City Council Agenda Packet 11-09-2015AGENDA REGULARMEETING–MONTICELLOCITYCOUNCIL Monday,November9,2015–6:30p.m. MississippiRoom,MonticelloCommunityCenter Mayor:BrianStumpf CouncilMembers:CharlotteGabler,LloydHilgart,TomPerraultandGlenPosusta 1.GeneralBusiness A.CalltoOrder&PledgeofAllegiance B.ApprovalofMeetingMinutes •SpecialMeetingMinutesfromOctober26,2015 •RegularMeetingMinutesfromOctober26,2015 C.ConsiderationofAddingItemstotheAgenda D.CitizenComments E.PublicServiceAnnouncements/Updates •VeteransDayHours F.CouncilLiaisonUpdates •PersonnelCommittee(BS,CG) •IEDC(BS,LH) •PlanningCommission(CG) •BCOL(GP) G.DepartmentUpdates •SpecialMeeting/WorkshopReview(Mayor) •TomPawelk–CemeteryRules •CityAdministrator(O’Neill) •FiberNetThirdPartyManagementServicesSelectionUpdate SPECIALMEETING/WORKSHOP MississippiRoom 4:00p.m.-PTOWorkshop 5:00p.m.-2016StreetReconstruction 2.ConsentAgenda A.Considerationtoapprovethepaymentofbills B.Considerationtoapprovenewhires/departures C.Considerationtoapprovethesale/disposalofsurpluscityproperty D.ConsiderationtoapprovetheappointmentofBonnieStrombergtotheMonticello CommunityCenterAdvisoryBoard E.ConsiderationtoapproveResolution2015-085forapprovalofanAdministrative LotCombinationandSimpleSubdivisioninanR-2(SingleandTwoFamily) ResidenceDistrict.Applicant:Lampi,Mark/LampiAuctions,Inc. F.Considerationofapprovingafull-timeEconomicDevelopmentManagerposition for2016 G.ConsiderationtoapproveBiosolidsFarmLeaseAgreement H.ConsiderationtoapproveFiberNetpurchaseofCalixCompasssoftwaresuitefor oneyear 2A.Considerationofitemsremovedfromtheconsentagendafordiscussion 3.PublicHearings -None 4.RegularAgenda A.ConsiderationtoapproveaConditionalUsePermitforaPlaceofPublic AssemblyinaB-3(HighwayBusiness)ZoningDistrictpursuanttoChapter5, Section1andChapter5,Section2(D)oftheMonticelloZoningOrdinance. Applicant:QuarryCommunityChurch B.ConsiderationtoapproveOrdinanceNo.626andSummaryOrdinanceNo.626A foramendmenttotheMonticelloZoningOrdinanceprovidingforProduction Breweries,BreweryTaprooms,Brewpubs,Micro-DistilleriesandCocktailRooms invariouszoningdistricts.Applicant:CityofMonticello C.Considerationtoapproveauthorizingstafftotakeapplicationsfromandmake offerstoexistingwastewatertreatmentplantpersonnelbasedonskilland experience 5.AddedItems 6.Adjournment CityCouncilSpecialMeetingMinutes–October26,2015 Page1| 2 MINUTES SPECIALMEETING–MONTICELLOCITYCOUNCIL Monday,October26,2015–4:00p.m. AcademyRoom CityHall-MonticelloCommunityCenter Present:BrianStumpf,CharlotteGabler,LloydHilgart,TomPerrault,GlenPosusta Absent:None Others:JeffO’Neill,Citystaff:RachelLeonardandBryanRabe FiberNetAdvisoryBoardMembers:JonMorphewandDennisSullivan 1.CalltoOrder MayorBrianStumpfcalledthespecialmeetingtoorderat4:00p.m.intheAcademy Room. 2.PurposeofMeeting:FiberNetManagementOptions RachelLeonard,CommunicationsCoordinator,andJeffO’Neill,CityAdministrator, presentedtotheCityCouncilandFiberNetAdvisoryBoardMembers.Theyfollowedan outlinethatincludedthefollowingitems:IdentifytheGoalsoftheWorkshop;Options forManagementStructure;FactorsInfluencingtheManagementDecision;Management OptionDetails;andMovingForward.Theeventsoverthelasttwoyearshaveledtoan ongoinginterimmanagementstructure,andFiberNetislookingforalong-term managementoption. RachelLeonardgaveabriefhistoryofFiberNetanditscurrentorganizationalstructure. Sincealong-termsolutionisnecessarytoreplacethecurrentorganizationalstructure, thisspecialmeetingisforstafftogatherinputfromtheCityCouncilmembersand FiberNetboardmembersonthedirectiontheyshouldtakewhenlookingatmanagement. JeffO’Neillproceededtopresenttwooptionsformanagementstructure.Thetwo optionspresentedweretouseCityManagementorManagementServicesContractwitha thirdparty.Mr.O’NeilldistributedamemofromKennedy&Graveninregardto guidelinesforanycontractformanagementservicesorotheruseofanyfacilityfinanced bytax-exemptbonds.HeaddedthatthesaleofFiberNetisnotpossiblewithoutpaying offthebondfirst–whichis$6,000,000. TherewasdiscussionamongstaffandCityCouncilmembersinregardtoFiberNet finances,suchasexpenses,billing,pastcontracts,etc.RachelLeonardnotedthatthereis anopportunityforgrowthwithintheCityofMonticello,butgrowthrequiresfinancial investment.Isitapproximately$700foreachnewsubscriberthatdoesnotalreadyhave serviceconnectedtothehouse.Profitpotentialintheshorttermisslim,however,inthe longtermisfeasible. CityCouncilSpecialMeetingMinutes–October26,2015 Page2| 2 BryanRabe,LeadHeadendTech,gaveabreakdownofFiberNetservices.GlenPosusta questionedthecostsofvideoandphone.BryanRabementionedthereisanetlosson videoservicesperyear,however,notprovidingvideowouldmakeFiberNetless competitiveinthemarket.RachelLeonardcommentedthatphoneserviceprovides revenue,anditwouldbedetrimentaltodropthisservice. JeffO’NeillcommentedthatagoaloftheCityisforFiberNettobeself-sustaining.This willnothappeninthenearfuturebuttheyarehopefulthatthiswillhappen.Anothergoal istokeepcostsdownandprovidethebestservice,suchasfastbroadband.Rachel Leonardquestionedwhatthegroupthinksthegoalsshouldbemovingforward.Brian Stumpfbelievesthatonegoalshouldbethatthereisadecreaseintheamountofsubsidy coveringFiberNet. GlenPosustaexpressedhisconcernthathewouldstilllikeanoutsidesourcetodoan auditofFiberNetmanagement.BrianStumpfisnotinfavorofpayingforthisstudy. TherewasthendiscussiononputtingtogetheraRFPformanagementservices.Jeff O’NeillrecommendedthatthePublicBroadbandAlliancehasexperienceandcouldwrite theRFPaspartoftheduespaymentmadefor2015.GlenPosustacommentedthathe wouldlikeJeffO’NeilltolookatotheroutsideoptionsforassistingwiththeRFP.There wasconsensustomoveforwardwithanRFPandhaveadraftavailablefortheCity CouncilmeetinginDecember. LloydHilgartmovedapprovalforstafftotalktoJoanneJohnsonattheMinnesota PublicBroadbandAlliancetolookatprovidinganRFPforcontractmanagement. ThemotionwassecondedbyCharlotteGabler.Motioncarried3-2;GlenPosusta andTomPerraultvotedagainst.Mr.Posustawouldlikeanauditcompletedonthe currentmanagementstructureandwouldlikeotheroptionsreviewedfortheRFP. TomPerraultwouldlikeGlenPosusta’sconcernaboutanauditorhavingan outsidepersonlookintoFiberNetbeaddressed.Mr.Perraultwassupportiveof usingathirdpartyformanagementservices. 3.Adjournment Byconsensusthemeetingwasadjournedat6:00p.m. Recorder:JenniferSchreiber_________ Approved: Attest:________________________ CityAdministrator CityCouncilMinutes–October26,2015 Page1|8 REGULARMEETING–MONTICELLOCITYCOUNCIL Monday,October26,2015–6:30p.m. MississippiRoom,MonticelloCommunityCenter Present:BrianStumpf,CharlotteGabler,LloydHilgart,TomPerraultandGlenPosusta Absent:None 1.GeneralBusiness A.CalltoOrder&PledgeofAllegiance MayorBrianStumpfcalledthemeetingtoorderat6:30p.m.withaquorum present.Thepledgeofallegiancewasrecited. B.ApprovalofMeetingMinutes •SpecialMeetingMinutesfromOctober12,2015(BCOL) TomPerraultmovedtoapprovetheOctober12,2015SpecialMeeting Minutesasrevised.LloydHilgartsecondedthemotion.Motion carriedunanimously. •RegularMeetingMinutesfromOctober12,2015 TomPerraultmovedtoapprovetheOctober12,2015Regular MeetingMinutesasrevised.LloydHilgartsecondedthemotion. Motioncarriedunanimously. C.ConsiderationofAddingItemstotheAgenda •BrianStumpaddeddiscussionongarbagecollection. D.CitizenComments •TimHennagir,MonticelloTimes,presentedaquestioninregardtoan itemintheStateAuditorsreport.Hequestionedwhether$600,000 transferredfromtheMunicipalLiquorStorewastransferredtocover FiberNet.WayneOberg,FinanceDirector,respondedthathewould reviewforclarityandgettheinformationtoTimHennagir.GlenPosusta requestedthatanupdatebeprovidedatthenextCouncilmeeting.Laterin themeetingMr.Obergcommentedthathereviewedthefinancialreports andtheentire$600,000wastransferredovertocoverFiberNet. E.PublicServiceAnnouncements •KittyBaltos,CommunityCenterDirector,mentionedtwoupcoming events: -Movie“IntotheWoods”whichwillbeonOctober30inthe MississippiRoom -UpdateonKiddieparade •RachelLeonard,CommunicationsCoordinator,notedthatFallLeafPick- UpdayisSaturday,October31. CityCouncilMinutes–October26,2015 Page2|8 F.CouncilLiaisonUpdates •MCCAdvisoryBoard BrianStumpfnotedthattheboardmetandinterviewedtwocandidatesfor theboard.OnewillbeappointedattheNovember9CityCouncil meeting.Hestatedthatdiscussionalsotookplaceon:thethirdquarter financials;facilitybeinga24/7hourfacility;andballfieldconcessions. •PersonnelCommittee BrianStumpfcommentedthattherewasdiscussionon:HiringaFinance Manager–therewere12applications;aDMVClerkwashired;andPaid TimeOff(PTO)-anadditionalmeetingforOctober28wasscheduledto continuethediscussiononPTO. •FiberNetAdvisoryBoard CharlotteGablernotedthatthemeetingcovereddiscussiononsubscribers andfinancialdata. •EDA LloydHilgartcommentedthattherewasareportonpotentialhotel developmentandlandacquisition.TomPerraultaddedthattheyalso discussedtheirworkplanfornextyear. •Police TomPerraultattendedthemeetingandnotedthattherewasdiscussionon theirnewmethodofreportingincidents. •Other -BrianStumpfnotedthathepresentedtotheSherburneCounty MayorsonputtingtogetheraMayor’sAssociationintheir County,whichtheycurrentlydonothave. G.DepartmentUpdates •BudgetWorkshops •BrianStumpfgaveanupdateontheFiberNetManagementworkshopheld priortotheCityCouncilmeeting.Theconclusionwastohavethe MinnesotaPublicBroadbandAlliance–JoanneJohnson–aidinthe developmentofanRFPforthirdpartymanagementservices.Itisthe intentiontohaveadraftoftheRFPreadyinDecember. •TomPawelk,ParkSuperintendent,andTomMoores,Street Superintendent,providedupdatesonequipmentthatwaspurchasedby theirdepartments. •CityAdministratorJeffO’Neillprovidedanupdateonthepotentialfuture staffseatingarrangementatCouncilmeetings. 2.ConsentAgenda LloydHilgartmovedtoapprovetheConsentAgendaexcludingitemsA,D,I,J,K, andMwhichwerepulled.GlenPosustasecondedthemotion.Motioncarried unanimously. CityCouncilMinutes–October26,2015 Page3|8 A.Considerationofapprovingthepaymentofbills.Recommendation:ITEM PULLEDFROMCONSENTAGENDA. B.Considerationofapprovingnewhires/departures.Recommendation:Approve newhiresforDMVandMCCanddeparturesforMCC. C.Considerationofapprovingthesale/disposalofsurpluscityproperty. Recommendation:Approvesaleofpresentedpropertylist. D.ConsiderationtoapproveaDepartmentofTransportationDrugandAlcohol TestingPolicy.Recommendation:ITEMPULLEDFROMCONSENT AGENDA. E.ConsiderationtoadoptResolution2015-080acceptingadonationintheamount of$250fromXcelEnergyfortheIEDCIndustryoftheYearevent. Recommendation:ApproveResolution2015-080acceptingthecontribution andauthorizeuseoffundsasspecified. F.ConsiderationtoapproveanAmendmenttoDevelopmentStatePlannedUnit Development(PUD)SunsetPonds,forsetbackvarianceforattachedaccessory structuredecksintheR-2(SingeandTwo-FamilyResidence)District,asper Chapter2,(O)(10)oftheMonticelloZoningOrdinance.Applicant:Fedder Homes.Recommendation:ApprovethePUDAmendmentallowingthe constructionofdecksthatencroachwithintherequiredsetbackbasedon findingsmadebythePlanningCommissioninResolutionPC-2015-015,and subjecttotheconditionslistedinExhibitZ. G.ConsiderationtoapproveaConditionalUsePermit(CUP)foranAccessory BuildinginaManufacturedHomePark(M-H)District,asperChapter5.3(D)of theMonticelloZoningOrdinance.Applicant:Kjellberg’sInc./Kjellberg,Kent. Recommendation:ApprovetheConditionalUsePermitfor9127State Highway25foranAccessoryBuildinginaManufacturedHomePark(M-H) District,basedonfindingsinResolutionPc-2015-014andsubjectto conditionsinExhibitZ. H.ConsiderationtoapprovearequestforanAmendmenttoDevelopmentState PlannedUnitDevelopment(PUD)forTacoBell,forbuildingadditioninthe CentralDistrict(CCD),asperChapter2.4(O)(10)oftheMonticelloZoning Ordinance.Applicant:BorderFoods.Recommendation:ApproveAmendment toDevelopmentStatePlannedUnitDevelopment(PUD)forTacoBell,for buildingadditiontotheCentralDistrict(CCD),asperChapter2.4(O)(10), subjecttoconditionsasidentifiedinExhibitZ,andbasedonfindingsmade byPlanningCommissioninResolutionNumberPC-2015-013. CityCouncilMinutes–October26,2015 Page4|8 I.ConsiderationtoapproveResolution2015-079supportinggrantfundingfor BertramChainofLakesRegionalPark,PhaseX.Recommendation:ITEM PULLEDFROMTHECONSENTAGENDA. J.ConsiderationtoapproveanextensionofFiberNet’sagreementwithGoldenWest foraperiodofsixmonths.Recommendation:ITEMPULLEDFROMTHE CONSENTAGENDA. K.ConsiderationtoapproveaFarmLeaseAgreementofbiosolidssitewithMark Holker.Recommendation:ITEMPULLEDFROMTHECONSENT AGENDA. L.ConsiderationtoapproveResolution2015-081declaringtheofficialintentofthe CityofMonticellotoreimbursecertainexpendituresfromtheproceedsofbonds tobeissuedbytheCityfortheimprovementsattheintersectionof7th Streetand StateHighway25.Recommendation:ApproveResolution2015-081declaring theofficialintentoftheCityofMonticellotoreimbursecertainExpenditures fromtheproceedsofbondstobeissuedbytheCityfortheimprovementsat theintersectionof7th StreetandStateHighway25. M.ConsiderationtoapprovetheCityofMonticello’sPurchasingPolicy. Recommendation:ITEMPULLEDFROMTHECONSENTAGENDA. 2A.Considerationofitemsremovedfromtheconsentagendafordiscussion A.Considerationtoapprovethepaymentofbills. GlenPosustacommentedonthepaymenttoVaultas.Hedoesnotapproveofthe paymentunlessthereisaconsequenceforJeffO’Neillfornotterminatingthe Vaultascontractontime.WayneObergrecommendedpayingthebillbecause therewillbealatefee. TomPerraultquestionedthepaymenttoWrightCountyonpage19inregardto taxes.AngelaSchumannnotedthatthepurchasedatemissedthedateoftax exemptionsotheCityhadtopaythetax. LloydHilgartmovedtoapprovethepaymentofbills.TomPerrault secondedthemotion.Motioncarried4-1;GlenPosustavotedagainst.Mr. Posustavotedagainstbecauseofthereasonlistedabove. D.ConsiderationtoapproveaDepartmentofTransportationDrugandAlcohol TestingPolicy. TomPerraultnotedacoupleofgrammarcorrections.Healsorequested clarificationonmedicalmarijuana.TracyErgen,HumanResourcesDirector, CityCouncilMinutes–October26,2015 Page5|8 respondedthat,accordingtoDOTregulations,youcannotperformsafety sensitivefunctionswhenyouaretakingmedicalmarijuana. TomPerraultmovedtoapprovethepolicy.GlenPosustasecondedthe motion.Motioncarriedunanimously. I.ConsiderationtoapproveResolution2015-079supportinggrantfundingfor BertramChainofLakesRegionalPark,PhaseX. TomPerraultpulledtheitembecauseheisnotinsupport. GlenPosustamovedtoapproveResolution2015-079supportinggrant fundingfortheBertramChainofLakesRegionalPark,PhaseX.Charlotte Gablersecondedthemotion.Motioncarried4-1;TomPerraultvoted against. J.ConsiderationtoapproveanextensionofFiberNet’sagreementwithGoldenWest foraperiodofsixmonths. BrianStumpfpulledtheitembecausehewasnotcomfortablewiththeagreement havingatermofsixmonths.RachelLeonardrespondedthatthisisn’tacontract forsixmonths,itisonlyanagreement.Theagreementcanbeterminatedwitha 90-daynotice.BrianStumpfquestionedthecostsavingsforusingGoldenWest. BryanRabenotedthatthecostsavingswouldbeequivalenttoFiberNet’slowest paidtechnicianwhichisapproximately$3,000permonth. GlenPosustaexpressedconcernaboutthesixmonthsagreement.Herequested thatGoldenWestbenotifiedthatFiberNetwouldactuallybeworkingonamonth tomonthbasiswiththemduetothefactthattherewillbeanRFPfor managementservices.BrianStumpfagreedwiththis.RachelLeonardnotedthat shewillreachouttoGoldenWestandnotifythem. GlenPosustamovedtoapproveAlternativeOneincludingthatGoldenWest benotifiedthattheagreementmaybeterminatedatanytimewithinthenext sixmonthduetothefacethatFiberNetislookingtoobtainmanagement services.TomHilgartsecondedthemotion.Motioncarriedunanimously. K.ConsiderationtoapproveaFarmLeaseAgreementofbiosolidssitewithMark Holker. BrianStumpfquestionedtheleaseagreementtimeframenotingthatitwasto expirein2016.Hefeelsthatthepropertyshouldbesold.AngelaSchumann, CommunityDevelopmentDirector,respondedthattherewouldneedtobea boundaryadjustmentinordertosellbecauseaportionisfortheBertramChainof Lakes.ByconsensustheCityCouncilgavedirectiontomoveforwardwiththe splitoftheproperty. CityCouncilMinutes–October26,2015 Page6|8 WayneObergcommentedthatthereisacurrentprofitannuallyof$22,000from leasingouttheproperty.TherewasdiscussionamongtheCityCouncilmembers ontheleaseandlengthoftime.Therewasagreementthattheleaseshouldonly beforoneyear. BrianStumpfmovedapprovalofaoneyearleaseagreementwithMark Holkerwiththeunderstandingthatthepropertycouldbesoldand,ifsold, Mr.Holkerwouldretaintherightstotheircurrentcrop.GlenPosusta secondedthemotion.Motioncarriedunanimously. M.ConsiderationtoapprovetheCityofMonticello’sPurchasePolicy. CharlotteGablerwantedtheverbalquotesitemtoberemovedforthe$1,000- $2,499.TomMoorescommentedthatheprefertheverbalquotesbecause sometimestheyneeditemsquickly.CharlotteGablerrespondedthattheverbal quotesshouldberecordedinaformalprocess. GlenPosustacommentedthatpurchasesover$5,000shouldrequireCityCouncil approval.AfterCityCouncildiscussion,amajorityofmembersdidn’tseeany needinthis. BrianStumpfmovedapprovaloftheCityofMonticello’sPurchasePolicy withtheadditionthatverbalquotesareformallydocumented.LloydHilgart secondedthemotion.Motioncarried4-1;GlenPosustavotedagainst.He wantedCityCouncilapprovalonitemsover$5,000. 4.PublicHearings A.PUBLICHEARING-ConsiderationtoapproveResolution2015-082approving anassessmentrollfordelinquentmiscellaneousaccountstobecertifiedtothe CountyAuditorfor2016payabletaxyear. WayneObergprovidedabriefupdate.BrianStumpfopenedthepublichearing. Noonetestified.BrianStumpfclosedthepublichearing. CharlotteGablermovedapprovalofResolution2015-082approving assessmentrollfordelinquentmiscellaneousaccounts.LloydHilgart secondedthemotion.Motioncarriedunanimously. B.PUBLICHEARING-ConsiderationtoapproveResolution2015-083approving anassessmentrollfordelinquentutilitybillingaccountstobecertifiedtothe CountyAuditorfor2016payabletaxyear. WayneObergprovidedabriefupdate.BrianStumpfopenedthepublichearing. Noonetestified.BrianStumpfclosedthepublichearing. CityCouncilMinutes–October26,2015 Page7|8 CharlotteGablermovedapprovalofResolution2015-083approving assessmentrollfordelinquentutilitybillingaccounts.TomPerrault secondedthemotion.Motioncarriedunanimously. C.PUBLICHEARING-ConsiderationtoapproveResolution2015-084approving anassessmentrolltobecertifiedfor2016payabletaxyearforSchoolBoulevard Improvements,CityProjectNo.14C003. ShibaniBisson,WSBEngineer,gaveabriefpresentationontheproject.The presentationincluded:ListofcompletedImprovements;FinalProjectCosts; AssessmentPaymentMethods;andEstimatedFinalProjectCosts.BrianStumpf openedthepublichearing.Noonetestified.BrianStumpfclosedthepublic hearing. GlenPosustamovedapprovalofResolution2015-084approvingan assessmentrolltobecertifiedfor2016payabletaxyearforSchoolBoulevard Improvements,CityProjectNo.14C003.LloydHilgartsecondedthemotion. Motioncarriedunanimously. 5.RegularAgenda A.ConsiderationtoapprovethepurchasesofPhasesVIIandVIIIoftheBertram ChainofLakesRegionalPark,includingfundingof$606,699ofpurchaseat closing,andtoapprovecorrespondingpurchasedocuments:PhaseVIIPurchase Agreement;PhaseVIIIPurchaseAgreement;andSixthAddendumtothe MemorandumofUnderstandingbetweentheCityofMonticello,WrightCounty, andtheYMCA. AngelaSchumanngaveapresentationonthepurchases.Thepresentation included:Overviewofthelandpurchases–acreageandcost;overviewofthe SixthAddendumtotheMOU;andrecommendations.LloydHilgartquestioned whattheremainingacreageamountisthatstillneededtobepurchased.Angela Schumannrespondedthatitwouldbeapproximately300acres. GlenPosustawanteditmentionedthatthecostoftheprojectisapproximately $2.5milliondollarsandtheCity’sportionisapproximatelyhalfmillionwhichis agreatdeal. GlenPosustamovedapprovalofAlternative1.LloydHilgartsecondedthe motion.Motioncarried4-1;TomPerraultvotedagainst.Heisnotin supportoftheprojectbeingpaidbytaxpayers. B.ConsiderationtoapproveResolution2015-078forthemodificationofTax IncrementFinancingDistrictNo.1-22asrelatedtotaxincrementpoolingfor housing. CityCouncilMinutes–October26,2015 Page8|8 AngelaSchumannpresentedanoverviewofthemodification.Thepresentation describedwhatpoolingisandtheprocessofpooling. CharlotteGablermovedapprovalofResolution2015-078forthe modificationofTaxIncrementFinancingDistrictNo.1-22asrelatedtotax incrementpoolingforhousing.Motioncarriedunanimously. C.ConsiderationtoapprovetheannualSnowPlowandIceRemovalPolicyforthe 2015-2016SnowSeason. TomMoores,StreetSuperintendent,gaveabriefoverviewofthepolicy.Glen PosustaquestionedwhytheCityplowsround-a-bouts.Mr.Mooresresponded thatthisfunctionissharedwiththeCounty.Mr.Mooresalsomentionedthat therewerenochangestothesnowmobilepolicy–whichstatesthatyoumustbe onadesignatedtrail. CharlotteGablermovedapprovaloftheannualSnowPlowandIceRemoval Policyforthe2015-2016SnowSeason.LloydHilgartsecondedthemotion. Motioncarriedunanimously. 5.AddedItems •BrianStumpfwantstosetupameetingwithstafftogainclarificationonthe City’sgarbagecollectionpolicy.JeffO’Neillrespondedthathewillsetupa meeting. •GlenPosustaremindedeveryoneoftheschoolreferendumonNovember3. 6.Adjournment Byconsensusthemeetingwasadjournedat8:35p.m. Recorder:JenniferSchreiber_____ Approved: Attest:_________________________ CityAdministrator CityCouncilAgenda:11/09/15 1 2A.Considerationtoapprovethepaymentofbills (WO) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: Citystaffsubmitstheattachedbillregistersandpurchasingcardregistersforapprovalby Council.Thebillregisterscontainallinvoicesprocessedandthepurchasingcard registerscontainallcardpurchasesmadesincethelastCouncilmeeting.SubjecttoMN Statutes,mostinvoicesrequireCouncilapprovalpriortoreleasingchecksforpayment. ThedayfollowingCouncilapproval,paymentswillbereleasedunlessdirected otherwise.AcreditpurchasingagreementandpolicywasapprovedbyCouncilinitially andcardpurchasesmustcomplywiththepolicy. IfCouncilhasnoquestionsorcommentsonthebillandpurchasecardregisters,thesecan beapprovedwiththeconsentagenda.Ifrequested,thisitemcanberemovedfrom consentanddiscussedpriortomakingamotionforapproval. A1.BudgetImpact:None A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:Noadditionalworkrequired B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.Motiontoapprovethebillandpurchasecardregistersforatotalamountof $674,857.59. 2.MotiontoapprovetheregisterswithchangesdirectedbyCouncil. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: CitystaffrecommendsAlternative#1or#2,perdirectionofCouncil. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: •Billregisters •PurchaseCardregisters User: Printed:11/02/2015 - 9:59AM Debbie.Davidson Computer Check Proof List by Vendor Accounts Payable Batch:00215.10.2015 - 215.10.2015 Xcel/CPE Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Vendor:1102 CENTERPOINT ENERGY Check Sequence: 1 ACH Enabled: True 10/31/2015 5843395-5 15.00 10/31/2015 217-41990-438300 10/31/2015 5806932-5 15.00 10/31/2015 101-45201-438300 10/31/2015 5821009-5 51.53 10/31/2015 101-42200-438300 10/31/2015 5788425-5 41.08 10/31/2015 101-43127-438300 10/31/2015 5799427-5 21.43 10/31/2015 101-43127-438300 10/31/2015 5820786-5 21.00 10/31/2015 101-43127-438300 10/31/2015 5837384-5 52.10 10/31/2015 101-43127-438300 10/31/2015 5863599-6 15.00 10/31/2015 101-42700-438300 10/31/2015 5864452-7 43.00 10/31/2015 101-45501-438300 10/31/2015 5788570-9 22.44 10/31/2015 609-49754-438300 10/31/2015 5804618-6 15.00 10/31/2015 101-45201-438300 10/31/2015 5768542-2 96.02 10/31/2015 101-41940-438300 10/31/2015 5768542-2 2,220.49 10/31/2015 226-45122-438300 10/31/2015 5768542-2 36.01 10/31/2015 101-45175-438300 10/31/2015 5768542-2 48.01 10/31/2015 101-42800-438300 10/31/2015 5828859-8 15.00 10/31/2015 101-41940-438300 10/31/2015 8235331-9 16.03 10/31/2015 101-41941-438300 10/31/2015 8235333-5 16.03 10/31/2015 101-41941-438300 2,760.17Check Total: Vendor:1585 XCEL ENERGY Check Sequence: 2 ACH Enabled: True 10/31/2015 51-4400193-4 17.09 10/31/2015 101-43160-438100 10/31/2015 51-6505905-0 6,634.79 10/31/2015 601-49440-438100 10/31/2015 51-6505906-1 1,012.32 10/31/2015 602-49490-438100 10/31/2015 51-6505907-2 50.47 10/31/2015 101-43140-438100 10/31/2015 51-6505907-2 45.91 10/31/2015 101-43140-438100 10/31/2015 ZZZNEP-IMPLEM -51-6505908-3 17.49 10/31/2015 101-42500-438100 10/31/2015 51-6505909-4 277.19 10/31/2015 217-41990-438100 10/31/2015 51-6505910-7 2,247.86 10/31/2015 609-49754-438100 10/31/2015 51-6505912-9 102.46 10/31/2015 101-42700-438100 10/31/2015 51-6505913-0 493.13 10/31/2015 101-42200-438100 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/02/2015 - 9:59 AM)Page 1 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 10/31/2015 51-6505914-1 1,848.47 10/31/2015 101-43127-438100 10/31/2015 51-6505915-2 974.77 10/31/2015 101-45201-438100 10/31/2015 51-6505915-2 - Skating Rink 33% 27.11 10/31/2015 601-49440-438100 10/31/2015 51-6505915-2 - Ballfld Lts NSP-Consc & Sec Lights 616.83 10/31/2015 226-45203-438100 10/31/2015 51-6505915-2 - Ballfld Lts NSP- Softball Asso. 243.65 10/31/2015 101-45203-438100 10/31/2015 51-0371645-4 18.74 10/31/2015 101-45201-438100 10/31/2015 51-6505916-3 12,174.13 10/31/2015 101-43160-438100 10/31/2015 51-7780310-4 30.48 10/31/2015 101-41940-438100 10/31/2015 51-9069641-8 1,775.46 10/31/2015 656-49877-438100 10/31/2015 51-9391437-3 200.36 10/31/2015 101-41941-438100 10/31/2015 ZCULPS - 51-0623082-8 - EDA 17.09 10/31/2015 213-46522-438100 10/31/2015 51-0395766-0 3,746.13 10/31/2015 601-49440-438100 10/31/2015 51-4271112-2 1,080.62 10/31/2015 101-45501-438100 10/31/2015 51-6505911-8 - City Hall 2,374.99 10/31/2015 101-41940-438100 10/31/2015 51-6505911-8 - MCC 10,757.32 10/31/2015 226-45122-438100 10/31/2015 51-6505911-8 - Senior Center 558.82 10/31/2015 101-45175-438100 10/31/2015 51-6505911-8 - National Grd. 279.41 10/31/2015 101-42800-438100 47,623.09Check Total: Total for Check Run: Total of Number of Checks: 50,383.26 2 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/02/2015 - 9:59 AM)Page 2 The preceding list of bills payable was reviewed and approved for payment. Date: 11/09/2015 Approved by _____________________________________ Mayor Brian Stumpf User: Printed:11/04/2015 - 1:24PM Debbie.Davidson Computer Check Proof List by Vendor Accounts Payable Batch:00202.11.2015 - 202.11.2015 AP Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Vendor:1001 2ND WIND EXERCISE EQUIPMENT INC Check Sequence: 1 ACH Enabled: True 21050115 (4) roller pad; 161" cable; (2) rubber grip 286.12 11/10/2015 226-45122-422105 286.12Check Total: Vendor:1023 AMERICAN PLANNING ASSOCIATION Check Sequence: 2 ACH Enabled: False 10/21/2015 2016 Membership - APA & AICP Category F MN Chapter Subscription 465.00 11/10/2015 101-41910-443300 465.00Check Total: Vendor:1977 ANCOM COMMUNICATIONS INC Check Sequence: 3 ACH Enabled: False 56251 (5) Minitor V Battery 108.00 11/10/2015 101-42200-440440 108.00Check Total: Vendor:3491 ARTISAN BEER COMPANY Check Sequence: 4 ACH Enabled: False 3062030 resale - beer 29.70 11/10/2015 609-49750-425200 3063605 resale - beer 64.00 11/10/2015 609-49750-425200 93.70Check Total: Vendor:1065 BELLBOY CORPORATION Check Sequence: 5 ACH Enabled: True 50649700 resale - wine 128.00 11/10/2015 609-49750-425300 50649700 resale - liquor 241.34 11/10/2015 609-49750-425100 50649700 freight 11.37 11/10/2015 609-49750-433300 92898200 freight 0.72 11/10/2015 609-49750-433300 92898200 resale - condiments 59.70 11/10/2015 609-49750-425500 92898200 resale - grenadine 98.45 11/10/2015 609-49750-425400 539.58Check Total: Vendor:1067 BERNICK'S Check Sequence: 6 ACH Enabled: False 15978 resale - concession 43.68 11/10/2015 226-45127-425410 15978 coffee - City Hall 288.84 11/10/2015 101-41940-421990 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/04/2015 - 1:24 PM)Page 1 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 36202 resale - juice 32.80 11/10/2015 609-49750-425500 36202 resale - soda pop 89.70 11/10/2015 609-49750-425400 36203 resale - beer 1,621.60 11/10/2015 609-49750-425200 39403 resale - soda pop 78.80 11/10/2015 609-49750-425400 39403 resale - juice 16.40 11/10/2015 609-49750-425500 39404 resale - beer 1,338.38 11/10/2015 609-49750-425200 40107 resale - concession credit -50.03 11/10/2015 226-45127-425410 3,460.17Check Total: Vendor:2535 BORDER STATES ELECTRIC SUPPLY Check Sequence: 7 ACH Enabled: True 910207143 (15) 25' Patchcord; (15) 50' Patchcord 1,005.95 11/10/2015 656-49877-421990 1,005.95Check Total: Vendor:1080 BRAEMAR MAILING SERVICE INC Check Sequence: 8 ACH Enabled: False 10/23/2015 UB Qtr 3 2015 (3858) MCC Insert 38.58 11/10/2015 226-45122-431950 10/23/2015 UB Qtr 3 2015 (3858) Envelopes, Print stmts, fold, Insert (1/2) 581.83 11/10/2015 602-49490-431800 10/23/2015 UB Qtr 3 2015 (3858) Envelopes, Print stmts, fold, Insert (1/2) 581.83 11/10/2015 601-49440-431800 1,202.24Check Total: Vendor:1084 BROCK WHITE COMPANY LLC Check Sequence: 9 ACH Enabled: False 12599561 (2) 5 gal BW Cretesleal LV25 193.98 11/10/2015 101-45201-440910 193.98Check Total: Vendor:1094 CAREFREE LAWN SERVICE INC Check Sequence: 10 ACH Enabled: True 15078 Hillside (2) mowings; (2) Litter/Debris remvl 320.00 11/10/2015 101-45201-431050 15078 Rvrside Cem (1) Lawn Maint.; litter/ Debris Remvl 550.00 11/10/2015 651-49010-431050 870.00Check Total: Vendor:1106 CENTRAL MCGOWAN INC Check Sequence: 11 ACH Enabled: False 54327 Monthly Tank Rental 45.00 11/10/2015 226-45122-441500 895025 265 lb carbon dioxide 79.00 11/10/2015 226-45122-421600 897298 330 lb carbon dioxide 92.00 11/10/2015 226-45122-421600 897754 260 lb carbon dioxide 78.00 11/10/2015 226-45122-421600 294.00Check Total: Vendor:2476 CSI DIGITAL INC Check Sequence: 12 ACH Enabled: True 103281 Oct. 2015 - (1) Gbps Fiber feed 2,700.00 11/10/2015 656-49879-430930 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/04/2015 - 1:24 PM)Page 2 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 2,700.00Check Total: Vendor:1129 DAHLHEIMER BEVERAGE LLC Check Sequence: 13 ACH Enabled: True 095612 resale- Credit- Monti. Softball Fields -350.95 11/10/2015 226-45203-425200 116841 resale- beer 572.00 11/10/2015 609-49750-425200 116841 resale- N/A beer 33.60 11/10/2015 609-49750-425400 116916 resale- beer -Credit inv.116621 -32.00 11/10/2015 609-49750-425200 117140 resale- beer 417.80 11/10/2015 609-49750-425200 117178 resale- beer 522.00 11/10/2015 609-49750-425200 117258 resale- beer 5,856.00 11/10/2015 609-49750-425200 117258 resale- N/A beer 57.90 11/10/2015 609-49750-425400 117308 resale- beer 382.80 11/10/2015 609-49750-425200 1175119 resale- beer 14,276.05 11/10/2015 609-49750-425200 1175119 resale-N/A beer 175.60 11/10/2015 609-49750-425400 117602 resale- beer 67.20 11/10/2015 609-49750-425200 21,978.00Check Total: Vendor:1134 DAY DISTRIBUTING COMPANY Check Sequence: 14 ACH Enabled: True 825676 resale - beer 472.65 11/10/2015 609-49750-425200 825676 resale - N/A Beer 104.20 11/10/2015 609-49750-425400 826701 resale - beer 1,207.30 11/10/2015 609-49750-425200 826935 resale - beer 69.00 11/10/2015 609-49750-425200 1,853.15Check Total: Vendor:4233 DI-MAR CONSTRUCTION INC Check Sequence: 15 ACH Enabled: False Voucher 3 14C002 - PHOSPH - Pay Voucher #3 231,619.35 11/10/2015 602-00000-165010 231,619.35Check Total: Vendor:1153 ECM PUBLISHERS INC Check Sequence: 16 ACH Enabled: True 263707 Homecoming- Ad# 453754 10/1/15 20.00 11/10/2015 609-49754-434990 265685 Firefighters Thanks- Ad# 456253 10/8/15 25.00 11/10/2015 609-49754-434990 269142 ZQCPUB - PHN Quarry Comm Church Ad# 463396 119.99 11/10/2015 101-41910-435100 269143 PHN - Amend Zo Breweries Ad# 463397 110.76 11/10/2015 101-41910-435100 269144 PHN - Amend Zo PUD Colocation Ad# 463398 110.76 11/10/2015 101-41910-435100 386.51Check Total: Vendor:2004 TRACY ERGEN Check Sequence: 17 ACH Enabled: True 10/30/2015 Mileage for GPRS Seminar (88.8 miles) 51.06 11/10/2015 101-41800-433100 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/04/2015 - 1:24 PM)Page 3 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 51.06Check Total: Vendor:1170 FASTENAL COMPANY Check Sequence: 18 ACH Enabled: False MNMON91674 (12) 18oz. wht Traffic Paint 43.13 11/10/2015 101-42200-421990 43.13Check Total: Vendor:2561 FERGUSON WATERWORKS #2516 Check Sequence: 19 ACH Enabled: False 0164906 Resale - Meadow Oak apts- 4" water meter 3,182.38 11/10/2015 601-49440-422710 3,182.38Check Total: Vendor:4051 MICHELE FORSMAN Check Sequence: 20 ACH Enabled: False 10/17/2015 Program Supplies Summer & Fall 2015 27.50 11/10/2015 101-00000-220150 27.50Check Total: Vendor:4277 LINDA FOURNIER Check Sequence: 21 ACH Enabled: False 11042015 FiberNet acct. 763-314-0297 FINAL credit 23.20 11/10/2015 656-00000-115025 23.20Check Total: Vendor:1712 DARYL GILLES Check Sequence: 22 ACH Enabled: False 10/24/2015 Parking - Duluth Conference 15.00 11/10/2015 101-42200-433100 15.00Check Total: Vendor:4090 GOLDEN WEST TECHNOLOGIES Check Sequence: 23 ACH Enabled: False 151010457 Oct 2015 (55) usuage; (258) Help desk; (216) Op.- Video support 661.25 11/10/2015 656-49870-431990 661.25Check Total: Vendor:2642 GPRS Check Sequence: 24 ACH Enabled: False 10/30/2015 10/29/15 - Gov't Payroll Review Seminar (TE) 40.00 11/10/2015 101-41800-433100 40.00Check Total: Vendor:2895 GREATER MN PARKS AND TRAILS Check Sequence: 25 ACH Enabled: False 2016 Membrship 2016 Membership- City of Monticello 225.00 11/10/2015 101-45201-443300 225.00Check Total: Vendor:4278 PATRICIA GREENINGER Check Sequence: 26 ACH Enabled: False 11042015 FiberNet acct. 763-295-9343 FINAL credit 23.15 11/10/2015 656-00000-115025 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/04/2015 - 1:24 PM)Page 4 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 23.15Check Total: Vendor:4218 HOHENSTEINS, INC Check Sequence: 27 ACH Enabled: False 790586 resale - beer 393.00 11/10/2015 609-49750-425200 393.00Check Total: Vendor:1242 HOLIDAY CREDIT OFFICE Check Sequence: 28 ACH Enabled: True 10182015 Acct. 1400-017-223-399 Fire Fuel slips 9/19-10/18/2015 682.33 11/10/2015 101-42200-421200 682.33Check Total: Vendor:1244 HORIZON COMMERCIAL POOL SUPPLY Check Sequence: 29 ACH Enabled: False 151015010 Pool Chemicals 825.78 11/10/2015 226-45122-421600 825.78Check Total: Vendor:4053 JAN IANO Check Sequence: 30 ACH Enabled: False 10/27/2015 Library Supplies Summer & Fall 2015 18.03 11/10/2015 101-00000-220150 18.03Check Total: Vendor:3356 INDIAN ISLAND WINERY Check Sequence: 31 ACH Enabled: False 2749 resale - wine 103.20 11/10/2015 609-49750-425300 103.20Check Total: Vendor:3971 INTL UNION OF OPER ENGINEERS LOCAL 49 FRINGE BENE Check Sequence: 32 ACH Enabled: False 11/1/2015 December Health Insurance 49,200.00 11/10/2015 101-00000-217061 11/1/2015 December Health Insurance 13,780.00 11/10/2015 101-00000-217061 62,980.00Check Total: Vendor:1259 JJ TAYLOR DISTRIBUTING Check Sequence: 33 ACH Enabled: False 2430010 resale - beer 116.80 11/10/2015 609-49750-425200 2430010 freight 3.00 11/10/2015 609-49750-433300 2430092 resale - beer 561.90 11/10/2015 609-49750-425200 2430092 freight 3.00 11/10/2015 609-49750-433300 684.70Check Total: Vendor:1263 JOHNSON BROS WHOLESALE LIQUOR Check Sequence: 34 ACH Enabled: False 5284696 Resale - liquor 3,938.26 11/10/2015 609-49750-425100 5284696 freight 55.44 11/10/2015 609-49750-433300 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/04/2015 - 1:24 PM)Page 5 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 5284697 resale - wine 1,710.40 11/10/2015 609-49750-425300 5284697 resale - mix 63.48 11/10/2015 609-49750-425400 5284697 freight 48.96 11/10/2015 609-49750-433300 5284698 resale - beer 104.00 11/10/2015 609-49750-425200 5287346 freight 20.45 11/10/2015 609-49750-433300 5287346 resale - liquor 1,790.52 11/10/2015 609-49750-425100 5287347 resale - wine 1,678.30 11/10/2015 609-49750-425300 5287347 freight 53.28 11/10/2015 609-49750-433300 5288606 Resale - liquor 1,914.73 11/10/2015 609-49750-425100 5288606 freight 21.60 11/10/2015 609-49750-433300 5288607 Resale - wine 1,441.80 11/10/2015 609-49750-425300 5288607 freight 43.20 11/10/2015 609-49750-433300 5289936 freight 21.60 11/10/2015 609-49750-433300 5289936 resale - liquor 2,036.35 11/10/2015 609-49750-425100 5289937 resale - wine 849.70 11/10/2015 609-49750-425300 5289937 freight 17.64 11/10/2015 609-49750-433300 5292813 freight 95.66 11/10/2015 609-49750-433300 5292813 resale - liquor 7,113.43 11/10/2015 609-49750-425100 5292814 resale - wine 798.05 11/10/2015 609-49750-425300 5292814 resale - mix 56.98 11/10/2015 609-49750-425400 5292814 freight 44.65 11/10/2015 609-49750-433300 547959 Resale - liquor credit inv #5278001 -324.00 11/10/2015 609-49750-425100 547959 freight - credit inv #5278001 -1.44 11/10/2015 609-49750-433300 548247 Resale - liquor credit inv# 5282087 -49.84 11/10/2015 609-49750-425100 548247 freight credit inv# 5282087 -0.48 11/10/2015 609-49750-433300 548452 Resale - wine credit inv# 5283403 -52.60 11/10/2015 609-49750-425300 23,490.12Check Total: Vendor:4235 KRWC Check Sequence: 35 ACH Enabled: False 10720 Ad- (2) Football games- Tourney 80.00 11/10/2015 226-45122-434990 80.00Check Total: Vendor:4275 FRED & SHIRLEY LANGE Check Sequence: 36 ACH Enabled: False 11042015 FiberNet acct. 763-295-8021 FINAL credit 113.31 11/10/2015 656-00000-115025 113.31Check Total: Vendor:2626 HARRY LANTTO Check Sequence: 37 ACH Enabled: True 10/27/2015 City Council mtg Recording- (3.25) hrs 62.50 11/10/2015 101-41110-431990 62.50Check Total: AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/04/2015 - 1:24 PM)Page 6 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Vendor:4264 LEEB UNDERGROUND, INC Check Sequence: 38 ACH Enabled: True 54-6631 (14) Composite Drops- addresses attached 7,358.25 11/10/2015 656-49877-440100 7,358.25Check Total: Vendor:1902 VICKI LEERHOFF Check Sequence: 39 ACH Enabled: True 10/27/2015 Mileage Reimburse 6/4/15 - 10/22/15; agenda deliveries, and misc 65.32 11/10/2015 101-41310-433100 65.32Check Total: Vendor:2304 LEGACY MECHANICAL SERVICES LLC Check Sequence: 40 ACH Enabled: True 5276 Chamber of Comm.- Replace water heater & toilet flapper 540.00 11/10/2015 101-41940-440100 540.00Check Total: Vendor:4097 DEBRA LUKEN Check Sequence: 41 ACH Enabled: False 10/17/2015 Library Supplies Summer & Fall 2015 43.33 11/10/2015 101-00000-220150 43.33Check Total: Vendor:1303 M AMUNDSON LLP Check Sequence: 42 ACH Enabled: True 205196 resale - tobacco; soda pop; shot glasses; etc 640.70 11/10/2015 609-49750-425400 205196 resale -cigarettes; juice 957.24 11/10/2015 609-49750-425500 1,597.94Check Total: Vendor:4280 TABITHA MACKENZIE Check Sequence: 43 ACH Enabled: False 11042015 FiberNet acct. FNM-001-0253 FINAL credit 7.41 11/10/2015 656-00000-115025 7.41Check Total: Vendor:4274 MEDICS TRAINING INC Check Sequence: 44 ACH Enabled: False 9863 (40) hr EMR Course & textbook Jeff Farnick 440.00 11/10/2015 101-42200-433100 440.00Check Total: Vendor:1330 CITY OF MINNEAPOLIS Check Sequence: 45 ACH Enabled: True 400413006429 (50) Transactions - Sept 2015 45.00 11/10/2015 101-42100-431990 45.00Check Total: Vendor:2179 MINNESOTA 9-1-1 PROGRAM Check Sequence: 46 ACH Enabled: True Oct- 15 October 2015- 911 Wright County 760.95 11/10/2015 656-00000-208170 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/04/2015 - 1:24 PM)Page 7 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 760.95Check Total: Vendor:1351 MN FIRE SERVICE CERT BOARD Check Sequence: 47 ACH Enabled: False 3197 (6) Fire Appartus Op. Cert exam-3-21-15 750.00 11/10/2015 101-42200-433100 3338 (4) Firefighter I Cert exam- Craig; Joerg, Kasper, Kotzenmacher 400.00 11/10/2015 101-42200-433100 3435 (4) FF I & (4) FF II Cert exam- 296.00 11/10/2015 101-42200-433100 1,446.00Check Total: Vendor:4279 HAROLD MOE Check Sequence: 48 ACH Enabled: False 11042015 FiberNet acct. 763-295-5513 FINAL credit 9.20 11/10/2015 656-00000-115025 9.20Check Total: Vendor:1743 CITY OF MONTICELLO Check Sequence: 49 ACH Enabled: False 10/28/2015 F.I.- locker rental Como Zoo 10.00 11/10/2015 226-45127-421981 10/28/2015 Prizes; Kid Fishing clinic license; Helium Hallown Parade; etc 114.38 11/10/2015 226-45127-421980 10/28/2015 100 cup Perk coffee pot 30.00 11/10/2015 226-45127-420750 10/28/2015 Paint for pool grates 13.92 11/10/2015 226-45122-422990 10/28/2015 Dbl. Charges Lano; pool use refund 27.60 11/10/2015 226-45122-347910 10/28/2015 Dbl. Charged Iano tax; pool use refnd tax 1.90 11/10/2015 226-00000-208100 197.80Check Total: Vendor:1369 MONTICELLO CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Check Sequence: 50 ACH Enabled: False 8550a Chamber Lunch 10/20/15 12.00 11/10/2015 101-45201-433100 12.00Check Total: Vendor:4281 CLIFFORD NELSON Check Sequence: 51 ACH Enabled: False 11042015 FiberNet acct. FNM-001-0963 FINAL credit 6.39 11/10/2015 656-00000-115025 6.39Check Total: Vendor:4188 NELSON ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIR, INC Check Sequence: 52 ACH Enabled: False 7428 (2) hrs labor- Park Lift - replaced impellers w/ loaners 220.00 11/10/2015 602-49490-440440 220.00Check Total: Vendor:2518 NEOFUNDS BY NEOPOST Check Sequence: 53 ACH Enabled: False 11/3/2015 Postage for pkgs to Dept of Public Safety - Oct 2015 (15) 96.40 11/10/2015 217-41990-432200 11/3/2015 Postage for pkg to Wright Co Parks - Oct 2015 5.32 11/10/2015 101-41910-443990 11/3/2015 Postage V Leerhoff - (reimbursed city 10/29/15) 16.20 11/10/2015 101-41940-432200 11/3/2015 Postage Purchased 10/15/15 - Acct# 7900 0440 63227 5196 1,000.00 11/10/2015 101-00000-155010 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/04/2015 - 1:24 PM)Page 8 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 11/3/2015 Postage Fee 47.53 11/10/2015 101-41940-443990 1,165.45Check Total: Vendor:1412 OMANN BROTHERS INC Check Sequence: 54 ACH Enabled: False 11959 (55.37) LV3- Rvrside Cem. Road Improvements 2,873.15 11/10/2015 651-49010-431990 11971 (5.01) SPWEA240B 257.36 11/10/2015 101-43120-422400 3,130.51Check Total: Vendor:4276 ROBERT PADEN Check Sequence: 55 ACH Enabled: False 11042015 FiberNet acct. 763-314-0959 FINAL credit 90.40 11/10/2015 656-00000-115025 90.40Check Total: Vendor:3552 PARKS AND TRAILS COUNCIL OF MINNESOTA Check Sequence: 56 ACH Enabled: False 10/23/15 Bertram Lakes Trail Run- Net Proceeds 2015 1,692.87 11/10/2015 226-45127-434900 1,692.87Check Total: Vendor:1273 PAUSTIS & SONS WINE CO Check Sequence: 57 ACH Enabled: False 8520443 resale- wine 1,274.61 11/10/2015 609-49750-425300 8520443 freight 18.75 11/10/2015 609-49750-433300 1,293.36Check Total: Vendor:1427 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS CO Check Sequence: 58 ACH Enabled: False 223236 resale - wine credit inv #2864135 -35.00 11/10/2015 609-49750-425300 223236 freight credit inv #2864135 -1.44 11/10/2015 609-49750-433300 223687 resale - wine credit inv #2829772 -6.20 11/10/2015 609-49750-425300 223688 resale - wine credit inv #2836943 -6.67 11/10/2015 609-49750-425300 223689 resale - wine credit inv #2839546 -13.35 11/10/2015 609-49750-425300 223690 resale - wine credit inv #2844039 -13.00 11/10/2015 609-49750-425300 223691 resale - liquor credit inv #2856714 -11.99 11/10/2015 609-49750-425100 223692 resale - liquor credit inv #2865024 -516.00 11/10/2015 609-49750-425100 223692 resale - freight inv #2865024 -8.64 11/10/2015 609-49750-433300 2869585 resale - liquor 408.81 11/10/2015 609-49750-425100 2869585 freight 4.32 11/10/2015 609-49750-433300 2869586 freight 13.44 11/10/2015 609-49750-433300 2869586 resale - wine 467.35 11/10/2015 609-49750-425300 2871429 resale - liquor 2,089.35 11/10/2015 609-49750-425100 2871429 freight 25.92 11/10/2015 609-49750-433300 2872222 resale - liquor 2,441.80 11/10/2015 609-49750-425100 2872222 freight 12.96 11/10/2015 609-49750-433300 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/04/2015 - 1:24 PM)Page 9 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 2873131 freight 25.92 11/10/2015 609-49750-433300 2873131 resale- liquor 2,426.56 11/10/2015 609-49750-425100 2873132 resale- wine 948.30 11/10/2015 609-49750-425300 2873132 freight 30.24 11/10/2015 609-49750-433300 2875070 freight 10.08 11/10/2015 609-49750-433300 8,292.76Check Total: Vendor:4022 REINHART FOODSERVICE LLC Check Sequence: 59 ACH Enabled: False 146177 freight 7.99 11/10/2015 226-45122-433300 146177 resale - Concession Food 388.80 11/10/2015 226-45127-425410 146177 Party Room supplies 53.08 11/10/2015 226-45127-421460 153425 freight 7.99 11/10/2015 226-45122-433300 153425 Party Room - Juice 107.51 11/10/2015 226-45127-421460 153425 resale - concession 295.55 11/10/2015 226-45127-425410 860.92Check Total: Vendor:1474 PATRICIA A SALZWEDEL Check Sequence: 60 ACH Enabled: True 11/3/2015 Semi Monthly Contract Payment 1,593.75 11/10/2015 101-42700-431200 1,593.75Check Total: Vendor:2443 SECURITAS SECURITY SERVICES USA INC Check Sequence: 61 ACH Enabled: False W4980519 Sara Burns-10/9 R2180; Amber Thompson R2258 10/10 308.00 11/10/2015 226-45122-431992 W4987510 Mason wedding R2245 140.00 11/10/2015 226-45122-431992 448.00Check Total: Vendor:2497 SHERBURNE WRIGHT CABLE COMMISSION Check Sequence: 62 ACH Enabled: True 11/3/2015 Cable PEG Fees - TDS/Bridgewater Q3 2015 1,907.60 11/10/2015 101-00000-208020 11/3/2015 Cable Franchise Fees - TDS/Bridgewater Q3 2015 9,189.44 11/10/2015 101-00000-208020 11,097.04Check Total: Vendor:1490 CYNTHIA R SIMPSON Check Sequence: 63 ACH Enabled: False 894137 Oct. 2015 Cleaning Service 100.00 11/10/2015 101-42200-431990 100.00Check Total: Vendor:3309 SOUTHERN WINE & SPIRITS OF MINNESOTA Check Sequence: 64 ACH Enabled: False 1339592 resale - liquor 1,197.84 11/10/2015 609-49750-425100 1339592 freight 12.49 11/10/2015 609-49750-433300 1339594 resale - wine 562.00 11/10/2015 609-49750-425300 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/04/2015 - 1:24 PM)Page 10 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 1339594 freight 9.80 11/10/2015 609-49750-433300 1341980 resale - liquor 4,543.64 11/10/2015 609-49750-425100 1341980 freight 43.17 11/10/2015 609-49750-433300 1341981 freight 11.20 11/10/2015 609-49750-433300 1341981 resale - wine 392.00 11/10/2015 609-49750-425300 6,772.14Check Total: Vendor:1497 SPECTRUM SUPPLY COMPANY Check Sequence: 65 ACH Enabled: True 22637 case towels; (3) asst. can liners 111.57 11/10/2015 101-45201-421650 32663 (4) cases Scott Towels 138.24 11/10/2015 101-42200-421990 249.81Check Total: Vendor:1516 TASC Check Sequence: 66 ACH Enabled: False IN635488 12/1/2015 - 12/31/15 Admin Fees 66.56 11/10/2015 101-49240-413500 66.56Check Total: Vendor:2412 TEE JAY NORTH INC Check Sequence: 67 ACH Enabled: False 25226 Labor- Service performed on Main Slider 10-12-15 92.00 11/10/2015 609-49754-440100 25226 Travel - Service performed on Main Slider 10-12-15 120.00 11/10/2015 609-49754-440100 212.00Check Total: Vendor:1522 THORPE DISTRIBUTING COMPANY Check Sequence: 68 ACH Enabled: True 926899 resale -N/A beer 59.80 11/10/2015 609-49750-425400 926900 resale - beer 12,390.30 11/10/2015 609-49750-425200 928325 resale -N/A beer 19.50 11/10/2015 609-49750-425400 928326 resale - beer 16,238.00 11/10/2015 609-49750-425200 28,707.60Check Total: Vendor:3594 TRIMARK Check Sequence: 69 ACH Enabled: False 2521622 (4) bales asst. brown bags; Multi-fold towels 118.73 11/10/2015 609-49754-421990 118.73Check Total: Vendor:1550 VEOLIA WATER N AM OPERATING SERV LLC VEOLIA WATER N AM OPERATIONS INC Check Sequence: 70 ACH Enabled: False 00052630 December 2015 WWTP Operation & Maintenance 79,823.00 11/10/2015 602-49480-430800 79,823.00Check Total: Vendor:1552 VIKING COCA COLA BOTTLING CO Check Sequence: 71 ACH Enabled: True 1641241 resale - soda pop 266.75 11/10/2015 609-49750-425400 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/04/2015 - 1:24 PM)Page 11 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 1641385 resale - soda pop 231.25 11/10/2015 609-49750-425400 498.00Check Total: Vendor:1684 VINOCOPIA Check Sequence: 72 ACH Enabled: True 135876 resale - wine 104.00 11/10/2015 609-49750-425300 135876 resale - liquor 256.00 11/10/2015 609-49750-425100 135876 freight 10.00 11/10/2015 609-49750-433300 136453 resale - wine 232.00 11/10/2015 609-49750-425300 136453 resale - liquor 237.00 11/10/2015 609-49750-425100 136453 freight 10.00 11/10/2015 609-49750-433300 849.00Check Total: Vendor:4008 SANDRA WELTON-WOOD Check Sequence: 73 ACH Enabled: False 10/17/2015 Program Supplies - Summer & Fall 2015 60.24 11/10/2015 101-00000-220150 60.24Check Total: Vendor:1567 WES OLSON ELECTRIC LLC Check Sequence: 74 ACH Enabled: False 7468 Labor- (3) cont. blocks; (2) select switches; 120v Coil 238.00 11/10/2015 602-49490-440440 7468 Materials(3) cont. blocks; (2) select switches; 120v Coil 285.75 11/10/2015 602-49490-440440 523.75Check Total: Vendor:1573 WINE MERCHANTS INC Check Sequence: 75 ACH Enabled: False 7052375 resale - wine 565.50 11/10/2015 609-49750-425300 7052375 freight 7.20 11/10/2015 609-49750-433300 7053392 resale - wine 1,660.16 11/10/2015 609-49750-425300 7053392 freight 12.24 11/10/2015 609-49750-433300 7053392 resale - N/A wine 23.00 11/10/2015 609-49750-433300 2,268.10Check Total: Vendor:1209 WIRTZ BEVERAGE MINNESOTA WINE & SPIRITS Check Sequence: 76 ACH Enabled: False 1080389088 resale - liquor 4,062.69 11/10/2015 609-49750-425100 1080389088 resale - wine 366.00 11/10/2015 609-49750-425300 1080389088 freight 51.44 11/10/2015 609-49750-433300 1080391981 freight 36.51 11/10/2015 609-49750-433300 1080391981 resale - liquor 2,424.89 11/10/2015 609-49750-425100 1080391981 resale - wine 72.00 11/10/2015 609-49750-425300 2080109227 resale - liquor credit -147.42 11/10/2015 609-49750-425100 2080109228 resale - liquor credit -380.00 11/10/2015 609-49750-425100 2080109230 resale - liquor credit -400.01 11/10/2015 609-49750-425100 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/04/2015 - 1:24 PM)Page 12 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 2080109235 resale - liquor credit -56.75 11/10/2015 609-49750-425100 2080109238 resale - liquor credit -111.44 11/10/2015 609-49750-425100 5,917.91Check Total: Vendor:2573 WOODLAND HILL VINEYARDS LLC Check Sequence: 77 ACH Enabled: False 1633 resale - wine 171.00 11/10/2015 609-49750-425300 171.00Check Total: Vendor:1584 WSB & ASSOCIATES INC Check Sequence: 78 ACH Enabled: True 01160-611 75 Traffic Engineering Services - Sept 2015 2,956.50 11/10/2015 101-43111-430300 01494-480 40 ZRCFOS - Fallon Overpass Prelim Design - Sept 2015 612.00 11/10/2015 101-43111-430300 01494-700 28 General WWTP - Sept 2015 535.50 11/10/2015 602-49480-430300 01494-720 27 Economic Development & Market Matching - Sept 2015 4,000.00 11/10/2015 213-46301-431990 01494-800 21 10C009 - CSAH 75/TH 25 Intersection Improvements - Sept 2015 361.00 11/10/2015 400-43300-459010 01494-870 15 12C008 - Hillside Farms 3 & 4 Public Improvements - Sept 2015 380.50 11/10/2015 400-43300-459010 01494-880 16 Wellhead Protection Plan Amendment Phase 2 - Sept 2015 253.00 11/10/2015 601-49440-430300 01494-900 9 15D001 - IRET Monticello Commerce Center 8th Add - Sept 2015 735.00 11/10/2015 101-00000-220110 01494-940 11 BLK034 - Environmental Docs - Sept 2015 684.75 11/10/2015 213-46301-431990 01494-950 13 14C002 - Phosphorus Construction Phase 4 - Sept 2015 14,600.45 11/10/2015 602-00000-165010 01494-950 13 14C002 - Digester Construction Phase 8 - Sept 2015 5,039.25 11/10/2015 602-00000-165010 01494-960 12 14C003 - School Blvd Overlay & Trail Improvements - Sept 2015 8,041.25 11/10/2015 400-43300-453010 01494-970 11 14C003 - Fallon Ave & 85th St Improvements - Sept 2015 3,143.00 11/10/2015 400-43300-453010 01494-980 11 15D002 - Sunset Ponds 3rd Addition - Sept 2015 907.00 11/10/2015 101-00000-220110 01627-510 37 12C002 - 7th Street Extension - Sept 2015 357.50 11/10/2015 400-43300-459010 02596-010 9 General Engineering Services Phase 1- Sept 2015 2,500.00 11/10/2015 101-43111-430300 02596-010 9 General Engineering Services Phase 1- Sept 2015 2,500.00 11/10/2015 601-49440-430300 02596-010 9 General Engineering Services Phase 1- Sept 2015 2,500.00 11/10/2015 602-49490-430300 02596-010 9 General Engineering Services Phase 2- Sept 2015 855.00 11/10/2015 101-43111-430300 02596-040 9 2015 GIS Support Services- Sept 2015 57.00 11/10/2015 702-00000-431990 02596-090 8 Interchange Planning Study - Sept 2015 153.00 11/10/2015 101-43111-430300 02596-100 4 15C001-PRELIM - 2015 Street Reconstruction Project - Sept 2015 32,884.75 11/10/2015 400-43300-430300 02596-110 3 ZZBCOL MASTER - BCOL Athletic Complex MP - Sept 2015 9,758.00 11/10/2015 229-45202-431990 02596-120 1 Xcel Feeder Line Installation - Sept 2015 1,127.00 11/10/2015 245-43162-443990 94,941.45Check Total: AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/04/2015 - 1:24 PM)Page 13 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Total for Check Run: Total of Number of Checks: 624,474.33 78 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/04/2015 - 1:24 PM)Page 14 The preceding list of bills payable was reviewed and approved for payment. Date: 11/09/2015 Approved by ____________________________________ Mayor Brian Stumpf CityCouncilAgenda:11/9/15 1 2B.ConsiderationofapprovingnewhiresanddeparturesforCitydepartments (TE) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: TheCouncilisaskedtoratifythehiringanddeparturesofemployeesthathaveoccurred recentlyinthedepartmentslisted.ItisrecommendedthattheCouncilofficiallyratifythe hiring/departureofalllistedemployeesincludingpart-timeandseasonalworkers. A1.BudgetImpact:(positionsaregenerallyincludedinbudget) A2.StaffWorkLoadImpact:Ifnewpositions,theremaybesometraining involved.Ifterminatedpositions,existingstaffwouldpickupthosehours,as needed,untilreplaced. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.Motiontoratifythehire/departuresoftheemployeesasidentifiedontheattached list. 2.Motiontodenytherecommendedhiresanddepartures. C.RECOMMENDATION: BystatutetheCityCouncilhastheauthoritytoapproveallhires/departures.Citystaff recommendsAlternative#1,fortheCounciltoapprovethehiresand/ordeparturesas listed. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: Listofnew/terminatedemployees Name Title Department Hire Date Class Sarah Rathlisberger Finance Manager Finance 11/16/2015 FT Name Reason Department Last Day Class Kara Oravetz Voluntary MCC 6/5/15 PT Rob Olson Voluntary Parks 8/7/15 Seasonal Jessica Norlin Voluntary MCC 9/28/15 PT Gabriel Affeldt Voluntary MCC 10/1/15 PT Lawrence Krause Voluntary MCC 10/10/15 PT Betsy Schacht Voluntary MCC 10/12/15 PT Stephanie Ellingson Voluntary MCC 10/15/15 PT Scott Imdieke Voluntary Streets 10/23/15 Seasonal Austin Johnson Voluntary Parks 10/23/15 Seasonal NEW EMPLOYEES TERMINATING EMPLOYEES New Hire and Terms City Council 2015: 11/3/2015 CityCouncilAgenda:11/09/15 1 2C.Considerationtoapprovethesaleordisposalofsurpluscityproperty (WO) ThereisnoreportthisCityCouncilcycle. CityCouncilAgenda:11/9/15 1 2D.ConsiderationtoapprovetheappointmentofBonnieStrombergtotheMonticello CommunityCenterAdvisoryBoard.(KB) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: CityCouncilisaskedtoappointarepresentativetofillapositionontheMCCAdvisory BoardthatwaspreviouslyheldbySandraTheros,whoafteralmost13yearsofservice, recentlyresignedforfamilycommitments.TheAdvisoryBoardrecommendsthe approvalofBonnieStrombergtofillthepositionwiththetermtoexpireonDecember 31,2015,andthenarenewalofanormalthreeyearterm. TheMCCAdvisoryBoardhadtwoexcellentcandidatesthattheyinterviewedattheir meetinginOctober.TheychoseBonnieStrombergfortheBoardbecausesheisanactive seniorandveryinvolvedinthecommunityandcommunitycenter.Theyfeltthatshe wouldbringaperspectivetotheBoardthatthecurrentBoardmembersdidhave. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.MotiontoapprovetheappointmentofBonnieStrombergtotheMonticello CommunityCenterAdvisoryBoardwiththetermendingDecember31,2015. 2.Motiontonotapprovetheappointment. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: CityStaffandtheMCCAdvisoryBoardrecommendAlternative#1toappointBonnie Strombergtotheopenposition. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: None CityCouncilAgenda–11/09/2015 1 2E.ConsiderationtoapproveResolution2015-085forapprovalofanAdministrative LotCombinationandSimpleSubdivisioninanR-2(SingleandTwoFamily) ResidenceDistrict.Applicant:Lampi,Mark/LampiAuctions,Inc.(NAC) Property:Legal:Lots6,7,8,andwesterly32feetofLot9, Block34,LowerMonticello Address:512East3rdStreet PlanningCaseNumber:2015-046 A.REFERENCE&BACKGROUND Request(s):Administrativecombinationoftwoparcelsandsimple subdivisiontomoveanexistinglotline,resultingin twoconformingresidentiallots. DeadlineforDecision:December18th,2015 LandUseDesignation:PlacestoLive ZoningDesignation:R-2,SingleandTwo-FamilyResidenceDistrict Thepurposeofthe"R-2"singleandtwo-family residentialdistrictistoprovideforlowtomoderate densityoneandtwounitdwellingsanddirectlyrelated complementaryuses. Overlays/Environmental RegulationsApplicable:NA CurrentSiteUse:OneSingleFamilyHome SurroundingLandUses: North:SingleFamilyResidential East:SingleFamilyResidential South:Vacant-Two-FamilyResidentialproposed West:SingleFamilyResidential ProjectDescription:Theapplicant’spropertyconsistsoftwoparcels currentlyoccupiedbyonesingle-familyresidence frontingon3rd Street.Oneoftheparcelsconsistsof3 originalplattedlots,andthesecondparcelisabouthalf ofanotheroriginallot.Theapplicantproposesto subdividethelottoresultintwoparcelswithfrontage CityCouncilAgenda–11/09/2015 2 on3rd Street.Theexistinghomewouldremainasitis, andthenewparcelwouldprovidebuildingareafora newhomeatthecornerof3rd StreetandWrightStreet. ANALYSIS TheSubdivisionOrdinance,inSection11-1-7,providesforsimplesubdivisionoflots thatarecurrentlyplattedanddonotcreatemorethanonenewbuildinglot.The Ordinanceallowsforsuch“simplesubdivisions”toproceedwithoutrequiringafull platorthenormalpublichearingrequirementsthatlargersubdivisionsentail. Suchsubdivisionsresultina“metesandbounds”description,essentiallydescribing partsoftheunderlyingplattedlots.Occasionally,theCountyRecorderdetermines thatthenewdescriptionsarenotrecordable.Whilestaffdoesnotanticipatethat likelihoodinthiscase,inthatweretooccur,aplatwouldberequired,andthe applicantswouldneedtoreapplyforaplattedsubdivision. Theproposedsubdivisionpropertyconsistsofthreeoriginalplatlots,plushalfof another.Thethree(Lots6,7,and8)havebeencombinedandcontainonesingle familyhomeandadetachedgarage.Thehalf(west32feetofLot9)wasacquired fromtheneighbortotheeast. Thenewsubdivisionretainstheexistinghome,butmovesthelotlinebetweenthe homeandthenewcornerlot.Theresultingcornerlot(TractA)willhave105feetof frontageon3rd Avenue,and17,407squarefeet.Theresultinglotcontainingthe existinghome(TractB)willhave125feetoffrontagealong3rd Avenue,and20,702 squarefeet.Standardsforthedistrictrequireaminimumof80feetofwidth,and 10,000squarefeetofarea.Bothlotssignificantlyexceedtheminimumrequirements. Setbacksforthebothlotswillbe30feetfrom3rd Street(north),30feetfromtherear (south),and10feeteachfromthenewinternalsidelotline.Theproposed subdivisionillustratesthosesetbacksrequirementsonthesurvey. ThecurrentconditionincludesagardenshedonwhatwillbelocatedonTractA. Afterthesubdivision,therewillnotbeaprincipalbuildingonthatlot.Theshedwill havetoberemoved,asalotcannothaveanaccessorybuildingwithoutaprincipal building.Theapplicantsmayremovetheshed,orrelocateittoTractBina conforminglocation. Thecreationofonenewparcelwillresultinarequirementforthepaymentofone parkdedicationfee. Inaddition,becausetheareaisscheduledforstreetreconstructionin2016,theCity Engineerhasprovidedthefollowingcomments: CityCouncilAgenda–11/09/2015 3 •TractAwillbesubjecttoastreetreconstructionassessmentbasedonits currentorproposeduse.Constructionisplannedfor2016. •TractBwillbesubjecttoastreetreconstructionassessmentbasedonits currentuse.Constructionisplannedfor2016,withassessmentsstartingonthe 2017propertytaxrolls. •6and12-footperimeterdrainageandutilityeasementsshouldbededicatedfor TractAandB. •DrivewayaccessforTractAcanbeprovidedfromeitherWrightStor3rd St. •ItappearsthattherearetwosewerandtwowaterservicestubsservingTract •Ifthesiteisdevelopedforasingle-familyuse,onesewerandonewater servicewillneedtobeabandonedperCityrequirementsatthetimeof buildingpermitapproval. StaffnotesthattheR-2zoningprovidesforpotentialsinglefamilyortwo-family development.TheEngineer’snoteaboverelatestotheeventualuseoftheproperty anddependsonthenumberofunitstobeconstructed. Inaddition,atthetimeofconstructionontheproposedTactA,duetothenumberof treesidentifiedonthecertificateofsurveyandtheprovisionsofChapter4.2–Tree Protection,Atreesurveyidentifyingspeciesandsizewillberequiredatbuilding permitforproposedTractA. PlanningCommissionRecommendation ThePlanningCommissionreviewedthisitemonNovember2nd,2015.ThePlanning Commissionrecommended4-0toapprovethecombinationandsubdivision. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS 1.MotiontoadoptResolutionNo.2015-085toapprovetheadministrativelot combinationandsimplesubdivisionfor512E.3rd Street,basedonfindingsin saidresolutionandsubjecttotheconditionsinExhibitZ. 2.MotiontodenyadoptionofResolutionNo.2015-085,basedonfindingstobe madebytheCityCouncil. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION Staffrecommendsapprovalofthesubdivision,basedonfindingsthattheproposed subdivisionisconsistentwiththeComprehensivePlanandtherequirementsofthe ZoningOrdinance,andcompliancewiththeconditionsidentifiedinExhibitZ. D.SUPPORTINGDATA •ConditionsofApproval •Resolution2015-085 CityCouncilAgenda–11/09/2015 4 •ResolutionPC-2015-017 •AerialSiteImage •CertificateofSurvey •CurrentParcelConfiguration •SubdivisionOrdinance,Excerpts •ConditionsofApproval EXHIBITZ ConditionsofApproval AdministrativeLotCombinationandSimpleSubdivision 512E.3rdStreet Lots6,7,8andwest32feetofLot9,Block34,LowerMonticello 1.RemovalofexistingshedfromTractApriortotherecordingofthesubdivision. 2.Providealegaldescriptionofrequireddrainageandutilityeasementsforrecording. 3.IntheeventtheCountyrejectsthedescriptionsofthemetesandboundssubdivision, theapplicantwillneedtore-applyandutilizeaformalplatprocess. 4.Paymentofrequiredparkdedicationfee,andanyotherapplicabletrunkorotherfees resultingfromthesubdivision. 5.Resolutionofunusedserviceextensionsfrom3rd StreetinaccordancewithCity utilitystandards. 6.CompliancewiththerequirementsoftheCityEngineerregardingeasements,grading, drainage,andutilities. 7.Atreesurveyidentifyingspeciesandsizewillberequiredatbuildingpermitfor proposedTractA. CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2015-085 APPROVING AN ADMINISTRATIVE LOT COMBINATION AND SIMPLE SUBDIVISION, LOTS 6, 7, 8 & THE WESTERLY 32 FEET OF LOT 9, BLOCK 34, LOWER MONTICELLO PID 155-015-034060 AND 155-015-034090 WHEREAS, the City has received a request from Mark Lampi/Lampi Auctions, Inc. for an Administrative Lot Combination and Simple Subdivision of said Lots 6, 7, 8 & the westerly 32 feet of Lot 9, Block 34, Lower Monticello, and WHEREAS, the resultant parcels will meet or exceed the requirements of the R-2 zoning district; and WHEREAS, the property is designated as “Places to Live” on the Comprehensive Plan land use map; and WHEREAS, the subdivision will be consistent with the existing and future land uses of the surrounding area; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission considered the item at an open meeting on November 2nd, 2015 on the application and the applicant and members of the public were provided the opportunity to present information to the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission considered all of the comments and the staff report, which are incorporated by reference into Planning Commission resolution PC-2015-017; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA: that the Monticello City Council approves an administrative lot combination and simple subdivision for Lots 6, 7, 8 & the westerly 32 feet of Lot 9, Block 34, Lower Monticello described as follows:  Tract A: Lot 6 and that part of Lot 7 lying westerly of the Easterly 27.00 feet thereof, Block 34, Lower Monticello, according to the recorded plat thereof, Wright County, Minnesota.  Tract B: Lot 8 and the Easterly 27.00 feet of Lot 7 and the westerly 32.00 feet of Lot 9, Block 34, Lower Monticello, according to the recorded plat thereof, Wright County, Minnesota. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: that granting of said administrative lot combination and simple subdivision is subject to the following conditions: 1. Removal of existing shed from Tract A prior to the recording of the subdivision. 2. Provide a legal description of required drainage and utility easements for recording. 3. In the event the County rejects the descriptions of the metes and bounds subdivision, the applicant will need to re-apply and utilize a formal plat process. 4. Payment of required park dedication fee, and any other applicable trunk or other fees resulting from the subdivision. 5. Resolution of unused service extensions from 3rd Street in accordance with City utility standards. 6. Compliance with the requirements of the City Engineer regarding easements, grading, drainage, and utilities. 7. A tree survey identifying species and size will be required at building permit for proposed Tract A. 8. The subdivided lots are subject to assessments for future road improvements. ADOPTED BY the Monticello City Council this 9th day of November, 2015. CITY OF MONTICELLO _____________________________ Brian Stumpf, Mayor ATTEST: _________________________________________ Jeff O’Neill, City Administrator CERTIFICATION STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF WRIGHT I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of Resolution #2015-085 duly passed, adopted and approved by the Monticello City Council at their scheduled meeting on November 9, 2015, and recorded in minutes of said meeting. ____________________________________ Jeff O’Neill, City Administrator Notary Public: _______________________________ Date: ___________________________ (STAMP) SB L SB L MONTICELLO SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE TITLE XI/Chapt 8/Page 1 CHAPTER 8 REGISTERED LAND SURVEYS AND CONVEYANCE BY METES AND BOUNDS SECTION: 1 1 -8 -1:R egis t ered Land S u rveys 11-8-2:Conveyance by Metes and Bounds 11-8-1:REGISTERED LAND SURVEYS: It is the intention of this ordinance that all registered land surveys in the city of Monticello should be presented to the Planning Commission in the form of a preliminary plat in accordance with the standards set forth in this ordinance for preliminary plats and that the Planning Commission shall first approve the arrangement, sizes, and relationship of proposed tracts in such registered land surveys and that tracts to be used as easements or roads should be so dedicated. Unless a recommendation and approval have been obtained from the Planning Commission and City Council respectively in accordance with the standards set forth in this ordinance, building permits will be withheld for buildings on tracts which have been so subdivided by registered land surveys, and the City may refuse to take over tracts as streets or roads or to improve, repair, or maintain any such tracts unless so approved. 11-8-2:CONVEYANCE BY METES AND BOUNDS: No conveyance in which the land conveyed is described by metes and bounds shall be made or recorded if the parcels described in the conveyance are five (5) acres or less in area and three hundred (300) feet in width unless such parcel was a separate parcel of record at the effective date of this ordinance. Building permits will be withheld for buildings or tracts which have been subdivided and conveyed by this method, and the City may refuse to take over tracts as streets or roads or to improve, repair, or maintain any such tracts. Not withstanding the previous prohibition, a person may request an administrative subdivision of property described by metes and bounds under the following conditions: a.The purpose of the subdivision is to combine two (2) or more parcels of record to create a parcel conforming to the requirements of the applicable zoning district. b.The purpose of the subdivision is to divide one (1) previously platted parcel into no more than two (2) buildable parcels, both of which will be in full conformance with all applicable zoning regulations, and for which no public right of way, easements, or other drainage concerns are evident to the Zoning Administrator. MONTICELLO SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE TITLE XI/Chapt 8/Page 2 Said administrative subdivision shall be subject to approval of the Zoning Administrator, who may at his or her discretion, refer the subdivision to other City staff for review and recommendation. If the Zoning Administrator approves the proposed subdivision, he or she shall place the proposed subdivision on the agenda of the next City Council meeting which is no less than three (3) weeks from the date of a complete submission. In the event that the County Recorder shall refuse to record an administrative subdivision due to the legal description of the proposed parcels or for any other reason, the applicant shall be required to comply with all of the requirements of the Subdivision Ordinance for Preliminary Plats. (#426, 7/11/05) MONTICELLO SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE TITLE XII/Chapt 1/Page 1 CHAPTER 1 GENERAL PROVISIONS SECTION: 11-1-1:Short Title 11-1-2:Purpose 11-1-3:Scope 11-1-4:Approvals Necessary for Acceptance of Subdivision Plats 11-1-5:Conditions for Recording 11-1-6:Building Permits 11-1-7:Exceptions 11-1-8:Separability 11-1-9:Conflict AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING REGULATIONS FOR THE SUBDIVISION AND PLATTING OF LAND WITHIN THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, DEFINING CERTAIN TERMS USED THEREIN: PROVIDING FOR THE PREPARATION OF PLATS; PROVIDING FOR THE INSTALLATION OF STREETS AND OTHER IMPROVEMENTS; PROVIDING FOR THE DEDICATION OF CERTAIN LAND FOR PARKS AND PLAYGROUNDS; ESTABLISHING PROCEDURES FOR APPROVAL AND THE RECORDING OF PLATS; PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE; AND REPEALING ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES INCONSISTENT HEREWITH. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO DOES ORDAIN: 11-1-1:SHORT TITLE: This ordinance shall be known as the "SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO," and will be referred to herein as "This Ordinance." 11-1-2:PURPOSE: In order to safeguard the best interests of the City of Monticello and to assist the subdivider in harmonizing his interests with those of the city at large, the following ordinance is adopted in order that adherence to same will bring results beneficial to both parties. It is the purpose of this ordinance to make certain regulations and requirements for the platting of land within the city of Monticello pursuant to the authority contained in Minnesota Statutes Annotated, which regulations the City Council deems necessary for the health, safety, and general welfare o f t h i s co m m u n i t y. 11-1-3:SCOPE: The provisions of this ordinance relate to any division of a tract of land into two or more parcels by platting, replatting, conveyance, registered land survey, or other means. MONTICELLO SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE TITLE XII/Chapt 1/Page 2 11-1-4:APPROVALS NECESSARY FOR ACCEPTANCE OF SUBDIVISION PLATS: Before any plat shall be recorded or be of any validity, it shall be referred to the City Planning Commission and approved by the City Council of Monticello as having fulfilled the requirements of this ordinance. 11-1-5:CONDITIONS FOR RECORDING: No plat of any subdivision shall be entitled to record in the Wright County Register of Deeds Office or have any validity until the plat thereof has been prepared, approved, and acknowledged in the manner prescribed by this ordinance. 11-1-6:BUILDING PERMITS: No building permits will be considered for issuance by the City of Monticello for the construction of any building, structure, or improvement to the land or to any lot in a subdivision as defined herein until all requirements of this ordinance have been fully complied with. 11-1-7:EXCEPTIONS: When requesting a subdivision, if either of the following two conditions exist, the subdivider is required to present accurately drawn site plan information for the proposed subdivision, have the subdivision reviewed by the Planning Commission, reviewed and approved by the City Council, and adhere to the park dedication requirements spelled out in the ordinance, Section 11-6-1 through 11- 6-5, and all other subdivision requirements shall be waived. Upon approval, subdivider must provide City Staff with a certified survey describing the approved subdivision. (#343, 2/14/00) (A)In the case of a request to divide a lot which is part of an existing lot of record where the division is to permit the adding of a parcel of land to an abutting lot or to create two lots and the newly created property line will not cause the other remaining portion of the lot to be in violation with this ordinance or the zoning ordinance, except that no such division of a lot or parcel shall be permitted when said division shall create a lot or parcel that is in violation of Chapter 8, Subdivision 11-8-2, of this ordinance. (#148, 9/9/85) (B)Such division results in parcels having an area of five (5) acres or more with frontage on a public right-of-way measuring three hundred (300) feet or more and when such division does not necessitate the dedication of a public right-of- way; or if a lot which is part of a plat recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Wright County is to be divided and such division will not cause any structure on the lot to be in violation of the Zoning Ordinance or said new portions of lots to be in violation of City Ordinance. (#33, 7/27/77) 11-1-8:SEPARABILITY: If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance. MONTICELLO SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE TITLE XII/Chapt 1/Page 3 11-1-9:CONFLICT: Whenever there is a difference between minimum standards or dimensions specified herein and those contained in other official regulations, resolutions , o r o rdinances of the City, t h e high e st standar d s shall a p p l y. MONTICELLO SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE TITLE XII/Chapt 2 Page 1 CityCouncilAgenda:11/09/2015 2F.Considerationofapprovingafull-timeEconomicDevelopmentManagerposition for2016.(AS/TE/JO/WO) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: CityCouncilisaskedtoconsiderapprovingafull-timeEconomicDevelopmentManager positionfor2016.TheCityhasbeenwithoutadedicatedeconomicdevelopmentstaff personsinceAugustof2012. ThehiringofadedicatedstaffpersonwillallowtheEDAtobettermanagecurrent economicdevelopmentworkloadandtore-focusonmoreproactiveeconomic developmentinitiatives.Thesestrategicactivitiesinclude thedevelopmentand implementationofacoordinatedmarketingprogramto generatebusinessand industryleads,preparationofcoordinatedleadresponses,andmanagementofthe community’sbusinessretentionandexpansionefforts. Althoughexistingstaffhasbeenabletomanageday-to-dayadministrativetasksfor theEDA,ithasnotbeenpossibleforstafftocompletemorestrategiceconomic developmentobjectives. Withthehiringthehiringoftheeconomicdevelopmentposition,MarketMatching services(andcosts)willbephasedout. Asamplejobdescriptionisattachedforreference.Atthistime,Councilisaskedto approvethepostingofthefull-timepositionpendinganyfinalcommentsoftheEDA onthetasksandstructureofthepositionrelativetothedraftjobdescription. A1.BudgetImpact:Theannualsalaryrangeforthisexemptpositionbasedon2015 wagebenefitcostsis$51,730-$67,327plusanadditional$22,883($19,083 insuranceandPERA,and$3,800taxes).Thesalaryfortheeconomic developmentpositionwillbepaidfromtheHRAlevy. A2.StaffImpact: B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.Motiontoapproveafull-timeEconomicDevelopmentManagerpositionfor 2016. 2.Motiontodenytheapprovalofafull-timeEconomicDevelopmentManager positionfor2016. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: CityCouncilAgenda:11/09/2015 TheEDAandstaffrecommendhiringforthefull-timeeconomicdevelopmentposition. Thisrecommendationisbasedonthepremisethatadedicatedstaffpersonwillprovidea betteruseoftimeandmonetaryresourcesandeffectamoreproactiveapproachto economicdevelopmentforthecommunity. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: •DraftJobDescription Economic Development Manager City of Monticello Exempt Title of Class: Economic Development Manager Effective Date: November 15, 1991 Revised Date: October 13, 2008 February 11, 2011 October 27th, 2015 DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES General Statement of Duties: Performs responsible professional work, planning, promoting, developing and implementing economic development and redevelopment goals for the City; performs related duties as required. Generates business leads, promotes business retention and expansion, creates a positive attitude for development and raises supportive public awareness for strategic economic planning and development. Supervision Received: Works under the general supervision of the Community Development Director with additional work direction provided by the City Administrator. Supervision Exercised: None. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Duties may vary somewhat from position to position within a class. ADMINISTRATION *Provides administrative and professional support to the EDA as the EDA Executive Director, managing business affairs, agenda and minutes, and acting as the staff liaison for the City. In conjunction with the Finance Director, oversees the Authority’s budget, financial and fund reports. *Plans, develops, presents for approval, and implements long range goals and strategies which support the City Council and EDA goals as reflected in the Monticello Comprehensive Plan and Monticello Redevelopment Project No. 1 Plan. *Oversees, develops, markets, administers, and evaluates financial funding strategies and business subsidy and incentive programs which support the City’s goals *Ensures compliance and performs required reporting in accordance with the MN Business Subsidy Act, State Auditor’s requirements and applicable federal regulations. *Provides city staff with reports and recommendations on development proposals and assists in identifying site development issues for economic development projects. Maintains all business records and reporting requirements for the Economic Development Department and EDA. *Primary staff liaison to the Industrial and Economic Development Committee, Chamber of Commerce, Wright County Economic Development Partnership, Economic Development Association of MN and MN Department of Employment & Economic Development. Prepares annual business report for the EDA, completes required forms and publishes notices. Assists in preparing and updating economic development and redevelopment portions of the City’s comprehensive plan in cooperation with Community Development Department and provides input on other aspects of the plan. Economic Development Manager City of Monticello Exempt *Facilitates and prepares the annual Economic Development Work Plan in conjunction with the Community Development Director and assists in the development and monitoring of the annual budget. Monitors legislative initiatives related to economic development and redevelopment which may impact the EDA and City. Coordinates the work of City consultants as related to economic development initiatives, including legal and financial services. May assist in preparation of grant applications. Performs other duties as needed or assigned. BUSINESS & DEVELOPMENT RELATIONS *Maintains regular contact with business and property owners, developers, real estate agents, lending institutions, and related organizations to facilitate achievement of economic development goals and business retention and expansion efforts. *Assists developers with preliminary and formal business subsidy applications, analyzes formal application and financial information and prepares written recommendation for EDA and Council approval. *Negotiates terms and conditions for TIF Districts, purchase agreements, development contracts, loan agreements, land acquisitions and sales, assessment agreements, and other related documents with assistance from the EDA’s attorney and as directed by the EDA. MARKETING & SALES *Prepares, organizes and implements a coordinated marketing program to generate business and industry leads which are consistent with the City’s economic development goals. *Serves as primary City liaison at prospect stage, assisting in developing, preparing and presenting individualized project financing proposals in cooperation with City consultants to meet prospects’ financing requirements. *Participates in the citywide marketing/branding effort. *Maintains and distributes updated marketing and sales information pertaining to economic development including: community profile, demographic and employment data, building and land inventories and contacts, City/EDA property information and sales sheets, and prospect databases. *Plans and oversees marketing for City-owned business center and other EDA/City properties. Participates in exhibitions, seminars, media events, trade shows and conferences to attract businesses to the City. Organizes events, meetings and activities supporting economic development initiatives, including trainings, industry recognitions, and familiarization tours. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND ABILITIES *Considerable knowledge of government processes and services, economic research and marketing related to economic development and redevelopment. *Considerable knowledge of city planning, project development, financing, land acquisition and related areas. *Working knowledge of laws, rules and regulations related to development and related financing and ability to communicate such to industrial project developers. *Considerable skill to operate office equipment including personal computer with Internet, word processing, spreadsheet, Power Point and database management applications. Economic Development Manager City of Monticello Exempt *Considerable ability to communicate effectively both orally and in writing and maintain effective working relationships with state and federal agencies, property and businesses owners, elected and appointed officials, committee members, potential developers and the general public. *Considerable ability to develop alternatives and determine costs, advantages and disadvantages of various alternatives. *Considerable ability to analyze financial statements including balance sheets, profit and loss sheets and cash flow statements. Working ability to read and interpret building plans, site plans and city service maps. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Bachelor’s degree with major course work in economic development, local and urban affairs, planning or a related field and five years of experience in economic or community development. Certification from the National Development Council preferred. Must possess and maintain a valid MN Class D Driver’s license. *Asterisked items are essential to the job CityCouncilAgenda:11/09/15 1 2G.ApproveBiosolidsFarmLeaseAgreement (WO) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: Thetwo-yearleaseagreementforthe150acrebiosolidssiteexpiredattheendof2015. Thelesseehasnotexercisedhisoptionforathirdyear.Therentforthelastyearofthe leasewas$225peracreor$33,750total. Thelesseerequestforathreeyearlease,withthecityhavingafourthyearoption,was deniedbycouncilatitsOctober26meeting.Thecouncilthendirectedstafftopreparea one-yearlease.Consequently,theproposedleaseisforoneyear.The$175per-acrerent reflectsadditionallesseecoststoberecoveredinoneyear.Thelesseeindicatedlime needstobeappliedtothelandtoimprovePHbalances.Heestimatedthelime applicationwillcost$35peracre.Futurerentscanbeadjustedtorepresentfull amortizationofthelimeapplication.Theannualleaseamountis$26,250. Theleasetermsindicatethatthecitycansellthepropertyduringcropproductionwith thelesseeretainingfarminguseofthepropertyuntilharvest. A1.BudgetImpact:Thenewleasewillearn$7,500perlessthanthepriorlease. A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:Staffimpactnegligible A3.LegalReview:Newleasewasreviewedbylegalcounsel B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.MotiontoapproveleaseagreementwithMarkHolker. 2.MotiontonotapproveleaseagreementwithMarkHolker. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: StaffrecommendsAlternative1. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: •OldandNewLeases - PAGE 1 OF 3 - FARM LEASE, CASH RENT The City of Monticello, 505 Walnut Street, Suite #1, Monticello, Minnesota 55362, as Lessor, hereby leases to Mark Holker, 5496 County Road 37 NE, Monticello, Minnesota 55362, as Lessee, the land lying in Wright County, Minnesota, to-wit: 150 acres of cultivated land in the S2 of the NE 1/4 of Section 8 and the N 2 of the SE 1/4 of Section 8, all in Township 121N, Range 25W. This does not include the 4 -acre area containing an old farmhouse and two pole buildings, nor does it include the 2-acre single family residence; to have and to hold said premises with the improvements thereon, unto Lessee, his heirs and assigns, subject to the conditions and limitations hereinafter mentioned, for the term of one (1) year with beginning on the 1st day of January, 2016, and ending on the 31st day of December, 2016, for the base rate of $175 per acre totaling $26,250.00 (twenty-six thousand two hundred fifty dollars) per year, payable as follows, to wit: The first semi-annual payment of 1/3 of the contract sum due on or before April 15th of each year; The second semi-annual payment of 2/3, of the contract sum due on or before Nov 1st of each year; and, in consideration thereof, said Lessee covenants with the said Lessor, his heirs and assigns, as follows: 1. RENT: That he will pay rent for said land as above specified; 2. OPERATION: That he will farm said land according to the best farming practices in its locality and provide all tolls, implements, machinery and hired help necessary to that end; 3. SEED HARVESTING: That he will use on said land only the best seed available and will promptly pay all harvesting bills during said term; 4. WEEDS: That he will keep all land and adjoining fence lines and highways free from weeds, and destroy same before seeds ripen by spraying or otherwise, and will use herbicides to eradicate weeds on tillable land; 5. PLOWING: That as soon as possible after removal of crops each year he will plow all parts of said land for crops of the ensuing year; 6. REPAIRS: That he will perform all work of making repairs of the improvements on said land as soon as said Lessor furnishes materials; 7. IMPROVEMENTS: That he will accept all fences, the irrigation, well and 10-tower irrigation system, and other improvements on the premises as they now are, or any additions thereto, and to carefully care for and protect the same from fire, wind and all other hazards, and to keep the same clean and in repair, without demand upon or expense to the Lessor, the usual wear, inevitable accidents, and loss by fire, lighting, heavy wind, or tornado excepted, and Lessor shall not be liable for failure of the water supply, nor shall the rental be abated therefore; 8. Lessee agrees to allow the City or its authorized representatives full access to the farmland, and to use the biosolids from the City’s Wastewater Treatment Plant as a crop fertilizer (wholly or as a supplement) where directed by the City, and to follow the recommendations of a crop and land consultant hired by the City. - PAGE 2 OF 3 - 9. Excluding City needs, the Lessor agrees that this agreement includes exclusive use of irrigation well, electric driven well pump, booster pump pipes, and 7-tower electric Valley Center Pivot Irrigator. Irrigation needs of the Lessee have priority. Irrigation system and piping may be changed to eliminate irrigation overspray currently occurring on adjacent land not included within this lease agreement, or to reduce or eliminate irrigation on lands reduced by Lessor as per Section 13 herein. 10. Maintenance and incidental repair work to be responsibility of the Lessee. 11. Major repairs, items exceeding $500, caused by long term wear to be responsibility of the Lessor. 12. Lessor agrees to maintain complete insurance coverage on the irrigation equipment; Lessor is to keep the irrigation permit up to date. 13. Lessor may reduce the number of leased acres. Lessor will pay for changes to irrigation system resulting from such action. The total rent will be reduced by the per acre amount for the acres removed from the lease. Lessor may sell leased acres with lessee retaining rights to access, irrigation equipment and crop until harvested. 14. Lessee is responsible for all power bills due from running the irrigator and pump. If the irrigation system waters land which the City pulled from use by Lessee, the power bill shall be prorated to the City and Lessee, based upon the percent of water used by the City. Lessee shall provide power usage data to Lessor on demand. 15. Lessee agrees to allow north/south portions of the land to be used by the City for alternate crops, such as alfalfa or hay. Lessor agrees to credit the Lessee at the applicable lease rate per acre for any farmland the Lessor removes from use, due to the need to grow a crop the Lessee does not normally produce. The City will then make a separate agreement with Lessee or others to plant the area used for an alternate crop. 16. Lessor agrees to credit the Lessee for crop damage or reduced yields directly caused by the City, such as delays due to biosolids application, or direct damage from the City’s equipment. The value shall be based upon yields and sales of crops on the remaining portion of the farm. Should the water supply fail, the Lessor shall order the necessary repairs to the well, pump, motor and main power supply without unreasonable delay. 17. ASSIGNMENT AND SUBLETTING: That he will neither assign this lease nor sublet any part of said land without consent of said Lessor, 18. OPTION TO RENEW LEASE: The Lessee shall have the first option to extend or renew this lease, dependent upon successful negotiation of terms by both the Lessee and the City of Monticello; 19. SECURITY AGREEMENT: That, to secure performance of the terms and conditions herein, Lessee hereby grants to Lessor, his heirs and assigns, a security interest in all crops of every kind which have been planted or are growing, or which may hereafter be planted or growing on the above-described land. - PAGE 3 OF 3 - THIS SECURITY AGREEMENT IS SUBJECT TO THE TERMS PRINTED ON THE REVERSE SIDE HEREOF, WHICH ARE MADE A PART HEREOF. LESSEE’S RECEIPT FOR COPY The undersigned Lessee hereby acknowledges the receipt from the Lessor of a true, correct and complete copy of the forgoing Security Agreement and Lease. WITNESS Our hands this ________ day of __________, 20 15. _______________________________________ ________________________________________ Mark Holker - Lessee Jeff O’Neill City of Monticello - Lessor The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this __________ day of ___________________, 2014, by Jeff O’Neill, City of Monticello and Mark Holker. (Names of Persons Acknowledged) Acknowledged By: _________________________________________ My Commission Expires: ____________________, ___________ - PAGE 4 OF 3 - LESSEE HEREBY AGREES THAT: A. UNTIL DEFAULT, Lessee may retain possession of the Collateral and harvest, process, store and use it in any lawful manner not inconsistent with the agreements herein. B. DEFAULT, Lessee shall be in default under this Agreement upon the happening of any of the following events: (a) non payment, when due, of any amount payable on any of the liabilities or failure to observe or perform any term hereof; (b) any Lessee becomes insolvent or unable to pay debts as they mature or makes an assignment for the benefit of the creditors, or any proceeding is instituted by or against any lessee alleging that such lessee is insolvent or unable to pay debts as they mature; (c) the entry of any judgment against any lessee; (d) death of any lessee who is a natural person or of any partner of any lessee which is a partnership; (e) dissolution, merger or consolidation, or transfer of a substantial part of the property of any lessee which is a corporation or a partnership; (f) loss, theft, substantial damage, destruction or encumbrance of any of the collateral; or (g) if the lessor deems himself insecure for any reason. C. REMEDIES. In the event of a default, Lessor shall have the right, at his option and without demand or notice, to declare all or any part of the obligations immediately due and payable; and in addition, Lessor may exercise, in addition to the rights and remedies granted hereby, all of the rights and reme dies of a secured party under the Uniform Commercial Code or any other applicable law. Lessee agrees in the event of a default to make the collateral available to Lessor at a place to be designated by Lessor which is reasonably convenient. Lessee further agrees to pay all costs and expenses of Lessor, including reasonable attorney’s fees, in the collection of any of the obligations or the enforcement of any of Lessor’s rights. If any notice of sale, disposition or other intended action by Lessor is required by law to be given to Lessee, such notice shall be deemed reasonably and properly given if mailed to Lessee at the home address of Lessee, or at such other address of Lessee as may be shown on Lessor’s records, at least ten (10) days before such sale, disposition or other intended action. Waiver of any default hereunder by Lessor shall not be waiver of any other default or of a same default on a later occasion. No delay or failure by Lessor to exercise any right or remedy shall be a waiver of such right or remedy and no single or partial exercise by Lessor of any right or remedy shall preclude other or further exercise thereof or the exercise of any other right or remedy at any other time. D. TERMINATION. This Agreement and the security interest in the collateral created hereby shall terminate when the obligations have been paid in full. No waiver by Lessor of any default shall be effective unless in writing nor operate as a waiver of any other default or of the same default on a future occasion. E. ATTORNEY-IN-FACT. Lessor is hereby appointed Lessee’s attorney-in-fact to do all things and acts necessary to perfect and to continue to perfect the security interest and the collateral. F. ADDITIONAL PROVISIONS. (if none, insert “none”.) NONE G. The Security Agreement contains the entire agreement between the parties, and no oral agreement shall be binding. CityCouncilAgenda:11/09/2015 1 2H.ConsiderationofauthorizingFiberNetpurchaseofCalixCompasssoftwaresuitefor oneyear(BR/JO) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: CityCouncilisaskedtoauthorizeFiberNettopurchasetheCalixCompasssoftwaresuite foroneyear.LastAugustFiberNetstaffreceivedauthorizationforathreemonthtrialof thesoftware,whichendsinNovember.AfterusingthevariousapplicationsofCompass, FiberNetstaffisconvincedthesoftwareisavaluabletoolforthetechniciansandshould beconsideredforlong-termuse. Weacknowledgetherequestforaoneyearsubscriptioncomesduringthesearchfornew management;however,theoverallcostofthesoftwareislowerwithayearlong commitment,andstaffdoesnotbelievethepresenceofCompasswouldnegativelyaffect thecapabilitiesofanewmanager.Thesoftwarewouldbearesourceforincoming managementand,attheconclusionoftheyear,themanagerwoulddetermineiftheterm shouldbeextended.Inthemeantime,staffcouldcontinuetoutilizethetoolsofCompass duringthetransition. Asoutlinedinthepreviousstaffreport,thesoftwareallowsFiberNettechstogainnew dataandinsightsaboutthenetwork.Itwasdesignedwithnon-intrusivewaystomonitor andanalyzenetworktrafficasawholeandforspecificlocations.Becauseofthis, techniciansidentifyproblems,patterns,andopportunitiestomakeadjustments.During thetrialperiod,thesoftwarewasusedto: •Identifynetworkuserspotentiallyillegallydownloadingandfile-sharing.Per regulatoryrules,FiberNetsentnotificationoftheAcceptableUsePolicyand remindedusersofthepotentialforservicestobetemporarilyorpermanently turnedoffifusedforillegalactivities. •Preventahackingofthenetwork.TheCompasssoftwaresendsanotificationof hackattemptstotheheadendtechnician,sohecanworktostopitbeforeservices areaffected.Thisallowsstafftobeproactiveratherthanreactive. Inadditiontothenetworkadvantages,theCalixsoftwareprovidesdataforFiberNet technicianstotroubleshootmoreefficiently,improvingtheuserexperience.The Compassportalofferspreviouslyunavailableinformationinauser-friendlyscreensothat whenasubscribercallswithquestions,thetechnicianhasmoredatareadilyavailableto helpidentifyandsolveaproblem. Overthepastthreemonthstechsupportusedthesoftwaretosolvemoreproblemsover thephoneratherthandispatchingatechniciantotheresidenceorbusiness.Customersget solutionsfasterandFiberNethasthepotentialtoreducecostsassociatedwithservice calls.Examplesinclude: •Ifasubscriberresetsarouter.Previouslythiswouldhavenecessitateda techniciangoingtothehometore-provisiontherouter.WithCompass,the techniciancanconfiguretherouterfromtheheadend. CityCouncilAgenda:11/09/2015 2 •Ifacustomerhasquestionsaboutinternetspeed.Technicianscanseeifthereis anyinterferenceonthenetwork,howmuchbandwidthisbeingused,and efficientlymakerecommendationsforhowtooptimizespeedsavailable. •IfasubscriberforgetstheWi-Fipassword.ThemostcommonrouterFiberNet usesrequiredatechniciangoingtothehometoretrievethepassword.Thiscan nowbedoneremotelywiththeCompasssoftware. CalixofferstwopaymentoptionsforCompass.Thefirstoptionistocommitforone year;withthisoptionCalixwaivestheapproximately$3,000.00set-upfeeandcharges $0.55persubscriberatthesubscribercountonthedatethequotewasgiven.Thiswould resultinasinglepaymentof$10,255.00foroneyearofuse.Thesecondoptionistouse theserviceonamonth-to-monthbasis;withthisoptiontheset-upfeeappliesandCalix charged$0.55persubscribereachmonth.Sincethemonthlyfeeincreasesassubscriber countsincreaseandtheset-upfeeapplies,staffrecommendstheoneyearoption. Finally,pleasenotetheFiberNetAdvisoryBoardreceivedupdatesontheimpactofthe softwareduringthetrialandissupportiveofitscontinueduse. A1.BudgetImpact:Iftheoneyearoptionisselectedthetotalcostwouldnotexceed $11,000.1/12ofthefundswouldbeattributedtothe2015budgetandthe remainderwouldbeincludedinthe2016FiberNetbudget. Ifthemonth-to-monthoptionisselected,thestart-upfeeandinitialmonthwould notexceed$4,000andwouldbepartofthe2015budget.Theremainingmonthly paymentswouldbe$0.55persubscriberandapartofthe2016budget. Totalcostunderthisoptionforayearfromthedateofstartofservicewouldbe about$15,000.IfanewmanagerdecidednottocontinueCompass,savingswould beincurredifservicewerecancelledbeforeAugust2016.Ourviewistheservice willlikelybeneededbeyondthatdate,sostaffrecommendstheoneyearoption. A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:NostaffimpactifCompassisapproved.Thesoftware isalreadyinplace,andstaffhashad3monthstobecomefamiliarwithit. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.MotiontoauthorizepurchaseofCalixCompasssoftwaresuiteforoneyear. 2.MotiontoauthorizepurchaseofCalixCompasssoftwaresuiteonamonth-to- monthbasis. 3.MotiontodenypurchaseofCalixCompasssoftwaresuite. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: Basedonthemeritsofthesoftwareandtheoverallcost,staffrecommendsAlternative #1.Webelievethebestchoiceistocommittooneyearat$11,000knowingthatthe serviceiscurrentlyusefultostaffandpotentiallybeneficialtonewmanagement. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: •CalixCompassFastFactsSheet CityCouncilAgenda–11/09/2015 1 4A.ConsiderationtoapproveaConditionalUsePermitforaPlaceofPublicAssembly, inaB-3(HighwayBusiness)ZoningDistrictpursuanttoChapter5,Section1and Chapter5,Section2(D)oftheMonticelloZoningOrdinance.Applicant:Quarry CommunityChurch(NAC) Property:Legal:Lot1,Block1,GouldAddition,Monticello Address:3939ChelseaRoadWest PlanningCaseNumber:2015-042 A.REFERENCE&BACKGROUND Request(s):ApprovalofaConditionalUsePermittoallowQuarry CommunityChurchtooccupypropertyat3939Chelsea RoadW. DeadlineforDecision:October28,2015,deadlineforagencyactionextended toJanuary6th,2016 LandUseDesignation:PlacestoShop ZoningDesignation:B-3,HighwayBusiness Thepurposeofthe“B-3”(HighwayBusiness)districtis toprovideforlimitedcommercialandserviceactivities andprovideforandlimittheestablishmentofmotor vehicleorientedordependentcommercialandservice activities. Overlays/Environmental RegulationsApplicable:N/A CurrentSiteUse:Vacant SurroundingLandUses: North:I-94 East:AutomotiveService(ZonedB-3) South:VacantCommercial(ZonedB-3) West:AutomotiveDealership(ZonedB-3) ProjectDescriptionandBackground: QuarryChurchisseekingtolocatetheirchurchoperationsandfacilitiestothe propertyat3939ChelseaRoad.Thepropertywasinitiallydevelopedandoperatedas anautomobiledealership.OperationsforCornerstoneChevrolet,themostrecent automotivefacility,weremovedtothecornerofChelseaandHighway25,andthe CityCouncilAgenda–11/09/2015 2 propertyinquestionwasvacated.Forthepastseveralmonths,otheruseshave occasionallyoccupiedtheproperty,includinggeneralwarehousing. Earlierthisfall,theCityamendedthezoningordinancetoinclude“placesofpublic assembly”intheB-3districtasaconditionaluse.QuarryCommunityChurchhas subsequentlysubmittedanapplicationtooccupythesiteat3939ChelseaRoadWest asaconditionaluse.Theproposeduseofthesiteincludesreligiousservices;offices; studentprogramming;monthlyevents;annualconferences;andweddingceremonies. ANALYSIS PlacesofPublicAssemblyarecurrentlyallowedinvariousdistrictsofthecity,under thefollowingstandards,regardlessoflocationorzoningdistrict: 1.Institutionsonparcelsexceeding20,000squarefeetinareashallbe locatedwithdirectfrontageon,andaccessto,acollectororarterial street. 2.Thebuildingsaresetbackfromadjoiningresidentialdistrictsa distancenolessthandoubletheadjoiningresidentialsetback. 3.Whenabuttingaresidentialuseinaresidentialusedistrict,the propertyshallbescreenedwithanaestheticbuffer(Table4-2,Buffer Type“B”)inaccordancewithSection4.1(G)oftheOrdinance. 4.Adequateoff-streetparkingandaccessisprovidedonthesiteoron lotsdirectlyabuttingordirectlyacrossapublicstreetoralleytothe principaluseincompliancewithSection4.8ofthisordinanceandthat suchparkingisadequatelyscreenedandlandscapedfromsurrounding andabuttingresidentialusesincompliancewithSection4.1(F)ofthe Ordinance. 5.Adequateoff-streetloadingandserviceentrancesareconsideredand satisfactorilyprovided. Theapplicantshaveprovidedinformationconstitutingacompleteapplicationforthis project,andeachoftheapplicablerequirementsabovearemetwiththisapplication. Theresidentialproximityrequirementsarenotapplicable,asthereisnoresidential propertythatabutsthesubjectproperty. Inregardtotheconditionalusepermitfor“placeofpublicassembly”inaB-3 District,theB-3districtincludesthefollowingpurposestatement: Thepurposeofthe“B-3”(HighwayBusiness)districtistoprovidefor limitedcommercialandserviceactivitiesandprovideforandlimitthe CityCouncilAgenda–11/09/2015 3 establishmentofmotorvehicleorientedordependentcommercialand serviceactivities. Churchdevelopmenthaschangedovertimefromoldermodelsinwhichchurches werecommonlyembeddedinresidentialareas,anddrewpredominantlyfromthe surroundingneighborhood.Quarry’sapplicationisnotatypicalinthatmanychurch congregationsareseekinghigh-visibility/high-accesssitesforlargeassemblies attractingsignificantnumbersfromthesurroundingregion,notjustthelocalarea. Thesetypesoffacilitiesarenotamenabletoresidentialsurroundings. Achurchofthissizecanraiseissuesforcertaincommercialdevelopmentobjectives, includingcontinuityofretailinteractionandcompatibletrafficgeneration.The followingcriteriawasaddedviatherecentamendmentforconsiderationwhen lookingataCUPforachurchintheB-3district: 1.PublicAssemblyintheB-3isonlyallowedonpropertiesof10acresin sizeormore.Thepropertyis10.68acresinsize. 2.PublicAssemblyusesintheB-3mustoccupybuildingsofatleast20,000 grosssquarefeetofarea.Theexistingbuildingonthesiteismorethan 50,000squarefeetinusablearea.Theapplicantsproposedtooccupyall butabout15,000squarefeet,meetingtherequirement. 3.PublicAssemblyusesintheB-3Districtshallprovideoff-streetparking areasthataredesignedtomeettheiruniquetrafficpatternsandparking accumulationratios.FortheB-3District,therecommendedrequirement wouldbeoneparkingspaceper2.5seatsinthemainassemblyarea,based onthebuildingcodecalculationformaximumoccupancy.Asnoted below,theapplicant’sparkingsupplyonthepropertygreatlyexceedsthe requirement. 4. PublicAssemblyintheB-3Districtwillberequiredtoprovideatraffic studydemonstratingpeaktrafficperiods,andtheabilitytomanagetraffic loadswithoutnegativelyimpactingtheadjoiningpublicstreets.Private and/orpublicstreetimprovementsmayberequiredtoensurenonegative impacts.Theapplicanthassubmittedatrafficstudythatwasreviewed bytheCityEngineer.Thetrafficvolumesproposedbyapplicantisnot anticipatedtonegativelyimpactChelseaRoadoraccesstothesite.The 2015averagedailytrafficvolumeonChelseaRoadwasapproximately 4,600vehiclesperday.Theaverageandpeaktrafficvolumesproposed forthesiterangebetween308–383vehiclesperday.ChelseaRoadisa 44-footwidecollectorroadwaythatcanmanagethisincreaseintraffic fortheproposeduse. 5.CUPapplicationsforPublicAssemblyuseintheB-3Districtwillrequire theidentificationoftheprincipaluse,andthoseotherusesofthesubject CityCouncilAgenda–11/09/2015 4 propertythatareproposedasaccessoryuses.Allsuchusesmustbe allowedintheB-3District,andmayimpactothersupportactivitiessuch asparkingsupply.Asrequired,theapplicanthasidentifiedthevarious usesproposedtobepartoftheoccupancyofthebuilding,allofwhich relatetothebuildinguseasareligiousinstitution.Theleasespace,or theintroductionofotherusesnotmentioned,willrequireseparate reviewandapprovals. SitePlanReview Inadditiontotheabovegeneralstandardsfortheplacesofpublicassemblyand conditionalusepermit,theCity’ssiteplanreviewprocessaddressesthefollowing requirements: Landscaping.(Chapter4.1) OverstoryTrees.Thecoderequiresthatinstitutionalpropertiesplantoverstorytrees atarateof14caliperinchesperacre. Staffcomment.Onthissiteof10.68acres,atotalof150caliperinchesof overstorytreeswillberequired.Theplantingplanshowsamuchsmallertotal, althoughtherearesomeexistingtreesonsite.Theapplicantsshouldverify existingtreecount,andresubmitthelandscapingplantomeetthisrequirement. Shrubs.Shrubsshallbeplantedwithinlandscapingislandsataminimumrate necessarytoensurethatatleast25percentofthetotallandareaoccupiedby landscapingislandsisplantedwithshrubs. StaffComment:Thelandscapeislandsdonotappeartocontainanyshrubs.The landscapeplanshallbeupdatedtoincludeaminimumoftwenty-five(25) percentshrubcoverageonthelandscapeislands. ItemstobeScreened Largetrashhandlingandrecyclingcollectionareas(e.g.,dumpstersandcardboard recyclingcontainers); StaffComment:Thelandscapeplanshowsanexistingtrashhandlingarea towardthenortheastportionoftheproperty.Anyfutureexpansionofthe trashhandlingareawillrequirethesamebuildingmaterials.Thematerials usedwillcomplywithSection4.1(I)(3) LightingPlan Anexteriorlightingplanshallbesubmittedandapprovedalongwithanapplication foraSitePlan,andBuildingPermit. CityCouncilAgenda–11/09/2015 5 StaffComment:Theapplicanthassubmittedalightplan.Thelightplan includespolelightingaroundtheperimeteroftheproperty,andpolelighting throughouttheparkinglot.Thelightingplanappearstomeetthe requirementsofthecode. SignRegulations Theapplicantsproposetore-usetheexistingfreestandingsignonthesite,andadd threewallsigns.Thefreestandingsignwillbeinternallylit,whilethewallsignswill notincludeillumination. StaffComment:Thesignsappeartomeettherequirementsofthesign regulations. Directionalsignage InadditiontothesignallowedbySection4.5(J)(2)(b)(i),directionalsignagemaybe allowedonsiteinanamountnottoexceedthree(3)signswithanindividualsquare footagemaximumoften(10)squarefeeteachandthirty(30)totalsquarefeet. StaffComment:Thecurrentsignplandoesnotshowanydirectionalsignage onsite.Stafffeelsthatdirectionalsignageonasiteofthissizewillrequire severaldirectionalsigns.Anupdatedsignplanshowingalldirectional signageonsiteshallberequired. Parking -ChangeinUseorOccupancyofLand Therevisedordinancerequiresparkingonthesiteequaltooneparkingspaceper2.5 seatsinthemainassemblyhall,basedondesigncapacity.Thisspaceisshowntobe justover8,000squarefeet,withaplannedmaximumcapacityof500seats. StaffComment:Attheprescribedrate,theparkingrequirementwouldbe200 spaces.Staffandtheapplicantarelookingintothemaximumcapacityfor buildingcodepurposes,andwillprovidethatdatatothePlanning Commissionasapartofitsconsiderationoftheitem.Thesitehasmorethan 600availableparkingspaces,wellinexcessoftheexpectedneed. Grading,Drainage,StormwaterManagement,andErosionControlPlan Requirements StaffComment:TheCityEngineershallcommentonanyissuesrelatedto utilitiesorstormwatermanagement. PlanningCommissionRecommendation CityCouncilAgenda–11/09/2015 6 ThePlanningCommissionreviewedthisitemduringapublichearingonNovember 2nd,2015.ThePlanningCommissionhadfewcommentsoutsideofverifyingthe applicant’sunderstandingoftherequiredconditions.Theapplicant’srepresentative waspresentduringthemeetingandverifiedthattheyunderstandandintendto complywiththeconditions.ThePlanningCommissionrecommendedapprovalof theconditionalusepermit,4-0.Itshouldbenotedthattheapplicanthasalready suppliedtherequiredsiteplanillustratingrequiredfirelanesandhasindicated. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS ThePlanningCommissionrecommendsalternative#1below. 1.MotiontoapprovetheConditionalUsePermitforQuarryChurchtoallowa “PlaceofPublicAssembly”intheB-3district,basedonthefindingsinPlanning CommissionResolutionPC-2015-016andsubjecttotheconditionsasidentified inExhibitZ. 2.MotiontodenytherequestforConditionalUsePermitforQuarryChurchto allow“placesofassembly”intheB-3district,basedonfindingstobemadeby theCityCouncil. 3.Motionofother. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION StaffrecommendsapprovaloftheConditionalUsePermit,withtheconditionsnoted above,andaslistedinExhibitZ.Therecommendationisbasedonfindingsthatthe proposedapplicationisconsistentwiththegeneralandspecificrequirementsof zoningordinanceandtheB-3districtandthattheapplicationwillmeetall performancestandards,subjecttocompliancewiththoseconditionslistedinExhibit Z. D.SUPPORTINGDATA •ConditionsofApproval •ResolutionPC-2015-016 •ApplicantNarrative •ZoningMap •LocationMap •PlatMap •SiteandParkingPlan •LandscapingandParkingPlan •FloorPlan-Lower •FloorPlan–Upper CityCouncilAgenda–11/09/2015 7 •TrafficAnalysis •SignPlan •LightingPlan EXHIBITZ ConditionsofApproval Application 3939ChelseaRoad Lot1,Block1,GouldAddition,Monticello 1.Theapplicantupdatethelandscapeplantoshowfirelanesontheproperty. 2.Theapplicantshallprovideanupdatedlandscapeplantoshowexistingand proposedlandscaping. 3.Theapplicantshallsubmitanupdatedlandscapeplanshowingthematerialstobe usedonthelandscapeislands. 4.Thelandscapeplanshallbeupdatedtoincludeaminimumoftwenty-five(25) percentshrubcoverageonthelandscapeislands. 5.Anupdatedsignplanshowingalldirectionalsignageonsiteshallberequired. 6.Thesiteplanshallbeupdatedtoshowseatingcapacityinsidethefacilityto confirmtheamountofparkingnecessary. 7.TheCityEngineershallcommentonanyissuesthissitehashadinregardsto grading,drainage,orstormwatermanagement. 8.Trashenclosuretoberetained–anyfutureexpansionrequiressamematerials. Quarry Community Church 100 Chelsea Road Monticello, MN 55362 September 8, 2015 To Whom It May Concern - The Quarry Community Church is in process to purchase the property located on 3939 Chelsea Road West, Monticello, MN to use as their new office location, student ministries, and long term assembly location for their church body. The Quarry Church currently utilizes 100 Chelsea for office and student ministry activities. The Monticello Middle School is utilized for Sunday Worship activities and use the Monticello High School while renovations are occurring at the Middle School. Office use is typically 8-10 staff employees during the week and average about 350 (adults/children) on a Sunday. Depending on building requirements for an assembly this size, plan is to do some cosmetic changes only and move in as is. Future plan, is to build out an assembly area in one of the service areas as we grow and we will follow the site plan process for these changes and modifications. We are requesting for approval for assembly at 3939 Chelsea Road West, Monticello in the following way: •Approval to add a text amendment to B-3 zoning district allowing conditional use permit for church/ assembly use. The 3939 property allows us to continue to grow beyond our 5 year plan. Our current property allows for initial growth, but we will be looking at alternative options in the next 3-5 years. Primary use of the space will be for church service and activities. Listed below are planned uses of the space: •Office Staff (@8-10 people, M-F, 8am-5pm) •Worship Service (@350 people, Sunday 9am - 12pm, volunteers 7:30am - 1pm) •Student Ministries (@100 people, Wednesday 6pm - 9pm) •Monthly events (Women’s/Men’s Ministry, Elder Mtgs, Team Mtgs, etc, evenings @6:30-10pm) •Church Conference (TBD, once a year, @Thurs-Fri) •Weddings/Receptions/Funerals (TBD) •Fundraiser Events (Typically weekends; 2-4 times / year) •Prayer Meetings (weekly, 7-9am, currently Thursdays) •As a body we continue discussions in the area of how to best use the building. With the additional classroom space we may build out a plan for a daycare or preschool. Any expansion of other uses will be brought forward to City Administration for review of land use and building permit approvals. •There will be about 15K-20K of unused space (Technical Service Area) that the Quarry intends to use as storage and if possible find a renter that could use that space until the Quarry needs the space for expansion. Any potential renter will need to be reviewed by City Administration to confirm Land Use and building permit approvals. •At this time, there is a fenced in area to contain the garbage bins. This is the only outdoor storage that we will be using on this property. If there is a need for additional outdoor storage, we will review with the city for proper land use and building permits. The building at this time has numbers storage areas within the building. •The Quarry acknowledges the CUP approval criteria and will adhere to the use of the property as outlined in the CUP application along with the criteria outlined in Chapter 5 of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance. Additional Information: Parcel Ares: •10.66 acres / 464,350 SF Building Area: •57,450 SF Worship Area: •8,415 SF with 500 max seats. •500 seats / 4 seats per space = 125 parking stalls Office Area •21,011 SF / 300 sf per space = 73 parking stalls Storage (or commercial) •25,893 SF / 500 (or 200) = 52 parking stalls (or 129 parking stalls) Maximum stalls required = 327 parking stalls Total stalls available = 674 parking stalls •347 extra stalls Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Kari Sanders Kari Sanders
 Executive Director
 Quarry Community Church 612-209-4951 County Hwy 75 Chelsea Rd State Hwy 25 85th St NE 9 0 t h St N E Linn St Pine St 7th St School Blvd Riverview Dr Cedar St W River St Ma r vi n Rd Jason Ave Dundas Rd W Broadway St Hart Blvd Country La Haug Ave NE Elm St W 4th St Fenning Ave NE Oakwook Dr Mallard La 95th St NE Fallon Ave NE Edmonson Ave NE Mississippi Dr 5th St C o untry Club R d Sandberg Rd Pelican La Falcon Dr Fenning Ave Walnut St Oak Ridge Dr Oriole La Club View Rd Broadway St Hillcrest Rd E River St Headman La M il l Tra il L a Falcon Ave NE Wright StBenton St Elwood Rd Ramsey St 6th St River Mill Dr Wildwood Way Hilltop Dr Mill Run Rd Oak V iew L a Farmstead Ave Martin Dr 4th St E 3rd St E Red Rock La Gillard Ave NE Maple St Fallon Dr Willow St View La E Grey Stone Ave Marvin Elwood Rd Fieldcrest Cir Fairway Dr Jason Ave NE Vine St M e a d o w L a Jerry Liefert Dr Praire Rd Starling Dr Palm St Unknown or No Streetname Fallon Ave Golf Course Rd Falcon Ave Kevin Longley Dr Craig La Red Oak La Front St 5th St W Thomas Park Dr Locust St Mockingbird L a W 3rd St Eastwood Cir Briar Oaks Blvd F a r m s t e a d D r Henipin St Eider La Dayton St Oak La River Forest Dr Meadow Oak Ave Kampa Cir O a k Ri d g e C i r Mill Ct River Ridge La Garrison Ave Oakview Ct Dundas Cir Kenneth La Otter Creek Rd Minnesota St Eagle Cir Crocus La Meado w O ak La Stone Ridge Dr Chestnut St 1 2 0 t h S t N E Darrow Ave NE Diamond Dr Pebble Brook Dr Widgeon La Washington St Bunker Cir H o m estead D r Thomas Cir E n d i c o t t Tr Center Cir Oak View Cir Sandtrap Cir Country Cir Cheyen Ct Old Territo ral R d Tanager Cir Hillcrest Cir Osprey Ct Acorn Cir Balboul Cir S w allo w C ir R i v e r si d e C ir Meadow Oak Ct Matthew Cir E Oak Dr S t o n e R id g e Ci r Oakwood Dr Meadow Oak Ave NE County H wy 75 Hart Blvd Marvin Rd Marvin Rd Wright St 90th St NE Cedar St Minnesota St 01 City of Monticello Official Zoning Map 10-10-14 :Legend BASE ZONING DISTRICTS Residential Districts -- Low Residential Densities -- Medium Residential Densities -- High Residential Densities Business Districts Industrial Districts OTHER Water A-O R-A R-1 T-N R-2 R-PUD R-3 R-4 B-1 B-2 B-3 B-4 CCD IBC I-1 I-2 M-H Mississippi Wild, Scenic & Rec Overlay District OVERLAY DISTRICTS Performance Based Overlay District ! ! ! !!!! ! ! !!!!! Shoreland District Special Use Overlay District ! ! ! !!!! ! ! !!!!! Freeway Bonus Sign District PUDs Swan River01 3939 Chelsea Rd W B-3 B-3B-3 B-3 B-4 B-4 B-4 B-3 B-3 3939 Chelsea Rd W Larson Engineering, Inc. 816 W. St. Germain St. Suite 308 St. Cloud, MN 56301 320.428.5824 www.larsonengr.com September 3, 2014 Shibani Bisson, PE WSB & Associates, Inc. 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 RE: Traffic Information Quarry Community Church 3939 Chelsea Monticello, MN LEI Project No.: 12156000.000 Dear Shibani: Dean Wick asked me to look into the traffic projections for the above referenced project. The church will consist of approximately 47,000 sf with the potential seating capacity of 500. The area and seating is not expected to be fully utilized initially. The following numbers represent full utilization: Quarry Community Church Average Daily Traffic (typical weekday): 383 Peak Hour Traffic (typical weekday): 24 Peak Hour Traffic (Sunday/Wednesday): 308 Please contact me with any questions. Thank you. Sincerely, Larson Engineering, Inc. Thomas J. Herkenhoff, P.E. Project Engineer therkenhoff@larsonengr.com Street signage (could be blue or black). This is an exisng sign on Chelsea. The sign is 10’-0” wide x 10’-2” high x 17 1/4” thick (including base). View from Chelsea Road (7’-6” wide x 6’-0” high) Paral view from I94 (5’-0” high x 28’-0” wide) View from I94 (5’-0” high x 28’-0” wide) CityCouncilAgenda–11/09/2015 1 4B.ConsiderationtoapproveOrdinanceNo.626andSummaryOrdinanceNo.626Afor amendmenttotheMonticelloZoningOrdinanceprovidingforProduction Breweries,BreweryTaprooms,Brewpubs,Micro-Distilleries,andCocktailRoomsin variouszoningdistricts.Applicant:CityofMonticello.(NAC) PlanningCaseNumber:2015-044 A.REFERENCE&BACKGROUND Request(s):Proposedamendmentstoaccommodatethe developmentofcraftbeerandliquorestablishments, andtheproperlocationofsuchestablishmentsinthe variouszoningdistrictsoftheCity. DeadlineforDecision:NA LandUseDesignation:Varies ZoningDesignation:Varies(SeeAnalysisbelow) ANALYSIS TheCityhashadinquiriesoverthepastseveralmonthsastothepossibilityof establishingsmallbrewerieswhichwouldhavetheabilitytoselltheirproduct“on- sale”tothepublicasapartoftheirproductionfacility.Theindustry,whichstarted initiallywithsmallbeerbrewers,hasgrowntoincludedistilledspiritsaswell.The Statehasamendedthestatutestoaccommodatetheseusesinlocalliquorlicensing practice,dependentupontheinterestofthelocalmunicipality. Thereareavarietyoftypesofactivitiesinthisareathatwillrequirezoningchangesif theCityistoaccommodatethem.Priortothesechanges,themostcommon traditionallandusesincludedthefollowing: •Productionbreweryordistillery.Thesefacilitiesbrewbeerordistillspiritssolely forthepurposeofpackagingtheproductanddistributingthepackagedproductto retailersforoff-salepurchasebythepublic.Thesehavetraditionallybeen consideredindustrialuses,andlocatedinindustrialzoningdistricts. •Retailliquorstores.Thesefacilitiespurchasepackagedproductfromthe distributor,andretailitoff-saletothepublic,inaclosedpackageforconsumption offthepremises.Thehavemostoftenbeenconsideredtobecommercialventures inbusinesszoningdistricts. •BarsandRestaurants.Thesefacilitiespurchasepackagedproductfromthe distributorandsellit“on-sale”tothepublic,bythedrink,forconsumptiononthe CityCouncilAgenda–11/09/2015 2 premises.Thesefacilitiesaremostcommonlylocatedincommercialareaswith businesszoning. •BrewPubs.Amodifiedfacility(knownasa“BrewPub”cametothescenesome yearsago,producing(usually)beeronthesite,andservingittocustomersbythe drink,forconsumptiononthepremises.Noproductionforoff-sitesaleis includedinthisuse,however,thepackagingofthebeerin“growler”bottlesfor off-siteconsumption–usuallya64ouncebottle,hasbeenaroutinecomponentof thisuse.Thesefacilitieshavemostoftenbeentreatedasbarsand/orrestaurants– despitethelimitedproductionaspect–andaretypicallylocatedinareaswith othercommercialusesandzoning. •TaproomsandCocktailRooms.Themostrecentchangeistheaccommodationof “taprooms”(inthecaseofbreweries)and“cocktailrooms”(inthecaseofmicro- distilleries).Thesefacilitiesarelicensedasproductionbreweriesordistilleries (packagingforoff-sale),oftenwithlimitationsontotalproductioncapacity,but whichalsocontainaccessoryfacilitiesforservingtheproductbythedrinkonthe productionpremises.Manytaproomsandcocktailroomsincludesomelevelof foodservice,orworkwithlocalrestaurantsorfoodtruckstoprovidefoodservice tothetaproompatrons. Fortaproomsandcocktailrooms,thedistinctionbetweenindustrialuseandcommercial usebecomesmoreblurred.Manyfacilitieslicensedandoperatingastaproomssellallof theirproductionthroughthetaproom,anddon’tdistributeforseparatepackagedretail sale–especiallyintheearlieryearsoftheirexistence. ThequestionfortheCityistwo-fold.Thefirstishowtolicensethefacilitiesthroughthe City’sliquorlicensingprocess.ThisisaCityCouncilpower,andisbeingaddressedby theCouncilundertheCity’sCityCode(Chapter3).Thesecondisazoningquestion–in whichareas(andthus,zoningdistricts)shouldeachofthesenewerfacilitiesbeallowed? Staffisproposingthefollowingclassifications: Definitions: (A)“Taproom”meansaroomthatisancillarytotheproductionofbeerataproduction brewerywherethepubliccanpurchaseand/orconsumeonlythebeerproducedon site. (B)“Wholesaler”meansanypersonengagedinthebusinessofsellingalcoholic beveragestoretaildealers. (C)“Wine”meanstheproductmadefromthenormalalcoholicfermentationofgrapes, includingstillwine,sparklingandcarbonatedwine,winemadefromcondensedgrape must,winemadefromotheragriculturalproductsthansound,ripegrapes,imitation wine,compoundssoldaswine,vermouth,cider,sherryandsake,ineachinstance CityCouncilAgenda–11/09/2015 3 containingnotlessthanonehalfofonepercentnormorethan24%alcoholby volumefornonindustrialuse. (D)“MicroDistillery”meansadistillerythatproduces40,000proofgallonsofliquoror lessannually. (E)“BrewPub”meansarestaurant-brewerythatsells85%ormoreofitsbeeron-site. Thebeerisbrewedprimarilyforsaleintherestaurantandbar,andmaybedispensed directlyfromthebrewery’sstoragetanks.Brewpubsmayalsosellbeerforoff-sale consumptioningrowlercontainers. (F)“ProductionBrewery”meansafacilitythatmanufactures,processesandwarehouses beerforwholesaledistributioninoff-salepackagestoretailliquorestablishmentsand mayretailbeerproductforon-siteconsumptioninataproomforoff-siteconsumption asgrowlers.Aproductionbrewermaynothaveanownershipinterestinabrewery licensedunderMinnesotaStatutesSection43-A.409,Subd.6,clause(d). (G)“CocktailRoom”meansaroomthatisancillarytotheproductionofliquorata productiondistillerywherethepubliccanpurchaseand/orconsumeonlytheliquor producedonsite. (H)“Growler”meansa64fluidounce(1.89liter)containerofbeerthatismadeavailable forpurchaseatthebrewerywhereit’sproduced.Saidcontainerisavailableforoff- saleconsumptiononly. Theusetablewouldbemodifiedtoincludethefollowingprovisions: Production Breweryor Distillerywithout taproom Production Breweryor Distillerywith accessory taproom BrewPub Restaurants (existing regulations) CCD NA C P P B-3 NA C P P B-4 NA C P P IBC NA C NA NA I-1,I-2 P C NA NA Thetermsofthevarioususeswouldbenotedbyreference,anddefinedasfollows: CCDRegulations 1.BrewPubs,providedthat: a.Thebrewpubsells85%ormoreofitsbeeron-site. CityCouncilAgenda–11/09/2015 4 b.Thebeerisbrewedprimarilyforsaleintherestaurantandbar,and maybedispenseddirectlyfromthebrewery’sstoragetanks. c.Brewpubsmayalsosellbeerforoff-saleconsumptioningrowler containersprovidedtheconditionsinSection3-18-5aremet 2.ProductionBreweriesandMicro-DistillerieswithAccessoryTaproomor CocktailRoom,providedthat: a.Theownerofthebreweryqualifiesforandreceivesabrewerlicense andamaltliquorwholesalelicenseofwholesaleofmaltliquorasan intendedactivityfromtheStateofMinnesota,accordingtoMinn. StatutesSection340A.301. b.TheBreweryorDistilleryincludesanaccessorybrewer'staproomor cocktailroomfortheon-saleofproductsproducedon-site,andsuch roomshallrequiretheapplicablelicensefromtheCityofMonticello, accordingtoCityCodeSection3-1-13 c.On-sitesaleofbeerintheformofgrowlersshallrequireaBrewery LicenseforOff-SaleofMaltLiquor,accordingtoCityCodeSection 3-1-13.Off-salehoursofsalemustconformtohoursofsaleforretail off-salelicenseesintheCityofMonticello. d.Totalproductionofmaltliquormaynotexceed10,000barrels annually.Ofthe10,000barrelproductionlimit,onsitetaproom retailsalesshallnotexceed3,500barrelsannually,500barrelsof whichmaybesoldoff-saleasgrowlers.Thebrewershallannually submitproductionreportswiththerequesttorenewabrewer taproomoroff-salemaltliquorlicense. e.Amicro-distillerymaybeissuedalicenseforoff-saleofdistilled spirits.Thelicensemayallowthesaleofone375milliliterbottleper customerperdayofproductmanufacturedon-site,subjecttothe followingrequirements: i.Off-salehoursofsalemustconformtohoursofsaleforretail off-salelicenseesintheCityofMonticello. ii.Nobrandmaybesoldatthemicro-distilleryunlessitisalso availablefordistributionbywholesalers. f.Totalproductionofliquormaynotexceed40,000proofgallons annually.Ofthe40,000proofgallonproductionlimit,onsite cocktailretailsalesshallnotexceed3,500proofgallonsannually, 500proofgallonsofwhichmaybesoldoff-salein375milliliter CityCouncilAgenda–11/09/2015 5 bottles.Thedistillershallannuallysubmitproductionreportswith therequesttorenewacocktailroomoroff-saleliquorlicense. g.Thebreweryfacilityprovidesadequatespaceforoff-streetloadingand unloadingofalltrucksgreaterthantwenty-two(22)feetinlength.In theabsenceofoff-streetloading,theCitymayimposelimitsondeliveries orshipmentsusingthepublicrightofways,includingregulatingthenumberof trucksperdayandthehoursthatdeliveriesarepermitted. h.Loadingdocksshallbelocatedanddesignedsotheyarenotvisible fromadjoiningpublicstreetsoradjoiningresidentialzoning. i.Nooutdoorstorageispermittedonthesite,withtheexceptionthatwaste handling(refuseand/orrecycling)mayoccurinanenclosurethatisfully screenedfromadjoiningstreetsandresidentialzoning. j.Noodorsfromthebusinessmaybeperceptiblebeyondtheproperty line. k.Thebusinessmustbehousedinabuildingthatutilizesbuildingdesignsimilar to,orcompatiblewith,commoncommercialarchitecture,andshallavoid largewallexpanseswhichcontributetoanindustrialenvironment.The brewermustdemonstratethecapacityforproducing,processingand storingmaltliquoronthecommercialsitethroughtheprovisionofa buildingfloorplanillustratingproduction,bottling,andstorageareas. l.AllexteriorlightingshallbecompliantwithChapter4.4ofthe MonticelloZoningCode. B-3andB-4,BusinessDistrictRegulations 1.BrewPubs:sameconditionsasCCD 2.ProductionBreweriesandMicroDistilleries with taproomsorcocktail rooms:sameconditionsasCCD IBC,Industrial-BusinessCampusRegulations 1.ProductionBreweriesandMicroDistilleries with taproomsorcocktail rooms,allowableundersameconditionsasI-1andI-2,aswellas: a)Thefacilityislocatedinanareathatincludesand/orserves commercialtraffic. b)Thefacilityisnotlocatedwithin500feetofaresidentialzoning district. CityCouncilAgenda–11/09/2015 6 I-1andI-2,IndustrialDistrictRegulations 1.ProductionBreweriesandMicroDistilleries with taproomsorcocktail rooms,providedthat: a.Thefacilityislocatedinanareathatincludesand/orserves commercialtraffic. b.Thefacilityisnotlocatedwithin500feetofaresidentialzoning district. c.Theownerofthebreweryqualifiesforandreceivesabrewer licenseandamaltliquorwholesalelicenseofwholesaleofmalt liquorisanintendedactivityfromtheStateofMinnesota, accordingtoMinn.StatutesSection340A.301. d.Totalproductionofmaltliquormaynotexceed250,000barrels annually. 2.ProductionBreweriesandMicro-Distilleries,providedthat: e.Theownerofthebreweryqualifiesforandreceivesabrewer licenseandamaltliquorwholesalelicenseofwholesaleofmalt liquorisanintendedactivityfromtheStateofMinnesota, accordingtoMinn.StatutesSection340A.301. f.Totalproductionofmaltliquormaynotexceed250,000barrels annually. Summary Thematerialsabovearerepresentativeofthelanguagethatwouldcomprisean ordinancerelatingtotheproposeduses.Staff’sintentistoaccommodatethegrowth ofthisrelativelynewtypeoflanduse,particularlyasitcanbeacomponentof recreationand/ortourism-relatedcommercialandeconomicdevelopment.The proposedlanguageissimilartothatfoundinothercommunitiesintheregion,and shouldprovidereasonableprotectionsfromlanduseconflictsthatcanresultfromthe intermixingoftheseuses. PlanningCommissionRecommendation ThePlanningCommissionreviewedthisitemandheldapublichearingonNovember 2nd,2015.ThePlanningCommissionrecommended4-0fortheadoptionofthe ordinanceamendments.ThecommentsoftheCommissionindicatedthatthe adoptionoftheordinancewouldprovidetheopportunityforsuchusesinthecity. CityCouncilAgenda–11/09/2015 7 B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS 1.MotiontoapproveOrdinanceNo.626andtoadoptsummaryOrdinanceNo. 626AforamendmenttotheMonticelloZoningOrdinanceestablishingregulations forProductionBreweries,BreweryTaprooms,BrewPubs,Micro-distilleries,and CocktailRooms,basedonfindingsinPlanningCommissionResolutionNo.PC- 2015-018. 2.MotiontodenyadoptionofOrdinanceNo.626andsummaryOrdinanceNo. 626A,basedonfindingstobemadebytheCityCouncil. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION Staffrecommendsadoptionoftheordinance.Thesenewerlandusesarebecoming morepopular,andasnotedabove,canserveasimportantcomponentsoftheCity’s economicdevelopmentprogramming. D.SUPPORTINGDATA •OrdinanceNo.626 •SummaryOrdinanceNo.626A •ResolutionNo.PC-2015-018 •CityCouncilagendaitem9/28/15 •MonticelloZoningOrdinance,Excerpts ORDINANCE NO. 626 CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA AMENDING TITLE 10 OF THE MONTICELLO ZONING CODE FOR THE FOLLOWING SECTIONS: SECTION 5.1(A) – USE TABLE; SECTION 5.2 – USE-SPECIFIC STANDARDS (F) – REGULATIONS FOR COMMERCIAL USE; SECTION 5.2 – USE-SPECIFIC STANDARDS (G) – REGULATIONS FOR INDUSTRIAL USE; 5.3 – ACCESSORY USE STANDARDS AND SECTION 8.4 - RULES AND DEFINITIONS THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA, HEREBY ORDAINS: Section 1. Chapter 5.1(A) Use Standards - Use Table is hereby amended to add the following uses to the districts as shown: CCD B-3 B-4 IBC I-1 I-2 Brew Pub P P P Production Brewery or Micro- Distillery without Taproom P P Production Brewery or Micro- Distillery with Accessory Taproom C C C C C C Section 2. Chapter 5, Section 2, Use-Specific Standards (F) – Regulations for Commercial Uses is hereby amended as follows: (7) Brew Pubs (a) Brew Pubs shall be permitted in the CCD, B-3 and B-4 Districts provided that: i. The brew pub sells 85% or more of its beer on-site. ii. The beer is brewed primarily for sale in the restaurant and bar, and may be dispensed directly from the brewery’s storage tanks. iii. Brewpubs may also sell beer for off-sale consumption in growler containers provided the conditions in Section 3-18-5 are met. ORDINANCE NO. 626 Section 3. Chapter 5, Section 2, Use-Specific Standards (F) – Regulations for Commercial Uses is hereby amended as follows: (23) Production Breweries and Micro-Distilleries with Accessory Taproom or Cocktail Room (a) Production Breweries and Micro-Distilleries with Accessory Taproom or Cocktail Room shall be allowed by conditional use permit in the CCD, B-3 and B-4 Districts, provided that: i. The owner of the brewery qualifies for and receives a brewer license and a malt liquor wholesale license of wholesale of malt liquor as an intended activity from the State of Minnesota, according to Minn. Statutes Section 340A.30 1. ii. The Brewery or Micro-Distillery includes an accessory brewer's taproom or cocktail room for the on-sale of products produced on- site, and such room shall require the applicable license from the City of Monticello, according to City Code Section 3-1-13 iii. On-site sale of beer in the form of growlers shall require a Brewery License for Off-Sale of Malt Liquor, according to City Code Section 3-1-13. Off-sale hours of sale must conform to hours of sale for retail off-sale licensees in the City of Monticello. iv. Total production of malt liquor may not exceed 10,000 barrels annually. Of the 10,000 barrel production limit, onsite taproom retail sales shall not exceed 3,500 barrels annually, 500 barrels of which may be sold off-sale as growlers. The brewer shall annually submit production reports with the request to renew a brewer taproom or off-sale malt liquor license. v. A micro-distillery may be issued a license for off-sale of distilled spirits. The license may allow the sale of one 375 milliliter bottle per customer per day of product manufactured on-site, subject to the following requirements:  Off-sale hours of sale must conform to hours of sale for retail off-sale licensees in the City of Monticello.  No brand may be sold at the micro-distillery unless it is also available for distribution by wholesalers. ORDINANCE NO. 626 vi. Total production of liquor may not exceed 40,000 proof gallons annually. Of the 4 0,000 proof gallon production limit, onsite cocktail retail sales shall not exceed 3,500 proof gallons annually, 500 proof gallons of which may be sold off -sale in 375 milliliter bottles. The distiller shall annually submit production reports with the request to renew a cocktail r oom or off-sale liquor license. vii. The brewery or micro-distillery facility provides adequate space for off-street loading and unloading of all trucks greater than twenty-two (22) feet in length. In the absence of off-street loading, the City may impose limits on deliveries or shipments using the public right of ways, including regulating the number of trucks per day and the hours that deliveries are permitted. viii. Loading docks shall be located and designed so they are not visible from adjoining public streets or adjoining residential zoning. ix. No outdoor storage is permitted on the site, with the exception that waste handling (refuse and/or recycling) may occur in an enclosure that is fully screened from adjoining streets and residential zoning. x. No odors from the business may be perceptible beyond the property line. xi. The business must be housed in a building that utilizes building design similar to, or compatible with, common commercial architecture, and shall avoid large wall expanses which contribute to an industrial environment. xii. The brewer must demonstrate the capacity for producing, processing and storing malt liquor on the commercial site through the provision of a building floor plan illustrating production, bottling, and storage areas. xiii. All exterior lighting shall be compliant with Chapter 4.4 of the Monticello Zoning Code. Section 4. Chapter 5, Section 2, Use-Specific Standards (G) – Regulations for Industrial Uses is hereby amended to add the following: (10) Production Breweries and Micro-Distilleries with Accessory Taproom or Cocktail Room ORDINANCE NO. 626 (a) Production Breweries and Micro-Distilleries with Accessory Taproom or Cocktail Room shall be allowed by conditional use permit in the IBC, I-1 and I-2 Districts, provided that: i. The facility is located in an area that includes and/or serves commercial traffic. ii. The facility is not located within 500 feet of a residential zoning district. iii. The owner of the brewery qualifies for and receives a brewer license and a malt liquor wholesale license of wholesale of malt liquor is an intended activity from the State of Minnesota, according to Minn. Statutes Section 340A.301. iv. Total production of malt liquor may not exceed 250,000 barrels annually. (11) Production Breweries and Micro-Distilleries (a) Production Breweries and Micro-Distilleries shall be allowed as a permitted use in the I-1 and I-2 District, provided that: i. The owner of the brewery qualifies for and receives a brewer license and a malt liquor wholesale license of wholesale of malt liquor is an intended activity from the State of Minnesota, according to Minn. Statutes Section 340A.301. ii. Total production of malt liquor may not exceed 250,000 barrels annually. Section 5. Chapter 5.3 - Accessory Use Standards (C) Table of Permitted Accessory Uses is hereby amended as follows: “Taproom (Retail Sales Accessory to Production Brewery)” shall be added to Table 5-4-Accessory Uses by District as a conditional use in the CCD, B-3, B-4, IBC, I-1 and I-2 Districts. “Cocktail Room (Retail Sales Accessory to Micro-Distillery)” shall be added to Table 5-4-Accessory Uses by District as a conditional use in the CCD, B-3, B-4, IBC, I-1 and I-2 Districts. Section 6. Chapter 5.3 - Accessory Use Standards (D) - Additional Specific Standards for Certain Accessory Uses is hereby amended as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 626 (10) Cocktail Rooms (a) Cocktail rooms shall be conditionally permitted as accessory uses only to a Micro-Distillery as a principal use and subject to those conditions found in Chapter 5, Section 2 for Micro-Distillery. (31) Taprooms (a) Taprooms shall be conditionally permitted as accessory uses only to Production Brewery as a principal use and subject to those conditions found in Chapter 5, Section 2 for Production Brewery. Section 7. Chapter 8.4 - Rules and Definitions is hereby amended to add the following: BREW PUB: A restaurant-brewery that sells 85% or more of its beer on-site. The beer is brewed primarily for sale in the restaurant and bar, and may be dispensed directly from the brewery’s storage tanks. Brewpubs may also sell beer for off- sale consumption in growler containers. COCKTAIL ROOM: A room that is ancillary to the production of liquor at a production distillery where the public can purchase and /or consume only the liquor produced on site. GROWLER: A 64 fluid ounce (1.89 liter) container of beer that is made available for purchase at the brewery where it’s produced. Said container is available for off-sale consumption only. MICRO DISTILLERY: A distillery that produces 40,000 proof gallons of liquor or less annually. PRODUCTION BREWERY: A facility that manufactures, processes and warehouses beer for wholesale distribution in off-sale packages to retail liquor establishments and may retail beer product for on-site consumption in a taproom for off-site consumption as growlers. A production brewer may not have an ownership interest in a brewery licensed under Minnesota Statutes Section 43- A.409, Subd. 6, clause (d). TAPROOM: A room that is ancillary to the production of beer at a production brewery where the public can purchase and /or consume only the beer produced on site. WHOLESALER: Any person engaged in the business of selling alcoholic beverages to retail dealers. ORDINANCE NO. 626 WINE: The product made from the normal alcoholic fermentation of grapes, including still wine, sparkling and carbonated wine, wine made from condensed grape must, wine made from other agricultural products than sound, ripe grapes, imitation wine, compounds sold as wine, vermouth, cider, sherry and sake, in each instance containing not less than one half of one percent nor more than 24% alcohol by volume for nonindustrial use. Section 8. The City Clerk is hereby directed to make the changes required by this Ordinance as part of the Official Monticello City Code, Title 10, Zoning Ordinance, and to renumber the tables and chapters accordingly as necessary to provide the intended effect of this Ordinance. The City Clerk is further directed to make necessary corrections to any internal citations and diagrams that result from such amendments, provided that such changes retain the purpose and intent of the Zoning Ordinance as has been adopted. Section 9. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in full force from and after its passage and publication. Revisions will be made online after adoption by Council. Copies of the complete Zoning Ordinance are available online and at Monticello City Hall. ADOPTED BY the Monticello City Council this 9th day of November, 2015. CITY OF MONTICELLO __________________________________ Brian Stumpf, Mayor ATTEST: ___________________________________ Jeff O’Neill, City Administrator VOTING IN FAVOR: VOTING IN OPPOSITION: SUMMARY ORDINANCE NO. 626A CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA A SUMMARY ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 10 OF THE MONTICELLO CITY CODE KNOWN AS THE ZONING ORDINANCE FOR THE FOLLOWING:  SECTION 5.1(A) – USE TABLE;  SECTION 5.2 – USE-SPECIFIC STANDARDS (F) – REGULATIONS FOR COMMERCIAL USE;  SECTION 5.2 – USE-SPECIFIC STANDARDS (G) – REGULATIONS FOR INDUSTRIAL USE;  SECTION 5.3 – ACCESSORY USE STANDARDS; AND  SECTION 8.4 – RULES AND DEFINITIONS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, on November 9, 2015, Ordinance No. 626 was adopted by the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota. Due to the lengthy nature of Ordinance No. 626, the following Summary Ordinance No. 626A has been prepared for publication as authorized by state law. The ordinance adopted by the Council amends Title 10 of the Monticello Zoning Code. The general purpose of the ordinance amendments are to clarify various chapters and sections with changes to the following: 5.1 (A): Use Standards – Use Table 5-2 (F): Use-Specific Standards – Regulations for Commercial Uses 5.2 (G): Use-Specific Standards – Regulations for Industrial Use 5.3 (C): Accessory Use Standards – Table of Permitted Accessory Uses 5.3 (D): Accessory Use Standards – Additional Specific Standards for Certain Accessory Uses 8.4: Rules and Definitions A printed copy of the whole ordinance is available for inspection by any person during the City’s regular office hours. The complete ordinance will be posted on the City’s website following publication. APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION by the City Council of Monticello, Minnesota, this 9th day of November, 2015. CITY OF MONTICELLO ____________________________________ Brian Stumpf, Mayor ATTEST: _______________________________________ Jeff O’Neill, City Administrator VOTING IN FAVOR: VOTING IN OPPOSITION: CityCouncilAgenda:09/28/15 1 2I.ConsiderationofadoptingOrdinance#625amendingcityliquorordinancesby amendingSundayon-saleintoxicatingliquorhours,addingSection3-1-13:Brew Pubs,BrewerTaproomsandMicrodistilleries,andamendingtheFeeSchedule (JS/AS) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: CityCouncilisaskedtoadoptanordinancewhichprovidesforchangestotheCity’s currentliquorordinance.Therearethreeamendmentsforconsideration:1)Saleof Sundayon-saleliquor;2)Theadditionofsection3-1-13:BrewPubs,BrewerTaproom andMicrodistilleries;and3)AmendmenttotheFeeSchedule. ThisfirstordinanceamendmentisamendingSection3,Chapter1–Beer;Section3 Chapter2–Liquor;Section3,Chapter4–LiquorbytheDrink;andSection3,Chapter 11–OnSaleWineLicense.Thisamendmentisbeingpromptedbyrecentchangesto MinnesotaStatutesrelatingtotimeswhenintoxicatingliquormaybesoldonSundays. Currently,Monticello’sLiquorOrdinanceforSundayon-salesofintoxicatingliquor cannotbeginuntil10a.m.Theomnibustaxbillof2015givescitiestheauthorityto extendhoursforthesesalessothattheybeginat8a.m.Therehasbeensupportfrom somelocalestablishmentsforthischange. ThesecondordinanceamendmentistheadditionofSection3-1-13:BrewPubs,Brewer TaproomandMicrodistilleries.In2011,MinnesotaStatutes§340A.301wasamendedto addabrewertaproomlicense.Theamendmentmadeitlegalforsmallerbrewers(those thatproducesnotmorethan250,000barrelsofmaltliquorannually)toselltheirbeerfor consumptiononthebrewerysite.(Notethatonebarrelequals31gallons).Inaddition, StateStatuewasalsoamendedin2015toallowfortheSundaysaleofgrowlers.Acopy ofthestatelawthatappliesisattached.Ourcurrentintoxicatingliquorordinancedoes notcontemplatethesetypesofestablishments. CitystaffconsultedwithCityAttorneyJoelJamnikregardingtheproposedamendment relatingtobrewpubs,taproomsanddistilleriesandtherecommendedchangesinthe documentfollowStateStatute. Tobetterunderstandeachoftheseestablishments: •BrewPubisabrewerwhoalsoholdsoneormoreretailon-salelicenseandwho manufacturesfewerthan3,500barrelsofmaltliquorinayear,atanyonelicensed premises,theentireproductionofwhichissolelyforconsumptionontaponany licensedpremisesownedbythebrewer,orforoff-salefromthosepremises. •Taproomisabrewer(licensedbyState)whosellsforconsumptionmaltliquor theyproduceontheirpremises.Abrewercannotbrewmorethan250,000barrels ofmaltliquorannually. •Microdistilleryisadistilleryoperatedwithinthestateproducingpremium, distilledspiritsintotalquantitynottoexceed40,000proofgallonsinacalendar year. CityCouncilAgenda:09/28/15 2 SomeareasofconsiderationfortheCityCouncil: •Thelanguagedraftedwouldallowbutnotrequiregrowlerlicensesfortaprooms orbrewpubs.ItisuptotheCityCouncilonwhetherestablishmentsareallowed anoff-salelicense.Inaddition,in2015thestatutewasamendedtoallowgrowler salesonSundays.Agrowlerisa64-ouncecontainerofmaltliquor. •TheZoningOrdinancewillneedtobeupdatedtoallowforsuchestablishments. ThethirdamendmentisanamendmenttoChapter20,Section1byaddingthelicensesto thefeeschedule.Therewerethreelicensefeesadded:theBrew-PubOff-sale;the Taproom;andtheMicrodistillery.(Seeattacheddocument). Amendmentshavebeenpreparedfortheaffectedordinancesections.Pleasereferto supportingdatafortheproposedamendments.Itshouldbenotedthattheseordinance amendments,onceapproved,willgointoeffectonthedatetheyarepublishedinthe officialnewspaper. A1.BudgetImpact:Therewillbeminimalcostforpublishingthesummary ordinanceamendments. A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:StafftimetoprepareandupdatetheCityOrdinances. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.ApproveOrdinance#625(threeamendments)inseparatemotions: A.Motiontoadoptamendment1-Section3.1,3.2,3.4,3.11tochangeSunday on-salesofintoxicatingliquortobeginat8a.m. B.Motiontoadoptamendment2-toaddSection3.1.13BrewPubs,Brewer TaproomandMicrodistilleries. C.Motiontoadoptamendment3–Amendmenttothefeeschedule. 2.DenyOrdinance#625amendmentsinseparatemotions: A.Denyamendment1tochangeSundayon-salesofintoxicatingliquortobegin 8a.m. B.Denyamendment2toaddBrewPubs,BrewerTaprooms,and Microdistrilleries. C.Denyamendment3–amendmenttofeeschedule. CitystaffrecommendsAlternative#1toadoptOrdinance#625amendingSection3.1, 3.2,3.4,3.11tochangeSundayon-salesofintoxicatingliquortobeginat8a.m.and addingSection3.1.13BrewPubs,TaproomandMicrodistilleries,andamendingChapter 20,Section1byaddingtothefeeschedule. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: •DraftOrdinance625 CityCouncilAgenda:09/28/15 3 •FeeSchedule •StateStatues§340A.301 ORDINANCE 625 CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA ORDINANCE AMENDING CITY LIQUOR ORDINANCES BY AMENDING THE FOLLOWING:  SUNDAY ON-SALE INTOXICATING LIQUOR HOURS;  ADDING SECTION 3.1.13: BREW PUBS, BREWER TAPROOM AND MICRODISTILLERIES  FEE SCHEDULE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA HEREBY ORDAINS: I. Chapter 3, Section 1(9), Beer – Days and Hours of Sale is hereby amended as follows: No sale of 3.2 percent malt liquor may be made between 2:00 a.m. and 8:00 a.m. on the days of Monday through Saturday inclusive, nor between 2:00 a.m. and 8:00 a.m. on Sundays. An establishment serving 3.2 percent malt liquor on Sundays must obtain a Sunday license from the City. Chapter 3, Section 2 (9) (B), Liquor – Days and Hours of Sale is hereby amended as follows: No sale of intoxicating liquor for consumption on the licensed premises may be made between 2:00 a.m. and 8:00 a.m. on Monday through Saturday inclusive, or between 2:00 a.m. and 8:00 a.m. on Sundays. Chapter 3, Section 4 (5) (B), Liquor by the Drink – Days and Hours of Sale is hereby amended as follows: No sale of intoxicating liquor by the drink for consumption on the licensed premises may be made between 2:00 a.m. and 8:00 a.m. on Sundays. Chapter 3, Section 11 (10) (A), On-Sale Wine License – Days and Hours of Sale is hereby amended as follows: No sale of wine under this license shall be made on the premises between the hours of 2:00 a.m. and 8:00 a.m., Monday through Saturday inclusive, or on any Sunday between the hours of 2:00 a.m. and 8:00 a.m. II. Chapter 3, Section 1, Beer is hereby amended to add the following: 3.1.13: Brew Pub, Brewer Taproom or Microdistillery License 1) A brew pub, brewer taproom, or microdistillery as defined and made eligible under state law may be issued on-sale and off-sale licenses subject to the terms and conditions established by state law and this Code, and to any limitations imposed by the Council. 2) The license issued by the City must specify whether off-sale is permitted, the hours of operation, whether Sunday sales are permitted and other conditions. The fees established by ordinance may reflect various license options authorized by law. III Chapter 20, Section 1, Fee Schedule – Liquor Licenses is hereby amended to add the following: Brew Pub Off-Sale $200 Taproom $500 Microdistillery $500 ADOPTED BY the Monticello City Council the 28th day of September, 2015. __________________________________ Brian Stumpf, Mayor ATTEST: ___________________________________ Jeff O’Neill, Administrator AYES: NAYS: CHAPTER 5: USE STANDARDS Section 5.1 Use Table Subsection (A) Explanation of Use Table Structure City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance Page 315 CHAPTER 5: USE STANDARDS 5.1 Use Table (A) Explanation of Use Table Structure (1) Organization of Table 5-1 Table 5-1 organizes all principal uses by Use Classifications and Use Types. (a) Use Classifications The Use Classifications are: Agricultural Uses; Residential Uses; Civic and Institutional Uses; Office Use; Commercial Uses; and Industrial Uses. The Use Classifications provide a systematic basis for assigning present and future land uses into broad general classifications (e.g., residential and commercial uses). The Use Classifications then organize land uses and activities into specific “Use Types” based on common functional, product, or physical characteristics, such as the type and amount of activity, the type of customers or residents, how goods or services are sold or delivered and site conditions. (b) Use Types The specific Use Types identify the specific uses that are considered to fall within characteristics identified in the use Classifications. For example; detached dwellings, parks and recreational areas, and schools are “Use Types” in the Single Family Residence District. (2) Symbols used in Table 5-1 (a) Permitted Uses = P A “P” indicates that a use is permitted by right, subject to compliance with all other applicable provisions of this ordinance. Uses may be subject to special regulations as referenced in the “Additional Requirements” column. (b) Conditionally Permitted Uses = C A “C” indicates that a use is permitted provided the City can establish conditions necessary to ensure the use is compatible to the proposed location and surrounding properties. Inability of the City to establish conditions to adequately control anticipated impacts is justification for denial of a conditionally permitted use. Conditional Uses may also be subject to special regulations as referenced in the “Additional Requirements” column. CHAPTER 5: USE STANDARDS Section 5.1 Use Table Subsection (A) Explanation of Use Table Structure Page 316 City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance (c) Interim Permitted Uses = I An “I” indicates that a use may be permitted for a brief period of time provided certain conditions are met, and a specific event or date can be established for discontinuance of the use. Inability of the City ]o establish conditions to adequately control anticipated impacts is justification for denial of an interim permitted use. Interim Permitted Uses may also be subject to special regulations as referenced in the “Additional Requirements” column. (d) Prohibited Uses = Shaded Cells A shaded cell indicates that the listed use is prohibited in the respective base zoning district. (e) Unlisted Uses If an application is submitted for a use that is not listed in Table 5-1, the Community Development Department is authorized to classify the new or unlisted use into an existing Use Type that most closely fits the new or unlisted use. If no similar use determination can be made, the use will be considered prohibited in which case an amendment to the ordinance text would need to be initiated to clarify if, where, and how a proposed use could be established. TABLE 5-1: USES BY DISTRICT Use Types “P” = Permitted “C” = Conditionally Permitted “I” = Interim Permitted Base Zoning Districts Additional Requirements A O R A R 1 R 2 T N R 3 R 4 M H B 1 B 2 B 3 B 4 C C D I B C I 1 I 2 Agricultural Uses Agriculture P P P P P P P P P P P P *SE E T A B L E 5 -1A P P P 5.2(B)(1) Agricultural Sales P 5.2(B)(2) Community Gardens P P P P P P P P P 5.2(B)(3) Stables C 5.2(B)(4) CHAPTER 5: USE STANDARDS Section 5.1 Use Table Subsection (A) Explanation of Use Table Structure City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance Page 317 TABLE 5-1: USES BY DISTRICT (cont.) Use Types “P” = Permitted “C” = Conditionally Permitted “I” = Interim Permitted Base Zoning Districts Additional Requirements A O R A R 1 R 2 T N R 3 R 4 M H B 1 B 2 B 3 B 4 C C D I B C I 1 I 2 Residential Uses 5.2(C)(1) Attached Dwelling Types 5.2(C)(2)(a) - Duplex P C *SE E T A B L E 5-1A 5.2(C)(2)(b) - Townhouse C P 5.2(C)(2)(c) - Multiple-Family C P C C 5.2(C)(2)(d) Detached Dwelling P P P P P P None Group Residential Facility, Single Family P P P P P 5.2(C)(3) Group Residential Facility, Multi-Family C C C 5.2(C)(3) Mobile & Manufactured Home / Home Park C C C P C 5.2(C)(4) Civic & Institutional Uses Active Park Facilities (public) P P P P P P P P P P P P *SE E T A B L E 5-1A P P P None Active Park Facilities (private) P P P P P P P 5.2(D)(1) Assisted Living Facilities C P C 5.2(D)(2) Cemeteries C C C C C C C 5.2(D)(3) Clinics/Medical Services C P P C None Essential Services P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P None Hospitals C P P C 5.2(D)(4) Nursing/Convalescent Home C C C C C C C C C P P 5.2(D)(5) Passenger Terminal C C C C None Passive Parks and Open Space P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P None Public Buildings or Uses C C C C C C C P C C P P C P P 5.2(D)(6) Schools, K-12 C C C C C C I I 5.2(D)(7) Schools, Higher Education C None Place of Public Assembly C C C C C P 5.2(D)(8) Utilities (major) C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C 5.2(D)(9) Office Uses Offices P P C P * P P P 5.2(E) CHAPTER 5: USE STANDARDS Section 5.1 Use Table Subsection (A) Explanation of Use Table Structure Page 318 City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance TABLE 5-1: USES BY DISTRICT (cont.) Use Types “P” = Permitted “C” = Conditionally Permitted “I” = Interim Permitted Base Zoning Districts Additional Requirements A O R A R 1 R 2 T N R 3 R 4 M H B 1 B 2 B 3 B 4 C C D I B C I 1 I 2 Commercial Uses Adult Uses *SE E T A B L E 5-1A P P 3.7(K) Auction House C 5.2(F)(2) Auto Repair – Minor C C P P 5.2(F)(3) Automotive Wash Facilities P C 5.2(F)(4) Bed & Breakfasts C C C C C 5.2(F)(5) Boarding House C 5.2(F)(6) Business Support Services P P P P P None Commercial Lodging C P P 5.2(F)(7) Communications/Broadcasting P P P P 5.2(F)(8) Convenience Retail C P P P 5.2(F)(9) Country Club C 5.2(F)(10) Day Care Centers C C P P C 5.2(F)(11) Entertainment/Recreation, Indoor Commercial P C C C 5.2(F)(12) Entertainment/Recreation, Outdoor Commercial C C C C 5.2(F)(13) Financial Institution P C P 5.2(F)(14) Funeral Services P P 5.2(F)(15) Kennels (commercial) C 5.2(F)(16) Landscaping / Nursery Business P 5.2(F)(17) Personal Services C P P P P P 5.2(F)(21) Recreational Vehicle Camp Site C C 5.2(F)(23) Repair Establishment C P P 5.2(F)(24) Restaurants C P P 5.2(F)(25) Retail Commercial Uses (other) P P P 5.2(F)(26) Specialty Eating Establishments C P P P 5.2(F)(27) Vehicle Fuel Sales C C C 5.2(F)(28) Vehicle Sales and Rental C C 5.2(F)(29) Veterinary Facilities (Rural) C 5.2(F)(30) Veterinary Facilities (Neighborhood) C C C 5.2(F)(30) Wholesale Sales P P P None CHAPTER 5: USE STANDARDS Section 5.1 Use Table Subsection (A) Explanation of Use Table Structure City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance Page 319 TABLE 5-1: USES BY DISTRICT (cont.) Use Types “P” = Permitted “C” = Conditionally Permitted “I” = Interim Permitted Base Zoning Districts Additional Requirements A O R A R 1 R 2 T N R 3 R 4 M H B 1 B 2 B 3 B 4 C C D I B C I 1 I 2 Industrial Uses Auto Repair – Major C *SE E T A B L E 5-1A P P 5.2(G)(1) Bulk Fuel Sales and Storage P P 5.2(G)(2) Contractor's Yard, Temporary I I I 5.2(G)(3) Extraction of Materials I I I 5.2(G)(4) General Warehousing C C P P 5.2(G)(5) Heavy Manufacturing C 5.2(G)(6) Industrial Services C P None Land Reclamation C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C 5.2(G)(7) Light Manufacturing P P P 5.2(G)(8) Machinery/Truck Repair & Sales P P 5.2(G)(9) Recycling and Salvage Center C C 5.2(G)(10) Self-Storage Facilities P C P 5.2(G)(11) Truck or Freight Terminal C P P 5.2(G)(12) Waste Disposal & Incineration C 5.2(G)(13) Wrecker Services C P 5.2(G)(14) TABLE 5-1A: CENTRAL COMMUNITY DISTRICT (CCD) USES Use Types “P” = Permitted “C” = Conditionally Permitted “I” = Interim Permitted Sub-Districts Exceptions Additional Requirements F-1 F-2 F-3 L Commercial Day Care C C C C none 5.2(F)(11) Commercial Lodging P P C none 5.2(F)(7) Commercial Offices – Principal C P P C L-2: NA first floor, CUP upper floors 5.2(F)(19) Commercial Recreation: Indoor P P C C none 5.2(F)(12) Commercial Recreation: Outdoor C C none 5.2(F)(13) Convenience Retail C P* C C *F-2 Drive Through by CUP 5.2(F)(9) Funeral Services C C none 5.2(F)(15) CHAPTER 5: USE STANDARDS Section 5.1 Use Table Subsection (A) Explanation of Use Table Structure Page 320 City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance TABLE 5-1A: CENTRAL COMMUNITY DISTRICT (CCD) USES (cont.) Use Types “P” = Permitted “C” = Conditionally Permitted “I” = Interim Permitted Sub-Districts Exceptions Additional Requirements F-1 F-2 F-3 L Medical / Clinical Services C P P P L-2: NA first floor, CUP upper floors 5.2(F)(18) Personal Services P P P P L-3: CUP 5.2(F)(21) Places of Public Assembly C C C C none 5.2(F)(22) Professional Office-Services Including Financial Institutions P P P C L-2: NA first floor, CUP upper floors 5.2(F)(14) 5.2(F)(20) Restaurants, Bars < 10,000 SF P P C C none 5.2(F)(25) Restaurants, Bars > 10,000 SF P C C none 5.2(F)(25) Retail Sales < 10,000 SF P P C C none 5.2(F)(26) Retail Sales > 10,000 SF P C C none 5.2(F)(26) Retail with Service P C C L-2: NA first floor, CUP upper floors 5.2(F)(26) Specialty Eating Establishments < 10,000 SF P* P* C* P* *Drive Through by CUP 5.2(F)(27) Vehicle Fuel Sales C C C 5.2(F)(28) Veterinary Facilities C P C C none 5.2(F)(30) Residential – Upper Floors P P P P L-2: NA Residential – Street Level C C L-2: NA Residential – Multiple Family C C L-2: NA Residential – Townhouse C none Residential – Single Family C none Industrial PUD L-3: PUD Only Public Buildings or Uses C C C P none CityCouncilAgenda:11/09/15 1 4C.Considerationtoapproveauthorizingstafftotakeapplicationsfromandmake offerstoexistingwastewatertreatmentplantpersonnelbasedonskilland experience (WO/JO) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: Thefive-yearautomaticrenewalclauseinthecontractforwastewatertreatment servicesrequireda120daynotice.Thecouncilauthorizedthenon-renewaloptionon June16,2015.ThecontractexpiresonDecember31,2015.Meanwhile,staffhasbeen workingwithitsengineeringfirmingatheringinformationaboutotherwastewater treatmentplants. Theinformationcontainedinthismemoisintendedtoprovidefinancial considerationsforpursuingcityoperationoftheWWTP.TheVeoliastaffmembersat thisplantarenotundernon-competeagreements.Consequently,thecitycansolicit themtodeterminetheirinterestinjoiningtheCityasWWTPstaff.Itissuggestedthat thecityexploreoptionsforstaffingtheWWTPbothwithcurrentstaffandwith potentialoutsidetalent. Thecurrentcontracthasbasicallytwocompensationcomponents:O&M(operations andmaintenance)andreimbursableexpenses(repairsandmaintenance,gas, electricity,polymer,sludgeremoval).Eachyearactualreimbursableexpensespaidby thecontractorarereconciledtobudget,whichispaidbythecityin12monthly increments.Sometimeinthefollowingyear,thecitycutsachecktothecontractorfor thedifference. TheschedulebelowdisplaysthehistoryofO&Mandreimbursableexpensesforthelastfive years.Reimbursableexpensedincreasedsignificantlyin2014asanticipatedwiththeaddition ofsludgeremovalassociatedwiththeimplementationofthescrewpress.Priorto2014 sludgewasdistributedatthebiosolidssite. Theschedulebelowreflectsfivereimbursablecategories.Years2011through2014are actualexpenses.Theyear2015includesbudgetedamounts. ScheduleofTotalWastewaterTreatmentPlantContractedServices Total Reimbursable Annual Year O&M %Change Actual %Change Costs %Change 2011 522,281.04$300,913.15$823,194.19$ 2012 544,788.96$4.3%289,476.13$-3.8%834,265.09$1.3% 2013 562,361.04$3.2%324,109.64$12.0%886,470.68$6.3% 2014 585,096.00$4.0%416,048.53$28.4%1,001,144.53$12.9% 2015 582,360.00$-0.5% CityCouncilAgenda:11/09/15 2 Theactual-to-budgetreconciliationandsubsequentpaymentinthefollowingyearare displayedbelow. VeoliadefinesO&Mcostsas:salaries,overtime,benefits,trainingandtravel,vehicle expense(gasoline,diesel,maintenance),officesupplies,postageanddelivery,outside services(cleaningsupplies,uniforms,lawnservices),professionalfees,safetyequipmentand supplies,businessinsurance,contractrequiredsuretybond,telecommunications(long distance,local,cell&internetservices),laboratorysuppliesandservices,chemicals(Sodium Hypochlorite,SodiumBiSulfite,Softnersalt),electricity(notedabove),generatorfuel, licensingandpermitrenewalfees,HR,legal,financeandaccounting,payroll,laboratory QAQC,compliancesoftwareandwrittenprograms,healthandsafetysupport,laboratoryand safetypeeraudits,sitespecificcomprehensivewrittenprograms,safetytraining,fleetDOT– DQcompliancesoftwareandsupport,ITsupport,assetmanagement,andoperations technicalsupport. ThelargestO&Mcostsarerelatedtopersonnel(wagesandbenefits).Thecurrentstaff includesfourfull-timepersonnelequatingto8,320hours(2,080perperson)annuallyplus overtime.Veoliasaysthatpersonnelcoststotaled$338,053in2014.NoVeoliapersonnel costassumptionsaremadefor2015or2016.Belowisa2016estimatebasedonthecity’s payequitysystem: Underthecity’spaysystem,thecurrentWWTPsupervisorpayequitygradeisassumed tobe16,thesameasthesuperintendentsforstreetsandutilities.Ifthepositiongradesat 17,thetotalincreases$4,600.Allpositionsassumethelaststepineachgrade. ScheduleofReimbursableCosts Year R&M Electricity Polymer Gas SludgeDisposalTotal 2011 89,899.16$154,982.64$11,427.06$44,604.29$-$300,913.15$ 2012 91,406.38 145,043.48 16,303.76 36,722.51 -289,476.13 2013 89,620.47 170,537.98 17,453.23 46,497.96 -324,109.64 2014 57,883.83 160,825.74 62,735.70 68,416.61 66,186.65 416,048.53 2015 50,004.00 165,000.00 47,028.00 65,136.00 48,348.00 375,516.00 ReconciliationofActual-to-BudgetReimbursablesCosts Year Budget Actual Payment 2011 228,000.00$300,913.15$72,913.15$ 2012 228,000.00$289,476.13$61,476.13$ 2013 229,500.00$324,109.64$94,609.64$ 2014 234,504.00$416,048.53$181,544.53$ 2015 375,516.00$375,516.00$-$ Position Wage LicenseTotalWages Pera Fica Health PhoneWorkersC.Total Supervisor81,053.76$81,053.76$6,079.03$6,200.61$14,832.00$600.00$2,329.49$111,094.89$ Lead 69,347.23$69,347.23$5,201.04$5,305.06$14,832.00$600.00$1,993.04$97,278.37$ Staff1 54,073.00$900.00$54,973.00$4,122.98$4,205.43$13,104.00$600.00$1,554.06$78,559.47$ Staff2 54,073.00$900.00$54,973.00$4,122.98$4,205.43$13,104.00$600.00$1,554.06$78,559.47$ Total 258,546.99$1,800.00$260,346.99$19,526.03$19,916.53$55,872.00$2,400.00$7,430.64$365,492.19$ CityCouncilAgenda:11/09/15 3 The2015totalO&Mcostis$582,360.Subtractingestimated2016personnelcostsleaves $216,868fortheotherO&Mitemslistedabove. OftheremainingO&Mexpenses,laboratorysupplies&servicesandchemicalsarethemost significantatapproximately$35,000and$20,000.Manyoftheotherexpensesarerelatedto protectingtheVeoliabrandofprovidingqualityprofessionalservices.Further,someofthe listedservices(i.e.fleetDOT,assetmanagement,etc.)shouldbedonebyexistingstaff anyway. Asalargeproviderservices,Veoliagetsdiscountsfromnationalcontractsonavarietyof purchases.ThesediscountsapplytoR&M(repairandmaintenance)itemsandsomeO&M expenses.In2014,R&Mexpensestotaled$57,883.83.R&Mexpensesarereimbursable expensestoVeolia.A20%discountwouldequatetoapproximately$14,470inextracity costs.Addanother$12,500inextracostsforO&Mexpenses.Notallsuppliersgive discountsandnotalldiscountsare20%. WhilethecitywouldnotbenefitfromnationaldiscountsextendedtoVeolia,thestate cooperativepurchasingventurewouldlikelyhaveanimpactonreducinglostdiscounts. Insummary:$582,360(O&Mbilled)-365,492(wage&benefits)–20,000(chemicalcosts) –35,000(laboratorycosts)–14,470(lostdiscountsR&M)–12,500(lostdiscountsO&M)= 134,898.SomeofthisamountwouldgotootherO&Mcosts,butit’shardtoreasonthatthe savingswoulddropbelow$100,000. MonticelloWWTPisclassifiedasamajorfacilityrequiringaClassAoperator.Accordingto theMPCAwebsite,ittakesaminimumofeightyearstogetaClassAlicense.TheClassA operatormusthavefullandactiveresponsibilityfortheoperationofaportionof,orallof,a facilityorwastewatercollectionsystem.Anengineeringfirm,notcurrentlydoingbusiness withthecity,hasofferedtoprovidesuchaservicefor$5,000permonth.Veoliacurrentlyhas twoClassAoperatorsattheplant. TheMonticelloWWTPreceivedthe2014OperatorAwardfromtheMinnesotaPollution ControlAgencyalongwith115otherMinnesotaentities.Albertville,St.Michael(Veolia), Delano(Veolia)andElkRiverareotherlocalcitiesreceivingtheaward. Otherbenefitstothecityincludeadditionalpersonnelforliftstationmaintenanceandsnow removal.WorkersattheLittleFallsWWTPprovidelaborforwastewaterliftstation maintenance.Further,WWTPpersonnelwouldbeavailableforsnowremovalandother flexiblecapacitytypetasks.Anotherbenefitforthecitycomesfromgettingcloserto60full- timebenefittedemployees.OnecompliancefactorwiththeAffordableCareActrequiresthat 95%ofthecityemployeesexceeding30hoursaweekforover120daysperyeartobe coveredbyhealthinsurance.Forevery20employees,thecitycanmaintainonenon- benefittedpositionexceeding120dayswithouthealthbenefits.Currently,thecityhastwo (oneinStreetsandoneinParks). Onefinalbenefit:thecitycandemonstratetoCargillandotherratepayersthatitisdoing muchtocontrolcosts,ratherthanjustpassingthemon. CityCouncilAgenda:11/09/15 4 Thecity’swastewatertreatmentplantisahighlyautomatedfacilityrequiringexpertiseto operate.Transitioningfromalong-time,vendor-operatedfacilitytoanin-houseoperation canpresentchallenges.However,noneareinsurmountable.Theleastcomplicatedinvolves hiringcurrentstaffasallowedbytheVeoliacontract.Onecaveat:youcannotmakepeople workforyou.Underthisscenario,thenewcityemployeescompleteW-4sandotherpayroll documents.Abrieforientationregardingcitypolicyandprocedurewouldfollow.Employees withpurchasingauthoritywouldbeissuedcreditcards.Payrollwouldprocess4more timecardstwiceamonthandaccountspayablewouldprocessabout30totaltransactionsto aboutadozenvendors,withsomeusedbyothercitydepartments.Forhumanresources,there arethechoresoffillingoccasionalopeningsandmaintainingemployeefiles. Theworstcasescenario:noemployeeleavesVeoliaforthecity.Thisisimprobable.The city’swageandbenefitpackagefornon-supervisorypersonnelishighlycompetitive.For supervisors,thecityhasotheroptionsincludinghiringanotherClassAoperator(onehas expressedaninterest)oruseofanengineeringfirm.Thecityalsohasoneemployeewitha ClassBwastewatertreatmentlicense. Timingisalwaysaconsideration.Forsome,notimeisgoodforchange.Forothers,itshould havehappenedyesterday.Itisunderstandablethatthecouncilmaywanttobuytimeandwait untilithashireda“real”publicworksdirectororcityengineer/publicworksdirector. Althoughthisthereisagoodchanceforrealsavingsandadditionalstaffcapacityfora varietyofotherpublicworksfunctions,councilcouldtaketheviewthatthesebenefitsdonot off-settheriskofdisruptionofservice,whicharegaugedtobystafftobeminimal.Forthis reason,analternativeactionprovidesforacceptanceofatwo-yeardealwithO&Matthe 2015levelof$582,360for2016(noincrease)and$593,196for2017(1.86%increase). Thisactiondoesnot A1.BudgetImpact:Seeabove A2.StaffImpact:Seeabove B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.Motiontoapproveauthorizingstafftotakeapplicationsfromandmakeofferstoexisting wastewatertreatmentplantpersonnelbasedonskillandexperience. 2.MotiontoapproveVeoliacontractextensionfortwoyearsfortheamountstatedinits proposaldatedNovember2,2015(2016Totalof$727,740withO&Mat582,360; 2017Totalof$738,576withO&Mat$593,196). 3.Motiontoapprove________________________________________. 4.Motiontodeny. CityCouncilAgenda:11/09/15 5 C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: CitystaffrecommendsapprovingAlternative#1.Presumingavailabilityofqualified,we wouldcontendthatthetimeisrightandthesavingsoutweightherisks. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: •LittleFallsNarrative •Veolia’sNovember2nd Offer •ScheduleofO&Mcontractcosts Summary of WWTP Research The staffing level at other wastewater treatment facilities was researched including those for the cities of Elk River, North Branch, Rogers and Little Falls. Of these facilities, that of Little Falls was judged to be very similar to that of Monticello. The Little Falls facility shares the following similarities with the Monticello facility:  Similar annual average daily flow processed  Little Falls = 1.2 million gallons per day (mgd)  Monticello = 1.1mgd  Both facilities discharge treated effluent to the Upper Mississippi River  Have similar NPDES permit effluent limits  Each must add phosphorus reduction facilities per the conditions of the current NPDES permits  In-house laboratories for both  Both facilities were initially trickling filter facilities that were converted to the activated sludge process and updated by two major updating projects  Similar equipment ages for major process equipment  Similar building age and condition  Both have significant industrial users (SIUs) that have the potential to impact the facility  Monticello—one (Cargill Kitchen Solutions)  Little Falls—two  Similar operational effort for biosolids (sludge) processing and disposal Little Falls currently has five operating staff, but the staffing level will be reduced to four when the existing superintendent retires in the near future. In addition to operating the wastewater treatment facility, the Little Falls operating personnel also operate and maintain the City’s 19 lift stations. Seven of the lift stations are relatively large stations with the remaining 12 being small submersible ones that serve residential subdivisions. The make-up of the Little Falls operating staff is as follows:  Three Class A’s (one is the superintendent who will be retiring soon)  One Class C  One Class D (maintenance man who does not operate the facilities, but keeps things running) Comparing the Monticello and Little Falls staffing levels has resulted in the conclusion that Monticello should have four personnel to operate the wastewater treatment facility. Because Monticello’s facility is a Class A facility, one of the operators must hold a Class A license. Also, it would be prudent that one hold at least a Class B license, working toward Class A as a back-up plan should the Class A operator retire or move on. The two remaining operators should be Class C. CityofMonticello ScheduleofO&MCosts Year O&M %Change 2011 522,281.04$ 2012 544,788.96$4.3% 2013 562,361.04$3.2% 2014 585,096.00$4.0% 2015 582,360.00$-0.5% 2016 582,360.00$0.0% 2017 593,196.00$1.9% 1-Oct 38 11-Oct Sunday 21-Oct 47 31-Oct Saturday 2-Oct 41 12-Oct 30 22-Oct 50 3-Oct Saturday 13-Oct 44 23-Oct 41 4-Oct Sunday 14-Oct 41 24-Oct Saturday 5-Oct 26 15-Oct 31 25-Oct Sunday 6-Oct 38 16-Oct 25 26-Oct 31 7-Oct 37 17-Oct Saturday 27-Oct 45 8-Oct 38 18-Oct Sunday 28-Oct 39 9-Oct 42 19-Oct 27 29-Oct 45 10-Oct Saturday 20-Oct 45 30-Oct 39 840.00 RIDERS 38.18 riders per day 309 36.79% 97 11.55% Wheelchair bound 34 4.05% Riders at:PWE 22 2.62%22 2.62% 24 2.86%22 2.62% MMS 14 1.67%15 1.79% Eastview 12 1.43%6 0.71% 27 3.21%Cardnial Hills 55 6.55% Kjelbergs 24 2.86%Swan River 42 5.00% Cedar Crest 22 2.62%Other 62.26% 10 1.19% Notes:Projected Numbers 15-Oct MEA No School 16-Oct MEA No School 19-Oct Teacher Workshop No School Monti Broadway Sq. Apts. Mississippi Shores Pumpkin Patch River Park Apts. St Benedicts Ridgemont Apts. The Bluffs To or from school October Shuttle Ridership Monthly Riders: Monthy Average: Demographics:To or from work Construction Update No. 4 WWTF Phosphorous Reduction & Digester Cover Improvements City of Monticello City Project No. 14C002 // WSB Project No. 01494-95 November 4, 2015 CONSTRUCTION COMPLETED Di-Mar completed the following work through the first week in November:  Masonry subcontractor installed exterior and interior building walls  Installed door frames  Received and installed the bulk chemical storage tanks  Received and installed precast concrete plank for the roof  Subcontractor spray-applied the water vapor barrier on the exterior building walls  Masonry subcontractor began installation of the building wall insulation and exterior burnished block  Poured the concrete curbing and equipment pads  Installed the support system and grating over the bulk chemical storage area  Continued to submit project submittals for review  Submitted Pay Application No. 3 for processing CONSTRUCTION PLANNED Di-Mar plans the following work prior to the first City Council meeting in December: Weeks of November 9 and November 16, 2015  Masonry subcontractor will install the cast stone and complete the exterior burnished block and wall insulation installation  Install chemical storage day tank  Begin installation of the chemical process piping  Prepare masonry parapet for roofing subcontractor  Site supervision and coordination by General Contractor Week of November 23, 2015  Receive materials and install the tapered insulation, membrane roof, and flashing on the building Week of November 30, 2015  Install doors and seal up building  Coordinate temporary heat Please contact the following person with questions or concerns: George Bender, Project Engineer/Inspector WSB & Associates, Inc. Cell Phone: 612-360-1321 E-mail: gbender@wsbeng.com COUNCIL CONNECTION NOVEMBER 9, 2015 FIBERNET MONTICELLO 3RD Party Management Services Selection Process This information is provided in advance of the update on this topic that will be presented at the City Council meeting this coming Monday. On October 26th City Council directed staff to work with Joanne Johnson, Executive Director of the Minnesota Public Broadband Alliance, to create a Request for Proposals for FiberNet Monticello management services. Initial meetings with Ms. Johnson took place during the first week in November, and a tentative process and timeline are now available. Based on the scope of services and the necessity of finding a vendor with previous applicable experience, Ms. Johnson’s recommendation is to take the preliminary step of issuing a Request for Qualifications (RFQ). A Request for Qualifications is a shorter initial document that could prepared for approval at the November 23rd City Council meeting and released on November 24th. Companies interested in providing the requested management services for FiberNet would have 2 weeks to submit their interest and qualifications. The RFQ process could allow the city to determine how many companies are interested in fulfilling the role of 3rd party manager of FiberNet Monticello as well as notify those who are unqualified to accept the responsibilities. Once the RFQ process is complete, there are three possible outcomes: 1. If only one company is qualified and interested in providing management services to FiberNet, then the city can dispense with the more costly process of issuing a Request for Proposals. Instead, it can negotiate directly with the single interested company to determine the specifics of a management services contract. Council Connection – 11/9/15 2 2. If two companies are qualified and interested in providing management services to FiberNet, then the city can host interviews with the two to determine the most appropriate selection. 3. If three or more companies are qualified and interested in providing management services to FiberNet, then the city would proceed with the RFP process. However, at this point, the proposal would be created for the companies pre-qualified to participate. It is important to note that including the preliminary step of issuing an RFQ should not significantly delay the overall timeline for finding a management services provider. If the city were to release only a Request for Proposals, it would not be ready for release until December. The RFQ can be issued in November and, if an RFP is needed in response to multiple interested parties, it could still be released in December. It may be released slightly later in December depending on the time to finalize the RFP, but the RFQ document could be used as a template to assist in the process of creating the final document. Finally, if a Request for Proposals is not needed based on the number of providers interested in offering management services, the city will save time and resources by utilizing a Request for Qualifications.