Parks Commission Minutes 09-22-2005 . Minutes Monticello Parks Commission ~ Regular Meeting Thursday, September 22, 2005 Members Present: Riek Traver, Ben Hitter, Nancy McCaffrey and Council Liaison Tom Perault Members Absent: Larry Nolan, Fran Fair Others Present: Adam Hawkinson .. Parks Superintendent I. Call to Order Acting Chair Rick Traver noting a quorum present called the meeting to order at 4:35 p.m. 2. Approve minutes of the AUl!ust 25. 2005 rel!ular Parks Commission meetinl! Nancy McCaffrey Illotioned to approve the minutes of the May 27, 2004 parks commission meeting. Ben Hitter seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. 2b. Approve Minutes of June 15.2005 special Parks Commission mectiOl:!: Nancy McCaffrey motioned to approve the minutes of the May 27, 2004 parks commission meeting. Ben Hitter seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Consideration of add in!?: items to the ul!enda . Pathway at Cardinal Hills park and along school blvd. 4. Citizen comments and reuuests None 5. Consideration of prODosal for additional fields - Xcd Fields. Adam Hawkinson explained that if the Jefferson development continues, the exchange over the freeway by the city ball fields wi II wipe out those fields, shorting the city of nlUch needed ball fields. Adam and Jeff O'Neill met to discuss options possibly tieing in some YMCA property with the fields that arc currently used to spread sludge from the sewage plants. Rick Traver stated that ball fields are a must and we have got to get a plan written in stone. We have been trying to develop ball fields for many years and something always reverses the process or certainly slows it down. It should be a priority for the City and the Parks Commission. 6. Ice Rinks . Adam Hawkinson was looking for direction fi'om the Parks Commission regarding which rinks to flood for the winter. With the added ice at the new arena, he wondered if we could reduce the number of outside rinks. Adam stated it is difficult to get the rinks flooded at first because the window to flood them is so small. After some discussion the commission asked Adam to put some labor costs together to see if the city would save a substantial amount of money. Rick Traver stated that while we will have a new arena with ice, the open ice times will be limited, and if a persons schedule doesn't fit the open times it would be of no use to that citizen. . . 7. Parl{ Maintenance Items Adam Hawkinson did not have a written list of the maintenance work completed, but provided a verbal account of the activities onhe parks department stafr. Some of these items were: Weeding of Swan park and Fixing of Split Rail Pence; Aerated Par West Park and River Mill park; installation of swings at Ellison Park; Seeding of ball fields at Hill Crest Park completed; letters were sent to residents around Halboul Park stating we were removing the equipment from that park; Meadow Oaks culverts have been cleaned regularly as they are prone to plugging. Adam stated that with the lack of seasonal staff he had to spend a lot of time working in the field instead of on the administrative side of his job. I Ie also mentioned that the street department may not have time to pave the cemetery roads - Nancy McCaffrey stated this would be terrible as we have not made many ifany of the improvements recommended hy the cemetery committee. Adam presented several fountain options t()r West Bridge Park and Groveland Park. The fountain would have to be a sclf standing unit at Groveland, the lowest bid being approximately $800, and the fountain at West Bridge would be a wall mount unit with the lowest bid being $655. Adam presented the addition of a wall climber to Par West Park. Rick Traver asked if we had the money in the budget to add to the park, and Adam stated that the money was available. !3en Hitter motioned that we purchase the wall climber for Par West Park, 2'ltl Nancy McCaftl'ey, motion carried unanimously. Adam presented the bids for the 130lens Tractor, it was sold for $2626.26. Rick Traver asked what was done with the money and Adam guessed that it went back into the general fund. Rick Traver stated he hoped it went back into capital equipment purchases. 8. Pathway at Cardinal Hills Park and alone: S. Side of School Blvd. Adam Hawkinson stated that the city had a pedestrian traffic study done for traffic along school blvd. lhe study showed that many ofthe children in the Cardinal Hills development took a short cut through the city easement between two homes and two holding ponds. He also stated that while the city will be putting a crosswalk at the easelnent, the city was looking for support in adding a pathway through the easement and along the south side of School Blvd along the Cardinal Hills Park up to the crosswalk. After some discussion we as a Park Commission stated we are in favor of a pathway in these areas and asked Adam to proceed with the construction of these paths. 9. Motion to adiourn . Nancy McCaffi"ey made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 5:32 p.m. Seconded by Ben Hitter. Motion approved unanimously. Acting & Recording Secretary Rick Traver