IEDC Agenda 08-05-2014 AGENDA INDUSTRIAL & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE (IEDC) Tuesday, August 5th, 2014 – 7:00 a.m. Boom Island Room, Monticello Community Center ________________________________________________________________________________ Members: Joni Pawelk, Wayne Elam, Luke Dahlheimer, Rich Harris, Pat Thompson, Bill Tapper, Dick Van Allen, Dan Olson, Zona Gutzwiller, Jim Johnson, Don Roberts, Mary Barger, Tara Thurber, Tim O’Connor, Steve Johnson Liaisons: Jeff O’Neill, Mayor Clint Herbst, Glen Posusta, Marcy Anderson 1. Call to Order 2. Approve Minutes: a. May 6th, 2014 3. Consideration of adding items to the Agenda 4. Reports: a. Economic Development Report b. City Council c. Chamber of Commerce and Industry d. TAC 5. June Table Topic – Wright County Economic Development Partnership 6. Industry of the Year Planning Update a. Appoint Nomination Task Force 7. Adjournment. (8:00am) NOTES SPECIAL MEETING - INDUSTRIAL & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Tuesday, June 10th, 2014 - 7:30 a.m. Bertram Chain of Lakes Regional Park, Monticello Present: Wayne Elam, Joni Pawelk, Pat Thompson, Bill Tapper, Dan Olson, Zona Gutzwiller, Steve Johnson Absent: Luke Dahlheimer, Rich Harris, Dick Van Allen, Don Roberts, Jim Johnson, Tara Thurber, Tim O’Connor, Mary Barger Others: Jeff O’Neill, Angela Schumann As there was no quorum, there were no minutes. Those IEDC members in attendance took an informal walking tour of Bertram Chain of Lakes Regional Park. MINUTES INDUSTRIAL & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE (IEDC) MEETING Tuesday, May 6th, 2014 - 7:00 a.m. Boom Island Room, Monticello Community Center Present: Wayne Elam, Joni Pawelk, Luke Dahlheimer, Tim O’Connor, Pat Thompson, Bill Tapper, Dick Van Allen, Dan Olson, Zona Gutzwiller, Jim Johnson, Don Roberts, Tara Thurber, Steve Johnson Absent: Rich Harris, Mary Barger Others: Jeff O’Neill, Angela Schumann, Clint Herbst, Glen Posusta, Marcy Anderson 1. Call to Order Wayne Elam called the meeting to order at 7:00 a.m. 2. Approval of Minutes – April 1st, 2014 Meeting BILL TAPPER MOVED TO APPROVE THE APRIL 1ST, 2014 MEETING MINUTES AS PRESENTED. PAT THOMPSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 13-0. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda None 4. Reports a. Economic Development Report: Angela Schumann summarized the ongoing economic development projects and activities, including the Monticello-Worth the Stop project, and Market Matching program, as noted in the IEDC agenda packet provided. Schumann also highlighted requests included on the upcoming Planning Commission agenda, including the proposed Goodwill development and amendments to the Planned Unit Development ordinance. b. City Council: Jeff O’Neill provided background information related to several issues to be brought forward for City Council for consideration. O’Neill referenced that staff and the Council were working with businesses in the vicinity of Walnut Street north of Broadway regarding parking demand issues. c. Chamber of Commerce and Industry: Marcy Anderson reported on upcoming Chamber events. d. TAC:  June 24th, 2014 - Notice to IEDC  ADA compliance signage - Walnut lot IEDC Minutes: 05/06/14 2 5. Consideration of application for Industrial & Economic Development Committee membership Wayne Elam and Pat Thompson will interview the applicant on behalf of the IEDC. 6. May Table Topic – Coalition Update St. Michael City Administrator and I-94 Corridor Coalition Chair Steve Bot provided an overview of I-94 Coalition efforts and responded to IEDC questions.  $46 million Corridors of Commerce project  Begins July 2014 for section of 1-94 from 101 to 241  (3x ED multiple) scores on ED factors 7. Next Meeting June – Bertram Chain of Lakes (BCOL) 8. Adjournment PAT THOMPSON MOVED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 8:14 A.M. TIM O’CONNOR SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 13-0. Recorder: Kerry Burri __ Approved: Attest: _____________________________________________ IEDC Liaison IEDC Agenda: 08/05/14 1 4a/d. Economic Development Report/TAC Report Planning Commission Agenda The August 5th, 2014 Planning Commission agenda cover page is attached for reference. In particular, the IEDC may wish to make comment relating to Item 5. The Item 5 applications represent a proposal by IRET Properties to construct a 202 unit multi-family residential project on the property. The project is proposed to be constructed in two-phases, with approximately 136 units constructed in the first phase. Two IEDC members, the Monticello School District and Xcel Energy, previously submitted formal comment letters regarding the recent comprehensive plan amendment, which reguided this parcel of property from “Places to Shop” to “Places to Live”. Those letters are attached for the IEDC’s reference. Item 5 is an administrative item relating to the ability of the City Council and other affected parties to appeal variances, and the time limits for effecting and extending CUP approvals. As a note on Item 6, the Planning Commission is asked to review a final plat proposed for Liberty Park Second Addition. Liberty Park Second Addition is currently platted as an outlot and is being final platted into a legal lot and block to facilitate the construction of a new Von Hanson’s. The use, which is considered retail, is permitted in the B-2 (Limited Business) district and requires final plat review and approval by the City Council. No public hearing before the Planning Commission is required as a preliminary plat was previously heard and approved and the use itself is permitted. The staff reports for these three items can be viewed on the Planning Commission agenda page on the City’s website. Market Matching Report In July, the City Council and Economic Development Authority both took action to approve a renewal of contract with WSB Market Matching for one year. The new contract therefore extends to June 30th, 2014. The contract represents a shift from data collection to data distribution and lead development. The focus will be on presenting Monticello as a “Destination for Innovation” to prospects in the residential, commercial and industrial marketplace. Market Matching will present activity reports each month to either the City Council or EDA, alternately. Links to the Market Matching monthly reports will be provided to the IEDC in future editions of this report, as well. A copy of the collateral materials produced by WSB as part of the first year contract are included for the IEDC’s reference. Over the next month, these pieces, along with other market data, will also be posted to the www.buildingbusinessinmonticello.com website. EDA Hospitality Study IEDC Agenda: 08/05/14 2 In May, the EDA was presented with the final results of the hospitality study it commissioned. Staff believes that the verbal presentation provided by Steve Sherf, the study’s author, is just as valuable as the written report. To access the written report, please visit the EDA’s April agenda page. To view the May EDA meeting and study presentation, please visit the podcast section of the City’s website. Staff is happy to answer any questions on the study, as well. TAC Update CSAH 75/TH 25 o The City of Monticello, including WSB representatives, met with the Wright County Transportation Committee on July 21st to discuss options for maintaining on street parking on west CSAH 75 as part of intersection improvements to TH 25/CSAH 75. As an outcome of the discussion with Wright County, the City will be exploring four options for consideration, which will be discussed further with Wright County and then narrowed down for consideration for recommendation by the Monticello TAC in mid-August. These options are:  No change to current Broadway stretch from TH 25 to Walnut.  Retain on-street parking along West Broadway, reduce east and west bound Broadway to single-through lane from Walnut to TH 25; add dual left turn lanes from eastbound Broadway to northbound TH 25. This option includes a future alternative to eliminate on-street parking and return to two through lanes upon redevelopment on north and south side of west Broadway  Retain on-street parking along West Broadway, maintain two through lanes on both east and westbound Broadway from Walnut to TH 25; lengthen existing left turn lane from eastbound Broadway to northbound TH 25. (Wright County’s engineer prefers this option.)  Remove on-street parking; construct dual left turn lanes from eastbound Broadway to northbound TH 25; maintain two through lanes on both east and westbound Broadway from Walnut to TH 25. Regional Transportation Planning o Two meetings of stakeholders to discuss the regional transportation system have been held – one in June and one in July. Mayor Herbst, as a member of the Monticello Transportation Advisory Committee, and Councilmember Perrault, as appointed member to the Mississippi River Crossing task force, attended on behalf of the City of Monticello. The purpose of these initial workshops is to discuss the proposed process, provide background information, and begin to document stakeholder interests. A series of meetings is planned to enable collaborative planning process to develop a common transportation system vision and high-level plan to reach it. AGENDA MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING Tuesday, August 5, 2014 - 6:00 PM Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Commissioners: Chairman Brad Fyle, Sam Burvee, Charlotte Gabler, Alan Heidemann, Grant Sala Council Liaison: Lloyd Hilgart Staff: Angela Schumann, Steve Grittman - NAC, Ron Hackenmueller 1. Call to order. 2. Citizen Comments. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. 4. Consideration to approve Planning Commission minutes. a. Regular Meeting – June 3rd, 2014 b. Regular Meeting – July 1st, 2014 5. Public Hearing – Consideration of a request for rezoning from B-4 (Regional Business) District to R-4 (Medium-High Density Residence) District, Consideration of a request for Preliminary Plat and Final Plat for Monticello Commerce Center Eighth Addition, Consideration of a request for a Conditional Use Permit for Multi-Family Residential in an R-4 (Medium-High Density Residence) District, and Consideration of a request for variance to the Monticello Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 3, Section 4(H) for required minimum unit square feet in the R-4 (Medium-High Density Residence) District. 6. Public Hearing - Consideration of a request for amendment to the Monticello Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 2, Section 4(C) – Variances, subsection (4) Review and (7) Time Limit, and amendment to Chapter 2, Section 4(D) – Conditional Use Permits, subsection (8)Time Limit. 7. Discussion Item – Final Plat, Liberty Park Second Addition 8. Community Development Director’s Report 9. Adjourn. Destination for Innovation Int e r s t a t e 9 4 85th St Ne 90th S t N e W Br o a d w a y S t School Blvd 7th St E Jas o n A v e N e E B r o a d w a y S t Chel s e a R d River St W Fe n n i n g A v e N e Elm S t County Road 39 Ne Pin e S t Ed m o n s o n A v e N e Ced a r S t Br i a r w o o d A v e N e Fa l l o n A v e N e Ha r d i n g A v e N e Dundas Rd Ca m e r o n A v e N e Rive r S t E Sta t e H i g h w a y 2 5 N e 6th S t W 3rd S t W 3rd S t E 80th St Ne 4th S t E 120th St Ne 4th S t W ParkPla c e D r Lin n S t Riverview D r N e Eis e l e A v e N e Map l e S t Ma r v i n R d Starling Dr Hart Bl v d 7t h S t W 88th St Ne Chels e a R d W Golf Course Rd 95th St Ne Prairie Rd Deer St 84th St Ne M alla r d Ln Sandy Ln Bakken St Vin e S t Ha u g A v e N e Ca h i l l A v e N e Ram s e y S t Sta t e H i g h w a y 2 5 S New S t Wal n u t S t S Ga t e w a t e r D r Hall A ve Ne Badger St Was h i n g t o n S t 83rd St Ne Pr e s c o t t D r Park Dr Da v e r n A v e N e El k A v e Da r r o w A v e N e Sa vannah Ave Dee g a n A v e Farmstead Ave Da r l i n g t o n A v e N e Farmstead Dr O a k ri d ge Dr MinnesotaS t Gi l l a r d A v e N e 89thS t N e Pe li ca n Ln Redfo rd L n Wri g h t S t M e a d o w O a k Ave Ne 97th St N e Inns b r o o k D r 87th St Ne Sa n d b e r g R d Falcon Ave Fairhill Ln Fo x S t H e d m anLn Co u n t r y A v e 11 0th StNe Meadow Oak Dr PineStToWb I94 Missi s s i p p i D r N e Good ric h D r EbI94To Pin e S t 102nd St N e Oriole L n 101st S t N e Alpine Dr Hen n e p i n S t Fro n t S t O akridge Dr N East Oak Dr Weston D r Pine StTo EbI94 94th StNe Troy M a r q u ette Dr GilbertAve Ne 116thStNe Fairway Dr 100th St Ne 5th S t W W o o d s i de Dr DaltonAve N e Ch a m b e r l a i n A v e N e Ke v i n L o n g l e y D r WbI9 4 T o FenningAveNe Br e n t w o o d D r 9 3rd StNe Fe nning AveNe ToEb I94 Wildwood Way Hillcrest Rd M ill T r ailLnNe Golden PondLn Jerry Liefert Dr River Mil l D r N e Oa k w o o d D r E Wil l o w S t Orchard Cir Hig h landWay Wal n u t S t D altonCt WbI94ToPineSt HilltopDr Priva t e D r O a k v i ew Ln Club View Dr Ei der L n Mill RunRd Da v i d s o n A v e N e Fallo n Dr Ea g l e C t 12 7 t h S t N e Thomas Park Dr Bi s o n A v e Fi eldcrestCir Martin Dr Red Rock Ln River F o re st DrNe Homeste ad D r Spru ceDr Ma t t h e w C i r SpiritHillsRd Gray stone Ave P ebblebrook Dr MarvinElwood R d VineLn Diamond Dr Hamilton Ave Ne CraigLn CrocusLn Hayward C t S 82nd St Ne Oakleaf Ct Pal m S t Dalton W ay 96thSt NeHaywardCtN Briar Oakes Blv d Giff o r t Ct Eakern Cir Ne 6 1/2 St Ha r r i n g t o n A v e N e River Ridge Ln Ne Meado w Oa kLnNe GiffortAve Ne Meadow Ln N e Chestn utSt Eagle Ridge Ln Loc u s t S t Mount C urv e Bl vd 99th St Ne SomersetLn KennethLn Gatew ay Cir 91st St Ne Oakv i e w C t P rairieCree k L n Ha m l i n e A v e N e OrchardLn Oak L n Hal s e y A v e N e Du n d a s C i r GinghamCt S u m m i t C t EbI94ToFenning Av e N e Pinehurst Ct Ta n a g e r C i r Ta l o n C t Wi d g e o n L n Windemere Ct Country Cir Deer C i r Pal m S t Dalton A v e N e Ca h i l l A v e N e 8 5 t h St N e 87thSt Ne FallonAve Ne Ced a r S t 90th St Ne River S t W County Road 39 Ne Ha l l A v e N e 85th St Ne 5th S t W Min n e s o t a S t Inte r s t a t e 9 4 84thStNe 7th S t W Vin e S t Ha u g A v e N e 85th St Ne P in e St ToEb I94 C h e l s e a R d 83rd S t N e H a rt Blvd 84thStNe Wri g h t S t River S t W 87th St Ne Dal t o n A v e N e 1 inch = 600 feetMonticello Fiber Cable Source: City of Monticello GIS Join the many businesses that have confidently invested in Monticello, a destination for innovation and leading Minnesota tech community. Total Population Percent Change 20102020203020402010-20202010-2040 124,700147,422171,416193,67918.2%55.3% How to Get Here Air: Located 51 miles north west of the Minneapolis/St. Paul International Airport or 23 miles from the St. Cloud Regional Airport. Population Growth Projections for Wright County Destination for Innovation Community Snapshot High school graduate Education Monticello Business Center - Monticello, MN Industrial Park - Drive Times September 06, 2013 Made with Esri Business Analyst ©2013 Esri www.esri.com/ba800-447-9778Try it Now!Page 1 of 1 To Minneapolis - 38 Miles To St. Cloud - 30 Miles Map of Drive Times Wright County had the fastest growing labor force in Minnesota from 2002 to 2012 at +22.6%. Neighboring Sherburne County was the 4th fastest labor force growth at +18.5% Source: ESRI Business Analyst Online Taxes: The Cost of Doing Business in... Source: American Community Survey (2007-2011) *Based on 1 Million Dollar Industrial Property Valuation Source: Positively Minnesota Source: Wright and Sherburne County Assessor’s Office 15 minutes 5 minutes 10 minutes 12,759 $192,500 Monticello Population 4,693 Households Median Home Value 29 City Parks 1 of the Few Cities in U.S. with Multiple Fiber Optic Providers to Home and Business Mississippi River Access $69,647 Median Household Income 17 Miles of Trails 32 years Median Age 10,370 Acres of Regional Parkland 23% 19% 6% 32% 11% $34,000 $38,000 $40,000 $42,000 Monti c e l l o $34 , 4 0 0 $36 , 2 0 0 $37 , 9 0 0 $38 , 3 0 0 $39 , 6 4 6 $42 , 7 8 1 Buffa l o St. M i c h a e l Alber t v i l l e Otseg o Big La k e $35,000 $36,000 $0 $37,000 $39,000 $41,000 $32,000 $33,000 Interstate/Highway: Monticello is located off of Interstate Highway 94 and Highway 25, and 2 miles from Highway 10. Passenger Rail/Light Rail: Connected to the North Star passenger rail line that runs to the Twin Cities and connecting LRT lines. Rail: The BNSF rail line is a class 1 freight railroad that connects north to St. Cloud and South to the Twin Cities. Post graduate degree Bachelor’s degree Associates degree Some College Destination for Innovation Wright County Employment Profile Percent of Population Employed Civilian Employed Population (16+ yrs)64,309 employed Construction 19 % Manufacturing 17 % Wholesale Trade 13 % Retail Trade 9.2 % Transportation Warehousing 9 % Information 7.6 % Finance, Insurance, Real Estate 6 % Professional, Scientific, Management 4.5 % Educational Services, Health Care, Social Services4.4 % Arts, Entertainment, Recreation 4 % Public Administration 1.5 % Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting, Mining1.4 % Other 1.5% Source: American Community Survey (2007-2011 5 yr Estimates) Source: Esri, DigitalGlobe, GeoEye, i-cubed, USDA, USGS, AEX, Getmapping, Aerogrid, IGN, IGP, swisstopo, and the GIS User Community 200’ PowerlineEasement 200’ PowerlineEasement DrainageEasement DrainageEasement In t e r s t a t e 9 4 CSAH 39 165’ PowerlineEasement Gas Easement Pond Pond Wetland Pond Pond D A L T O N C O U R T DALTO N A V E N E 5.28 ACRES 4.99 ACRES 34.1 ACRES16.1 DEV. ACRES 1.8 ACRES 1.83ACRES 6.67 ACRES 10.87 ACRES DAL T O N W A Y F U T U R E R O A D DA L T O N A V E N E Certified Shovel Ready Development Site • 50 acres – subdivided to meet your needs • Access to I-94 and Trunk Highway 25 • Regional ponding • Utilities provided by Excel Energy and Centerpoint Energy • Fiber optics - 1 gigabit per second service to 4693 households, 1258 firms. • City sewer and water • Zoning: I-1 Light Industrial Map of Business Center Sites Monticello Business Center Certified Shovel Ready Development Site September 10, 2013 Made with Esri Business Analyst ©2013 Esri www.esri.com/ba800-447-9778Try it Now!Page 1 of 1 The City of Monticello seeks to create partnerships with private investors. Assistance may include: • Acquisition of land • Preparation of sites for development • Construction or reconstruction of public improvements • Removal of polluted lands as needed • Tax increment financing, tax abatement, or other financial tools available to the city • Fiber subsidy available • Site preparation (platting) • Revolving loan Helpful Links: Building Business in Monticello- http://www.buildingbusinessinmonticello.com Greater MSP- http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=JDH5il6FFiM The City of Monticello’s Economic Development Authority provides comprehensive services to prospective and existing businesses by assisting with site and building information, financial assistance, and guidance through the regulatory and development process. Local Assistance Programs Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Assistance for land write-down and or site improvements for qualified businesses. Greater Monticello Enterprise Fund Below Prime Interest Rate Loan. Regional Assistance Programs Wright County Enterprise Fund A county funding course to assist industrial businesses with financing real property acquisition and development, machinery and equipment or working capital. Minnesota Investment Fund Low interest loans to industrial, manufacturing and technology businesses. Small Business Development Loan Program This loan is through the Minnesota Agricultural and Economic Development Board who issues industrial development bonds. Small Business Administration (SBA) Assistance with SBA loans. John Uphoff juphoff@wsbeng.com (763) 267-2942 Destination for Innovation Destination for Innovation 0. 2 5 M B P S 5. 0 0 M B P S 1. 7 5 M B P S 0. 5 0 M B P S Charter:Charter: Charter: Charter: TDS:TDS: TDS: TDS: Cost PER MBPS in 2008 Cost PER MBPS in 2014 The Cost of Connectivity for: Then & Now 2. 0 0 M B P S 3. 2 5 M B P S 0. 7 5 M B P S 2. 2 5 M B P S 3. 5 0 M B P S 1. 0 0 M B P S 2. 5 0 M B P S 3. 7 5 M B P S 4. 5 0 M B P S 1. 2 5 M B P S 2. 7 5 M B P S 4. 0 0 M B P S 4. 7 5 M B P S 1. 5 0 M B P S 3. 0 0 M B P S 4. 2 5 M B P S 2008 2014 $39.00 - $69.00 $33.68 $1.63 95% 2,000% $2.67 $48.95 $4.95 89% 800%$49.00 - $79.00 $79.00 - $109.00 $59.99 $89.99 $169.99 10 . 0 0 M B P S 10 . 0 0 M B P S 15 . 0 0 M B P S 15 . 0 0 M B P S 20 . 0 0 M B P S 20 . 0 0 M B P S 25 . 0 0 M B P S 25 . 0 0 M B P S 30 . 0 0 M B P S 30 . 0 0 M B P S 35 . 0 0 M B P S 35 . 0 0 M B P S 40 . 0 0 M B P S 40 . 0 0 M B P S 45 . 0 0 M B P S 45 . 0 0 M B P S 50 . 0 0 M B P S 50 . 0 0 M B P S 55 . 0 0 M B P S 55 . 0 0 M B P S 60 . 0 0 M B P S 60 . 0 0 M B P S 70 . 0 0 M B P S 70 . 0 0 M B P S 85 . 0 0 M B P S 95 . 0 0 M B P S 80 . 0 0 M B P S 90 . 0 0 M B P S 10 0 . 0 0 M B P S 10 0 . 0 0 M B P S 65 . 0 0 M B P S 65 . 0 0 M B P S 80 . 0 0 M B P S 90 . 0 0 M B P S 75 . 0 0 M B P S 85 . 0 0 M B P S 95 . 0 0 M B P S $199.00$200.00 $64.00 $89.00 $69.00$74.00 $41.94 $69.95 $65.00 $115.00 $99.00 $149.95 W H A T W A S T H E C E I L I N G I S N O W T H E F L O O R T H E N N O W EFFECT UPSTREAM SPEEDSDOWNSTREAM SPEEDS Monticello FiberNet CharterTDS E n t e r F i b e r N e t FiberNet Monticello Effect FiberNet: Prices Reduced Speeds Increased BUSINESS 5. 0 0 M B P S Destination for Innovation 0. 2 5 M B P S 5. 0 0 M B P S 1. 7 5 M B P S 0. 5 0 M B P S The Cost of Connectivity for: Then & Now 2. 0 0 M B P S 3. 2 5 M B P S 0. 7 5 M B P S 2. 2 5 M B P S 3. 5 0 M B P S 1. 0 0 M B P S 2. 5 0 M B P S 3. 7 5 M B P S 4. 5 0 M B P S 1. 2 5 M B P S 2. 7 5 M B P S 4. 0 0 M B P S 4. 7 5 M B P S 1. 5 0 M B P S 3. 0 0 M B P S 4. 2 5 M B P S 2008 2014 $29.50 $26.50 $1.15 96% $1.94 $25.23 $3.94 84% $52.99$39.95 $49.95 10 . 0 0 M B P S 10 . 0 0 M B P S 15 . 0 0 M B P S 15 . 0 0 M B P S 20 . 0 0 M B P S 20 . 0 0 M B P S 25 . 0 0 M B P S 25 . 0 0 M B P S 30 . 0 0 M B P S 30 . 0 0 M B P S 35 . 0 0 M B P S 35 . 0 0 M B P S 40 . 0 0 M B P S 40 . 0 0 M B P S 45 . 0 0 M B P S 45 . 0 0 M B P S 50 . 0 0 M B P S 50 . 0 0 M B P S 55 . 0 0 M B P S 55 . 0 0 M B P S 60 . 0 0 M B P S 60 . 0 0 M B P S 70 . 0 0 M B P S 70 . 0 0 M B P S 85 . 0 0 M B P S 95 . 0 0 M B P S 80 . 0 0 M B P S 90 . 0 0 M B P S 10 0 . 0 0 M B P S 10 0 . 0 0 M B P S 65 . 0 0 M B P S 65 . 0 0 M B P S 80 . 0 0 M B P S 90 . 0 0 M B P S 75 . 0 0 M B P S 85 . 0 0 M B P S 95 . 0 0 M B P S $199.00$99.99 $37.40 $54.40 $42.40$29.95 $69.95 $39.99$99.00 $149.95 W H A T W A S T H E C E I L I N G I S N O W T H E F L O O R T H E N N O W EFFECT UPSTREAM SPEEDSDOWNSTREAM SPEEDS Monticello FiberNet CharterTDS RESIDENTIAL Charter:Charter: Charter: Charter: TDS:TDS: TDS: TDS: Cost PER MBPS in 2008 Cost PER MBPS in 2014 5,000% 500% E n t e r F i b e r N e t FiberNet: Prices Reduced Speeds Increased FiberNet Monticello Effect 5. 0 0 M B P S Destination for Innovation 1. 5. 9. 3. 7. 11. 2. 6. 10. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 4. 8. 12. John Uphoff juphoff@wsbeng.com (763) 267-2942 Properties for Sale Guided Downtown PID OwnerUpdated: 7/2014Updated: 7/2014 Size (Acres)2013 TaxesZoning City of Monticello City of Monticello City of Monticello City of Monticello City of Monticello City of Monticello City of Monticello City of Monticello City of Monticello City of Monticello City of Monticello City of Monticello Monticello EDA Monticello EDA City of Monticello City of Monticello City of Monticello Monticello EDA City of Monticello Monticello EDA City of Monticello Monticello EDA BBF Properties 0.71 0.34 0.17 0.92 0.12 0.12 1.01 0.25 1.00 0.49 0.90 0.47 0.19 0.25 0.23 0.18 0.10 0.22 0.70 0.36 1.34 1.11 0.76 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2,814.00 B-3 B-3 B-3 B-3 B-3 B-3 B-3 B-3 B-3 B-3 B-3 B-3 B-3 B-3 B-3 B-3 B-3 B-3 B-3 B-3 B-3 B-3 B-3 Legend Privatey Owned Parcels - Guided Downtown EDA Owned Properties - Guided Downtown City Owned Properties - Guided Downtown 1. 2.3. 4. 5. 6.7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.16. 17. 18. 19.20. 21. 22. 23. Destination for Innovation 1. 3. 7. 5. 9. 2. 4. 8. 6. 10. 14. 18. 23. 27. 12. 16. 20. 25. 29. 11. 15. 19. 24. 28. 13. 17. 22. 21. 26. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. PIDUpdated: 7/2014 Owner John Uphoff juphoff@wsbeng.com (763) 267-2942 Properties for Sale Guided Commercial Size (Acres)2013 TaxesZoning 155.500.142.104 155.500.142.300 155.500.142.303 155.500.142.400 155.500.142.210 Joseph Lofromboise Trust Kean of Monticello, Inc City of Monticello Premier Bank Minnesota City of Monticello City of Monticello Glen & Lois Posusta John & Mary Lundsten Ocello LLC Quad Development LLC Kleinbank City of Monticello City of Monticello City of Monticello City of Monticello City of Monticello City of Monticello Highland Bank Ohana Properties Family LP Ohana Properties Family LP 4134 Deegan Avenue NE LLC Arma Property LLC Ohana Properties Family LP Bradley & Sharon Larson City of Monticello Ocello LLC Wells Fargo Bank NA Ocello LLC John Chadwick Farms LLC J X Bowers LLC 3.13 1.92 5.11 18.31 3.20 3.07 1.73 38.87 43.15 3.51 1.13 2.83 2.70 1.29 6.14 2.14 7.02 7.02 0.57 0.90 1.16 1.67 1.55 1.78 4.11 12.96 6.28 11.85 19.09 19.09 $3,340.00 $4,938.00 $0.00 $29,934.00 $0.00 $0.00 $9,800.00 $1,628.00 $0.00 $6,474.00 $6,160.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $7,984.00 $2,476.00 $4,482.00 $6,304.00 $9,424.00 $6,368.00 $2,950.00 $0.00 $7,055.00 $6,042.00 $6,452.00 $878.00 $841.00 IBC B-2 B-2 B-4 B-3 B-3 B-3 B-3 B-4 B-4 B-4 B-4 B-4 B-4 B-4 B-4 B-4 B-4 B-4 B-4 B-4 B-4 B-4 B-4 B-3 B-3 B-3 B-3 B-4 B-4 Properties LLC 4.18 $5,302.00IBC Properties LLC 2.03 $2,940.00IBC Properties LLC 2.11 $3,054.00IBC Properties LLC 2.20 $3,186.00IBC Properties LLC 2.28 $3,300.00IBC Kenneth Maus Riverwood Bank 5.40 19.35 $3,230.00 $30,286.00 IBC B-3 Legend Privately Owned Properties - Guided Commercial City Owned Properties - Guided Commercial 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.8.9. 18. 19.20. 21. 22. 27. 28. 36. 37. 29. Destination for Innovation 1. 5. 9. 3. 7. 11. 2. 6. 10. 4. 8. PID Updated: 7/2014 Owner Size (Acres)2013 TaxesZoning John Uphoff juphoff@wsbeng.com (763) 267-2942 Properties for Sale Guided Industrial Source: Esri, DigitalGlobe, GeoEye, i-cubed, USDA, USGS, AEX, Getmapping, Aerogrid, IGN, IGP, swisstopo, and the GIS User Community Legend Privately Owned Properties - Guided Industrial City Owned Properties - Guided Industrial 1.2.3. 4.5. 6.7. 8. 9. 10.11. of Monticello 10.87 $0.00 I-1 of Monticello 1.83 $0.00 I-1 155.523.000.020City of Monticello 2.54 $0.00 I-1 of Monticello 5.28 $0.00 I-1 of Monticello 4.99 $0.00 I-1 of Monticello 6.67 $0.00 I-1 of Monticello 16.1 Dev$0.00 I-1 of Monticello 5.01 $0.00 I-1 of Monticello 2.32 $0.00 I-1 & Teresa Spaeth 4.39 $4,452.00I-2 John Uphoff juphoff@wsbeng.com (763) 267-2942 Properties for Sale Guided Industrial Industrial Park Inc7.25 $4,164.00IBC FIBERNET FIBERNET Stakeholders Feasibility study says business operation is viable utilizing Revenue Bond Model. Six month effort to design and bid the system, including an operations plan, in advance of the sale of revenue bonds. Investors allow funds for Monticello’s fiber project to be put in escrow pending the resolution of the lawsuit. Investors step forward to purchase revenue bonds. Incumbent provider TDS issues a lawsuit challenging the City’s right to use revenue bonds to build the system. While obstructing the City’s project, TDS constructs a fiber optic system in Monticello. TDS offers much improved terms and service in Monticello commerical customers under five year contract. In June, the MN Supreme Court refuses to hear the case- City of Monticello wins the lawsuit and 26 million is released to the City for construction of the project. FiberNet Monticello is constructed. FiberNet Monticello begins to provide services. System quickly grows to 1600 subscribers- over 1/3 of the market. City makes last revenue bond payment- revenues not high enough to support future payments. FiberNet welcomes new G.M. with experience in municpal telecomm. Network upgrades are continued and enhanced. Innovative partnerships are pursued in order to benefit the residents and businesses of Monticello. Remaining true to the initial vision for FiberNet. Growing popularity of municpal networks like FiberNet creates an opportunity for a municipal alliance of smaller networks. FiberNet Monticello once again at the forefront of technological innovations. 26 million debt is negotiated to 5.75 million. Monticello community now has the fastest and most affordable internet in the country. Conservative estimate of annual savings is 1.2 million. Apollo insurance - $50/ month for service in Monticello, $800/ month with Charter in St. Cloud Despite community benefits, the overall cost of FiberNet continues to exceed revenues City explores options to gain added benefits. FiberNet management undertakes significant measures to improve the quality of FiberNet services while reducing the gap between costs and revenues. Due to presence of FiberNet, competition from incumbent providers Charter and TDS dramatically increases. Rates for services in Monticello plummet significantly. Presence of competition among 3 providers benefits residents and businesses. Overly competitive rates also affect FiberNet profits. City begins to transfer money from Liquor funds to make bond payments. 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2007 2009 2011 2013 TDS Telecom operates as a telephone monopoly in Monticello. Charter operates as a video monopoly in Monticello. Members of the business community express concern over high cost and poor service in Monticello.. The problems are impacting business viability in the community. The Industrial and Economic Development Committee (IEDC) informs City Council of the issue. Incumbent providers asked about plans for future improvements. Incumbent providers respond that existing copper is viable and upgrades are not necessary in Monticello. City explores innovative options to satisfy its business constituents. Perhaps broadband is a utility? City Council creates a Broadband Task Force. IEDC authorizes a feasibility study regarding the construction of a municpal network. Monticello citizens vote on the purchase and operation of a telephone switch which is a legal requirement of development of a municpal phone system and key component of plan identified in feasibility study. Despite a well-funded opposition by telecomm interests, 74% of residents vote in favor. GP GP GP IP IP IP IP IP IP IP IP IP FNM FNM FNM FNMFNM FNM FNM FNM FNM FNM FNM FNM BC BC BC BC BC IEDC IEDC IEDC IEDC C C C C C C C C C C C C Recession hits full force GP De s t i n a t i o n f o r I n n o v a t i o n City of Monticello IEDC General PublicBusiness Community Incumbent Providers FiberNet Monticello GP IEDC Agenda – 08/05/14 6. Industry of the Year Event Update and Consideration to Appoint a Nomination Task Force for the 2014 Industry of the Year Award. (AS) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Each year, the IEDC presents an Industry of the Year award during a breakfast honoring Monticello’s industries. The event occurs during Minnesota Manufacturer’s Week, usually the third week in October. For 2013, the Industry of the Year was awarded to Suburban Manufacturing. Last year, the IEDC worked through the establishment of more formal procedures for the event. The procedures allow for the IEDC to appoint a Nomination Task Force, who assists staff in the event planning and ultimately reviews all of the nomination forms for award, narrowing the field of candidates to three. The formal description of their activity is provided below: Nomination Task Force Description & Responsibilities: Nomination task force includes representatives from IEDC. Task force evaluates previous year’s process for improvements and/or changes. Task force may suggest speaker options. Nomination task force also reviews all nominations for narrowing to three final candidates. To begin preparations for this year’s Industry of the Year event, tentatively scheduled for Wednesday, October 22nd, the IEDC is asked to appoint 2-3 members to this committee. Subject to the recommendations of the Nominations Task Force, staff plan on implementing event preparation as described in the attached Process & Info document. A list of Monticello manufacturers has been included in this report. This list is current based on 2014 Monticello Chamber of Commerce information. Nomination forms for 2014 have been provided for the IEDC’s reference and use, as well. Nominations open August 15th and will remain open until September 1st. IEDC members will recall that all nominees are then sent a survey form (also attached) so that the nomination committee has the opportunity to learn more about the industry prior to narrowing the field to three candidates. After narrowing to three candidates, tours are then arranged for the full IEDC at each of the three industries. A final selection is made by the full IEDC at their October meeting after reviewing the nomination forms, nominee survey and tour info. IEDC Agenda – 08/05/14 B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to appoint members _______________________ to serve on the 2014 Industry of the Year Task Force. 2. Motion of other. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff defers to the IEDC on matters of appointment consideration. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Industry of the Year Process & Info B. 2014 Monticello Industry List C. Past Nominees and Winners D. Industry of the Year Nomination Form E. Industry of the Year Nominee Survey INDUSTRY OF THE YEAR PROCESS & EVENT INFO Industry of Event Materials: 1) Industry of the Year Award Overview – IEDC receives 2) Industry of the Year Nomination Form – All Monticello manufacturers and industries receive 3) Past Winners and Nominees List – All Monticello manufacturers and industries receive 4) Industry of the Year Survey – Sent to all nominees 5) Award – one award recipient. Two award trophies created; one remains at the award site, one remains at City Hall; award to list all past winners Nomination Task Force Description & Responsibilities: Nomination task force includes representatives from IEDC. Task force evaluates previous year’s process for improvements and/or changes. Task force may suggest speaker options. Nomination task force also reviews all nominations for narrowing to three final candidates. Nomination Process:  1st Tuesday in August – IEDC appoints nomination task force of 2-3 members.  Begin solicitation of event sponsors.  August 15th – Nomination form, list of past winners and nominees, and list of Monticello manufacturers and industries sent out via email to all Monticello industries, EDA members and IEDC members.  September 1st – Nominations for Industry of the Year are due; surveys sent to all nominees  September 10th – Surveys due from all nominees  September 10th – 15th – Nomination task force meets to review surve ys and nominations; narrows to three candidates  September 15th – 30th – Tours arranged for three nominated businesses;  1st Tuesday in October – o IEDC receives summary info on three candidates and Industry of Year Overview form o IEDC votes to award Industry of the Year o Industry notified o Nominees and sponsors sent a “thank you” letter o Press release on tours and Industry of Year event issued; sponsors named  3rd Week of October – Industry of the Year event held in conjunction with MN Manufacturer’s Week Sponsorships: 1) Sponsors accepted at $250 each; sponsors receive: a. Logo and name recognition on event invitation and promotions (website, enews, etc.) b. Logo and name on power point for event c. Name recognition during event presentation intro d. Name recognition in any press releases e. Ability to place company info on event tables Event Promotion:  Press release after Industry of Year selected; include info from nominee tours  Press release after event with image and description of winner  Select info from releases above (both before and after the event as applicable) in the following: o City weekly e-news o City website scroller o Cityfeed televisions o Facebook  Event info placed in September Chamber newsletter and promoted at Chamber lunch  Develop page on City or EDA website with Industry of the Year event info and winner info Event Schedule and Detail: August  Book MCC room; provide set-up  Seek and confirm event speaker and event sponsorships  Nomination activity as described above  Request event funding from EDA September  Book caterer  Nomination activity as described above  Event promotion as described above  “Save the Date” event email October  Order award  Nomination activity as described above  Event promotion as described above  Update and send invitations no later than October 10 th  Update annual impact powerpoint with information on Minnesota/Monticello manufacturing  Work with award winner to develop individual powerpoint for their company  Confirm attendance of past winners; confirm last year’s winner as award presenter for current year award  Confirm with present year nominee use and set-up of tables for their use and promotion  Confirm chair as a presenter/speaker for event Event Day Schedule 7:00 Networking 7:20 Breakfast served 7:20: Introduction, Sponsor Thank You & Presentation of Award and Award-Winner – IEDC Chair 7:45: Speaker introduction – IEDC Chair 7:45: Guest speaker presentation Company Name Mailing Address 1 Primary Phone Ace Cutter Grinding Inc.114 Thomas Circle #108 (763) 314-0255 AME Red-E Mix 10341 Dalton Ave. NE (763) 441-2800 Aroplax Corporation 200 Chelsea Rd (763) 295-5002 B&B Metal Stamping 208 Dundas Road (763) 295-6300 Benchmark Properties 114 Thomas Circle Ste 108 (763) 286-7259 Bondhus Corporation 1400 East Broadway (763) 295-2162 Cargill Kitchen Solutions 206 West 4th Street (763) 271-5600 Computape 9766 Fallon Ave NE Copperhead Industries 111 Thomas Park Drive #2 (763) 271-4432 Custom Sheet Metal of Monticello, Inc.1305 Edmonson Ave N.E.(763) 295-2229 Dahlheimer Beverage LLC 3360 Chelsea Road (763) 295-3347 EDMA Company 1335 Dundas Circle (763) 295-4500 Electro Industries, Inc.2150 West River St.(763) 295-4138 Fastenal Co.4059 Chelsea Rd. W (763) 295-8545 French Lake Extrusion LLC (763) 263-8018 Genereux Fine Wood Products 212 Chelsea Road (763) 295-4222 Hoglund Body & Equipment PO Box 1147 (763) 295-5000 Hoglund Bus and Truck Co.116 E. Oakwood Drive (763) 295-5119 Hoglund Transportation 118 Oakwood Drive E.(763) 295-3604 Integrated Recycling Technologies 219 Dundas Road (763) 295-6992 Integrity Solutions Services, Inc.7825 Washington Ave South #410 (763) 295-0113 International Manufacturing Systems 307 Chelsea Rd (763) 557-4941 Kaltec of Minnesota, Inc.9766 Fallon Avenue Suite 102 (763) 295-2360 Karlsburger Foods, Inc.3236 Chelsea Road West (763) 295-2273 Midwest Precision Machining 108 Chelsea Rd (763) 295-1100 Modem Express 115 Thomas Park Dr.(763) 295-8205 Polycast Specialties 112 Dundas Rd (763) 271-6600 Precision Technologies 210 Dundas Road Suite 1 Production Stamping 9600 Fallon Ave NE (763) 295-8400 SMA Elevator Construction Co.113 Chelsea Rd PO Box 10 (763) 295-4367 Standard Iron Inc.524 Pine Street (763) 295-8700 Suburban Manufacturing, Inc.10531 Dalton Avenue (763) 295-5635 Tire Service Equipment 201 Chelsea Rd (763) 295-4650 Twin City Die Castings Company 520 Chelsea Rd (763) 271-5060 UMC, Inc.500 Chelsea Road (763) 271-5200 Vector Tool and Mfg 206 Dundas Road (763) 295-0909 Walker In-Store 3161 Dalton Court (763) 295-1717 Wallboard, Inc.207 Dundas Road (763) 295-3467 Washburn Computer Group 218 Chelsea Road (763) 295-5090 Westlund Distributing 1324 Edmonson Avenue NE (763) 295-8899 Willi Hahn Corporation 1348 Dundas Circle (763) 295-0666 WSI Industries, Inc.213 Chelsea Road (763) 295-9202 Xcel Energy(Monticello Nuclear Plant)Scott Johnson (763) 295-1282 INDUSTRY OF THE YEAR NOMINEES AND AWARDS Name of Business Contact Name Winner 2010 Bondhus Mike Blackston IRT Steve Budd Electro Industries Bill Seefeldt YES Xcel Energy Patrick Thompson 2011 Aroplax Paul or Steve Schoen YES Standard Iron Bill Demeules Bondhus Mike Blackston WSI Benji Rashleger Midwest Precsion Machine Rich Harris Suburban Manufacturing Brad or Mary Barger 2012 Suburban Manufacturing Brad or Mary Barger Cargill Kitchen Solutions Don Roberts YES 2013 Suburban Manufacturing Brad or Mary Barger YES Xcel Energy 2014 Industry of the Year Nomination Form (Feel free to nominate more than one qualified industry – please use one form for each nomination) NOMINATIONS DUE SEPTEMBER 1st, 2014 Selection Criteria  Must be classified as Industry. Industry shall be defined as: a business that performs a majority of their commercial activity with other businesses and a minority of their commercial activity directly with the public consumer.  The Business has been established for at least (5) five years.  The Business has not received this award in the past five (5) years.  Business Excellence: Successful business practices, i.e., marketing and promotion of business ethics; promotion of employee growth and development; contribution to its industry; and research and development  Staff training, motivation, and employee engagement: Philosophy of engaging and empowering employees. Empowered employees are proactive and persistent, and make decisions that are consistent with the company’s strategic goals and objectives. Organizations benefit greatly from having an engaged workforce. Research shows strong connections between employee engagement and turnover, productivity, customer service, loyalty and corporate financial performance.  Innovation: Creativity, entrepreneurial, and implementing innovation in business operations, products and services. Strides to continually distinguish itself from other businesses in their industry.  Community Involvement: A demonstrated interest in the welfare of the community through financial contribution, service, and civic leaderships. Actively supports the community through participating in volunteer programs and/or events  Customer Relations: A high level of customer confidence and excellence in customer services and relations.  Economic Growth: Continual increase in tax base and creation of liveable wage jobs. I would like to nominate___________________________________________. They are deserving of this award because_____________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________ ____________________ Your name Date PLEASE RETURN NO LATER THAN SEPTEMBER 1st, 2014. The IEDC will review and select from the nominations received. The winner will be recognized at the Annual Manufacturing Appreciation Event to be held on October 24th, 2014. Return to: Angela Schumann, City of Monticello – 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 angela.schumann@ci.monticello.mn.us; fax 763-295-4404 INDUSTRY OF THE YEAR NOMINEE SURVEY Business Name: __________________________________________________________ How long has the business been established?: ___________________________________ How many employees do you currently employ?: FT _____________ PT ____________ How many employees have you added in the past 12 months?: __________________ How do you promote employee growth, development, and engagement? Have you recently completed an addition or have plans to expand your facility in the near future? Please describe. Are you involved in any community events, functions, organizations? If yes, please list. Please provide a few examples of how you strive to provide innovation in your industry and continually distinguish yourself from other businesses?