City Council Resolution 1971-03. • • ~ZESOLUT IO1 ~~2OJECT STREET InRPRnVErRFNT 1971-1 £XT~2ACT OF MINUTES OF MEE`I'IT1G OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL ~' -_FiE VILLl~GE OF ~~IOi~tTICELLO ~2~SOLUTION RECEIVING F2EPQ~2T A~vD CALLIIIG FOR PUBLIC HEARING pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a ~ (special) ~.eetng gf the Village Council of the Village of Monticello, Minnesota, vas .held at the village hall on the 18th day of MaY 1971 r g~ie following members were present: Schlief, Maus, Martie, Markling aid the following members were absent: Sandberg. ~ouneilman W. Markling introduced the following ~.esolution and moved its adoption: ~tESOLUTION RECEIVING REPORTS AND BALLING HEARING OT1 IMPROVEMEi1TS WHEREAS, three N~eimnary reports have been given by Myer- ~tp~ilins ~ Inc, to the Village Council dated _~'_~.hruary 10 , 1970 , February i7, i971 and February 23, 1971, recommending the following.. improvements, to-wit; - i, €teport February 10, 1970, StrBet, Curb and Gutter and ~~Qrm Sewer Improvements on ail presently traveled streets within €~ie Village excapt State Highway ~~?~, ~2 (Broadway Street and State highway #25 -.Pine Street.) Said improvements have an estimated cost @~ ~805~000, ~, Report February i9~ i97i, Storm Sewer Improvements to fever that portion o€ the Viiiage lying south of the railroad tracks, West of Eedar Street, east of P~ap3e Street from the .railroad tracks ~_~~. aeuth to 6th Street and east of the west edge of ~oeust Street from i~~h street South to Interstate #94, Said project shall include ~rar~age €or the Interstate i~ighway with State Participation under ~ta~e Project No, 8680-~3, I'he total estimated Village cost is ~~~f089, ~, report February ~~, 97i, Sanitary Sewer and Water improvements t)iroughout the Viiiage including service connections, Watermain extensions, gate valves and hydrants. Estimated Cost ~g4~8f?Q, _ ~ ~ NO4~', THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUPICIL OF THE VILLAGE OF MONTICELLO: "1. The Council will ment in accordance with the property abutting or within portion of the cost of the Sec. 429.011 to 429.111, at improvement as shown. consider the aforesaid improve- report and the assessment of said boundaries for all or a improvement pursuant to M.S.A. an estimated total cost of the "2. A public hearing shall be held on such proposed improvement on the 17th day of June 1971, at the Senior High School Auditorium in the Village of Monticello 8:00 o'clock p M. The Village Council shall give published notice of such hearing and improvement as re- quired by law." The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Councilman Richard Martie and upon vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof: Schlief, r![aus, Martie, Markling; and the following voted against the same: none, whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted.. STATE OF MINNESOTA ) CO~Ii>TTY OF WRIGHT ) SS VILLAGE Or MONTICELLO ) I, the unders~jil°~., being the duly qualified and acting Clerk of the Village of Monticello, M~in~5Ota, do hereby certify that I have carefully compared the attached and foregoing extract of minutes of a special meeting of the Village Council held on 1!'[ay 18,,1971, with the original thereof on file in my office and the same is a full, true and complete transcript therefrom insofar as the same relates to Street, Storm Sewer, Sanitary Sewer and Watermain Improvements of the village. WITNESS My hand as such Clerk and the corporate seal of the village this /~ day of `,~?e.mwJ 19 71. ~~~ ~~ Vil qe Clerk Village f Monticello, Minnesota (SEAL ) -2-