City Council Resolution 1977-16RESi~LUT:ION ORDERING IMPROVEMENT 1977-3 STREET IMPROVEMENT BE 1 I K'._SI~L VED, icy t.hc~ City Count i i oi- Mc>m. i cE I 1 ~~, ~lifi rtc'.~r>t~, 8s T~ollows; ! . 1 l is li~~rel~~1~ i ~~uud acid determined that not:~ic~f ~~f ~~ I-~f°a t~ [ n~~ on the 1 977- Street; Imx~rovemen~ r ~,~~~.t i n the (' i t}~ iii' Mont ic~el l f> ~~~as du_i Y mailed on September 1 ti. 1 a7 i , an c; ;~~.ih;Lislled in the Monticello `Ci.u~es, the oft'ici_al rlE~w.~i~a_~~~~~ .>i tht_~ 1, ~ t 5 , ~m Sept. 1 5, 1 977 and Sept. 2~. 1 q1 ~.~_ ~~~ ~~t~qu r~c°d t~~~ '~iinnf~sc~ta Stat sites, Ch,:I}~t er 42i>, and a~ ~~r~!~~r~~~l f~~, , ,'s~~tut i sin of lhi ~ t~c,i,n~ i t adoi~tt'd August 24~ 1~~, _. ~ ~~Iabl i_~~ h~>rir~in~ was head c>n Septembe,r 28, 1 ~~ ' _ .... .~u~~ uf~l~ort.uni t~ "~,.t~n at such h~~arin~; t.o al I per•.~~~n~; t~, rnal:~ l.u.~:.n thc.~ i r• ~ i ewe can e;ai_d i iui~t~r~~°<~men~t , and Lhe cr»~n< 1 ' h~~ i ~~~~ t';.(?~ ~id~ iced ~~t' #.he i~r~rt~n~~nt ]'acts, does l~e-~,r by ur~d~~i~ tht c ~~n~r i~~i~ i ir~rl ~~±' maid imi~r~~~~~<~iuent., in a~~~~c~r•dan~~c ~~i th tt<<~ r.+~.~~~~ i~ ~ Est i ~>~~ i h:~1~c:~oC' run t ~i i reed in said not .i_c~e ot~ he<a-r~i nom. ~~;'. ,.~olui F3.idaL iciI of the rc>n~suJ t.in~; c~n~~in~~ei~in~_ f irrn !?1 ~_II( _~-~}l l';('fi-:'~id~el'1)Il ~:Od `~~ysOClateS C)f M1nnE'apO~ 1~~~ ~71i1C1t'.~~+~.3, i~ h~ i~~~h~ ;~ti~'~+,1•irf~d at~d di~~ect.ed try prepa~~e t~in~i! ~~'~tn~ r~n-~ ~E~~ ~ ~ 1 ~ a ( s i)ft-. 1 ~~1' Saki 1111I)1'~)Velllen t, and t(l 6Ui~m 1 f ~ ll~~tfl (r~ `~.~t in~.~~ in f`a~~or: Gene Walters, Philip White, Arve Grimsmo, Con Johnson. t~I>f:,~-,~c~d: Dan Blonigen. ` ~t(;t tun l'3f't'1Cd, ;i<~*f~ fZc~~,~ltit ~~>n .adopted; October 6. 1977 (/U i~~~r~~ tv ' e.bc~r .. ' c: i t ~ ~dmin_stratol~