City Council Resolution 1966-01 R 1~~5 U T,UTI ON t^7?~~::~~Rs~~1~S, a Petition was duly presented to the Vi11a~;e Council of th.e Village of T~~onticello, County of ?~Trigl~lt, State of 1~~inncsota, petitioning said Vill.a~e Council to vacate certain. portions of certain streets located within the limits of the ~rillagc; of Monticello, County of ~~rlright, State of ~ixlnesota, namely ~r~Talnut Street Born Seventh Street to the South Village limits, Loc~~st Street from Seventh Street to the South. Village limits, and. ~~~sighth Street f corn. Trunk r3ig}sway 2_ to the TrTest Vil~_age limits, and. ^.~;~aR:~~~S, said. Petitiot~z was duly signed b;~r ~-iarry I~, Bor~strozn and his Taif. e, Joyce i`T, r~er~;strom, who a.s joint tenants, own all or th_e private property witl-~in. the Village lirili is of the Village of i~~"onticello TnThich abuts a~~ T~~~ialnu.t Street from Seventh Street to the South. Vi.lla~e 1_irnits, on Locust Street from Seventy. Street to the South Village lirn_its, and. on 19_~;nth. Street from Trunk Highway 2~ to tie v°,iest Village lirriits, and Ts1Ir'=~r~~~11S, a public h%;ar, ink; was held by the Village Council of th.e Village o.f.' 1'Jionticello :Collowin~ two weeks publa_s'n.ed and. posted notice as prescribed. by law, said. public hearing being ~~. held on *~'~`t~t"rr~-t-'- ~ ~ ~~/.5 , and1r-~,~~~ 3/./%'~G~ ,~~/~//,~ i^TtT:~,'RF~~AS, at said public hearing; hereinbefore ter owed. to, everyone T~Tas given. the opportunity, and alloti^red, to bo heard and to present their views, a?~ci 'i1S~_;r~~~;/~S, it appears that it would. be in. the genoral interest off' t~~e public to vs.cate that portion of ?^Taln.~~t Street from Sevonth Street to t~~:~.e South V1_llage limits, that portion of Locust Street frarn Seventh. Street to the So~_zth ~Ti?la~;e 1irr~its, a.nd that portion of F;ight'r ;street from ~'runk :Highway 25 to t'ne T~Test Vi..llage limits, all of said land 1yin.~; wit~.in ti,e Vi11a~e limits of the, Villa.Le of ~'' ~-_s 2- ivionticel.lo, County of ~~~Trig}zt, State of Minnesota: I1 IS 1`i.'i~~Rl~'S~? R.F.SOLV~~D, 'ray tl-ae V3.11a.~e Council of the Village of P~'ontice7.lo, l,0ulltjr o.f Wright, State of :c~innesota, tl~~at ZnTalnut Street frorrz Sevent]:~_ Street to the Sout'rz Vil_la.ge limits, Locust Str. eet :L roam Seve:ntrz. Street to tae Soutiz Village lizr~its, ~-~.rzd 1i~~Yath Street .fro:m `.Trunk Highway 2,~ to the West Village lirrlits shall be, and. hereby is, vacat~;d, and. all tY~e right, title and interest in, and to, said streets 3~ereby vacate>d. shall revert, and. do hereby revert, to the lanc?own.~.rs who own the land abutting on said_ tl~~.roe streets Herein vaca_ted., I'I' IS H]~Rz~BY !~IT~'1~T~~-:R ~i,SOL~T~:'D, b,~ the Villa~;o Council of the Village of ~'~onticello, County of Wri~~rit, State of I~iinn~sota, that the Village Clerk of t?~e ~.rillage of i=`onticcllo s'nall record. tr~is Resolution. in the oz'fice of th.e Reg:i_ster of Deeds, V3_llage of Buffalo, CounttT of ?~Trigizt, State of Iiinrzesota.~ as prescribed by law, upon pa~nnent by the said Ij:arry A, Bergst.rora and his wife, the said Jo;Tce 1,,~, Rergstroz~i, all costs incurred iYZ conr!ect:i.on ~.rith this vacation and saki recording, I'l' IS ta;~'Z 'BY =_, ~TR''F+,?;ft R~,SOLV~':D, by the Village Council oa"' the Village of I~~Iorztice_1_lo, Cou.nt~T of -dri gl~.t, State of ~=innesota, that the Vi_lla~e Cler'~ o:f the; Village o:~:: ~~iorzticello shall I~.ave prepare; d., an:'. shall presont, to the County t's.u.d.itor of ti~.^ County of ~vright and. to tl,_e Couz~ty Registor o_.f Deeds of trze County o:t: j~Tri~;ht, at ti-~oir respctive Offlees located its. tiie V:i1l..az;e of 3Lti'f'~zlo, County 07 ~~Ir:ig~~t, State o~' ~~.innesota, a I<otice that ti:e procuac?ings to vacate the ~tl~ree streets h;rein:u<;'oz°~ referred. 1=o has riow Yaeeiz, ane'_ 1S ~ ` r..ei^~by, co:cr~,~lc,t~~d. in. accord.ac~cc with. th~~ 1_aws of the Stag- of Signori: Village Council of tt:ie `Jillagc "' i y o.f T'=iontice'llo, by: ~, ~.~~~~ j~".~.~,~.~-~. - ~-~.~,,~. ~ ~~~ ~~~~ -~C l ~ ~~~~.~~„~ ~' ~` ~-~- ,~,. ~ -: ~_ _~_ _~ 11~ I ~, (jr~ 1"_I~~ i~ _:~~ U ~ r~ Or. t}, i s ~*~ p'aY~~ i C L-~itr ~i_z,~ ari.d c~ c \ ~? ~: 1 ~~ =} cl~% O=~ ~ , 1~, }?`'~'orv Ii1^, a. YlOt~^l'r_,~~ i O?' ,^Gi~3. GO!int~ d.C~~~ ;.~ta.tC, i~i~Y'SO1c'~1.Tj~ appear°:} • ,; tYI.E~> IT1eIT]}"~BrS Of ~}"e 5>-~_11_a~e CUL?').Cil O:l' t}~.E ~.ri_~_18vf`, O~' 1•i0Y?.tiCE'._ U, ',;O'JYl.ttj U" ~ 1'1~}'`t, ~>t~~t8 O:f }~<lY1.I1°,SOvc]., L~C}`lOSE; S1"]"lc`'•tLl'L'US ~^~-'~~1.~>,ar OY7. t}1° SeCOYIC~ t7 i`;c% O:n {.~:; fOr^~~Oil°.~~ ~eSO_}U.tl_OTl, Sd1C} 7J°rS071S :~YlOG1Y1 to nee to be sr~er~~bers of ~l,Y:~e Vii lake Council o~' ti~.c; Vill.~~~ of ontice _1_~, Co~;.nt~,~ o~ ~lr i_~,rit, Mate, of Sc:l :} 1 ~. C S O ~_ L'. t i O t'l. L~l ~ S S Z. ~~ Cl e C, LJl_'11 C'C7 C? a t C ~~ 1`;,~', an_d t~~e;y ac}~noLtil_cc'~~>d t}gut t~..e~ ow~~l .free p c t an.~. ci e e u, ELrF,~1GR V. ~iGRPJLUPJD Natar~~ ~'u:,;ic, Y~rigitt County p~~, My t;ommission Facpirec Jun. 4. 19 A i• ~. .~~. ~ ~ ~ 'i. +~' U = .." m ~ / r w, / ~J r ~ -~ - ~~~ r~ r ~ e 1,~Y )p~•~ ~ {~ - ~. •~,\\ - `:it~.r~e sot~a on the c? a:~~/ tY~ ~t L~~ ~~ S t e t: T "L~J~' C7. a ~r O fry/G~i~2r ~ eXCCLlt80. t;78 S a~~e &S tf.~.L .l_ r `~