City Council Agenda Packet 02-24-2003 . AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday February 24, 2003 - 7 p.m. Mayor: Bruce Thielen Council Members: Brian Stumpf, Roger Carlson. Glen posusta 1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance 2A. B. Approve minutes of February 10,2003 special Council meeting. Approve minutes of February 10, 2003 regular Council meeting. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. AQ..A~(4 +- 10 J f) i) ~ c) F C/{4~ ~~r-- Citizen comments/petitions. requests and complaints. -----= . ~ J!.ll _ :.J -r.- ~~ (90 v-r- V'v'-Ilr /1: y Consent Agendt (,~ i I"'f I ,'c("., ~. ~ Lou,.; A. Consideration of ratirYin[~ ~:ts as identified. 3. 4. 5. ~ ~ ",'1'/ /( ~> ~~ B. Consideration of liquor license for Monticello Men's Softball Association. . c. D. E. ~,.J ~~ G. . Consideration of a request for a development stage planned unit development and preliminary plat approval for athletic complex containing ice arena, lockers, public areas, dome athletic field and parking lot. Appl icant: RSP Architects on behalf of the Monticello Youth Ilockey Association, Monticello Soccer Association and City of Monticello. Consideration of Ordinance No. 3&5 annexing remnant parcel - Wolters property Consideration of adopting a joint resolution supporting annexation of the area encompassed by the proposed 93.&4 acre Wild Meadows subdivision. F. Consideration of development stage planned unit development, request for rezoning from AO to R-I, R-I and R-2A and preliminary plat approval for a residential subdivision. Applicant: Lois & Eugene Bauer; Tyler South, LLC; Virginia & Earl Husak; Mark Gergen & Associates/Bruggeman Properties LLC. Consideration of a request for development stage planned unit development and preliminary plat approval for The Ilome Depot Addition. Applicant: Birchland Development Company, John Lundsten, Jerry Mathwig and I,ee Parks. II. Consideration of adopting a resolution establishing a negative declaration of the need for an EIS (Environmental Impact Statement) resulting from the Home Depot/Retail development. 1. Consideration of setting public hearing for Public Improvement Project #2002-06C, Cedar Street from Dundas Road to Kjellberg's Mobile Home Park and Dundas Road from Cedar Street to County Road 117. _ _ --.,..,'- ~ l Accept feasihility rcport and ordcr plans and specifications for Groveland 4tl1 Addition, Project No.2002-09C. v 0.., ,~~ 5 \l~~\(9 . 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. v~ ~ ~tl" 1 L . . Accept feasibility report for the Wild Meadows Sanitary sewer and watermain study, Project No. 2002-04P Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion. Presentation of appreciation to Land Of Lakes Choir Boys for donation for mural for Community Center. MCC Advisory Board - Financial and usage presentation for 2002. Consideration of a request for rezoning from AO to R-l A and R-2 and consideration of development state PUD and preliminary plat approval for Spirit Hills residential development. Applicant: Maplewood Development and Construction, Inc. Consideration or Hockey Association/Soccer Association I,and Acquisition. Authorize the preparation of plans and specifications ror the extension of Chelsea Road West at 90lh Street, Project No. 2002-01(:. 12. Approve payment of bills for february. 13. Adjourn. . . . MINUTES SPECIAL MKETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, February 10,2003 - 5 p.m. Members Present: Roger Carlson, Glen Posusta, Urian Stumpf and Bruce Thielen. Members Absent: None I. Call to Order. The special meeting was called to order at 5 p.m. The purpose of the meeting was to interview the top three candidates to fill the vacant position on the Council. Eaeh candidate was asked to give some general information about their background and community involvement. Applicants were also asked about what they felt were issues facing the council both in the short term and long term; whether there were any conflicts of interest that would affect them and also the time commitment that is required for this position and how they would fulfill it. 2. Interviews: 5 ()() - Rohhie Smith. A resident of Monticello tl:H" 11 years. Served on the Parks Commission and is presently serving on the Planning Commission. Issues facing the City: 1) Growth; 2) Annexation; 3) Upscale housing 4) Industrial growth whether along TH 25 or in the area of the ilea market and 5) Commercial developments such as l-IOlne Depot. lie feels it is an exciting time and the challenge for the community is to experience the growth but retain the amenities and ambience of small town living. He saw the time commitment to this position as not only being at the meetings .but also being active in the community. lie stated he was not aware of any areas where there would be conflicts of interest. Glen Posusta asked Robbie Smith's position on the City's sign ordinance and whether it should be changed since there seems to be inconsistencies with it. Robbie Smith replied that he felt rather than grant variances to the sign ordinance, the ordinance should be amended to reflect what the City wants to see. 5:3() p.m. - Todd Banek A resident of Monticello for <,) years. He has been involved with various activities including youth hockey. Issues facing: the City: 1) Resolve issues with the township relating to annexation and work closely with other organizations such as church and school; 2) Commercial development within the City. The City needs to be well prepared to handle the development. Time commitment: He has spent as many as 4-5 evenings a week at meetings so he is used to intensive involvement. He also noted that his work schedule would allow him to work around meetings. Conflict of interest: He stated that issues relating to the ice facility would be an area where there could be a confl ict of interest. Brian Stumpf asked where he saw the City and Township being in 10-20 years. Todd Banek felt that if the growth continued it could be quite likely that the township would be dissolved by that time. Roger Carlson stated that since the tenn is only two years there is not a lot of time to learn on the :.). A '.... . . . job so he asked what qualities Todd had that would help him get off to a filst start. Mr. Ranck stated that he had negotiated union contracts as well as other dealings with various groups. He was tenacious, a consensus person, problern solver and good listener. 6:001Un. - Tom Perrault Has been a resident of Monticello since 1985. He has served on the City Council at one time and is also active in organizations like the Jaycees and Knights of Columbus. Issues hlcing the City: 1) Growth and the need to have infrastructure to support this growth; 2) Roads and transportation issues; 3)Short terln how to handle cuts in state aid and long term developing fiscal responsibility. Time commitment: I Ie felt there was easily 12-16 hours a week with meetings and preparation for the meetings. Conflicts of interest: As an employee of Wal- Mart should a Wal-Mart locate in Monticello it might be perceived as a contlict of interest Since he is a resident who will be impacted by the improvements on Broadway that would be a potential area of conflict of interest. Ile felt that because he had previously served on the Council that would provide good background for filling this vacancy since he was familiar with various City practices and procedures. 3. Adiourn. The special meeting was closed at 6:30 p.m. Recording Secretary ;)A . MINun~s REGlJLAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, February 10,2003 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Roger Carlson, Glen posusta, Brian Stumpf and Bruce Thielen Members Absent: None 1. Call to ordcr and Pledt!c of Allel!iance. Mayor Thielen called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. and declared a quorum present. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. Bruce Thielen welcomed the 9th grade students who were in attendance at the meeting. 2.A Approve minutes of .January 27, 2003 regular Council meeting. ROGER CARLSON MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE JANUARY 27. 2003 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING. GLEN POSUST A SECONDED TI-lE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. . B. A ecial Council mcetin . BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTI~S OF TI-IE JANUARY 27.2003 SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING GOAL SETTING WORKSHOP. ROeJER CARLSON SECONDED TIlE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3. Consideration of addint! items to the al!enda. Glen posusta asked that an update 011 the library, utility fee increase and the recent Planning Commission meeting he added to the agenda. Bruce Thielen asked that liquor legislation and parking on l,ocust Street also be added to the agenda. 4. Citizen comments/oetitions. reQuests and comolaints. None. 5. Consental!enda A. Consideration of ratifying new hires as identified. Recommendation: Ratify new hires for the Community Center as identified. . 2~ . B. C. . Council Minutes - 2/10/03 Consideration of waiving statutory liability limits for City insurance renewals. Recommendation: Council indicate formally that the City of Monticello does not waive the monetary limits on tort liability established by Minnesota Statute 466.04. Consideration of a conditional use permit to allow a cell tower in an 1-1 A district. Applicant: Sprint PCS and Fulfillment Systems. Recommendation: Approve the conditional use permit to allow a cell tower in an 1-1 A district based on the tindings that the proposed use complies with the zoning ordinance requirements for such facilities and subject to the conditions listed in Zoning Code Section 3-12 and installation of a landscape screening buffer on three sides of the equipment enclosure fence to achieve at least 50% opacity D. Consideration of a request for development stage planned unit development approval allowing expansion of the Monticello-Big Lake Hospital. Applicant: Monticello-Big Lake Hospital District. Recommendation: Approve development stage PUD for the Monticello-Big Lake Hospital based on a finding that the proposal is consistent with the Hospital Campus Concept PUD and authorizing the Public Works Department to post truck route signs limiting truck traffic on River Street. E. Consideration of approving the date fiJr the annual Board of Review. Recommendation: Approve Tuesday, April 22, 2003 at 7 p.m. as the date for the 2003 Board of Review. GLEN POSUSTA MOVED TO APPROVE TI-IE CONSENT AGENDA. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED TilE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion. 7. . None. Consideration of appointment to till council vacancy. Mayor Thielen summarized the procedures the Council followed to fill the open position on the Council. The vacancy was advertised and nine individuals submitted their applications. The applications were then ranked and the top three candidates, Todd I3anek, Tom Perrault and Robbie Smith were interviewed by the Council at a special meeting held on February 10,2003 at 5 p.m. Brian Stumpf stated that after conducting the interviews he believed Robbie Smith to be the best qualified to fill the vacancy. Roger Carlson felt that since the vacant position has only two years remaining on that term whoever was appointed would not have a lot of time to gradually learn the position so he felt the candidate appointed should have a good background and understanding of city procedures. lie felt that Robbie Smith with serving on the Planning Commission as well as Parks Commission had the background needed. Glen posusta felt that as the third highest vote getter in the last election, Tom Perrault should be appointed to the Council vacancy. In that way the 2 z~ Council Minutes - 2/1 0/03 . residents would be making the decision not the Council. Glen posusta asked if Robbie Smith was appointed to the Council how the vacancy on the Planning Commission be filled. Mayor Thielen indicated the Planning Commission vacancy would be advertised, the Planning Commission would interview the applicants and make a recommendation to the City Council who would then make the appointment. Mayor Thielen concurred with Councilmembers Carlson and Stumpf that Robbie Smith had good qualifications and had experience with working with many of the issues the Council faces such as development pressure and annexation. Glen posusta questioned since the Planning Commission is such a key board and does so much of the ground work on major issues whether it wouldn't be more beneficial to have Robbie Smith remain there rather than bring someone new and inexperienced onto the Planning Commission. Mayor Thielen noted that the Council was looking for someone with experience to fill the vacancy. Glen Posusta asked if Robbie Smith was appointed to the Council whether Tom Perrault would be considered for the Planning Commission vacancy that would result. Mayor Thielen indicated that any of the applicants who applied for the Council vacancy arc welcome to apply for the Planning Commission vacancy but the Planning Commission would make the selection of the candidate they felt was best suited for the position. Glen Posusta expressed his concern about the perception of maintaining the good old boy network and felt that the appointment of Robbie Smith might add to that perception. Mayor Thielen stated that the selection process followed by the Council was appropriate since it allowed the Council to select the best qualified individual to fill the position. . ROGER CARLSON MOVED TO APPOINT ROBBIE SMITH TO FILL THE VACANT TWO YEAR TERM ON THE COUNCIL. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CAR.RIED WITII GLEN POSUSTA VOTING IN OPPOSITION. At this time City Administrator, Rick Wolfsteller administered the oath of office to Robbie Smith who then took his seat on the Council. 8, Consideration of authorizing Phase I feasibilitv studv for core street reconstruction pnH!ram and the overall studv for the street reconstruction project, City Engineer, Bret Weiss, presented preliminary information on the Street Reconstruction Program which the City is planning to implement. City streets wcre inventoried based on type of reconstruction necded 1) Milling and overlay 2) Reconstruction of streets that have existing curb and Class V base; 3) Reconstruction of streets with existing cmb but no Class V basc; 4) Reconstruction of streets that have the Class V base but no curb: 5) Reconstruction of the street adding Class 5 and curb and 6) New construction. Mayor Thielen asked about the miles of street involved. Bret Weiss indicated that total miles of streets in Monticello including county roads and state highways was approximately 51 miles. City streets alone is approximately 35 miles and the reconstruction program would involve approximately 10-15 miles of city streets. . Bret Weiss discussed the types of construction methods that would be looked at. I Ie noted that the core streets were constructed as full depth bituminous streets meaning that 5"-6" of bituminous was 3 z- ~ Council Minutes - 2/1 0/03 . placed over the existing soils instead of placing the bituminous over a 6" base of Class V. The traditional method of construction would remove the pavement which would then be hauled away and Class V would he hauled in for the base with hituminous pavement laid over the base. He noted that because of the cost this method was not used as much. Another method would be full depth milling in which machines grind the existing pavement and the ground up material is hauled out. Where neeessary Class V would be hauled in otherwise the existing aggregate could be used. The third method is pavement reclamation. The pavement is ground down to the aggregate base. The ground material is then used as the base and pavement is laid over that base. Bret Weiss stated that further study would be done on the various construction methods. . Bret Weiss then presented preliminary cost information and discussed what components were covered by the figures. The cost figures include the pavement reclamation, adjusting manhole castings, construction of new curb on streets without curb, replacement of existing curb, restoration and replacement of gate valve boxes. Bret Weiss stated that if the curb was in good condition about 10% would have to be replaced; if it was in fair condition then 40% would be replaced and if it was in poor condition then 70% would be replaced. Not included in the cost figures presented was the cost for replacement of existing utilities, restoring sidewalks and driveways and installing traffic calming measures such as hump outs. The preliminary cost estimate is $11,430,800. Of this $2,663,000 is state aid streets and $8,767,000 is local streets. lie noted that this does not include the Fallon A venue overpass or any other improvements that would use state aid funds. Since a portion of the reconstruction cost would he assessed, some preliminary information on the assessment area was presented. It is likely the commercial property would be assessed on a front footage basis and there is approximately 29,532 lineal feet that could he assessed. Residential property would most likely be assessed on a unit basis and 1,164 residential units are estimated to be in the project area. Of the estimated $11,500,000 projeet cost, approximately $5,830,000 would be assessed. The halance would be funded hy use of state aid funds and the city's street reconstruction fund. Bret Weiss stated that there is additional work that wi Il be done as part of this overall program which includes a rate study, water study, pavement management plan and storm water utility fund. The Council questioned the City Engineer on how they determined the priorities for the area. John Simola indicated that they looked at a number of different f~lctors, including age of the street stress such as cracks, raveling and delamination. There was some discussion on various streets and the condition of them. Bret Weiss stated that staff and Council will make the final determination on what area will be covered in each phase of the reconstruction program. . Glen posusta asked about CSAH 75 project. He did not feel the City should begin tearing up other streets until the CSAH 75 project was completed. Bret Weiss stated that the CSAH 75 would he close to cOlnpletion before the street reconstruction project started. 4 L~ . Council Minutes - 2/10/03 ROGER CARLSON MOVED TO AUTHORIZE THE CITY ENGINEER TO PREPARE A FEASIBILITY STUDY FOR PI lASE I OF THE CORE STREET RECONSTRUCTION PROGRAM AND TIlE OVERALL STREET RECONSTRUCTION PROGRAM AND TO AUT! IORIZE SOIL I30RINGS, IF NECESSARY. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WIT I I GLEN POSUSTA VOTING IN OPPOSITION. Added Items: Parking - Landmark Square Building - The Council had received a letter from a resident on 1,l1cust Street who was concerned about the parking in the area since the establishment of the restaurant at the Landmark Square Building. Jeff O'Neill reviewed the parking requirements. Based on code requirements 130 parking spaces would have been needed. If the 60% rule was followed 79 parking spaces would be needed. The City went with the 60% rule but the developer could only provide 60 of the 79 stalls. The development financially would not have occurred if they would have been required to comply with the parking stall requirement. Mayor Thielen asked about the resident's request for no parking signs by their driveway or striping the curb. Public Works Director, John Simola said the same case could be made by other residents in the area. There was some reluctance to remove additional parking spaces when there was already a shol1age of them. John Simola felt that they could stripe the curb 5'-8' on either side of the driveway. Mayor Thielen asked John Simola and Jeff (YNeill to work with resident on this matter and . report back to the Council Library Update - City Attorney. Matt Brokl reported that the purchase agreements had been delivered to the City and signed by the Mayor and City Administrator and closing on the property should take place within the next 60-90 days. A separate lease agreement that would allow the library to move to the new site before closing has been sent to Wells f<'argo and is being reviewed by their representatives. It is hoped that the lease agreement could be approved within a week. Once that is done, the City can look at remodeling work to be done and start preparation of the site for its use as a library. Planning Commission Meeting - Glen Posusta commented on the f<'ebruary Planning Commission meeting referencing the Maplcwood Development agenda itenl. After working with the developer for two years on the project. city statT recommended denial and Glen Posusta felt this was an example of why the perception exists that the City is hard to work with. Robbie Smith stated that the Planning Commission had some concerns with the row townhomes but they had approved it. I3ret Weiss pointed out that although the project was initiated some time ago, the submittal that was sent to the Planning Commission just came about in the last month or so. The devleoper was told that there were concerns about the design but the developer chose to present it anyway. I3ret Weiss felt it was made clear to the developer that there were design Issues. . Liquor Store Legislation - City Administrator, Rick Wolfsteller, updated the Council on legislation introduce by Mark Ourada that would eliminate the city's exclusive right to operate liquor stores. lIe noted the city relics heavily on the revenue generated by the liquor store. lie suggested that the Council might want to make their opposition to the proposed legislation known to Senator Ourada. Glen Posusta 5 2b . . . Council Minutes - 2/1 0/03 felt that competition was good and the City should not have a cart blanche monopoly in an area like this. He felt if the City had a good operation it should be able to compete with others. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO DIRECT STAFF TO WRITE A LETTER TO SENATOR OURADA VOICING 'THL': CITY'S OPPOSITION TO TilE LEGISLATION BEING PROPOSED. ROBl3IE SMITH SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTTON CARRIED WITH GLEN POSUSTA VOTING IN OPPOSITION. Utility Fee Increase - The Council discussed the 4% penalty and the $50 administrative fee that is added to delinquent utility bills and whether this should be increased. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO HAVE TilE STAFF DO FURTHER STUDY ON TIlE MATTER AND TO BRING IT BACK AT A FUTURE COUNCIL MEETING. GLEN POSUSTA SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Rick Wolfsteller noted that if it was determined to change the amount the penalty that could be done as an amendment to the ordinance. 9. Approve pavment of bills for February. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE PA YMENT Of THE I31LLS fOR FEBRUARY. GLEN POSUSTA SECONDED THE MOTTON. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 10. Adiourn GLEN POSUST A MOVED TO ADJOURN AT 8:45 P.M. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED TIlE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. -,._"--,-"'_..,._"-,.,,--"~,._.-""- Recording Secretary 6 2n . . . SA. Council Agenda - 2/24/03 Consideration of approvinl! new hires and departures for Community Center.. (RIl) A. REFF:RENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Council is asked to ratify the hiring of new employees that have occurred recently in the Community Center. As you recall, it is recommended that the COlll1ci I officially ratify the hiri ng of all new employees including part-time and seasonal workers. B. AL TF:RNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Ratify the hiring of the part-time employees as identified on the attached list. C. SUPPORTING DATA: Lists of new employees. . NEW EMPLOYEES Name Title Department Hire Date Class Gullickson, Krista Slide Att MCC 2/3/2003 part.time Suchy, Sandy Receptionist Administration 1/22/2003 temporary Thom, Shannon Receptionist Administration 1/30/2003 temporary . TERMINATING EMPLOYEES Name Baker, Mary Curtis, Kellie Reason voluntary voluntary Department MCC MCC Last Day Class 1/31/2003 part-time 12/21 /2002 part~time . employee councillist.xls: 2/13/2003 SA . . . SB. A. Council Agenda - 2/24/03 Consideration of anorOViUl! renewal of Men's Softball Association Beer License. (R W) REFERENCE AND BACKGROlJND: The Monticello Men's Softhall Association is requesting renewal of their annual license to sell beer at the Xeel sotlball field concession stand. The association will be required to obtain dram shop liquor liability insurance upon approval of the City issuing the license. However, the Council can approve the issuance contingent upon receipt of a certificate of insurance for liquor liability and the payment of the license fee in the amount of$137.50. Attached is a copy of the softball association's financial report which summarizes their income and expenditures including concession stand revenues and expenses. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Grant the license contingent upon receipt of the necessary insurance documents and payment of the license fee. 2. Deny the license. c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the staff that the license be granted contingent upon proper insurance heing provided. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Financial Report . 2002 LEAGUE FINANCIAL STATEMENT INCOME: TEAM ENTRY FEES 34 TEAMS @ $450 EARLY BIRD TOURNAMENT MEN'S CLASS D DISTRICTS WOMEN'S CLASS C STATE LEAGUE CONCESSION STAND TOTAL INCOME . EXPENSES: BALLS UMPIRES UMPIRE SCHEDULING MULE PAYMENTS 12 @$146.07 MULE INSURANCE AND REPAIRS FIELD DRAGGING FIELD INSURANCE TROPHIES MSF TEAM SANCTION FEES MSF CAPITAL CAMPAIGN-LEAGUE MSF CAPITAL CAMPAIGN-TOURNAMENTS DISTRICT AND STATE ENTRY FEES TOURNANMENT FIELD MAINTENACE HELP TOURNAMENT DIRECTORS FEE EARLY BIRD PAYOUTS ICE MACHINE REPAIRS SAMS CLUB VON HANSEN MEATS LINDENFELSER MEATS VIKING COKE DAHLHEIMER DISTRIBUTING CUB FOODS MAUSFOODS DRAM SHOP INSURANCE CONCESSION HELP . 15,300.00 5,366.35 5,393.00 6,624.80 24,850.49 57,534.64 2,354.72 8,820.00 477.00 1,752.84 251.33 1,200.00 200.00 526.00 720.00 340.00 940.00 870.00 1,324.50 800.00 650.00 184.58 2,401.57 340.74 2,388.00 3,524.50 6,838.73 160.88 559.36 1,168.60 6,126.08 56 . CITY OF MONTICELLO LIQUOR LICENSE ELECTIC USE LIGHTS TOURNAMENT FIELD FEE TEAM FIELD USE FEE 137.50 3,432.73 975.00 5,250.00 MISC 2,101.53 TOTAL EXPENSES 56,983.98 TOTAL INCOME LESS TOTAL EXPENSES 57,534.64 56,983.98 NET PROFIT OF 550.60 . NOTE: OUR PROFITS WOULD HAVE BEEN $2,040 MORE BUT THAT WAS OFF SET BY THE CITY INCREASING OUR FEES. HERE ARE THE INCREASES $25 PER TEAM FOR FIELD USE FOR A TOTAL OF $850. $50 INCREASE PER FIELD FOR TOURNAMENTS FOR A TOTOL OF $650. NIGHTLY AND TOURNAMENT INVENTORY FOR A COST OF CONCESSION HELP OF $540. . 5'13 . . . sc. A. City COllncil Agenda - 2/24/03 Consideration of a reQuest for a development stal!e planned unit development and preliminary plat approval for an activitv center containing an ice arena, lockers, public areas, domed soccer field and parkin!! lot. Applicant: RSP Architects for Monticello Youth Hockev Association and Citv of Monticello (NAC/JO) REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND At the regular meeting in Fehruary, the Planning Commission conducted a puhlic hearing and voted to recommended approval of this request hased on findings identified in this report. City participation in the project and fin:lncing plan is addressed as a separate non-consent agenda item. RSP Architects and a nonprofit group representing the Monticello Youth Hockey Association and the Monticello Soccer Club along with the City of Monticello arc requesting preliminary plat and planned unit development review of a proposed activity center which includes both an indoor hockey and a domed soccer arena on an 8.92 acre portion of a 16.7 acre parcel, currently owned by the City of Monticello. The proposed site abuts Interstate 94 to the south, County Road 39 to the west, 71h Street West to the north, and Elm Street to the cast. The property has recently been rezoned PU\), Planned Unit Development in order to utilize such uses. In addition, a concept PUD was also approved. The Planning Commission is asked to consider whether or not this Development Stage PUD is consistent with the concept plan previously approved. The site includes an approximately 75,000 sq. ft. soccer dome located at the west portion of the site, connected to the cast by an approximately 31,000 sq. ft. ice arena. The structure faces ]Ill Street, with its back to the freeway. ^ majority of the 311 parking stalls are located to the cast of the structures, with two ingress/egress access points ofT of 71h street West. The 8.92 acre site is being platted as a separate parcel and the site will be separated from the remaining 7.78 acres to the east by a large storm pond. Comprehensive Plan. Although the site is designated for residential use in the Comprehensive Plan, the City has determined that the proposed uses would be more appropriate to the site and have less of a negative tratlic impact upon the neighboring residential use. Both park and school uses arc appropriate in residential areas, and this facility could be considered consistent with either of these uses. Zoning. The subject site is zoned PUD, Planned Unit Development, which allows for all uses described within the zoning ordinance. Its purpose is to provide integration and coordination with surrounding land parcels as well as to allow for a combination of varying types of land uses within the same area. . City COllncil Agenda - 2/24/03 Performance Requirements. Given that an abundance of uses arc allowed within a PUO district, there are no set performance standards. City staff reviews the site plan as a whole and applies those performance standard requirements that pertain to the particular use in question in other districts within the zoning ordinance. In this case, both the ice arena and soccer dome would fall under the Recreation, Field, or Building Use definition, which is allowed as a CUP in the R-I , R-2, and R-3 Districts. The following are the setback requirements for this particular use as described in Section 6-4(A) of the zoning ordinance. Required Proposed . Front Yard Setback: (Wesl 101 line) Side Yard Setback (douhle Ihal requiredf()r Ihe dislricl hulno grealer Ihon 30 ') North Lot Line South Lot Line Rear Yard Setback (Easl /.01 line) 30 feet 55 feet 30 feet 30 feet 30 feet 52 feet 40 feet 415 feet Access/Circulation. There are two access points off of West 7th Street, which is proposed to be a collector road, eventually connecting Highway 39 on the west with County Highway 18 to the cast. The width of the curb cuts are shown on the site plan to be 28 feet. Curb cuts are allowed to exceed the maximum 24 foot width with the approval of the City Engineer and Zoning Administrator. Circulation within the project appears to be satisfactory with the exception of the following minor issues which should be discussed. The west access is a point of concern in that cars will be both entering and exiting, with the ability to choose one of three directions when entering the site. A possibility would be to close ofT access to the parking stalls directly to the east to vehicles entering off of Th Street. Another point of discussion is lessening the width of the fire lane at the rear of the site from 30 feet to 24 feel. This would allow the needed space for fire truck access while providing a 6 f<.)ot area for landscaping or the shifting of the building location if needed. . Parking, Parking for the bcility is proposed to total 303 parking spaces, with an additional 8 bus stalls. The zoning ordinance does not designate a formula to come up with the required amount of stalls for such a use. Staff has researched other cities parking requirements for these uses and have found that they range from requiring 1 parking stall per 3 persons of total capacity to simply leaving it to the discretion of the zoning administrator. In a recent concept plan, it was estimated that total capacity for the 2 . . . City COLlncil Agenda-- 2/24/03 hockey arena would be approximately 600 seats, resulting in an estimated demand of 200 parking spaces. The soccer dome docs not provide specific seating areas. Staff research indicates that peak use of similar facilities has been in the range of 90 cars. The 303 spaces, plus bus parking, should prove adequate for this facility. The applicant should provide an updated number as well as documentation that the provided number of parking stalls will efficiently handle the parking need. Another issue is the design of the parking stalls. Section 3-SIDI9(a) of the zoning ordinance states that parking stalls should be no less than 9 feet wide and twenty feet in length. The typical parking stall f()r this project is 19 feet in length, with 24 parking stalls at 18 feet in length. This dimension may be adequate where there is overhang over sidewalks, or where the spaces are somewhat wider than normal. Since the appl icants have adequate land to design around, planning staff would recommend full dimension parking stalls. Landscaping. One of the primary concerns with this project is the negative impact of traflic lights upon the single family residential neighborhood to the north. In order to 111itigate traffic lights and associated noise, staff recommends significant buffering measures be applied along both sides of T" street. Staff feels the submitted landscape should be amending to properly address this concern and a revised plan should be submitted with the J()lIowing changes; I. Increase the amount of overstory trees (River Birch) along 71" Street. 2. Berm must be moved out of the T" Street ROWand onto the property. 3. Provide landscaping on north side of 71h street to screen vehicle headlights from the rear yards of adjoining residential neighborhood. 4. Provide overstory trees along freeway side of structure. Lighting. Applicant must submit a photometric plan f()r city staff review. Utility, Drainage Easement Vacation. Easements need to be shown on the site plan. Vacation of the easements will be made a condition of final plat approval. Grading, Drainage and Utility Plans. The submitted preliminary plat includes proposed grading and drainage. Said grading, drainage plans are subjeet to review and approval by the City Engineer and Public Works Director. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS The Planning Commission recommended approval of Alternative 1. The conditions noted have heen reviewed and accepted hy the applicant. <'l -, . City Council Agenda - 2/24/03 Decision One: Request for a Development Stage Planned lJnit Development Conditional Use Permit 1. Motion to approve the Planned Unit Development Conditional Use Permit Development Plan subject to the following conditions: I. Applicant is to provide additional subdivision related information, showing the name of the proposed plat and dimensions of lot boundaries, prior to submittal of final plat. 2. The applicant must receive approval from both the City Engineer and Zoning Administrator to allow for a curb cut of28 feet. 3. The west access area is to be reviewed for improved circulation. 4. The width of the fire lane at the rear of the building is to be lessened to twenty four feet in order to provide room for landscaping and/or any shifting in the structure that may be necessary. This recommendation to be verified by the Fire Chief. . 5. The applicant is to provide an updated number onotal capacity 1()f" both the soccer and hockey arenas. 6. The design of the parking stalls should be 9 feet in width and 20 feet in length and described in Section 3-5 [D19(a) of the zoning ordinance. X. I ncrease the amount of overstory trees along Th street. 9. Berm is to be moved away from the ROWand onto the property. 10. Provide landscaping design along north side of Th street. 11. Provide overstory trees along freeway side of the structure. ] 2. Applicant is to submit a photometric plan. 13. Applicant to provide updated description of bui Iding exterior and be required to obtain Planning COlnmission approval of significant alterations. . 14. Operation hours 6 a.m. to 10 p.m., with flexibility of extended hours on an occasional basis. 4 . . . City Council Agenda - 2/24/03 ) Motion to dcny the Planncd Unit Developmcnt Conditional Use Permit Dcvelopment Plan based on a finding that the proposal lacks consistency with the Comprehensive Plan. ~ -'- Motion to table the request, subject to further study. Decision Two: Request for a Preliminary Plat The Planning Commission recommended alternative #1 of decision two. 1. Motion to approve the Preliminary Plat suhject to submittal of all data required in Section 11-2 of the Subdivision Ordinance, approval of the PUO/CUP. and comments of the City Engineer and Public Works Director. 2. Motion to deny the request for Preliminary Plat as presented. 3. Motion to table the request, subject to further study. c. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS The proposed project is consistent with what was approved at the concept level. The applicant has attempted to address the concerns related to traffic along West Th Street and the associated negativc affects upon thc ahutting single fllmily residential neighborhood to the north. The conditions included in this report arc designed to mitigate any remaining concerns. As such. staff recommends approval of the development stage PUD and Preliminary Plat subject to the afeJrcmentioned conditions. D. SUPPORTING DATA ":xcerpt draft of 02/04/03 Planning Commission meeting minutes Site Location Aerial Photo Preliminary Plat Site Plan Preliminary Landscape Plan ') . . . __~lAFT Planning Commission Minutes - 02/04/03 There again was discussion that if it was dctermined that 60 fcet was not sufficient for the applicant, thc Planning Commission would need to look at possibly amending the sign ordinance. THERE BEING NO FURTIIER DISCUSSION, THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 6. Public Ilearing - Consideration of a request for a development stage planned unit development and preliminary plat approval flJr athletic complex containinl.! ice arcna. lockers. public areas, domed athletic field and parking lot. Applicant: RSP Architects on behalf of the Monticello Youth I lockey Association, Monticello Soccer Association, and City of Monticello Stevc Grittman, City Planncr, provided the staffreport with a summary of the applicant's requcst. He discussed parking requircments and stated it appeared there is adequate parking space. Grittman noted that parking stalls should be constructed at 20 ft. and there is adequate space for this on site. Staff advises the need 1l)f an increased amount of overstory trees along T" Street and stated that the existing berm will be moved out of the ROW per Public Work's request. StatTalso requests that landscaping be provided on the north sidc of 7th Street to scrcen vehicle hcadlights, and provide overstory trees along the freeway side. Crrittman advised that there needs to be a 30 ft. fire lane behind the building and it appears that there is adequate space for this, also noting they will ask the Fire Department to comment on this as well. Staff recommends approval, with conditions noted. It was noted by Grittman that this site will need to be subdivided, which is one of the conditions they would ask of the applicant, although it is not significant f(Jr site planning at this time. It was also advised that the applicant will need to work with the City Engineer regarding parking and ponding. Chair Frie opened the public hearing. Chuck rrieberg, RSP Architects. advised that he is aware of the issues noted by staff and stated that there is no plat at this time as they prefer to get the site plan approved so they can move tl)fward in determining the layout. He advised there were two holding ponds on the site between the two proposed buildings and there arc no cross casements. Frieberg also advised that it would not be a problem to enlarge the parking spaces and they are looking at landscaping in the ROW to block headlights from the residences. as well as looking at placement of entrances so that headlights would not shine into residences either. He stated he received the City Engineer's letter and they are willing to comply, seeing no problems. Brad Klatt. 13 Sandtrap Circle. stated he feels this facility is needed in the community, but not at this site. Concern with what age group would be using this facility, and again felt this project should be focused back out to the school area. Klatt stated a concern with school buses and teenage drivers using this faci I ity, agai n stating he feels thcre is room out at the -5- o~ . Planning Commission Minutes - 02/04/03 school site for this. He is concerned that they are creating a situation where they are trying to squeeze this project into a residential site, it's disruptive, concerned about operating hours and what would he the overall use of the facility other than hockey/soccer. Klatt added that his main concern is what will be proposed to go on the remainder of the property and how that would impact the residents. Frie stated that is not something that is being discussed tonight and there would he a puhlic hearing at that time. Klatt stated he felt it should be talked ahout at this time hefore moving forward. frie added that there has heen no proposal at this time. Frie added that this has already been discussed by hoth the Planning Commission and the City Council and has heen approved, so it is no longer an issue and has moved forward. Jack Neslon, 8 Center Circle, questioned where the 3 cul-de-sacs would he located in comparison to the proposed site. Grittman advised of both the pond and cul-de-sacs. Nelson questioned the height of the soccer dome and frieherg stated it would he 53 ft. high. It was also advised that there would only be one sheet of ice. Nelson had concerns as well with what might be proposed heyond this site and again it was stated there have been no proposals. He asked if this project would be completed prior to extension of]lh Street and Frie advised that it is not the intent to coincide 7th Street with this project. Nelson questioned entrances into this site asking if there would be more than one route. lie also asked about sidewalks and frieberg stated they would be installed. . Grittman pointed out the portion of the site that is heing proposed as there seemed to be the perception that the proposed site was larger than it actually was. Mrs. Larson, 11 Sandtrap Circle, questioned the financial situation asking how the project will he paid for. frie stated the Planning Commission docs not address this and stated she could possibly visit with the applicant at another time on that matter, but not at the public hearing. She questioned what happens if this was approved but the applicant could not get the financing. Frie stated that he felt they would be ready to move fCHward as soon as they got approval. Larson noted a culvert/holding pond that is in the area not yet proposed for development and O'Neill stated the City Engineer is aware of this and would make sure it is handled appropriatcly. She also stated that she did not feel that the City was moving forward on ]lh Street and Council Liaison Stumpf advised that it is moving forward at the City Council level. Larson stated a concern with traffic and O'Neill stated that 7th Street is a high priority for the City Council, and if not completed this year, it most likely will occur next year, although funding is an issue. He also addressed her concern with ]lh Street. Dee Torgerson, 6 Center Cir, asked for clarification on zoning. O'Neill advised that it was re-zoned to a PUD some months ago, but nothing beyond this site, which was her concern. She also stated a concern with traffic and felt ]lh Street should be a priority. . ChairFrie closed the public hearing. lIe asked Frieberg to answer the public's questions, as well as if there would be security, what would be the hours of operation, and who would be -6- fS~ . Planning Commission Minutes - 02/04/03 managing the site in regard to scheduling, maintenance, etc. Frieberg stated all of those questions are operational. not site design, and could he answered by the Hockey Association and Soccer Association. It was advised that even though the l~lCility would be owned hy the Hockey and Soccer Associations, they would hire employees to manage it. There will he lights installed for security and they would work with the Sheriff's Dept. on this. There is also a fire lane around the site. Gregg Engle, president of M YHA, stated that the operation hours would mainly be Monday - Friday, 3 p.m. to 10 p.m., and 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. on Saturdays, Sundays from 12 p.m. to 10 p.m. Engle stated he would he happy to talk with Mr. Klatt regarding his questions. I-Ie also advised that the age group would be approximately fi'Olll 4 years to 18 years of age; they have sold over 2500 hours of iee time and have enough ice hours to use the faci I ity in just a hockey capacity with not going out to other activities to help with expenses. They have looked at other parcels within the City such as the school sites, and would like to meet with Mr. Klatt and answcr those questoins as well. Engle concurred that management would be hired, as well as a combination of volunteers. The method of management will be a common board, 2 hockey representatives, 2 soccer, a representative from the school and one from the City. There wOldd he a Facility Manager and Assistant Manager, working with both associations. Frie asked them also to invite Mrs. Larson to meet with them after the meeting regarding the financing. . Frie asked Stumpf to respond to the 24 foot fire lane versus 30 foot and Stumpf stated he preferred that this he contingent on working with the Fire Department. There were further questions regarding summer hours versus winter and Engle advised that they would be the same in regard to Hockey. Frieherg clarified that of the 2500 hours of ice time, 85% or that is practice and theretl1re would not be filling up the parking lot most of the time as it would be more dropping off and picking up. There was discussion on the completion of Chelsea Road and O'Neill stated that there is a petition from Denny Hecker and platting is in the works, hut also that it may he some time before that happens. It was then noted again that the previous R-3 zoning could have allowed a possihle apartment complex with over 600 cars per day and this would be a much better alternative. Kent Johnson, President of the Soccer Association, advised that their hours would coincide with the Hockey Association's hours, although most likely not quite as early, stating possibly like 8 a.m. to 10 p.m., perhaps at times 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. t(Jr walking/running. Management would he the common board as was previously stated. He also advised that anything that could take place on grass could also take place in the dome, and that would need to he addressed hy the common board. Stumpf advised that he had recently spoken with the Mayor of Clearwater stating they are in the early stages of desiging a rink in their community, but they would he drawing from the St. Cloud area. . Decision One: Request for a Development Stage Planned Unit Development CUP: -7- sc-- . 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. . 13. 14. Planning Comlnission Minutes - 02/04/03 ^ MOTION WAS MADE BY ROD DMGSTEN TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF TilE PUD CUP. SUBJECT TO TilE FOLLOWINCi CONDITIONS: I. Applicant is to provide additional subdivision related information showing the name of the proposed plat and dimensions of lot boundaries, prior to subm ittal of final plat. 2. lhe applicant must receive approval from both the City Engineer and Zoning Administrator to allow for a curb cut 01'28 ft. 3. The west access area is to be reviewed for improved circulation. 4. The width of the fire lane at the rear of the building is to be lessened to 24 ft in order to provide room for landscaping and/or any shifting in the structure that may be necessary. This contingent on approval of the Fire Department. The applicant is to provide an updated number of total capacity for both the soccer and hockey arenas. The design of the parking stalls should be 9 It in width and 20 ft in length, as described in Section 3-5[D/9(a) of the zoning ordinance. Increase the amount of overstory trees along 71h St. Berm is to be moved away from the ROWand onto the property. Provide landscaping design along north side of 7'h Sf. Provide overstory trees along freeway side of the structure. Applicant is to submit a photometric plan. Applicant to provide updated description of building exterior and be required to obtain Plann ing COlllm ission approva I of sign i ficant alterations. Landscaping on opposite side of the road. Operation hours to be 6 a.m. to 10 p.m., with flexibility of extended hours on an occasional basis. There was further discussion on adding operational hours to the I ist of conditions. but O'Neill stated there was discussion but no actual time was established, although it was a concern at concept stage. Engle added that the 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. would be normal hours. He did state that the facility could possibly be used Sunday mornings as well for tournaments, and they would like to utilize the facility to its fullest. Robbie Smith wished to add to condition #4 that there be an agreement with the Fire Department regarding the width of the lire lane. THERE BEING NO FURTHER DISCUSSION, RICHARD CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Decision 2: Request for a Preliminary Plat A MOTION WAS MADE BY LLOYD JIILGART TO APPROVE THE PRELIMINARY PLAT, SUBJECT TO SUBMI'ITAL OF ALL DATA REQUIRED IN SECTION I I -2 OF THE SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE. APPROVAL OF TI IE PUD/CUP, AND COMMENTS OF THE CITY ENGINEER AND PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR. ROD DRAGSTEN SECONDED TIll": MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. . -8- sG ---- ~: .ts :!i~E 0 J::," ::JUts -....tfD..U _.c .~~ ~ .~ ~.... J::,og, _....D.. u g, e ~:c::E <::l . !3 c D..2i o~o en .- n a: :E ::E U '" ,,~ >- ZO Ji l:c ....N <e ~- U- c: ::J " .!!!. ~ z z . 0 ~(I'.l C- 00 ",<e .... .... <D ~I <e ~I~ Gl Q.. .., 00 O~ ~I ~~ I t i I ..~ I .. I 0 0 ffiR ~ I ~ ~ I i! ~ B ,I \ f J f I ~ .I ,~ ~ J 11 5 W~ i~ iJ ,) f I ~~ h If I N \ E ~_ lID rID \ I ! \ . . . 50. A. Council Agenda - 2/24/03 Consideration of Ordinance No. 385 annexing remnant oarccl- Wolters oroperty. (RW) REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: In September of 200 L the City Counci I approved annexing by ordinance the city owned land known as the Remm1c propel1y. L,ater during the processing of a preliminary plat for Prairie Ponds the County Surveyor determined that a 66' strip of land extending across a portion of Section 14 and Section 15 although included in the plat of Prairie Ponds had not been annexed into the city. In January of 2003, Brad Larson representing Prairie Ponds, LLC requested the Minnesota State Planning Agency to amend the order to include this 66' strip. The Minnesota State Planning Agency denied this request to amend the order based on the fact that a year had elapsed since thc State Planning Agency had approved the original ordinance and it was not c\car that the City had ever owned the 66' strip in question. The State Planning Agency recommended that the 66' strip be annexed by a separate ordinance action. Since the parcel is surrounded by the city limits, the annexation ordinance process would not require the city to conduct a public hearing. Ordinance No. 385, which is attached, covers the city annexation of this 66' strip. Upon approval of the annexation ordinance by the State Planning Agency, Wright County will then allow the Prairie Ponds plat to be processed. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Approve Ordinance No. 3R5 covering annexation of the 66' strip of property that is part of the proposed plat of Prairie Ponds which has already received preliminary plat approval by the City of Monticello. 2. Do not approve the annexation. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: If the City had any reservations about the annexation of this property they would not have approved a preliminary plat. City staff considers this a housekeeping matter that should be taken care of in order that the developer can proceed with the plat. D. SlJPPORTING DATA: Ordinance No. 385 . ORDINANCE NO. 385 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO ANNEXING LAND LOCATED IN IN THE TOWN OF MONTICELLO, WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA TO THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA, PURSUANT TO MINN. STAT. ~ 414.033, SUBD.2 PERMITTING ANNEXATION BY ORDINANCE WHEREAS, the property described on the attached Exhibit A is not presently within the corporate limits of any incorporated city, WHEREAS, this property is surrounded by the corporate limits of the City of Montice 110 and the property is deemed to be urban or suburban in character; and . WHEREAS, the property described in Exhibit A contains approximately .76 acres and is vacant land containing no population, TilE CITY COUNCIL OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA HEREBY ORDAINS: Section 1. Territory Annexed The corporate limits of the City of Monticello are hereby extended to include the unplatted property described on the attached Exhibit A. Section 2. Filing. The City Clerk is directed to file certified copies of this ordinance with the Secretary of State, the County Auditor of the county in which the property is located, the Town Clerk of the affected and the Minnesota State Planning Agency. Section 3. Effective Date ofAnnexotion. This ordinance takes effect upon its passage and publication, the filing of certified copies as directed in Section 2 and approval by the Minnesota State Planning Agency. Adopted by the City of Monticello. Minnesota this 24th day of February, 2003. ATTEST: . Bruce Thiclen, Mayor Rick Wolfsteller, City Administrator 5() . . . EXHIBIT A ANNEXATION ORDINANCE NO. 385 Legal Description The North 66.00 fcet of the Southwest Quarte." of Section 14, Township 121 North, range 25 West, lying west of the westerly right of way line of Minnesota Trunk Highway 25 AND That part of the Southeast Quarter of Section 15, Township 121 North, Range 25 West, described as follows: Beginning at the southwest corner of the North 66.00 feet of the Southwest Quarter of Section 14, Township 121 North, Range 25 West; thence west, parallel with the north line of said Southeast Quarter, 66.00 feet; thence north parallel with the east line of the said Southeast Quarter, 66.00 feet to the north line of said Southeast Quarter; thence east, along said north line 66.00 feet to the northeast corner of said Southeast Quarter; thence south along the east line of said Southeast Quarter, 66.00 feet, to the point of beginning. 5 C) . I , I J : I - Annexation Parcel Exhibit A / City Limits //' / / . ..-T----------"--l_____, ! ~,.,~----.-'''-.~._.'i 'j I, ._-,-".,-,-,-,-,_,_~~J I I i __.__L~_ __..:.___ i/ l / I . '----.........,~,~,~............... ~~ft~ , i \ \ \\ \ \ Kjellberg's East /' i -' Highway 25/ AREA OF ANNEXATION i I! II I I j I: I i I I 'Sa City COllncil Agenda - 02/24/03 . SE. Consideration of adontin2: a ioint resolution sunnortin2: annexation of the area encompassed bv the proposed 93.84 acre Wild Mcadow subdivision. (./0) REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND As you may recall, the area encompassed hy the Wild Meadow subdivision was not one of the land areas approved for annexation some months ago because it was not certain that the area could be served by utilities. Based on information provided by the City Engineer it appears that it is feasible to serve this area with sewer and water service. In addition, the grading plan shows that the site can be graded in a manner that diverts storm water from Ditch 33 to the storm sewer located within the Gillard Avenue right of way. In addition, assuming Council approval of the development stage PU D, the City supports the planned use of the property. Given the factors above, it is appropriate now to reconsider the request fix annexations. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS 1. Motion to accept petition for annexation and to adopt joint resolution supporting annexation of the 93.84 acre area. Staff is directed to submit joint resolution to Monticello Township f()r review and potential adoption. In the event that the Township does not support said annexation, staif is directed to initiate annexation by ordinance process as outlined by State statutes. Motion contingent on City Council acceptance of utility study to be presented later in the City Council agenda. . Please note that although it is technically feasible to serve the area, the finance plan supporting the expense has not been completed. 'fhe developer has not indicated that the development expenses are too high to justify moving forward but at the same time, an approved finance plan is not available at this time. Therefore in approving the annexation request, Council would be moving forward on the annexation bef()re it is completely determined that project will proceed beyond planning stage. 2. Motion to deny acceptance of petition for annexation and deny approval of joint resolution supporting annexation. Council should take this action if it believes that development of this property is premature at this time. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The City Administrator supports alternative 1 if Counci I supports the development stage pun as described in this agenda packet. SUPPORTING DATA . Proposed Joint Resolution. Annexation area map showing area and annexation criteria . CITY OF MONTICELLO RESOLUTION NO. 2003-9 STATE OF MINNESOTA OFFICE or STRATEGIC AND LONG~RANGE PLANNING IN THE MATTER OF THE JOINT RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO AND THE TOWNSHIP OF MONTICELLO DESIGNATING CERTAIN AREAS AS IN NEED OF ORDERL Y ANNEXATION PURSUANT TO MINNESOTA STATUTES. SECTION 414.0325 JOINT RESOLUTION FOR ORDERLY ANNEXATION WHEREAS. individual property owners with property located within the Township of Monticello ("Township") and kgally descrihed in Exhibit A which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. have approached the City of Monticello ("City") requesting annexation of their property and extension of City services to their property; and WHEREAS. the Tmvnship and City have agreed to work cooperatively to accomplish the orderly annexation of the area legally described in Exhibit A; and WHEREAS. the above-mentioned area is residential in nature. is surrounded by the City and is in need of orderly annexation and extension of services from the City since the descrihed area is urhan or suburhan or ahout . to become so; and WHEREAS. the City has available capacity to provide needed services to the above mentioned property; and WHEREAS. the City and Township agree that the property legally described in Exhibit A is designated as in need of immediate orderly annexation: and WIIEREAS. the City and Tovvnship agree that orderly annexation of the property legally described in Exhihit A is in the best interest of the property owners and would benefit the puhlic health. safety. and welfare of the community: ancl WIIEREAS. the City and Township agree that the property legally descrihed in Exhibit A is designated as in need of immediate orderly annexation: and WHEREAS. the City and Township desire to accomplish the immediate orderly annexation of the propel1y legally described in Exhibit A without the need for a hearing. NOW TI--II~REFORJ':. BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City ofrvlonticello and the TO\vnship Board of Supervisors of the TO\\I1ship of rvlonticello as fCJIIO\vs: .1. The City and Township hereby designate the area legally described in Exhibit i\ for immediate orderly annexation pursuant to !\linnesota Statutes. Section 414.0325. st:- . . . ArrEST: 7 The City and Township agree that the area legally described in Exhibit A and designated as in need of immediate orderly annexation is approximately 93.84 acres. 3. A boundary map shO\ving the area legally described in Exhibit A is attached hereto as Exhibit B and is hereby incorporated by reference. 4. The City and Township agree that the population of the area legally described in Exhibit A and designated as in need of immediate orderly annexation is . 5. Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes. Section 414.0325, the City and Township agree that no alteration of the boundaries stated herein is appropriate. that all conditions for annexation of the area legally described in Exhibit A are contained in this Joint Resolution and that no consideration by Minnesota Planning is necessary. Upon execution and filing of this Joint Resolution, Minnesota Planning may review and com me thereon. but shall within 30 days of receipt of this Joint Resolution, order the annexation of the area legally dcscribed in Exhibit A in accordance with the terms and conditions contained in this Joint Resolution. 6. The City and Township agree that upon annexation of the area legally described in Exhibit A. the City shall reimburse the To\vnship for the loss of taxes from the property so annexed for the period and in accordance with the following schedule: 1) In the lirst year following the year the City could first levy on the annexed area. an amount equal to ninety (90) percent of the property taxes distributed to the TO\vnship in regard to the annexed area in the last year that property taxes from the annexed area were payable to the Township; 2) In the second year. an amount equal to seventy (70) percent; 3) In the third year. an amount equal to fifty (50) percent: 4) In the fl)llrth year. an amount equal to thirty (30) percent; and 5) In the tifth and tinal year. an amount equal to ten ( 10) percent. Therealter. the City will no longer reimburse the Township. 7. The City and Township agree that upon adopted and execution of this Joint Resolution. the City shall file the same with the Minnesota Planning l'vlunicipal Boundary Adjustments Office. 8. In the event there arc errors. omissions or any other problems with the legal description provided in Exhibit A in the judgment of the Minnesota Planning Agency. the City and Township agree to make such corrections and tile any additional documentation including a new Exhibit A making the corrections requested or n:quired by the Minnesota Planning Agency as necessary to make effective the annexation of said area in accordance with the krms of this Joint Resolution. Passed. adopted and appnm:d by the To\\nship Board of Supervisors of the Township of Monticello, Wright COllnty. Minnesota this day of .2003. TOWNSHIP OF MONTICELLO By: Franklin Denn. Chair Darl~nt:' Sawatzkl'. Tll\\nship Clerk _S E. . this Passed. adopted. and approved by the City Council of the City of Monticello, Wright County, Minnesota, day of .2003. CITY OF MONTICELLO By: Bruce Thielen, Mayor ATTEST: Rick Wolfsteller, City Administrator . . t: r-: ,,.)c . . . EXHIBIT A (HUSAK/BAUER/TYLER SOUTH PROPERTY) (Husak Propcrty) That part of the West Half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 18, Township 12 L Range 24, Wright County, Minnesota, lying Northeasterly of the Northeasterly right-of-way line ofInterstate 94 and West and North of the following described line: Commencing at the Northwest corner of said West Half of the Southeast Quarter; thence East along the North line of said West Halfofthe Southeast Quarter a distance of 887.75 feet to the actual point of beginning of a line to be described: thence South deflecting 89 degrees 19 minutes 38 seconds right. a distance of 66.0 feet; thence West detlecting 89 degrees 19 minutes 38 seconds right. a distance of 307.05 feet: thence South deflecting 91 degrees 38 minutes 30 seconds left, a distance of 760.62 feet to the Northeasterly right-of-way line of Interstate 94 and there terminating. (B.lUcr Property) That part of the West I-Ialfofthe Southeast Quarter of Section 18, Township 121. Range 24, lying Northeasterly of the Northeasterly right-of-vvay line ofInterstate 94 and East and South of the following described line: Commencing at the Northwest corner of said West Half of the Southeast Quarter: thence East along the North line of said west Half of the Southeast Quarter. a distance of887.75 feet to the actual point of beginning ofa line to be described: thence SlHlth deflecting 89 degrees 19 minutes 38 seconds right. a distance of 66.0 feet: thence West deflecting 89 degrees 19 minutes 38 seconds right a ~ ~ ~ distance of307.05 feet: thence South detlecting 91 degrees 38 minutes 30 seconds Id'L a distance of 760.62 feet to the Northeasterly right-of-way line of Interstate 94 and there terminating, except the North 25 feet of the East 363.0 feet of said West Halfof the Southeast Quarter and subject to the right-of-way of the township road over the North side thaeof. Except that part of thi: West Hal f of the Southeast Quarter of Section 18. Township 121. Range 24, lying Northeaskrly of the Northeasterly right-of-way line of Interstate 94 and West and North of the f(JIIO\ving described line: Commencinl! at the North\vest corner of said West Halfofthe Southeast Quarter: them'e hist alon!! the North line of said west Half of the Southeast Quarter. a r' i m) C . . . distance of 887.75 feet to the actual point of beginning of a line to be described; thence South dctlecting 89 degrees 19 minutes 38 seconds right a distance of 66.0 feet thence West detlecting 89 degrees 19 minutes 38 seconds right. a distance of 307.05 feet; thence South detlecting 91 degrees 38 minutes 30 seconds left, a distance of 760.62 feet to the Northeasterly right-of-way line of Interstate 94 and there terminating. (Tyler South A) The Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 19 and the East Half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 18, all in Township 121, Range 24, Wright County, Minnesota lying northeasterly of the northeasterly right of way line ofInterstate 94 except the West 432.00 feet of said East Half of the SOlltheast Quarter. Also the North 25 feet of the East 22 rods of the West Half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 18, Township 121, Range 24. Wright County. Minnesota. (Tyler South B) The West 432.0 feet of the East Half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 18. Township 121. Range 24, lying North of 1-94. Wright County. Minnesota. L,j ~ ...... ;- ..Jl.-.~ ~~~~'i'l:';;'illl'l!lt-l"illlilII~',- "" '_~',..~ _' . ,.....".....~..". __' ~";.~...U,_iO\,fllililo'.,.r;~.~"::.W~l.l'!.". 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I ~-"~ ""i J '-t '---~ r--, J I l - I ~ \ \ I 00"'..) ~rC'N0 prelimina~lat ""k\~til;tieS I I /' "",,/ ~eed study)/ ::;- ~ ~varraDle !\vaDable ff,m - [,.,+ .\ -- GJ EJ ~ rtif+"'~.:'1 1~'1 .-' ~-:r.:J.l,.:"' ~'.1 ~ ~ GJ [Q] IT] --~ lr:::tr: ~ .1 ~ .1ij + = Proceed with annex~tion by Ordinance or Joint Resolution o W;lit for development of potential new HOM Agreement or completion of necessary studies/plannin~ *- }\U~..,t"T All. .f'ta- ~ofF fj...l.liJ.'...., fl.t ;1J<.wJ.u/ j" C.d'~ c.t:JtJfI'<;' Ac,t,.c'l_ 5E . p(./;- i ~ 10'" 'S .1, 10 MW Johnson 1 "",."~-'. Shermer 2 Farr 3 Jim Shultz 4 Ken Shultz 5 Ken Shultz 6 Future 7 Future 8 Future 9 Chris Klein 10 Loren O'Brien 11 Gold Nugget 12 Gold Nugget 13 Gold Nugget 14 Groveland IV 15 I Chadwick 16 I Approved (Pendi~g) Approved Approved Pending Pending Approved Approved Pending Pending Pending Pending Not Cont guous Yet Not Cont~guous Yet Not Cont .guous Yet None Available None Ava.i1ablE Available None Available, None Ava.i1able Available Under Develo~nt Under Devel~nt I ANNEXATION CRITERIA Approx. Acreage Comp Plan Guided Concept Plan 27,06 (R-1) 21.47 (R-l) 38.96 (R-lA) 39.78 (R-1A) 17.39 Med. Den. Attach 3455 (R~1A) 107.40 Ind I R-1 3960 (R-1A) 67.55 (R-1 ) 3796 (R-1) 5672 (R-1) 39.96 (R-1) 40.35 (R-1) 31.03 Ind 26.27 (R~1 ) 6060 Ind Approved Approved iApOroved !?ending !\vailable !\vai.13ble ~vailable ~t Avail. Not Avail. I 1\;ailable ~vailable . . . City Council Agenda 2/24/03 SF. Consideration of a development stage Planned Unit Development. re-zoning from Aericulture to R-l. R-2. and R-2A. and a Preliminary Plat for the Wild Mcadow subdivision. Applicant: Louis 10-11.: Eugene Bauer; Tyler South LLC; Virh?:inia & Earl Husak; M~lrk Gereen & Associates/Brug1!eman Properties. LLC. (JO/NAC) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Planning Commission recommended approval of the requests above, subject to conditions noted. This item is placed on the consent agenda, however the related information pertaining to aeceptures and utility study will be reviewed by the City Engineer in a subsequent agenda item. Bruggeman Homes/Mark Gergen and Assoeiates have applied for a Development Stage Planned Unit Development ora 93.84 acre parcel located just south of the Sandherg East and Tyler East rural subdivisions. The site ean now be considered lor annexation action heeause it has been determined that it is feasihle to serve it with sewer and water. At present the development is called "Wild Mcadow", but this name will need to be changed due to the similarity with other suhdivisions such as "Meadow Oaks" and "The Meadows" subdivisions. The project is bordered to the north by 951h Street NE, to the east by Ibug Avenue NE, and to the south and southwest by Interstate 94. City stare Planning Commission, Parks Commission, and City Council have reviewed two prior coneept level plans in the past several months. Various issues and conccrns, including Mn/DOT's plan for eventual redesign of the portion ofIntcrstate 94 abutting the site, the City's amendment to the future land use and Comprehensive Plan and the City's ability to send sewer and water serviees to the area have either come to fruition or progressed to a level which the applicant leels comfortable continuing forward with the project. The site is divided into three distinct residential uses. The make up of the proposed plan is as follows; 42 single family lots at the northwestern portion of the site, 53 srnaller sized single family lots at the central portion of the site, and] 82 attached townhome units located at the southeastern portion of the site. The total number of dwelling units equal 227 and the site consists of approximately 24 acres of wetland or wooded area, which give the project a total density 4 units per net acre and 3 units per gross acre. The applicant is requesting a rezoning of the site lrom its current Agricultural designation to an R-l, R-2, and R-2A zoning classification A Planned Unit Development is heing requested as an overlay in order to allow some flexibility in the overall master pIan and design. Comprehensive Plan. The proposed use is generally consistent with the provisions of the City's Comprehensive Plan in that it promotes the City's effort of providing a wide range of housing choices within the City. The future land use map allocates this area for City Council Agenda 2/24/03 . future low density residential use, which the proposed 4 units per gross acre and 3 units per net acre f~lll within. Growth Area Boundary. Although the City's Comprehensive Plan is directing growth towards the south and west, the city has made the exception of permitting the full use of existing utility capacity in the eastern portion of the City. The City Engineer has completed a study showing that it is feasible to extend sewer and water service as f~lr east as Haug Avenue NE. Another issue that has hindered this project has been Mn/DOT plans for Interstate 94 and how it will ultimately affect this site. City Staff and the applicant have met with Mn/DOT and now more clearly understand its intentions. Mn/DOT is choosing to route Interstate 94 under the existing rail line, only needing a small portion of the applicants site at the westerly corner of the site. The applicant has designed the single family lots abutting this portion of the project to be longer, larger lots, mitigating the negative effects of the freeway by allowing more room to incorporate landscaped buffering such as benning and fencing. . Land Use. As previously stated, this site is planned fix low density residential development. This would generally be limited to single family development, however due to the large areas of non-developable land (i.e. wetland, casements) that lie within the project, the applicant has been able to cluster three types of residential development. including 182 attached townhome units, around the wetland area and still stay within the typical 3 to 4 units per acre, which has been the general standard for low density development. Access/Circulation. The site as a whole has three access points, one off of 951h Street N E, and two off oflIague Avenue NE. StafT is generally comfortable with the circulation within the project, adjustments to the plan have been made as requested by the Planning Commission with removal of the dead-end on Meadowbrook Lane. The townhouse portion of the project relies on an original street design - public streets with a narrower right of way and shallow setbacks. 'rhis design has resulted from discussions with City staff as to building spacing and right-of-way needs, and an interest in creating additional front yard depth in townhouse developments. One of the impacts of the 1-94 project will be the construction of a "by~pass" roadway, a sort of li'ontage road to be used by freeway traffic whi Ie the freeway itself is under construction. Staff believes that the bypass, if left in place, may be beneficial to traffic patterns in the area. This former by-pass could act as a frontage road connecting 95th Street directly to CSAH 75. The developer has shown, as requested, a direct connection between 95th and this potential frontage road. . Landscaping/Buffering, Applicant has submitted a landscaping plan which generally meets the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. This is however a PUD, which while allowing some leeway in design and performance requirements, also requires that the 2 City Council Agenda 2/24/03 . plan be superior to that allowed under normal development requirements. An issue in the design of this project is its exposure to interstate 94. In order to mitigate noise, starf reconunends significant buffering measures be applied along the freeway. A combination of large benning and fencing should be incorporated with thickly planted landscaping in order to screen the development both visually and audibly from the freeway. An elevation plan showing this berming should be submitted for review. Where berms are not feasible due to the topography, fencing and larger plantings should be required to create a more immediate screen. Park and Trails. The site plan shows two proposed trails. One trail starting at Valley Meadow Court, running along the fi'eeway and north through the wetlands ending at Meadow Brook Lane. The second trail runs from Golden Meadow Road, North through Outlot A, ending at Meadow Ridge Lane. The Parks Commission wishes to see a pathway connection included in the development running East- West along 95th Street NE. The developer has been responsive to Park concerns by making adjustment to park area and exposure to streets within the development as requested. At their meeting on 2/20/03, the Parks Commission recommended approval of the park plan as submitted. . Building Design. In earlier concept discussions, the developer and builder have indicated an intent to provide a varied streetscape in the small lot and townhouse areas, with efforts to create side-loaded garages and other efforts that minimize the view of garage doors along the street. Building plans that support these concepts have been included fix City review as a condition of PUD approval. The documents indicate a variety of split entry and two story single family homes, with opportunities for side loaded garages and shared driveways. The townhouse designs show a mix of single and two story units. Staff would encourage additional variety in the roof design to add gable option or other clements that break up the impact or a long, continuous roof plane. The developer concurs with this suggestion and will vary roof lines. Protective Covenants. The applicant is planning to have two homeowner associations, one for the 52 small lot single-family homes situated at the central portion of the site and the second involving the 1 R2 town home units at the southeast of the site. All covenants shall be subject to City Attorney review. Utility/Drainage Easement Vacation. Easements need to be shown on the site plan. Vacation of the easements will be made a condition offinal plat approval. Grading, Drainage and Utility Plans. The preliminary plat includes proposed grading - - and drainage. Said grading. drainage plans shall be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer and Public Works Director. . 3 City Council Agenda 2/24/03 . B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS Decision One: Request for a rezone from AD to R-l, R-2A, and R-2. The Planning Commission recommended alternative #1 below. I. Motion to approve the rezoning from AO to R-l. R-2A. and R-2. based on a finding that the proposal is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. . 2. Motion to deny the request for a rezone from AO to R-1. R-2A. and R-2. based on a findi ng that the proposal is not consistent with that of the Comprehensi ve Plan. Decision Two: Request for a Planned Unit Development Conditional Use Permit. The Planning Commission recommended alternative #1 below. 1. Motion to approve the Planned Unit Development Conditional Use Permit Development Plan. subject to the following conditions: I. All lot dimensions and easements are to be shown on the site plan. . 2. The applicant should cover costs associated with improvements to Clillard Avenue. 95th Avenue ($110.000/2). and J-lague Ave. ($135.000/2) in order to support the increased traffic caused by this development. These eosts have been assembled and provided to the developer. It is likely that they will be incorporated into the assessment program for each lot. 3. The dead end on Meadow Brook Lane should be eliminated and possibly redesigned. including a connection from 95th Street to the potential frontage road. (This was done). 4. The dead end on Golden Meadow Road should be eliminated and redesigned. (This was done). 5. The standard in both ROWand paved area throughout the project is subject to comments from the City Engineer and Public Works Director. (This was done). 6. An elevation plan showing benning. fencing and landscaping along interstate 94 is to be submitted and reviewed by City staff. (Not done yet). 7. A sidewalk/trai I is to be shown on the site plan. running east/west along 95th Street. . 4 City Council Agenda 2/24/03 . 8. T'he Parks Commission recommendations relating to pathway and park land provision are met, including recommendations on grading the entrance to the Park from the ROW. (This was done). 9. Building elevations demonstrate compliance with applicable City objectives, including minimizing the impacts of street-front garage doors, a variety of roof designs, and to ensure that proper structure separation exists. (This has been provided). 10. The City approve the vacation of existing side lot line drainage and utility easements. (This needs to be processed). 11. Approval of grading and drainage issues by the City Engineer and Public Works Director. 12. Approval of grading and drainage plan as it affects Ditch 33 and the wetlands by the Wright County Soils & Conservation District. 13. Modifications of plat name and street names to assure distinct identity. This to enhance ability of emergency personnel and others to locate residences. . 14. Review and approval of plan by MnDOT. 15. Development of a plan showing variation in roof lines for the townhome development area. 16. Developer funding of sanitary sewer I in station necessary to serve site, and development of overall finance plan consistent with City policies. 17. Establishment of 1 (one) street parking space f()r every three (3) townhomes. 18. City Council acceptance of the related feasibility study outlining design and cost to serve the development. 2. Motion to deny the Planned Unit Development Conditional Use Permit Development Plan based on a finding that the proposal does not provide for a project that is superior of what would be provided under the strict regulations of the zoning ordinance. 3. Motion to table the request, subject to further study. . 5 City Council Agenda 2/24/03 . Decision Three: Request for a Preliminary Plat for Wild Meadow. The Planning Commission recommended alternative #1 below. 1. Motion to approve the Preliminary Plat for Wild Meadow as presented, suhject to approval of the PUO/CUP. 2. Motion to deny the request flw Preliminary Plat f()r Wild Meadow as presented. 3. Motion to table the request, subject to fUliher study, or table matter until draft finance plan is complete and/or requested amendments are made to the plan. c. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS . The proposed project is consistent with the intent of the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance. The proposal is also compatible with the existing land uses in the area. The applicant has made eftl1rts to mitigate the negative affects of having a tl-ceway abutting residential use and connect three distinct types of housing in an overall all master plan design. The conditions included in this report arc intended to supplement the developer's efforts in ensuring that the project results in a pleasant residential environment, and that the impacts of the tl-eeway are mitigated to the extent possihle. As such, staff recommends approval of the rezoning and both the PUD and Prclilninary Plat with the aflwelnentioncd conditions. D. SUPPORTING DATA Draft meeting minutes from 02/04/03 Planning Commission meeting Site Location Aerial Photo Preliminary Plat Site Plan - see latest preliminary plat attached Preliminary Landscape Plan Packet showing architectural renderings of homes . 6 . . . DRAFT Plann ing COIl1Il1 ission Minutes - 02/04/03 8. Public Hearing - Consideration of development stage planned unit development. re-zoning from Aericulture to R-l, R-2, and R-2A. and preliminarv plat approvall()r a residential subdivision. Applicant: Lois & Eueene Bauer; Tyler South, LLC; Virginia & Earlllusak: Mark Gergen & AssociateslBruggeman Properties, LLC Steve Grittman provided the staff report regarding the request for re-zoning and preliminary plat approval for a residential development to consist of 44 single f~Hnily lots, 53 smaller single family lots and 183 attached townhome units. He advised ofMnDOT's plan for 1-94, including a temporary bypass lane that MnDOT will construct during freeway construction. Staff feels that if the bypass is left in place it may be beneficial to traffic patterns in the area. Grittman explained that they are not sure whether MnDOT will allow the City to maintain that "frontage road", but they have asked the applicant to provide a connection to it, which they have done. Staff noted their preference that the connection be made from 95th Street. A park is located in the northeast corner of the site and the Parks Commission has reviewed the plan and concurs with the design of the plat as shown. Most comments in the staff report relate to final design details, and staff has made some comments regarding potential issues with access, although they are not aware of the City Engineer's input at this time. Staffalso requests that the design of cui de sacs meet City standards. The applicant meets minimum setback and have worked with staff to design a public street system based on ROW needs. also providing f(Jr adequate boulevard space. The typical standards used on private streets has not been adequate in the past, and Grittman noted this is an unusual arrangement from what staff has typically seen and feels it should work. This design gives it a more spacious feci as well. There was discussion regarding connection from Meadow Brook Lane and it was advised that connection is designed to allow access to a future frontage road they hope to retain from MnDOT. Chair Frie opened the public hearing. Greg Schlink, Bruggeman Homes, provided a quick history of the project, noting this is their third appearance before the Planning Commission. I Ie advised of the underground gas line casement and overhead power line easement. and described where the transition area between the single family homes and townhomes would be located. He pointed out that the small lot, single family home is consistent with the City's zoning ordinance and the plat is similar to what they had previously brought to the Planning Commission. Schlink stated the request by staff for a potential connection to a future frontage road from 951h St/Gillard Cir.. has been provided, as well as constructing a cui de sac on Mcadow Brook Lane to provide another access to the neighborhood. Regarding parkland and open space, it was noted that there is approx. 6 \IS acres to be dedicated to the City, and an additional acre of trail area to connect to the existing trail on Gillard Ave., back through the development to the townhome area and sidewalk area, and back to Haug Ave. It was also noted that staff had asked them to consider a trail along 9yh -12- 5.( Planning Commission Minutes - 02/04/03 . Street. The applicant feels these are good amenities to the project, adding that the total of 7 1; acres of park space puts them over the required amount. It was also noted that the Parks Commission did have some issues with park land. Mark Gergen, Gergen & Associates, addressed the Planning Comlnission regarding the concern in the staff report regarding park area. At a previous Parks Commission meeting they recommended moving, changing, or eliminating 3 lots, which they did, and Gergen provided a drawing eliminating those lots. Parks Commission also looked for increased park space and the applicant would like to go back with another proposal. They Inoved the trail entrance over so it would connect directly to the park. Rather than all lots being SO ft., they are willing to reduce them, while still meeting City requirements and have increased frontage and access to parks. . I3ill Schiller, 95\" Street and llaug Ave., asked for clarification or access roads which Gergen advised of. lie was concerned with increased traffic and O'Neill advised of a finance plan that would reconstruct the road and would take place possibly at the time the road needs to be reconstructed, although not at this time. O'Neill advised that they will get funding 1i-om the developer for this. There will be no access shut off, but the prospect of extending along 9yh Street fllr future frontage area. Schiller questioned the wetland and O'Neill advised of that, also noting the foundations have to meet the requirements for elevations which the City Engineer would address. He asked about Ditch 33 and O'Neill advised there are plans to reduce water in that ditch. This also has to be reviewed by the Wright County Conservation Oep!" but it looks like the grade can be modified to their satisfaction to maintain the wetland. Annexation was tabled, pending further review for water and sewer capacity, another fact that needs to be resolved prior to final approval. Corey Ilutfy, 9Y" Street, stated concerns with access and increased traffic, noting Haug Ave. is quite narrow. He feels that needs to be addressed now, versus "as needed". lie was also concerned with the value of homes proposed, noting across the street are 2 and 3 acre lots with higher value homes. Schlink responded to traffic and stated that they tried to minimize traffic by creating the internal street so much of the traffic would be maintained internally, adding that they considered this in their planning. Gergen addressed the drainage plan stating there was previous work done that redirected some of the water and they would add another 55 acres to improve that as well. He advised of the style of housing for larger single family lots, noting larger setbacks, two stories, ramblers, and splits. He felt the larger lot single family price range would be $200,000+, the townhomes would possibly be 3 difrerent styles, on the higher value end, and the small lot single ramily will be a mix of front and side loaded garages, and he felt they would be adding value by proposing row townhomes versus big box townhomes. . Keith Holmes, 9yh Street, questioned the value of the homes as well and it was advised they would be $160,000+ for the small lots, the townhomes $130,000+ . -13- 5F Planning Commission Minutes ~ 02/04/03 . Chair Frie closed the public hearing. "rhere was discussion regarding square foot standards and Grittman advised they had not yet reviewcd Hoor plans. Gergen noted they were not aware of the new standards adopted last year and O'Neill stated he would provide this information. There was further discussion regarding the pathway in the northwest corner to the southwest corner changing to sidewalk versus a continuous path. O'Nei II felt that they were trying to maintain a corridor and Schlink provided a drawing showing where the pathway stops and connects to sidewalk, noting the reason being that there really is not room to extend the pathway due to a grading issue. Dragsten felt that was a concern. Gergen added that two of the three neighborhoods would have associations and all roads would be public. Gergen advised of proposed square footages, two stories from approx. 1900 to 2400 sq. ft.; splits would range from 1100 sq. ft. on the main tloor up to 1200 to 1400 sq. ft; ramblers 13001 sq. ft. on the large lots. Small lots approx. 1000 sq. ft. on one floor, with at least 2 tloors and possibly up to 3 floors. Townhomes would be over 1500 sq it, the other design presented is approx. 1300 sq. ft., and the new design would possibly he about 1100 sq. n. . There was further discussion regarding l-1aug Ave. and the steep ditch directly to the east needing more immediate attention. Grittman added that this would be true but his guess would be that the traffic would fl1110w the internal street pattern, although Dragsten stated the townhome traffic would possibly use Haug Ave. Grittman still felt they would Jl1110w the internal pattern out to Gillard Ave. Frie asked about access/cirrculation, and notcd that this had been discussed on public record previously and that the puhlic should keep up on this issue, noting when/if thcre were concerns they should come to the City Councilor Planning Commission. Frie also addressed the growth area houndary noting that the City Engineer recommended extending water and sewer to that area. Planning Commission states that if growth is available, water and sewer should he extended to that area. There was more discussion regarding the gas I ine easement running through the park and O'Neill advised that the Parks Commission accepted that area as park land, but not park dedication as they felt it did not meet minimum standards and did not have value. O'Neill advised they were quite adamant about this. The area can be used as parks/open space. Decision One: Request for rezoning from AO to R-l, R-2A, and R-2. A MOTION WAS MADE BY ROBBIE SMITH TO APPROVE THE REZONING FROM AO TO R-l, R-2A, AND R-2, BASED ON A FINDING TIIA T THE PROPOSAL IS CONSISTENT WITH THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN. LLOYD HILGART SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOLJSL Y. . Decision Two; Request for a Planned Unit Development Conditional Use Permit. -14- 8F A MOTION WAS MADE BY ROBBIE SMITII TO APPROVE THE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT, SUBJECT TO en IE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: I. A II lot dilnensions and eascments arc to be shown on the site plan. V 2. The appl icant shou Id covcr costs associatcd with inlprovelncnts to Gi liard A vcnue, 951h ^ venuc, and Haug ^ venue in ordcr to support the increascd traffic caused by this devclopment.../' Thc dcad end on Meadow Brook Lane should bc climinatcd and possibly V"" redesigncd, and Gillard Circle should be redcsigned to allow for futurc connection to potential frontage road. The dead end on Golden Meadow Road should be elinlinatcd and redcsigned.'/ . . 10. II. 12. 13. 14. Planning Commission Minutes - 02/04/03 'I _,. 4. 5. The ROW width and pavcd area dimcnsions throughout the project arc subject to comments from the City Enginccr and Publ ic Works Dircctor. ~ An elevation plan showing bcnn ing, fcncing and landscaping along intcrstate 94 is to be submitted and revicwed by City staff. A sidewalk/trail is to be shown on thc site plan, running east/west along 951h Strect. Thc :~rks Conlin i~ recomlnendations relating to pathway and park land prOVISIon are met. Building elevations are submitted to demonstrate compliance with applicable City objectives, includ ing III in im izing the impacts of street- front garage doors and ensurc that proper structure separation exists. The City approve thc vacation of existing sidc lot line drainagc and utility easemcnts. Approval of grading and drainage issues by thc City Engineer and Public Works Director. Approval of grading and drainage plan as it affects thc wetlands by thc Wright County Soils & Conservation District. Mo.di fications of plat namc and. str~~t namc~ to assurej1>tinct identity. Adjust cui de sacs to comply WIth CIty requIrements. 6. 7. 8. 9. RICHARD CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. Decision Three: Request for a Preliminary Plat for Wild Mcadow. A MOTION WAS MADE BY LLOYD HILGART TO APPROVI.: THE PRELIMINARY PL,AT FOR WILD MEADOW, AS PRESENTED, SUBJECT TO APPROVAL OF TIlE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT. ROD DRAGSTEN SECONDED TIlE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. . -15- 5F !; ~ ~ Up ~ ... ai~ i II> 11 E 16 E ~ I ~ I ~ ii: 1_01:'" ! !! :i ~ l:' -~ l " ~ ~ "'z Hh 1 ~ III :Ii III ~! ~g c: .li! :g !ti~ j':! ;; ! il i it i Q3 i .~ l ~ !~~t j j I j ., " i ! g I ] ~ I- ~ 1-1- <:. ~ J l; l! i 0 :i 1 ji . t;' 1 d! iiJiJi! fj jJ~!m ~f! J~iaJ ,11-~-1 i" d !.fla. .~ JI}lijal iI'1 ~nj~JI I a l'lT Hi li~!'II~ iJna~1 i~ J 1 .Ii d'f af. ,J.JJI' I id )JMh , h. :i r- <l t '" ~ ;; .! ., ~ ! I;;; ~~~~~~ I , Ill." i I e ~m 9 jJli!i@Ii@ . !~n _ 8 JliK'-'-:! H -, ; ~~. v@@ _0 f~- , qlr ~ jJ!~5 glti I ~! .~- .. ~~~ ; i-I: , ," I' t-- f "' I il B Ii ~ fdd { ~ dj; i~ !# f ;z ". "i '" . fff i !i: 11'11 ~- ~ 1-.( Ifddt l iii iA~ I!:.!! ." J ; iJiI( tI , ~~~ Ii g ," Ii , In !. 111'" n I UI ~ ~ I IU .1 I \u ~ III :.. II ~ ~ ~~h I: BO'S L9(; '3'\'1 9(lYH TN .R: , ~ ,Il " '" '" ... ... N - i j~ . Ii'lll ,;1 . f 1 i~ll !J d~ J1i;Hii!1 !i Jii~Hii 'J~J, I i I) IJ;I1.h j' IJ;J1. 1.;1 i J1 j. *!lrl~i!~ ~: ~~;tlrl! 1ft! ~ ~! lJ I_~a.l i. 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IL ) ( I ", ,,:- 0014 OOL -j / i~ 2 'r~ ~ ~~~ "\ \~~r::>.,i'! i // i~ IV ' iii ,--"' ~'1;!:& \ '..t..,. "1} J/' " ZWO \ I::, "'. \.{', .....-~ --'~t '<~z '\1.'.,,:><:, rtI , \ :5;:?g /\ 1\ "'., J)\ '} , '.' _L~ ~.. ~~::>O I \ I , /j ~..., ,\ . ~ '. i · nW? ~ ~AO ~("rr /):\\ --~/ ~ 7y~./\0\~ //fj "JIll _-'~.$: ....~~ -' " I - n. , , .. , .. n~""'" / C")\>< '\ ~/ /' ,,/' ,\<\./ / \r-.. / -..<" '( , .-' (~) /' (<(-- .,'/ ,--\.0 / ,.,-, / -,,-"- / , '1: .. .. ~ / ,,- / , l1li ... ..'" ..~~c ,- ,f- , ul pI IH l f. ~. , " I l ~.. I . . . SG. City Coullcil Agenda - 2/24/03 Consideration of a request for a Development Stage PU D and Preliminary Plat for Home Depot. Applicant: Home Depot. (NAC/JO) REFERF:NCE AND BACKGROUND: At the regular meeting on 2/4/03 the Plannin~ Commission recommended approval of the PU D with the exception of the proposal to include an 80' pylon sign (sign height maximum at this location is 22'). This pylon si~n advertising Home Depot and Retail H would have a sign area of 392 sq. ft. which is twice the sign area if Home Depot and Retail B developed separate pylon signs (100 S(I. ft. per sign). Subsequent to the Planning Commission meeting, Home Depot representative reviewed the sign hei~ht and location information and indicated that a 60' si~n with the same si~n face area as proposed (392 sq. ft.) would be acceptable. If approved, this si~n would be 6' higher than the si~n approved for the Mielke PlJD some months ago. Approval of the site plan is non-controversial, except for the sign phln. A revised sign plan, not reviewed by the Planning Commission, is presented for City Council review. The Home Depot is requesting approval of a Preliminary Plat and Development Stage PUD tlwa retail facility at the southeast corner of Cedar Street and Chelsea Road. The development will include a retail store and associated parking. Two outlots are shown on the plat, including a future development pad and a potential storm water pond at the corner. The site plan reflects the approved concept plan in general layout and land use. Staff had 111ade a number of recommendations related to the development details to which the applicant is requesting changes. These include the fiJllowing: a. Reduction of parking lot size due to the likelihood that the area is overparked, and additional landscaped green space would be preferable. The applicants have retained the basic parking lot layout, however. several bays of parking at the edge of the lot have heen deleted and labeled "proof of parking". In particular, parking aisles along the east and north boundaries have heen converted to landscaping area. Staff would recommend one addition to this concept ~ the row of parking along the north west edge adjacent to Cedar Street. In this area, a right turn lane is a part of the engineering review, and would impact the parking in this area. The applicant has agreed to eliminate parking necessary to support turn lane at Cedar, but requests corresponding conversion of other landscaped areas to parking if necessary . b. . . City Council Agenda - 2/24/03 Landscaping and screening is required as noted in the staff report on the Concept PlJD. There is a substantial area devoted to green space on this site, in conformance with the 7,oning Ordinance criteria. ^ final landscape plan should be submitted to stail for review. The one area not specifically addressed on the plan would be planting areas along the front of the building ~ the current plan retains a fully paved cover in this area. The applicant has reviewed this request and supports recommended changes to thc landscape plan as noted above. c. Seasonal Outdoor Sales. Planning staff had suggested incorporating this area (located along Cedar Street) into the adjacent outdoor garden area to avoid the unsightliness of a temporary chain link display area. The applicant wishes to retain this feature. Planning staff would suggest that painted or coated chain I ink fencing (rather than galvanized fencing) be used to minimize the aesthetic impact of this area, if it is approved. The Planning Commission and applicant have agreed to the plan presented by Home Depot with the requirement that the chain link fence bc painted. d. Paving and Curbing. The concept plan report suggested alternative paving materials be used to delineate the pedestrian areas in the main driveway in front of the entrances and exits. The applicant is proposed a painted paved surLKe, rather than textured or colored alternative materials. The applicant requested a smooth surface to avoid problems relating to pushing shopping carts over uneven paving. The Planning Commission supports the applicant's request to retain smooth paving. As a final issue, the applicant has provided a signage plan that includes a 17 foot tall monument sign at the corner of Chelsea and Cedar Street, and an SO foot tall pylon sign at the corner ofChclsea and County Rd 117. The pylon sign proposed includes two sign i~1ces with a total square footage of 392 sq. ft. For perspective, in the freeway bonus area (800' from freeway) the maximum sign size is 200 sq. ft. One sign face identifies Ilome Depot and the other face identifies Retail B. The purpose of this sign is to gain exposure to the freeway. However. at this location the code says that pylon sign size is determined by the street from which it gains exposure. I n this case the street would be Chelsea. Sign height and size limits for Chelsea Road are 22' and 100 sq. fl., respectively. Overall site signage is typically required to be a maximum of 300 sq. ft, including both pylons and wall signs. Because of the extraordinary size of the building, development area (38 acres), and setback from Chelsea Road and Cedar Street, the COLlncilmay find some justification in approving a greater amount of wall signage under the PlJD. The wall identification sign "The Home Depot'. on the north facing front consists of individual letters totaling 417 sq. It. On similar Home Depot applications in other areas, this sign does not appear to be out of proportion with the building or site. 2 . City COllncil Agenda - 2/24/03 In reviewing the PUD application the Planning Commission was in support of the 17' monument sign and believed that the 417 sq. ft. building sign was acceptable. However, the Planning Commission did not recommend approval of te 80', 392 sq. ft. pylon sign. It was noted by members of the Planning Commission that development of a sign in excess of 60' should not occur without a change in the ordinance. To the Planning Commission, the superior qual ities of the site development combined with other aspects of the sign plan were not sufficient to justify development of an 80' pylon sign. In response to Planning Commission comments, Home Depot has reviewed their sign requirements and has determined that a 60' sign with the original f[lee as proposed (392 sq. ft.) would be acceptable. Home Depot also said in exchange for the 60' sign, additional pylon signs for Retail B or other uses would not be allowed to install additional pylon signs. Signage for futurc users would be limited to wall signage and handsome landscaped monument signs limited to 15 fect in height. H, ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to recommend approval of the Preliminary Plat and Dcvelopment Stage PUD, based on a finding that the proposal as presented is consistent with the City's zoning regulations. and with the intent of the pun standards. . 2. Motion to recommend approval of the Preliminary Plat and Development Stage PUD with conditions. based on a finding that changes are necessary to make the proposal consistent with the City's planning and zoning objectives. Conditions of approval may include the f()llowing: A. Provision f(n right turn lane along Cedar Street at Chelsea Road, and elimination of the row of parking in that area. Spaces removed with this requirement could be replaced with stalls taken from landscapcd proof of parking area. H. Provision of a final landscaping plan to City staff for review, including landscaping areas at the front of the building. C. Changes arc made to the Seasonal Sales area, by requiring painting of galvanized fencing. D. The revised sign package would be acceptable as proposed, based on the extraordinary size of the site and building. The height (60') and size (392 sq. ft.) of the pylon sign approved based on the overall sign program which includes consolidation of signage on one pylon, elimination of future pylon signs. to be replaced by landscapcd monument signs. Signage on future buildings requircd to be to scale on each building. . 3. Motion to recommend denial of the Prclilninary Plat and PliO, based on findings to be generated by Planning Commission at the public hearing. 3 ---'::""- - . . . City Council ^gcnda - 2/24/03 4. Motion to approve PUD with the exception of the sign plan and direct the Planning Commission to review the revised sign plan and comment C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the Plat and pun under alternative #2, with the conditions discussed ahove. The site would be enhanced by making the few improvements suggested. As with other PliO reviews, the City should make a finding that Planned Unit Development is being used to result in a design that is superior to that which would otherwise be required by the base zoning. Although there are standards that are being exceeded by this development and a there are sign design concessions in exchange for a higher sign, it may be difficult to blunt the precedent set by allowing a 60' sign at this location. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Draft minutes from 2/04/03 Planning Commission meeting Preliminary Plat Site Plan, Landscape Plan Sign Plans 4 . . . onft.FT Planning COll1mission Minutes - 02/04/03 5. Public Hearing - Consideration of a reuuest for development stage armroval of a planned unit development and preliminary plat approval for The Home Depot Addition. Applicant: Birchland Development Companv, John Lundsten, Jerry Mathwig, and Lee Parks Steve Grittman, City Planner, provided the staff report, summarizing the proposed project, noting that the request was for approval of the Home Depot portion of the project. lie advised that staff has worked extensively with the applicants. Grittman noted several ponds on the site and that the applicant's have stated that in the event that the pond in the northwest corner was found to not be needed, they would look to develop this as a commercial site, which Griuman advised would be looked at by the Planning Commission at that time. Grittman also summarized issues that were previously discussed, as well as further changes that staff has asked for such as parking lot size reduction, which the applicant has done; landscaping and screening, specifically potential landscaping in the front of the site along the building; seasonal outdoor sales area in regard to chain link display area; and paving and curbing where the applicant preferred a smooth surface to avoid problems with uneven pavement and safety issues. Grittman advised of the sign plan submitted by Home Depot for a monument sign as well as wall sign, stating the monument sign meets the requirements of the code and although the wall sign is quite large, it appears appropriate due to the size of the site. He also noted a proposed pylon sign in the northeast corner which is 392 sq. ft. and 80 ft. in height, which is larger than what is allowed by ordinance. Grittman advised the ordinance allows 200 sq. ft. and 24' feet high, 32 ft. high for freeway allowance, although he noted it does not qualify for freeway height sign allowance. Grittman added that this is not typically a sign that staIT would approve. Chair Frie then opened the public hearing. Jennifer Maxwell of Greenberg Farrow Architecture, representing Home Depot, addressed the Planning Commission regarding two issues noted in the staff report. The first being parking in regard to the addition of a right turn lane which they were not aware of previously. Maxwell noted that they were trying to eliminate some of the parking and increase the landscaping, however with the request for the turn lane to be added, they would like to keep the additional parking space. In regard to the pylon sign, Maxwell noted that due to the location of the site they were concerned with visibility from Ilwy 25 and 1-94. To maintain visibility they require a higher pylon. Maxwell noted that they had sign testing done which gave them the information on height and visibility. She also noted that this issue was not addressed in the statTreport therefore they were unaware of any staff concerns. Grittman noted that he had not noticed the pylon on the applicant's site plan at the time of his review. Grittman clarified that the height and square f()otage allowed was for one sign and if another business located at that site they would need to come back to the Planning Commission for approval. -2- 5G .~.- . Planning Commission Minutes - 02/04/03 Chair [rie then closed the public hearing. Grittman advised that the issue with the turn lane was an Engineering issue and would have to be discussed with the City Engineer. He did advise that he felt it was a potential requirement and that having parking along that side would interfere, but that was his speculation. He added that proof of parking would take care of that issue. The seasonal sale area was discussed as well and Maxwell advised that they would be open to either of the alternative's provided by stall. She clarified that the sales area is taken down when not in season, including the fencing. There was discussion regarding landscaping around the huilding entrance and front of the huilding, and Maxwell stated although it was doable, they preferred not to have an overabundance of landscaping in that area as it makes it difficult for customers llloving about that area with large items. The final landscape plan was discussed and Grittman stated it appeared to be adequate. There was fUl1her discussion on the proposed signage, stating this included the Retail B area as well. Grittman also stated that if the proposed sign plan was approved, it would include Retail B as well. . Frie asked Maxwell if they were receptive to the additional landscaping as requested in the stall report and she advised that at concept stage they were asked to reduce the parking lot size, add landscaping and proof of parking, which they did. This was prior to the request for the right turn lane and therel()[e they would prefer to reserve the additional parking at this time. O'Neill added that this matter came up when they were looking at the Cedar Street improvement project and there seems to be a solution. There was further discussion regarding building design and that the building had quite extensive wall space. O'Neill advised that there would be a drainage pond and that it would he lined. Brian Stumpf, Counci I Liaison, asked staff what the height of the highest sign on that side of town was at this time and O'Neill stated 57 ft., noting this was the sign on the Mielke property. lie added that this height was allowed due to several reasons such as consolidation of sign systems, total land area, etc. They felt the Home Depot sign was too high at 80 n. and Stumpf stated he would like to see a compromise. Frie added that the application flJr a pun allows them some flexibility in exchange f()r a superior design and that could he taken into consideration as well. A MOTION WAS MADE BY DICK FRIE TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF 'n IE PRELIMINARY PLAT AND DEVELOPMENT STAGE PUD, WITII CONDITIONS STATED BELOW, BASED ON A fINDING THAT THE CHANGI.:S ARE NECESSARY TO MAKE THE PROPOSAL CONSISTENT WITH THE CITY'S PLANNING AND ZONING OBJECTIVES. b, Provision for right turn lane along Cedar St. at Chelsea Road. Provision of a final landscaping plan to City staff for review. Changes are made to the Seasonal Sales area, by either incorporating it into the Garden Center area, or alternative enclosures that avoid galvanized a. . c. -3- 5C, . Planning C0ll11nission Minutes - 02/04/03 d. fencing. The sign package would be acceptable as proposed, based on the extraordinary size of the site and building.(Sign package docs not include the latest pylon sign. This needs to be taken into consideration between stafl and applicant). ROD DRAGSTEN SECONDED THE MOTION. There was further discussion on how to procced with pylon sign issue. O'Neill advised that the Planning Commission could request staff to work with the applicant, determining minimum height required, not to exceed 60 ft. This would keep the project moving forward. Maxwell advised that the sign testing did determine a height where the sign wou"ld no longer be visible and she would provide that information to staff. Frie asked Council Liaison Stumpf if he felt the City Council would feel comfortable with directing staff to work with the applicant, and Stumpf felt they would be. . Maxwell stated she did not feci that they had visibility at 60ft. and O'Neill asked about location of the pylon sign on the site in regard to visibility. Maxwell stated the northeast corner gave them the best visibility. Frie asked if the applicant was aware of the sign height ordinance and Maxwell stated they were and that is the reason they applied for a PUD which would allow them flexibility. O'Neill asked about distance and height and Maxwell stated that possibly visibility from 1/4 mile would be acceptable, but she would have to consult with their realtor. O'Neill stated perhaps the Planning Commission could give them that flexibility. Smith and Dragsten both felt that they need to work within their sign ordinance. O'Neill also added that regarding texture of the surface regarding pedestrian areas, staf1" agreed with the applicant on a smooth surface as well. TIIERE HEING NO FURTIIER DISCUSSION, MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. A McrrloN WAS MADE BY ROBBIE SMITI I TO DENY APPROVAL OF THE 80 FOOT PYLON SIGN. ROD DRAGSTEN SECONDED THE MOTION. There was further discussion to have the sign issue come back before the Planning Commission. Grittman stated that would work, but that he was not sure that the Planning Commission would be comfortable with allowing the sign to be higher. Grittman also stated that it was his oversight and not the applicant's. Dragsten added that he would not be comfortable going over 60 teet and Smith added that he felt the City should do the study on sign height. Frie added that they would not have to amend the ordinance as this is a PlJD. . ROHBIE SMITH AMENDED THE MOTION TO ALLOW STAFF FLEXIBILITY, NOT TO EXCEED 60 FEET IN HEIGHT, AND TO COME BACK TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION fOR APPROVAL. ROD DRAGSTEN SECONDED TIlE MOTION. -4- 5(; -~ --."--- - . Planning COll1fllission Minutes - 02/04103 There again was discussion that if it was determined that 60 feet was not sufficient for the applicant, the Planning Commission would need to look at possibly amending the sign ordinance. THERE BEING NO FURTIIER DISCUSSION, THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. . . -5- 50 ~.. ........ ~_~_I~ ~1/1''''t II.>>. f'tIo, ... Q2 i ~ ~ ~ S,d .;jr.1 ~!~}a iah<l ~~~:g _,I: ..~ jlH~ ~~u g~!o1 &j; o ~ " l1> :1 ~-t 8:m ::Eo <II 3 ~CD 00 C <II ,,"0 0.0 ","" "'c ;uill :)' ... ~ ... . " !' ~ ~; ii Ii i;; : ~~ "1:1 J:" i , II gl:l!ilil ~ i ~. l'!i~~lK ' . Ji .:I" i . '" 'i~ It,,~ ~ 1 t~ .~ lIla " E OA ~~ h 1 2 ~fi ~ " ~ ~~. S ~g ~~ ! ! M! '"I :1 '" " ~ J !iii ~~i. ~~il ~ mpl,;:; I!;!;~:. ;;; i ~;~ i [ Ut; :;11 ~ Ihl~~! 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IT I I 0 I <0 0 Co Co N OI I <( ~O . E -g -g B Exm2l~ ~ ~.!; co 0 -_roE-.": eJ)c::l-l<:- w&i:1;jrl .~ L() ~:o 13 E!~mE8 E)?2oeJ) :JtsE~~ ~ ,.; J'1 :>. ~ c: ~ E CIl '" :0 l!: ,.... 2:O;::roO ,.... ro:l~U~ C\I j~~&~~~ ~.81{3E~'5~ :0 eJ) '8 :: E o,~ ro..2leJ)~o,*:l U::::J ~-cr al~j 'I~~ ,~i:j!!~ :\6~"'..c: ""'~ ~'~Ej i~ . E '~ Q) OJ 'w .0 Q) en CO ' .o..c en E 'c :::J1.t:: ,f; Q) ED.. :::Jo.. Ci:it5 .-: U- ti r.n N to. ...J t:! o .... ~ 11 ~ H~p~~hll WB."~ l ~ Hi~H~ih U'] i~ I~~i 5~,~H~~i~M l!~.HIHj '.= ~ i ~ ~ ~.i~ 81 .8 ,,~," 1'" . 1':& ..~Hd' ! :g o N en ...... ~NN ogg ::::~~ 8~N "-g ~ N 0-- ~-i:i-i:i , .. " Cl 'g'~ ~U~ ""g ~~~ o ~ r;r; =-~~ ~-s::: Q ]..... ~U:; e _'>J ... o '"'Q 0 == ~ ~ Cl .~ .cO= ~~O K:; I';C II Q) OJ CO c OJ U5 o - 0.."- Q) II 0_ Q) - E.::t 0"- I OJ Q)Ci:i ..c () I-Cf) ] 8 ~ ~ ~ ] '" "" := ~ ~ it( J: ~ ~ ~ t; ~ g ~ .~:( ~ ~ Zg-;2;2 :goS~~ N C ..,. ..,. """ 0 ~ ~ (/) G iff 5 u 50 . City Council Agenda - 02/24/03 5H. Consideration of adoptin2: a resolution establishing a negative declaration of the need for an EIS (Environmentallmnaet Statement) resuItin2: from the Home Depot/Retail B development. (.TO) REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND City Council is asked to review the attached report on the results of the EA W process submitted by WSB & Associates and consider adopting a resolution stating that there is no need to complete an Environmental Assessment Worksheet. The attached contains information regarding the Ilome Depot Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EA W). The public comment period for the EA Wended February 19.2003. The purpose of this EA W is to identify potential environmental impacts associated with the development and determine whether or not an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is required. An EIS is a more extensive environmental review process. . Please note that a letter was received on Friday from MnDOT relating to the EA W. The letter provides input on intersection design for intersections that will impact the Ilighway 25 traffic patterns. MnDOT comments were not provided in time fiJr them to be addressed in the written report, however the City Engineer will address the comments at the City Council meeting if desired by Council. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS 1. Motion adopting a resolution establishing a negative declaration of the need for an Environmental Impact Statement resulting from the I lame Depot/Retail I3 development. 2. Motion denying adoption ofa resolution establishing a negative declaration of the need Jor an Environmental Impact Statement resulting from the Home Depot/Retail B development. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The City Administrator recommends alternative 1. It is our determination that this project's potential environmental impacts can be addressed through the prel iminary plat and permitting process, and therefor an EIS is not required. SUPPORTING DATA . EA W report submitted by WSB Faxed comments from MnDOT ... WSB .Ociates, Inc. Memorandum To: Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Monticello From: Bret Weiss, P.E., City Engineer WSB & Associates, Inc. Date: February 24, 2003 Re: The Home Depot Retail Center EA W WSB Project No. 1488-03 The public comment period for The Home Depot Retail Center Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EA W) ended February 19,2003. The purpose of this EA W is to identify potential environmental impacts and determine whether or not an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is required. An EIS is a more extensive environmental review process. Determining whether or not as EIS is needed does not relate to providing approval or denial for the project. Enclosed, please find the following items for your review relating to this EA W: · Draft memo dated February 21,2003 to the review agencies responding to comments recei ved on the EA W (hereby referred to as comment/response memo). This memo restates the agencies' comments and then responds to each issue. · The Findings of Fact on the need for an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). · A copy of the agencies' comment letters. · Draft Resolution relating to a Negative Declaration of Need. This resolution could be used or the Council could create something different. It is provided here for your review and use, if the Council so chooses. The decision before the City Council regarding the EA W is to decide whether or not the project has the potential for significant environmental impacts that cannot be addressed through the preliminary plat. It is our determination that this project's potential environmental impacts can be addressed through the preliminary plat and permitting process, and therefore an EIS is not required. If you have any questions after reviewing this information, please feel free to call me at (763)287 -7190 or discuss the items at the February 24, 2003 Council meeting. cc: Jeff O'Neill, City of Monticello 5tt M' I' St CI dEl 0 t.t E I F:\WPWIMI488.0.NJ22/03-councllme/IUJ,doc Inneapo IS, , OU ,qua ppor unl y mp oyer F.. F ." ..... ..... lIE:.: - .. F.. .-.~ ." ." R:::.. .... ..... ." ~. E: ... ... .. .. F . ..,.. IE: F .'. ..... A WSB .Ociates, Inc. , ","', !~:,. '.:;:, ' " :' /',:'::,: >':-:':', :\'::; ",,:," ""i" :\;::::':.:::,",.,,:'::::::::'X:":::::::' "":.""::::,,, 415061~~~;.. ...... .,T ." ..... .. Memorandum IE - Colleen Allen, Wright SWCD .' Bret Weiss, P.E., WSB & Associates Jeff O'Neill, City of Monticello February 24, 2003 The Home Depot Retail Development EA W WSB Project No. 1488-03 ...... .....- ." Enclosed, please find responses to comments received as part of the EA W process for the Groveland Development in Monticello, MN. Comments were received from the Wright Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD). A copy of the comments received is include for your information. ." ..... Comment from the Wrhzht SWCD .... Comment #1: I have reviewed the EA W for The Home Depot Retail Center and I have no objections to the development. I do however have a suggestion for improvement. ..... ." I would like to encourage the city and the developer to investigate opportunities for water infiltration. As is common for this type of development, most of the site will be converted from a pervious condition to an impervious condition, significantly reducing infiltration to ground water. This site appears to have significant potential for incorporation of Low Impact Development practices that would increase infiltration and reduce runoff from the site. Examples include vegetated swales, rainwater gardens, infiltration areas, and permeable pavement. Our office would be happy to work with anyone interested in these or other techniques. ." IF" .. Response: The City of Monticello will take these suggestions into consideration during the preliminary and final plat review process of this site. ... .. . This concludes the responses to comments generated by The Home Depot Retail Center EA W. If you have questions, please contact Bret Weiss at (763)287-7190 or Jeff O'Neill at (763)295-2711. .....- Membii~I...~ljl1way cc: . ~ Jeff O'Neill, City of Monticello Bret Weiss, WSB & Associates, Inc. E .....- S~ .. R:". F:\WPWIN\1488-03\021703comment. wpd Minneapolis. Sl. Cloud. Equal Opportunity Employer . RESOLUTION 2003-_ RESOLUTION ISSUING A NEGATIVE DECLARATION OF NEED WHEREAS, the preparation of The Home Depot EA Wand comments received on the EA W have generated information adequate to detennine whether the proposed retail development has the potential for significant environmental impacts; and WHEREAS, the EA W has identified areas where the potential for significant environmental effects exist, but appropriate measures have or will be incorporated into the project plan and/or permits to reasonably mitigate these impacts; and WHEREAS, The Home Depot Retail Development project is expected to comply with all the City of Monticello and review agency standards; and WHEREAS, based on the criteria established in Minnesota R. 4410.1700, the project does not have the potential for significant environmental effects; and WHEREAS, based on the Findings of Fact and Conclusions, the project does not have the potential for significant environmental impacts. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the City of Monticello has determined that an . Environmental Impact Statement is not required. Adopted by the Monticello City Council this 24th day of February, 2003. Mayor ATTEST: City Administrator . 5~ F:\ WPWIM1488-0J\Resolution.doc . CITY OF MONTICELLO In the matter of the Decision on the Need for an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for The Home Depot Retail Center in Monticello, MN FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS The Home Depot proposes to construct a Home Depot Store in conjunction with other retail enterprises on a 35.3 acre site located between County Road 117 and Cedar Street in Monticello, Minnesota. Pursuant to Minnesota R. 4410.4300, subp. 14, the City of Monticello has prepared an Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EA W) for this proposed project. As to the need for an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) on the project and based on the record in this matter, including the EA Wand comments received, the City of Monticello makes the following Findings of Fact and Conclusions: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. PROJECT DESCRIPTION A. Project The proposed project involves construction of The Home Depot and other retail stores on 35.3 acres. The total proposed square footage of building area is 341,296 ft2. It is also anticipated that some roadway improvements will be undertaken in conjunction with the site development to accommodate increased traffic in and around this area. Two ponding areas for stormwater management are proposed as well as some open space for landscaping. . B. Project Site The proposed project is located within a 35.3 acre area south of Chelsea Road between Cedar Street and County Road 117 and south ofInterstate 94 in the Monticello, MN, within the NWl/4 of Section 14, T121N, R25W. The site currently contains 34.4 acres of cropland and 0.9 acres of a residence and lawn. No wetlands or wooded areas are present within the site. II. PROJECT HISTORY A. The project was subject to the mandatory preparation of an EA Wunder Minnesota R. 4410.4300 subp. 14. B. An EA W was prepared for the proposed project and distributed to the Environmental Quality Board (EQB) mailing list and other interested parties on January 13,2003. . C. A public notice containing information about the availability of the EA W for public review was published in the Monticello Times on January 16th, 2003. 5K D. The EA W was noticed in the January 20,2003 EQB Monitor. The public comment period ended February 19,2003. Comments were received from the Wright Soil and Water Conservation District Copies of these letters are hereby incorporated by reference. Responses to the comments are also incorporated by reference. . III. CRITERIA FOR DETERMINING THE POTENTIAL FOR SIGNIFICANT ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS. Minnesota R. 4410.1700, subp. 1 states that "an EIS shall be ordered for projects that have the potential for significant environmental affects." In deciding whether a project has the potential for significant environmental affects, the City of Monticello must consider the four factors set out in Minnesota R. 4410.1700, subp. 7. With respect to each of these factors, the City finds as follows: A. TYPE, EXTENT, AND REVERSIBILITY OF ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS The first factor that the City must consider is "type, extent and reversibility of environmental effects", Minnesota R. 4410.1700, subp. 7.A. The City's findings with respect to each of these issues are set forth below. 1. The type of environmental impacts and mitigation efforts anticipated as part of this project include: . a. Increased Stormwater Runoff Rate, Volume and Runoff Pollutants: This impact will be mitigated through the use of treatment basins on site to remove pollutants and restrict the runoff rate to 8 cfs from this site. The receiving ponds on-site and downstream are designed to accommodate development within this area. b. Increased Water Use and Sanitary Sewer Flows: The development proposes to use 35,000 gallons of water per day. The City of Monticello has a new well designated for construction 0.5 miles northeast of this site within the next 1 to 2 years. The City's Wastewater Treatment Facility has adequate capacity to handle sewage volumes from this site. However, improvements will be needed to increase wet well capacity at the station to allow proper cycling of the pumps and eliminate the opportunity of pump overflow. c. Traffic Impacts: Immediate improvement to roadways concurrent with development of this site will be needed to accommodate increased traffic in this area. . . 2. The extent and reversibility of environmental impacts are consistent with those of commercial development. B. CUMULATIVE POTENTIAL EFFECTS OF RELATED OR ANTICIPATED FUTURE PROJECTS The second factor that the City must consider is the "cumulative potential effects of related or anticipated future projects", Minnesota R. 4410.1700 subp.7.B. The City's findings with respect to this factor are set forth below. 1. The Home Depot Retail Development is consistent with the City's zoning plan for this area which designates it as Highway Business. No future projects are associated with this development. There is residential and commercial development located west and north of the proposed development. It is anticipated that the existing agricultural area south of The Home Depot site will develop into commercial uses in the future, although no specific plans have been outlined to date. The area east of the development is zoned for light industrial. . The effects of these developments will be increased stormwater runoff, increased water use, increased wastewater discharge, increased traffic, and conversion of open space to developed space. Increased stormwater will be addressed through on-site treatment and the use of the regional ponds. The City of Monticello's new well will be functioning within 1 to 2 years and will accommodate the water use in the area. The City of Monticello's Wastewater Treatment Facility will be able to accommodate this development, however, improvements will be needed to increase the wet well capacity at the station to allow proper cycling ofthe pumps and eliminate the opportunity of pump overflow. C. THE EXTENT TO WHICH ENVIRONMENTAL AFFECTS ARE SUBJECT TO MITIGATION BY ONGOING PUBLIC REGULATORY AUTHORITY 1. The following permits or approvals will be required for the project: Unit of Government Federal: EPA Permit! Approval Required . Notification for Underground Storage Tanks (if gas station is built) State: MPCA NPDES Permit . County: Wright County County Road Access City/Local: Monticello Monticello Plat Approval Building Approval 2. The City finds that the potential environmental impacts of the project are subject to mitigation by ongoing regulatory authorities such that an EIS need not be prepared. D. THE EXTENT TO WHICH ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS CAN BE ANTICIPATED AND CONTROLLED AS A RESULT OF OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES UNDERTAKEN BY PUBLIC AGENCIES OR THE PROJECT PROPOSER, OR OF EISs PREVIOUSLY PREPARED ON SIMILAR PROJECTS. The fourth factor that the City must consider is "the extent to which environmental effects can be anticipated and controlled as a result of other environmental studies undertaken by public agencies or the project proposer, or ofEISs previously prepared on similar projects," Minnesota R. 4700.1700, subp.7.D. The City's findings with respect to this factor are set forth below: . The environmental impacts of the proposed project have been anticipated in the following plans prepared by the City: 1. City of Monticello Comprehensive Plan 2. City of Monticello Comprehensive Stormwater Management Plan 3. City of Montcello Transportation Plan The City finds that the environmental effects of the project can be anticipated and controlled as a result of the environmental review, planning, and permitting processes. CONCLUSIONS The preparation of The Home Depot Retail Center EA Wand comments received on the EA W has generated information adequate to determine whether the proposed facility has the potential for significant environmental effects. The EA W has identified areas where the potential for significant environmental effects exist, but appropriate measures have or will be incorporated into the project plan and/or . . permits to mitigate these effects. The Home Depot Retail Center is anticipated to comply with all City of Monticello standards and review agency standards. Based on the criteria established in Minnesota R. 4410.1700, the project does not have the potential for significant environmental effects. Based on the Findings of Fact and Conclusions, the project does not have the potential for significant environmental impacts. An Environmental Impact Statement is not required. . . . . . FEB-10-2003 11:16 WSB & ASSOCIATES 7635411700 P.01/01 02-10-03 04: 13PM FROM BFFALO CON OFFICE PO I. WRIGHT SOIL AND WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT 30Ge Brighton Avenue Buffalo, Mlnneaota 55313 Telephone (612) 682-1933 682-1970 Fax (612)682-0262 Febru81'Y 10. 2003 Jeff O'Neill, Deputy Administrator City of Monticello 50S Walnut Street, Suite 1 ~onticcl~o,~ 55362 Dear Mr. O'Neill: I have reviewed the EA W fot The Home Depot Retail Center and I have no objections to the development. I do however have a suggestion for improvement. I would like to encourage the city and the developer to investigate opportunities for water infiltration. As is common for this type of development. most of the site will be converted from a pervious condition to an ilnpervious condition, sianificantly reducing infiltration to ground water. This site appears to have significant potential for incorporation of Low Impact Development practices that would increase infiltration and reduce runoff' from the site. Examples inelude vegetated swales, rainwater gardens. infiltration areas, and permeable pavement. Our office would be happy to work with anyone interested in these or other techniques. Thank you for tbe opportunity to comment and feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns. Sincerely. ~~ Colleen Allen Resource CODM1'V8tionist C//- ~ ,McFPa:tf- W5B TOTAL P.01 #2795 p.001/002 x. FEB.2l '2003 09:59 3202036089 MNDOT ST CLOUD ~ljl ;=;e;~;~;;;~ District 3B 3725 12th Street North st. Cloud. MN 56303-2130 Fax: (320) 203-6089 DATE: 2/'" lo~ TO: Jt f.{ (J'M'; II FAX NO: "7(,~ - ;l ~<- 4'-J.OtJ PAGES: ,; , I"...,C ILJ.~" CDt/'f.' S. J.~<t!-t FROM: f2-r 4-""PL-r~, 1) lA. ,.......0"" + 1--/0",... e. ~pof- {,~ . SUBJECT: , ,,-' d fA. rA b /61 J "l1.tI.. ivt..t- , /J.JA. ~ ..J- rf If f I z.4, /,VI/L fY'l; 'S \A ""loA.... rc. ~ pUI/IS.L (JtlYIJO'~.Y/..L~ &lY'Ilnvr/!S . 6H FEB.21'2003 10:00 3202036089 MNDOT ST CLOUD #2795 P.002l002 ~~ Minnesota Department of Transportation ~EI;\, Transportation District 3 3725 121h Street North 1't>>~ St. Cloud. MN 56303-2130 Office Tel: 320/654-5134 Fax: 320/203-6089 February 19, 2003 Mr. Jeff O'Neill Deputy Administrator - City of Monticello 505 Walnut Avenue Montlcetlo, MN 55362-8822 RE: The Home Depot Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EAW) Dear Mr. O'Neill: . The Minnesota Department of Transportation has reviewed the Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EAW) for the Home Depot Development near TH 25 in Monticello and offers the following comments: Section 21 Traffic ShOWS trip generation for the proposed development. Were linked trips considered in the generation numbers? It is possible that some vehicles would stop at each of the three businesses on a single trip to the development. The traffic analysis shows a large volume of S8 TH 25 traffic turning left at Chelsea Road. Please address the potential need for a lengthened left turn lane or dua/left turn lanes on 5B TH 25. Vehicles are currently making the prohibited left-out movement from Dundas Road to 5B TH 25. The city should install directional channelization on Dundas Road to prevent the left-out movement. The document discusses a future signal at TH 25 and School Boulevard, but the traffic analysIs did not indude this intersection. Please expand the traffic analysis to Include the intersection. According to the traffic analysis. the intersection of Chelsea Road and Cedar Street will experience 460 left tums from NB cecrsr to we Chelsea during the peak hour. The document notes a two-way stop, a four-way stop and a traffic signal at this intersection. Please specifically model this intersection to document how the traffic will queue, and lhe potential impacts of the queue to TH 25. The traffic analysis shows a LOS D at the junction of TH 25 and Chelsea Road when the development reached full build-out. Please expand the analysis to show projected traffic levels five years after full bulld-out. This letter represents a review by the Baxter & St. Cloud Mn/OOT offices. Other concerns raised by a wider Mn/OOT review may be forwarded to you under separate letter. Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the project. Sincerely, (Jat( tit ~ D """",err f Claudia Dumont SenIor Transportation Pranner . cc: CS 8605 Jennifer Maxwell, The Home Depot. Greenberg Farrow Architecture (proposer) Gary Dinam. Baxter An equal opportunity employer 5~ . . . City Council Agenda - 02/24/03 51. Order Public Hearin2 for the Construction of Cedar Street from Chelsea Road to Kiellber2's East Park (City Project No. 2002-06C) and the Construction of Dundas Road from Cedar Street to County Road 117 (WSB) A. RI~FERENCE AND BACKGROUND: With the pending commercial development projects proposed along Cedar Street, the City Council authorized the construction and reconstruction of Cedar Street fronl Chelsea Road to Kjellberg's East Park. In addition, Dundas Road from its current termination just east of Cedar Street to County Road 117 is also planned for construction. The construction of this segment of Cedar Street to School I30ulevard will provide a critical link in the frontage road on the east side of Trunk Highway 25. Portions of this project have been petitioned for by the proposed developers while other areas are anticipated to be assessed to the benefitting property owners. I n order to complete the assessments for this project and to sell bonds to finance the construction, it is required to have the City Council conduct a public hearing. We arc requesting to hold the public hearing fix these projects on March 10, 2003 at the regular City Council meeting. B. AL TEI{NA TIVE ACTIONS: 1. Order the public hearing lor the Cedar Street and Dundas Road street construction projects for March 10,2003. 2. Order the public hearing for the Cedar Street and Dundas Road street construction projects for a date to be named by the City Council. 3. Do not order a public hearing at this time. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Engineer that the Council authorize the public hearing f(Jr March 10, 2003 so these projects can stay on schedule. D. SUPPORTING DATA: None I"."'("()/If.'/I}.\"",'j'd'l/".I!/'f..'d.d/}( . . . B. City Council Agenda - 02/24/03 5.1. Accept Feasibility Report and Order Plans and Specs for Groveland 4th Addition (City Proiect No. 2002-09C). (WSH) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Included in your packet is a copy of the Feasibility Report lor construction of streets and utilities for the above-referenced subdivision. This is the fourth and final plat for the Grovcland Addition and consists of 82 residential lots and two cOlllmercial properties. The plat is somewhat different than what was originally proposed due to the request from the City to provide a connection from Groveland 41h Addition to Prairie Ponds and ultimately School Boulevard in the southeast corner of the site. This revision resulted in the creation of two commercial lots located in the southeast corner and removed the proposed street access to the Remmele site that was originally proposed. This project includes a temporary cul-de-sac in the southwest corner of the site that will be removed once School Boulevard is extended to that location. All of the proposed costs identified in the feasibility Report will be funded by the developer, with the exception of the City contribution for the trunk storm sewer outlet pipes. The developer originally had proposed to follow the public bidding process and provided a deposit lor completion of the Feasibility Report and plans and specifications or this project. Due to their recent desire to start construction of the streets and utilities earlier than would be allowed with a public bid project. he has requested that the design be completed by the City but be constructed by his contractor. The contractor he has selected is the same contractor who has completed all of the work in this developtllent previously and is one that is acceptable to City Staff. All of the appropriate financial issues would be addressed in the Developer's Agreement. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Accept Feasibil ity Report and order the preparation of the plans and specifications. 2. Accept Feasibility Report; do not order the plans and specifications. 3. Do not accept Feasibility Report. C. STAFF RECOMMI~NDATION: D. It is the recommendation of the City Engineer that the City aceeptthe Feasibility Report and order the preparation of plans and specifications as outlined under alternative number 1. SUPPORTING DATA: Feasibility Report f."."('(J:'I.\/()A'I(il'!!\'/'lilll/l-Illld()(',du( . . . 5K. A. City Council Agenda - 02/24/03 Accept Feasibility Report for the Wild Meadow Sanitary Sewer and Watermain Study (City Proiect No. 2002-04P). (WSB) REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Attached is a copy of the feasibility Report for the above~refereneed project. This study was authorized to address issues related to the proposed development of the Bruggeman Homes Wild Meadow development located in the northeast quadrant of the City of Monticello. The study was necessary to determine if sanitary sewer capacity was available and what modifications to the watermain system would be necessary to accommodate the anticipated water use and fire flow capability. The report identifies that the development is viable with modifications to the sanitary sewer and watermain systems to accommodate capacity and fire flow issues. These modifications include the extension of a watermain loop from the Meadow Oaks development to this area. This connection is necessary to provide enhanced fire protection to this area, with or without the proposed development. The sanitary sewer analysis assumed the construction of a lift: station that would discharge to Gillard A venue. future improvements to downstream systems will be necessary as the development proceeds. A separate analysis is being completed to determine if a gravity solution can be determined. The presentation of the report will be provided at the meeting. No action is required other than accepting the Feasibility Report at this time. Upon development of this site and approval of the development, a schedule will need to be identified for the necessary improvements. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. ^ccept the Feasibility Report. 2. Do not accept the Feasibility Report. C. ST AFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Engineer that the Report be accepted as presented. The City Staff will need to continue to monitor the development to determine when the recommended improvements are necessary to be completed. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Feasibility Report j.".",('():\Ii\/().\",ll"ildllll'i1dl/\l',do/ . 8. Financial and usa~e presentation for Community Center 2002 (KB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The financial statements for the City of Monticello are as yet unaudited, however, the Advisory Board felt that an overview of the 2002 Community Center operations would be of interest to the City Council. I thought it might be appropriate to go through the services provided by the Community Center. For example, the facility usage figures, that would include specific areas such as the Wheel Parks, our classes and activities, Banquet Hall, Party Room, Walking Track, etc. I'm anxious to show you in this presentation how the facility is being used and enjoyed by a lot of people in a lot of different ways. I am open to any questions you might have and hopefully I'll be prepared for them! B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: N/A C. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: N/A . D. 1. 2. SUPPORTING DATA: Daily use summary 2002 broken out by month and area Memberships sold in 2002 by 2002 . ~-_.~"-~"--~ . en I: ~ 3 ;:+ 3 ~lll [;-<! '< a. ""00 III (\l ;:+ en '< ;:J ::U9., (\l ;:J !ii Cil I S" o C- o. m C,..l ;:J NO C,..l ;:J NW- Co 0 0.= ~"~ ;:J I: N !!!" O;:J 0(0 N(j) ;:J Iii Cil . r;; 13 ""0 III en en en 0 s: -l )> r.- r.- 5: 0 @ l:; l:; III r:< ;:J '< ~ l:; CD r- !a. ...... ./:>. I\J W OJ 0) ./:>. 0) 0) 0 C)""O OJ III _" en ,<"en . ........... 00> 1\J0> ...... ..... /Xj ...... o CD _...... C,..l co 0) - - --J~t OONO> o w o I 0 Z 0 en }> c.... c.... 5: }> 5: "TI ~II m 0 () m c c c }> ""0 }> m () < --l ""0 G) r Z -< ::u :::0 OJ --l -< m , ;:0 ISl:i ..... I (J'l .j>.. C,..l ..... -.j ~ 0> .j>.. 0> ..... -...J -...J CD -...J C,..l -...J ...... CD (J'l (J'l ...... OJ 0 .j>.. .j>.. CD CD CD co CD N CD CD ...... ...... ..... -...J ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... N ...... ..... w ..... C,..l 0 (J'l (J'l C,..l C,..l co (J'l CD OJ -...J N (J'l ~ (J'l ~ (J'l t 0> .j>.. N W 0> 0> CD C,..l 0> OJ (J'l .j>.. -...J (J'l .j>.. co "1,::.,,::i.,: N ...... ...... ...... ...... N ...... ...... 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O)W COCO 0) CO CO-..J 0> 0> "'tl > (J) (J) (J) c: s: s: > ;::u -< l\) o o l\) . . . City Council Agenda - 2/24/03 9. Consideration of a reQuest for a Development Sta2c PUD. Preliminary Plat. and Rczoninl! to R-IA and R-2 for Spirit Hills. Apolicant: Maplewood Development. (NAC) REFERi':NCE AND BACKGROUND The Planning Commission revicwed the plan and rccommended approval subject to conditions notcd in the draft mceting minutes. In addition. thc Parks Commission has reviewed and supports the park and trail plan for thc area. Maplewood Development is requesting approval of zoning and subdivision applications to create Spirit Hills, a development consisting of 50 single family lots and 100 attached multiple family units on two parcels ofland along Fenning Avenue NE. The single family portion of the project would be zoned R-l A, and is located south of the Monte Club, and abuts the Wildwood Ridge Development to the east. This proposal also abuts the proposed Hillside farms single family plat (also on this Council Agenda) on the south. The multiple family portion of the project is located at the southeast corner of Fenning and County Ilighway 18, consisting of 13 buildings. Two buildings contain six units, and 11 buildings contain eight units. This project received a recommendation of approval from the Planning Commission, with several conditions relating to site layout and engineering requirements. Single Familv Develorment The applicants have revised their plans in an effort to address some of these concerns. On the single family portion, statT review indicates that only the following issues appear to remam: j 1. . \\~I \ nYf1 ~J 2. Access street alignment (1). The street which provides access to the project from Fenning Avenue should be straightened. While much of the project relies on curving streets to affect views and sight lines, this short section of street would not appear to benefit from the curve shown on the plans, and would be safer with a straight alignment. Access street alignment (2). The street which provides access between this project and Wildwood Ridge in the northeast corner of the site needs to be aligned to match Wildwood Boulevard. The current design appears to create a mismatch of the street centerlines, although the existing Wildwood Boulevard is not shown on the drawings. It would appear that the design needs to angle more to the northeast to match the existing street design. J The applicant is proposing islands within cornered half cul-de-sacs in the northwest and southeast portions of the pIal. The right-or-way provided is " .), City COllnci I Agenda - 2/24/03 . adequate, however, the radius of the outside curb line needs to he increased by 5 feet, along with an increase in the radius of the island to provide for better snow , tf~ plow turning movements. With these changes, the design would meet the J \^ pII!( minimum recommendations of City staff. G ~~ Sidewalk connections. In the northeast corner of the plat. the sidewalk should be \~y <1" extended m Wildwood Boulevard to WIldwood Way. \] .~ 5. Pathway connection. In the northeast corner of Outlet B, the applicant will need ~ to provide a triangular pathway easement to provide access from a pathway that leads from Wildwood Ridge to the City's Water Tower park area. n{; 6. Grading. The City Engineer is still reviewing grading plans in more detail. however, the plans have been drawn to address a number of the concerns noted in previous proposals. Townhouse Development . Several issues remain in this portion of the project. Staff has previously stated its concern over the back to back arrangement of these structures, resulting in the need to create a very large, flat grading pad out of a steeply sloped site. If the City Council believes that the project should proceed with this design, the fc)llowing conditions should be considered as additional changes to the proposed plans: 1. Garbage/Service vehicle access. Many of the driveways serving the individual units are dead-end stub roads, making service access a problem. The applicant has suggested that the residents would be required to wheel indi vidual garbage containers out to the nearest through street fiJr automated pick up. No details have been provided that would account for this arrangement. Sta1T would suggest either community garbage containers with appropriate screening, or turn-around access at the end of each of the dead-end driveways. 2. Private drive width. The through-street private drives are shown as 28 feet wide, back of curb to back of curb. StaIT has recommended 28 feet, measured fllCe to face. 3. Private drive alignment. The private driveways serving buildings 4 through 7 in the northeast corner of the site should be aligned to avoid the onset design from east to west as currently shown. 4. Pathway along County 18. The plans show a pathway along the north side of the project within the County Highway 18 right of way. The City had previously acquired an easement outside of the right of way to accommodate this pathway, . 2 City COLlnci I Agenda - 2/24/03 . which is already graded. Wright County will not permit the pathway within the right of way. The site needs to be redesigned to accommodate the pathway within the casement, and to move the driveways and retaining walls away from the pathway to meet engineering approval. 5. Pathway to south. The pathway from the south needs to tcrminate at the public street near the corner of the street, rather than along the mid-point of the street as proposed. The proposed design is a result of the significant grading necessary to accommodate the unit and building designs. 6. Visitor parking. The plans need to show at least one parking stall per three units to provide for overflow guest parking, scattered throughout the project, a total of 34 spaces. Just 28 such spaces are shown on the plan, with one of those extending into the County Highway 18 right of way. The plans should be revised accordingl y. 7. General comments. Staff's concerns with the portion of the proposal relate to exposure of the interior units (no rear windows or private open space as in a row- style townhouse), exceptional amounts of grading to accommodate the project (retaining walls of up to 16 feet arc shown, with many of 10 feet high or more), and the high degree of pavement and driveways necessary to accommodate these buildings on this site. . In staff's opinion, the neighborhood may not be a pleasant place to live, particularly during wintcr months when sun light is low, and the high retaining walls bloek sun access to the south, or during summer when the sun is high, but the great amounts of paving limit most units' views of green space. The applicants argue that the two areas of open space in the design (the pond at the northwest corner, and the hill on the southeast corner, result in a relatively high overall amount of green space in the project. While this may be true in aggregate, few units (and especially the interior units in these buildings) will have any view of these open spaces. Under the R-2 standards, townhomes are allowed but are defined as having access to front and rear. In this case a PUD is employed to allow a non-townhome style building. I Icre there arc X unit structures with interior units having windows on one side which is akin to apartment style housing. The Planning Commission support stemmed from their appreciation of the architectural design and landscaping. To the Planning Commission, the architecture and landscaping qualified this as a superior project. . 3 . ''\U ~~ 0-U 1. \ \0 1. ~I ~ ~ , ~ . 2. ~ ~~ . City Council Agenda - 2/24/03 ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS Decision 1: Planning Commission recommends alternative #1 below. Motion to approve the rezoning to R-I A and R-2 to acconunodate the proposal of Maplewood Development for Spirit Hills, based on a finding that the rezonings will meet the intent and direction of the Comprehensive Plan. 2. Motion to deny the rezonings. based on findings that the land uses as designed arc not consistent with the intent of the Comprehensive Plan. Decision 2: Plannin~ Commission recommends alternative #1 below. Motion to approve the Preliminary Plat for Spirit Hills. based on a finding that the plat meets the requirements of the Monticello Suhdivision and Zoning Ordinances. Motion to deny the Preliminary Plat for Spirit Ilills. based on a finding that the plat does not comply with the requirements of the City's Comprehensive Plan. Decision 3: Planning Commission recommends alternative #1 below. 1. Motion to approve the Concept Development Stage PUD for Spirit Hills, based on a finding that the PUD proposals meet the intent of the Comprehensive Plan and the requirements for PUD approval of the City's Zoning Ordinance. The design of the pun results in a project that is superior to that which would have otherwise been developed via the standard process. Approval is contingent on coincidental development of both the townhouse and R-I A areas. and contingent on applicable conditions noted in the Planning Commission approval of 2/04/03. 2. Motion to deny the Concept Development Stage PUD for Spirit Hills, based on a finding that the PUD proposals do not Ineet the requirements for pun approval according to the Zoning Ordinance. 'VC \~ # \\ '~.J\ t . ~ ~~~ (, G 4 City Council Agenda - 2/24/03 . STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff believes that the general land use pattern proposed by the applicants is eonsistent with the overall low-density residential pattern called for in this area by the Comprehensive Plan. As such, the rezonings to R-I A and R-2 are considered to bc appropriate. As noted in the discussion above, the R-I A pOliion of the proposal is very close to meeting the requirements of the zoning and subdivision ordinanees, and staff believes that plat approval for the single J~tmily arca would be proper with the conditions noted above, as well as final engineering review. PUD approval (as well as Preliminary Plat approval) for the north scction containing the townhouses eontinues to be a concern Jor staff. As noted in the discussion above, there are a number of issues relating to development details in the plans. However, the greater issue is whether this project would meet the City's requirements for PUD approval. For Planned Unit Development, the applicant is required to show that the project design results in a neighborhood that is substantively superior to a project that utilizes the straight zoning criteria. In this project, the applicant benefits by relying heavily on access to units from private streets. Such a design results in the ability to develop the site to a much higher density than if each unit had direct public street access and frontage. . A design incorporating private street access can be acceptable under a PUD arrangement, provided that the City can find that the other all1enities to the project result, on balance, to a superior neighborhood. Staff believes that this threshold has not been met. The unit style proposed by the developer creates extensive cuts and fills into the existing slopes, resulting in retaining walls throughout the site - several over 10 feet in height. An example of the impact of this design is in Building 3, Block I. A retaining wall of 11 to 13 Jeet in height abuts the south and east side of this building. The southeast corner unit would sit within about 15 of this wall on the south, and about 45 feet of this wall on the cast (with a view across the driveway and private street. Virtually all of the south and cast edge of this project is subject to a similar exposure. Whi Ie the buildings have been placed to meet the City's minimum separation, minimum is not the standard in a PUD proj ect. While the applicant has argued that they had been led to believe that this layout was acceptable, staff had cautioned the developer several months ago that the unit style was a potential concern, and sketch plan reviews were always subject to review of how the units would actually lie on the landscape. The subsequent drawings have demonstrated what staff had been concerned about - high Icvels of impervious surface, low levels of private open spacc, or views of public open space, and dramatic impacts on thc grading and thc nced for retaining wall construction. . In addition, bctween the original plan submittal and Planning Commission review, the Fire Department met with City staJT to review design concerns which wcre then 5 City Council Agenda - 2/24/03 . incorporated into staff comments. In summary. stalTrespeets the Planning Commission's recommendation to approve but has reservations regarding the north area townhouse project. If approval is given. we would recommend that the conditions mentioned in this report, in addition to more detail engineering review, be incorporated into the resolution. SUPPORTING DATA Latest plan submittals Draft meeting minutes from Planning Commission meeting on 2/04/03 Building facade Site layout showing paved & green spaces Information from previolls Planning Commission review . . 6 . (]o C "'0117 t x y y )t' :x . 1" P/o./1 -!,,-t . C-,eJ. ;6/1 2 Mod" (,. f1 c( f;OAA / /7/6.$ A~~/lc/o. As fOJ ;;../r/~:f 4l~rj(d<. CONDITIOi\S OF PRELnIl~ARY PLAT .-\:\D DEVELOP\lENT STAGE peD APPROVAL Genera!: 1. Approval is subject to final annexation and rezoning. 2. A final plat must be submitted and approved. 3. Grading plans are subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. 4. Utility plans are subject to revie'v\' and approval by the City Engineer. 5. The overall City land use plan calls for IO\\" density development in this area. The hi!.!her density of the townhome area is balanced by the large lots of the single family area. Therefore. final plat approval for the to\vnhome area must occur at the same time as final plat approval for the single family area. 6. Comments from other City staff. Sil1!!/i.: FOl17i!l' Areo: x 8. )l 9. Y 10. X 11. )< 12. )< 13. 7. The developer shall cooperate \,'ith public works staff and the City engineer to develop additional amenities \\ith the street system. sllch as landscaped islands \vithin half cul-de- sacs. Trail easements to the east and southeast must be dedicated. - 0.... 4"' A sidewalk must be provided on one side of all streets. _ ,). o't .JI The landscape plan must be revised so that all overstory trees are at least 2.5" caliper. - V<l!J"'~ The landscape plan must be revised to include closely-spaced native trees and shrubs in very. visible locations. such as block comers. rB D Storm water management issues must be resolved and are subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. 78.0 A restoration plan for temporary sedimentation basins is required and is subject to City Engineer review and appro\'al. 7/3 t:J 6 q ,.. >' )( ?r 'f y y ':f ., '/r 7" _.J. y ::!.f . x 7- -). 'l( 26. T()1l'17 h () 111 e .-I,. e Ct' . I.+' A setback of at least 25 feet must be maintained from all pri"ate drives. IS, All private dri,'es must be at least 24 feet "ide. and Street E must be 32 feet wide from face to face. C--r/.'., 16. Private drives must be designed for vehicle turnaround. c.-I' /,'. s 17. The Planning Commission should consider requiring elimination of the private drive between the building on the west side of Street E at the north end of the site. 18. The Planning Commission should consider requiring the building on the north side of Street E that is closest to Fenning Ave. NE to be a rov...-style building. rather than back- to-back. to address setback and alignment issues ",,'ith the pri,'ate drive on the west side of the building. 11. f P.,,-..# 19. The Planning Commission should consider requiring middle units to share access to the street to reduce the number of curb cuts and the amount of pa,'ing. 20. At least one ,'isitor parking stall per three units must be provided. (0...../ I"~ ~ . 21. Floor plans must be submitted showing that the units comply with floor area minimums, 78 t> - ..,.., Elevations must be submitted with e:\terior building materials noted. The de\-e!oper is required to ho"e building materials and elevation drawings approved by the Planning Commission before a building permit is issued. The landscape plan must be revised so that all overstory trees are at least 2.5" caliper. "J.,......, The landscape plan must be revised to include landscaping around the pond in the nortl1\vest corner of the development. D..-...t A typical unit landscape plan must be submitted. and maintenance of the perennial flower beds must be addressed in association documents. 76'/:1 A final plan must be submitted and approved in accordance with Chapter 20. Section 20- 4[0] of the Zoning Ordin:mce requires the applicant to submit a final plan with the City Administrator within six months of development stage approval. 7 tx-hibi+ L . . T01l'17ho/J/(, Area_' ,.. y )< /( "( y )( 20. .;j 21. $" "'l"'l . 'f< -''' ~.J . 'y 2'+. x 7- -). ')( 26. ].+. A setback of at least 25 feet must be maimain~d li'om all pri\-ate drins_ ] 5. AJI private dri\'es must be at least 24 feet \\ide. and Street E must be 31 feet \-vide from face to face. C ~-r /". =- ]6. Private drives must be designed for vehicle turnaround. Cr_/ /, '" S ] 7. The Planning Commission should consider requiring elimination of the private drive between the building on the \-vest side of Street E at the north end of the site. 18. The Plnnning Commission should consider requiring the building on the north side of Street E that is closest to Fenning AVe. NE to be a rov,--style building. rather than buck- to-back. to address setback and alignment issues v,,'ith the private drive on the \'i'est side of the building. Ad ~o..-..4 ] 9. The Planning Commission should consider requiring middle units to share access to the street to reduce the number of curb cuts and the amount of pa\'ing. At lenst one \-isitor purking stall per three units must be pro\-ided. (e....1 1.-, ~ Floor plans must be submitted showing that the units comply \\'ith tloor area minimums. 7B D - Elcv:.ltions must be submitted with exterior building materials noted. The de\"C:loper is required to h;Jve building materials and ele\'ation drawings approved by the Planning Commission before a building permit is issued. The bndscape pIan must be revised so that all overstory trees are at least 2.5" caliper. ;J~~ The landscape plan must be revised to include bndscaping around the pond in the northwest corner of the development. D--...L A typical unit landscape plan must be submitted. and maintenance of the perennial flower beds must be addressed in associntion documents. 78.0 A final plan must be submitted and approved in accordance with Chapter 20. Section 20- 4[DJ of the Zoning Ordinnnce requires the applicant to submit a final plan with the City Administrator within six months of development stage npproval. 7 tX-hibi+ L . . . b~A-t=-I Planning Commission Minutes - 02/04/03 7. Public Hearing - Consideration of a request fl1f rezoning horn An to R-l A and R-2; and consideration of development stage pun and preliminary plat approval for Spirit Hills residential development. Applicant: Mal1lewood Development & Construction, Inc. Steve Grittman, City Planner, provided the staff report summarizing the applicant's request for rezoning and development stage PUD/preliminary plat approval. Griuman pointed out concerns that stall continues to have such as the requirement for higher amenities in accordance with PUO standards. GriumaJ1 provided the original list of conditions as well as additional issues by staff. Grittman stated the one of the primary issues was a concern by the Fire Department recommending that drives be connected to provide for a more continuous loop to get vehicles in and around the units. Griuman advised that if the Planning Commission wished to approve the applicant's request, it should be contingent on compliance with original conditions, as well as any new concerns stated at this public heari ng. Chair Frie opened the public hearing. Dick Van Allen, 6448 River MilI Drive, stated his concerns were with location of units in regard to berming and ponding. He also stated a request from the church next to this sitc, for additional parking which might impact this proposal. Van Allen stated there could bc an additional 100 spaces added to the church sitc, as well as a possible future addition to the church. Van Allen stated he is concerned with the number of units backing up to each other with no access, the 25 foot minimum setbacks in some of the areas, and added that this area was previously zoned R -I. Mario Coccherella, Maplewood Development Co., stated that since the time they went before the Planning Commission at their last meeting, he was very taken aback by the stall report and felt an.er reading the report it looked as if they had never spoken to staff in the past. lie advised that this project dates back to 200 I, noting at least 4 separate meetings, and that the plan in front of them tonight was the one that staff had given their approval on, and therefore they proceeded. lie addressed comments regarding elevations in that they resembled apartment units, which he felt was not so. Again he stated he felt they had staJI approval and is now hesitant to proceed to the City Council with this type of report. He stated that they had previously talked about the plan preserving open space, noting other amenities they had added. Frie asked him about his resistance to changing the unit style implicating that somewhere along the line they had been asked to do this, and this should come as no surprise to them. Coccherella stated they had provided 4 separate concepts and what was provided in October had not changed. O'Neill added that in concept they did not show the housing types or elevations. Also, the Planning Commission reviewed a previous sketch plan and did not include house style or impact ofthc hill, noting that approval to movc forward was based on thc assumption that housing stylcs would be different. O'Neill did concur with Coccherella that the housing styles were presented without a full grading plan showing how the hillside would be impacted or how the housing units would work with the grade. O'Neill advised that they did not have complete information at that time to give full approval. -9- ~ Planning COlllmission Minutes - 02/04/03 . Coccherel\a stated he wants to work with staff, but if this is not something that they feel is worth the site amenities that they have provided, then provide them with what they would like to see and give them direction. He also added that in this area of the City where they are attempting to put in up-scale housing, they must look at the homes currently there and the fact that they are dated. He felt there needed to be a smoother transition. He also pointed out the 2 towers and a gas line to work around. Frie asked if for the townhomes they are still looking at the upper $200,000 and Coccherella stated upper $100,000. Frie stated he recalled previously that they had stated $225,000+. Frie also advised that this area was designated to be upscale and the townhouses and single family units are being reviewed together, although it appears the townhomes are the ones in dispute. It was questioned if the request could be individual and moving forward with the single family units, having the applicant come back to staff with the townhome concept. frie further noted that only 9 items are in compliance out of the initial 26, but Coccherella stated he felt that a majority of them had to do with engineering and would be dealt with as they proceed. Coccherella questioned also the new issues with the Fire Department, stating they were not going to design a site for tire trucks, but would meet the requirements. hie asked Coccherella to address a concern from the previous meeting by a resident across the street from the site regarding entrances and he stated that they have moved the entrance into the site away from the resident across the street. . There was further discussion regarding a concern by other residents regarding the number of units, and Grittman advised that staff looks at the overall site and land use in regard to density, noting there were trade otIs with the R-l single family large lots. He also noted at that time they were working with annexation issues as well and what would be appropriate on this site, as well as how would the townhouses fit in. The number of townhome units already in the City was discussed again and Grittman stated that the market determines this, and townhomes are very popular in the market at this time. He also advised that combining the two phases and averaging them makes the density work out. Carlson noted that he recalled the consensus of the Planning Commission at the last meeting was for the applicant to move ahead and he was also surprised with the staffreport. He felt this style of home is popular at this time and staff needs to look at density, streets, and grading issues. His perception from the last meeting is that they looked at the same diagrams and gave direction to proceed. . Dragsten concurred with Carlson and felt it was a good project. Jerry Lazar, Design Forum, noted that this type of housing is being built all over. He added that the interior units can be less desirable than the ends units, but what they have tried to do with interior units in order to improve visibility, is to put in a 2 story with a loft, adding a dormer and a bank of windows above so the lighting conditions would be highly improved. A front court yard is also not difficult. Lazar added that this is a difficult site as there is an SO ft. drop and added that they would not build these units for the City or themselves if they did not feci they -10- or Planning Commission Minutes - 02/04/03 . would sell. Coccherella added that regarding the church, Jon Bogart, surveyor, had approached him as well. lie asked also that they look again at the current homes across the street and if they would be as well maintained as his townhomes would with an association. Hilgart agreed that the project looks nice and felt the price range is adequate as well. It was further advised that the median would be landscaped and drawings will be provided. It was noted that these would be maintained by a smaller association in the single family development. Carlson asked staff and Grittman what the main issues were and Grittman stated that it is the mass of the buildings. He added that they find the buildings to be attractive and it has nothing to do with architecture. Grittman also added that he is not accustomed to coming to a meeting recommending denial either, but that they had discussed this previously with the developer. It was advised that drawings had been submitted regarding conditions 3 and 22 in the staff report. Smith again questioned the $225,000 price range now being $189,900. (hittman stated that was an issue at the last meeting as well and he concurs with Cocccherella. They then discussed square f(Jotages and it was noted that the units would be approx. 1400 to 1600 sq. ft. with interior units at approx. 1300 sq. ft. . Fred Patch, Building Official. questioned the developer regarding IBC and UBC standards, as well as the request for the 8 plexes to be sprinklered. A MOTION WAS MADE BY ROD DRAGSTEN TO RECOMMEND APPROV AL OF THE PRELIMINARY PLAT AND DEVELOPMENT STAGE PUD FOR SPIRIT IIILLS, CONTINGENT ON TIlE APPLICANT'S COMPLIANCE WITH THE CONDITIONS LISTED IN EXHIBIT Z FROM TIlE ORIGINAL REPORT OF 1/7/03, AND CONDITIONS OF THIS REPOR"L AS WELL AS COMPLIANCE WITH IBC STANDARDS AND INCLUSION OF FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEMS IN THE 8 PLEXES. ROBBIE SMITH SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. . -11- I ~I c' ~~~ ; hij ~ i~! ..~~ i !! J; n~~I~i~~ h~~~;u~t J~~I~tt . - '-- -, - 7, /(.' 't- -... ,f!5 (f!/ .I ]5-::1 ,'-c._~_: '\ "< }, ,. !. ,,// I I . TL:i~~:<T ...,.77;' ;-~~ ~;..~~ I ':'~'" 'i... , . : .-.Jllttr ..-. J I. j .......--"':'"-.:: ---... '- \ \\ .,.... ~.~ ,.-'_. "...-... 'l.~"... .J/ ..._.]::';-:';::=:0" ........, ',\ \ ' " .-:~\ ), L..-ll,........'.........--. ",-__':;. ' ,.;;/;.:",~:... ,~\~' I ~\ \ . . f. ~!li:~~I~.~lr'J'fr~~t>~~~~~~~~\,: ~...~,J4. '~~~~\ ~~;;: .:.{t{~I~- 'i;~!::~>'<::~:f13?J\'7 " l!;. J.~.::It~~rk' " 'ii!i:\\~,~ ;';.00, ./';..' _.' "',>~:~;...-' \ ~-"":"-::I, ,:.IL...::},,;\ '__'~/I~I " \~'\\.>:,.;:,' u;.:; (j ( .' '~%';:~ -:~;;;.:;...:~ ) \, -'~l'/ ,1,/'" ' ... '://i;.)' _S. . . '. '9<:= ;=::.::= ..I ~I' [/~/I" ''/ \.X ~ ~ ---- .,1 / / .~-~-,,~ ~I ..";:..i,...'.....;,'~ '. .~-.... ~ <:. ,.,' \ ((;r, I'I'-"},\, '_ _// / ~_.. --~;';';;:/ '",\''~-''-''''' -,'"\ 1 ,>, '.,{ \..' _~" .. -N.,. . 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Ii ,," '" I'~ --~.~~.- -.... _......-" /,,-_.... ,,,.~;:.:.-~:>:.:<~_. ,--~--' .~ .. . 7 ..J tr 0 a 7 . () ~l ~n~o:J N81S30 i a i I \ i 112'- .... ,"r~ J i i J J It f:) ; ~ I ~ I II ~ n II II II u q ~d98:9 800Z 'vt 'uer . I -fi- I Schoell & Madson, Inc. Engineering · Surveying · Planning Soil Testing · Environmental Services www.schoellmadson.com February 19, 2003 City of Monticello Community Development c/o Ms. Lori Kraemer 505 Walnut Avenue, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362-8822 Subject: Spirit Hills Ladies and Gentlemen: Enclosed are revised preliminary plans for the proposed Spirit Hills development. In general, the plan revisions address the review comments provided by Jeff O'Neill and Bret Weiss at our February 12th meeting. We understand these plans will be the basis of the project staff report for the February 24th City Council meeting. . Following are descriptions of the major changes: Sinqle Family Area - South 1. The cul-de-sacs in the northwest and southeast corners are enlarged. 2. Outlots for trail are added in the southeast corner and north central area. 3. The median in the entrance from Fenning Avenue is removed. 4. The street alignment of the connection to Wildwood Ridge is revised. 5. Lot lines are shifted to accommodate the above changes. 6. The proposed sidewalks and trails are added. 7. The 3 to 1 slopes are replaced with 4 to 1 slopes Townhome Area - North 1. The site plan was modified to show looping of the private streets at three locations and to widen the looped private streets from 24 to 28 feet. The above change requires changing two buildings from eight unit to six unit buildings. This reduces the number of units from 104 to 100. This also requires rotating the building in the southwest corner. The proposed sidewalk and trails are added. The proposed storm sewer is revised to accommodate off-site drainage from the church and the area south of the project. 2. 3. 4. . Affirmative Action Equal Opportunity Employer F:\CAROLEJ\word\ken03\Monticello, City of.219.doc 10580 Wayzata Boulevard, Suite 1 · Minneapolis, MN 55305~1525 Office (852) 546-7601 · Fax (852) 546-8065 q . . . Schoell & Madson, Inc. City of Monticello Page 2 February 19, 2003 Following are responses to staff comments that are not specifically addressed by the plan revisions: 1. The preliminary utility plans have not yet been revised. These will be revised to address staff comments and submitted prior to Council Meeting. 2. Some 3 to 1 slopes are shown adjacent to the pond and at the hill in the southeast corner of the townhome site. These will be reseeded with grass and plantings which will not require mowing. 3. Turnarounds are not provided in the short dead-end private driveways. The town homes will have fire protection sprinkling systems. For garbage service, the intent is to have waste containers placed at the curb line of looped streets for pickup, so no turnaround is necessary. We believe we have addressed the majority of the staff comments and recommendations. If some are not covered, we proposed to address them with the final plat and construction plan preparation and review. Very truly yours, SCHOELL & MADSON, INC. Kenneth Adolf KEA/cj enc. cc: Steve Grittman Bret Weiss Maplewood Development F:\CAROLEJ\word\ken03\Monticello, City of.219.doc q 3NVl ----T--~ I ---' ----" ----" N ---' IN ;J~ ,,~- I ./ ~.~ / .....1."'" (f~Q ...~ ,'0' ,," ,t ' " !'; Z l~~ ~; ~j ~t~ I I I L /- 01 "'. ] > eN '-'1 )V '---_J ~ ~ j ~-~ -- -.;-- L'~. -[ > r-- r-- ( ^ "._~{:1 M "0',10,00 N -.............. ~ ~- ~ o o (Ia n . "" ~Yi \A. \'; G) Z Cf) "'0" ~~~~~ (J) :0 G> Z '. (J)(J)m~~ m m..!: en ""U (J) 0 r m)> , ~V5Z~( omo~;; <O:oIL S:ECG)I 5~~~~ ." 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Assumll1g that the Counct! approvcs the comhtJOnaluse permit for constructIOn of a Ice arena and soccer dome under the consent agenda, the Monticello Youth Hockey Association along with the Monticello Soccer Association is requesting direction from the City Council on terms and conditions to acquire some or all of the 16+ acre parcel ofland known as Outlot A of Country Cluh Manor. According to the Pointe Group, the development team that was hired by the associations to get the f~lcility built, a commitment from the City Council is necessary to know how much land and at what cost the land would he in order for them to complete their financing package. As a little hackground, members of the youth hockey association approached the Council last year asking if the City would he willing to donate enough land so they could build an ice arena in Monticello. Because the City had a 16+ acre parcel in Country Club Manor that had sat vacant for a number of years. the hockey group inquired as to whether this property would he available. One good feature of the property was that it would allow sufficient area to meet their immediate demands for a hockey rink (3-4 acres) and also could allow the City the ahi lity to set aside some additional land adjacent to their new facility for a second sheet of ice down the road. The general consensus of the Council was that there appeared to be a willingness to contrihute enough land to build a facility if the hockey association could come up with the rest of the financing for the project. Later on the hockey association joined forces with the soccer association and came to the Council proposing to build a dual f~lCility, one a domed building for soccer and a separatc ice arena with a common entrance area. The initial sketch plan indicated they would need 6-9 acres for a comhined hlcility and they questioned whether the City would still give them the land to do so. At the time the dual use was brought to the Council's attention, the financing proposal the associations had heen considering was to use private financing and construction whereby the building would actually be privately owned by Silver Creek Development or another arm ofVeit Companies of Rogers. With the project privately owned and leased to the hockey and soccer associations, the property would become taxable as any other commercial property. The hockey association requested that they be ahle to obtain all of the 16+ acre parcel so that Veit could spin off the remaining 6-8 acres as a separate cornmercial development for such things as hotels, restaurants or other retail businesses. This was the requirement of Mr. Veit, that he receive the balance of the property at no cost and in turn he would build the facility. It was the general Counci I consensus at that time that if the arena, soccer dome and all the other property was paying real estate taxes, the City would contribute the entire sixteen acre parcel. There would be no waiver of building permit or other hookup fees, and the City would attempt to gel its money back from the land through property taxes in the future. Since that time, representatives of the hockey association or the Pointe Group, the developer of the project have . Council Agenda - 2/24/03 indicated that the project would not he feasible if they had to pay property taxes in excess of $100,000 per year. As a result, they still felt they needed all of the property at no cost to them so they could sell off part of it to use as additional equity, but they would not be able to pay property taxes. This is a change from their last proposal approved hy the Council. The Pointe Group representatives have met with the City a number of times to go over their financial plan and they feel that the project will not he financially feasible unless they not only receive the 9.2 acres of land needed for the actual facility but also get the remnant 7 acres that they can sell separately for commercial development. As a result, the hockey and soccer groups arc proposing the f()llowing for Council consideration: 1. The City will give the 17 acre parcel of land to the Monticello Youth llockey Association and Monticello Soccer Club at a cost of $250,000. 2. Approximately 9.22 acres of the 17 acres of land will be used hy a 501C3 non~profit, tax exempt facility. The land will be used as an athletic complex. The plan for the facility will include a multipurpose. soccer dome and an ice arena, which has been approved by Planning and Zoning. . ..., -) . 4. 5. The acres of residual land will become taxable when no longer owned by the youth associations. Payment of $250,000 will be contingent on the sale of the residual land. The land will be turned over to the associations upon completion of financing. As you can see, this proposal is difTcrent that what was approved by the Council a numher of months ago in that although they are offering $250,000 for the property. none of the recreational f~lcility would be taxahle. The result is the City will not get the $100,000 a year in property taxes it had assumed it would receive when it originally agreed to donate the entire seventeen acre parcel. The $250.000 amount being proposed hy the hockey group is somewhat related to the initial the cost the City had in acquiring the property to begin with. In 1978. the City assessed the property $280,000 for street and utility improvements that were never paid. This was the cost 24 years ago that the City had invested in the parcel. I helieve the hockey association is attempting to relate their offer for compensation to the amount of original investment incurred hy the City. . Although I assume there will he much discussion hy the Council Monday night regarding this potential land transaction, the issue will really come down to how much of a contrihution does the City want to make to these organizations to see a hockey and soccer dome heing built. Ifwe were to assume that the land value for the sixteen acres along 1-94 was $2/sq. ft., this would place the total market value at over $1,375,000. Recognizing that land values have skyrocketed in Monticello. with the City most recently purchasing from Marquette Bank the vacant lot for over 2 . Council Agenda - 2/24/03 Monticello, with the City most recently purchasing from Marquette Bank the vacant lot for over $5/sq. ft., it would be reasonable to assume that just donating the 9.2 acres needed for the actual arena and soccer dome would be a contribution of almost $XOOJlOO or more in todays value. Whether selling the remaining seven plus acres for $250,000 is reasonable, is a question the Council wi II have to determine. Although there may be many more alternatives, three options the Council could consider are: 1. Figure out a way to contribute only the land necessary for the actual facility (9.2 acres) and keep the balance of the property for resale by the City at a later date. This would still be a contribution in excess of $750,000 in todays value. 2. The Council may want to only contribute the 9.2 acres and still require a payment of $250.000 or some other amount with the City continuing to keep the remaining seven plus acres for future sale. Even at a cost of $250,000, the 9.2 acres would be sold at less than assumed market value. 3. Council could agree to sell the entire seventeen acre parcel at an amount to be determined or $250,000 as proposed. . Once a decision is made on how much land will be transferred and at what cost, if any, a decision needs to be contingent upon approval of the process by the City Attorney as their have heen questions raised regarding the City's ahility to donate or contribute property at no cost to tax exempt organizations. One method might be to simply provide a long term lease arrangement for a dollar or other valuable consideration as a way to accomplish the same goal. Other concerns that will need to be addressed on any type of land transfer are : 1) The City retains the appropriate stormwater ponding area as needed per City Engineer; 2) The existing billhoard sites need to be resolved as to whether they are going to be removed as part of the projeet or if they are not, would the City retain ownership of the billboards? for your reference, we have a lease on the billboards with the sign company through December 31. 2003. so I would assume any attempt to remove the signs prior to that date could result in compensation being paid to the sign company for early termination of the lease agreement; 3) With the existing street being over 20 years old, the hockey and soccer associations need to be aware of potential future assessments fiJr street overlays or reconstructions. . Unfortunately. the request for Council consideration probably comes at a bad time with the recent state budget cuts being proposed that could result in the City losing $280.000 in revenue along with future levy limitations that may prohibit us from increasing taxes in the future to recapture this money. Having assets such as this land to sell may be come important for the City in financing the completion of the 71h Street connection from K-Mart to this property. '"' -, . . . B. Council Agenda - 2/24/03 ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. Counci I could provide a commitment to provide the 9.22 acres of land needed f()r the actual arena and soccer dome at no cost (provided this can be legally done) with the City retaining the balance of the property for future sale. 2. The Council could commit to selling the 9.22 acres needed for the actual facility at a cost of $250,000 or some other price. Again, the City would retain ownership of the balance of the property for future resale. 3. Council could commit to selling the entire seventeen acre parcel of land as proposed for $250,000. It is assumed that under all proposals to be considered, assurances would be needed to guarantee that an actual facility was built before the property was transferred and a decision would have to be made as to whether the Council expected some type of long term commitment that the facility remain in use for hockey or soccer purposes. With an actual transfer of land, a guarantee or commitment for long term use is hard to accomplish unless the City only leases the land to the hockey group. c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Recognizing the difficulty the associations have in coming up with the financing for this large a project it is very likely going to take some contribution from the City in the form ofland or other support to make it happen. Although I am only speaking for myself, I believe contribution of the land necessary to bui Id the sports complex on is sufficient when you consider that the value of this contribution is likely already $1,000.000 or more. I would recommend that the City retain ownership of the balance of the property for resale in the future to help defray costs that we know we will incur in extending 7th Street. Without land to sell, the City would likely have to bond for any improvement projects and raise taxes to cover the debt payments. n. SUPPORTING DATA: None. 4 . . . City Council Agcnda - 02/24/03 11. Authorize the Preparation of Plans and Specifications for the Extension of Chelsea Road West at 90'h Street (City Project No. 2002-01 C). (WSB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: John Chadwick, the owner of property located south ofI-94 between 90lh Street and CSAI [ 39. has requested that the intersection of Chelsea Road West and 90th Street, near the Denny Hecker Dealership, be realigned to extend Chelsea Road West to CSAH 39 parallel to 1-94. 90th Street would be reconstructed to connect to Chelsea Road West at a T -intersection. A diagram of this revised intersection is included for your information. There has been discussion with the adjacent property owners related to how the right-of- way acquisition will be completed and discussions arc continuing to reach agreement with all affected parties. Mr. Chadwick would like to have the plans and specifications authorized to complete the reconstruction of the street and extend Chelsea Road West to the limits of the gravity sanitary sewer system. 'I'his would involve an extension of Chelsea Road approximately 870 feet to the west from the current Chelsea Road West and 90th Street corner. The sanitary sewer would connect directly by gravity service into the Chelsea Road system and would not require the extension of any additional trunk system. We are asking the Council to authorize the preparation of plans and specifications subject to the completion of an agreement between the property owners regarding land acquisition and project financing. It should be noted that the City is one of the property owners in this area. The agreement would include the sale orthe City property and the reassignment of approximately $80,000 of deferred assessments to the new property owners. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Authorize the preparation of plans and specifications for the reconstruction of Chelsea Road West and 90th Street and the extension of Chelsca Road West approximately 870 feet. It is the understanding that all land and cost sharing agreements are acknowledged by all adjoining property owners. Motion contingent on John Chadwick providing a deposit in the amount equal to plan development expense. 2. Do not authorize the preparation of plans and specifications at this time. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: D. It is the recommendation of the City Engineer to select alternative number I. SUPPORTING DATA: Intersection Diagram J.".' ',( '( }i\ 1:, II )A"'C;'lId~I'id, d, /I -.-( -..-.-7 - ( / / 0 E It ( t ( f ( C I '.. ( \ ---I --c_, '( 'c. 1.,- ""-c c "" ~(\._( "" --( 320-252--4900 & Associates, Inc. rAX 252-3100 INFRASTRUCTURE - ENGINEERS - PLANNERS )w fl':'J\c.f"; -....- f, c ,." "i1 .0) " ""0 ~ . '" 0, , "" "" *' v' "' -, c.\) '.. ... WSB ~"'\~ 9A \~\~~S /:/ 0._,'.... ---> .."' .lJ..;:;':":;"~ ,"""-~ - #-~ _~r /~~\\\' , -~,,;::; , "II, \ \ \ II I \ I \ Monticello Dodge "- - ..... .... .... .... \ ',\1.0 ~ \ u \ () "JOV:l.l \..',u \ ~ \ ( .- ) NOTE: ) HOUSE LOCATION 3 PER AERIAL PHOTOS ) ) ,... .' ...-:---...:;;.-'-... *' NOTE: ADD LAND TO CREATE A 3 TO 4 ACRE PARCEL (SIZE TO BE DETERMINED) tu w 0:: tn g a> (,) BO' -----~-- C') I '> CEMETERY '~: (.) (.) (I) (t). _ ~ __ I ~ \ o fL.J 1~O *' -()- WOn. -l/(".\)' -~--- 0,.. (\jI'-'..~2_ ----~ ~ ~- .rr~'''''~---->'':''--~:';>'''.-:- ......_._-----,~~.;;:::--- \ l~,__-- i \ , ... \ \ .--------.-.--. WSB Project No. 01336-032 101 Roosevelt Office Pari< 606 25th ^",,"ue South 51. Cloud, MN 56301 Chelsea Road West Phase 2 Street, Utilities, and Appurtenant Improvements Monticello, Minnesota Figure \\ . . 0"' ,~ " ""] ~ "'''' Ut>: HI>) f-<> 7.0 OU Z 0 '" "'''' f,fj 0 '" '" >, 0 U ~~ U(I]'" HO 00 "'r4 "'.,. 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COUNCIL UPDATE RIVI,:J{SIDE CEMETERY FEE INCREASE By .John Simola Fcbrual"Y 21, 2003 ^t their I;ebruary 20, 2003 meeting, the Parks Commission reviewed inf()rmation relating to the need f()I' a fee increase for the Riverside Cemetery lots, ^ttached is a copy of the survey of prices f1'()m other cemeteries and a listing of revenues and expenditures for the cemetery fund. The financial report shows the projected 2003 revenLles with the lots at the current rate and with the proposed rate increase. It was the recommendation of the Parks Commission that this go forward to the CounciL I would attach the Parks Commission minutes relating to this item but they are still in the shorthand version but Mayor 'fhielcn was present at the meeting and can verify the Parks Commission action. It is proposed that if the Council approves the rate increase, it would be effective March 1,2003. Attachments: Financial Report Survey ", :,:, t, f ~::. ,~ ;r., . ;: r- ;: len ~' ., ~' ~ iir ~ i1J' ~ iil " :> m g ;]' 8 en ....;ii ~ iI'?l /!: ;;:. IE " ;: (Q ~ e, g> :g ia :g ffi g> ! en 0;' !J) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 8 000 ~ ~ ~ 5 p p ~ 8: 8 8 ~ " co 1l ~ . t ~ il !ll f(j l!l ~ 8; ~ i:3 ... li ~ p ~ it m 8 e " ~ ::I ~ ~ tt to> ...... ..... 0 0 i= ~ is is ~ ~ /U to> ..... -.J UI I\) 8; i:;: 8 ~ ... !:l ~ 0 <:J ~ is: 8 ~ i f(j 0 g l:l l;; 8 ~ . l I g !)1 Bl 8 8 8 8 ::t ;: ~ ril ~ ~ ril g 3. > lJ ., ., ;l;l &In>m'm~ iil a&>- , z Cl i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ /!: .... ;s O! i C' ,.. , en /!: if ~ ~' ~ i ~ g:j ~ ~ f !J) ~ ~ ~ ~ ! .... JIl Cl ~ Ii en m lJ < o m en ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 888 8 8 8 ii5 ....I. .... ...... ..... ....... .....I. m p ~ p ~ ~ P n <:;/U~~;;;ooo ....I. UI - I'\:) ..... C o 0 000 m ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I~ ~ ~~@~ffif88/!:1 tt ./U I> ~ ~ ~ 8 ;;; /U ~ !:l ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ @ ~ ~ !! -Ill; ~~~~~t~~i ... i~~~f3~~I~~ ~~~8BfOfO/!:~ ~ ~ I~ :18~~~~~~::!l l8ffi;:;l8~~o;~8 12 ~ I> ;~~~~~~~~ !i23co~8l;;j::S/!:2 ... 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COUNCIL UPDATE EMERGENCY RESPONSE EXERCISE-PUBLIC LIBRARY BUILDING By Rick Wolfsteller, City Administrator February 20, 2003 With the anticipated relocation of the public library to the Marquette Bank Building in the next few weeks, Fire Chief: Scott Douglas, has been working with the Wright County Shcriff's Department and other agencies on developing an emergency response exercise that could invol ve a number of agcncies such as the Sheriff's Department, Fire Department and other emergency personnel. The idea being considered is to use a facility such as the vacant library building to stage an event such as an hostage event scenario that would be similar to a shooting spree at a high school. The County Sheriff's Department along with fire department personnel and medical personnel, including ambulances, etc. would try to reenact such an event and see how thcy respond. Thc Fire Chief has proposed to stage this event on Saturday, April 26, 2003 with the main activity probably taking place from around noon until 3:00 p.m. Some activity might take place as early as 10 a.m. to set up the facility for the exercise, but it would be timed to begin aftcr the adjoining Wells Fargo LlCility has closed for the day so it would not interrupt normal activities on that block. The Fire Department would like to see the one block section of Walnut Street between 4lh Street and the railroad tracks be tcmporarily barricaded for a fcw hours to ensure the safety of all of the personnel responding to this event. The reason the library was suggested for this event is that it is not always easy to come up with a larger commercial building where such an exercise can be accommodated, and with the knowledge that the library will soon be moving and thc building will be demolished, it appeared to be a good choice for this type of exercise. Attached is a copy of a scenario that was llsed by the City of St. Peter a few years ago. It isn't necessarily going to be the same type of exercise, but it is just given to you to give you an idea of an outline that may occur for this exercise. If the Council has a problem with the proposed exercise taking place on this date or at our library, please let me know as soon as possible so that I can inform the Fire Chief of your concerns. If no comments arc heard, thcFire Chief and SherifT's Department will continue with their planning efTorts for this date. Attachment: Emergency Response Exercise Example --- EXAMPLE EMERGENCY RESPONSE EXERCISE DATE: Time: Location: June 12, 1997 1300 hours Saint Peter High School Event: At 1300 hours; the Sheriffs Department will receive a 9-1-1 call from a person who says "I am at the high school and I heard a sound that sounded like firecrackers in the building". Scenario: Two (or three) hostage takers have taken? hostages inside the high school. Six people are injured inside the school and two people are injured outside the school building. The victims have been moulage. Activity inside the school will remain as normal. Expected Actions: The NCSO will notify the Police Department of the call and an Officer will be dispatched. The Officer will approach the school from Capitol Drive entrance. If the Officer does not ask for approach door, this needs to be given to him/her. EVENT: The responding Officer will be met at the door by the caller who runs up and states: "There are people in there shooting and some students are shot". Scenario: A person will be waiting for the Officer to arrive at the main entrance to the high school and give the above information. This person will not know anything except that some people are in the building shooting and there are students who have been shot. If the officer asks where, this person is to give that information. At this same time, just as the Officer notifies the Police Department of the situation, a call will come into the Police Department from a resident who lives on North 9th Street that they/he/she "heard what sounded like an explosion, the sound came from the west". Immediately after that call, a hostage taker will call the Police Department with the following; "I am ???". I have hostages and I am willing to kill them. If the Police attempt to come to take me out, I have an explosive on top of the water tower which will release poison into the water. To show you I mean business, I have set off one explosion. I can set off any explosion I want at any time I want. "I want ???". A "flash bang" will be set. off to represent the explosion. Expected Actions: 1. The Responding Officer will inform the Police Department of the situation and back off and secure the scene. The Officer will call for assistance and ask that Communications call the high school to see what is happening. The Chief of Police will be notified of the situation. 2. The Police Department will callout all personnel and other emergency responders including; a. The TRT b. The Saint Peter Area Ambulance c. The Saint Peter Police ReseIVe d. The Nicollet County Sheriff's Department e. Public Works Department 3. An Emergency Operating Center will be established at the Police Department. a. Negotiations will be directed. b. A PIG will be designated. c. Necessary personnel and equipment will be requested. d. A staging area will be established. 4. First arriving Officers will establish an outer perimeter including; a. traffic control 5. An Operational Commander will be established. 6. An Officer will clear the way for the Fire Department to respond to the water tower area to control the fue and explosion. EVENT: Smoke and tear flas grenades will be thrown inside the truck prior to the arrival of the Officer to represent a fire and gas. The arriving Officer checking the water tower area will find a burning truck and an injured person laying near the truck. The victim will have some of the spilled chemical on him. (The injured person is a person who is with the hostage taker but was too near the truck when it exploded.) The truck will have containers with markings on them. One of the containers is broken open. Expected Actions: I. The Officer will request the ambulance be dispatched. 2. The Oftlcer will request the Fire Department be dispatched. 3. Public Works will be notified of the threat of poison in the city water supply and initiate the protective response. The Fire department will arrive and work on the fire and chemical. The ambulance will respond to the needs of the victim. The Fire department will face the issue with the chemical. The Ambulance and the Fire Department will face the issue of decontamination. Expected Actions: 1. The TRT will establish an inner perimeter. 2. The TRT will go inside and bring out evacuees. 3. Persons in the vicinity will be evacuated from their homes. (People will be placed near the homes in the immediate area to be evacuated as residents.) 4. The American Red Cross will be notified for congregate care. They will coordinate with the Regional Treatment Center and use the Amateur Radio Club for communications. 5. A transportation system will be called to transport the evacuees. 6. Media will form in area of school. 7. Communication will be established with the hostage takers and a negotiator will talk with them. 8. An attempt to resolve the problem of responding to and removing the injured will be made (negotiations?, sneaking up on them?) 9. The building will be "cleared" except for the hostage takers and the hostages. 10. Negotiations will break down, there is imminent threat to the life of the hostages, the TRT is sent in to take out the hostage takers. Firearm Safety - Officer Curt Tuma Identify those who are in (not in) the scenario. Arm bands Call Patrol to see if they wish to be involved and if their aircraft might be available. Jeff Olson will obtain 50 or more students to act as evacuees. Use Law Enforcement Explorers as hostages/victims BRAD\EVENT COllNCIL UPDATE H.IVEH.SII>E CEMETEH.Y H<::E INCH.EASE By ./ohn Simola Fcbrua )' 21, 20tH At their February 20,2003 meeting, the Parks Cn, Jrnission reviewed informatinn relating to Ihe need fin a Ice increase for the Riverside Cemetery lots. All ehed is a copy of the survey of prices from olhe, ee met cries and a Ii sti n g of reVen ucs and ex pelld i t u r's for the eeme/cry fUll d. Thc lillan cia I report shows Ihe prOjceled 2003 revenues with the lots at the current rate and with the proposed rate increase. It Was the reeommell dati 0 n of the Parks C Omm i ssio, that this go fiJrward to the Coune i I. I wo u I d .IIaeh the Parks Commission minutes relaling to this item I ut tlley are still in the shllT/hand version but Mayor Th i e I e n Was present a t the m eeti 11 g an d ea n veri fy th Parks C omm i ssi 011 aeti 011. It is proposed that if the COuncil approves the rate illerease, it Would be effeefve March 1,2003. Attachments: Financial Report Survey - f ! ! I' i i r m ~ ~ ~ "'i .. 12 1il ~ ~ Ol f"'" VI 1 ~ go "'lI "D "'lI "D Iii if l/I if ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 000 ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 0 ~ t;; 8 8 t;; ..... 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CREMATION CEMETERY CITY OR NAME PRIVATE GRJ VE COSTS RESlNON-RES GRAVE COST ANOKA PUBLIC $ 550.00 $ 750.00 36% N/A N/A (RESID NT (NON-RESIDENT) BIG LAKE PUBLIC $ 700. 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A BUFFALO PUBLIC $ 500.1 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A CHAMPLIN PUBLIC $ 500.0 ) $ 600.00 20% N/A N/A (RESIDEW' (NON-RESIDENT) EPIPHANY PRIVATE $ 500.0 $ 1,000.00 100% $400 N/A (MEMBE (NON-MEMBER) MONTICELLO PUBLIC $ 500.0C $ 550.00 10% $225 N/A (NEW SECTION (OLD SECTION MORA PUBLIC $ 375 N/A N/A N/A N/A MORNINGS/DE MEMORIAL PRIVATE $ 1,145.00 $ 1,745.00 52% N/A N/A MOUND PUBLIC $ 600.00 $ 850.00 42% $300 $400 (RESIDENT) (NON-RESIDENT) RESIDENT NON-RESIDENT NEW ULM PUBLIC $ 300.00 N/A N/A $125 N/A ORONO (ELK RIVER) PUBLIC $ 450.00 N/A N/A $225 N/A PRINCETON PUBLIC $ 400.00 500.00 25% N/A N/A (RESIDENT) (NON-RESIDENT) ST. ANDREWS (ELK RIVER) PRIVATE $ 450.00 : 650.00 44% $225 $325 (MEMBER) (NON-MEMBER\ (MEMBER) (NON-MEMBER) ST. JOHN'S (ELK RIVER) PRIVATE $ 500.00 $ 600.00 20% N/A N/A (MEMBER) (NON-MEMBER) aUT MUST BE" FtElATED To MeMBE;R ST. STEPHEN'S PRIVATE $ 450.00 $ 500.00 11% N/A N/A (MEMBER) (NON-MEMBER) SUMMA RY; LOW: $375 AVG. RESIDENT OR MEMBER: $580 AVG % INC. AVG, CREM, H/GH: $1,745 AVG. NON-RES. OR NON-MEMBER: $775 36% GRAVE COST: $278 (RES VS. NON. RES) RECOMMENDATIONS FOR CITY OF MON TICE~LO GRAVE COST INCREASE: FULL - SIZE GRAVE COST RESIDENT) (NON-RESIDENT) I CREMATION GRAVE COST NEW SECTION (FLAT MARKERS) $650 $850.00 CREM ~T/ON GRAVE; RESIDENT $300 OLD SECTION (MONUMENTS) $700 $900.00 i NON-RESIDENT $400 I P'ep"ad by BeIh G....n t'l2OOO I Page 1 J[dum '3 JS!JJJX3 JsuodsJ'M AJUJ:6JJlU3 :lUJlUl[JBllV ';:lWP S!l[l JOJ s}JoJP nu!uuqd J!Jl[1l[l!.>\\ ;)nU!luoJ Il!^'\ lU;:llU}JP.d;:lQ S !J;:ll[S pUB JJ!l[J JJ!::I ;)l[1 'PJBJll ;)JB SlUJUllllOJ ou JI 'SlI.lJJUOJ J110/\ JO J;)!l(:) ;)J!d JlplllJOJU! 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