City Council Resolution 1967-04~~ Y x~soLUmTOrd 1~~r:>~©~jTrs rz.:~rs a,~~a;~ sk~~~cr~'zc~~yTO~+s 1°~p~n ORI)E~.1r~C ~~I7Ux~'FITISE:C~!~~I•~i' I'O~ SIDS F~ILri~1~S, pursuant to a r~so~Lution ,gassed.. by the council on September ~'~, 19b7, the village consulting end-;ineer retained for the purpose nu.s prepared ~ola.ns and. specificc~.tions for the sanitr.ry setitiier extension on T~Jest :liver Street from the corner of Chestnut Avenue to tree westerly vill2.r:e limits and has presented such pl~:.ns and. g~~ecific-~.tions to the co~..ncil for a;~,aroval; i`IO'v~ T'JE~L~t:gl'i1:~t;, Grp I'1 1'~SO.LVf~D I'3Y :!'r-ii, VTLLtiG~ COUNCIL O' r;0~~~'i'ICLI,O, T~IA;~.ESU`i; 1. Such pl:~.ns and s;:3ecifica.tions, ~;. co:y of ~~ihich is atta.che~d hereto ._~nd made apart hereof, are hereby approved. 2. The village clerk shall prep~rea.nd cause to Ise insertec3_ in the of.fici=~1 paper a.nd Construction 3ulletin a.n advertiserr;ent for bids upon the making of such improvement under such approved pl~.ns and specifications. `Phe uc?.vertiser~~erit shall be published .for 12 days, sh~y.ll specify the •~ork to be clone, shall state that bids ~;i11 be opened a.nd considered i;y tYae council at 7;30 p, m. ~ on October . / F1 ~ ,19b7: in the council cha.rnbers of the rill..-age h~~.ll, And. th<:~t no bids iN~ill be considered unless seG~led ~:?na. filed with the clerk and aecornr:,anied by a cash deposit, cashier check, bid bond or ce:ctif`ied check payable to the clerk for Five (5} pier cent of the amount of ,such bid. r~d.opted by the council this 3rd d`:vT o~' October , 19(-~~~ :;ayor Clerk