City Council Resolution 1976-09• PL BL IC HEARING ON THE STAGE 1 WATER SIShEti 1~IPR~)~ 1'~i} PORTION OF THE 19'76-1 IMPROVEMENT PROJEC"I BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of ;~tont.ice t o as r'~, i ; e>ws: 1 . It, is hereby found and determined that Jahn Bader 1 i c 1~ . of L-he consulting engineering firm of Orr-Schclen-„~,~. - eron and Associates, has reported i.n a peelirrinar~~ way- as a part of the Comprehensive L?t. i 1 t i es !' 1 an . that a local improvement as hereinafter descr i k~c_~d i ._ feasible and should be combined with the l~~-c~-i lrn- pro~ ement Project. - , Said improti•ement consists of the fo _] o-,°i n~. c .~. Installation of watermain from intersecti~_~n ~-~ Chestnut Street and Broadway St,rec: t to intersec:.? i ~~n of Chestnut Street and 3rd Street. B. Replacement of watermain from intersect._an c~ Chestnut Street and 3rd Street to intersection ~,t• Vine Street and 3rd Street. C. Replacement of watermain from intersection cat ,:rd Street and Vine Street to intersection of 6th ~trt°et and Vine Street. D. Replacement of watermain from i.nt,e.rsection c_~t• of i~ Street and Vine Street t~o intersection of 6th street and Walnut Street. E. Installation of watermain from inter~sect.ion of c~th Street and Walnut Street to intersection of Cc~cl~cr~ Street and 6th Street. F. Installation of watermain from intersection o>' -r}~ Street and Cedar Street to i.nterscction oi' County }i i c;hwa3- 1 1'7 and Chelsea Road• {~. Instal Lation of watermain from intersection cif -t1~ St:r~eet and Cedar Street to and along proposed r~~<ad through RoyLauring's land and to intersection nt~ c~th Street and first public road east of washin.~t ou Street running north and south. H, lnstat.lation of watermain from intersectic_,n ot ~ i rst. public road east of Washington Street r•unnin n~,rt h and. south to intersection of Burlington Northc~r~n Railroad tracks and Washington Street.. I. Installation of watermain from intersection of County Highway 11~ and Chelsea Road east to and along Chelsea up to and including Lot 5, Block. 1, Oakwood Industrial Park. J. Installation of watermain from intersection of Burlington Northern Railroad tracks and Washin~t~~n Street to intersection of 4th Street and tdash- ington Street. i~. Construction of a 750,000 gallon ground stvratie water reservoir. . Che council will consider the above improvements in accordance with the feasibility report and the assess- ment of abrrt.ting property in items 2-E, 2-F, 2-G, "L-H , _-I, for a portion of the costs pursuant to 1~linnesota Statutes 429.011 to 429.111 at an estimated. total cost of $960,000. , .1. A public hearing shall be held on such proposed improvements on April 26, 1976, in the Monticello ("ity Hall. at '7: 3U P. M, and the administrator shah. :;ive mailed and published notice of such hearing and improvements required by law. Adopted by the council this C'V G~Ni~t. Ac test : r~- ~dieber _itv Administrator 6th day of Apri ly'76. C. 0. Johnson Mayor Etc~.~,o i ut i_c~n 1 « ~~-4