EDA Minutes 04-13-2010EDA MEETING MINUTES Wednesday, April 14, 2010 6:00 p.m. Mississippi Room - 505 Walnut Street, Monticello, MN Commissioners Present: President Bill Demeules, Treasurer Bill Tapper, Bill Fair, and Council members Tom Perrault and Brian Stumpf Commissioners Absent: Vice President Dan Frie Staff: Executive Director Megan Barnett, Finance Director Tom Kelly, Community Development Director Angela Schumann, Brett Weiss, WSB 1. Call to Order 2. Approve Meeting Minutes None were provided 3. Consideration of additional agenda items 4. Approval of EDA Invoices Barnett noted that there was one additional invoice from Ehlers related to TIF District 1- 22 TIF. MOTION BY TAPPER TO APPROVE INVOICES, SECONDED BY FAIR, MOTION CARRIED. 5 -0. 5. Consideration of approving EDA representation on the Embracing Downtown Steering Committee Barnett asked that two EDA volunteers serve on this committee. She anticipated that the Committee will meet a few times to select a consultant in May, have a project kick -off meeting in June and begin establishing a regular meeting schedule in September. MOTION BY STUMPF TO APPOINT FAIR AND DEMEULES TO SERVE AS EDA REPRESENTATIVES ON THE EMBRACING DOWNTOWN STEERING COMMITTEE, SECONDED BY PERRAULT, MOTION CARRIED 5 -0. 6. Discuss preliminary agreement terms for the purchase of Outlot C and Outlot A, Otter Creek Barnett outlined the Dahlheimer Beverage expansion proposal which involves purchasing an adjacent 6.19 acres in the Monticello Industrial Park and a 50,000- 60,000 square foot building expansion. She highlighted the terms of the existing TIF agreement and pointed out that it would need to be amended to include the new parcel. If the subsidy terms remain the same there would be a significant anticipated shortfall. Finance Director Tom Kelly responded to EDA questions regarding ways to handle the anticipated shortfall. Barnett suggested that there would be job and tax base benefits to promoting business expansion in Monticello. Both Demeules and Fair expressed concern about accepting a significant shortfall. Barnett obtained agreement from the EDA that staff should continue to negotiate with Dahlheimer's and work with Ehlers and Finance Director Kelly to put together alternative financing scenarios and report back as to how the shortfall could be addressed. 7. Consideration of authorizing submission of a Shovel Ready Application to the State of MN and completing the required environmental and survey work The State's Shovel Ready Application process would enable the City to join a State registry of available land ready for development. This would enable priority review in site selection at the State level and allow the purchasing process to proceed quicker. It would also provide the City with State and National recognition. A number of communities have participated in the Shovel Ready program including Big Lake, Rogers (Dayton area), and Rosemount. The application process would require some minor survey and environmental work. The Industrial Park has four outlots that would qualify for certification. There would be a $2,950 fee to apply for the designation which could be paid from the EDA marketing budget. WSB would charge $9,700 to complete the survey and environmental work. They have agreed to split the payment between 2010 and 2011. This fee would be paid from the EDA fund balance and can be repaid to the EDA over time by building the cost into the subsidy package. MOTION BY FAIR TO MOVE FORWARD WITH THE SHOVEL READY APPLICATION, SECONDED BY PERRAULT, MOTION CARRIED 5 -0. 8. Review submitted downtown real estate acquisition inquiry forms The EDA received 22 inquiries related to downtown real estate acquisition. Barnett suggested that it might be useful to establish criteria about high priority parcels in order to evaluate the inquiries submitted. She pointed out that there are TIF district funds available to use for possible property purchase. Stumpf agreed that it would be helpful for staff to establish criteria, and bring alternatives and recommendations for the EDA to consider in a closed work session. Barnett agreed to schedule a meeting for next month and to send a postcard to respondents to let them know the status of their inquiry. Community Development Director, Angela Schumann presented information about two conceptual proposals from different developers representing different interests in the NE and SE quadrants of the Hwy 25 and County Road 75 intersection. Both developers have indicated that they are not interested in TIF at this time. Council was presented with a report on what it would take to examine the transportation infrastructure in the NE quadrant of 75 in recognition of the need for improvements to serve that block. hi the SE quadrant there are two City wells. Well 1 is in direct conflict with future redevelopment. Council has authorized a well siting study to determine what it would take to replace the well. WSB has reviewed what right of way impacts would be involved in fixing intersections. Weiss pointed out that whether this development goes through or not, future developers will also need these issues addressed so it may be useful to lay the groundwork and line up the funding now. Finance Director Kelly stated TIF could be used to help either project move forward. 9. Review and recommend to the City Council a candidate for the open EDA seat MOTION BY FAIR TO RECOMMEND TRACY HINZ TO FILL A VACANT EDA SEAT, SECONDED BY STUMPF. MOTION CARRIED 5 -0. 10. Marketing Update (verbal) Barnett has received quotes on revising marketing materials and would like to move forward on getting quotes to update the economic development section of the website so that it is more fresh and interactive. This will enable site selectors to see why they should come to Monticello. There are marketing dollars available to do this. Barnett agreed to bring back final costs next month. 11. Director Report None Provided. 12. Adjournment MOTION BY FAIR TO ADJOURN, SECONDED BY STUMPF, MOTION CARRIED. 5 -0. Bill Demeules, President Megan nett, xecutive Director