City Council Resolution 1976-02 RESOLUTION REQUES'T'ING MINNESOTA STATE HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT ALLOW SNO~ti'!~IOF3ILES TO USE CROSSWALK ON HICxHWAY ~~2~ BRIDGE Be it- hereby resolved by the C-it~~ Counc i 1 of Monticello as follows: WHEREAS, the crosswalk on the Minnesota State Highway #25 bridge across the TI.i ssi ss i Epp i River, between the City of Monticello and ttte `T'ownship of B_ig Lake i_s currently closed to snowmobile traffic. WHEREAS, the snowmobiles current.l_y nn.tst use the roadway portion of the bridge causing traffic problems for vehic]_es and snowmobiles. BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, the Monticello City Council. requests the Minnesota State Highway Department allow snowmobiles to use the crosswalk on the bridge. LPL'`` ary e er City dministrator Date Resolution Adopted.: Januar~~ 1'._' , 1 q j b K esolut:ion #19j6-b