City Council Agenda Packet 06-25-2012AGENDA SPECIALWORKSHOP–MONTICELLOCITYCOUNCIL Monday,June25,2012–6:00p.m. MississippiRoom,MonticelloCommunityCenter Mayor:ClintHerbst CouncilMembers:LloydHilgart,TomPerrault,GlenPosusta,BrianStumpf 1.CalltoOrder 2.PurposeofWorkshop:Initialdiscussionof2013BudgetandCalendar 3.Workshop–2013BudgetProcessandconsiderations 4.Adjournment 3.BudgetWorkshop–Initialdiscussionandstaffdirectionfor2013Budgetand Calendar (TK) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND WiththeCity’s2011auditcompletedandintherearviewmirror, whichmeansit’s timetobeginthe2013budgetcycle.Attachedistheproposed2013 budgetschedule.Mostofthesedatescanbeadjusted preliminarylevytotheCountynolaterthanSeptember14 December28th,by StateStatute.Budgetworksheetshavebeendistributedtostaffas listedontheschedule. Thisyear,unlikepastbudgetprocesses,staffwou havingCityCouncilprovideapropertytaxlevytheywouldbecomfortablewithadopting eitherasafinallevyorproposedlevy.Thiscouldbeeitherasetnumberorpercentage increaseordecreasefromthe2012levy theCitylevies.Thefirstchartis The2012levyincreased2.25%fromthe2011levyandsince2006hasincreased 14.01%,howevertheCity’sdebtlevyfrom forroadimprovementsdecreasedfrom$500,000in2006to$25,000in2012. Thelevy,however,isonlyonepieceofthepuzzle.TheCity’spropertytaxlevyis dividedbytheCity’staxcapacitytodeterminetheC appliedtopropertyvaluestodeterminetheamountofprope thefollowingpage demonstratesthechangein CityCouncil Workshop 1 Initialdiscussionandstaffdirectionfor2013Budgetand REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: WiththeCity’s2011auditcompletedandintherearviewmirror,it’s timetobeginthe2013budgetcycle.Attachedistheproposed2013 Mostofthesedatescanbeadjusted,buttheCityhastocertif reliminarylevytotheCountynolaterthanSeptember14th andafinallevyn StateStatute.Budgetworksheetshavebeendistributedtostaffas Thisyear,unlikepastbudgetprocesses,staffwouldliketostartthebudgetprocessby havingCityCouncilprovideapropertytaxlevytheywouldbecomfortablewithadopting eitherasafinallevyorproposedlevy.Thiscouldbeeitherasetnumberorpercentage increaseordecreasefromthe2012levy.Toaidinthisprocessbelowissomehistoryon theCitylevies.Thefirstchartis thelevychangeoverthelast7 years. The2012levyincreased2.25%fromthe2011levyandsince2006hasincreased 14.01%,howevertheCity’sdebtlevyfrom 2006to2012increased57% forroadimprovementsdecreasedfrom$500,000in2006to$25,000in2012. isonlyonepieceofthepuzzle.TheCity’spropertytaxlevyis dividedbytheCity’staxcapacitytodeterminetheCitytaxrate.Itisthisratethatis appliedtopropertyvaluestodeterminetheamountofpropertytaxesowed.Thetableon demonstratesthechangein theCity’staxcapacity,taxlevy, Workshop Agenda:6/25/2012 Initialdiscussionandstaffdirectionfor2013Budgetand it’s timetolookahead, timetobeginthe2013budgetcycle.Attachedistheproposed2013 buttheCityhastocertifya andafinallevynolaterthan StateStatute.Budgetworksheetshavebeendistributedtostaffas ldliketostartthebudgetprocessby havingCityCouncilprovideapropertytaxlevytheywouldbecomfortablewithadopting eitherasafinallevyorproposedlevy.Thiscouldbeeitherasetnumberorpercentage .Toaidinthisprocessbelowissomehistoryon years. The2012levyincreased2.25%fromthe2011levyandsince2006hasincreased 2006to2012increased57%,whilethelevy forroadimprovementsdecreasedfrom$500,000in2006to$25,000in2012. isonlyonepieceofthepuzzle.TheCity’spropertytaxlevyis itytaxrate.Itisthisratethatis rtytaxesowed.Thetableon ty’staxcapacity,taxlevy,thetax CityCouncilWorkshopAgenda:6/25/2012 2 rate,populationandlevypercapita.Asyoucanseeoverthe15yearperiod,thelevyper capitahasonlyincreased$40from$575to$615. TheAuditorprovidedapositivereviewoftheCity’sfinancialpositionbutnotedthe importanceofaddressingtheFiberNetdebtissue.Ataboutthesametimeofhisreport, thedecisionwasmadetodirectdebtpaymentstobondholderstooccurfromthefunds heldbytheTrusteeviathedebtservicereserve.Therefore,thebudgetwillnotinclude fundingofdebtin2013.AnyCityFundsbudgetedinthefuture(2014orbeyond)for supportingdebtwouldneedtobedeterminedatsomepointinthefuturependingthe outcomeoftheGigabitSquaredstudyandassociateddiscussionsbetweenbondholder representativesandtheCity. Legislativechangesalsoaffectwhatpropertyownerspayinpropertytaxes.Lastyear, theeliminationoftheMarketValueHomesteadCreditandthecreationoftheMarket ValueExclusionresultedintheCity’staxcapacitydecreasingandshiftedpropertytaxes fromresidentialtonon-homesteadpropertiesincludingcommercial/industrialproperty. In2002,thecommercial/industrialclassratechangedwhichagaindecreasedtheCity’s taxcapacityandshiftedpropertytaxesfromcommercial/industrialpropertytoresidential properties.For2013propertytaxes,therearenolegislativechangeswhichwillaffect propertytaxes.Followingarethechangesinpropertytaxesonvariouspropertyvalues: TaxCapacityTaxCapacity Tax%Levy ValueRateLevyChangePopulationPerCapita 199814,413,59727.0013,883,0136,749575 199913,123,68135.1864,617,72518.92%7,079652 200013,066,05736.2724,739,3252.63%7,868602 200113,641,43137.1465,067,3426.92%8,397603 20029,606,21267.6456,498,07928.23%8,839735 200310,344,95065.5586,782,0184.37%9,776694 200411,141,05262.4526,957,9152.59%10,211681 200511,840,00058.7606,957,9150.00%10,662653 200613,224,14451.0406,750,000-2.99%11,136606 200715,257,99642.6016,500,000-3.70%11,253578 200816,190,59746.9427,600,00016.92%11,366669 200916,783,84346.1917,750,0001.97%11,476675 201016,691,26645.8227,648,272-1.31%11,501665 201116,429,43146.7297,677,309-0.94%12,759602 201215,771,68849.7737,850,0002.25%12,759615 CityCouncilWorkshopAgenda:6/25/2012 3 AfinalnoteontheCity’spropertytaxlevyisthatthelevyisbrokendownbetweenthe generaloperatinglevy,debtlevy,communitycenterlevyandstreetreconstructionlevyas shownbelow: Otheritemstoconsiderwhensettingthe2013propertytaxlevyinclude; 1.Citydebtlevyshouldincreaseto$1,265,000basedondebtpaymentschedules andfundsavailableindebtservicefunds. 2.TheCityhasnotfundedequipmentreplacement.Tofullyfundequipment replacementtheCityshouldbudget$473,425basedoncurrentequipment depreciationschedulesbutin2012theCityonlyfunded$33,200. RESIDENTIAL 20022003200420052006200720082009201020112012 MarketValueofHomeNetTaxNetTaxNetTaxNetTaxNetTaxNetTaxNetTaxNetTaxNetTaxNetTaxNetTax $135,000$913$885$843$793$689$575$634$624$619$631$547 $175,000$1,184$1,147$1,093$1,028$893$746$821$808$802$818$764 $200,000$1,353$1,311$1,249$1,175$1,021$852$939$924$916$935$900 $250,000$1,691$1,639$1,561$1,469$1,276$1,065$1,174$1,155$1,146$1,168$1,171 $275,000$1,860$1,803$1,717$1,616$1,404$1,172$1,291$1,270$1,260$1,285$1,307 $300,000$2,029$1,967$1,874$1,763$1,531$1,278$1,408$1,386$1,375$1,402$1,442 COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL MarketValueofFacility $100,000$1,015$983$937$881$766$639$704$693$687$701$747 $300,000$3,551$3,442$3,279$3,085$2,680$2,237$2,464$2,425$2,406$2,453$2,613 $500,000$6,257$6,064$5,777$5,435$4,721$3,941$4,342$4,273$4,239$4,322$4,604 $1,000,000$13,022$12,620$12,022$11,311$9,825$8,201$9,036$8,892$8,821$8,995$9,581 $2,000,000$26,551$25,732$24,512$23,063$20,033$16,721$18,425$18,130$17,985$18,341$19,536 SUMMARYOFCITYPROPERTYTAXLEVIES 2006200720082009201020112012 LevyLevyLevyLevyLevyLevyLevy GeneralFund3,925,8803,843,5555,728,9295,257,3795,272,0655,407,8725,456,248 Parks780,125805,54500000 Library36,66036,66038,00036,33219,32100 Transportation15,550000000 ShadeTree29,59020,00033,96537,29830,00000 OAA7,1006505,1850000 HRA/EDA*22,600000000 DebtService*523,60000835,5561,234,5331,144,4371,218,752 CapitalImprovRevolving0000000 CommunityCenter908,8951,246,5701,439,1501,296,6011,092,3531,100,0001,150,000 StreetReconstruction500,000547,020354,771286,834025,00025,000 TotalLevy$6,750,000$6,500,000$7,600,000$7,750,000$7,648,272$7,677,309$7,850,000 %Increase/Decrease0.00%-3.70%16.92%1.97%-1.31%0.38%2.25% CityCouncilWorkshopAgenda:6/25/2012 4 3.Thereisnoareascheduledforacorestreetreconstructionprojectfor2013butthe nextprojectareaiseastofHighway25betweenBroadwayand7th Streetsandis estimatedtocostover$3,000,000,whichisscheduledfor2014.Tofinancethe City’scostshareoftheproject,theamountleviedforstreetreconstructionshould beincreased.For2013,projectsincludethebeginningworkfortheFallon Avenueoverpassand7th Streetextension. 4.WWTPDebtFundDepletion–ThedebtontheWWTPispaidfromadebtlevy of$550,000and$450,000fromtheseweraccessfund,whichwillbeshort $240,000in2014tomakethispayment.Thusin2014,theCitywillneedto increasethedebtlevy$240,000orincreasesewerratestocovertheshortfall through2018whenthebondsarepaidoff. 5.TheCityhasbeenfallingbehindonitsroadmaintenance/sealcoatprojects.For 2012,theCitybudgeted$90,000. 6.TheCityhasnotleviedorfundedstormwatermaintenanceinthepast. 7.ThepasttwoyearstheCityhasuseditselectricfranchisefeetofundthecostof streetlights.For2012thisamountedto$195,000. 8.ThecontractwiththeWrightCountSheriff’sDepartmentincreasesthepatrolrate from$59.75/hourto$60.50/hour.TheCitycontractsfor19,035hours.Thisisan increaseof$14,420. 9.2013isnotanelectionyearfortheCity.Electionbudgetshoulddecreasearound $35,000for2013. 10.2013isthefinalyearofthe$75,000theCitypaysforitsshareoftheIceArena. 11.2015isthefinalyearoftheMCCdebt.Thisaccountsforaround$900,000ofthe MCCpropertytaxlevy. 12.LiquorStorefundsandoperations-Fundsarebeingexhausted. a.LiquorStorefundshaveprovided$250,000offundingofstreet reconstructionprojectseachyear. b.TheLiquorStoreFundwilllendfundstotheMCCforthenatatorium improvementsin2012.Abilitytobeginrepayingtheloanin2013will dependonbudgetandlevyincreaseforMCCin2013. c.DoestheCitywanttopursueasecondstoreontheeastendoftheCity? d.EvenwithutilizingexistingfundswithintheDebtServiceReservetopay bondholders,theCitywilllikelyneedtosupplementoperationalrevenue in2013.TheamountofthissubsidytobedeterminedshortlyviaGigabit Squaredstudy. 13.Staffinglevelsandwageincreases.Budgetworksheetssenttodepartmentheads includedthefollowingchangestostaffingandwages; a.Addafull-timeFireChief.Costisestimatedat$97,583withbenefits. b.Addafull-timeStreetMaintenanceWorker.Costisestimatedat$63,778 withbenefits. i.Decreasedseasonalhelp$10,500. c.Addafull-timeParkMaintenanceWorker.Costisestimatedat$63,778 withbenefits. i.Decreasedseasonalhelp$5,000. d.WagesincludedaCOLAincreaseof3%onJanuary1st.Costisestimated at$120,360withbenefits. CityCouncilWorkshopAgenda:6/25/2012 5 e.Wagesincludedstepincreases.Costisestimatedat$77,255withbenefits. ThehistoryofCOLAandstepincreasessince2008isasfollows; Year COLA Step 20091%Full 20100%Half 20110%None 20120%None 14.Health,Dental,Life,andLTDinsurancesincreased15%. Inordertofundalltheitemslistedaboveand,ifallotherexpenditureandrevenueline itemsremainedthesameasin2012,thelevywouldincreasefrom$7,850,000to $9,100,000.ThisistohelpstartdiscussiononwhattheCouncilwantstoaccomplish withthe2013budgetandtheircomfortlevelforalevyamount.Dependingonthelevy amount,someitemswouldbeeliminatedorreducedasdepartmentheadsstarttheir budgetprocess. Councilisrequestedtodiscusspropertytaxlevyoptionanddirectstaffonwhatthey wouldliketoaccomplishwiththe2013budget. B.SUPPORTINGDATA: 2013BudgetCalendar 2013BUDGETCALENDAR June7,20122013-2017CapitalEquipment/Projects(CIP)Worksheetsand BudgetWorksheetstoDepartmentHeads. June25,2012WorkshopwithCityCouncilandStafftoSet2012/13Goalsand Priorities. June,2012DepartmentHeadsMeetwithVariousAdvisoryBoardsand Commissionsforinputinto2013PreliminaryBudgetandCIP. July13,20122013-2017CIPandBudgetWorksheetsDuetoFinance Department July,2012DepartmentHeadsmeetwithCityAdministrator,andFinance StafftoDevelop2013PreliminaryBudgetandCIP. July23,2012CouncilWorkshoptoreviewdraftdepartmentbudgets. August13,2012CouncilWorkshoptoreviewvariousdepartments’goals,budgets, andCIP. MiddleofAugust,2012FinanceDepartmentDevelopRevenueEstimatesand2013 PreliminaryPropertyTaxLevy. August27,2012CouncilWorkshoptoreviewvariousdepartments’goals,budgets, andCIPcontinued. September10,2012BudgetWorkshopwithCityCouncilandStaff. September10,2012CityCouncilAdopts2013PreliminaryPropertyTaxLevy. September14,20122013PreliminaryPropertyTaxLevyCertifiedtoWrightCounty Auditor. October/November,2012DepartmentHeadsmeetwithCityAdministratorandFinanceStaff toDevelop2013ProposedBudgetandPropertyTaxLevy. October/November,2012BudgetWorkshopswithCityCouncilandStafftofinalize2013 BudgetandPropertyTaxLevy. December10,2012CityCouncilAdopts2013BudgetandPropertyTaxLevy. December28,2012CityCertifiesFinal2013PropertyTaxLevytoWrightCounty Auditor. January1,20132013FiscalYearBegins. AGENDA REGULARMEETING–MONTICELLOCITYCOUNCIL Monday,June25,2012–7p.m. MississippiRoom,MonticelloCommunityCenter Mayor:ClintHerbst CouncilMembers:LloydHilgart,TomPerrault,GlenPosusta,BrianStumpf 1.CalltoOrderandPledgeofAllegiance 2A.ApprovalofMinutes–June11,2012SpecialMeeting 2B.ApprovalofMinutes–June11,2012RegularMeeting 2C.ApprovalofMinutes–June18,2012SpecialMeeting 3.Considerationofaddingitemstotheagenda 4.Citizencommentsandpublicserviceannouncements a.CitizenComments: b.PublicServiceAnnouncements: 1)MovieinthePark(6/30) 2)MCCBlockParty(7/12) 3)Riverfest(7/12-15) 5.ConsentAgenda: A.ConsiderationofapprovingpaymentofbillsforJune25th B.ConsiderationofapprovingnewhiresanddeparturesforCitydepartments C.ConsiderationofadoptingResolution#2012-057acceptingcontributionfrom TomPerraultfortheGeneralFund D.ConsiderationofadoptingResolution#2012-058acceptingcontributionfrom CargillKitchenSolutionsforflowersforboulevardplantingonEastBroadway E.ConsiderationofappointingarepresentativetotheMonticelloLibraryBoardto fillavacancyforatermtoexpireon12/31/2015 F.Considerationofapprovinganapplicationfortemporaryon-saleliquorlicensefor theMonticelloVFWPost8731foraneventtobeheldintheirparkingloton August18,2012 SPECIALMEETING 6p.m.-2013BudgetWorkshop G.ConsiderationofadoptingResolution#2012-059approvingconveyanceofthree parcelsoftax-forfeitedlandtotheCity,formallyestablishingauthorizedpublic use H.ConsiderationofratifyingtheFiberNetTechnicianLaborAgreementbetweenthe CityofMonticelloandInternationalUnionofOperatingEngineersLocal49for theperiodofFebruary1,2012toJanuary31,2014 I.ConsiderationofacceptinglawsuitsettlementbetweenMotzkoCompaniesand CityofMonticello J.ConsiderationofcontractingwithTomKellytoprovidebudgetpreparation servicesfortheCityofMonticello K.ConsiderationofadoptingResolution#2012-060supportingtheeffortsofthe GreaterMinnesotaParks&TrailsCoalitiontoincreasefundingforGreaterMN Parks&Trails 6.Considerationofitemsremovedfromtheconsentagendafordiscussion 7.ConsiderationofadoptingResolution#2012-061acceptingbidsandawardingcontract for2012RuralRoadImprovements,CityProject12C001 8.ConsiderationofapprovingChangeOrder#1fortheMCCNatatoriumImprovements, CityProjectNo.11C006 9.ConsiderationofadjustingtheindividualpensioncontributionamountforVolunteer FirefighterReliefAssociationmembers 10.ConsiderationofapprovinganamendmenttoaConditionalUsePermit(CUP)toexpand astoragefacilityaccessorytoamanufacturedhomeparkintheM-H,Manufactured HomeParkzoningdistrict.Applicant:Kjellberg’sInc. 11.Considerationofall-waystopwarrantanalysisoptionsattheintersectionsofMapleand 4thStreet,Mapleand3rdStreet,ElmandWestRiverStreet,andLinnandWestRiver Street 12.Considerationofauthorizinginstallationofpedestriancrosswalkstripingon6thStreetat MapleStreet 13.ReviewproposedprocessforinterviewingandselectingnewFinanceDirector 14.Addeditems 15.Adjournment CityCouncilAgenda:06/25/12 1 5A.ConsiderationofapprovingpaymentofbillregistersforJune25th (TK) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: Citystaffsubmitstheattachedbillregistersandpurchasingcardregistersforapprovalby Council.Thebillregisterscontainallinvoicesprocessedandthepurchasingcard registerscontainallcardpurchasesmadesincethelastCouncilmeeting.SubjecttoMN Statutes,mostinvoicesrequireCouncilapprovalpriortoreleasingchecksforpayment. ThedayfollowingCouncilapproval,paymentswillbereleasedunlessdirected otherwise.AcreditpurchasingagreementandpolicywasapprovedbyCouncilinitially andcardpurchasesmustcomplywiththepolicy. IfCouncilhasnoquestionsorcommentsonthebillandpurchasecardregisters,thesecan beapprovedwiththeconsentagenda.Ifrequested,thisitemcanberemovedfrom consentanddiscussedpriortomakingamotionforapproval. A1.BudgetImpact:None A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:Noadditionalworkrequired B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.Motiontoapprovethebillandpurchasecardregistersforatotalamountof $531,001.78. 2.MotiontoapprovetheregisterswithchangesdirectedbyCouncil. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: CitystaffrecommendsAlternative#1or#2,perdirectionofCouncil. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: Billregisters PurchaseCardregisters User: Printed:06/20/2012 - 10:41AM Ann.Zimmerman Computer Check Proof List by Vendor Accounts Payable Batch:00203.06.2012 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Vendor:1001 2ND WIND EXERCISE EQUIPMENT INC Check Sequence: 1 ACH Enabled: True 21-034312 Treadmill incline motor repair & parts - diagnostic 423.76 06/26/2012 226-45122-440800 423.76Check Total: Vendor:2315 A AND E TELEVISION NETWORKS LLC Check Sequence: 2 ACH Enabled: False 8387264 A & E May 2012 753.23 06/26/2012 655-49860-430920 753.23Check Total: Vendor:2315 A AND E TELEVISION NETWORKS LLC Check Sequence: 3 ACH Enabled: False 8387168 A & E History May 2012 555.36 06/26/2012 655-49860-430920 555.36Check Total: Vendor:2315 A AND E TELEVISION NETWORKS LLC Check Sequence: 4 ACH Enabled: False 8387137 A & E History International May 2012 148.64 06/26/2012 655-49860-430920 148.64Check Total: Vendor:2315 A AND E TELEVISION NETWORKS LLC Check Sequence: 5 ACH Enabled: False 8387075 A & E En Espanol May 2012 25.00 06/26/2012 655-49860-430920 25.00Check Total: Vendor:2315 A AND E TELEVISION NETWORKS LLC Check Sequence: 6 ACH Enabled: False 8387100 A & E Military History May 2012 418.05 06/26/2012 655-49860-430920 418.05Check Total: Vendor:1835 A H HERMEL COMPANY Check Sequence: 7 ACH Enabled: False 303622 Ballfields - re-sale 128.57 06/26/2012 226-45203-425410 128.57Check Total: AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (06/20/2012 - 10:41 AM)Page 1 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Vendor:2139 ADVANCED FIRST AID INC Check Sequence: 8 ACH Enabled: False 0312-040 AED batteries; peds pads 542.82 06/26/2012 226-45122-421990 542.82Check Total: Vendor:1026 AMERICAN COMMUNITY NEWSPAPERS INC Check Sequence: 9 ACH Enabled: False 1111897 ZMCHLS - Ordinance 560 6/14 208.76 06/26/2012 101-41910-435100 208.76Check Total: Vendor:1028 AMERIPRIDE LINEN AND APPERAL SERVICES Check Sequence: 10 ACH Enabled: False 2200249323 54.27 06/26/2012 226-45122-441700 2200249323 52.49 06/26/2012 226-45122-431110 2200249323 11.74 06/26/2012 226-45122-441710 2200257014 21.01 06/26/2012 226-45122-441700 2200257014 54.75 06/26/2012 226-45122-431110 2200257014 12.25 06/26/2012 226-45122-441710 2210018005 -14.96 06/26/2012 226-45122-441700 191.55Check Total: Vendor:2945 GREG AND HEIDI ANDERSON Check Sequence: 11 ACH Enabled: False Refund FiberNet Monticello acct # 65143 83.56 06/26/2012 655-00000-115040 83.56Check Total: Vendor:2940 TODD ANTHONY Check Sequence: 12 ACH Enabled: False Refund FiberNet Monticello acct # 63477 128.29 06/26/2012 655-00000-115040 128.29Check Total: Vendor:1038 APPERTS FOOD SERVICE Check Sequence: 13 ACH Enabled: False 1751254 73.73 06/26/2012 226-45127-421460 1751254 re-sale 772.74 06/26/2012 226-45127-425410 1751255 Ballfields - re-sale 265.86 06/26/2012 226-45203-425410 1751263 5.25 06/26/2012 226-45122-433300 1751263 Friendship Island - cookies fruit bowls; cereal, nutri bars 144.60 06/26/2012 226-45127-421980 1754399 5.25 06/26/2012 226-45122-433300 1754399 re-sale 350.75 06/26/2012 226-45127-425410 1754400 Ballfields - re-sale 354.99 06/26/2012 226-45203-425410 1754401 Friendship Island - milk, juce 101.00 06/26/2012 226-45127-421980 2,074.17Check Total: AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (06/20/2012 - 10:41 AM)Page 2 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Vendor:2701 ARCHITECTURAL CONSORTIUM LLC Check Sequence: 14 ACH Enabled: False 11-1057-01 #3 ZEDTMS - 5/2 - 6/2/12 Downtown Hardware store 753.66 06/26/2012 213-46522-431990 753.66Check Total: Vendor:2950 TONY AND JUDY ASHLEY Check Sequence: 15 ACH Enabled: False Refund FiberNet Monticello acct # 68786 47.04 06/26/2012 655-00000-115040 47.04Check Total: Vendor:2319 AVAIL TVN CORPORATION Check Sequence: 16 ACH Enabled: False May-12 Avail-TVN VOD May 2012 1,193.29 06/26/2012 655-49860-430920 May-12 Avail-TVN PPV May 2012 4.98 06/26/2012 655-49860-430920 1,198.27Check Total: Vendor:1065 BELLBOY CORPORATION Check Sequence: 17 ACH Enabled: False 73801800 21.89 06/26/2012 609-49750-433300 73801800 1,720.71 06/26/2012 609-49750-425100 73908900 32.99 06/26/2012 609-49750-433300 73908900 2,455.86 06/26/2012 609-49750-425100 76830700CRD invoice paid twice 6/12/ & 6/13 -4.28 06/26/2012 609-49750-433300 76830700CRD invoice paid twice 6/12 & 6/13 -57.00 06/26/2012 609-49750-425400 86897500 2.30 06/26/2012 609-49750-433300 86897500 re-sale 62.63 06/26/2012 609-49750-425400 4,235.10Check Total: Vendor:1066 BERNATELLO'S PIZZA INC Check Sequence: 18 ACH Enabled: False 104291 (36) pizzas 180.00 06/26/2012 226-45127-421460 180.00Check Total: Vendor:1067 BERNICK'S Check Sequence: 19 ACH Enabled: False 174271 re-sale 57.20 06/26/2012 609-49750-425400 174272 817.00 06/26/2012 609-49750-425200 174276 19.20 06/26/2012 226-45127-421460 174276 re-sale 685.80 06/26/2012 226-45127-425410 176920 re-sale 55.60 06/26/2012 609-49750-425400 176920 re-sale 49.20 06/26/2012 609-49750-425500 176921 944.25 06/26/2012 609-49750-425200 176925 re-sale 637.00 06/26/2012 226-45127-425410 178740 re-sale 350.00 06/26/2012 226-45203-425410 8025CRD invoice #8025 pd twice 4/25/12 & 5/15/12 -40.32 06/26/2012 226-45203-425410 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (06/20/2012 - 10:41 AM)Page 3 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 3,574.93Check Total: Vendor:2221 BIG TEN NETWORK LLC Check Sequence: 20 ACH Enabled: False D12511 Big 10 May 2012 1,139.56 06/26/2012 655-49860-430920 D12511 Big 10 Bulks May 2012 187.50 06/26/2012 655-49860-430920 1,327.06Check Total: Vendor:2948 JERRY BLONIGEN Check Sequence: 21 ACH Enabled: False Refund FiberNet Monticello acct # 66941 32.83 06/26/2012 655-00000-115040 32.83Check Total: Vendor:2535 BORDER STATES ELECTRIC SUPPLY Check Sequence: 22 ACH Enabled: False 904108074 (4) assorted DRP SCAPC SST TNE 1,129.88 06/26/2012 656-49877-421800 1,129.88Check Total: Vendor:2961 BOUNDARY FENCE AND DESIGN LLC Check Sequence: 23 ACH Enabled: False 23 10C010 - (136) L.F. 4' galvanized chain link fence fabric; ect. 3,362.00 06/26/2012 400-43300-459010 3,362.00Check Total: Vendor:1080 BRAEMER MAILING SERVICE INC Check Sequence: 24 ACH Enabled: False 54081 UB delinquent notice print; fold; insert; ect. (1/2) 119.99 06/26/2012 601-49440-431990 54081 UB delinquent notice print; fold; insert; ect. (1/2) 119.99 06/26/2012 602-49490-431990 239.98Check Total: Vendor:2481 BRAVO COMPANY BANK OF AMERICA Check Sequence: 25 ACH Enabled: False 454357 Bravo May 2012 394.83 06/26/2012 655-49860-430920 394.83Check Total: Vendor:2047 BRIDGE WATER TELEPHONE COMPANY Check Sequence: 26 ACH Enabled: False 665FNMT-S-12165 Voice - interconnect fees 6/13-7/12/12 425.77 06/26/2012 655-49860-430910 425.77Check Total: Vendor:1791 BULLSEYE COLLECTION AGENCY INC Check Sequence: 27 ACH Enabled: False May 2012 Net due 25.81 06/26/2012 655-49870-431990 25.81Check Total: AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (06/20/2012 - 10:41 AM)Page 4 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Vendor:1091 CAMPBELL KNUTSON PA Check Sequence: 28 ACH Enabled: True 2348-000G118 General 862.50 06/26/2012 101-41610-430400 2348-000G118 General 224.00 06/26/2012 101-41910-430400 2348-000G118 General - NSP loan repayment 112.00 06/26/2012 214-46321-430400 2348-000G118 General 42.00 06/26/2012 655-49870-430400 2348-000G118 ZZJUNK - General 112.00 06/26/2012 101-41610-430400 2348-000G118 ZKJELL - General 112.00 06/26/2012 101-00000-220110 2348-001G66 Code enforcement 52.40 06/26/2012 101-42400-430400 2348-103G59 Fiber/Broadband project 3,318.00 06/26/2012 655-49870-430400 4,834.90Check Total: Vendor:2220 CBS SPORTS NETWORK Check Sequence: 29 ACH Enabled: False 053038 CBS College Sports May 2012 81.28 06/26/2012 655-49860-430920 81.28Check Total: Vendor:2213 CBS TV STATIONS Check Sequence: 30 ACH Enabled: False May-12 WCCO May 2012 887.40 06/26/2012 655-49860-430920 887.40Check Total: Vendor:1102 CENTERPOINT ENERGY Check Sequence: 31 ACH Enabled: False 5/29/12 8000014331-5 15.39 06/26/2012 217-41990-438300 5/29/12 8000014331-5 85.63 06/26/2012 101-42200-438300 5/29/12 8000014331-5 267.79 06/26/2012 101-43127-438300 5/29/12 8000014331-5 12.82 06/26/2012 101-45201-438300 5/30/12 MGFARM - 9429449-3 6.33 06/26/2012 213-46522-438300 5/30/12 MGFARM - 9429448-5 5.90 06/26/2012 213-46522-438300 5/31/12 5828859-8 12.82 06/26/2012 101-41940-438300 5/31/12 5788570-9 12.08 06/26/2012 609-49754-438300 5/31/12 5768542-2 91.42 06/26/2012 101-41940-438300 5/31/12 5768542-2 2,113.98 06/26/2012 226-45122-438300 5/31/12 8235331-9 17.72 06/26/2012 101-41941-438300 5/31/12 5768542-2 45.71 06/26/2012 101-42800-438300 5/31/12 8235333-5 17.54 06/26/2012 101-41941-438300 5/31/12 5768542-2 34.28 06/26/2012 101-45175-438300 6/11/12 MGFARM - 9429450-1 8.85 06/26/2012 213-46522-438300 6/8/12 5863599-6 13.31 06/26/2012 101-42700-438300 6/8/12 5804618-6 12.82 06/26/2012 101-45201-438300 2,774.39Check Total: Vendor:2654 CENTURYLINK Check Sequence: 32 ACH Enabled: False AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (06/20/2012 - 10:41 AM)Page 5 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference R72010610612153 Voice - 6/1-6/30/12 Intrastate access charges 600.00 06/26/2012 655-49860-430910 600.00Check Total: Vendor:2654 CENTURYLINK Check Sequence: 33 ACH Enabled: False L04003703712153 Voice - CABS 6/1-6/30/12 119.20 06/26/2012 655-49860-430910 119.20Check Total: Vendor:2654 CENTURYLINK Check Sequence: 34 ACH Enabled: False R97006006012153 Voice - Transport 6/1-6/30/12 122.85 06/26/2012 655-49860-430910 R97006006012153 Voice - Adjustment of special access charges 3/19/10 - 4/11/12 3,038.49 06/26/2012 655-49860-430910 R97006006012153 Voice - FED UNV SF surcharges 550.08 06/26/2012 655-49860-430910 3,711.42Check Total: Vendor:2487 CHILLER BANK OF AMERICA Check Sequence: 35 ACH Enabled: False 454359 Chiller May 2012 71.96 06/26/2012 655-49860-430920 71.96Check Total: Vendor:2960 CLEAR WATERS OUTFITTING CO Check Sequence: 36 ACH Enabled: False 508 6/17/12 river trip (7) canoes w/14 people 350.00 06/26/2012 226-45127-430130 350.00Check Total: Vendor:2482 CLOO Check Sequence: 37 ACH Enabled: False 454360 CLOO - Sleuth May 2012 71.96 06/26/2012 655-49860-430920 71.96Check Total: Vendor:2479 CNBC INC BANK OF AMERICA Check Sequence: 38 ACH Enabled: False 454361 CNBC May 2012 575.98 06/26/2012 655-49860-430920 454363 CNBC World May 2012 37.27 06/26/2012 655-49860-430920 613.25Check Total: Vendor:1129 DAHLHEIMER BEVERAGE LLC Check Sequence: 39 ACH Enabled: False 1004695 995.15 06/26/2012 609-49750-425200 1004695 re-sale 136.00 06/26/2012 609-49750-425400 1027818 5,347.35 06/26/2012 609-49750-425200 1027818 re-sale 74.00 06/26/2012 609-49750-425400 1027838 22,531.70 06/26/2012 609-49750-425200 1027838 re-sale 233.10 06/26/2012 609-49750-425400 1027862 1,488.55 06/26/2012 609-49750-425200 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (06/20/2012 - 10:41 AM)Page 6 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 1027862 re-sale 52.50 06/26/2012 609-49750-425400 1027899 28,613.80 06/26/2012 609-49750-425200 1027899 re-sale 84.00 06/26/2012 609-49750-425400 4946 21.50 06/26/2012 609-49750-425200 4967 416.20 06/26/2012 609-49750-425200 5018 332.00 06/26/2012 226-45203-425200 5026 24.50 06/26/2012 609-49750-425200 5184 272.00 06/26/2012 226-45203-425200 60,622.35Check Total: Vendor:2959 PAMELA DAVIS Check Sequence: 40 ACH Enabled: False 6/11/12 Cancelled wedding chapel & Miss room - did re-rent both 350.88 06/26/2012 226-45122-347030 6/11/12 Cancelled wedding chapel & Miss room - did re-rent both 350.88 06/26/2012 226-45122-347570 6/11/12 Cancelled wedding chapel & Miss room - did re-rent both 48.25 06/26/2012 226-00000-208100 750.01Check Total: Vendor:1134 DAY DISTRIBUTING COMPANY Check Sequence: 41 ACH Enabled: True 653672 1,820.65 06/26/2012 609-49750-425200 654718 1,831.93 06/26/2012 609-49750-425200 654718 re-sale 21.50 06/26/2012 609-49750-425400 3,674.08Check Total: Vendor:2195 BRETT DEMARAIS Check Sequence: 42 ACH Enabled: False 2/1-5/31/12 Intra-city mileage 2/1 - 5/31/12 413.48 06/26/2012 655-49870-433100 413.48Check Total: Vendor:1157 EHLERS AND ASSOCIATES INC Check Sequence: 43 ACH Enabled: False 344700 Podawiltz Housing Development 487.50 06/26/2012 213-46301-431990 487.50Check Total: Vendor:1167 EXTREME BEVERAGE LLC Check Sequence: 44 ACH Enabled: False 122-819 re-sale 315.00 06/26/2012 609-49750-425400 315.00Check Total: Vendor:1168 FAEGRE AND BENSON LLP Check Sequence: 45 ACH Enabled: False 21003342 Municipal Broadband Financing 10/4/11 - 5/30/12 services 20,788.00 06/26/2012 657-49870-431990 20,788.00Check Total: AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (06/20/2012 - 10:41 AM)Page 7 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Vendor:2273 FIBERNET MONTICELLO Check Sequence: 46 ACH Enabled: False 6/2/12 Cust #63322 139.90 06/26/2012 101-41920-432100 6/2/12 Cust #63322 765.39 06/26/2012 101-41940-432100 6/2/12 Cust #63721 419.87 06/26/2012 101-43000-432100 6/2/12 Cust #63721 69.95 06/26/2012 101-41920-432100 6/2/12 Cust #64192 220.75 06/26/2012 609-49754-432100 6/2/12 Cust #64514 91.27 06/26/2012 226-45203-432100 6/2/12 Cust #66989 231.51 06/26/2012 217-41990-432100 6/2/12 Cust #64515 556.46 06/26/2012 226-45122-432100 6/2/12 Cust #69280 29.95 06/26/2012 101-42700-432100 6/2/12 Cust #69631 300.59 06/26/2012 101-42200-432100 6/2/12 Cust #70471 117.96 06/26/2012 101-45201-432100 2,943.60Check Total: Vendor:2222 FOX SPORTS NET NORTH HD Check Sequence: 47 ACH Enabled: False D11160 Fox Sports North May 2012 4,992.28 06/26/2012 655-49860-430920 D11160 Fox Sports North Taverns May 2012 187.50 06/26/2012 655-49860-430920 5,179.78Check Total: Vendor:2462 FOX TELEVISION STATIONS INC Check Sequence: 48 ACH Enabled: False KMSP May-12 KMSP May 2012 1,252.80 06/26/2012 655-49860-430920 1,252.80Check Total: Vendor:2462 FOX TELEVISION STATIONS INC Check Sequence: 49 ACH Enabled: False WFTC May-12 WFTC May 2012 156.60 06/26/2012 655-49860-430920 156.60Check Total: Vendor:2274 FUEL Check Sequence: 50 ACH Enabled: False D13882 FUEL May 2012 61.68 06/26/2012 655-49860-430920 61.68Check Total: Vendor:2947 JASON AND MICHELE GERBER Check Sequence: 51 ACH Enabled: False Refund FiberNet Monticello acct # 66714 18.67 06/26/2012 655-00000-115040 18.67Check Total: Vendor:2882 GLUNZ CONSTRUCTION LLC Check Sequence: 52 ACH Enabled: False 013008 6/4/12 M. Pitt 400.00 06/26/2012 651-49010-431150 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (06/20/2012 - 10:41 AM)Page 8 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 400.00Check Total: Vendor:2257 THE GOLF CHANNEL Check Sequence: 53 ACH Enabled: False 454364 The Golf Channel HD May 2012 1.55 06/26/2012 655-49860-430920 454372 The Golf Channel May 2012 385.54 06/26/2012 655-49860-430920 387.09Check Total: Vendor:2302 GRAND PERE WINES INC Check Sequence: 54 ACH Enabled: False 28600 3.00 06/26/2012 609-49750-433300 28600 648.00 06/26/2012 609-49750-425300 651.00Check Total: Vendor:2027 MIKE GREEN Check Sequence: 55 ACH Enabled: False Refumd FiberNet Monticello acct # 63518 17.26 06/26/2012 655-00000-115040 17.26Check Total: Vendor:1219 RONALD G HACKENMUELLER Check Sequence: 56 ACH Enabled: False 6/8/12 ZZZNEP - 6/8/12 Hastings R.E.P. meeting-reimb mileage 77.70 06/26/2012 101-42500-433100 77.70Check Total: Vendor:2955 MARK HAWKINS Check Sequence: 57 ACH Enabled: False Refund FiberNet Monticello acct # 70422 5.72 06/26/2012 655-00000-115040 5.72Check Total: Vendor:1604 HEALTH PARTNERS Check Sequence: 58 ACH Enabled: False 40588405 7/1 - 7/31/12 Medical insurance 65,207.45 06/26/2012 101-00000-217060 40588405 7/1 - 7/31/12 Dental insurance 6,185.43 06/26/2012 101-00000-217062 71,392.88Check Total: Vendor:2305 HOME BOX OFFICE Check Sequence: 59 ACH Enabled: False May-12 HBO May 2012 726.84 06/26/2012 655-49860-430920 May-12 HBO Bulk May 2012 509.74 06/26/2012 655-49860-430920 May-12 HBO Cinemax May 2012 195.69 06/26/2012 655-49860-430920 1,432.27Check Total: Vendor:2214 HUBBARD BROADCASTING INC Check Sequence: 60 ACH Enabled: False KSTC May-12 KSTC May 2012 365.40 06/26/2012 655-49860-430920 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (06/20/2012 - 10:41 AM)Page 9 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 365.40Check Total: Vendor:2214 HUBBARD BROADCASTING INC Check Sequence: 61 ACH Enabled: False KSTP May-12 KSTP May 2012 365.40 06/26/2012 655-49860-430920 365.40Check Total: Vendor:2929 JACK BERKE SPORTS INC Check Sequence: 62 ACH Enabled: True Balance Balance - 7/14/12 Jack Morris 2 hour appearance 2,500.00 06/26/2012 609-49754-443990 2,500.00Check Total: Vendor:2871 JACK'S OIL DISTRIBUTING, INC Check Sequence: 63 ACH Enabled: True 38369 723 gal ethanol blended; 625 gal #2 fuel 4,405.26 06/26/2012 101-43120-421200 4,405.26Check Total: Vendor:1259 JJ TAYLOR DISTRUBTING Check Sequence: 64 ACH Enabled: False 1785521 3.00 06/26/2012 609-49750-433300 1785521 1,103.75 06/26/2012 609-49750-425200 1,106.75Check Total: Vendor:1263 JOHNSON BROS WHOLESALE LIQUOR Check Sequence: 65 ACH Enabled: False 1312495 41.34 06/26/2012 609-49750-433300 1312495 3,797.30 06/26/2012 609-49750-425100 1312496 51.43 06/26/2012 609-49750-433300 1312496 1,451.05 06/26/2012 609-49750-425300 1312496 re-sale 92.25 06/26/2012 609-49750-425400 1312497 167.92 06/26/2012 609-49750-425200 1315166 29.19 06/26/2012 609-49750-433300 1315166 802.90 06/26/2012 609-49750-425300 1317019 94.52 06/26/2012 609-49750-433300 1317019 5,394.30 06/26/2012 609-49750-425100 1317763 42.85 06/26/2012 609-49750-433300 1317763 3,146.79 06/26/2012 609-49750-425100 1317764 77.37 06/26/2012 609-49750-433300 1317764 2,945.45 06/26/2012 609-49750-425300 1317764 re-sale 145.38 06/26/2012 609-49750-425400 1317765 260.95 06/26/2012 609-49750-425200 1320525 6.95 06/26/2012 609-49750-433300 1320525 595.00 06/26/2012 609-49750-425100 1320526 22.24 06/26/2012 609-49750-433300 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (06/20/2012 - 10:41 AM)Page 10 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 1320526 600.70 06/26/2012 609-49750-425300 536659 -1.39 06/26/2012 609-49750-433300 536659 -41.60 06/26/2012 609-49750-425300 19,722.89Check Total: Vendor:2251 KARE GANNETT CO INC Check Sequence: 66 ACH Enabled: False 174-1017 KARE May 2012 939.60 06/26/2012 655-49860-430920 939.60Check Total: Vendor:2943 SHELLY KITZMAN Check Sequence: 67 ACH Enabled: False Refund FiberNet Monticello acct # 64652 15.55 06/26/2012 655-00000-115040 15.55Check Total: Vendor:2159 NATHAN PHILLIP KROHN Check Sequence: 68 ACH Enabled: True 06/07/12 UFC classes 2/12/12 thru 6/5/12 422.50 06/26/2012 226-45127-430120 422.50Check Total: Vendor:1631 LANO EQUIPMENT INC Check Sequence: 69 ACH Enabled: False 212366 #215 bobcat - (1) rear mirror 112.37 06/26/2012 101-45201-422100 112.37Check Total: Vendor:2962 CRYSTAL LEE Check Sequence: 70 ACH Enabled: False 6/15/12 refund - pool shut down for dirty pool 11.23 06/26/2012 226-45122-347910 6/15/12 refund - pool shut down for dirty pool 0.77 06/26/2012 226-00000-208100 12.00Check Total: Vendor:2166 LIFETIME ENTERTAINMENT SERVICES LLC Check Sequence: 71 ACH Enabled: False 8387553 A & E Lifetime Network May 2012 557.40 06/26/2012 655-49860-430920 557.40Check Total: Vendor:2166 LIFETIME ENTERTAINMENT SERVICES LLC Check Sequence: 72 ACH Enabled: False 8388444 A & E Lifetime Movie Network May 2012 260.12 06/26/2012 655-49860-430920 260.12Check Total: Vendor:2166 LIFETIME ENTERTAINMENT SERVICES LLC Check Sequence: 73 ACH Enabled: False 8389054 A & E Lifetime Real Women May 2012 43.69 06/26/2012 655-49860-430920 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (06/20/2012 - 10:41 AM)Page 11 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 43.69Check Total: Vendor:1303 M AMUNDSON LLP Check Sequence: 74 ACH Enabled: True 132812 re-sale 270.80 06/26/2012 609-49750-425400 132812 re-sale 414.49 06/26/2012 609-49750-425500 685.29Check Total: Vendor:1386 M-R SIGN CO INC Check Sequence: 75 ACH Enabled: True 172021 utx - (1) 500/bx white seal mrkers; (1) 500/bx yellw seal mrkers 623.35 06/26/2012 101-43120-422600 623.35Check Total: Vendor:1308 MARCO INC Check Sequence: 76 ACH Enabled: False 205517014 6/10 - 7/10/12 5,415.51 06/26/2012 101-41940-431900 5,415.51Check Total: Vendor:2265 MCCOMB GROUP LTD Check Sequence: 77 ACH Enabled: True 4022 ZEDTMS - Ace Hardware professional services 1,993.75 06/26/2012 213-46522-431990 4023 ZEDTMS - Block 34 expenses 53.97 06/26/2012 213-46522-431990 4023 ZEDTMS - Block 34 professional services 5,925.00 06/26/2012 213-46522-431990 4024 ZEDTMS - Wolff Property professional services 3,681.25 06/26/2012 213-46522-431990 4024 ZEDTMS - Wolff Property expenses 97.59 06/26/2012 213-46522-431990 11,751.56Check Total: Vendor:2452 ANGIE MCINTIRE Check Sequence: 78 ACH Enabled: True 6/9-6/13/12 Chicago GFOA - reimb mileage; parking 284.23 06/26/2012 101-41520-433100 284.23Check Total: Vendor:1318 JONATHAN CALEB MELLBERG Check Sequence: 79 ACH Enabled: True 06/05/12 Planning meeting recording 6/5/12 80.00 06/26/2012 101-41910-431990 6/11/12 City Council meeting recording 6/11/12 80.00 06/26/2012 101-41110-431990 160.00Check Total: Vendor:2215 METRO GOLDWYN MAYER INC Check Sequence: 80 ACH Enabled: False May-12 MGM HD May 2012 8.47 06/26/2012 655-49860-430920 8.47Check Total: Vendor:1920 MFRA - MCCOMBS FRANK ROOS ASSOC INC Check Sequence: 81 ACH Enabled: True AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (06/20/2012 - 10:41 AM)Page 12 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 70670 Services thru 5/31/12 - Zoning Ordinance Amendments; Amend Text 106.00 06/26/2012 101-41910-431990 106.00Check Total: Vendor:1330 CITY OF MINNEAPOLIS Check Sequence: 82 ACH Enabled: False 400413003028 (285) transactions - May 2012 171.00 06/26/2012 101-42100-431990 171.00Check Total: Vendor:1335 MINNESOTA STATE FIRE MARSHALL Check Sequence: 83 ACH Enabled: False 4/17-4/18/12 2012 Fire Marshal Conference registration - Marc Simpson 80.00 06/26/2012 101-42200-433200 80.00Check Total: Vendor:1341 MMKR Check Sequence: 84 ACH Enabled: False 31507 Final billing (additional portion coded to 655) 12,227.00 06/26/2012 101-41540-430100 31507 Final billing - 2011 - additional procedures 1,725.00 06/26/2012 655-49870-430100 13,952.00Check Total: Vendor:1343 MN DEPT OF COMMERCE Check Sequence: 85 ACH Enabled: False 1000017550 #6726 Indirect Assessment (phone) 1st Qtr FY 2013 99.18 06/26/2012 655-49870-443700 99.18Check Total: Vendor:1939 MN SPORTS FEDERATION-MN ASA SOFTBALL Check Sequence: 86 ACH Enabled: False 6/11/12 (3) dz 12" softballs 128.22 06/26/2012 226-45203-425410 128.22Check Total: Vendor:2958 MONTGOMERY FARMS LLC Check Sequence: 87 ACH Enabled: False Refund MGFARM - May prorated rent for Bait/Bike shop 451.61 06/26/2012 213-46522-347110 451.61Check Total: Vendor:1369 MONTICELLO CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Check Sequence: 88 ACH Enabled: False 4674a Chamber lunch - Effective Trade Show Tech 5/15/12 - M.B.L. 12.00 06/26/2012 101-46500-433200 4675a Chamber Lunch 5/15/12 - Effective Trade Show Techniques - K.B. 12.00 06/26/2012 226-45122-433200 4691a Kiosk rental 15.00 06/26/2012 226-45127-434990 4693a Purchase of left over buns from Walk n Roll 100.00 06/26/2012 226-45203-425410 139.00Check Total: Vendor:1369 MONTICELLO CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Check Sequence: 89 ACH Enabled: False Xcel pass thru Xcel Energy ck for Downtown Leadership Group receipt 54738 2,500.00 06/26/2012 101-00000-362900 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (06/20/2012 - 10:41 AM)Page 13 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 2,500.00Check Total: Vendor:1376 MONTICELLO PUBLIC LIBRARY Check Sequence: 90 ACH Enabled: True 5/1-5/31/12 Program supplies 50.18 06/26/2012 211-45501-421990 5/1-5/31/12 utx - Program supplies 60.50 06/26/2012 211-45501-421990 5/1-5/31/12 Program services 70.00 06/26/2012 211-45501-431990 5/1-5/31/12 Bank service charge 5.00 06/26/2012 211-45501-431990 185.68Check Total: Vendor:1377 MONTICELLO SENIOR CENTER Check Sequence: 91 ACH Enabled: True June 2012 Monthly appropriation 4,208.33 06/26/2012 101-45175-444310 4,208.33Check Total: Vendor:1379 MONTICELLO UMPIRES ASSOCIATION Check Sequence: 92 ACH Enabled: True 6/18/12 (145) games Monday & Tuesday night men's league - umpires 3,878.75 06/26/2012 226-45127-430160 3,878.75Check Total: Vendor:1821 MOOSE SHERRITT ICE ARENA Check Sequence: 93 ACH Enabled: False 6/19/12 2012 Revenue split on Men's Hockey League 3,224.38 06/26/2012 226-45122-431990 3,224.38Check Total: Vendor:2112 MPELRA Check Sequence: 94 ACH Enabled: False 8/15 - 8/17/12 Summer Conference 8/15 - 8/17/12 Tracy Ergen 325.00 06/26/2012 101-41800-433200 325.00Check Total: Vendor:2478 MSNBC INC BANK OF AMERICA Check Sequence: 95 ACH Enabled: False 454365 MSNBC May 2012 478.44 06/26/2012 655-49860-430920 478.44Check Total: Vendor:2334 MTV NETWORKS Check Sequence: 96 ACH Enabled: False May-12 MTV May 2012 980.10 06/26/2012 655-49860-430920 May-12 MTV CMT May 2012 280.28 06/26/2012 655-49860-430920 May-12 MTV Comedy Central-CMC May 2012 404.12 06/26/2012 655-49860-430920 May-12 MTV MTV Hits May 2012 84.73 06/26/2012 655-49860-430920 May-12 MTV MTV2-MT2 May 2012 37.55 06/26/2012 655-49860-430920 May-12 MTV Nick Jr May 2012 40.01 06/26/2012 655-49860-430920 May-12 MTV Nickelodeon May 2012 1,400.00 06/26/2012 655-49860-430920 May-12 MTV Nicktoon - NTO May 2012 84.73 06/26/2012 655-49860-430920 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (06/20/2012 - 10:41 AM)Page 14 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference May-12 MTV Spike May 2012 836.47 06/26/2012 655-49860-430920 May-12 MTV TeenNick May 2012 84.73 06/26/2012 655-49860-430920 May-12 MTV TV Land May 2012 351.16 06/26/2012 655-49860-430920 May-12 MTV VH1 May 2012 420.00 06/26/2012 655-49860-430920 May-12 MTV VH1 Classic Rock May 2012 84.73 06/26/2012 655-49860-430920 5,088.61Check Total: Vendor:2485 MUN2 INC Check Sequence: 97 ACH Enabled: False 454366 MUN2 May 2012 43.69 06/26/2012 655-49860-430920 454366 MUN2 Hispanic Tier May 2012 0.50 06/26/2012 655-49860-430920 44.19Check Total: Vendor:2942 KARLA MURRAY Check Sequence: 98 ACH Enabled: False Refund FiberNet Monticello acct # 64350 16.73 06/26/2012 655-00000-115040 16.73Check Total: Vendor:2218 MUSIC CHOICE Check Sequence: 99 ACH Enabled: False May-12 Music Choice May 2012 141.60 06/26/2012 655-49860-430920 141.60Check Total: Vendor:2275 NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC WILD Check Sequence: 100 ACH Enabled: False D14631 National Geographic Wild May 2012 50.00 06/26/2012 655-49860-430920 50.00Check Total: Vendor:2072 NATIONAL TELCO TELEVISION CONSORTIUM Check Sequence: 101 ACH Enabled: False 819 NTTC - May 2012 21,850.40 06/26/2012 655-49860-430920 21,850.40Check Total: Vendor:2486 NBC INC CABLE SATELLITE OLYMPICS BANK OF AMERICA Check Sequence: 102 ACH Enabled: False 456355 CNBC & MSNBC Olympics May 2012 139.36 06/26/2012 655-49860-430920 139.36Check Total: Vendor:2256 NBC SPORTS NETWORK Check Sequence: 103 ACH Enabled: False 454377 NBC Sports Network May 2012 282.32 06/26/2012 655-49860-430920 454378 NBC Sports Network HD May 2012 1.55 06/26/2012 655-49860-430920 283.87Check Total: AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (06/20/2012 - 10:41 AM)Page 15 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Vendor:2946 JAKE AND NAOMI NELSON Check Sequence: 104 ACH Enabled: False Refund FiberNet Monticello acct # 66045 8.39 06/26/2012 655-00000-115040 8.39Check Total: Vendor:2518 NEOFUNDS BY NEOPOST Check Sequence: 105 ACH Enabled: False 5/24/12 Account Number 7900 0440 6327 5196 1,000.00 06/26/2012 101-00000-155010 1,000.00Check Total: Vendor:2134 NFL NETWORK Check Sequence: 106 ACH Enabled: False 105256 NFL May 2012 860.10 06/26/2012 655-49860-430920 860.10Check Total: Vendor:2216 NHL NETWORK Check Sequence: 107 ACH Enabled: False May-12 NHL May 2012 259.19 06/26/2012 655-49860-430920 259.19Check Total: Vendor:1687 NORTHLAND SECURITIES INC Check Sequence: 108 ACH Enabled: False 2920 TIF Mgmt Plan (1/14) 43.64 06/26/2012 213-46539-431990 2920 TIF Mgmt Plan (1/14) 43.64 06/26/2012 213-46538-431990 2920 TIF Mgmt Plan (1/14) 43.65 06/26/2012 213-46537-431990 2920 TIF Mgmt Plan (1/14) 43.65 06/26/2012 213-46536-431990 2920 TIF Mgmt Plan (1/14) 43.65 06/26/2012 213-46535-431990 2920 TIF Mgmt Plan (1/14) 43.65 06/26/2012 213-46534-431990 2920 TIF Mgmt Plan (1/14) 43.65 06/26/2012 213-46530-431990 2920 TIF Mgmt Plan (1/14) 43.65 06/26/2012 213-46529-431990 2920 TIF Mgmt Plan (1/14) 43.65 06/26/2012 213-46524-431990 2920 TIF Mgmt Plan (1/14) 43.65 06/26/2012 213-46522-431990 2920 TIF Mgmt Plan (1/14) 43.65 06/26/2012 213-46520-431990 2920 TIF Mgmt Plan (1/14) 43.65 06/26/2012 213-46519-431990 2920 TIF Mgmt Plan (1/14) 43.65 06/26/2012 213-46506-431990 2920 TIF Mgmt Plan (1/14) 43.65 06/26/2012 213-46505-431990 611.08Check Total: Vendor:1401 NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS INC Check Sequence: 109 ACH Enabled: True 20294 General - CCD Ordinance 1,407.21 06/26/2012 101-41910-431990 20294 General 844.32 06/26/2012 101-41910-431990 20295 ZBBALL - Monticello Training Center CUP 1,630.80 06/26/2012 101-00000-220110 20295 ZBBALL - IBC Amendment - Commercial Recreation 255.60 06/26/2012 101-00000-220110 20295 ZMCHLS - Michaelis Subdivision and CUP 726.00 06/26/2012 101-00000-220110 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (06/20/2012 - 10:41 AM)Page 16 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 20295 PREDSN - Michaelis Subdivision and CUP 85.20 06/26/2012 101-41910-431990 20295 Michaelis Subdivision and CUP 336.80 06/26/2012 101-41910-431990 20295 Bauer Setback Variance 1,250.50 06/26/2012 101-41910-431990 20296 5/29/12 Planning Commission and City Council meetings 300.00 06/26/2012 101-41910-431990 6,836.43Check Total: Vendor:1411 OLSON & SONS ELECTRIC INC Check Sequence: 110 ACH Enabled: True 44816 Labor/supp trblesht elec recp in office - replaced wire ect 397.18 06/26/2012 609-49754-440100 44843 labor/supp - hook up motor for well 167.16 06/26/2012 601-49440-440600 44890 Pool area labor/supp replaced GFI recp & ballasts 218.76 06/26/2012 226-45122-440100 44997 labor - troubleshoot lift station pathwy lght - breaker tripping 351.00 06/26/2012 101-45201-440910 45039 Labor/supp repl lamps, socket - checked ballasts 358.82 06/26/2012 609-49754-440100 45045 Labor - troubleshoot light Hwy 25 South on bridge 117.00 06/26/2012 101-43160-431990 45093 Labor/supp repaired Hwy 25 S light on bridge 432.65 06/26/2012 101-43160-431990 2,042.57Check Total: Vendor:1412 OMANN BROTHERS INC Check Sequence: 111 ACH Enabled: False 9652 9.04 #SPWEA240B 526.94 06/26/2012 101-43120-422400 526.94Check Total: Vendor:2131 ONVOY VOICE SERVICES Check Sequence: 112 ACH Enabled: True 120602008669 Voice - Dips services 1,459.95 06/26/2012 655-49860-430910 120602010587 Voice - Wholesale Switching Services 1,036.47 06/26/2012 655-49860-430910 120602010587 Voice - Operator Services 184.82 06/26/2012 655-49860-430910 120602010587 Voice - Wholesale 800 Switched 282.57 06/26/2012 655-49860-430910 2,963.81Check Total: Vendor:2488 OXYGEN BANK OF AMERICA Check Sequence: 113 ACH Enabled: False 454368 Oxygen May 2012 353.02 06/26/2012 655-49860-430920 353.02Check Total: Vendor:1419 PAN O GOLD CO ST CLOUD Check Sequence: 114 ACH Enabled: True 010004216101 ballfields - re-sale 8.30 06/26/2012 226-45203-425410 010004216101 re-sale 21.58 06/26/2012 226-45127-425410 010004216718 re-sale 29.88 06/26/2012 226-45127-425410 59.76Check Total: Vendor:1853 ROBERT PASCHKE Check Sequence: 115 ACH Enabled: True AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (06/20/2012 - 10:41 AM)Page 17 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 1/2-5/31/12 Intra-city mileage reimbursement 1/2 - 5/31/12 587.75 06/26/2012 655-49870-433100 587.75Check Total: Vendor:1273 PAUSTIS & SONS WINE CO Check Sequence: 116 ACH Enabled: False 8352386-IN 8.75 06/26/2012 609-49750-433300 8352386-IN 721.00 06/26/2012 609-49750-425300 8353194-IN 10.00 06/26/2012 609-49750-433300 8353194-IN 636.46 06/26/2012 609-49750-425300 1,376.21Check Total: Vendor:2255 PBS KIDS SPROUT Check Sequence: 117 ACH Enabled: False 454370 PBS Kids Sprout May 2012 26.99 06/26/2012 655-49860-430920 26.99Check Total: Vendor:1427 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS CO Check Sequence: 118 ACH Enabled: False 2250508 87.57 06/26/2012 609-49750-433300 2250508 6,526.34 06/26/2012 609-49750-425100 2251099 12.51 06/26/2012 609-49750-433300 2251099 819.65 06/26/2012 609-49750-425100 2251100 41.70 06/26/2012 609-49750-433300 2251100 1,048.35 06/26/2012 609-49750-425300 2251100 re-sale 56.00 06/26/2012 609-49750-425400 2254693 25.02 06/26/2012 609-49750-433300 2254693 1,486.71 06/26/2012 609-49750-425100 2254694 65.32 06/26/2012 609-49750-433300 2254694 1,851.20 06/26/2012 609-49750-425300 2254694 re-sale 32.25 06/26/2012 609-49750-425400 2256620 17.37 06/26/2012 609-49750-433300 2256620 2,145.96 06/26/2012 609-49750-425100 3483738 -8.34 06/26/2012 609-49750-433300 3483738 -555.00 06/26/2012 609-49750-425100 13,652.61Check Total: Vendor:1432 PITNEY BOWES (PBCC)Check Sequence: 119 ACH Enabled: False 9718686-JN12 utx - 3/30 - 6/30/12 mailing system 122.28 06/26/2012 101-43110-441500 122.28Check Total: Vendor:1453 RECREATION SUPPLY COMPANY Check Sequence: 120 ACH Enabled: False 242038 (1) set 3 back board straps 48.79 06/26/2012 226-45127-421750 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (06/20/2012 - 10:41 AM)Page 18 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 242528 (1) head immobilizer unit for back board 82.51 06/26/2012 226-45127-421750 RTN005808 (1) turtle play raft return -71.45 06/26/2012 226-45127-421750 59.85Check Total: Vendor:1455 RED'S MARATHON Check Sequence: 121 ACH Enabled: False 5/29/12 small engine gas 36.49 06/26/2012 101-42200-421200 36.49Check Total: Vendor:2202 REDSTONE CONSTRUCTION CO INC Check Sequence: 122 ACH Enabled: False Voucher 8 11C001 - 2011 Street Reconstruction 2,420.60 06/26/2012 400-43300-459010 2,420.60Check Total: Vendor:2602 RFD TV Check Sequence: 123 ACH Enabled: False 1720-1234 RFD TV May 2012 39.84 06/26/2012 655-49860-430920 39.84Check Total: Vendor:2949 BRUCE AND ANN RINGGENBERG Check Sequence: 124 ACH Enabled: False Refund FiberNet Monticello acct # 68371 5.59 06/26/2012 655-00000-115040 5.59Check Total: Vendor:1459 RJM DISTRIBUTING INC Check Sequence: 125 ACH Enabled: False 18256 427.50 06/26/2012 609-49750-425200 427.50Check Total: Vendor:1465 ROTHHAMMER INTERNATIONAL INC Check Sequence: 126 ACH Enabled: False 82060A utx - on freight for whistles 2.72 06/26/2012 226-45122-433300 82060A utx - (12) whistles w/lanyards; (12) whistles w/ cork pea 34.80 06/26/2012 226-45122-421110 82060A utx - on freight for whistles 15.39 06/26/2012 226-45127-433300 82060A re-sale - assorted earplugs 194.40 06/26/2012 226-45127-425490 247.31Check Total: Vendor:1983 THADDAEUS ROUSU Check Sequence: 127 ACH Enabled: True 12/5/11- 6/1/12 12/5/11 - 6/1/12 intra-city mileage 52.72 06/26/2012 655-49870-433100 52.72Check Total: Vendor:1474 PATRICIA A SALZWEDEL Check Sequence: 128 ACH Enabled: True 6/30/12 Contract 1,520.13 06/26/2012 101-42700-431200 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (06/20/2012 - 10:41 AM)Page 19 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 1,520.13Check Total: Vendor:2568 PATRICK A SAWATZKE Check Sequence: 129 ACH Enabled: False 6/8/12 6/17 - 7/1 advertising for Movie in the Park 65.46 06/26/2012 226-45127-434990 6/8/12 6/1 - 6/16 advertising for Walk n Roll 65.46 06/26/2012 101-45130-444140 130.92Check Total: Vendor:2951 JACOB SCHERER Check Sequence: 130 ACH Enabled: False Refund FiberNet Monticello acct # 69190 30.92 06/26/2012 655-00000-115040 30.92Check Total: Vendor:2580 SCHUMM'S ELECTRIC MOTOR SERVICES Check Sequence: 131 ACH Enabled: False 34450 (1) 1/2 hp weg 3ph motor 190.00 06/26/2012 101-43127-440100 190.00Check Total: Vendor:2443 SECURITAS SECURITY SERVICES USA INC Check Sequence: 132 ACH Enabled: False W3575510 Security - 6/2/12 & 6/3/12 Frach wedding 179.56 06/26/2012 226-45122-431992 179.56Check Total: Vendor:2301 SHOWTIME NETWORKS INC Check Sequence: 133 ACH Enabled: False 201205-40843608 Showtime May 2012 387.60 06/26/2012 655-49860-430920 387.60Check Total: Vendor:1361 SHRED IT USA INC Check Sequence: 134 ACH Enabled: False 9400397254 Document shredding 10.00 06/26/2012 655-49870-431990 9400397606 Document shredding 10.00 06/26/2012 101-43110-431990 9400397607 Document shredding 10.00 06/26/2012 217-41990-431990 9400397661 Document shredding 20.25 06/26/2012 101-41940-431990 50.25Check Total: Vendor:2212 SINCLAIR TELEVISION GROUP INC Check Sequence: 135 ACH Enabled: False May-12 WUCW May 2012 281.88 06/26/2012 655-49860-430920 281.88Check Total: Vendor:2155 SOUTH CAROLINA NET INC Check Sequence: 136 ACH Enabled: False 268910 C.A.L.E.A. 6/1-6/30/12 656.38 06/26/2012 655-49870-431970 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (06/20/2012 - 10:41 AM)Page 20 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 656.38Check Total: Vendor:2954 STEVE SPRINGER Check Sequence: 137 ACH Enabled: False Refund FiberNet Monticello acct # 70373 44.23 06/26/2012 655-00000-115040 44.23Check Total: Vendor:1498 SPRINGSTED INCORPORATED Check Sequence: 138 ACH Enabled: False 000575.102 Telecom Disclosure & Tech Support-final billing 10/13/11-3/30/12 25,407.03 06/26/2012 657-49870-431990 25,407.03Check Total: Vendor:2944 SANDRA AND THOMAS STARKEY Check Sequence: 139 ACH Enabled: False Refund FiberNet Monticello acct # 64865 22.58 06/26/2012 655-00000-115040 22.58Check Total: Vendor:2480 SYFY BANK OF AMERICA Check Sequence: 140 ACH Enabled: False 454371 SYFY May 2012 390.18 06/26/2012 655-49860-430920 390.18Check Total: Vendor:1518 TDS TELECOM Check Sequence: 141 ACH Enabled: False 271-3230 167.41 06/26/2012 655-49870-432100 271-3257 92.94 06/26/2012 602-49490-432100 271-7112 54.30 06/26/2012 226-45122-432100 295-2005 36.69 06/26/2012 101-43110-432100 295-3248 11.50 06/26/2012 217-41990-432100 295-3714 133.12 06/26/2012 601-49440-432100 295-3714 E Cty Rd lift station 271-3251 20.65 06/26/2012 602-49490-432100 665-837-0005 Voice - nonpublished number charges 269.25 06/26/2012 655-49860-430910 665-837-0005 Voice - LNP conversion charges 360.00 06/26/2012 655-49870-432600 665-838-0000 Voice - LNP conversion charges 180.00 06/26/2012 655-49870-432600 665-838-0000 Voice - nonpublished number charges 304.68 06/26/2012 655-49860-430910 1,630.54Check Total: Vendor:2484 TELEMUNDO BANK OF AMERICA Check Sequence: 142 ACH Enabled: False 454373 Telemundo May 2012 43.69 06/26/2012 655-49860-430920 454373 Telemundo Hispanic Tier May 2012 0.51 06/26/2012 655-49860-430920 44.20Check Total: Vendor:1522 THORPE DISTRIBUTING COMPANY Check Sequence: 143 ACH Enabled: True AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (06/20/2012 - 10:41 AM)Page 21 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 693216BAL orig invoice pd 6/12/12 comp made correction addl due 32.40 06/26/2012 609-49750-425200 694426 re-sale 220.85 06/26/2012 609-49750-425400 694589 20,100.15 06/26/2012 609-49750-425200 694894 -33.60 06/26/2012 609-49750-425200 695833 re-sale 125.60 06/26/2012 609-49750-425400 695845 107.50 06/26/2012 609-49750-425200 695846 16,940.65 06/26/2012 609-49750-425200 37,493.55Check Total: Vendor:2252 TOWER DISTRIBUTION COMPANY Check Sequence: 144 ACH Enabled: False 288114 WGN May 2012 239.23 06/26/2012 655-49860-430920 239.23Check Total: Vendor:2165 TV GUIDE NETWORKS LLC TV GUIDE ENTERTAINMENT GROUP LLC Check Sequence: 145 ACH Enabled: False 091053 TV Guide Network May 2012 402.85 06/26/2012 655-49860-430920 402.85Check Total: Vendor:2483 UNIVERSAL HD BANK OF AMERICA Check Sequence: 146 ACH Enabled: False 454374 Universal HD May 2012 17.05 06/26/2012 655-49860-430920 17.05Check Total: Vendor:2477 USA NETWORK BANK OF AMERICA Check Sequence: 147 ACH Enabled: False 454376 USA Network May 2012 1,124.09 06/26/2012 655-49860-430920 1,124.09Check Total: Vendor:2534 VAULTAS ALEXANDRIA LLC Check Sequence: 148 ACH Enabled: False 1177 Data - DOA Transport July 2012 2,250.00 06/26/2012 655-49860-430930 1177 Data - XO Comm connection July 2012 250.00 06/26/2012 655-49860-430930 2,500.00Check Total: Vendor:1552 VIKING COCA COLA BOTTLING CO Check Sequence: 149 ACH Enabled: False 22251577 re-sale 120.90 06/26/2012 609-49750-425400 25223459 re-sale 206.10 06/26/2012 609-49750-425400 327.00Check Total: Vendor:1684 VINOCOPIA Check Sequence: 150 ACH Enabled: False 57929-IN 19.50 06/26/2012 609-49750-433300 57929-IN 180.00 06/26/2012 609-49750-425100 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (06/20/2012 - 10:41 AM)Page 22 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 57929-IN 1,000.00 06/26/2012 609-49750-425300 1,199.50Check Total: Vendor:1567 WES OLSON ELECTRIC LLC Check Sequence: 151 ACH Enabled: False 5456 labor - Pioneer replace guards; Ellison replace GFI recep 120.00 06/26/2012 101-45201-431990 5456 supplies - GFI rec; fix replacement guards 196.04 06/26/2012 101-45201-431990 5457 labor - East 39 pump chgout & re-hook VFD into controls 60.00 06/26/2012 602-49490-431990 5469 labor - Pioneer Park - installed underground wire for pole 350.00 06/26/2012 229-45202-431990 5469 supp- Pioneer Park - (275) wires for pole 219.60 06/26/2012 229-45202-431990 945.64Check Total: Vendor:2941 CLAY AND DANA WILSON Check Sequence: 152 ACH Enabled: False Refund FiberNet Monticello acct # 63843 6.69 06/26/2012 655-00000-115040 6.69Check Total: Vendor:2651 WILSON DEVELOPMENT SERVICES LLC Check Sequence: 153 ACH Enabled: False 22832 ZEDTMS - Acquisition & Relocation Serv - Montgomery Fms-services 2,761.00 06/26/2012 213-46522-431990 22832 ZEDTMS - Acquisition & Relocation Serv - Montgomery Fms-expenses 87.61 06/26/2012 213-46522-431990 2,848.61Check Total: Vendor:1572 THE WINE COMPANY Check Sequence: 154 ACH Enabled: False 301399-00 4.20 06/26/2012 609-49750-433300 301399-00 300.00 06/26/2012 609-49750-425300 304.20Check Total: Vendor:1573 WINE MERCHANTS INC Check Sequence: 155 ACH Enabled: False 412255 9.04 06/26/2012 609-49750-433300 412255 816.00 06/26/2012 609-49750-425300 413076 21.54 06/26/2012 609-49750-433300 413076 1,074.02 06/26/2012 609-49750-425300 58005 -10.00 06/26/2012 609-49750-425300 1,910.60Check Total: Vendor:1209 WIRTZ BEVERAGE MINNESOTA WINE & SPIRITS Check Sequence: 156 ACH Enabled: False 756416 21.75 06/26/2012 609-49750-433300 756416 791.15 06/26/2012 609-49750-425300 756417 85.55 06/26/2012 609-49750-433300 756417 6,912.11 06/26/2012 609-49750-425100 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (06/20/2012 - 10:41 AM)Page 23 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 759531 26.10 06/26/2012 609-49750-433300 759531 1,479.00 06/26/2012 609-49750-425300 759532 31.90 06/26/2012 609-49750-433300 759532 3,195.60 06/26/2012 609-49750-425100 861462 -1.45 06/26/2012 609-49750-433300 861462 -112.50 06/26/2012 609-49750-425100 12,429.21Check Total: Vendor:2953 NATHAN AND ELISHA WOLD Check Sequence: 157 ACH Enabled: False Refund FiberNet Monticello acct # 70275 22.64 06/26/2012 655-00000-115040 22.64Check Total: Vendor:1657 WORLD CLASS WINES INC Check Sequence: 158 ACH Enabled: False 1758547 -13.09 06/26/2012 609-49750-425100 1785371 25.52 06/26/2012 609-49750-433300 1785371 1,616.28 06/26/2012 609-49750-425100 1785371 428.00 06/26/2012 609-49750-425300 1788210 -11.68 06/26/2012 609-49750-425100 1788347 -212.31 06/26/2012 609-49750-425100 1811000 26.67 06/26/2012 609-49750-433300 1811000 858.87 06/26/2012 609-49750-425100 1811000 1,456.32 06/26/2012 609-49750-425300 4,174.58Check Total: Vendor:1577 WRIGHT CO AUDITOR-TREAS - ACH Check Sequence: 159 ACH Enabled: True 6/8/12 Fines and Fees EFT recpt 54641 6/14/12 3,402.44 06/26/2012 101-00000-208020 3,402.44Check Total: Vendor:1581 WRIGHT CO RECORDER Check Sequence: 160 ACH Enabled: False I201200000045 A-1202964 Easement 46.00 06/26/2012 101-43111-431990 I201200000045 ZGCURT - A-1202965 Conditional Use Proceed 46.00 06/26/2012 101-41910-431990 I201200000045 A-1202966 Conditional Use Proceed (2012-010) 46.00 06/26/2012 101-41910-431990 I201200000045 A-1203847 Conditional Use Proceed (2011-034) 46.00 06/26/2012 101-41910-431990 184.00Check Total: Vendor:1583 WRIGHT HENNEPIN COOP ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION Check Sequence: 161 ACH Enabled: False 5/29/12 HADCO lights @ East 7th St 357.75 06/26/2012 101-43160-431900 6/10/12 5/1-6/1/12 90.95 06/26/2012 602-49490-438100 6/10/12 July & August service 42.64 06/26/2012 217-41990-431900 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (06/20/2012 - 10:41 AM)Page 24 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 6/10/12 July & August service 77.92 06/26/2012 101-45203-431900 6/10/12 July & August service 59.74 06/26/2012 101-42200-431900 6/10/12 July & August service 42.64 06/26/2012 601-49440-431900 6/10/12 July & August service 59.74 06/26/2012 226-45122-431900 6/10/12 July & August service 70.44 06/26/2012 601-49440-431900 6/10/12 July & August service 42.64 06/26/2012 601-49440-431900 6/10/12 July & August service 42.64 06/26/2012 601-49440-431900 6/10/12 July & August service 59.74 06/26/2012 101-41940-431900 6/10/12 July & August service 42.64 06/26/2012 101-41940-431900 6/10/12 1,394.21 06/26/2012 101-43160-438100 2,383.69Check Total: Vendor:1585 XCEL ENERGY Check Sequence: 162 ACH Enabled: False 5/29/12 51-6505907-2 63.00 06/26/2012 101-43140-438100 5/29/12 51-6505908-3 16.37 06/26/2012 101-42500-438100 5/30/12 51-6505916-3 12,050.93 06/26/2012 101-43160-438100 5/30/12 51-6505905-0 5,569.68 06/26/2012 601-49440-438100 6/12/12 51-4400193-4 15.77 06/26/2012 101-43160-438100 6/12/12 51-0371645-4 15.75 06/26/2012 101-45201-438100 6/4/12 51-6505906-1 943.46 06/26/2012 602-49490-438100 6/4/12 51-6505914-1 692.67 06/26/2012 101-43127-438100 6/4/12 51-6505915-2 482.75 06/26/2012 101-45201-438100 6/4/12 51-6505915-2 21.00 06/26/2012 601-49440-438100 6/4/12 51-6505915-2 287.72 06/26/2012 226-45203-438100 6/4/12 51-6505915-2 357.61 06/26/2012 101-45203-438100 20,516.71Check Total: Vendor:1907 XO COMMUNICATIONS LLC Check Sequence: 163 ACH Enabled: True 0251370768 Data - www access 6/1-6/30/12 9,248.20 06/26/2012 655-49860-430930 0251414465 Data - www access 6/1-6/30/12 7,587.00 06/26/2012 655-49860-430930 16,835.20Check Total: Vendor:2076 ZAYO BANDWIDTH LLC Check Sequence: 164 ACH Enabled: False 3293 6/12 Voice - back office services 6/1-6/30/12 1,932.00 06/26/2012 655-49860-430910 3293 6/12 Voice - Cost Recovery Surcharges - MRC 24.51 06/26/2012 655-49860-430910 1,956.51Check Total: Vendor:1590 ANNIE ZIMMERMAN Check Sequence: 165 ACH Enabled: True 6/11/12 Bloomington - MN Society of CPA sales tax class 52.09 06/26/2012 101-41520-433100 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (06/20/2012 - 10:41 AM)Page 25 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 52.09Check Total: Total for Check Run: Total of Number of Checks: 491,871.35 165 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (06/20/2012 - 10:41 AM)Page 26 User: Printed:06/08/2012 - 10:03AM Ann.Zimmerman Computer Check Proof List by Vendor Accounts Payable Batch:00201.06.2012 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Vendor:2811 US BANK CORPORATE PMT SYSTEM Check Sequence: 1 ACH Enabled: True 6/6/12 Home Depot - assorted cleaning supplies 41.14 06/15/2012 101-42200-421100 6/6/12 OfficeMax - (2) dry erase board; (1) 36pk pens; tablet; ect. 94.87 06/15/2012 101-42200-420990 6/6/12 Target - Safety Program prizes - flashlight; (1) $10 gift card 31.26 06/15/2012 101-41800-443990 6/6/12 Quiznos - Safety Program prize - (1) $10 gift card 10.00 06/15/2012 101-41800-443990 6/6/12 MN Society of CPA's - 6/11/12 MN Tax class - A.Z. 189.00 06/15/2012 101-41520-433200 6/6/12 utx - SitStay - (2) NozToNox n2-36 Sof Krate 238.59 06/15/2012 101-42700-421990 6/6/12 MN Society of CPA's - 6/27/12 Speed Reading class - A.M. 159.00 06/15/2012 101-41520-433200 6/6/12 MN Society of CPA's - 10/2/12 class - A.M. 299.00 06/15/2012 101-41520-433200 6/6/12 MN State Fire Chiefs Assn - Dues - S.J.; D.G.; D.A.; B.F.; M.S. 247.00 06/15/2012 101-42200-443300 6/6/12 Hirshfields - (1) qt paint 3rd Street Garbage formula 15.49 06/15/2012 101-45201-421990 6/6/12 Marties - quick pro dry 20.25 06/15/2012 101-45201-421600 6/6/12 Gradys - (1) 50pk water bomb balloons for gas detector 2.66 06/15/2012 602-49490-421990 6/6/12 Gradys - #101 - (4) 3/4 hole plugs 2.57 06/15/2012 101-43120-421990 6/6/12 Napa - #123 - (1) switch 10.76 06/15/2012 101-43120-422110 6/6/12 Moon Motors - (6) 2 cycle oil 15.33 06/15/2012 101-43127-421300 6/6/12 Gradys - (1) pipe plug; (1) 2" cap; (1) 2" coupling 21.88 06/15/2012 101-43127-422990 6/6/12 Cub - re-sale produce 34.65 06/15/2012 609-49750-425500 6/6/12 Fastenal - (1) T-130-AG S & D 5/8 33.45 06/15/2012 101-45201-421990 6/6/12 Northern Tool - (1) 55 gal spryer tnk; (1) bulkhead (1) 12v pump 198.43 06/15/2012 101-45201-421990 6/6/12 Gradys - (6) padlocks 76.89 06/15/2012 101-43120-421990 6/6/12 General Rental - 100 lb propane tank fill 82.50 06/15/2012 101-43120-421990 6/6/12 Moon Motors - (4) gaskets; (1) carburetor 49.54 06/15/2012 101-45201-422100 6/6/12 Moon Motors - (2) weed whips 566.44 06/15/2012 101-45201-424100 6/6/12 Moon Motors - (1) lawn mower 426.43 06/15/2012 101-45201-424100 6/6/12 Home Depot - East Bridge Park - (10) 3 cf peat moss 106.56 06/15/2012 101-45201-440900 6/6/12 Moon Motors - (9) chain/blade sharpening 45.00 06/15/2012 224-46102-422990 6/6/12 Morries - #205 & #203 - (4) weatherstrips 95.20 06/15/2012 101-45201-422110 6/6/12 Napa - #179 - (2) hose fittings; (1) hydraulic hose 46.63 06/15/2012 101-43120-422110 6/6/12 General Rental - 100 lb propane tank fill 82.50 06/15/2012 101-43120-421990 6/6/12 Cub - (4) kleenex; (3) bx forks; (3) box cups; ect 54.61 06/15/2012 101-43127-421990 6/6/12 Cub - (2) coffee filters; (3) coffee; (1) splenda 49.02 06/15/2012 101-43127-443990 6/6/12 Fastenal - (12) grip PVC (split between water/sewer) 34.22 06/15/2012 601-49440-421110 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (06/08/2012 - 10:03 AM)Page 1 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 6/6/12 Fastenal - (12) grip PVC (split between water/sewer) 34.21 06/15/2012 602-49490-421110 6/6/12 utx - Reds - recharge A/C 80.00 06/15/2012 602-49490-440500 6/6/12 Gradys - (4) 3/8" nuts 0.81 06/15/2012 602-49490-422100 6/6/12 Gradys - (1) joint tape; (1) wrench spray; (2) abrasive cloths 17.38 06/15/2012 226-45122-422990 6/6/12 JRK Seed - (320) 50# infield conditioner 2,785.25 06/15/2012 101-45203-421990 6/6/12 Burnham - Riverside Cemetery - (3) baskets 48.06 06/15/2012 651-49010-422500 6/6/12 Westside Wholesale Tire - #179 - (2) tires; (2) tubes 312.02 06/15/2012 101-43120-422200 6/6/12 Burnham - (5) thornless cockspur 908.44 06/15/2012 101-43120-422500 6/6/12 General Rental - large drill & drill bit 2 rental 65.14 06/15/2012 101-43120-441500 6/6/12 Home Depot - weddings - sand 2.56 06/15/2012 226-45122-422990 6/6/12 Home Depot - toilet repair - (1) valve; (1) seal 13.10 06/15/2012 609-49754-422300 6/6/12 Tri-Dim - links; belts, air filters 361.56 06/15/2012 226-45122-422990 6/6/12 Home Depot - P.W. service doors supplies 18.91 06/15/2012 601-49440-422300 6/6/12 Home Depot - P.W. service doors supplies 18.91 06/15/2012 602-49480-422300 6/6/12 utx - PetEdge - shampoo; (2) brush; ear solution; crate mat; ect 164.88 06/15/2012 101-42700-421990 6/6/12 utx - Business Telecom Prod Inc-(4) comfort kit (phone ear pad) 25.80 06/15/2012 101-41310-421990 6/6/12 OffficeMax - (1) Serta chair; (1) 4 drawer storage cart 176.01 06/15/2012 655-49870-420990 6/6/12 Rubbermaid Wholesale - Friendship Island - (1) util cart 297.71 06/15/2012 226-45127-424600 6/6/12 Gradys - (1) qt roundup; (1) duct tape; (1) gal sprayer 63.02 06/15/2012 226-45122-422990 6/6/12 General Rental - Co2 for portable bar 33.36 06/15/2012 226-45127-420750 6/6/12 Walmart - (4) 10 cnt markers; (3) 20 cnt twstcry 12.73 06/15/2012 226-45122-420990 6/6/12 Walmart - (3) blk sets 27.11 06/15/2012 226-45127-421740 6/6/12 Fastenal - #179 - (1) 1/2x6 eye-jaw 15.71 06/15/2012 101-43120-422110 6/6/12 Home Depot - key id tag organizer 12.78 06/15/2012 226-45122-420990 6/6/12 Gradys - (3) 60 lb concrete mix 20.81 06/15/2012 101-43120-422600 6/6/12 Burnham - (6) 4' burning bushes 442.46 06/15/2012 224-46102-443910 6/6/12 Marties - quick pro 20.25 06/15/2012 101-45201-421600 6/6/12 Marties - (18) flats of annuals 461.70 06/15/2012 101-45201-440900 6/6/12 Marties - (4) ga embark; (4) gal pronto 542.92 06/15/2012 101-45201-421600 6/6/12 Marties - straw rolls 47.03 06/15/2012 101-45201-422500 6/6/12 Home Depot - (1) pallet return -20.31 06/15/2012 101-45201-421990 6/6/12 Cabelas - (2) pair chest waders 194.00 06/15/2012 101-43120-420650 6/6/12 utx - Barco Products - (6) dog clean up bsks; (2) sgns; (2) bags 1,569.71 06/15/2012 101-45201-421990 6/6/12 Fastenal - picnic table hardware 79.85 06/15/2012 101-45201-421990 6/6/12 Walmart - re-sale water farmer's market 7.96 06/15/2012 226-45127-425410 6/6/12 Reds - mileage 32,048 40.20 06/15/2012 217-41990-421200 6/6/12 Gradys - (2) elbows 3.10 06/15/2012 101-45201-421650 6/6/12 Marties - 5# shady 9.35 06/15/2012 101-45201-422500 6/6/12 Home Depot - returned key tags -3.78 06/15/2012 226-45122-422990 6/6/12 Home Depot - (3) key tags; (1) fountain pump - patio weddings 35.76 06/15/2012 226-45122-422990 6/6/12 MailFinance - 3/4-6/3/12 City hall mailing system 521.78 06/15/2012 101-41940-441500 6/6/12 SuperAmerica - (13.044) gallons Brian N. 48.25 06/15/2012 655-49870-421200 6/6/12 Kwik Trip - (11.688) gallons Bryan R. 42.53 06/15/2012 655-49870-421200 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (06/08/2012 - 10:03 AM)Page 2 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 6/6/12 Kwik Trip - (10.825) gallons Bryan R. 40.04 06/15/2012 655-49870-421200 6/6/12 Kwik Trip - (29.169) gallons Dan S. 106.15 06/15/2012 655-49870-421200 6/6/12 Walmart - coffeemaker 53.39 06/15/2012 655-49870-421990 6/6/12 Walmart - coffee; coffee filters; creamer 11.88 06/15/2012 655-49870-443990 6/6/12 Home Depot - (3) assorted bits 29.90 06/15/2012 656-49877-421990 6/6/12 Home Depot - (2) gal Roundup w/sprayer 18.13 06/15/2012 655-49870-421990 6/6/12 Hilton Chicago - Deposit 6/9-6/13/12 GFOA Conf - A.M. 243.28 06/15/2012 101-41520-433100 6/6/12 EDAM - 6/6-6/8/12 Summer Conf - M.B.L. 290.00 06/15/2012 213-46301-433200 6/6/12 MnGFOA - 7/11/12 Advanced Excel - A.M. 50.00 06/15/2012 101-41520-433200 6/6/12 Kwik Trip - (11.761) gallons Brian N. 42.80 06/15/2012 655-49870-421200 6/6/12 Burnham - 2.5 yrds playground mulch 58.81 06/15/2012 101-45201-421990 6/6/12 Cub - re-sale produce 6.81 06/15/2012 609-49750-425500 6/6/12 Moon Motors - blower 480.92 06/15/2012 101-45201-424100 6/6/12 Marties - (1) sm peet moss; (1) lrg peet moss 23.49 06/15/2012 101-45201-422300 6/6/12 Gradys - (1) gal muriatic acid; (1) bowl cleaner 23.45 06/15/2012 601-49440-421990 6/6/12 Home Depot - (2) channel locks; (3) ball valves; ect 86.51 06/15/2012 101-45201-421990 6/6/12 Moon Motors - (1) 6 ft tie strap 26.67 06/15/2012 101-45201-422100 6/6/12 Gradys - mule sprayer - (10) washer locks; (1) hose adapter; ect 46.64 06/15/2012 101-45201-421650 6/6/12 Marties - quick pro 20.25 06/15/2012 101-45201-421600 6/6/12 OSC - welder supplies - (1) nozzle slip; (10) contact tips; ect 163.83 06/15/2012 101-43127-421520 6/6/12 Echostar - satelite 5/22/12 - 6/21/12 68.39 06/15/2012 226-45122-432500 6/6/12 Home Depot - (2) rakes for community garden 20.24 06/15/2012 226-45127-421980 6/6/12 OfficeMax - (1) event calendar 11.52 06/15/2012 226-45122-420990 6/6/12 Walmart - (2) coffee 17.56 06/15/2012 217-41990-443990 6/6/12 Target - Safety Program prizes - flashlight; ect. 27.66 06/15/2012 101-41800-443990 6/6/12 Caribou Coffee - Safety Program prize - gift card 10.00 06/15/2012 101-41800-443990 6/6/12 utx - Engineer Supply.com - (1) Safco 2-1/4" for MasterFIle2 107.24 06/15/2012 101-43111-421990 6/6/12 Walmart - re-sale 30.33 06/15/2012 226-45127-425410 6/6/12 Walmart - ballfields re-sale 33.10 06/15/2012 226-45203-425410 6/6/12 General Rental - ramps & tiller rental 42.75 06/15/2012 101-43120-441500 6/6/12 Gradys - (2) adapters; (1) 40oz primer; (10) 40oz cement; ect 19.29 06/15/2012 101-43127-421990 6/6/12 General Rental - 100lb propane fill 82.50 06/15/2012 101-43120-421990 6/6/12 Fastenal - (1) steel banded earmuff 28.09 06/15/2012 101-43120-420650 6/6/12 Napa - (4) washers; (4) oil seals; shop supply (1) grease 89.19 06/15/2012 101-43127-421990 6/6/12 Gradys - #179 mower - (1) PVC cap 1.91 06/15/2012 101-43120-422110 6/6/12 Moon Motors - (1) weed whip end 32.01 06/15/2012 101-43120-422110 6/6/12 Gradys - downtown - (1) trash can 19.23 06/15/2012 101-43120-421990 6/6/12 Burnham - (1) autumn blaze maple tree 251.16 06/15/2012 609-49754-421990 6/6/12 Fire App & Emergency - (1) year magazine subscription renewal 30.00 06/15/2012 101-42200-443300 6/6/12 utx - Cell Phone Shop - (4) holster for Casio C731 10.55 06/15/2012 101-43115-421990 6/6/12 utx - Verizon Wireless - equipment 411.92 06/15/2012 101-42400-421990 6/6/12 utx - Verizon Wireless - equipment 97.94 06/15/2012 101-43115-421990 6/6/12 utx - Verizon Wireless - equipment 331.89 06/15/2012 655-49870-421990 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (06/08/2012 - 10:03 AM)Page 3 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 6/6/12 utx - Verizon Wireless - equipment 226.94 06/15/2012 226-45122-421990 6/6/12 utx - Verizon Wireless - equipment 280.95 06/15/2012 101-43110-421990 6/6/12 utx - Verizon Wireless - equipment 48.97 06/15/2012 101-45201-421990 6/6/12 utx - Verizon Wireless - equipment 329.92 06/15/2012 101-43120-421990 6/6/12 utx - Verizon Wireless - equipment (1/2) 218.19 06/15/2012 601-49440-421990 6/6/12 utx - Verizon Wireless - equipment (1/2) 218.19 06/15/2012 602-49490-421990 6/6/12 Verizon Wireless - 4/19-5/3/12 131.66 06/15/2012 101-42400-432100 6/6/12 Verizon Wireless - 4/19-5/3/12 83.10 06/15/2012 101-43115-432100 6/6/12 Verizon Wireless - 4/19-5/3/12 362.04 06/15/2012 655-49870-432100 6/6/12 Verizon Wireless - 4/19-5/3/12 220.76 06/15/2012 226-45122-432100 6/6/12 Verizon Wireless - 4/19-5/3/12 82.94 06/15/2012 101-43110-432100 6/6/12 Verizon Wireless - 4/19-5/3/12 46.18 06/15/2012 101-45201-432100 6/6/12 Verizon Wireless - 4/19-5/3/12 129.12 06/15/2012 101-43120-432100 6/6/12 Verizon Wireless - 4/19-5/3/12 (1/2) 85.98 06/15/2012 601-49440-432100 6/6/12 Verizon Wireless - 4/19-5/3/12 (1/2) 85.97 06/15/2012 602-49490-432100 6/6/12 Napa - (2) hi pwr II ind V 22.34 06/15/2012 101-43127-440440 6/6/12 Walmart - (3) tweezers 3.98 06/15/2012 226-45127-421750 6/6/12 Walmart - (4) pk cupcakes 24.00 06/15/2012 226-45127-421460 6/6/12 Walmart - farmer's market - (1) umbrella 10.74 06/15/2012 226-45127-421980 6/6/12 Cub - resale - produce 45.15 06/15/2012 609-49750-425500 6/6/12 Tri-State Surplus - racking for sign room 330.48 06/15/2012 101-43127-421990 6/6/12 Marties - center island downtown flowers - preen; (2) gypsum 46.91 06/15/2012 101-43120-422500 6/6/12 utx - Red Cross - training mtrl - (12) manikens; (1) AED; ect 255.00 06/15/2012 226-45127-441500 6/6/12 Dan & Jerrys - (3) shrubs 32.03 06/15/2012 226-45122-422500 6/6/12 Fastenal - returned (2) 5/16 lynch pins -2.09 06/15/2012 101-45201-421990 6/6/12 Fastenal - (2) 5/16 lynch pins 2.09 06/15/2012 101-45201-421990 6/6/12 Fleet Farm - (2) handguns 27.90 06/15/2012 101-45201-421650 6/6/12 Gradys - (1) 1x6 nipple 3.73 06/15/2012 601-49440-421990 6/6/12 Gradys - (1) 2pk mouse trap 2.66 06/15/2012 601-49440-421990 6/6/12 Gradys - toilet parts - bath gsket; O-ring; tables - cement glue 11.40 06/15/2012 226-45122-422990 6/6/12 Pipeline - (1) 4x100' drain tile 49.16 06/15/2012 602-49490-422700 6/6/12 Monticello Tire - #401 (2) front tires; balance 294.89 06/15/2012 602-49490-422200 6/6/12 Marties - (3) flats annuals; (9) perennials; (3) astilbe; ect 180.62 06/15/2012 101-45201-440900 6/6/12 Marties - (4) quick pro; 30 gal surge 2,180.25 06/15/2012 101-45201-421600 6/6/12 Specialty Turf - (1) 50lb pro athletic mix 134.66 06/15/2012 101-45201-422500 6/6/12 Gradys - (1) 5x8 flag 64.11 06/15/2012 101-45201-421650 6/6/12 Central Landscape - (1) 75 CF redwood 740.89 06/15/2012 101-45201-440800 6/6/12 Royal Tire - park's trlr (2) tires; (6) stems; balance 226.01 06/15/2012 101-45201-422200 6/6/12 Monticello Tire - #204 (4) tires; balance 584.98 06/15/2012 101-45201-422200 6/6/12 Home Depot - shop supplies - (2) bow rakes; (1) rachet; ect 77.34 06/15/2012 101-45201-421650 6/6/12 Napa - (25) fuel line hose; (2) silicone cables; ect 32.78 06/15/2012 101-45201-422100 6/6/12 M & M Bus Service - (1) shindaiwa silent twist 42.74 06/15/2012 101-45201-421650 6/6/12 General Rental - Groveland Park - (1) hr tiller rental 17.37 06/15/2012 224-46102-443910 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (06/08/2012 - 10:03 AM)Page 4 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 6/6/12 Burnham - Groveland Park - (2) maple trees 448.88 06/15/2012 224-46102-443910 6/6/12 Burnham - Groveland Park - (2) oak trees 694.69 06/15/2012 224-46102-443910 6/6/12 Belson Outdoors - (20) trash receptacle covers 1,620.00 06/15/2012 101-45201-421990 6/6/12 Cub - clorox wipes; era detergent; shout gel; ect 19.71 06/15/2012 101-43127-421100 6/6/12 utx - First-Aid-Product.com - (5) pers prot kit; CPR face shield 87.27 06/15/2012 101-41800-421990 6/6/12 First-Aid-Product.com - (1) 25/bx burn cream 3.63 06/15/2012 101-41800-421990 6/6/12 utx - Impark - parking - Mpls Wells Fargo meeting 14.00 06/15/2012 655-49870-433100 6/6/12 Walmart - first aid refills 46.08 06/15/2012 101-41800-421990 6/6/12 APEC - (48) 20x30x2 pleated filter 310.61 06/15/2012 655-49870-422990 6/6/12 Home Depot - (2) 1/2" installer drill bit 29.90 06/15/2012 656-49877-421990 6/6/12 SuperAmerica - (11.754) gallons Brian N. 42.30 06/15/2012 655-49870-421200 6/6/12 Kwik Trip - (28.785) gallons Ben W. 103.60 06/15/2012 655-49870-421200 6/6/12 Kwik Trip - (20.884) gallons Dustin W. 76.00 06/15/2012 655-49870-421200 6/6/12 Fastenal - (100) 12x2 HWH SDS 410 S/S 60.68 06/15/2012 656-49877-421990 6/6/12 US Postal Service - CAFR to GFOA for award 9.95 06/15/2012 101-41520-432200 6/6/12 OfficeMax - (1) planner 12.38 06/15/2012 601-49440-420990 6/6/12 Gradys - (1) padlock; (1) chain coil 158.15 06/15/2012 101-45201-421990 6/6/12 Marties - (24) planter baskets; (6) fountain grass 652.47 06/15/2012 101-45201-422500 6/6/12 Marties - (1) flat annuals; (9) perennials (6) annuals 94.58 06/15/2012 101-45201-440900 6/6/12 Marties - mda fee & AccRa fee from invoice #5/22/12 $2180.25 cc 10.40 06/15/2012 101-45201-421600 6/6/12 Auto Value - plygrnd insp thread locker blue 18.59 06/15/2012 101-45201-440800 6/6/12 Handyman's Inc - bthrm flush valves; urinal & toilet supplies 192.82 06/15/2012 226-45122-422990 6/6/12 Marties - (10) fountain grass; (13) annual flats 439.79 06/15/2012 101-43120-422500 6/6/12 Cub - lemonade & straberries - sold @ farmer's market 18.99 06/15/2012 226-45127-425410 6/6/12 NewEgg.com - IP phone install-Cisco Firewall 358.99 06/15/2012 655-49870-421820 6/6/12 Darley - (2) vehicle mounting bracket (for foam pak system) 225.90 06/15/2012 101-42200-422110 6/6/12 utx - Darley-(2) Pro/Pak Foam system & hose (CenterPoint match) 2,323.70 06/15/2012 101-42200-421990 6/6/12 Walmart - Culligan; water 14.13 06/15/2012 655-49870-443990 6/6/12 Fastenal - (100) 10-32x3/4S/S - rack screws for CO/HE 8.53 06/15/2012 655-49870-421990 6/6/12 Home Depot - (2) 3/4 2x2 BC handypanel; (1) 1-5/8" ext screw 26.77 06/15/2012 656-49877-421990 6/6/12 Home Depot - 2" hole saw; 3/8"x12" keyed ext; conduit body; ect. 37.52 06/15/2012 656-49877-421990 6/6/12 Gradys - (4) assorted flour spraypaint 29.88 06/15/2012 101-42200-421990 6/6/12 Gradys - (4) 1 gal antifreeze; conn tap splice; term spade; ect. 50.04 06/15/2012 101-42200-422990 6/6/12 Kwik Trip - (11.395) gallons Bryan R. 41.01 06/15/2012 655-49870-421200 6/6/12 O Reillys - (1) 30amp mini 4.80 06/15/2012 655-49870-422110 6/6/12 Monticello City of - (1) Right of Way permit 25.00 06/15/2012 656-49877-443700 6/6/12 Petsmart - (1) 22x35 crate; assorted dog food 63.39 06/15/2012 101-42700-421990 6/6/12 Gradys - (1) vise-grip pliers 19.23 06/15/2012 101-45201-421650 6/6/12 Home Depot - (3) 80lbs concret mix 30.27 06/15/2012 101-45201-440800 6/6/12 Home Depot - hanging donation box 13.85 06/15/2012 211-45501-421990 6/6/12 City of Monticello - liquor lic 7/1/12-9/30/12 & 4/1/13-6/30/13 137.00 06/15/2012 226-45203-443700 6/6/12 utx - S & S Worldwide - friendship island art supplies 221.41 06/15/2012 226-45127-421980 6/6/12 Walmart - (4) pk infant socks 24.96 06/15/2012 226-45127-425490 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (06/08/2012 - 10:03 AM)Page 5 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 6/6/12 Walmart - binder, pens, 16gb flashdrive 21.91 06/15/2012 226-45122-420990 6/6/12 Walmart - re-sale 33.83 06/15/2012 226-45127-425410 6/6/12 Walmart - cupcakes 12.00 06/15/2012 226-45127-421460 6/6/12 Reds - mileage 32,369 37.60 06/15/2012 217-41990-421200 6/6/12 Echostar - 6/2/12 - 7/1/12 42.74 06/15/2012 609-49754-432500 6/6/12 Target - (2) assorted Scotch tape 17.08 06/15/2012 101-43110-420990 6/6/12 Gradys - (1) qt roundup concentrate 25.64 06/15/2012 101-43120-422500 6/6/12 Napa - (1) belt for sprayer 19.72 06/15/2012 101-45201-422100 6/6/12 General Rental - Co2 for keg bar wedding 18.93 06/15/2012 226-45127-420750 6/6/12 Gradys - crack filling - (1) roll duck tape; (1) roller frame 6.50 06/15/2012 101-43120-421990 6/6/12 Napa - shop supplies - (24) qts 102.34 06/15/2012 101-43127-421300 6/6/12 Gradys - air lonce - (1) valve ball; (2) hex bushings 24.01 06/15/2012 101-43120-422110 6/6/12 Gradys - shop supplies - (2) duct tape; (1) 6' pipe 15.79 06/15/2012 101-43127-421990 6/6/12 Fastenal - (3) bits misc jobs 13.69 06/15/2012 226-45122-422990 6/6/12 US Bank Rebate Qtr 1 2012 -3.52 06/15/2012 656-49877-362970 6/6/12 utx - Carrot-Top Ind - (1) 4x6 US flag; (1) 3x5 MN flag 100.91 06/15/2012 101-42200-421990 6/6/12 Marties - (1) live cat trap; (1) bug fogger 60.60 06/15/2012 101-42700-421990 6/6/12 Cornerstone Cafe - Meeting w/Mark P. 22.92 06/15/2012 655-49870-443990 6/6/12 US Bank Rebate Qtr 1 2012 -0.36 06/15/2012 101-41110-362970 6/6/12 US Bank Rebate Qtr 1 2012 -3.53 06/15/2012 101-41310-362970 6/6/12 US Bank Rebate Qtr 1 2012 -11.20 06/15/2012 101-41520-362970 6/6/12 US Bank Rebate Qtr 1 2012 -0.03 06/15/2012 101-41800-362970 6/6/12 US Bank Rebate Qtr 1 2012 -0.66 06/15/2012 101-41940-362970 6/6/12 US Bank Rebate Qtr 1 2012 -6.90 06/15/2012 101-42200-362970 6/6/12 US Bank Rebate Qtr 1 2012 -2.04 06/15/2012 101-42400-362970 6/6/12 US Bank Rebate Qtr 1 2012 -4.72 06/15/2012 101-42700-362970 6/6/12 US Bank Rebate Qtr 1 2012 -1.53 06/15/2012 101-43110-362970 6/6/12 US Bank Rebate Qtr 1 2012 -1.46 06/15/2012 101-43111-362970 6/6/12 US Bank Rebate Qtr 1 2012 -53.20 06/15/2012 101-43120-362970 6/6/12 US Bank Rebate Qtr 1 2012 -1.09 06/15/2012 101-43125-362970 6/6/12 US Bank Rebate Qtr 1 2012 -18.79 06/15/2012 101-43127-362970 6/6/12 US Bank Rebate Qtr 1 2012 -0.05 06/15/2012 101-43160-362970 6/6/12 US Bank Rebate Qtr 1 2012 -21.79 06/15/2012 101-45201-362970 6/6/12 US Bank Rebate Qtr 1 2012 -0.28 06/15/2012 101-46500-362970 6/6/12 US Bank Rebate Qtr 1 2012 -0.35 06/15/2012 211-45501-362970 6/6/12 US Bank Rebate Qtr 1 2012 -12.82 06/15/2012 213-46301-362970 6/6/12 US Bank Rebate Qtr 1 2012 -4.34 06/15/2012 217-41990-362970 6/6/12 US Bank Rebate Qtr 1 2012 -3.91 06/15/2012 224-46102-362970 6/6/12 US Bank Rebate Qtr 1 2012 -5.84 06/15/2012 226-45122-362970 6/6/12 US Bank Rebate Qtr 1 2012 -8.90 06/15/2012 226-45127-362970 6/6/12 US Bank Rebate Qtr 1 2012 -12.05 06/15/2012 601-49440-362970 6/6/12 US Bank Rebate Qtr 1 2012 -54.94 06/15/2012 602-49480-362970 6/6/12 US Bank Rebate Qtr 1 2012 -5.42 06/15/2012 602-49490-362970 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (06/08/2012 - 10:03 AM)Page 6 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 6/6/12 US Bank Rebate Qtr 1 2012 -1.37 06/15/2012 609-49750-362970 6/6/12 US Bank Rebate Qtr 1 2012 -6.45 06/15/2012 609-49754-362970 6/6/12 US Bank Rebate Qtr 1 2012 -1.19 06/15/2012 651-49010-362970 6/6/12 US Bank Rebate Qtr 1 2012 -4.83 06/15/2012 655-00000-362970 6/6/12 US Bank Rebate Qtr 1 2012 -31.61 06/15/2012 655-49870-362970 6/6/12 General Rental - crack fill unit - (1) 100lb propane fill 82.50 06/15/2012 101-43120-421990 6/6/12 Napa - (2) oil filters 12.42 06/15/2012 101-43127-422120 6/6/12 Gradys - (10) 60lb concrete mix 69.36 06/15/2012 101-45201-440800 6/6/12 Fastenal - shop supplies - (24) rib inserts 11.73 06/15/2012 101-45201-421990 6/6/12 M & M Sales - #228 & stock - (2) V belts; (2) motor wheels 1,656.16 06/15/2012 101-45201-422100 6/6/12 Napa - #228 (4) line flushers 49.63 06/15/2012 101-45201-422100 6/6/12 Home Depot - (1) 1 gal sprayer; (4) 50lb concrete mix 53.29 06/15/2012 101-45201-421990 6/6/12 Cutter Sales - #223 - (2) 40x68x15 sealed 46.58 06/15/2012 101-45201-422100 6/6/12 Specialty Turf - (3) 50lb plant starter 79.41 06/15/2012 224-46102-443500 6/6/12 Gradys - (8) 2" paint brush 23.85 06/15/2012 101-45201-421510 6/6/12 Gradys - (1) utility knife; (1) ret swivel knife 23.49 06/15/2012 101-43120-424100 6/6/12 utx - Multi Products - Miss Rm - actuators for fire dampers 367.00 06/15/2012 226-45122-422300 6/6/12 Marties - Broadway medians - (1) gal razor pro 38.13 06/15/2012 101-43120-422500 6/6/12 OfficeMax - (10) premiere elements 106.86 06/15/2012 101-43110-420990 6/6/12 Napa - #301 - windshield washer pump 24.77 06/15/2012 601-49440-422110 6/6/12 Napa - #301 - electrical fuel 189.90 06/15/2012 601-49440-422110 6/6/12 O Ryans - (29.325) gallons vehicle #2 Dan S. 102.61 06/15/2012 655-49870-421200 6/6/12 Kwik Trip - (17.839) gallons vehicle #6 Dustin W. 63.13 06/15/2012 655-49870-421200 6/6/12 OfficeMax - (16) assorted Sharpies; (1) 3p Liquid Paper 26.26 06/15/2012 656-49877-421990 6/6/12 O'Reillys - (1) tire gauge 6.60 06/15/2012 656-49877-421990 6/6/12 Monticello City of - Right of Way permit RW048-2012 25.00 06/15/2012 656-49877-443700 6/6/12 OfficeMax - oak frame cork board 23.50 06/15/2012 101-43110-420990 6/6/12 Gradys - faucet parts 4.56 06/15/2012 101-45201-421990 36,729.98Check Total: Vendor:2438 VANCO SERVICES LLC Check Sequence: 2 ACH Enabled: True 00005079551 Vanco Fitness Rewards Mary 2012 87.25 06/15/2012 226-45122-430700 00005081283 Gateway fees May 2012 (1/2) 36.60 06/15/2012 601-49440-443980 00005081283 Gateway fees May 2012 (1/2) 36.60 06/15/2012 602-49490-443980 160.45Check Total: AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (06/08/2012 - 10:03 AM)Page 7 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Total for Check Run: Total of Number of Checks: 36,890.43 2 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (06/08/2012 - 10:03 AM)Page 8 User: Printed:06/14/2012 - 10:39AM Ann.Zimmerman Computer Check Proof List by Vendor Accounts Payable Batch:00205.06.2012 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Vendor:1565 WELLS FARGO CORP TRUST SERVICE Check Sequence: 1 ACH Enabled: True 861972 Transferred from 657-00000-101210 for Trustee Fee 1,000.00 06/14/2012 657-00000-101010 861972 Transfer funds to 657-00000-101010 for Trustee Fee -1,000.00 06/14/2012 657-00000-101210 861972 Trustee Fee - FiberNet Proj Rev Bds Serv 08 1,000.00 06/14/2012 657-49870-462010 1,000.00Check Total: Total for Check Run: Total of Number of Checks: 1,000.00 1 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (06/14/2012 - 10:39 AM)Page 1 User: Printed:06/07/2012 - 11:35AM Ann.Zimmerman Computer Check Proof List by Vendor Accounts Payable Batch:00204.06.2012 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Vendor:2160 MINNESOTA POLLUTIION CONTROL AGENCY Check Sequence: 1 ACH Enabled: False Permit Renewal Individual Permit Reissuance 1,240.00 06/07/2012 602-49480-443700 1,240.00Check Total: Total for Check Run: Total of Number of Checks: 1,240.00 1 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (06/07/2012 - 11:35 AM)Page 1 CityCouncilAgenda:06/25/12 1 5B.ConsiderationofapprovingnewhiresanddeparturesforCitydepartments (TE) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: TheCouncilisaskedtoratifythehiringanddeparturesofemployeesthathaveoccurred recentlyinthedepartmentslisted.ItisrecommendedthattheCouncilofficiallyratifythe hiring/departureofalllistedemployeesincludingpart-timeandseasonalworkers. A1.BudgetImpact:(positionsaregenerallyincludedinbudget) A2.StaffWorkLoadImpact:Ifnewpositions,theremaybesometraining involved.Ifterminatedpositions,existingstaffwouldpickupthosehours,as needed,untilreplaced. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.Motiontoratifythehire/departuresoftheemployeesasidentifiedontheattached list. 2.Motiontodenytherecommendedhiresanddepartures. C.RECOMMENDATION: BystatutetheCityCouncilhastheauthoritytoapproveallhires/departures.Citystaff recommendsAlternative#1,fortheCounciltoapprovethehiresand/ordeparturesas listed. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: Listofnew/terminatedemployees Name Title Department Hire Date Class Name Reason Department Last Day Class Margaret Etzel Vountary MCC 5/28 PT Mariah Jackson Vountary MCC 5/28 PT Austin Felber Vountary MCC 5/27 PT NEW EMPLOYEES TERMINATING EMPLOYEES Book1: 6/20/2012 CityCouncilAgenda:06/25/12 1 5C.ConsiderationofadoptingResolution#2012-057acceptingacontributionfromTom PerraultfortheGeneralFund (CS) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: TomPerraultiscontributing$250forJunetogointotheGeneralFund.Asrequiredby statestatute,iftheCityacceptsthedonationoffunds,theCityCouncilneedstoadopta resolutionspecifyingtheamountofthedonationanditsuse. A1.BudgetImpact:None A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:Staffaccountsforandreconcilesdonationscontributed throughtheCity. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.Approvethecontributionsandauthorizeuseoffundsasspecified. 2.Donotapprovethecontributionsandreturnthefundstothedonors. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: Staffrecommendationistoadopttheresolutionacceptingthecontributions. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: Resolution#2012-057 CityofMonticello RESOLUTIONNO.2012-057 APPROVINGCONTRIBUTIONS WHEREAS,theCityofMonticelloisgenerallyauthorizedtoaccept contributionsofrealandpersonalpropertypursuanttoMinnesotaStatutesSections 465.03and465.04forthebenefitofitscitizensandisspecificallyauthorizedtomaintain suchpropertyforthebenefitofitscitizensinaccordancewiththetermsprescribedbythe donor.SaidgiftsmaybelimitedunderprovisionsofMNStatutesSection471.895. WHEREAS,thefollowingpersonsandorentitieshaveofferedtocontribute contributionsorgiftstotheCityaslisted: DONOR/ENTITYDESCRIPTIONVALUE TomPerraultCash$250 WHEREAS,allsaidcontributionsareintendedtoaidtheCityinestablishing facilities,operationsorprogramswithinthecity’sjurisdictioneitheraloneorin cooperationwithothers,asallowedbylaw;and WHEREAS,theCityCouncilherebyfindsthatitisappropriatetoacceptthe contributionsoffered. NOWTHEREFOREBEITRESOLVED bytheCityCouncilofMonticelloas follows: 1.ThecontributionsdescribedaboveareherebyacceptedbytheCityof Monticello. 2.Thecontributionsdescribedabovewillbeusedasdesignatedbythe donor.Thismayentailreimbursingorallocatingthemoneytoanother entitythatwillutilizethefundsforthefollowingstatedpurpose: DONOR/ENTITYRECIPIENTPURPOSE TomPerraultCityofMonticelloGeneralfund(June) AdoptedbytheCityCouncilofMonticellothis25thdayofJune,2012. CITYOFMONTICELLO ______________________________ ClintHerbst,Mayor ATTEST: ______________________________________ JeffO’Neill,CityAdministrator CityCouncilAgenda:06/25/12 1 5D.ConsiderationofadoptingResolution#2012-058acceptingacontributionfrom CargillKitchenSolutionsforflowersforboulevardplantingonBroadway (CS) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: CargillKitchenSolutionssendadonationof$500togotowardthepurchaseofflowers forplantingtheboulevardonBroadwayWestinthedowntownarea.Theboulevardhas beenplantedandthisdonationwillbeusedtooffsetthepurchaseoftheflowers.As requiredbystatestatute,iftheCityacceptsthedonationoffunds,theCityCouncilneeds toadoptaresolutionspecifyingtheamountofthedonationanditsuse. A1.BudgetImpact:None A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:Staffaccountsforandreconcilesdonationscontributed throughtheCity. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.Approvethecontributionsandauthorizeuseoffundsasspecified. 2.Donotapprovethecontributionsandreturnthefundstothedonors. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: Staffrecommendationistoadopttheresolutionacceptingthecontributions. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: Resolution#2012-058 CityofMonticello RESOLUTIONNO.2012-058 APPROVINGCONTRIBUTIONS WHEREAS,theCityofMonticelloisgenerallyauthorizedtoaccept contributionsofrealandpersonalpropertypursuanttoMinnesotaStatutesSections 465.03and465.04forthebenefitofitscitizensandisspecificallyauthorizedtomaintain suchpropertyforthebenefitofitscitizensinaccordancewiththetermsprescribedbythe donor.SaidgiftsmaybelimitedunderprovisionsofMNStatutesSection471.895. WHEREAS,thefollowingpersonsandorentitieshaveofferedtocontribute contributionsorgiftstotheCityaslisted: DONOR/ENTITYDESCRIPTIONVALUE CargillKitchenSolutionsCash$500 WHEREAS,allsaidcontributionsareintendedtoaidtheCityinestablishing facilities,operationsorprogramswithinthecity’sjurisdictioneitheraloneorin cooperationwithothers,asallowedbylaw;and WHEREAS,theCityCouncilherebyfindsthatitisappropriatetoacceptthe contributionsoffered. NOWTHEREFOREBEITRESOLVED bytheCityCouncilofMonticelloas follows: 1.ThecontributionsdescribedaboveareherebyacceptedbytheCityof Monticello. 2.Thecontributionsdescribedabovewillbeusedasdesignatedbythe donor.Thismayentailreimbursingorallocatingthemoneytoanother entitythatwillutilizethefundsforthefollowingstatedpurpose: DONOR/ENTITYRECIPIENTPURPOSE CargillKitchenSolutionsCityofMonticelloFlowersforBroadwayboulevard AdoptedbytheCityCouncilofMonticellothis25thdayofJune,2012. CITYOFMONTICELLO ______________________________ ClintHerbst,Mayor ATTEST: ______________________________________ JeffO’Neill,CityAdministrator CityCouncilAgenda:06/25/12 1 5E.ConsiderationofappointingarepresentativetotheMonticelloLibraryBoardtofill avacancyforatermtoexpireon12/31/2015 (TE) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: CityCouncilisaskedtoappointarepresentativetofilloutatermontheMonticello LibraryBoardforavacantposition.TheLibraryBoardrecommendstheapprovalof ElaineSettergrentotakethepositionwiththetermtoexpireonDecember31,2015. ElaineresidesandworksintheCityofMonticelloandwishestoserveinthecommunity asavolunteer.HerbackgroundinLibraryandInformationScienceprovidesanexcellent fitfortheLibraryBoard. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.MotiontoapprovetheappointmentofElaineSettergrentotheMonticelloLibrary BoardwiththetermendingDecember31,2015. 2.Motiontonotapprovetheappointment. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: CityStaffandtheMonticelloLibraryBoardrecommendAlternative#1toappointElaine SettergrentotheLibraryBoard. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: Application CityCouncilAgenda:06/25/12 1 5F.Considerationofapprovinganapplicationfortemporaryon-saleliquorlicensefor theMonticelloVFWPost8731foraneventtobeheldintheirparkinglotonAugust 18,2012 (CS) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: TheMonticelloVFWClubisrequestingapprovalofanapplicationfora1-daytemporary on-saleliquorlicenseforAugust18,2012.Theywillbeholdingtheirsecondannual FamilyFuneventintheirparkinglotadjacenttothebuilding. TheVFWClubhasprovidedacertificateofinsuranceforthisevent. A1.BudgetImpact:NA A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:MinimalstafftimetosendapplicationtoStateAlcohol andGamblingDivisionforapproval. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.Motiontoapprovetheapplicationfora1-daytemporaryliquorlicenseforthe MonticelloVFWPost8731forAugust18,2012intheirparkinglotat713Cedar Street. 2.Donotapprovetheapplicationforatemporaryliquorlicense. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: CitystaffrecommendsAlternative#1forapprovaloftheapplication. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: Applicationfortemporaryliquorlicense CityCouncilAgenda:06/25/12 1 5G.ConsiderationofadoptingResolution#2012-059approvingconveyanceof3parcels oftax-forfeitedlandtotheCity,formallyestablishingauthorizedpublicuse (CS/JO) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: ItisrequestedthatCouncilconsideradoptionofaresolutionapprovingconveyanceof3 smallparcelstotheCityatnocharge,inlieuofgoingthroughthetaxforfeitureauction process. Parcel155-109-000010 –ThispropertyisidentifiedasOutlotAinRiverMill2nd Addition.ThisparcelprovidesapathwayroutefromRiverMillParktoRiverRidge Laneandwasoriginallyintendedtobeconveyedinconjunctionwithdevelopmentof thesubdivision. Parcel155-126-000030 –ThispropertyisidentifiedasOutlotCinRiverForest Addition.Thisisasmallpieceoflandthatcontainslandscapingandtheentrance monumentforRiverForest.AtthetimethatRiverForestsubdivisionwasdeveloped, thisoutlotwastobeassignedtoanowner’sassociation.Forsomereason,the propertywasnevertransferredfromthedeveloperthatownedtheoutlottothe owner’sassociation.Consequently,itappearsthattheonlyalternativeistoacceptthe propertyandprovideminimummaintenance.Follow-upcouldincludetransferring themonumentoutlottotheassociationifoneexistsoraskingRiverForestresidents toprovideregularmaintenanceoftheislandandentrancesign. Parcel155-010-072100 -ThisisaverysmallremnantpieceofpropertyinBlock72 oftheOriginalTownofMonticello.ThisislocatedonthecornerofCedarand4th StreetsadjoiningtheCedarCrestSeniorApartments.Thisremnantcontainscity utilitiesandshouldbeconveyedtotheCity.Atsomefuturetime,theCitymaywant toconsiderturningthisremnantpieceovertotheadjoiningpropertyownerwhile retainingeasementrightsonit. A1.BudgetImpact:Nocostisanticipatedunlessthereisaneedtorecordsome deeds. A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:Staffresearchedtheparcelsandestablishedthatthere isauthorizedpublicuseasindicatedabove. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.MotiontoadoptResolution#2012-059approvingtheconveyanceofParcels155- 010-072100,155-109-000010,and155-126-000030totheCityofMonticellofor authorizedpublicusebytheCity. 2.Motiontodenytheresolutionatthistimeandleavetheparcelsonthetaxforfeit listforpublicauction. CityCouncilAgenda:06/25/12 2 C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: CitystaffrecommendsAlternative#1. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: Resolution#2012-059 LetterfromWrightCountyAuditorandlistofparcels CopiesofmapsandlegalsshowingparcelsrecommendedtobeconveyedtoCity CITYOFMONTICELLO WRIGHTCOUNTY,MINNESOTA RESOLUTIONNO.2012-059 APPROVINGCONVEYANCEOFTHREEPARCELSOFTAX-FORFEITED LANDTOTHECITYOFMONTICELLOANDFORMALLYESTABLISHING AUTHORIZEDPUBLICUSEOFSAIDPARCELS: PID155-010-072100(Lot10,BlockG,OriginalTown) PID155-109-000010(OutlotA,RiverMill3rd) PID155-126-000030(OutlotC,RiverForest2nd) WHEREAS,parcelsoflandintheCityofMonticelloidentifiedas155-010-072100,155-109- 000010,and155-126-000030havebeenforfeitedtotheStateofMinnesotafornon-paymentof taxesandarebeingpreparedforpublicauctionunderMNStateStatutesChapter282;and WHEREAS,theCityofMonticellohasaninterestinacquiringthesethreeparceloftax-forfeited propertyforthefollowingauthorizedpublicuses: 155-010-072100–cityutilityeasement 155-109-000010–trailsystemlinkbetweenRiverMillParkandRiverRidgeLane 155-126-000030–entrancemonumentforRiverForestAddition NOWTHEREFORE,BEITRESOLVEDBYTHECITYCOUNCILOFMONTICELLO, MINNESOTA:thatparcels155-010-072100,155-109-000010,and155-126-000030be conveyedtotheCityofMonticelloforpublicpurposes. ADOPTEDBY theMonticelloCityCouncilthis25th dayofJune,2012. CITYOFMONTICELLO _________________________________ ClintHerbst,Mayor ATTEST: ________________________________ JeffO’Neill,CityAdministrator CERTIFICATION STATEOFMINNESOTA COUNTYOFWRIGHT IherebycertifythattheforegoingisatrueandcorrectcopyofResolution#2012-059 dulypassed,adoptedandapprovedbytheMonticelloCityCouncilattheirscheduledmeetingon June25,2012,andrecordedinminutesofsaidmeeting. ____________________________________ JeffO’Neill,CityAdministrator NotaryPublic:_______________________________ Date:___________________________ (STAMP) CityCouncilAgenda:06/25/12 5H.ConsiderationofratifyingtheFiberNetTechniciansLaborAgreementbetweenthe CityofMonticello/FiberNetandInternationalUnionofOperatingEngineersLocal 49fortheperiodofFebruary1,2012toJanuary31,2014 (TE/JO) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: CityCouncilisaskedtoratifythe2012-2014FiberNetTechniciancontractnegotiated betweentheCityofMonticelloandtheInternationalUnionofOperatingEngineers, Local49.ThisistheinitialcontractfortheFiberNetTechnicians.Membersofthe PersonnelCommitteealongwithFiberNetGeneralManager,BenRanft,metwithUnion RepresentativesandtheappointedStewardonthreeoccasionstonegotiatethiscontract. TheCityagreedtotheUnion’srequestformediationwhen,afterourthirdmeeting,we wereunabletoreachanagreement.Theproposedcontractwasagreeduponbybothsides atmediationandcloselyresemblesthePublicWorkscontract. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.Motiontoratifythe2012-2014FiberNetTechniciansLaborAgreement. 2.Motiontonotratifythe2012-2014LaborAgreementatthistime. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: StaffrecommendsAlternative#1. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: 2012-2014negotiatedlaboragreementforFiberNetTechnicians LABORAGREEMENT BETWEEN FIBERNETOFMONTICELLO AND INTERNATIONALUNIONOFOPERATING ENGINEERS,LOCALNO.49 AFL-CIO February1,2012throughJanuary31,2014 TABLEOFCONTENTS ARTICLEIPurposeofAgreement 3 ARTICLEIIRecognition 3 ARTICLEIIIUnionSecurity 4 ARTICLEIVEmployerAuthority 4 ARTICLEVEmployeeRights-GrievanceProcedure 5 ARTICLEVIDefinitions 7 ARTICLEVIISavingsClause 8 ARTICLEVIIIHoursofWork 9 ARTICLEIXOvertimePay 9 ARTICLEXLegalDefense 10 ARTICLEXIOn-Call 10 ARTICLEXIIDiscipline 12 ARTICLEXIIISeniority/Probation 13 ARTICLEXIVSafety 13 ARTICLEXVJobPosting 13 ARTICLEXVIGroupInsuranceProgram 14 ARTICLEXVIIHolidays 14 ARTICLEXVIIIVacationLeave 14 ARTICLEXIXSickLeave 15 ARTICLEXXSeverancePay 16 ARTICLEXXIEducationCompensation 17 ARTICLEXXIIClothing/UniformAllowance 17 ARTICLEXXIIIDuration 18 APPENDIX#1Wages/SalarySchedule_____________________________19 APPENDIX#2CentralPensionFund_______________________________20 APPENDIX#3GroupInsuranceProgram____________________________21 3 LABORAGREEMENT BETWEEN FIBERNETOFMONTICELLO AND INTERNATIONALUNIONOFOPERATINGENGINEERS LOCALNO.49,AFL-CIO ARTICLEI PurposeofAgreement ThepurposeofthisAgreementistopromoteharmoniousrelationsbetweentheCityandemployees coveredbythisAgreement;toestablishanequitableandpeacefulprocedureforresolvingdifferences;to establishratesofpay,hoursofwork,andotherconditionsofemployment;tomaintainandincrease individualproductivityandqualityofservices;andtopreventanyinterruptionsofworkandinterference withtheefficientoperationoftheInstallationTechniciansatFiberNetofMonticello. 1.01 EstablishproceduresfortheresolutionofdisputesconcerningthisAgreement’s interpretationand/orapplication; 1.02 Specifythefullandcompleteunderstandingoftheparties;and 1.03 Placeinwrittenformtheparties’agreementupontermsandconditionsofemployment forthedurationofthisAgreement. TheEmployerandtheUnion,throughthisAgreement,continuetheirdedicationtothehighest qualityofpublicservice.Bothpartiesrecognizethisagreementasapledgeofthisdedication. ARTICLEII Recognition 2.01 TheEmployerrecognizestheUnionastheexclusiverepresentativeforallemployeesin aunitcertifiedbytheStateofMinnesotaBureauofMediationServicesinCaseNo. 12PCE0514 as: AllInstallationTechniciansemployedbytheCityof Monticello,Minnesota,whoarepublicemployeeswithinthe meaningofMinn.Stat.179A.03,subd.14,excluding supervisory,confidential,andallotheremployees. 2.02 IntheeventtheEmployerandtheUnionareunabletoagreeastotheinclusionor exclusionofanewormodifiedjobclass,theissueshallbesubmittedtotheBureauof MediationServicesfordetermination. 4 ARTICLEIII UnionSecurity 3.01ThereshallbenodiscriminationagainstanyemployeebecauseofUnionmembershipor non-membership;orbecauseofrace,creed,sex,color,maritalstatus,religiousand/or politicalbelief. 3.02ThereshallbenointerferencewiththerightsofemployeestobecomeorcontinueasUnion members,ortorefrainfromUnionmembership. 3.03TheUnionmaydesignateone(1)employeefromthebargainingunittoactasaStewardand shallinformtheEmployerinwritingofthenameofsuchSteward.TheStewardwillnot losesalarywhenattendingnegotiationsorinvolvedinagrievanceiftheyarescheduled duringaregularworkdayandiftheirpresenceisrequiredfortheparticularpurpose.The schedulingofnegotiationsandgrievancestepsshallbemutuallyagreeduponbythe EmployerandtheUnion. 3.04TheUnionshallhaveaccesstothepremisesoftheEmployeratreasonabletimesandsubject toreasonablerulestoinvestigategrievancesandforotherreasonablepurposes. 3.05Forsuchemployeesasauthorizedinwriting,theEmployershalldeductfromthefirstpay periodofeachmonthafterthirty(30)daysofemployment,theamountoftheUnionduesor fairsharefeeasprovidedbylaw,ascertifiedtotheEmployerbytheUnionandshallremit suchmoniespromptlytothedulydesignatedofficeoftheUnion. 3.06NoStrike:WhilethisAgreementisineffect,neithertheUnion,itsofficersoragents,nor anyoftheemployeescoveredbythisAgreement,willengagein,encourage,sanction, supportorsuggestanystrike,slowdown,massabsenteeism,sympathystrike,thewillful absencefromone’sposition,thestoppageofworkortheabstinenceinwholeorinpartof thefull,faithfulandproperperformanceofthedutiesofemploymentforthepurposeof inducing,influencingorcoercingachangeintheconditionsorcompensationortherights, privilegesorobligationsofemployment.Intheeventthatanyemployeeviolatesthis Article,theUnionshallimmediatelynotifytheemployeesthereofandshallinstructthe employeestoimmediatelyreturntotheirnormalduties.Anyoralltheemployeeswho violateanyoftheprovisionsofthisArticlewillbesubjecttodischargeorotherdiscipline. 3.07Whennewemployeesarehired,theCityshall,withinthirty(30)workingdays,informin writingtotheLocal49officeinMinneapolis,Minnesotathename,jobtitleanddateofhire ofsaidemployee. ARTICLEIV EmployerAuthority 4.01TheEmployerretainsthefullandunrestrictedrighttooperateandmanageallmanpower, facilities,andequipment;toestablishfunctionsandprograms;tosetandamendbudgets;to enact,modify,oreliminateordinances;todeterminetheutilizationoftechnology;to establishandmodifytheorganizationalstructure;toselect,directanddeterminethe numberofpersonnel;toestablishworkschedulesandtoperformanyinherentmanagerial functionnotspecificallylimitedbythisagreement. 4.02Anytermandconditionofemploymentnotspecificallyestablishedormodifiedbythis 5 AgreementshallremainsolelywithinthediscretionoftheEmployertomodify,establish,or eliminate. ARTICLEV EmployeeRights—GrievanceProcedure 5.01DefinitionofaGrievance –Agrievanceisdefinedasadisputeordisagreementastothe interpretationorapplicationofthespecifictermsandconditionsofthisAgreement. 5.02UnionRepresentatives –TheEmployerwillrecognizerepresentativesdesignatedbythe Unionasthegrievancerepresentativesofthebargainingunithavingthedutiesand responsibilitiesestablishedbythisArticle.TheUnionshallnotifytheEmployerinwriting ofthenamesofsuchUnionrepresentativesandoftheirsuccessorswhensodesignated.No UnionbusinessshallbeconductedontheEmployer'stimeexceptwiththeexpress permissionoftheEmployer. 5.03ProcessingofaGrievance –ItisrecognizedandacceptedbytheUnionandthe Employerthattheprocessingofgrievancesashereinafterprovidedislimitedbythejob dutiesandresponsibilitiesoftheemployeesandshallthereforebeaccomplishedduring normalworkinghoursonlywhenconsistentwithsuchemployeedutiesand responsibilities.TheaggrievedemployeeandtheUnionrepresentativeshallbealloweda reasonableamountoftimewithoutlossinpaywhenagrievanceisinvestigatedand presentedtotheEmployerduringnormalworkinghours,providedtheemployeeandthe Unionrepresentativehavenotifiedandreceivedtheapprovalofthedesignatedsupervisor whohasdeterminedthatsuchabsenceisreasonableandwouldnotbedetrimentaltothe workprogramsoftheEmployer. 5.04Procedure –Grievances,asdefinedinSection5.01,shallberesolvedinconformancewith thefollowingprocedure: Step1: Anemployeeclaimingaviolationconcerningtheinterpretationorapplicationofthis agreementshall,withintwenty-one(21)workingdaysaftersuchallegedviolationhas occurred,presentsuchgrievancetotheemployee'ssupervisorasdesignatedbytheEmployer. TheEmployerdesignatedrepresentativewilldiscussandgiveananswertosuchStep1 grievancewithinten(10)workingdaysafterreceipt.AgrievancenotresolvedinStep1and appealedtoStep2shallbeplacedinwritingsettingforththenatureofthegrievance,the factsonwhichitisbased,theprovisionorprovisionsoftheagreementallegedlyviolated, andtheremedyrequestedandshallbeappealedtoStep2withinten(10)workingdaysafter theEmployerdesignatedrepresentative'sfinalanswertoStep1.Anygrievancenotappealed inwritingtoStep2bytheUnionwithinten(10)workingdaysshallbeconsideredwaived. Step2: Ifappealed,thewrittengrievanceshallbepresentedbytheUnionanddiscussed withtheEmployerdesignatedStep2representative.TheEmployerdesignated representativeshallgivetheUniontheEmployer'sStep2answerinwritingwithinten(10) workingdaysafterreceiptofsuchStep2grievance.AgrievancenotresolvedinStep2 maybeappealedtoStep3withinten(10)workingdaysfollowingtheEmployer designatedrepresentative'sfinalStep2answer.Anygrievancenotappealedinwritingto Step3bytheUnionwithinten(10)workingdaysshallbeconsideredwaived. 6 Step3: Ifappealed,thewrittengrievanceshallbepresentedbytheUnionanddiscussedwiththe CityAdministrator.TheCityAdministratorshallgivetheUniontheCityAdministrator's answerinwritingwithinten(10)workingdaysafterreceiptofsuchStep3grievance.A grievancenotresolvedinStep3maybeappealedtoStep4withinten(10)workingdays followingtheCityAdministrator'sfinalanswerinStep3.Anygrievancenotappealedin writingtoStep4bytheUnionwithinten(10)workingdaysshallbeconsideredwaived. Step4: Ifthegrievanceisstillunsettled,theUnionmay,withinten(10)workingdaysafterthereply oftheStep3representativewasdue,bywrittennoticetotheEmployer,petitiontheBureauof MediationServicesforassistanceinsettlingthroughmediation.Ifeitherpartydetermines duringthemediationprocessthatfurthermediationwouldservenopurpose,theUnionmay withinten(10)workingdaysbywrittennoticetotheEmployerrequestarbitrationofthe dispute. Step5: AgrievanceunresolvedinStep4andappealedinStep5shallbesubmittedtoarbitration subjecttotheprovisionsofthePublicEmploymentLaborRelationsActof1971.Ifthe UnionandEmployerareunabletoreachamutualagreementontheselectionofan arbitrator,thentheselectionofanarbitratorshallbemadeinaccordancewiththe"Rules GoverningtheArbitrationofGrievance"asestablishedbythePublicEmploymentRelations Board. 5.05Arbitrator'sAuthority Thearbitratorshallhavenorighttoamend,modify,nullify,ignore,addto,orsubtractfrom thetermsandconditionsofthisagreement.Thearbitratorshallconsideranddecideonlythe specificissue(s)submittedinwritingbytheEmployerandtheUnionandshallhavenoauthority tomakeadecisiononanyotherissuenotsosubmitted. Thenarbitratorshallbewithoutpowertomakedecisionscontraryto,inconsistentwith,or modifyingorvaryinginanywaytheapplicationoflaws,rulesorregulationshavingthe forceandeffectoflaw.Thearbitrator'sdecisionshallbesubmittedinwritingwithinthirty (30)daysfollowingcloseofthehearingorthesubmissionofthebriefsbytheparties, whicheverbelater,unlessthepartiesagreetoanextension.Thedecisionshallbebinding onboththeEmployerandtheUnionandshallbebasedsolelyonthearbitrator'sinterpretationor applicationoftheexpresstermsofthisagreementandtothefactsofthegrievance presented. Thefeesandexpensesforthearbitrator'sservicesandproceedingsshallbebornequallyby theEmployerandtheUnionprovidedthateachpartyshallberesponsibleforcompensating itsownrepresentativesandwitnesses.Ifeitherpartydesiresaverbatimrecordofthe proceedings,itmaycausesucharecordtobemade,providingitpaysfortherecord.Ifboth partiesdesireaverbatimrecordoftheproceedings,thecostshallbesharedequally. 5.06Waiver –Ifagrievanceisnotpresentedwithinthetimelimitssetforthabove,itshall beconsidered"waived."Ifagrievanceisnotappealedtothenextstepwithinthespecified timelimitoranyagreedextensionthereof,itshallbeconsideredsettledonthebasisofthe Employer'slastanswer.IftheEmployerdoesnotansweragrievanceoranappealthereof withinthespecifiedtimelimits,theUnionmayelecttotreatthegrievanceasdeniedatthat 7 stepandimmediatelyappealthegrievancetothenextstep.Thetimelimitineachstepmay beextendedbymutualagreementoftheEmployerandtheUnion. 5.07ChoiceofRemedy —If,asaresultofthewrittenEmployerresponseinStep3,the grievanceremainsunresolved,andifthegrievanceinvolvesthesuspension,demotion,or dischargeofanemployeewhohascompletedtherequiredprobationaryperiod,the grievancemaybeappealedeithertoStep4ofArticleVIoraproceduresuchasthe following:CivilService,Veteran'sPreference,FairEmployment,ortoahearingbeforethe CityCouncilpursuanttoCityOrdinance.IfappealedtoanyprocedureotherthanStep4of ArticleVI,thegrievanceisnotsubjecttomediationorarbitrationasprovidedforinStep4 and/orStep5ofArticleVI.Theaggrievedemployeeshallindicateinwritingwhich procedureistobeutilized—Steps4and5ofArticleVIoranotherappealprocedure—and shallsignastatementtotheeffectthatthechoiceofanyotherremedyprecludesthe aggrievedemployeefrommakingasubsequentappealthroughSteps4and5ofArticleVI. Thewrittenstatementrequestingmediationshallserveasofficialnoticethatthechoiceof Step4precludestheaggrievedemployeefrommakingasubsequentappealunderanyother procedure. ARTICLEVI Definitions 6.01Union –TheInternationalUnionofOperatingEngineers,LocalNo.49,AFL-CIO. 6.02Employer–TheCityofMonticello,WrightCounty,Minnesota. 6.03Union Member–AmemberoftheInternationalUnionofOperatingEngineers,LocalNo. 49. 6.04Employee –Amemberoftheexclusivelyrecognizedbargainingunit. 6.05BasePayRate –Theemployee'shourlypayrateexclusiveoflongevityoranyotherspecial allowances. 6.06Seniority –LengthofcontinuousservicewiththeEmployer. 6.07CompensatoryTime –Timeofftheemployee'sregularlyscheduledworkscheduleequalin timetoovertimeworked. 6.08SeverancePay –Paymentmadetoanemployeeuponhonorableterminationof employment. 6.09Overtime –Workperformedattheexpressauthorizationoftheemployerforallhours workedinexcessofanormallyscheduledweeklyworkshift.TheweekstartsonSaturday andendsonFriday. 6.10CallBack –Returnofanemployeetoaspecifiedworksitetoperformassigneddutiesatthe expressauthorizationoftheEmployeratatimeotherthananassignedshift.Anextensionof orearlyreporttoanassignedshiftisnotacallback. 6.11Strike –Concertedactioninfailingtoreportforduty,thewillfulabsencefromone's position,thestoppageofwork,slowdown,orabstinenceinwholeorinpartfromthefull, 8 faithful,andproperperformanceofthedutiesofemploymentforthepurposesofinducing, influencing,orcoercingachangeintheconditionsorcompensationortherights,privileges, orobligationsofemployment. 6.12PerformanceEvaluation –Anevaluationbyasupervisoroftheemployees'work performanceasitrelatestomeetingrequirementsandexpectationsoftheposition'sjob description. 6.13On-Call –WhenanemployeeisassignedbytheEmployertocarryacellphoneandbeon callandavailabletorespondtoanemergencyatatimeotherthananassignedshiftwithina 7-dayworkweek. ARTICLEVII SavingsClause 7.01ThisagreementissubjecttothelawsoftheUnitedStates,theStateofMinnesota,andthe signedmunicipality.Intheeventanyprovisionofthisagreementshallbeheldtobecontrary tolawbyacourtofcompetentjurisdictionfromwhosefinaljudgmentordecreenoappeal hasbeentakenwithinthetimeprovided,suchprovisionshallbevoided.Allother provisionsofthisagreementshallcontinueinfullforceandeffect.Thevoidedprovision mayberenegotiatedattherequestofeitherparty. ARTICLEVIII HoursofWork 8.01Thenormalworkweekshallbethirty-five(35)toforty(40)hours,MondaythroughFriday. WorkdayhoursareMondaythroughFriday8:00a.m.–4:30p.m.Assignmentofregularly scheduledhoursdifferentthanabovewillonlybemadewithten(10)workingdaysadvance notice. 8.02Intheeventthatworkisrequiredbecauseofunusualcircumstancesoranemergencyno advancenoticeneedbegiven.Itisnotrequiredthatanemployeeworkingotherthanthe normalworkdaybescheduledtoworkmorethaneight(8)hours;however,eachemployee hasanobligationtoworkovertimeorcallbacksifrequestedunlessunusualcircumstances preventthemfromsoworking. 8.03Allemployeesshallreceiveaone(1)hourlunchperiodwithahalf(½)hourpaid,andhalf (½)hourunpaid MondaythroughFriday.One-half(1/2)hourunpaidlunchtobecombined withthe2-15minutepaidbreakstototalone(1)hour. ARTICLEIX OvertimePay 9.01Hoursworkedinexcessofforty(40)hourswithinaseven(7)dayperiodwillbe compensatedforatoneandone-half(1-1/2)timestheemployee’sbaserate.Holidayand sickleavewillbecountedashoursworkedforthepurposeofcalculatingovertime. 9.02Overtimewillbedistributedasequallyaspracticable. 9.03Overtimerefusedbyemployeeswill,forrecordpurposesunderArticle9.02,beconsidered 9 asunpaidovertimeworked. 9.04Forthepurposesofcomputingovertimeonaweeklybasis,comptimeandvacationtimewill notbeconsideredactualtimeworkedfordeterminingeligibilityforovertimepay. 9.05TheEmployermayallowforcompensatorytimeoffinlieuofovertimepaymentfor overtimeworkedandforcallbacks.Ifamutuallysatisfactorytimecannotbeagreed upon,theEmployershallgrantcompensatorytimeoffastheemployeerequestsprovided theemployeegivestheEmployeraseven(7)daynoticeandfurtherprovidedthetimeoff willnotundulydisruptoperations.Employeescanonlyaccumulateabalanceofeighty (80)hourscompensatorytime.Employeeswillbepaidovertimepayforanyovertime workedwhilesuchaccumulatedbalanceisateighty(80)hours.Employeeswillnotbe allowedtousemorethan80hoursofcomptimepercalendaryear. 9.06Anemployeecalledinforworkatatimeotherthantheemployee'snormalscheduledshiftwill becompensatedforaminimumoftwo(2)hourspayforanytimeactuallyworkedupto two(2)hours. ARTICLEX LegalDefense 10.01Employeesinvolvedinlitigationbecauseofnegligence,ignoranceoflaws,non-observance oflaws,orasaresultofemployeejudgmentaldecisionmaynotreceivelegaldefensebythe municipality. 10.02Anyemployeewhoischargedwithatrafficviolation,ordinanceviolation,orcriminal offensearisingfromactsperformedwithinthescopeofthisemployment,whensuchact isperformedingoodfaithandunderdirectorderoftheirsupervisor,shallbereimbursed forreasonableattorney'sfeesandcourtcostsactuallyincurredbysuchemployeein defendingagainstsuchcharge. ARTICLEXI On-Call 11.01 Purpose:ThepurposeoftheOn-CallPolicyistoensurecoverageforemergencysituations thatoccuroutsideoftheregularestablishedhoursofoperationandtoalsoprovideguidelines forresponsetimeandcompensationforcall-backsituations. 1.Theon-calltechnicianmustrespondtotheBusinessServiceCenter(BSC)within 20minutesofbeingcalledout. •TheBSCwillcontacttheFiberPlantManagerifthereisnoresponsefromtheon-call technicianwithintwenty(20)minutesoftheinitialcontactfromtheBSC. •Othertechnicianswillthenbecalledouttoassistand/orcovertheservicecalloroutage. •Shouldtheon-calltechnicianbeunavailableorunreachableformorethantwenty(20) minutesduringtheirscheduledshift,arrangementsmustbemadetoprovidecoverage fromanotheravailabletechnicianandtheBSCthennotified. 2.Theon-calltechnicianmustbeavailabletobeonsiteatthecustomerspremise withinone(1)houroftheBSCreceivingtheinitialcallfromthecustomer. •Ifthisrulecannotbemet,duetocurrentservicecallcommitmentseveryeffortmust bemadetoinformtheBSC. 10 3.Theon-calltechnicianmustreporttotheBSCatthecompletionofeachservice calloroutage. TheBSCwillassumetheon-calltechnicianisstillon-siteandworkinguntil theyreceivethecallofcompletion. Shouldtheon-calltechniciandiscovertheserviceissuewilllastmorethanone (1)hour;theBSCmustbecontactedandupdatedwithanestimatedtimeof completion. LeavingamessageontheBSCphonetoreportcalloroutagecompletionis acceptable. 4.On-callcompensationforfieldoperationswillbeasfollows: •Theon-calltechnicianwillbepaidfromthetimetheyeitherreachtheshop(if necessary)orreachthecustomer'slocationuntilthecompletionoftheservicecallor outageorifworkingonmultipleservicecalls,atthecompletionofthelastcall. •On-calltechnicianswillbecompensatedforanytimeworkedduringtheworkweek complyingwiththeovertimepolicysetbythiscontract. •If dispatched toacall,theon-calltechnicianwillbecompensatedaminimumtwo (2)hoursofpay.Thetwo(2)hoursofpayappliesonlytotheinitialdispatch.The hourscannotbestacked,meaningifanotherservicerequestcomesinwhilealreadyon locationorwithintwo(2)hoursofinitialdispatchthetechnicianwillonlybepaidthe two(2)hourminimumplusanyadditionalhoursworkedifthetwo(2)hoursare exceeded. •Offdutytechniciansassistingwithanoutageconditionwillbepaidthesamehourlyrates ason-calltechnicians. •On-calltechnicianswillbecompensatedforthedaystheyareon-call: o Weekday-$10perday(MondaythroughFriday) o Weekend-$30perday(SaturdayandSunday) o Holiday-$30perday(inlieuofweekdayorweekendpay) 5.Allchangesinthedocumentedon-callrotationschedulemustbeapprovedbythe FiberPlantManagerinadvanceofthechange. •TheBSCwillassumethatthetechnicianassignedontheweeklytechscheduleisthe onethatwillbeworkingthatshift. Thescheduledon-calltechnicianwillberesponsibleforgettingcoverageforany scheduledshifttheyareunabletowork. 6.Workvehicleuseduringon-calltime. •Aworkvehiclemaybedriventoandfromanemployee'splaceofresidenceduring thetimetheyareon-call. •Employeesarenotallowedtousetheworkvehicleforpersonalusewhileon-call. •Workvehicleistobeparkedatresidencewithorangeconetoprotectfrontand/or backofvehicleforsafetypurposes. Employeesmustresidewithinaten(10)mileradiusoftheCityofMonticelloin ordertoutilizethispolicy. 7.Additionalrulesandpolicies. •Drinkingalcoholorusinganyotheralteringsubstancesisstrictlyprohibitedwhen workinganon-callshiftoratanyothertimewhiledrivingaFiberNetvehicleor whileworkinginanycapacityforFiberNetMonticello.Thisprohibitionincludesthe useofanyprescriptiondrugsthatmayaffectthesafeoperationofvehiclesor 11 equipment,orwhichcouldimpairthesafeandefficientperformanceofan employee'sduties. Exemptemployeesshouldbeexcludedfromtheon-callrotationastheyarealways inanemergencycallbackstatusandcannotreceiveon-callcompensation. •Failuretocomplywithanyoftherulesstatedinthispolicywillresultindisciplinary actionaccordingtoArticleXII. 11.02On-callcompensationwillberevisitednolaterthanJune1,2013. ARTICLEXII Discipline 12.01TheEmployerwilldisciplineemployeesforjustcauseonly.Disciplinewillbeintheform of: A.oralreprimand; B.writtenreprimand; C.suspension; D.demotion;or E.discharge 12.02Suspensions,demotionsanddischargeswillbeinwrittenform. 12.03Writtenreprimands,noticesofsuspension,andnoticesofdischargewhicharetobecome partofanemployee’spersonnelfileshallbereadandacknowledgedbysignatureofthe employee.EmployeesandtheUnionwillreceiveacopyofsuchreprimandsand/ornotices. 12.04Employeesmayexaminetheirownindividualpersonnelfilesatreasonabletimesunderthe directsupervisionoftheEmployer. 12.05Allreprimandswillbepartoftheemployee’spermanentrecord. ARTICLEXIII Seniority/Probation 13.01Allnewlyhiredorrehiredemployeeswillserveasix(6)monthprobationaryperiod. ProbationaryemployeesmaybeterminatedatthesolediscretionoftheEmployer. 13.02Uponcompletionoftheprobationaryperiod,employeesshallbecomeregularemployees withinthemeaningofthisAgreementandshallbecreditedwithsenioritydatingfromthe firstdateofcontinuousemploymentwiththeEmployer. A.ASeniorityListofbargainingunitemployeesshallbesubmittedtotheexclusive bargainingrepresentativebyJanuary1st ofeachyear. B.Employeeswiththeleastsenioritywithinjobclassshallbethefirsttobelaidoff, andintheeventofrehire,suchemployeesshallberehiredinthereverseorderof theirlay-off.Anyemployeeintheleadtechpositionwillhavebumpingrightsinthe caseofalay-offsituation. C.Therightofrecallshallbelimitedto:aperiodoftwelve(12)monthsfromthedate 12 oflayoffandtheEmployer’stermsofrecall. ARTICLEXIV Safety 14.01TheEmployerandtheUnionagreetojointlypromotesafeandhealthfulworking conditions,tocooperateinsafetymatters,andtoencourageemployeestoworkinasafe manner. 14.02Whereitemsofsafetyequipmentarerequiredbyfederal,state,orlocalrulesand regulations,itshallbeaconditionofemploymentthatsuchequipmentwillbewornorutilized bytheemployee.EmployeesmayprovidepersonalitemsonlyifapprovedbytheEmployer inadvance. 14.03TheEmployershallprovideorpayforallnecessarysafetyequipmentincludingvests,hard hats,earplugs,safetyglasses,cellphones,toolsandequipment. ARTICLEXV JobPosting 15.01TheEmployerandtheUnionagreethatpermanentjobvacancieswithinthedesignated bargainingunitshallbefilledbasedontheconceptofpromotionfromwithinprovidedthat applicants: (a)Havethenecessaryqualificationstomeetthestandardsofthejobvacancy;and (b)Havetheabilitytoperformthedutiesandresponsibilitiesofthejobvacancy. 15.02EmployeesfillingahigherjobclassbasedontheprovisionsofthisArticleshallbesubjectto theconditionsofArticleXIII(probationaryperiods). 15.03TheEmployerhastherightoffinaldecisionintheselectionofemployeestofillposted jobsbasedonqualifications,abilitiesandexperience. 15.04Jobvacancieswithinthedesignatedbargainingunitwillbepostedforfive(5)working dayssothatmembersofthebargainingunitcanbeconsideredforsuchvacancies. ARTICLEXVI GroupInsuranceProgram 16.01PerCurrentCityHealthInsurance.SeeAppendix#3 ARTICLEXVII Holidays 17.01TheEmployerwillprovidethefollowingtenandone-half(10½)paidholidaysforthe lengthofthisAgreementforallInstallationTechnicianemployees:NewYear'sDay, MartinLutherKingDay,President'sDay,MemorialDay(lastMondayinMay), IndependenceDay,LaborDay(firstMondayinSeptember),Veteran'sDay(November11), ThanksgivingDay,DayafterThanksgiving,Christmas Day,andone-half(½)dayon December24th tobeobservedonthelastworkdayprecedingChristmas. WhenNewYear'sDay,IndependenceDay,VeteransDay,orChristmasDayfallsonSunday, 13 thefollowingdayshallbeaholiday.WhenNewYear'sDay,IndependenceDay,Veterans Day,orChristmasDayfallsonaSaturday,theprecedingdayshallbeaholiday. Allhoursworkedonthetenandone-half(10½)holidayssetforthinthisArticlewillbe compensatedforatoneandonehalf(1½)timestheemployee'shourlyrateofpayifover forty(40)hoursintheworkweek.Employeeswhoworkonapaidholidaywillbepaidin additiontotheirregularholidaypayoneandonehalf(1½)timestheirregularrateofpay forallhoursworkedifoverforty(40)intheworkweek,ineithercashorcompensatory timeattheemployee’sdiscretion. ARTICLEXVIII VacationLeave 18.01EffectiveJune1,2012allemployeescoveredbythisagreementshallearnvacationbenefitsas follows: 0-1yearofserviceAccrue40hoursperyear 2-5yearsofserviceAccrue80hoursperyear 6-15yearsofserviceAccrue120hoursperyear 16+yearsofserviceAccrue160hoursperyear 18.02ExceptasspecificallyapprovedinwritingbytheCityAdministrator,employeeswillnot beallowedtoaccumulateinexcessof(1½)timestheemployee'sannualvacationaccrual. Anyemployeewhohasaccumulatedvacationhoursinexcessof(1½)timestheirannual earningsshallbeallowedtocontinuetoaccruetheexcesshourstheyhaveaccumulatedas ofJanuary1ofeachyear,providedtheamountdoesnotexceed240hours. 18.03Anypermanentemployeeleavinganymunicipalserviceingoodstandingaftergiving propernoticeofsuchterminationofemploymentshallbecompensatedforvacationleave accruedandunusedtothedateofseparation. 18.04Noemployeeshallbepermittedtowaivevacationleaveforthepurposeofreceivingdouble pay. ARTICLEXIX SickLeave 19.01Eligibility:Sickleavewithpayshallbegrantedtoallemployeesattherateof3.7hours perpayperiod.Providedthatsuchsickleavegrantedtoprobationaryemployeesshallnot beavailableforuseuntilsatisfactorycompletionoftheinitial(notpromotional) probationaryperiod. 19.02Accrual:Sickleavemaybeaccumulatedasearnedwithnomaximumaccumulationlimit. 19.03Sickleavemaybegrantedonlyforabsencefromdutybecauseofpersonalillnessorlegal quarantineoftheemployee,his/herspouse,orchildren. 19.04Intheeventofdeathorseriousillnessintheimmediatefamily,amaximumofuptothree (3)dayssickleaveshallbegranted. 14 19.05Workman'scompensationbenefitsand/orCity-providedweeklydisabilitybenefitsshallbe creditedagainstthecompensationdueanemployeeusingsickleavebenefits. 19.06ProofRequired:Inordertobeeligibleforsickleavewithpay,anemployeemust: 1.Reportwithinone-half(½)hour,unlesscircumstancesdonotpermitinwhichcaseas soonascircumstancesdopermit,ofthebeginningoftheirworkdaytotheirdepartment headthereasonfortheirabsence. 2.Keeptheirdepartmentheadinformedoftheirconditioniftheabsenceisofmorethan three(3)daysduration. 3.SubmitamedicalcertificateforanyabsenceifrequiredbythedepartmentheadorCity Administrator. 19.07Penalty:Claimingsickleavewhenphysicallyfit,exceptaspermittedinthissection,maybe causeofdisciplinaryaction,includingtransfer,suspension,demotion,ordismissal. 19.08ImmediateFamily:Immediatefamilyforpurposesofseriousillnessshallmeanmother, father,husband,wife,sonanddaughter.Immediatefamilyforpurposesofdeathshall,in additiontotheforegoing,includebrother,sister,grandparent,mother-in-law,andfather-in- law,stepparents,andstepchildren. 19.09Fittoresumeduty;alternateduty:Afteranillnessorinjuryhascausedanabsence,the Employermayrequiretheemployeetosubmitamedicalcertificateindicatingthe employee'sfitnesstoresumeduty.TheCitymayrequesttheemployeetosubmittoan examinationbyaphysicianwhichtheCitydesignates,saidexaminationtobeattheexpense oftheCity.WhiletheEmployerwillconsidertherecuperationoftheemployeewhen assigningtasks,nothinghereinshallbeconstruedtoobligatetheEmployertoassign, provide,orcreatespecialdutyfortheemployee.If,however,theEmployercanprovide specialdutyinaparticularinstance,saidassignmentofspecialdutyshallnotconstitutea policyorprecedentforextendingthespecialdutyorforprovidingspecialdutyinadifferent instance.TheEmployerreservesthefullandunrestrictedrighttoplaceonunpaid,inactive statusanyemployeewhoisunabletofullyperformthedutiesandtasksassigned.Any employeeplacedoninactivestatusformorethansix(6)monthsmaybedischargedbythe Employerformedicalreasons,exceptthattheEmployermayextendsuchabsenceinthe eventtheEmployer'sdoctorprovidesacertifiedstatementthattheemployeewillbeableto resumetheirdutiesonaspecifieddate.Anyemployeeoninactivestatusformorethan twelve(12)monthsmaybedischargedbytheEmployerandterminationwillbeconsidered formedicalreasons,andtheemployeeshallbeconsideredtohaveleftemploymentingood standing ARTICLEXX SeverancePay 20.01EligibleemployeesleavingCityserviceafterfive(5)yearsofemploymentwiththeCity shallreceivepaymentforunusedsickleaveatthetimetheirfinalpaycheckisissuedbased onone-fourth(¼)oftheemployee'sunusedsickleavetimesthehourlyrateatthetimeof givingnoticeandsuchpaymentshallbesenttotheMSRSHealthCareSavingsPlanin 15 theemployee’sname,suchfundstobeusedforallowablemedicalcostsinaccordancewith MSRSregulations. 20.02EligibleemployeesleavingCityserviceafterten(10)yearsofemploymentwiththeCity shallreceivepaymentforunusedsickleaveatthetimetheirfinalpaycheckisissuedbased onone-half(½)oftheemployee'sunusedsickleavetimesthehourlyrateatthetimeof givingnotice,nottoexceedfifty(50)days,andsuchpaymentshallbesenttotheMSRS HealthCareSavingsPlanintheemployee’sname,suchfundstobeusedforallowable medicalcostsinaccordancewithMSRSregulations. 20.03EligibleemployeesleavingCityservicewhohaveaccumulatedaboveonehundred(100) sickdayswillbeallowedtoreceivecreditforanydaysoveronehundred(100)atthecurrent hourlyrateofpayasaseverancebenefit.Anemployeewhoiseligibletoreceive accumulatedsickdaysseverancebenefitsafterterminationisrequiredtoparticipateinthe MinnesotaStateRetirementSystemHealthCareSavingsPlanandallowablefundswillbe transferredbytheEmployertoMSRSintheemployee'sname. 20.04Eligibleemployeeswhohaveaccumulatedaboveonehundred(100)sickdayswillbe requiredtocontributeuptoonehundred(100)hoursannuallytotheMSRSHealthCare SavingsPlanuntiltheemployee'saccumulatedsickdayshavebeenreducedto800hours (100days).Uponterminationofemployment,anyremainingseverancebenefitswouldbe paidtotheemployee'sMSRSaccount. 20.05Onlydaysofsickleaveaccumulatedwillbeconsideredforanytypeofseverance benefit.Anypermanentemployeeleavinganymunicipalserviceingoodstandingafter givingpropernoticeofsuchterminationofemploymentshallbeeligibleforseverancepay provisionsoutlined. 20.06Ifanemployeediesbeforebeingabletoutilizealloftheseverancefunds,theirspouse, beneficiaries,orestateshallbeentitledtoreceivethebalanceofanyfundsremainingin accordancewithMSRSHealthCareplanprovisions.TheEmployershallcalculatetheamount ofeligibleseverancebenefitsavailablethathavenotbeentransferredtotheMSRSHealth CarePlanandshallremitthesefundstotheMSRSPlanintheemployee’sname.An employeewhohaspreviouslyenrolledintheMSRSHealthCareSavingsPlanwillhave anyremainingseverancebenefitspaidtotheirMSRSaccount. ARTICLEXXI EducationCompensation 21.01Employeeswillbereimbursedforonehundredpercent(100%)ofthecostincurredfor thepaymentoftuition,fees,andtextbooksrequiredintheattendanceofjob-related coursesprovidedthat: ThecoursehasbeenapprovedbytheCityAdministratoranddepartmentdirector priortoregistrationfor,orparticipationin,thecourse. Theemployeehassubmittedacertifiedfeestatementforpaymentoftuition,fees,and purchaseoftextbooks. Theemployeemustshowproofofsatisfactorycompletionofthecourse. Theattendanceoftheemployeeatcoursesessionshasbeensatisfactory. Voluntaryterminationwithinsix(6)monthsmustpaybackcostoftuitionandbooks. 16 Maybewaivedatcouncil’sdiscretion. ARTICLEXXIII Clothing/UniformAllowance 23.01TheEmployeragreestoprovideeachnewtechnicianattimeofinitialhirethefollowing: InsulatedBibs WinterCoat Hoodie Cap 5Shirts Properreplacementwillbeprovidedasneeded. ARTICLEXXIV Duration ThisAGREEMENTshallbeeffectiveasofFebruary1,2012,andshallremaininfullforce andeffectJanuary31,2014. CITYOFMONTICELLOINTERNATIONALUNIONOFOPERATING ENGINEERS,LOCALNO.49 _________________________________________________________________ MayorGlenD.Johnson,BusinessManager _________________________________________________________________ CityAdministratorKentA.Korman,AreaBusinessRep. __________________________________ BryanRabe,Steward Datedthis_____________dayofDatedthis_____________dayof ______________,2012.______________,2012. 17 APPENDIX#1 SALARYSCHEDULEFOR2012-2014 PayEquitySteps: InstallationTechnicians(Grade7)-2/1/12 Grade7 Step1Step 1.5 Step2Step 2.5 Step 3 Step 3.5 Step4Step 4.5 Step 5 Step 5.5 Step6Step 6.5 Step7Step 7.5 Step8 $15.88$16.22$16.56$16.90$17.24$17.58$17.92$18.26$18.61$18.95$19.29$19.63$19.97$20.31$20.65 LeadInstallationTechnician(Grade10)-2/1/12 Grade10 Step1Step 1.5 Step2Step 2.5 Step 3 Step 3.5 Step4Step 4.5 Step 5 Step 5.5 Step6Step 6.5 Step7Step 7.5 Step8 $19.50 $19.92$20.34$20.76$21.18$21.59$22.01$22.43$22.85$23.27$23.68$24.10$24.52$24.94$25.36 ThemembersofLocal#49agreetothesamewageincreasesasotherworkgroupsintheCityofMonticello. 18 APPENDIX#2 CentralPensionFund ThepurposeofthisAppendixistoassistbothLaborandManagementini99dentifyingand implementingtheCentralPensionFund(CPF). 1.TheCPFisasupplementalPensionFundauthorizedbyMinnesotaStatutes,§356.24, subdivision1(10). 2.Thepartiesagreethattheagreeduponamountthatwouldotherwisebepaidinsalaryor wageswillbecontributedinsteadtotheCPFaspre-taxemployercontributions. ContributionsfromtheCitywillnotbefundedfromanysourceotherthanthiswage reduction. 3.TheEmployershallpaythiscontributiondirectlytotheI.U.O.E.CentralPensionFund at4115ChesapeakeStreetNW,Washington,D.C.20016. 4.Acontributionof$2.40perstraighttimehourworkedpreventsanyemployee’sannual CPFcontributionsfromexceeding$5,000.00inayearandthereforecomplieswith limitationssetforthunderMinnesotaStatute§356.24,subd.1(10)asamended. 5.ThepartiesagreethatthePublicEmployeesRetirementAssociationinterpretsemployer contributionstotheCPFasbeingincludedindetermining“salary”forthepurposesof thepublicpension. 6.TheCPFPlanofBenefitsandtheAgreementandDeclarationofTrustwillserveasthe governingdocuments. 7.Effective1-1-2012thecontributionrateequals$0.00perstraighttimehourworked. 8.Members,bymajorityvote,maychangethecontributionrateatanytimeduringthelife ofthisagreement.TheUnionandtheemployerwillworktogethertoimplement memberapprovedchangesassoonasispracticable. 19 APPENDIX#3 GroupInsuranceProgram CityCouncilAgenda:06/25/12 1 5I.ConsiderationofacceptinglawsuitsettlementbetweenMotzkoCompaniesandthe CityofMonticello (JO) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: MotzkoCompanieswascontractedbytheCityin2007toperformworkrelatedtothe pondsfortheMiddleSchoolandAGloriousChurch.Thecontractwasclosedin2010, withtheCitypayingatotalof$260,365.74fortheprojectwork.MotzkoCompaniesdid notagreewiththefinalpaymentandfiledsuitagainsttheCityclaimingthatanadditional $59,724.31plusinterestwasowedthem.Thismatterwasscheduledforacourthearing onMay25,butwaspostponedpendingconsiderationofasettlementproposal. CityCouncilisaskedtoconsideracceptingasettlementwithMotzkoCompanies,LLCin theamountof$11,000,whichwouldbethefinalpaymenttoMotzkoCompaniestosettle theclaim.CityAttorneyTomScottprovidedfeedbacktoCouncilinaletterdatedMay 22,2012,andrecommendsthatthesettlementbeapproved. A1.BudgetImpact:TheCitywillberesponsibleforpaymentofthe$11,000 settlement,ifapproved,inadditiontoattorneyfeesrelatedtotheMotzkolawsuit. IfCouncilelectstogotoCourtonthismatter,itislikelythatthe$11,000figure wouldbeexceeded. A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:N/A B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.MotiontoacceptthelawsuitsettlementwithMotzkoCompanies,LLCinthe amountof$11,000. 2.Motiontonotacceptthelawsuitsettlementatthistime. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: CitystaffrecommendsAlternative#1. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: CampbellKnutsonletter,dated5/22/12 CourtSummonsfromJanuary2011 CityCouncilAgenda:06/25/12 1 5J.ConsiderationofcontractingwithTomKellytoprovidebudgetpreparationservices fortheCityofMonticello.(JO/TE) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: TomKellyhasofferedtoassistduringthetransitionalperiodbyactingasaconsultantto theCityfortheupcomingbudgetprocessandalsoasneededforotherpossibleitemsthat maycomeupthatcannotbehandledbycurrentstaff.TheworkdonefortheCitywould bedoneafterhoursasnottoconflictwithhisnewposition.Forthebudget,Tom estimatesthathewillneedtoprepareforandattendthreebudgetworkshopswith Council.Eachmeetingisestimatedtotakeapproximately1-2hoursofpreptimeand approximately2hoursperworkshopforatotalof$533.15basedonhiscurrenthourly rateof$44.43perhour.AnyfuturerequestsforassistancefromTomwouldalsobe chargedathiscurrenthourlyrate. A1.BudgetImpact:Thiswillhavelittleimpactonthebudget.Thecostwillbe coveredbytheamountthatwouldhaveotherwisebeenpaidtoTomasFinance Director. A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:Therewillbeaslightincreaseinstafftimeforthe AssistantFinanceDirectorinpreparingthebudgetinformationforhandingoffto Tom. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.MotiontoapprovecontractingwithTomKellytoprovidebudgetpreparation servicesfortheCityofMonticelloathiscurrentcityrate. 2.MotiontodenycontractingwithTomKellyatthistime. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: CitystaffrecommendsAlternative#1. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: TomKelly’sTransitionProposal TransitionProposal: WithmylastdaybeingJuly6th (July3rd workinganduseof2days’vacation),therecouldbesometime periodbeforeareplacementfinancedirectorisonboard.Iwouldbewillingtohelpwiththistransition anywayIcan.Tohelpwiththebudgetprocessandpossiblyotherdutiesthatcannotbehandledby currentstaff.WhatIproposewouldbetopaymyhourlyrateof$44.43perhour.Basedonthebudget scheduleIcouldseehavingtoprepareandattend3budgetworkshopswithcouncil(1to2hoursof preparationtimeand2hourworkshops)foranestimatecostof$533.16justforthebudget.Other projectswouldalsobechargedatthe$44.43perhourrate,whichwouldbebasedontheCity’srequest. AlsowhenthenewFinanceDirectorishiredIcouldiftheCitydesiresarrangetospendadayortwo (possiblemoreifCityfeltneeded)withthematthatsamehourlyrate. OtherthananytimespentwiththenewfinancedirectorwouldbedoneafterhoursfrommyWhiteBear Townshipposition. (TomKelly) CityCouncilAgenda:06/25/12 1 5K.ConsiderationofadoptingResolution#2012-060supportingtheeffortsofthe GreaterMinnesotaParks&TrailsCoalitiontoincreasefundingforGreaterMN Parks&Trails (AS/TP) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: TheGreaterMinnesotaRegionalParksandTrailsCoalition(GMRPTC)isa membership-basedorganizationtakinganactiveroleinplanningregionalparksandtrails inGreaterMNandadvocatingforanappropriateallocationoftheParkandTrailLegacy funding. Atthistime,theGMRPTCisseekingsupportfromlocalgovernmentsandorganization whichprovideregionalparksandtrails,inordertofurtherpursueamorebalanced fundingapproachfortheallocationofLegacydollars. Atthepresenttime,greaterMinnesotaparksandtrailsareeligibleforonly20%ofthe LegacyFundallotmentforparksandtrailinthestate.Thisisincontrasttometro-area parks,whichareeligiblefor43%oftheLegacyPark&Trailsfunds.Thisgapin fundingopportunityhasbeenofficiallyrecognizedintheLegacyPlan,thelegislature- commissioned25-yearlongrangeplanforMinnesota’sparksandtrails.TheLegacy PlannotesthatregionalparksandtrailsinGreaterMNhavehistoricallynotbeen formallyorganizedlikemetroregionalandstateparksandtrails.TheLegacyPlanwent ontoacknowledgethatGMRPTCwasformedto“advocatefortherecognition, development,andfundingofthissystem.”Further,numerousprovisionsintheLegacy PlanrecognizetheimportanceofGreaterMNtakingongreaterresponsibilityfor comprehensiveandcoordinatedplanningtoensurethatLegacyfundsarewiselyinvested onitsbehalf. WiththeneedtoworkcooperativelyforthebettermentofGreaterMinnesota’sparksand trailsidentifiedbyboththelegislatureandlocalproviders,GMRPTCwasformedin 2010.Thegrouphasfunctionedasaprivatenon-profitorganizationinMinnesotathat cametogethertoprovideacommonvoiceforregionalparksandtrailsinGreater Minnesota. Inadoptingtheresolutionattached,theCityofMonticellowillbesupportingthe GMRPTC’seffortstosecureamorebalancedfundingscenarioforallofMinnesota’s parksandtrails. A1.BudgetImpact:None. A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:None. CityCouncilAgenda:06/25/12 2 B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.MotiontoadoptResolution#2012-060,supportingeffortsoftheGreater MinnesotaParks&TrailsCoalitiontoincreasefundingforGreaterMNParks& Trails. 2.Motionofother. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: StaffrecommendsAlternative#1above.Inadoptingthisresolution,theCityof MonticelloisactingtosupporttheeffortsoftheGMRPTC,whichwilldirectlyimpact thecommunity’sabilitytoaccessfundingforregionalparksandtrails,includingthose withintheCity’sserviceareasuchastheBertramChainofLakesandtheGreatRiver Trailways(CSAH75areatrailproject). D.SUPPORTINGDATA: Resolution#2012-060–SupportingGreaterMinnesotaParks&TrailCoalition CITYOFMONTICELLO WRIGHTCOUNTY,MINNESOTA RESOLUTIONNO.2012-060 SUPPORTINGTHEEFFORTSOFTHEGREATERMINNESOTAPARKS&TRAILS COALITIONTOINCREASEFUNDINGFORGREATERMNPARKS&TRAILS WHEREAS,theStateParksandTrails Legacyplancallsforastatewidesystemofparksand trails;and WHEREAS,GreaterMNRegionalParksandTrailshavebeenunderfundedfordecadeswhen comparedtoinvestmentsinthemetroparksystemoverthatsametimeperiod;and WHEREAS,thepublicexpressedoverwhelmingsupportat17state-sponsoredpublicmeetings forthehighestqualitystatewideregionalprojectspossibleasapreferredoutcomeofthe25year plan;and WHEREAS,thefirstroundofparkandtraillegacyfundingin2009wasunfairtoGreater Minnesotawith43%ofthefundingdedicatedtometroparkneeds,43%dedicatedtoDNRpark andtrailneedsandprojects,while leavingonly14%fundingforastatewidegrantsprogram whichincludedMetroParks.Ofthat14%,20%ofthosefundsweregiventotheMetroPark Area;and WHEREAS,thesecondroundofparkandtraillegacyfundingin2011,producedbetter,butstill lopsidedresults,withGreaterMinnesotareceiving20%indedicatedlegacyfunding,whilemetro parksreceived43%andDNRreceived37%;and WHEREAS,a2011inventoryofGreaterMinnesotaparkandtrailneedsresultedin$76million inprojects,andover$33millioningrantrequest,ormorethanfourtimestheamountofthe2011 legacygrantsawardedtoGreaterMinnesota;and WHEREAS,GreaterMinnesotapre-legacyparkandtrailfundingwasspottyandscarce;and WHEREAS,theLegacyActhasresultedinGreaterMinnesotabeingchargedbyboththepublic andthestateplantobuildthehighestqualitystatewideregionalprojectspossible. NOW,THEREFORE,BEITRESOLVED,bytheCityCouncilofMonticello,Minnesota,that: 1.TheCityofMonticellobelievesGreaterMinnesotashouldreceiveadequatefundingto carryoutthestateplanandthepublicsentimentforhighqualityprojects. 2.TheCityofMonticellobelievesthecurrentParkandTrailLegacysplitsof43%metro, 37%DNRand20%toGreaterMinnesotaareinherentlyunfairtoGreaterMinnesotaand notenoughtocarryoutthestateplanormeetpublicexpectations. 3.TheCityofMonticellobelievesthelegacyfundingsplitsat43%metro,37%DNRand 20%fortheremaining80non-metrocountiesisnotfairandwillnotprovidethefunding toallowGreaterMinnesotatosucceedincarryingoutexpectationsofeitherthepublicor thestateplan. 4.TheCityofMonticellobelievestheGreaterMinnesotapercentageofLegacyfunding shouldincreasetoalevelmoreequaltothoseofthemetroareaandDNR. ADOPTEDBY theMonticelloCityCouncilonthis25th dayofJune,2012. CITYOFMONTICELLO __________________________ ClintHerbst,Mayor ATTEST: ________________________________ JeffO’Neill,CityAdministrator CERTIFICATION STATEOFMINNESOTA COUNTYOFWRIGHT IherebycertifythattheforegoingisatrueandcorrectcopyofResolution#2012-060 dulypassed,adoptedandapprovedbytheMonticelloCityCouncilattheirscheduledmeetingon June25th,2012,andrecordedinminutesofsaidmeeting. ____________________________________ JeffO’Neill,CityAdministrator NotaryPublic:_______________________________ Date:___________________________ (STAMP) CityCouncilAgenda:6/25/12 1 7.ConsiderationofadoptingResolution#2012-061acceptingbidsandawarding contractforthe2012RuralRoadImprovements,CityProjectNo.12C001 (BW/WSB) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: TheCityCouncilisaskedtoconsiderawardingthecontractforthe2012RuralRoad Improvements,CityProjectNo.12C001.Bidsfortheprojectwerereceivedandopened onJune21,2012.TheCityreceivedthreebids,withKnifeRiverCorporationsubmitting thelowbidforthisprojectintheamountof$693,358.90.Theengineer’sestimatewas $865,526.00,resultinginthebidsbeingapproximately20%belowwhatwasanticipated. Asummaryofthebidresultsareasfollows: Engineer’s Estimate KnifeRiver Corporation EdmonsonAvenue $514,694.50$401,911.10 FallonAvenue $188,216.00$165,788.30 FenningAvenue $101,682.50$84,874.50 TrailImprovements $60,932.00$40,785.00 TotalBid$865,525.00$693,358.90 Asummaryofthebidsreceivedisattached.Adetailedbreakdownofallthecontractors bidamountsisalsoattached. ConstructionisanticipatedtocommenceinJulyorAugustandbecompleteinOctoberof 2012.ImprovementsalongFallonAvenuewillnotbeginuntilafterJuly15,2012,after allRiverFestactivitiesandcleanuparecomplete.Inaddition,FallonAvenueand EdmonsonAvenuewillnotbereconstructedatthesametimeinordertoreducetraffic impactsinthearea. ProjectBackground OnMay29,2012,CouncilapprovedfinalPlansandSpecificationsandauthorized AdvertisementofBidsforthe2012RuralRoadImprovementProject. TheruralroadsegmentsincludeEdmonsonAvenuefromabout260’southofChelsea RoadtothesouthCitylimits,FallonAvenuefromSchoolBoulevardtoHunters Crossing,andFenningAvenuefromSchoolBoulevardto85th StreetNE. ThepavementsectionsonbothEdmonsonAvenueandFallonAvenuewillbereclaimed, whichinvolvesgrindingtheexistingpavementsectionup,placingitovertheremaining aggregatebase,thencompactingitsonewpavementcanbeplacedontop.Anaggregate surfacewillbeinstalledalongthewestsideofFallonAvenueadjacenttoPioneerParkto accommodateoff-streetparkingduringpeakparkusetime. CityCouncilAgenda:6/25/12 2 FenningAvenuewillremainaruralroad,andtheexistingpavementsurfacewillbe overlaidwith1½”ofnewpavement.Inaddition,1-footgravelshoulderswillbe constructedalongeachedgeofthepavementsurface. Signagealongeachroadwaywillbereplacedtobringthemuptocurrentretro-reflectivity standards.Inaddition,stopsignswillbeaddedtomaketheintersectionofEdmonson AvenueandDundasRoadanall-waystop. ReconstructionoftwopathwaysegmentsinthesoutheastquadrantoftheCityisalso includedwiththeproject.Segment#1islocatedintheOakRidgeEstatesdevelopment, justnorthofJasonAvenue.Segment#2islocatedonboththeOakRidgeEstatesand MeadowOak4th AdditiondevelopmentsandconnectsOakviewLaneandMeadowLane NE.Bothpathwaysegmentswillbereclaimedandrepaved,similartotheprocessthat willbefollowedonEdmonsonandFallonAvenues.Someminordrainage,grading,and turfestablishmentimprovementswillalsoberequiredalongbothpathwaysegments. A1.BudgetImpact:ThisprojectcanbefundedusingacombinationofCity contributions,stateaidfunds,streetreconstructionfunds,andspecialassessments tobenefittingpropertieswithinCitylimits.Townshippropertiesabuttingthe improvementswillnotbeassessedunlesstheyrequesttobeannexedintothe City,atwhichtimetheywouldonlybeassessedfortheremainingusefullifeof theimprovements.Allassessmentswillbebasedonthecurrentuseofthe propertyatthetimetheimprovementsaremade,butiftheuseoftheproperty changesinthefuture,theassessmentwouldbere-evaluatedatthetimebasedona 20-yearusefulpavementlife,notincludingadditionalinterestcosts. Staffdoesnotanticipateusingbondstofundtheseimprovementshowever,dueto thelowbondratesthatarecurrentlyavailableitmaymakesensetousebondsto fundsomeoralloftheimprovementsifotherimprovementsareconstructedthis year.Ifso,bondpaymentswouldthenbemadefromtheappropriatefunds. A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:Duringconstruction,EngineeringDepartmentstaffwill providefull-timeconstructioninspection,andPublicWorksDepartmentstaffmay assistwithinspectionsasneeded. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.MotionadoptingResolution#2012-061acceptingthebidsandawardingthe contracttothelowestresponsiblebidder,KnifeRiverCorporation,intheamount of$693,358.90. 2.MotiondenyingadoptionofResolution#2012-061atthistime. CityCouncilAgenda:6/25/12 3 C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: CitystaffrecommendsapprovingAlternate#1.Thebidscameinsignificantlylowerthan anticipatedfortheseneededimprovements. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: Resolution#2012-061 LetterofRecommendation BidSummary&Tabulation CITYOFMONTICELLO WRIGHTCOUNTY,MINNESOTA RESOLUTIONNO.2012-061 ACCEPTINGBIDSANDAWARDINGCONTRACTFOR 2012RURALROADIMPROVEMENTS CITYPROJECTNO.12C001 WHEREAS,pursuanttoanadvertisementforbidsforthemakingofimprovementstothreerural roadsegmentsand2pathwaysegmentsinthesoutheastsectionoftheCityincludingstreetand pathwayreconstruction,drainageimprovements,andothernecessaryappurtenantwork,bids werereceived,opened,andtabulated,andthefollowingbidswerefoundtocomplywiththe advertisementforbids: CONTRACTORTOTALBASEBID KnifeRiverCorp.$693,358.90 Hardrives,Inc.$755,322.17 MidMinnesotaHotMix$1,001,949.50 Engineer’sEstimate$865,525.00 WHEREAS,thebidofKnifeRiverCorporationofRogers,MNintheamountof$693,358.90 forthetotalbasebidfortheconstructionofsaidimprovements,inaccordancewiththeapproved plansandspecificationsandadvertisementforbids,isthelowestresponsiblebidderandshallbe andherebyisaccepted,and NOWTHEREFORE,BEITHEREBYRESOLVEDBYTHECITYCOUNCILOFTHE CITYOFMONTICELLO: 1.TheMayorandCityAdministratorareherebyauthorizedanddirectedtoenterintoa contractwithsaidbidderfortheconstructionofsaidimprovementsforandonbehalfof theCityofMonticello. 2.TheCityAdministratorisherebyauthorizedanddirectedtoreturnforthwithtoall biddersthedepositsmadewiththeirbids,exceptthatthedepositofthesuccessfulbidder andthenextlowestbiddershallberetaineduntilacontracthasbeenexecuted. ADOPTEDBY theMonticelloCityCouncilthis25th dayofJune,2012. CITYOFMONTICELLO ____________________________________ ATTEST:ClintHerbst,Mayor _______________________________ JeffO’Neill,CityAdministrator Engineering  Planning  Environmental  Construction 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Tel: 763-541-4800 Fax: 763-541-1700 Minneapolis  St. Cloud Equal Opportunity Employer K:\01494-570\Admin\Construction Admin\LetterofRecommendation.doc June 21, 2012 Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Re: 2012 Rural Road Improvements City of Monticello Project No. 12C001 S.A.P. 222-115-001 WSB Project No. 1494-57 Dear Mayor and Council Members: Bids were received for the above-referenced project on Thursday, June 21, 2012, and were opened and read aloud. Three bids were received. The bids were checked for mathematical accuracy and tabulated. A copy of the Bid Tabulation and a Bid Summary is attached indicating Knife River Corporation, Sauk Rapids, Minnesota, as the low bidder in the amount of $693,358.90. Based on the results of the bids received and current competitive bidding market, we recommend that the City Council consider these bids and award a contract to Knife River Corporation. Sincerely, WSB & Associates, Inc. Shibani K. Bisson, PE Senior Project Manager Enclosure cc: Bruce Westby, City of Monticello Jeff O’Neill, City of Monticello Mark Magnuson, Knife River Corporation 6/21/2012 WS B Pr o j e c t B i d A b s t r a c t Pr o j e c t N a m e : MO N T - 2 0 1 2 R u r a l R o a d Im p r o v e m e n t s Co n t r a c t N o . : Cl i e n t : C i t y o f M o n t i c e l l o Pr o j e c t N o . : 0 1 4 9 4 -57 Bi d O p e n i n g : Ow n e r : M i n n e a p o l i s Pr o j e c t : 0 1 4 9 4 - 5 7 - M O N T - 2 0 1 2 R u r a l R o a d I m p r o v e m e n t s En g i n e e r s E s t i m a t e Kn i f e R i v e r Ha r d r i v e s , I n c . ( R o g e r s ) Mid-Minnesota Hot Mix, Inc. It e m N o . It e m Un i t s Qu a n t i t y Un i t P r i c e To t a l P r i c e Un i t P r i c e To t a l P r i c e Un i t P r i c e Total Price Unit Price Total Price SC H E D U L E A - E d m o n s o n A v e n u e I m p r o v e m e n t s 1 20 2 1 . 5 0 1 MO B I L I Z A T I O N ( 5 % M A X I M U M ) LU M P S U M 1 $2 4 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 $2 4 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 $1 3 , 6 0 0 . 0 0 $1 3 , 6 0 0 . 0 0 $2 0 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 $20,000.00$10,000.00$10,000.00 2 20 5 1 . 5 0 1 CO N S T R U C T I O N , M A I N T E N A N C E & RE S T O R A T I O N O F H A U L R O A D S LU M P S U M 1 $2 , 5 0 0 . 0 0 $2 , 5 0 0 . 0 0 $1 . 0 0 $1 . 0 0 $2 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 $2,000.00$5,000.00$5,000.00 3 21 0 4 . 5 0 1 RE M O V E C U R B A N D G U T T E R LI N F T 20 $4 . 5 0 $9 0 . 0 0 $5 . 0 0 $1 0 0 . 0 0 $5.36$107.20$20.00$400.00 4 21 0 4 . 5 0 3 RE M O V E B I T U M I N O U S W A L K SQ F T 30 0 $0 . 7 5 $2 2 5 . 0 0 $2 . 0 0 $6 0 0 . 0 0 $2.14$642.00$10.00$3,000.00 5 21 0 4 . 5 0 3 RE M O V E C O N C R E T E M E D I A N SQ F T 80 $3 . 0 0 $2 4 0 . 0 0 $3 . 0 0 $2 4 0 . 0 0 $4.28$342.40$10.00$800.00 6 21 0 4 . 5 0 5 RE M O V E B I T U M I N O U S D R I V E W A Y P A V E M E N T SQ Y D 35 0 $7 . 0 0 $2 , 4 5 0 . 0 0 $4 . 5 0 $1 , 5 7 5 . 0 0 $2.14$749.00$10.00$3,500.00 7 21 0 4 . 5 0 5 RE M O V E B I T U M I N O U S P A V E M E N T SQ Y D 20 $3 . 0 0 $6 0 . 0 0 $5 . 8 5 $1 1 7 . 0 0 $2.14$42.80$20.00$400.00 8 21 0 4 . 5 0 9 RE M O V E C O N C R E T E N O S E EA C H 1 $1 0 0 . 0 0 $1 0 0 . 0 0 $2 0 0 . 0 0 $2 0 0 . 0 0 $1 6 0 . 6 8 $160.68$300.00$300.00 9 21 0 4 . 5 0 9 RE M O V E S I G N EA C H 22 $2 5 . 0 0 $5 5 0 . 0 0 $2 5 . 0 0 $5 5 0 . 0 0 $2 6 . 7 8 $589.16$50.00$1,100.00 10 21 0 4 . 5 1 1 SA W I N G C O N C R E T E P A V E M E N T ( F U L L D E P T H ) LI N F T 20 $4 . 5 0 $9 0 . 0 0 $5 . 5 0 $1 1 0 . 0 0 $5.36$107.20$10.00$200.00 11 21 0 4 . 5 1 3 SA W I N G B I T U M I N O U S P A V E M E N T ( F U L L D E P T H ) LI N F T 55 0 $4 . 0 0 $2 , 2 0 0 . 0 0 $2 . 0 0 $1 , 1 0 0 . 0 0 $2.41$1,325.50$5.00$2,750.00 12 21 0 4 . 6 0 2 SA L V A G E M A I L B O X EA C H 2 $2 5 . 0 0 $5 0 . 0 0 $5 0 . 0 0 $1 0 0 . 0 0 $5 3 . 5 6 $107.12$100.00$200.00 13 21 0 5 . 5 0 1 CO M M O N E X C A V A T I O N ( P ) CU Y D 18 5 0 $5 . 0 0 $9 , 2 5 0 . 0 0 $7 . 5 0 $1 3 , 8 7 5 . 0 0 $7.50$13,875.00$24.50$45,325.00 14 21 0 5 . 5 2 2 SE L E C T G R A N U L A R B O R R O W CU Y D 75 $7 . 0 0 $5 2 5 . 0 0 $2 0 . 0 0 $1 , 5 0 0 . 0 0 $1 3 . 3 9 $1,004.25$40.00$3,000.00 15 21 0 5 . 5 2 5 TO P S O I L B O R R O W ( C V ) CU Y D 45 0 $1 5 . 0 0 $6 , 7 5 0 . 0 0 $1 0 . 0 0 $4 , 5 0 0 . 0 0 $2 4 . 1 0 $10,845.00$15.00$6,750.00 16 21 1 2 . 5 0 1 SU B G R A D E P R E P A R A T I O N RO A D S T A 61 $2 0 0 . 0 0 $1 2 , 2 0 0 . 0 0 $1 3 5 . 0 0 $8 , 2 3 5 . 0 0 $9 2 . 8 7 $5,665.07$305.00$18,605.00 17 21 2 3 . 6 1 0 ST R E E T S W E E P E R ( W I T H P I C K U P B R O O M ) HO U R 5 $1 2 5 . 0 0 $6 2 5 . 0 0 $1 0 0 . 0 0 $5 0 0 . 0 0 $1 4 5 . 4 8 $727.40$150.00$750.00 18 21 3 0 . 5 0 1 WA T E R M G A L L O N S 10 $3 0 . 0 0 $3 0 0 . 0 0 $5 0 . 0 0 $5 0 0 . 0 0 $2 6 . 7 8 $267.80$45.00$450.00 19 22 1 1 . 5 0 1 AG G R E G A T E B A S E C L A S S 5 ( C V ) I N P L A C E CU Y D 75 0 $3 0 . 0 0 $2 2 , 5 0 0 . 0 0 $2 0 . 5 0 $1 5 , 3 7 5 . 0 0 $3 0 . 0 0 $22,500.00$27.52$20,640.00 20 23 3 1 . 6 0 4 BI T U M I N O U S P A V E M E N T R E C L A M A T I O N SQ Y D 21 0 0 0 $2 . 5 0 $5 2 , 5 0 0 . 0 0 $2 . 0 0 $4 2 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 $3.00$63,000.00$3.00$63,000.00 21 23 5 7 . 5 0 2 BI T U M I N O U S M A T E R I A L F O R T A C K C O A T GA L L O N 11 0 0 $2 . 5 0 $2 , 7 5 0 . 0 0 $0 . 0 1 $1 1 . 0 0 $2.87$3,157.00$2.00$2,200.00 22 23 6 0 . 5 0 1 TY P E S P 9 . 5 W E A R I N G C O U R S E M I X T U R E ( 2 , B ) TO N 24 8 0 $6 7 . 5 0 $1 6 7 , 4 0 0 . 0 0 $5 3 . 6 0 $1 3 2 , 9 2 8 . 0 0 $5 5 . 0 0 $136,400.00$69.00$171,120.00 23 23 6 0 . 5 0 2 TY P E S P 1 2 . 5 N O N W E A R I N G CO U R S E M I X T U R E ( 2 , B ) TO N 24 8 0 $6 6 . 0 0 $1 6 3 , 6 8 0 . 0 0 $5 2 . 9 5 $1 3 1 , 3 1 6 . 0 0 $5 1 . 0 0 $126,480.00$65.42$162,241.60 24 23 6 0 . 5 0 3 TY P E S P 9 . 5 W E A R I N G C O U R S E M I X T U R E ( 2 , B ) 3 . 5 " T H I C K SQ Y D 35 0 $3 0 . 0 0 $1 0 , 5 0 0 . 0 0 $1 6 . 3 2 $5 , 7 1 2 . 0 0 $1 9 . 0 0 $6,650.00$21.00$7,350.00 Pr o j e c t : 0 1 4 9 4 - 5 7 - M O N T - 2 0 1 2 R u r a l R o a d I m p r o v e m e n t s En g i n e e r s E s t i m a t e Kn i f e R i v e r Ha r d r i v e s , I n c . ( R o g e r s ) Mid-Minnesota Hot Mix, Inc. It e m N o . It e m Un i t s Qu a n t i t y Un i t P r i c e To t a l P r i c e Un i t P r i c e To t a l P r i c e Un i t P r i c e Total Price Unit Price Total Price 25 25 0 4 . 6 0 2 AD J U S T V A L V E B O X EA C H 4 $2 5 0 . 0 0 $1 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 $3 3 5 . 0 0 $1 , 3 4 0 . 0 0 $1 6 0 . 6 8 $642.72$120.00$480.00 26 25 0 6 . 5 2 2 AD J U S T M A N H O L E F R A M E A N D R I N G C A S T I N G - T E L E P H O N E EA C H 3 $4 0 0 . 0 0 $1 , 2 0 0 . 0 0 $3 6 5 . 0 0 $1 , 0 9 5 . 0 0 $2 6 7 . 8 0 $803.40$350.00$1,050.00 27 25 0 6 . 6 0 2 CH I M N E Y S E A L EA C H 1 $2 5 0 . 0 0 $2 5 0 . 0 0 $3 5 0 . 0 0 $3 5 0 . 0 0 $5 3 5 . 6 1 $535.61$750.00$750.00 28 25 2 1 . 5 0 1 4" C O N C R E T E W A L K SQ F T 30 0 $4 . 0 0 $1 , 2 0 0 . 0 0 $6 . 0 0 $1 , 8 0 0 . 0 0 $6 . 4 3 $1,929.00$10.00$3,000.00 29 25 3 1 . 5 0 3 CO N C R E T E M E D I A N ( N O S E ) SQ Y D 3 $5 0 . 0 0 $1 5 0 . 0 0 $1 5 0 . 0 0 $4 5 0 . 0 0 $1 6 0 . 6 9 $482.07$120.00$360.00 30 25 3 1 . 6 1 8 TR U N C A T E D D O M E S SQ F T 48 $3 5 . 0 0 $1 , 6 8 0 . 0 0 $3 5 . 0 0 $1 , 6 8 0 . 0 0 $3 7 . 4 9 $1,799.52$45.00$2,160.00 31 25 4 0 . 6 0 2 IN S T A L L M A I L B O X EA C H 2 $5 0 . 0 0 $1 0 0 . 0 0 $1 0 0 . 0 0 $2 0 0 . 0 0 $1 1 5 . 0 0 $230.00$200.00$400.00 32 25 4 0 . 6 0 2 MA I L B O X ( T E M P O R A R Y ) EA C H 2 $5 0 . 0 0 $1 0 0 . 0 0 $5 0 . 0 0 $1 0 0 . 0 0 $3 7 . 5 0 $75.00$100.00$200.00 33 25 6 3 . 6 0 1 TR A F F I C C O N T R O L LU M P S U M 1 $7 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 $7 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 $2 , 6 5 0 . 0 0 $2 , 6 5 0 . 0 0 $3 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 $3,000.00$3,000.00$3,000.00 34 25 6 4 . 5 3 1 F& I S I G N P A N E L S T Y P E C SQ F T 26 7 $3 0 . 0 0 $8 , 0 1 0 . 0 0 $2 9 . 5 0 $7 , 8 7 6 . 5 0 $3 1 . 6 0 $8,437.20$35.00$9,345.00 35 25 6 4 . 6 0 2 FU R N I S H & I N S T A L L S I G N P A N E L T Y P E D EA C H 6 $3 0 0 . 0 0 $1 , 8 0 0 . 0 0 $1 0 0 . 0 0 $6 0 0 . 0 0 $1 0 7 . 1 2 $642.72$150.00$900.00 36 25 7 3 . 5 0 2 SI L T F E N C E , T Y P E M A C H I N E S L I C E D LI N F T 40 0 $1 . 5 0 $6 0 0 . 0 0 $2 . 5 0 $1 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 $2 . 6 8 $1,072.00$4.00$1,600.00 37 25 7 3 . 5 3 0 ST O R M D R A I N I N L E T P R O T E C T I O N EA C H 10 $1 2 5 . 0 0 $1 , 2 5 0 . 0 0 $1 0 0 . 0 0 $1 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 $1 6 0 . 0 0 $1,600.00$300.00$3,000.00 38 25 7 5 . 5 0 1 SE E D I N G AC R E 0. 8 5 $2 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 $1 , 7 0 0 . 0 0 $1 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 $8 5 0 . 0 0 $1 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 $850.00$1,000.00$850.00 39 25 7 5 . 5 0 2 SE E D M I X T U R E 2 4 0 PO U N D 17 0 $4 . 0 0 $6 8 0 . 0 0 $3 . 0 0 $5 1 0 . 0 0 $3 . 2 1 $545.70$3.00$510.00 40 25 7 5 . 5 1 1 MU L C H M A T E R I A L T Y P E 1 TO N 1. 7 $2 5 0 . 0 0 $4 2 5 . 0 0 $2 5 0 . 0 0 $4 2 5 . 0 0 $2 7 5 . 0 0 $467.50$500.00$850.00 41 25 7 5 . 5 2 3 ER O S I O N C O N T R O L B L AN K E T S C A T E G O R Y 3 SQ Y D 50 0 $1 . 2 5 $6 2 5 . 0 0 $1 . 2 5 $6 2 5 . 0 0 $1 . 5 0 $750.00$1.50$750.00 42 25 7 5 . 5 3 2 FE R T I L I Z E R T Y P E 1 PO U N D 17 0 $2 . 0 0 $3 4 0 . 0 0 $0 . 7 5 $1 2 7 . 5 0 $0 . 8 0 $136.00$1.00$170.00 43 25 8 2 . 5 0 1 PA V E M E N T M E S S A G E ( R I G H T A R R O W ) E P O X Y EA C H 4 $1 3 0 . 0 0 $5 2 0 . 0 0 $1 2 5 . 0 0 $5 0 0 . 0 0 $1 3 3 . 9 0 $535.60$200.00$800.00 44 25 8 2 . 5 0 2 4" S O L I D L I N E W H I T E - E P O X Y LI N F T 11 2 0 0 $0 . 2 5 $2 , 8 0 0 . 0 0 $0 . 2 1 $2 , 3 5 2 . 0 0 $0 . 2 2 $2,464.00$0.50$5,600.00 45 25 8 2 . 5 0 2 4" B R O K E N L I N E W H I T E - E P O X Y LI N F T 70 0 $0 . 3 5 $2 4 5 . 0 0 $0 . 0 7 $4 9 . 0 0 $0 . 0 7 $49.00$0.50$350.00 46 25 8 2 . 5 0 2 4" S O L I D L I N E Y E L L O W - E P O X Y LI N F T 14 5 0 $0 . 2 5 $3 6 2 . 5 0 $0 . 2 1 $3 0 4 . 5 0 $0 . 2 2 $319.00$0.40$580.00 47 25 8 2 . 5 0 2 4" B R O K E N L I N E Y E L L O W - E P O X Y LI N F T 12 0 0 $0 . 3 5 $4 2 0 . 0 0 $0 . 2 1 $2 5 2 . 0 0 $0 . 2 2 $264.00$0.40$480.00 48 25 8 2 . 5 0 3 ZE B R A C R O S S W A L K W H I T E - E P O X Y SQ F T 23 4 $3 . 0 0 $7 0 2 . 0 0 $4 . 4 0 $1 , 0 2 9 . 6 0 $4 . 7 1 $1,102.14$10.00$2,340.00 To t a l S C H E D U L E A - E d m o n s o n A v e n u e I m p r o v e m e n t s : $5 1 4 , 6 9 4 . 5 0 $4 0 1 , 9 1 1 . 1 0 $445,476.76 $568,606.60 SC H E D U L E B - F a l l o n A v e n u e S t r e e t I m p r o v e m e n t s 49 20 2 1 . 5 0 1 MO B I L I Z A T I O N ( 5 % M A X I M U M ) LU M P S U M 1 $8 , 5 0 0 . 0 0 $8 , 5 0 0 . 0 0 $8 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 $8 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 $8 , 5 0 0 . 0 0 $8,500.00$10,000.00$10,000.00 50 21 0 4 . 5 0 1 RE M O V E C U R B A N D G U T T E R LI N F T 25 $4 . 5 0 $1 1 2 . 5 0 $5 . 0 0 $1 2 5 . 0 0 $5 . 3 6 $134.00$20.00$500.00 51 21 0 4 . 5 0 3 RE M O V E C O N C R E T E W A L K SQ F T 10 0 $1 . 0 0 $1 0 0 . 0 0 $2 . 0 0 $2 0 0 . 0 0 $2 . 1 4 $214.00$10.00$1,000.00 52 21 0 4 . 5 0 3 RE M O V E B I T U M I N O U S W A L K SQ F T 25 0 $0 . 7 5 $1 8 7 . 5 0 $2 . 0 0 $5 0 0 . 0 0 $2 . 1 4 $535.00$10.00$2,500.00 53 21 0 4 . 5 0 9 RE M O V E S I G N EA C H 13 $2 5 . 0 0 $3 2 5 . 0 0 $2 5 . 0 0 $3 2 5 . 0 0 $2 6 . 7 8 $348.14$50.00$650.00 54 21 0 4 . 5 1 3 SA W I N G B I T U M I N O U S P A V E M E N T ( F U L L D E P T H ) LI N F T 22 0 $4 . 0 0 $8 8 0 . 0 0 $2 . 0 0 $4 4 0 . 0 0 $2 . 4 1 $530.20$5.00$1,100.00 55 21 0 5 . 5 0 1 CO M M O N E X C A V A T I O N ( P ) CU Y D 17 2 5 $5 . 0 0 $8 , 6 2 5 . 0 0 $7 . 5 0 $1 2 , 9 3 7 . 5 0 $7 . 5 0 $12,937.50$24.50$42,262.50 56 21 0 5 . 5 2 2 SE L E C T G R A N U L A R B O R R O W CU Y D 10 0 $7 . 0 0 $7 0 0 . 0 0 $2 0 . 0 0 $2 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 $1 3 . 3 9 $1,339.00$40.00$4,000.00 57 21 0 5 . 5 2 5 TO P S O I L B O R R O W ( C V ) CU Y D 40 0 $1 5 . 0 0 $6 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 $1 0 . 0 0 $4 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 $2 4 . 1 0 $9,640.00$15.00$6,000.00 Pr o j e c t : 0 1 4 9 4 - 5 7 - M O N T - 2 0 1 2 R u r a l R o a d I m p r o v e m e n t s En g i n e e r s E s t i m a t e Kn i f e R i v e r Ha r d r i v e s , I n c . ( R o g e r s ) Mid-Minnesota Hot Mix, Inc. It e m N o . It e m Un i t s Qu a n t i t y Un i t P r i c e To t a l P r i c e Un i t P r i c e To t a l P r i c e Un i t P r i c e Total Price Unit Price Total Price 58 21 1 2 . 5 0 1 SU B G R A D E P R E P A R A T I O N RO A D S T A 28 $2 0 0 . 0 0 $5 , 6 0 0 . 0 0 $1 3 5 . 0 0 $3 , 7 8 0 . 0 0 $9 2 . 9 2 $2,601.76$305.00$8,540.00 59 21 2 3 . 6 1 0 ST R E E T S W E E P E R ( W I T H P I C K U P B R O O M ) HO U R 5 $1 2 5 . 0 0 $6 2 5 . 0 0 $1 0 0 . 0 0 $5 0 0 . 0 0 $1 4 5 . 4 8 $727.40$150.00$750.00 60 21 3 0 . 5 0 1 WA T E R M G A L L O N S 10 $3 0 . 0 0 $3 0 0 . 0 0 $5 0 . 0 0 $5 0 0 . 0 0 $2 6 . 7 8 $267.80$45.00$450.00 61 22 1 1 . 5 0 1 AG G R E G A T E B A S E C L A S S 5 ( C V ) I N P L A C E CU Y D 34 0 $3 0 . 0 0 $1 0 , 2 0 0 . 0 0 $2 5 . 0 0 $8 , 5 0 0 . 0 0 $3 0 . 0 0 $10,200.00$34.31$11,665.40 62 23 3 1 . 6 0 4 BI T U M I N O U S P A V E M E N T R E C L A M A T I O N SQ Y D 75 0 0 $2 . 5 0 $1 8 , 7 5 0 . 0 0 $2 . 5 0 $1 8 , 7 5 0 . 0 0 $3 . 0 0 $22,500.00$4.00$30,000.00 63 23 5 7 . 5 0 2 BI T U M I N O U S M A T E R I A L F O R T A C K C O A T GA L L O N 42 0 $2 . 5 0 $1 , 0 5 0 . 0 0 $0 . 0 1 $4 . 2 0 $2 . 8 7 $1,205.40$3.00$1,260.00 64 23 6 0 . 5 0 1 TY P E S P 9 . 5 W E A R I N G C O U R S E M I X T U R E ( 2 , B ) TO N 70 0 $6 7 . 5 0 $4 7 , 2 5 0 . 0 0 $5 6 . 3 0 $3 9 , 4 1 0 . 0 0 $5 5 . 0 0 $38,500.00$70.00$49,000.00 65 23 6 0 . 5 0 2 TY P E S P 1 2 . 5 N O N W E A R I N G CO U R S E M I X T U R E ( 2 , B ) TO N 94 0 $6 6 . 0 0 $6 2 , 0 4 0 . 0 0 $5 5 . 8 5 $5 2 , 4 9 9 . 0 0 $5 2 . 0 0 $48,880.00$68.00$63,920.00 66 25 0 4 . 6 0 2 AD J U S T V A L V E B O X EA C H 2 $2 5 0 . 0 0 $5 0 0 . 0 0 $3 3 5 . 0 0 $6 7 0 . 0 0 $1 6 0 . 6 9 $321.38$120.00$240.00 67 25 0 6 . 5 2 2 AD J U S T M A N H O L E F R A M E A N D R I N G C A S T I N G - T E L E P H O N E EA C H 2 $4 0 0 . 0 0 $8 0 0 . 0 0 $3 6 5 . 0 0 $7 3 0 . 0 0 $2 6 0 . 0 0 $520.00$350.00$700.00 68 25 2 1 . 5 0 1 4" C O N C R E T E W A L K SQ F T 10 0 $4 . 0 0 $4 0 0 . 0 0 $6 . 0 0 $6 0 0 . 0 0 $6 . 9 6 $696.00$10.00$1,000.00 69 25 3 1 . 5 0 1 CO N C R E T E C U R B & G U T T E R D E S I G N B 6 1 8 LI N F T 25 $1 7 . 0 0 $4 2 5 . 0 0 $2 0 . 0 0 $5 0 0 . 0 0 $2 1 . 4 3 $535.75$40.00$1,000.00 70 25 2 1 . 5 1 1 3" B I T U M I N O U S W A L K SQ F T 25 0 $3 . 0 0 $7 5 0 . 0 0 $3 . 7 0 $9 2 5 . 0 0 $6 . 4 6 $1,615.00$10.00$2,500.00 71 25 3 1 . 6 1 8 TR U N C A T E D D O M E S SQ F T 16 $3 5 . 0 0 $5 6 0 . 0 0 $3 5 . 0 0 $5 6 0 . 0 0 $3 7 . 4 9 $599.84$50.00$800.00 72 25 6 3 . 6 0 1 TR A F F I C C O N T R O L LU M P S U M 1 $5 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 $5 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 $2 , 6 5 0 . 0 0 $2 , 6 5 0 . 0 0 $3 , 2 0 0 . 0 0 $3,200.00$3,500.00$3,500.00 73 25 6 4 . 5 3 1 F& I S I G N P A N E L S T Y P E C SQ F T 85 $3 0 . 0 0 $2 , 5 5 0 . 0 0 $2 9 . 5 0 $2 , 5 0 7 . 5 0 $3 1 . 6 0 $2,686.00$40.00$3,400.00 74 25 6 4 . 6 0 2 FU R N I S H & I N S T A L L S I G N P A N E L T Y P E D EA C H 5 $3 0 0 . 0 0 $1 , 5 0 0 . 0 0 $1 0 0 . 0 0 $5 0 0 . 0 0 $1 0 7 . 1 2 $535.60$200.00$1,000.00 75 25 7 3 . 5 0 2 SI L T F E N C E , T Y P E M A C H I N E S L I C E D LI N F T 40 0 $1 . 5 0 $6 0 0 . 0 0 $2 . 5 0 $1 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 $2 . 6 8 $1,072.00$4.00$1,600.00 76 25 7 3 . 5 3 0 ST O R M D R A I N I N L E T P R O T E C T I O N EA C H 3 $1 2 5 . 0 0 $3 7 5 . 0 0 $1 0 0 . 0 0 $3 0 0 . 0 0 $1 6 0 . 0 0 $480.00$300.00$900.00 77 25 7 5 . 5 0 1 SE E D I N G AC R E 0. 7 2 $2 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 $1 , 4 4 0 . 0 0 $1 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 $7 2 0 . 0 0 $5 3 5 . 0 0 $385.20$1,000.00$720.00 78 25 7 5 . 5 0 2 SE E D M I X T U R E 2 4 0 PO U N D 15 0 $4 . 0 0 $6 0 0 . 0 0 $3 . 0 0 $4 5 0 . 0 0 $3 . 0 0 $450.00$3.00$450.00 79 25 7 5 . 5 1 1 MU L C H M A T E R I A L T Y P E 1 TO N 1. 4 $2 5 0 . 0 0 $3 5 0 . 0 0 $2 5 0 . 0 0 $3 5 0 . 0 0 $7 4 5 . 0 0 $1,043.00$500.00$700.00 80 25 7 5 . 5 2 3 ER O S I O N C O N T R O L B L AN K E T S C A T E G O R Y 3 SQ Y D 50 0 $1 . 2 5 $6 2 5 . 0 0 $1 . 2 5 $6 2 5 . 0 0 $4 . 2 5 $2,125.00$2.00$1,000.00 81 25 7 5 . 5 3 2 FE R T I L I Z E R T Y P E 1 PO U N D 15 0 $2 . 0 0 $3 0 0 . 0 0 $0 . 7 5 $1 1 2 . 5 0 $0 . 8 0 $120.00$1.00$150.00 82 25 8 2 . 5 0 2 4" B R O K E N L I N E Y E L L O W - E P O X Y LI N F T 56 0 $0 . 3 5 $1 9 6 . 0 0 $0 . 2 1 $1 1 7 . 6 0 $0 . 2 2 $123.20$0.50$280.00 To t a l S C H E D U L E B - F a l l o n A v e n u e S t r e e t I m p r o v e m e n t s : $1 8 8 , 2 1 6 . 0 0 $1 6 5 , 7 8 8 . 3 0 $175,568.17 $253,537.90 SC H E D U L E C - F e n n i n g A v e n u e I m p r o v e m e n t s 83 20 2 1 . 5 0 1 MO B I L I Z A T I O N ( 5 % M A X I M U M ) LU M P S U M 1 $4 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 $4 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 $3 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 $3 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 $4 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 $4,000.00$10,000.00$10,000.00 84 21 0 4 . 5 0 9 RE M O V E S I G N EA C H 19 $2 5 . 0 0 $4 7 5 . 0 0 $2 5 . 0 0 $4 7 5 . 0 0 $2 6 . 7 8 $508.82$50.00$950.00 85 21 0 5 . 5 2 5 TO P S O I L B O R R O W ( C V ) CU Y D 50 $1 5 . 0 0 $7 5 0 . 0 0 $2 5 . 0 0 $1 , 2 5 0 . 0 0 $2 4 . 1 0 $1,205.00$20.00$1,000.00 86 22 1 1 . 5 0 1 AG G R E G A T E B A S E C L A S S 5 ( C V ) I N P L A C E CU Y D 12 5 $3 0 . 0 0 $3 , 7 5 0 . 0 0 $2 5 . 4 0 $3 , 1 7 5 . 0 0 $3 2 . 0 0 $4,000.00$35.00$4,375.00 87 22 3 2 . 5 0 1 MI L L B I T U M I N O U S S U R F A C E ( 1 . 5 " ) SQ Y D 15 0 $2 . 0 0 $3 0 0 . 0 0 $7 . 0 0 $1 , 0 5 0 . 0 0 $6 . 0 0 $900.00$20.00$3,000.00 88 23 5 7 . 5 0 2 BI T U M I N O U S M A T E R I A L F O R T A C K C O A T GA L L O N 60 0 $2 . 5 0 $1 , 5 0 0 . 0 0 $0 . 0 1 $6 . 0 0 $2 . 8 7 $1,722.00$3.00$1,800.00 89 23 6 0 . 5 0 1 TY P E S P 9 . 5 W E A R I N G C O U R S E M I X T U R E ( 2 , B ) TO N 12 0 0 $6 7 . 5 0 $8 1 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 $5 4 . 6 5 $6 5 , 5 8 0 . 0 0 $5 5 . 0 0 $66,000.00$70.00$84,000.00 90 25 6 3 . 6 0 1 TR A F F I C C O N T R O L LU M P S U M 1 $1 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 $1 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 $3 , 1 0 0 . 0 0 $3 , 1 0 0 . 0 0 $4 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 $4,000.00$4,500.00$4,500.00 Pr o j e c t : 0 1 4 9 4 - 5 7 - M O N T - 2 0 1 2 R u r a l R o a d I m p r o v e m e n t s En g i n e e r s E s t i m a t e Kn i f e R i v e r Ha r d r i v e s , I n c . ( R o g e r s ) Mid-Minnesota Hot Mix, Inc. It e m N o . It e m Un i t s Qu a n t i t y Un i t P r i c e To t a l P r i c e Un i t P r i c e To t a l P r i c e Un i t P r i c e To t a l P r i c e Unit Price Total Price 91 25 6 4 . 5 3 1 F& I S I G N P A N E L S T Y P E C SQ F T 11 5 $3 0 . 0 0 $3 , 4 5 0 . 0 0 $2 9 . 5 0 $3 , 3 9 2 . 5 0 $3 1 . 6 0 $3,634.00$40.00$4,600.00 92 25 6 4 . 6 0 2 FU R N I S H & I N S T A L L S I G N P A N E L T Y P E D EA C H 4 $3 0 0 . 0 0 $1 , 2 0 0 . 0 0 $1 0 0 . 0 0 $4 0 0 . 0 0 $1 0 7 . 0 0 $428.00$150.00$600.00 93 25 7 5 . 5 0 1 SE E D I N G AC R E 0. 3 5 $2 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 $7 0 0 . 0 0 $1 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 $3 5 0 . 0 0 $1 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 $350.00$1,000.00$350.00 94 25 7 5 . 5 0 2 SE E D M I X T U R E 2 4 0 PO U N D 70 $4 . 0 0 $2 8 0 . 0 0 $3 . 0 0 $2 1 0 . 0 0 $3 . 2 1 $224.70$3.00$210.00 95 25 7 5 . 5 1 1 MU L C H M A T E R I A L T Y P E 1 TO N 0. 7 $2 5 0 . 0 0 $1 7 5 . 0 0 $2 5 0 . 0 0 $1 7 5 . 0 0 $7 4 5 . 0 0 $521.50$500.00$350.00 96 25 7 5 . 5 2 3 ER O S I O N C O N T R O L B L AN K E T S C A T E G O R Y 3 SQ Y D 85 0 $1 . 2 5 $1 , 0 6 2 . 5 0 $1 . 2 5 $1 , 0 6 2 . 5 0 $1 . 3 4 $1,139.00$2.00$1,700.00 97 25 7 5 . 5 3 2 FE R T I L I Z E R T Y P E 1 PO U N D 70 $2 . 0 0 $1 4 0 . 0 0 $0 . 7 5 $5 2 . 5 0 $0 . 8 0 $56.00$1.00$70.00 98 25 8 2 . 5 0 2 4" D O U B L E S O L I D L I N E Y E L L O W - E P O X Y LI N F T 38 0 0 $0 . 5 0 $1 , 9 0 0 . 0 0 $0 . 4 2 $1 , 5 9 6 . 0 0 $0 . 4 5 $1,710.00$0.75$2,850.00 To t a l S C H E D U L E C - F e n n i n g A v e n u e I m p r o v e m e n t s : $1 0 1 , 6 8 2 . 5 0 $8 4 , 8 7 4 . 5 0 $9 0 , 3 9 9 . 0 2 $120,355.00 SC H E D U L E D - T r a i l I m p r o v e m e n t s 99 20 2 1 . 5 0 1 MO B I L I Z A T I O N ( 5 % M A X I M U M ) LU M P S U M 1 $1 , 5 0 0 . 0 0 $1 , 5 0 0 . 0 0 $1 , 8 0 0 . 0 0 $1 , 8 0 0 . 0 0 $1 , 9 0 0 . 0 0 $1,900.00$5,000.00$5,000.00 10 0 21 0 4 . 5 0 1 RE M O V E C U R B A N D G U T T E R LI N F T 40 $4 . 5 0 $1 8 0 . 0 0 $5 . 0 0 $2 0 0 . 0 0 $5 . 3 6 $214.40$20.00$800.00 10 1 21 0 4 . 5 1 3 SA W I N G B I T U M I N O U S P A V E M E N T ( F U L L D E P T H ) LI N F T 20 $4 . 0 0 $8 0 . 0 0 $2 . 0 0 $4 0 . 0 0 $2 . 4 1 $48.20$10.00$200.00 10 2 21 0 5 . 5 0 1 CO M M O N E X C A V A T I O N ( P ) CU Y D 50 $5 . 0 0 $2 5 0 . 0 0 $2 5 . 0 0 $1 , 2 5 0 . 0 0 $2 1 . 4 2 $1,071.00$50.00$2,500.00 10 3 21 0 5 . 5 2 5 TO P S O I L B O R R O W ( C V ) CU Y D 80 $1 5 . 0 0 $1 , 2 0 0 . 0 0 $2 5 . 0 0 $2 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 $2 4 . 1 0 $1,928.00$20.00$1,600.00 10 4 22 1 1 . 5 0 1 AG G R E G A T E B A S E C L A S S 5 ( C V ) I N P L A C E CU Y D 20 $3 0 . 0 0 $6 0 0 . 0 0 $4 6 . 0 0 $9 2 0 . 0 0 $4 3 . 5 1 $870.20$100.00$2,000.00 10 5 23 3 1 . 6 0 4 BI T U M I N O U S P A V E M E N T R E C L A M A T I O N SQ Y D 15 0 0 $2 . 5 0 $3 , 7 5 0 . 0 0 $4 . 2 5 $6 , 3 7 5 . 0 0 $5 . 5 7 $8,355.00$6.00$9,000.00 10 6 23 5 7 . 5 0 2 BI T U M I N O U S M A T E R I A L F O R T A C K C O A T GA L L O N 80 $2 . 5 0 $2 0 0 . 0 0 $2 . 5 0 $2 0 0 . 0 0 $2 . 8 7 $229.60$5.00$400.00 10 7 25 1 1 . 5 0 1 RA N D O M R I P R A P C L A S S I I I - G R O U T E D CU Y D 10 $1 3 0 . 0 0 $1 , 3 0 0 . 0 0 $1 4 5 . 0 0 $1 , 4 5 0 . 0 0 $5 3 . 5 6 $535.60$100.00$1,000.00 10 8 25 2 1 . 5 0 1 4" C O N C R E T E W A L K SQ F T 40 0 $4 . 0 0 $1 , 6 0 0 . 0 0 $6 . 0 0 $2 , 4 0 0 . 0 0 $6 . 4 3 $2,572.00$10.00$4,000.00 10 9 25 1 1 . 5 1 5 GE O T E X T I L E F A B R I C T Y P E I V SQ Y D 9 $3 . 0 0 $2 7 . 0 0 $1 0 . 0 0 $9 0 . 0 0 $4 . 2 8 $38.52$50.00$450.00 11 0 25 2 1 . 5 1 1 3" B I T U M I N O U S W A L K SQ F T 15 1 0 0 $3 . 0 0 $4 5 , 3 0 0 . 0 0 $1 . 3 0 $1 9 , 6 3 0 . 0 0 $1 . 2 7 $1 9 , 1 7 7 . 0 0 $1.75$26,425.00 11 1 25 3 1 . 5 0 1 CO N C R E T E C U R B & G U T T E R D E S I G N B 6 1 8 LI N F T 40 $1 7 . 0 0 $6 8 0 . 0 0 $2 0 . 0 0 $8 0 0 . 0 0 $2 1 . 4 3 $857.20$30.00$1,200.00 11 2 25 3 1 . 6 1 8 TR U N C A T E D D O M E S SQ F T 64 $3 5 . 0 0 $2 , 2 4 0 . 0 0 $3 5 . 0 0 $2 , 2 4 0 . 0 0 $3 7 . 4 9 $2,399.36$40.00$2,560.00 11 3 25 6 3 . 6 0 1 TR A F F I C C O N T R O L LU M P S U M 1 $5 0 0 . 0 0 $5 0 0 . 0 0 $1 0 0 . 0 0 $1 0 0 . 0 0 $2 , 3 0 0 . 0 0 $2,300.00$500.00$500.00 11 4 25 7 3 . 5 0 2 SI L T F E N C E , T Y P E M A C H I N E S L I C E D LI N F T 15 0 $1 . 5 0 $2 2 5 . 0 0 $2 . 5 0 $3 7 5 . 0 0 $2 . 6 8 $402.00$4.00$600.00 11 5 25 7 5 . 5 0 1 SE E D I N G AC R E 0. 3 2 $2 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 $6 4 0 . 0 0 $1 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 $3 2 0 . 0 0 $1 , 0 7 1 . 2 5 $342.80$1,000.00$320.00 11 6 25 7 5 . 5 0 2 SE E D M I X T U R E 2 4 0 PO U N D 65 $4 . 0 0 $2 6 0 . 0 0 $3 . 0 0 $1 9 5 . 0 0 $3 . 2 1 $208.65$3.00$195.00 11 7 25 7 5 . 5 1 1 MU L C H M A T E R I A L T Y P E 1 TO N 0. 6 $2 5 0 . 0 0 $1 5 0 . 0 0 $2 5 0 . 0 0 $1 5 0 . 0 0 $2 6 7 . 8 2 $160.69$500.00$300.00 11 8 25 7 5 . 5 2 3 ER O S I O N C O N T R O L B L AN K E T S C A T E G O R Y 3 SQ Y D 20 0 $1 . 2 5 $2 5 0 . 0 0 $1 . 2 5 $2 5 0 . 0 0 $1 . 3 4 $268.00$2.00$400.00 To t a l S C H E D U L E D - T r a i l I m p r o v e m e n t s : $6 0 , 9 3 2 . 0 0 $4 0 , 7 8 5 . 0 0 $4 3 , 8 7 8 . 2 2 $59,450.00 To t a l S C H E D U L E A - E d m o n s o n A v e n u e I m p r o v e m e n t s : $5 1 4 , 6 9 4 . 5 0 $4 0 1 , 9 1 1 . 1 0 $4 4 5 , 4 7 6 . 7 6 $568,606.60 To t a l S C H E D U L E B - F a l l o n A v e n u e S t r e e t I m p r o v e m e n t s : $1 8 8 , 2 1 6 . 0 0 $1 6 5 , 7 8 8 . 3 0 $1 7 5 , 5 6 8 . 1 7 $253,537.90 To t a l S C H E D U L E C - F e n n i n g A v e n u e I m p r o v e m e n t s : $1 0 1 , 6 8 2 . 5 0 $8 4 , 8 7 4 . 5 0 $9 0 , 3 9 9 . 0 2 $120,355.00 Pr o j e c t : 0 1 4 9 4 - 5 7 - M O N T - 2 0 1 2 R u r a l R o a d I m p r o v e m e n t s En g i n e e r s E s t i m a t e Kn i f e R i v e r Ha r d r i v e s , I n c . ( R o g e r s ) Mid-Minnesota Hot Mix, Inc. It e m N o . It e m Un i t s Qu a n t i t y Un i t P r i c e To t a l P r i c e Un i t P r i c e To t a l P r i c e Un i t P r i c e To t a l P r i c e Unit Price Total Price To t a l S C H E D U L E D - T r a i l I m p r o v e m e n t s : $6 0 , 9 3 2 . 0 0 $4 0 , 7 8 5 . 0 0 $43,878.22 $59,450.00 To t a l s f o r P r o j e c t 0 1 4 9 4 - 5 7 $8 6 5 , 5 2 5 . 0 0 $6 9 3 , 3 5 8 . 9 0 $7 5 5 , 3 2 2 . 1 7 $1,001,949.50 % o f E s t i m a t e f o r P r o j e c t 0 1 4 9 4 - 5 7 -1 9 . 8 9 % -12.73% 15.76% I h e r e b y c e r t i f y t h a t t h i s i s a n e x a c t r e p r o d u c t i o n o f b i d s r e c e i v e d . Ce r t i f i e d B y : Li c e n s e N o . 41 8 6 0 Da te : J u n e 2 1 , 2 0 1 2 Project: 2012 Rural Road Improvements Location: Monticello, Minnesota City Project No. 12C001 S.A.P. 222-115-001 WSB Project No. 1494-57 Date:June 21, 2012, 10:00 a.m. Contractor Bid Security Addendum 1 Grand Total Bid 1 Knife River Corporation X Yes $693,358.90 2 Hardrives, Inc.X Yes $755,322.17 3 Mid Minnesota Hot Mix X Yes $1,001,949.50 Engineer's Estimate $865,525.00 Denotes corrected figure Shibani Bisson, PE, Project Manager BID TABULATION SUMMARY I hereby certify that this is a true and correct tabulation of the bids as received on June 21, 2012. CityCouncilAgenda:6/25/12 1 8.ConsiderationofapprovingChangeOrder#1fortheMCCNatatorium Improvements,CityProjectNo.11C006 (KB) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: TheNatatoriumimprovementprojectwillbegininJulywiththewestentranceofthe communitycenter.ThefitnesscenterexpansionwillbegininAugustandthepool improvementswillbeginthedayafterLaborDay,September4th.Atthispoint,thework scheduleshowsthatallconstructionisexpectedtofinishbytheendofOctober. Thereisanitemthatisintheproject,buthasbeendeterminedthatthescopeshouldbe expanded,whichistherepaintingofthepoolceiling.Inthebidspecificationsitis identifiedtosandblastandrepaintapproximatelyaneightfootswathalongtheperimeter ofthepool.WhentheProjectManagerandthepaintingsub-contractorweretouringthe poolafterthepre-constructionmeeting,itwasnotedthatthepeelingpaintandcorrosion ontheceilingwasmuchmoreextensivethanwhatwasspecifiedtoberepaired.Because theworkrequiresadrainedpoolandapproximatelyathreeweekshutdownofthepool area,WoldArchitectsfeltitwouldbeintheCity’sbestinteresttotakecareofthis problemnowratherthanevenayeardowntheroad. TheBuildingCommitteemetattheendofMaytotourthepoolareaanddiscussthe optionsforrepair.AsuggestionwasmadebyBuildingCommitteememberandCity CouncilmemberGlenPosustathatwelookatsuspendingtheceiling.Thisoptionmight possiblymeanlessmaintenanceintothefutureandthusanoverallmaintenancesavings overthelifeofthepoolarea.Woldresearchedoptionsforthisceilingmaterialandthe possibilityofnotrepaintingtheceilingandbroughttheirinformationbacktothe BuildingCommitteewhometagainonWednesdaythe20th ofJune. ThethreeoptionspresentedtotheBuildingCommitteewere: 1.Dotheworkasspecifiedinthebid,whichistosandblastandrepaintaroundjust theperimeterofthepool:approximatelya12footareabythewidthofthepool onthewestsideandapproximatelyafourfootareabythelengthofeachside alongthenorth,southandeastsideofthepool.Thiswouldmeannoadditional coststotheconstructionproject;however,duetothestateoftheceilingatthis time,theworkwouldneedtobedoneinfairlyshortorderrequiringanother lengthypoolclosure. 2.Sandblastandrepainttheentireceiling.Thiswouldbeachangeorderforthe projectintheamountof$82,555.Theceilingwouldnolongerhaveanycorroded areasorareaswherethepaintisflakingoff.Theceilingwouldnotrequireapaint matchandbeonecolor,andthelifeexpectancyofthispaintjobwouldbeatleast 15years.However,thisoptiondoesrequirethatthepoolwillbeclosedlonger thantheexpectedOctober31st reopeningdatebythreeweeks. 3.Hanganacousticalceilingbelowthecurrentceilingwithaperimeterofthe ceilingopentothemainceiling.Itwasthoughtthatwemightbeabletoavoid repaintingtheceilingnow,itwouldhaveprovidedsomesounddeadeningina CityCouncilAgenda:6/25/12 2 veryloudarea,anditwouldbeaestheticallypleasing.Unfortunately,itwas determinedthatthecurrentlyceilingwouldstillrequiresandblastingand repaintingduetothecurrentcorrosion;therefore,thecostofthisoptionis $272,000. AfterdiscussingalltheoptionsattheBuildingCommittee,allmembersofthecommittee recommendedthattheCityapprovethesecondoptionlistedabovewhichistosandblast andrepainttheentireceilingfor$82,555.CommitteememberLloydHilgartnotedthat theceilingcouldberepaintedalmostthreetimesbeforetheoverallcostofpaintingand hanginganacousticalpaneledceiling.PublicWorksDirectorBobPaschke(committee member),suggestedthattheCommunityCenterAdvisoryBoardlookataddingthe acousticalpanelceilingintotheCIP.ThatBoardwillreviewthatoptionattheirJuly meetingforinclusionintheCIPbudget. A1.BudgetImpact:TheNatatoriumImprovementprojectdoeshaveacontingency budgetofalittleover$185,000andthecostof$82,555forthischangeorder wouldbetakenfromthatbudget. A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:Thereisnostaffimpactinthisasitwouldbehandled bytheproject’spaintingsub-contractor.Itwould,however,haveanimpactofthe communitycenter’spoolusersasitwouldrequireathreeweekadditionalshut downofthepool.Thiswouldputthepoolopeningbackintothethirdweekof November. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.Motiontoapprovechangeorder#1fortheNatatoriumImprovementprojectto sandblastandrepainttheentirepoolceilingfor$82,555. 2.Motiontoapprovechangeorder#1fortheNatatoriumImprovementprojectto sandblastandrepainttheentireceilingandtohanganacousticalpaneledceiling foracostof$272,059. 3.MotiontodenyChangeOrder#1fortheNatatoriumImprovementprojectanddo onlytheworkcurrentlyspecifiedbyintheproject. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: CitystaffandtheBuildingCommitteerecommendAlternative#1.Whileitis unfortunatetofindhaveanextensiveandexpensivemaintenanceitembeaddedtothe project,itismoreefficienttofixtheceilingnowwhilethepoolisdown,ratherthanto havetoclosethepoolinthefutureforthreeormoreadditionalweekstomakethe necessaryrepairs. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: ChangeOrder#1(showingpaintingpricingandacousticalpanelpricing)-Wold ArchitectsandEbertConstruction CityCouncilAgenda:06/25/12 1 9.ConsiderationofadjustingindividualpensioncontributionamountforVolunteer FirefighterReliefAssociationmembers (TK/JohnBauer) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: TheMonticelloVolunteerFirefightersReliefAssociationmembershipisrequestingthat theirretirementbenefitremainatitscurrentlevelof$2,750peryearformorethan20 yearsofserviceonthefiredepartment.Bykeepingthebenefitlevelsat$2,750theCity wouldnotberequiredtocontributeadditionalfundstotheReliefAssociation;however, theAssociationwouldcarrya$38,374deficitonthebooksintonextyear. Thefollowingisasummaryofthepreviousbenefitchangesthathavebeenapproved: Year BenefitAmount 2000 $2,085 2001 $2,175 2003$2,225 2004$2,625 2005$3,050 2006$3,275 2007$3,950 2008$3,500 2009$2,650 2010$2,650 2011$2,750 ByAugust1st ofeachyear,theFireReliefAssociationistopresenttotheCityCouncila scheduleoftheproposedbenefitsandthetotalliabilitiesassociatedwiththeproposed benefitincomparisontotheassetsoftheassociation.Theschedulesenclosedwiththis agendaindicatesthethreebenefitamountstomembersplustherequiredCity contribution. Basedonabenefitof$2,750asproposed,thefinancialreportshowsthetotalamountof liabilitythatwouldexistforthepensionamountforthenexttwoyearsandalsoincludes informationontheAssociation’scurrentassetsandprojectedincomeforthenextyear. MostoftheincomefromtheAssociationrelatestoaround$75,190peryearinStateAid, whichmustbeusedentirelyfortheirpensionsupport,andinvestmentearningsof $33,500fromtheAssociation’sassets. Inthepast,ithasbeenCityCouncil’spolicythattheywouldonlyconsideradjustmentto theyearlypensioniftheassociationhassufficientincomeprojectedtocovertheincrease. Inotherwords,theStateAidandinterestearningsoninvestmentsneedtobeata sufficientleveltocovernormalcostsofthepensioncalculations.The$2,750benefit doescreateadeficitof$38,374,whileadecreaseinbenefitcouldresultinasurplus. A1.BudgetImpact:ThebenefitlevelhasnoimpactontheCity’sbudget. CityCouncilAgenda:06/25/12 2 A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:Thereisnostaffimpactwiththisdecision. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.Motiontomaintainthebenefitlevelat$2,750for2012. 2.Motiontograntanalternativebenefitslevel. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: CitystaffsupportsAlternative#1. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: ScheduleFormsSC-12forLumpSumPensionPlans,ReportingYear2012 Form SC-12 Page 1 Schedule Form for Lump-Sum Pension Plans Reporting Year 2012 Determination of Plan Liabilities and Required Municipal Contribution for 2013 Relief Association: County/ Counties: Enter Annual benefit level in effect for 2012:2,750 (If you change your benefit level before 12/31/2012, the SC must be recalculated at the new level.) 2012 2013 Subtotal of Page 1 Liability - Active Members 950,015 1,018,655 Active Member Information Please Enter Dates in this format: Leaves of Date of Fire Department Entry Absence and Breaks in Return to Service Years Years Birth Date Service Member of Accrued of Accrued Name Status (months)?Service Liability Service Liability 1 Matt J. Theisen Active 11/03/1956 05/01/1982 0 31 85,250 32 88,000 2 Brad E. Fyle Active 06/17/1957 05/01/1984 0 29 79,750 30 82,500 3 Gary J. Host Paid 01/17/1962 10/01/1985 0 27 0 28 0 4 Lydon L. Larson Active 02/02/1961 01/19/1987 0 26 71,500 27 74,250 5 Marc A. Simpson Active 02/24/1956 01/19/1987 0 26 71,500 27 74,250 6 Neal B. Kranz Active 04/06/1966 05/01/1987 0 26 71,500 27 74,250 7 Brian K. Stumpf Paid 06/14/1962 07/25/1988 0 24 0 25 0 8 Jeff E. Michaelis Active 08/02/1963 01/03/1990 0 23 63,250 24 66,000 9 Jeff D. Kranz Active 05/30/1963 05/01/1993 0 20 55,000 21 57,750 10 Rick T. Lymer Active 04/29/1963 05/01/1993 1 20 55,000 21 57,750 11 Todd M. Johnson Active 02/07/1966 05/01/1993 0 20 55,000 21 57,750 12 Steve W. Joerg Active 05/24/1963 10/17/1994 0 18 46,695 19 50,710 13 Luke G. Dahlheimer Active 08/30/1972 05/01/1996 0 17 42,900 18 46,695 14 Steve A. Hanson Active 06/08/1967 05/01/1996 0 17 42,900 18 46,695 15 Nick M. Dahlheimer Deferred 04/26/1974 01/15/1999 0 14 0 15 0 16 Steve C. Balon Active 06/10/1968 01/15/1999 0 14 32,560 15 35,860 17 Daryl R. Giles Active 11/02/1968 01/15/2000 0 13 29,425 14 32,560 18 Tim W. Ackerman Deferred 07/30/1972 04/15/2000 12 12 0 13 0 19 Shawn G. Leach Active 02/20/1977 09/03/2001 0 11 23,595 12 26,455 20 Donald A. Anderson Active 10/15/1969 05/19/2003 0 10 20,900 11 23,595 21 John P. Bauer Active 07/01/1971 05/19/2003 0 10 20,900 11 23,595 22 Jason P. Roubinek Active 11/06/1974 06/15/2005 0 8 15,840 9 18,315 23 Keith Peterson Active 11/07/1979 01/15/2007 0 6 11,275 7 13,530 24 Ken Kako Active 05/24/1973 01/15/2007 0 6 11,275 7 13,530 25 Micheal R. Doyle Active 01/27/1974 01/15/2007 0 6 11,275 7 13,530 26 Timothy A. Ingle Active 01/30/1971 01/15/2007 0 6 11,275 7 13,530 27 Kurtis Liefert Active 04/08/1983 08/15/2008 0 4 7,150 5 9,185 28 Michael D. Mossey Active 12/15/1984 08/15/2008 0 4 7,150 5 9,185 29 Thomas M. Johnson Active 08/15/1984 08/15/2008 0 4 7,150 5 9,185 30 Choose Status 0 0 31 Choose Status 0 0 6/21/2012 Monticello Fire Relief Association Wright To end of 2013To end of 2012 Form SC-12 Page 1 32 Choose Status 0 0 33 Choose Status 0 0 34 Choose Status 0 0 35 Choose Status 0 0 36 Choose Status 0 0 37 Choose Status 0 0 38 Choose Status 0 0 39 Choose Status 0 0 40 Choose Status 0 0 41 Choose Status 0 0 42 Choose Status 0 0 43 Choose Status 0 0 44 Choose Status 0 0 45 Choose Status 0 0 46 Choose Status 0 0 47 Choose Status 0 0 48 Choose Status 0 0 49 Choose Status 0 0 50 Choose Status 0 0 51 Choose Status 0 0 52 Choose Status 0 0 53 Choose Status 0 0 54 Choose Status 0 0 55 Choose Status 0 0 56 Choose Status 0 0 57 Choose Status 0 0 58 Choose Status 0 0 59 Choose Status 0 0 60 Choose Status 0 0 61 Choose Status 0 0 62 Choose Status 0 0 63 Choose Status 0 0 64 Choose Status 0 0 65 Choose Status 0 0 66 Choose Status 0 0 67 Choose Status 0 0 68 Choose Status 0 0 69 Choose Status 0 0 70 Choose Status 0 0 71 Choose Status 0 0 72 Choose Status 0 0 73 Choose Status 0 0 74 Choose Status 0 0 75 Choose Status 0 0 76 Choose Status 0 0 77 Choose Status 0 0 78 Choose Status 0 0 79 Choose Status 0 0 80 Choose Status 0 0 Form SC-12 Page 1 81 Choose Status 0 0 82 Choose Status 0 0 83 Choose Status 0 0 84 Choose Status 0 0 85 Choose Status 0 0 86 Choose Status 0 0 87 Choose Status 0 0 88 Choose Status 0 0 89 Choose Status 0 0 90 Choose Status 0 0 91 Choose Status 0 0 92 Choose Status 0 0 93 Choose Status 0 0 94 Choose Status 0 0 95 Choose Status 0 0 96 Choose Status 0 0 97 Choose Status 0 0 98 Choose Status 0 0 99 Choose Status 0 0 100 Choose Status 0 0 Form SC-12 Page 2 Deferred Member Information (fully or partially vested) See separate instructions regarding completion of the below fields. Please enter dates in this format: Total Deferred Member Liabilities 2012 80,797 Total Deferred Member Liabilities 2013 84,838 1 Enter all information as it pertains to this member. Benefit Level Months of Member Name:at Separation:2,125 Service Are Paid Minimum Years Required to Vest:10 DOB:12/26/1962 Deferred Interest Paid Service Dates:Entry:12/01/1985 Separation:12/15/2000 (Check if offered.) LOAs and BIS (in months):0 Vesting %:80 Return to Service Member ?(Check if applicable.)If Interest is Paid, Choose Type: Total Service: Years:15 Months (if paid):0 2012 Estimated Liability:0 Period Interest is Paid: 2013 Estimated Liability:0 Status:Paid For Relief ROR up to 5%, OSA ROR up to 5% or Board Set ROR up to 5% enter interest rates below. 1981:% 1986:%1991:% 1996:%2001:0.00 %2007:5.00 % 1982:% 1987:%1992:% 1997:%2002:0.00 %2008:0.00 % 1983:% 1988:%1993:% 1998:%2003:5.00 %2009:5.00 % 1984:% 1989:%1994:% 1999:%2004:5.00 %2010:5.00 % 1985:% 1990:%1995:% 2000:3.30 %2005:5.00 %2011:0.00 % +Rate of return is calculated using the earnings projected on Page 4 of this form.2006:5.00 %2012:5.00 % + 2 Enter all information as it pertains to this member. Benefit Level Months of Member Name:at Separation:3,950 Service Are Paid Minimum Years Required to Vest:10 DOB:06/30/1963 Deferred Interest Paid Service Dates:Entry:11/22/1987 Separation:12/01/2007 (Check if offered.) LOAs and BIS (in months):0 Vesting %:100 Return to Service Member ?(Check if applicable.)If Interest is Paid, Choose Type: Total Service: Years:20 Months (if paid):0 2012 Estimated Liability:0 Period Interest is Paid: 2013 Estimated Liability:0 Status:Paid For Relief ROR up to 5%, OSA ROR up to 5% or Board Set ROR up to 5% enter interest rates below. 1981:% 1986:%1991:% 1996:%2001:%2007:5.00 % 1982:% 1987:%1992:% 1997:%2002:%2008:0.00 % 1983:% 1988:%1993:% 1998:%2003:%2009:5.00 % 1984:% 1989:%1994:% 1999:%2004:%2010:5.00 % 1985:% 1990:%1995:% 2000:%2005:%2011:0.00 % +Rate of return is calculated using the earnings projected on Page 4 of this form.2006:%2012:5.00 % + Board set ROR up to 5% 6/21/2012 Full Months Board set ROR up to 5% Steve S. Samuelson Full Months Monticello Fire Relief Association Tony J. Bremer Form SC-12 Page 2 - Cont. 3 Enter all information as it pertains to this member. Benefit Level Months of Member Name:at Separation:3,275 Service Are Paid Minimum Years Required to Vest:10 DOB:12/12/1964 Deferred Interest Paid Service Dates:Entry:05/01/1993 Separation:11/01/2006 (Check if offered.) LOAs and BIS (in months):6 Vesting %:72 Return to Service Member ?(Check if applicable.)If Interest is Paid, Choose Type: Total Service: Years:13 Months (if paid):0 2012 Estimated Liability:37,571 Period Interest is Paid: 2013 Estimated Liability:39,450 Status:Deferred For Relief ROR up to 5%, OSA ROR up to 5% or Board Set ROR up to 5% enter interest rates below. 1981:% 1986:%1991:% 1996:%2001:%2007:5.00 % 1982:% 1987:%1992:% 1997:%2002:%2008:0.00 % 1983:% 1988:%1993:% 1998:%2003:%2009:5.00 % 1984:% 1989:%1994:% 1999:%2004:%2010:5.00 % 1985:% 1990:%1995:% 2000:%2005:5.00 %2011:0.00 % +Rate of return is calculated using the earnings projected on Page 4 of this form.2006:5.00 %2012:5.00 % + 4 Enter all information as it pertains to this member. Benefit Level Months of Member Name:at Separation:2,750 Service Are Paid Minimum Years Required to Vest:10 DOB:04/26/1974 Deferred Interest Paid Service Dates:Entry:01/15/1999 Separation:11/04/2011 (Check if offered.) LOAs and BIS (in months):0 Vesting %:68 Return to Service Member ?(Check if applicable.)If Interest is Paid, Choose Type: Total Service: Years:12 Months (if paid):9 2012 Estimated Liability:25,035 Period Interest is Paid: 2013 Estimated Liability:26,287 Status:Deferred For Relief ROR up to 5%, OSA ROR up to 5% or Board Set ROR up to 5% enter interest rates below. 1981:% 1986:%1991:% 1996:%2001:%2007:% 1982:% 1987:%1992:% 1997:%2002:%2008:% 1983:% 1988:%1993:% 1998:%2003:%2009:% 1984:% 1989:%1994:% 1999:%2004:%2010:% 1985:% 1990:%1995:% 2000:%2005:%2011:0.00 % +Rate of return is calculated using the earnings projected on Page 4 of this form.2006:%2012:5.00 % + Board set ROR up to 5% Full Months Monticello Fire Relief Association Gerald J. Sonsteby Nick M. Dahlheimer Board set ROR up to 5% Full Months Form SC-12 Page 2 - Cont. 5 Enter all information as it pertains to this member. Benefit Level Months of Member Name:at Separation:2,750 Service Are Paid Minimum Years Required to Vest:10 DOB:07/30/1972 Deferred Interest Paid Service Dates:Entry:04/15/2000 Separation:10/17/2011 (Check if offered.) LOAs and BIS (in months):12 Vesting %:60 Return to Service Member ?(Check if applicable.)If Interest is Paid, Choose Type: Total Service: Years:10 Months (if paid):6 2012 Estimated Liability:18,191 Period Interest is Paid: 2013 Estimated Liability:19,101 Status:Deferred For Relief ROR up to 5%, OSA ROR up to 5% or Board Set ROR up to 5% enter interest rates below. 1981:% 1986:%1991:% 1996:%2001:%2007:% 1982:% 1987:%1992:% 1997:%2002:%2008:% 1983:% 1988:%1993:% 1998:%2003:%2009:% 1984:% 1989:%1994:% 1999:%2004:%2010:% 1985:% 1990:%1995:% 2000:%2005:%2011:0.00 % +Rate of return is calculated using the earnings projected on Page 4 of this form.2006:%2012:5.00 % + 6 Enter all information as it pertains to this member. Benefit Level Months of Member Name:at Separation:Service Are Paid Minimum Years Required to Vest:DOB:Deferred Interest Paid Service Dates:Entry:Separation:(Check if offered.) LOAs and BIS (in months):Vesting %: Return to Service Member ?(Check if applicable.)If Interest is Paid, Choose Type: Total Service: Years:Months (if paid): 2012 Estimated Liability:Period Interest is Paid: 2013 Estimated Liability:Status:Deferred For Relief ROR up to 5%, OSA ROR up to 5% or Board Set ROR up to 5% enter interest rates below. 1981:% 1986:%1991:% 1996:%2001:%2007:% 1982:% 1987:%1992:% 1997:%2002:%2008:% 1983:% 1988:%1993:% 1998:%2003:%2009:% 1984:% 1989:%1994:% 1999:%2004:%2010:% 1985:% 1990:%1995:% 2000:%2005:%2011:% +Rate of return is calculated using the earnings projected on Page 4 of this form.2006:%2012:% + Board set ROR up to 5% Full Months Choose Type Choose Interest Payment Period Monticello Fire Relief Association Tim W. Ackerman ` Form SC-12 Page 2 - Cont. 7 Enter all information as it pertains to this member. Benefit Level Months of Member Name:at Separation:Service Are Paid Minimum Years Required to Vest:DOB:Deferred Interest Paid Service Dates:Entry:Separation:(Check if offered.) LOAs and BIS (in months):Vesting %: Return to Service Member ?(Check if applicable.)If Interest is Paid, Choose Type: Total Service: Years:Months (if paid): 2012 Estimated Liability:Period Interest is Paid: 2013 Estimated Liability:Status:Deferred For Relief ROR up to 5%, OSA ROR up to 5% or Board Set ROR up to 5% enter interest rates below. 1981:% 1986:%1991:% 1996:%2001:%2007:% 1982:% 1987:%1992:% 1997:%2002:%2008:% 1983:% 1988:%1993:% 1998:%2003:%2009:% 1984:% 1989:%1994:% 1999:%2004:%2010:% 1985:% 1990:%1995:% 2000:%2005:%2011:% +Rate of return is calculated using the earnings projected on Page 4 of this form.2006:%2012:% + 8 Enter all information as it pertains to this member. Benefit Level Months of Member Name:at Separation:Service Are Paid Minimum Years Required to Vest:DOB:Deferred Interest Paid Service Dates:Entry:Separation:(Check if offered.) LOAs and BIS (in months):Vesting %: Return to Service Member ?(Check if applicable.)If Interest is Paid, Choose Type: Total Service: Years:Months (if paid): 2012 Estimated Liability:Period Interest is Paid: 2013 Estimated Liability:Status:Deferred For Relief ROR up to 5%, OSA ROR up to 5% or Board Set ROR up to 5% enter interest rates below. 1981:% 1986:%1991:% 1996:%2001:%2007:% 1982:% 1987:%1992:% 1997:%2002:%2008:% 1983:% 1988:%1993:% 1998:%2003:%2009:% 1984:% 1989:%1994:% 1999:%2004:%2010:% 1985:% 1990:%1995:% 2000:%2005:%2011:% +Rate of return is calculated using the earnings projected on Page 4 of this form.2006:%2012:% + Choose Type Choose Interest Payment Period Choose Type Choose Interest Payment Period Monticello Fire Relief Association Form SC-12 Page 2 - Cont. 9 Enter all information as it pertains to this member. Benefit Level Months of Member Name:at Separation:Service Are Paid Minimum Years Required to Vest:DOB:Deferred Interest Paid Service Dates:Entry:Separation:(Check if offered.) LOAs and BIS (in months):Vesting %: Return to Service Member ?(Check if applicable.)If Interest is Paid, Choose Type: Total Service: Years:Months (if paid): 2012 Estimated Liability:Period Interest is Paid: 2013 Estimated Liability:Status:Deferred For Relief ROR up to 5%, OSA ROR up to 5% or Board Set ROR up to 5% enter interest rates below. 1981:% 1986:%1991:% 1996:%2001:%2007:% 1982:% 1987:%1992:% 1997:%2002:%2008:% 1983:% 1988:%1993:% 1998:%2003:%2009:% 1984:% 1989:%1994:% 1999:%2004:%2010:% 1985:% 1990:%1995:% 2000:%2005:%2011:% +Rate of return is calculated using the earnings projected on Page 4 of this form.2006:%2012:% + 10 Enter all information as it pertains to this member. Benefit Level Months of Member Name:at Separation:Service Are Paid Minimum Years Required to Vest:DOB:Deferred Interest Paid Service Dates:Entry:Separation:(Check if offered.) LOAs and BIS (in months):Vesting %: Return to Service Member ?(Check if applicable.)If Interest is Paid, Choose Type: Total Service: Years:Months (if paid): 2012 Estimated Liability:Period Interest is Paid: 2013 Estimated Liability:Status:Deferred For Relief ROR up to 5%, OSA ROR up to 5% or Board Set ROR up to 5% enter interest rates below. 1981:% 1986:%1991:% 1996:%2001:%2007:% 1982:% 1987:%1992:% 1997:%2002:%2008:% 1983:% 1988:%1993:% 1998:%2003:%2009:% 1984:% 1989:%1994:% 1999:%2004:%2010:% 1985:% 1990:%1995:% 2000:%2005:%2011:% +Rate of return is calculated using the earnings projected on Page 4 of this form.2006:%2012:% + Monticello Fire Relief Association Choose Type Choose Interest Payment Period Choose Type Choose Interest Payment Period Form SC-12 Page 2 - Cont. 11 Enter all information as it pertains to this member. Benefit Level Months of Member Name:at Separation:Service Are Paid Minimum Years Required to Vest:DOB:Deferred Interest Paid Service Dates:Entry:Separation:(Check if offered.) LOAs and BIS (in months):Vesting %: Return to Service Member ?(Check if applicable.)If Interest is Paid, Choose Type: Total Service: Years:Months (if paid): 2012 Estimated Liability:Period Interest is Paid: 2013 Estimated Liability:Status:Deferred For Relief ROR up to 5%, OSA ROR up to 5% or Board Set ROR up to 5% enter interest rates below. 1981:% 1986:%1991:% 1996:%2001:%2007:% 1982:% 1987:%1992:% 1997:%2002:%2008:% 1983:% 1988:%1993:% 1998:%2003:%2009:% 1984:% 1989:%1994:% 1999:%2004:%2010:% 1985:% 1990:%1995:% 2000:%2005:%2011:% +Rate of return is calculated using the earnings projected on Page 4 of this form.2006:%2012:% + 12 Enter all information as it pertains to this member. Benefit Level Months of Member Name:at Separation:Service Are Paid Minimum Years Required to Vest:DOB:Deferred Interest Paid Service Dates:Entry:Separation:(Check if offered.) LOAs and BIS (in months):Vesting %: Return to Service Member ?(Check if applicable.)If Interest is Paid, Choose Type: Total Service: Years:Months (if paid): 2012 Estimated Liability:Period Interest is Paid: 2013 Estimated Liability:Status:Deferred For Relief ROR up to 5%, OSA ROR up to 5% or Board Set ROR up to 5% enter interest rates below. 1981:% 1986:%1991:% 1996:%2001:%2007:% 1982:% 1987:%1992:% 1997:%2002:%2008:% 1983:% 1988:%1993:% 1998:%2003:%2009:% 1984:% 1989:%1994:% 1999:%2004:%2010:% 1985:% 1990:%1995:% 2000:%2005:%2011:% +Rate of return is calculated using the earnings projected on Page 4 of this form.2006:%2012:% + Choose Type Choose Interest Payment Period Choose Type Choose Interest Payment Period Monticello Fire Relief Association Form SC-12 Page 2 - Cont. 13 Enter all information as it pertains to this member. Benefit Level Months of Member Name:at Separation:Service Are Paid Minimum Years Required to Vest:DOB:Deferred Interest Paid Service Dates:Entry:Separation:(Check if offered.) LOAs and BIS (in months):Vesting %: Return to Service Member ?(Check if applicable.)If Interest is Paid, Choose Type: Total Service: Years:Months (if paid): 2012 Estimated Liability:Period Interest is Paid: 2013 Estimated Liability:Status:Deferred For Relief ROR up to 5%, OSA ROR up to 5% or Board Set ROR up to 5% enter interest rates below. 1981:% 1986:%1991:% 1996:%2001:%2007:% 1982:% 1987:%1992:% 1997:%2002:%2008:% 1983:% 1988:%1993:% 1998:%2003:%2009:% 1984:% 1989:%1994:% 1999:%2004:%2010:% 1985:% 1990:%1995:% 2000:%2005:%2011:% +Rate of return is calculated using the earnings projected on Page 4 of this form.2006:%2012:% + 14 Enter all information as it pertains to this member. Benefit Level Months of Member Name:at Separation:Service Are Paid Minimum Years Required to Vest:DOB:Deferred Interest Paid Service Dates:Entry:Separation:(Check if offered.) LOAs and BIS (in months):Vesting %: Return to Service Member ?(Check if applicable.)If Interest is Paid, Choose Type: Total Service: Years:Months (if paid): 2012 Estimated Liability:Period Interest is Paid: 2013 Estimated Liability:Status:Deferred For Relief ROR up to 5%, OSA ROR up to 5% or Board Set ROR up to 5% enter interest rates below. 1981:% 1986:%1991:% 1996:%2001:%2007:% 1982:% 1987:%1992:% 1997:%2002:%2008:% 1983:% 1988:%1993:% 1998:%2003:%2009:% 1984:% 1989:%1994:% 1999:%2004:%2010:% 1985:% 1990:%1995:% 2000:%2005:%2011:% +Rate of return is calculated using the earnings projected on Page 4 of this form.2006:%2012:% + Choose Type Choose Interest Payment Period Choose Type Monticello Fire Relief Association Choose Interest Payment Period Form SC-12 Page 2 - Cont. 15 Enter all information as it pertains to this member. Benefit Level Months of Member Name:at Separation:Service Are Paid Minimum Years Required to Vest:DOB:Deferred Interest Paid Service Dates:Entry:Separation:(Check if offered.) LOAs and BIS (in months):Vesting %: Return to Service Member ?(Check if applicable.)If Interest is Paid, Choose Type: Total Service: Years:Months (if paid): 2012 Estimated Liability:Period Interest is Paid: 2013 Estimated Liability:Status:Deferred For Relief ROR up to 5%, OSA ROR up to 5% or Board Set ROR up to 5% enter interest rates below. 1981:% 1986:%1991:% 1996:%2001:%2007:% 1982:% 1987:%1992:% 1997:%2002:%2008:% 1983:% 1988:%1993:% 1998:%2003:%2009:% 1984:% 1989:%1994:% 1999:%2004:%2010:% 1985:% 1990:%1995:% 2000:%2005:%2011:% +Rate of return is calculated using the earnings projected on Page 4 of this form.2006:%2012:% + 16 Enter all information as it pertains to this member. Benefit Level Months of Member Name:at Separation:Service Are Paid Minimum Years Required to Vest:DOB:Deferred Interest Paid Service Dates:Entry:Separation:(Check if offered.) LOAs and BIS (in months):Vesting %: Return to Service Member ?(Check if applicable.)If Interest is Paid, Choose Type: Total Service: Years:Months (if paid): 2012 Estimated Liability:Period Interest is Paid: 2013 Estimated Liability:Status:Deferred For Relief ROR up to 5%, OSA ROR up to 5% or Board Set ROR up to 5% enter interest rates below. 1981:% 1986:%1991:% 1996:%2001:%2007:% 1982:% 1987:%1992:% 1997:%2002:%2008:% 1983:% 1988:%1993:% 1998:%2003:%2009:% 1984:% 1989:%1994:% 1999:%2004:%2010:% 1985:% 1990:%1995:% 2000:%2005:%2011:% +Rate of return is calculated using the earnings projected on Page 4 of this form.2006:%2012:% + Choose Type Choose Interest Payment Period Monticello Fire Relief Association Choose Type Choose Interest Payment Period Form SC-12 Page 2 - Cont. 17 Enter all information as it pertains to this member. Benefit Level Months of Member Name:at Separation:Service Are Paid Minimum Years Required to Vest:DOB:Deferred Interest Paid Service Dates:Entry:Separation:(Check if offered.) LOAs and BIS (in months):Vesting %: Return to Service Member ?(Check if applicable.)If Interest is Paid, Choose Type: Total Service: Years:Months (if paid): 2012 Estimated Liability:Period Interest is Paid: 2013 Estimated Liability:Status:Deferred For Relief ROR up to 5%, OSA ROR up to 5% or Board Set ROR up to 5% enter interest rates below. 1981:% 1986:%1991:% 1996:%2001:%2007:% 1982:% 1987:%1992:% 1997:%2002:%2008:% 1983:% 1988:%1993:% 1998:%2003:%2009:% 1984:% 1989:%1994:% 1999:%2004:%2010:% 1985:% 1990:%1995:% 2000:%2005:%2011:% +Rate of return is calculated using the earnings projected on Page 4 of this form.2006:%2012:% + 18 Enter all information as it pertains to this member. Benefit Level Months of Member Name:at Separation:Service Are Paid Minimum Years Required to Vest:DOB:Deferred Interest Paid Service Dates:Entry:Separation:(Check if offered.) LOAs and BIS (in months):Vesting %: Return to Service Member ?(Check if applicable.)If Interest is Paid, Choose Type: Total Service: Years:Months (if paid): 2012 Estimated Liability:Period Interest is Paid: 2013 Estimated Liability:Status:Deferred For Relief ROR up to 5%, OSA ROR up to 5% or Board Set ROR up to 5% enter interest rates below. 1981:% 1986:%1991:% 1996:%2001:%2007:% 1982:% 1987:%1992:% 1997:%2002:%2008:% 1983:% 1988:%1993:% 1998:%2003:%2009:% 1984:% 1989:%1994:% 1999:%2004:%2010:% 1985:% 1990:%1995:% 2000:%2005:%2011:% +Rate of return is calculated using the earnings projected on Page 4 of this form.2006:%2012:% + Choose Type Choose Interest Payment Period Choose Type Monticello Fire Relief Association Choose Interest Payment Period Form SC-12 Page 2 - Cont. 19 Enter all information as it pertains to this member. Benefit Level Months of Member Name:at Separation:Service Are Paid Minimum Years Required to Vest:DOB:Deferred Interest Paid Service Dates:Entry:Separation:(Check if offered.) LOAs and BIS (in months):Vesting %: Return to Service Member ?(Check if applicable.)If Interest is Paid, Choose Type: Total Service: Years:Months (if paid): 2012 Estimated Liability:Period Interest is Paid: 2013 Estimated Liability:Status:Deferred For Relief ROR up to 5%, OSA ROR up to 5% or Board Set ROR up to 5% enter interest rates below. 1981:% 1986:%1991:% 1996:%2001:%2007:% 1982:% 1987:%1992:% 1997:%2002:%2008:% 1983:% 1988:%1993:% 1998:%2003:%2009:% 1984:% 1989:%1994:% 1999:%2004:%2010:% 1985:% 1990:%1995:% 2000:%2005:%2011:% +Rate of return is calculated using the earnings projected on Page 4 of this form.2006:%2012:% + 20 Enter all information as it pertains to this member. Benefit Level Months of Member Name:at Separation:Service Are Paid Minimum Years Required to Vest:DOB:Deferred Interest Paid Service Dates:Entry:Separation:(Check if offered.) LOAs and BIS (in months):Vesting %: Return to Service Member ?(Check if applicable.)If Interest is Paid, Choose Type: Total Service: Years:Months (if paid): 2012 Estimated Liability:Period Interest is Paid: 2013 Estimated Liability:Status:Deferred For Relief ROR up to 5%, OSA ROR up to 5% or Board Set ROR up to 5% enter interest rates below. 1981:% 1986:%1991:% 1996:%2001:%2007:% 1982:% 1987:%1992:% 1997:%2002:%2008:% 1983:% 1988:%1993:% 1998:%2003:%2009:% 1984:% 1989:%1994:% 1999:%2004:%2010:% 1985:% 1990:%1995:% 2000:%2005:%2011:% +Rate of return is calculated using the earnings projected on Page 4 of this form.2006:%2012:% + Choose Type Choose Interest Payment Period Choose Type Choose Interest Payment Period Monticello Fire Relief Association Form SC-12 Page 2 - Cont. 21 Enter all information as it pertains to this member. Benefit Level Months of Member Name:at Separation:Service Are Paid Minimum Years Required to Vest:DOB:Deferred Interest Paid Service Dates:Entry:Separation:(Check if offered.) LOAs and BIS (in months):Vesting %: Return to Service Member ?(Check if applicable.)If Interest is Paid, Choose Type: Total Service: Years:Months (if paid): 2012 Estimated Liability:Period Interest is Paid: 2013 Estimated Liability:Status:Deferred For Relief ROR up to 5%, OSA ROR up to 5% or Board Set ROR up to 5% enter interest rates below. 1981:% 1986:%1991:% 1996:%2001:%2007:% 1982:% 1987:%1992:% 1997:%2002:%2008:% 1983:% 1988:%1993:% 1998:%2003:%2009:% 1984:% 1989:%1994:% 1999:%2004:%2010:% 1985:% 1990:%1995:% 2000:%2005:%2011:% +Rate of return is calculated using the earnings projected on Page 4 of this form.2006:%2012:% + 22 Enter all information as it pertains to this member. Benefit Level Months of Member Name:at Separation:Service Are Paid Minimum Years Required to Vest:DOB:Deferred Interest Paid Service Dates:Entry:Separation:(Check if offered.) LOAs and BIS (in months):Vesting %: Return to Service Member ?(Check if applicable.)If Interest is Paid, Choose Type: Total Service: Years:Months (if paid): 2012 Estimated Liability:Period Interest is Paid: 2013 Estimated Liability:Status:Deferred For Relief ROR up to 5%, OSA ROR up to 5% or Board Set ROR up to 5% enter interest rates below. 1981:% 1986:%1991:% 1996:%2001:%2007:% 1982:% 1987:%1992:% 1997:%2002:%2008:% 1983:% 1988:%1993:% 1998:%2003:%2009:% 1984:% 1989:%1994:% 1999:%2004:%2010:% 1985:% 1990:%1995:% 2000:%2005:%2011:% +Rate of return is calculated using the earnings projected on Page 4 of this form.2006:%2012:% + Choose Interest Payment Period Monticello Fire Relief Association Choose Type Choose Interest Payment Period Choose Type Form SC-12 Page 2 - Cont. 23 Enter all information as it pertains to this member. Benefit Level Months of Member Name:at Separation:Service Are Paid Minimum Years Required to Vest:DOB:Deferred Interest Paid Service Dates:Entry:Separation:(Check if offered.) LOAs and BIS (in months):Vesting %: Return to Service Member ?(Check if applicable.)If Interest is Paid, Choose Type: Total Service: Years:Months (if paid): 2012 Estimated Liability:Period Interest is Paid: 2013 Estimated Liability:Status:Deferred For Relief ROR up to 5%, OSA ROR up to 5% or Board Set ROR up to 5% enter interest rates below. 1981:% 1986:%1991:% 1996:%2001:%2007:% 1982:% 1987:%1992:% 1997:%2002:%2008:% 1983:% 1988:%1993:% 1998:%2003:%2009:% 1984:% 1989:%1994:% 1999:%2004:%2010:% 1985:% 1990:%1995:% 2000:%2005:%2011:% +Rate of return is calculated using the earnings projected on Page 4 of this form.2006:%2012:% + 24 Enter all information as it pertains to this member. Benefit Level Months of Member Name:at Separation:Service Are Paid Minimum Years Required to Vest:DOB:Deferred Interest Paid Service Dates:Entry:Separation:(Check if offered.) LOAs and BIS (in months):Vesting %: Return to Service Member ?(Check if applicable.)If Interest is Paid, Choose Type: Total Service: Years:Months (if paid): 2012 Estimated Liability:Period Interest is Paid: 2013 Estimated Liability:Status:Deferred For Relief ROR up to 5%, OSA ROR up to 5% or Board Set ROR up to 5% enter interest rates below. 1981:% 1986:%1991:% 1996:%2001:%2007:% 1982:% 1987:%1992:% 1997:%2002:%2008:% 1983:% 1988:%1993:% 1998:%2003:%2009:% 1984:% 1989:%1994:% 1999:%2004:%2010:% 1985:% 1990:%1995:% 2000:%2005:%2011:% +Rate of return is calculated using the earnings projected on Page 4 of this form.2006:%2012:% + Choose Interest Payment Period Monticello Fire Relief Association Choose Type Choose Interest Payment Period Choose Type Form SC-12 Page 2 - Cont. 25 Enter all information as it pertains to this member. Benefit Level Months of Member Name:at Separation:Service Are Paid Minimum Years Required to Vest:DOB:Deferred Interest Paid Service Dates:Entry:Separation:(Check if offered.) LOAs and BIS (in months):Vesting %: Return to Service Member ?(Check if applicable.)If Interest is Paid, Choose Type: Total Service: Years:Months (if paid): 2012 Estimated Liability:Period Interest is Paid: 2013 Estimated Liability:Status:Deferred For Relief ROR up to 5%, OSA ROR up to 5% or Board Set ROR up to 5% enter interest rates below. 1981:% 1986:%1991:% 1996:%2001:%2007:% 1982:% 1987:%1992:% 1997:%2002:%2008:% 1983:% 1988:%1993:% 1998:%2003:%2009:% 1984:% 1989:%1994:% 1999:%2004:%2010:% 1985:% 1990:%1995:% 2000:%2005:%2011:% +Rate of return is calculated using the earnings projected on Page 4 of this form.2006:%2012:% + 26 Enter all information as it pertains to this member. Benefit Level Months of Member Name:at Separation:Service Are Paid Minimum Years Required to Vest:DOB:Deferred Interest Paid Service Dates:Entry:Separation:(Check if offered.) LOAs and BIS (in months):Vesting %: Return to Service Member ?(Check if applicable.)If Interest is Paid, Choose Type: Total Service: Years:Months (if paid): 2012 Estimated Liability:Period Interest is Paid: 2013 Estimated Liability:Status:Deferred For Relief ROR up to 5%, OSA ROR up to 5% or Board Set ROR up to 5% enter interest rates below. 1981:% 1986:%1991:% 1996:%2001:%2007:% 1982:% 1987:%1992:% 1997:%2002:%2008:% 1983:% 1988:%1993:% 1998:%2003:%2009:% 1984:% 1989:%1994:% 1999:%2004:%2010:% 1985:% 1990:%1995:% 2000:%2005:%2011:% +Rate of return is calculated using the earnings projected on Page 4 of this form.2006:%2012:% + Monticello Fire Relief Association Choose Type Choose Interest Payment Period Choose Type Choose Interest Payment Period Form SC-12 Page 2 - Cont. 27 Enter all information as it pertains to this member. Benefit Level Months of Member Name:at Separation:Service Are Paid Minimum Years Required to Vest:DOB:Deferred Interest Paid Service Dates:Entry:Separation:(Check if offered.) LOAs and BIS (in months):Vesting %: Return to Service Member ?(Check if applicable.)If Interest is Paid, Choose Type: Total Service: Years:Months (if paid): 2012 Estimated Liability:Period Interest is Paid: 2013 Estimated Liability:Status:Deferred For Relief ROR up to 5%, OSA ROR up to 5% or Board Set ROR up to 5% enter interest rates below. 1981:% 1986:%1991:% 1996:%2001:%2007:% 1982:% 1987:%1992:% 1997:%2002:%2008:% 1983:% 1988:%1993:% 1998:%2003:%2009:% 1984:% 1989:%1994:% 1999:%2004:%2010:% 1985:% 1990:%1995:% 2000:%2005:%2011:% +Rate of return is calculated using the earnings projected on Page 4 of this form.2006:%2012:% + 28 Enter all information as it pertains to this member. Benefit Level Months of Member Name:at Separation:Service Are Paid Minimum Years Required to Vest:DOB:Deferred Interest Paid Service Dates:Entry:Separation:(Check if offered.) LOAs and BIS (in months):Vesting %: Return to Service Member ?(Check if applicable.)If Interest is Paid, Choose Type: Total Service: Years:Months (if paid): 2012 Estimated Liability:Period Interest is Paid: 2013 Estimated Liability:Status:Deferred For Relief ROR up to 5%, OSA ROR up to 5% or Board Set ROR up to 5% enter interest rates below. 1981:% 1986:%1991:% 1996:%2001:%2007:% 1982:% 1987:%1992:% 1997:%2002:%2008:% 1983:% 1988:%1993:% 1998:%2003:%2009:% 1984:% 1989:%1994:% 1999:%2004:%2010:% 1985:% 1990:%1995:% 2000:%2005:%2011:% +Rate of return is calculated using the earnings projected on Page 4 of this form.2006:%2012:% + Choose Type Choose Interest Payment Period Choose Type Choose Interest Payment Period Monticello Fire Relief Association Form SC-12 Page 2 - Cont. 29 Enter all information as it pertains to this member. Benefit Level Months of Member Name:at Separation:Service Are Paid Minimum Years Required to Vest:DOB:Deferred Interest Paid Service Dates:Entry:Separation:(Check if offered.) LOAs and BIS (in months):Vesting %: Return to Service Member ?(Check if applicable.)If Interest is Paid, Choose Type: Total Service: Years:Months (if paid): 2012 Estimated Liability:Period Interest is Paid: 2013 Estimated Liability:Status:Deferred For Relief ROR up to 5%, OSA ROR up to 5% or Board Set ROR up to 5% enter interest rates below. 1981:% 1986:%1991:% 1996:%2001:%2007:% 1982:% 1987:%1992:% 1997:%2002:%2008:% 1983:% 1988:%1993:% 1998:%2003:%2009:% 1984:% 1989:%1994:% 1999:%2004:%2010:% 1985:% 1990:%1995:% 2000:%2005:%2011:% +Rate of return is calculated using the earnings projected on Page 4 of this form.2006:%2012:% + 30 Enter all information as it pertains to this member. Benefit Level Months of Member Name:at Separation:Service Are Paid Minimum Years Required to Vest:DOB:Deferred Interest Paid Service Dates:Entry:Separation:(Check if offered.) LOAs and BIS (in months):Vesting %: Return to Service Member ?(Check if applicable.)If Interest is Paid, Choose Type: Total Service: Years:Months (if paid): 2012 Estimated Liability:Period Interest is Paid: 2013 Estimated Liability:Status:Deferred For Relief ROR up to 5%, OSA ROR up to 5% or Board Set ROR up to 5% enter interest rates below. 1981:% 1986:%1991:% 1996:%2001:%2007:% 1982:% 1987:%1992:% 1997:%2002:%2008:% 1983:% 1988:%1993:% 1998:%2003:%2009:% 1984:% 1989:%1994:% 1999:%2004:%2010:% 1985:% 1990:%1995:% 2000:%2005:%2011:% +Rate of return is calculated using the earnings projected on Page 4 of this form.2006:%2012:% + Monticello Fire Relief Association Choose Interest Payment Period Choose Type Choose Interest Payment Period Choose Type Form SC-12 Page 2 - Cont. 31 Enter all information as it pertains to this member. Benefit Level Months of Member Name:at Separation:Service Are Paid Minimum Years Required to Vest:DOB:Deferred Interest Paid Service Dates:Entry:Separation:(Check if offered.) LOAs and BIS (in months):Vesting %: Return to Service Member ?(Check if applicable.)If Interest is Paid, Choose Type: Total Service: Years:Months (if paid): 2012 Estimated Liability:Period Interest is Paid: 2013 Estimated Liability:Status:Deferred For Relief ROR up to 5%, OSA ROR up to 5% or Board Set ROR up to 5% enter interest rates below. 1981:% 1986:%1991:% 1996:%2001:%2007:% 1982:% 1987:%1992:% 1997:%2002:%2008:% 1983:% 1988:%1993:% 1998:%2003:%2009:% 1984:% 1989:%1994:% 1999:%2004:%2010:% 1985:% 1990:%1995:% 2000:%2005:%2011:% +Rate of return is calculated using the earnings projected on Page 4 of this form.2006:%2012:% + 32 Enter all information as it pertains to this member. Benefit Level Months of Member Name:at Separation:Service Are Paid Minimum Years Required to Vest:DOB:Deferred Interest Paid Service Dates:Entry:Separation:(Check if offered.) LOAs and BIS (in months):Vesting %: Return to Service Member ?(Check if applicable.)If Interest is Paid, Choose Type: Total Service: Years:Months (if paid): 2012 Estimated Liability:Period Interest is Paid: 2013 Estimated Liability:Status:Deferred For Relief ROR up to 5%, OSA ROR up to 5% or Board Set ROR up to 5% enter interest rates below. 1981:% 1986:%1991:% 1996:%2001:%2007:% 1982:% 1987:%1992:% 1997:%2002:%2008:% 1983:% 1988:%1993:% 1998:%2003:%2009:% 1984:% 1989:%1994:% 1999:%2004:%2010:% 1985:% 1990:%1995:% 2000:%2005:%2011:% +Rate of return is calculated using the earnings projected on Page 4 of this form.2006:%2012:% + Monticello Fire Relief Association Choose Type Choose Interest Payment Period Choose Type Choose Interest Payment Period Form SC-12 Page 2 - Cont. 33 Enter all information as it pertains to this member. Benefit Level Months of Member Name:at Separation:Service Are Paid Minimum Years Required to Vest:DOB:Deferred Interest Paid Service Dates:Entry:Separation:(Check if offered.) LOAs and BIS (in months):Vesting %: Return to Service Member ?(Check if applicable.)If Interest is Paid, Choose Type: Total Service: Years:Months (if paid): 2012 Estimated Liability:Period Interest is Paid: 2013 Estimated Liability:Status:Deferred For Relief ROR up to 5%, OSA ROR up to 5% or Board Set ROR up to 5% enter interest rates below. 1981:% 1986:%1991:% 1996:%2001:%2007:% 1982:% 1987:%1992:% 1997:%2002:%2008:% 1983:% 1988:%1993:% 1998:%2003:%2009:% 1984:% 1989:%1994:% 1999:%2004:%2010:% 1985:% 1990:%1995:% 2000:%2005:%2011:% +Rate of return is calculated using the earnings projected on Page 4 of this form.2006:%2012:% + 34 Enter all information as it pertains to this member. Benefit Level Months of Member Name:at Separation:Service Are Paid Minimum Years Required to Vest:DOB:Deferred Interest Paid Service Dates:Entry:Separation:(Check if offered.) LOAs and BIS (in months):Vesting %: Return to Service Member ?(Check if applicable.)If Interest is Paid, Choose Type: Total Service: Years:Months (if paid): 2012 Estimated Liability:Period Interest is Paid: 2013 Estimated Liability:Status:Deferred For Relief ROR up to 5%, OSA ROR up to 5% or Board Set ROR up to 5% enter interest rates below. 1981:% 1986:%1991:% 1996:%2001:%2007:% 1982:% 1987:%1992:% 1997:%2002:%2008:% 1983:% 1988:%1993:% 1998:%2003:%2009:% 1984:% 1989:%1994:% 1999:%2004:%2010:% 1985:% 1990:%1995:% 2000:%2005:%2011:% +Rate of return is calculated using the earnings projected on Page 4 of this form.2006:%2012:% + Choose Type Choose Type Choose Interest Payment Period Choose Interest Payment Period Monticello Fire Relief Association Form SC-12 Page 2 - Cont. 35 Enter all information as it pertains to this member. Benefit Level Months of Member Name:at Separation:Service Are Paid Minimum Years Required to Vest:DOB:Deferred Interest Paid Service Dates:Entry:Separation:(Check if offered.) LOAs and BIS (in months):Vesting %: Return to Service Member ?(Check if applicable.)If Interest is Paid, Choose Type: Total Service: Years:Months (if paid): 2012 Estimated Liability:Period Interest is Paid: 2013 Estimated Liability:Status:Deferred For Relief ROR up to 5%, OSA ROR up to 5% or Board Set ROR up to 5% enter interest rates below. 1981:% 1986:%1991:% 1996:%2001:%2007:% 1982:% 1987:%1992:% 1997:%2002:%2008:% 1983:% 1988:%1993:% 1998:%2003:%2009:% 1984:% 1989:%1994:% 1999:%2004:%2010:% 1985:% 1990:%1995:% 2000:%2005:%2011:% +Rate of return is calculated using the earnings projected on Page 4 of this form.2006:%2012:% + 36 Enter all information as it pertains to this member. Benefit Level Months of Member Name:at Separation:Service Are Paid Minimum Years Required to Vest:DOB:Deferred Interest Paid Service Dates:Entry:Separation:(Check if offered.) LOAs and BIS (in months):Vesting %: Return to Service Member ?(Check if applicable.)If Interest is Paid, Choose Type: Total Service: Years:Months (if paid): 2012 Estimated Liability:Period Interest is Paid: 2013 Estimated Liability:Status:Deferred For Relief ROR up to 5%, OSA ROR up to 5% or Board Set ROR up to 5% enter interest rates below. 1981:% 1986:%1991:% 1996:%2001:%2007:% 1982:% 1987:%1992:% 1997:%2002:%2008:% 1983:% 1988:%1993:% 1998:%2003:%2009:% 1984:% 1989:%1994:% 1999:%2004:%2010:% 1985:% 1990:%1995:% 2000:%2005:%2011:% +Rate of return is calculated using the earnings projected on Page 4 of this form.2006:%2012:% + Choose Interest Payment Period Choose Type Choose Type Choose Interest Payment Period Monticello Fire Relief Association Form SC-12 Page 2 - Cont. 37 Enter all information as it pertains to this member. Benefit Level Months of Member Name:at Separation:Service Are Paid Minimum Years Required to Vest:DOB:Deferred Interest Paid Service Dates:Entry:Separation:(Check if offered.) LOAs and BIS (in months):Vesting %: Return to Service Member ?(Check if applicable.)If Interest is Paid, Choose Type: Total Service: Years:Months (if paid): 2012 Estimated Liability:Period Interest is Paid: 2013 Estimated Liability:Status:Deferred For Relief ROR up to 5%, OSA ROR up to 5% or Board Set ROR up to 5% enter interest rates below. 1981:% 1986:%1991:% 1996:%2001:%2007:% 1982:% 1987:%1992:% 1997:%2002:%2008:% 1983:% 1988:%1993:% 1998:%2003:%2009:% 1984:% 1989:%1994:% 1999:%2004:%2010:% 1985:% 1990:%1995:% 2000:%2005:%2011:% +Rate of return is calculated using the earnings projected on Page 4 of this form.2006:%2012:% + 38 Enter all information as it pertains to this member. Benefit Level Months of Member Name:at Separation:Service Are Paid Minimum Years Required to Vest:DOB:Deferred Interest Paid Service Dates:Entry:Separation:(Check if offered.) LOAs and BIS (in months):Vesting %: Return to Service Member ?(Check if applicable.)If Interest is Paid, Choose Type: Total Service: Years:Months (if paid): 2012 Estimated Liability:Period Interest is Paid: 2013 Estimated Liability:Status:Deferred For Relief ROR up to 5%, OSA ROR up to 5% or Board Set ROR up to 5% enter interest rates below. 1981:% 1986:%1991:% 1996:%2001:%2007:% 1982:% 1987:%1992:% 1997:%2002:%2008:% 1983:% 1988:%1993:% 1998:%2003:%2009:% 1984:% 1989:%1994:% 1999:%2004:%2010:% 1985:% 1990:%1995:% 2000:%2005:%2011:% +Rate of return is calculated using the earnings projected on Page 4 of this form.2006:%2012:% + Choose Interest Payment Period Choose Type Choose Interest Payment Period Monticello Fire Relief Association Choose Type Form SC-12 Page 2 - Cont. 39 Enter all information as it pertains to this member. Benefit Level Months of Member Name:at Separation:Service Are Paid Minimum Years Required to Vest:DOB:Deferred Interest Paid Service Dates:Entry:Separation:(Check if offered.) LOAs and BIS (in months):Vesting %: Return to Service Member ?(Check if applicable.)If Interest is Paid, Choose Type: Total Service: Years:Months (if paid): 2012 Estimated Liability:Period Interest is Paid: 2013 Estimated Liability:Status:Deferred For Relief ROR up to 5%, OSA ROR up to 5% or Board Set ROR up to 5% enter interest rates below. 1981:% 1986:%1991:% 1996:%2001:%2007:% 1982:% 1987:%1992:% 1997:%2002:%2008:% 1983:% 1988:%1993:% 1998:%2003:%2009:% 1984:% 1989:%1994:% 1999:%2004:%2010:% 1985:% 1990:%1995:% 2000:%2005:%2011:% +Rate of return is calculated using the earnings projected on Page 4 of this form.2006:%2012:% + 40 Enter all information as it pertains to this member. Benefit Level Months of Member Name:at Separation:Service Are Paid Minimum Years Required to Vest:DOB:Deferred Interest Paid Service Dates:Entry:Separation:(Check if offered.) LOAs and BIS (in months):Vesting %: Return to Service Member ?(Check if applicable.)If Interest is Paid, Choose Type: Total Service: Years:Months (if paid): 2012 Estimated Liability:Period Interest is Paid: 2013 Estimated Liability:Status:Deferred For Relief ROR up to 5%, OSA ROR up to 5% or Board Set ROR up to 5% enter interest rates below. 1981:% 1986:%1991:% 1996:%2001:%2007:% 1982:% 1987:%1992:% 1997:%2002:%2008:% 1983:% 1988:%1993:% 1998:%2003:%2009:% 1984:% 1989:%1994:% 1999:%2004:%2010:% 1985:% 1990:%1995:% 2000:%2005:%2011:% +Rate of return is calculated using the earnings projected on Page 4 of this form.2006:%2012:% + Choose Type Choose Interest Payment Period Choose Type Choose Interest Payment Period Monticello Fire Relief Association Form SC-12 Page 2 - Cont. 41 Enter all information as it pertains to this member. Benefit Level Months of Member Name:at Separation:Service Are Paid Minimum Years Required to Vest:DOB:Deferred Interest Paid Service Dates:Entry:Separation:(Check if offered.) LOAs and BIS (in months):Vesting %: Return to Service Member ?(Check if applicable.)If Interest is Paid, Choose Type: Total Service: Years:Months (if paid): 2012 Estimated Liability:Period Interest is Paid: 2013 Estimated Liability:Status:Deferred For Relief ROR up to 5%, OSA ROR up to 5% or Board Set ROR up to 5% enter interest rates below. 1981:% 1986:%1991:% 1996:%2001:%2007:% 1982:% 1987:%1992:% 1997:%2002:%2008:% 1983:% 1988:%1993:% 1998:%2003:%2009:% 1984:% 1989:%1994:% 1999:%2004:%2010:% 1985:% 1990:%1995:% 2000:%2005:%2011:% +Rate of return is calculated using the earnings projected on Page 4 of this form.2006:%2012:% + 42 Enter all information as it pertains to this member. Benefit Level Months of Member Name:at Separation:Service Are Paid Minimum Years Required to Vest:DOB:Deferred Interest Paid Service Dates:Entry:Separation:(Check if offered.) LOAs and BIS (in months):Vesting %: Return to Service Member ?(Check if applicable.)If Interest is Paid, Choose Type: Total Service: Years:Months (if paid): 2012 Estimated Liability:Period Interest is Paid: 2013 Estimated Liability:Status:Deferred For Relief ROR up to 5%, OSA ROR up to 5% or Board Set ROR up to 5% enter interest rates below. 1981:% 1986:%1991:% 1996:%2001:%2007:% 1982:% 1987:%1992:% 1997:%2002:%2008:% 1983:% 1988:%1993:% 1998:%2003:%2009:% 1984:% 1989:%1994:% 1999:%2004:%2010:% 1985:% 1990:%1995:% 2000:%2005:%2011:% +Rate of return is calculated using the earnings projected on Page 4 of this form.2006:%2012:% + Choose Interest Payment Period Choose Type Choose Type Choose Interest Payment Period Monticello Fire Relief Association Form SC-12 Page 2 - Cont. 43 Enter all information as it pertains to this member. Benefit Level Months of Member Name:at Separation:Service Are Paid Minimum Years Required to Vest:DOB:Deferred Interest Paid Service Dates:Entry:Separation:(Check if offered.) LOAs and BIS (in months):Vesting %: Return to Service Member ?(Check if applicable.)If Interest is Paid, Choose Type: Total Service: Years:Months (if paid): 2012 Estimated Liability:Period Interest is Paid: 2013 Estimated Liability:Status:Deferred For Relief ROR up to 5%, OSA ROR up to 5% or Board Set ROR up to 5% enter interest rates below. 1981:% 1986:%1991:% 1996:%2001:%2007:% 1982:% 1987:%1992:% 1997:%2002:%2008:% 1983:% 1988:%1993:% 1998:%2003:%2009:% 1984:% 1989:%1994:% 1999:%2004:%2010:% 1985:% 1990:%1995:% 2000:%2005:%2011:% +Rate of return is calculated using the earnings projected on Page 4 of this form.2006:%2012:% + 44 Enter all information as it pertains to this member. Benefit Level Months of Member Name:at Separation:Service Are Paid Minimum Years Required to Vest:DOB:Deferred Interest Paid Service Dates:Entry:Separation:(Check if offered.) LOAs and BIS (in months):Vesting %: Return to Service Member ?(Check if applicable.)If Interest is Paid, Choose Type: Total Service: Years:Months (if paid): 2012 Estimated Liability:Period Interest is Paid: 2013 Estimated Liability:Status:Deferred For Relief ROR up to 5%, OSA ROR up to 5% or Board Set ROR up to 5% enter interest rates below. 1981:% 1986:%1991:% 1996:%2001:%2007:% 1982:% 1987:%1992:% 1997:%2002:%2008:% 1983:% 1988:%1993:% 1998:%2003:%2009:% 1984:% 1989:%1994:% 1999:%2004:%2010:% 1985:% 1990:%1995:% 2000:%2005:%2011:% +Rate of return is calculated using the earnings projected on Page 4 of this form.2006:%2012:% + Choose Type Choose Interest Payment Period Choose Type Choose Interest Payment Period Monticello Fire Relief Association Form SC-12 Page 2 - Cont. 45 Enter all information as it pertains to this member. Benefit Level Months of Member Name:at Separation:Service Are Paid Minimum Years Required to Vest:DOB:Deferred Interest Paid Service Dates:Entry:Separation:(Check if offered.) LOAs and BIS (in months):Vesting %: Return to Service Member ?(Check if applicable.)If Interest is Paid, Choose Type: Total Service: Years:Months (if paid): 2012 Estimated Liability:Period Interest is Paid: 2013 Estimated Liability:Status:Deferred For Relief ROR up to 5%, OSA ROR up to 5% or Board Set ROR up to 5% enter interest rates below. 1981:% 1986:%1991:% 1996:%2001:%2007:% 1982:% 1987:%1992:% 1997:%2002:%2008:% 1983:% 1988:%1993:% 1998:%2003:%2009:% 1984:% 1989:%1994:% 1999:%2004:%2010:% 1985:% 1990:%1995:% 2000:%2005:%2011:% +Rate of return is calculated using the earnings projected on Page 4 of this form.2006:%2012:% + 46 Enter all information as it pertains to this member. Benefit Level Months of Member Name:at Separation:Service Are Paid Minimum Years Required to Vest:DOB:Deferred Interest Paid Service Dates:Entry:Separation:(Check if offered.) LOAs and BIS (in months):Vesting %: Return to Service Member ?(Check if applicable.)If Interest is Paid, Choose Type: Total Service: Years:Months (if paid): 2012 Estimated Liability:Period Interest is Paid: 2013 Estimated Liability:Status:Deferred For Relief ROR up to 5%, OSA ROR up to 5% or Board Set ROR up to 5% enter interest rates below. 1981:% 1986:%1991:% 1996:%2001:%2007:% 1982:% 1987:%1992:% 1997:%2002:%2008:% 1983:% 1988:%1993:% 1998:%2003:%2009:% 1984:% 1989:%1994:% 1999:%2004:%2010:% 1985:% 1990:%1995:% 2000:%2005:%2011:% +Rate of return is calculated using the earnings projected on Page 4 of this form.2006:%2012:% + Choose Type Choose Interest Payment Period Choose Type Monticello Fire Relief Association Choose Interest Payment Period Form SC-12 Page 2 - Cont. 47 Enter all information as it pertains to this member. Benefit Level Months of Member Name:at Separation:Service Are Paid Minimum Years Required to Vest:DOB:Deferred Interest Paid Service Dates:Entry:Separation:(Check if offered.) LOAs and BIS (in months):Vesting %: Return to Service Member ?(Check if applicable.)If Interest is Paid, Choose Type: Total Service: Years:Months (if paid): 2012 Estimated Liability:Period Interest is Paid: 2013 Estimated Liability:Status:Deferred For Relief ROR up to 5%, OSA ROR up to 5% or Board Set ROR up to 5% enter interest rates below. 1981:% 1986:%1991:% 1996:%2001:%2007:% 1982:% 1987:%1992:% 1997:%2002:%2008:% 1983:% 1988:%1993:% 1998:%2003:%2009:% 1984:% 1989:%1994:% 1999:%2004:%2010:% 1985:% 1990:%1995:% 2000:%2005:%2011:% +Rate of return is calculated using the earnings projected on Page 4 of this form.2006:%2012:% + 48 Enter all information as it pertains to this member. Benefit Level Months of Member Name:at Separation:Service Are Paid Minimum Years Required to Vest:DOB:Deferred Interest Paid Service Dates:Entry:Separation:(Check if offered.) LOAs and BIS (in months):Vesting %: Return to Service Member ?(Check if applicable.)If Interest is Paid, Choose Type: Total Service: Years:Months (if paid): 2012 Estimated Liability:Period Interest is Paid: 2013 Estimated Liability:Status:Deferred For Relief ROR up to 5%, OSA ROR up to 5% or Board Set ROR up to 5% enter interest rates below. 1981:% 1986:%1991:% 1996:%2001:%2007:% 1982:% 1987:%1992:% 1997:%2002:%2008:% 1983:% 1988:%1993:% 1998:%2003:%2009:% 1984:% 1989:%1994:% 1999:%2004:%2010:% 1985:% 1990:%1995:% 2000:%2005:%2011:% +Rate of return is calculated using the earnings projected on Page 4 of this form.2006:%2012:% + Choose Interest Payment Period Choose Type Choose Interest Payment Period Choose Type Monticello Fire Relief Association Form SC-12 Page 2 - Cont. 49 Enter all information as it pertains to this member. Benefit Level Months of Member Name:at Separation:Service Are Paid Minimum Years Required to Vest:DOB:Deferred Interest Paid Service Dates:Entry:Separation:(Check if offered.) LOAs and BIS (in months):Vesting %: Return to Service Member ?(Check if applicable.)If Interest is Paid, Choose Type: Total Service: Years:Months (if paid): 2012 Estimated Liability:Period Interest is Paid: 2013 Estimated Liability:Status:Deferred For Relief ROR up to 5%, OSA ROR up to 5% or Board Set ROR up to 5% enter interest rates below. 1981:% 1986:%1991:% 1996:%2001:%2007:% 1982:% 1987:%1992:% 1997:%2002:%2008:% 1983:% 1988:%1993:% 1998:%2003:%2009:% 1984:% 1989:%1994:% 1999:%2004:%2010:% 1985:% 1990:%1995:% 2000:%2005:%2011:% +Rate of return is calculated using the earnings projected on Page 4 of this form.2006:%2012:% + 50 Enter all information as it pertains to this member. Benefit Level Months of Member Name:at Separation:Service Are Paid Minimum Years Required to Vest:DOB:Deferred Interest Paid Service Dates:Entry:Separation:(Check if offered.) LOAs and BIS (in months):Vesting %: Return to Service Member ?(Check if applicable.)If Interest is Paid, Choose Type: Total Service: Years:Months (if paid): 2012 Estimated Liability:Period Interest is Paid: 2013 Estimated Liability:Status:Deferred For Relief ROR up to 5%, OSA ROR up to 5% or Board Set ROR up to 5% enter interest rates below. 1981:% 1986:%1991:% 1996:%2001:%2007:% 1982:% 1987:%1992:% 1997:%2002:%2008:% 1983:% 1988:%1993:% 1998:%2003:%2009:% 1984:% 1989:%1994:% 1999:%2004:%2010:% 1985:% 1990:%1995:% 2000:%2005:%2011:% +Rate of return is calculated using the earnings projected on Page 4 of this form.2006:%2012:% + Choose Interest Payment Period Choose Type Choose Interest Payment Period Choose Type Monticello Fire Relief Association Form SC-12 Monticello Fire Relief Association Page 3 Unpaid Installments Enter here the name of each member who has been paid portions of his pension benefit and who still has outstanding liabilities. Enter dates in this format:6/21/2012 Birth Entry Separation Amount 2012 Estimated 2013 Estimated Name Status Date Date Date Previously Paid Liability Liability Unpaid Installment Unpaid Installment Unpaid Installment Unpaid Installment Unpaid Installment Unpaid Installment Unpaid Installment Unpaid Installment Unpaid Installment Unpaid Installment Totals 0 0 Form SC-12 Page 4 Calculation of Normal Cost Total Active Member Liabilities Total Deferred Member Liabilities Total Unpaid Installments Grand Total Special Fund Liability A.1,030,812 B.1,103,493 Normal Cost (Cell B minus Cell A)C.72,681 Projection of Net Assets for Year Ending December 31, 2012 Special Fund Assets at December 31, 2011 (RF-11 ending assets)1 1,127,049 Projected Income for 2012 State Fire Aid (2011 aid may be increased by up to 3.5%)D.75,190 Municipal / Independent Fire Dept. Contributions E.0 Interest / Dividends F.33,500 Appreciation / (Depreciation)G.22,850 Member Dues (If deposited in Special Fund)H. Other Revenues I.2,000 Total Projected Income for 2012 (Add Lines D through I)2 133,540 Projected Expenses for 2012 Service Pensions J.265,196 Member Names: Other Benefits K. Administrative Expenses L.2,955 Total Projected Expenses for 2012 (Add Lines J through L)3 268,151 Projected Net Assets at December 31, 2012 (Add Lines 1 and 2, subtract Line 3)4 992,438 Projection of Surplus or (Deficit) as of December 31, 2012 Projected Assets (Line 4)5 992,438 2012 Accrued Liability (Page 4, cell A)6 1,030,812 Surplus or (Deficit) (Line 5 minus Line 6)7 (38,374) Monticello Fire Relief Association 2012 2013 1,018,655 84,838 0 950,015 80,797 0 Gary J. Host Brian K. Stumpf Steve S. Samuelson Tony J. Bremer Form SC-12 Page 4 - Cont. Calculation of Required Contribution Year Incurred 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Totals Normal Cost (Page 4, cell C)8 72,681 Projected Administrative Expense Enter 2011 Admin Exp here:9 2,855 2,955 Amortization of Deficit (Total of Original Amount column x 0.10)10 3,837 10% of Surplus (Line 7 x 0.10)11 0 State Fire Aid 12 75,190 Member Dues 13 0 5% of Projected Assets at December 31, 2012 (Line 4 x 0.05)14 49,622 15 0 No required contribution due in 2013. Original Amount Deficit Information - Original Deficit Information - Adjusted Amount Retired Amount Left Monticello Fire Relief Association Amount Retired Original Amount 0 0 0 as of 12/31/2011 as of 12/31/2012 to Retire 1/1/2013 0 0 119,296 0 0 0 119,296 19,176 0 0 18,713 0 Required Contribution (Add Lines 8, 9 and 10, subtract Lines 11, 12, 13 and 14. If negative, zero is displayed.) 38,374 38,374 0 0 138,472 138,009 38,374 38,374 0 Form SC-12 Monticello Fire Relief Association Page 5 Signature of President Name Date Signature of Secretary Name Date Signature of Treasurer Name Date I am the municipal clerk of / secretary of the independent nonprofit Name Date Business Telephone Signature of Municipal Clerk/Secretary of independent nonprofit firefighting corporation (763) 271-3215 , the completed Schedule Form from the Monticello Fire Relief Association.firefighting corporation. I received on Municipal Clerk / Independent Secretary Certification John Bauer Please retain a copy of this Schedule Form for your records, upload the form to the Office of the State Auditor's website, and electronically sign the form. Alternatively, a signed paper copy can be submitted to: Office of the State Auditor, Pension Division, 525 Park Street, Suite 500, Saint Paul, MN 55103. Fax: 651-282-5298. Telephone: 651-282-6110. Please provide the telephone numbers for the work location(s) at which you conduct relief association business. THIS CONTACT INFORMATION IS PUBLIC; IT WILL BE AVAILABLE TO ANYONE ON REQUEST. I have reviewed Line 15 of the Schedule Form. If Line 15 shows a required contribution, I certify that I will advise the governing municipal body or the independent nonprofit firefighting corporation of any required contribution at its next regularly scheduled meeting. Jeff O'neill Brad Fyle Shawn Leach This Schedule Form must be fully completed, certified by the relief association officers, forwarded to the municipal clerk/independent secretary on or before August 1, 2012 and submitted to the Office of the State Auditor to be eligible for State Fire Aid. Officer Certification We, the officers of the Monticello Fire Relief Association, certify that this Schedule Form was prepared under Minn. Stat. § 69.772 and that the annual benefit level was established according to the average amount of available financing. We further certify that based on the financial requirements of the Relief Association's Special Fund for the 2012 calendar year, the required 2013 contribution is $0. If the bylaws of the Relief Association changed in 2012, we have attached a copy of the amendment or updated bylaws. We have also enclosed a copy of the municipal/board ratification of this amendment if required under Minn. Stat. § 69.772, subd. 6. CityCouncilAgenda:06/25/12 1 10.ConsiderationofapprovinganamendmenttoaConditionalUsePermit(CUP) toexpandastoragefacilityaccessorytoamanufacturedhomeparkintheM-H (ManufacturedHomePark)zoningdistrict.Applicant:Kjellberg’sInc.(NAC) A.REFERENCE&BACKGROUND ThisitemwastabledduringtheApril23rd,2012meetingtoallowtheapplicant andCityCouncilanopportunitytoreviewtheemergencyshelterprocedures forthemanufacturedhomepark. OnJune18th,theCityCouncilandPlanningCommissionwereinvitedtoatour oftheparkfacility,whichincludedanopportunitytoseetheemergencyshelters andtheroutestotheshelters. Materialspertainingtotheemergencyshelterfortheparkwereprovidedwith theApril23rd,2012Councilpacketandhavebeenprovidedagainwiththis agendapacket. Property:1000KjellbergEastMobileHomePark. Thesiteislocatedinthemidstofthemanufactured homeparkeastofHighway25,surroundingby manufacturedhomes,andcontiguoustotwoexisting storagegaragebuildingsthatserveresidentsofthe park. PlanningCaseNumber:2012-009 Request(s):ConditionalUsePermittoconstructanaccessory storagegaragebuilding. DeadlineforDecision:ExtendedtoJuly3rd,2012 LandUseDesignation:PlacestoLive ZoningDesignation:M-H,ManufacturedHome Thepurposeofthe“M-H”,manufacturedhomepark district,istoprovideformanufacturedhomeusersand directlyrelateduses. CurrentSiteUse:Currentsiteuseisopenstorageinanexisting manufacturedhomepark. SurroundingLandUses: North:CommercialstripcenterandWal-Mart(northofpower lineeasement) East:SingleFamilyResidential CityCouncilAgenda:06/25/12 2 South:Agricultural(guidedforresidentialand commercial/industrialuses West:ManufacturedHomePark(acrossTH25) ProjectDescription: Theapplicantseekstoconstructanadditiontoexistingaccessorystoragegarages withanewbuildingofapproximately100feetby24feet(10bays).Thebuilding wouldbeattachedtoanexistingstoragebuildingwhichisconstructedofgalvanized, corrugatedsteelandshowssignificantsignsofwearanddeterioration.Thenew additionwouldmirrorabuildingconstructedin2005.Materialsforthebuilding consistofmetalexteriorwallsandroofingaroundawoodframeconstruction. ANALYSIS OrdinanceRequirements ConditionalUsePermitRequirements: IntheM-HDistrict,accessorystoragegaragesareallowedbyConditionalUse Permit,subjecttothefollowingrequirements: (b)IntheM-Hdistrict,thefollowingshallapply: (i)Accessorystoragebuildingsinmanufacturedhomeparks,if notreviewedandapprovedaspartofaPUD,shallbe conditionallypermittedsubjecttothefollowingadditional requirements: 1.Thestoragebuildingandanyaccompanyingoutdoor storageareashallbeforthesoleuseoftheresidentsofthe manufacturedhomeparkandshallnotbeusedbynon- residents. 2.Accompanyingoutdoorstorageareasshallbefully screenedfromsurroundingmanufacturedhomeunitsand adjacentproperties. Withregardtouse,theapplicantindicatesthatthenewstructurewillbesolelyfor theuseofresidentsofthepark,andisintendedtosatisfyawaitinglistforsuch storage.Thebuildingwillreplaceexistingoutdoorstorage,andassuch,wouldbe moreconformingtothecodethantheexistingcondition. Theapplicant’splansdonotindicateanyadditionallightingtobeincludedwiththe newbuilding.Iflightingiseventuallyadded,itmustbeconstructedinsuchaway thatitdoesnotimpactneighboringresidenceswitheitherdirectglareorglow. OtherIssues ManufacturedHomeParksareallowedunderaseriesofregulationsrelatingtothe developmentandoperationalaspectsofthepark.Oneoftheserequirements,a CityCouncilAgenda:06/25/12 3 reflectionofstatelaw,relatestoemergencyshelters.Thecurrentordinancerequires thatsuchsheltersbeestablishedon-site,however,statelawpermitsanevacuation planapprovedbytheCity’semergencyservicesmanagerorbuildingofficial.There isnoon-sitesheltersufficienttoshelteralleastsideresidents,andassuch,theCity shouldverifythattheparkcanprovideadequateemergencyevacuationin accordancewithstateandlocalregulations. Itshouldbenotedthatanyunrelatedlegalnon-conformitiesexistingonthe manufacturedhomeparksitemaynotberemediedwiththisapplicationwithout compensationbytheCity.ThisrestrictioniscodifiedinStateStatute117.184. PlanningCommissionRecommendation ThePlanningCommissionheldapublichearingonthisrequestonApril3rd,2012. Theapplicant’srepresentative,KirkKjellberg,waspresent.TheCommissionsought clarificationontwopoints:first,whetherthestructurewouldbeutilizedsolelyfor thestorageofresidentsofthepark;andsecondly,whetherthestructurewouldbe usedtostorematerialscurrentlystoredoutsideintheprojectvicinity.Mr.Kjellberg confirmedthattheexpandedfacilitywouldbeusedforresidentandparkstorage purposesonly.Healsoconfirmedthattheexpansionwouldenablethematerialsand equipmentcurrentlystoredoutsideintheareatobemovedintotheexpandedindoor storagefacility. Mr.KjellbergstatedthatKjellberg’shadprovidedtheChiefBuildingOfficialwith theneededinformationpertainingtoemergencyshelterprovisionsandthat Kjellberg’s,Inc.intendedtocomplywiththeotherstatedconditionswithinthestaff report. Nootherpubliccommentwasgivenduringthehearing. ThePlanningCommissionunanimouslyrecommendedapprovaloftheCUPas requested. CityCouncilUpdate AttheApril9th CityCouncilmeeting,theCouncilwithheldactionontheCUP pendingtheopportunitytoconductaninspectionofstormshelterfacilitiesfor Kjellberg’sEast.Theseconcernswererelatedtoaconditionsuggestedbystaffand recommendedbythePlanningCommissionthattheCityconfirmthepark’s emergencyshelterplansasacomponentofreviewingtheproposedstoragerequest. TheCounciltabledactionagainonApril23rd toallowforneededadditionaltimeto reviewtheemergencyproceduresforthepark. Theapplicanthasprovidedinformationonemergencyevacuationprocedures,which areincludedassupportingdatawiththisreport.Theyhavenotedtheuseofa CityCouncilAgenda:06/25/12 4 pumphousefacilityonsiteforabout30persons,andremotelocationsatWal-Mart andtheadjoining“Quad”officebuildingdevelopment. Becauseemergencysheltersand/orevacuationplansarepublicsafetyrequirements formanufacturedhomeparks,andbecausetheconstructionofnewbuildingsraises theissueofwhetherstormshelterfacilitiesmightbeabletobelocatedon-site,rather thanatremotelocations,theCityhassomediscretioninconsideringthecurrent request. A1.BudgetImpact:None A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:None B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.MotiontoapproveaConditionalUsePermitfora10-bayaccessorystorage garageasproposedintheapplicationofMarch5,2012,basedonfindingsas adoptedbythePlanningCommissioninResolution2012-033,andthatthe applicanthassatisfiedcondition1withinExhibitZ,contingenton compliancewithadditionalconditionsasspecifiedinExhibitZ. 2.MotiontodenytheConditionalUsePermitforaccessorystoragegarage, basedonfindingstobemadebytheCityCouncil.Findingswouldincludean inabilitytodeterminethattheKjellberg’sEastParkisincompliancewiththe termsofstateandlocalregulationsrequiringreasonablestormshelteror evacuationplans. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: TheCityCouncilhasdeterminedthatthereviewofemergencyevacuationplansfor theKjellbergMobileHomeParkisnecessarypriortoapprovaloftheCUPfor additionaldetachedaccessoryusespace.IfCouncilbelievesthattheParkprovides reasonablecivildefenseprotection,thenStaffrecommendsAlternative#1for approvaloftheConditionalUsePermitaspresented. Theadditionalbuildingareameetsthenominaltermsoftheordinanceandreduces theamountofoutdoorstorageonthesitebyreplacingacurrentoutdoorstoragearea withbuildingspaceandisconsistentwiththeintentofthecodeforaccessory structures. Ifafterreviewingthestormshelterfacilitiesandcivildefenseprocedures,theCity Councilbelievesthatmoreneedstobedonetoprotectthesafetyoftheresidents, thenCouncilshouldselectAlternative#2.IfAlternative#2isselected,itis recommendedthatataskforcebeestablishedfordeterminingimprovementsto facilitiesorproceduresnecessarytoprovidereasonablecivildefenseprotection. CityCouncilAgenda:06/25/12 5 D.SUPPORTINGDATA: A.ExhibitZ–ConditionsofApproval B.Resolution2012-33 C.AerialImage D.ApplicantNarrative E.SiteImages F.BuildingElevations G.GradingandDrainagePlan H.CityInspectionReports&Calculations I.StateRegulationInformation J.EmergencyEvacuationPlanInformation 1 ExhibitZ–ConditionsofApproval ConditionalUsePermitforAccessoryStorageGarageBuilding KjellbergEastMobileHomePark 1.TheCityverifiestheexistenceofanemergencyevacuationplanmeetingthe requirementsofstateandlocalregulations,ortheCityapprovesanewplantobe proposedbytheapplicant. 2.Iflightingistobeadded,theapplicantshalllighttheareainsuchawayastoensurethat nolightglareorglowimpactsneighboringresidents. 3.NooutdoorstorageisapprovedasapartofthisCUP,andasindicatedbytheapplicant, existingoutdoorstoragewillberemovedasaresultoftheconstructionofthisbuilding. Ifanyexistingoutdoorstorageistoberelocated,aseparateCUPisrequiredpursuantto therequirementsofthezoningordinance. CityCouncilAgenda:06/25/12 1 11.Considerationofall-waystopanalysisoptionsattheintersectionsofMapleand4th Street,Mapleand3rd Street,ElmandWestRiverStreet,andLinnandWestRiver Street.(BW) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: FollowinguponCouncildirectionatthepreviousmeeting,staffresearchedavailable optionsforcollectingthenecessarytrafficdatatoallowstafftoanalyzeall-waystop warrantsattheintersectionsofWestRiverandLinnStreet,WestRiverandElmStreet, MapleandThirdStreet,andMapleandFourthStreet. TheMinnesotaManualonUniformTrafficControlDevicesdefinestheproperprocedure foranalyzingtheintersectionoftwolocalstreetstodetermineifall-waystopsign controlsarewarranted.Toproperlycompletetheanalysisthefollowinginformationis required: 1.Volumeoftrafficoneachstreetapproach 2.Speedoftrafficoneachstreetapproach 3.Turningvehiclevolumesoftheintersection 4.Vehicledistribution(passengervehicles,buses,trucks,etc.) 5.Crashhistoryoftheintersection Thevehicleclassification,speedandvolumedataistypicallydeterminedusingautomatic trafficcounters.Themostwidelyusedautomaticcountersaretubecounterswhichare smallmetalboxesthathousetherechargeablebatteriesandtheelectronicswithrubber tubesextendingacrossthesurfaceofthestreet.Thetubesareaffixedtothestreetsurface withnailstopreventthemfrommoving,andtheboxisusuallychainedtoatreeorsign posttopreventtheft. Anotheroptionforcollectingvehicledataiswitharadardevice,suchasahand-heldunit orourspeedtrailer.Whileradarunitsperformadequatelyforcollectingspeeddatain responsetospeedingcomplaints,theyarenottypicallyaccurateenoughforcollecting trafficvolumessinceradarpulsesoftenpickupthesamevehiclemorethanoncethereby over-countingvehicles.Theyalsoonlycollectdataforonedirectionoftravelatatime, therebydoublingthetimeneededfordatacollection.Andsincedriverscanmoreeasily seeaspeedtrailer,andsincetheyknowwhatitspurposeis,theyoftenslowdown resultingininaccuratedata.Forthesereasons,staffrecommendsusingtubecountersto collectdatafortheall-waystopwarrantanalysis. TherequiredcrashhistorydataforallintersectionsthroughouttheCityarereadily availablefromMn/DOT. OtherEngineeringJudgmentrelatedfactorsthatareconsideredintheall-waystop warrantanalysisincludetheexistenceofobstructionsthatmightreducevehicleand pedestrianvisibilityatintersections,includinghorizontalandverticalcurvaturesofeach approachroad,andtheexistenceorabsenceofmarkedpedestriancrosswalksorother trafficmanagementgoalsthatmaybedeemedappropriateattheintersection. CityCouncilAgenda:06/25/12 2 WSBandAssociatespreviouslyestimatedtheircoststocollectthenecessarytrafficdata andtoprocessandanalyzethedatatodetermineifall-waystopsarewarrantedatanyor allofthefourintersectionsat$3,500.WSBalsoestimatedthattheycouldcompletethe all-waystopwarrantanalysisforallfourintersectionsin2weeksorless. Alessexpensiveoptionwouldbetopurchasetubecounterssostaffcancollectand processthedata,andperformtheall-waystopwarrantanalysisin-house.Staffcontacted fourcompaniestorequestquotesforpurchasingourowntubecounters.Thequotes rangedfrom$567to$3,250each,whichincludesalestaxandshipping.Thevendors saidmostoftheunitsarein-stockandcanbeshippedthesamedaytheyareordered.If onecounterwaspurchased,staffcouldcompletethewarrantanalysisforallfour intersectionsinsixteenweekssincetrafficdataistypicallycollectedbetweenTuesday andThursdayforsuchananalysistoavoidvariationsduetoweekendandseasonal travelers.Iffourcounterswerepurchased,staffcouldcompletethewarrantanalysisfor allfourintersectionsinfourweeks. Theleastexpensiveoptionwouldbeforstafftousethespeedtrailertocollecttraffic data,butthiswouldtake32weekstocollectdataatallfourintersections.Forthis reason,aswellasthereasonsnotedabove,staffdoesnotrecommendthisoption. Whicheveroptionischosen,oncethedataiscollectedandtheanalysisiscompleted,the resultsofthewarrantanalysiswillbepresentedtoCouncilfortheirconsiderationof installingadditionalstopsigns,ifwarranted.Ifthewarrantanalysisindicatesall-way stopsarenotwarrantedatanyoftheintersectionsatthistime,staffrecommendsre- collectingdatathisfallonceschoolisbackinsessionsincevehicleandpedestriancounts differsignificantlyattheseintersectionsduringtheschoolyear.Thiscouldincreasethe countsenoughtowarrantall-waystopsatoneormoreintersections.Forexample, attachedaretwopicturestakenMay4th showingalargegroupofstudentswalkingeast alongthe3rd Streetsidewalk,thensouthontheMapleStreetsidewalk. Aspreviouslynoted,staffalsorequestedTDSTelecomandCharterCommunicationsto relocateorredesignasmanyoftheirpedestalsaspossibleinthesoutheastcornersofthe intersectionsofMaple&4th StreetandMaple&3rd Streettoreduceexistingsight obstructionsfordriversandpedestrianscrossingtheintersections.TDShassince relocatedtheirpedestalattheintersectionof4th andMaplefromthenorthsideofthe powerpoletotheeastside,andCharterredesignedtheirexistingpedestalsatboth intersectionstoreducesightobstructionsasbesttheycould.Attachedarebeforeand afterpicturesatbothintersectionsthatshowhowthesightobstructionshavebeen reducedduetothevariousutilitypedestalrevisions. Basedontheinformationpresentedherein,staffrecommendspurchasingfour(4)Road RunnertrafficdatacollectorsfromDiamondTrafficProductsatanestimatedcostof $2,268toallowstafftoperformall-waystopwarrantsanalysisatthefourintersections. Thiswouldalsoallowstafftocollecttrafficdataforfuturestudies. CityCouncilAgenda:06/25/12 3 A1.BudgetImpact:Theestimatedcosttopurchasefour(4)RoadRunnertraffic datacollectorsfromDiamondTrafficProductsis$2,268.Thiscostincludes everythingneededtocollectandprocessthedata,aswellasallapplicablesales taxandshippingcharges.Thenecessarysoftwaretoprocessthedatacanbe downloadedfreefromDiamondTrafficProductswebsite. A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:Staffworkloadimpactstopurchasethedatacollectors willbenegligible,andaccordingtothesalesrepresentativeforDiamondTraffic Productsthetimerequiredtoprocessthecollecteddatawillbeminimal.Staff willalsoneedtoanalyzetheprocesseddataperthespecifiedMMUTCD proceduretodetermineifall-waystopwarrantsaremet,butstaffanticipatesthat thistimewillalsobeminimal. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.Motionauthorizingstafftopurchasefour(4)RoadRunnertrafficdatacollectorsfrom DiamondTrafficProductsatanestimatedcostof$2,268andtoperformtheall-way stopwarrantsanalysisattheintersectionsofMapleand4th Street,Mapleand3rd Street,ElmandWestRiverStreet,andLinnandWestRiverStreet. 2.MotionauthorizingWSBandAssociatestoanalyzeall-waystopwarrantsatthe intersectionsofMapleand4th Street,Mapleand3rd Street,ElmandWestRiver Street,andLinnandWestRiverStreetatacostnottoexceed$3,500. 3.Motionofother. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: StaffrecommendsapprovingAlternative#1or#2,dependingonhowquicklyCouncil wantstheanalysiscompleted. Alternatively,CouncilcouldapproveAlternative#3anddirectstafftouseourspeed trailertothebestofourabilitiestodetermineifwarrantsmaybemetatsomeorallofthe identifiedintersections.Or,Councilcouldauthorizethepurchaseofafewernumberof tubecounters,whichwouldincreasethetimerequiredtoperformthewarrantanalysis. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: A-ProductsheetforRoadRunnertrafficdatacollector B-OutputfilesforRoadRunnertrafficdatacollector C-QuoteforRoadRunnertrafficdatacollector D-Photosofstudentswalkingon3rd StreetandMapleStreetonMay4th E-Before&AfterPhotos–SEcornerMaple&3rd Street F-Before&AfterPhotos–SEcornerMaple&4th Street Sold To:Ship To: City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Page:1 Order Number: Order Date: Salesperson: Customer Number: 0028924 6/19/2012 Bruce Westby TermsF.O.B.Ship VIACustomer P.O. CREDIT CARDORIGINUPS GROUNDLUDVIGSON 01 Ordered Back OrderShipped AmountPriceUnitItem Number 05-0004561 (763) 295-2711 (763) 295-4404 Confirm To: Voice:Fax Number: Quote Division of High Leah Electronics, Inc. 76433 Alder Street PO Box 1455 541-782 -3903 Voice Oakridge, Oregon 97463 541-782 -2053 Fax WWW.DIAMONDTRAFFIC .COM #RR-TS RoadRunner Time Stamp Traffic EACH $386.00 $386.001.000 0.000 0.000 #RR-SERIAL USB Roadrunner 3 Pos USB/SER EACH $57.00 $57.001.000 0.000 0.000 #RR RT KIT Roadrunner Road Tube Kit EACH $65.00 $65.001.000 0.000 0.000 #CHAIN-6 6 feet of 3/16 Link Chain EACH 1.000 0.000 0.000 COMPONENT #EP-412 Set Socket Screw-1/4"-20 X 1/2 EACH 2.000 0.000 0.000 COMPONENT #EPW-413 Allen Head Wrench for EP 412 EACH 1.000 0.000 0.000 COMPONENT #LOCK-OLY Olympus Lock - 3 1/2 Shackle EACH 1.000 0.000 0.000 COMPONENT #RT-R-3X3/8-S-1 ROAD TUBE Round 3/16 X 3/8 EPD FEET 100.000 0.000 0.000 COMPONENT #RTA-8 MINI Figure 8 for Low Profiled Road EACH 4.000 0.000 0.000 COMPONENT #RTA-SN-25 Diamond Head Nails - 2 1/2" lo EACH 12.000 0.000 0.000 COMPONENT Net Order:$508.00 Less Discount:$0.00 Freight:$22.47 Sales Tax:$0.00 Order Total $530.47 Sold To:Ship To: City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Page:2 Order Number: Order Date: Salesperson: Customer Number: 0028924 6/19/2012 Bruce Westby TermsF.O.B.Ship VIACustomer P.O. CREDIT CARDORIGINUPS GROUNDLUDVIGSON 01 Ordered Back OrderShipped AmountPriceUnitItem Number 05-0004561 (763) 295-2711 (763) 295-4404 Confirm To: Voice:Fax Number: Quote Division of High Leah Electronics, Inc. 76433 Alder Street PO Box 1455 541-782 -3903 Voice Oakridge, Oregon 97463 541-782 -2053 Fax WWW.DIAMONDTRAFFIC .COM #RR SOFTWARE TRAFFIC VIEWER Software EACH $0.00 $0.001.000 0.000 0.000 Download from www.roadwaydata.com Net Order:$508.00 Less Discount:$0.00 Freight:$22.47 Sales Tax:$0.00 Order Total $530.47 CityCouncilAgenda:06/25/12 1 12.Considerationofauthorizinginstallationofpedestriancrosswalkon6th Street atMapleStreet (BW) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: FollowinguponCouncildirectionatthepreviousmeeting,staffreviewedthe intersectionof6th andMapleStreetstodeterminewhattheappropriatecrosswalk delineationfor6th Streetshouldbetoincreasesafetyforpedestrianscrossing6th StreettousethesidewalksonthewestsideofMapleStreetandthenorthsideof6th Street. Pedestriancrosswalkdelineationstripingdoesnotcurrentlyexistacross6th Streetat MapleStreet.However,crosswalkstripingiscurrentlymaintainedacross6th Street atLocustStreetandatMinnesotaStreet.ThecrosswalkatLocustStreetiscurrently delineatedwithzebra-blockstylestriping,whereastheMinnesotaStreetcrosswalkis delineatedwithtwo6”solidwhitestripes,oneoneithersideofthecrosswalk.As such,thereisnoconsistentcrosswalkstripingstyleinusealongtheWest6th Street corridor.Attachedaretwophotosshowingthetwocrosswalkdelineationstylesin useonWest6th StreetatLocustandMinnesotastreets. StaffdoesnotfollowaspecificpolicyinstripingcrosswalksthroughouttheCity. Crosswalkstripingistypicallynotappliedatintersectionsofourlowspeed,low volumelocalstreets.Onlyifanissueisknowntoexistisstripingappliedatsuch intersections.Insuchcases,two6”solidwhitelatexpaintstripesareappliedalong eithersideofthecrosswalk.Suchcrosswalkstripingisalsoappliedwherea crosswalkservestoconnectmajorsidewalkorpathwaycorridorsalonglowspeed, lowvolumestreets. Zebra-blockstylecrosswalkdelineationisconsiderablymoreexpensivetoinstall andmaintainsoitistypicallyreservedformid-blockcrosswalks,crosswalksat intersectionsofstreetswithhigherpostedspeeds,andforstreetswithhighervolumes ofvehicleorpedestriantraffic.Insuchcases,theextravisibilityjustifiesthegreater expense.Zebra-blockcrosswalkdelineationisusedalongallofSchoolBoulevard, onEast7th StreetneartheRyandevelopmentwherepostedspeedsaremorethan30 mph,onWest7th StreetatWalnutStreet,oncrosswalksneartheLibraryand CommunityCenter,andatnumerousotherlocationsaroundtheCity. ThecurrentaveragedailytrafficvolumeonWest6th Streetrangesfrom3,800to 4,500ADT.ThisiscomparabletothecurrenttrafficvolumesonWestCR39/Golf CourseRoad,orEast7th StreetnearSaintHenry’schurch.Theprojected2030 trafficvolumesonWest6th Streetare4,800ADT,whichassumesthatWest7th Street wasconstructedbetweenMinnesotaStreetandElmStreet.Ifthisdoesnotoccurby theyear2030,thetrafficvolumesonWest6th Streetarelikelytoincreasetonear 9,000ADT,whichisapproximatelywhatthecurrenttrafficvolumesareonWest7th StreetbetweenTH25andLocustStreetforinstance. CityCouncilAgenda:06/25/12 2 SincethespeedlimitonWest6th Streetis30mphandnosidewalkorpedestriancurb rampsexistonthesouthsideofWest6th Street,staffrecommendsinstallingand maintainingtwo6”solidwhitelatexpaintstripesacross6th Streetonthewestsideof MapleStreet.Staffalsorecommendsplacinganin-streetpedestriancrosswalksign (ayellowpaddleasshownintheattachedphotooftheLocustStreetcrosswalk)next tothenewcrosswalk. Whilethesearestaff’sshort-termrecommendations,staffdoesplantore-evaluate thecrosswalksalongWest6th Streetovertimetoensurethatthedelineationstylein useprovidesalevelofsafetyreflectiveoftheexistingvehiclevolumes. A1.BudgetImpact:Theestimatedcosttopainttwo6”solidwhitestripesacross 6th StreetonthewestsideofMapleStreetisnegligible. A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:Staffworkloadimpactstopainttwo6”solidwhite stripesacross6th StreetonthewestsideofMapleStreetwillbenegligible.It isestimatedthisworkwouldtakeatotalof2hoursofstafftimetocomplete. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.Motionauthorizingstafftoinstallandmaintaintwo6”solidwhitelatexpaint stripesacross6th StreetonthewestsideofMapleStreet,andtoplaceonein- streetpedestriancrosswalksignnexttothenewcrosswalk. 2.Motionofother. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: StaffrecommendsapprovingAlternative#1atthistimeforreasonsnotedherein. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: Photosofpedestriancrosswalkdelineations@: 6th andMinnesotaStreets-6”solidwhitestripes 6th andLocustStreets-zebrablocks CityCouncilAgenda:06/25/12 1 13.ReviewproposedprocessforinterviewingandselectingnewFinanceDirector (JO/TE) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: TheCityhasreceivednineapplicationsforthepositionofFinanceDirector.Ofthis number,fivemeetorexceedtheminimumrequirementsfortheposition.Itisproposed thatthoseselectedforaninterviewbeinterviewedbyateamconsistingoftheCity Administrator,FinanceDirector,HumanResourceManagerandCityCouncil.Tomwill beabletoparticipatesincehislastdayisonJuly3rd. Résuméinformationandapplicationmaterialwillbeprovidedtotheinterviewteamin advanceoftheinterviewsessionandarenotprovidedatthistime. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.Motiontodiscussandsetadatefortheinterviewsessions. Asastartingpoint,itisproposedthattheinterviewsbeconductedinthelate afternoonorearlyeveningonWednesday,June27thorThursday,June28 th. Pleasenotethatwearetakingthelibertytocallqualifiedcandidatesyetthisweek askingthemtokeeptheircalendarsopenforapotentialinterviewonthe27 th or 28th. 2.Motiontoextendtheapplicationperiodinanefforttosolicitmoreapplications. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: Therearequalifiedindividualswithinthegroupthathasapplied.Itisrecommendedthat theapplicationdeadlinebeextendedonlyiftheCityCouncilisnotcomfortablewith hiringanyofthecandidatesthatareinterviewed. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: Noneatthistime