IEDC Agenda 05-03-2011AGENDA MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Tuesday, May 3, 2011 7:00 a.m., Mississippi MEMBERS: Chair Rich Harris, Vice Chair Luke Dahlheimer, Patrick Thompson, Bill Tapper, Dick Van Allen, Dan Olson, Zona Gutzwiller, Wayne Elam, Joni Pawelk, Elaine DeWenter, Chris Kruse, Don Roberts, and Wes Olson LIASIONS: Sandy Suchy, Chamber Clint Herbst, Mayor Glen Posusta, City Council Call to Order 2. Approve Minutes a. April 5, 2011 3. Consideration of adding items to the Agenda 4. Reports: a. Economic Development Report b. City Council 1. Community food garden on DMV property 2. Application to submit ETC (Eligible Telecommunications Carrier) Status 3. IRET Properties/NAPA 4. Adult Uses 5. Building and Safety presentation c. Chamber of Commerce and Industry 5. BR &E a. TAC — May 26h at 7:30am 6. Concierge Team a. Breakfast with Mayor /Administrator b. Suggestions for site tours d. Word on the STREET? e. Expansion — site review meetings Discuss projects staff is working on: a. Project Lead the Way b. Branding c. Technical training program 8. Adjournment. (8:30am) IEDC Minutes 04/05/11 MINUTES MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE (IEDC) Tuesday, April 5, 2011 MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair Rich Harris, Vice Chair Luke Dahlheimer, Bill Tapper, Dick Van Allen, Zona Gutzwiller, Wayne Elam, Joni Pawelk, Elaine DeWenter, Chris Kruse, Wes Olson MEMBERS ABSENT: Dan Olson, Don Roberts, Patriol, Thompson LIASIONS ABSENT: STAFF PRESENT: 1. Call to Order FA 3. Clint Herbst, Mayor Glen Posusta, City Sandy Suchy, Chant Economic Chair Rich Harris called the mi A nnrnvp Minvv&r a. March 1, 201 1 BILL TAPPER MOVED TO APPROVE T] SECONDED BY JONI A WELK. MOTTO: Consideration of addinh.items to the Agenda 4. Reports a. Economic Develonmentkenort Community ,MARCII 1, 2011 MINUTES. MOTION WAS CARRIED 10 -0. None A Community Meeting has been scheduled for April 18 °1 at 7 pm in the Bridge Room at the Monticello Commutity Center to review the Embracing Downtown concept plans. Previous meetings have provided useful feedback for the consultants. Participants had many questions about how the concepts would affect them logistically. Staff will distribute the power point of the meeting to the IEDC for their reference. b. City Council Angela Schumann noted that transportation, construction projects, the interim temporary sign ordinance, and pathway initiatives have been a part of City Council's recent agendas. IhDC Minutes 04/05/11 There was brief discussion about the realignment of the pathway along CSAH 75 and the opportunity to do a grade separated trail crossing by installing a culvert. This project would provide safe crossing for Xcel employees and link the ball fields with Montissippi Park. c. Chamber of Commerce and Industry The Chamber Golf Tournament is scheduled for May 19`x' at the Monticello Country Club. 5. BR &E a. Update on projects 1. Downtown Angela Schumann has been working with the MCC and Kevi for river programming. The group till meet again at the end are several data gathering and web design projects;u.,n( planning process which will provide great resources fbi 2. Transportation The Transportation Advisory COminittee (TAQ was. Rp had its first: committee meeting and, at this point, wik] toward Apvinf warpriori 'transportatu projects. E 3. Communication resoitroes, me distribute das The Building under the tab Prone tab in b. Next meetina,dat There is a BR&B ) check in to ensure the end of the year. 6. Concierge Team to promoting in to establish aplan She noted that there of the Park & Trail I by City Council. TAC has every other month to work section looks great. It includes City statistics, bout our workforce. This information will be at the end of April. :ello website can be accessed through the City's website added some demographic information to the Community 3ership meeting scheduled for April 13. This will be an opportunity to the group is meeting its goals. U of M guidance is still available through a. Breakfast with Mayor /Administrator: There was no report. b. Suggestions for site tours 7. 8. IEDC Minutes 04105111 1. The Production Stamping tour is scheduled for Wednesday, April 20`x' at 9 am. c. Resource guide (web /print) These issues were addressed within the BR &E Communication item. d. Word on the STREET ?: There was no business information reported. e. Expansion —Site review meetings Staff received an application on April 4°i for an ar auto store at the Monticello Travel Center 2 "a appraisals and inquiries related to industrial exp r Adult- Oriented Land Uses The City is required to make available reasof legal, generally accepted standard, is that 5% existing regulations in the Zoning, Code are o boundaries, and a clarification City enacted a moratorium on The Planning Commission has been requirements while mitigating poten to a PUD and rezoning for a retail There has been an increase in for Adult - Oriented Land Uses. The table be zoned fot -this purpose. The t of community growth, changing 1 property as available land. The dinance is in place. with opportunity The first option would amend the code to get elbser to the legally defensible 5% of land available. This option allows permitted nse in the I -2 Heayy Industrial area as well as in the I -1 Light Industrial area. It includes the areatlork of a 275 ftbuffer around sensitive uses. In addition, it would create an I -3 'Freeway Industrial District, within Which. Adult -Use would not be allowed. The second option would create all Overlay District which would allow Adult -Use in I -1 or I -2 areas that do not abut sensitive areas, or the freeway. This option avoids spot zoning. Over 40 parcels SWould be considered available for Adult -Use in this overlay. This option is expected to be considered: legally defensible and easier to administer. Adiournment BILL TAPPER MOVED TO ADJOURN AT 7:35 AM. MOTION WAS SECONDED BY LUKE DAHLHEIMER. MOTION CARRIED 10 -0. Recorder: Kerry T. Burri Approved: May 3, 2011 Attest: Megan Barnett- Livgard, Economic Development Director Economic Development Director Updates: EDA: The EDA and Mr. John Chadwick agreed upon a purchase price for the 13.6 acre parcel located adjacent to Monticello Business Center. The EDA is also discussing a potential downtown purchase at a closed meeting on April 28`x'. Planning Commission: See attached agenda BR &E: No new updates. Inquiries: Staff has been in contact with a few local manufacturers looking to expand. City staff met with Ayers & Ayers, a development company interested in bringing a project to Monticello. Bauer Design is also interested in bringing a project to Monticello. Industrial Marketing / Venues: The City is a member of CMMA, Central MN Manufactures Association. As an effort to meet more manufacturers' staff is going to renew efforts to attend CMMA meetings and get involved in this organization. Local businesses may be interested in also joining. Membership information can be found at www.centralmnmantifaettiring.com. The next meeting is scheduled for May 26`x' in Waite Park followed by a tour of DCI in St. Cloud. Monticello will be a sponsor at the May 13`" MN Real Estate Journal Land Development Conference. Companies such as Ryan, Ryland, CB Richard Ellis, Opus, etc. will be attending and speaking at the 7"' annual Land Conference. Business Communications & Retention Initiatives: The next Business Insider will be published in May. Embracing Downtown: Several public input meetings engaging business, land owners, and residents have been completed. Four concept plans have been outlined and discussed in great detail. The consulting group is in the process of regrouping and reviewing comments to pare down the concepts to one preferred alternative. The consulting team will also be working on the Comprehensive Plan and implementation /financial analysis section. Economic Development related articles: None at this time. Future Meeting Dates: 1. EDA: May 11, 2011 AGENDA MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, May 3rd, 2011 6:00 PM Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Commissioners: Rod Dragsten, Brad Fyle, Charlotte Gabler, William Spartz, and Barry Voight Council Liaison: Lloyd Hilgart Staff: Angela Schumann, Ron Hackenmueller, Steve Grittman —NAC Call to order. 2. Consideration to approve the Planning Commission minutes of April 5th, 2011. Citizen Comments. 4. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. 5. Public Hearing — Consideration of a request for Conditional Use Permit for Veterinary Clinic in a B -4 (Regional Business) and Amendment to Planned Unit Development for Quad Development. Applicant: Quad Development 6. Public Hearing — Consideration of a request for Rezoning from B- 3(Highway Business) to B -4 (Regional Business) and a request for Amendment to Conditional Use Permit for Planned Unit Development for the Monticello Travel Center 2 n Addition. Applicant: 1UT Properties 7. Public Hearing - Consideration of an amendment to the Monticello Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 2, Section 4, Chapter 5, Section 3(D) and Chapter 5, Section 4. (AS) Applicant: City of Monticello 8. Consideration to call for a public hearing on Amendment to the 2008 Monticello Comprehensive Plan for the Adoption of the 2011 Monticello Parks & Trails Plan. 9. Consideration to call for a Public Hewing on Amendment of the Monticello Zoning Map. 10. Community Development Director's Report 11. Adjourn.