IEDC Agenda 07-02-2013AGENDA MONTICELLOINDUSTRIAL&ECONOMICDEVELOPMENTCOMMITTEE Tuesday,July2nd,2013 7:00a.m.,MississippiRoom MEMBERS:ChairJoniPawelk,ViceChairWayneElam,LukeDahlheimer,RichHarris,Tim O’Connor,BillTapper,DickVanAllen,DanOlson,ZonaGutzwiller,JimJohnson,Don Roberts,MaryBarger,TaraThurber LIASIONS:SandySuchy,Chamber ClintHerbst,Mayor GlenPosusta,CityCouncil 1.CalltoOrder 2.ApproveMinutes: a.June4th,2013 3.ConsiderationofaddingitemstotheAgenda 4.Reports: a.EconomicDevelopmentReport b.IEDCMembership/BusinessRetentionandReport. a.Newsoffthestreet–expansionplans b.Networkingnotes c.Othernews b.CityCouncil c.ChamberofCommerceandIndustry d.TAC 5.Adjournment.(8:00am) IEDC Agenda: 07/02/13 1 4. Economic Development Report Economic Development – Vision & Long-Range Planning The amendments proposed to the Comprehensive Plan for Chapter 2- Community Context and Chapter 4 – Economic Development were presented in a public hearing to the Planning Commission on June 4th, 2013. The Planning Commission recommended approval of the documents as presented. The City Council subsequently approved the amendments on June 24th, with a recommended modification to the tax base graphic to account for the 2013 tax base structure. Final versions of the amended chapters will be available online on the City’s website in July. Business & Industry Tours/Grow MN Visits Only one GrowMN survey has been completed to date. These industry visits are incredibly important in terms of the IEDC’s role as an advocate for business. The more we know about Monticello’s industries, the better we can structure the IEDC’s initiatives. In addition, these visits were intended to serve double-duty as IEDC tour and promotion opportunities. City staff and the Chamber encourage you to take advantage of this program and coordinate your industry visit. Economic Development Services The EDA and City Council have authorized a contract for economic development services for WSB’s Market Matching program. The contract will run for one year. A full copy of the scope of services is attached to this report. An introduction to the program and demonstration of InfoTracker will occur at the August meeting of the IEDC. Minnesota Manufacturer’s Week This year’s manufacturing week is October 20-26th. In past years, the primary focus for this week has been hosting the Industry of the Year event. The IEDC has an opportunity to develop some additional promotion of Monticello’s manufacturers during that week with some advance planning and preparation. Some ideas on possible events are attached. Please review and provide staff with your suggestions during the July 2nd meeting. IEDC member assistance will be needed to help plan and implement. Employers and Economic Data Please find attached information from the Monticello Chamber of Commerce on Monticello’s largest employers and information from DEED on Monticello’s current employment picture by Standard Industrial Classification (SIC), type and occupation. IEDC Agenda: 07/02/13 2 FiberNet Monticello A verbal update on the system will be provided at the meeting. Great River Trailways – CSAH 75 Work is nearing completion on two of the three segments of the Great River Trailways, located along CSAH 75 on the west side of Monticello. The pathway segment from the underpass to Montissippi Park and the segment from the underpass to the connection at River St. have been completed. Restoration work along the sides of these paths is in progress and the City anticipates opening the two trails in July. Paving on the third segment, which will run from the underpass to CSAH 75, will occur later in July. The completion of this segment is especially timely, given Wright County’s road construction project on CSAH 75 from Monticello to Clearwater. The project will include the paving of wider shoulders, accommodating bike traffic all the way to Clearwater. The City and Xcel Energy continue to work with BNSF Railways on permission to cross their rail line for the fourth planned segment of the trailways. The fourth segment is planned to extend from the underpass to the City ballfields, with a spur (to be installed by Xcel) to the Xcel Training Facility on River Street. A map of the trailways is attached. Bertram Chain of Lakes On June 24th, the City Council authorized a Phase VI acquisition at the Bertram Chain of Lakes. The Phase VI acquisition funding request matches $1.8 million in awarded grant funds (with $1.5 million from a Clean Water Land & Legacy grant). The Wright County Board of Commissioners similarly approved their match in May. The grant and local match funding is for the purchase of parcel 8 and the balance of parcels 7 and 5. These properties total 124.13 land acres and include the beach at Bertram Lake and the completion of shoreland acquisitions for Bertram and Long Lakes. With completion of this acquisition, total acreage of the park will reach 992 land and water acres. The City has completed 3 property acquisitions at Bertram to-date. However, the City and County have successfully applied for and received grant funding for two other acquisitions, Phases IV and V, in addition to the Phase VI funding. To follow is information on the status of those acquisitions.  Phase IV (Parcels 9, 10 and 12) – The County and City have both approved match funding in the amount of $212,000 each. These funds match $833,333 in awarded Legacy and Non-Metro Regional Park grant funds. The City Council has already approved the purchase agreement and shared use agreement for this purchase. IEDC Agenda: 07/02/13 3 At the present time, the BCOL negotiations team, including Mayor Herbst and Council member Posusta, are working with the YMCA to finalize the Fourth Addendum to the MOU and the Ground Lease for Phase IV. The ground lease document is the primary point of negotiation, as it sets the terms for the YMCA’s continued presence in the park. It is hoped that the completed Fourth Addendum to the MOU and the Ground Lease will be brought to the City Council for consideration in July of 2013. It is the intent of the City and County to close of Phase IV prior to fall, 2013.  Phase V (Parcel 1) - The County and City have both approved match funding of $327,268 each. This funding matches a DNR Outdoor Recreation grant award of $369,713.00 and includes appraisal and closing costs. This match facilitates the acquisition of 40.17 land acres of property planned for the City athletic complex at Bertram. Appraisal and review appraisal for this acquisition are in progress. Currently, the 496 acres of property acquired under the first three phases of acquisition is jointly owned and operated by the City and County and is fully accessible to the public. While the focus of investment at the park is on property acquisition at this stage, minimal improvements have been made to the park to allow for public use and enjoyment of the land owned by Wright County and the City of Monticello. To-date, the Wright County and City Park staff have completed the following improvements for public use:  3.7 miles of cleared hiking paths; paths groomed for cross-county skiing in winter  Installation of two docks (one on Bertram and one on Long)  Improvement of a public-use gravel-surface parking lot and entrance road off 90th St.  Repairs to bridge along east Long Lake trailway  Partnership with the Minnesota Off-Road Cyclists (MORC) for development of a single-track mountain biking course; in progress  Park boundary signage  Improvements to picnic area at park entrance In August, the City and County will be hosting a Chamber lunch at the p ark. More information on the event can be found in the upcoming Chamber newsletter. TAC Next meeting of the TAC is July 11th, 2013. The City Council has authorized an appraisal on property owned by St. Henry’s Catholic Church. The appraisal includes all property which may be impacted by the Fallon Avenue overpass, in any alignment. Appraisal is in progress. Planning Commission, July Agenda is attached for reference. WSB & Associates, Inc. 4140 Thielman Lane Suite 204 St. Cloud, MN 56301 wsbeng.com WSB & Associates, Inc. 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 wsbeng.com WSB & Associates, Inc. 477 Temperance Street St. Paul, MN 55101 wsbeng.com Table of Contents Contact: John Uphoff 763.267.2942 juphoff@wsbeng.com A proposal to provide: April 2013 Economic Development Economic Development ServicesServices Approach and Scope of Services .......................................1 • Task 1: Data Collection • Task 2: Market Matching Deliverables .....................................................................4 Appendix A - Data Collection ...........................................8 Appendix B - Data Deployment.......................................10 Appendix C - InfoTracker ................................................11 Appendix D - Market Matching Team .............................12 Appendix E - Market Matching Sales Process ...................15 April 17, 2013 Monticello City Council and EDA City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Monticello, MN 55362 Re: Economic Development Services Dear Members of the City Council and EDA: Thank you for taking time to discuss WSB’s proposal to provide Economic Development services. For more than 17 years, WSB and the City of Monticello have enjoyed a success by partnering to deliver projects that have led to growth and prosperity. We are confident the addition of Economic Development services will continue this track record. Understanding and directly marketing Monticello’s assets is at the heart of WSB’s approach to economic development. Building relationships is the central tenet to success in directly marketing your city. WSB has an expansive network of professional organizations and maintains relationships within the development community. As part of our Economic Development services, we will continue to grow our network and will strategically deploy data representing the unique attributes the City of Monticello has to offer. In addition, WSB offers the full capacity of our Market Matching team and more than 170 team members in representing your community. Finally, we will utilize our expertise in community development to assist in all phases of the development process from pre-application to identifying potential funding opportunities. The Monticello EDA exists to direct goals and objectives to attract higher wage level jobs and expand City tax base. WSB’s Economic Development service is aimed directly at helping you achieve your City’s goals and objectives. The proposed price of WSB’s Economic Development services is $4,000 per month with a minimum term of one year. We appreciate the opportunity to propose our services to fill this important role within your community. We further look forward to meeting with you to discuss firsthand how WSB can apply its capacity and expertise to help the City of Monticello continue to grow and prosper. Sincerely, WSB & Associates, Inc. John Uphoff Brian J. Bourassa, PE Economic Development Specialist Principal/Senior Project Manager/ (320) 534-5951 Economic Development Specialist (763) 287-8356 1Approach and Scope of Services Approach and Scope of Services Introduction WSB & Associates has been in the economic development business for 17 years. We represent more than 35 cities as city engineer and perform services for more than 90 cities overall. We provide daily assistance to our clients in the area of infrastructure development related to growth opportunities in all types of development. Much of this work is related to how to best accommodate new development while respecting the needs of the existing system users and being fair from a cost and use perspective. It is beneficial to WSB when our clients are successful and are developing. We work hard to make sure that we represent our clients with their best interest first, knowing that what is good for our clients will be good for WSB. To that end, we get involved with short term strategies that will allow for development to occur without compromising the long term goals of the city. We are very strategic in finding funding for infrastructure projects that allow City funds to be used in other places of need. Our company has grown beyond the traditional engineering firm in an effort to recognize the benefits of economic development to our clients and to WSB. We have become active in local chambers, economic development groups and have developed relationships with many of the large developers and builders. Once these private organizations work with WSB, they appreciate how hard we work to make their project successful while preserving the needs and goals of the City. Additionally, we have developed a grant and funding program to provide searchable options for project funding. We have expanded our team to include community planning to complement our full array of services including engineering, environmental, survey, right of way and relocation. This most recent addition of economic development was necessary to complete our team approach to provide full services to our clients. We intend to team with the financial consultants when a deal requires funding analysis, but we have the resources to fulfill all of the other economic development analysis and support. WSB is continually improving in order to provide value to our clients and economic development is an obvious area that we can contribute to your success. Our vision for this effort is unique and focused on relationships, information and visibility. The following scope details how we will make an impact for your organization! 2Approach and Scope of Services Task 1: Data Collection During this task, WSB will analyze existing data related to Monticello’s market sectors. We will examine the data that is available on the City’s website as well as related city, county, and state-based economic development websites. We will also examine internal documents containing market data. Once we have completed our analysis, we will report our findings to City staff and the EDA. Based on our report, we will ask for a recommendation from the EDA to determine priority for data collection and for targeted prospects. Where data is incomplete or unavailable, WSB will research and compile new data sets to ensure all local market sectors are appropriately represented and the information is readily available (see Appendix A - Data Collection). To ensure the City’s market data is readily available, WSB will deploy information where appropriate including the City’s website, local economic development websites, GreaterMSP and MNDEED’s customer relationship management systems. WSB will also utilize a GIS-based platform to deploy the City’s market data during the Market Matching process (see Appendix B - Data Deployment). The dynamic nature of market data requires a built-in process of content management to ensure accuracy and relevance. Therefore, WSB proposes a system of periodic review which includes real-time updates. To support the real-time updates, WSB has developed the InfoTracker tool, which is made available to City staff and EDA (see Appendix C - InfoTracker). The deliverables provided in Task 1 include the following and are further described on pages 4 and 5. • Deliverable 1: Market Data Report • Deliverable 2: New Data Sets (ongoing) • Deliverable 3: Data Deployment (ongoing) • Deliverable 4: System of Periodic Review of Market Data (ongoing) • Deliverable 5: InfoTracker (ongoing) Task 2: Market Matching The focus of Task 2 is to strategically and directly market Monticello’s assets to prospective market entrants. WSB achieves this by utilizing our team’s professional background and network to connect with prospects within our varied areas of expertise. The Market Matching team executes outreach to prospects through our Market Matching Network. Each member of WSB’s Market Matching team is assigned to a market sector and systematically markets the City’s assets within their respective network (see Appendix D - Market Matching Team). Also during Task 2, WSB’s Market Matching team collects feedback from prospects and catalogs opportunities in our Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system. Prospects that become leads are moved into the development or pre-application process involving City staff, EDA, and consultants (see Appendix E). The deliverables provided in Task 2 include the following and are further described on page 5. • Deliverable 6: Profile of targeted prospects (ongoing) • Deliverable 7: System of targeted prospect outreach (ongoing) • Deliverable 8: Deliver leads/assist in closing (ongoing) 3Approach and Scope of Services Asset Identification/Market Review - Task 1 1. General Market Data 2. City & EDA Owned Property 3. Housing 4. Manufacturing and Industrial Market Data 5. Retail Market Data Build-out/Update Asset Database - Task 1 1. GIS-Based with Web Access 2. Traditional Collateral Information Deployment - Task 2 1. Direct Marketing 2. Deliver Leads 3. Provide Feedback 4. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Market Matching Network - Task 2 Positively MN Greater MSP Investor MN Precision Manufacturing Association NAIOP MN High Tech Association Minnesota Shopping Center Association Wright County Economic Development Partnership St. Cloud Downtown Alliance Foundation Greater St. Cloud Development Corporation MN Chamber More This chart describes WSB’s unique and comprehensive approach to economic development. WSB strives to present relevant asset information in the most effective and strategic manner possible. The graphic represents the ongoing flow of information and the continuous process of data management and market matching. 4Deliverables Deliverables Task 1: Data Collection Deliverable 1: Market Data Report WSB will provide City staff and EDA with a report that analyses the inventory and availability of the City’s market data. The Market Data report will tell you if the assets embedded in your community are well defined and if the information related to your community’s assets is open and accessible. The report will identify any weakness in the identification and/or presentation of your community’s assets. If any asset is found to be misidentified or underrepresented, the report will provide details for recommended corrective action. This report will is also aimed at determining the City’s Unique Selling Proposition (USP). The end result is your community’s enhanced ability to help existing businesses expand, as well as attract, and communicate with, a wider array of prospective developers and business owners. Deliverable 2: New Data Sets The collection of new data sets is prioritized based on recommendations from the EDA. The goal of this deliverable is to achieve maximum effectiveness for data availability and diffusion. WSB will collect and organize data from existing sources and will conduct independent research to obtain data that is not otherwise available. It is important to note that the process of research and data collection is ongoing and is rolled into the system of periodic review. Deliverable 3: Data Deployment Data deployment occurs on a macro level - local, regional, and state-wide websites and databases, and on a micro level - through the direct marketing efforts of WSB’s Market Matching team. As part of this process, WSB will provide data to GreaterMSP and MNDEED as requested, provide content for the City’s websites, develop a GIS- based reporting tool, and provide a quarterly report to City staff and EDA on the status of data deployment. Deliverable 4: System of Periodic Review of Market Data City staff and the EDA review the Market Data Report and prioritize data collection efforts. WSB organizes a system of periodic review based on recommendations it receives from City staff and EDA. The figure on page 6 is a sample of the market data review and deployment timeline. 5Deliverables Deliverable 5: InfoTracker City staff and EDA are often the first to become aware of changes in the marketplace. WSB will provide City staff and EDA with access to the InfoTracker tool, which provides the means to quickly and easily hand-off information to WSB so our team can update market data in a highly expedited manner. Please see Appendix C for a detailed description of the InfoTracker tool. Task 2: Market Matching Deliverable 6: Profi le of Targeted Prospects Upon completion of the Market Data Report, WSB will ask the EDA for priority in determining a profile of targeted prospects. The profile of targeted prospects is derived from the City’s asset information. WSB will utilize the City’s asset information to highlight market strengths and to determine Monticello’s USP. WSB recommends reviewing the profile of targeted prospects on a semiannual basis. Deliverable 7: System of Targeted Prospect Outreach Once the City’s USP and profile of targeted prospects is developed, WSB’s Economic Development Specialist briefs the Market Matching Team, providing them with relevant market data. Then the Market Matching Team will begin the process of converting prospects to leads through direct marketing to business contacts, association networking activity, responding to inquiries, and actively pursuing opportunities through various economic development agencies. WSB will provide the EDA with a quarterly report on targeted prospect outreach activity. Deliverable 8: Deliver Leads/Assist in Closing The closing component of the Market Matching process is a culmination of the successful execution of the steps that preceded it. WSB will work directly with potential market entrants from the prospecting phase to the pre-application or development phase. We will act as a conduit to provide information to City staff/EDA and act as a resource in identifying potential constraints. WSB will aid in identifying potential sites, and act as a resource in implementing a funding package as needed. 6Deliverables Deliverable 9: Annual Bus Tour WSB places a high value on the importance of face-to-face interaction. Your community has a sense of place that can only be fully realized from an on-the-ground point of view. The annual bus tour gives your community the opportunity to show the best you have to offer and provides you an opportunity to promote your community’s assets directly to potential market entrants. WSB’s Market Matching team identifies and invites developers and business owners who are active in your region as well as those who are operating elsewhere but who have expressed interest in opening your market. We take care of all of the logistics, allowing you to refine and tailor your outreach to maximize your impact. The relationship your community makes with potential market entrants pays instant dividends, and also serves as a valuable resource for years to come. Deliverable 10: Annual Open House Economic Gardening is quickly becoming a buzz phrase. This concept is born out of the idea that economic growth happens brick by brick, primarily with those who are already living and doing business in your community. These are firms that have roots in your community and view the world around them, not simply through the lens of profitability, but also with an eye toward overall success of their community. The vitality of these firms is extremely important in realizing positive sustainable socioeconomic conditions. WSB’s Economic Development service aims to support the firms and developers who are already doing business in your community. In addition to collaborating with local business owners and developers during the asset analysis phase, the Market Matching team gathers local operators for an annual open house to review the state of the local markets, as well as to provide them with opportunities to network with potential investors. The open house facilitates an intersection of landowners, business owners, and developers allowing them to share relevant market information leading to increased investment opportunities. 7Market Data Review and Deployment Timeline 20 1 3 20 1 4 AC T I V I T Y AN A L Y Z E E X I S T I N G D A T A A P R M A Y J U N J U L A U G S E P O C T N O V D E C J A N F E B M A R A P R M A Y MA R K E T D A T A R E P O R T T O CI T Y S T A F F / E D A RE C O M M E N D E D P R I O R I T Y FO R N E W D A T A S E T S GE N E R A L M A R K E T D A T A CI T Y & E D A O W N E D PR O P E R T Y MA N U F A C T U R I N G & IN D U S T R I A L M A R K E T D A T A RE T A I L M A R K E T D A T A DA T A D E P L O Y M E N T ** HO U S I N G M A R K E T D A T A QU A R T E R L Y D A T A D E P L O Y M E N T RE P O R T T O C I T Y S T A F F / E D A Co n t i n u o u s U p d a t e s ( i n f o t r a c k e r ) Ne w D a t a S e t s PR O F I L E O F T A R G E T E D PR O S P E C T S SY S T E M O F T A R G E T E D PR O S P E C T O U T R E A C H DE L I V E R L E A D S / A S S I S T I N CL O S I N G RE C O M M E N D E D P R I O R I T Y FO R T A R G E T E D P R O S P E C T S RE V I E W O F T A R G E T E D PR O S P E C T S QU A R T E R L Y P R O S P E C T OU T R E A C H R E P O R T Market Data Review and Deployment Timeline 8Appendix A - Data Collection WSB recognizes that cities desire to move forward with marketing efforts as quickly as possible. Based on our research, WSB understands that we must have a good deal of information to be of value to prospects; they require market data. By providing a preliminary report on the inventory and availability of market data, we are providing City staff and the EDA with an opportunity to decide which market sector you would like to place your focus and prioritize WSB’s data collection efforts. It is important to note that the process of collecting and deploying data is ongoing. The process of systematizing data collection carries added value in that it relieves the City of the obligation to conduct expensive periodic market study projects. The Market Data Report sheds light on the availability of critical data. It also aids in understanding the community’s assets and informs the prospect identification and marketing process. This list below is a sample of the market data likely to be requested by prospects, and completed by WSB as part of the ongoing data collection effort: General Market Data • Population (MSA or County) –Age distribution • Annual per capita income –Household Income • Race and ethnicity • Unemployment rate • Cost of living index • Quality of life –Parks and trails –School data • Transportation and transit Appendix A - Data Collection City & EDA-Owned Property • Available inventory • Size (developable acres) • Cost per acre • Zoning requirement –Uses permitted • Setbacks –Percent of site that may be utilized –Control of nuisances (dust, smoke, noise, etc.) –Site mitigation required • Available incentives • Inventory and list price of homes currently on the market 9Appendix A • Infrastructure of manufacturing and industrial areas –Truck access –Rail served or adjacent to a rail line –On-site storage available * Trailer * Outdoor –Distance to: * Nearest commercial airport (name, miles) * Nearest inland port (name, miles) * Nearest ocean port (name, miles) * Nearest rail spur (name, miles) * Nearest intermodal facility (name, miles) * Nearest state highway (name, miles) * Nearest interstate exchange (name, miles) • Utilities available in manufacturing and industrial areas –Electric (on-site: Y/N; capacity) –Gas (on-site: Y/N; capacity) –Sewer (on-site: Y/N; capacity) –Water (on-site: Y/N; capacity) –Data/voice/fiber (on-site: Y/N; capacity) –Stormwater (on-site: Y/N; capacity) –Utility consumption incentives (rate discounts, hedging, etc.) • Retail market data –Synthesize data collected from previous retail market analysis Housing • Age and condition of current housing stock • Inventory and list price of homes currently on the market • Housing values • Renter-occupied units • Senior housing Manufacturing and Industrial Market Data • Existing available buildings –Size of building (square feet) –Cost per square foot –Year built –Previous use –Condition of building –Floor area ratio –Suitability of building for manufacturing –Current zoning –Climate controlled * Air conditioning * Heat –Surrounding uses –Opportunity for expansion • Existing available land –Size (developable acres) –Cost per acre –Zoning requirement * Uses permitted * Setbacks * Percent of site that may be utilized * Control of nuisances (dust, smoke, noise, etc.) * Site mitigation required –Surrounding uses 10Appendix B - Data Deployment Appendix B - Data Deployment Market Matching The following are some of the locations where the City of Monticello’s market information will be deployed: 11Appendix C - InfoTracker Appendix C - InfoTracker 12Appendix D - Market Matching Team Appendix D - Market Matching Team John Uphoff Economic Development Specialist John is an economic development specialist with broad experience working with communities and organizations to achieve their economic goals. He earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Planning and Community Development from St. Cloud State University, where he also minored in Economics. John has direct experience in the areas of local economic development, housing, historic preservation, promotion, and marketing. He has served as the project manager on a downtown development initiative and a neighborhood stabilization/communication plan in the historic South Side Neighborhood, both located in St. Cloud. John will be the City’s primary contact for WSB’s Economic Development Services offering. He will lead the Asset Identification/Market Review and Asset Build-out efforts, and coordinate the efforts of the Economic Development Team. John will provide ongoing feedback to City staff regarding economic development opportunities discovered and provide reports/presentations and feedback to the EDA on a bi-monthly basis. Essentially, he will be an extension of City staff and will respond to both staff and EDA requests for information as the City’s economic development expert. (320) 534-5951 juphoff@wsbeng.com WSB’s Economic Development Team includes the seven key individuals identified below and is supported by the entire WSB Team. The key staff have numerous direct connections to private sector businesses and development entities and have been assigned to various trade associations and business networks. Their collective network and emphasis on establishing economic development connections will raise the bar for traditional municipal economic development activities and will deliver ongoing value for the City of Monticello. Brian Bourassa, PE Principal, Senior Project Manager, Economic Development Specialist Brian is a registered professional engineer with more than 20 years of experience in many types of municipal and general civil engineering projects. His engineering experience includes all phases of the project and has involved representation of both public and private entities. Brian’s experience in the private development market sector has included both residential and commercial projects. He also has first-hand experience as a private developer. Brian is known for his focus on client needs and excellent customer service. Brian will take direction from John and identify and market to potential developer matches for the City of Monticello. He will focus on both the commercial, senior housing, and residential markets. (763) 287-8536 bbourassa@wsbeng.com 13Appendix D - Market Matching Team Jason Wedel, PE Associate, Senior Project Manager, Economic Development Specialist Jason is a Senior Project Engineer in our Municipal Group. He has proven managerial expertise related to municipal engineering and land development. Jason’s experience working as an in-house public works director/city engineer provides him with the management level expertise to work cooperatively with City Councils, Advisory Boards, and City staff at a high level. Jason also has experience working for a national home building company (Pulte Homes) as their Director of Land. In that role, Jason performed duties related to land acquisition, entitlement, and development, which gives him a unique perspective and understanding of how developers and cities can collaborate to develop mutually beneficial assets for the community. He is versed in public speaking, administration, financial analysis, project estimating, resolving complicated entitlement and design problems, document preparation, and site management. Jason will take direction from John and identify and market to potential developer matches for the City of Monticello. He will focus primarily on the residential market. (763) 287-8520 jwedel@wsbeng.com Morgan Dawley PE Associate, Municipal Senior Project Engineer Morgan is a registered professional engineer with nearly 20 years of experience in municipal and civil engineering projects including streets, storm sewers, water distribution systems, sanitary sewer systems, water and wastewater treatment, site grading, park improvements, development review, and municipal state aid systems. His current responsibilities include planning, coordination, design, and construction administration of a wide variety of municipal projects. Morgan has been a staff or consultant city engineer for the past 10 years. Morgan will take direction from John and identify and market to potential developer matches for the City of Monticello. He will focus on both the commercial and senior housing markets. (763) 287-7173 mdawley@wsbeng.com () 14Appendix D - Market Matching Team Kelsey Johnson, AICP Community Planner, Grant and Funding Specialist Kelsey is a community planner with extensive public sector experience. She has served as the project manager and lead planner on land use plans, comprehensive land use plan updates, zoning ordinance updates, subdivision regulation updates, housing action plans, and small area studies. As a grant and funding specialist, Kelsey tracks funding and grant opportunities for WSB. Kelsey’s role on the Economic Development Team will be to support John and the City in identifying potential funding opportunities to support development projects. (763) 287-8521 kjohnson@wsbeng.com Addison Lewis Community Planner, Research Analyst Addison brings a variety of experiences in working with local communities. He has a passion for sustainability and is an adept researcher. Addison’s experience with working on municipal planning projects and interpreting zoning and land use ordinances has provided him with a unique perspective on the necessity of preparing realistic and implementable plans. Addison will support John with research during the Asset Identification/Market Review tasks and on an ongoing basis. (763) 231-4873 alewis@wsbeng.com Bret Weiss, PE President Bret is a registered professional engineer with more than 25 years of diverse municipal and general civil engineering experience. He is an accomplished city engineer and project manager responsible for the planning, coordination, design, and construction administration of a wide variety of municipal projects. Bret is a skilled negotiator and is passionate about serving the City of Monticello. Bret’s role on the Economic Development Team will be to support John in identifying potential developer matches, make introductions of the other team members to key stakeholders in the area, and be part of the City’s team regarding the developer negotiation process. (763) 287-7190 bweiss@wsbeng.com 15Appendix E - Market Matching Sales Process Appendix E - Market Matching Sales Process Potential Business Lead Generation • City staff/EDA • Business Contacts • Association Networking Activity • Economic Development Agency Initial Market Matching • Business discovery – client needs assessment • Respond to a Request for Information - RFI • Preliminary information exchanged and discussion regarding known community asset(s) Follow-up Market Matching Presentation – if necessary • Complete information exchanged regarding community assets • Further business discovery and client needs assessment Community Development Engagement • Preliminary Project Review • Letter of Intent – LOI Community Development Process Review • Site Plan Approval/Developer Agreement Process • Project Review –Planning –Engineering –Financial –Legal 16Appendix E - Market Matching Sales Process Ta r g e t e d Pr o s p e c t s Ma r k e t M a t c h i n g • Bu s i n e s s C o n t a c t s • As s o c i a t i o n N e t w o r k i n g Ac t i v i t y • Ec o n o m i c D e v e l o p m e n t Ag e n c i e s WS B ’ s C R M Re m a i n s Ac t i v e In a c t i v e Qu a l i f i e d Le a d Cl o s i n g T h e D e a l • WS B no t i f i e s C i t y St a f f / E D A o f q u a l i f i e d le a d • WS B c o n d u c t s p r e l i m i n a r y n e e d s as s e s s m e n t • Po t e n t i a l s i t e s • Sp e c i f i e d m a r k e t da t a • Id e n t i f y co n s t r a i n t s • WS B p r o v i d e s r e p o r t t o C i t y S t a f f / E D A de t a i l i n g r e s u l t s f r o m p r e l i m i n a r y n e e d s as s e s s m e n t • WS B f a c i l i t a t e s i m p l e m e n t a t i o n o f t h e de v e l o p m e n t p l a n a n d p o s s i b l e i n c e n t i v e s in p a r t n e r s h i p w i t h C i t y S t a f f a n d E D A • Pr e l i m i n a r y p r o j e c t r e v i e w • Le t t e r o f i n t e n t ( L O I ) • Si t e p l a n a p p r o v a l / d e v e l o p e r ag r e e m e n t p r o c e s s Appendix E - Market Matching Sales Process Monticello’s Largest Employers Source: Monticello Chamber of Commerce Date: June 25, 2013 _____________________________________________________________________________________ Monticello Public Schools 422 Xcel Energy 411 Cargill Kitchen Solutions 355 New River Medical Center 267 Ultra Machining Company 119 Bondhus Corp 67 Washburn Computer Group 63 WSI, Inc. 63 Tapper’s Inc. 58 Aroplax Corp. 48 Standard Iron & Wire Works Inc. 45 Hoglund Bus Company 44 Hoglund Transportation Inc. 44 JME Monticello 41 Production Stamping, Inc. 38 O t t e r C r e e k Forestry Project Concession Stand Big Woods Reclamation Project AreaPrimitive Back Pack Camping (3 Sites) Scenic Overlook Connection to City Trail Connection to Residential Trail Long Bertram Mud Wright County GIS Office of the County Surveyor September, 2012 Recreation Site Plan Bertram Chain of Lakes Acquisition Phase VI Item #6 01,400700 Feet Legend Future Facilities Owned byOwned by City of MonticelloCity of Monticello RuralRural ResidentialResidential ResidentialResidential Agricultural/Agricultural/ CommercialCommercial ResidentialResidential Boat Access Camping Fishing Pier Camp Ground Parking Lot Trail Day Use AgriculturalAgricultural AgriculturalAgricultural Wright County Parks Department Created for: Park Office Rental Chalet Beach Amphitheater Park Road Trail Canoe Access City of Monticello Proposed Boundary Existing (496 Acres) (324.55 Acres) Phase VII (124.13 Acres) Phase VI (62.15 Acres) Phase IV REGULAR MEETING MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, July 2nd, 2013 6:00 PM Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Commissioners: Chairman William Spartz, Sam Burvee, Brad Fyle, Charlotte Gabler, Grant Sala Council Liaison: Lloyd Hilgart Staff: Angela Schumann, Ron Hackenmueller 1. Call to order 2. Consideration to approve Planning Commission minutes. a. Regular Meeting of June 4th, 2013 3. Citizen Comments 4. Consideration of adding items to the agenda 5. Public Hearing –Consideration of a request for Comprehensive Plan Amendment for a change in land use designation from Places to Shop to Places to Live and a request for rezoning from B-4 (Regional Business) District to R-4 (Medium-High Density Residence) District. Applicant: IRET Properties 6. Public Hearing - Consideration of an ordinance amending Monticello Zoning Ordinance Section 4.3 (D) – Requirements for Fences & Walls by District Type Applicant: City of Monticello, Planning Commission 7. Community Development Director’s Report 8. Adjourn.