EDA Minutes 01-13-2010MINUTES CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Wednesday, January 13, 2010 6:00pm 1. Call to Order: Chairman Demeules called the meeting to order and declared a quorum at 6:00pm. Roll Call: The following Commissioners were present: President Bill Demeules Commissioner Bill Fair Vice President Dan Frie Commissioner Bill Tapper Council Member Tom Perrault Council member Brian Stumpf Absent: Commissioner Bob Viering Also present Executive Director Megan Barnett and Finance Director Tom Kelly 2. Approve minutes: MOTION BY BILL FAIR SECONDED BY BILL TAPPER TO APPROVE THE OCTOBER 14, 2009 MEETING MINUTES WITH CORRECTIONS TO ITEM 6 TO STATE "WOULD LIMIT THE DEVELOPMENT POTENTIAL." MOTION CARRIED. 6 -0. 3. Consideration of additional agenda items: No additional items were added. 4 Approval of EDA invoices: MOTION BY BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED BY TOM PERRAULT TO APPROVE INVOICES. MOTION CARRIED. 5 -0. ABSTAINED BILL TAPPER 7. Marketing Update: Economic Development Director Barnett provided a brief update on current marketing initiatives by staff and Wayne Elam. 5. Presentation by the I -94 West Corridor Coalition: Director Barnett stated representatives from the I -94 West Corridor Coalition along with Bret Weis are present tonight to inform the EDA about the Coalition and their initiatives. Leonard Kirsh briefly reviewed their history and current partners. Bret Weis from WSB reviewed various lobbying efforts and identified transportation funding sources. The Coalition is trying to lobby for funds to move up the expansion of I -94 on MNDot's priority list. Bret also reviewed efforts the Coalition has made to continue lobbying at the State and Federal levels, including submitting a TIGER grant. Bret Weis and Leonard Kirsh both stated how important it is to begin planning now for any expansion along I -94 to occur. Even if it is projected the expansion will not likely occur within 5 — 10 years. If communities do not get in front of decision makers now and identify needs, nothing will happen beyond 20 years. Continued traffic issues will occur. Transportation money will go somewhere and it would seem appropriate to begin planning now for needed infrastructure from Maple Grove to Monticello. In order for this to occur it is vital to get in front of the decision makers to allot money for this needed I -94 expansion project. Brian Stumpf is opposed to joining the membership due to the fact Monticello will not see a direct benefit for at least 20 years. Director Barnett stated joining the Coalition will provide a direct economic benefit to Monticello. The more we are in front of businesses, investors, communities the more we could gain in economic development efforts. Bill Tapper stated he sees I -94 as the life blood and feels that the EDA should join the Coalition. Bill Fair stated he is in favor of the Coalition, it is a regional issue and Monticello will see a direct benefit. MOTION BY BILL TAPPER SECONDED BY DAN FRIE TO APPROVE SUPPORTING I: \ ► L I� 1; I ] � 1 l ► [e f I Y l � ! S+� ! �. r/ fy I I [ K I ] ; 7 ; 7 I IZ I ] ; Z K /7 \ I I Y Y [ I ] � A � [ /7 I Y (/7 � [ N: � ; 7 ; 7 I I 1 I� ! S ►�I C/7 T I W011M.1111aWALl11101a1&$101u iIrelva1;f"I 7. Adjourn MOTION BY TAPPER SECONDED BY FRIE TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. MOTION LOYA-31_I.111X.'ffU Bill Demeules, President