City Council Resolution 1961-05r r~ !+ ..... T;X~1~~'i'~"1' ~iE' ~d~i. (7'1'E:J Off' ~~~'I±'I'1.NG OF' THE COIJNCIIa _~ - _- _ ~ _ COUNTY, Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a mE~etinE; of the Council. of °~~tir.,~,~~pQ~ ay o ~, ~ounty~ iviinnesota, was auly held at in said municipality on the , 1 at ~~ 0 9 clock ~. P~~. The following members were pr^esento and the foll owing were absentq Member introduced the following resolution and. move lts a~optl.on; A R~SOLLT PION REDU~C:ING 'TAX LEVY ~'OR DE~3T SERVICE BE I'I' RES~'LVED by the Council of `Z~ ~ County9 Minnesota as follows: l~ There is hereby .irrevocably appropriated from the 0 F~.a.nd the sum of _ ~-~/,•aoo.o o which sum s a e cre i to~inking Fund for the , Ben~s~iereto ore issue by this municipality. 2. In accordance with I~~Zinnesota Statute 1915, Section .75.61, as amended, the County Auditor of `~~ County is hereby authorized and directed to reduce by e amount above-mentioned trie tax that would otherwise by .included in the rolls for the year 19~, collectible in the ye~.r 19~~v,' 3. The Clerk i.s hereby authorized and directed to furnish a copy of this resolution to the County Auditor of -~y~ w~ County forthwitho The foregoing; resolution was du 1.y seconded. by ~vlember ~e and upon. vc to being tG ken thereon, the f ollowi ng voted int v r thereo.o and the following voted against the sarnea V~'hereupon said resolution was. declared duly passed and. adopted. 9 1 .__., ~~ ~~ JURAN & MOODY, [N C. MUNICIPAL HONDS EXCLUSIVELY TELETYPE ST P 160 TELEPHONE CAPITAL 4-9661 SAINT PAUL 1, MINNESOTA 93 EAST SIXTH STREET 0 SEPTEMBER 18, 1961 MR• RICHARD ADAMSON VILLAGE CLERK MONTICELLO~ MINNESOTA RE2 ~Ip77j,OOO STREET & SEruER IMPROVEMENT BONDS OF 1960 ~47~,00O CONSOLIDATED IMPROVEMENT BONDS OF 1960 DEAR MR. ADAMSONi AT THE TIME YOU ISSUED THE ABOVE GAPTIgNED BONDS IT WAS ANTICI- PATED THAT THE TAX LEVY PROVIDED FOR MIGHT BE REDUCED DEPENDING ON AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS FROM THE FOLLOWING SOURCE OR SOURCESS PAYMENT OF ASSESSMENTS. REVENUE FROM SEWER SYSTEM. TRANSFER OF FUNDS FROM NET REVENUE OF MUNICIPAL LIQUOR STORE AT THE COUNCILtS DESCRETION. ON OR BEFORE OCTOBER 10, IT WILL BE NECESSARY TO CERTIFY TO THE COUNTY AUDITOR THE AMOUNT OF MONEY TRANSFERRED TO THE FUND FOR PAYMENT qF PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST ON THESE BONDS. UPON RECEIPT OF THIS CERTIFICATIONS THE AUDITOR WILL REDUCE SUCH TAX LEVY FpR SUCH PRINCIPAL FOR THIS YEAR. UNLESS THIS CERTIFICATION IS MADE THE AUDITOR WILL MAKE THE TAX LEVY AS PROVIDED. WE ENCLOSE HEREWITH A BLANK FORM OF RESOLUTION REDUCING TAX LEVY AND A CERTIFIED COPY TO BE FORf~ARDED 70 THE COUNTY AUDITOR. WE UNDERSTAND THAT IN 50ME CASES THE AUDITOR WILL PRESCRIBE THE NEC- ESSARY FORM SO WE SUGGES`I YOU CONTACT HIM IMMEDIATELY IT WOULD BE WISE TO HAVE HiM ACKNOWLEDGE RECEIPT OF CERTIFICATION $O THAT YOU KNOW THE TAXES WILL BE REDUCED OR CANGELIED. PLEASE NOTIFY U5 WHEN THE CERTIFICATION HAS BEEN MADE AND THE AMOUNT CERTIFIED TO THE AUDITOR AND TRANSFERRED TO THE FUND FOR PAYMENT OF THESE OBLIGATIONS. VERY TRULY YpURS~ JURAN & M0 DY, INC. BY NH ENCL. THIS IS A ROUTINE REMINDER AND IF THE BONDS REFERRED TO HAVE BEEN PREPAID DISREGARD THIS NOTICE.