City Council Resolution 1967-01?i~E,SCiLuTIGI~i Nr!~~FtP,HJ, t'r?~°' '.zOVFNr'~Or O' ?;'Cl^" Jt~~t'" Of' 1".'1T1n!?".~Ot~ ''le~.~i Suit- "!?5t,r'C'1 t~'io~t 1t nil;°'~~t ~;~ rj=»~ir,~bl~ to ~~l;~c~ x.11 ~~1~ctr'.._c utility com~~~.l~,y ' r ,:.~:rti~~s on ~ cross ~arnir, s b~:s s ,.r r~'movP such ~~r~;:~~rti6:s !'ro~~ local ~d v~lor~m tax=.tion, and. R~~~, T',»:rill ~;=~ of ~ejcntic~llo is a community in +;~,hich ~,~lMctr:i c utility -;r„ ';*rti'~ ~ cc:r ~rir. A v•^r-1 sub~t-nti 1 °~~.rt n; t,h„-° tat~.l ass~ss;~,,~ v,~].u- d tior.: of ~.;h~. cor~rrnzn_ t ~~, -_nd. ,.. .. ,~ , 'v "~7~C~tIJ, L"^ V111- _.' O~ 1.Ont7_C"'1i0, ~3 ~ T?IUn1C1'~~11ty, ~~dS 1SSlle'"(~ L'~?'.OS ~•,n> m.',^~)`' ~`t.,..:7, _LOt`'r_r:.t~;:. i"in_^p:~7-'1 COT,?~,ltiii,r;tS 1r1 r~°ll;~r'C" ui~01" 1tS ')r',.~~~''r~,t .,~~~,ss-~_ ., ~u~tior, ~~clu:;in , -ucn ~l=°ctric uti?.it~ _;ro ~ r~.i=:~, ;'~_~a . ~.~~. ~, s-; _ , . t _ ~~ ~h ^ r ;ro ;-~ rtv c, ~r.=4 r.. ~ ;~c T ,. 1" i`a ':L_C= 1 <:; := / ,i '~ .V" 1 '':Li'.'4.riC1_~~l 1!;V`'rStm`,r't.5 z?.rlt CG;Ii;??1tm:'iltw`' 1Y; r:'11{:rl(?? uno_ri t'r~~-- total t,~: ,{ ~ =F o ~' L=' <.- vi~~ _~ inclur'ir7~ such =^l«~c tri c uti Iity oror~~`rti~,s, ar,~~ v !~i`~~"-~=~, 1.t nJ;O!ac~r3 t0 t:l'~' GOUnCll t^r.t Tt "c t%-~~tlot. O~ l`.?~": &'l ";Ct,r1C utility ir~dustL~;~ shoulr; not r~e~ dif'`'a r~~~: t fror?~ any oth~•r i.?"dustry, .: nd r.~~'rJRE~C, ±hr• Vim t.~ '~ Council r ~co~r7~~iz~s th._t e l~ctric car~:um~rs t?~rc~ar-~h- out th,~ u~ilit.y': ~: ~ c~ P:. sl1 ~-: t~xR~s O; Irv r ar y _ t.:^•: tct~.l ;~ro;~~rty of the utility, th6~: Vi.l.l~~~;~ Council «l~o coints out i~i~<:t the s~?rr* economics are -p~7_i- c ~ ,1.~ to --=ny other industry or bus.ir.as:~, in t,h;-t x'11 o-~rsons dcin~- busiri~ss w-~ t,h a ~<;rticul=r busi.n~ss or i!~ciustry r.~c~Gsrriiy c^r?tribui:.~^ tcU•~ra tb.~ t~~x bill of such busi.n^~s or i~~?.ustrj~, end ~.'=_~~.".~:~, ?7~~ Ql~'n1f1.C nt (,~'1=:nkJ^s i:!1 try b•~Sl~ Of t~x~.t:!On. O_f tYl!~: '~1~`°CtrlC ~.iti.:iity ird~.:~r,rv :..~oul_d cr~~tr„ an irr~m~di~.~l~ fine=nci.~:L ~~~ ,. COm'~',unlt,~,j 1r' ?~'_'::1Ch Subtt'-ritl~l €;;:~-CLr1C ut;1.11L" )7'p~~Prt1~S ~r~". ~_OC~t~:"f bCl°.,' i ~ni~,~'G~°~,, °sE ~:T =~~CGLJ;~D ~~~,;r t':7r: ViJ_1 ~ Council of th~~ Villr~~ of i~~ontic-.llo, ~"in~^.,,sp±;~, as follows: 1. ibis council h~r~:~with r{3cord.s its con<<~l~t~ o~~cosition to ~n,y prOJOS;~l i%11C1] „«_,Ul(~ rn11iOVQ g"l~C±r1C Ut111t;T CO?11:~.=Y1Y nr~.J^'rt1"5 fr07il .-r. V~:lOri°r11 t=X rolls ~nU 7;~t~ ~U',h %rOa@rtl~'~ ~u~)j(°`Ct t0 8 state-collect e. ;-rose ec:rnin<~s t<x. 2. This council urges the Governor :end the Le;;ialature of the State of MinnesotR tore ject a.ny suc'~. ~~ro~o5al. ?. LPt corm>s of this rtesolution be sent to the ~~cvcrnor oi' t?~;~ St= t«= of ~~;inn~sot~, to the Le~;isl~tors rForeQ«~n''in th~~~ Vill~«rse of .Font;icc,llo =nc 'yvrix~.t Couray, to th members of the It=.. ~Yisl~ tore scrvi n= on ~:ny corn-«`(tt~«P ,'rich mi ht ccnsid_~r any suc', oro.:~o ~.1, end. to such other l ~;isL~tcrs, public officials ~nc~ interested citizens a. _ ry. ~~ ~,.,. ~J~lls _` ~lt,rk srl-il «~ ::r, ~~~ropri~t«~. Duly ano ;t,«:: _J r«~ the Vi11 ~~~,= Council of th« ~Till~~e of i'ionticello ~t their r~ 'ul ;r ?r~eetin.:.; raf A~-;rch 7, 107. °~~. y or ~T'T ~S I' t ``~ / ~a ,~ ~,.,_ ... . ._.. Cl rk.