City Council Agenda Packet 11-24-2014AGENDA SPECIALMEETING–MONTICELLOCITYCOUNCIL Monday,November24,2014–5:00p.m. NorthMississippiRoom,MonticelloCommunityCenter Mayor:ClintHerbst CouncilMembers:LloydHilgart,TomPerrault,GlenPosusta,BrianStumpf Others:WayneOberg,JeffO’Neill,CityDepartmentHeads 1.CalltoOrder 2.PurposeofMeeting: Review2015FeeScheduleproposedchanges Present2015proposedbudgetanddiscussfinallevytobeadoptedDecember8th 3.2015FeeSchedule 4.2015ProposedBudget 5.Adjournment SpecialCityCouncilAgenda:11/24/14 1 3.Reviewofproposed2015FeeSchedule (JO/WO/CS) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: ThefeesforservicesperformedbytheCityaresetbyordinanceandincludedintheCity FeeSchedule.Everyyear,staffreviewsthesefeestomakesurethefeeschargedarein linewithwhattheservicecostsorisnecessarytoprovidetheservice.Attachedisthe proposed2015FeeSchedulebasedonstaffreviewofthesefees.Thechangestothefees schedulethatarebeingrecommendedareinred. Followingareafewitemsthatappearedtoneedfurtherexplanation: IntheCommunityCentersection,theMembershipFeesfornewmembersarenot changing.However,MembershipFeesforallcurrentmemberswillseea10% increaseintheirrates. UnderMiscellaneousItems,thenotaryfeeisbeingincreasedby$1asthelawwas changedthisyeartoallowupto$5tobecharged. UnderPublicWorks,manyofthechargesforlaborandequipmentwillbe increasedtokeepwiththecostsincurredfortheuseofcityresources. UndertheSewerandWatersections,theratesforresidential,commercial,and industrialusageareincreasingby5%.Mostaccesschargesandtrunkfeesare increasingby4%. UnderWasteItems,thegarbageservicefeesareincreasingtokeepupwiththe actualcostsincurredbytheCity. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: Noactionneedstobetakenatthismeeting.Councilisaskedtoreviewthese recommendedchangesanddirectstaffiftheyhaveanysuggestions.Thefinalversionof the2015FeeSchedulewillbepresentedinapublichearingattheDecember8th,2014 Councilmeeting. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: None. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: Proposed2015FeeSchedule ANIMALCONTROL BoardingFee:$14/perday+tax DogLicense:AlteredPet$10-2years UnalteredPet$15-2years AlteredPet$5.00-1year UnalteredPet$7.50-1year LateFee$5 ReplacementTag$1+tax Euthanization/DisposalFee$37peranimal+tax Licensed Unlicensed Fine:RunningatLarge:Firstoffense$25$35 Secondoffense$35$45 Thirdoffense$50$60 IfimpoundedAddboardingfee(plustax) PermitforKeepingFowlonPremises$50 Annualrenewalforcurrentpermit$25 CEMETERY AdministrativeFee:$50 CremationDisinterment $75 FlatMarkersettingwith4"concreteborder$150 FrostCharge:(excavationsDecemberthroughFebruary)$100 GraveExcavationFee: Weekday$400 Weekend$450 InfantGraveExcavation-Weekday$100 InfantGraveExcavation-Weekend$125 CremationGraveExcavation-Weekday$80 CremationGraveExcavation-Weekend$105 GravePurchasingFee:Resident Resident Non-Resident Non-Resident FullGrave(4'x12')FlushMarkerArea$800 $900 $1,000 $1,100 FullGrave(4'x12')RaisedMarkerArea$900 $1,000 $1,100 $1,200 InfantGrave(2'x6')$200 $300 $200 $300 CremationGrave(4'x4')$400 $500 $500 $600 GraveStakingFee(monumentorexcavation):$50 GraveTransferFee:$15 MemorialPlaque(Bronze)Stone:Costplustax Cost+$10+salestax OpeningandclosingofNiche:$50 PerpetualCareFee: NewGraveSalesIncludedingraveprice(Maint.nottaxable-PlantCaretaxable) GraveSoldPre-1960$100 Planterwithstand$35(includestax) TITLE20-CHAPTER1 2015FEESCHEDULE-CITYOFMONTICELLO PROPOSED FeeScheduleRatessupercedeamountsshownincityordinancesorpolicieswhicharedatedpriortothefeeschedule. MonticelloFeeSchedule-20141 COMMUNITYCENTER MembershipFees:(fornewmembers)ResidentRate RegularRate DailyPass Junior/Senior$5.50$6.50 Adult$6.50$7.50 Family$21$27.50 *ClimbingwallisnotincludedwithDailyPass. 3MonthMembership Junior/Senior$76$93 Adult$104$127 DualSenior$122$150 Family$162$185 AnnualMembership(PaidinfullOptions) Junior/Senior$208$277 Adult$277$358 DualSenior$335$446 Family$404$491 ContinuousMembership(MonthlyPaymentOption**) Junior/Senior$20$26 Adult$29.50$35 DualSenior$32.50$42 Family$41$46 **AutomaticWithdrawal Cancellationfeeappliesifwithin12monthsofjoining. Childcare-optionwithMembership$6/monthforeachchild UnlimitedFitnessClasses-optionwithMembership$15/monthperperson AllcurrentMCCmemberswillseeanincreaseof10%ontheirmembershipfees. SpecialPasses:ResidentRate RegularRate ClimbingPass(5uses)--$23 SplashPass(10uses)-Junior$46$46 SplashPass(10uses)-Adult$46$52.50 IndoorPlayPass(10uses)$21$31.50 CourtPass-Gymnasium(10uses)-Junior$35$40 CourtPass-Gymnasium(10uses)-Adult$40$46 GroupXClassPass(10uses)$55$75 SpecialRates: ClimbingWallDailyFee-Junior--$5.50 ClimbingWallDailyFee-Adult--$6.50 IndoorPlayArea$2.75$3.75 PublicSkate-Children5-17--$3 PublicSkate-Adult--$4 DiscountedSwimRates-Junior/Adult--$3.50 $4 GroupRates-Junior--$4.50 $5 GroupRates-Adult--$5.50 $6 ShowerOnly--$3 $3.50 GroupXClassDrop-In$6.50$9 SilverSneakersDrop-In--$3.50 $4 PickleBallDrop-In--$2.50 $3 ContactCommunityCenterforratesonBirthdayParties,SwimLessons,andCorporateMemberships GymnasiumRentalRates: Gym-primetime$53/hour $58/hour Gym-nonprimetime$36/hour $40/hour FullKitchen$83flatfee $91/hour EnergyFee$75flatfee $83/hour Earlysetupfee$52/hour $57/hour DamageDeposit1/2ofrentalfees MonticelloFeeSchedule-20142 HourlyRoomRentalRates(2hourminimumrequired):Resident Regular Non-Profit BoomIslandRoom$14 $16 $13 BridgeRoom(full)$22 $26 $19 N.orS.BridgeRoom$13 $15 $11 RiverRoom$11 $14 $9 WarehouseRoom-Weekday$25 $30 $19 WarehouseRoom-Weekend$30 $36 $25 MississippiRoom:PrivateResident PrivateRegular BusinessResident BusinessRegular HalfRoomRental$47 $57 $36 $52 FullRoomRental$66 $80 $55 $73 Rentaleventwithalcohol(notweddings):Resident Regular Organization (2hourminimum)$138perhour $151perhour $127perhour HourlyRoomRentalRates(2hourminimumrequired):Resident Regular Non-Profit BoomIslandRoom$16$18$14 BridgeRoom(full)$24$29$21 N.orS.BridgeRoom$15$17$12 RiverRoom$12$16$10 WarehouseRoom-Weekday$28$33$21 WarehouseRoom-Weekend$33$40$28 MississippiRoom:PrivateResident PrivateRegular BusinessResident BusinessRegular HalfRoomRental$52$63$40$57 FullRoomRental$73$88$61$80 Rentaleventwithalcohol(notweddings):Resident Regular Organization (2hourminimum-reservewithin3monthsofevent)$152perhour$166perhour$140perhour HostessFee:$22/hour $25/hour Lockerfees:$5/monthperlocker COMMUNITYDEVELOPMENT-BUILDING CountyAssessorFees:BuildingValuation$499,999orless$25 BuildingValuation$500,000ormore$100 BuildingInspection(non-permitrelated):$50/hour $12.50minimumchargefor15minutesorless BuildingPermitFees:106%of1997Staterecommended schedule BuildingPermitSurcharge:usestate-mandatedfee ContractorLicenseCheckFee:$25 BuildingPermit/Records-Duplicate$50/hour $12.50minimumchargefor15minutesorless BlightProcessingFee$50(perparcel) DemolitionPermit:106%of1997Staterecommendedschedule Permitisissuedunderabuildingpermit(followsameproceduresasissuingabuildingpermit).Priorto demolitionpermitissuanceverifywithPublicWorks.Contractormustarrangedisconnection: 1)Sanitarysewer;2)Citywater&retrievewatermaterand3)approveroutingfortrucksandheavy equipment,(ifapplicable).Excavationpermitmayalsoberequired. FireAlarm/FireSprinklerSystem106%of1997StateRecommendedSchedule MechanicalPermits:Residential$45base+$9/fixture Commercial1.25%ofvaluation+statesurcharge,minimum$100+statesurcharge MechanicalSurcharge.0005Xvaluation;minimum$5(statemandated) MobileHomePermit$150 MovingBuildings:$150+expense+demolitionpermit PlanReview:65%ofbuildingpermitfee MonticelloFeeSchedule-20143 PlumbingPermits:Residential $45base+$9/fixture ("Fixture"includessuchthingsastraps,toilets,floordrains,sinks,showers) Commercial1.25%ofvaluation+statesurcharge,minimum$100+statesurcharge PlumbingSurcharge:.0005Xvaluation;minimum$5(statemandated) RentalHousingLicenseFee:$45/perbuilding+$15foreachdwellingunitwithinthebuilding RentalHousingLicenseApplication/LateFee:Doublethestandardlicensefee RentalHousingLicenseTransferFee:$35 SignPermits:Permanent$50forfirst$1,000ofvalue(minimumfee$50) $10eachadditional$1,000ofvalue SignPermits:Temporary$35 StateSurchargeonBuildingPermits: ValuationofStructure AdditionorAlterationSurchargeComputation $1,000,000orless.0005xvaluation;minimum$5(statemandated) $1,000,000to$2,000,000$500+.0004x(Value-$1,000,000) $2,000,000to$3,000,000$900+.0003x(Value-$2,000,000) $3,000,000to$4,000,000$1200+.0002x(Value-$3,000,000) $4,000,000to$5,000,000$1400+.0001x(Value-$4,000,000) Greaterthan$5,000,000$1500+.00005x(Value-$5,000,000) UtilityLocateFee:Residential$40 Commercial/Industrial$55 COMMUNITYDEVELOPMENT-PLANNING/ZONING AdministrativeHomeOccupationPermit$50 ComprehensivePlanAmendment$200+escrow(perchart) ConditionalUsePermit$200+Escrow(perchart) EscrowChart-LandUseApplicationPlanReview CommercialResidential 0-3acres$2,0001unit $500(singlefamily) 4-10acres$6,0002+units$1000base+ 11+acres$10,000$100perunit *reconciledtoactualcostsforstaff/consultingtimeafterdecision InterimUsePermit:$200+Escrow(perchart) Labor(forCommunityDevelopment/Projects): Planner$142/hour $155/hour Engineer $142/hour(maximum)$143/hour(maximum) ConstructionInspector $102/hour(maximum)$104/hour(maximum) ParkDedication(residential)Anamountoflandequaltoelevenpercent(11%) ofthetotalgrosslandareaoftheplatshallbe presumptivelydefinedas"reasonablycommensurate." Intheeventthatthesubdividerobjectstotheeleven percent(11%)standard,theCityshall,atthe developer'srequestandexpense,conducta specificdedicationstudyoftheparksystemand thedemandplacedonthesystembytheproposed plat. Cash-in-Lieu:11%offairmarketvalueoftherawlandtobe plattedatthetimeoffinalplat.Thecitymayrequirean appraisaltodeterminemarketvalueofsubjectlandbeingplatted. ParkingFund(CCDDistrict)$4,500perstall PlatSubdivisions: PreliminaryPlat$300+escrow(perchart) FinalPlat$50+escrow(perchart) MonticelloFeeSchedule-20144 PlannedUnitDevelopments(PUDs):Collaborative:(delete) Concept: Development: Final: PublicROWorEasementVacation$200+Escrow(perchart) RezoningRequest:$200+Escrow(perchart) SimpleSubdivision/AdministrativeLotCombination/ LotLineAdjustment$200+Escrow(perchart) SitePlanReview$50+Escrow(perchart) SpecialHomeOccupationPermits:$200+Escrow(perchart) SpecialPlanningCommissionMeeting$350 StreetVacation:$200+Escrow(perchart)(delete) TemporaryUsePermit(waivedforparadesonly)$50 Variance: SingleFamily-AplicationFee$200 -Deposit$500 AllOtherApplications-ApplicationFee$200 -Deposit$1,000 NOTE:Whenmultiplelanduseapplicationsarerunconcurrently,onlyoneapplicationfeeandescrowdeposit shallberequiredpermeetingcycle,untilescrowisdepleted.Newescrowrequiredperescrowchartoncedepleted. ENGINEERING DrivewayPermit$25 GradingPermit: ExistingSingle-FamilyResidential$75perpermit+$1,500/acrerestorationsuretybond. NewSingle-FamilyResidentialDevelopment,Nodrainagecalculationreviewrequired: Multi-Dwelling,Commercial&IndustrialProperties$150perpermitplusrestorationsuretybondof$3000/firstacre; $1500eachadditionalacre. Drainagecalculationreviewrequired: $350perpermitplusrestorationsuretybondof$3000/firstacre; $1500eachadditionalacre. LandReclamation/MiningPermit(requiresFeedeterminedbyCityCouncilresolution+100% subdivisiondevelopmentagreementorCUP)oflandrestorationcostsasdeterminedbyCityEngineer Right-of-WayPermits Drops-nodrawingrequiredunlessorigination occursmorethan10feetfrompropertytobeserved: Feew/outdrawings$25/25addresses(maximum) Feewithdrawings$25/5addresseswithdrawings(maximum) PermitExtensionFee:$17.50 PavementHoleFee:$50 TrunkLineFee: BaseFee(first100feet)$40 Trenching(over100feet)$.10/linealfoot Boring(over100feet)$.05/linealfoot ObstructionFee:$40 FIBERNET EmergencyResponse: Fibercuts;customer-initiatedemergencyservice$70/hourplusexpenses(supplies,equipmentrental,outsidecontractors,etc.) *minimumof30minutes,chargedin30minuteincrements NOTE:ContactFiberNetBusinessOfficeorwebsiteforcurrentratesforinternet,phoneandcableTV. FIREDEPARTMENT Controlled/PrescribedBurns: Building$2,500 PrairieorWildland,lessthan20acres$750/hour PrairieorWildland,20acresormore$1,000/hour EmergencyResponse-CarAccident$500 $200+escrow(perchart) $50+escrow(perchart) $50+escrow(perchart) $200+escrow(perchart) MonticelloFeeSchedule-20145 FalseAlarmPolicy*-FirstTimeNocharge SecondTime$250 ThirdTimeorMore$350 *Percalendaryear FireLockBoxFee:$171+salestax Cost+10%+salestax HomeFireSafetyInspections(i.e.daycare/fostercare)$50 LICENSES/PERMITS BurningPermit:$250deposit (tocoverexpenses,ifPW/FireDeptarecalledtoburnsite) CigaretteLicense:TobaccolicensesareissuedbyWrightCounty UtilityExcavationPermitFee(water,wastewater,stormwater)(movedto"PublicWorks"section) (BondingandInsurancerequired) GamblingLicense:LicensedthroughStateofMinnesota;RequiresCouncilapproval LiquorAdministrativeFines: Firstviolation$500 Secondviolation,within2years$1,000 Thirdviolation,within2years$2,000(nomandatoryrevocationoflicense) LiquorLicenses: 1-DayConsumption&Display$25 TemporaryOn-Sale(Beer)$10/day Wine,On-Sale$275/peryear Wine/StrongBeerComb.On-Sale$1,200/peryear Wine/3.2BeerCom.On-Sale$500/peryear 3.2Beer,On-Sale$275/year 3.2Beer,Off-Sale$100/peryear Liquor,On-Sale$3,750/peryear Liquor,SundaySales$200(Statutorylimit) Liquor,Setups$250/year Liquor,Club(Veteran'sOrg). Membership 200orless$300(Statutorylimit) 201-500$500(Statutorylimit) 501-1000$650(Statutorylimit) 1001-2000$800(Statutorylimit) 2001-4000$1,000(Statutorylimit) Over4000$2,000(Statutorylimit) PawnShop: Annuallicense,initial$50 Annualrenewalofcurrentlicense$25 Transactionfee$1.00pertransaction Peddler/SolicitorPermit:Nocharge-Cityresident/business(mustregister) $10/person-Non-resident MonticelloFeeSchedule-20146 TransientMerchant: Annualpermit,privatepremise$75/year DailyFees,operatingunderannualpermit$10/day(withannualpermit) Dailyfees,independentmerchant$50/day Dailyfees,farm/gardenfruits&vegetablesNofeefrom6/15to9/15(statemandated) FireworksSale$350/year TravelingShows$100/firstday;$50/dayforeachdaythereafter MISCELLANEOUSITEMS Assessment/PropertySearch-full$25 PropertyBillSearch-limitedFree BusinessListFree Brochures:Free Cityresidentlist:(Ex.UtilityBillingList)$0.25/page+salestax CityLabels$.50/sheet+salestax ComprehensiveGuidePlan-Entire$32plustax DowntownRevitalizationPlan$15plustax TransportationPlan$50plustax Copies:copymachine$.25percopy+salestax engineeringcopier$.50/squarefoot+salestax($2minimum) emailed$35.00/hour+salestax(minimum1/4hour) electronicmedia$10.00+costofmedia+salestax DelinquentCertificationProcessingFee:$75perparcel MinimumAccountBalanceof$50 Processedonceayear DelinquentList$10+tax(each) DepositsonCityRepairProjects$100-$300(dependingonest.valueofwork) Maps:Citymap(24"X36")$3+salestax Citymap(11"X17")$1+salestax Zoningmap(24"X36")$3+salestax Statemaps$.55+salestax WrightCountymaps$3+salestax Notary:$1each $2each Signs:Currentlistedprice+10%handlingcharge+tax THEFOLLOWINGITEMSCANALSOBEDOWNLOADEDFROMCITYWEBSITE:www.ci.monticello.mn.us CityOrdinances: EntiresetofordinancesToobtainpapercopies,contactCityHall. ZoningOrdinanceChargesbasedonpriceslistedunder"Copies." SubdivisionOrdinance CityCode SanitarySewer AssessmentPolicy CityMaps MeetingAgendas/Minutes PARKS Memorials: Bench$1,500(includestax,delivery,installation) Tree$300(includestax,delivery,installation) MonticelloFeeSchedule-20147 FacilityRentalFees: Baseball/SoftballFieldRental*(nolights) Residents$25perfieldperday Non-resident$35perfieldperday FieldLighting* Residents$15perhourperfield Non-resident$20perhourperfield *thesefeesareforindividuals/groupstousethecityfacilityforpracticeoraninformalgame. TournamentFieldRental(includeslightsasneeded) -upto3days$90perfield -extendeddays$10perfieldforeachadditionalday ParkRentalRates:Resident Non-Resident EllisonGazebo$100$125 EllisonLogShelter$100for6hrs$125for6hrs WestBridgeParkShelter/WarmingHouse$100for6hrs$125for6hrs WestBridgePicnicShelter$100for6hrs$125for6hrs PioneerPark$100for6hrs$125for6hrs GrovelandParkPicnicShelter$100for6hrs$125for6hrs OtterCreek$50for6hrs$75for6hrs EastBridgeWeddingGazebo$100for6hrs$125for6hrs PUBLICWORKS BoulevardDiseaseTreeRemovalIfCityiscontractedfortreeremoval,theCitywill pay1/2thecostofremovalupto$225pertree, withresidentresponsibleforthebalance. BoulevardReplacementTreeat1/2cost$30maximumcrediteach Chipping:$40+taxper1/2hourorpartthereofforthefirst2hours $70+taxper1/2hourorpartthereofforthenexthour Nomorethan3hoursperyearperproperty ConeReplacement:Cost+salestax Cost+$10+salestax ConstructionInspection(CityorEngineer)$80/hour $104/hour Labor(noequipment):$35.00/hour -regularbusinesshours $50/hour Ratewillbeincreasedifresponserequiredoutsideofregularhours Rodding:$230/hourforoneoperator&machine $115/hourorpartthereoffor2operators,machineandpickup SidewalkSnow&IceControl $35.00perlot -1stOffence $50perlot $50.00perlot -2ndOffence $75perlot $75.00perlot -maximumafter2ndOffence $100perlot $75.00 MobilizationChargeperOffenceatStaffDiscretion $100 Sweeping:$125/hour-includesoperator UtilityExcavationPermitFee(water,wastewater,stormwater)$75 (BondingandInsurancerequired) Vac/SewerJet:$287.50/hourforoneoperator&machine $345/hourfortwooperators&machine OtherEquipment(includingoperator): LargeFrontEndLoaders$125/hour $150/hour MidSizeLoaders$75/hour $100/hour BackhoeLoader$125/hour $150/hour MotorGrader$125/hour $150/hour SkidSteere$75/hour $100/hour DumpTruck$75/hour $100/hour Pickupor1-tonTruck$35/hour $60/hour MonticelloFeeSchedule-20148 SANITARYSEWER SewerRates:1st3740gallons$20.65minimum $21.69minimum Over3740gallonsOver3740gallons$3.7000/748gallons $3.8900/748gallons SewerRates:SpecialCases $24.65 Xnumberofpeopleinhousehold $26.93 IndustrialSewerRates:AllUsage$2.2200/748gallons +salestax $2.3300/748gallons BOD5:0.320/lb.+salestax $0.336/lb. TSS:0.440/lb.+salestax $0.462/lb. TestingActualcosts+10% SewerDischargeEnvironmentalFee:2%ofsewerbill AllSewerCustomers SewerConnectionPermit:$75(residentialorcommercial) SewerandWaterCombinationPermit:$127(residential) $127plustax(commercial) SewerAccessCharge: Residential-SingleFamily$4,030/Unit $4,190/unit Allothersperunitequivalent$4,030/Unit $4,190/unit TrunkSanitarySewer: ResidentialUnit$1,223/unit $1,272/unit Non-Residential$3,065/peracre $3,188/acre WasteWaterDischargePermit: 10,000to15,000GPD$50annually 15,001to25,000GPD$100annually 25,001to50,000GPD$150annually 50,001to100,000GPD$250annually over100,000GPD$300annually STORMSEWER TrunkStormSewerFees:$3,245(netacre)$3407(netacre) AlternatePondingArea-Residential$3,490peracre AlternatePondingArea-Commercial$6,997peracre AlternatePondingArea-Industrial$8,176peracre WASTEITEMS GarbageServiceFees-Apts:w/odumpsters PickupDisposal $18.90 x#units+9.75%taxperquarter $30.00 DisposalSurcharge $3.48 x#units(non-taxable)perquarter $9.00 GarbageServiceFees-CommercialResidential&Non-CommercialResidential:(andadditionalcarts) 60gallon:PickupDisposal $15.93 x#units+9.75%taxperquarter $24.00 DisposalSurcharge $2.31 x#units(non-taxable)perquarter $6.00 90gallon:PickupDisposal $18.90 x#units+9.75%taxperquarter $30.00 DisposalSurcharge $3.48 x#units(non-taxable)perquarter $9.00 CartTransferFee$30 GarbageCartReplacement(iflost): 38gallon$59.06+9.75%tax 60gallon$65.31+9.75%tax 90gallon$70.75+9.75%tax RecycleCartReplacement(iflost): 35gallon$60 64gallon$65 StorageBins(red,yellow,blue)$10includessalestax(untilsoldout) MonticelloFeeSchedule-20149 WATER HydrantRatesforContractors: (#1,#2and#3AREALLTAXABLEIFCOMMERCIAL) 1.AllcontractorsmustobtainapermitfromtheWaterSuperintendent.Thepermitfeeis$500. Thispermitwilldefinethehydranttobeusedandprovidesatallysheetforwaterusage. 2.Thefollowingratesshallapply: Upto500cu.ft.or3,750gallons$28.00minimum $30minimum 500cu.ft.ormore$2.75percubicfoot $2.89/cubicft 3,750gallonsormore$3.63per1,000gallons $3.81/1,000gallons 3.ThefollowingdepositsshallbetakenforuseofCityequipment(noexceptions): HydrantWrench$50.00 2-1/2"fillhose$100.00 1-1/2"fillhosewith2-1/2"adapter$100.00 2-1/2"hydrantmeter$1,000.00 3/4"andsmallmeter$100.00 Nozzle$50.00 *Ifequipmentisreturnedwithin10daysofpermitexpirationingoodcondition,thefullamountforwateruse andequipment,less10%permonthonportionthereofforrent,shallberefunded. IndustrialWaterRate,Mtr1 Allusage$1.35/748gallons +salestax $1.42/748gallons IrrigationWaterRate-Resid,Twnhms&Comm: first3740gallons$17.00minimum +salestax $17.85minimum 3741-29,920gallons$1.13/748gallons +salestax $1.19/748gallons 29,921-100,000gallons$1.31/748gallons +salestax $1.38/748gallons over100,000gallons$1.43/748gallons +salestax $1.50/748gallons (ifmeteredseparately,noquarterlyminimumbaserateisappliedtoirrigationmeterswithzerousage) FinalBillProcessingFee$20 Res/CommWater:0-3740gallons$17.00minimum $17.85minimum 3741-29,920gallons$1.13/748gallons $1.19/748gallons 29,921-100,000gallons$1.31/748gallons $1.38/748gallons over100,000gallons$1.43/748gallons $1.50/748gallons MinimumBillforMalfunctioningMeter$150after4thcontactattempt. TrunkWaterCharge:$907perresidentialunit $943/residentialunit $2,267peracrenon-residential $2,358/acrenon-residential WaterAccessCharge:1"line$801 +materials $833 1-1/4"line$1,217 +materials $1,266 1-1/2"line$1,460 +materials $1,518 2"line$1,920 +materials $1,997 3"line$2,402 +materials $2,498 4"line$3,164 +materials $3,291 6"line$3,984 +materials $4,143 8"line$5,231 +materials $5,440 WaterAvailabilityCharge:$38.25 $40.25 (Forthosewhohavecitywateravailablebut(billedinJuly) choosenottohookup) WaterConnectionPermit:$65(residential) $65plustax(commercial) WaterMainTapping-NewServices(1"only)$250each+materials MonticelloFeeSchedule-201410 WaterMeters:5/8"meter$340+salestax $355+salestax 3/4"meter$375+salestax $390+salestax 1"meter$445+salestax $490+salestax 11/2"meter$660+salestax $700+salestax 2"meter +up Cost+$50+salestax 1"x3/4"metervalves $55+salestax 1"x1"metervalves $60+salestax WaterShutOff,thenTurnedOn:$50.00($25on/$25off)+delinquency(taxableifnon-res.) WaterViolations(sprinkling): 1stViolationNoFee 2ndViolation$50 EachSubsequentViolation$100/perviolation MonticelloFeeSchedule-201411 SpecialCityCouncilAgenda:11/24/14 1 4.Reviewof2015proposedbudgetandlevy (WO/JO) Refertothefollowingdocuments. Councilworksheetforestablishingfinalbudget Removing4hoursofPoliceServiceperdayopensup$94Kforother Expenditures.Belowareitemsthatcouldbeaddedtothebudget Inreplacementofthe$94K.Theseitemspreviewedat previousbudgetworkshop.TotalCost Staff Council Recommendation*Wishes 1 SecurityCameras-Portable-useofFNMWi-Fi-trailcams/park/MCCprotection $15,000 $15,000 2 Bannerreplacement-PossibleEDAexpenditure $16,000 $0 3 DogParkMeadowOaks-#4priorityforParksCommission $17,500 $9,000 4 MontiClubHillPark-Singletrack/other $17,500 $0 5 FreewayInterchangeStudy-Determinelocationinadvanceofadditionallanes $25,000 $25,000 6 Paintingstoplights-13sets $42,000 $0 7 SpiritHills/WildwoodWay/MontiClubTrailconnection#3 $45,000 $45,000 AddfourhoursofPoliceServicestartingJuly2015 $47,000 $0 8 ElmStreetSidewalk-6thstreettoLegion-includespedXrailtoo $100,000 $0 9 MCCPoolPlaystructure $100,000 $0 10 FenningAvenue-SpiritHills/HillsideFarmsalongJason $200,000 $0 11 WestBridgeParkSplashPadandother $500,000 $0 12 StreetReconstruction-annualcosttomaintain $625,000 $0 13 AdditionalDebtService-Off-setdepletionofimpactfeerevenue $0 $0 14 EquipmentPurchase($870K)$870,000 $0 $2,620,000 $94,000 $0 Theitemsnotedbelowwerenotinthefigurescomprisingthe4.7levyincrease.Theareplannedfor2015butfundedviaanalternativesource. BertramBeachImprovements $37,000 NA Fundedviaclosedbondfund FallonAvenue-HuntersCrossing-trail-#2 $75,000 NA Fundedviaclosedbondfund Hunter'sCrossingPark-#1PriorityforParksCommission $85,000 NA Fundedviaclosedbondfund BertramAthleticFieldPlanning $90,000 NA Fundedviaclosedbondfund AGENDA SPECIALMEETING–MONTICELLOCITYCOUNCIL Monday,November24,2014–6:30p.m. NorthMississippiRoom,MonticelloCommunityCenter Mayor:ClintHerbst CouncilMembers:LloydHilgart,TomPerrault,GlenPosusta,BrianStumpf Others:CathyShuman,KerryBurri,JeffO’Neill 1.CalltoOrder 2.PurposeofMeeting:CanvassresultsoftheelectionrecountfromNovember21st,2014 3.Canvassrecountresults(andreviewchallengedballots) 4.ConsiderationofadoptingResolution#2014-117approvingthecanvassoftheelection recountandrecertifyingthe2014GeneralElectionresults 5.Adjournment CityCouncilSpecialAgenda:11/24/14 1 ConsiderationofadoptingResolution#2014-120approvingthecanvassoftheelection recountandrecertifyingthe2014GeneralElectionresults (CS) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: TheCityCouncilcanvassedtheNovember4th GeneralElectionreturnsinaccordance withMNStateStatuteSection205.185,Subd.3anddeclaredtheresultsforMayoras BrianStumpfandCouncilMembersasLloydHilgartandCharlotteGabler. Thevotetotalsbetweenthesecondplacecandidate(Gabler)andthirdplacecandidate (Davidson)resultedinadifferenceof6votes.UnderMinnesotastatutes,thereisno provisionforanautomaticrecountformunicipalities.Rather,acandidatemayrequesta recountafterthecanvassingiscompletedandelectionresultsaredeclared.Candidate JimDavidsonfiledarequestforarecountandtherecountisbeingconductedbyWright CountyelectionofficialsonFriday,November21st at9a.m.attheCourthouseinBuffalo. Cityelectionstaffwillparticipateintherecountprocess.Therecountisopentothe public.Accordingtostatutes,theminimaldifferenceinvotesmeetsthecriteriaunder whichallexpensesofconductingtherecountwillbepaidbytheCity. TheoutcomeoftheresultsshouldbeannouncedattheendoftherecountonFriday.City electionstaffwillbringbacktheresultsandanychallengedballots,whichwillbesecured untiltheSpecialMeetingonMonday,November24th at6:30p.m.CityCouncilwill canvasstheelectionrecountatthespecialmeeting,andthenadoptaresolutionto recertifytheelectionresults.Intheeventthatthecanvassingmeetingextendsbeyondthe allocatedtimeframe,CityCouncilcanrecessandcontinuethespecialmeetingafterthe regularmeetingisadjourned. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.MotiontoadoptResolution#2014-120acceptingthecanvassofthevotesas determinedfromtheelectionrecountandrecertifyingtheresultsofthe2014 GeneralElectionforthemunicipalofficesofmayorandcouncilmembersas follows: Mayor:BrianStumpf CouncilMembers:LloydHilgartand___________________ C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: CityStaffrecommendsAlternative#1asadoptionoftheresolutionisrequiredinorderto complywiththeprovisionsofMinnesotaStateStatutesandissueelectioncertificatesto thewinningofficers. CityCouncilSpecialAgenda:11/24/14 2 D.SUPPORTINGDATA: Resolution#2014-120 Tallysheetforchallengedballots CopyofNovember4th resultstapesshowingvotetotalsfromElectionday CopyofofficialpostedresultsfromSecretaryofState’swebsite (ResultsfromWrightCountyelectionrecountwillbeprovidedatMonday’smeeting) CITYOFMONTICELLO WRIGHTCOUNTY RESOLUTIONNO.2014-120 CANVASSINGELECTIONRECOUNTANDRECERTIFYINGRESULTSOFTHE 2014GENERALELECTIONFORCITYOFMONTICELLOMAYOR ANDCOUNCILMEMBEROFFICES WHEREAS,theDeputyCityClerk/ElectionsAdministratorhasdulypresentedtotheCity CounciltheresultstapesofballotscastintheNovember4th,2014GeneralElection,andreturns fromtheNovember4th,2014GeneralElectionwerecanvassedandresultsdeclaredatthe November10th,2014CouncilMeeting;and WHEREAS,arecountofthesecondCouncilMemberpositionwasrequestedbyJimDavidson onNovember14th,2014,andarecountwasconductedbyWrightCountyElectionOfficialson November21st,2014;and WHEREAS,theMonticelloCityCouncilcanvassedtheresultsoftheelectionrecounton November24th,2014,andtotalvotescastforthesecondCouncilMemberpositionareas follows: ForCouncilMember(electedfor4yearterm) CharlotteGabler________ JimDavidson________ NOWTHEREFORE,BEITHEREBYRESOLVEDBYTHECITYCOUNCILOF MONTICELLO,MINNESOTA,thatthetotalslistedabovearedeemedtobecorrect,the electionisdeemedtobevalid,andthewinnersofthe2014GeneralElectionarerecertifiedas follows: ForMayor(2yearterm):BrianStumpf For2CouncilMembers(4yearterm):LloydHilgart _____________________ ADOPTEDBY theCityCouncilofMonticello,Minnesotathis24th dayofNovember,2014. CITYOFMONTICELLO ____________________________ ATTEST:ClintHerbst,Mayor ________________________________ JeffO’Neill,CityAdministrator TALLY SHEET FOR REVIEW OF CHALLENGED BALLOTS SAMPLE Monticello City - Canvass of election recount 11/24/2014 Challenged Ballot Number Gabler Davidson Other Gabler Davidson Other Gabler Davidson Other Gabler Davidson Other Gabler Davidson Other Gabler Davidson Other 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Brian Stumpf Canvass of Council Votes Vote Status - County Recount Clint Herbst Lloyd Hilgart Tom Perrault Glen Posusta AGENDA REGULARMEETING–MONTICELLOCITYCOUNCIL Monday,November24,2014–7p.m. MississippiRoom,MonticelloCommunityCenter Mayor:ClintHerbst CouncilMembers:LloydHilgart,TomPerrault,GlenPosusta,BrianStumpf 1.CalltoOrderandPledgeofAllegiance 2A.ApprovalofMinutes–November10,2014RegularMeeting 3.Considerationofaddingitemstotheagenda 4.Citizencomments,publicserviceannouncements,updates A.CitizenComments: B.PublicServiceAnnouncements: 1)MCCSantaVisit(12/6) 2)LocalElectionRecountstatus C.Updates: 1)Snow&IceBudgetandSnowmobileroutes 5.ConsentAgenda: A.ConsiderationofapprovingpaymentofbillsforNovember24th B.ConsiderationofapprovingnewhiresanddeparturesforCitydepartments C.ConsiderationofadoptingResolution#2014-118acceptingadonationof$250 fromSecuritasSecurityServicesfor2014Blazin’ThruBertram5K D.ConsiderationofadoptingResolution#2014-119acceptingadonationof$2,560 fromtheMonticelloVFWforI-padsfortheMonticelloFireDepartment E.Considerationofapproving2014OperatingTransfers F.Considerationofapprovinga5-yearleasewithChristianSocialServices,Inc.for theMonticelloHelpCenter G.Considerationofacceptingquoteandapprovingpurchaseofmainlinesewer cameraandtraileratacostof$68,480fortheWaterandSewerCollections Department SPECIALMEETING 5p.m.-2015FeeSchedule&FinalLevy/BudgetWorkshop 6:30p.m.–CanvassElectionRecountresults H.Considerationofacceptingquotesandauthorizereplacementofequipmentinthe CommunityCenterRomp&Stomproom I.Considerationofapprovingrenewalofapawnbrokerlicensefor2015for MichaelHelmdbaMonticelloPawn,GunandBargainCenterat1219South Highway25 6.Considerationofitemsremovedfromtheconsentagendafordiscussion 7.RegularAgenda: A.ConsiderationofadoptingInterimOrdinanceNo.604establishingamoratorium ontheacceptanceofapplicationsfor,ortheissuanceofanycitypermitsfor,the useoflandforsolarenergyproductionasaprincipaluseinallpartsofthecity 8.Addeditems: 9.Adjournment CityCouncilAgenda:11/24/14 1 5A.ConsiderationofapprovingpaymentofbillregistersforNovember24th (WO) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: Citystaffsubmitstheattachedbillregistersandpurchasingcardregistersforapprovalby Council.Thebillregisterscontainallinvoicesprocessedandthepurchasingcard registerscontainallcardpurchasesmadesincethelastCouncilmeeting.SubjecttoMN Statutes,mostinvoicesrequireCouncilapprovalpriortoreleasingchecksforpayment. ThedayfollowingCouncilapproval,paymentswillbereleasedunlessdirected otherwise.AcreditpurchasingagreementandpolicywasapprovedbyCouncilinitially andcardpurchasesmustcomplywiththepolicy. IfCouncilhasnoquestionsorcommentsonthebillandpurchasecardregisters,thesecan beapprovedwiththeconsentagenda.Ifrequested,thisitemcanberemovedfrom consentanddiscussedpriortomakingamotionforapproval. A1.BudgetImpact:None A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:Noadditionalworkrequired B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.Motiontoapprovethebillandpurchasecardregistersforatotalamountof $602,148.03. 2.MotiontoapprovetheregisterswithchangesdirectedbyCouncil. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: CitystaffrecommendsAlternative#1or#2,perdirectionofCouncil. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: Billregisters PurchaseCardregisters User: Printed:11/17/2014 - 9:44AM Debbie.Davidson Computer Check Proof List by Vendor Accounts Payable Batch:00201.11.2014 - 201.11.2014 US Bank Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Vendor:1604 HEALTH PARTNERS Check Sequence: 1 ACH Enabled: True 53308715 December 2014 - Medical 47,430.67 11/15/2014 101-00000-217060 53308715 December 2014 - Dental 5,313.25 11/15/2014 101-00000-217062 52,743.92Check Total: Vendor:3241 LINCOLN FINANCIAL GROUP Check Sequence: 2 ACH Enabled: True 11/1/14 November 2014 1,677.91 11/15/2014 101-00000-217066 1,677.91Check Total: Vendor:1426 CITY OF MONTICELLO Check Sequence: 3 ACH Enabled: True 10063 Qrt3 2014 Front St Pk 215 Front St Sprinkler 119.43 11/15/2014 101-45201-438200 10128 Qrt3 2014 Office Facility 118 6th St W 49.19 11/15/2014 101-41941-438200 10250 Qrt3 2014 HeadEnd Garage 3698 1/2 School Blvd 39.23 11/15/2014 655-49870-438200 10267 Qrt3 2014 Community Garden 407 6th St W Spinkler 40.73 11/15/2014 226-45127-438200 5002 Qrt3 2014 1510 Hart Blvd Sprinkler 161.35 11/15/2014 101-43120-438200 5003 Qrt3 2014 1460 Hart Blvd Sprinkler 114.19 11/15/2014 101-43120-438200 5004 Qrt3 2014 1390 Hart Blvd Sprinkler 22.65 11/15/2014 101-43120-438200 5005 Qrt3 2014 822 Hart Blvd Sprinkler 401.37 11/15/2014 101-43120-438200 5026 Qrt3 2014 Ellison Park 811 River St Er 1,742.97 11/15/2014 101-45201-438200 5248 Qrt3 2014 Bridge Park East sprinkler 723.12 11/15/2014 101-45201-438200 5250 Qrt3 2014 Bridge Park West 107 River St W Rm 136.13 11/15/2014 101-45201-438200 5569 Qrt3 2014 Freeway Pk 2331 Mdw Oak Ave sprinkler 2,662.91 11/15/2014 101-45201-438200 7224 Qrt3 2014 WWTP 5,035.57 11/15/2014 602-49480-438200 7441 Qrt3 2014 200 W Broadway sprinkler 46.38 11/15/2014 101-43120-438200 7885 Qrt3 2014 Help Center 57.68 11/15/2014 217-41990-438200 8086 Qrt3 2014 4th St Warming House 38.06 11/15/2014 101-45201-438200 8114 Qrt3 2014 Hi-Way Liquor 148.82 11/15/2014 609-49754-438200 8117 Qrt3 2014 MCC 4,009.14 11/15/2014 226-45122-438200 8119 Qrt3 2014 Fire Station 346.96 11/15/2014 101-42200-438200 8120 Qrt3 2014 Bldg Inspection Garage 38.06 11/15/2014 101-41940-438200 8177 Qrt3 2014 Library 745.63 11/15/2014 101-45501-438200 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/17/2014 - 9:44 AM)Page 1 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 8394 Qrt3 2014 Riverside Cem 1321 River St W sprinkler 36.26 11/15/2014 651-49010-438200 8488 Qrt3 2014 Hillcrest Park 1706 River St W sprinkler 645.90 11/15/2014 101-45201-438200 8528 Qrt3 2014 Monti-NSP Softball Field 2171 River St W 3,228.56 11/15/2014 101-45203-438200 8533 Qrt3 2014 Chlesea Rd Lift 3176 Chelsea Rd W sprinkler 448.56 11/15/2014 602-49490-438200 8621 Qrt3 2014 Fenning Rnd-a-bout 9370 Fenning Ave NE sprinkler 49.77 11/15/2014 101-43120-438200 8622 Qrt3 2014 Pioneer Pk bathroom 5010 1/2 Fallon Ave 52.55 11/15/2014 101-45201-438200 8631 Qrt3 2014 203 Chlesea Rd-Animal Shelter 173.85 11/15/2014 101-42700-438200 8673 Qrt3 2014 Head End Building 152.44 11/15/2014 655-49870-438200 8674 Qrt3 2014 Reservior -07 Chelsea Rd sprinkler 302.70 11/15/2014 601-49440-438200 8903 Qrt3 2014 PW Shop/Clerical 121.43 11/15/2014 101-43127-438200 8904 Qrt3 2014 PW Vehicle Storage 30.56 11/15/2014 101-43127-438200 8905 Qrt3 2014 PW Office 739.66 11/15/2014 101-43127-438200 8906 Qrt3 2014 PW Sprinklers 17.00 11/15/2014 101-43127-438200 22,678.81Check Total: Vendor:2811 US BANK CORPORATE PMT SYSTEM Check Sequence: 4 ACH Enabled: True 11/6/14 Grady's - Freezer tape for Tree signs 3.29 11/15/2014 101-43120-421990 11/6/14 Radio Shack - 4pk 2A 5x20 3.73 11/15/2014 602-49490-421990 11/6/14 Grady's - 20 ft tubing 5.40 11/15/2014 601-49440-422300 11/6/14 Amazon - History of Public Works 5.56 11/15/2014 101-45201-421650 11/6/14 Monticello Napa -(4) filters for #112 & stock 14.96 11/15/2014 101-43120-422110 11/6/14 Grady's - 60 ft poly1 tubing; (10) clamp hose; nylon plug 27.59 11/15/2014 601-49440-422300 11/6/14 Super America - 26.574 gallons unleaded 83.15 11/15/2014 656-49877-421200 11/6/14 Morrie's Buffalo - 2) clamps;(2) bushig; pin; gear plunger; #112 85.26 11/15/2014 101-43120-422110 11/6/14 Monticello Napa -(2) filters #553 7.48 11/15/2014 101-43127-422120 11/6/14 Super America - 13.189 gallons unleaded 40.48 11/15/2014 656-49877-421200 11/6/14 Monticello Napa -13P Starbit 65.99 11/15/2014 101-43127-421990 11/6/14 NBP- doz. legal pad; perm markers; copy paper; pens; clipboards 83.26 11/15/2014 655-49870-420990 11/6/14 M-R Signs - Lt only; Thru Only; Rt Only 139.55 11/15/2014 101-43120-422600 11/6/14 Spirit Comm billing 656.37 11/15/2014 655-49870-431970 11/6/14 Home Depot - filter mat'l; wall plates pool; board for RompStomp 43.02 11/15/2014 226-45122-422990 11/6/14 NBP - Paper for UB Insert 13.77 11/15/2014 217-41990-420990 11/6/14 USPS - 1 priority mail pkg; 4lbs .30 oz to St.Paul 9.44 11/15/2014 217-41990-432200 11/6/14 Walmart - oranges, apples, bananas, zone bars, kind bars 39.74 11/15/2014 226-45127-425410 11/6/14 Walmart - 16 pk batteries (2) & key rings 25.38 11/15/2014 226-45122-421990 11/6/14 Walmart - spray paint for plastic (2) 9.31 11/15/2014 226-45122-422990 11/6/14 Walmart - Dawn soap 3.28 11/15/2014 226-45122-421100 11/6/14 Walmart - Lighters 16.88 11/15/2014 226-45127-420750 11/6/14 NBP - Paper, pens, page flags, clips, cardstock 117.84 11/15/2014 101-41940-420990 11/6/14 NBP - copy paper 268.00 11/15/2014 101-41940-420990 11/6/14 Holiday - Unleaded fuel 9.429 gals @ $3.139 29.60 11/15/2014 217-41990-421200 11/6/14 Gradys - Screws & bit for new filter on air handler 7.39 11/15/2014 226-45122-422990 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/17/2014 - 9:44 AM)Page 2 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 11/6/14 MN Fall Maintenance Expo - St.Cloud Tom Bose 25.00 11/15/2014 101-43115-433200 11/6/14 MN Pollution Control Agency - Recert Design of Const SWPPP 155.00 11/15/2014 101-43111-433200 11/6/14 USPS - (1) Priority Mail pkg to St.Paul 3 lbs 1.8 oz 7.55 11/15/2014 217-41990-432200 11/6/14 Frankling Outdoor Advert - Healing Moments Banner & MCC Banner 140.00 11/15/2014 226-45122-421990 11/6/14 NBP - Copy paper for UB insert & folders 68.10 11/15/2014 226-45122-420990 11/6/14 123 Signup - Yr End Tax info & tax class in St.Cloud for RaeLynn 45.00 11/15/2014 101-41520-433200 11/6/14 NBP - Paper, ink, envelopes 74.26 11/15/2014 217-41990-420990 11/6/14 Wall Street Journal - monthly online subscription 26.99 11/15/2014 101-41520-443300 11/6/14 Monticello Printing - Self Inking P40 stamp for inspections 31.50 11/15/2014 101-42400-420990 11/6/14 Recreation Supply - Credit for air shipping on previous order -215.04 11/15/2014 226-45122-421610 11/6/14 Leaderpromos.com - Shipping charge on promo giveaway 23.24 11/15/2014 226-45122-433300 11/6/14 G & K Services - floor mats 60.00 11/15/2014 217-41990-421990 11/6/14 G & K Services - floor mats 60.00 11/15/2014 217-41990-431990 11/6/14 Spectrum Supply - Foam cups (1000) 20.80 11/15/2014 226-45127-425410 11/6/14 Spectrum Supply - Bathroom Supplies 47.19 11/15/2014 226-45122-421990 11/6/14 Spectrum Supply - cleaning supplies 187.11 11/15/2014 226-45122-421100 11/6/14 Cub - Food for 10/13/14 CC meeting 67.26 11/15/2014 101-41310-443990 11/6/14 Grady's - basketball net 6.99 11/15/2014 101-45201-421990 11/6/14 Auto Value - (2) Torx bit; (2) Tamper Prof Bit; (2) Tamper Proof 17.70 11/15/2014 101-45201-422100 11/6/14 Monticello Napa (3) NCB Meguiars 29.10 11/15/2014 101-43120-421990 11/6/14 Home Depot -(3) door stop;(2) hose rack; 8x50 rubber hose; etc 135.84 11/15/2014 601-49440-422300 11/6/14 Grady's - 1 1/2" hinge 3.79 11/15/2014 601-49440-422300 11/6/14 Streichers - boots - Tim Ingle - Fire Dept 135.00 11/15/2014 101-42200-421990 11/6/14 Monticello Napa- ZPARKS-RIVERMILL - Flame Pro 9.32 11/15/2014 101-45201-422300 11/6/14 Monticello Napa- #223 - (2) Fastener; (4) adapter; (2)gr hose; 26.14 11/15/2014 101-45201-422100 11/6/14 USPS - (2) Prioriy Mail to St.Paul. 2 lbs 15.4 oz & 2 lbs 13 oz 13.40 11/15/2014 217-41990-432200 11/6/14 Von Hansons - Food for 10/13/14 CC Meeting 39.43 11/15/2014 101-41310-443990 11/6/14 Ameripride - Uniforms - Jeans 160.87 11/15/2014 226-45122-441700 11/6/14 Ameripride - Mops 142.31 11/15/2014 226-45122-431110 11/6/14 Ameripride - Towels 41.37 11/15/2014 226-45122-441710 11/6/14 NBP - Chair mat 53.71 11/15/2014 217-41990-421990 11/6/14 Grady's -Hex Nipple 2.99 11/15/2014 101-43120-422110 11/6/14 Auto Value - #202 Mule - (2) spark plug 3.78 11/15/2014 101-45201-422100 11/6/14 Runnings - powered pump-drill 10.99 11/15/2014 101-45201-422510 11/6/14 Central Hydraulics - #105 - (2) street elbow 90; (2) reducer bus 84.01 11/15/2014 101-43120-422100 11/6/14 Wright Henn Elec - 8/16-9/15/14 School Blvd Fenning/18 to Edmons 372.00 11/15/2014 101-43160-431900 11/6/14 Wright Henn Elec - 8/16-9/15/14 Cedar St Dundas to Chelsea 124.65 11/15/2014 101-43160-431900 11/6/14 Wright Henn Elec - 8/16-9/15/14 (9) lights 7th St & Highland 90.00 11/15/2014 101-43160-431900 11/6/14 Wright Henn Elec - 8/16-9/15/14 Chelsea Rd E 180.00 11/15/2014 101-43160-431900 11/6/14 Wright Henn Elec - 8/16-9/15/14 (14) lights 4489 School Blvd 193.90 11/15/2014 101-43160-431900 11/6/14 Cub - lemons/limes re sale 9.51 11/15/2014 609-49750-425500 11/6/14 Mac Tools - Crimppro 4-in-1 Wire Tool 41.99 11/15/2014 101-45201-421990 11/6/14 Monticello Napa -(2) air filters; (5) EP Moly MP Grs CA #202 51.79 11/15/2014 101-45201-422100 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/17/2014 - 9:44 AM)Page 3 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 11/6/14 NBP -(12) gloves; (2) splenda 114.94 11/15/2014 609-49754-421990 11/6/14 Home Depot -(2) coaxial tester; Pro3000 Tone & Probe Kit 138.86 11/15/2014 656-49877-421990 11/6/14 Moon Motors - 1/2 Carburetor- Civeil Defense Generator 78.25 11/15/2014 601-49440-422100 11/6/14 Moon Motors - 1/2 Carburetor- Civeil Defense Generator 78.24 11/15/2014 602-49490-422100 11/6/14 NBP -(12) gloves -Lg; (12) calc. paper; (2) tape; case paper 177.43 11/15/2014 609-49754-421990 11/6/14 Pipeline Supply- (60 ft) 3/4" copper for 112 4th St E 226.05 11/15/2014 601-49440-422700 11/6/14 Fastenal - #116 -small parts (12) x .16;(4) x .28 3.06 11/15/2014 101-43120-422110 11/6/14 General Rental - Excavator & bucket- Storm Water Maint 206.00 11/15/2014 101-43130-421990 11/6/14 Simplex Grinnell - Refund on duplicate charge -296.47 11/15/2014 226-45122-421610 11/6/14 Advanced Disposal - September 2014 101.68 11/15/2014 101-43230-431010 11/6/14 Advanced Disposal - September 2014 32,933.92 11/15/2014 101-43230-431000 11/6/14 Advanced Disposal - September 2014 10,612.38 11/15/2014 101-43230-431010 11/6/14 Advanced Disposal - September 2014 102.81 11/15/2014 655-49870-431000 11/6/14 Advanced Disposal - September 2014 34.34 11/15/2014 655-49870-431010 11/6/14 Advanced Disposal - September 2014 110.80 11/15/2014 101-43127-431000 11/6/14 Advanced Disposal - September 2014 113.38 11/15/2014 602-49480-431000 11/6/14 Advanced Disposal - September 2014 208.87 11/15/2014 226-45122-431000 11/6/14 Advanced Disposal - September 2014 11.93 11/15/2014 101-45501-431990 11/6/14 Advanced Disposal - September 2014 23.87 11/15/2014 609-49754-431000 11/6/14 Advanced Disposal - September 2014 10.55 11/15/2014 213-46522-431000 11/6/14 Advanced Disposal - September 2014 95.48 11/15/2014 101-45201-431000 11/6/14 Oriental Trading Co - Halloween Kiddie Parade Prizes 133.97 11/15/2014 226-45127-421980 11/6/14 MN Recreation & Park Assoc - Seminar for Kitty & Sara 98.00 11/15/2014 226-45122-433200 11/6/14 Amazon.com - Yellow Ink 54.99 11/15/2014 101-41940-420990 11/6/14 NBP - Calendars (2) 18.98 11/15/2014 101-41940-420990 11/6/14 NBP - Calendars/planners for office staff for 2015 296.12 11/15/2014 101-41940-420990 11/6/14 NBP - Tricia's Event Folders & Orange paper for school flyer 92.62 11/15/2014 226-45122-420990 11/6/14 Home Depot - Painting Supplies 87.12 11/15/2014 226-45122-422990 11/6/14 Monticello Vacuum Center - Bags (2) & Belts (4) 47.86 11/15/2014 226-45122-421100 11/6/14 US Postal Service - Priority Mail 2 lbs 15.5 oz to St.Paul 6.70 11/15/2014 217-41990-432200 11/6/14 Kwik Trip - Unleaded Fuel 9.109 Gal @ $2.999 27.32 11/15/2014 217-41990-421200 11/6/14 Mayflower Distributing Co - Halloween Parade Supplies 73.37 11/15/2014 226-45127-421980 11/6/14 Home Depot -(5) 5 gal water w/ empty exchange 34.30 11/15/2014 655-49870-421990 11/6/14 ECM Publishers - FNM 1 yr subscription Times renewal 39.00 11/15/2014 655-49870-443300 11/6/14 City of Monticello - (10) right of way permits 80.00 11/15/2014 656-49877-443700 11/6/14 Kwik Trip - Unleaded Fuel 29.229 gallons @ $2.979 87.07 11/15/2014 656-49877-421200 11/6/14 Home Depot -(6) 2x6 96" Stud; (2) 4'x8' sheathing; (2) 6" tee hi 95.58 11/15/2014 656-49877-421990 11/6/14 Home Depot - 26" 5-drawer tool box for headend building 105.81 11/15/2014 655-49870-421990 11/6/14 Live Laugh Bloom - Centerpieces (10) for IEDC Breakfast 155.00 11/15/2014 213-46301-443990 11/6/14 USPS - Stamps (3), Priority Mail Pkgs (2) to St.Paul 15.72 11/15/2014 217-41990-432200 11/6/14 Kwik Trip - Unleaded Fuel 9.196 gal @ $3.099 28.50 11/15/2014 217-41990-421200 11/6/14 USPS - Priority Mail to St.Paul (2) 13.30 11/15/2014 217-41990-432200 11/6/14 Home Depot -door pull; 4'x4' sanded plywood 27.17 11/15/2014 656-49877-421990 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/17/2014 - 9:44 AM)Page 4 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 11/6/14 Home Depot -Truman Howell Install - shelf; bracket; surge protec 27.18 11/15/2014 656-49877-421990 11/6/14 Zep - shop supplies- (5) 5 gal Blue Marvel 84.44 11/15/2014 101-43127-421990 11/6/14 G & K Services - inv. 1043819332 - floor mats 143.68 11/15/2014 609-49754-431990 11/6/14 Epic - misc tax re sale 319.77 11/15/2014 609-49750-425400 11/6/14 utx - Retail Resource- (13) sign holder; (12) star cards; hook 306.94 11/15/2014 609-49754-421990 11/6/14 Retail Resource- freight 35.35 11/15/2014 609-49750-433300 11/6/14 Arctic Glacier - re-sale 435.70 11/15/2014 609-49750-425500 11/6/14 Amazon.com - Booklet Display 135.61 11/15/2014 217-41990-420990 11/6/14 Gradys - Wire brush & Screws for fan on slide 8.39 11/15/2014 226-45122-422990 11/6/14 Runnings - Drill - Cordless, 18V, 2 battery pack 134.28 11/15/2014 226-45122-422990 11/6/14 Home Depot - Leaf blower 119.00 11/15/2014 226-45122-422990 11/6/14 NBP - Copy paper 33.50 11/15/2014 226-45122-420990 11/6/14 Marties Farm - Salt pellets (63 bags) 352.80 11/15/2014 226-45122-422990 11/6/14 Marties Farm - IF (10) 64.00 11/15/2014 226-45122-421600 11/6/14 NBP - Calculator Tape 10.49 11/15/2014 217-41990-420990 11/6/14 Walmart - Apple Cider & 8x10 mounted photos (19) for contest 220.18 11/15/2014 101-41940-443990 11/6/14 Walmart - Adhesive & mounting putty 11.18 11/15/2014 101-41940-443990 11/6/14 Auto Value - #221 Toro - (4) Safety Pin; spark plug gap gauge PW 5.25 11/15/2014 101-45201-422100 11/6/14 Marties Farm - straw - East Bridge 5.50 11/15/2014 101-45201-421990 11/6/14 Runnings - (3) duct tape; (2) fitting 1" adapt; 1" coupler; etc 52.93 11/15/2014 101-45201-422100 11/6/14 Fire Safety USA - boot Dustin Craig 154.99 11/15/2014 101-42200-421990 11/6/14 Dyna Systems - PW - (50) Nuts; (50) bolts; (3) gapper adhesive; 306.31 11/15/2014 101-43127-421990 11/6/14 Monticello Napa -#105 (2) BK 770-1755; adapter 8.55 11/15/2014 101-43120-422110 11/6/14 Grady's - #105- (2) pipe cap; (2) comp connector 16.56 11/15/2014 101-43120-422110 11/6/14 Grady's - (2) broom corn homeplus 54" 18.98 11/15/2014 101-43120-421990 11/6/14 APEC - Filters (8) 36.00 11/15/2014 226-45122-422990 11/6/14 Sensible Land Use Coalition - Luncheon - Angela 38.00 11/15/2014 101-41910-433200 11/6/14 MN GFOA - Membership for Julie 60.00 11/15/2014 101-41520-443300 11/6/14 Walmart - Parade Supplies - crayons & candy 41.74 11/15/2014 226-45127-421980 11/6/14 Walmart - Sharpie pens 5.41 11/15/2014 226-45122-420990 11/6/14 Walmart - Apples & Bananas 6.76 11/15/2014 226-45127-425410 11/6/14 Walmart - Mounting tape & squeegee 10.95 11/15/2014 226-45127-420750 11/6/14 Walmart - Batteries 14.97 11/15/2014 226-45122-421990 11/6/14 Walmart - Lysol 1.97 11/15/2014 226-45122-421100 11/6/14 Walmart - Refund Lysol -2.11 11/15/2014 226-45122-421100 11/6/14 Walmart.com - Replacement Life Jackets (24) 286.25 11/15/2014 226-45127-421750 11/6/14 NBP - Swiffer Cleaning Items 43.25 11/15/2014 217-41990-421100 11/6/14 NBP - Paper, calculator ribbons (5), 49.44 11/15/2014 217-41990-420990 11/6/14 Napa - Part for fan shroud 17.63 11/15/2014 226-45122-422990 11/6/14 Gradys - Drill bit 2.79 11/15/2014 226-45122-422990 11/6/14 NATOA - 2014 Annual Conference for Jeff 550.00 11/15/2014 101-41310-443300 11/6/14 Gradys - Steel Nail 7/8 x 17 2.29 11/15/2014 217-41990-421990 11/6/14 Monticello Chamber of Commerce - Luncheon 10/21/14 for Jeff 12.00 11/15/2014 101-41310-433200 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/17/2014 - 9:44 AM)Page 5 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 11/6/14 Home Depot - ZTOWER -Tubes for fence posts over electric conduit 10.90 11/15/2014 400-43300-458010 11/6/14 Grady's - saw hole 1 1/4 " w/ ARB ACE -Shop/Garage 9.99 11/15/2014 101-43127-421990 11/6/14 Grady's - (2) Calculator; screwdriver - 1/2 15.49 11/15/2014 601-49440-421990 11/6/14 Grady's - (2) Calculator; screwdriver - 1/2 15.48 11/15/2014 602-49490-421990 11/6/14 General Rental - Oxygen K Tank; Shop/Garage 38.00 11/15/2014 101-43127-421990 11/6/14 DISH - recurring payment 11/02/14-12/01/14 56.64 11/15/2014 609-49754-432500 11/6/14 Auto Value -Train- (2) tubing; elec fuel pump; fast fit 82.96 11/15/2014 101-45201-422100 11/6/14 Monticello Napa -#222 Broom/Shop supply-(3) Motor Tun; Trobe Bea 95.96 11/15/2014 101-45201-422100 11/6/14 Home Depot - (2) primer; 4.84 gal Kilz Eggshell; roller; 112.22 11/15/2014 601-49440-422300 11/6/14 Marties Farm - Community Garden W. 6th St - (300) Sustain 8.2-4 210.00 11/15/2014 226-45122-422500 11/6/14 Warning LItes of MN - (100) cones; (12) rolls safety fence 1,841.00 11/15/2014 101-43120-422600 11/6/14 Spectrum Supply - Cleaning Supplies 500.66 11/15/2014 226-45122-421100 11/6/14 Spectrum Supply - Bathroom/Lockeroom supplies 580.91 11/15/2014 226-45122-421990 11/6/14 Spectrum Supply - Plates 32.50 11/15/2014 226-45127-425410 11/6/14 USPS - Priority Mail (2) 1 lb 1.1 oz & 1 lb 15.9 oz 11.90 11/15/2014 217-41990-421200 11/6/14 Target - Supplies to hang Bertram pics 19.22 11/15/2014 226-45127-421980 11/6/14 Cub - Bingo Prize Gift Card 30.00 11/15/2014 101-41800-421990 11/6/14 Amazon - Thermal Paper 20.22 11/15/2014 217-41990-420990 11/6/14 Amazon - Black Ink Tank (2) 128.18 11/15/2014 101-41940-420990 11/6/14 O'Reilly - (6) trans fluid - E4 Transmission 43.14 11/15/2014 101-42200-421990 11/6/14 Runnings -(2) engine oil 4.78 11/15/2014 101-42200-421990 11/6/14 O'Ryans - 15.250 gal nono ca #04 54.88 11/15/2014 101-42200-421200 11/6/14 Amazon - Envelopes (6 boxes) 358.56 11/15/2014 101-41940-420990 11/6/14 Recreation Supply - New Pool Basketball Hoop 109.90 11/15/2014 226-45127-421750 11/6/14 NBP - Sharpies, clips, paper, flash drives (5), calendar 129.04 11/15/2014 101-41940-420990 11/6/14 NBP - 2" Binder 5.32 11/15/2014 101-41940-420990 11/6/14 Ausco - Blazin thru Bertram T-shirt Order (44) 330.00 11/15/2014 226-45127-421980 11/6/14 Verizon - Aug, Sept & Oct 302.36 11/15/2014 101-42400-432100 11/6/14 Verizon - Aug, Sept & Oct 151.18 11/15/2014 101-43115-432100 11/6/14 Verizon - Aug, Sept & Oct 185.10 11/15/2014 655-49870-432100 11/6/14 Verizon - Aug, Sept & Oct 341.11 11/15/2014 226-45122-432100 11/6/14 Verizon - Aug, Sept & Oct 151.18 11/15/2014 101-45201-432100 11/6/14 Verizon - Aug, Sept & Oct 465.60 11/15/2014 101-43120-432100 11/6/14 Verizon - Aug, Sept & Oct 295.71 11/15/2014 601-49440-432100 11/6/14 Verizon - Aug, Sept & Oct 295.70 11/15/2014 602-49490-432100 11/6/14 Napa - Paint for sign maintenance 44.00 11/15/2014 226-45122-422990 11/6/14 Oriental Trading - Refund for sales tax -8.62 11/15/2014 226-45127-421980 11/6/14 City of Monticello -Right of Way Permit Goodwill 42.50 11/15/2014 656-49877-443700 11/6/14 Home Depot -Fusion 2 in1;16" camper axe - tool open & exp. flwpt 64.08 11/15/2014 655-49870-421990 11/6/14 Home Depot - Toro prts- Whip line-(4) chains; (2) silentwist 203.00 11/15/2014 101-45201-422100 11/6/14 Sunray Printing - (4900) Fall/Winter Newsletters 3,682.89 11/15/2014 101-41940-431950 11/6/14 Sunray Printing - (500) Recycling Handouts 183.89 11/15/2014 101-43230-421990 11/6/14 Spectrum Supply - Bathroom/Lockerroom supplies 185.28 11/15/2014 226-45122-421990 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/17/2014 - 9:44 AM)Page 6 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 11/6/14 Spectrum Supply - Various trash can liners 159.31 11/15/2014 226-45122-421100 11/6/14 Radioshack - ipod adaptor for warehouse 29.99 11/15/2014 226-45127-421720 11/6/14 Walmart - Spray paint for PRC Pro grates 13.02 11/15/2014 226-45122-422990 11/6/14 Walmart - Bananas 2.61 11/15/2014 226-45127-425410 11/6/14 Amazon - Flash Drive memory stick 2GB 29.98 11/15/2014 101-41940-420990 11/6/14 Fastenal -(100) broom sheer pins for MCC 10.69 11/15/2014 101-45201-422100 11/6/14 City of Monticello - Row permit 25.00 11/15/2014 656-49877-443700 11/6/14 Monticello Napa-(6) RV Marine antifreeze 31.44 11/15/2014 101-45201-422300 11/6/14 Home Depot - (2) Makita batteries- replacement 199.98 11/15/2014 101-45201-421990 11/6/14 Aramark - shop towels- 10/02-10/28/14 110.95 11/15/2014 101-43127-421990 11/6/14 Aramark -uniform rental- 10/02-10/28/14 136.55 11/15/2014 101-43120-441700 11/6/14 Aramark -uniform rental- 10/02-10/28/14 44.76 11/15/2014 601-49440-441700 11/6/14 Aramark -uniform rental- 10/02-10/28/14 44.76 11/15/2014 602-49490-441700 11/6/14 Aramark -uniform rental- 10/02-10/28/14 98.56 11/15/2014 101-45201-441700 11/6/14 Ameripride - Credit on 5 pairs of pants Terry -79.42 11/15/2014 226-45122-441700 11/6/14 Ameripride - Mops 214.71 11/15/2014 226-45122-431110 11/6/14 Ameripride - Towels 62.70 11/15/2014 226-45122-441710 11/6/14 Holiday - Unleaded Fuel 9.100 gals @ 3.099 28.20 11/15/2014 217-41990-421200 11/6/14 Fastenal - (50) cotter pins 7.49 11/15/2014 101-43127-421990 11/6/14 Monticello Napa -shop supplies - (2) anti-seiz 16.58 11/15/2014 101-43127-421990 11/6/14 Home Depot FG Blizzard w/ hand warmer pocket; nitrile dipped acr 16.84 11/15/2014 656-49877-421990 11/6/14 Cutter Sales- #217 (2) Flange - 3 Bolt 60.16 11/15/2014 101-45201-422100 11/6/14 Super America - 29.153 gal unleaded 89.47 11/15/2014 656-49877-421200 11/6/14 Zep - snow, ice & shop supplies(1) doz 2000 Aero; 1 doz Brake wa 198.06 11/15/2014 101-43127-421300 11/6/14 Boyer Trucks - Cooler-PWR 253.07 11/15/2014 101-43120-422110 11/6/14 Cub - Snacks for Elections 45.77 11/15/2014 101-41410-421990 11/6/14 Verizon - final bill from tablet 1.53 11/15/2014 702-00000-432300 11/6/14 RAS Glass - Final balance on window repair in pool area 1,857.62 11/15/2014 226-45122-440100 11/6/14 USPS - Priority Mail to St.Paul (1) 2 lbs 3.5 oz & Stamps (1) 7.19 11/15/2014 217-41990-432200 11/6/14 Cornerstone Cafe - IEDC Breakfast 900.13 11/15/2014 213-46301-434600 11/6/14 Cub - Snacks for elections 16.46 11/15/2014 101-41410-421990 11/6/14 Monticello Printing - Forms 2 part (1000) 195.00 11/15/2014 101-42400-420300 11/6/14 NBP - Sharpies, pens, badge holders for elections 40.21 11/15/2014 101-41410-421990 11/6/14 NBP - binder clips, large cups, labels for badges 106.97 11/15/2014 101-41940-420990 11/6/14 Monticello Napa#215 terminals/shop supplies-(2) coupler; (2) NW 17.05 11/15/2014 101-45201-421650 11/6/14 Cub - lemons/limes re sale 21.85 11/15/2014 609-49750-425500 11/6/14 Home Depot -wire stripper/cutter; 30pk wire connec- stop lt repa 22.15 11/15/2014 101-43160-421530 11/6/14 Monticello Napa -#116 -Napagold oil; Napagold Fue 30.84 11/15/2014 101-43120-422110 11/6/14 Applied Maint. & Supply- 1" x 10' roll PK1 Rhino Wrap - shop sup 31.95 11/15/2014 101-43120-422110 11/6/14 Home Depot -Jabsaw; Hacksaw; PVC Solvent cement 40.40 11/15/2014 656-49877-421990 11/6/14 NBP - Pine-Sol cleaner 55.18 11/15/2014 609-49754-421100 11/6/14 utx - Monoprice - converter cable; combo switch; 25' cable; 118.73 11/15/2014 655-49870-421990 11/6/14 MN Nursery Landscape (5) N. Green Expo 125.00 11/15/2014 101-45201-433200 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/17/2014 - 9:44 AM)Page 7 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 11/6/14 Orriginals - Fraud - charges will be credited 373.45 11/15/2014 101-45201-421110 11/6/14 Midwest Landscape - ZPARKS - PIONEER - 6/26/14 trees 2,678.50 11/15/2014 224-46102-443910 11/6/14 J H Larson - Light bulbs 26W (12) 18W (12) 77.56 11/15/2014 226-45122-422990 11/6/14 Franklin Outdoor Advertising - Banner 70.00 11/15/2014 217-41990-434990 11/6/14 Quality Refrigeration - Senior Kitchen Freezer - deiced coil 361.00 11/15/2014 226-45122-440440 11/6/14 Office Max - Election supplies - clear boxes (2) & water (2) 17.93 11/15/2014 101-41410-421990 11/6/14 Amazon - Tricep Ropes (2) 43.98 11/15/2014 226-45127-421720 11/6/14 Home Depot -(2) conduit body 1"; (2) conduit body 3/4" 13.81 11/15/2014 656-49877-421990 11/6/14 Home Depot -(12' Splinter Guard Fish Rod Set 37.37 11/15/2014 656-49877-421990 11/6/14 utx - Google Apps - calendar app 61.28 11/15/2014 655-49870-421990 11/6/14 Walmart - 60 TV 852.86 11/15/2014 655-49870-424200 11/6/14 Anixter - (3) mesh steel doors 1,105.09 11/15/2014 655-49870-421990 11/6/14 Monticello Napa -(27) varriety Filters for shop stock 329.92 11/15/2014 101-43127-422120 11/6/14 Wright Henn- October 2014 HADCO lights @ E. 7th St 15016868332 357.75 11/15/2014 101-43160-431900 11/6/14 Hobart Service - Repair Guard kitchen dishwasher 344.26 11/15/2014 226-45122-440440 11/6/14 Constant Contact - Monthly Fee 55.00 11/15/2014 226-45122-430920 11/6/14 Spectrum Supply - Towels & tissues 602.70 11/15/2014 226-45122-421990 11/6/14 Spectrum Supply - Cleaning Supplies 699.48 11/15/2014 226-45122-421100 11/6/14 Spectrum Supply - Masks 22.92 11/15/2014 226-45122-422990 11/6/14 Super America - Unleaded fuel 8.891 gals @ $2.999 26.66 11/15/2014 217-41990-421200 11/6/14 Amazon - 10 lb medicine ball (1/2) 41.67 11/15/2014 226-45127-421720 11/6/14 Amazon - 10 lb medicine ball (1/2) 41.67 11/15/2014 226-45127-421720 11/6/14 Batteries Plus - (2) 6V Lead 16.99 11/15/2014 602-49490-422700 11/6/14 Olson & Sons-(5)Fuses for Riverview Lift station on Standby Gen 105.40 11/15/2014 602-49490-422100 11/6/14 USPS - First Class Letter Certified Mail 6.49 11/15/2014 213-46500-443990 11/6/14 Horizon Pool Supply - Pool school (AFO) for Jason 296.50 11/15/2014 226-45122-433200 11/6/14 NBP - tape, 3 pocket partition 33.50 11/15/2014 101-41940-420990 11/6/14 NBP - paper, bookend, labels, post its, pens, flags, paper towel 233.79 11/15/2014 101-41940-420990 11/6/14 NBP - Labels for elections 20.18 11/15/2014 101-41410-421990 11/6/14 University of MN - CCE Annual Inst for Building Officals - DJH 360.00 11/15/2014 101-42400-433200 11/6/14 University of MN - CCE Annual Inst for Building Officals - DW 105.00 11/15/2014 101-42400-433200 11/6/14 University of MN - CCE Annual Inst for Building Officals - RH 525.00 11/15/2014 101-42400-433200 11/6/14 Runnings - return batteries -2.04 11/15/2014 101-42200-421990 11/6/14 Runnings - (2) 8 pk C - Batteries 28.98 11/15/2014 101-42200-421990 11/6/14 Grady's - EDA - keys for downtown building 36.49 11/15/2014 213-46301-421990 11/6/14 Fastenal - Riverside Cemetary-(4) wht; (2) ylw; (9) gloves 39.88 11/15/2014 651-49010-421990 11/6/14 Home Depot-(6) gal anit-freeze; 12pk washers; 6' hose; pump kit 49.52 11/15/2014 101-45201-422300 11/6/14 Home Depot -dish soap; 6pk scoup pads 11.70 11/15/2014 655-49870-421100 11/6/14 Runnings - (3) Op conduit for drops 16.64 11/15/2014 656-49877-421990 11/6/14 Locators & Supplies - safety gloves 21.98 11/15/2014 224-46102-420650 11/6/14 Holiday - Unleaded Fuel 12.036 gal @ $3.059 36.82 11/15/2014 656-49877-421200 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/17/2014 - 9:44 AM)Page 8 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 82,534.01Check Total: Vendor:2438 VANCO SERVICES LLC Check Sequence: 5 ACH Enabled: True 00006413767 Vanco - Fitness Rewards October 2014 71.00 11/15/2014 226-45122-430700 00006416511 Vanco - Gateway Transaction Program Fees October 2014 37.20 11/15/2014 655-49870-443980 00006416511 Vanco - Gateway Transaction Program Fees October 2014 15.60 11/15/2014 601-49440-443980 00006416511 Vanco - Gateway Transaction Program Fees October 2014 15.60 11/15/2014 602-49490-443980 139.40Check Total: Total for Check Run: Total of Number of Checks: 159,774.05 5 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/17/2014 - 9:44 AM)Page 9 The preceding list of bills payable was reviewed and approved for payment. Date: 11/24/14 Approved by _____________________________________ Mayor Clint Herbst User: Printed:11/19/2014 - 11:52AM Julie.Cheney Computer Check Proof List by Vendor Accounts Payable Batch:00205.11.2014 - 00205.11.2014 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Vendor:1018 ALLIED BLACKTOP COMPANY Check Sequence: 1 ACH Enabled: False 19949 103.50 gal road oil 336.38 11/25/2014 101-43120-422400 336.38Check Total: Vendor:1020 ALMCO HYDRAULICS INC Check Sequence: 2 ACH Enabled: False 16474 Preventative mtc inspection /baler 139.00 11/25/2014 609-49754-431990 139.00Check Total: Vendor:1021 AME RED E MIX INC Check Sequence: 3 ACH Enabled: False 100023 streets -1/3 251.20 11/25/2014 101-43120-422410 100023 MCC -Sidewalk outside pole door - 1/3 334.90 11/25/2014 226-45122-422300 100023 ZPARKS - PIONEER-(2) yds 1/3 334.90 11/25/2014 101-45201-421650 100196 2741 Meadow Ln - water main break 409.00 11/25/2014 601-49440-431990 100475 (5) 1-3 GRT; (5) Winter Heat Charge; 838.75 11/25/2014 101-43130-421990 2,168.75Check Total: Vendor:3947 AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES Check Sequence: 4 ACH Enabled: False 11042014 Fibernet Refund acct # 763-271-6088 48.90 11/25/2014 655-00000-115025 48.90Check Total: Vendor:1038 APPERTS FOOD SERVICE Check Sequence: 5 ACH Enabled: False 411070547 Freight 5.00 11/25/2014 226-45122-433300 411070547 Pizzas (1 case) 41.86 11/25/2014 226-45127-421460 411070547 Resale concession - cheese cups, hotdogs, pizzas, cookies, snack 530.54 11/25/2014 226-45127-425410 577.40Check Total: Vendor:3491 ARTISAN BEER COMPANY Check Sequence: 6 ACH Enabled: False 3004031 resale 41.25 11/25/2014 609-49750-425200 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/19/2014 - 11:52 AM)Page 1 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 41.25Check Total: Vendor:3819 AST SPORTS Check Sequence: 7 ACH Enabled: True 14839 (20) stocking Hats 92.60 11/25/2014 609-49754-421110 14839 utx -(20) embroidery 140.00 11/25/2014 609-49754-421110 232.60Check Total: Vendor:1065 BELLBOY CORPORATION Check Sequence: 8 ACH Enabled: True 45567500 re sale 2,059.03 11/25/2014 609-49750-425100 45567500 freight 18.92 11/25/2014 609-49750-433300 91042600 (16) bags misc; (2) 6 pk rings 504.79 11/25/2014 609-49754-421990 91042600 resale 70.25 11/25/2014 609-49750-425500 91042600 freight 2.65 11/25/2014 609-49750-433300 91066400 (6) bags misc 109.29 11/25/2014 609-49754-421990 91066400 resale 105.00 11/25/2014 609-49750-425500 91066400 freight 0.99 11/25/2014 609-49750-433300 91066400 re sale 105.00 11/25/2014 609-49750-425500 91066400 freight 1.06 11/25/2014 609-49750-433300 91066400 (5) bags asst. 124.69 11/25/2014 609-49754-421990 3,101.67Check Total: Vendor:1067 BERNICK'S Check Sequence: 9 ACH Enabled: False 75135 re sale 65.40 11/25/2014 609-49750-425400 75136 re sale 484.00 11/25/2014 609-49750-425200 75778 Resale 12.80 11/25/2014 226-45127-421460 75778 Resale 560.00 11/25/2014 226-45127-425410 78328 re sale 38.90 11/25/2014 609-49750-425400 78328 re sale 49.20 11/25/2014 609-49750-425500 78329 re sale 992.05 11/25/2014 609-49750-425200 79146 Resale 182.00 11/25/2014 226-45127-425410 2,384.35Check Total: Vendor:2576 BIG LAKE LUMBER Check Sequence: 10 ACH Enabled: False 20041588 (6) Abitibi Smoot; #5 Torx Scr - marking sidewalk for snow 142.59 11/25/2014 101-45201-422990 20042182 (4) 4' pointed lath 69.00 11/25/2014 101-43120-422600 211.59Check Total: Vendor:2535 BORDER STATES ELECTRIC SUPPLY Check Sequence: 11 ACH Enabled: True 908385844 (10) CYBE - CS50U48V 48V UPS 1,346.52 11/25/2014 656-49877-421990 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/19/2014 - 11:52 AM)Page 2 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 1,346.52Check Total: Vendor:2243 BULLFROG SWEATSHOP LLC Check Sequence: 12 ACH Enabled: False 144 Website hosting for 1 year 200.00 11/25/2014 213-46301-434600 200.00Check Total: Vendor:1749 CALIX NETWORKS INC Check Sequence: 13 ACH Enabled: True 1090064 utx - (3) UPS Power Interface; (3)wall mount/desktop; (3) power 1,267.92 11/25/2014 656-49877-421800 1,267.92Check Total: Vendor:1091 CAMPBELL KNUTSON PA Check Sequence: 14 ACH Enabled: True 2348-001G 86 Code Enforcement Services 476.00 11/25/2014 101-42400-430400 2348-006G 12 ZSPCUP - Sunset Ponds 250.00 11/25/2014 101-00000-220110 2348-127G 3 ZCOMM8 - Commerce Center 8th Addition 1,061.00 11/25/2014 101-00000-220110 1,787.00Check Total: Vendor:2220 CBS SPORTS NETWORK Check Sequence: 15 ACH Enabled: True 085792 CBS Sports Network - October 2014 54.25 11/25/2014 655-49860-430920 54.25Check Total: Vendor:2213 CBS TV STATIONS Check Sequence: 16 ACH Enabled: False 103114 WCCO - October 2014 805.00 11/25/2014 655-49860-430920 805.00Check Total: Vendor:1102 CENTERPOINT ENERGY Check Sequence: 17 ACH Enabled: False 10/30/2014 5806932 12.59 11/25/2014 101-45201-438300 10/30/2014 5843395 12.59 11/25/2014 217-41990-438300 10/30/2014 5821009 56.74 11/25/2014 101-42200-438300 10/30/2014 5799425, 5799427, 5820786, 5837384 210.41 11/25/2014 101-43127-438300 10/31/2014 8235331-9 33.27 11/25/2014 101-41941-438300 10/31/2014 8235333-5 36.33 11/25/2014 101-41941-438300 10/31/2014 5768542-2 186.89 11/25/2014 101-41940-438300 10/31/2014 5768542-2 4,321.74 11/25/2014 226-45122-438300 10/31/2014 5768542-2 70.08 11/25/2014 101-45175-438300 10/31/2014 5768542-2 93.44 11/25/2014 101-42800-438300 10/31/2014 5864452-7 299.72 11/25/2014 101-45501-438300 10/31/2014 5828859-8 12.59 11/25/2014 101-41940-438300 10/31/2014 5788570-9 20.18 11/25/2014 609-49754-438300 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/19/2014 - 11:52 AM)Page 3 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 11/11/2014 5804618-6 13.59 11/25/2014 101-45201-438300 11/11/2014 5863599-6 58.10 11/25/2014 101-42700-438300 5,438.26Check Total: Vendor:1103 CENTRAL HYDRAULICS INC Check Sequence: 18 ACH Enabled: False 003635 (3) CH-50 chrome shaft 52.81 11/25/2014 101-43120-422110 52.81Check Total: Vendor:1106 CENTRAL MCGOWAN INC Check Sequence: 19 ACH Enabled: False 00826462 Bulk Carbon Dioxide (450 lbs) 116.00 11/25/2014 226-45122-421600 116.00Check Total: Vendor:2654 CENTURYLINK Check Sequence: 20 ACH Enabled: False L040037037-1430 Voice - 11/1-30/14 Monthly Access Charge 121.04 11/25/2014 655-49860-430910 R720106106-1430 Voice - 11/1-30/14 Monthly Access Charge 600.00 11/25/2014 655-49860-430910 R970060060-1430 Voice - 11/1-30/14 Monthly Access Charge 142.63 11/25/2014 655-49860-430910 863.67Check Total: Vendor:3499 CHIEF SUPPLY CORP Check Sequence: 21 ACH Enabled: False 145389 Safety Wand; Stinger w/AC charger 97.27 11/25/2014 101-42200-421990 97.27Check Total: Vendor:3831 RAELYNN COOK Check Sequence: 22 ACH Enabled: True 11/11/2014 Mileage to Seminars: Golden Valley & St.Joseph (130 miles total) 72.80 11/25/2014 101-41520-433100 72.80Check Total: Vendor:1124 CREATIVE FORMS AND CONCEPTS INC Check Sequence: 23 ACH Enabled: False 113373 2014 Tax Forms 229.67 11/25/2014 101-41520-420300 229.67Check Total: Vendor:2476 CSI DIGITAL INC Check Sequence: 24 ACH Enabled: True 102707 GBPS monthly fiber feed 2,700.00 11/25/2014 655-49860-430930 2,700.00Check Total: Vendor:3952 MARK CZANSTKOWSKI Check Sequence: 25 ACH Enabled: False 110414 Fibernet Refund acct FNM-001-0188 27.06 11/25/2014 655-00000-115025 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/19/2014 - 11:52 AM)Page 4 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 27.06Check Total: Vendor:1129 DAHLHEIMER BEVERAGE LLC Check Sequence: 26 ACH Enabled: True 100437 re sale -63.00 11/25/2014 609-49750-425200 100591 re sale 348.00 11/25/2014 609-49750-425200 100701 re sale -344.05 11/25/2014 609-49750-425200 100755 re sale 1,565.80 11/25/2014 609-49750-425200 100902 re sale 359.80 11/25/2014 609-49750-425200 1133053 re sale 637.65 11/25/2014 609-49750-425200 99924 re sale 1,012.40 11/25/2014 609-49750-425200 99960 re sale -87.50 11/25/2014 609-49750-425200 3,429.10Check Total: Vendor:1950 DATA CONNECTION CORPORATION Check Sequence: 27 ACH Enabled: True DCC02830 utx - Voice - 12/1-31/14 support on kit 1/12 2,321.60 11/25/2014 655-49870-431900 DCC02830 utx - Voice - 1/1-11/30/2015 support on kit 11/12 25,537.40 11/25/2014 655-00000-155010 27,859.00Check Total: Vendor:1134 DAY DISTRIBUTING COMPANY Check Sequence: 28 ACH Enabled: True 776726 re sale 24.60 11/25/2014 609-49750-425400 776726 re sale 2,502.17 11/25/2014 609-49750-425200 777725 re sale 24.60 11/25/2014 609-49750-425400 777725 re sale 1,646.60 11/25/2014 609-49750-425200 4,197.97Check Total: Vendor:2440 DESIGN ELECTRIC INC Check Sequence: 29 ACH Enabled: False 20013 (2) traffic signal lamp - LED - Red 161.20 11/25/2014 101-43160-421530 161.20Check Total: Vendor:2606 DIGICOM INC Check Sequence: 30 ACH Enabled: False 38515 Quarterly DMX Music Service for FNM 128.25 11/25/2014 655-49870-432500 128.25Check Total: Vendor:3948 JAY & MURDINA DUNCAN Check Sequence: 31 ACH Enabled: False 110414 Fibernet Refund Acct 763-295-1893 27.62 11/25/2014 655-00000-115025 27.62Check Total: Vendor:3632 EMERGENCY RESPONSE SOLUTIONS Check Sequence: 32 ACH Enabled: True AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/19/2014 - 11:52 AM)Page 5 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 2882 New Yorker N5/A repair; eyeshield & insall of 268.31 11/25/2014 101-42200-440440 2946 diagnostic of Electrical Prob. on Hydrqulic tool 190.00 11/25/2014 101-42200-431990 458.31Check Total: Vendor:3318 FIBERNET MONTICELLO Check Sequence: 33 ACH Enabled: False 11/10/2014 Bullseye Oct 2014 45.02 11/25/2014 655-49870-443980 11/10/2014 Bullseye Oct 2014 -7.10 11/25/2014 655-00000-362990 37.92Check Total: Vendor:2273 FIBERNET MONTICELLO - ACH Check Sequence: 34 ACH Enabled: True 10/1/2014 City Hall Phone Oct 2014 789.07 11/25/2014 702-00000-432100 10/1/2014 City Hall Internet Oct 2014 99.95 11/25/2014 702-00000-432300 10/1/2014 City Hall Date Hosting Service Oct 2014 500.00 11/25/2014 702-00000-431990 10/1/2014 City Hall TV Oct 2014 12.95 11/25/2014 101-41310-431990 10/1/2014 City Hall Repair/Maint Service Contract 250.00 11/25/2014 702-00000-440440 10/1/2014 MCC Phone Oct 2014 841.26 11/25/2014 702-00000-432100 10/1/2014 MCC Cable Oct 2014 112.03 11/25/2014 226-45122-432500 10/1/2014 MCC Internet Oct 2014 10.00 11/25/2014 702-00000-432300 10/1/2014 Ballfield Phone Oct 2014 17.70 11/25/2014 702-00000-432100 10/1/2014 Ballfield Internet Oct 2014 79.95 11/25/2014 702-00000-432300 10/1/2014 DMV Phone Oct 2014 267.55 11/25/2014 702-00000-432100 10/1/2014 DMV Internet Oct 2014 41.95 11/25/2014 702-00000-432300 10/1/2014 Hi Way Liquor Phone Oct 2014 252.82 11/25/2014 702-00000-432100 10/1/2014 Hi Way Liquor Internet Oct 2014 41.95 11/25/2014 702-00000-432300 10/1/2014 Fire Dept Phone Oct 2014 251.92 11/25/2014 702-00000-432100 10/1/2014 Fire Dept Internet Oct 2014 41.95 11/25/2014 702-00000-432300 10/1/2014 Animal Shelter Internet Oct 2014 9.95 11/25/2014 702-00000-432300 10/1/2014 Public Works Phone Oct 2014 350.37 11/25/2014 702-00000-432100 10/1/2014 Public Works Internet Oct 2014 69.95 11/25/2014 702-00000-432300 10/1/2014 Parks Dept Phone Oct 2014 93.12 11/25/2014 702-00000-432100 10/1/2014 Prairie Center Phone Oct 2014 0.45 11/25/2014 702-00000-432100 10/1/2014 Sheriff Dept Phone Oct 2014 48.49 11/25/2014 702-00000-432100 10/1/2014 Sheriff Dept Internet Oct 2014 41.95 11/25/2014 702-00000-432300 11/1/2014 City Hall Phone Nov 2014 809.67 11/25/2014 702-00000-432100 11/1/2014 City Hall Internet Nov 2014 99.95 11/25/2014 702-00000-432300 11/1/2014 City Hall Data Hosting Service Nov 2014 500.00 11/25/2014 702-00000-431990 11/1/2014 City Hall TV Nov 2014 12.95 11/25/2014 101-41310-431990 11/1/2014 City Hall Repair/Maint Service Contract 250.00 11/25/2014 702-00000-440440 11/1/2014 MCC Phone November 2014 882.57 11/25/2014 702-00000-432100 11/1/2014 MCC Cable Nov 2014 90.14 11/25/2014 226-45122-432500 11/1/2014 MCC Internet Nov 2014 10.00 11/25/2014 702-00000-432300 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/19/2014 - 11:52 AM)Page 6 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 11/1/2014 Ballfields Phone Nov 2014 37.72 11/25/2014 702-00000-432100 11/1/2014 Ballfields Internet Nov 2014 79.95 11/25/2014 702-00000-432300 11/1/2014 DMV Phone Nov 2014 287.73 11/25/2014 702-00000-432100 11/1/2014 DMV Internet Nov 2014 41.95 11/25/2014 702-00000-432300 11/1/2014 Hi Way Liquors Phone Nov 2014 272.98 11/25/2014 702-00000-432100 11/1/2014 Hi Way Liquors Internet Nov 2014 41.95 11/25/2014 702-00000-432300 11/1/2014 Fire Dept Phone Nov 2014 272.06 11/25/2014 702-00000-432100 11/1/2014 Fire Dept Internet Nov 2014 41.95 11/25/2014 702-00000-432300 11/1/2014 Animal Shelter Internet Nov 2014 29.95 11/25/2014 702-00000-432300 11/1/2014 Public Works Phone Nov 2014 370.61 11/25/2014 702-00000-432100 11/1/2014 Public Works Internet Nov 2014 69.95 11/25/2014 702-00000-432300 11/1/2014 Parks Dept Phone Nov 2014 113.18 11/25/2014 702-00000-432100 11/1/2014 Prairie Center Phone Nov 2014 20.47 11/25/2014 702-00000-432100 11/1/2014 Sheriff Phone Nov 2014 68.51 11/25/2014 702-00000-432100 11/1/2014 Sheriff Internet Nov 2014 41.95 11/25/2014 702-00000-432300 8,671.52Check Total: Vendor:1180 FIRST HOSPITAL LABORATORIES INC Check Sequence: 35 ACH Enabled: False FL00104073 DOT Random Urine Drug Screen (1) 42.95 11/25/2014 101-45201-431990 FL00104073 DOT Random Urine Drug Screen (1) 42.95 11/25/2014 101-43120-431990 85.90Check Total: Vendor:2222 FOX SPORTS NET INC Check Sequence: 36 ACH Enabled: True H88446 FSN North - October 2014 4,614.53 11/25/2014 655-49860-430920 H88446 FSN North - credit -1,221.44 11/25/2014 655-49860-430920 3,393.09Check Total: Vendor:2462 FOX TELEVISION STATIONS INC Check Sequence: 37 ACH Enabled: False 103114 WFTC - October 2014 201.25 11/25/2014 655-49860-430920 103114 KMSP - October 2014 1,046.50 11/25/2014 655-49860-430920 1,247.75Check Total: Vendor:1192 FRONTIER PRECISION INC Check Sequence: 38 ACH Enabled: False 131499 Spectra Laser clean & calibrate 118.00 11/25/2014 101-43111-440440 131500 Sokkia C32 clean & calibrate 83.00 11/25/2014 101-43111-440440 201.00Check Total: Vendor:1413 GOPHER STATE ONE CALL INC Check Sequence: 39 ACH Enabled: True 123442 August 2014 locates 1/2 159.85 11/25/2014 601-49440-422770 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/19/2014 - 11:52 AM)Page 7 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 123442 August 2014 locates 1/2 159.85 11/25/2014 656-49877-422770 319.70Check Total: Vendor:1206 GRAPE BEGINNINGS INC Check Sequence: 40 ACH Enabled: False 173797 re sale 680.00 11/25/2014 609-49750-425300 173797 freight 2.25 11/25/2014 609-49750-433300 682.25Check Total: Vendor:3770 JASON HANKE Check Sequence: 41 ACH Enabled: True 386822 September 2014 4,150.00 11/25/2014 655-49870-431990 4,150.00Check Total: Vendor:3553 HARVEST BANK Check Sequence: 42 ACH Enabled: False Series 2013A Interest - 2013 G.O. Certificates of Indebtedness Series 2013A 6,120.00 11/25/2014 703-00000-461100 Series 2013A Principal - 2013 G.O. Certificates of Indebtedness Series 2013A 60,000.00 11/25/2014 703-00000-231100 66,120.00Check Total: Vendor:1224 HD SUPPLY WATERWORKS LTD Check Sequence: 43 ACH Enabled: False D251658 (10) Breakable Kit 1,871.17 11/25/2014 601-49440-422220 1,871.17Check Total: Vendor:2305 HOME BOX OFFICE Check Sequence: 44 ACH Enabled: True 103114 HBO - October 2014 304.22 11/25/2014 655-49860-430920 103114 HBO Bulk - October 2014 513.05 11/25/2014 655-49860-430920 103114 MAX - October 2014 47.00 11/25/2014 655-49860-430920 864.27Check Total: Vendor:2214 HUBBARD BROADCASTING INC Check Sequence: 45 ACH Enabled: False 103114 KSTP - October 2014 362.25 11/25/2014 655-49860-430920 103114 KSTC - October 2014 362.25 11/25/2014 655-49860-430920 724.50Check Total: Vendor:3356 INDIAN ISLAND WINERY Check Sequence: 46 ACH Enabled: False 2228 re sale 223.68 11/25/2014 609-49750-425300 223.68Check Total: Vendor:3956 INSTRUMENT CONTROL SYSTEMS, INC Check Sequence: 47 ACH Enabled: False AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/19/2014 - 11:52 AM)Page 8 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 19107 Well #5 repairs on 7/15/14 1,250.40 11/25/2014 601-49440-430300 1,250.40Check Total: Vendor:3951 MICHAEL & CINDY JACOBSON Check Sequence: 48 ACH Enabled: False 110414 Fibernet Refund acct. 763-295-5175 36.60 11/25/2014 655-00000-115025 36.60Check Total: Vendor:1259 JJ TAYLOR DISTRIBUTING Check Sequence: 49 ACH Enabled: False 2257448 re sale 51.40 11/25/2014 609-49750-425200 2293446 re sale 570.35 11/25/2014 609-49750-425200 621.75Check Total: Vendor:3855 JOANNE C JOHNSON Check Sequence: 50 ACH Enabled: False 105 BLANDN - Billing Pd 10/16-11/15/14 MN Public Broadband Alliance 3,000.00 11/25/2014 655-49870-431990 3,000.00Check Total: Vendor:1263 JOHNSON BROS WHOLESALE LIQUOR Check Sequence: 51 ACH Enabled: False 5017028 re sale 455.70 11/25/2014 609-49750-425100 5017028 freight 6.00 11/25/2014 609-49750-433300 5017029 freight 18.72 11/25/2014 609-49750-433300 5017029 re sale 734.80 11/25/2014 609-49750-425300 5018378 re sale 5,492.50 11/25/2014 609-49750-425300 5018378 freight 65.78 11/25/2014 609-49750-433300 5018379 re sale 68.44 11/25/2014 609-49750-425400 5018379 re sale 1,942.82 11/25/2014 609-49750-425300 5018379 freight 50.41 11/25/2014 609-49750-433300 5021127 freight 1.44 11/25/2014 609-49750-433300 5021127 re sale 158.25 11/25/2014 609-49750-425100 5021128 re sale 689.10 11/25/2014 609-49750-425300 5021128 freight 23.04 11/25/2014 609-49750-433300 5022301 freight 28.55 11/25/2014 609-49750-433300 5022301 re sale 2,906.27 11/25/2014 609-49750-425100 5022302 re sale 111.19 11/25/2014 609-49750-425400 5022302 re sale 1,926.90 11/25/2014 609-49750-425300 5022302 freight 63.36 11/25/2014 609-49750-433300 5022303 re sale 41.98 11/25/2014 609-49750-425200 5023585 freight 81.84 11/25/2014 609-49750-433300 5023585 re sale 6,607.29 11/25/2014 609-49750-425100 5023586 re sale 1,035.10 11/25/2014 609-49750-425300 5023586 freight 23.04 11/25/2014 609-49750-433300 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/19/2014 - 11:52 AM)Page 9 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 5026314 re sale 228.40 11/25/2014 609-49750-425100 5026314 freight 2.88 11/25/2014 609-49750-433300 5026315 freight 7.20 11/25/2014 609-49750-433300 5026315 re sale 442.50 11/25/2014 609-49750-425100 5026316 re sale 1,454.35 11/25/2014 609-49750-425300 5026316 freight 38.87 11/25/2014 609-49750-433300 502853 re sale -7.00 11/25/2014 609-49750-425300 502853 freight -0.12 11/25/2014 609-49750-433300 502854 re sale -7.00 11/25/2014 609-49750-425300 502855 re sale -12.41 11/25/2014 609-49750-425300 503250 credit - wine -24.00 11/25/2014 609-49750-425300 503251 credit - wine -55.20 11/25/2014 609-49750-425300 503252 credit - wine -75.50 11/25/2014 609-49750-425300 503252 credit - freight -1.44 11/25/2014 609-49750-433300 24,524.05Check Total: Vendor:2251 KARE GANNETT CO INC Check Sequence: 52 ACH Enabled: False 387-1017 KARE TV October 2014 888.80 11/25/2014 655-49860-430920 888.80Check Total: Vendor:3950 JEFF KITTEL Check Sequence: 53 ACH Enabled: False 110414 Fibernet Refund acct. 763-295-3681 36.62 11/25/2014 655-00000-115025 36.62Check Total: Vendor:3953 DEB KRAFT Check Sequence: 54 ACH Enabled: False 110414 Fibernet Refund acct FNM-001-0196 94.99 11/25/2014 655-00000-115025 94.99Check Total: Vendor:2626 HARRY LANTTO Check Sequence: 55 ACH Enabled: True 11/14/14 11/5/14 Planning Commission Meeting Recording 50.00 11/25/2014 101-41910-431990 11/14/14 11/12/14 EDA Meeting Recording 50.00 11/25/2014 213-46301-431990 100.00Check Total: Vendor:3852 LASER MEMORIES Check Sequence: 56 ACH Enabled: False 879 Custom Laser Engraved Nameplates (3) & Frames (6) 51.00 11/25/2014 217-41990-443990 51.00Check Total: Vendor:1303 M AMUNDSON LLP Check Sequence: 57 ACH Enabled: True AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/19/2014 - 11:52 AM)Page 10 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 184730 re sale 348.60 11/25/2014 609-49750-425500 184730 re sale 777.08 11/25/2014 609-49750-425400 1,125.68Check Total: Vendor:3745 MANSFIELD OIL COMPANY Check Sequence: 58 ACH Enabled: True 29550 400 gallons diesel 1,496.44 11/25/2014 101-43120-421200 29551 600 gallons unleaded 1,481.71 11/25/2014 101-43120-421200 41235 876 gallons diesel 3,150.45 11/25/2014 101-43120-421200 41236 276 gallons unleaded 670.49 11/25/2014 101-43120-421200 6,799.09Check Total: Vendor:1309 MARTIE'S FARM SERVICE INC Check Sequence: 59 ACH Enabled: False 373617 Salt Pellets (15 bags) 87.75 11/25/2014 101-42700-422990 373844 Dog Food (2) 85.90 11/25/2014 101-42700-421990 173.65Check Total: Vendor:1318 JONATHAN CALEB MELLBERG Check Sequence: 60 ACH Enabled: True 11/14/14 City Council Meeting Recording 11/10/14 80.00 11/25/2014 101-41110-431990 80.00Check Total: Vendor:2215 METRO GOLDWYN MAYER INC Check Sequence: 61 ACH Enabled: True 103114 MGM HD - October 2014 61.54 11/25/2014 655-49860-430920 61.54Check Total: Vendor:3437 MINNCOR INDUSTRIES Check Sequence: 62 ACH Enabled: False SOI-030446 12 qts odor Eliminate; (12) sani screens urinal; Germicidal cln 231.61 11/25/2014 101-45201-421990 231.61Check Total: Vendor:2179 MINNESOTA 9-1-1 PROGRAM Check Sequence: 63 ACH Enabled: True Oct - 14 October 2014 911 Wright Co 786.48 11/25/2014 655-00000-208170 786.48Check Total: Vendor:2217 MLB NETWORK LLC AFFILIATE SALE Check Sequence: 64 ACH Enabled: False 103114 MLB Network October 2014 278.40 11/25/2014 655-49860-430920 278.40Check Total: Vendor:1377 MONTICELLO SENIOR CENTER Check Sequence: 65 ACH Enabled: True AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/19/2014 - 11:52 AM)Page 11 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference November 2014 Monthly Allocation 4,375.00 11/25/2014 101-45175-444310 4,375.00Check Total: Vendor:2396 MICHAEL MOSSEY Check Sequence: 66 ACH Enabled: False 11172014 mileage to Big Lake Centracare Kidney Program - M.M. 10.08 11/25/2014 101-42200-410100 10.08Check Total: Vendor:2218 MUSIC CHOICE Check Sequence: 67 ACH Enabled: True 103114 Music Choice - October 2014 222.61 11/25/2014 655-49860-430920 222.61Check Total: Vendor:2072 NATIONAL TELCO TELEVISION CONSORTIUM Check Sequence: 68 ACH Enabled: True 2692 NTTC - October 2014 28,189.66 11/25/2014 655-49860-430920 28,189.66Check Total: Vendor:1098 NATIONWIDE CLEC LLC Check Sequence: 69 ACH Enabled: True 1318 1 hour conference calls - 10/8 & 10/27/2014 182.00 11/25/2014 655-49870-431990 182.00Check Total: Vendor:3138 NBC UNIVERSAL Check Sequence: 70 ACH Enabled: True 820927 Bravo October 2014 292.32 11/25/2014 655-49860-430920 820929 chiller October 2014 26.35 11/25/2014 655-49860-430920 820930 cloo October 2014 26.35 11/25/2014 655-49860-430920 820931 CNBC October 2014 522.00 11/25/2014 655-49860-430920 820933 CNBC World October 2014 25.00 11/25/2014 655-49860-430920 820934 E! October 2014 281.88 11/25/2014 655-49860-430920 820936 Esquire October 2014 201.84 11/25/2014 655-49860-430920 820938 G4 October 2014 135.72 11/25/2014 655-49860-430920 820942 MSNBC October 2014 403.68 11/25/2014 655-49860-430920 820943 mun2 October 2014 34.32 11/25/2014 655-49860-430920 820944 Olympics October 2014 125.28 11/25/2014 655-49860-430920 820945 Oxygen October 2014 267.96 11/25/2014 655-49860-430920 820948 Syfy World October 2014 337.56 11/25/2014 655-49860-430920 820949 Golf Channel October 2014 334.08 11/25/2014 655-49860-430920 820950 Telemundo October 2014 46.80 11/25/2014 655-49860-430920 820951 Universal HD October 2014 104.64 11/25/2014 655-49860-430920 820953 USA Network October 2014 1,026.60 11/25/2014 655-49860-430920 820954 NBCSN October 2014 257.52 11/25/2014 655-49860-430920 821279 sprout October 2014 25.00 11/25/2014 655-49860-430920 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/19/2014 - 11:52 AM)Page 12 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 4,474.90Check Total: Vendor:2518 NEOFUNDS BY NEOPOST Check Sequence: 71 ACH Enabled: False 11/2/2014 Account Number 7900 0440 6327 5196 1,000.00 11/25/2014 101-00000-155010 1,000.00Check Total: Vendor:2082 NEUSTAR INC Check Sequence: 72 ACH Enabled: True Acccount 19894 Invoice M-10741386 LNP charges 10/1-31/14 165.00 11/25/2014 655-49870-431990 Acccount 20313 Invoice M-10741493 SOW charges 10/1-31/14 0.59 11/25/2014 655-49870-431990 Acccount 20313 Invoice M-10741494 LNP charges 10/1-31/14 63.02 11/25/2014 655-49870-431990 228.61Check Total: Vendor:2216 NHL NETWORK Check Sequence: 73 ACH Enabled: False 103114 NHL SD Network - October 2014 240.82 11/25/2014 655-49860-430920 240.82Check Total: Vendor:3215 LONNIE WARD NORLING Check Sequence: 74 ACH Enabled: False 110414 Fibernet Refund acct. FNM-001-0063 28.19 11/25/2014 655-00000-115025 28.19Check Total: Vendor:1401 NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS INC Check Sequence: 75 ACH Enabled: True 21533 General - Variance/Appeals Ordinance & CCD Personal Service Ord 3,220.83 11/25/2014 101-41910-431990 21534 ZZVINE - Vine Street Place Townhomes 463.45 11/25/2014 101-00000-220110 21534 Sunset Ponds Detached Townhome PUD 1,435.20 11/25/2014 101-41910-421990 21534 ZSPPUD - Sunset Ponds Single Family PUD Amendment 1,511.25 11/25/2014 101-00000-220110 21535 Meetings - 10/27/14 Special Planning Commission 150.00 11/25/2014 101-41910-431990 6,780.73Check Total: Vendor:3738 DANIEL D OLSEN Check Sequence: 76 ACH Enabled: True Mon05 August 2014 6,000.00 11/25/2014 655-49870-430700 Mon06 September 2014 6,450.00 11/25/2014 655-49870-430700 Mon07 October 2014 4,105.00 11/25/2014 655-49870-430700 16,555.00Check Total: Vendor:1411 OLSON & SONS ELECTRIC INC Check Sequence: 77 ACH Enabled: True 16955-2 credit -159.92 11/25/2014 601-49440-440440 50197 remove & test motor from truck - fire dept 200.00 11/25/2014 101-42200-440500 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/19/2014 - 11:52 AM)Page 13 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 40.08Check Total: Vendor:1412 OMANN BROTHERS INC Check Sequence: 78 ACH Enabled: False 11387 4.01 AC Fine mix 279.46 11/25/2014 101-43120-422400 279.46Check Total: Vendor:2131 ONVOY VOICE SERVICES Check Sequence: 79 ACH Enabled: True 141103008669 Voice - 11/2-12/1/2014 A links; 10/25 Dips 1,322.96 11/25/2014 655-49860-430910 141103009106 Voice- Operator Service - Wholesale 800 Switched 493.08 11/25/2014 655-49860-430910 1,816.04Check Total: Vendor:1273 PAUSTIS & SONS WINE CO Check Sequence: 80 ACH Enabled: False 8474539 re sale 215.97 11/25/2014 609-49750-425300 8474539 freight 5.25 11/25/2014 609-49750-433300 221.22Check Total: Vendor:1427 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS CO Check Sequence: 81 ACH Enabled: False 201918 re sale -11.99 11/25/2014 609-49750-425100 202126 credit wine -84.00 11/25/2014 609-49750-425300 202126 credit freight -1.44 11/25/2014 609-49750-433300 2692089 freight 60.47 11/25/2014 609-49750-433300 2692089 re sale 7,621.89 11/25/2014 609-49750-425100 2692090 re sale 2,283.00 11/25/2014 609-49750-425300 2692090 freight 77.75 11/25/2014 609-49750-433300 2693001 re sale 627.23 11/25/2014 609-49750-425100 2693001 freight 6.48 11/25/2014 609-49750-433300 2693002 freight 39.36 11/25/2014 609-49750-433300 2693002 re sale 1,516.40 11/25/2014 609-49750-425300 2695624 re sale 952.69 11/25/2014 609-49750-425100 2695624 freight 8.64 11/25/2014 609-49750-433300 2695625 re sale 1,835.88 11/25/2014 609-49750-425300 2695625 freight 45.60 11/25/2014 609-49750-433300 2696477 freight 11.05 11/25/2014 609-49750-433300 2696477 re sale 881.38 11/25/2014 609-49750-425100 2698320 re sale 2,665.90 11/25/2014 609-49750-425100 2698320 freight 25.92 11/25/2014 609-49750-433300 2698321 freight 56.15 11/25/2014 609-49750-433300 2698321 re sale 2,036.80 11/25/2014 609-49750-425300 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/19/2014 - 11:52 AM)Page 14 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 20,655.16Check Total: Vendor:1431 PIPIELINE SUPPLY INC Check Sequence: 82 ACH Enabled: True S3275528.001 1/2 hp Goulds sewage ejector; 2" PVC male adapter 520.53 11/25/2014 101-43127-440440 520.53Check Total: Vendor:1442 PURCELL PLUMBING AND HEATING INC Check Sequence: 83 ACH Enabled: False 035976 Auger to clear FD in sprinkler room 230.00 11/25/2014 226-45122-440100 230.00Check Total: Vendor:3954 NICOLE RADEMACHER Check Sequence: 84 ACH Enabled: False 110414 Fibernet Refund acct FNM-001-0679 69.54 11/25/2014 655-00000-115025 69.54Check Total: Vendor:1455 RED'S MARATHON Check Sequence: 85 ACH Enabled: False 10302014 1 battery #215 skid loader 125.00 11/25/2014 101-45201-422100 125.00Check Total: Vendor:2331 ROBIN K REICHEL Check Sequence: 86 ACH Enabled: False 386515 Wine Tasting Event 2,440.34 11/25/2014 609-49750-425550 2,440.34Check Total: Vendor:2602 RFD TV Check Sequence: 87 ACH Enabled: False 2114-1266 RFD-TV - October 2014 24.65 11/25/2014 655-49860-430920 24.65Check Total: Vendor:3949 DAVID RISHER Check Sequence: 88 ACH Enabled: False 110414 Fibernet Refund Acct. 763-295-1935 161.83 11/25/2014 655-00000-115025 161.83Check Total: Vendor:1474 PATRICIA A SALZWEDEL Check Sequence: 89 ACH Enabled: True 11/14/2014 Semi Monthly Contract Payment 1,593.75 11/25/2014 101-42700-431200 11/3/2014 October Mileage (380) 212.80 11/25/2014 101-42700-433100 11/3/2014 Revival Animal Health Supplies 78.47 11/25/2014 101-42700-421990 1,885.02Check Total: AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/19/2014 - 11:52 AM)Page 15 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Vendor:2497 SHERBURNE WRIGHT CABLE COMMISSION Check Sequence: 90 ACH Enabled: True 11/12/2014 Cable PEG Fees - Qtr 3 2014 TDS/Bridgewater 1,431.14 11/25/2014 101-00000-208020 11/12/2014 Cable Franchise Fees - Qtr 3 2014 TDS/Bridgewater 6,658.97 11/25/2014 101-00000-208020 8,090.11Check Total: Vendor:2301 SHOWTIME NETWORKS INC Check Sequence: 91 ACH Enabled: False 103114 Showtime - October 2014 131.99 11/25/2014 655-49860-430920 131.99Check Total: Vendor:2212 SINCLAIR TELEVISION GROUP INC Check Sequence: 92 ACH Enabled: False 103114 WUCW - October 2014 289.80 11/25/2014 655-49860-430920 289.80Check Total: Vendor:3688 SOURCEONE SOLUTIONS LLC Check Sequence: 93 ACH Enabled: True 4531 Nov billing; (26) insert "how to"; (1180) inst -Speed Increase 2,018.09 11/25/2014 655-49870-431990 4531 Postage - November billing 548.22 11/25/2014 655-49870-432200 4531 Print Fold - qty. 1350 129.85 11/25/2014 655-49870-431990 2,696.16Check Total: Vendor:3309 SOUTHERN WINE & SPIRITS OF MINNESOTA Check Sequence: 94 ACH Enabled: False 1219411 re sale 2,536.00 11/25/2014 609-49750-425300 1219411 freight 35.10 11/25/2014 609-49750-433300 1222064 re sale 616.93 11/25/2014 609-49750-425100 1222064 freight 5.74 11/25/2014 609-49750-433300 1222065 re sale 702.00 11/25/2014 609-49750-425300 1222065 freight 18.23 11/25/2014 609-49750-433300 1224432 re sale 599.72 11/25/2014 609-49750-425100 1224432 freight 4.50 11/25/2014 609-49750-433300 9045255 re sale credit -21.96 11/25/2014 609-49750-425100 4,496.26Check Total: Vendor:1497 SPECTRUM SUPPLY COMPANY Check Sequence: 95 ACH Enabled: True 246727 parks - (2) case kitchen towel; Nitrile gloves; Scrim Wiper; cup 230.12 11/25/2014 101-45201-421990 230.12Check Total: Vendor:3829 STEVE'O'SEPTIC Check Sequence: 96 ACH Enabled: True OCT2014 (11) Porta- Toilet Rental - Oct 2014 547.25 11/25/2014 101-45201-431990 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/19/2014 - 11:52 AM)Page 16 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 547.25Check Total: Vendor:1518 TDS TELECOM Check Sequence: 97 ACH Enabled: True 0665FNMT-14317 Voice - monthly access charge interstate 11/13-12/12/14 486.52 11/25/2014 655-49860-430910 655-838-0000 Voice - nonpublished number changes 296.22 11/25/2014 655-49860-430910 665-837-0005 Voice - nonpublished number charges 114.03 11/25/2014 655-49860-430910 763-271-3230 TDS 100.84 11/25/2014 655-49870-432100 763-271-3257 TDS 90.40 11/25/2014 702-00000-432100 763-295-2005 TDS 17.97 11/25/2014 702-00000-432100 763-295-3714 TDS 329.96 11/25/2014 702-00000-432100 793-295-4054 TDS 46.55 11/25/2014 655-49870-432100 1,482.49Check Total: Vendor:1841 PAMELA TERVEER Check Sequence: 98 ACH Enabled: True 11/7/2014 Notary 20.00 11/25/2014 217-41990-421990 20.00Check Total: Vendor:1522 THORPE DISTRIBUTING COMPANY Check Sequence: 99 ACH Enabled: True 319810 re sale beer 102.12 11/25/2014 609-49750-425200 756293 re sale -108.90 11/25/2014 609-49750-425200 857088 re sale 14,864.85 11/25/2014 609-49750-425200 858426 re sale 23,768.70 11/25/2014 609-49750-425200 858485 re sale 194.30 11/25/2014 609-49750-425400 858637 re sale 84.00 11/25/2014 609-49750-425200 858657 re sale 165.00 11/25/2014 609-49750-425400 859938 re sale 37.10 11/25/2014 609-49750-425400 859939 re sale 50.20 11/25/2014 609-49750-425300 39,157.37Check Total: Vendor:3957 TNT RESCUE SYSTEMS, INC Check Sequence: 100 ACH Enabled: False 0032233 Replace Jaws of Life motor on #4 700.00 11/25/2014 101-42200-422100 700.00Check Total: Vendor:2252 TOWER DISTRIBUTION COMPANY Check Sequence: 101 ACH Enabled: False 391352 WGN America - October 2014 201.81 11/25/2014 655-49860-430920 201.81Check Total: Vendor:2165 TV GUIDE NETWORKS LLC TV GUIDE ENTERTAINMENT GROUP LLC Check Sequence: 102 ACH Enabled: True AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/19/2014 - 11:52 AM)Page 17 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 146006 TV Guide October 2014 444.14 11/25/2014 655-49860-430920 444.14Check Total: Vendor:3625 ULTEIG ENGINEERS INC Check Sequence: 103 ACH Enabled: False 48338 ZTOWER - Services thru 10/31/14 352.00 11/25/2014 400-43300-458010 352.00Check Total: Vendor:2534 VAULTAS ALEXANDRIA LLC Check Sequence: 104 ACH Enabled: True 1977 Oct 2014 Gigabite Ttransport; Cross Connect; Rack Space 4,749.00 11/25/2014 655-49860-430930 2012 November 2014 Gigabite Ttransport; Cross Connect; Rack Space 4,749.00 11/25/2014 655-49860-430930 2037 October 2014 (3) Rack Space; (2) Cross Connect credit -797.00 11/25/2014 655-49860-430930 8,701.00Check Total: Vendor:1550 VEOLIA WATER N AM OPERATING SERV LLC VEOLIA WATER N AM OPERATIONS INC Check Sequence: 105 ACH Enabled: False 00042856 12C003 - Progress Inv# 23 WWTP 2,787.73 11/25/2014 602-00000-165010 00042911 July - September 2014 Cargill Testing 3,447.40 11/25/2014 602-49480-430800 6,235.13Check Total: Vendor:1552 VIKING COCA COLA BOTTLING CO Check Sequence: 106 ACH Enabled: True 1482643 re sale 98.60 11/25/2014 609-49750-425400 1485422 re sale -4.02 11/25/2014 609-49750-425400 1485423 re sale 247.40 11/25/2014 609-49750-425400 341.98Check Total: Vendor:2125 VIKING TROPHIES Check Sequence: 107 ACH Enabled: False 118914 (4) firefighter awards; engraved cross plaque 291.55 11/25/2014 101-42200-421990 291.55Check Total: Vendor:1684 VINOCOPIA Check Sequence: 108 ACH Enabled: True 110705 re sale 96.00 11/25/2014 609-49750-425300 110705 re sale 704.00 11/25/2014 609-49750-425100 111321 re sale 694.25 11/25/2014 609-49750-425100 1,494.25Check Total: Vendor:1561 WATER LABORATORIES INC Check Sequence: 109 ACH Enabled: False 4591 October 2014 water testing 225.00 11/25/2014 601-49440-422740 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/19/2014 - 11:52 AM)Page 18 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 225.00Check Total: Vendor:2533 WELLS FARGO BANK NA Check Sequence: 110 ACH Enabled: False 9265876 Quarterly HSA Fee 555.00 11/25/2014 101-49240-413500 555.00Check Total: Vendor:1567 WES OLSON ELECTRIC LLC Check Sequence: 111 ACH Enabled: False 6868 materials - Trans 100w Quad Tap; Metal Halide; (2) motion detec 341.79 11/25/2014 101-45201-431990 6868 Labor- Trans 100w Quad Tap; Metal Halide; (2) motion detec 390.00 11/25/2014 101-45201-431990 731.79Check Total: Vendor:1572 THE WINE COMPANY Check Sequence: 112 ACH Enabled: True 376472 re sale 228.00 11/25/2014 609-49750-425300 376472 freight 6.30 11/25/2014 609-49750-433300 234.30Check Total: Vendor:1573 WINE MERCHANTS INC Check Sequence: 113 ACH Enabled: False 7004757 re sale 285.25 11/25/2014 609-49750-425300 7004757 freight 11.52 11/25/2014 609-49750-433300 7005753 re sale 1,226.50 11/25/2014 609-49750-425300 7005753 re sale 23.00 11/25/2014 609-49750-425400 7005753 freight 18.72 11/25/2014 609-49750-433300 1,564.99Check Total: Vendor:1209 WIRTZ BEVERAGE MINNESOTA WINE & SPIRITS Check Sequence: 114 ACH Enabled: False 1080247170 re sale 687.24 11/25/2014 609-49750-425300 1080247170 re sale 6,034.89 11/25/2014 609-49750-425100 1080247170 re sale 156.00 11/25/2014 609-49750-425400 1080247170 freight 99.88 11/25/2014 609-49750-433300 1080250148 re sale 564.00 11/25/2014 609-49750-425300 1080250148 re sale 5,395.36 11/25/2014 609-49750-425100 1080250148 freight 78.54 11/25/2014 609-49750-433300 1080251765 re sale 112.80 11/25/2014 609-49750-425100 1080251765 freight 1.65 11/25/2014 609-49750-433300 1080252868 freight 78.65 11/25/2014 609-49750-433300 1080252868 re sale 220.00 11/25/2014 609-49750-425300 1080252868 re sale 5,973.91 11/25/2014 609-49750-425100 19,402.92Check Total: AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/19/2014 - 11:52 AM)Page 19 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Vendor:3955 WISECUP LAW OFFICE Check Sequence: 115 ACH Enabled: False 110414 Fibernet Refund acct FNM-001-0876 30.95 11/25/2014 655-00000-115025 30.95Check Total: Vendor:2219 WORLD FISHING NETWORK LTD Check Sequence: 116 ACH Enabled: True 563-1013 World Fishing Network - October 2014 27.90 11/25/2014 655-49860-430920 27.90Check Total: Vendor:1577 WRIGHT CO AUDITOR-TREAS - ACH Check Sequence: 117 ACH Enabled: True 11/14/2014 Fines & Fees for October 2014 4,995.85 11/25/2014 101-00000-208020 4,995.85Check Total: Vendor:1581 WRIGHT CO RECORDER Check Sequence: 118 ACH Enabled: False 0096 A1273113 46.00 11/25/2014 101-41910-431990 0096 A1274370 46.00 11/25/2014 101-41910-431990 0096 A1274371 46.00 11/25/2014 101-41910-431990 0096 A1274372 46.00 11/25/2014 101-41910-431990 0096 A1274373 46.00 11/25/2014 101-41910-431990 0096 A1274374 46.00 11/25/2014 101-41910-431990 0096 A1274375 46.00 11/25/2014 101-41910-431990 322.00Check Total: Vendor:1583 WRIGHT HENNEPIN COOP ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION Check Sequence: 119 ACH Enabled: True 10710177100 Usage 10/1-11/1/2014 97.89 11/25/2014 602-49490-438100 10710177100 November 2014 Services - DMV 19.95 11/25/2014 217-41990-431900 10710177100 November 2014 Services - 2171 W River St Parks 36.45 11/25/2014 101-45201-431900 10710177100 November 2014 Services - Fire Station 27.95 11/25/2014 101-42200-431900 10710177100 November 2014 Services - 5980 Jason - Water 19.95 11/25/2014 601-49440-431900 10710177100 November 2014 Services - MCC 27.95 11/25/2014 226-45122-431900 10710177100 November 2014 Services - 207 Chelsea Rd - Water 32.95 11/25/2014 601-49440-431900 10710177100 November 2014 Services - 209 Cedar St - Water 29.95 11/25/2014 601-49440-431990 10710177100 November 2014 Services - 132 E Broadway - Water 19.95 11/25/2014 601-49440-431900 10710177100 November 2014 Services - 107 River St W - Parks 19.95 11/25/2014 101-45201-431900 10710177100 November 2014 Services - General Street Lighting 1,384.17 11/25/2014 101-43160-438100 1,717.11Check Total: Vendor:1584 WSB & ASSOCIATES INC Check Sequence: 120 ACH Enabled: True 01010-000 203 General Engineering Services Phase 5 75% Complete 2,500.00 11/25/2014 101-43111-430300 01010-000 203 General Engineering Services Phase 5 75% Complete 2,500.00 11/25/2014 601-49440-430300 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/19/2014 - 11:52 AM)Page 20 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 01010-000 203 General Engineering Services Phase 5 75% Complete 2,500.00 11/25/2014 602-49490-430300 01010-000 203 14C001 - Meetings & Project Management 345.00 11/25/2014 400-43300-453010 01010-000 203 Meetings & Project Management 345.00 11/25/2014 101-43111-430300 01160-611 71 Meetings - Traffic Engineering Services Sept 2014 1,029.00 11/25/2014 101-43111-430300 01494-470 22 Second River Crossing Study Sept 2014 1,342.50 11/25/2014 101-43111-430300 01494-480 32 ZRCFOS - Fallon Overpass Prelim Design Sept 2014 147.00 11/25/2014 101-43111-430300 01494-650 21 12C003 - WWTP Sludge Detwatering Facility & Aeration Blower Repl 7,818.75 11/25/2014 602-00000-165010 01494-700 18 General WWTP Sept 2014 358.50 11/25/2014 602-49480-430300 01494-720 15 Economic Development & Market Matching Sept 2014 4,000.00 11/25/2014 213-46301-431990 01494-730 13 ZZPHOS - WWTP Facility Plan Sept 2014 345.00 11/25/2014 602-49480-430300 01494-760 14 ZTOWER - Communications Tower (FNM) Sept 2014 2,165.00 11/25/2014 400-43300-458010 01494-780 10 MS 4/SWPPP Services 128.00 11/25/2014 101-43111-430300 01494-800 9 Z25/75 - CSAH 75/TH 25 Intersection Improvements 3,895.50 11/25/2014 400-43300-430300 01494-810 7 Z12PMP - 2013 Pavement Management Program 2,535.00 11/25/2014 101-43111-430300 01494-860 5 ZVONHN - Von Hanson's Plan Review Sept 2014 539.50 11/25/2014 101-00000-220110 01494-870 9 12C008 - Hillside Farms 3 & 4 Public Improvements Sept 2014 109.50 11/25/2014 400-43300-459010 01494-880 8 Wellhead Protection Plan Amendment Sept 2014 731.00 11/25/2014 601-49440-430300 01494-900 4 ZCOMM8 - IRET - Monticello Commerce Center 8th Addition 847.00 11/25/2014 101-00000-220110 01494-930 3 GIS Services Support Sept 2014 83.00 11/25/2014 702-00000-431990 01494-950 1 14C002 - Phosphorus Reduct & Anaerobic Digester Impro Aug/Sept 12,731.00 11/25/2014 602-00000-165010 01627-510 34 12C002 - 7th Street (Elm to MN Street) Extension 69.00 11/25/2014 400-43300-459010 47,064.25Check Total: Vendor:1907 XO COMMUNICATIONS LLC Check Sequence: 121 ACH Enabled: True 0270871888 Data & Internet Access 11/1-30/14 5,004.87 11/25/2014 655-49860-430930 070960094 Data & Internet Access 11/1-30/14 2,304.83 11/25/2014 655-49860-430930 7,309.70Check Total: Vendor:2076 ZAYO BANDWIDTH LLC Check Sequence: 122 ACH Enabled: True 003293 11/14 11/1-30/2014 Private Line: cost recovery surcharge 2,237.36 11/25/2014 655-49860-430910 2,237.36Check Total: Total for Check Run: Total of Number of Checks: 442,373.98 122 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/19/2014 - 11:52 AM)Page 21 The preceding list of bills payable was reviewed and approved for payment. Date: 11/24/14 Approved by:_______________________________________ Mayor Clint Herbst CityCouncilAgenda:11/24/2014 1 5B.ConsiderationofapprovingnewhiresanddeparturesforCitydepartments (TE) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: TheCouncilisaskedtoratifythehiringanddeparturesofemployeesthathaveoccurred recentlyinthedepartmentslisted.ItisrecommendedthattheCouncilofficiallyratifythe hiring/departureofalllistedemployeesincludingpart-timeandseasonalworkers. A1.BudgetImpact:(positionsaregenerallyincludedinbudget) A2.StaffWorkLoadImpact:Ifnewpositions,theremaybesometraining involved.Ifterminatedpositions,existingstaffwouldpickupthosehours,as needed,untilreplaced. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.Motiontoratifythehire/departuresoftheemployeesasidentifiedontheattached list. 2.Motiontodenytherecommendedhiresanddepartures. C.RECOMMENDATION: BystatutetheCityCouncilhastheauthoritytoapproveallhires/departures.Citystaff recommendsAlternative#1,fortheCounciltoapprovethehiresand/ordeparturesas listed. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: Listofnew/terminatedemployees Name Title Department Hire Date Class Courtney Thorson Life Guard MCC 11/7/14 PT Nita Ceron Clerk Liquor Store 11/11/14 PT Richard Adams Guest Service I MCC 11/13/14 PT Miles Camarata Water/Sewer Operator Water Dept.12/1/2014 FT Name Reason Department Last Day Class NEW EMPLOYEES TERMINATING EMPLOYEES New Hire and Terms City Council 2014: 11/19/2014 CityCouncilAgenda:11/24/14 1 5C.ConsiderationofadoptingResolution#2014-118acceptingcontributionof$250 fromSecuritasSecurityServicesUSA,IncforsponsorshipofBlazin’ThruBertram 5K (KB) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: SecuritasSecurityisasponsorofBlazin’ThruBertram/PhillipLaValleeMemorialRun forthe2014run/walk.Thesponsordonationof$250goestowardexpensesforthe run/walk. Asrequiredbystatestatute,iftheCityacceptsthedonationoffunds,theCityCouncil needstoadoptaresolutionspecifyingtheamountofthedonationanditsuse. A1.BudgetImpact:Themoneywillbeusedtooffsettheexpensesincurredin holdingtheBlazin’ThruBertramEventinSeptember2014. A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:Staffaccountsforandreconcilesdonationscontributed throughtheCity. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.Motiontoapprovethecontributionandauthorizeuseoffundsasspecified. 2.Motiontonotapprovethecontributionandreturnthefundstothedonors. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: Staffrecommendationistoadopttheresolutionacceptingthecontributions. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: Resolution#2014-118 CITYOFMONTICELLO WRIGHTCOUNTY,MINNESOTA RESOLUTIONNO.2014-118 RESOLUTIONAPPROVINGCONTRIBUTIONS WHEREAS,theCityofMonticelloisgenerallyauthorizedtoaccept contributionsofrealandpersonalpropertypursuanttoMinnesotaStatutesSections 465.03and465.04forthebenefitofitscitizensandisspecificallyauthorizedtomaintain suchpropertyforthebenefitofitscitizensinaccordancewiththetermsprescribedbythe donor.SaidgiftsmaybelimitedunderprovisionsofMNStatutesSection471.895. WHEREAS,thefollowingpersonsandorentitieshaveofferedtocontribute contributionsorgiftstotheCityaslisted: DONOR/ENTITYDESCRIPTIONVALUE SecuritasSecurityServicesUSA,Cash$250 WHEREAS,allsaidcontributionsareintendedtoaidtheCityinestablishing facilities,operationsorprogramswithinthecity’sjurisdictioneitheraloneorin cooperationwithothers,asallowedbylaw;and WHEREAS,theCityCouncilherebyfindsthatitisappropriatetoacceptthe contributionsoffered. NOWTHEREFOREBEITRESOLVED bytheCityCouncilofMonticelloas follows: 1.ThecontributionsdescribedaboveareherebyacceptedbytheCityof Monticello. 2.Thecontributionsdescribedabovewillbeusedasdesignatedbythe donor.Thismayentailreimbursingorallocatingthemoneytoanother entitythatwillutilizethefundsforthefollowingstatedpurpose: DONOR/ENTITYRECIPIENTPURPOSE SecuritasSecurityServicesCommunityCenterSponsorBlazin’ThruBertram AdoptedbytheCityCouncilofMonticellothis24thdayofNovember,2014. CITYOFMONTICELLO ______________________________ ClintHerbst,Mayor ATTEST: ______________________________________ JeffO’Neill,CityAdministrator CityCouncilAgenda:11/24/14 1 5D.ConsiderationofadoptingResolution#2014-119toacceptacontributionof$2,650 fromtheMonticelloVFWforI-padsfortheFireDepartment (CS) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: MonticelloVFWiscontributing$2,650fortheMonticelloFireDepartmentforthe purchaseofI-padsandrelatedfees.TheI-padswillbeusedforactive911serviceinthe firetrucks.Thistechnologyshouldbeanadvantageinresponsetimesforcoveringfire andemergencycallsintheMonticelloservicearea. Asrequiredbystatestatute,iftheCityacceptsthedonationoffunds,theCityCouncil needstoadoptaresolutionspecifyingtheamountofthedonationanditsuse. A1.BudgetImpact:None A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:Staffaccountsforandreconcilesdonationscontributed throughtheCity. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.Motiontoapprovethecontributionandauthorizeuseoffundsasspecified. 2.Motiontonotapprovethecontributionandreturnthefundstothedonors. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: Staffrecommendationistoadopttheresolutionacceptingthecontributions. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: Resolution#2014-119 CITYOFMONTICELLO WRIGHTCOUNTY,MINNESOTA RESOLUTIONNO.2014-119 RESOLUTIONAPPROVINGCONTRIBUTIONS WHEREAS,theCityofMonticelloisgenerallyauthorizedtoaccept contributionsofrealandpersonalpropertypursuanttoMinnesotaStatutesSections 465.03and465.04forthebenefitofitscitizensandisspecificallyauthorizedtomaintain suchpropertyforthebenefitofitscitizensinaccordancewiththetermsprescribedbythe donor.SaidgiftsmaybelimitedunderprovisionsofMNStatutesSection471.895. WHEREAS,thefollowingpersonsandorentitieshaveofferedtocontribute contributionsorgiftstotheCityaslisted: DONOR/ENTITYDESCRIPTIONVALUE MonticelloVFWCash$2,650 WHEREAS,allsaidcontributionsareintendedtoaidtheCityinestablishing facilities,operationsorprogramswithinthecity’sjurisdictioneitheraloneorin cooperationwithothers,asallowedbylaw;and WHEREAS,theCityCouncilherebyfindsthatitisappropriatetoacceptthe contributionsoffered. NOWTHEREFOREBEITRESOLVED bytheCityCouncilofMonticelloas follows: 1.ThecontributionsdescribedaboveareherebyacceptedbytheCityof Monticello. 2.Thecontributionsdescribedabovewillbeusedasdesignatedbythe donor.Thismayentailreimbursingorallocatingthemoneytoanother entitythatwillutilizethefundsforthefollowingstatedpurpose: DONOR/ENTITYRECIPIENTPURPOSE MonticelloVFWMonticelloFireDeptI-pads&relatedcosts ADOPTEDBY theCityCouncilofMonticellothis24thdayofNovember,2014. CITYOFMONTICELLO ______________________________ ClintHerbst,Mayor ATTEST: ______________________________________ JeffO’Neill,CityAdministrator CityCouncilAgenda:11/24/14 1 5E.Considerationofapproving2014OperatingTransfers (WO) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: Everyyear,thecitytransfersmoneybetweenfunds.Thesetransfershappenforvarious reasonsincludingtheprovisionoffinancingforcityprojects,repaymentofdebt, unanticipatedoperatingexpenditures,andanticipatedfutureexpenditures.Someofthese transferswereanticipatedandauthorizedbyResolution#2013-101foradoptionofthe 2014budget.Othersbecamenecessaryduringthecourseoftheyearandarebasedon fundingdecisionsmadebyCouncil/staff.Whateverthereason,itisagoodmanagement practicetoprovidetheCityCouncilwithalistofthetransfersmade(ortobemade)and haveCouncilapprovethetransfers. Attachedisalistofthe2014operatingtransfersforthecityasauthorizedorrequesting authorization.Iwilladdressonlythetransfersthathaven’tbeenpreviouslyauthorized. j.Proposedtofinance2015projectsapprovedbycouncilinNovemberandOctober. k.ProposedtosupplementdebtservicepaymentsandtoreducefutureSewageFund support,whichreplaceddiminishedaccessfeecollection. l.ProposedtosupplementdebtservicepaymentsandtoreducefutureWaterFund support,whichreplaceddiminishedaccessfeecollection. m.Proposedtosupplementthe2014budgetedtransfer,whichunderestimatedthe annualsubsidy. BudgetResolution#2013-101statesthattheCouncilcanamendorrescindSection(3) authorizingtransfersastheyearprogresses.Motiontoapprovealternative#1,affirms priorauthorizationoftransferseitherbybudgetResolution#2013-101orsubsequent councilaction(May12-Park&PathwayFundBCOLlandacquisition-$494,500; October13–CapitalProjectsFundcommunicationtowerproject-$200,000). Asasidenote,theClosedBondFundisasub-fundoftheCapitalProjectsFund.This sub-fundisaccountedforseparatelybutisaggregatedwiththeCapitalProjectsFundin thecity’sfinancialreport.TheClosedBondFundsub-fundaccountingasaseparate entityisatthediscretionofthefinancedirectoranddoesnotreflectanyrestrictions placedonitbyCouncil. A1.BudgetImpact:Asnoted,someofthetransferswereincludedinthe2014 budget,whileothertransfersareneededforconstructionprojects,landand equipmentacquisitions,oroperations.Finallysometransfersweremadetobetter accountforfutureexpenditures,financefutureprojectsorreducefunddeficits. A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:Therearenostaffworkloadimpactsforthesetransfers. CityCouncilAgenda:11/24/14 2 B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.Motiontoapprove2014operatingtransfersaslisted. 2.Motiontoapprovethe2014operatingtransferswithadjustmentsdesignatedby CityCouncilasfollows_________________. 3.Motiontodenythe2014operatingtransfers. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: CitystaffrecommendsAlternative#1,toapprovetheproposed2014operatingtransfers aslisted. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: Listof2014operatingtransferseitherauthorizedorrequiringauthorization BudgetResolution#2013-101 PreviouslyAuthorizedTransfers ItemFund#TransferInFundAmountFund#TransferOutFundAmount OperatingTransfers(madeperbudgetresolution2013-101) a226CommunityCenter50,000.00217DMVFund50,000.00 213EDAFund278,353.00 b3122005/2011AG.O.BondFund1,749,393.00602SewageFund704,540.00 263StormSewerAccessFund266,500.00 601WaterFund500,000.00 c 315 2008SewerRefundingBond 450,000.00 602 SewageFund 450,000.00 d314 2008RevenueRefundingBond 1,040,000.00226CommunityCenterFund1,040,000.00 602SewageFund128,795.00 e3172010ImprovementBonds239,595.00263StormSewerAccessFund59,800.00 601WaterFund51,000.00 f213EDAFund93,000.00101GeneralFund93,000.00 g655FiberNet350,000.00609LiquorFund350,000.00 SupplementalOperatingTransfersauthorizedduringtheyear h400CapitalProjectsFund200,000.00100GeneralFund200,000.00 i229ParkDedication494,500.00300CapitalProjects-ClosedBond494,500.00 RequestingAuthorization ItemFund#TransferInFundAmountFund#TransferOutFundAmount OperatingTransfers(2015budgetedexpendituresforprojectsapprovedin2014) j229ParkDedication170,000.00300CapitalProjects-ClosedBond170,000.00 OperatingTransfers(notbudgetedorpreviouslyauthorized) k3152008SewerRefundingBond*400,000.00602SewageFund400,000.00 l3122010ImprovementBonds*100,000.00601WaterFund100,000.00 m655FiberNet250,000.00609LiquorFund250,000.00 *Reflectsapproximateamountforannualcollectionofaccessfees,thetransferwillvarytoreflectactualcollections) TotalTransfers5,586,488.005,586,488.00 CouncilAgenda:11/24/14 1 5F.Considerationofapprovinga5-yearleasewithChristianSocialServices,Inc.for theMonticelloHelpCenter (WO) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: Thecurrentfive-yearleasewithChristianSocialServicesfortheHelpCenterendson November30,2014.Theproposedleaseisforfiveyears,endingonNovember30,2019. Theproposedleaseallowseitherpartytogive90dayspriorwrittennoticetoterminate thelease.Thelessor(city)shallhavenoobligationforrelocation,movingoranyother expensestothelessee(ChristianSocialServices)upontermination. A1.BudgetImpact:Theleaseprovidesforaleasepaymentof$1peryear. A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:Draftingleaseandpreparingstaffreport. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.Motiontoapprovetheproposedfive-yearleasewithChristianSocialServices, Inc.foruseoftheMonticelloHelpCenterbuilding. 2.Motiontodenythefive-yearleasewithChristianSocialServices,Inc.forthe HelpCenter. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: ThecitystaffsupportsAlternative#1. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: A.ProposedFive-YearLease B.ExpiringFive-YearLease Page 1 of 3 LEASE Thislease,madeandenteredintothis______dayof________________,2014,byandbetween theCityofMonticello(hereinafterreferredtoas“Lessor”)andChristianSocialServices,Inc. (hereinafterreferredtoas“Lessee”). LessorleasesandletstoLesseethatpartofthepremisessituatedatMonticello,Minnesota,more particularlydescribedasfollows: Thatportionofthebuildinglocatedat213CedarStreetnotcurrentlycomprised oftheCity’sDMVOffice.LegaldescriptionisLot4and5,Block34,Original Plat,CityofMonticello,Minnesota. Foraperiodoffive(5)yearscommencingDecember1,2014andendingonNovember30,2019 unlessotherwiseearlierterminatedasprovidedherein,onthefollowingtermsandconditions: 1.Lesseeagreestopay,withoutdemandbyLessor,asandforrentthesumof$1.00 annuallyprovided,however,thatincasesaidpremises,withoutfaultorneglectonthe partoftheLessee,isdestroyedorissoinjuredbytheelementsoranyothercauseastobe untenableorunfitforoccupancy,Lesseeisnotliablethereaftertopayrenttosaid Lessors;andtheLesseeshallthereuponquitandsurrenderpossessionofsaidpremises. 2.QuietEnjoyment.Lessorscovenantthatonpayingtherentandperformingthe covenantshereincontained,Lesseeshallpeacefullyandquietlyhave,hold,andenjoythe demisedpremisesfortheagreedterm. 3.UseofPremises.ThedemisedpremisesshallnotbeusedbyLesseeforanypurpose, thoughwhollylegal,otherthanforthepurposeofoperatinganonprofitcharitable clothingandfoodcenter. 4.AlterationsandImprovements.Lesseeshallmakenoalterationstothebuildingson thedemisedpremisesorconstructanybuildingormakeotherimprovementsonthe demisedpremiseswithoutpriorwrittenconsentofLessor.Allalterations,changes,and improvementsbuilt,constructed,orplacedonthedemisedpremisesbyLesseewiththe exceptionoffixturesremovablewithoutdamagetothepremisesandmovablepersonal propertyshall,unlessotherwiseprovidedbywrittenagreementbetweenLessorand Lessee,bethepropertyofLessorandremainonthedemisedpremisesattheexpirationor soonerterminationofthislease. 5.Insurance.Lessorshallmaintaininsurancecoverageonthebuildingstructure,and theLesseeshallberesponsibleformaintaininginsurancecoverageonanypersonal propertyorcontentswithinleasedarea.Lesseeshallalsoprovideandmaintaininforce publicliabilityinsurancecoverageofnotlessthanThreeHundredThousandDollars ($300,000.00)andnametheLessorasaco-insured. Page 2 of 3 6.WaiverofSubrogation.Allinsurancepoliciescarriedbyeitherpartypursuanttothis leaseshallcontainclausesbywhichtheinsurerwaivesallsubrogationrightswhichit mayhaveagainsteitherpartyheretoandagainsttheirrespectiveinsurers.Theparties hereto,onbehalfofthemselvesandtheirrespectiveinsurers,waivesuchsubrogation rights.Inadditiontotheforegoing,theLesseeagreestonameLessorasanadditional insuredonanyinsurancepoliciesrequiredhereunder. 7.HoldHarmless.LesseeshallholdLessorharmlessfromanydamagesufferedbyany personarisingoutofLessee'suseorcontrolofleasedpremisesandshalldefendLessor againstanyclaimsagainstLessorarisingfromLessee'suseorcontrolovertheleased premises. 8.Taxes.Lessorwillberesponsiblefortherealestatetaxesduringthetermsofthis lease. 9.AssignmentandSubletting.Lesseeshallnotassignthisleaseorsubletany concessionorlicensetousethepremisesoranypartthereof.Anyassignmentor sublettingwithoutwrittenpermissionofLessorshallbevoid,andtheleaseshall,at Lessor'soption,beterminatedincompliancewiththedefaultprovisionherein. 10.Termination.LesseeagreestogiveLessorthirty(30)dayswrittennoticebeforethe expirationofthisleaseofLessee'sintentiontovacateattheendofthislease.Ifthe demisedpremises,oranypartthereof,shallbepartiallydamagedbyfireorother casualty,theLessor,atitsoption,mayterminatethisleasepriortotheterminationdate. LesseeshallnotseekdamagesorcontributionfromtheLessorforanydamagesincurred asaresultofLessor'sdecisionnottorepair/rebuildthepremises. TheLessormay,uponninety(90)dayswrittennoticetoLessee,terminatethisleasefor anyreason.Lessorshallhavenoobligationtopayrelocation,movingoranyother expensestoLessee.TheLesseemay,uponninety(90)dayswrittennoticetoLessor, terminatethisleaseforanyreason. 11.Utilities.Lesseeshallberesponsibleforallutilitycostsassociatedwiththeleased premises,includingheat,electricity,sewer,andwater. 12.MaintenanceandRepair.Lesseeshallberesponsibleforallnormalrepairsand incidentalmaintenanceoftheleasedspace,including,butnotlimitedtosuchitemsas annualfurnaceandairconditioningcheckups;miscellaneousadjustmentstoequipment, doors,windows;miscellaneoussmallrepairs,leakyfaucets,waterheateradjustments, incidentalpaintingandfinishing,cleaning.Majormechanicalequipmentrepairsand/or replacementrequiredduringtheleaseshallbesubjecttonegotiationbetweenLessorand Lessee,dependingontheexpectedlifeoftheequipmentrepairedorreplaced,pro-rated overleaseterm.Lessorshallkeeptheexteriorofthepremisesinreasonablerepairduring thetermoftheleaseandshallmaintainthecommonparkingareasofthepremise.Lessee shallberesponsibleformaintenanceofsidewalksadjacenttopremises. Page 3 of 3 13.RightofEntry.LessorandLessor'sagentsreservetherighttoenterthedemised premisesduringnormalbusinesshoursorbyappointmentduringthetermofthislease andanyrenewalthereofforthepurposeofinspectingthepremisesandallbuilding improvementsthereonandwhenevernecessarytomakerepairsandalterationstothe demisedpremises. 14.SurrenderofPremises.Attheexpirationofthislease,Lesseeshallquitandsurrender thepremisesherebydemisedinasgoodastateandconditionastheywereatthe commencementofthislease,reasonablewearanduseanddamagebyelementsexcepted. 15.Default.Ifanydefaultismadeinpaymentofrent,oranypartthereof,atthe timeshereinbeforespecified,orifanydefaultismadeinperformanceoforcompliance withanyothertermorconditionhereof,thelease,attheoptionoftheLessor,maybe terminated.LesseeagreestopayalloftheLessor'scosts,includingreasonableattorney's fees,intheeventlegalactionisnecessarytoobtainpossessionofthepremises. 16.ApplicableLaw.Lesseeshallabidebyallapplicablestatutes,administrative regulations,andordinancescoveringLessee'suseoftheproperty.Thisleaseshallbe construedaccordingtothelawsoftheStateofMinnesota. 17.HeirsandAssigns.Thecovenantsandconditionshereincontainedshallapplytoand bindtheheirs,legalrepresentatives,andassignsofthepartieshereto,andallcovenants aretobeconstruedasconditionsofthislease. INWITNESSWHEREOF,thepartiesheretohaveexecutedthislease. CITYOFMONTICELLOCHRISTIANSOCIALSERVICES,INC. ________________________________________________________________ JeffO’Neill,CityAdministratorCarolStice,Director CityofMonticello,LessorChristianSocialServices,Inc.,Lessee Date:________________Date:______________ CityCouncilAgenda:11/24/14 1 5G.Considerationofauthorizingpurchaseofmainlinesewercameraandtrailerata costof$68,480fortheWaterandSewerCollectionsDepartment (MT) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: CityCouncilisaskedtoauthorizethepurchaseofanew2014AriesCCTVBadger Minnesotaspecialcamerasystemmountedina6’x10’enclosedtrailerpricedoffthe MinnesotaStateContract#S986-813fromFlexiblePipeToolCompanyatatotalcostof $68,480. In2010,theCitypurchasedaused1992mainlinesewercameraandenclosedtrailerfrom theCityofAnokaatacostof$2,000,andweusedittotelevisesomeofthe2011Core CityProjectandhavealsotelevisedalllinesforthenextproposedCoreCityProject, whichincludesallmainlinesanitarysewers,mainlinestormsewerandcatchbasinlines. Itwasinterestingtoseehowfasttreerootscangrowbackintooldclaysewermainsin onlyoneyear,andhowgoodour1978sectionalroddercanremovethem.WithCity crewstelevisingforthenextproject,ithasmorethanpaidforthecostofthecamerathat waspurchasedin1992. Whileusingthesewercamerain2013,thetransportertransmissionbrokewhichfriedthe motor.Whilethemotorcanberebuilt,therearenolongerpartsavailableforthe transmission.Furthermore,duetotheageofthecamera,therearenolongerparts availableforthateither. Whilethesewercamerawasoldandslow,itwasveryusefultotheCity.TheLeagueof MinnesotaCitiesInsuranceTrustandtheMinnesotaPollutionControlAgency(MPCA) recommendtelevisingcitymainlinesanitarysewerseverytenyears.SincetheCity doesn’thaveacamerathatisabletodothateffectively,thedepartmentrunsaproofer whilecleaningthesewermainsonthesewerjetmachineinstead.TheCityofMonticello hasover80milesofsanitarysewermainswhicharecleanedinafouryearmaintenance cycle,cleaningaround40blocksyearly.AVac-consewerjet/vactruckisusedforthis maintenance.Thistruckwaspurchasednewin1999atacostof$181,447.Sincethat time,thedepartmenthasrebuiltthesewerjetpumpthreetimesandapotentialrebuildis plannedthiswinterasthelasttimeitwasused,thepressuredidnotreachover1000PSI (maxPSI2000).TheWater&SewerDepartmentusesthispieceofequipmentheavily fromMaythroughSeptember. ArepfromFlexiblePipeToolCompanyhasinformedusthatmanycitiesaregoingto startflushingtheirsewerlineswithwaterandthentelevisethoselinestoseeifjettingthe sewerlinesisneeded.HesaidthatmethodshouldworkinPVCsewerlinesdepending onthegreasebuild-up.TheWater&SewerDepartmentwillbecleaningthesoutheast quadrantin2015,whichhasover25milesofsewermainswith21milesbeingPVC. Withthepurchaseofthenewcameraunit,Citycrewswillbeabletoutilizethisnew methodratherthanusingthesewerjetwhichwillsavecostsonfuelandwearandtearon thetruck.Thenewcamerawillalsoallowthedepartmenttolookforinfiltrationof groundwaterenteringthesanitarysewersystemthroughjointsandcracks,aswellas CityCouncilAgenda:11/24/14 2 inflowwhichiswaterenteringthesanitarysewersystembydirectconnectionfromroof drainsandbasementsumps.Forinstance,withalltherainandsnowlastspring,the sanitarysewerliftstationpumpageandwastewatertreatmentplantflowswereup. ThenewunitbeingconsideredforpurchaseisfromMinnesotaStateContract#S986-813 withpricingasfollows: 1.BaseunitincludestheST3500SCUwithVL5000reporting, VR505portableDVDrecorder,PE2620camerasystem, TR3001tractorsystem,portablereelwith1000’multi-conductor cable,andportabledownholeguidepackage:$45,106 2.3”reverseoffsetcarbidehi-tractiontires(2):$00,204 3.4”reverseoffsetcarbidehi-tractiontires(2):$00,300 4.Cameraandtractordesktopcontrollers:$02,602 5.Inkjetprinter:$00,207 6.Portablereelvehiclemountkitw/cableguide:$00,967 7.Statebidfortrailerincludesaluminumtreadflooring, deskwithcabinetstorageunderneath,desktopstorage hutch,electricaloutfittingwithshorepowerhookup andoutlet,vehiclestandardoutfittingwithshorepower hookup,roofstrobe,andrearstrobeandrearfloodlight, 3kWquitgasgenerator,tonguemounted:$19,960 8.7-drawertoolbox:$00,634 Sub-Total$69,980 LessTrade-In(OldCamera)(11,500) TotalCompleteUnit$68,480 A1.BudgetImpact:Thenewsewercameraandtrailerwillbepurchasedutilizing fundsfromthe2014SewerFund-OtherEquipmentbudgetlineitemwhichhasa budgetof$120,000.The$120,000wasoriginallyintendedforupdatingthewater andsewerfacilitiescontrolsystem(SCADAsystem).Thecurrentsystem,though dated,remainsoperationalanditisevidentthattheupgradecanbemovedtoa futureyear. A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:Thenewequipmentwillimprovestaffefficienciesin cleaningandinspectingsanitaryandstormsewermainlinesandsavefuelcosts andwearandtearonthesewerjetvactruck. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.Motiontoacceptthestatebidandauthorizepurchaseofthemainlinesewercamera andtrailerthroughthestatepurchasingsystemfromFlexiblePipeToolCompanyata totalcostof$68,480(thispricereflectsa$1,500deductfortradingintheold equipment). CityCouncilAgenda:11/24/14 3 2.Motiontodenythepurchaseofthesewercameraandtraileratthistime. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: CitystaffrecommendsAlternative#1toauthorizepurchasingthenewsewercamera equipmentandtrailerfromtheStateContractfromFlexiblePipeToolCompanyinthe amountof$68,480asoutlinedabove.Thenewequipmentwillsavemoneyandimprove staffefficiencies. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: A.StateContractquotefromFlexiblePipeToolallowingtrade-inofoldequipment B.MNStateContractSEQ#S986-813Ariescameraandtrailer C.LiteratureonBadgeAriesTR3001TransporterandStateContractpricing D.LiteratureonAriesPE2620MainlineCamera E.TwoquotesfromAriesvendorsandequipmentspecs(notonStateContract) F.Picturesofproposedequipment CityCouncilAgenda:11/24/14 1 5H.Considerationofacceptingquotesandauthorizereplacementofequipmentinthe CommunityCenterRomp&Stomproom (KB) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: For2015,weanticipatedbudgeting$37,000forimprovementsintheindoorplaygroundofthe communitycenter,alsoknownastheRompnStomproom.Inthe2014budget,thereis $50,000budgetedforthegymnasiumfloorreplacement;however,thefloorreplacementwas movedto2015toallowustimetoclarifythepaymentagreementbetweentheCityandthe NationalGuard.ThisprovidedtheopportunitytoswitchtheimprovementsfortheRompn Stompfrom2015to2014.Thefirstphaseoftheimprovementistopurchaseanewclimb-on toytoreplacethecurrenttaxicabsoftclimb-ontoythatiscurrentlyintheroom. Wepurchasedthetaxicabanumberofyearsagoandithasbeenanextremelypopularfeature intheroom.Itisinprettytoughshapeatthispointandit’stimeforsomethingnew.One suggestionforfutureuseforthetaxicabistogiveittotheDMVaspropforaparadefloat. Thetaxiweighsabout600poundssoitwillhavetobedeterminedifit’sfeasibletouseitin thatway. TheRompnStomproomisaverypopularamenityforthecommunitycentermembersand guests.TheRompnStomproomisincludedonallofthemembershiptypesandwedohave adailyratetousethearea.In2013,wehadover1,000childrenpaythedailyfeetousethe RompnStomp.Weseeitusedbymembers,guests,Moms’groups,SwanRiverstudents,and forbirthdayparties. TheAdvisoryBoardreviewedoptionsforreplacingtheclimb-ontoyandtheyselectedapiece fromOnCallServicesfor$7,200.Theyfeltthatitprovidestheabilitytoclimbandslidefora numberofchildrenatatime.Anexampleofthetoyisprovidedwiththisagendaitem. Thesecondphaseofthisprojectwillbetofindsuitableflooringthatprovidesforsafetyinthe caseoffalls,iseasytocleanup,andlooksgoodinachildren’ssetting.Wearealsolooking atamovingtheentrywaydoorfrominsidethechildcareareatoanaccessdirectlyfromthe mainhallway.ItisplannedtobringthoseitemstoafutureCouncilmeeting. A1.BudgetImpact:Theamountinthebudgetforthegymnasiumfloorreplacementfor 2014is$50,000.Therewas$37,000originallyallottedinthe2015budgetfor improvementsintheRompnStomp.Atthistimeweanticipatethecosttobe$7,200 fortheequipment.Wewillhavecoststoremovethewindowsothatthetaxicanbe removedandthenewtoybroughtit.Iwouldexpectthattobearound$300. A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:Outsideoftheresearchtofindoptionsforthisreplacement andschedulingitsinstallation,thereisnoadditionalworkloadimpact. CityCouncilAgenda:11/24/14 2 B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.Motiontoacceptthequotesandauthorizethepurchaseofthereplacementclimb-on toyfortheRompnStompfromOnCallServicesatacostof$7,200,andauthorize installationoftheequipment. 2.Motiontodenytherequesttopurchasetheplaytoy. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: CitystaffrecommendsAlternative#1.TheAdvisoryBoardhasbeendiscussing improvementstotheRompnStompforanumberofmonthsandhasrecommendedapproval bytheCityCounciltomakethisimprovement. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: A.QuotefromOnCallServicesandpictureofthetoytobepurchased B.Picturesandpricesforotheroptionsnotselected CityCouncilAgenda:11/24/14 1 5I.Considerationofapprovingrenewalofapawnbrokerlicensefor2015forMichael HelmdbaMonticelloPawn,GunandBargainCenterat1219SouthHighway25 (CS/WO) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: InNovemberof2007,theCityfirstapprovedapawnbrokerlicenseforMichaelHelm doingbusinessasMonticelloPawn,GunandBargainCenter.AtthattimetheCityalso approvedanoff-sitestoragefacilityat12081-165th StreetinBecker.Theannuallicense hasbeenrenewedinsubsequentyears,andCouncilisaskedtoconsiderapproving renewalofthelicensefor2015. WereceivedtherenewalapplicationfromMikeHelmthisweekandhepaidallofhis outstandingaccountsrelatedtothepawnshop.Thecitycodealsorequiresverification fromtheWrightCountySheriff’sDepartmentforanyissuesrelatedtotheoperationof thebusinessthatmightimpacttherenewalofthelicense.Staffisnotawareofanyissues inthisregardandhassenttheapplicationtoSheriffJoeHagertyforverificationand signature. TheCitywillbeprovidingtheMonticelloPawnShopwithaphysicallicenseafterthe renewalisapprovedbyCouncilandtheapplicationissignedbytheSheriff.Thelicense shouldbedisplayedattheshopinavisiblelocationasisrecommendedunderstatelaw. A1.BudgetImpact:None A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:Minimalimpactwithpreparationoftheapplicationand license. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.Motiontoapprovetherenewalofanannual2015pawnbrokerlicensefor MichaelHelmdbaasMonticelloPawn,GunandBargainCenterlocatedat1219 TH25,contingentontheapplicationreturnedfromtheSheriff’sDepartmentwith noadversefindings. 2.Motiontonotrenewthe2015pawnbrokerlicenseforMonticelloPawn,Gunand BargainCenteratthistime. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: StaffrecommendsAlternative#1toapprovetherenewalofthelicenseforMikeHelmof MonticelloPawn,GunandBargainCenterat1219TH25fortheyear2015. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: CopyofPawnBrokerApplication/License–MikeHelm CityCodeTitleIII,Chapter15-PawnShops MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE TITLE III / Chapter 15 / Page 1 CHAPTER 15 PAWN SHOPS SECTION: 3-15-1 Purpose 3-15-2 Definitions 3-15-3 License Required 3-15-4 Application Required 3-15-5 License Fees 3-15-6 Bond Required 3-15-7 Persons Ineligible for License 3-15-8 Records Required 3-15-9 Application Execution 3-15-10 Daily Reports to Police 3-15-11 Receipt Required 3-15-12 Redemption Period 3-15-13 Holding Period 3-15-14 Police Order to Hold Property 3-15-15 Inspection of Items 3-15-16 Label Required 3-15-17 Prohibited Acts 3-15-18 Denial, Suspension or Revocation 3-15-19 Business at Only One Place 3-15-20 Separability 3-15-1: PURPOSE. The city council finds that use of services provided by pawnbrokers provides an opportunity for the commission of crimes and their concealment because pawn businesses have the ability to receive and transfer property stolen by others easily and quickly. The city council also finds that consumer protection regulation is warranted in transactions involving pawnbrokers. The city council further finds that the pawn industry has outgrown the city's current ability to effectively or efficiently identify criminal activity related to pawn shops. The purpose of this chapter is to prevent pawn businesses from being used as facilities for the commission of crimes, and to assure that such businesses comply with basic consumer protection standards, thereby protecting the public health, safety, and general welfare of the citizens of the city. To help local law enforcement better regulate current and future pawn businesses, decrease and stabilize costs associated with the regulation of the pawn industry, and increase identification of criminal activities in the pawn industry through the timely collection and sharing of pawn transaction information, this chapter also implements and establishes the required use of the Automated Pawn System (APS). 3-15-2: DEFINITIONS. When used in this article, the following words shall mean: MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE TITLE III / Chapter 15 / Page 2 Pawnbroker. A person, partnership or corporation, who lends money on the security of pledged goods (items that are “left in pawn”), and/or purchases goods on the condition that they may be redeemed or repurchased by the seller for a fixed price, within a fixed period of time. To the extent that a pawnbroker' s business includes buying personal property previously used, rented or leased, or selling it on consignment, the provisions of this chapter shall be applicable. (#542, 1/9/12) Reportable transaction. Every transaction conducted by a pawnbroker in which merchandise is received through a pawn, purchase, consignment or trade, or in which a pawn is renewed, extended or redeemed, or for which a unique transaction number or identifier is generated by their point-of-sale software, is reportable except: (1) The bulk purchase or consignment of new or used merchandise from a merchant, manufacturer or wholesaler having an established permanent place of business, and the retail sale of said merchandise, provided the pawnbroker must maintain a record of such purchase or consignment which describes each item, and must mark each item in a manner which relates it to that transaction record. (2) Retail and wholesale sales of merchandise originally received by pawn or purchase, and for which all applicable hold and/or redemption periods have expired. Billable transaction. Every reportable transaction conducted by a pawnbroker except renewals, redemptions or extensions of existing pawns on items previously reported and continuously in the licensee's possession is a billable transaction. 3-15-3: LICENSE REQUIRED. No person shall engage in the business of pawnbroker at any location without a pawnbroker license for that location. No pawnbroker license may be transferred to a different location or a different person. Issuance of a license under this chapter shall not relieve the licensee from obtaining any other licenses required to conduct business at the same or any other location. 3-15-4: APPLICATION REQUIRED. An application form provided by the city clerk must be completed by every applicant for a new license or for renewal of an existing license. Every new applicant must provide all the following information: (1) If the applicant is a sole proprietor: a. The name, place and date of birth, street resident address, and phone number of applicant. b. Whether the applicant is a citizen of the United States or resident alien. MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE TITLE III / Chapter 15 / Page 3 c. Whether the applicant has ever used or has been known by a name other than the applicant's name, and if so, the name or names used and information concerning dates and places used. d. The name of the business if it is to be conducted under a designation, name, or style other than the name of the applicant and a certified copy of the certificate as required by Minnesota Statutes, Section 333.01. e. The street address at which the applicant has lived during the preceding five (5) years. f. The type, name and location of every business or occupation in which the applicant has been engaged during the preceding five (5) years and the name(s) and address(es) of the applicant's employer(s) and partner(s), if any, for the preceding five (5) years. g. Whether the applicant has ever been convicted of a felony, crime, or violation of any ordinance other than a traffic ordinance. If so, the applicant must furnish information as to the time, place, and offense of all such convictions. h. If the applicant does not manage the business, the name of the manager(s) or other person(s) in charge of the business and all information concerning each of them required in a. through g. of Subdivision (1) of this section. (2) If the applicant is a partnership: a. The name(s) and address(es) of all general and limited partners and all information concerning each general partner required in subdivision (1) of this section. b. The name(s) of the managing partner(s) and the interest of each partner in the licensed business. c. A true copy of the partnership agreement shall be submitted with the application. If the partnership is required to file a certificate as to a trade name pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 333.01, a certified copy of such certificate must be attached to the application. (3) If the applicant is a corporation or other organization: a. The name of the corporation or business form, and if incorporated, the State of Incorporation. MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE TITLE III / Chapter 15 / Page 4 b. A true copy of the Certificate of Incorporation, Articles of Incorporation or Association Agreement, and By-laws shall be attached to the application. If the applicant is a foreign corporation, a Certificate of Authority as required by Minnesota Statutes, Section 303.06, must be attached. c. The name of the manager(s) or other person(s) in charge of the business and all information concerning each manager, proprietor, or agent required in a. through g. of Subdivision (1) of this section. (4) For all applicants: a. Whether the applicant holds a current pawnbroker, precious metal dealer or secondhand goods dealer license from any other governmental unit. b. Whether the applicant has previously been denied, or had revoked or suspended, a pawnbroker precious metal dealer, or secondhand dealer license from any other governmental unit. c. The location of the business premises. d. Such other information as the city council or issuing authority may require. 3-15-5: APPLICATION EXECUTION. All applications for a license under this chapter must be signed and sworn to under oath or affirmation by the applicant. If the application is that of a sole proprietor, it must be signed and sworn to by such person; if that of a corporation, by an officer thereof; if that of a partnership, by one of the general partners; and if that of an unincorporated association, by the manager or managing officer thereof. Any falsification on a license application shall result in the denial of a license. 3-15-6: PERSONS INELIGIBLE FOR A LICENSE. No license under this chapter will be issued to an applicant who is a sole proprietor, a partnership if such applicant has any general partner or managing partner, a corporation or other organization if such applicant has any manager, proprietor or agent in charge of the business to be licensed, if the applicant: (1) Is a minor at the time that the application is filed; (2) Has been convicted of any crime directly related to the occupation licensed as prescribed by Minnesota Statutes, Section 364.03, Subd. 2, and has not shown competent evidence of sufficient rehabilitation and present fitness to perform the duties of a licensee under this chapter as prescribed by MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE TITLE III / Chapter 15 / Page 5 Minnesota Statutes, Section 364.03, Subd. 3; or (3) Is not of good moral character or repute. 3-15-7: LICENSE FEES. (A) The annual license fees for licenses issued under this chapter shall be as adopted by the City Council. (#357, 11/27/00) (B) The billable transaction license fee shall reflect the cost of processing transactions and other related regulatory expenses as determined by the city council, and shall be reviewed and adjusted, periodically. Licensees shall be notified in writing thirty (30) days before any adjustment is implemented. (#542, 1/9/12) (C) Billable transaction fees shall be billed monthly and are due and payable within thirty (30) days. Failure to do so is a violation of this chapter. 3-15-8: BOND REQUIRED. Before a license will be issued, every applicant must submit a five thousand dollar ($5,000.00) bond on the forms provided by the licensing authority. All bonds must be conditioned that the principal will observe all laws in relation to pawnbrokers, and will conduct business in conformity thereto, and that the principal will account for and deliver to any person legally entitled any goods which have come into the principal's hand through the principal's business as a pawnbroker, or in lieu thereof, will pay the reasonable value in money to the person. The bond shall contain a provision that no bond may be canceled except upon thirty (30) days written notice to the city, which shall be served upon the licensing authority. 3-15-9: RECORDS REQUIRED. At the time of any reportable transaction other than renewals, extensions or redemptions, every licensee must immediately record in English the following information by using ink or other indelible medium on forms or in a computerized record approved by local law enforcement. 1. A complete and accurate description of each item including, but not limited to, any trademark, identification number, serial number, model number, brand name, or other identifying mark on such an item. 2. The purchase price, amount of money loaned upon, or pledged therefore. 3. The maturity date of the transaction and the amount due, including monthly and annual interest rates and all pawn fees and charges. 4. Date, time and place the item of property was received by the licensee, and the unique alpha and/or numeric transaction identifier that distinguishes it from all other transactions in the licensee's records. MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE TITLE III / Chapter 15 / Page 6 5. Full name, current residence address, current residence telephone number, date of birth and accurate description of the person from whom the item of property was received, including: sex, height, weight, race, color of eyes and color of hair. 6. The identification number and state of issue from any of the following forms of identification of the seller: a. Current valid Minnesota driver's license. b. Current valid Minnesota identification card. c. Current valid photo identification card issued by another state or province of Canada. 7. The signature of the person identified in the transaction. 8. Effective sixty (60) days from the date of notification by local law enforcement of acceptable video standards the licensee must also take a color photograph or color video recording of: a. Each customer involved in a billable transaction. b. Every item pawned or sold that does not have an unique serial or identification number permanently engraved or affixed. If a photograph is taken, it must be at least two (2) inches in length by two (2) inches in width and must be maintained in such a manner that the photograph can be readily matched and correlated with all other records of the transaction to which they relate. Such photographs must be available to the chief of police or the chief's designee, upon request. The major portion of the photograph must include an identifiable front facial close-up of the person who pawned or sold the item. Items photographed must be accurately depicted. The licensee must inform the person that he or she is being photographed by displaying a sign of sufficient size in a conspicuous place in the premises. If a video photograph is taken, the video camera must zoom in on the person pawning or selling the item so as to include an identifiable close-up of that person's face. Items photographed by video must be accurately depicted. Video photographs must be electronically referenced by time and date so they can be readily matched and correlated with all other records of the transaction to which they relate. The licensee must inform the person orally that he or she is being videotaped and by displaying a sign of sufficient size in a conspicuous place on the premises. The licensee must keep the exposed videotape for three (3) months. MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE TITLE III / Chapter 15 / Page 7 9. Digitized photographs. Effective sixty (60) days from the date of notification by local law enforcement, licensees must fulfill the color photograph requirements in subdivision (8) by submitting them as digital images, in a format specified by the issuing authority, electronically cross-referenced to the reportable transaction they are associated with. Notwithstanding the digital images may be captured from required video recordings, this provision does not alter or amend the requirements in subdivision (8). 10. Renewals, extensions and redemptions. For renewals, extensions and redemptions, the licensee shall provide the original transaction identifier, the date of the current transaction and the type of transaction. 11. Inspection of records. The records must at all reasonable times be open to inspection by local law enforcement or state regulatory agencies. Data entries shall be retained for at least three (3) years from the date of transaction. Entries of required digital images shall be retained a minimum of ninety (90) days. 3-15-10: DAILY REPORTS TO POLICE. (A) Effective no later than sixty (60) days after local law enforcement provides licensees with computerized record standards, licensees must submit every reportable transaction to local law enforcement daily in the following manner: Licensees must provide to local law enforcement all information required in Section 3-15-9 RECORDS REQUIRED, Subdivision (1) through (6) and other required information by transferring it from their computer to the Automated Pawn System via modem. All required records must be transmitted completely and accurately after the close of business each day in accordance with standards and procedures established by the issuing authority. The licensee must display a sign of sufficient size, in a conspicuous place in the premises, which informs all patrons that all transactions are reported to local law enforcement daily. (B) Billable transactions fees. Licensees will be charged for each billable transaction reported to local law enforcement. 1. If a licensee is unable to successfully transfer the required reports by modem, the licensee must provide local law enforcement printed copies of all reportable transactions along with the video tape(s) for that date by 12:00 the next business day. 2. If the problem is determined to be in the licensee's system and is not corrected by the close of the first business day following the failure, MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE TITLE III / Chapter 15 / Page 8 the licensee must provide the required reports as detailed in subdivision (B) (1), and must be charged a fifty dollar ($50.00) reporting failure penalty, daily, until the error is corrected, or: 3. If the problem is determined to be outside the licensee's system, the licensee must provide the required reports in subdivision (B) (1) and resubmit all such transactions via modem when the error is corrected. 4. If a licensee is unable to capture, digitize or transmit the photographs required in Section 3-15-9 RECORDS REQUIRED, Subdivision (9), the licensee must immediately take all required photographs with a still camera, cross-reference the photographs to the correct transaction, and make the pictures available to local law enforcement upon request. 5. Regardless of the cause or origin of the technical problems that prevented the licensee from uploading their reportable transactions, upon correction of the problem, the licensee shall upload every reportable transaction from every business day the problem had existed. 6. Subdivision (B) (1) through (3) notwithstanding, local law enforcement may, upon presentation of extenuating circumstances, delay the implementation of the daily reporting penalty. 3-15-11: RECEIPT REQUIRED. Every licensee must provide a receipt to the party identified in every reportable transaction and must maintain a duplicate of that receipt for three (3) years. The receipt must include at least the following information: 1. The name, address and telephone number of the licensed business. 2. The date and time the item was received by the licensee. 3. Whether the item was pawned or sold or the nature of the transaction. 4. An accurate description of each item received including, but not limited to, any trademark, identification number, serial number, model number, brand name or other identifying mark on such an item. 5. The signature or unique identifier of the licensee or employee that conducted the transaction. 6. The amount advanced or paid. MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE TITLE III / Chapter 15 / Page 9 7. The monthly and annual interest rates, including all pawn fees and charges. 8. The last regular day of business by which the item must be redeemed by the pledger without risk that the item will be sold, and the amount necessary to redeem the pawned item on that date. 9. The full name, current residence address, current residence telephone number and date of birth of the pledger or seller. 10. The identification number and state of issue from any of the following forms of identification of the seller: a. Current valid Minnesota driver's license. b. Current valid Minnesota identification card. c. Current valid photo driver's license or identification card issued by another state or province of Canada. 11. Description of the pledger or seller including sex, approximate height, weight, race, color of eyes and color of hair. 12. The signature of the pledger or seller. 13. All printed statements as required by state statute 325J.04 subdivision 2, or any other applicable statutes. 3-15-12: REDEMPTION PERIOD. (A) Any person pledging, pawning or depositing an item for security must have a minimum of sixty (60) days from the date of that transaction to redeem the item before it may be forfeited and sold. During the holding period, items may not be removed from the licensed location except as provided in Section 3-15-19 BUSINESS AT ONLY ONE PLACE. Licensees are prohibited from redeeming any item to anyone other than the person to whom the receipt was issued or, to any person identified in a written and notarized authorization to redeem the property identified in the receipt, or to a person identified in writing by the pledger at the time of the initial transaction and signed by the pledger, or with approval of the police license inspector. Written authorization for release of property to persons other than original pledger must be maintained along with original transaction record in accordance with Section 3-15-9 RECORDS REQUIRED, Subdivision (10). (B) Pawnbroker must return goods, or provide compensation for lost or damaged goods, upon payment of the full amount due, unless: MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE TITLE III / Chapter 15 / Page 10 1. The 60-day redemption period has expired, or 2. The goods have been taken into custody by a court or by a law enforcement officer or agency. (#542, 1/9/12) 3-15-13: HOLDING PERIOD ON TRADE ITEMS. Any item purchased or accepted in trade by a licensee, but not involved in a pawn transaction, must not be sold or otherwise transferred for thirty-one (31) days from the date of the transaction. An individual may redeem an item at any time during the holding period. (#542, 1/9/12) 3-15-14: COURT OR POLICE ORDER TO HOLD/CONFISCATE PROPERTY. Whenever a law enforcement official from any agency notifies a licensee not to sell an item, the item must not be sold or removed from the premises. This initial or investigative hold shall be confirmed in writing within seventy-two hours and remains in effect for fifteen (15) days from the date of initial notification. Local law enforcement may, in writing, extend an investigative hold or independently order an item held for up to ninety (90) days, or order the confiscation of an item identified as stole or evidence in a criminal case. (#542, 1/9/12) 3-15-15: INSPECTION OF ITEMS. At all times during the terms of the license, the licensee must allow law enforcement officials to enter the premises where the licensed business is located, including all off-site storage facilities as authorized in Section 3-15-19 BUSINESS AT ONLY ONE PLACE, during normal business hours, except in an emergency for the purpose of inspecting such premises and inspecting the items, ware and merchandise and records therein to verify compliance with this chapter and other applicable laws. 3-15-16: LABEL REQUIRED. Licensee must attach a label to every item at the time it is pawned, purchased or received in inventory from any reportable transaction. Permanently recorded on this label must be the number or name that identifies the transaction in the shop's records, the transaction date, the name of the item and the description or the model and serial number of the item as reported to local law enforcement whichever is applicable and the date the item is out of pawn or can be sold, if applicable. Labels shall not be re-used. 3-15-17: PROHIBITED ACTS. (A) No person under the age of eighteen (18) years may pawn or sell or attempt to pawn or sell goods with any licensee, nor may any licensee receive any goods from a person under the age of eighteen (18) years. (B) No licensee may receive any goods from a person of unsound mind or an MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE TITLE III / Chapter 15 / Page 11 intoxicated person. (C) No licensee may receive any goods, unless the seller presents identification in the form of a valid driver's license, a valid State of Minnesota identification card, or current valid photo driver's license or identification card issued by the state of residency of the person from whom the item was received. (D) No licensee may receive any item of property that possesses an altered or obliterated serial number or operation identification number or any item of property that has had its serial number removed. (E) No person may pawn, pledge, sell, consign, leave, or deposit any article of property not their own; nor shall any person pawn, pledge, sell, consign, leave, or deposit the property of another, whether with permission or without; nor shall any person pawn, pledge, sell, consign, leave, or deposit any article of property in which another person has a security interest; with any licensee. (F) No person seeking to pawn, pledge, sell, consign, leave, or deposit any article of property with any licensee shall give a false or fictitious name, nor give a false date of birth; nor give a false or out of date address of residence or telephone number; nor present a false or altered identification, or the identification of another; to any licensee. 3-15-18: DENIAL, SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION. Any license under this chapter may be denied, suspended or revoked for one or more of the following reasons: 1. The proposed use does not comply with any applicable zoning code. 2. The proposed use does not comply with any health, building, building maintenance or other provisions of this Code of Ordinances or state law. 3. The applicant or licensee has failed to comply with one or more provisions of this chapter. 4. The applicant is not a citizen of the United States or a resident alien, or upon whom it is impractical or impossible to conduct a background or financial investigation due to the unavailability of information. 5. Fraud, misrepresentation or bribery in securing or renewing a license. 6. Fraud, misrepresentation or false statements made in the application and investigation for, or in the course of, the applicant's business. 7. Violation within the preceding five (5) years, of any law relating to theft, MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE TITLE III / Chapter 15 / Page 12 damage or trespass to property, sale of a controlled substance, or operation of a business. 8. The owner of the premises licensed or to be licensed would not qualify for a license under the terms of this chapter. 3-15-19: BUSINESS AT ONLY ONE PLACE. A license under this chapter authorizes the licensee to carry on its business only at the permanent place of business designated in the license. However, upon written request, the police inspector may approve an off-site locked and secured storage facility. The licensee shall permit inspection of the facility in accordance with Section 3-15-15 INSPECTION OF ITEMS. All provisions of this chapter regarding record keeping and reporting apply to the facility and its contents. Property shall be stored in compliance with all provisions of the city code. The licensee must either own the building in which the business is conducted, and any approved off-site storage facility, or have a lease on the business premise that extends for more than six (6) months. 3-15-20: SEPARABILITY. Should any section, subsection, clause or other provision of this chapter be declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the ordinance as a whole or any part other than the part so declared invalid. (#356, 10/10/00) (#542, 1/9/12) CityCouncilAgenda:11/24/14 1 7A.ConsiderationofadoptingInterimOrdinanceNo.604establishingamoratorium temporarilyprohibitingsolarenergysystemsasaprincipaluseinthecity.(NAC) A.REFERENCE&BACKGROUND: Property:NA PlanningCaseNumber:2014-054 Request(s):ThepurposeofthisInterimOrdinancewouldbetoallow theCitytoconsiderandadoptchangestothezoning ordinanceregulatingthepotentialuseoflandinallzoning districtsforsolarenergypowerproductionasaprincipal use. DeadlineforDecision:NA ZoningDesignation:Allzoningdistricts. ANALYSIS Citystaffhasreceivedsomeexploratorycallsregardingthepotentialforconstructing solarenergypowerproductiononpropertywithintheCitylimits.Theserequestshave alsooccurredinothercommunitiesthroughouttheregion. Underthecurrentzoninglanguage,“Utilities”areallowedasconditionalusesinall zoningdistrictsexceptfortheCCD.Thezoningordinancedefinitiondoesnotappearto includepowerplantsintheterm“Utilities.”However,thenotesreferencedinthezoning ordinanceusesubsectionreferencepowerplantsasa“Utility.” Solarenergyproductionisbeingpursuedinsomeareasasaprincipaluseofproperty. Theycommonlyconsistofground-mountedfieldsofsolarpanelarraysandelectrical collectionandtransmissionsubstations.Theycreatelittletonoon-siteorlocal employment,nordotheyhaveneedforCityutilityservicessuchaswaterorsanitary sewer.Assuch,theycanraiseissuesfortheCity’sutilityplanningifsitedin inappropriatelocations.Asnotedabove,“Utilities”areallowedinvirtuallyeveryzoning districtbyCUP,potentiallyallowingthisuseinresidentialneighborhoods,and/orin areaswheretheCityhasmademajorinvestmentsinroadwaysandothercityservices. StaffisaskingtheCityCounciltoadopttheattachedInterimOrdinancetoavoidthe potentialforsuchusestooccurwithintheCity,untilsuchtimeastheCitycanreviseits zoningordinancelanguagetoproperlymanagethisuse.Itisanticipatedthatstaffwould haveadraftordinanceamendmentreadyfortheJanuary6th PlanningCommission,and thenasubsequentCityCouncilmeetingforconsideration.Thus,themoratoriumshould beeffectiveforonlyafewmonths. CityCouncilAgenda:11/24/14 2 Staffisfurthersuggestingthattheproposedmoratoriumwouldaffectalternativeenergy requestsonlyasprincipalusesofproperty.Thus,ifapropertyownerwereseekingto constructsmallerpanelarraysontheirexistingresidentialorcommercialbuilding,the moratoriumwouldnotinterferewiththatprocess. WhilemoratoriumordinancescanraiseissueswithregardtoneedandtheCity’sproper roleinlanduse,theycanbeimportanttoolstoensurethatnewusesarenotproposedin locationsthatessentiallyunderminetheverypurposeoftheCity’szoningorlanduse planning.Inthiscase,thesesolarenergy“farms”haverecentlyemerged,due,inmany cases,tograntsandotherfundingthathavemadetheseprojectsmorefeasible.The currentzoningordinancedidnotanticipatetheadventoftheseusesinMinnesota.Thus, theuseoftheinterimordinancewouldbewellsuitedtohelpingtheCityaddressthis emergingissue. Asaproceduralissue,citiesmayadoptsuchinterim(moratorium)ordinanceswithoutthe needtoconductapublichearing.PursuanttoMinn.Stat.§462.355,theinterim ordinancecanbeputineffectwheretheCityhaseitherscheduledapublichearingfor ordinanceorcomprehensiveplanamendments,orwhentheCityisconductingastudyon thecoveredissue.Intheeventoneyearisnotsufficient,theCitymaythenholdapublic hearingtoconsideranextensionofthemoratoriumordinanceforuptoeighteen additionalmonths.Inthiscase,staffexpectstohavematerialsreadytoamendthezoning regulationsfortheJanuaryPlanningCommissionandCityCouncilmeetings.Itis expectedbystaffthatrelativelystraightforwardstudyandamendmentswillbeprepared asrelatedtotheuseintheCityatthistime.Abroaderscopetodetermineimpactsand potentialallowanceoftheusewouldlikelyresultinamoreextensivetimeframefor appropriateamendments. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.MotiontoadoptInterimOrdinanceNo.604establishingamoratorium temporarilyprohibitingsolarenergysystemsasaprincipaluseinthecity. Itshallremainineffectuntiltheadoptionoftheofficialcontrolscontemplated hereinorNovember24,2015,whicheveroccursfirst,afterwhichoccurrencethis ordinanceshalllapse,unlessproperlyextendedpursuanttostatelaw. Thisalternativewouldbebasedonafindingthattheinterimordinanceis necessarytoprotecttheCity’splanningprocesswhileitdevelopsregulationsto addressthisnewlanduse. 2.MotiontodenyInterimOrdinanceNo.604,basedonfindingstobemadebythe CityCouncil. CityCouncilAgenda:11/24/14 3 C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: StaffrecommendsAlternative#1.Asnotedabove,thecurrentregulationsareunclearin theirapplicabilitytothisemerginguse.Assuch,thereappearstobeapossibilitythat solarenergyfarmswouldbeeligiblelandusesinvirtuallyanypartoftheCity.Because thisuseislikelyinconsistentwiththeexitinglandusepatternandplans,theinterim ordinancegivestheCitytimetodevelopregulationstoaddressthistypeofdevelopment beforetheylandinaninappropriatelocation. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: InterimOrdinanceNo.604 ORDINANCENO._604 CITYOFMONTICELLO WRIGHTCOUNTY,MINNESOTA ANINTERIMORDINANCEESTABLISHINGAMORATORIUM TEMPORARILYPROHIBITINGSOLARENERGYSYSTEMS ASAPRINCIPALUSEINTHECITY THEMONTICELLOCITYCOUNCILHEREBYORDAINS: 1.PurposeandIntent;StudyBeingConducted. TheCityofMonticelloherebyadoptsthisordinancetoallowtheCityadequatetimeto studyandconsiderappropriatelandusecontrolsregulatingsolarenergyproductionor generationasaprincipaluseofland;and TheCityofMonticelloispresentlyconductingastudyforthepurposeofconsidering amendmentofitsofficialcontrolsregardingappropriateusesinzoningdistricts;and ThestudyisneededsotheCitycanreviewitsofficialcontrols,includingitszoning regulations,toidentifythepotentialissuesandimpactofsolarenergyproduction,andto clarifysaidregulationsrelatingtosolarenergyproductionasaprincipaluse;and Thereisaneedforaninterimordinancetobeadoptedforthepurposeofprotectingthe planningprocessandthehealth,safety,andwelfareofthecitizensoftheCityuntilsucha studyhasbeencompleted. 2.Definitions. Forpurposesofthisordinance,theterm“solarenergysystem”isdefinedasfollows: Asetofdeviceswhoseprimarypurposeistocollectsolarenergyand convertandstoreitforusefulpurposesincludingheatingandcooling buildingsorotherenergy-usingprocesses,ortoproducegeneratedpower bymeansofanycombinationofcollecting,transferring,orconverting solar-generatedenergy. 3.Prohibition. PursuanttoMinn.Stat.§462.355,etseq.,theCityherebyadoptsandapprovesthis interimordinancetemporarilyprohibitingsolarenergysystemsasaprincipaluseinthe City.Duringtheeffectiveperiodofthisinterimordinance,theCitywillnotacceptany applicationorissueanypermitforasolarenergysystemasaprincipaluse. ORDINANCENO._604 4.Duration. Thisordinanceshalltakeeffectandbeinfullforcefromandafteritspassageand publication.Itshallremainineffectuntiltheadoptionoftheofficialcontrols contemplatedhereinorNovember24,2015,whicheveroccursfirst,afterwhich occurrencethisordinanceshalllapse,unlessproperlyextendedpursuanttostatelaw. ADOPTED BY theMonticelloCityCouncilthis24thdayofNovember,2014. CITYOFMONTICELLO _______________________________ ClintHerbst,Mayor ATTEST: ______________________________ JeffO’Neill,CityAdministrator VOTINGINFAVOR: VOTINGINOPPOSITION: