IEDC Agenda 08-02-2011AGENDA MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Tuesday, August 2, 2011 7:00 a.m., Mississippi MEMBERS: Chair Rich Harris, Vice Chair Luke Dahlheimer, Patrick Thompson, Bill Tapper, Dick Van Allen, Dan Olson, Zona Gutzwiller, Wayne Elam, Joni Pawelk, Elaine DeWenter, Chris Kruse, Don Roberts, and Wes Olson LIASIONS: Sandy Suchy, Chamber Clint Herbst, Mayor Glen Posusta, City Council 1. Call to Order 2. Approve Minutes: a. June 7, 2011 3. Consideration of adding items to the Agenda 4. Reports: a. Economic Development Report b. City Council 1. FiberNet 2. Community Center building improvements 3. Realignment of CSAH 75 and 120t' c. Chamber of Commerce and Industry d. TAC 5. Concierge Team a. Breakfast with Mayor /Administrator and site visits will resume in September b. Word on the Street? 6. 2011 Industry of the Year Event a. Speaker b. Partnership with Monticello school c. Award Sub - committee Lego League 8. Embracing Downtown Adjournment. (8:30am) MINUTES MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE (IEDC) Tuesday, June 7,2011- 7:00 a.m., Mississippi MEMBERS PRESENT: Vice Chair Luke Dahlheimer, Bill Tapper, Dan Olson, Zona Gutzwiller, Wayne Elam, Joni Pawelk, Don Roberts, Wes Olson MEMBERS ABSENT: Chair Rich Harris, Patrick Thompson, Dick Van Allen, Elaine DeWenter, Chris Kruse LIASIONS PRESENT: Sandy Suchy, Chamber Clint Herbst, Mayor Glen Posusta, City Council STAFF PRESENT: Economic Development Director Megan Barnett- Livgard, Community Development Director Angela Schumann 1. 2. 3. 4. Call to Order Luke Dahlheimer called the meeting to order at 7:00 a.m. Approve Minutes DON ROBERTS MOVED TO APPROVE THE MAY 3, 2011 MINUTES. MOTION WAS SECONDED BY DAN OLSON. MOTION CARRIED 8-0. Consideration of adding items to the Agenda None Reports a. Economic Development Report The Jobs bill has been extended for another year. This will provide Monticello an opportunity to utilize surplus TIF to help businesses with expansion and development. Staff is looking for a catalyst project to be initiated this year. There were twenty commercial brokers in attendance at the broker breakfast held on June 1s`. Staff will be working more collaboratively with this group to promote future development. Staff will meet with Tim Zipoy and Jim Macklenburg from Project Lead the Way at end of month to explore opportunities to establish the program in Monticello School's. IEDC Minutes 06/07/11 The Embracing Downtown meeting is scheduled for June 28h at 4 p.m. at the Community Center. b. City Council 1. Veterinary Clinic The Veterinary Clinic project is moving forward. It has received approval for CUP, PUD and final plat. 2. Aroplax Expansion Aroplax broke ground for its 18,000 square foot expansion. 3. FiberNet Council will be meeting with the preferred candidate for FiberNet's General Manager position. c. Chamber of Commerce and Industry Sandy Suchy reported that summer Chamber events are in full swing with activities such as corporate duck sales and Walk N Roll. She also invited businesses to come for lunch to help the Minnesota Chamber determine its public policy direction for the coming year. 5. BR &E There was no update. 6. Concierge Team a. Breakfast with Mayor /Administrator The Mayor and City Administrator will be meeting with Twin City Die Cast. b. Site tours There will be a site tour of Suburban Manufacturing on June 21" at 2:00 p.m. C. Word on the STREET? There was no update. d. Expansion — Site Review Meetings In addition to the Aroplax expansion previously noted, staff pointed out that Suburban Manufacturing is looking to construct an 18,000 square foot facility in the industrial park. IEDC Minutes 06/07/11 Updated Park and Trail Ma Angela Schumann provided a summary of the Park and Trail Plan revision process. The City utilized a $52,000 grant from LiveWright to update the 1996 Park Plan as an amendment to the Comprehensive Plan and to create resources to provide greater access to local park information. The plan was based on results of the Natural Resources Inventory, the user survey and input of numerous community stakeholders. Primary findings were that the existing park and trail system lacks linkages, an emphasis on natural areas, and a focus on access to the river. Ditch 33, Pelican Lake and Edmunson Woods were noted as areas of additional opportunity for park development. The plan is to be used as a flexible tool to guide policy and capital budgeting rather than a detailed implementation plan. In addition, the public now has access to an interactive online GIS map of the parks and trails in Monticello. Staff reported on the status of the Bertram Park land purchase process. The City and County has provided public access to 370 acres of the 1200 acres of the park. The Memorandum of Understanding with the YMCA will need be revised based on new valuation of the property. The Minnesota Youth Soccer Association (MYSA) remain interested in possibly locating an athletic complex at Bertram but has not begun discussions with its board. The City will proceed with its plans for Bertram and hope to integrate any plan that results. 8. Adiournment BILL TAPPER MOVED TO ADJOURN AT 7:44 AM. MOTION WAS SECONDED BY WES OLSON. MOTION CARRIED 8-0. Recorder: Kerry T. Burri _ Approved: August 2, 2011 Attest: Megan Barnett- Livgard, Economic Development Director Economic Development Director Updates: EDA: The EDA authorized City Staff to begin negotiating a fair price for the potential purchase of Landmark II (Barry Fluth property). A proposed purchase agreement will be brought to the EDA at their August meeting. At the July meeting, the EDA authorized calling for a public hearing to consider creating TIF district 1 -39 and conveying land to Suburban Manufacturing. Suburban Manufacturing has outgrown their existing facility and desire to build a new facility in the City's industrial park. Suburban is hopeful to begin construction in September and move into the new facility before the end of the year. The EDA and City Council will be holding a joint meeting in August to discuss how to best utilize surplus TIF from district 1 -22 and to capitalize on new legislation passed this year that gives Cities the ability to assist in kick starting private development with less restrictions until December of 2012. City Council: The City Council approved allocating matching funds to continue to purchase phase 3 of Bertram Chain of Lakes, the Park and Trail map was approved, and they approved rezoning the old bowling alley from I -1 to B -2 for the purposes of allowing Quarry Church to develop on the site. On July 11, 2011 the City Council approved replacing pavers along Walnut Street and installing a box culvert for CSAH 75 Pedestrian Underpass as part of the CSAH 75 and 120`h Street intersection improvement project Planning Commission: See attached agenda BR &E: No new updates. Inquiries: Aroplax's warehouse addition continues to move forward. Staff sent an email to the owner's (Steve and Paul) inquiring how the addition was coming along and congratulating them on making their expansion plans a reality. Steve and Paul responded stating the expansion was proceeding in good order. Marketing / Venues: The Greater MSP organization is a private and public organization recently established to collectively address economic development in the state of MN. Below is a description of Greater MSP's mission and objectives: Greater MSP is a private - public partnership whose mission is to stimulate economic growth and prosperity in the Minneapolis Saint Paul region. Its primary role is to be a value -added resource to all economic development organizations and activities throughout the region, with the goal of a brighter future for all residents of the region. Together with our economic development partners, Greater MSP will provide vision, strategy, resources, and staff support to link state and local governments and organizations involved with job creation, regional marketing, and business recruitment and retention. Specifically, Greater MSP will lead or partner with existing organizations to: • Set a strategic vision for regional economic development • Define and guide a tactical economic development agenda • Brand and market our region to internal and external audiences • Retain and expand current businesses in the region • Attract new businesses to the region • Connect businesses with local resources and incentives City Staff has been contacted by Ted Mondale, a consultant working with Greater MSP, to assist in efforts connecting Wright County to Greater MSP. Aligning ourselves with an organization like Greater MSP has the potential to give Monticello great exposure to robust companies. For example, the Board of Directors for the organization consists of executives from Ecolab, General Mills, Cargill, and US Bank Corporation. Wright County business leaders were asked to participate in an informative meeting on July 27, 2011. It will be important for businesses to continue to interject their input to ensure the organization has the tools in hand to make Minnesota a better place to keep and attract businesses. Please check out the economic development website: www. buildin gbusinessimnonticello.com. Changes continue to be made in order to keep the site fresh and relatable to site selectors, brokers, and businesses. Normal social media, direct mailings, and attendance at important conferences continue to occur. Business Communications & Retention Initiatives: Staff completed a second business video update through Wright County Cable commission. The video will be posted on the economic development website as soon as we can work through a few formatting issues. Jim Mcklenburg and the Economic Development Director met in June to discuss Project Lead the Way. Staff received detailed information related to the curriculum and manner in which it is often integrated into the public schools. Subsequent to this meeting, staff met with Jim Johnson and Linda Borgerding from the Monticello schools. Monticello school district is very open to ways they can better connect their students to businesses in Monticello, particularly as it relates to manufacturing companies. Linda and Jim relayed the message that they believe science, technology, and math is critical to student education in order to foster a future workforce for manufacturing companies. They believe the Project Lead the Way course is a good tool and are not opposed to trying to implement it in some fashion. Jim and Linda do believe their curriculum already includes a lot of components established in Project Lead the Way. City Staff and the school district are going to continue to evaluate the feasibility and IEDC August 2, 2011 best approach to potentially implement Project Lead the Way or a similar program. In the mean time, City Staff is going to work with Jim and Linda on finding better ways to connect high school students with local manufacturing companies. It is our goal to have a big tour and job education event in October to celebrate manufacturing month. In an effort to implement a local education or training program to Monticello businesses, City Staff has been working with St. Cloud Technical College to create an effective list of appropriate classes. A few ideas have been discussed with local businesses including: safety, technical math, geometrical tolerance & dimensioning, and welding. Staff contacted several manufacturing companies inquiring about their interest to send their employees to any of these classes. Staff has received a luke warn response. However, staff does understand the importance of continuing to offer education opportunities to businesses and therefore will continue to follow up to potentially offer a pilot class this fall. Embracing Downtown: Part of regular agenda. Economic Development related articles: According to the Minneapolis St. Paul Business Journal, Monticello is the 10`h fastest growing City in the metro area. See attached list for the Top 25 Cities. Misc. City Staff would like to meet with the zoning code rewrite group to begin discussing acceptable building materials in the industrial district. If you participated on the small zoning group previously, please tentatively mark your calendars for September 6, 2011 immediately following the regular IEDC meeting. Future Meeting Dates: 1. IEDC: September 6, 2011 2. EDA: August 10, 2011 IEDC August 2, 2011 AGENDA MONTICELLO PLANNING Tuesday, August 2nd, 2011 6:00 PM Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center SPECIAL WORKSHOP 5:00 PM — Mississippi Room Concept Proposal — 251 Partnership/Mike Schneider Commissioners: Rod Dragsten, Brad Fyle, Charlotte Gabler, William Spartz, and Barry Voight Council Liaison: Lloyd Hilgart Staff: Angela Schumann, Ron Hackenmueller, Steve Grittman — NAC 1. Call to order. 2. Consideration to approve the Planning Commission minutes of July 5th, 2011. 3. Citizen Comments. 4. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. 5. Continued Public Hearing - Consideration of an amendment to the Monticello Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 3, Section 7, Special Use Overlay District, including amendments to the official zoning map of the City of Monticello. Applicant: City of Monticello 6. Continued Public Hearing — Consideration of an amendment to the Monticello Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 4, Section 13 - Telecommunications Towers and Antennas, Chapter 5, Section 1- Use Table, Chapter 5, Section 2 — Use Specific Standards and Chapter 5, Section 3 - AccessoryUses Applicant: City of Monticello 7. Public Hearing — Consideration of a request for Rezoning from I -1 (Light Industrial) to B -4 (Regional Business) for Lot 1 and 2, Block 1, Oakwood Industrial Park (102 Thomas Park Drive). Applicant: WHL Enterprises, LLC 8. Public Hearing — Consideration of a request for amendments to the Monticello Zoning Ordinance. Applicant: City of Monticello • Chapter 2, Section 4(C), as related to Variances • Chapter 3, Section 4 as related to R -2 and R -1 zoned properties in the Original Plat and Lower Monticello • Chapter 3, Section 4 (D) and (E) as related to Attached Accessory Structure standards • Chapter 3, Section 3.4(G) as related to Accessory Structure standards • Chapter 3, Section 4(P) as related to Planned Unit Developments • Chapter 4, Section 1(J) as related to landscaping standards in the TN District • Chapter 4, Section 5(H) as related to Dynamic Displays • Chapter 4, Section 5(1) as related to Temporary Signs • Chapter 5, Section 2(F) as related to Entertainment/Recreation, Indoor Commercial • Chapter 5, Section 2 as related to Restaurants (Special Event permits) • Chapter 5, Section 3 as related to Accessory Uses: • Outdoor Storage in Industrial Districts • Truck Parking in Industrial and Commercial Districts • Chapter 5, Section 3 as related to Attached Accessory Buildings • Chapter 5, Section 4, as related to Temporary Uses 9. Consideration of request for extension of a Conditional Use Permit for Concept Stage and Development Stage Planned Unit Development approval for a multi -tenant shopping center, a Conditional Use Permit for Outdoor Storage, a Conditional Use Permit for a Car Wash, a Conditional Use Permit for a Motor Fuel Station/Convenience Store, a Conditional Use Permit for minor auto repair, and Preliminary Plat approval. Applicant: Mills Properties, Inc. 10. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2011 -71 finding that a modification to the Redevelopment Plan, TIF Plan for TIF District No. 1 -39, and conveying EDA owned land to Suburban Manufacturing conforms with the Monticello Comprehensive Plan. 11. Community Development Director's Report 12. Adjourn. IEDC: 06/07/11 7. FIRST LEGO LEAGUE. (MB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The First Lego League (FLL) is a program that spurs innovation and excitement in science and technology. Monticello public schools currently offer a FLL program to students in grades 4th through 9`h. In the past the FLL has had a fair number of participants and has overall proved to be a good program. In the most recent years, the schools FLL equipment is showing its age and therefore student participation as dropped. Monticello public schools would like to keep this program going in order to continue to connect students to science and technology career paths. In order to gain momentum of the program again they are in need of upgrading software and robots. The cost to implement the necessary upgrades is approximately $5,000. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS Staff would like the IEDC to provide suggestions as to what local businesses could be contacted requesting financial support to the Monticello FLL program. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff is recommending a concerted effort be made to obtain $5,000 from local businesses to fund the necessary upgrades to the FLL program in Monticello. It is important to continue to support programs and initiatives that help foster a skilled future workforce. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. First Lego League Proposal from Monticello Public Schools MONTICELLO PUBLIC SCHOOLS Independent School District No. 882 302 Washington Street Telephone (763) 272 -2000 Monticello, Minnesota 55362 Fax (763) 272 -2009 July 2011 To Whom It May Concern, First Lego League Proposal What is First Lego League (FLL)? Minnesota FIRSTO LEGOO League (MN FLL@) is part of an international program that includes more than 200,000 kids in 63 countries. It is a team - based, hands -on program that provides challenging and exciting learning opportunities for young people. MN FLL spurs innovation, develops teamwork, enhances communication skills, and promotes excitement in science and technology. The FLL Challenge Each September, FILL teams around the world are provided with an annual Challenge. The Challenge is based on a set of real -world problems facing scientists and engineers today. It has two parts: the Robot Game and the Project. In the Robot Game, teams design, build, program and test autonomous robots that must perform a series of tasks or missions. In the Project, teams research a real -world problem in the field of the Challenge theme, create an innovative solution and share their findings in their community. What is a FILL Team? FLL teams come in all shapes and sizes. Teams are defined as having 3 — 10 participants from ages 9 - 14. Teams can be a mix of grades & ages. In Minnesota we have two divisions and teams compete at the grade level /division of the oldest member: FLL Division 1 = Grades 4, 5, 6 FLL Division 2 = Grades 7, 8, 9 In Monticello, we normally have between 3 -5 teams each year, Grades 4 -8 (sometimes grade 9). There are at least 2 adult coaches per team who volunteer. How much does it cost? Registration fee take care of the National Team Registration, Field Setup kit and Regional Tournament Fee. A successful program needs a LEGO NXT Robot and Mindstorms Software and laptop computer. At this time, our laptop computers range from 4 -6 years old, along with the robots. The equipment needs to be updated to perform as expected. A laptop computer with hardware and licensed software costs @$1,000. The Robot and Mindstorms Software costs @$420. With $5,000 — we would be able to purchase 4 computers and 2 robots. Let me know if you have additional questions and thank you for your consideration— Linda Borgerding Director of Curriculum & Instruction MN FIRST LEGO League (4 -9 grade) I High Tech Kids Home About Us MN FIRST LEGO League How to Start an FLL Team Tournaments Coaches Volunteers MN Renewable Energy Challenge How to Start a R.E.C.Team Challenge Day Programs GET INVOLVED! Contact Us Home MN FIRST LEGO League (4 -9 grade) Page 1 of 2 111 3rd Ave S, Suite 145 Minneapolis, MN 55401 612.781.2203 info@hightechkids.org Minnesota FIRST® LEGO@ League (MN FLL®) is part of an international program that includes more than 200,000 kids in 63 countries. It is a team - based, hands -on program that provides challenging and exciting learning opportunities for young people. MN FLL spurs innovation, develops teamwork and leadership skills and promotes excitement in science and technology. READY TO START A MN FLL TEAM! The roles they assume grant kids the thrill of discovery as they witness firsthand how abstract concepts become concrete solutions. To volunteer with High Tech Kids email Holly at holly @hightechkids.org or call us at 612.781.2203 http: //hightechkids.orgJprograms /ran- first -lego- league -4 -9 -grade 7/26/2011 What a MN FLL Team is... Coaches Volunteers • Three to ten kids, ages 9 -14. • Anyone can form a team: schools, charter schools, home schools, neighborhood groups, churches, 4 -H, scouts. Teams • Team's division is determined by the oldest participating member: Message Board Division One = 4, 5, or 6th grade. Division Two = 7, 8 or 9th grade. What a team does... BLOG Team members typically meet twice a week to fulfill three criteria to be used in judging at regional Season Photos events: Team Stories • The Project Teams conduct research to solve a real -world problem, develop an innovative solution and Season Archives present and share their work at the competition and within their communities. They are evaluated Videos in research, innovative solution and presentation. • The Robot Teams design, build and program autonomous LEGO robots to achieve specific missions and compete in three 2.5 minute performance rounds at competitions. They are also evaluated on mechanical design, programming and innovation & strategy. • Core Values Teams will be evaluated on HOW they finished their project and robot. They will be evaluated in inspiration, teamwork and gracious professionalism. READY TO START A MN FLL TEAM! The roles they assume grant kids the thrill of discovery as they witness firsthand how abstract concepts become concrete solutions. To volunteer with High Tech Kids email Holly at holly @hightechkids.org or call us at 612.781.2203 http: //hightechkids.orgJprograms /ran- first -lego- league -4 -9 -grade 7/26/2011 1VIN FIRST LEGO League (4 -9 grade) I High Tech Kids High Tech Kids, a Minnesota 501 (c)(3) nonprofit, supports FILL teams in Minnesota by offering training, tournament opportunities, research workshops, volunteer coordination and community outreach. Since its inception in 1999, High Tech Kids has grown from serving 175 youth to more than 22,000 across the state, with the help of over 700 volunteers. FIRST® LEGO® League (FLL) was created in 1998 by a partnership between F7RST(For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology) and The LEGO Group. For more Information on FIRSTLEGO League Page 2 of 2 Home I HTK Privacy Statement I Creative Commons License I Background Check Polity I Nondiscrimination Policy I Site Map I Login ®2009 -High Tech Kids http: //hightechkids.org/programs /mn- first -lego- league -4 -9 -grade 7/26/2011 IEDC: 06/07/11 8. EMBRACING DOWNTOWN. (MB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Embracing Downtown project continues to move forward and is quickly wrapping up. On June 28, 2011, the consulting team presented their draft preferred alternative plan and began discussing implementation strategies. The meeting was well attended by downtown stake holders. Upon the completion of the meeting several land and business owners asked staff and the consulting team several pointed questions. The feedback we are hearing from businesses and land owners relates to their concern as to how their business can afford the proposed new rental rates and when redevelopment will actually occur. Between City Staff and various members on the consulting team, almost all of the concerns raised have been addressed. Overall, it seems the Embracing Downtown plan is receiving a positive response from the business community. They feel a little uneasy not knowing exactly when redevelopment will occur in their respective area. However, we have relayed the message many times that we want to work with them to solve whatever problem will need solving to facilitate progressive redevelopment and allow them to continue to do business. The other comment we often hear is that this is just going to be another plan put on the shelf and nothing will happen downtown. The EDA is already making a concerted effort to provide opportunities for implementation of the Embracing Downtown plan. They authorized $5,000 for Jim McComb to work directly with several entities looking at building in Minnesota (hotel, Kohls, discount grocery, or whole foods store). Jim will be meeting with decisions makers to talk to them about opportunities to locate in Monticello. This includes outlining how a deal can be structured to work within their business plan and the City's financial abilities. Additionally, the EDA reviews opportunities to purchase property downtown in a strategic manner taking into consideration a number of factors including: availability of TIF funds, land price, location, and compliance with the draft Embracing Downtown concept plans. The goal is to invest wisely for the purpose of leveraging private investment. It is well known that redevelopment projects can be costly and complicated. Therefore, by being proactive in strategic land purchases could in fact put Monticello in a better position to attract catalyst projects. Lastly, McCombs Group is working on finalizing the Embracing Downtown Plan. Staff is meeting with the group on August 24th to review a draft of the final plan and recommendations. A Steering Committee meeting will be scheduled the week of August 29th. The goal is to bring the plan to the EDA, Planning Commission, and City Council in September /October for final adoption and initiation of implementation strategies. 1 IEDC: 06/07/11 B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS No action is required by the IEDC. Feedback and comments are welcome. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION No recommendation at this time. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Power point presentation from the June 28, 2011 meeting