IEDC Agenda 03-01-2011AGENDA MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Tuesday, March 1, 2011 7:00 a.m., Mississippi MEMBERS: Chair Rich Harris, Vice Chair Luke Dahlheimer, Patrick Thompson, Bill Tapper, Dick Van Allen, Dan Olson, Zona Gutzwiller, Wayne Elam, Joni Pawlek, Elaine DeWenter, Chris Kruse, Don Roberts, and Wes Olson LIASIONS: Sandy Suchy, Chamber Clint Herbst, Mayor Glen Posusta, City Council 1. Call to Order 2. Approve Minutes: a. February 1, 2011 3. Consideration of adding items to the Agenda 4. Reports: a. Economic Development Report b. City Council 1. FiberNet ::; 2. Street reconstruction project 3. PW equipment tour 4. Bertram Chain of Lakes Grant c. Chamber of Commerce and Industry a. Update on projects 1. Downtown 2. Transportation 3. Communication b. Next steps 6. Concierge Team a. Breakfast with Mayor /Administrator 1. Midwest Precision Machine, Suburban Manufacturing, Aeroplax b. All Elements site tour schedule for March 2 "d at 9am c. Resource guide (web /print) d. Word on the STREET? e. Expansion — site review meetings Begin discussing merits of a second industrial park 8. Adjournment. (8:30am) IEDC Minutes 02/01/11 MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE (IEDC) MEETING MINUTES Tuesday, February 1, 2011 7:00 a.m., Mississippi MEMBERS PRESENT: Vice Chair Luke Dahlheimer, Patrick Thompson, Dick Van Allen, Dan Olson, Zona Gutzwiller, Wayne Elam, Joni Pawelk, Elaine DeWenter, Chris Kruse, and Don Roberts LIASIONS PRESENT: Sandy Suchy, Chamber Glen Posusta, City Council MEMBERS ABSENT: Chair Rich Harris, Bill Tapper, Wes Olson LIASIONS ABSENT: Glen Posusta, City Council STATE PRESENT: Economic Development Director Megan Barnett - Livgard, City Administrator Jeff O'Neill 1. Call to Order 2. 3. 4. Luke Dahlheimer called the meeting to order at 7:00 a.m. Approve Minutes DICK VAN ALLEN MOVED TO APPROVE THE JANUARY 4, 2011 MINUTES. MOTION WAS SECONDED BY DON ROBERTS. MOTION CARRIED 10 -0. Consideration of adding items to the Agenda None was added. Reports a. Economic Development Verbal) Economic Development Director quickly updated the IEDC regarding the recent adoption of the Transportation Plan by the City Council. Additional information was discussed during Council update. b. City Council MYSA /Bertram: Jeff O'Neill summarized the concept of potentially incorporating the MN Youth Soccer Association's (MYSA) proposal to develop a home field within the scope of the Bertram IEDCMinutes 02/01/11 Park Plan. The MYSA is looking for 110 acres to either purchase or lease long term. There were questions about how many fields would be needed and how local play would be accommodated. There was also discussion about infrastructure needs, comments about the sludge site north of the Bertram acreage, and the need to eventually upgrade the sewer system in that area. All issues are in very preliminary stages of consideration. In late February the MYSA Board will meet to consider if they'd like to proceed with Monticello as an option. If the project were to move forward they would dedicate a full -time staff person to assist with design. They have funds on hand and can arrange for financing for the project. The project would be a regional draw which would generate significant economic benefits for Monticello over time. Transportation Plan: The City Council adopted the Transportation Plan and approved moving forward with the studies indentified in the IEDC Resolution. Taxes: On a per capita basis, Monticello taxes have dropped more than any other community except one since 2002 in the state of Minnesota. Embracing Downtown Meeting: The meeting provided an overview of the consultant study. Preliminary data was presented. Monticello serves about a 93,000 people. The current traffic configuration of streets, parcels and retail space is not conducive to attracting a larger market at this time. Staff noted that there is great potential and engagement from downtown business and land owners. The next step is to choose from among three design alternatives and to draft a plan for implementation. Staff also noted that the new zoning code was adopted. c. Chamber of Commerce and Industr Sandy Suchy reported that the Fishing Tournament went well. There were seventy -one teams participating and some 243 kids involved. The event included a medallion hunt, geo- caching and a smooch race. She noted that the Monticello Times editor Paul Nolan had conducted an interview with Mayor Clint Herbst for the paper and that the Mayor would follow up with a Q &A session on February 18'x' at Premier Bank at 7:30 am. Business Day at the Capitol is scheduled for March 16 °1 The Chamber received congratulations on being among the Top 25 Chambers in the state since 2006. 5. BR &E a. Community Commencement: Meeting was posted on the website, Facebook & e -news b. Follow up to projects: Projects continue to move forward. Downtown is working with City staff on implementing recreation on the river. The Communication group has complied a large database and the Transportation group will need to meet soon to keep up to date on the recently authorized studies.. c. Next Steps : Regroup with task forces 6. Concierge Team a. Breakfast with Mayor /Administrator IEDC Minutes 02/01/11 The Mayor and City Administrator will be meeting with businesses every month. They've visited Midwest Precision Machining. There are upcoming meetings scheduled with Suburban Manufacturing and Aeroplax. b. WSI Site Tour Scheduled The WSI site tour has been rescheduled to February 90'. Staff welcomed IEDC attendance to show support for this successful company. c. Resource Guide (web /print) The resource guide is underway and staff is working to get it into the Chamber directory and on the website. d. Word on the Street The IEDC was invited to share concerns or opportunities related to the business community which may merit follow up. There were none reported at this time. e. Expansion — Site Review Meetings Staff pointed out that there will be numerous local business expansions this year. Many will want to get construction underway before July 1" when TIF funds expire. 7. Review 2010 Proeress & Determine 2011 Priority Projects Staff congratulated the IEDC for all that they'd accomplished in 2010 and asked for assistance in outlining priorities for 2011. The following projects were noted: • Maintain BR &E projects as high priority • Review the Economic Development section of the Comprehensive Plan • Refocus training and leadership course efforts to include less time - consuming and costly options such as utilizing the Workforce Center or the MN Chamber • Take stock of zoned industrial land and make a long -term plan • Consider developing Monticello as a medical center • Look into case studies for how programs may have helped businesses • Consider establishing a transportation task force to move access issues forward • Support the Bertram Park Plan over the long term. 8. Adiournment IEDC Minutes 02/01/11 PATRICK THOMPSON MOVED TO ADJOURN AT 8:15 AM. MOTION WAS SECONDED BY DICK VAN ALLEN. MOTION CARRIED 10 -0. Recorder: Kerry T. Burri _ Approved: March 1, 2011 Attest: Megan Barnett - Livgard, Economic Development Director IEDC 3.1.10 5. BR &E UPDATE: & BACKGROUND: BR &E groups continue to make progress on their assigned projects. Communication Group: 1. Complied and consolidated meeting room data and higher education facilities 2. Updated Concierge website to include easy to use "resource tabs" (see attachment) 3. Working on putting together a print resource guide in coordination with the Chamber Mississippi /Downtown Group: 1. Met in January and discussed BR &E results and desired direction 2. Prepared a list of opportunities to pursue on the river (see attachment) 3. Continue to participate in the Embracing Downtown study Transportation Group: 1. Assisted in getting the Transportation Plan adopted 2. Need to discuss formalizing Task Force 3. Proposed mission statement and action plan (see attachment) 4. Should begin working on assisting the City with authorized studies STAFF RECOMMENDATION: No recommendation at this time ACTION: No action is required. SUPPORTING DATA: a. Updates on each project City of Monticello Economic Development - Home Page r�-A liv Page 1 of 2 Home Contact Info Community Profile Financing Concierge Property Resources BR &E Concierge The goal of the Concierge Team is to serve the business community effectively, efficiently, and ultimately help businesses Connect, Grow, and Belong. Contact Megan Barnett- Livgard at 763.271.3208 or Sandy Suchy at 763.295.2700 to see how our team can help you today) Our Resources The Montic o City Administrator, Jeff O'Neill, is pleased to f?,KA111IY introduce your onticello Concierge Team. Local business . ders, Mayor Herbst, City Staff, nc Community Center, and Chnmb nave teamed up to bring you a progressi and interactive leadership am that is excited to serve Monticello busines s. Questions about seed help with City processes? Wondering who ' happenin the community? Need a meeting room? Need gap finan ' g? ire to talk directly with policy makers? Ready for a ribbon cuttin While the team may not be able to fix every problem or situation, th onci e Team will certainly be able to connect you with the righ sources. Or nnect you with another local Uusiness for guidance. ne Concierge Team ill be active in the community by: conducting qu erly site visits, attending s . review meetings, following up ' n business questions or concerns, ordinating business breakfast rings with the Mayor and City Adminis toe, identify and address y immediate business needs or initiatives, and perform any addit at business services as needed or required. Transportation City Services Chamber Services I -94 Corridor Coalition's City of Monticello li Monticello Chamber Initiative Foundation Wright County Economic Development Partnership Workforce Higher Education Financing Department of Employment and University of MN Business Relations 1 Central MN Development Company Economic Development SBA MN Workforce Center Small Business Development Center Meeting Rooms Business Grants Amenities FiberNet Monticello http:// www. buildingbusinessinmonticello .com /concierge.litml 2/23/2011 City of Monticello Economic Development - Home Page State Resources Starting a Business Better Business Bureau Business Gov Energy Star Office of Attorney General MN Department of Commerce I MN Department of Labor and Industry I MN Department of Revenue MN Pollution Control OSHA SCORE United States Department of Labor Copyright (c) 2010 City of Monticello. All Rights Reserved. Follow Us Online L'* Page 2 of 2 http:// www. buildingbusinessimnoliticello .coin/concierge.html 2/23/2011 Monticello on the Mississippi I. Background A. BRE & E Results & Goals B. Park & Trail Plan & Resource Update C. Embracing Downtown Monticello II. Recreation A. Parks B. Canoe /Kayak C. Trails D. Great River Road III. Interpretation A. Historic Walks B. Kiosks C. Video D. Community Signage IV. Events A. RiverFest B. Walk n Roll C. Art in the Park — Music in the Park ( ?) D. Movies in the Park V. Development A. Island B. Trail /sidewalk C. Business connections D. Acquisition VI. Promotion and Marketing VII. Resources A. Chamber BR &E TRANSPORTATION TASK FORCE Transportation Statement: As a river crossing city in a region that has experienced significant growth in the past fifty years, Monticello has the need for infrastructure upgrades to match its increased size. Efforts are underway to meet these needs through a number of infrastructure projects. Purpose Statement: The BR &E Transportation Task Force desires to assist in moving forward improvement projects that provide smoother traffic flow in, out, and through Monticello. The task force will accomplish this objective by lobbying, networking, and influencing decision makers. 2019 Workplan: Specifically, the project team will work to build consensus around the construction plans for Fallon Avenue and begin researching the location of a second river crossing. The project team also assisted in gaining approval for the current transportation plan. Task Force Members: This committee will be led by Luke Dahlheimer, Megan Barnett - Livgard, Don Roberts, Rod Dragsten, Rachel Wernsing, and Tom Perrault. The Task Force will also be expanded to include the Mayor, one resident at large, and City Engineer. Economic Development Director Updates: EDA: The EDA has been discussing purchasing a 13.6 acre residentially guided parcel owned by John Chadwick. The subject parcel is located adjacent to the Monticello Business Center and therefore Mr. Chadwick is requesting that the EDA consider purchasing the property. At this time John is experiencing financial difficulty due to slow real estate sales and desires to sell the property. The EDA has debated the merits of purchasing the property for the past several months. At their February meeting the votes were at a grid lock, three to continue to discuss price and three to not pursue the purchase at this time. As additional background information; Mr. Chadwick is asking $250,000 The current county value is $194,000. The EDA will need to determine at this parcel becomes worth purchasing. The item will be discussed at thei r when a new EDA member begins his six year term. Planning Commission: See attached agenda BR &E: Part of regular agenda. for the property. what price point March meeting Inquiries: Staff received an inquiry from a business in Elk River looking to expand and potentially relocate to Monticello. Marketing and demographic info was emailed and mailed. At this point Elk River is doing all they can to retain this business. Staff continues to be in contact and hopes to have a face to face meeting in early March. The next quarterly Positively MN marketing meeting is scheduled for March 10, 2011. The Vice President of General Mills will be in attendance and speaking on the Itasca Project. There is a huge movement to regionalize economic development and create stronger private /public partnerships to strengthen our economy and create jobs. hldustrial Marketing / Venues: Staff will be working with Positively MN this year to further marketing dollars. Attached is a list of potential tradeshows Monticello would be able to participate in through Positively MN contacts. Business Communications & Retention Initiatives: To further stretch marketing dollars, the Business Insider will be incorporated in the Chamber newsletter every other month. Also the Business Insider will become shorter and more of a City update. The March issue has been attached. The Concierge Team has been active in visiting a business every month. The Mayor and Administrator have also had monthly business breakfast meetings. Embracing Downtown: City Staff and the McComb Group met on February 15, 2011 to review preliminary design concepts for downtown. The potential for redevelopment and revitalization is great and very exciting. The Steering Committee will be reviewing the design concepts on March 15, 2011. Downtown Stakeholders and the community at large will have the opportunity to review the concepts on March 29, 2011. Future Meeting Dates: 1. EDA: March 9, 2011 2. Embracing Downtown: March 29, 2011 IEDC December 7, 2010 EDA MEETING Wednesday, February 9, 2011 6:00 p.m. Mississippi - 505 Walnut Street, Monticello, MN 5:30PM SPECIAL MEETING TO INTERVIEW EDA CANDIDATE FOR OPEN SEAT Commissioners: President Bill Demeules, Treasurer Bill Tapper, Bill Fair, Tracy Hinz, and Council members Tom Perrault and Brian Stumpf Staff: Executive Director Megan Barnett 1. Call to Order 2. Approve Meeting Minutes: a. January 12, 2010 3. Consideration of additional agenda items 4. Approval of EDA Invoices 5. Annual Meeting a. Elected officers b. Review fund balances c. Discuss 2011 priorities 6. Presentation by the I -94 Corridor Coalition 7. Request by J. Edwin Chadwick asking the EDA to purchase 13.6 acres of residentially zoned property located adjacent to the Monticello Business Center 8. Marketing Update: a. Conferences b. Website c. Concierge Team 9. Director Report 10. Adjournment Proceed to closed meeting POSITIVELY GTM 2011 Positively MN & DEED Calendar 2011 January • CoreNet Global Midwest Chapter meeting, Minneapolis, MN January 11, 2011 • EDAM Winter Conference, Minneapolis, MN January 20 -21, 2011 February • CoreNet Global Midwest Chapter meeting, Minneapolis, MN February 8, 2011 March • CoreNet Global Midwest Chapter meeting, Minneapolis, MN TBD • Positively Minnesota Quarterly Meeting, St. Paul, MN March 10, 2011 April • CoreNet Global Midwest Chapter meeting, Minneapolis, MN TBD • IAMC Professional Forum, Albuquerque, NM April 30 -May 4, 2011 May • CoreNet Global Summit, Chicago, IL May 1 -3, 2011 • WindPower 2011, Anaheim, CA May 22 -25, 2011 June • CoreNet Global Midwest Chapter meeting, Minneapolis, MN TBD • Consultant's Forum — New Orleans, Louisiana June 6 -8, 2011 • Positively Minnesota Quarterly Meeting, St. Paul, MN June 15, 2011 • BIO 2011 — Minnesota Pavilion, Washington, DC June 27 -30, 2011 July • CoreNet Global Midwest Summer Event, Minneapolis, MN TBD August • CoreNet Global Midwest Chapter meeting, Minneapolis, MN TBD • Minnesota State Fair, St. Paul, MN August 25- September 5, 2011 September • CoreNet Global Midwest Chapter Meeting, Minneapolis, MN TBD • Positively Minnesota Quarterly Meeting, St. Paul, MN September 8, 2011 • IAMC Professional Forum, Philadelphia, PA September 10 -14, 2011 • IEDC, Charlotte, North Carolina September 18 -21, 2011 • 16`x' Annual MN Development Conference September 29 -30, 2011 1216110