,248 3,103,175 1,875,765 1,943,730 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE 1,572,126 1,967,472 1,247,997 1,594,872 OTHER CURRENT ASSETS 92,972 77,460 54,543 55,956 PREPAID ASSETS 370,926 335,140 165,741 165,041 TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS 5,554,271 5,483,246 3,344,046 3,759,599 NON-CURRENT ASSETS FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT 981,067 1,009,193 1,012,464 1,061,179 SOFTWARE 523,980 555,783 558,685 584,749 LEASEHOLD IMPROVEMENTS 90,641 90,641 79,848 79,848 ACCUMULATED DEPRECIATION (1,377,194) (1,441,650) (1,500,594) (1,543,895) OTHER ASSETS 21,995 3,784 970 (139) TOTAL NON-CURRENT ASSETS 240,490 217,751 151,373 181,742 TOTAL ASSETS 5,794,761 5,700,998 3,495,419 3,941,341 LIABILITIES CURRENT LIABILITIES ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 719,148 1,397,132 621,468 841,386 PAYROLL TAXES PAYABLE - - - 12 EMPLOYEE WITHHOLDING (21,485) (17,132) (14,148) (16,090) OTHER TAXES PAYABLE - 363 363 393 NOTE PAYABLE 323,869 323,440 300,099 499,999 TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES 1,021,532 1,703,802 907,782 1,325,701 NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES NOTE PAYABLE - - - - DEFERRED TAXES 406,632 406,632 406,632 406,522 TOTAL NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES 406,632 406,632 406,632 406,522 TOTAL CURRENT AND NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES 1,428,163 2,110,434 1,314,414 1,732,222 SHAREHOLDER’S EQUITY PAID IN CAPITAL 213,935 260,971 240,020 187,037 RETAINED EARNINGS 4,152,663 3,329,593 1,940,985 2,022,082 TOTAL SHAREHOLDER’S EQUITY 4,366,598 3,590,564 2,181,005 2,209,119 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDER’S EQUITY 5,794,761 5,700,998 3,495,419 3,941,341 Balance Sheet Monticello Community Center // Natatorium Improvements 5 Dakota Hills Middle School Pool Upgrade Rosemount - Apple Valley - Eagan Schools, Minnesota 4.4.3 // Project Experience Project Information Rosemount-Apple Valley-Eagan Schools sought to resolve issues with air quality and antiquated mechanical equipment in their natatorium. The issues were resulting in complaints from swimmers, teachers, and coaches The project included a new pool air handling unit and hot water boiler. Equipment was installed through an opening in the mechanical room wall. Completion: 2008 Square Footage: 12,600 SF Original Contract Sum: $435,600 Owner Contact: Mike Schwanke, Buildings & Grounds Steve Bristor, 651.683.6800 Former Construction Coordinator Monticello Community Center // Natatorium Improvements 6 Shakopee Junior High School Pool Addition Shakopee, Minnesota 4.4.3 // Project Experience Project Information The Shakopee School District sought to add a second pool for their District. This new pool is an 8-lane, 25 yard main pool and a second basin for diving. This facility balances varsity team needs with daily physical education and community use. Support spaces include spectator bleachers, lockers for students and community, swimming office and a lobby for event use. Completion: 2008 Square Footage: 20,700 SF Construction Budget: $4,567,225 General Contractor: Merrimac Construction Eric Yeager, Project Manager, 763.434.6857 Owner Contact: Jon McBroom Superintendent, 952. 496.5005 Monticello Community Center // Natatorium Improvements 7 7 Hidden Oak Middle School Pool Addition Prior Lake, Minnesota 4.4.3 // Project Experience Project Information The Prior Lake Pool Addition was planned to be the premier venue for the District’s water sports and activities. The 8-lane, 25 yard main pool basin was designed to be a fast competition pool and also be a deep pool for competitive synchronized swimming. The second basin for diving includes both 1-meter and 3-meter boards. Support facilities include: spectator seating, locker facilities and a lobby for larger events. Completion: 2007 Square Footage: 18,890 SF Construction Budget: $4,887,000 General Contractor: Bossardt Corporation Steve Kilmer, Project Executive, 952.854.8444 Owner Contact: Sue Anne Gruver, Superintendent, 952.226.0011 Monticello Community Center // Natatorium Improvements 8 4.4.3 // Project Experience Lakeville Public Schools Kenwood Trail Middle School Pool Upgrades Lakeville, Minnesota Project Information Wold Architects and Engineers originally designed the pool addition for Kenwood Junior High School in 1993. The pool was designed and built to primarily allow for the curriculum based program of a Junior High School. It is an eight lane pool with a deep end / diving area on one side of the pool. Over the years change within the district saw it grow from one high school to two. With this change came a second varsity swimming and diving team, and along with it the need to review their facility accommodations. Wold was hired in 2009 to begin the design process for a separate diving well to alleviate pressure on the District owned pool facilities. The addition of a diving well would allow for the two teams to practice at separate facilities with full pool amenities, as well as meet the new state requirements for High School competition standards. The addition will accommodate (2) diving boards in a 40’x40’ well, as well as an additional 250 seats for spectators. Once completed it will become the main competition pool for both district swimming teams. The design is currently on hold pending additional operational funding strategies. Construction Timeline: SD Complete Square Footage: 6,000 SF Construction Cost: $1.77 million Owner Contact: Gary Amoroso Superintendent, 952.232.2001 Monticello Community Center // Natatorium Improvements 9 Project Clients Encompass has conducted forensic analysis of exterior envelope issues and prepared restoration plans for numerous pool projects. Project Examples: • Chisago Lakes Community Pool Johnson Controls • Cascade Bay Pool City of Eagan • Hastings Community Pool City of Hastings • Loring Green West Pool Gittleman Management • University of Minnesota Gymnasium Pool Crosstown Masonry (St. Paul) • Foss Swim School O’Neill & Murphy, P.A. 4.4.3 // Project Experience Pool Forensic Analysis & Restoration Projects Encompass Monticello Community Center // Natatorium Improvements 10 4.4.3 // Project Experience The Lodge at Brainerd Lakes Baxter, Minnesota - USAquatics Project Information The Lodge at Brainerd Lakes is a 30,000 sq. ft. indoor waterpark, attached to a 102 room hotel in Baxter, MN. The waterpark has a zero-depth activity pool that includes a shallow water interactive play structures complete with small kids slides. In the deeper end there are four basketball hoops as well as floatables and a floating log walk. Along with an activity pool there is a lazy river with a body slide and an interactive tube slide that allows the rider to choose a ride that has lights and sounds that correspond to their selection including three holograms in the slide. The waterpark also features an indoor/ outdoor spa. Guests can walk outside in the spa, and the outdoor patio is equipped with in-floor heat to melt any snow and ice. Baxter, MN The Lodge at Brainerd Lakes The Lodge at Brainerd Lakes is a 30,000 sq. ft. indoor water- park, attached to a 102 room hotel in Baxter, MN. The water- park has a zero-depth activity pool that includes a shallow wa- ter interactive play structures complete with small kids slides. In the deeper end there are four basketball hoops as well as floatables and a floating log walk. Along with an activity pool there is a lazy river with a body slide and an interactive tube slide that allows the rider to choose a ride that has lights and sounds that correspond to their selection in- cluding three holograms in the slide. The waterpark also features an indoor/outdoor spa. Guests can walk outside in the spa, and the outdoor patio is equipped with in -floor heat to melt any snow and ice. Baxter, MN The Lodge at Brainerd Lakes The Lodge at Brainerd Lakes is a 30,000 sq. ft. indoor water- park, attached to a 102 room hotel in Baxter, MN. The water- park has a zero-depth activity pool that includes a shallow wa- ter interactive play structures complete with small kids slides. In the deeper end there are four basketball hoops as well as floatables and a floating log walk. Along with an activity pool there is a lazy river with a body slide and an interactive tube slide that allows the rider to choose a ride that has lights and sounds that correspond to their selection in- cluding three holograms in the slide. The waterpark also features an indoor/outdoor spa. Guests can walk outside in the spa, and the outdoor patio is equipped with in -floor heat to melt any snow and ice. Baxter, MN The Lodge at Brainerd Lakes The Lodge at Brainerd Lakes is a 30,000 sq. ft. indoor water- park, attached to a 102 room hotel in Baxter, MN. The water- park has a zero-depth activity pool that includes a shallow wa- ter interactive play structures complete with small kids slides. In the deeper end there are four basketball hoops as well as floatables and a floating log walk. Along with an activity pool there is a lazy river with a body slide and an interactive tube slide that allows the rider to choose a ride that has lights and sounds that correspond to their selection in- cluding three holograms in the slide. The waterpark also features an indoor/outdoor spa. Guests can walk outside in the spa, and the outdoor patio is equipped with in -floor heat to melt any snow and ice. Monticello Community Center // Natatorium Improvements 11 4.4.3 // Project Experience Jimmy Lee Recreation St. Paul, Minnesota - USAquatics Project Information A city wide aquatics study and comprehensive plan for the future was completed in 2005 for the city of St. Paul. The cities existing facilities included two outdoor pools, an indoor community center and several beaches. USAquatics Inc. was hired to design the addition of a zero depth activity pool and waterslides to the existing competition pool. The addition to the recreation center allowed for a zero depth pool with a themed climbable structure with interactive water features. When guests plug up the holes in the faux logs, the water will come spraying out of the bee hive hanging above it. There is also a small toddler slide off of the play structure. Also included in the addition are two waterslides that enter into a separate body of water that doubles as their swimming lesson pool with a consistent depth of 3.5 ft. Lifeguards on top of the slide tower did not have a view of the catch pool, so cameras were installed to view the catch pool, and monitors were installed at the top of the slide tower to assist lifeguards in determining when to dispatch riders. St. Paul, MN Jimmy Lee Recreation A city wide aquatics study and comprehensive plan for the fu- ture was completed in 2005 for the city of St. Paul. The cities existing facilities included two outdoor pools, an indoor com- munity center and several beaches. USAquatics Inc. was hired to design the addition of a zero depth activity pool and water- slides to the existing competition pool. The addition to the recreation center allowed for a zero depth pool with a themed climbable structure with interactive water features. When guests plug up the holes in the faux logs, the water will come spraying out of the bee hive hanging above it. There is also a small toddler slide off of the play structure. Also included in the addition are two waterslides that enter into a separate body of water that dou- bles as their swimming lesson pool with a consistent depth of 3.5 ft. Lifeguards on top of the slide tower did not have a view of the catch pool, so cameras were installed to view the catch pool, and monitors were in- stalled at the top of the slide tower to assist lifeguards in de- termining when to dispatch rid- ers. Monticello Community Center // Natatorium Improvements 12 4.4.3 // Project Experience Summit Place Senior Community Eden Prairie, Minnesota - USAquatics Project Information USAquatics was hired by the contractor to design a therapy pool specifically for the elderly residents in the community living complex. The pool has a ramp with stainless steel railings for easy entry into the heated pool. There are three lap lanes with lane lines for lap swimming, as well as a specifically designed depth for water aerobics. Monticello Community Center // Natatorium Improvements 13 4.4.3 // Project Experience Richfield Middle School Richfield, Minnesota - USAquatics Project Information USAquatics worked with an architect to renovate the Middle School pool and diving well, and turn it into a state of the art competition pool. The increased lighting makes this a swimmers favorite in the Lake Conference. The eight lane pool is equipped with under- deck mounted lane line storage, and an appealing mosaic tile decking. The stainless steel gutters quell swimmers wakes in conjunction with antiwave lane lines which has produced remarkably fast times. The plaster finish with tiled lane line markers completes this renovation and sets it apart from other middle school pools. Richfield, MN USAquatics worked with an ar- chitect to renovate the Middle School pool and diving well, and turn it into a state of the art com- petition pool. The increased light- ing makes this a swimmers favor- ite in the Lake Conference. The eight lane pool is equipped with under-deck mounted lane line storage, and an appealing mo- saic tile decking. The stainless steel gutters quell swimmers wakes in conjunction with anti- wave lane lines which has pro- duced remarkably fast times. The plaster finish with tiled lane line markers completes this reno- vation and sets it apart from other middle school pools. Richfield, MN USAquatics worked with an ar- chitect to renovate the Middle School pool and diving well, and turn it into a state of the art com- petition pool. The increased light- ing makes this a swimmers favor- ite in the Lake Conference. The eight lane pool is equipped with under-deck mounted lane line storage, and an appealing mo- saic tile decking. The stainless steel gutters quell swimmers wakes in conjunction with anti- wave lane lines which has pro- duced remarkably fast times. The plaster finish with tiled lane line markers completes this reno- vation and sets it apart from other middle school pools. Richfield, MN USAquatics worked with an ar- chitect to renovate the Middle School pool and diving well, and turn it into a state of the art com- petition pool. The increased light- ing makes this a swimmers favor- ite in the Lake Conference. The eight lane pool is equipped with under-deck mounted lane line storage, and an appealing mo- saic tile decking. The stainless steel gutters quell swimmers wakes in conjunction with anti- wave lane lines which has pro- duced remarkably fast times. The plaster finish with tiled lane line markers completes this reno- vation and sets it apart from other middle school pools. Monticello Community Center // Natatorium Improvements 14 Southgate Indoor Pool Southgate, Michigan - USAquatics Project Information This joint venture between the City of Southgate and the YMCA incorporates all the traditional YMCA amenities in addition to community center activities and an outdoor aquatic center. The outdoor facility includes a separate entrance for summer guests that are not members of the YMCA. (5,700 s.f. indoor pool with spa and 10,000 s.f. outdoor pool and aquatic center) USAquatics provided aquatic engineering services on the outdoor and indoor waterpark including design. With collaboration from the architect, we helped design the mechanical rooms and locker room facilities. Project Cost: $3.25 million 4.4.3 // Project Experience Monticello Community Center // Natatorium Improvements 15 4.4.4 // Insurance 4.4.5 // Audit/Public Information Pursuant to Chapter 6.551 of the Minnesota Statutes, the successful respondent will be required to maintain all books, documents account records, and other evidence relating to work performed under an Agreement pursuant to this Request for proposal and to make sure material available at respondent’s office at all reasonable times during the Agreement and for up to six years thereafter for audit or inspection by the city, the State Auditor, or any other authorized individual. The successful respondent will also be required to comply with the data practices requirements contained in Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 13.05. Wold Architects and Engineers agrees to the Audit/Public Information. Monticello Community Center // Natatorium Improvements 16 4.5 // Project Design Recommendations Our Understanding of the Issues Upon arrival at the Monticello Community Center, observations of the building exterior walls revealed bulging and an irregular liquid sourced patina. The smell of vapor chlorine was readily apparent immediately after entering the East doors (hundreds of feet from the pool). Both observations are indicative of damage resulting from a dysfunctional ventilation system. When a pool ventilation system is operating correctly, it provides air pressure that is negative compared to adjacent spaces. This helps contain the moist, chlorine laden air in the natatorium instead of spreading it through the hallways and exterior walls. Exterior The dysfunctional pressure condition has caused significant negative effects on the exterior envelope of the Community Center with the most notable evidence on the natatorium exterior walls. According to original construction documents, the existing exterior wall around the natatorium is composed of the following materials, listed in order from interior to exterior: 1. Concrete block. 2. 2’-0” high strips of rigid insulation between Z-shaped metal furring strips. 3. Fire Treated Plywood (Dricon) screwed into the Z-furring. 4. 30 pound building felt over the plywood. 5. 8” high, 16ga. Copper Shingles, nailed to the plywood with copper nails. This construction occurs over approximately 1,850 square feet of wall on the south façade, 1,400 square feet of wall on the west façade and 350 square feet of wall on the north side of the pool over the lower main hallway. A total of 3,600 square feet of this wall construction exists. Of particular note is the lack of a true vapor barrier in the wall construction. Although building felt is utilized under the copper shingles to prevent wet environmental conditions from being windblown into the building, this material is not a proper vapor barrier with a perm rating of 1.75. A true vapor barrier has a perm rating of 0.1, or about 20 times less vapor transmission than building felt. Monticello Community Center // Natatorium Improvements 17 4.5 // Project Design Recommendations Our Understanding of the Issues — continued... We understand that while the pool environment was operating with positive air pressure, chlorine laden, humid air was able to infiltrate the rest of the facility (resulting in premature corrosion of building elements) and that same air was forced out through the exterior walls of the natatorium. The chlorinated water vapor passed through the porous concrete block and then through the rigid insulation joints and metal Z-furring. Once the water vapor reached the outside (cold side) of the insulation, the drop in temperature and relative humidity caused the vapor to condense. The corrosive chlorinated condensate then caused the metal Z-furring and the screws holding the plywood in place to deteriorate. This process would result in enlarged holes in the metal Z-furring and corroded threads on the screws, thus allowing screws to continue to support the plywood vertically while allowing lateral movement in and out. This condition explains why large panels of the exterior wall seem to buckle outward, while the copper shingles are still securely fixed to the plywood substrate. The condensation would also continue its outward movement by weeping through the building felt, eroding the felt in the process and then leaching down the face of the copper shingles. As evidenced by the blackish and green corrosion streaks running down the exterior walls around the pool. Monticello Community Center // Natatorium Improvements 18 Our Understanding of the Issues — continued... Mechanical There is general understanding that the original ventilation system was not appropriately maintaining proper space static pressure. Multiple modifications have been completed over the years in attempts to salvage an acceptable performance level. Some of these improvements include the installation of a powered exhaust damper, relocation of the outside air intake, total system rebalancing, and installation of a pre-heat coil. The improvements have helped with the space pressure issues although the iced doorway and chlorine smell upon entering the building indicate more improvements are necessary The air handling unit serving the pool was supplied by a company who marketed their air handling units for pool applications. The configuration of the AHU is not conducive for consistent space pressure control. In addition, this particular unit includes many materials/ components within the airstream that are prone to corrosion. Several of these components have been replaced (some multiple times) at significant expense. In addition, the company has gone out of business. All of this results in an air handling unit that will forever require frequent repairs with replacement parts that are expensive and difficult to procure. Many of the original mechanical system materials in the pool area are not appropriate for a pool environment. These components include duct straps, sprinkler heads, and waste piping which are typically steel or iron and are failing from deterioration. During the colder days of winter, the heating system is not able to maintain the required space temperature set points. The problem has a greater impact on older adults and small children Users have been complaining about the cold temperatures. In addition, the humid corrosive air has caused improperly prepared fernous metal building materials to prematurely rust. Door frames, steel joists and metal lintels are all showing signs of surface corrosion. The building has suffered from the lack of an adequate Building Automation System (BAS). This system could have notified maintenance staff when space static pressures exceeded levels that would indicate the exterior walls were at risk of damage. 4.5 // Project Design Recommendations Monticello Community Center // Natatorium Improvements 19 4.5 // Project Design Recommendations Solution Options To correct the exterior envelope issues and prevent them from occurring again, we believe that all solutions should include ventilation modifications and the removal of the existing wall system (including copper shingles, building felt, plywood, metal Z-furring, rigid insulation and metal stud parapets) down to the concrete block substrate. A concrete block parapet should be installed and a true impermeable vapor barrier should be applied to the entire exterior face of the concrete block. With the recent inclusion in the Minnesota Energy Code of air barriers as a required building element, the availability and competiveness of spray applied vapor barriers has drastically increased. We believe that this is a perfect situation to utilize one of these products in your wall reconstruction. Once a vapor barrier is installed on the exterior face of the concrete block, the choices begin. 1. One option is to catalog all of the copper shingles and reinstall them over a wall construction similar to the original, with the notable addition of the vapor barrier. This will utilize the patinaed shingles and retain the building image that your community has grown accustomed to. This reuses a valuable resource – important in today’s sustainable focused culture 2. A variation of the first option is to clad the improved exterior envelope in new copper shingles. The cost of the new material is offset by the labor savings of not having to carefully disassemble and catalog the existing shingles. However, this variation will result in a façade that will be different in appearance from the former wall finish. 3. Additional options are to clad the improved exterior envelope in an entirely different material than the copper shingles. This will drastically change the appearance of the building, but can also as drastically affect the cost of the reconstruction, the cost of ongoing maintenance and the expected life of the wall system. Options include other non-copper, metal panel systems, synthetic stucco systems commonly known as EIFS, or a traditional brick veneer over a cavity wall. Monticello Community Center // Natatorium Improvements 20 4.5 // Project Design Recommendations Solution Options — continued... The space pressure issue can be resolved by modifying the ventilation system. Once the modification is complete, it is crucial to monitor space pressure and alarm the building operator if an issue occurs. Options to improve the ventilation system and resolve the space pressure issues include the following: 1. Replace the existing pool AHU with a new pool AHU designed to appropriately condition space and withstand the corrosive pool environment. This option will provide the durability and performance desired by the City. The new pool AHU will likely be brought into the building through the existing wall louver. In addition, the new pool AHU will be significantly more energy efficient than the existing unit. Deteriorating mechanical materials within the pool area require replacement with appropriate material types. The items in question are typically piping, sprinkler heads connectors, and ferrous material. Most concerning, however, is the strapping that supports supply ductwork. Currently, maintenance has been diligent in monitoring and replacing straps as required. We recently helped a building owner resolve an issue where a large section of ductwork fell in the pool area. The heating capacity issue must be addressed from the boiler to the AHU heating coil. The solution will not only improve occupant comfort, but will also reduce pool evaporation and increase energy efficiency. A new Building Automation System (BAS) will notify maintenance staff when mechanical or electrical systems are operating in a manner that may allow damage to vulnerable building components. In addition, the new BAS will allow staff to change temperatures and turn off lights via the internet. Any implemented solution should also include Testing & Balancing and commissioning to ensure proper operation of all system components. Impacts of Future Additions or Remodeling If an addition is planned on the southwest corner of the natatorium, it would be most cost effective to perform the addition concurrent with exterior envelope improvements so as to not waste taxpayer funds on remedies that are removed soon after. If the addition is expanded natarium indoor environment, the new pool AHU could be sized to accommodate it. If not a pool environment, the addition should be served mechanically by a separate ventilation system that is balanced with the appropriate positive pressure to prevent migration of pool air into it. We have reviewed the structure at the west end of the corridor and find it feasible to add a second floor over the entrance hallway for an expanded fitness area. Monticello Community Center // Natatorium Improvements 21 4.5 // Project Design Recommendations Probable Cost of Construction Exterior Envelope Constants: 1) Removal of Existing Wall System down to CMU: 2) Construction of new CMU parapet: 3) Spray Applied Vapor Impermeable Barrier: Exterior Envelope Choices: 4A) Reinstallation of Existing Copper Shingles: 4B) Installation of New Copper Shingles: 4C) Installation of New Corrugated Metal Panel: 4D) Installation of New Rain Screen Metal Panel: 4E) Installation of New EIFS System: 4F) Installation of New Brick Cavity Wall System: Air Handling 5) Installation of variable speed exhaust fan: Mechanical Improvements: 6) Allowance to repair/replace deteriorating materials: 7) Increase heating capacity: 8) Building Automation System: 9) Testing/Commissioning: $23,000 NA $22,500 NA $19,300 NA $135,000 50 years $208,000 60 years $98,600 35 years $210,000 40 years $62,000 25 years $157,000 80 years $490,000 20 years $30,000 NA $80,000 20 years $240,000 17 years $10,200 NA Cost Life Expectancy Monticello Community Center // Natatorium Improvements 22 4.6 // Project Management JOEL DUNNING // AIA, LEED AP Partner-in-Charge Wold Architects and Engineers Joel will be responsible for overall strategic planning and monitoring of the Monticello Community Center and will work closely with you to ensure that the project not only meets but exceeds your objectives and expectations. As Partner-in-Charge, Joel is responsible for municipal facility planning and design. He has a great depth of experience in renovation projects and Community Center design. Joel has special expertise in leading teams to accomplish technical, functional and aesthetic objectives ensuring all expectations are met. Joel has developed this expertise through his over 16 years of experience in architecture. Relevant Recent Experience: City of Minneapolis • Emergency Operations Training Facility City of St. Paul • Police Headquarters Renovation • City Hall Annex Renovation • CH/CH City of Lakeville • Police Dept. Space Needs Analysis • New Police Station City of Faribault • Police Dept. Study • New Police Station • Fire Station Study City of Farmington • Fire Station No. 2 • Campus Master Plan • Police Station • City Hall • Vehicle Maintenance Facility City of Northfield • Public Safety Center Study City of Woodstock • Public Works Facility City of Prior Lake • New Police Station • New City Hall City of Berwyn • Fire Station No. 2 City of Richfield • Fire Station • Police Station City of Oak Grove • Fire Station No. 2 Village of North Aurora • Police Facility City of Red Wing • Law Enforcement Center City of Lake in the Hills • Public Works Facility Dakota County • 911 Communications Center City of Woodstock • Public Works Facility • Police Station City of St. Paul Park • Fire Station • Police Station City of New Ulm • City Hall Remodeling Scott County, IA • EOC • 9-1-1 Communication Center Ramsey County • New Law Enforcement Center • New Juvenile & Family Justice Center • Juvenile & Family Justice Center Detention Door Upgrades • Family Courts Relocation • Courthouse/St. Paul City Hall • 911 Communications Center Hennepin County • ACF Remodeling • Emergency Operations Training CenterPre- Design • Sheriff’s Communications Facility Pre-design Study • 911 Communications Center Goodhue County • Law Enforcement Center • Justice Center / LEC • Master Plan Carver County • Law Enforcement Center • Justice Center/LEC • Hearing Room Remodel • Jail Security Systems Upgrades • Jail Shower Improvements • Courts Addition Crow Wing County • Master Plan • New Jail • New Judicial Center • New Community Services Bldg • LEC Remodeling • Law Enforcement Center Pre-design Dakota County • Jail Remodel • 911 Communication Center • Security Systems Upgrades McLeod County • New Law Enforcement Center Scott County • Government Center Boiler Upgrades • Courthouse Remodeling • Government Center Remodeling • Justice Center Washington County • 2025 Campus Master Plan • 2025 Campus Improvements • Government Center Remodeling • Court Addition • Law Enforcement Center Addition Winona County • Jail Remodeling • Space Needs Analysis Study Education: Bachelor of Architecture, Ball State University, Muncie, IN Bachelor of Science - Environmental Design, Ball State University, Muncie, IN Monticello Community Center // Natatorium Improvements 23 JOHN MCNAMARA // AIA, LEED AP Project Manager John will be responsible for accomplishing the project’s objectives defined early in the design phase. Key project management responsibilities include creating clear and attainable project objectives, building the project requirements, and managing to ensure cost, time, and quality requirements are met. John will be the Project Manager from inception through close-out of this project and will be on-site for all construction phase meetings. Wold Architects and Engineers Relevant Recent Experience MnDOT Headquarter • Granite Facade Replacement City of St. Paul • Police Headquarters Renovation • City Hall Annex Renovation • CH/CH City of Lakeville • Police Dept. Space Needs Analysis • New Police Station City of Faribault • Police Dept. Study • New Police Station • Fire Station Study City of Farmington • Fire Station No. 2 • Campus Master Plan • Police Station • City Hall • Vehicle Maintenance Facility City of Northfield • Public Safety Center Study City of Woodstock • Public Works Facility City of Prior Lake • New Police Station • New City Hall City of Berwyn • Fire Station No. 2 City of Richfield • Fire Station • Police Station City of Owatonna • Historic Fire Station City of Oak Grove • Fire Station No. 2 Village of North Aurora • Police Facility City of Red Wing • Law Enforcement Center City of Lake in the Hills • Public Works Facility Rice County • New Jail Study • New Jail Site Study • Courthouse Renovation Carlton County • Law Enforcement & Human Services Study • New Health & Human Services Dakota County • 911 Communications Center City of Woodstock • Public Works Facility • Police Station City of Minneapolis • EOTF City of St. Paul Park • Fire Station • Police Station City of New Ulm • City Hall Remodeling Ramsey County • 911 Communications Center • Law Enforcement Center Hennepin County • 911 Communications Center • Northern Service Center • EOC Scott County, IA • EOC • 9-1-1 Communication Center Meeker County • Public Works Facility • Courthouse Renovation • Law Enforcement Center City of Hutchinson • Hutchinson Area Transportation Services Maintenance Bay/Facility • City Hall • Community Event Center State of Minnesota Metropolitan Council • Headquarters Office Building Renovation 4.6 // Project Management Education: Architecture and Engineering – University of Minnesota Architecture – Saddleback College, California Monticello Community Center // Natatorium Improvements 24 Relevant Recent Experience Prior Lake-Savage Area Schools • Twin Oaks Pool Upgrades • New Redtail Ridge Elementary School Shakopee School District • Junior HS Pool Addition • Pearson Elementary School HVAC Upgrade • Eagle Creek Elementary School • Jackson Elementary School • District Wide Energy Tracking • JHS Boiler Room Ventilation • District Wide Server Room Coiling Strategy Hastings School District • District Wide Facility Analysis • Middle School Mechanical Upgrades • McAuliffe Elementary Mechanical Upgrades Bloomington Schools • Olson Middle School Renovations Elk River Schools • District Wide Facility Analysis • Lincoln Elementary Mechanical Improvements Lakeville School District • Kenwood Trail Pool Ventilation Improvements • McGuire MS Pool HVAC Upgrades • District Office Controls Conversion • Lakeville North High School AHU Replacement • 10 year Alternative Facilities Plan • McGuire MS Condensing Unit Replacement • John F. Kennedy ES AHU Replacement • North High School Chiller Upgrades Wayzata Schools • District Wide Facility Analysis • Lincoln Elementary Mechanical Improvements Montgomery Schools • High School Renovations • Middle/Elementary School Renovations Rochester Schools • George W. Gibbs Jr. Elementary School • Harriet Bishop Renovation • John Marshall High School Stadium Renovation St. Paul School District • Mississippi ES Pipe Replacement • Gordon Parks Commissioning • Humboldt Cooling Study • Various Control Upgrades Rosemount-Apple Valley-Eagan School District • Dakota Kills Middle School Pool Upgrades • Rosemount High School Upgrades • Apple Valley High School Additions • Eagan High School Additions • Rosemount High School Additions • Apple Valley Kitchen Remodel • Northview E.S. Temp Control Upgrades • Rosemount High School Unit Ventilation Replacement • 20+ Commissioning Projects Blooming Prairie Schools • High School and Elementary School Renovations,Schematic Design North Hennepin Community College • Campus Kitchen Renovations 4.6 // Project Management JON HARTMAN // P.E., LEED AP Mechanical Engineer Jon’s background includes facility assessments, planning, mechanical systems design and construction administration for a variety of public sector facilities. As director of Wold’s w3E group, Jon has specifically focused on facility issues relating to energy, interior environment, and operational efficiency. As an energy resource, Jon will provide the leadership necessary to guide you through the evolving world of energy conservation. Jon has a history of helping building owners develop energy reduction strategies and has been tracking the results. His hands on experience will be an asset in bringing forward a broad range of energy reduction strategies and prioritizing their implementation based on actual historical results. Wold Architects and Engineers Education: Bachelor of Science, Mechanical Engineering, Minnesota State University, Mankato. Monticello Community Center // Natatorium Improvements 25 Relevant Recent Experience Government • St. Cloud Civic Center Expansion & Parking Ramp • City of St. Paul Annex Floors 2 through 5 Renovation • City of St. Paul Sunray Library lighting modifications • City of Sauk Centre City Hall and Fire Station • Flint Hills Resources North Administration Building • Minnesota State Fair Food Building Remodel • BNSF Railways Superior Yard Car Shop Office Addition • Minneapolis/St. Paul International Airport Perimeter Gate Control • Lindstrom Lift stations 19, 20, 21 and 22 • Lindstrom Well Pump House 4 • Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plan controls and SCADA, Waterloo, IA • Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant controls, Grand Prairie, Alberta, Canada Studies/Assessments • Pioneer/Endicott due diligence building evaluation • St. Cloud State University Emergency Power Study • Hennepin County Critical Backup Power Services Study • St. Rita’s Hospital Emergency Rediness Study • VA VISN9 Facility Condition Assessment, Kentucky/ Tennessee/West Virginia • Hennepin County Home School Juvenile Prison Power Study • Rum River Human Services Center Evaluation of Primary Electrical Loop System • Anoka County Corrections Electrical Services Revisions • State Farm Building G Short Circuit, Coordination, and Arc Flash Study • Tremoking Short Circuit, Coordination, and Arc Flash Study • St. Cloud Police Headquarters • North Hennepin Community College Renovation/Addition • Faribault Armed Forces Readiness Center • Veterans Administration, Sioux Falls, SD Repair Electrical and Generator Educational • St. Cloud State University Integrated Science Lab Facility, St. Cloud, MN • Cascade Meadow Wet Land Science Center, Rochester, MN • Minnesota State University, Mankato, 2012 Residence design • St. Cloud State University Housing Pre-design • Winona State University 2010 Residence Hall, Winona, MN • St. Paul Technical College Trades Remodel and Addition • University of Nevada Las Vegas Student Union • University of Minnesota Coffman Memorial Union Partial Renovation Healthcare • Regions Hospital Expansion 2009 • St. Rita’s North Tower Addition • Mayo Clinic Dubai Cardiac Clinic • St. Anthony Regional Hospital Med/Surg Addition • Franciscan Skemp Hospital CAMS Building Data Center • Hutchinson Medical Center Mental Health Plaza • Hutchinson Medical Center Medical Services Expansion • Saint Mary’s Hospital Critical Power Separation • Onalaska Clinic Design Development Industrial • Flint Hills Resources Maintenance Shops and Warehouse Facility • Hiawatha Light Rail Transit Facilities (maintenance Bldg & 15 Stations) • MN Transportation Museum Restoration and Relocation of a 1940’s Turntable • Alliant Transportation Coal Unloading Facility • Burlington Northern Sante Fe (BNSF) Railways Superior Yard Fueling Facility 4.6 // Project Management RANDALL JACOBS // P.E., LC LEED AP Electrical Engineer Randall is a registered electrical engineer. He has 5 years experience as lead journeyman foreman, 2 years experience as an electrical instructor at a technical college, and 8 years experience as an electrical designer. He has worked on power distribution, lighting, lighting control, fire alarm, security, voice/data, and public address systems. Wold Architects and Engineers Education: Master of Science in Electrical Engineering Bachelor of Electrical Engineering Bachelor of Electrical Engineering - University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN Certificate of Completions, Architectural Drafting- Hennepin Technical Center, Eden Prairie, MN 1986 Monticello Community Center // Natatorium Improvements 26 The Owner will require regularly scheduled meetings at the City. Such meetings may be weekly but will probably be less frequent as determined as the project progresses. Are you willing to meet this requirement? The respondent should address the amount of time that a project manager will be on-site and describe his roles and responsibilities. Jon Hartman, P.E., LEED AP Mechanical Engineer Wold Architects & Engineers John McNamara // AIA, LEED AP Project Manager Wold Architects & Engineers Joel Dunning // AIA, LEED AP Partner-in-Charge Wold Architects & Engineers Randy Jacobs, P.E. Electrical Engineer Wold Architects & Engineers Howard Noziska Exterior Envelope Consultant Encompass, Inc. Tom Schaeffer Pool Consultant USAquatics Katie Russell Structural Consultant BKBM City of Monticello Engaging Users / Enhancing Operations Client user groups are significant resources for operational information and the Wold team utilizes a proven and inclusive method to collect, analyze and present information. Wold’s team of professionals are excellent listeners and analysts, and consider a client’s operational needs a priority. Wold’s design and programming process is highly interactive. The design team meets regularly with client representatives who will include established core planning groups to discuss the program and design development, and verify the specific needs for each user. This process develops solutions that address current and future operational requirements and budgetary, schedule, and aesthetic objectives. The Wold team will use architectural drawings, models, 3-D computer graphics, material boards, Power Point, spreadsheets and diagrams as required to supplement narrative descriptions in design presentations to the clients. The Wold team is also experienced in preparing public presentation materials, facilitating community meetings and presenting to City Councils. Total Project Management We know that successful project management involves establishing a detailed work plan - and focus on the issues that matter to the owner, the users of the building, and the community at large. We’ve built our entire process around this idea, and refer to our approach as Total Project Management. What this means is that we start our projects with clear communication of your expectations, vision and scope for what the project should include. Our planning process solicits broad-based input on relationships, goals, and needs from stakeholders in the project itself. We will meet individually with specific users of the spaces to determine specifics and details required to ensure their satisfaction. We will focus on quality, both in our design and in our design documents to ensure the product you’re receiving exceeds expectations. We know that project success is determined by all these factors. 4.6 // Project Management Monticello Community Center // Natatorium Improvements 27 4.7 // Project Pricing Proposed Professional Fees Wold proposes a fixed fee to perform analysis, develop design documents for construction activities, bidding and management of construction so that you, as a public entity with fixed budgets, don’t have any surprises. We base our fixed fee upon the established probable cost of construction for the scope of work you are asking us to oversee. Our fee percentage of 7.5% defines professional services fees. We anticipate that reimbursable expenses such as mileage and printing will be billed at actual costs. As an example, to reinstall the existing copper shingles, replace the pool AHU, and complete mechanical improvements, probable construction costs are estimated to be $810,000 X 7.5% Fee Percentage resulting in a fixed fee proposal of $60,750 plus reimbursable expenses. As public sector Architects and Engineers, Wold feels it is obligatory to minimize operational costs for our Owners. We maintain a current database of all utility rebate and stimulus programs that can help our Owners implement higher performing facilities and building systems. Wold’s practice is to provide access to and recommendations for these funding streams as a value added, free service to our public clients. Monticello Community Center // Natatorium Improvements 28 4.8 // Project Schedule Understand Your Goals and Objectives We have found that the best way to determine a Client’s needs, goals and expectations is to ask questions, and most importantly listen to the answers. Successful Team and Project Management Wold has a proven process for managing projects successfully from schematic design to occupancy. It includes strong communication with the client and dedicated commitment to all aspects of a project. Collaborative Problem Solving Approach The best designs and outcomes are never determined or developed by one person. It is a collaborative effort between all members of the team, including designers, construction managers, and most importantly yourself. We approach all work as a dialogue and discussion with the team, and work to develop solutions and ideas that are a result of those sessions. Achieve Ownership at All Levels We stand behind our planning process that encourages Districts and Communities to achieve ownership of a project. Maintain Long-Term Planning Goals No design project is ever an isolated event. We will work with you to understand not only the current effort, but also what your long-term goals are to develop designs that don’t limit your options. Flexibility and adaptability are the foundations of any solid educational design, and our approach keeps this idea relevant from the beginning. Monitor Budget and Schedule Constantly Wold’s public sector experience causes us to exert an extra effort when estimating projects. We know that public sector clients work with a fixed budget. We have established successful methodologies to provide us with important information which helps in preparation of the initial budget and a process for successful cost control. SCHEMATIC DESIGN / FIELD INVESTIGATION DESIGN DEVELOPMENT CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTATION BIDDING AND CONTRACT AWARD GENERAL CONSTRUCTION AIR HANDLING UNIT INSTALLATION 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 J J 2011 Proposed Project Schedule Monticello Community Center // Natatorium Improvements 29 4.9 // Subcontractors USAQUATICS Tom Shaeffer // Pool Consultant Delano, Minnesota USAquatics Inc. is a prominent aquatics consulting, design and engineering firm. Established in 1991, USAquatics gives pool owners and operators an independent source of information and design resources which have the owner’s best interest in mind. They have over 90 years of combined experience in the industry that they utilize in every consultation and design. Because of this experience, their designs incorporate the most efficient, low maintenance, easy to operate and effective equipment available. USAquatics Inc. uses an approach to designs and renovations which create new and innovative trends and layouts. The layouts and features of the facilities are dictated by the client’s aquatic programming needs, with the owner being an integral part of the design team. Their ten associates have been involved in over 1600 aquatic facilities, so they have a thorough understanding of aquatics from conception and design development through operation of your facility. USAquatics “hands on” experience with state-of-the-art equipment will provide a cost effective, efficient, and low maintenance aquatic facility. They are continually researching the latest technology so they can design facilities with minimal environmental and economic impact. They have operated facilities for their clients and not only is everyone on their staff either a Certified Pool Operator (C.P.O. - through the National Spa & Pool Institute) and / or an Aquatic Facility Operator (A.F.O. - through the National Recreation and Park Association), but they have instructors for both courses on our staff. Prior to your facility opening, they can train and prepare staff for everything from water chemistry to life guarding. USAquatics has worked with Wold Architects and Engineers as a pool consultant on every pool project they have done in the past 42 years. Certification - Certified Pool Operator (CPO) Instructor Certified by National Swimming Pool Foundation (NSPF) Professional Affiliation - Minnesota Recreation and Park Association Corporate Board Member - Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC), Active Member - American Institute of Architects (AIA), Former Member - National Swimming Pool Institute (NSPI) - National Builders Association - Minnesota Recreation and Park Association Member - Swimming Pool Advisory Committee for Code Revision in the State of Iowa - Mayor’s Select Committee for Property Standards - City Ordinance Review Board - Board of Adjustment in City of Bismarck, North Dakota Professional Experience - Aquatics Consultant,, USAquatics, Inc., Delano, Minnesota - Design and Program Consultant of Aquatics Facilities - Certified Pool Operator Instructor Regional Manager, Associated Pool Builders, Inc., Eden Prairie, Minnesota - Responsible for Design and Marketing of Swimming Pools and Aquatic Facilities Vice President, Concept Development, Bismarck, North Dakota and Chanhassen, Minnesota - Responsible for Design and Construction of Swimming Pools - Custom Design/Build Residence and Small Commercial Offices Design Consultant/Project Manager, Associated Pool Builders, Inc., Bismarck, North Dakota - Responsible for Design and Construction of Municipal, Institutional and Club Swimming Pools Design Consultant/Project Manager, Westgate, Inc., Bismarck, North Dakota - Responsible for Design and Construction of Municipal, Institutional Swimming Pools Our Teaming Experience Wold + USAquatics Aquatic Center Teaming Experience NEW LOCAL POOLS - Shakopee High School (MN - new) - Prior Lake Hidden Oaks Middle School (MN - new) - Winona Middle School (MN - new) - River Falls High School (MN - new) - Eagle Ridge Junior High (MN - new) - Black Hawk Middle School (MN - new) - Falcon Ridge Middle School (MN - new) - Kenwood Junior High School (MN-new) RENOVATED LOCAL POOLS - Orono High School (MN - renovation) - Prior Lake Middle School (MN - renovation) - Lakeville, Kenwood Trails Middle School (MN - renovation) - Shakopee Middle School (MN - renovation) Monticello Community Center // Natatorium Improvements 30 ENCOMPASS, INC HOWARD NOZISKA // Exterior Envelope Consultant Eden Prarie, MN Howard Noziska, P.E., the founder and current president of Encompass, has over 35 years of engineering experience. Howard is President and founder of Encompass, Inc. in August of 1979. He is responsible for review, analysis, repair recommendations, preparation of contract documents, and management of construction. As project Civil Engineer, he is responsible for forensic investigation and analysis. Consulting with the team to develop details and approaches for building envelopes. He has a depth of experience that includes expertise in the analysis and resolution of building failures throughout the nation. Wold has worked with Encompass on numerous projects. BKBM ENGINEERS RON LAMERE // Structural Engineer Consultant Minneapolis, MN Through Wold’s long-standing relationship with BKBM Engineers, Ron provides structural engineering services for 90 percent of Wold’s projects. Ron has experience in structural design of reinforced concrete, post- tensioned concrete, structural steel, light-gauge steel, masonry, and wood structures. He is also experienced in the application of non-destructive testing methods for use in the evaluation of existing buildings and parking structures. 4.9 // Subcontractors Investigation Services: - Structural Forensic Investigation and Failure Analysis - Window Spray Testing - Infrared Thermal Imaging - Invasive Observation Openings - Repair Evaluation and Recommendation - All Phases of Potential Litigation - Our investigations performed are under the direction of licensed professional engineers. Product Development & Testing Services - Conceptual Design - Structural Evaluation - Product Testing - Product Development & Testing Services - Safety Equipment - Window Testing - Construction Equipment Experience »Hennepin County: Family Justice Center »Dakota County: Communications Center, Northern Service Center, Administration Space Study City of St. Paul: 9-1-1 Communications Center »Ramsey County: 9-1-1 Communications Center, Law Enforcement Center, Juvenile and Family Justice Center »Crow Wing County: Justice Center »Carver County Justice Facility Outside Consultants Wold has developed long-term relationships with some select outside consultants whom we believe provide the very best comprehensive team to meet your needs. All of our consultants are the best in their individual fields of expertise, and we’re proud to have them as part of our multi-talented, broad-based team. 4.10 // Record (As-Built) Plans The Proposer will be expected to provide record (as-built) plans to the Owner within 90 days following project completion. The record plans shall be provided in the form of two (2) hard copies, no smaller than 22” x 34”, and two (2) electronic copies of CD’s, one of which shall be in AutoCAD . DWG format, with the other being in Adobe .PDF format. Wold Architects and Engineers agrees to Record (As-Built) Plans. Monticello Community Center // Natatorium Improvements 31 WE KNOW THE MINNESOTA CITIES Wold has teamed successfully with the municipalities around the state. WE KNOW THE CITY’S OBJECTIVES Wold understands the desire to improve the facility so that it may continue to operate efficiently and effectively long into the future. WE UNDERSTAND THE PROJECT SCOPE Wold knows the physical plant infrastructure and the detail of all of the deficiencies in the pool area. WE UNDERSTAND NATATORIUMS Our past projects demonstrate our ability to successfully complete a renovation of this scale and complexity. We have the project manager and resources to coordinate a schedule and budget that delivers the renovation with minimal disruption. Our in-house electrical and mechanical engineering staff is poised to deliver creative and effective solutions in a responsive manner. Our structural consultant has the specific knowledge of the building type and the creativity to develop a unique solution. Wold has the right team for this project. We look forward to an opportunity to visit with you more in-depth in an interview setting. Cost Analysis: Cost estimating is an integral part of our process. We will provide construction cost estimates and the end of each of the schematic, design development, and construction documents phases to ensure that the cost of the project is on track. The contractor’s time premium for working in an occupied facility and the need for an intensive work sequencing plan will need to be factored into all estimated costs. The estimates will weigh in current industry trends for availability of materials and feedback from the construction community. Construction Documents: Upon approval of our approach in design development, we will proceed with construction documents. A top quality set of Construction documents will be prepared to keep the project on budget and on schedule. The final set of documents will be evaluated for code compliance. Bidding: We understand the key to a successful project is a successful bid day. Responding to contractor questions and issuing clarifications by addenda is a priority. Wold will facilitate a pre-bid meeting and will market the project to bidders, including subcontractors, to ensure full coverage and a successful bid day. Construction Administration: The success of this project will be dependent upon successful management of the contractor through construction. Wold will provide full construction administration services, including coordinating regular construction meetings (weekly at a minimum), issuing design changes through proposal requests, reviewing of pay requests, holding site inspections, preparing regular site observation reports, and negotiations of contractor changes. We understand that a successful construction project depends upon good communication to keep the State informed of construction progress. Project Close Out: Wold will manage specific construction milestones, including equipment start- up, substantial completion to formulate the start of the warranty period, punch list and contractor closeout documentation. A recommendation for final payment will not be made until all construction issues are resolved. Our effort does not end upon final payment, but is open to mediate warranty and operational issues. We’re committed to your satisfaction. Wold Knows Minnesota Cities 5 // Additional Information Monticello Community Center // Natatorium Improvements 32 5 // Additional Information Wold Knows Minnesota Cities City of Redwood Falls • Community Center City of South St. Paul • Central Square Community Center City of Waconia • Community Center Renovation City of Mounds View • Community Center & City Hall Renovation City of Cottage Grove • New Public Safety/City Hall City of Annandale • City Hall • Library City of Appleton Civic Center • Police Station • City Offices • Library City of Circle Pines • City Hall City of Excelsior • City Hall Space Needs Study City of Faribault • Joint Law Enforcement Center • Police Facility • Public Safety Master Plan City of Golden Valley • Facility Analysis City of Hector • Airport Arrival & Departure Terminal City of Hutchinson • City Hall Remodel • Event Center • Vehicle Service Center MasterPlan City of Farmington • Police Station • Central Maintenance Facility • City Hall Master Planning • Fire Station #2 City of Inver Grove Heights • Space Needs Study City of Jackson • Resource Center - Library & Senior Center • Airport Arrival & Departure Terminal City of Kimball • City Hall Facility Master Plan City of Lakeville • Police Department City of Litchfield • Joint Law Enforcement Center City of New Ulm • City Hall Historic Renovation City of Olivia • Police Department Study City of Ortonville • Facilities Study City of Owatonna • Joint Law Enforcement Center Remodel • Fire Station Renovation City of Prior Lake • City Hall • Police Department City of Red Wing • Joint Law Enforcement Center City of Richfield • City Hall City of St. Cloud • Joint Law Enforcement Center • Police City of St. Paul • City Hall / Courthouse • Highland Park Pool • City Hall Annex • Police Department Headquarters City of St. Paul Park • City Hall • Police Station • Fire Department • Community Center City of Waverly • Historic City Hall Masterplan Wold has worked with a variety of city clients, both large and small. We understand the issues that today’s municipalities face, and we respond by helping our city clients to plan the most effective facility solutions. Monticello Community Center // Natatorium Improvements 33 5 // Additional Information Why Wold? Our commitment to understand you, our expertise in designing high performance facilities, and our project leadership are focused on your success. The relationship between the City and consultant will be critical when completing your Community Center pool facility repairs. We value that relationship and are committed to building a successful working relationship with you. Our belief is that we are able to deliver superior service because of our desire to understand of who you are and where you want to go. CityCouncilAgenda:04/11/11 1 8.ConsiderationofendorsingaLetterofIntentpertainingtothesaleoftheformer RiverCityLanesat1010ChelseaRdtoQuarryChurch (JO) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: CityCouncilisaskedtoconsiderformalauthorizationtopursuethesaleoftheRiverCity lanessitetotheQuarryChurchCommunitythroughendorsementoftheattachedLetter ofIntent.TheLetterofIntentoutlinesQuarryChurch’sintenttoenterintoapurchase agreementfortheproperty,atthepricerequestedbytheCityCouncil($695,000)but subjecttovariouscontingencies.Becausesomeofthecontingenciesarerelated,directly orindirectlytoQuarryChurchmembershipapprovalandfundraisingefforts,theChurch leadershipdeemeditprudenttoasktheCityCouncilforendorsementoftheletter. Followingarethepurchasecontingencies: SecuringapprovalofthemembersofQuarryCommunityChurchtopurchasethe propertyfor$695,000. Raising$750,000incommitmentstothecurrentongoingcapitalfunddriveby June10,2011 Securingproperzoningapprovalsfortheuseofthepropertyasachurchbuilding (placeofpublicassembly) ApplyingthefullvalueoftheoutstandinginsurancesettlementtotheQuarry’s benefit(eitherbyassignmentoftheclaimorbyothermeans) Thebuildingpassinganasbestosevaluation(inprocessofbeingscheduledbythe Church) Thecontingenciesnotedaboveareself-explanatory;however,accordingtotheLeagueof MNCitiesInsuranceTrust(LMCIT)insuranceadjuster,applyingthefullvalueofthe benefit($170,000)towardre-sidingandre-roofingthefacilityrequiresthatworkbedone whileinthepossessionoftheCity.Accordingtoourinsuranceadjuster,iftheCitydoes notfixthestructureandsellsitoutright,thesettlementonthedamageswillbeinthe rangeof$85,000.However,thefullvalueofthesettlementamountisavailableifthe citymakestherepairs.UndertheQuarryChurchtransactionscenario,therepairswould bedirectedinconjunctionwiththerehabilitation/remodelingofthebuildingwhileunder ownershipoftheCity.Oncetherepairsaredone,thenthesalewouldbeconsummated. PleasenotethatwiththeendorsementoftheLetterofIntent,staffwillbedouble checkingwiththeLMCITtoverifythatthisarrangementforutilizingthefullamountof theinsurancesettlementisacceptabletotheLMCIT. Withregardstothezoningapprovalprocess,pleasenotethatthisendorsementofthe LetterofIntentdoesnotconstitutean“approvalinadvance”ofzoningdecisionsandthat theplanningcasereviewprocessrunsonitsownseparatetrack.Itispossibletoapprove aLetterofIntenttosell,andthenlaterdenyazoningrequestthatblocksthesale. A1.BudgetImpact:Pricingofsalenotedabove. CityCouncilAgenda:04/11/11 2 A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:IftheCityproceedswiththepotentialsaleofthis property,therewouldbestafftimeinvolvedaswellasassistancebylegaland planningconsultants. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.MotiontoendorsetheLetterofIntentsubmittedbyQuarryChurchforthe purchaseoftheformerRiverCityLanesproperty. Ifthisalternativeisselected,staffwillbeworkingwithQuarryChurchtoaddress applicablecontingencies. 2.MotiontodenyendorsementofsaidLetterofIntent. 3.Motiontotableforfurtherinformation. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: CitystaffrecommendsAlternative#1.Theaskingpriceof$695,000(includingnewroof andsiding)isconsistentwiththeCity’saskingprice.Consummationofthesaledoes requirefullutilizationoftheinsuranceproceedswhichmeansthattherepairswillneedto bemadewhilethepropertyisownedbytheCity.Asanextstep,theprocessand agreementsthatwouldenablethisarrangementwillneedtobeidentified. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: LetterofIntentfromQuarryChurch LetterfromQuarryChurchidentifyingbuildingcampaign PresentationpagesofproposedQuarryChurchvision DearCityCouncil, InpreparationforyourCityCouncilMeetingon4/11,wewillbeprovidingapresentationonourvision onhowwecanusethisspacetofurtherourministryandhaveanimpactonthecommunity.Overthe pastseveralmonthswehavebeenaggressivelypreparingforthepotentialofthisbuildingbecominga reality.Outlinedbelowisasummaryofwhathastakenplacetodate. Wepartneredwithalocalcampaigncompany,Illumine,tohelpusdesignandprepareforourfinancial campaign.Theoverallcampaigniscalled“ProjectRescue”.Wehavecompletedour4-weekmessage seriesonthecampaignasof4/3.WeplantohaveallpledgesinbyendofApriltounderstandourcash flowfortheyear. WehavecreatedaBuildingTeamwithintheQuarryandwehaveselectedtheDesign/BuildTeamthat wewillbepartneringwithonthisproject.Wehadseverallocalcompaniesandonenationalgroup presenttous.WeselectedCogun/MantelTeter(NationalGroup)basedontheirexperienceand executivepastoralconsultingtheywillprovidethroughouttheprocess.Theywillbeutilizingalllocal sub-contractors.Wehavealreadystarteddesigneffortswiththemtobeginworkingwithourvarious ministriestounderstandourneedsofourchurch.Theyplantohaveanoverallfinancialfeasibilitystudy completedbyendofMayforustovoteonnextsteps. OurgoalisthatbytheendofMay,wewillhaveacompletepictureofourcashflow,thecostto renovatethebuilding,andanagreementwiththecityonthepurchaseofthebuilding.Thisinformation willbepresentedtothecongregationtovoteonforustobeabletomoveintoaformalpurchase agreementwithyouandmoveforwardwithconstruction.Idealsituationwouldallowustobeinthe newlocationforourChristmascelebration. Wehavemadesubstantialinvestmentsinourcampaignandtheinitialdesigneffortstomakecertainwe aremakingtherightdecisionsforourchurch.Wefeelthestepswehavetakentodateandthisinitial investmentwillgiveustheinformationtomakethewisechoiceattheendofMay.Wearecurrently debt-freeandwearetryingtotakestepstonotincurmorecostthanwedocurrentlyonour rental/leasespace. Wearelookingforwardtodiscussingthisopportunitywithyouandhowwecanpartnerwithyou,not onlyonthiseffort,butforthefuture.Weareexcitedaboutthepossibilitiesandlookingforwardtoour discussionsonMonday. BestRegards, KariSanders CityCouncilAgenda:04/11/2011 1 9.Considerationofapprovingthe2011MowingManagementPlanforCitypublic areas,parksandrightsofway (BP/JO/TP/TM/RH) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: CityCouncilisaskedtoconsideradoptionofthe2011programformowingand maintainingstreetrightsofway,parksandotherpublicareas.Themowingandgrounds maintenanceplanisthesummerversionofourwintersnowplowingplanwhichCouncil reviewsandapprovesannually.Theattachmentsincludedataonallareascurrently mowedbyCitycrews.Allpublicspaceslistedhavebeenreviewedformaintenance reductionsintermsoftotalareamowedandreductionsinfrequencyofmowingapproved byCouncillastyear.Majorchangesfromthe2010PlanarereflectedintheRightof WayFlailMowingspreadsheetattachmentwithchangeshighlightedinyellow. Thisplanwasdevelopedforthefollowingreasons: ProvideawarenessofthemaintenanceworkthatisdonebyCitycrews.This reportprovidesarecordoftheworkthatisdoneandservesasapracticalbase- lineinventoryofacceptablelevelsofservice. ProvideCouncilwithinformationnecessaryforestablishingacceptablelevelsof maintenanceandthusprovidestaffwithconfidencethatareasarebeing maintainedatalevelandcostsupportedbytheCityCouncil. Showchangesinthelevelofmaintenanceonalocationbylocationbasis,which isincorporatedintotheplaninresponsetothedesireforcostcutting.As cutbacksinmowingoccur,itisimportantthatthecutbacksaresufficientandare occurringatlocationsasdesiredbytheCityCouncil. Theplanfor2011issimilartothe2010planwithsomenotableexceptionsthatare suggestedinresponsetoourexperienceinimplementingtheplanin2010andasaresult ofadditionalpublicandCityCouncilinputduringthattimeframe. Followingisadditionaldetailrelatingtotheplanfor2011: PARKSMAINTENANCEPLAN Pleasenotethatmanyoftheparkareasthataremowedfrequentlyserveleagueplaythat producesrevenuethatisused,inturn,tofundagamefieldlevelofmaintenance. Thefrequencyofmowingisanaveragefornon-irrigatedareasandpresumesregular rainfall.Mowingfrequencywillbeadjustedbasedongrassgrowingconditions. Consolidationofoperationofirrigationsystems: For2011,Parksstaffwillberesponsibleformaintainingandoperatingallirrigation systemsinanefforttoimproveoverallefficienciesinmanpoweranduseofwater.In thepast,irrigationsystemsincertainboulevardsweremanagedbyStreetcrews; CityCouncilAgenda:04/11/2011 2 systemsatliftstationsweremanagedbySewerandWatercrews;andthosesystems inparksweremanagedbyParksstaff. GeneralcategoriesforestablishingmaintenanceintheParksare: Highmaintenance–twiceaweek:Thesearemostlyirrigatedathleticfieldswhere highqualityplayingsurfaceisneeded.Theathleticprogrammingproducesrevenue. Regularmaintenance–onceaweek:Thesearehighlyusedspacesthatrequirea regularlevelofmaintenanceinordertopresentaqualityappearance.Highactivity areasinparksaregenerallykeptatthislevelofmaintenance. Lowmaintenance–onceamonth:Theseare“outoftheway”areasthatare locatedattheperimeterofareascommonlyusedbythepublic,whicharefarremoved fromhomesandbuildings. Nomaintenance-Thisareadoesnotsupportmaintenanceexcepttopreventinvasive speciesgrowth. AttentionwillbefocusedonthistlehotspotsonpublicandprivatepropertyusingCity crewsfordestroyingthistleonpubliclandsandaggressiveenforcementbytheCity BuildingOfficialforthenoxiousweedstandardsonprivatelands. RIGHTSOFWAYMAINTENANCEPLAN TheseareareasthataretypicallymaintainedbytheStreetDepartment.Notethatlarger equipmentusedtomowtheseareasmustbedonebyfull-timestaffaccordingtothelabor contract.Therewasdiscussiononwhethertoincreasetheamountofareasthatstaff maintain;thoseweretheentrancecorridorstothecity,andthehightrafficareas,withthe purposeofachievinganaestheticconsciousnessfortravelersenteringandleavingthe city.Thesechangeswillincreasetheamountoftimerequiredtocompletethesetasks. Factorsusedindeterminingmowingfrequencyandareaareasfollows: Sightclearance:Formaintainingsafetyatintersectionskeepingthesightlinesfreeof obstructionwhichshouldoccurfivetimesorasneededannuallywhichisanincrease fromthreetimesin2010. Rightsofwayareas:Thenumberofpasseswillremainthesamebutthefrequencyof ditchmowingwillincreasefromthreetofiveminimumorasneeded.Additionalareas havebeenrequestedandareincludeintheproposedmaintenancefor2011. Ruralorditchsectiononadouble-sidedlotoralongaditchlinewheretheterrain isdifficult,maintenancewillremainthesame. RuralorditchsectionalongTownship/Cityboundaryroads,maintenancewill remainthesame. CityCouncilAgenda:04/11/2011 3 Sentencetoservecrewshavebeenlineduptoweedwhiptallgrassandweedsat interchangelocationsandotherhighlyvisibleareastraditionallymaintained(or not)byMNDOT. Stormponds:Stormpondmaintenancepatternshavebeenadjustedtomeetthe minimumforcompliancewithMPCAstandards.Insum,drainagepondswillbemowed onoccasiontopreventovergrowthfromoccurring.Offsettingmowingfrequencywill occurinsomedrainageareasthatneednotbemowedonaregularbasis. Thereareapproximately112stormpondsthatrequiresomesortofmaintenance; themajorityofthemhavenothadtheopportunityformaintenanceduetoother staffworkload. Boulevards:Inmostinstances,propertyownersareresponsibleformowingthe boulevardareas.However,therearecircumstanceswheretheCitywillmowboulevards. Suchcircumstancesinclude: Proximityofboulevardtoadjacentdrainagepond;maintenancewillincreasefrom threetofiveminimum. RegularmowingofboulevardsbyCitycrewsalonghightrafficcorridorssuchas Broadway,DundasRoad,EdmonsonAvenue,SchoolBoulevard,CedarStreet, Highway25,SeventhStreetandChelseaRoad.Thiswillincreasemowingcosts butreducesomeofthecostofenforcement. Thereweresignificantopportunitiesforreductionassociatedwithmaintenanceofrights ofway,ditchesandpondareasfor2010;however,thelargeamountofprecipitationlast yearcausedhighgrowthlevels.Anincreasedmowingfrequencyfortherightsofways havebeensuggestedforthe2011policyraisingfromtwiceyearlyto3–5timesperyear orasneeded.Thusstaffwillhavetore-evaluateothertasksanddutiestomeetthis increaseinmaintenance. LABORANDMAINTENANCEASSISTANCEWITHOUTCOST AnincreaseofgroundmaintenancearoundguardrailsattheInterstate94overpasseshas alsobeenrequested.StaffhascontactedtheSentencetoServe(STS)personnelWehave arrangedfortheSTScrewtomonthlyweedwhiptheoverpasses,andiftimeallows,the concreteislandsonHwy25andCty18fromMaytoSeptember.STScrewswillalsobe usedinourbattletofightinvasivethistleonthepropertieswemaintain.Weareallowed fourdaysamonthforSTScrews,witheitheranadultoryouthgroupdependingonthe taskcompetency.Withtheadditionaldemand,wewillbeatthemaximumallowabletime forthisservice.Thereisnochargefortheirservicessostaffismaximizingallavailable resources. TherearecertainCitypropertiesthathavepotentialforharvestinghay,andtheyhave beenarrangedformaintenanceatnocosttotheCity.Thiswillassistincontrollingweeds andinvasiveplantsintheseareas.Theadjacentboulevardswillalsobecutinamanner CityCouncilAgenda:04/11/2011 4 thatreflectstheordinancewithahigherlevelofmowing.Thevalueinthisrelationshipis thattheharvesterkeepsthehay;inthiscasethenaturalgrassesarefeedforcattlethatare soldasnaturalbeef. Staffhashadrequestthissupplementalassistanceastaskscouldnotbecompletedatthe stafflevelatwhichweareoperating.Thelaborthathasbeenarrangedisfortasksabove thelevelofservicefor2010anddoesnotincludetheadditionalmowingrequestsfor 2011. BLIGHT,NUISANCEANDINVASIVECORRECTIONSPLAN Itshouldbenotedthat,incertainareassuchasactivedevelopmentproperties(i.e., CarlisleVillage,SunsetPonds,Hunter’sCrossing),BuildingDepartmentstaffwillget outaheadofthelonggrass/weedproblem.Whenthereisaproblem,theordinancewill befollowedandexecuted.Thecontractedlawncarecompanywillbedispatchedtoa violation siteasneededandassoonaslegallypossible.Thecostwillbechargedbackto thepropertyowner.Inthecaseofinvasivespecies,staffwillidentifythehotspotsand notifythepropertyowner,allowingthetimestatedinordinancepriortocontactingthe assignedmaintenancecontractorforremovalandtreatment.Billingforreimbursementof chargeswilloccurinthesecasesaswell. Again,attentionwillbefocusedonthistlehotspotsonpublicandprivatepropertyusing CitycrewsfordestroyingthistleonpubliclandsandaggressiveenforcementbytheCity BuildingOfficialforthenoxiousweedstandardsonprivatelands. A1.BudgetImpact:Fuelcostandincreasedmaintenancewillrequireadditional financingandhourstocomplete.Budgetcutslastyearreducedtheabilityto absorbtheadditionalrequirementstocompletethesesupplementarytasks.The additionalcostfortherightofwaymaintenanceincreaseequatesto$3,762(based onfull-timelaborcost).Theadditionalfull-timelaborcostincomparisontothe associatedtimeaseasonalemployeecouldworkisequivalentto8.25weeksatthe dollaramountof$3,762.Therefore,anadditionalseasonalpersonforthisperiod oftimewouldbethemostcosteffectiveandbestsolutiontooffsetthecostofthe additionalmaintenancerequested.Adownfall,however,isthatpositionhasnot beenbudgetedin2011. A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:Maintenancewillbeincreasedinsomeareasfrom2010 servicelevels,thustherequestforadditionalseasonalhelptooffsettasksthat wouldbeaffectedfromtheextrademand.Theseextratasksincludeadditional rightofwaymaintenanceandthistleidentificationanderadicationmeasures. Additionalmowingmaintenance,however,willdependonseasonalprecipitation andrequeststoalterfromproposedchangesalreadylisted. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.Motiontoapprovethe2011MowingManagementPlan. CityCouncilAgenda:04/11/2011 5 2.Motiontodenythe2011MowingManagementPlanatthistime. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: CitystaffrecommendsAlternative#1,toadoptthe2011MowingManagementPlan.This plansetsthebarfortheminimumstandardofmaintenanceacceptabletoCityCouncil. AdoptionbytheCityCouncilgivesstaffconfidencethattheyaremaintainingareasata levelandcostthatisconsistentwiththedesiresoftheCityCouncil.Likeanyprogram, adjustmentscanalwaysbemadebasedonfeedbackfromthepublicorCityCounciland subjecttoavailabilityofresources.Theeffortsnotedabovewillrequiresomeadditional fundsandutilizationofSentencetoServe(STS)staff.Agoalforthisyearistocontrol invasivethistlebothonpublicandprivatelands. Staffhasrequestedinformationalquotesfromlocalvendorstoproviderightofway maintenancepricesbyrequestofCounciltoseeifitwouldbeinthebestinterestofthe citytocontractformowinginthisarea.Quotesarependingandwillbedispersedto Councilonmeetingdayifavailable. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: Streets:RightsofWayFlailMowingspreadsheet Parks:CityPropertyMowingspreadsheet 2010MowingSchedule Minutesfromstaffmowingmeeting3-17-11 Nuisanceweed,invasiveplantcompliancelettertopropertyowners CostanalysisforCitymowingofstreetright-ofway 20 1 0 C U R R E N T 2 0 1 1 P R O P O S E D TY P E  OF  AR E A L O C A T I O N CI T Y  PR O P E R T Y S T R E E T  IN F O M I L E S  (f r o m  GI S ) T O T A L  LA N E  FE E T S Q U A R E  FE E T A C R E S  MO W E D AP P R O V E D  TI M E S   MO W E D AP P R O V E D   TI M E F R A M E %    INCREASETIMES MOWEDPROPOSED TIMEFRAMECOMMENTS ST R E E T 7t h  St  E ‐   Fa l l o n  Av e  ‐   Ct y  Rd  18 Y E S S O U T H  SI D E 0 . 8 9 4 6 9 9 . 2 8 4 5 8 6 1 . 9 4 2 Y E A R 3 ‐5YEAROR as needed ‐ 1/2 is private property ST R E E T 7t h  St  W ‐   El m  St  ‐   Ct y  Rd  39  W Y E S S O U T H  SI D E 0 . 4 6 2 4 2 8 . 8 4 3 7 1 8 1 2 Y E A R 0% ST R E E T 85 t h  St  NE  ‐   Ed m o n s o n  Av e  ‐   Hw y  25 N O B O T H  SI D E S 1 . 7 6 9 2 9 2 . 8 1 6 7 2 7 0 3 . 8 4 2 Y E A R 0% ST R E E T 85 t h  St  NE  ‐   Fa l l o n  Av e  ‐   Ei s e l e  Av e Y E S B O T H  SI D E S 0 . 4 2 1 1 2 3 8 0 1 6 0 . 8 7 2 Y E A R 0% ST R E E T 90 t h  St  NE  ‐   Ch e l s e a    Rd  W ‐   Ci t y  Li m i t s N O B O T H  SI D E S 2 . 5 8 1 3 6 2 2 . 4 2 4 5 2 0 3 5 . 6 3 2 Y E A R 0% ST R E E T 95 t h  St  NE    ‐   so u t h  si d e  of  Gi l l a r d  Av e  ‐   Ha u g  Av e Y E S B O T H  SI D E S 0 . 3 2 1 6 8 9 . 6 3 0 4 1 3 0 . 7 3 Y E A R 0% ST R E E T Ba k k e n  St  ‐   Tr o y  Ma r q u e t t e  Dr  ‐   Ga r v e y  Ct Y E S S O U T H  SI D E 0 . 2 1 0 5 6 1 9 0 0 8 0 . 4 4 3 Y E A R 0% ST R E E T Br o a d w a y  E ‐   Ct y  Rd  18  ‐   Me a d o w  Oa k  Dr Y E S B O T H  SI D E S 1 . 6 8 8 8 7 0 . 4 1 5 9 6 6 7 3 . 6 7 2 Y E A R 5 0 ‐200%3‐5YEAROR as needed ST R E E T Br o a d w a y  E ‐   Ho s p i t a l  ‐   Hi g h l a n d  Wa y Y E S B O T H  SI D E S 1 . 7 2 9 0 8 1 . 6 1 6 3 4 6 9 3 . 7 5 3 Y E A R 0 ‐200%3‐5YEAROR as needed ST R E E T Ce d a r  St  ‐   Du n d a s  Rd  ‐   Sc h o o l  Bl v d N O E A S T  SI D E 0 . 2 6 1 3 7 2 . 8 2 4 7 1 0 0 . 5 7 0 Y E A R 3 0 0 % 3 ‐5YEAROR as needed ST R E E T Ch e l s e a  Rd  E ‐   Fa l l o n  Av e  ‐   Ct y  18 N O B O T H  SI D E S 0 . 7 9 8 3 4 2 . 4 1 5 0 1 6 3 3 . 4 5 2 Y E A R 5 0 ‐200%3‐5YEAROR as needed ST R E E T Ch e l s e a  Rd  E ‐   Hw y  25  ‐   Ed m o n s o n  Av e N O S O U T H  SI D E 0 . 2 6 1 3 7 2 . 8 2 4 7 1 0 0 . 5 7 3 Y E A R 0 ‐200%3‐5YEAROR as needed ST R E E T Ch e l s e a  Rd  W ‐   Ct y  Rd  39  W ‐   90 t h  St  NE  ‐   Da l t o n  Av e Y E S B O T H  SI D E S 2 . 2 9 1 2 0 9 1 . 2 2 1 7 6 4 2 5 2 Y E A R 5 0 ‐200%3‐5YEAROR as needed ‐ north side is private property ST R E E T Ct y  Rd  75  W ‐   10 0 0 '  W of  Je r r y  Li e f e r t  Dr YE S S O U T H  SI D E 0 . 2 5 1 3 2 0 2 3 7 6 0 0 . 5 5 3 Y E A R 0% ST R E E T Du n d a s  Rd  ‐   Ed m o n s o n  Av e  ‐   Ce d a r  St Y E S B O T H  SI D E S 0 . 2 9 3 0 6 2 . 4 5 5 1 2 3 1 . 2 7 2 Y E A R 5 0 ‐200%3‐5YEAROR as needed ‐ 3/4 is private property  ST R E E T Ed m o n s o n  Av e  ‐   Ch e l s e a  Rd  E ‐   85 t h  St  NE N O B O T H  SI D E S 2 . 7 4 1 4 4 6 7 . 2 2 6 0 4 1 0 5 . 9 8 2 Y E A R 5 0 ‐200%3‐5YEAROR as needed ST R E E T El m  St  ‐   6t h  St  W ‐   In t e r s t a t e  94 Y E S B O T H  SI D E S 0 . 6 8 3 5 9 0 . 4 6 4 6 2 7 1 . 4 8 2 Y E A R 0% ST R E E T Fa l l o n  Av e  ‐   Sc h o o l  Bl v d  ‐   85 t h  St  NE N O B O T H  SI D E S 1 . 4 8 7 8 1 4 . 4 1 4 0 6 5 9 3 . 2 3 2 Y E A R 0% ST R E E T Fe n n i n g  Av e  ‐   Sc h o o l  Bv l d  ‐   85 t h  St  NE N O B O T H  SI D E S 1 . 5 2 8 0 2 5 . 6 1 4 4 4 6 1 3 . 3 2 2 Y E A R 0% ST R E E T Ha r t  Bl v d  ‐   Li b e r t y  Ba n k  ‐   Ct y  Rd  39  E N O E A S T  SI D E 0 . 1 5 7 9 2 1 4 2 5 6 0 . 3 3 2 Y E A R 0% ST R E E T Ha u g  Av e  ‐   95 t h  St  NE  ‐   Ci t y  Li m i t s N O B O T H  SI D E S 1 . 4 8 7 8 1 4 . 4 1 4 0 6 5 9 3 . 2 3 2 Y E A R 0% ST R E E T Ma r v i n  Rd  ‐   Ch e l s e a  Rd  W ‐   Sa n d b e r g  Rd N O B O T H  SI D E S 0 . 5 4 2 8 5 1 . 2 5 1 3 2 2 1 . 1 8 2 Y E A R 0% ST R E E T Ma r v i n  Rd  ‐   Hw y  25  ‐   Ch e l s e a  Rd  W Y E S B O T H  SI D E S 0 . 4 2 1 1 2 3 8 0 1 6 0 . 8 7 3 Y E A R 0% ST R E E T Mi n n e s o t a  St  ‐   7t h  St  W ‐   In t e r s t a t e  94 Y E S B O T H  SI D E S 0 . 2 6 1 3 7 2 . 8 2 4 7 1 0 0 . 5 7 2 Y E A R 0% ST R E E T Sc h o o l  Bl v d  ‐   De e g a n  Av e  ‐   Re d f o r d  Ln Y E S B O T H  SI D E S 1 . 0 8 5 7 0 2 . 4 1 0 2 6 4 3 2 . 3 6 3 Y E A R 0 ‐200%3‐5YEAROR as needed ST R E E T Sc h o o l  Bl v d  ‐   Ed m o n s o n  Av e  ‐   Ce d a r  St N O N O R T H  SI D E 0 . 3 8 4 0 1 2 . 8 7 2 2 3 0 1 . 1 6 2 Y E A R 5 0 ‐200%3‐5YEAROR as needed ST R E E T Sc h o o l  Bl v d  ‐   Ed m o n s o n  Av e  ‐   Co u n t r y  Ln N O B O T H  SI D E S 0 . 2 4 1 2 6 7 . 2 2 2 8 1 0 0 . 5 2 3 Y E A R 0 ‐200%3‐5YEAROR as needed ST R E E T Se r v i c e  Rd  ‐   36 9 8  Sc h o o l  Bl v d Y E S B O T H  SI D E S 0 . 3 1 5 8 4 2 8 5 1 2 0 . 6 5 3 Y E A R 0% ST R E E T Th o m a s  Pa r k  Dr i v e N O B O T H  SI D E S 0 . 8 6 4 5 4 0 . 8 8 1 7 3 4 1 . 8 8 0 Y E A R 0% ST R E E T Hi g h w a y  25  ‐   I 94  ‐   Kj e l l b e r g  Tr a i l e r  Pa r k NO B O T H  SI D E S 1 . 0 6 1 1 2 2 8 1 3 4 7 3 6 3 . 0 9 0 Y E A R 100%3YEAROR as needed ‐ MN/DOT will mow 2x/year PO N D 36 9 8  Sc h o o l  Bl v d  (F i b e r N e t  he a d  en d  bl d g ) Y E S 2 0 0 % 0 PO N D 90 t h  St  & Pa r k  Pl a c e  Dr NO EA S E M E N T 2 Y E A R 0 % 2 Y E A R PO N D Ca r l i s l e  Vi l l a g e Y E S 2 Y E A R 0 % 2 Y E A R PO N D Co u n t r y  Av e n u e N O EA S E M E N T 1 2 Y E A R 0 % 2 Y E A R PO N D De e g a n  Co u r t Y E S 3 1 Y E A R 0 % 1 Y E A R PO N D El k  Av e n u e N O EA S E M E N T 0. 5 2 Y E A R 0 % 2 Y E A R PO N D Ha y w a r d  Co u r t N O EA S E M E N T 3 2 Y E A R 0 % 2 Y E A R PO N D Mc K e n n a  Co u r t N O EA S E M E N T 2 2 Y E A R 0 % 2 Y E A R PO N D No r t h  of  Ha y w a r d  Co u r t N O EA S E M E N T 3 2 Y E A R 0 % 2 Y E A R PO N D Re d f o r d  La n e N O EA S E M E N T 2 2 Y E A R 0 % 2 Y E A R PO N D Sa v a n n a h  Av e n u e Y E S 5 2 Y E A R 0 % 2 Y E A R PO N D Sc h o o l  Bl v d  ‐   Fe n n i n g  Av e N O EA S E M E N T 0. 5 2 Y E A R 0 % 2 Y E A R PO N D Sc h o o l  Bl v d  (P o n d s  ac r o s s  fr o m  Hi g h  Sc h o o l ) N O EA S E M E N T 0. 5 2 Y E A R 0 % 2 Y E A R PO N D Su n s e t  Po n d s  (3 ) Y E S 2 Y E A R 0 % 2 Y E A R PA T H W A Y Ga t e w a t e r  Dr  ‐   Sp i r i t  Hi l l s  Rd N O 1. 5 3 Y E A R 0 % 3 Y E A R PA T H W A Y Oa k  Ri d g e  Ci r  ‐   Oa k v i e w  Ct N O 1 3 Y E A R 0 % 3 Y E A R 1/2 is City property PA T H W A Y Oa k v i e w  Ln  ‐   Me a d o w  Oa k  Pa r k N O 0. 5 3 Y E A R 0 % 3 Y E A R OU T L O T 7t h  St  W & Ct y  Rd  39  W Y E S 5A S  NE E D E D 0 % A S  NEEDED OU T L O T Ce d a r  St  ‐   Du n d a s  Rd Y E S 1 2 Y E A R 0 % 2 Y E A R OU T L O T Ch e l s e a  Rd  E (C i t y  An i m a l  Sh e l t e r  ‐   Wa t e r  Re s e r v i o r ) Y E S 5 1 Y E A R 0 % 1 Y E A R OU T L O T Ch e l s e a  Rd  W & 90 t h  St  NE Y E S 2 1 M O N T H 0 % 1 M O N T H OU T L O T Ci t y  Fa r m  ‐   Ct y  39  W Y E S 2A S  NE E D E D 0 % A S  NEEDED OU T L O T Ci t y  Fa r m  ‐   Ed m o n s o n  Av e Y E S 3 2 Y E A R 0 % 2 Y E A R OU T L O T De e g a n  Av e  ‐   Sc h o o l  Bl v d  (C i t y  Lo t ) Y E S 3 1 M O N T H 0 % 1 M O N T H OU T L O T Fa r m s t e a d  Av e  (u n d e r  po w e r  li n e s Y E S 2 2 Y E A R 0 % 2 Y E A R OU T L O T Fe a t h e r s t o n e  De v e l o p m e n t Y E S 1 2 Y E A R 0 % 2 Y E A R OU T L O T Hu n t e r s  Cr o s s i n g  De v e l o p m e n t Y E S 1 2 Y E A R 0 % 2 Y E A R OU T L O T Mi n n e s o t a  St  & 7t h  St  W Y E S 2 1 M O N T H 0 % 1 M O N T H OU T L O T Mi s s i s s i p p i  Dr  ‐   WW T P Y E S 0. 5 2 Y E A R 0 % 2 Y E A R OU T L O T Pr a i r i e  Ro a d Y E S 0. 2 5 2 Y E A R 0 % 2 Y E A R OU T L O T Pr e s c o t t  Av e  & We s t o n  Dr Y E S 1A S  NE E D E D 0 % A S  NEEDED OU T L O T Ri v e r  St  W   (C i t y  Co m p o s t  Fa c i l i t y ) Y E S 0. 2 5 2 Y E A R 0 % 2 Y E A R OU T L O T Ri v e r  St  W ‐   Ct y  75  W (X c e l  Ba l l  Fi e l d s ) Y E S 1 0 Y E A R 0 % 0 Y E A R OU T L O T Sc h o o l  Bl v d ,  36 9 2  (1  mi l  ga l l o n  wa t e r  to w e r ) Y E S 2 Y E A R 0 % 2 Y E A R DE A D E N D Bi s o n  Av e n u e Y E S 0. 2 5 2 Y E A R 0 % 2 Y E A R DE A D E N D Ca r l i s l e  Vi l l a g e  (3 ) Y E S 0. 2 5 2 Y E A R 0 % 2 Y E A R DE A D E N D Ce d a r  St r e e t  (W a l m a r t ) Y E S 0. 2 5 2 Y E A R 0 % 2 Y E A R DE A D E N D Co u n t r y  Av e n u e Y E S 0. 2 5 2 Y E A R 0 % 2 Y E A R DE A D E N D Ea s t  Oa k  Dr i v e Y E S 0. 2 5 2 Y E A R 0 % 2 Y E A R DE A D E N D Fa l l o n  Dr i v e Y E S 0. 2 5 2 Y E A R 0 % 2 Y E A R DE A D E N D Pa r k  Dr Y E S 0. 2 5 2 Y E A R 0 % 2 Y E A R DE A D E N D Pe l i c a n  La n e Y E S 0. 2 5 2 Y E A R 0 % 2 Y E A R CU L D E S A C 95 t h  Ci r c l e Y E S 0. 2 5 2 Y E A R 0 % 2 Y E A R CU L D E S A C Bi s o n  Co u r t Y E S 0. 2 5 0 Y E A R 0 % 0 Y E A R CU L D E S A C Oa kwo o d Dr i v e Y E S 0. 2 5 2 Y E A R 0 % 2 Y E A R 12 1 . 3 5 6% ST R E E T S  RI G H T  OF  WA Y  ‐   FL A I L  MO W I N G TO T A L  AC R E S  MO W E D 20 1 1  MO W I N G  MA N A G E M E N T  PO L I C Y TY P E  OF  AR E A P R O P E R T Y  AD D R E S S A C R E S  MO W E D T I M E S  MO W E D T I M E  FR A M E %  RE D U C T I O N T I M E S  MOWEDTIME FRAMECOMMENTS 1. 4T H  ST R E E T  PA R K PA R K 5 0 6  ‐   4t h  St r e e t  E 1 . 0 0 1 W E E K N O  CH A N G E 1 W E E K 2  STAGES ~ 1/WEEK & 3/MONTH 2. AN D E R S  WI L H E L M  PA R K PA R K 2. 8 7 1 M O N T H N O  CH A N G E 1 M O N T H 3. AN D E R S  WI L H E L M  PA R K  SO U T H PA R K 0. 4 6 1 M O N T H N O  CH A N G E 1 M O N T H 4. BA L B O U L  PA R K PA R K 1 3 4  He d m a n  La n e 1 . 3 7 2 M O N T H N O  CH A N G E 2 M O N T H B O U L E V A R D  NEAR SIGN 5. BA T T L E  RA P I D S  PA R K PA R K 6 6 9  Co u n t y  Ro a d  39  E 0 . 5 0 0 A S  NE E D E D N O  CH A N G E 0 A S  NEEDEDRESTORE TO NATIVE GRASS 6. CA R D I N A L  HI L L S  PA R K PA R K 5 1 2 7  Ma r t i n  Dr i v e 3 . 0 0 1 W E E K N O  CH A N G E 1 W E E K A S  NEEDED 7. CA R D I N A L  HI L L S  TO T  LO T PA R K 9 2 0 0  Mo c k i n g b i r d  Ln 0 . 8 0 3 M O N T H N O  CH A N G E 3 M O N T H 8. CO U N T R Y  CL U B  PA R K PA R K 2 4  1/ 2  Fa i r w a y  Dr i v e 1 . 7 8 1 W E E K N O  CH A N G E 1 W E E K 9. EA S T  BR I D G E  PA R K PA R K 1 1 9  Ri v e r  St r e e t  E 1 . 9 9 2 W E E K N O  CH A N G E 2 W E E K 10 . EL L I S O N  PA R K PA R K 8 1 1  Ri v e r  St r e e t  E 4 . 2 0 2 W E E K N O  CH A N G E 2 W E E K 11 . FA L L O N  PA R K PA R K 7 1 3  ‐   7t h  St r e e t  E 0 . 2 5 2 M O N T H N O  CH A N G E 2 M O N T H 12 . FR E E W A Y  FI E L D S PA R K 2 3 3 1  Me a d o w  Oa k  Av e n u e 5 . 5 0 2 W E E K N O  CH A N G E 2 W E E K 13 . GR O V E L A N D  PA R K PA R K 9 9 4 0  In n s b r o o k  Dr 5 . 2 0 1 W E E K N O  CH A N G E 1 W E E K 14 . HI L L C R E S T  PA R K PA R K 1 7 0 6  Ri v e r  St r e e t  W 2 . 0 0 2 W E E K N O  CH A N G E 2 W E E K B A L L F I E L D  ONLY ~ OUTER AREA 2/MONTH 15 . HU N T E R S  CR O S S I N G  PA R K PA R K 8 5 t h  St  NE 5 . 0 0 1 Y E A R N O  CH A N G E 1 Y E A R W I L L  BE DONE WITH FALL MOWING 16 . ME A D O W  OA K  PA R K PA R K 8 0 3  Me a d o w  Oa k  Dr 6 . 4 0 1 W E E K N O  CH A N G E 1 W E E K D O N E  IN 2 STAGES 17 . ME A D O W S  PA R K PA R K 3. 8 0 2 M O N T H N O  CH A N G E 2 M O N T H P A T H W A Y  AREAS ONLY 18 . OT T E R  CR E E K  PA R K PA R K 1 3 5 0  Br o a d w a y  W 2 . 0 0 1 W E E K N O  CH A N G E 1 W E E K 19 . PA R K S I D E  PA R K PA R K 2 7 0 0  Oa k  Ri d g e  Dr 0 . 5 0 2 M O N T H N O  CH A N G E 2 M O N T H 20 . PA R  WE S T  PA R K PA R K 2 2 0  Ke v i n  Lo n g l e y  Dr 4 . 1 7 1 W E E K N O  CH A N G E 1 W E E K 2  STAGES ~ MAIN PER WEEK / OTHER 2/MONTH 21 . PI O N E E R  PA R K PA R K 5 0 1 0  Fa l l o n  Av e 1 6 . 0 0 1 M O N T H N O  CH A N G E 1 M O N T H D O N E  IN 3 STAGES 22 . RI V E R  MI L L  PA R K PA R K 6 3 3 2  Ri v e r  Mi l l  Dr 7 . 0 0 1 W E E K N O  CH A N G E 1 W E E K D O N E  IN 2 STAGES 23 . RI V E R  WA L K  PA R K   PA R K F r o n t  St r e e t 0 . 3 0 2 W E E K N O  CH A N G E 2 W E E K 24 . RO L L I N G  WO O D S  PA R K PA R K 6 1 7 0  Ba k k e n  St 3 . 0 0 2 M O N T H N O  CH A N G E 2 M O N T H 25 . SUN S E T  PO N D S  PA R K PA R K 6 8 0 7  ‐   94 t h  St . 5 . 6 0 3 M O N T H N O  CH A N G E 3 M O N T H A R O U N D  PLAYGROUND 26 . SWA N  PA R K PA R K 1 2 1  Mi s s i s s i p p i  Dr i v e 0 . 5 0 1 W E E K N O  CH A N G E 1 W E E K 27 . WA T E R  TO W E R  PA R K PA R K S p i r i t  Dr i v e 2 . 0 0 1 W E E K N O  CH A N G E 1 W E E K 2  STAGES ~ 1/MONTH & 1/WEEK 28 . WE S T  BR I D G E  PA R K PA R K 1 0 7  Ri v e r  St r e e t  W 2 . 3 5 2 W E E K N O  CH A N G E 2 W E E K 29 . XCE L L  BA L L F I E L D S PA R K 2 1 7 1  Ri v e r  St r e e t  W 1 4 . 0 0 2 W E E K N O  CH A N G E 2 W E E K 2  STAGES ~ 2/ WEEK & 2/MONTH 30 . HI L L S I D E  CE M E T E R Y CE M E T E R Y 5. 0 0 2 M O N T H N O  CH A N G E 2 M O N T H L O W E R  MAINTENANCE AREA 31 . RI V E R S I D E  CE M E T E R Y CE M E T E R Y 19 . 7 8 N O  CH A N G E C O N T R A C T E D  SERVICE 32 . DE P U T Y  RE G I S T R A R CI T Y  PR O P E R T Y 1 1 9  Ea s t  3r d  St r e e t 0 . 2 5 1 W E E K N O  CH A N G E 1 W E E K 33 . WE L L  NO .  4 CI T Y  PR O P E R T Y 2 0 0  Du n d a s  Ro a d 2 . 0 0 2 M O N T H N O  CH A N G E 2 M O N T H 34 . CE D A R  ST R E E T  GA R D E N  LO T CI T Y  PR O P E R T Y 2 0 1  Ea s t  Br o a d w a y 0 . 5 0 A S  NE E D E D N O  CH A N G E A S  NEEDEDFRONT MOWED 1/WEEK ~ W/S DEPT 35 . RE S E R V O I R  / AN I M A L  SH E L T E R CI T Y  PR O P E R T Y 2 0 7  Ch e l s e a  Ro a d  Ea s t 7 . 0 0 1 W E E K N O  CH A N G E 1 W E E K F R O N T  ONLY BY PARKS ~  BACK HAS REDUCTION IN FLAIL MOWING 36 . CH E L S E A  RO A D  LI F T  ST A T I O N CI T Y  PR O P E R T Y 3 1 7 6  Ch e l s e a  Ro a d  We s t 0 . 2 5 2 M O N T H N O  CH A N G E 2 M O N T H K A R L S B U R G E R  FOODS 37 . RA M S E Y  ST R E E T  PR O P E R T Y CI T Y  PR O P E R T Y 4 0 5  Ra m s e y  St r e e t 2 . 0 0 1 W E E K N O  CH A N G E 1 W E E K 38 . WA T E R  TO W E R CI T Y  PR O P E R T Y 5 9 8 0  Ja s o n  Av e n u e 1 . 0 0 1 M O N T H N O  CH A N G E 1 M O N T H 39 . WI L D W O O D  RI D G E  BO O S T E R  ST A T I O N CI T Y  PR O P E R T Y 8 7 7 0  Ja s o n  Av e n u e 2 M O N T H N O  CH A N G E 2 M O N T H W I L D W O O D  RIDGE ~ W/S DEPT 40 . CH A M B E R  OF  CO M M E R C E CI T Y  PR O P E R T Y 2 0 5  Pi n e  St r e e t AS  NE E D E D N O  CH A N G E A S  NEEDEDWEED CONTROL & HEDGE TRIMMING 41 . CS A H  39  LI F T  ST A T I O N CI T Y  PR O P E R T Y 3 2 6  Ri v e r v i e w  Dr i v e 2 M O N T H N O  CH A N G E 2 M O N T H W / S  DEPT 42 . HO G L U N D  AD D I T I O N  ‐   LO T  14  / BL O C K  3 CI T Y  PR O P E R T Y H a r t  Bo u l e v a r d  ‐   Fr o n t a g e  Ro a d 0 . 2 8 1 W E E K N O  CH A N G E 1 W E E K 43 . HR A  PR O P E R T Y CI T Y  PR O P E R T Y B r o a d w a y  (B l o c k  52 ) AS  NE E D E D N O  CH A N G E A S  NEEDEDWEED CONTROL 44 . MA R V I N  RO A D  LI F T  ST A T I O N CI T Y  PR O P E R T Y 1 1 0  Ma r v i n  Ro a d 0 . 7 5 2 M O N T H N O  CH A N G E 2 M O N T H 45 . ME A D O W  OA K  LI F T  ST A T I O N CI T Y  PR O P E R T Y 8 0 0  Me a d o w  Oa k  Dr i v e 0 . 2 5 1 W E E K N O  CH A N G E 1 W E E K 46 . PU B L I C  WO R K S  DE P A R T M E N T CI T Y  PR O P E R T Y 9 0 1  & 90 9  Go l f  Co u r s e  Ro a d 4 . 6 3 2 M O N T H N O  CH A N G E 2 M O N T H 47 . WA T E R  DE P A R T M E N T  SH O P CI T Y  PR O P E R T Y G o l f  Co u r s e  Ro a d  (A c r o s s  fr o m  PW ) 2 . 5 2 2 M O N T H N O  CH A N G E 2 M O N T H 48 . CI T Y  LO T S CI T Y  PR O P E R T Y R i v e r  St r e e t  ‐   Lo c u s t  St r e e t  (L o t s  1 & 2,  Bl k  1)  So u t h  Ha l f 0 . 2 5 1 W E E K N O  CH A N G E 1 W E E K 49 . RO U N D A B O U T CI T Y  PR O P E R T Y C S A H  18 0 . 1 5 1 W E E K N O  CH A N G E 1 W E E K 50 . WE L L  NO .  4 CI T Y  PR O P E R T Y 2 0 0  Du n d a s  Ro a d 1 . 0 0 2 M O N T H N O  CH A N G E 2 M O N T H 51 . WW T P  (B r o a d w a y  Ex p o s u r e ) CI T Y  PR O P E R T Y 1 4 0 1  Ha r t  Bo u l e v a r d 1 . 4 0 3 M O N T H N O  CH A N G E 3 M O N T H P A R T  OF VEOLIA'S CONTRACT (W/ CAREFREE THRU 2011) 52 . WW T P  (I n s i d e  Co m p o u n d ) CI T Y  PR O P E R T Y 1 4 0 1  Ha r t  Bo u l e v a r d 4 . 0 0 1 M O N T H N O  CH A N G E 1 M O N T H P A R T  OF VEOLIA'S CONTRACT (W/ CAREFREE THRU 2011) 53 . CU L ‐DE ‐SA C CU L ‐DE ‐SA C E a s t w o o d  Ci r c l e 0 . 2 5 2 M O N T H N O  CH A N G E 2 M O N T H 54 . ME D I A N DI T C H C S A H  75  ‐   Mi d d l e  Sc h o o l  to  Fe n n i n g  Av e  (C S A H  18 ) 5 . 0 0 2 W E E K N O  CH A N G E 2 W E E K M E D I A N  AREA 55 . BO U L E V A R D DI T C H C S A H  75  ‐   Fe n n i n g  Av e n u e  to  Ho s p i t a l 2 . 0 0 1 M O N T H N O  CH A N G E 1 M O N T H 56 . BO U L E V A R D DI T C H C S A H  75  ‐   Fe n n i n g  Av e n u e  to  Me a d o w  Oa k 0 A S  NE E D E D N O  CH A N G E 0 A S  NEEDEDPATHWAY EDGE 57 . BO U L E V A R D DI T C H C S A H  75  ‐   Fe n n i n g  Av e n u e  to  Mi d d l e  Sc h o o l 2 . 0 0 1 M O N T H N O  CH A N G E 1 M O N T H W I L L  BE DONE WITH FLAIL MOWING 58 . BO U L E V A R D DI T C H R i v e r  St r e e t 0 . 5 0 A S  NE E D E D N O  CH A N G E A S  NEEDED 59 . CO M M U T E R  PA R K I N G  LO T PA R K I N G  LO T 9 2 5 0  De e g a n  Av e n u e 0 . 2 5 2 M O N T H N O  CH A N G E 2 M O N T H 60 . BL O C K  34  PA R K I N G  LO T PA R K I N G  LO T Z o o  & DM V 0 . 5 0 1 W E E K N O  CH A N G E 1 W E E K 61 . BL O C K  35  PA R K I N G  LO T PA R K I N G  LO T 3 r d  St r e e t  We s t  & Lo c u s t  St r e e t 0 . 5 0 1 W E E K N O  CH A N G E 1 W E E K 62 . BL O C K  52  PA R K I N G  LO T PA R K I N G  LO T D e a d  En d  of  Wa l n u t  St r e e t 0 . 2 5 1 W E E K N O  CH A N G E 1 W E E K 63 . PA T H W A Y S PA T H W A Y M i s c e l l a n e o u s  Pa t h w a y s 7 2 . 0 0 1 M O N T H N O  CH A N G E 1 M O N T H R E D U C E D  TO 3' EACH SIDE 64 . PA T H W A Y S PA T H W A Y P a r k s i d e  to  Me a d o w  Oa k s 4 . 3 6 1 M O N T H N O  CH A N G E 1 M O N T H R E D U C E D  TO 3' EACH SIDE 65 . CO M M U N I T Y  CE N T E R CI T Y  PR O P E R T Y 5 0 5  Wa l n u t  St r e e t 3 . 0 0 1 W E E K N O  CH A N G E 1 W E E K 66 . 3R D  ST R E E T  PA R K I N G  LO T PA R K I N G  LO T 3 r d  St r e e t  We s t  & Wa l n u t  St r e e t 0 . 2 5 1 M O N T H N O  CH A N G E 1 M O N T H 67 . 4T H  ST R E E T  HO U S E CI T Y  PR O P E R T Y 4 t h  St r e e t 0 . 5 0 1 W E E K N O  CH A N G E 1 W E E K 68 . SCH O O L  BO U L E V A R D DI T C H S c h o o l  Bo u l e v a r d 2 . 0 0 2 M O N T H N O  CH A N G E 2 M O N T H 69 . BA N K  LO T CI T Y  PR O P E R T Y B Y  WE L L S  FA R G O 0 . 5 0 1 M O N T H N O  CH A N G E 1 M O N T H 70 . FI B E R N E T  BU I L D I N G CI T Y  PR O P E R T Y 0. 5 0 2 M O N T H N O  CH A N G E 2 M O N T H 71 . BO W L I N G  AL L E Y CI T Y  PR O P E R T Y 2. 0 0 1 M O N T H N O  CH A N G E 1 M O N T H O R  AS NEEDED 72 . WI L L O W  LO T CI T Y  PR O P E R T Y W i l l o w  St r e e t 0 . 5 0 2 M O N T H N O  CH A N G E 2 M O N T H 73 . CO M P O S T  SI T E CI T Y  PR O P E R T Y R i v e r  St r e e t  We s t 0 . 1 5 1 M O N T H N O  CH A N G E 1 M O N T H 74 . GR O V E L A N D    ME D I A N S DI T C H 0. 1 5 1 M O N T H N O  CH A N G E 1 M O N T H 75 . FA R M S I T E   CI T Y  PR O P E R T Y E d m o n s o n  Av e n u e 2 . 0 0 1 M O N T H N O  CH A N G E 1 M O N T H 76 . BE S T  WE S T E R N  PA T H W A Y PA T H W A Y 0. 1 5 1 M O N T H N O  CH A N G E 1 M O N T H CI T Y  OF  MO N T I C E L L O CI T Y  PA R K  AN D  PR O P E R T Y  MO W I N G 20 1 0 2 0 1 1 PR O P E R T Y CU R R E N T MO W I N G  SC H E D U L E PROPOSED MOWING SCHEDULE F: \ A D M I N \ S p r e a d \ P A R K S  DE P T \ M O W I N G \ C I T Y  PA R K  AN D  PR O P E R T Y  MO W I N G  ‐   20 1 1 :    4/ 6 / 2 0 1 1 ‐ PAGE 1 OF 1 ‐ CI T Y  OF  MO N T I C E L L O MO W I N G  SC H E D U L E  ‐   20 1 0 (2 0 1 1  PR O P O S E D  SC H E D U L E  VS .  20 1 0  AC T U A L  MO W I N G ) PR O P E R T Y  AD D R E S S AC R E S   MO W E D TI M E S   MO W E D TI M E   FR A M E 192 0 2 1 2 4 2 5 2 6 2 7 2 8 1 2 3 4 7 8 9 1 0 1 1 1 4 1 5 1 6 1 7 1 8 2 1 2 2 2 3 2 4 2 5 2 8 2 9 3 0 1 2 6 7 8 9 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 1 6 1 9 2 0 2 1 2 2 2 3 2 6 2 7 2 8 2 9 3 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 0 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 6 1 7 1 8 1 9 2 0 2 3 2 4 2 5 2 6 2 7 3 0 3 1 23 PR O P E R T Y 20 1 1  PR O P O S E D MO W I N G  SC H E D U L E MA Y J U N E AUGUSTSEPTEMBERJULY AC T U A L  MOWING 1. 4T H  ST R E E T  PA R K 50 6  ‐   4t h  St r e e t  E 1.001W E E K X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 2. AN D E R S  WI L H E L M  PA R K 2. 8 7 1 M O N T H 3. AN D E R S  WI L H E L M  PA R K  SO U T H 0. 4 6 1 M O N T H 4. BA L B O U L  PA R K 13 4  He d m a n  La n e 1.372M O N T H X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 5. BA T T L E  RA P I D S  PA R K 66 9  Co u n t y  Ro a d  39  E 0.500AS X X X X X X X 6. CA R D I N A L  HI L L S  PA R K 51 2 7  Ma r t i n  Dr i v e 3. 0 0 1 W E E K X X X X X X X X X X 7. CA R D I N A L  HI L L S  TO T  LO T 92 0 0  Mo c k i n g b i r d  Ln 0.803M O N T H X X X X X X X X X X X X 8. CO U N T R Y  CL U B  PA R K 24  1/ 2  Fa i r w a y  Dr i v e 1.781WEE K X X X X X X X X X X X X X 9. EA S T  BR I D G E  PA R K 11 9  Ri v e r  St r e e t  E 1.99 2 W E E K X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 10 . EL L I S O N  PA R K 81 1  Ri v e r  St r e e t  E 4.20 2 W E E K X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 11 FA L L O N PA R K 71 3 ‐ 7t h St r e e t E 02 5 2 MO N T H X X X X X XXX 11 . FA L L O N  PA R K 71 3  ‐   7t h  St r e e t  E 0.25 2 MO N T H X X X X X XXX 12 . FR E E W A Y  FI E L D S 23 3 1  Me a d o w  Oa k  Av e n u e 5.50 2 W E E K X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 13 . GR O V E L A N D  PA R K 99 4 0  In n s b r o o k  Dr 5.201W E E K X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 14 . HI L L C R E S T  PA R K 17 0 6  Ri v e r  St r e e t  W 2.00 2 W E E K X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 15 . HU N T E R S  CR O S S I N G  PA R K 85 t h  St  NE 5. 0 0 1 Y E A R X 16 . ME A D O W  OA K  PA R K 80 3  Me a d o w  Oa k  Dr 6. 4 0 1 W E E K X X XXXXXXX 6. 6. 4 0 WK X X X X XXXXX 17 . ME A D O W S  PA R K 3. 8 0 2 M O N T H X X X X X X X X X 18 . OT T E R  CR E E K  PA R K 13 5 0  Br o a d w a y  W 2.001W E E K X X X X X X X X X X 19 . PA R K S I D E  PA R K 27 0 0  Oa k  Ri d g e  Dr 0. 5 0 2 M O N T H X X X X X X X X X X X X 20 . PA R  WE S T  PA R K 22 0  Ke v i n  Lo n g l e y  Dr 4.171W E E K X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 21 . PI O N E E R  PA R K 50 1 0  Fa l l o n  Av e 16.001 M O N T H X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 22 . RI V E R  MI L L  PA R K 63 3 2  Ri v e r  Mi l l  Dr 7.001W E E K X X X X X X X X X X X X X 23 . RI V E R  WA L K  PA R K   Fr o n t  St r e e t 0. 3 0 2 W E E K X X X X X X X X X X X X 24 . RO L L I N G  WO O D S  PA R K 61 7 0  Ba k k e n  St 3. 0 0 2 M O N T H X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 25 . SU N S E T  PO N D S  PA R K 68 0 7  ‐   94 t h  St . 5.603M O N T H X X X X X X X X X X X X X 26 . SW A N  PA R K 12 1  Mi s s i s s i p p i  Dr i v e 0.501W E E K X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 27 WA T E R TO W E R PA R K Sp i r i t Dr i v e 20 0 1 WE E K X X X X X X X XXXXXXXXXX 27 . WA T E R  TO W E R  PA R K Spirit  Drive 2.00 1 WE E K X X X X X X X XXXXXXXXXX 28 . WE S T  BR I D G E  PA R K 10 7  Ri v e r  St r e e t  W 2.35 2 W E E K X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 29 . XC E L L  BA L L F I E L D S 21 7 1  Ri v e r  St r e e t  W 14.0 0 2 W E E K X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 30 . HI L L S I D E  CE M E T E R Y 5. 0 0 2 M O N T H X X X X X X X X X X X 31 . RI V E R S I D E  CE M E T E R Y 19 . 7 8 X 32 . DE P U T Y  RE G I S T R A R 11 9  Ea s t  3r d  St r e e t 0. 2 5 1 W E E K XX X X X X X 32 . DE P U T Y  RE G I S T R A R 11 9  Ea s t  3r d  St r e e t 0. 2 5 1 WE E K X X XXXXX 33 . WE L L  NO .  4 20 0  Du n d a s  Ro a d 2. 0 0 2 M O N T H X X X X X X 34 . CE D A R  ST R E E T  GA R D E N  LO T 20 1  Ea s t  Br o a d w a y 0.50AS X X X X X X X 35 . RE S E R V O I R  / AN I M A L  SH E L T E R 20 7  Ch e l s e a  Ro a d  Ea s t 7.001W E E K X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 36 . CH E L S E A  RO A D  LI F T  ST A T I O N 31 7 6  Ch e l s e a  Ro a d  We s t 0.252M O N T H X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 37 . RA M S E Y  ST R E E T  PR O P E R T Y 40 5  Ra m s e y  St r e e t 2. 0 0 1 W E E K 38 . WA T E R  TO W E R 59 8 0  Ja s o n  Av e n u e 1. 0 0 1 M O N T H X X X X X X X X X X X X 39 . WI L D W O O D  RI D G E  BO O S T E R  ST A T I O N 87 7 0  Ja s o n  Av e n u e 2MONTHX X X X X X X X 40 . CH A M B E R  OF  CO M M E R C E 20 5  Pi n e  St r e e t AS 41 . CS A H  39  LI F T  ST A T I O N 32 6  Ri v e r v i e w  Dr i v e 2MONTH X X X X X X X X X X X 42 . HO G L U N D  AD D I T I O N  ‐   LO T  14  / BL O C K  3 Ha r t  Bo u l e v a r d  ‐   Fr o n t a g e  Ro a d 0. 2 8 1 W E E K X X X X 43 HR A PR O P E R T Y Br o a d w a y (B l o c k 52 ) AS X 43 . HR A  PR O P E R T Y Bro a dwa y  (B l oc k 52 ) AS X 44 . MA R V I N  RO A D  LI F T  ST A T I O N 11 0  Ma r v i n  Ro a d 0. 7 5 2 M O N T H X X X X X X X 45 . ME A D O W  OA K  LI F T  ST A T I O N 80 0  Me a d o w  Oa k  Dr i v e 0. 2 5 1 W E E K X 46 . PU B L I C  WO R K S  DE P A R T M E N T 90 1  & 90 9  Go l f  Co u r s e  Ro a d 4. 6 3 2 M O N T H X XX 47 . WA T E R  DE P A R T M E N T  SH O P Go l f  Co u r s e  Ro a d  (A c r o s s  fr o m  PW ) 2.522MON T H X X X X X X X X X X X X 48 . CI T Y  LO T S Ri v e r  St r e e t  ‐   Lo c u s t  St r e e t  (Lo t s  1 & 2, Bl k  1) So u t h  Ha l f 0. 2 5 1 W E E K X 48 . CI T Y  LO T S Ri v e r  St r e e t    Lo c u s t  St r e e t  (L o t s  1 & 2,  Bl k  1)  So u t h  Ha l f 0.25 1 WE E K X 49 . RO U N D A B O U T CS A H  18 0.15 1 W E E K X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 50 . WE L L  NO .  4 20 0  Du n d a s  Ro a d 1. 0 0 2 M O N T H XX X X X 51 . WW T P  (B r o a d w a y  Ex p o s u r e ) 14 0 1  Ha r t  Bo u l e v a r d 1. 4 0 3 M O N T H X X X 52 . WW T P  (I n s i d e  Co m p o u n d ) 14 0 1  Ha r t  Bo u l e v a r d 4. 0 0 1 M O N T H 53 . CU L ‐DE ‐SA C Ea s t w o o d  Ci r c l e 0. 2 5 2 M O N T H X X X X X X 54 . ME D I A N CS A H  75  ‐   Mi d d l e  Sc h o o l  to  Fe n n i n g  Av e  (C S A H  18 ) 5. 0 0 2 W E E K X X X X X X X X X X X X 55 . BO U L E V A R D CS A H  75  ‐   Fe n n i n g  Av e n u e  to  Ho s p i t a l 2. 0 0 1 M O N T H 56 . BO U L E V A R D CS A H  75  ‐   Fe n n i n g  Av e n u e  to  Me a d o w  Oa k 0A S 57 . BO U L E V A R D CS A H  75  ‐   Fe n n i n g  Av e n u e  to  Mi d d l e  Sc h o o l 2. 0 0 1 M O N T H X 58 . BO U L E V A R D Ri v e r  St r e e t 0. 5 0 A S X 59 CO M M U T E R PA R K I N G LO T 92 5 0 De e g a n Av e n u e 02 5 2 MO N T H X X X X X XXXX 59 . CO M M U T E R  PA R K I N G  LO T 92 5 0  Dee g a n  Ave n u e 0.25 2 MO N T H X X X X X XXXX 60 . BL O C K  34  PA R K I N G  LO T Zo o  & DM V 0.501W E E K X X X X X X X X X X X 61 . BL O C K  35  PA R K I N G  LO T 3r d  St r e e t  We s t  & Lo c u s t  St r e e t 0. 5 0 1 W E E K X 62 . BL O C K  52  PA R K I N G  LO T De a d  En d  of  Wa l n u t  St r e e t 0. 2 5 1 W E E K 63 . PA T H W A Y S Mi s c e l l a n e o u s  Pa t h w a y s 72.0 0 1 M O N T H X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 64 . PA T H W A Y S Pa r k s i d e  to  Me a d o w  Oa k s 4. 3 6 1 MO N T H X 64 . PA T H W A Y S Pa r k s i d e  to  Me a d o w  Oa k s 4.36 1 MO N T H X 65 . CO M M U N I T Y  CE N T E R 50 5  Wa l n u t  St r e e t 3.001W E E K X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 66 . 3R D  ST R E E T  PA R K I N G  LO T 3r d  St r e e t  We s t  & Wa l n u t  St r e e t 0. 2 5 1 M O N T H X X X X X X X X 67 . 4T H  ST R E E T  HO U S E 4t h  St r e e t 0. 5 0 1 W E E K X X X X X X X X X X X 68 . SC H O O L  BO U L E V A R D Sc h o o l  Bo u l e v a r d 2. 0 0 2 M O N T H XX X X X X X 69 . BA N K  LO T By  We l l s  Fa r g o 0. 5 0 1 M O N T H XX X 70 . FI B E R N E T  BU I L D I N G 0. 5 0 2 M O N T H X X X X X X X X X 71 . BO W L I N G  AL L E Y 2. 0 0 1 M O N T H XX X X X X 72 . WI L L O W  LO T Wi l l o w  St r e e t 0 . 5 0 2 M O N T H X 73 . CO M P O S T  SI T E Ri v e r  St r e e t  We s t 0 . 1 5 1 M O N T H X 74 . GR O V E L A N D    ME D I A N S 0. 1 5 1 M O N T H 75 FA R M S I T E Ed A 20 0 1 MO N T H 75 . FA R M S I T E   Edmo n s o n  Av e n u e 2 . 0 0 1 M O N T H 76 . BE S T  WE S T E R N  PA T H W A Y 0. 1 5 1 M O N T H F:\ADMIN\WORDPROC\MEETING MINUTES\MOWING MEETING ‐ 031711.DOCX  Page 1 of 2    MOWING MEETING  MARCH 17, 2011  8:00 AM ~ PUBLIC WORKS CONFERENCE ROOM  PRESENT:  BETH GREEN, TOM PAWELK, TOM MOORES, MATT THEISEN, BOB PASCHKE,   RON HACKENMUELLER, JEFF O’NEILL, DEB WARD  MOWING PLAN DISCUSSION:  1. Boulevard Mowing:    • Mowing by City Crews   o Change from 2 x/season to 5 x/season for high visibility areas  o Change to 3 x/season for low visibility areas  o Tom Moores to go thru the list and modify the boulevard mowing plan    • Mowing by Outside Services  o TH 25 Corridor, Guard Rails and Interchange ROW’s ~ have STS (sentence to  serve) crews weed whip 2 x/month    2. Thistle Problem:  • Scope the magnitude of that and how to tackle  • Pictures of various areas with severe thistle problems  • Must be cut and then sprayed   o Cut in before seeding  o Cut in morning  o Spray at least 4 hours prior to rain to soak into base of plant and avoid leeching  into ground water  • Parks Department will inspect all city for thistle and noxious weeks including public and  private property  • Make a report to City Council and request a budget for treating problem  • Send BNSF railroad a letter immediately about the problem  • Letters to go out to home owners in May describing how to treat the noxious weed  problems (to the affected properties), giving them enough time to treat prior to it going  to seed  • Thistle problem must be treated by the second week in June  • Parks Department to develop a strategy and put the plan together    3. Mowing Height:   • Parks and City Properties:  o Ordinance states grass no higher than 6”  o To maintain healthy turf it must be maintained at a certain height  o In the past turf was cut down to 2 ½” we now cut to 3”  F:\ADMIN\WORDPROC\MEETING MINUTES\MOWING MEETING ‐ 031711.DOCX  Page 2 of 2    o The investment the City put into the turf will decline if not maintained properly  o Possibility of a split crew to work on mowing schedule but use common sense  to pass on mowing if not needed  o Athletic fields should be maintained as they have been, City should be held to a  higher standard in the maintenance of athletic fields and premier parks  o Vacant city lots should be minimum maintenance  o Review maintenance of sites such as Bowling Alley and Hart Blvd near WWTP  o Flexibility of deployment of seasonal crew – over mowing park areas – crews  mowing when they didn’t need to was the perception.  Define when to and  when not to mow    4. Contract Mowing Proposal:  • Mowing quotes received in September for 2011 Contract  • Low quote was from Hellman Outdoor Services  • Present to City Council option to accept quote for Hellman Outdoor Services  • Possible additions to contract mowing to include City Hall, Community Center and DMV  o Jeff would like to see this consolidated  o Tom Pawelk will get quotes from Hellman Outdoor Services  o If agreed, this could be added as an addendum to the mowing contract once  approved    5.  Irrigation Systems:  • Complaints from public about irrigating medians when raining  • Issues with power outages throwing off the whole system  o Brief 30 second flash throws off system  o Power outages occur weekly  o Systems must be manually reset  • All irrigation systems are individually controlled  • No capabilities to remotely access all the systems  • Tom Pawelk to look into the cost of  being able to remotely access all systems  • Currently each supervisor handles the irrigation systems for their specific properties  that they maintain  • Agreed to consolidate irrigation system to be maintained solely by the Parks  Department  o Tom Pawelk will put two employees on this right away in the spring  o Will be 4 weeks of programming all sensors      Submitted by:                  Beth Green    Administrative Assistant  City of Monticello, Office of Public Works, 909 Golf Course Road, Monticello, MN 55362 Telephone: 763-295-3170 Fax: 763-271-3272 April 11, 2011 Re: Property Maintenance Dear Property Owner: You may be aware that the City of Monticello’s website offers a Help Desk for residents to ask questions and voice their concerns to City staff. This feature has proved to be an important communication tool between City officials, staff and the community. During the spring and summer months, the most common concern registered at the Help Desk is related to the length of grass and the presence of noxious weeds along our right of ways and on vacant properties. An increase in these concerns has become especially noticeable as lots remain vacant for longer periods of time and maintenance issues impact entire neighborhoods and the community at large. In particular, the presence of thistle has become a major problem for the City. The City has identified your property as a potential site for thistle and will require spraying for elimination of noxious weeds. In order to effectively eliminate thistle and other noxious weeds, properties must be cut and sprayed no later than May 30th, 2011. Mowing of boulevards and vacant properties within 100’ of buildings is required per code, as is spraying to eliminate noxious weeds. These efforts will help the community retain its character and greatly reduce the number of safety and blight received from residents. A copy of the City’s Public Nuisance code is attached for your reference. Please note that City staff has received direction from City Council members that strict enforcement of the ordinance is in place for 2011. The City will complete an inspection in early June for compliance with City Public Nuisance code and immediate enforcement action per code will be taken as necessary. Your continued effort to maintain your property in accordance with the City’s ordinances is greatly appreciated. Please feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns you may have in this regard. Sincerely, CITY OF MONTICELLO Bob Paschke Ron Hackenmueller Public Works Director Chief Building & Zoning Official 763-271-3271 763-271-3214 cc: Monticello City Council Jeff O’Neill, City Administrator Angela Schumann, Community Development Director CityCouncilAgenda:04/11/2011 1 10.Considerationofacceptingproposalsandawardingacontractforroofreplacement atthecontrolbuildingforthewaterreservoirlocatedat207ChelseaRoadEast (MT) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: CityCouncilisaskedtoconsideracceptingproposalsandawardingacontractforroof replacementatthecontrolbuildingforthewaterreservoirlocatedat207ChelseaRoad EasttoB&BSheetMetal&Roofing,Inc.ofBuffalo,MN.Fundsforthere-roofing projectwillcomeoutofthe2010Budgetwiththe5skylightdomereplacementcoming outoftheMay2008haildamageclaim.TheprojectwasoriginallyawardedtoHightech Roofing&SheetMetalofBigLakebackinSeptember27,2010;however,theyclosed theirbusinessinNovember2010. TheMonticelloreservoirandcontrolbuildingwasconstructedin1978.Thereservoir itselfisunderground.Itis90’longby60’wideand20’deep.Itholds760,000gallons ofwater.Thecontrolbuildingsitsrightontopinthesoutheastcornerofthereservoir. Itsdimensionsare51’longx37’wide.Thisbuildinghousesthemaincontrolsandalarm forthewholewatersystem,whichincludescontrolsforallfivewellsandbothwater towers.Italsohousesfour40HPboosterpumpsthatpump600GPMeachintothewater system. Thecurrentandoriginalroofisatwo4-plyasphaltbuilt-uproofonprecastconcrete.For thelastfewyears,theWaterDepartmenthasbeenchasingleaksontheroof.Theasphalt hasstartedtoblisterandwhenyouwalkonit,itbreakstheblistersanditleaks. Wepreparedspecificationsforinstallinga60milrubberroofsystemintherequested proposalsfortheroofreplacement.Atotalofthreeproposalswerereceivedwiththelow proposalfromB&BSheetMetal&Roofing,Inc.intheamountof$13,527forthere- roofand$3,050forthereplacementofthefiveskylightdomesforatotalof$16,577. Pleaseseetheattachedtabulationofallproposalsreceived. AllElements,Inc.provideduswithanalternativequoteof$10,491fora50milDura- Lastroofingmaterial,whichisareinforcedPVCmaterialwithweldedseams.This alternativewasnotpartofourspecifications.MattTheisen,WaterDepartment Supervisor,chosethetopthreerubbermembranecompaniesintheUnitedStates: Carlisle,FirestoneandVersico.Carlislewashisfirstchoice,sohehadallofthe contractorsproposeusingCarlisleRubber.AfterreceivingthealternativequotefromAll Elements,RoyalRoofingwascontactedandtheyalsohaveareinforcedPVCroofing material;B&BSheetMetal&Roofingdoesnotusethatkindofmaterialatthistime. The60milrubbermembranethatiscalledforinourspecificationsisthesamematerial thathasbeenusedonallofthecitywellhouses,DMV,storagegarage,andPublicWorks shopandoffice.Theseroofsareallover12yearsoldandthematerialhasheldup extremelywell.Mattbelievesthattherubbermembraneasspecifiedprovidesthebest durabilityandthusaffordsthebestbangforthebuck.However,hewouldbehappyto obtainnewquotesusingalternativeroofingmaterialsifsodesiredbyCouncil. CityCouncilAgenda:04/11/2011 2 A1.BudgetImpact:Thereis$12,000inthe2010budgetwiththebalanceneededto comefromthe2011Budget.Theskylightdomereplacementwillcomeoutofthe May2008haildamageclaimfromtheLeagueofMinnesotaCities. A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:Approximatelythreehoursofstafftimeforproject inspections. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.Motiontoaccepttheproposalsandawardtheroofreplacementcontractforthe MonticelloWaterReservoirlocatedat207ChelseaRoadEasttoB&BSheet Metal&Roofing,Inc.ofBuffalo,MNintheamountof$16,577. 2.Motiontodenycurrentproposalsandauthorizestafftoseekquotesusing alternativeroofingmaterials. 3.Motiontodenytheproposalsandnottoawardtheroofingreplacementprojectat thistime. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: CitystaffrecommendsAlternative#1toapprovetheroofreplacementofthewater reservoirwiththe60milrubberroofingmaterialasspecifiedandawardthecontractto B&BSheetMetal&Roofing,Inc. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: RoofReplacementSpecifications ReservoirRoofReplacementProposalTabulation ReservoirRoofReplacementProposals TOTAL  CONTRACTOR NAMECONTACTPHONE #WARRANTYPROPOSAL B & B SHEET METAL & ROOFING, INC.DAVID YOUNG763‐682‐423320 YEAR16,577.00$       21‐ CENTENNIAL DRIVEPROJECT MANAGER BUFFALO, MN  55313 ALL ELEMENTS INC.PAUL LEVISEE763‐438‐409020 YEAR (MEMBRANE)18,476.00$       1347 DUNDAS CIRCLEROOF CONSULTANT15 YEAR (LABOR & MATERIALS) MONTICELLO, MN  55362 ROYAL ROOFINGJEFF RICHARD763‐567‐922610 YEAR (SYSTEM)20,697.00$       7472 EDMONSON AVE NESALES MANAGER20 YEAR (MEMBRANE) MONTICELLO, MN  55362 CITY OF MONTICELLO PROPOSAL TABULATION MONTICELLO RESERVOIR RE‐ROOFING 207 CHELSEA ROAD EAST, MONTICELLO, MN  APRIL 2011 City CouncilAgenda:4/11/11 1 11.ConsiderationofappointingCouncilrepresentativestotheTransportationAdvisory Committee (BW) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: CouncilapprovedtheformationofaTransportationAdvisoryCommittee(TAC)on March14th.DuringthediscussionCouncilreviewedthecompositionoftheCommittee andheldoffmakingCouncilassignmentstotheTACpendingasuggestedmeetingtime bythenon-CouncilpreliminaryTACmembership. InaccordancewiththeCityCouncil’srequest,thePreliminaryTACCommitteemetto discussscheduleanddeterminedthatthereisaneedtomeetonceeverytwomonthson Thursdaymorningsat7:30am.Nodatehasbeensetyetforthefirstmeetingofthefull TAC.DependingonCouncil’sappointmentstonight,staffrequeststhattheCouncil representative(s)indicatetheiravailabilityforthefirstfullmeetingoftheTACmeeting tobeheldat7:30amonThursday,May26th,June2nd orJune9th.Staffwillthen schedulethemeetingaccordingly. Also,atthepreviousCityCouncilCouncilMeetingontopic,thecompositionofthe CommitteewasestablishedbyCouncilfollows: 2CityCouncilrepresentatives 1PlanningCommissionrepresentative 2IEDCrepresentatives(DonRobertsandLukeDahlheimer) 1EDArepresentative(BillTapper) 1residentat-largerepresentative TheTACandstaffrespectfullyrequeststhatCouncilconsideraddingonemore representativebyincludingRichHarrisasathirdmemberoftheIEDCtotheTAC. RichHarriswasamemberoftheoriginalBR&ETransportationtaskforceandhasa strongdesiretobeamemberoftheTAC.TheadditionofMr.HarristotheTACwould furtherstrengthentheTAC’spositionandabilitytoservetheCityduetoMr.Harris’ understandingoftheimportanceoftransportationinpromotingtheeconomicvitalityof theCity.IfCouncilapprovedtheappointmentofMr.HarristotheTACtherewouldbe eightmembers. OnTuesday,April5th,thePlanningCommissionappointedRodDragstenasthePlanning CommissionrepresentativetotheTAC. InregardstoCitystaffrepresentation,theCityEngineerwillbetheprimarystaffliaison withoneormoreCitystaffincludingtheCityAdministrator,CommunityDevelopment Director,and/orEconomicDevelopmentDirectoralsoattendingmeetingsasneeded. A1.BudgetImpact:Nobudgetimpactsareanticipatedasaresultoftherequested Councilaction. City CouncilAgenda:4/11/11 2 B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.Motiontoappoint____________and___________asCouncilrepresentativesand toaddRichHarrisasathirdIEDCrepresentativetotheTransportationAdvisory Committee. 2.Motiontoappoint__________and_____________asCouncilrepresentativestothe TransportationAdvisoryCommittee,withoutathirdIEDCrepresentative. 3.Motionofother. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: CitystaffrecommendsapprovingAlternative#1.However,ifCouncilwishestolimit IEDCrepresentationontheTACtotwoseats,thenstaffwouldrecommendAlternative #2asitisimperativethattheCityCouncilhaveadequaterepresentationontheTACdue tothesignificantimpactsthattransportationhasontheCityresidents,businessesand industry. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: None City CouncilAgenda:04/11/11 1 12.ConsiderationofapprovingadesignoptionforapedestriancrossingonWest7th StreetatWalnutStreet.(BW) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: TheintersectionofWest7th StreetandWalnutStreetconsistsoffourinterestingstreet legshavingvaryingwidths,trafficvolumes,anddesignatedpedestrianfacilities.As such,thisintersectioncanbeconfusingtobothdriversandpedestrianstryingtonavigate throughit.DriversareoftenobservedsittinginthefarrightlaneofWest7th Streetwhile waitingtoturnleftintotheCubFoodsparkinglot,therebydelayingvehicleswaitingto gostraightorturnrightontoWalnutStreet.Pedestriansarealsooftenuncertainofwhich wayvehiclesareturningduetoanoveralllackoflanedesignationsigningandstriping. Inordertoincreasethecapacityandsafetyatthisintersection,bothforvehiclesand pedestrians,CouncilauthorizedthepreparationoffinalPlansandSpecificationsforan improvementprojectatthisintersection.Improvementsareproposedtoconsistofthe additionofdedicatedleftturnlanesonbothlegsofWest7th Street,aswellasdedicated rightturnandthrough-leftturnlanesonthenorthlegofWalnutStreet.Thiswillallow driverstonavigatetheintersectionusingdesignatedlaneswhichwillminimizetheirlevel ofconfusionandtherebyreduceexistingdistractionsfordrivers,makingitsaferfor pedestrianstonavigatethisintersectionaswell. AttachedasFigure1isalayoutshowingtheproposedimprovementswhichincludes removingtheexistingcurbandgutterandsidewalksouthofWest7th Streetbetween WalnutStreetandthewestentrancetoCubFoods,andinstallingnewcurbandgutterand sidewalkabout8feetsouthoftheircurrentlocationtoallowfortheadditionofthe dedicatedleftturnlanesonWest7th Street. Newpedestrianfacilitiesarealsoproposedtobeconstructedwiththeprojectincluding newsidewalk,signing,stripingandADAcompliantpedestriancurbramps.Asidewalk connectionintothemiddleofCubFoodsparkinglotisproposedfromthesidewalksouth ofWest7th StreettoallowpedestrianssaferaccesstoCubandtheadjacentbusinesses. Currently,pedestrianswalkinthestreetonthesouthlegofWalnutStreettoaccessthis site.Staffisworkingwiththepropertyownertoidentifythepreferredlocationforthis connection,whichmayrequireapermanenteasement. Toenhancetheexistingpedestriancrosswalkon7th StreetwestofWalnutStreet,staff originallyproposedtoaddapedestrian-activatedcrosswalksignalsystemsincethetraffic volumesatthisintersectionarefairlyhigh.In2008,Mn/DOTrecordedaveragedaily traffic(ADT)volumesof5,500vehicleson7th StreetwestofWalnutStreet,and8,500 vehiclesbetweenWalnutStreetandTH25.Bycomparison,bothofthesevolumesare substantiallyhigherthanthe4,500ADTrecordedin2008onEast7th Streetinfrontof SaintHenry’schurchandtheADTeastofWalnut(8,500)is1,100vehicleshigherthan the7,400ADTrecordedonWestBroadwaybetweenElmandLocustStreetsin2008. Theestimatedcostoftheproposedpedestriancrosswalksignalsystemis$25,000. City CouncilAgenda:04/11/11 2 UponauthorizingthepreparationofPlansandSpecifications,Councilalsodirectedstaff toresearchalternativepedestriancrossingimprovements.Thisdirectionwasgivenin responsetothecostassociatedwiththeproposedpedestriancrosswalksignalsystem, whichCouncilfeltwastoohigh.AttachedisamemofromWSBandAssociatesthat discussesvariouspedestriancrosswalkimprovementsthatcouldbeimplementedwith thisprojecttoincreasesafetyforpedestrianscrossingWest7thStreet.Pertheirmemo, WSBrecommendsinstallingsolar-powered,pedestrianactivatedblinkingLED pedestriancrosswalksignsoneachendofthecrosswalk.Thisisalow-costimprovement thatwilldrawadriver’sattentiontothecrosswalkwhenapedestrianpushesthebutton, especiallyatnight. AswaspreviouslydiscussedwithCouncil,staffisnotproposingtoenhancetheexisting streetlightingwiththisprojectastherearefourexistingpedestrianlights,oneateach corneroftheintersection.However,staffisproposingtoinstallnewconduitbehindthe curbalongthenewsectionofcurbandguttersouthofWest7th Streetinanticipationof futurestreetlightingimprovements.And,ifpedestrianactivatedcrosswalksignalsor signsareinstalled,wewillneedtoinstallaconduitunder7th Streettoconnectthetwo signals. A1.BudgetImpact:ThebudgetimpactswilldependonwhichoptiontheCity Councilapproves.IfWSB’srecommendationisapprovedtheaddedcosttothe projectwillbeapproximately$4,500whenfactoringin10%construction contingencyand22%indirectcosts.Thesecostsshouldbestateaideligible,but anycostsnoteligibleforstateaidfundingcouldbepaidforthroughthestreet reconstructionfund. A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:Staffimpactswillbenegligibleforthisitem. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.Motiontoapprovedesignoption#3asrecommendedbyWSBandAssociatesin theirattachedmemoforincorporationintofinalPlansandSpecificationsforWest 7th Street&WalnutStreetIntersectionImprovements,tobeaddedtoCityProject No.11C001. 2.Motiontoapprovedesignoption#___aspresentedbyWSBandAssociatesin theirattachedmemoforincorporationintofinalPlansandSpecificationsforWest 7th Street&WalnutStreetIntersectionImprovements,tobeaddedtoCityProject No.11C001. 3.Motionofother. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: CitystaffrecommendsapprovingAlternative#1. City CouncilAgenda:04/11/11 3 D.SUPPORTINGDATA: WSBandAssociatesmemodatedApril6,2011 Figure1–ProposedImprovements Figure2–West7th Streetfrommid-blockpedestriancrossingtoTH25 City CouncilAgenda:04/11/11 1 13.ConsiderationofdesignoptionsforvehiclesaccessingeastboundCSAH75from WestRiverStreetinconjunctionwiththe2011StreetReconstruction,CityProject No.11C001 (BW) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: Duringthedevelopmentofthe2011StreetReconstructionprojecttheownerofElectro Industries,Mr.WilliamSeefeldt,questionedwhytheCitywasnotproposingtorealign theintersectionofWestRiverStreetandCSAH75toforma90-degreeintersection, similartotherealignmentthatwascompletedatPrairieRoadandCSAH75yearsback. AttachedisalettersubmittedtotheCitybyMr.Seefeldtinwhichheoutlineshis concernsindetail. DuringdiscussionswithMr.Seefeldt,hetoldstaffthathehaswitnessednumerousnear- missesatthisintersectionduetotheskewoftheintersection.Henotedthatmanyofthe nearmissesoccurredwhentruckstravelingsoutheastonCSAH75turnedrightonto westboundWestRiverStreetandswungintotheopposinglaneonWestRiverStreetdue totheacuteangleofthismovement.Mr.Seefeldtalsonotedthatdriversonthewestleg ofWestRiverStreetexitingontoCSAH75haveahardtimeseeingtrafficapproaching fromtheirleftduetotheacuteskewand,assuch,oftenalignthemselvesatanear90- degreeangletoCSAH75toseebetterbyusingpartoftheopposinglane. AswasdiscussedwithMr.Seefeldt,WrightCountyevaluatedthisintersectionduringthe designoftheirCSAH75reconstructionproject,whichincludedareviewoftheavailable crashdata,andtheydeterminedthattheskew,whilenotdesirable,wasnotenoughofan issuetowarrantthecostassociatedwithrealigningtheintersection.However,Wright Countydidindicatethattheywouldaccommodatetherealignmentduringtheirprojectif theCityweretopayforit. AswasalsodiscussedwithMr.Seefeldt,WrightCountywillbeaddingprotectedright andleftturnlanesonbothlegsofCSAH75atWestRiverStreet,whichwillincrease safetyatthisintersection.Inaddition,theCityisproposingtoincreasethesizeofthe radiusinthenorthwestquadrantofthisintersectionwithourproject,whichwillincrease safetybyallowingtruckstravelingsoutheastonCSAH75toturnrightontoWestRiver Streetwithoutencroachingintooncomingtraffic,whichwilladdressthefirstconcern notedbyMr.Seefeldt. TheCityCouncilauthorizedthepreparationofPlansandSpecificationsforthe2011 StreetReconstructiononFebruary28th.Sincethen,Citystaffhasreviewedthis intersectioninmoredetailwithWSBandAssociatesandithasbeendeterminedthat thereisamplepavementareatostripethewestlegofWestRiverStreettoalignvehicles ata90-degreeangletoCSAH75atthestopsign.Staffalsodiscussedthedesignoptions forthisintersectioninmoredetailwithWrightCountyand,basedonourdiscussions,the consensusisthattheintersectionshouldfunctionadequatelyasproposed,bothnowand wellintothefuture.WrightCountynotedthattheydonotforeseealargeincreaseinthe numberofusersofMontissippiParkinthefuture,andsinceWestRiverStreetterminates beforeI-94,thisstreetshouldnotgeneratelargeamountsoftrafficinthefutureeither. City CouncilAgenda:04/11/11 2 LettersfromWSBandAssociatesandtheWrightCountyHighwayDepartment discussingtheimprovementsproposedforthisintersectionareattachedassupporting data. WhenCouncilauthorizedthepreparationofplansandspecifications,theirmotionalso includeddirectiontostafftoreviewtheavailablealternativesforimprovingsightlines fordriversturningrightontoCSAH75.Areviewoftheavailableoptionswasconducted andonlyoneoptionwasfoundtobeviable.Thisoptionwouldbetoconstructafree rightturn-accelerationlaneaswasbrieflymentionedduringtheCityCouncilmeetingon February28th. SinceWrightCountyrequiresthatanyimprovementstoCSAH75beconstructedin accordancewithMn/DOTdesignstandards,thedesignwouldneedtoconformtoFigure 5-2.04CofMn/DOT’sRoadDesignManualwhichisattachedassupportingdata.While theconstructionofsuchanaccelerationlanewouldallowdriversturningrightfromWest RiverStreetontoeastboundCSAH75toturnwithoutstoppingandtoacceleratetothe postedspeedof45mphbeforemergingintotrafficonCSAH75,Citystaffwouldnot recommendthisimprovementforafewreasons. Firstoff,establishinganaccelerationlaneisnotneededtoassuresaferighthandturns ontoeastboundCSAH75.Secondly,theaccelerationlaneimprovementswouldextend about900-feetalongthesouthsideofCSAH75atacostinexcessof$40,000.Thirdly, theaccelerationlanewoulddestroyapartofMonticello’snaturalhistorythrough obliterationofaremainingstandoftheoriginalRiverTerracePrairieplantcommunity thatwaspresentinMonticelloatthetimeofsettlement.Itisthereforestaff’sopinion thatthecosttoconstructtheseimprovementsandassociatedimpactswouldfaroutweigh thebenefitthatwouldbederivedfromthem. Staffthereforerecommendsthatweproceedwiththeimprovementsoriginallyproposed whichincludeincreasingthesizeoftheradiusinthenorthwestquadrantofthe intersectionandstripingWestRiverStreetnearitsintersectionwithCSAH75toalign vehiclesatanear90-degreeangletoCSAH75. A1.BudgetImpact:BudgetimpactswillbedependentonCouncilaction.IfCouncil approvesthestaffrecommendationtherewouldbenoadditionalimpactstothe budget. A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:StaffimpactswillbeminimalifCouncilapprovesthe staffrecommendation. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.MotiontoproceedwithpreparationoffinalPlansandSpecificationsforWest RiverStreetasoriginallyproposedinconjunctionwiththe2011Street ReconstructionImprovements,CityProjectNo.11C001. City CouncilAgenda:04/11/11 3 2.Motionofother. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: CitystaffrecommendsapprovingAlternative#1forthereasonsnotedherein. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: LetterfromMr.SeefeldtdatedJanuary31,2011(2pgs) Memow/figurefromWSB&AssociatesdatedFebruary23,2011(3pgs) MemofromWrightCountyHighwayDepartmentdatedFebruary23,2011(3pgs) Figure5-2.04CfromMn/DOTRDM(ruralaccelerationlanedesign)