City Council Resolution 1961-04• • NOW THEREFORE, ~E IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Monticello, Minnesota: 1• I.AR~'GY, ~y'ut~s.v ~ ,/Qsso~i~4fes ~ consulting engin ers, h ve prepared final plans and specifications for the making of the afore- said improvement for approval of the Council and the same are hereby approved and ordered placed on file with the Village Clerk. 2. A public hearing will be held at the ViMMllage of Monticello, Minnesota at the /'ION~~C'~lIO /~cs,h 5c/fa~! ~on Wednesday, th 2 th day of May, 19 1 at ~ o'clock ~.M, to consider said improvement. 3. The nature of the improvement, the estimated cost thereof, and the area proposed to be assessed therefor, are described in the form of Notice of Hearing hereinafter set forth. 4. Said improvement is hereby designated Sanitary Sewer and Street Improvement of 1961. 5. The notice of public hearing shall be in substantially the following form: -2- r~ ~. The Village Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause notice of said hearing to be given two publications in the official Village newspaper. Said publications shall be one week apart and at least three days shall elapse between the last publication and the date of hearing. 7. The Village Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to prepare- and cause to be inserted in the official newspaper an advertisement for bids upon the making of such improvement under such approved plans and specifications. The advertise- ment shall be published for at least 10 days and shall specify the work to be done and shall state that bids will be publicly opened and considered by the Council at ~ o'clock ~.M, on Wednesday, the 2~ th day of May, 1961 at the U~~/ a C~ou.~t[ ~oo~r-s dnd /~'~ew~'~e e~~o /~~gL, ~c/tao/ a d that no bids will be considered unless sealed and filed with the Clerk and accompanied by a cash deposit, cashier's check or• certified check payable to the Clerk for five per• cent (5~) of the amount of such bid. The motion for adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by member ~ Q/.{e r and upon a vote being taken thereon, the ,~f]oll/owing /v~ oted in favor t/h~ereof /~/ylS O ~1-. ~ /9'f'~~v~ N N ~ a r C O A~ . ~p~ [C /f A- A~N and the following against the same: Whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted.