City Council Resolution 1960-03~~ ~~ A7 i.Fx 6 .~ 1 "~ S~ r`~ ~ . .'~, ~: a. iJ ~f ~~„~c`~ la' ~ r~:..;' ~`~ ~ °4 .LJ L•i "~"S „i-~ a ~ ,i ~ Y 2~ i~i T 4`~a ) :`, 1 ~.4 iJ J.. }. 3.t '1s,.r az ~...5 .z,~...E w., s..d :. -_ ..E. ~.., ~~~.., t_...s. v:1 .y iL :.. S.i a~.< ~...°..a`~r e S:.R. .a.e'~1~"~y ir~.x ~3. k.;'S.~i6 ~~J 6~iti~ ~,~iEPEA~, pursuant to a resoltttio~a passed by ~~he Co~cil on Marc}i 21 19 b~ , theme (Village) Er~ginser Consulting Li~gineering firm .of Carter, Krueger & Aasoc~a e~s,rlnc, as pr®parecl plans and spec ifi- cations for the improvement of ,~YLZ~~ ,,fiawar i nt,Qrr,,~,,~tn~, „Qan j,t~~ and has presented such plans end specific~tiaAS to the Council :nor approval; NOW T~IEREEQ? ~, RL .%'~ RF'"~C`.L~IEL~ EI' '.~fiE ~ t~+°ILLA(~E) CO~~~talL 0~' Mont i cel~ o 1, such plans and spQCi~'icat~.ons, s copy of t~h~.ch are attached hereto and made apart hereof, are hereby approved. 2. 1'he (vi11t~SU) c? ark ~~~~ shah. ~r~ .are sad cause to b~ inserted iii t1-aa o.~' ~ ~rp~-fand inConst.ructioz~ O'1~~~~dv~artisement for bids upon the m~lzing of such ir~pr~vement under. such approved plans and specifica'~i.ons. i'he advsrtisement shall be published ~'or 1~ days, shall specify the ~ox°Zi to be done, .~hal1 st€~tc~ that bids will be opened and considered 'E~~r the caux~cll at aer~. (p.md) on , 19 , in the cs~t~scil chambers of tlieF c~ ~~vil~.a~Q) hall,. end t at no bids ~il~. be cons_dex°ed °L:66d~Gss se~alsd a~zd filed ti$ith the Cl~''?''~ EI~d~ BeCVmpenied b~' a cash deot~sit, cash.~.e?'as check, bid bond or cc~z~tif~.~~ check payable to tP~e c~? cork for 3 per cent of the $mount o1' such bid, Adc,pted by the co~,anci.l this _._.__ day °i __ , l~w._ • 9 ~^ F"' C3 0 "~ Y1 C?"~ €'! ~ 1. .9._ly '+^,S.t~,~„ ~:4"`W usJ ~~ts 'E,~i'C3L1.)_E'i:1>~ 7.~'? ~3f:it1~~IL'~ CSZ thfi-' E;~:a~'so+4 ~.~ 'L~r.f:~tiYl~,, they i'~.~ ~?Li£i° 3.Y? t2t~ u::?'~~ p~'~'C:?d'.'.i;~ ~~'1~7 :I:'r34~tr'~~i;~'i $~`a3.is~3~'1' Tt~e~~' I'.`~ ch~T3~'~~ U .reac. rr~ixl~l ~vt?-~:-e t~~r~t b''.ds ,~ ~?~.~. be race ived b~ th.e clad ?~ ~k•ecprc~~~~) ~~t~.l ~. r~~. PP em ) ors a ~.~; at ~r~~ ch time they ~Ji~.l be _~u~~. ~.c~.~Y o,~;,r~~a:~ :Y~~? t~~.a ~c~-~r i7~~c~~.amb~r~ ~f° t2x~ ci.tg- (v'i11.a~;ci~.sl? ~,y "%~:~"?s f3~? `~";' ~';T L~# ~ AEG) Cele'.'~~ ~3'~ .,'ors:"Cf>~?`' ~ ~'tZ :'.'~ G~~~.~lIE3~~° « Sr3'1.~.~ 4~t;.~ 1."~E: ~, ~~~JL~.s:.'~~C~P d'Z3~i `:J~_~.'~ 13~ G~C~?`;~~~E.T'Gd ,`}'ur '~~'1G' Cou~ci.~. ~t ~?.°'."s. f~3."~`. 6 tw~~ _ q 1`~ ....i ~~~~? ^.o t9~a~ ~.~. t:.'f«~I17~C-3 2'.3" ,,, ~ ux"Xt~;X' ~.L's' ~. C`? ~ ~..: ,i 'y,, z ..~ ~ ~ ~ z ~ a .~ i ~ L~ , y~ ,,.~ ~~ y,,, ~ ~ JD ^~ ,~. ,}. i e ~ .L ecl .,. LJ ~ ~~~.. a.. '= .+.~ ~.... E! 1.~. ~} `~3.;~ '.~~ . .. dr'i. ~l ~j S,~ ~ C~a .~ I.,i Zd! i~ t., s 3~ C~ ~' i~ Lc6°.p~ ~..h r G ~ ~~ ~ ~ ..y ° .~ •; ..; .rs 1.~ c .i `.. 1 Yea ~ A 4 R za v ') '~ '°' 3 g 's ~: 1 ..~-n t,~.~~. ~- r. _c1 f ~__ :.hc~ o~ ~_z?g o~ o:~c.~ a~ c~ ~1_e cos,°~^.f a. . r °° -. ? ,M1 ° h ., r, t. ,,,~ µ, o. ? y.3 i .t. ~, r„a 1 ~ ~~. r* y v 3 ~ ..n t R r. ~ ~ ,. ~ _ : , ,:~ :...;. ___ _. ) :. C's"? i, _~~: i,i .s. ~}: rl~~ ~ ~ . is [y3 x... ~.3 w A ~ ~" ~ `.;i ~2 ~~ ,14iY~ .La.v?. lu~f S~~.. .~ L.o ,1.)U ~L;1...J ~, ~~?C; [~l.: k,)4_~fd 'S 1L.i~w it ~.~ ~.~1. .~C.s1~..ry~°.~¢ `1 m. _.:-~ , z. e . ... . wi ~... lY ...,~:.t a w, a~ ..& .. ,,~ _ u .....> t+J .~.~r ._. ..~ s.: .,.... ... t° ,A_F.i Le L'.v suc~;easi°ul ~:idci~~r wi~.:~ es~~~er into ~ con~prac~L-. ~. 3°° The amount is within thediscretion of the .council. .. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .. .. 4 .. Comment: This resolution need not be published except in cities with charter requirements for the publication of resolutions. An advertisement for bids is required only if the estimated coat exceeds ~5, 000. The advertisement must be published in the official paper but the length of publication is left to the discretion of the council. However, at least 10 days moat elapse between the first publication sad the opening of the bide snd three weoka if the estimated cost exceeds X100,000. On projects of that magnitude; publication ire a trade paper published in a first class city must also be made a singl.e publication af; least three we®ks before closing of bids is sufficient. °The newspaper usually used. Par this purpo4e is The Construction Bulletin, Lumber change, Minneapolis, which rear ea most con rac or~~~te'a are higher i.n Minneapolis, St. Paul and Duluth dailies, which also qualify for the sF.cond publication. If the council doss not ~°i;~h to ~.et the contract until it knows that ~.~i~provement bonds to fiz~anc® the project can be ~~nax°keted at a reasonable r~~t~~of interest, it mad wish to condition receipt of bids for corwstruction c,,~ '~he~ basis that the mun~.cipality case 30 dayswithin c~hich to ~aet upon `~~:~e~~p D~.~ring this period a p~riva~~e or ~jublic s+~la of 'oonc~a can t=e ~.:c~:~4angcdA hoa-~ever, the bor..ds ahc~uld not actually be issued until the c.~_;~~~.vrac.~ h~~; ~eera a~~ard~~d. A sim~.lar ~fl day provi ,ion ~ai~.l be fc#und ~~ ~~,:s~:-~:i~:~e 3.f the ^ou.nci~. sevexr-~s the b~~.cis i-u advance of the im~arc~ve;neat .~.l~,e rc4~ol;z'rion rr:a$ px^ovid€: for opening of bids in advance oa" the cs~.?4:~~.~,~~.? :aee~;irag i~~ the preW~;t2Le cs` two or more dea,~~zaLed offici~~ls. 'the ~~3_;~4 dA~en ~~:a~ tae ~~<~buZa~~ed ~aei°o~~e the t~eeti~eag in &~h`~:eh trE~~ a9•e cacnsidered: r+: ,;y ~ ~,bia ~~a~ a~~~~~ a~.tbsuaxz~~fal a~~ounvti of co~.xneil ~ime~ p~zr~;~icular].~ ~et~e °,I;ere ~ax°e r~~,~~:,s~ presapc~ctive bf.ddex'a, a n~t~»b~r s~f ai.tet'n~~vea i~! the ;t:s ;;C~. r'~ C'~3+''',i0I3~; GT' 11811;" ~i3i~~ pr'' ices . In 'tl~QCOmn,endnE~ Starld€~rr.'; Practice ¢'~Jr Com~aptitivv ~3idding anci i,ettin~; ~;_°° ~e~,;h~, a~ad 1°~ater ~Iork,~ .~jJ€~ti~lo?~c~d b~ the ~'a~.n'~ Oocperr~t i^~e Co~ar~~.t-:ee a' r.z:~~J~~~.~.~t„ uac~,etg of ~x°ofi'eaaionsi EngiraQers and associated G-oneral Con~- t:..P:;ctc.~~s oi" ~~i~.nnea~t-a't ~hc~x~::€:f u~:r referred to sa "Recommendc~c~ ~®~~er and w,s..::LVr ~UY"1~~°~ct Pr~~;tice`Y)a it !.~ ;ug~z~,~~:ed that the time .for o:~oe~~:tng bids '~;~~ ~~r; earlier th~~a.M~ ~:OC~ p,re:,. ~~nd t~~a•~ bids ~'_~lau~.c~ rlo~; be as~~ed ~"or on ~~ :~~~~-u~°«~.~rsa ~.egal ~~~;°~lida~~, o~~ ~;he dad fcZlowing legal hol~~.da~, s, €snd .f ,~yn~wb~~.y not an ~~cmda~~~~. k'=~ .