City Council Resolution 1981-28 ~ °~ ~ • Extract of Minutes of Meeting of the City Council of the City of: Monticello, Minnesota Pursuant to due call and notice thE~.reof, a regular mee~k.ing of the Cii:,y Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota was duly .held at City Hall in said City on Monday, the 3rd day of August, 1981, at ;x:30 o'clock P.M. The following Councilmembers were present: Grimsmo, Blonigen and Maus and the following were absent: Fair and White k ~ ~,~ * ~ ~k Councilmember Maus introduced and rt_~ad the fo.llowilig written resolution and moved i.ts adoption: RESOLUTION N0. 1981-7F3 RESOLUTION AMENDING PRELIMINAR"x' APPROVAL TO A PROJECT UI~fDER 'I'HE MUNICIPAL INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT ACT AND AUTHORIZING PUBLIC UNDERWRITING OF' BONDS The motioi, for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly ;>econded by Councilmember Blonigen, ~-ind upon vote beir:g taken thereon the following voted in favor thy-r+~of: Grimsmo, Blonigen and Ma~.i: and the followi.nc~ voted against the samE~ None whereupon said resolution was declared duly p~is;;ed and adopted. • • RESOLUTION N0. 1981-~28 RESOLUTION AMENDING PRELIMINA~;Y APPRO'JAL TO A PROJECT TINDER THE MUNICII'AI.~ INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPIYiENT ACT AND AUTHORTZI.1\fG PUBLIC UNDERw:ftITING OF BONDS BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council (t.his 10Coui~c:i l_") of the City c>f Monticello, Minnesota (the "City"), as follows: 1. By Resolution No. 1981-15 dated April 2`7, 1981 (the "Resolution."), this Council gave preliminary L~pproval to the Project (as defined :Ln the Resolution) under the Municipal Industrial Developmer~,t Act to be constructed by Medical facilities Coitz~>any, a Minnesota pa~rtriers~zip (the "Partne:rship" ); rE~ferred the proY~osal too the Minnesota Commissioner of Securities for apr?roval; ~~.nd author- ized preparation of necessary documents. 2 . Pursuant to Section 1 . 1 o:E the Reso.. a tion, the Bonds (as defined in the Resolution) aa:e to be issued a,~d sold to an i.nstitu- t:ional investor or investors as to}; exempt mortgage and equipn~~ent financings. 3. The I~artnership has advised this Co~inci_1 that institutional investment: funds currently are not readily av~~ii:i_ab_le and cahetl available only in a ~i.irnit.ed amount and at intE:~rE~st rages that w,-~iald make the I':c.oj ect (as defined in the Resoluti.or:~) not economically feasible. 4. `Che Pal~t_?lership has also advised this Council that. it has received a firm ul.derwritirrg commitment from ~~ui an & Moody, Iric. , a municipal bond underwri ~Gr, fo:r a public sale o1:~ the Bonds :iri an -2- 1 amount and at interest rates that would permit tl;e Project to go orward on an economically feasible basis. 5. It is hereby found and determined th,a.t it is desirable .hat Section 1.1 of the Resolution be amended. t.o authorize ~i r~ublic underwriting of the Bonds in order to enable tt~.e Partnership to complete t:.he Project. and consummate the finan:ing thereof. Adopted by the City Council of the ::ity of Mont3_cello, P~linnesota, the 3rd day of August, 1981.. -----~ _ y~ rv~"~ e Grirns/m~ol,"`~M~lyor Attest: _!~.l_ __. ~~~= ar Wie -, City t3dmi.n.istrator -2- • STATE OF HtiIINNESOTA ) ss. COUNTY OF WR I s:;HT ) I, the u.nclersigned, being the duly qualified and acting City Admix:~istrator of the City of Monticello, Minnesota, do hereby certify tl'~at I have compared the attached ext.z-act of minzztes of a regular meeting of the City Council of the City held on Monday, the 3rd day o.f August, 19£il, with the original thereof on file in ~:iy office, and that the attached extract is a ful.]_, true and correct transcrip~f o:E the original insofar as such minutes reaate to a resolution. azitlzorizing the public under:~writincr of the $1,400,000 Commercial Development Revenue Bonds (Medical I';~cilities Company Project) of the City. WI'_CNESS My Band and seal as said Cit.~~ Adm_inist.rator this /S/~i day of August, 198.1. Wieb C:i.ty Administrator_ (Seal)