IEDC Agenda 12-07-2010AGENDA MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Tuesday, December 7, 2010 7:00 a.m., Mississippi MEMBERS: Chair Don Roberts, Vice Chair Rich Harris, Patrick Thompson, Bill Tapper, Dick Van Allen, Dan Olson, Zona Gutzwiller, Wayne Elam, Marshall Smith, Elaine DeWenter, Chris Kruse, Luke Dahlheimer, and Wes Olson LIASIONS: Sandy Suchy, Chamber Clint Herbst, Mayor Glen Posusta, City Council 1. Call to Order 2. Approve Minutes: a. October 5, 2010 b. November 3, 2010 Summary 3. Consideration of adding items to the Agenda 4. Reports a. Economic Development Report b. City Council 1. West Bridge Park ice rink 2. Pizza Ranch SAC fees 3. Wright County Sheriff IIours d. Chamber of Commerce and Industry 5. BR &E Project Implementation Follow Up a. Market what we already have (Business Resource) b. Business Round Table (needs guidance and purpose) c. Transportation d. Recreation on the River / Improve Downtown 6. Concierge Team a. Pictures schedule December 13 °i b. Majirs Advertising working on a logo /design theme c. Working with Chamber & BR &E team to develop a resource guide for businesses d. Putting together a process for assisting new and existing businesses c. Schedule 2 BR &E visits for January Officer Elections and reappointment of IEDC Members 8. Adjournment. (8:30am) Monticello IEDC Meeting Minutes 10/05/10 MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE (IEDC) MEETING MINUTES Tuesday, October 5, 2010 7:00 a.m., Mississippi MEMBERS PRESENT: Patrick Thompson, Bill Tapper, Marshall Smith, Chair Don Roberts, Zona Gutzwiller, Dan Olson, Wes Olson MEMBERS ABSENT: Vice Chair Rich Harris, Chris Kruse, Adam Stolpestad, Elaine DeWenter, Dick Van Allen, Wayne Elam, and Luke Dahlheimer LIASIONS ABSENT: Sandy Suchy, Chamber, Glen Posusta, City Council, Clint Herbst, Mayor STAFF PRESENT: Cotmnunity Development Director Angela Schumann OTHERS: Kathleen Poate, I -94 Corridor Coalition Call to Order Chairman Don Roberts called the meeting to order at 7:08 a.m. Approve Minutes MOTION BY TAPPER TO APPROVE THE AUGUST 17,20 10 AND SEPTEMBER 7,20 10 MINUTES. MOTION WAS SECONDED BY SMITH. MOTION CARRIED 7 -0. Consideration of adding items to the Agenda No items were added to the agenda. Economic Development Report Economic Development Director Barnett had provided a written report to the Committee as she was not in attendance. City Council Report Community Development Director Angela Schumann gave a brief update about a number of City issues. She pointed out that the 3'ti Street Parking Lot is under reconstruction. She noted that, after a series of budget workshops with staff, the City Council had adopted a preliminary levy with no increase. She indicated that City staff is in a pay and hiring freeze and has looked for creative solutions such as utilizing federally funded Workforce Center resources to help get the work done. Monticello IEDC Meeting Minutes 10/05/10 Chairman Roberts asked Schumann if there were any housing news. She said that although there are some positive signs, she didn't expect much movement in the housing market within the next few years. She noted that the industrial and commercial sectors are busy and that national firms are buying land but that no permits are being pulled now. She cited that Pizza Ranch, Walgreens and Excel Energy projects are in the works and that there is movement with leasing at Town Centre. Marshall Smith noted that the findings of the Business Retention & Expansion (BR &E) report were interesting. He pointed out that, according to statistics, Monticello has a fairly young average age in the community and that it would be wise to encourage bringing in businesses that would support that 30 something population as well as the 35% of the local population that is on Medicare. He asked how the Committee could provide resources to businesses that would promote healthy lifestyles for all generations. Schumann agreed that that was important and indicated that the City had just been awarded a LiveWright grant to address park and trails planning which supports active outdoor options for the community. Reschedule November 2, 2010 IEDC meeting MOTION WAS MADE BY THOMPSON TO RESCHEDULE THE REGULAR NOVEMBER IEDC MEETING TO NOVEMBER 3 AT 7 A.M. DUE TO THE ELECTION. MOTION SECONDED BY TAPPER. MOTION CARRIED 7 -0. Presentation by I -94 Corridor Coalition Kathleen Poate from the I -94 Corridor Coalition gave an overview of the Coalition's focus, provided a draft copy of their updated brochure, and answered questions about transportation planning. She pointed out that the Coalition utilizes signage along the freeway as well as their website to educate and promote interest in and funding for these issues. She noted that the Coalition seeks to both act as a resource for cities and businesses along the corridor from Maple Grove to Clearwater and an effective lobby in obtaining priority project status with MNDOT. She pointed out that, although both senators agree that transportation funding for projects along Interstate 94 is important, requests will not likely be considered before the election. There was discussion about the need to ease area road congestion along the corridor as a matter of public safety as well as economic development. She noted that this is the fastest growing corridor in the state. The Committee asked questions about various road projects. Petite clarified that MNDOT is primarily focused on westbound lane projects at this time. Schumann noted that transportation improvements significantly impact industry and housing in communities. Chairman Roberts indicated that although the IEDC does not have ftmding to help promote the Coalition's effort perhaps they might consider adopting a resolution to demonstrate support. Bill Tapper noted that the BR &E Leadership Team includes transportation as a key strategy in their efforts and supports the Coalition's work as well. He also clarified that the EDA and Chamber financially contribute to the Coalition but that the City does not. He suggested that perhaps Monticello form a task force to try to get more focused on transportation issues. Monticello IEDC Meeting Minutes 10/05/10 Chamber of Commerce and Industry Report It was noted that the Business Expo was held on Oct 3rd. Elect 2010 Industry of the Year Award Recipient The IEDC discussed the three candidates for Industry of the Year Award and the process by which they were selected. Chairman Roberts noted that industries were not required to be part of the Chamber to be nominated. The candidates involved were Midwest Precision Machining, Bondhus, and Electro Industries. Zona Gutzwiller indicated that the nominees were selected based on designated criteria. There was discussion about how long the industries have done business in Monticello and how some are more visible in the community than others. Several committee members shared their perceptions of the impact that the industries have had on Monticello. Gutzwiller noted that it may have been helpful to have had time to tour each facility. Chairman Roberts indicated that he thought each of these industries would be a good choice and hoped that they would continue to thrive and be an active part of the industrial community. It was noted that Barnett had scheduled the breakfast event honoring the award recipient for October. There was much discussion about making a motion to delay the vote until the end of the week so that the committee could do further research. After some consideration, the IEDC submitted votes to select the Industry of the Year. The vote count would be later reviewed and determined by Barnett. Zoning Code Rewrite Update Schumann summarized the ongoing zoning code rewrite process. She noted that the proposed zoning code had been simplified from the current 33 chapters to 8 chapters. She indicated that Chairman Roberts, Bill Tapper and Rich Harris had participated in a small group to contribute chapter by chapter input to the update and that the issues raised had been quite insightful. She pointed out that there would be an upcoming zoning code open house on October 20th, a joint City Council /Planning Commission meeting on November 8th, and a series of public hearings to obtain further input. She indicated that she was hopeful that the zoning code would be adopted in January of 2011. She stated that the revised code would not compromise the comprehensive plan goals. Schumann noted that, as part of the zoning code rewrite, the IEDC was formally adopted into city code with recommending authority in Chapter 2. She highlighted some of the issues reviewed by the IEDC subcommittee including: the organization of and distinction between districts, the potential creation of an Industrial Business Campus District and a Freeway Bonus District, how the zoning map looks and works, what are reasonable standards, and in what part of the code would it be appropriate to be lenient. The small group also asked questions about height, setbacks, screening, landscaping, fences and walls. She indicated that the City would implement a tree preservation code outside of the industrial zoning district. Schumann noted that Chapter 4 review, including consideration of parking and signage, was still underway. Schumann pointed out that the City would make sure it doesn't eliminate development rights when revising zoning districts. 3 Monticello IEDC Meeting Minutes 10/05/10 There was some concern that the code might be overly burdensome to execute. The Committee agreed that it should be easier for small and medium sized businesses to do business and to build or modify their property with less costly restrictions. Tapper stated though that he felt that staff and consultants have done an excellent job in making the proposed zoning code understandable. Schumann noted that a revised draft would be available on the City's website by next Monday. Adjournment MOTION MADE BY WES OLSON TO ADJOURN. MOTION WAS SECONDED BY TAPPER. MOTION CARRIED 7 -0. Meeting adjourned at 8:25 am. Kerry T. Burri _ Recording Secretary Don Roberts IEDC Chair Monticello IEDC Meeting Summary 11/03/10 MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE (IEDC) MEETING SUMMARY Tuesday, November 3, 2010 7:00 a.m., Mississippi MEMBERS PRESENT: Patrick Thompson, Bill Tapper, Wayne Elam, Luke Dahlheimer, Dan Olson, Wes Olson MEMBERS ABSENT: Chair Don Roberts, Vice Chair Rich Harris, Chris Kruse, Elaine DeWenter, Dick Van Allen, Marshall Smith, and Zona Gutzwiller LIASIONS PRESENT: Glen Posusta, City Council, Clint Herbst, Mayor LIASIONS ABSENT: Sandy Suchy, Chamber STAFF PRESENT: Economic Development Director Megan Barnett - Livgard Call to Order Megan Bamett - Livgard led the meeting beginning at 7:03 a.m. Economic Development Report City Staff and Wayne Elam attended the Medical Design and Manufacturing tradeshow on October 6"' and 7"' at the Minneapolis Convention Center. The exhibit hall was packed with various types of medical manufactures, consultants, sales companies, State agencies, and communities. Staff's overall impression of the conference was it contained many good exhibitors; however people in attendance seemed to be mostly students and unemployed workers. One positive was we were able to obtain a list of all exhibitors and their contact information. However, this is not a tradeshow Staff would recommend being an exhibitor in the future. The City could attend the event at a lower price and still receive a copy of all exhibitor information. Wayne Elam attended the MNCAR Expo for the City on October 27, 2010. MNCAR continues to be a good venue for the City to affiliate. The Life5cience Alley conference is coming up on December 81h. Wayne Elam and Sandy Suchy will be attending this event. The Economic Development Director will be in school this week in order to complete the 2 "" week of a 4 week certification course to become a certified Economic Development Finance Professional. According to several other cities and Positively MN staff, the LifeScience Alley conference provides a more focused attendance audience. BR &E Staff was pleased with the number of people who attended the BR &E Task Force Retreat held on September 28, 2010. Subsequent to the meeting, a few of the groups have met to discuss the purpose of Monticello IEDC Meeting Summary 11/03/10 their group and potential specific projects. Initial feedback suggests further discussion from policy perspective may be needed to help each group optimize their resources and energy. The BR &E Project Implementation Planning meeting will be held on Thursday, November 18, 2010 at 7:30am at the Community Center. Concierge Team Executive Director Barnett- Livgard introduced a new business retention idea; Monticello Concierge Team. The IEDC along with City Staff would serve as the team. The purpose of the team is to further enhance communication with existing and new businesses. The idea behind the word "Concierge" is to hopefully capture people's attention with a friendly well known service word. A mass marketing blitz would be created and initiated in January of 2011. Discussion ensued regarding this concept. The general consensus was to continue moving forward with the Concierge concept and have the whole IEDC serve as the team. Staff would be responsible for contacting applicable members to attend site review meetings, complete site visits, and reach out to any businesses in need. Adiournment Meeting adjourned at 8:25 am. Vicki Leerhoff_ Recording Secretary Economic Development Director Updates: EDA: The following action items occurred at the November 10, 2010 EDA meeting: a. Approved extending a Preliminary Development Agreement between the Monticello EDA and Rocky Mountain Group for the purchase of Outlot C Otter Creek Crossing. b. Approved amending GMEF 024 Loan Agreement between the Monticello EDA and Tappers Holdings extending balloon payment for three years. c. Approved entering into a listing agreement for Monticello Business Center with Wayne Elam of Commercial Realty Solutions. d. Approved authorizing the City (utilizing EDA funds) to be a Platinum Sponsor ($2,500) of the NAIFC Qualifying Ice Fishing Tournament. December meeting: The FDA will be asked to decide which new zoning classification is best suited for the Monticello Business Center. The zoning code rewrite process has pared down and deleted several zoning districts in an effort to provide for a simpler zoning code. The existing I -lA zoning designation is going away. Therefore, the EDA will need to decide if the property should be zoned I -1 (light industrial) or IBC (Industrial Business Campus). The major differences between the two districts are the IBC allows more commercial uses such as restaurants, daycares, etc. and limits light industrial users. For example general warehousing would require a conditional use permit. Staff is recommending the property be zoned I -1. The adopted Otter Creek covenants will stay intact and ultimately limit outdoor storage and continue to set higher building material standards. Planning Commission: See attached agenda. BR &E: Please mark your calendars for January 18, 2011 at noon at the Community Center for the BR &E Community Commencement meeting. This is when the final projects and work plan will be introduced to the business community at large. It will be very important for IEDC members to attend to hear business perspective at large and begin moving the specific projects forward. Inquiries: City Staff received an RFI from the State. However, it does not look like Monticello has any existing buildings that meet the client's specific requirements. Industrial Marketing / Venues: Wayne Elam and Sandy Suchy will be attending the Life Science Alley conference at the Minneapolis Convention on December 8a'. Staff sent new marketing materials to vendors that participated in the MD &M conference. Business Communications & Retention Initiatives: www. buildingbusinessininonticello .com has been launched. The winter Business Insider is anticipated to be distributed at the end of December. Transportation: The January IEDC meeting will be dedicated to discussing transportation efforts. Specifically focusing on Fallon Avenue overpass and a second river Crossing. These are key decision points that have held up the City from adopting a Transportation Plan. The BR &E Transportation Team desires to help resolve some of these issues to better position the City for future funding opportunities. The City Engineer will be present at the January meeting to discuss these projects in depth. Embracing Downtown: The Steering Committee will be meeting with the consulting team on December 14t" at 4:OOpm. The consulting team will be providing the Steering Committee with preliminary findings and determine general guiding principles. Future Meeting Dates: 1. Wright County Partnership: Opportunities & Strategies for obtaining export business, December 9, 2010 Montrose Community Center 11:30ain — 1:OOpm. 2. IEDC: January 4, 2011 3. EDA: December 15, 2010 4. BR &E: Community Commencement meeting January 18, 2011 at noon IEDC December 7, 2010 AGENDA MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, December 7u', 2010 6:00 PM Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Commissioners: Rod Dragsten, Charlotte Gabler, Lloyd Hilgart, William Spartz, and Barry Voight Council Liaison: Susie Wojchouski Staff: Angela Schumann, Ron Hackemmueller, Steve Grittman — NAC, Ben Gozola - MFRA Call to order. 2. Consideration to approve the Planning Commission minutes of November 3'd and 17`x', 2010. 3. Citizen Comments. 4. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. 5. Public Hearing - Consideration of a Conditional Use Permit for Planned Unit Development for Towne Centre Signage Plan 6. Public Hearing - Consideration to adopt an amendment to Title 10 of the Monticello City Code, Monticello Zoning Ordinance. (Chapters 1 -3, 4) Consideration to review applications for open Planning Commission position. 8. Community Development Director's Report. 9. Adjourn. CHAPTER 5: USE STANDARDS Section 5.1 Use Table Subsection (A) Explanation of Use Table Structure Agricultural Uses Schools, Group Resiidential Facility, Single Family Assisted U�ing Facilities Passive Parl� and Open Space Public Buildings or Uses l Place of PuMic Assembly Utilities (makir) 1 1 1 1 City ofMonticeilo Zoning Ordinance Page 301 Agriculturaj Sales _�� E E a J J�E a a I I ,,i L L.''� Communitj Gardens ResidentiaWses Attached OF F FIMEUME5 Owelling Assisted U�ing Facilities Passive Parl� and Open Space Public Buildings or Uses l Place of PuMic Assembly Utilities (makir) 1 1 1 1 City ofMonticeilo Zoning Ordinance Page 301 1 1 1 1 City ofMonticeilo Zoning Ordinance Page 301 CHAPTER 5: USE STANDARDS Section S. I Use Table Subsection (A) Explanation of Use Table Structure A Office Uses Page 302 City of Monticello`Zoning Ordinance Ml Auction House Auto Repair — Minor I .�EQO_Q{^_� Bed & Breakfasts Boarding House Business aSupport ices Convenience Stores Country Club Day Care Centers •• III i Entertainment/R IIo III �� � 7..a UM� MM� e F� Funeral Homes Kennels (commercial) . • ing / Nursery Business Personal Services Recreational Vehicle Camp Site Repair Establishment Restaurants Specialty Eating Establishments Vehicle Fuel Sales Veterinary Facilities (Rural)_ Veterinary Facilities MEMO (Neighborhood) Page 302 City of Monticello`Zoning Ordinance CHAPTER 5: USE STANDARDS Section 5.2 Use - Specific Standards Subsection (A) General Regulations Applicable to All Uses Table 3 -I: Base Zoning Districts 5.2 Standards (A) General Rez?ulations Applicable to All Uses (1) Combination Uses In commercial and industrial base zoning districts, combination uses may be allowed within the principal building with each use subject to all regulations in this ordinance. City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance Page 303 CHAPTER S: USE STANDARDS Section 5.1 Use Table Subsection (A) Explanation of Use Table Structure (c) Interim Permitted Uses = I An "P' indicates that a use may be permitted for a brief period of time provided certain conditions are met, and a specific event or date can be established for discontinuance of the use. Inability of the City to establish conditions to adequately control anticipated impacts is justification for denial of an interim permitted use. Interim Permitted Uses may also be subject to special regulations as referenced in the "Additional Requirements" column. (d) Prohibited Uses = Shaded Cells A shaded cell indicates that the listed use is prohibited in the respective base zoning district. (e) Unlisted Uses If an application is submitted for a use that is not listed in Table 5 -1, the Community Development Department is authorized to classify the new or unlisted use into an existing Use Type that most closely fits the new or unlisted use. If no similar use determination can be made, the use will be considered prohibited in which case an amendment to the ordinance text would need to be initiated to clarify if, where, and how a proposed use could beestablished. [1 -8] SPECIAL COLOR LEGEND GREEN LETTERS = current code guidance ORANGE LETTERS = currently allowed, but recommended change BLUE LETTERS = not currently allowed, but recommended to add BLACI{ LETTERS = new general use term (replaces specifics) Page 300 City of Monticello'Zoning Ordinance 5. BR &E PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION MEETING FOLLOW -UP REFERENCE & BACKGROUND: The BR &E Task Force has selected four potential priority projects to focus on and implement specific tasks over the next few years. The general categories include: 1. Promote what is in Monticello (Business Resource Guide) 2. Business Round Table 3. Transportation 4. Recreation on the River / Improve downtown A project implementation meeting was held on November 18, 2010. The purpose of the meeting was to have each BR &E Task Force group discuss and determine specific tasks and goals per project. It was quite clear that there are a couple strong groups and a couple project groups that need further guidance. The group in charge of promoting what is in Monticello has clear objectives, tasks, and ultimate vision. The Transportation group also quickly established clear tasks and already started working with the City Engineer to accomplish short term and long term transportation improvements. There are two groups that need further guidance and assistance. The recreation on the river and business round table groups straggled to establish a clear vision and subsequent tasks. The recreation on the river group did identify the need to work with the Community Center and Community Ed to potentially establish a few recreation on the river programs. In regard to the Business Round table team, this group did not establish any clear purpose or vision. Staff would like to discuss this project with IEDC members. There may be a way to identify a round table discussion under the prevue of the Concierge Team or the IEDC in general. If the IEDC does not provide for any additional guidance, it may be best that this group disband and participate in one of the other stronger groups. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Discuss results of the BR &E implementation meeting ACTION: No action is required. SUPPORTING DATA: a. Potential Priority Projects IEDC 12.7.10 Monticello BR &E Task Force Retreat September 28, 2010 Selected Priority Projects Viable Projects Priority Project 1: Promote what is already happening here in terms of "labor force" education activities. Includes Potential Projects 5, 6, 7, 8 from BR &E Research Report (Ch 3, pg 22 — 25) • Project #5: Form a Workforce Development Committee to promote and develop training opportunities and to partner with higher education. • Project #6: Strengthen and expand school -to -work programming by facilitating connections between businesses and educational institutions. • Project #7: Hold a job fair to expand the market businesses use to find employees, and make employers aware of other local job fairs they could be a part of • Project #8: Strengthen ties between the Community Center and the business community, and explore options for improvements. Committee: Michelle Hertwig, Tim Zipoy, Kurt Zweifel, Brad Durfee Priority Project 2: Biz Round Table — Talk with different providers with different topics (Mayor, Administrators). Includes Potential Project 3 from BR &E Research Report • Project #3: Form a Business Roundtable. (Ch. 3 pg 16) Committee: Zona Gutzwiller, Joni Pawlek, Bill Tapper, Tenn Sweet, Tony Velishek Priority Project 3: Form task force to deal with improving transportation infrastructure. Includes Strategy 3 from BR &E Research Report • Project #9: Form an Infrastructure Committee to act as a liaison between the business community and the infrastructure decision - makers. • Project #10: Implement a follow -up survey to better understand business concerns about transportation. • Project #11: Offer businesses a workshop on how to profit amidst the disruption of area construction projects. • Project #12: Plan for specific transportation improvements Committee: Luke Dahlheimer, Megan Barnett, Don Roberts, Rod Dragsten, Mari Lou McCormic, Rachel Wernsing, Tom Perrault Priority Project 4: Focus on recreation on the river & Improve downtown — participate in "Embracing Downtown" Includes Potential Projects 15, 16 from BR &E Research Report • Project #15: Improve cultural and recreational opportunities. • Project #16: Improve Monticello's downtown by arranging a consultation with the Minnesota Design Team. Committee: Kevan Sorenson, Amanda Galindo, Wes Olson, Lynne Dahl - Fleming, Susie Wojchouski 7. NOMINATE OFFICERS FOR 2011 AND REAPPOINT IEDC MEMBERS: Reference and Background: Officer Elections: The organizational resolution for the IEDC states appointment of officers shall be elected every year. Currently Don Roberts is serving as Chair and Rich Harris is serving as Vice - Chair. In conversations with Rich Harris, he has indicated his wiliness to serve as the 2011 Chair. Alternate Actions: 1. Motion to elect: 2. Motion to elect: to serve as the 2011 Chair. to serve as the 2011 Vice - Chair. Re- appointment of members: The IEDC terms for Zona Gutzwiller, Wayne Elam, and Don Roberts expire on December 31, 2010. The IEDC has the ability to reappoint these three members to another term (tern has been established as 3 years). Alternate Actions: 1. Recommend that the City Council approve the appointment of Zona Gutzwiller, Wayne Elam, and Don Roberts to an IEDC tern. 2. Recommend that the City Council deny the appointment of Zona Gutzwiller, Wayne Elam, and Don Roberts. 3. Table item for further information o m Cl) o ex ° S (o v N CD CD r (fl N O_ m W K) 4 W N O W r 0 m Q o m o CD N r o � N = c0 N O CL U) 0 � o v m C Q —1 J O) J W W N W N) N) 00 N) 01 (O O Ol N O O ? i A W c0 C) A W O W O W Q v 0 3 s v N r 3 a N O � f• (D O S O 00 = O n o v 3 3 0 n v 3 0 Q l CD p (D O O 0 0 (D 3 Q (D N O_ C W 0 C O � � m �7 m m_ry=ry O N 2 N 3 CD J -I O) O) O) � W W N V N N CO n A A O) (O O Ot co W O N cn oN m m v 0 3 ° r D N O � 3 v 3 m -i NQ ° v o0N 3 —E o o_' 3 a 3 W c 3 � U (D (m N W O N 0 CD (D 3 m N O N r �OO;DO C CD C y s D O p v O v= T U — N O 7 N 3 O = N N (D CD 3 c V -J -J V J -I N W W W W W W W N N N N N N N (00-400(00 (71 V1 N U1 U1 01 � J 0 � 0 W O (Tc E 3 0 v 0 O O N ? N n ! U o 7 N C S N O 3 N CD CD 0 m v c 3. m N � o o' CD v 3 3 0 0 n 0 3 3 3 m g m CD CD ma a� s 0 O wD CD N C! O N (OP — — D E (D N_ 3 (D 0 m o 0 � -4 0) V W W N S O N N V 7 N (071 O N K) A O N W W A 01 N N (D N r m v r. 0 m CD o m O N 3 3 O D N O_ O Q i ox CD C c P CD 2 P m o m _. 3 (c m � O O' N mvoo g v m m CD c (D ° O G y _ N N O C N N O `G Fn v 9 r N � obi � 3 N m N C O � �a � N � O O c (D ° O G y _ N N O C N N O `G Fn v 9 r N