IEDC Agenda 10-05-2010AGENDA MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Tuesday, October 5, 2010 7:00 a.m., Mississippi MEMBERS: Chair Don Roberts, Vice Chair Rich Harris, Patrick Thompson, Bill Tapper, Dick Van Allen, Dan Olson, Zona Gutzwiller, Wayne Elam, Marshall Smith, Elaine DeWenter, Chris Kruse, Luke Dahlheimer, and Wes Olson LIASIONS: Sandy Suchy, Chamber Clint Herbst, Mayor Glen Posusta, City Council 1. Call to Order 2. Approve Minutes: a. August 17, 2010 b. September 7, 2010 3. Consideration of adding items to the Agenda 4. Reports: a. Economic Development Report (written) b. City Council d. Chamber of Commerce and Industry 5. Reschedule November 2, 2010 IEDC meeting *due to the November election, the IEDC will need to reschedule its November meeting. Staff is requesting the IEDC meet on Wednesday, November 3, 2010 at 7:00am 6. Presentation by I -94 Corridor Coalition Elect 2010 Industry of the Year Award Recipient 8. Zoning Code Rewrite Update 9. Adjournment. (8:30am) Monticello IEDC Meeting Minutes 8/17/10 MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE (IEDC) MEETING MINUTES Tuesday, August 17, 2010 7:00 a.m., Boom Island MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair Don Roberts, Patrick Thompson, Dan Olson, Bill Tapper, Zona Gutzwiller, Wayne Elam, Marshall Smith, Wes Olson, Luke Dahlheimer MEMBERS ABSENT: Vice Chair Rich Harris, Chris Kruse, Adam Stolpestad, Elaine DeWenter, Dick Van Allen LIASIONS PRESENT: Sandy Suchy, Chamber, Glen Posusta, City Council, Clint Herbst, Mayor STAFF PRESENT: Economic Development Director Megan Barnett, City Administrator Jeff O'Neill Call to Order Chair Don Roberts called the meeting to order at 7:00 a.m. Approve Minutes MOTION BY THOMPSON TO APPROVE THE JUNE 1, 2010 MINUTES. MOTION WAS SECONDED BY ELAM. MOTION CARRIED 9 -0. Consideration of adding items to the Agenda No items were added to the agenda. Economic Development Report Barnett invited questions related to the Director's Report. She gave a brief update about the Wind Supply conference she'd attended and noted that the EDA had given authorization for her to attend the CoreNet Global Summit conference in Arizona to further broaden Monticello's ability to network. City Council Report 1) Budget Status Mayor Herbst reported on the recent Budget Workshop. IIe stated that, in general, the City has been holding off on equipment purchases but that there is a need to keep up with budgeting for these items. He indicated that next year's levy may go up a small percent, however with values dropping it should not negatively affect residents and businesses. He noted he would rather look at increasing rates instead of increasing a levy. Monticello currently charges much less for utilities than surrounding localities. Increasing user fees would be a fair way to deal with keeping infrastructure up to speed especially as Monticello works to attract Monticello IEDC Meeting Minutes 8/17/10 business and industry FiberNet Monticello (FNM): Staff reported that over 1,000 customers hooked up with FNM as of two weeks ago. There is the potential for 5,500 customers in the network. City Administrator Jeff O'Neill noted that FNM has the ability to hook up 100 homes or businesses per week. He indicated that FiberNet is making headway into the business community. He acknowledged that increased demand for installations has caused a slight delay in responsiveness. There have been many compliments on service. Technicians are the biggest sales representatives. Chairman Roberts asked if there is a break -even point. Mayor Herbst stated that 27 -40% would indicate a profit. At this time Monticello has just under 20% in FNM coverage. O'Neill also noted that he would be hosting state legislators for a telecommunications visit on September 2 from 9 -1 p.m. 2) Wal eens O'Neill stated that the Walgreens project is moving forward and the applicants would like to be in operation by next year. He indicated that the next few weeks are critical in terms of getting the intersection improvements underway. Chamber of Commerce and Industry Report 1) Business Expo: Chamber Director Sandy Suchy reported that the Chamber is considering hosting a manufacturing booth at the October 3rd Business Expo to marls October as Manufacturing Month and highlight a number of local businesses in one focused area. Other Chamber events of note: • A series of meetings are scheduled at 7:30 a.m. from August 20 -27 to identify a format for the candidate forum on October 18th • Tickets are available for Bowlarama to promote the Shop Local Program at River City Extreme on Friday from 6 -9 p.m. Play two poker bowling games and enjoy the taco bar. Business Retention & Expansion (BR &E) 1) Number of surveys completed: Sixty out of 398 businesses of all sizes in Monticello were surveyed 2) General feedback, Red Flags, Leadership Workshop Barnett indicated that site visits and follow -up calls or visits have been completed. Chairman Roberts mentioned that he was impressed with the July wrap up session at the U of M and encouraged others to learn more about what to focus on to improve Monticello's image at the meeting on the 28th. He also pointed out that the IEDC should send a letter to thank the leadership committee for their work. Some of the red flags noted in the study were: need for financing and sign ordinance information, need to understand zoning codes; need to know where to find resources and get further education on issues; need to understand workforce safety; and need to have visits from city staff. Monticello IEDC Meeting Minutes 8/17/10 3) BR &E Taskforce Retreat September 28, 2010: Specific information to follow 4) Future Schedule: Community Meeting in October There will be a community meeting in October (date to be determined) at which the BR &E Leadership Team will present 4 -5 viable projects. Review draft Ordinance establishing the IEDC in Chapter 2 of City Code Barnett pointed out that the IEDC was formally organized as a committee in 2008 through the adoption of a resolution which outlined the history and purpose of the IEDC, hi order to be consistent with how the City establishes advisory boards and commissions, staff has drafted an ordinance to establish the IEDC in Chapter 2 of City code. The purpose, appointment of members, terms of office, attendance and duties discussed and incorporated in the resolution will remain intact. The ordinance will not change the function or the purpose of the IEDC. It is instead a housekeeping item which became a priority during cross checking as part of the zoning code revision process. Industry of the Year Award & initiate an Industrial recognition event Barnett recommended formalizing an annual Industry of the Year award through the IEDC and EDA. She included a draft outline which defined "industry" and provided general criteria for annually recognizing an industry. She discussed the option of initiating a local industry recognition event as part of Manufacturing Month in October and asked for input related to the type of gathering and the location. She indicated that the IEDC would provide a recommendation to the EDA since they have the budget for business retention efforts. Barnett responded to questions from the IEDC Board about how this effort might work. There was concern about how to determine which businesses to honor. She noted that it may be part of the role of the IEDC to learn about local businesses so they know that they have a voice in the community. After much discussion, the Committee deternined that it might be most useful to spotlight one to three businesses in a breakfast event with the Mayor in October at the Community Center. Barnett agreed to obtain a list of businesses for the Committee to review. Provide feedback on proposed North Hennepin Leadership training course Upon completion of the BR &E survey, it became clear that businesses would like training classes to be local for their employees if at all possible. City Staff met with Jamie Simonsen from North Hennepin Technical College to discuss an opportunity to provide leadership and management training to our local business leaders. The college put together a dynamic eight month, once a month, four hour per course program. In order to make the program more affordable to the business community, city staff will be asking the EDA to subsidize a portion of the registration fee. Upon EDA approval, the course will be launched in October. City Staff recommended that the EDA approve the course and subsidize up to $6,400 dollars for 20 participants in the 20 t0 budget and up to $10,000 in the 2011 budget. Monticello IEDC Meeting Minutes 8/17/10 The Committee noted that participating businesses would pay about $495 each for all eight sessions as a core partner. Additional employees invited would pay only $75 for portions of the course. The EDA is being asked to pick up $325 of the cost of the class per core partner. It was determined that the optimal class size might be 20. Barnett provided a proposed L.E.A.D. Monticello program outline. She pointed out that many communities have been successfully doing this for years and that North Hennepin has extensive experience working with businesses. The Chamber has agreed to help promote the program through general announcements at Chamber events, mass mailings, e -news and information on their website. Staff asked for IEDC feedback as it relates to the proposed course content and the educational opportunity in general. The Committee agreed to support this effort as it is forwarded to the EDA. Rotary Event Announcement Zona Gutzwiller announced that she is selling Taste of Monticello fundraiser tickets for the 5:30 -8:30 p.m. September 16`x' Rotary networking event. Adjournment MOTION MADE BY DAHLHEIMER TO ADJOURN. MOTION WAS SECONDED BY TAPPER. MOTION CARRIED 9 -0. Meeting adjourned at 8:16 am MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE (IEDC) MEETING MINUTES Tuesday, September 7, 2010 7:00 a.m., Mississippi Room MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair Don Roberts, Bill Tapper, Dick Van Allen, Dan Olson, Zona Gutzwiller, Wayne Elam, Marshall Smith, Elaine DeWenter, Chris Kruse, Luke Dahlheimer, and Wes Olson MEMBERS ABSENT: Vice Chair Rich Harris, Patrick Thompson, Marshall Smith LIASIONS PRESENT: Rachel Wemsing, Chamber Glen Posusta, City Council Clint Herbst, Mayor STAFF PRESENT: Economic Development Director Megan Barnett Call to Order IEDC Chair Don Roberts called the meeting to order at 7:02 a.m Approve Minutes No minutes to approve at this time. Consideration of adding items to the Agenda No additional items were added to the agenda. Reports Economic Development Report Barnett reported the EDA authorized initiating a L.E.A.D (Learn, Educate, Act, Develop) leadership training course. The EDA will subsidize a portion of the registration fee for existing businesses who participate in the eight month training course. The training course is being provided as a direct result of the BR &E survey. The business community stated an interest in providing local leadership training. In partnership with North Hennepin Community College, we have devised a very price conservative yet effective course. Wright County Development Partnership Wright County will be hosting their annual golf tournament on September 13, 2010 at Wild Marsh Golf Course in Buffalo. Economic Development Director Megan Barnett will be attending a Core Net Global (national association for Real Estate industry leaders) Summit September 19 -21. The City Council and EDA have provided the necessary approvals to move forward with the Embracing Downtown Project. A contract has been signed and a kick off meeting is anticipated to occur by mid September. Staff has had the opportunity to respond to several inquiries in the past month. Most of the inquiry requests relate to users desiring existing vacant building space. Staff has had the opportunity to connect several brokers with local building owners. City Council is currently working on budget for next year. The Mayor and Council member Posusta stated the many challenges they are facing with setting next year's budget. The City Council realizes the need to keep taxes low as to not adversely affect businesses and residents, while still needing to maintain good working equipment and service levels. FiberNet Monticello construction is on target with mainline construction anticipating to be completed by the end of 2010. The response from the public is exceeding expectations and triggering reactions from FNM's competitors. Enhancements to the phone switch are underway and will continue to enhance product lines available to the business community. Finalize Industry of the Year Award Criteria & Manufacturing event Economic Development asked the IEDC to approve the enclosed Industry of the Year criteria. The Chamber of Commerce will continue its current Business of the year award. The Chamber only looks within its membership for business of the year recipients. All businesses and industries within Monticello are eligible for the IEDC Industry of the Year award. Discussion was held to have a subcommittee to review nominations and make a recommendation to the full committee at their October meeting. MOTION BY POSUSTA APPROVE THE INDUSTRY OF THE YEAR CRITERIA AND ESTABLISH A SUBCOMMITTE TO REVIEW NOMIATIONS AND BRING FORWARD AN APPROPRIATE NUMBER OF NOMINEES FOR FULL IEDC CONSIDERATION. MOTION WAS SECONDED BY VANALLEN. MOTION CARRIED. Posusta, Elam, and Gutzwiller volunteered to be a part of this committee Business Retention & Expansion: Adeel Ahmed updated the IEDC on the status of the BR &E program. A Monticello Business Retention & Expansion survey tabulation sheet was distributed. The survey brought a broad spectrum of results. He noted it is critical for IEDC members to attend the BR &E retreat on September 28"'. This meeting will determine which projects will be initiated for the next several years. Adeel stated one important piece of information that was gleamed is that several industries are planning on expansion in 2 -5 years. This provides great opportunities for Monticello. Adjournment: MOTION MADE BY TAPPER TO ADJOURN. MOTION WAS SECONDED BY VAN ALLEN. MOTION CARRIED. Meeting adjourned at 8:17 am. Economic Development Director Updates: EDA: The EDA will be discussing initiating demolition of 413 01 Street. The EDA purchased the property two years ago and will begin initiating a different use for the property in 2011. Planning Commission: See attached agenda. Wright County Economic Development Partnership A join meeting of Wright County EDA's, HRA's, and Economic Development staff is in the process of being planned for late October. The Partnership is in the process of leading a more regional Economic Development efforts between cities. In times when resources are more scarce it is appropriate to make every effort to join together and share ideas and resources when appropriate. Staff will forward further information in the next week. The meeting will be facilitated in order to ensure a productive outcome. It is important for members of the IEDC and EDA to attend in order to shape the economic climate in Wright County. I -94 Corridor Coalition: Presenting at meeting. BR &E: The September 28`h retreat was very well attended. Staff from the University of MN presented results of the survey and facilitated several small group discussions to jump start critical thinking in ultimate formulation of projects. Great discussion occurred in the small groups and ultimately 4 projects were proposed. See attached "Selected Priority Projects" for a proposed list of priority projects. Please note; the information is in very rough format. Staff, the BR &E Leadership Team, and the individual task forces will need to work through the final priority project scope. A community meeting will be held in November to further obtain the whole business community insight and solidify priority projects for the next few years. Inquiries: Inquiries within the commercial broker circle seem to be on -going and busy. Staff continues to respond to appropriate request. Staff has been contacted from a few existing business expansions in the past few weeks seeking information on expansion plans. This also supports information we obtained through the BR &E survey. Industrial Marketing / Venues: Staff attended the CoreNet Global Summit in Phoenix on September 19 -21". The conference was truly amazing with many big hitters in attendance, including site selectors, end users, State and City economic development staff. Staff met numerous people and participated in several round table discussions. The Economic Development Director continues to seek beneficial venues to get the word out about Monticello and further align with people in decision making positions. Business Communications & Retntion hiitiatives: www. bLiildingbusinessinmonticello .com has been launched. However, due to lack of staff time, the site is not up to the standards desired by the Economic Development Director. Many changes will be made over the next month to get it in better condition and truly capture the eye of site selectors. Furthermore, a full social medial campaign needs to be created and implemented. Staff would also like to discuss and introduce a "Concierge" concept. Staff learned about this idea at the CoreNet Global conference and would like to implement and fine tune this concept. More details to come in the future. IEDC members and Staff toured Electro Industries on Friday, October, 1, 2010. Attendees enjoyed touring the facility and learning about their current and future product lines. Electro Industries has been in Monticello since 1974 and has continued to expand in the City over the past 36 years. If you were unable to attend this tour, please sign up for an upcoming tour of UMC (October Ilth at 1:30pm) and tentatively Midwest Precision (date TBD). Business retention is key to growing businesses in Monticello. Local business and elected official support and presence at the tours always makes a big impression to the local business. Transporantation: The 3`a d Walnut Street parking lot improvements have commenced. Highway 25 improvements are scheduled to be completed by October 15, 2010. Embracing Downtown: City Staff and the consulting team meet on September 29, 2010. The purpose of the meeting was to go through timelines, review city history, get the consulting team up to speed on any current and planned projects, walk the downtown, and determine what data was still needed. The meeting was very productive and served as a kick off meeting to the Embracing Downtown project. A meeting with land and business owners is scheduled for October 19, 2010 at 7 :30am at the Community Center. Future Meeting Dates: 1. IEDC: November??, 2010 (Strategic Goal Setting and Work Plan Meeting) 2. EDA: October 13, 2010 3. Industry Appreciation Breakfast: October 27, 2010 at 7:30am 4. Downtown Stakeholders: October 19, 2010 5. BR &E: Community Meeting in November IEDC October 5, 2010 Monticello BR &E Task Force Retreat September 28, 2010 Selected Priority Projects Viable Projects Priority Project 1: Promote what is already happening here in terms of "labor force" education activities. Includes Potential Projects 5, 6, 7, 8 from BR &E Research Report Votes: 14 Committee: Michelle Anderson, Tim Zipoy, Kurt Zweifel, Brad Durfee Priority Project 2: Biz Round Table — Talk with different providers with different topics (Mayor, Administrators). Includes Potential Project 3 from BR &E Research Report Votes: to Committee: Zona Gutzwiller, Joni Pawlek, Bill Tapper, Terri Sweet, Tony Velishek Priority Project 3: Form task force to deal with improving transportation infrastructure. Includes Strategy 3 from BR &E Research Report Votes: 9 Committee: Luke Dahlheimer, Megan Barnett, Don Roberts, Rod Dragsten, Mari Lou McConnic, Rachel Wernsing, Tom Perrault Priority Project 4: Focus on recreation on the river Improve downtown — participate in "Embracing Downtown" Includes Potential Projects 15, 16 from BR &E Research Report Votes: 7 Committee: Kevan Sorenson, Amanda Galindo, Wes Olson, Lynne Dahl - Fleming, Susie Wojchouski Not Viable Project due to lack of 3 or more members Potential Project 2: Biz Round Table with IDEC acting as change management committee with quarterly breakfast and BR &E visits Votes: 6 Committee: Wayne Elam, Dick Van Allen Potential Projects Nominated and Selected (sorted by strategies and by number of votes per Potential Project) STRATEGY 1 IMPROVE INDIVIDUAL BR &E THRU TECHNOLOGY AND DEVELOPMENT ASSISTANCE 1. Potential Project 3: Biz Round Table— Talk with different providers with different topics Votes: (Mayor, Administrators) 10 2. Potential Project 2: Biz Round Table with IDEC acting as change management with quarterly breakfast and BR &E visits Votes: 6 3. New Idea: Encourage local trade and spending thru facts and figures, marketing, practical suggestions, "3/50 Potential Project' (City of Monticello is an example Votes: 2 4. Potential Project 2: Transition Response Team with peer coaching for businesses in transition with identified businesses who have gone thru similar changes, who can provide peer coaching Votes: 1 Other Potential Projects that received no votes: 5. Investigate the "other" category in business moving/expanding 6. Form response team about zoning and code issues STRATEGY 2 IMPROVE LABOR FORCE AVAILABILITY AND PRODUCTIVITY 1. Potential Projects 5, 6, 7, 8: Promote what is already happening here in terms of "labor force" education activities Votes: 14 2. New Idea: Survey of Meeting Space Available Votes: 3 3. Potential Project 8: Strengthen ties between the Community Center, Best Wester and the business community. What services can public and private sector meeting /conference service providers deliver? Do a follow up survey of Biz needs. Votes: 1 Other Potential Projects that received no votes: 4. Potential Project 6. School to work programs with social media engagement 5. Connect high school to existing job fairs 6. Create dialogue between city and school board /superintendent STRATEGY 3 IMPROVE INFRASTRUCTURE TO HELP MOVE GOODS, CUSTOMERS, AND LABOR FORCE MORE EFFICIENTLY 1. New Idea: Form task force to deal with improving transportation infrastructure. Includes Strategy 3 from BR &E Research Report Votes: 9 2. Potential Project 10/12: Survey to get more information about transportation needs and Plan for Votes: Specific Improvements 9 Other Potential Projects that received no votes: 3. Potential Project 9. Form infrastructure committee and support I -94 coalition 4. Potential Project 12: Plan for specific improvements and support I -94 coalition 5. Potential Project 10: Study signage ordinance for traffic movement and support I -94 coalition STRATEGY 4 IMPROVE AND PROMOTE QUALITY OF LIFE IN MONTICELLO 1. Potential Project 15 & 16: Focus on recreation on the river Votes: 7 Improve downtown — participate in "Embracing Downtown" Includes Potential Projects 15, 16 from BR &E Research Report 2. Potential Projects 17 & 19: Promote quality of life and pursue. Do downtown beautification Votes: 3 3. New Idea: Make Monticello an incubator town. Work with city, SCORE, SBDC, etc. on biz plans. Biz gets break on lease from landlords, city, other. Votes: 2 4. Potential Project 17: Promote quality of life in Monticello Votes: 1 5. Potential Project 18: Support downtown retail with cultural opportunities Votes: 1 IEDC 10.5.10 6. INDUSTRY OF THE YEAR AWARD RECEPIENT REFERENCE & BACKGROUND: The award committee consisting of Zona, Wayne, Glen, and Megan meet to review submitted nominations and an overall list of industries in Monticello. After great discussion in comparing award criteria and information known about various industries in the community, the sub - committee narrowed the list down to three businesses for IEDC consideration. They include; Midwest Precision Machining, Bondhus, and Electro Industries. The award sub - committee believed each of these businesses exhibit qualities that merit a nomination. In an attempt to assist the IEDC with general information about each company, Staff obtained a company bio from each business. Midwest Precision Machining. MPM is an ISO 9001:2008 certified precision machining company located in Monticello, Minnesota. MPM specializes in close tolerance CNC turning, CNC milling and Swiss machining in a variety of materials. Consistent growth coupled with highly skilled employees, leading edge technology, valued customer and supplier relationships, supportive management, hard work and a drive to be successful make us the supplier of choice for your requirements. The company began as a supplier of components to local OEM's in 1977 and has steadily grown its customer base since its inception. Over the years, we have implemented a munber of improvements in our manufacturing, equipment, shipping, quality and procurement processes to remain competitive and current with changes in the industry. As technology advanced, MPM strove to keep current with teelmology by upgrading its equipment to meet customer requirements and sought out new markets to provide its specialized services. These changes have helped us improve the breadth and quality of the products we produce for our customers. Technology is useless without good people. MPM has exceptional employees in all levels of the company and recognizes that good employees ensure profitability and growth. MPM encourages employees to constantly strive for improvements in processes, remain current with new technology, suggest and embrace change, as well as improve interpersonal and technical skills through continuing education. In addition, employees are asked to use their creativity and ingenuity to develop new processes and make improvements to existing processes. MPM's employees believe that a total team effort is critical in any successful business. Working together with our customers and suppliers, MPM develops long -term relationships producing growth and new opportunities. We focus on the needs of each customer providing individualized customer service. MPM's management team, Quality System, equipment, technology, flexibility, innovation and employees coalesce to produce the superb results expected by our customers. 2010 — currently employs approximately 35 employees. 1 IEDC 10.5.10 Electra Industries, Inc. In 1973 Electro Industries had one product, a gas fired air make -up heater for confinement buildings with one customer Aerovent Fan and Equipment of Lansing, Michigan. In 1977 Minnkota Power Cooperative of Grand Forks, ND asked Bill Seefeldt to develop some products to use their 2 cent off peak electric rate. In 1978 Electro shipped the first gas /electric dual furnace, in 1979 the first gas /electric boiler, followed in 1980 by the Electro -Mate plenum heater. Since then literally scores of product lines have been developed and shipped from coast to coast. In the most recent years Electro has become the largest electric boiler manufacturer in the United States making units as small as 4.5 kWh up to 400 kWh. In 2010 a geo thermal heat pump line has been introduced to the market under the name of Northern Heat Pump. An air source heat pump for northern climates (NorAire) is waiting in the wings to be introduced at the right time. Electro Industries is unique in that the products are developed and built in Monticello, MN where Electro has a sheet metal shop, PC board assembly and the assembly along with a state of the art heat pump test bay. Since January2007 Electro Industries has been a second generation company. Over the years employment numbers have varied, but they are currently at 50 employees. Bondhus Corporation: Bondhus Corporation, headquartered in Monticello, is a privately -held hand tool manufacturing company founded in 1964 by John Bondhus (deceased 2006). The business is known worldwide for its high quality, innovative and timesaving ballpoint hex and star tools. Over 40% of the company's sales are to customers outside the USA. Bondhus Corporation's commitment to developing and promoting international sales has been recognized with a variety of awards at both a national and state level. Due to the hard work and commitment of its highly skilled workforce, Bondhus Corporation continues to be a very successful local manufacturer with a bright future. 2010 — currently employs 75 employees (3 of which are located in Japan). When considering which business to vote for, it is important to remember the criteria the IEDC established. A business should exhibit some (certainly not all) of the following criteria approved by the IEDC at their September meeting. - Business excellence: Successful business practices, i.e., marketing and promotion of business ethics; promotion of employee growth and development; contribution to its industry; and research and development. - Staff training, motivation, & employee engagement. Philosophy of engaging and empowering employees. Empowered employees are proactive and persistent, and make decisions that are consistent with the company's strategic goals and objectives. Organizations benefit greatly from having an engaged workforce. Research shows strong connections between employee engagement and turnover, productivity, customer service, loyalty and corporate financial performance. 2 IEDC 10.5.10 - Community involvement. A demonstrated interest in the welfare of the community through financial contributions, service and civic leadership. Actively supports the community through participating in volunteering programs and/or events. - Customer relations: A high level of customer confidence and excellence in customer services and relations. - Innovation: Creativity, entrepreneurial, and implementing innovation in business operations, products and services. Strives to distinguish itself from other businesses in their industry. - Economic Growth: Continual increase in tax -base and creation of liveable wage jobs. COMMIITTEE AND STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The award committee and City Staff are requesting each IEDC member vote for one business. City and Chamber liaisons (Council members and Sandy) are eligible to vote. The vote will be taken anonymously at the October IEDC meeting. The business with the most votes will become the first Industry of the Year Award recipient. Once a business has been selected, staff will order an award to be presented at the October 27, 2010 Industry Appreciation Breakfast. It is very important the IEDC detennine a business to receive the award at the October meeting. Furthermore, it is very important the whole IEDC attend the appreciation breakfast on the 27`h ACTION: 1. Motion to approve 2. Motion to table for further discussion. SUPPORTING DATA: a. None provided to receive the 2010 Industry of the Year Award. 3