City Council Ordinance 149cx~rnArucE ~~-~ 1~P1 ORDIT~3~~r'CE tsT3t7LTSHTivu T~~ Oi~FICE 4F V1ZZ~.GE TRE.ASCJRER ~ti[~'J 11DOPTIlt?G ~.r~~ CCi~1~3Ti~iZDiG T~~1 OFFICE OF VTLLt.GE CI~'RK nruD TP~EASURER s~cTlcrr I Upon expir^tion Of u~:le curr®nt terr~l of office of the Village Treasurer, this office trill be abolished, Co.r~encin~• with the day follow? n~; t'_~,,a expiration of the current treasurer's thrm of office, the Vill=<~c Clerk tiv~ill assurrc thos~* duties of the treasurer. The office of Village Clerk there after trill be knotm as Clerk-Treasurer. SECTTOTd IT This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force on date of publication. Passed: September 8, 1967 ~/~ a {dal) Mayor ~.~ Attest ~ "~^~~__-_ 1 ,!~ /J ,, ,, j. irk