Planning Commission Agenda 10-01-2013REGULAR MEETING AGENDA MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, October 1st, 2013 - 6:00 PM Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center 5:00 PM — Special Planning Commission Workshop Native Landscaping & RA- Zoning Discussion Commissioners: Chairman William Spartz, Sam Burvee, Brad Fyle, Charlotte Gabler, Grant Sala Council Liaison: Lloyd Hilgart Staff- Angela Schumann, Ron Hackenmueller 1. Call to order 2. Consideration to approve Planning Commission minutes. a. Regular Meeting of August 6th, 2013 3. Citizen Comments 4. Consideration of adding items to the agenda 5. Public Hearing — Consideration of a request for a Variance from the minimum 30 foot interior side yard building setback requirement in the Wild and Scenic Recreational River Overlay District and a Conditional Use Permit to allow construction of an attached and detached garage exceeding a total of 1,200 square feet for 413 East River Street. Applicant: Walters, Charles 6. Public Hearing - Consideration of request for Conditional Use Permit for detached Major Accessory Structure in an R -1 District. Applicant: Eiden, Karl 7. Public Hearing — Consideration of a request for Preliminary and Final Plat and Conditional Use Permit for Shared Access for a retail commercial use in a B -4 (Regional Business) District. Applicant: ALDI, Inc. 8. Planning Commission/City Council Workshop — R -4 District 9. Community Development Director's Report 10. Adj ourn. Planning Commission Agenda – 10/01/13 1 5. Public Hearing –Consideration of a request for Variance to required side yard setbacks in the R-1 District, Mississippi Wild and Scenic Recreational River Overlay District and a request for Conditional Use Permit for detached Major Accessory Structure. Applicant: Charles Walters. (NAC) Property: 413 East River Street The site is located north of River Street East between Wright and New Streets. The property is bordered on the north by the Mississippi River corridor, to the east and west by low density residential uses. Planning Case Number: 2013 - 032 A. REFERENCE & BACKGROUND Request(s): Variance to allow a side yard building setback less than 30 feet (as required in the WSRR Overlay District), and a Conditional Use Permit to allow construction of major accessory buildings, including both an attached and detached garage, exceeding 1,200 square feet total. Deadline for Decision: October 14, 2013 Land Use Designation: Places to Live Zoning Designation: Wild and Scenic Recreational River (WSRR) Overlay District The purpose of this district is to protect and preserve the scenic, recreational, natural and historical values of the Mississippi River in the city by carefully controlling development of this river corridor. R-1, Single Family Residence District The purpose of the "R-1" single family district is to provide for low density, single family, detached residential dwelling units and directly related complementary uses. Current Site Use: The site is currently vacant. Planning Commission Agenda – 10/01/13 2 Surrounding Land Uses: North: Mississippi River East: Low Density Residential South: Low Density Residential West: Low Density Residential Project Description: The applicant would like to construct a new home on the vacant lot located at 413 East River Street, within the R-1 Single Family Residential and Wild and Scenic Recreational River Overlay (WSRR) Districts. The proposed home will not meet the required 30 foot side yard principal building setback for the WSRR District. A ten foot interior side yard building setback is proposed on the west side of the property, and a 27.5 foot setback is proposed on the east side of the property. The subject parcel is legally non-conforming as pertains to minimum lot size and width (the parcel is .64 acres in area and approximately 100 feet in width, while the WSRR District requires lots to be a minimum of 2 acres in area and 200 feet in width). This substandard lot size limits buildable area on the lot significantly once all required setbacks area applied. As such, the applicant is requesting a variance to be able to build a single family home on the property. The applicant wishes to build both an attached and detached garage on the property. Accessory Ordinance Section 5.3 (D)(3)(a)(i) limits the combined area of an attached and detached garage to 1,200 square feet, and the applicant is proposing two garage accessory structures totaling approximately 1,390 square feet, which exceeds the area allowed by 190 square feet. The applicant’s attached garage will be approximately 1,026 square feet, and the detached garage will be 364 square feet. The applicant is requesting approval of a Conditional Use Permit to allow an attached and detached garage up to a total of 1,500 square feet in area, and must meet the Conditional Use Criteria for additional accessory building area as provided in Section 5.3(D)(3)(a)(i)(l) of the Ordinance. Ordinance Requirements: Variance. Section 2.4(C)(4)(a) of the Zoning Ordinance states that approval of a variance may only be made upon a determination that practical difficulties will result based on all of the criteria specified in the ordinance. The criteria, as well as a Staff response, are provided below: (i) The property in question cannot be put to a reasonable use if the provisions of the Ordinance are strictly applied. Planning Commission Agenda – 10/01/13 3 Staff Response. The applicant wishes to construct a single family dwelling on the subject parcel. Low density residential development is an allowed use in the R-1 and WSRR Districts, in which case the proposed project would result in a reasonable use of the property. However, the subject parcel is legally non-conforming as pertains to the required lot area and width requirement for the WSRR District. The lot is approximately one quarter the required size for lots on a recreational river. Once WSRR District building setbacks are applied very little buildable area remains on the lot, creating a situation in which it is very difficult to put the lot to use for low density development. Surrounding properties exhibit similar circumstances but still contain single family homes. Because the applicant is requesting to construct a single family home similar in size to homes on surrounding properties (many also of substandard size), the requested project should be considered a reasonable use on this property and within the neighborhood. Moreover, the applicant is proposing to use the property consistent with the common single family standards prevalent in the neighborhood. This use would typically be viewed as a reasonable one for the area and property in question. (ii) The circumstances rendering the property unusable are unique to the property. Staff Response. The circumstances rendering the property unusable are are unique within the immediate area. Several surrounding properties adjacent to the Mississippi River corridor were created prior to the designation of more stringent WSRR setback standards, resulting in numerous low density lots of substandard size along the river. These lots can’t be redeveloped without approval of a variance, due to the minimum buildable area provided once all new WSRR District setbacks are applied. (iii) The circumstances rendering the property unusable were not created by the owner thereof. Staff Response. As described, the subject parcel is an existing legally non-conforming parcel as pertains to lot size in the WSRR District, and it is the substandard lot size that is resulting in a need for a variance from setback standards. Prior to creation of the WSRR District the lot would have been legally developable (the side yard setback for the R-1 District is only 10 feet, which the proposed home would meet). Planning Commission Agenda – 10/01/13 4 (iv) A variance, if granted, will not alter the essential character of the locality. Staff Response. The proposed home would not alter the character of the area. The applicant is requesting to build a home similar in size to those on surrounding lots. Further, the proposed 10 foot side yard building setback on the west side of the property appears to match the side yard setback of the neighboring property to the west, and the proposed 27.5 foot side yard building setback on the east side of the property is minimally less than the side yard setback provided by the neighboring property to the east. (v) Economic considerations alone shall not constitute a sufficient basis for a Variance if reasonable use for the property exists under the terms of the regulation. Staff Response. It does not appear that the applicant’s request for variance relates to economic considerations. Rather, the applicant wishes to construct a single family home similar in size to those homes on surrounding properties. Single family homes are an allowed use in both the R-1 and WSRR Districts. Conditional Use Permit. Section 2.4(D)(4)(a) of the Zoning Ordinance states that approval of a Conditional Use Permit requires that the City find that conditions can be established to ensure that all of the following criteria will always be met: (i) The conditional use will not substantially diminish or impair property values within the immediate vicinity of the subject property; Staff Response. The proposed single family home is not anticipated to negatively impact property values in the neighborhood. The home and accessory structure is of similar size and design to surrounding homes. (ii) The conditional use will not be detrimental to the health, safety, morals, or welfare of persons residing or working near the use; Staff Response. The proposed single family home is an allowed use in the R-1 and WSRR Districts, and is surrounded by similar low and medium density uses. As such, the proposed dwelling and garage is a common and reasonable use of the property, and is not expected to have negative impacts on the health or safety of the community. Planning Commission Agenda – 10/01/13 5 (iii) The conditional use will not impede the normal and orderly development of surrounding property for permitted uses predominant in the area; Staff Response. The proposed construction will not impact orderly development on surrounding properties. (iv) The conditional use will not pose an undue burden on public utilities or roads, and adequate sanitary facilities are provided; Staff Response. The subject property is on an existing local road, and as such will also have access to existing water and sanitary utilities. (v) The conditional use can provide adequate parking and loading spaces, and all storage on the site can be done in conformance with City code requirements; Staff Response. Attached and detached garages are being proposed to provide for the storage of items associated with the single family residential use. In addition, a new driveway connecting with River Street will also be constructed to provide access to the site. (vi) The conditional use will not result in any nuisance including but not limited to odor, noise, or sight pollution; Staff Response. The single family dwelling and associated activities and structures are not anticipated to result in increased odor, noise or sight pollution. The proposed home is single story, and as such will not significantly impact views from surrounding properties. In this regard, the applicant has indicated that, in conformance with zoning requirements, the garage spaces will be used solely for the storage of residential vehicles and property, and will not be used for business purposes. (vii) The conditional use will not unnecessarily impact natural features such as woodlands, wetlands, and shorelines; and all erosion will be properly controlled; Staff Response. The project will not directly impact the bluff area as the proposed building site meets shoreland and WSRR bluff setback requirements. It appears that a few significant trees will need to be removed in the course of construction of the proposed home. This information will also be reviewed via the site plan review process. (viii) The conditional use will adhere to any applicable additional criteria outlined in Chapter 5 for the proposed use. Planning Commission Agenda – 10/01/13 6 Staff Response. The proposed garages adhere to other standards described in Section 5.3(D)(3) of the Ordinance pertaining to major accessory buildings. Section 5.3(D)(3)(a)(i)(l) of the Zoning Ordinance states that the size limitations for accessory building area listed in Section 5.3(D)(3)(a)(i)(1) may be increased up to a maximum square footage of 1,500 square feet, by the issuance of a Conditional Use permit when the following conditions are found to exist: a. Accessory building space is to be utilized solely for the storage of residential personal property of the occupant of the principal dwelling, and no accessory building space is to be utilized for commercial purposes. Staff Response. As also noted above, the applicant intends to use the accessory building spaces for the storage of personal property, and will not utilize the spaces for commercial purposes. b. The parcel on which the accessory building is to be located is of sufficient size such that the building will not crowd the open space on the lot. Staff Response. Approximately 10,000 square feet of combined rear and front yard space will remain after the construction of the proposed home and accessory structures. This yard space is comparable to that provided on surrounding properties. c. The accessory building will not be so large as to have an adverse effect on the architectural character or reasonable residential use of the surrounding property. Staff Response. Surrounding properties generally have either an attached garage or a detached garage, although a few have both. The garages will be used for storage of single family residential related items, which would be considered a reasonable use of the property. Moreover, the additional building space can help limit or avoid outdoor parking and storage, a valuable aesthetic benefit to the site and neighborhood. d. The accessory buildings shall be constructed to be similar to the principal building in architectural style and building materials. Staff Response. The garages will be designed to coincide with the architectural character of the principal structure, which will be composed of a brick exterior finish. Brick is in character with building materials exhibited on surrounding properties. Planning Commission Agenda – 10/01/13 7 B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS Decision 1: Adopting Resolution No. 2013- 080 approving a Variance from the minimum 30 foot side yard setback requirement in the Wild and Scenic Recreational River Overlay District, as requested at 413 East River Street. 1. Motion to adopt Resolution 2013 - 080 approving a Variance from the minimum 30 foot side yard setback requirement in the WSRR District, as proposed in the application of September 10, 2013, contingent on compliance with those conditions specified in Exhibit Z. 2. Motion denying Resolution 2013 - 080 for a Variance from the minimum 30 foot side yard setback requirement in the WSRR District, based upon findings to be made by the Planning Commission, and consistent with those attached to this report in Exhibit Y. 3. Motion to table action on the request, pending additional information as identified by the Planning Commission and staff report. Decision 2: Adopting Resolution No. 2013-081 recommending approval of a Conditional Use Permit to allow attached and detached garages exceeding 1,200 square feet in area, (a total of 1,390 square feet) as requested at 413 East River Street. 1. Motion to adopt Resolution 2013 - 081 recommending approval of a Conditional Use Permit to allow attached and detached garages exceeding 1,200 square feet in area, as proposed in the application of September 10, 2013, contingent on compliance with those conditions specified in Exhibit Z. 2. Motion denying Resolution 2013 - 081 for a Conditional Use Permit to allow attached and detached garages exceeding 1,200 square feet in area, based upon findings to be made by the Planning Commission, and consistent with those attached to this report in Exhibit Y. 3. Motion to table action on the request, pending additional information as identified by the Planning Commission and staff report. Planning Commission Agenda – 10/01/13 8 C. STAFF RECOMMNDATION Variance. Staff believes that the variance evaluation criteria of the Zoning Ordinance have been demonstrated, and practical difficulties have been shown to arise should the requirements of the Ordinance be fully applied. The subject property exhibits circumstances unique to lots adjacent to the Mississippi River corridor in this area of the community. Many of these river corridor lots were established prior to the application of new WSRR District setback and lot area standards, resulting in a series of substandard sized lots unable to provide adequate buildable areas once new WSRR District standards area applied to the site. The proposal is considered “reasonable” in that the applicant is proposing a single family dwelling, which is an allowed use in both the R-1 and WSRR District. The applicant is proposing a home similar in size and design to homes on surrounding properties (many also of substandard size), and the proposed side yard building setbacks are similar in width to those side setbacks provided on surrounding single family lots to the east and west of the subject property. As such, the applicant is proposing a use and home design which has regularly been found reasonable in the area despite substandard lot size conditions. For these reasons, Staff recommends approval of the requested variance subject to the conditions listed in attached Exhibit Z. Conditional Use Permit. Staff believes that the Conditional Use Permit evaluation criteria of the Zoning Ordinance have been partially demonstrated. The proposed attached and detached garages are an allowed use in the R-1 and WSRR Districts, and will be employed in storing vehicles and materials associated with single family residential uses. In addition, the design of the proposed garages will coincide with that of the principal structure and surrounding homes, and are not anticipated to negatively impact the character or health of the community. The zoning ordinance anticipates the need for residential properties to contain vehicles and personal property within accessory building space that exceeds 1,200 square feet of floor space. Such additional garage space requires a CUP to ensure that the property and character of the neighborhood are not For these reasons, Staff recommends approval of the requested Conditional Use Permit, also in accordance with the conditions listed in Exhibit Z. Planning Commission Agenda – 10/01/13 9 D. SUPPORTING DATA A. Resolution 2013-080 Approving a Variance B. Resolution 2013-081 Recommending Approval of a CUP C. Aerial Image D. Applicant Narrative E. Official Zoning Map F. Site Plan / Survey G. Building Plans Z. Conditions of Approval for a Conditional Use Permit & Variance Planning Commission Agenda – 10/01/13 10 Exhibit Z – Conditions of Approval 413 East River Street Variance from 30 foot side Yard Setback Requirement Conditional Use Permit for Garage/Accessory Building Space Exceeding 1,200 Square Feet in Floor Area 1. The garages will be used solely for the parking of residential vehicles, or the storage of materials and equipment accessory to the principal residential use of the property, and no commercial or home-occupation use will be conducted in said accessory buildings. 2. The detached garage will be constructed of materials that match and/or are complementary to those used for the principal building. 3. The applicant shall comply with all other site requirements of the Wild and Scenic Recreational River Overlay District. 4. The applicant shall comply with all drainage and erosion control measures necessary to ensure protection of the area during construction. Planning Commission Agenda – 10/01/13 11 CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2013 –080 Date: October 1, 2013 Resolution No. 2013-080 Motion By: Commissioner Seconded By: Commissioner A RESOLUTION APPROVING A VARIANCE FROM THE REQUIRED 30 FOOT SIDE YARD BUILDING SETBACK REQUIREMENT UPON A RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY WHEREAS, Charles Walters, the property owner of 413 East River Street, has requested a variance from the minimum 30 foot side yard setback requirement imposed in the Wild and Scenic Recreational River Zoning District; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has reviewed the application for Variance pursuant to the regulations of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on October 1st, 2013 on the application and the applicant and members of the public were provided the opportunity to present information to the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has considered all of the comments and the staff report, which are incorporated by reference into the resolution; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello makes the following Findings of Fact in relation to the recommendation of approval: 1. The application is consistent with the 2008 Monticello Comprehensive Plan for Places to Live; and 2. The proposed single family home will meet the intent of the Zoning Ordinance; and 3. The proposed single family home is an allowed use in the R-1 and WSRR Districts, and as such is a reasonable use of the site; and 4. The proposed single family home is of comparable size and design to surrounding single family homes; and 5. The lot is substandard is size, which is an existing legally non-conforming condition which creates practical difficulties in complying with the building setback requirement; and Planning Commission Agenda – 10/01/13 12 6. Surrounding properties likewise exhibit substandard lot size conditions, and have been allowed to maintain homes that may be non-conforming as pertains to building setback requirements; and 7. Such conditions creating the practical difficulties are unique to the riverside property in question and not created by the applicant; and 8. The use is not expected to be detrimental to the health, safety, morals or welfare of persons residing near the use. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota: 1. Pursuant to Minn. Stat. §462.357, the application for Variance is hereby approved by the Planning Commission, sitting as the Board of Adjustment and Appeals. 2. The applicant must submit site and building plans to the City for review and approval via the site plan review process. 3. A building permit shall be received and all requirements imposed by it be satisfied. ADOPTED this 1st day of October 2013, by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota. MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION By: _______________________________ Bill Spartz, Chair ATTEST: ______________________________ Jeff O’Neill, City Administrator Planning Commission Agenda – 10/01/13 13 CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2013 –081 Date: October 1, 2013 Resolution No. 2013-081 Motion By: Commissioner Seconded By: Commissioner A RESOLUTION RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW ATTACHED AND DETACHED GARAGES EXCEEDING 1,200 SQUARE FOOT IN AREA, AND NOT MORE THAN 1,500 SQUARE FEET IN AREA. WHEREAS, Charles Walters, the property owner of 413 East River Street, has requested a Conditional Use Permit to construct attached and detached garages exceeding 1,200 square feet in area and not exceeding 1,500 square feet in area; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has reviewed the application for Conditional Use Permit pursuant to the regulations of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on October 1st, 2013 on the application and the applicant and members of the public were provided the opportunity to present information to the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has considered all of the comments and the staff report, which are incorporated by reference into the resolution; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello makes the following Findings of Fact in relation to the recommendation of approval: 1. The application is consistent with the 2008 Monticello Comprehensive Plan for Places to Live; and 2. The proposed garages will meet the intent of the Zoning Ordinance; and 3. The proposed garages are an allowed use in the applicable zoning districts and will meet the storage needs for a single family residence, and as such are a reasonable use of the site; and 4. The proposed garages are of comparable design to surrounding single family accessory structures and are not anticipated to negatively impact the character of the locality; and 5. The proposed garages will not require the City to provide additional utilities or roads to the subject property. Planning Commission Agenda – 10/01/13 14 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota: 1. The application for Conditional Use Permit is hereby approved by the Planning Commission. 2. The garage space on the parcel will be used solely for the parking and storage of residential vehicles and equipment or materials accessory to the principal residential use of the property. 3. The applicant must submit site and building plans for the home and garages to the City for review and final staff approval as part of the building permit application. 4. A building permit shall be received and all requirements imposed by it be satisfied. ADOPTED this 1st day of October 2013, by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota. MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION By: _______________________________ Bill Spartz, Chair ATTEST: ______________________________ Jeff O’Neill, City Administrator Consideration of a request for variance to required side yard setbacks in the R -1 District, Mississippi Wild and Scenic Recreational Overlay District. 413 East River Street, PID # 155015007020 , Lengthy Legal —See City Hall for full description CITY OF ontik ld N 0 1 O A 10/1/2013 Public Hearing Submission Hearing Subject: Request for Variance for side yard setbacks and a Conditional Use Permit for detached assessor structure Property Location: 413 East River Street Homeowner Submission We want to thank the Monticello Planning Commission for taking the time to consider our submission. We would like to share with you some additional information about the house we intend to build at 413 E. River Street. We are building a custom - designed house and we have had multiple conversations about critical components to include in our one -of -a -kind house. Our objective is to build an executive style home that will meet our needs today and well into the future as we grow older. We are concerned about the curb appeal of our home and have planned a home with a focus on low maintenance. The house will be a rambler style, with a hip roof. We intend to have an all brick /stone front fagade. The garage will be side - loading to increase curb appeal. Our garage space will be large enough to eliminate the need for outside storage of vehicles, trailers or boats. We plan a spacious front porch, using expose aggregate concrete, across the front of the house. We intend to carry high standards of quality into the interior of the house. Our home will contain custom millwork, custom cabinets and many built -ins. The flooring on the main floor will predominately be hardwood or tile. We also plan to install in -floor heat. Structurally, the house will include Thermo -mass poured foundation walls, polyurethane insulation and triple -pane H windows. These features contribute to a very energy - efficient home. In summary, we wish to reiterate the importance we place on creating a lovely home with curb appeal which capitalizes on the wild and scenic features of our lot and the Mississippi River. Thank you. BASE ZO N Residentia I I \ I \ \ I \ I -- Low Residential Densities � A -0 RA R -1 -- Medium Residential Densities J T -N R -2 R -PUD -- High Residential Densities C R -3 M -H OVERLAY DISTRICTS I � L — — — — _I - -- - IN IN IN - IN - - IN IN - B-1 B-2 U B'3 B -4 CCD City■ onti I Offici I Zonin Ma 9 P I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I � I � I I � I � I L............. 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IRON MONUMENT SET & CAPPED RLS 15233 LAM ONLY SET ❑ SPME SET a. EXISTING GROUND ELEVATIONS ® PROPOSED ELEVATIONS PROPOSED DRAINAGE ARROWS Lot 2, Block 7, LOWER MONTICELLO, according to the recorded plat thereof, Wright County, Minnesota. And: That part of Lot 3 Block 7, LOWER MONTICELLO, according to the recorded plot thereof, Wight County Minnesota described as commencing at the most southerly comer of said Lot 3 thence northwesterly along the southwesterly line 35,34 feet;. thence northeasterly paroltel with ;the southeasterly line of sold Lot 290 feet, more or less, to the waters edge of the Mississippi RiY thence southeasterly along said waters edge to the southeasterly line of said Lot 3; thence southwesterly along said southeasterly line to the point of beginning. LOT AREA = 27,790. SO.. FT OR 0.64 ACRES MORE OR LESS ONLY EASEMENTS ON RECORD PLAT ARE SHOWN ON THIS SURVEY UNLESS ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTATION OF OTHER EASEMENTS OF RECORD ARE PROVIDED TO US. NO EXCAVATION OR CONSTRUCTION CAN BEGIN. UNTIL THIS PLAN IS APPROVED BY THE LOCAL BUILDING INSPECTOR. LOWEST FLOOR IS SUBJECT TO SUB—SOIL AND WATER TABLE CONDITIONS. SUBJECT TO PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAYS AND EASEMENTS OF RECORD IF ANY, CONTRACTOR TO DETERMINE EXACT LOCATION AND ELEVATION OF SEWER SERVICE. THE LOWEST FLOOR ELEVATION IS SUBJECT TO THE ACTUAL DEPTH AND ELEVATION OF THE SEWER SERVICE. NOTE: PRIOR TO ANY EXCAVATON, EXCAVATOR MUST COMPARE SURVEY NTH HOUSE PLAN WFTH BUILDER TO VERIFY TYPE OF HOUSE AND FINAL ELEVATION. PROPOSED ELEVATIONS: GARAGE FLOOR - LOWEST FLOOR - TOP OF FOUNDATION- - VERIFY WITH CONTRACTOR BEFORE CONSTRUCTION i HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS SURVEY PLAN OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAY.I AM DULY REpSTEREO LAND SURVEYOR UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA Y T TLIM .� 6,T5Z33 Zd DUE TO MECHANICAL REPRODUCTION P'LM MAY NOT BE TRUE TO SCALE 91JILD FROM,WTVMTEN DIMENSION, ALLWINDOW ROUUH OPENINGS AND WINDOW BRANDS TO BE VERIFIED BY SUPPLIER AND/OR CONTRACTOR di e-- 2D -1p tg - t4L uo� 2,5 (1) -If 0 19 0 . rW < Yd >L?Zp 10 0 < < 0 - , < � 0 C) -Zw z C) < 0 w C > z C) Woi� 'L w !�wzo (D Z z 2 r2 0 L zz < g 2 (-D cz z QO U0 u -o C, z , acw < 0, m < w Z U) a- W = 0 > - L U5 Z:) z -Z CL 0 z Z 0 7) co IL < Z 2 loo z, E-, C8, 66 9 �•Emo ci c cL ,',U HEAMRB To FW, ffi7ro 2Y SUPPLER, u -'�i f DUE TO MECHANICAL REPRODUCTION P'LM MAY NOT BE TRUE TO SCALE 91JILD FROM,WTVMTEN DIMENSION, ALLWINDOW ROUUH OPENINGS AND WINDOW BRANDS TO BE VERIFIED BY SUPPLIER AND/OR CONTRACTOR di e-- 2D -1p tg - t4L uo� 2,5 (1) -If 0 19 0 . rW < Yd >L?Zp 10 0 < < 0 - , < � 0 C) -Zw z C) < 0 w C > z C) Woi� 'L w !�wzo (D Z z 2 r2 0 L zz < g 2 (-D cz z QO U0 u -o C, z , acw < 0, m < w Z U) a- W = 0 > - L U5 Z:) z -Z CL 0 z Z 0 7) co IL < Z 2 loo z, E-, C8, 66 9 �•Emo ci c cL F | ��o | / |) _--_-----_ ----__-----'-__----_-----__ �..� .-_- - � � |-------�� | � ` ~ / | / | ` " | � ° _ ' Planning Commission Agenda – 10/01/13 1 6. Public Hearing – Consideration to approve a Conditional Use Permit for a detached Major Accessory Structure in an R-1 (Single-Family) District. Applicant: Eiden, Karl (AS) Property: Legal: Lot 11, Block 2, Sandberg East Address: 9601 Gillard Avenue NE Planning Case Number: 2013-033 A. REFERENCE & BACKGROUND Request(s): Conditional Use Permit for Major Accessory Structure Deadline for Decision: November 8th, 2013 (60 days) Land Use Designation: “Places to Live” Zoning Designation: R-1, Single-Family Residential The purpose of the "R-1" single family district is to provide for low density, single family, detached residential dwelling units and directly related complementary uses. Current Site Use: Single-family home, 21,781 square foot residential lot Surrounding Land Uses: North: Single-family residential, zoned R-1 East: Single-family residential, Monticello Township South: Single-family residential, zoned R-1 West: Single-family residential, zoned R-1 Project Description: Conditional Use Permit to allow the construction of a detached accessory structure; combination of existing attached and detached structure to exceed 1,200 square feet. ANALYSIS Karl Eiden is requesting approval of a Conditional Use Permit to allow for construction of a new 780 square foot accessory structure at his property located at 9601 Gillard Avenue NE, in the Sandberg East neighborhood. Planning Commission Agenda – 10/01/13 2 The applicant’s existing attached accessory structure is a 703 square foot three-stall garage. No other detached accessory structures exist on the property at the present time. The zoning ordinance allows for one private, detached major accessory building on residential dwelling sites. The applicant is proposing to construct a new detached accessory structure in the rear yard of the subject property. The proposed footprint of the expansion area is 780 square feet (26’ x 30’). This addition would result in 1,483 square feet in total footprint area for accessory structures on the property. Zoning Ordinance Requirements The Zoning Ordinance permits a total of up to 1,200 square feet of garage space as permitted accessory space for an R-1 Single Family home. In addition, no accessory building can exceed more than 10% of the rear yard area, and may not exceed the gross square footage of the principal building’s footprint. However, these standards may be exceeded for an “Accessory Building – Major”, up to 1,500 square feet of total area, with a Conditional Use Permit meeting the following conditions: a. Accessory building space is to be utilized solely for the storage of residential personal property of the occupant of the principal dwelling, and no accessory building space is to be utilized for commercial purposes. Staff comment: The applicant’s narrative indicates purpose of the structure is for private storage and workshop. As a condition of approval, the ordinance requirement that no commercial purpose be undertaken at/within the major accessory structure will be re-stated. b. The parcel on which the accessory building is to be located is of sufficient size such that the building will not crowd the open space on the lot. Staff comment: The property is one-half acre in size. The existing single- family principal structure with attached accessory structure totals 2,474 square feet in footprint area. The proposed expansion will create a total built footprint area of 3,254 square feet, or just over 15% of the total lot area. The City has set no maximum amount of impervious coverage or total coverage limitations. Therefore, the lot area is more than adequate to support the proposed expansion and footprint totals. In addition, the applicant has noted that pursuant to base ordinance requirements, the proposed structure, at 780 square feet, is less than 10% of the 10,341 square foot rear yard. c. The accessory building will not be so large as to have an adverse effect on the architectural character or reasonable residential use of the surrounding property. Planning Commission Agenda – 10/01/13 3 Staff comment: The applicant proposes to construct the detached structure in the northwest portion of the rear yard. The building will be screened from Gillard Avenue to the east by the existing principal structure and from the adjacent properties to the north, south and west by the existing vegetation. In addition, the building is proposed to be setback 10’ from the north property line, allowing the applicant room for additional plantings. The code does not require additional screening as a condition of approval. d. The accessory buildings shall be constructed to be similar to the principal building in architectural style and building materials. Staff comment: The applicant’s narrative indicates that the accessory structure will be constructed consistent with the existing home in terms of style and materials. The applicant’s elevation illustration indicates that the building materials will include 5” vinyl lap siding, and timberline shingles. The illustration also shows an 8’ x 16’ window light garage door and windows along the north-facing wall elevation. It should be noted that the existing structure roof pitch is 6/12, and the applicant proposed a 5/12 roof pitch for the detached structure. Staff would recommend that the proposed detached structure match the existing principal structure roofline. The application was also evaluated for compliance with Conditional Use Permit criteria as found in ordinance section 2.4(D)(4)(a), Conditional Use Permit Criteria and requirements for accessory structures as found in ordinance sections 5.3(B), General Standards and Limitations for Accessory Uses and Structures. In regard to the above requirements, it is noted that the applicant narrative indicates that the structure will comply with the code height requirement of 15’ feet. The proposed accessory structure also complies with code requirements for setback. The code requires a 6’ setback from all property lines; and as noted, the applicant is proposing an approximately 10’ setback on the north property line, and will be approximately 40’ from the rear property line. The structure will be located outside of platted drainage and utility easements. No driveway access or extension has been proposed with this application. The application complies with all other general standards for conditional use permits and accessory uses and structures as identified by ordinance. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS 1. Motion to adopt Resolution 2013-079, recommending approval of the Conditional Use Permit for Major Accessory Structure, with conditions as noted in Exhibit Z. 2. Motion to deny adoption of Resolution 2013-079 for approval of a Conditional Use Permit, based on a finding to be made by the Planning Commission. Planning Commission Agenda – 10/01/13 4 C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the CUP, based on findings that the building will meet both the intent and the specific standards of the zoning ordinance. The parcel is of adequate size to support the proposed expansion and the proposed expansion is consistent with both the existing structure and the architecture of adjacent homes. D. SUPPORTING DATA A. Resolution 2013-079 B. Site Location Map C. Application/Applicant Narrative D. Site Images E. Site Plan F. Proposed Exterior Elevations & Materials G. Certificate of Survey Z. Conditions of Approval EXHIBIT Z Lot 11, Block 2, Sandberg East – Major Accessory Structure CUP The use of the accessory structure shall be to directly serve the principal use and must comply with ordinance requirements pertaining to private garages. The proposed detached structure match the existing principal structure roofline and building materials. Issues related to grading and drainage shall be subject to review and comment by the City Engineer. Planning Commission Agenda – 10/01/13 5 CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2013-079 Date: October 1, 2013 Resolution No. 2013-079 Motion By: Seconded By: A RESOLUTION RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR A MAJOR ACCESSORY STRUCTURE IN AN R-1 DISTRICT WHEREAS, Karl Eiden has requested an Conditional Use Permit for a Major Accessory Use at the property legally described as Lot 11, Block 2, Sandberg East, which is located in an R- 1 District; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has reviewed the application for Conditional Use Permit for Conditional Use Permit pursuant to the regulations of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on October 1, 2013 on the application and the applicant and members of the public were provided the opportunity to present information to the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has considered all of the comments and the staff report, which are incorporated by reference into the resolution; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello makes the following Findings of Fact in relation to the recommendation of approval: 1. The application is consistent with the 2008 Monticello Comprehensive Plan for Places to Live. 2. The proposed major accessory building will meet both the intent and the specific standards of the zoning ordinance. 3. The parcel is of adequate size to support the proposed major accessory building. 4. The proposed major accessory building is consistent with both the existing structure and the architecture of adjacent homes. Planning Commission Agenda – 10/01/13 6 5. Given the existing vegetation and the location of the structure, the proposed use is not expected to diminish or impair property values in the vicinity of the site. 6. The use is not expected to be detrimental to the health, safety, morals or welfare of persons residing near the use. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota: 1. Pursuant to Minn. Stat. §462.357, the application for Conditional Use Permit for Major Accessory Structure in an R-1 (Single-Family Residential) District is hereby recommended to the City Council for approval. 2. The recommendation for approval is subject to those Conditions as follows: a) The use of the accessory structure shall be to directly serve the principal use and must comply with ordinance requirements pertaining to private garages. b) The proposed detached structure match the existing principal structure roofline and building materials. c) Issues related to grading and drainage shall be subject to review and comment by the City Engineer. ADOPTED this 1st day of October 2013, by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota. MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION By: _______________________________ William Spartz, Chair ATTEST: ______________________________ Angela Schumann, Community Development Director Request for Conditional Use Permit for detached accessory structure, Lot 11, Block 2, Sandberg }East, 9601 Gillard Avenue NE, PIED# 155061002110 S r. ,'y..' C Fr. N _MW AIM& Vv�"" "71n River Y =ores: 17r N�. l 1 ,. OE Mi. AM 1 isda.s 110:14WS feet iz 1 f � 9b t T r _ lit JW Arft CITY OF MONTic ELLO Community Development 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 (763)295 -2711 • �Q�d�Q,Qf�)1o.rrnn.us Land LFS� Application APPUCATIOt►I PROPERiYWFORMATIOIII Property Address 1 9601 Gillard Avg NE cant @cell MN 56362 Property Legal Description Not applicable Pro a ID Number F2155- G31- 002110 _ _ x PROPERTY OWM INFORMATION owner Name Kad G & Klmberl A Eiders own- erAddress 9601 Gillard Ave NE, Monticello MN 55362 Owner Phone /Email $200 + escrow $200 +escrow $ ^� �- N Applicant Name _ ApplicantAddress „ � 9601 GillardAve NE, Monticello SAN 55362 Appiicant Phone /Email Concept APPUCATIOt►I LAND USE APPLICATION TYPE APPLICATION FEE *See escrow Statement an reverse. Administrative Adjustment Not applicable Z unit 500 (single-family) Amendment to Ordinance 11 f $10,000 _- —� - Map Amendment (Rezoning) - Text Amendment $200 +escrow $200 + escrow Total Fees from Above (nnYara roe m4rsd ioreorAlmtl•n aWimtoeu) Comprehensive Plan Amendment $200 + escrow $200 +escrow $ ^� Conditional Use Permit Planned Unit Development $ _ Collaborative r $50 + escrow Concept $200 +escrow Development $200 + escrow __= $50 + escrow, _ Final Othe r (Ve eatiors Cuttings Terrsp Iv�frastructure t $tl $200 + escrow Not applicable Site Plan Review Sketch Plan Review Subdivision Simple Sub dmin Let Comb /Lot Line Ad'ustrnent 200 +,escrow Preliminary Plat $300 + escrow Final Plat $50 + escrow Variance Vacation Easement or Ri ht of Wa $200 + escrow $200+ escrow �___.. Special Planning Corrrnsssion Meeting* "Ra strciJes on �.:'p58i a Q uoru� � Plffrur,n .:cmmtssloa $350 LAND USEAPPLiCATiOi� PLAN /lEiAr ESCROW T Carnmerds, *See escrow Statement an reverse. Residential 9 0 -3 Acre s i - - $2.000 14-10 $6000' Z unit 500 (single-family) 2 + units . $1000 based + $100 /unit 11 f $10,000 LAND USE APPLICATiON FEE & _ ESCROW CALCULATION Total Fees from Above (nnYara roe m4rsd ioreorAlmtl•n aWimtoeu) $ Total Escrow from Above $ ^� TCBTAI_ TO BE PASO AT APPLICATION $ 0 Revised 5/30/2013 I! property Owmes, Statement I 1 ! am the fee title ctyr�er of ti'e cescci red prase rte and D agree to tE�is aslleatlon. I certify that I am in compliance !, with all ordinance requirements and conditions regarding other City approval that have been previously granted. rSlanaturel -00 rDate1 9-9 -f '3 Applicant's Statement 7his application shall be processed In my name and I am the party whom the City should contact regarding the application. I have completed all of the applicable filing requirements and I hereby acknowledge that i have read and fully understand the applicable provisions of the City Ordinances and current policies related to this application and that the documents and information I have submitted are true and correct. w (D_ate) _ 9W- 90 Applicant's Statement Regarding Fees & Escrows I acknowledge the Fees & Escrow Purpose explanation below and hereby agree to pay all statements received oertalning to additional armlication expense and City review. !il �'��.;rte- --� I fDatel 9 � � � r Tlnullrie fbr Reviaw MN State 15,93 allows a 60 -day review period for final action on a land use application, once that application is found to be complete, unless the City extends the review period and so notifies the applicant. Your request will not be scheduled for public hearing or City review until all required Information has been provided and found to be adequate by the Community Development Department. Purpose of Fees I Escrow Fees: The application fees are used for publication of the public hearing notice in the Monticello Times, for postage to mail the required notice to adjacent properties as outlined by ordinance, and recording fees. Escrow: The City uses escrow deposits for staff and consultant time for case review and preparation of documents related to the application. This may include engineering, legal, planning and environmental consultation. Should the original escrow be exceeded, the applicant or responsible party will be billed for all additional services. It is the policy of the City of Monticello to require applicants for land use approvals to reimburse the C:�ty for costs incurred in reviewing and acting upon applications, so that these costs are not borne by the taxpayers of the City. These costs include all of the City's out -of -pocket costs for expenses, including the City's costs for review of the application by the City's staff, Consulting Engineer, Consulting Planner, City Attorney, or other consultants. The C1W will Invoice the applicant for these costs within 3 months of final action on the land use application and payment will be due within thirty (30) days. if payment Is not received as required by this agreement, the City will proceed on action to assess o- lien, Payment of costs wrffl be reciLked wh _ , a..va r mcvocw r mma ww i MIY — ars i Applicstion Received Date i SEP :amt ne mate - Fropery Owner: Karl and Kimberly Eiden Property Address: 9601 Mard Aire NE, MonticeIlo, MN Description of proposed conditional use: 1) This Conditional. Use Permit aMlieation is for the construction of detached accessory building on our property at 9601 GillardAve NE. The desired building size is 26' x 30'(780 f) which when combined with the existing attached garage (703 fly) would provide a total garage space of 1483 f2. This exceeds the 1200 Be R- 1 limit and thus requires a conditional use permit. This total does fall below the 1500 ft2 limit allowed under a conditional use permit. 2) 1 he additional space will be for private storage and for a workshop area. Per the original site survey, the overall lot size is 80'x 272.25' with the backyard being 80'x129'. This gives a backyard am of 10341 fig. The proposed building size is less than I Mo of the backyard area. Furthermore, the total lot size is one -half acre which can easily support an accessory building of this size. The gross square footage of the existing home and garage is 2545 f?, therefore the proposed structure size will not come close to exceeding the size of the existing structure. 3) The proposed building will be constructed of materials consistent with the current home and the surrounding neighborhood. The building will meet the 15' height restriction for accessory buildings, and will be almost entirely hidden from view due to the heavily wmoded surroundings. See atta ed photo of the front and luck yard for reference. Front Yard as viewed from the street (Gillard Ave) Back Yard (New building to be located beyond s.wi ng -scs) �►'! �" 9 p IE I y' w. p 'I f 0 t 1 1 i I N 80. of _ Fic g9m , 1i i i i JL ti � t " � �3 40V �o.ar r° so a� Y j w L _ � At � }t 4� ~ a r �' -AF-L f, r0, � 5 to q6o, C o*iw AwE, y el L&P A& k M Sty r ;-/7— j-t `M6a9LfPJ ' 54 R ✓r SrffWNA phRK 6pcw-j A { ilk ku idt x n w f 1 D i i� c~ � �✓ TO 08 3 60. W. O S ki CKU F'!! a 4 a it i — TO m a .6a.6a. a nr — � Planning Commission Agenda – 10/1/13 1 7. Public Hearing – Consideration of a request for Preliminary and Final Plat and Conditional Use Permit for Shared Access for a retail commercial use in a B-4 (Regional Business) District. Applicant: ALDI, Inc. Applicant: ALDI. (NAC) Property: Outlot B of the Monticello Business Center (PID # 155098000020). The site is located east of Highway 25, and is bordered to the south by School Boulevard; on the west by Cedar Street; and on the north and east by vacant agricultural land. To the west across Cedar Street there is a gas station, restaurant, and strip center. To the south across School Boulevard, there is a Wal-Mart. Planning Case Number: 2013 - 034 A. REFERENCE & BACKGROUND Request(s): Preliminary and Final Plat approval, a site plan review, and a Conditional Use Permit to allow shared parking and cross access for the proposed ALDI commercial development. Deadline for Decision: November 2, 2013 Land Use Designation: Places to Shop Zoning Designation: B-4, Regional Business District The purpose of the “B -4” regional business district is to provide for the establishment of commercial and service activities which draw from and serve customers from the entire community or region. Current Site Use: The site is currently vacant. Project Description: The applicant proposes to construct an ALDI Grocery Store in the southwest corner of what is currently Outlot B of the Monticello Business Center (there is currently no address for the site). The applicant is proposing to divide the southwest corner of the existing outlot into a new 2 acre parcel for the ALDI site, with the remaining 10.11 acres of the property maintained as an outlot. The resulting subdivision will be Lot 1 of The Monticello Business Center 7th Addition and Outlot A, with ownership of Lot 1 going to ALDI, and Outlot A going to Ocello, LLC (the properties current owner). The applicant Planning Commission Agenda – 10/1/13 2 is requesting approval of the preliminary and final plat for Lot 1 of The Monticello Business Center 7th Addition. The proposed commercial property is located within the B-4 Regional Business Zoning District, and is surrounded by other B-4 and B-3 land uses. The development of the new lot is anticipated to positively impact surrounding commercial businesses of the area by eliminating a vacant property and adding a retail facility to the local tax base. The proposed ALDI lot will make use of two existing access points to the existing Outlot B; one off of Cedar Street, and the other off of School Boulevard. The northern lot line of the ALDI lot will fall within the center of the Cedar Street access point. No portion of the ALDI lot will encompass the School Boulevard access point, which is immediately east of the proposed lot. As a result, the applicant is requesting a conditional use permit to allow construction of a shared access drive and area of shared parking from the access point on both streets. The access drive and parking area will also serve a future lot directly north and east of the proposed ALDI lot, respectively. The proposed ALDI Grocery Store will be 17,018 square feet in area. Other proposed improvements associated with the grocery store include an 81 stall parking lot, the described access drives, connection to utilities to serve the building, stormwater management facilities, lighting, landscaping and signage. The applicant has submitted site and building plans, and is requesting site plan review and approval to be able to complete the proposed project. Ordinance Requirements: Plat Review. Lots. There is no minimum or maximum required lot area, lot width, lot depth or building setback within the B-4 Regional Business District. Street and Alleys. The applicant has submitted site and building plans demonstrating the location of access points off of existing roads. In addition, the site plans show consideration for the location of possible future subdivided lots in Outlot A. Both access drives on Cedar St. and School Boulevard are intended to be shared with potential future subdivided commercial properties. The applicant anticipates that the Cedar Street and School Boulevard are constructed to adequately handle the increased traffic that may ultimately result from the development of both the ALDI property and the remaining Outlot. And the proposed shared access drives will also provide adequate capacity to facilitate the flow of traffic into both proposed lots. Planning Commission Agenda – 10/1/13 3 Easements. The ALDI lot (Lot 1) will provide a combination of easements along front, rear, and side lot lines. The subdivision ordinance requires side lot line drainage and utility easements to be a minimum of 6 feet in width, and front and rear drainage and utility easements to be a minimum of 12 feet in width. The final plat for Lot 1 indicates that minimum 12 foot drainage and utility easements will be provided along Cedar Street (front lot line) and School Boulevard (side lot line), and six foot drainage and utility easements will be provided along the north side lot line and the rear lot line. With the future platting of the adjoining lots, these easement widths should be acceptable and consistent with City practice. Finally, the City Engineer notes in her report that the applicant will have to provide a pedestrian easement along Cedar Street to accommodate the extension of the sidewalk along that frontage, and trail extension along School Boulevard. Erosion and Sediment Control. The applicant has indicated the intention of applying sediment control measures to the construction site. These measures include two rock construction entrances at the access points, silt fence around the north, east, and west edges of the construction area, erosion control blanket along slopes of a proposed infiltration basin, inlet protection, and a concrete washout (to be installed prior to construction beginning. In addition, all disturbed areas will be reseeded as soon as possible after construction has proceeded. Drainage. The City Engineer has provided recommendations on the impact of proposed grading on existing stormwater movement within the subject property. The applicant is proposing an infiltration basin along the north and east property line. The applicant has indicated that they will make the adjustments to the plan required by the City Engineer. Steep Slopes. The ALDI lot does not currently contain areas of steep slopes. The grading plan is subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. Wetland Systems. The site does not currently contain any wetlands, but falls within Flood Zone X (which is outside of the 500 year floodplain). The Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan is subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. Open Space and Landscaping. The applicant has provided a landscaping plan, which will be reviewed as part of the site plan review process. Planning Commission Agenda – 10/1/13 4 Site Plan Review. B-4 Regional Business District. The proposed development will meet all lot area, width, depth and setback requirements for the B-4 District. In addition, the proposed ALDI building does not exceed 23 feet in height, meeting the district’s building height requirement. Landscaping and Screening. There is little existing vegetation on the ALDI lot, as the site was previously vacant farmland. Proposed plantings (and planting areas) appear to meet size, number, and location requirements for the site as provided in Section 4.1 Landscaping and Screening in the Zoning Ordinance. Mulch will be applied to stabilize plantings as necessary. The proposed Euonymous fortunei shrub should be replaced with an alternative shrub species, as this species can be invasive. Attractive, versatile, and durable native shrub alternatives include Divervilla lonicera (Dwarf Bush Honeysuckle) and/or Rhus aromatic (Gro-Low Fragrant Sumac). Landscaping must adhere to all installation and maintenance requirements provided in Section 4.1(K) of the Zoning Ordinance. Rooftop Screening. Rooftop screening will be provided on the top of the ALDI building. Envisor Screening Systems are proposed to screen rooftop mechanical equipment. The screening system is composed of thermoformed high impact ABS, held in place with a tracked aluminum rail system, and in a slate grey color. The screening system appears to meet basic requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. Exterior Lighting. The applicant has provided a lighting plan with some details as to lighting design. It appears that parking lot lighting meets lighting height requirements (noT exceeding 25 feet). In all districts, lighting shall be directed downward. In addition, upwardly- directed lighting shall not be used to illuminate structures, except for low-wattage architectural lighting. Light fixtures in excess of 60 watts or 100 lumens shall use full cut-off lenses or hoods to prevent glare or spillover from the project site onto adjacent lands and streets. Ordinance requires that illumination from exterior lighting not exceed 1 foot candle at the property lines of commercial lots. The lighting plan indicates that this standard will be met around the majority of the perimeter of the ALDI lot. In two locations at the north and south of the lot the 1 candle measurement extends Planning Commission Agenda – 10/1/13 5 beyond lot lines, however the extension is minimal and should only effect vacant land or street right of ways, not residential properties. Signs. The applicant is proposing a combination signs, including a freestanding sign at the southwest corner of the site (at the intersection of Cedar St. and School Boulevard) and wall signs on the north and west building elevations. The single freestanding ALDI sign meets setback and sign design requirements for sign height and area. Four wall signs are proposed on two building facades. The wall signs total approximately 136 square feet in area, or only 4% of the two building facades, meeting Ordinance sign area requirements for commercial districts. Sign material is appropriate and coincides with principal building design. Building Materials. Proposed building materials include brick and concrete masonry units in complementary red, brown and tan colors, and aluminum composite on the upper building walls. These materials maintain a high standard of architectural and aesthetic compatibility with surrounding properties, and as such are not anticipated to adversely impact the property values of abutting properties. Off-Street Parking. Access, circulation, and parking design for the proposed ALDI parking lot are in accordance with Ordinance parking standards for commercial districts, including meeting access location and size standards, parking aisle and stall design standards, and parking surfacing requirements. The parking design also provides concrete curb and gutters around the entire perimeter of the parking lot and surrounding parking islands. The project is proposing cross parking and access from School Boulevard, which will fall within Outlot A (to the east of the ALDI lot), for which a Conditional Use Permit is required. The request for a CUP is reviewed later in the report. Off-Street Loading. The location, circulation, size, and surfacing associated with the proposed loading dock at the north end of the ALDI building are in accordance with Ordinance loading requirements. Conditional Use Permit. The applicant is requesting a Conditional Use Permit to allow cross access and shared parking from the access point on School Boulevard to the south. Section 4.8(G)(2)(a) Access and Curbing for Commercial Uses states that adjoining business properties may allow cross parking and/or access if authorized by a Conditional Use per the requirements of Section 2.4(D) (reviewed below) and subject to the following conditions: Planning Commission Agenda – 10/1/13 6 1. The required island and landscaping requirements in Section 4.1 are met. Staff Response. All island and landscaping requirements are met by the proposed parking area design. 2. The vehicular use area meets the required setback at the perimeter of the parcels in question. Staff Response. Vehicular use area setback requirements are met, including maintaining a minimum 6 foot setback from property lines. 3. The curb cut access locations to the parking lot(s) are approved by the City. Staff Response. The curb cut access locations meet setback requirements from nearby intersections and other access points. Access design (width, etc.) appear to meet the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. 4. A shared parking/access and maintenance agreement is provided by the parking owners and recorded against all subject properties. Staff Response. A shared parking/access and maintenance agreement between ALDI (owners of proposed Lot 1) and Ocello, LLC (owners of proposed Outlot A) is required to be provided to the City and recorded against the subject properties as a condition of CUP approval. Section 2.4(D)(4)(a) of the Zoning Ordinance states that approval of a Conditional Use Permit requires that the City find that conditions can be established to ensure that all of the following criteria will always be met: (i) The conditional use will not substantially diminish or impair property values within the immediate vicinity of the subject property; Staff Response. The proposed grocery store and associated site improvements (including the proposed shared access and parking area) are anticipated to positively impact property values in the surrounding area by developing vacant land planned for commercial uses, and adding to the local tax base. (ii) The conditional use will not be detrimental to the health, safety, morals, or welfare of persons residing or working near the use; Staff Response. The proposed grocery store is an allowed use in the B-4 District, and is surrounded by similar commercial uses or by vacant land. Further, the City’s planned land use for the area is a “place to shop.” So the proposed grocery store meets planned land use objectives and is complimentary to surrounding commercial land uses. It will provide food Planning Commission Agenda – 10/1/13 7 options to the City and region, and given that the development meets all Zoning Ordinance requirements for safe and functional development, is not otherwise anticipated to negatively impact the health of the community. (iii) The conditional use will not impede the normal and orderly development of surrounding property for permitted uses predominant in the area; Staff Response. The proposed access and parking area off of School Boulevard can be shared with a potential commercial lot to the east of the ALDI lot, which encourages further development of Outlot A in the future. (iv) The conditional use will not pose an undue burden on public utilities or roads, and adequate sanitary facilities are provided; Staff Response. Access to the ALDI site will be off of Cedar Street and School Boulevard, both existing road systems. Further, the ALDI site will utilize existing public utilities for sanitary sewer and water service off of these roads (the services off School Boulevard will be utilized, and those from Cedar Street will be capped). (v) The conditional use can provide adequate parking and loading spaces, and all storage on the site can be done in conformance with City code requirements; Staff Response. The proposed shared access and parking area off of School Boulevard will provide parking for both the ALDI lot and a future commercial lot to the east of the ALDI lot. Based on the finished floor area of the grocery store, the ALDI site is required to have 85 parking spaces. 96 parking spaces will be provided, including 15 shared spaces off the shared access point from School Boulevard. As such, the ALDI lot is able to provide 81 parking spaces, and will depend on the proposed shared parking area to supplement the additional 4 required spaces. (vi) The conditional use will not result in any nuisance including but not limited to odor, noise, or sight pollution; Staff Response. The shared access and parking area is not anticipated to result in any particular nuisances related to odor, noise, or sight pollution. Further, the ALDI development will undergo a full site plan review, and as such will be required to meet all Zoning Ordinance requirements related to safe and functional site development. Planning Commission Agenda – 10/1/13 8 (vii) The conditional use will not unnecessarily impact natural features such as woodlands, wetlands, and shorelines; and all erosion will be properly controlled; Staff Response. An existing low area will be filled and graded in order to construct the proposed share access and parking area to the east of the ALDI lot. The low area is not identified as a wetland in the submitted site plans. All stormwater from parking areas associated with the ALDI development will drain to a new infiltration basin running along the north and east of the ALDI site. This water will be filtered and infiltrated in the basin, and any overflow will move to an existing storm pipe at Cedar Street. The ALDI development project is otherwise required to meet all stormwater management, erosion control, and landscaping standards provided in the Ordinance. (viii) The conditional use will adhere to any applicable additional criteria outlined in Chapter 5 for the proposed use. Staff Response. The proposed shared access and parking area is not on the same lot as the principal structure, which is why a conditional use permit is being sought. The use is otherwise anticipated to address criteria outlined in Chapter 5. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS Decision 1: Adopting Resolution No. 2013-082 recommending approval of the preliminary and final plat for Lot 1 and Outlot A of The Monticello Business Center 7th Addition, as requested for the southwest portion of existing Outlot B of the Monticello Business Center. 1. Motion to adopt Resolution 2013 - 082 recommending approval of the preliminary and final plat for Lot 1 and Outlot A of The Monticello Business Center 7th Addition, as proposed in the application of September 10, 2013, contingent on compliance with those conditions specified in Exhibit Z. 2. Motion denying Resolution 2013 - 082 for the preliminary and final plat for Lot 1 and Outlot A of The Monticello Business Center 7th Addition, based upon findings to be made by the Planning Commission, and consistent with those attached to this report in Exhibit Y. Planning Commission Agenda – 10/1/13 9 3. Motion to table action on the request, pending additional information as identified by the Planning Commission and staff report. Decision 2: Adopting Resolution No. 2013-083 recommending approval of a Conditional Use Permit to allow cross access and shared parking between the proposed ALDI site (Lot 1) and Outlot A of the Monticello Business Center 7th Addition. 1. Motion to adopt Resolution 2013 - 083 recommending approval of a Conditional Use Permit to allow cross access and shared parking between the ALDI site (Lot 1) and Outlot A to the east, as proposed in the application of September 10, 2013, contingent on compliance with those conditions specified in Exhibit Z. 2. Motion denying Resolution 2013 - 083 for a Conditional Use Permit to allow cross access and shared parking between the ALDI site (Lot 1) and Outlot A to the east, based upon findings to be made by the Planning Commission, and consistent with those attached to this report in Exhibit Y. 3. Motion to table action on the request, pending additional information as identified by the Planning Commission and staff report. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Preliminary and Final Plat for Lot 1 of The Monticello Business Center 7th Addition. Staff recommends approval of the preliminary and final plats based on the finding that the design of Lot 1 will adhere to Subdivision Ordinance standards for a new plat. Approval is based on the following conditions, as discussed earlier in the report: 1) The applicant complies with the terms of the City Engineer’s report, dated September 24, 2013. Conditional Use Permit. Staff recommends approval of the requested Conditional Use Permit to allow cross access and shared parking between the ALDI site (Lot 1) and Outlot A to the east. Approval is based on the following findings, as discussed earlier in the report: 1) The applicant revise the landscaping plan so that the proposed Euonymous fortunei shrub is replaced with an alternative shrub species, as this species can be Planning Commission Agenda – 10/1/13 10 invasive. Attractive shrub alternatives include Diervilla lonicera (Dwarf Bush Honeysuckle) and/or Rhus aromatic (Gro-Low Fragrant Sumac). 2) The applicant provide a properly drawn legal instrument executed by the parties concerned for joint use of off -street parking facilities, duly approved as to form and manner of execution by the City Attorney, to be filed with the City Administrator and recorded with the County Recorder of Wright County. D. SUPPORTING DATA A. Resolution 2013-082 B. Resolution 2013-083 C. Application D. Project Narrative E. Preliminary Plat F. Final Plat G. Civil Site and Building Plan Set H. Architectural Sheets I. Mechanical Equipment Screening Details J. Engineer’s Comments Z. Conditions of Approval for a Conditional Use Permit Planning Commission Agenda – 10/1/13 11 Exhibit Z Recommended Conditions of Approval Preliminary and Final Plat and Conditional Use Permit for Cross Parking and Shared AccessALDI Grocery (Lot 1, Block 1, 1) The applicant complies with the terms of the City Engineer’s report, dated September 24, 2013. 2) The applicant revise the landscaping plan so that the proposed Euonymous fortunei shrub is replaced with an alternative shrub species, as this species can be invasive. Attractive shrub alternatives include Diervilla lonicera (Dwarf Bush Honeysuckle) and/or Rhus aromatic (Gro-Low Fragrant Sumac). 3) The applicant provide a properly drawn legal instrument executed by the parties concerned for joint use of off -street parking facilities, duly approved as to form and manner of execution by the City Attorne y, to be filed with the City Administrator and recorded with the County Recorder of Wright County. Planning Commission Agenda – 10/1/13 12 CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2013 –082 Date: October 1, 2013 Resolution No. 2013-082 Motion By: Commissioner Seconded By: Commissioner A RESOLUTION APPROVING A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW CROSS ACCESS AND SHARED PARKING BETWEEN THE ALDI GROCERY STORE IN LOT 1 OF THE MONTICELLO BUSINESS CENTER 7TH ADDITION AND OUTLOT A OF THE MONTICELLO BUSINESS CENTER 7TH ADDITION WHEREAS, ALDI has requested a Conditional Use Permit to allow cross access and parking between the ALDI parcel located at Lot 1 of the Monticello Business Center 7th Addition, and Outlot A of the Monticello Business Center 7th Addition; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has reviewed the application for Conditional Use Permit pursuant to the regulations of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on October 1st, 2013 on the application and the applicant and members of the public were provided the opportunity to present information to the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has considered all of the comments and the staff report, which are incorporated by reference into the resolution; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello makes the following Findings of Fact in relation to the recommendation of approval: 1) The application is consistent with the 2008 Monticello Comprehensive Plan for Places to Shop; and 2) The proposed ALDI Grocery Store parking and access arrangement will meet the intent of the Zoning Ordinance; and 3) The ALDI commercial development is an allowed use in the B-4 Regional Business District; and 4) The proposed cross access and shared parking area is not anticipated to negatively impact surrounding commercial properties, and instead may encourage future commercial development in Outlot A to the east of the ALDI site. Planning Commission Agenda – 10/1/13 13 5) Approval of the CUP for cross access and shared parking will not result in the need for additional road or utility infrastructure, and should not otherwise negatively impact the health or safety of the community. 6) The design of both the cross access from School Boulevard and the shared parking area are in accordance with the parking and access design requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota, that the application for Conditional Use Permit is hereby approved, subject to the following conditions: 1) The applicant provide a properly drawn legal instrument executed by the parties concerned for joint use of off -street parking facilities, duly approved as to form and manner of execution by the City Attorney, to be filed with the City Administrator and recorded with the County Recorder of Wright County. ADOPTED this 1st day of October 2013, by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota. MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION By: _______________________________ Bill Spartz, Chair ATTEST: ______________________________ Jeff O’Neill, City Administrator Planning Commission Agenda – 10/1/13 14 CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2013 – 083 Date: October 1, 2013 Resolution No. 2013-083 Motion By: Commissioner Seconded By: Commissioner A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE PRELIMINARY AND FINAL PLAT FOR LOT 1 OF THE MONTICELLO BUSINESS CENTER 7TH ADDITION, IN EXISTING OUTLOT B OF THE MONTICELLO BUSINESS CENTER WHEREAS, ALDI has requested a approval of the preliminary and final plat for Lot 1 of the Monticello Business Center 7th Addition; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has reviewed the preliminary and final plats pursuant to the regulations of the Monticello Subdivision Ordinance; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on October 1st, 2013 on the application and the applicant and members of the public were provided the opportunity to present information to the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has considered all of the comments and the staff report, which are incorporated by reference into the resolution; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello makes the following Findings of Fact in relation to the recommendation of approval: 1) The proposed plat is able to meet lot, street, stormwater and drainage, and landscaping design requirements provided in the Subdivision Ordinance. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota, that the submitted preliminary and final plat for Lot 1 of the Monticello Business Center 7th Addition are approved, subject to the following conditions: 1) The applicant create opportunities for the proposed infiltration basin area to function as an amenity for neighbors and store employees, including demonstrating a combination of sidewalks, paths, seating or viewing areas in the area of the basin on the revised final Planning Commission Agenda – 10/1/13 15 ADOPTED this 1st day of October 2013, by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota. MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION By: _______________________________ Bill Spartz, Chair ATTEST: ______________________________ Jeff O’Neill, City Administrator µ� iCe R o CITY OF i oWrIECIL.O Community Development 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, ANN 55362 d.e , nd Rise ApollceJon (763)295-2711. infuQci.monticelloxnnes wMea h����yrr ' -- _ --R Pr2pn Address Not a ble PropeLbe Legal l3escciption Property ID Number UUUUZU $2CO +_esaaw 2 + units Owner Name , Owner Address 4M Chalsm RoM wW. Munro, SAN s53M owner Phone/Emali 763 2714M50 f t . Ap Nan+e Applicant Address AL _ ,, 4LIUI Migley Averius mor M. , Applicant Phone/Email W7 33a4Msa / T wMea h����yrr ' -- _ --R Administrath a Adjustment Not a ble Amendment to Ordinance 1 unit _ Map Amendment Rezon $2CO +_esaaw 2 + units Text Amendment $200 + escrow comprehenske Plan Amendment $200 + escrow _ Use Permit $200 + escrow $ 4.0M. - $ 4 _Conditional Planned Emit Development Collaborative $50 + escrow - Concept $200 + escrow Development $200 + escrow Final $50 + escrow Site Plan Review $200 + escrow _ Sketch Plan Review Not applicable j subdivision Simple Subdivision Administrative Lot Combination lout Line LAjeistment $200 +escrow _ Pt*jrni Plat $300 + escrow Final Plat $50 + escrow Variance $200 + escmw Vacation (Easement or night of Wwr} $200 + esaow $350 Special Planning Commission Meetine ots an ayMIGN m C— ff&skn r wMea h����yrr ' -- _ --R D-3 Acres $a,CM (�� �awVU�� st7a�tement an ''ever RGWIdentlW 1 unit slh ie �1mi4/ 410 $6,0M 2 + units _$SOD $ICOO based + $100 /unit 11+ $10,0M Total Fees from Above Total Escrow from Above — ry TOTAL TAD BE PAID AT AMICATIOR - $ 4.0M. - $ 4 ftevised 5130/2033 I acct the %e title owner of the described property and I agree to this application. 1 certify that I am in compliance with all ord'inanc�erequirements and conditions regarding other City approval that have been previously granted. _ X7,�7 i This application shall be processed in ray name and I am the party whom the City should contact regarding the application. I hmm completed all of the applicable filing requirements and I hereby acknowledge that I have read and fully understand the applicable provisions of the City Ordinances and current policies related to this application and that the documents and information i have submitted are true and correct. I acknowledge the Fees & Escrow Purpose explanation below and hereby agree to pay aN statements received pertaining to additional application expense and City review. Tirrmefine for Review MN State 15.99 allows a 60-day re-view period for final action an a land use application, once that application is found to be complete, unless the Crty extends the reVaw pariof and so notaries the applicant. Your request write not be sclueduled for public hearing or city review until all required information has been provided and found to be adequate by the Community Development Department. Purpose of F3aas & Escrotv Fees: The application fees are used for publication of the public hearing notice in the Monticello Times, for postage to ma €l the required notice to adjacent properties as outlined by ordinance, and recording fees. Cscraw- The City uses escrow deposits for staff and consultant time for Case review and preparation of documents related to the application. This may include engineering, legal, piarening and environmental consultation. Should the original escrow be exceeded, the applicant or responsible parhf will be bll;ed for all additional services. A is the policy of the City of Monticello to require applicants for land use approvals to reimburse the Cray for costs incurred in reviewing and actin upon applications, so that these casts are not borne by the taxpayers of the City_ These oasts include all of the City s out -of -pocket costs far expenses, induding the City's costs for review of the application by the Cites staff, Consulting Engineer, Consulting Planner, City Attorney, or other consultants. The City will invoice the applicant for Yese costs within 3 moonths of final action on the land use application and payment will be due within thirty (30) days. if payment is not received as required by this agreement the City will proceed on action to assess or Peen. Payment of costs will be required whether the application is granted or denied. C S] GROUP One firm - start to finish- August 29, 2013 Angela Schumann Community Development City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1. Monticello, MN 55362 www.is- grp.com Mankato, MN Faribault, MN Storm LakeJA Algona, IA Sac City, IA La Crosse, WI ARCHITECTS - ENGINEERS - PLANNERS - LAND SURVEYORS - SCIENTISTS RE: Site Plan and Conditional Use Permit Application Narrative — ALDI, Inc. Dear Ms. Schumann: Enclosed you will find a Site Plan Application, Conditional Use Permit (CUP) Application, Preliminary Plat Application, and Final Plat Application along with all required supplemental information for a proposed ALDI Grocery Store to be constructed on what is currently Outlot B of the Monticello Business Center (PID # i55o98000020) in Monticello, Minnesota. Given its current status as an outlot, there is not an address assigned to this parcel. Outlot B totals acres, but as a part of these applications the property is to be divided into a new lot for the ALDI site with the remaining area being another outlot. The resulting subdivision will be The Monticello Business Center 7t" Addition. The subdivision will consist of Lot 1., which will be a 2.o -acre lot at the southwest corner of the existing outlot where the proposed ALDI Grocery Store is being proposed, and the remainder of the parcel will contain a new 1.o.1.1. -acre outlot. This property is currently vacant and owned by Ocello, LLC. Contingent upon the approval of these applications and accompanying final plat, Lot 1. of the proposed Monticello Business Center 7th Addition is to be purchased by ALDI, Inc. to allow for the construction of a new ALDI Grocery Store and related improvements as outlined in this application. The property is located within the B -4 Business Zoning District. The property is bordered on the south by School Boulevard; on the west by Cedar Street; on the north and east by vacant agricultural land including Outlot C of the Monticello Business Center to the east; and unplatted land to the north. All of the surrounding land uses are also B -4 and B -3 Business Zoning Districts. In addition, to the west across Cedar Street there is a gas station, restaurant, and strip mall. To the south across School Boulevard, there is a Wal -Mart. The development of this parcel will help the adjacent commercial businesses of the area by eliminating a very visible vacant property and adding another retail facility to the local tax base. There are currently three accesses into the existing Outlot B, one from School Boulevard and two off of Cedar Street. This project will utilize two of these accesses including the one off of School Boulevard and the southernmost access from Cedar Street. As a part of this project, the two -acre ALDI lot will have its northern lotline located at the center of the southernmost access from Cedar Street. This access will serve the ALDI lot as well as future development to the north and east. In addition, the access from School Boulevard will also be used, but it will not be included in any part of the proposed ALDI lot. Instead this project proposes that a shared access drive be constructed from the access on School Boulevard which will then turn and head west across the proposed Outlot into the proposed ALDI lot. This shared access drive will also include the construction of some parking along it at GROU P - nish this time to serve a future lot directly east of the proposed ALDI lot. The access drive and parking will both be shared between the two lots. Both of the proposed accesses to be used by this development were constructed with the adjacent roadways and each include both right and left turn lanes into the site at median openings in the roadways. Therefore, the existing roadway infrastructure has been constructed to adequately handle the increased traffic that may ultimately result from the development of both the ALDI property and the remaining Outlot. The proposed shared access drives will also provide adequate capacity to facilitate the flow of traffic into both proposed lots. The project will include the construction of a 17,o18 square foot ALDI Grocery Store to be located on the eastern side of the proposed Lot 1. The ALDI site will also include an 81 -stall parking lot, the two accesses described above, utilities to serve the new building, storm drainage, stormwater management facilities, lighting, and landscaping. The proposed site will also include the construction of a sidewalk along Cedar Street across the western portion of the lot, which will be expanded upon with future development to the north. Stormwater management for the ALDI site will be constructed as part of this project. The proposed stormwater management facility will be located on the ALDI lot but designed to treat stormwater runoff from both the proposed ALDI lot and a proposed future lot located directly east of the ALDI lot (for which the shared access and parking off of School Boulevard are to be constructed). This stormwater facility will be an infiltration basin which meets both the City of Monticello and Minnesota Pollution Control Agency requirements for the development. This basin will discharge into an existing 15" storm sewer stub located at the access into the site from Cedar Street. It will meet the City's previously designed discharge threshold for this pipe. Geotechnical exploration of the site was performed, and it was found that the site is predominantly sand soils; thus, the infiltration basin should fit the stormwater requirements of this site very well. The proposed ALDI building will be 17,o18 square feet with an entrance in the southwest corner and a loading dock on the north side of the building. The building exterior and building materials will be constructed in accordance with the B -4 Zoning District Standards. The proposed building features are illustrated by the accompanying building elevations. All trash and loading will be screened within the proposed loading dock. In addition, all rooftop mechanical equipment will be screened with appropriate materials and colors matching the building exterior. Appropriate building and parking lot lighting as well as landscaping will also be provided for the proposed site in accordance with the City Code. The proposed ALDI site will utilize existing public utilities for sanitary sewer and water service, both of which are currently stubbed into Outlot B within the proposed ALDI lot. There are currently sewer and water services stubbed into the proposed ALDI lot from both Cedar Street and School Boulevard. With this development the services off School Boulevard will be utilized, and those from Cedar Street will be capped. The proposed ALDI Grocery Store will require construction of a 6" water service coming from the existing water service, and a 11/2" water service will also be constructed from the 6" line. The ALDI site will also require the construction of a 6" sanitary sewer service. This service will be extended from the existing 6" sanitary sewer service on the south side of the site, parallel with the watermain. This sewer line has adequate depth and capacity to serve the ALDI facility. The future development of the remaining Outlot will utilize separate service lines that have been constructed into the Outlot at other locations along both School Boulevard and Cedar Street. Therefore, this project will not require any changes or upgrades to the existing publically owned sanitary sewer or water distribution systems. Site Plan and CUP Application Narrative - ALDI, Inc. August 29, 2013 Page 2 of 4 GROU P - nish Site signage for this project will be provided by a pylon sign located on the southwest corner of the site along with building signage. The pylon sign will be 22 feet tall and will have an area of ioo square feet. The sign will have two sides and be constructed in accordance with Chapter 4, Section 4.5: Signs of the City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance. In addition, the building signage on both faces of the building will total 3.36 square feet. This is well under the applicable signage size requirements outlined in the Zoning Ordinance which stipulate the signage maximum area as 3.5% of the facade. For this facility this calculates to an allowable signage area of 690 square feet, given that the facade of the west and south building elevations total 4,598 square feet (2,3.05 square feet on the west facade plus 2,493 square feet on the south facade = 4,598 square feet) (3.5% of 4,598 = 690 square feet). This building signage will include the ALDI logo along with the words "FOOD MARKET" on both the west and south faces of the building at the building entrance as allowed for buildings that face two streets. For your reference the signage is illustrated on the attached building elevations and site plans. The site plans for the access drive and ALDI site along with a map of the project location are shown on the attached plan sheets. Being that this property is currently a single outlot, the property will be subdivided and platted in conjunction with this project. The preliminary and final plats are also included with this submittal along with building elevations and floor plans. All applicable guidelines as outlined for this property in the City of Monticello's Ordinances were taken into account during the design of this project including the appropriate land use, setbacks, parking requirements, and all other applicable regulations. The City of Monticello Land Use Plan identifies this parcel as being located within a retail area which is applicable to this proposal. The proposed ALDI and surrounding land use of this property will also provide economic development that will expand the property tax base, conserve and potentially increase property values, increasejobs, and provide desirable services to the neighborhood and the City as a whole. This property is currently vacant; therefore, any development of the site will be an improvement from the existing conditions. In addition, being that this project is located within a developing area with several large businesses already located within it, there is already a large traffic volume past the site as well as high visibility of the site. These factors along with the size of the proposed lot and proximity to other commercial developments make this site an appropriate location for a grocery store. The proposed ALDI would serve the surrounding residential and commercial areas with another source of groceries in the area. The addition of the ALDI store near the existing residential areas that are located to the south, east, and west of this site will be beneficial to both ALDI and the residents in the area. This proximity to residential properties will also promote pedestrian traffic to the site via the existing trail and sidewalk system that is currently in place. This proposed project includes a site plan application for the new ALDI site, preliminary and final plats to split the current Outlot B, and also a CUP application for the proposed ALDI lot. Based on the information provided by the City of Monticello, the CUP is required due to the proposed cross access and cross parking which will be utilized as part of this development. The proposed ALDI Grocery Store will share parking and access with the commercial lots to the south and west which are intended to be developed in the future. All cross access drive connections to the adjacent roadway systems will be constructed with this project. While a CUP is required for this development, the use does fall within the accepted uses of the area and will not substantially diminish or impair property values with the vicinity of the property. It is expected to increase interest in the development of the neighboring properties which will share cross access and cross parking with the new ALDI facility. Site Plan and CUP Application Narrative — ALDI, Inc. August 29, 2013 Page 3 of 4 GROU P - nish Further, the CUP will not cause detriment to health, safety, morals, or welfare of any persons residing or working near the property. It will also not result in any nuisances such as odor, noise, or sight pollution. The new ALDI Grocery Store seeks to provide a clean, well -lit grocery store as convenience to the area, and proper screening of dumpsters and other necessary areas will be provided. The conditional use is expected to facilitate further interest in the development of nearby properties but will not impede the normal and orderly development of surrounding property. The conditional use will also not pose an undue burden on public utilities or roads as the use was planned for initially with the platting of this property within the existing business district. The conditional use will not unnecessarily impact any natural features such as woodlands, wetlands, or shorelines as the proposed development is already a planned permitted use within this existing business district. All erosion will be properly controlled during construction and the conditional use will adhere to any additional applicable criteria outlined within the City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance both during construction and future operations. Adequate shared parking, loading spaces, shared access, and storage on site will be provided in accordance with all applicable City Code requirements. Granting the proposed conditional use to allow the ALDI development in conjunction with the proposed cross parking and cross access will enable unified development within the area to be served by adequate shared facilities. Based upon the information outlined within this narrative along with our conversations with the City of Monticello, we feel that the Site Plan, CUP, and Preliminary and Final Plat Applications should be approved because the proposed ALDI site fits well with the surrounding properties and will also be an improvement to the current conditions. The proposed site plan as well as the proposed use of this property as outlined in this submittal is consistent with City of Monticello's Land Use Planning and Zoning. The proposed ALDI Grocery Store is a logical use for the property that fits well with the surrounding properties. The development of the ALDI site also provides another business to the Monticello Business Center area and may help to draw in others to continue the growth and development of this area. Thank you for considering this request. Please contact me at 507 - 331 -1500 with any questions regarding this supplemental information or this project. Sincerely, au�&— -r—IA*, Andrew T. Brandel, PE Civil Engineer I Principal ATB /sam Site Plan and CUP Application Narrative - ALDI, Inc. August 29, 2013 Page 4 of 4 I� / ✓ , I r , ice - /IV — I -11r Wq O � -r -r / A� / \ I_�1 /� / I' �✓/ \i{y \\ ,�� �4�� OOH q, \\ I —r � 1 Vii/ i \X� 0 v \ 948 / ' �� / / / v r / / / / / / / / / v \ "N'N \x / 0 MONTICELLO BUSINESS CENTER SEVENTH ADDITION EXISTING LEGAL DESCRIPTION: (per client) Outlot B, Monticello Business Center, Wright County, Minnesota, according to the plat thereof recorded on March 17, 1997, as Document No. 614168. OWNERS / DEVELOPERS: SURVEYOR: Ocello, LLC I &S Group 4065 Chelsea Road West 115 E. Hickory Street Suite 300 Monticello, MN 55362 Mankato, MN 56001 (507)- 387 -6651 r_1:1X_Mir_1:14:6 R/W = 21,820 sq. ft. — 0.501 acres Lot 1 = 87,169 sq. ft. — 2.001 acres Outlot A = 418,667 sq. ft. — 9.611 acres Total = 527,656 sq. ft — 12.113 acres EXISTING PROPERTY: ZONED: B -4 (Regional Business District) BENCHMARK: Vertical datum is based on NAVD88. Onsite benchmark is top nut of the fire hydrant located on the north side of School Boulevard, approximately 495 feet east of its intersection with Cedar Street — Elev= 964.46. Offsite benchmark is MnDOT monument 8605 T — Elev= 951.19. FLOOD ZONE: The surveyed property shown on this survey map is in Flood Zone X (areas determined to be outside 500 —year floodplain), according to Flood Insurance Rate Map Community Panel No. 270534 0015 B, published by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, effective date August 4, 1988. • Iron Monument Found Concrete Surface Bituminous Surface 0 O Catch basin /Manhole Hydrant —o— Sign - -- < - -- Sanitary Sewer line - - -« - -- Storm Sewer Line - -� - -- Watermain --- OHL - -- Overhead Utility Line -- uE -- Underground Electric Line - - -;,T;- - -- Underground Utility Line - - -c - -- Underground Gas Treeline Post Light Pole pd Water Valve 0 1 0 60 120 Scale: In Feet GROUP One firm - start to finish` ARCHITECTS • ENGINEERS • PLANNERS - LAND SURVEYORS • SCIENTISTS Minnesota: Mankato • Faribault Iowa: Storm Lake • Algona • Sac City Wisconsin: La Crosse Web: www.is - grp.com VICINITY MAP ro N SITE f7 00, eo \ �api lVC(. c �� SEC. 14, TWP. 121, RGE. 25 Wright County, Minnesota I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS SURVEY, PLAN, OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED LAND SURVEYOR UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. DANIEL L. STUEBER DATE LIC. NO. 43110 THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF I &S GROUP, INC. AND MAY NOT BE USED, COPIED OR DUPLICATED WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT. PROJECT ALDI INC. RETAIL FACILITY City of Monticello, Wright County, Minnesota. Revision Schedule Mark I Date I Description PROJECT NO. 12 -14980 FILE NAME 14980 PPLAT DRAWN BY KH DESIGNED BY REVIEWED BY ISSUE DATE CLIENT PROJECT NO TITLE PRELIMINARY SHEET PLAT 1 OF 1 FINAL PLAT FOR REVIEW MONTICELLO BUSINESS CENTER SEVENTH ADDITION JI 1� o so 120 09--off-M iii Scale: In Feet / i / V/�n/ V, I,\ /II �I � ICI` r r r / r� cti �- r � � I \ -K i�N08'55'32 "W - '29.02 \ \ / \ •9S \ �o \ o� �C r BEARING NOTE: The orientation of this bearing system is based on the north line of the Southwest Quarter of Section 14- 121 -25. Said line bears North 89 degrees 313 minutes 27 seconds East. -r 19 , tis2 00C O �9 -r'I/ III r�r INSTRUMENT OF DEDICATION �N� \ IRON MONUMENT FOUND INDICATES IRON MONUMENT SET BY I &S, LICENSE NO. 43110 TO BE SET BEFORE TIME OF RECORDING. INDICATES IRON MONUMENT SET BY I &S, LICENSE NO. 43110 TO BE SET WITHIN ONE YEAR OF RECORDING. VICINITY MAP (NOT TO SCALE) N SITE Q '� \� Sao tx C� C' SEC. 14, TWP. 121, RGE. 25 Wright County, Minnesota State of County of This instrument was acknowledged before me on 2013 by as , of Ocello, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company, on behalf of the company. (sign) (print) Notary Public My Commission Expires SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I, Daniel L. Stueber, do hereby certify that this plat was prepared by me or under my direct KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS: That Ocello, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company, owners of the following described property: Minnesota; that this N89 °13'27 "E Outlot B, Monticello Business Center, Wright County, Minnesota, according to the plat thereof recorded on March 17, 1997, as Document N89'21'45 "E 654.00 �' -- 956.10 - -�� No. 614168. water boundaries and wet lands, as defined in Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.01, Subd. 3, as of the date of this certificate are shown and labeled on this plat; and 633.84 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ r are shown and labeled on this plat. Has caused the same to be surveyed and platted as MONTICELLO BUSINESS CENTER SEVENTH ADDITION and does hereby dedicate to the i N. Line - SW 1/4 -' public, for public use, the public ways and the drainage and utility easements as created by this plat. -I` Drainage & Utility Easement i Sec. 14- 121 -25 per Plat of Monticello In witness whereof said Ocello, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company, has caused these presents to be signed by its proper officer this Business Center / // NE Corner--- day of 2013. SW 1/4 Sec. 14 -121 —25 (Per Plat of Monticello / Business Center) �N� \ IRON MONUMENT FOUND INDICATES IRON MONUMENT SET BY I &S, LICENSE NO. 43110 TO BE SET BEFORE TIME OF RECORDING. INDICATES IRON MONUMENT SET BY I &S, LICENSE NO. 43110 TO BE SET WITHIN ONE YEAR OF RECORDING. VICINITY MAP (NOT TO SCALE) N SITE Q '� \� Sao tx C� C' SEC. 14, TWP. 121, RGE. 25 Wright County, Minnesota State of County of This instrument was acknowledged before me on 2013 by as , of Ocello, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company, on behalf of the company. (sign) (print) Notary Public My Commission Expires SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I, Daniel L. Stueber, do hereby certify that this plat was prepared by me or under my direct supervision; that I am a duly Licensed Land Surveyor in the State of Minnesota; that this plat is a correct representation of the boundary survey; that all mathematical data and labels are correctly designated on this plat; that all monuments depicted on this plat have been or, will be correctly set within one year; that all water boundaries and wet lands, as defined in Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.01, Subd. 3, as of the date of this certificate are shown and labeled on this plat; and and all public ways are shown and labeled on this plat. Dated this day of , 2013. Daniel L. Stueber, Land Surveyor Minnesota License No. 43110 State of Minnesota County of Blue Earth This instrument was acknowledged before me on 2013 by Daniel L. Stueber, Licensed Land Surveyor. Kent A. Hays Notary Public, Blue Earth County, Minnesota My Commission Expires Jan. 31, 2015 This plat of MONTICELLO BUSINESS CENTER SEVENTH ADDITION was approved and accepted in compliance with Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.03, Subdivision 2 by the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota at a meeting held the day of 20 Mayor City Clerk I hereby certify that in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.021, Subd. 11, this plat has been reviewed and approved this day of , 20 Wright County Surveyor Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 272.12, there are no delinquent taxes on the land hereinbefore described on this plat and transfer entered this day of , 2013. Wright County Auditor By: Deputy Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.021, Subd. 9, taxes payable in the year 20 on the land hereinbefore described have been paid this day of , 2013. Wright County Treasurer By: Deputy I hereby certify that this instrument was filed in the office of the County Recorder for public record on this day of 20 , at o'clock M. and was duly recorded in Cabinet No. Sleeve , as Document No. Wright County Recorder GROUP One firm - start to finish` ARCHITECTS • ENGINEERS • PLANNERS • LAND SURVEYORS • SCIENTISTS I-) N Q o, 0 MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA LEGEND EXISTING 0 0 - -w -- x x x x - -<< -- --< -- - -UT -- - -0E -- - -UE -- -- UTV -- - -G -- -- FBO -- 990 - 989 D 0 PROPOSED CITY LIMITS SECTION LINE QUARTER SECTION LINE RIGHT OF WAY LINE PROPERTY / LOTLINE EASEMENT LINE ACCESS CONTROL WATER EDGE WETLAND BOUNDARY WETLAND / MARSH FENCE LINE CULVERT STORM SEWER SANITARY SEWER SANITARY SEWER FORCEMAIN WATER UNDERGROUND TELEPHONE OVERHEAD ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND TV GAS UNDERGROUND FIBER OPTIC CONTOUR (MAJOR) CONTOUR (MINOR) DECIDUOUS TREE CONIFEROUS TREE TREE LINE MANHOLE CATCH BASIN HYDRANT VALVE CURB STOP POWER POLE UTILITY PEDESTAL / CABINET C •; y • t 4 t 4'� a I� , •' '� DUNDAS RD. • .��,p , • — - ; --`." 4W • t a i 1 1 , I 1 ` { •` - � 4 i �, t OUTLOT B OF MONTICELLO r f r 0 `- s Q BUSINESS CENTER �.t i _ 4 PID #:155098000020 I w ` L I �c. ,. U ' t. • I T sx co SCHOOL BLVD. NC. CITY SUBMITTAL GRADING, PAVING, UTILITIES, LIGHTING, AND LANDSCAPING CONSTRUCTION !, 4. A _ v i • ` •" , CHELSEA RD. > 1 � - 1 1 7. PROJECT LOCATION z �• �i „. LLl !Z • Is, O ' do z 4k !� O z i SCHOOL BLVD. - 0 _ LU �� Co it L �, .v , 0 `! - - . 4. 7 j f, 4. • ;•b F Ilk .�. . CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA - ► - roc:_ �. AERIAL LOCATION MAP SCALE: 1 =1000' I&S PROJECT N0.12 -1 TPROJECT LOCATION SHEET INDEX T1.11 LOT LINE TITLE SHEET, LOCATION MAPS, AND - - RIGHT OF WAY - - - - -- EASEMENT << CULVERT « << STORM SEWER EXISTING SITE & REMOVAL PLAN STORM SEWER (PIPE WIDTH) SITE PLAN < SANITARY SEWER SITE UTILITY PLAN WATER OE OVERHEAD ELECTRIC UE UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC UTV UNDERGROUND TV G GAS 1015 CONTOUR • MANHOLE CATCH BASIN C6.11 HYDRANT N VALVE C •; y • t 4 t 4'� a I� , •' '� DUNDAS RD. • .��,p , • — - ; --`." 4W • t a i 1 1 , I 1 ` { •` - � 4 i �, t OUTLOT B OF MONTICELLO r f r 0 `- s Q BUSINESS CENTER �.t i _ 4 PID #:155098000020 I w ` L I �c. ,. U ' t. • I T sx co SCHOOL BLVD. NC. CITY SUBMITTAL GRADING, PAVING, UTILITIES, LIGHTING, AND LANDSCAPING CONSTRUCTION !, 4. A _ v i • ` •" , CHELSEA RD. > 1 � - 1 1 7. PROJECT LOCATION z �• �i „. LLl !Z • Is, O ' do z 4k !� O z i SCHOOL BLVD. - 0 _ LU �� Co it L �, .v , 0 `! - - . 4. 7 j f, 4. • ;•b F Ilk .�. . CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA - ► - roc:_ �. AERIAL LOCATION MAP SCALE: 1 =1000' I&S PROJECT N0.12 -1 TPROJECT LOCATION SHEET INDEX T1.11 GROUP TITLE SHEET, LOCATION MAPS, AND I 15 EAST HICKOFY STREET FAFIBAULT, MN 55021 SHEETINDEX C1.10 MANKATO, MN 56001 LAND USE MAP C1.11 ISSUE DATE EXISTING SITE & REMOVAL PLAN C2.11 SITE PLAN C2.12 SITE UTILITY PLAN C3.11 SITE GRADING & SPOT ELEVATION PLAN C4.11 -C4.13 STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLANS (SWPPP) C5.11 -05.12 SITE DETAILS C5.13 SITE DETAILS & SPECIFICATIONS C6.11 SITE LIGHTING PLAN LANDSCAPING L1.11 LANDSCAPE PLAN L2.11 LANDSCAPE NOTES & DETAILS ARCHITECTURAL A -121 ROOF PLAN A -131 OPERATIONS PLAN A -201 EXTERIOR ELEVATION A -505 EXTERIOR DETAILS Intersection of School Blvd & Cedar St Monticello, MN 55362 CONTACT LIST PROJECT MANAGER: Andy Brandel 4980 1� • CIVIL ENGINEER • LAND SURVEYORS IBS GROUP 1415 TOWN SQUARE LANE I 15 EAST HICKOFY STREET FAFIBAULT, MN 55021 SUITE 300 PHONE: 507 -33 1- 1 500 MANKATO, MN 56001 REVIEWED BY PHONE: 507 - 387 -GG5 Andrew Mack 4201 Bagley Avenue North Faribault, Minnesota 55021 Ph: 507 - 333 -9460 x123 Fax: 507 - 333 -9475 APD Engineering & Architecture, PLLC. Brian Grinnell 615 Fishers Run Victor, New York, 14564 Ph: 585 - 724 -2222 Fax: 585 - 924 -4914 GENERAL NOTES 1. ALL WORK SHALL CONFORM TO THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS, WHICH INCLUDE THE OWNER - CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT, THE PROJECT MANUAL (WHICH INCLUDES GENERAL AND SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS AND SPECIFICATIONS), DRAWINGS OF ALL DISCIPLINES AND ALL ADDENDA, MODIFICATIONS AND CLARIFICATIONS ISSUED BY THE ARCHITECT / ENGINEER. 2. CONTRACT DOCUMENTS SHALL BE ISSUED TO ALL SUBCONTRACTORS BY THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR IN COMPLETE SETS IN ORDER TO ACHIEVE THE FULL EXTENT AND COMPLETE COORDINATION OF ALL WORK. 3. WRITTEN DIMENSIONS TAKE PRECEDENCE OVER SCALED DIMENSIONS. NOTIFY ARCHITECT /ENGINEER OF ANY DISCREPANCIES OR CONDITIONS REQUIRING INFORMATION OR CLARIFICATION BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH THE WORK. 4. FIELD VERIFY ALL EXISTING CONDITIONS AND DIMENSIONS. NOTIFY ENGINEER OF ANY DISCREPANCIES OR CONDITIONS REQUIRING INFORMATION OR CLARIFICATION BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH THE WORK. 5. ALL MANUFACTURED ARTICLES, MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT SHALL BE APPLIED, INSTALLED, CONNECTED, ERECTED, CLEANED AND CONDITIONED ACCORDING TO MANUFACTURERS' INSTRUCTIONS. IN CASE OF DISCREPANCIES BETWEEN MANUFACTURERS' INSTRUCTIONS AND THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS, NOTIFY ENGINEER BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH THE WORK. 6. LARGE - SCALE, MORE SPECIFIC DETAILS TAKE PRECEDENCE OVER SMALLER - SCALE, LESS SPECIFIC DETAILS AND INFORMATION. MORE STRINGENT REQUIREMENTS FOR CODE, PRODUCTS AND INSTALLATION TAKE PRECEDENCE OVER LESS STRINGENT REQUIREMENTS. NOTIFY ENGINEER OF ANY DISCREPANCIES OR CONDITIONS REQUIRING INFORMATION OR CLARIFICATION BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH THE WORK. 7. THE LOCATION AND TYPE OF ALL INPLACE UTILITIES SHOWN ON THE PLANS ARE FOR GENERAL INFORMATION ONLY AND ARE ACCURATE AND COMPLETE TO THE BEST OF THE KNOWLEDGE OF I &S GROUP, INC. NO WARRANTY OR GUARANTEE IS IMPLIED. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY THE SIZES, LOCATIONS AND ELEVATIONS OF ALL INPLACE UTILITIES PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. CONTRACTOR SHALL IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY ENGINEER OF ANY DISCREPANCIES OR VARIATIONS - FROM PLAN. 8. THE CONTRACTOR IS TO CONTACT "GOPHER STATE ONE CALL" FOR UTILITY LOCATIONS, 48 HOURS PRIOR TO EXCAVATION/ CONSTRUCTION (1- 800 - 252 -1166) A "GOPHER STATE ONE CALL" WAS NOT PREFORMED AT THE TIME OF THE TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY. SPECIFICATIONS REFERENCE ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL COMPLY WITH THE CITY OF MONTICELLO'S REQUIREMENTS AND MnDOT STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR CONSTRUCTION, 2005 EDITION, AND THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR SANITARY SEWER, STORM DRAIN AND WATERMAIN AS PROPOSED BY THE CITY ENGINEERS ASSOCIATION OF MINNESOTA 1999, UNLESS DIRECTED OTHERWISE. B.M. ELEVATION = 964.46 TOP NUT FIRE HYDRANT LOCATED 39' NORTH OF CENTERLINE SCHOOL BLVD, 495' EAST OF CEDAR STREET INTERSECTION. GROUP One firm - start to finish's ARCHITECTS • ENGINEERS • PLANNERS LAND SURVEYORS • SCIENTISTS Minnesota: Mankato • Faribault Iowa: Storm Lake - Algona • Sac City Wisconsin: La Crosse Web: www.is- grp.com 4201 Bagley Ave. N Faribault, MN 55021 7iml Tel: 507/333 -9460 Fax: 507/333 -9485 it= KEY PLAN I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS DOCUMENT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. Andrew T. Brandel DATE LIC. NO. 47078 I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS DOCUMENT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED ARCHITECT UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. DATE LIC. NO. THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF I &S GROUP, INC. AND MAY NOT BE USED, COPIED OR DUPLICATED WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT. PROJECT ALD1, INC. RETAIL FACILITY MONTICELLO MINNESOTA Revision Schedule Mark Date Description PROJECT NO. 12 -14980 FILE NAME 14980 TITLE DRAWN BY DEH DESIGNED BY ATB REVIEWED BY ISSUE DATE 8/29/13 CLIENT PROJECT NO TITLE TITLE SHEET, LOCATION MAP, & SHEET INDEX SHEET T1.11 VON TICEL LO PIN: 155162001010 / CLASS: 233 -COMM � LAND & BLDGS T PAA �� 81,IE- fill/ 155162001020 I y� CLASS: 233 -COMM � ADDIT� N � /Q LAND & BLDGS 2ND / ^ H � Q � PIN: 155150001010� ,ONTIGE / Z CLASS: 233 -COMM / LAND & BLDGS y 1 gLOCK X'\ �j �PIN:155148001010 CLASS: 233 -COMM � � � /� �4a LAND & BLDGS 40 U5 CL L 0 M 0 PIN: 155207001020 \ � PIN: 155148001020 CLASS: 233 -COMM CLASS: 233 -COMM � � � LAND & BLDGS � LAND & BLDGS � / � � OLOCKI 1 BEN TER i I I I tnh j I I I I I I I I I I � I I II I I 1/ ►I; I' I; I; I l %--PIN: 155500142400 CLASS: 101 -AGRICULTURAL VOW T/CE� / O PIN: 155098000020 CLASS: 101- AGRICULTURAL B BIAS //NESS J / / \ S AA / AA AA \ \ \ \ \ c AA \ TI 0 \ Q00l \\ 4- �N \ \ \ \ PIN: 155207001010 CLASS: 233 -COMM \ LAND & BLDGS GROUP One firm - start to finish's ARCHITECTS • ENGINEERS • PLANNERS - LAND SURVEYORS • SCIENTISTS Minnesota: Mankato - Faribault Iowa: Storm Lake • Algona • Sac City Wisconsin: La Crosse Web: www.is- grp.com 4201 Bagley Ave. N Faribault, MN 55021 Tel: 507/333 -9460 Fax: 507/333 -9485 21�- .��_,i. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS DOCUMENT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. Andrew T. Brandel DATE LIC. NO. 47078 I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS DOCUMENT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED ARCHITECT UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. DATE LIC. NO. THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF I &S GROUP, INC. / AND MAY NOT BE USED, COPIED OR DUPLICATED WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT. PROJECT / / ALD1, INC. RETAIL FACILITY PIN: 155098000030 / CLASS: 101- AGRICULTURAL MONTICELLO MINNESOTA Revision Schedule Mark Date Description l Old 7Z O T C H� CE/V TER / \ c \ c PROJECT NO. 12 -14980 FILE NAME 14980 ZONING DRAWN BY DESIGNED BY REVIEWED BY ISSUE DATE 8/29/13 CLIENT PROJECT NO NTITLE LAND USE MAP SHEET C1.10 \ I _ `' v I \ \ \ — 0 \ 11 1 \ r 1 II \ \\ PROTECT INP. GAS LINE, TYP. / I I EXISTING CONTOUR, TYP. I STORM MANHOLE RIM = 962.77 — — - INVERT = 951.57 /I I II PROTECT INP. CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER, TYP- CD I 1 1 I I v I 1 I 0 CD 11 1 I I I 1 I II °, III I I I I 1 II I I 11 III I REMOVE INP. SERVICE STUB POSTS, i SANITARY MANHOLE I II I TYP. OF 2• / RIM = 963.59 i i INVERT= 1 0 20 40 Scale: B.M. ELEVATION = 964.46 TOP NUT FIRE HYDRANT LOCATED 39' NORTH OF CENTERLINE SCHOOL BLVD, 495' EAST OF CEDAR STREET INTERSECTION. %�k GROUP One firm - start to finish's ARCHITECTS • ENGINEERS • PLANNERS - LAND SURVEYORS • SCIENTISTS Minnesota: Mankato • Faribault Iowa: Storm Lake • Algona • Sac City Wisconsin: La Crosse Web: www.is - grp.com 4201 Bagley Ave. N Faribault, MN 55021 Tel: 507/333 -9460 Fax: 507/333 -9485 KEY PLAN I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS DOCUMENT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. Andrew T. Brandel DATE LIC. NO. 47078 I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS DOCUMENT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED ARCHITECT UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA LEGEND -- — < - -- EXISTING PROPOSED — — >>-- STORM DRAIN >> — — > — — SANITARY SEWER > — — II> — — SANITARY SEWER 11> FORCEMAIN — — I — — WATER — — UT — — UNDERGROUND UT / TELEPHONE — — CE — — OVERHEAD ELECTRIC OE — — UE — — UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC UE — — UTV — — UNDERGROUND TV UTV — — G — — GAS G WET WETLAND — — W — — WATER SHORELINE � / — — X -- FENCE LINE X X 1015 CONTOURS 1015 (MAJOR) � 1012 CONTOURS 1012 PROJECT (MINOR) � PROPERTY LINE i g91.46 X `° SPOT ELEVATION I I I z V 8 TOP OF CURB - -- ` SPOT ELEVATION NOTE: CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD VERIFY THE LOCATIONS OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES. 0 20 40 Scale: B.M. ELEVATION = 964.46 TOP NUT FIRE HYDRANT LOCATED 39' NORTH OF CENTERLINE SCHOOL BLVD, 495' EAST OF CEDAR STREET INTERSECTION. %�k GROUP One firm - start to finish's ARCHITECTS • ENGINEERS • PLANNERS - LAND SURVEYORS • SCIENTISTS Minnesota: Mankato • Faribault Iowa: Storm Lake • Algona • Sac City Wisconsin: La Crosse Web: www.is - grp.com 4201 Bagley Ave. N Faribault, MN 55021 Tel: 507/333 -9460 Fax: 507/333 -9485 KEY PLAN I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS DOCUMENT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. Andrew T. Brandel DATE LIC. NO. 47078 I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS DOCUMENT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED ARCHITECT UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA EXISTING UTILITY EASEMENT, TYP. II II I _ _ _ _ EXISTING 50' GAS PIPELINE EASEMENT — - - - -- - -- - - - - -- -- I I APPROXIMATE LOCATION EXISTING 6" I I I I WATER SERVICE STUB STORM LE I V I I V N ERT= 960.43 I I I _ � , I I APPROXIMATE LOCATION EXISTING 6 - I I I I PROTECT INP. 8" GAS LINE — PVC SANITARY SERVICE STUB 1= 945.00 - - -G -- - -G --- G----- G----- G----- G----- G----- G - - - -- ____ G — - -G - - - - -G - - - - -G I G - - - - -G - - - - -G - - - - -G - - - -- I I REMOVE & RELOCATE GAS MARKER I G - - - - -G - - - - -G - - - - -G - -- —'G - - - - -G - -1- -� - - - -- I I I (COORDINATE W /UTILITY COMPANY) - - - - -- _ v ___ V I L — — EXISTING 12' SIDEWALK EASEMENT v — 1 I I 1,o PROTECT INP. SIDE WALK I - - -- - - - -- - - - -- - - - -- - -- - -- V I I UTL -- UTL — TL — � -- - - - -- - - - -- - - - -- — E PROPERTY - -- _ � XISTI PROPER LINE, TYP. -- O- c� J� y — — — — c G 5 G 5— — — — — I � -- UE - - -- —__ - - -- UE - - - -- UE - - - -- UE — — - -UE - - - -- UE - - - -- UE -- UE - UE -- �—e��ti ,�,q UE - -- UE - - - -- UE - - - -- UE - - - -- UE - - - -- UE - - -�— — UE - -- -- » -- v _ - - v GENERAL SITE NOTES: 1.) ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL COMPLY WITH THE CITY OF MONTICELLO REQUIREMENTS AND MnDOT STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR CONSTRUCTION, 2005 EDITION, UNLESS DIRECTED OTHERWISE. 2.) THE LOCATION AND TYPE OF ALL INPLACE UTILITIES SHOWN ON THE PLANS ARE FOR GENERAL INFORMATION ONLY AND ARE ACCURATE AND COMPLETE TO THE BEST OF THE KNOWLEDGE OF I &S ENGINEERS & ARCHITECTS, INC. NO WARRANTY OR GUARANTEE IS IMPLIED. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY THE SIZES, LOCATIONS AND ELEVATIONS OF ALL INPLACE UTILITIES PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. CONTRACTOR SHALL IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY ENGINEER OF ANY DISCREPANCIES OR VARIATIONS FROM PLAN. 3.) THE CONTRACTOR IS TO CONTACT "GOPHER STATE ONE CALL" FOR UTILITY LOCATIONS, 48 HOURS PRIOR TO EXCAVATION /CONSTRUCTION. (1- 800 - 252 -1166) A "GOPHER STATE ONE CALL" WAS NOT PERFORMED AT THE TIME OF THE TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY. 4.) VERIFY ALL BUILDING DIMENSIONS WITH ARCHITECTURAL PLANS. 5.) VERIFY FLOOR ELEVATION OF INPLACE BUILDINGS. ENSURE POSITIVE DRAINAGE AWAY FROM BUILDING AS NECESSARY. PROTECT INP. LIGHT POLE, TYP. PROTECT UNDERGROUND UTILITIES, TYP. PROTECT INP. CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER, NP. 4�) 4:) BENCH MARK I I I 96 APPROXIMATE LOCATION INP. 6" AL01, INC. RETAIL FACILITY MONTICELLO MINNESOTA Revision Schedule Mark I Date I Description I GATE VALVE \ I I PROJECT NO. "I L- 1 4y)bu 6� INP. 12" DIP WATERMAIN — I — - - - - - -- - - - - -- - -\ - -- -- - I FILE NAME 14980 SITE 96 I - - - -- I - - - -- I - - - -- I - - - -- I, - - - -- I - - - -- I - - - -- I -- 2. -- I - - - -- I - - - -- I - - - -- I — I I -- -- I - - - -- I - - - -- I - - - -- V — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — I ---- — DRAWN BY > -- - - -- > -- > INP. 12" RCP SANITARY SEWER > - - - -- > - - - -- > — — — — > - - - -- - - -- > > — — — — — > - - - -- \> - - - -- > - - - -- > - - - -- > -- - -- > - - - -- > - - - -- I DESIGNED BY � - - - -- REVIEWED BY STORM MANHOLE " ISSUE DATE 8/29/13 \ f RIM= 960.98 INP. 36 RCP STORM SEWER INP. 21" RCP STORM SEWER L93�9a >> - - -- >> - - -,= » - - - -- >> - - - -- >> - - - -- >> - - - -- >> - - - -- >> -- -- >> - - - -- >> - - - -- » -- -- >> - - - -- >> -- \ INV - » - - - -- » - - - -- » - - - -- » - - - -- » - - - -- » - - - -- » CLIENT PROJECT NO. son manhole RIM = 961.24 INVERT= TITLE T I INP. CONCRETE SURFACE, TYP. (HATCH) EXISTING SITE & REMOVAL PLAN SHEET C1.11 -- — < - -- I I -- — I I - - I I II I REMOVE INP. WATER & SANITARY SERVICES TO 5' BEHIND I PROPOSED CURB & GUTTER. (CAP BOTH AT THAT LOCATION) I V I I DATE LIC. NO. / THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF I &S GROUP, INC. I i I AND MAY NOT BE USED, COPIED OR DUPLICATED I INP. SIGN, TYP. � / WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT. I z I I z -o v � 1 PROJECT IJI a � I I i I I I z V � N I REMOVE INP. SIGN - -- ` EXISTING UTILITY EASEMENT, TYP. II II I _ _ _ _ EXISTING 50' GAS PIPELINE EASEMENT — - - - -- - -- - - - - -- -- I I APPROXIMATE LOCATION EXISTING 6" I I I I WATER SERVICE STUB STORM LE I V I I V N ERT= 960.43 I I I _ � , I I APPROXIMATE LOCATION EXISTING 6 - I I I I PROTECT INP. 8" GAS LINE — PVC SANITARY SERVICE STUB 1= 945.00 - - -G -- - -G --- G----- G----- G----- G----- G----- G - - - -- ____ G — - -G - - - - -G - - - - -G I G - - - - -G - - - - -G - - - - -G - - - -- I I REMOVE & RELOCATE GAS MARKER I G - - - - -G - - - - -G - - - - -G - -- —'G - - - - -G - -1- -� - - - -- I I I (COORDINATE W /UTILITY COMPANY) - - - - -- _ v ___ V I L — — EXISTING 12' SIDEWALK EASEMENT v — 1 I I 1,o PROTECT INP. SIDE WALK I - - -- - - - -- - - - -- - - - -- - -- - -- V I I UTL -- UTL — TL — � -- - - - -- - - - -- - - - -- — E PROPERTY - -- _ � XISTI PROPER LINE, TYP. -- O- c� J� y — — — — c G 5 G 5— — — — — I � -- UE - - -- —__ - - -- UE - - - -- UE - - - -- UE — — - -UE - - - -- UE - - - -- UE -- UE - UE -- �—e��ti ,�,q UE - -- UE - - - -- UE - - - -- UE - - - -- UE - - - -- UE - - -�— — UE - -- -- » -- v _ - - v GENERAL SITE NOTES: 1.) ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL COMPLY WITH THE CITY OF MONTICELLO REQUIREMENTS AND MnDOT STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR CONSTRUCTION, 2005 EDITION, UNLESS DIRECTED OTHERWISE. 2.) THE LOCATION AND TYPE OF ALL INPLACE UTILITIES SHOWN ON THE PLANS ARE FOR GENERAL INFORMATION ONLY AND ARE ACCURATE AND COMPLETE TO THE BEST OF THE KNOWLEDGE OF I &S ENGINEERS & ARCHITECTS, INC. NO WARRANTY OR GUARANTEE IS IMPLIED. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY THE SIZES, LOCATIONS AND ELEVATIONS OF ALL INPLACE UTILITIES PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. CONTRACTOR SHALL IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY ENGINEER OF ANY DISCREPANCIES OR VARIATIONS FROM PLAN. 3.) THE CONTRACTOR IS TO CONTACT "GOPHER STATE ONE CALL" FOR UTILITY LOCATIONS, 48 HOURS PRIOR TO EXCAVATION /CONSTRUCTION. (1- 800 - 252 -1166) A "GOPHER STATE ONE CALL" WAS NOT PERFORMED AT THE TIME OF THE TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY. 4.) VERIFY ALL BUILDING DIMENSIONS WITH ARCHITECTURAL PLANS. 5.) VERIFY FLOOR ELEVATION OF INPLACE BUILDINGS. ENSURE POSITIVE DRAINAGE AWAY FROM BUILDING AS NECESSARY. PROTECT INP. LIGHT POLE, TYP. PROTECT UNDERGROUND UTILITIES, TYP. PROTECT INP. CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER, NP. 4�) 4:) BENCH MARK I I I 96 APPROXIMATE LOCATION INP. 6" AL01, INC. RETAIL FACILITY MONTICELLO MINNESOTA Revision Schedule Mark I Date I Description I GATE VALVE \ I I PROJECT NO. "I L- 1 4y)bu 6� INP. 12" DIP WATERMAIN — I — - - - - - -- - - - - -- - -\ - -- -- - I FILE NAME 14980 SITE 96 I - - - -- I - - - -- I - - - -- I - - - -- I, - - - -- I - - - -- I - - - -- I -- 2. -- I - - - -- I - - - -- I - - - -- I — I I -- -- I - - - -- I - - - -- I - - - -- V — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — I ---- — DRAWN BY > -- - - -- > -- > INP. 12" RCP SANITARY SEWER > - - - -- > - - - -- > — — — — > - - - -- - - -- > > — — — — — > - - - -- \> - - - -- > - - - -- > - - - -- > -- - -- > - - - -- > - - - -- I DESIGNED BY � - - - -- REVIEWED BY STORM MANHOLE " ISSUE DATE 8/29/13 \ f RIM= 960.98 INP. 36 RCP STORM SEWER INP. 21" RCP STORM SEWER L93�9a >> - - -- >> - - -,= » - - - -- >> - - - -- >> - - - -- >> - - - -- >> - - - -- >> -- -- >> - - - -- >> - - - -- » -- -- >> - - - -- >> -- \ INV - » - - - -- » - - - -- » - - - -- » - - - -- » - - - -- » - - - -- » CLIENT PROJECT NO. son manhole RIM = 961.24 INVERT= TITLE T I INP. CONCRETE SURFACE, TYP. (HATCH) EXISTING SITE & REMOVAL PLAN SHEET C1.11 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — ------------------------------------ (\ �� r o � k \ \ \\ �op12 R \N R1 CO T UCT CO NC ET LOAi1N OCK/ R G PAD (HATCH) (S)EE DETAIL) \< — C T T 1 S PIT B — I & E ET — r CONSTRUCT BOLLARD, TYP. ( SEE ARCH. ) CONSTRUCT PED. RAMP I R10.79' 4. (SEE DETAIL) I I 26 \ I , II /P OP, ED IG P LE R ,� + SEE C6A 5 I II II 17 14 CONSTRUCT; ruRN DOWN ; VERSION 5.0 PROTOTYPE CONCRETE ,WALK;'TYP. II (H TCH (S D -AIL RIGHT HAND ENTRY, SIDE DOCK I F &I: PARKING STRIPING, TYP. 179651 SQ.FT. INCLUDING CANOPY II I A_3 + CANOPY SQ.FT.:633 II II II CONSTRUCT B618 R4.5 REVERSE PITCH CURB & CONSTRU P ' . BUILDING S Q. FT.:17, 018 v I I T GUTTER, TYP. (SEE RAMP, TYP OF 2 j II i DETAIL) 10 (SEE DETAIL)' F.F.E.:963.50 I I� F &I: HANDICAP SIGN, TYP. OF 4. MOUNT OF II II II (� BUILDING (SEE DETAIL) I II I CONSTRUCT v I STANDARD 5' BITUMINOUS II IIII SURFACE, TYP. I I I I (SHDETAIL SEE I: P K a I II I ) R G P. I II I S D L CD 20' 24' 20' 20' 4 ' L< I I I II I II I I CONSTRUCT CONCRETE WALK, TYP. N U B V I (HATCH) (SEE DETAIL) ' CH CART CORRAL I _ I I o 0 0 I z I R4.5' + q_ 5' v R4.5' ®F I I o S C 6 C C E R � CONSTRUCT TURN/ DOW I ET ) S C / CONCRETE WALK,, A ' o M , : TYP RS � (HATCH) (SEE DETZ S V CONSTRUCT ALDI SIGN S D N L (SEE DETAIL) I I I I EXISTING 50' GAS PIPELINE EASEMENT 5 II — — — — - - -- — I j I + I 11 17 I 1 i ► I - I I - -G -- — G - -4 - -G - - - - -G - - - - -G - - - - -G — —G - - - - -G - - - - -G - - - - -G - - - - -G — — — — — G -T- I G - - - - -G -- I I --I-- II I I PROPOSED PARKING SETBACK, TYP. I I V I INP. 24" GAS LINE I V I L— _ dr0 I I - - - -- -- UTL - - -- -UTL - - - -- - - - -- - - -- - -- -UTL - -- — - -- -- 960 � ce GJ�e5�1� I -- UE - - -- UE - - - -- UE - - - -- UE - - - -- UE - - - -- UE - - - -- UE - - - -- UE - - - -- UE - - -- UE -- �oe��� V I I I r� 1) i I I I I I I I I I I I CONSTRUCT INFILTRATION BASIN (SEE DETAIL HWL = 961.00 MWL= 958.50 BASE = 957.00 I I 4LM PARKING IIQTQo TOTAL BUILDING AREA = 17,018 S.F. 1/200 PARKING G.F.A = 85 STALLS PARKING STALLS PROVIDED = 96 H.C. STALLS REQUIRED = 4 H.C. STALLS PROVIDED = 4 ANTICIPATED # EMPLOYEES = 14 UMF IJ E/_rVSEIJVIIEN7❑ SCHOOL BLVD. 12' CEDAR ST. 15' SIDE 12' REAR 12' SETBACK K DQTQo PROPOSED ZONING AREA: B -4: REGULAR BUSINESS DISTRICT BUILDING SETBACK: PARKING SETBACK: FRONT 0' 6' STREET SIDE 0' 6' SIDE 0' 6' REAR 0' 6' LOT AREA C ALC ULAT E-0 PROPOSED LOT AREA 87,169 SF (2.001 ACRES) 100% IMPERVIOUS AREA 64,819 SF (1.488 ACRES) 74.36% PERVIOUS AREA 22,350 SF (0.513 ACRES) 25.64% BUILDING AREA 17,018 SF F&1:15" HDPE APRON W /TRASH GUARD & 5 CY MnDOT CLASS 3 ON GEOTEXTILE FABRIC (SEE DETAIL) 1= 957.50 li 1 CONSTRUCT B618 REVERSE PITCH,/ I/ CURB & GUTTER, EE DETAI I .CD B.M. ELEVATION = 964.46 TOP NUT FIRE HYDRANT LOCATED 39' NORTH OF CENTERLINE SCHOOL BLVD, 495' EAST OF CEDAR STREET INTERSECTION. 0 20 40 Scale: R20' I I II 177 I CONSTRUCT I B618 CURB & GUTTER, TYP 4.78 (SEE DETAIL) R5.17'; -- I t -- — - - -- — — - - -- — -- — -- — —4 + + I + I —R 2,i I I I I 1 1 15 I I 1 I 1 I I 1+ I I -- -G - - -i Gi— `�_�_____�= = = = =G— --- G===== �_____�__� —_�__— I I I v VIL — — — — — VIL — — — — — VIL VIL `O GROUP One firm - start to finish's ARCHITECTS • ENGINEERS • PLANNERS - LAND SURVEYORS • SCIENTISTS Minnesota: Mankato • Faribault Iowa: Storm Lake •Algona •Sac City Wisconsin: La Crosse Web: www.is - grp.com 4201 Bagley Ave. N Faribault, MN 55021 Tel: 507/333 -9460 Fax: 507/333 -9485 I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS DOCUMENT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. Andrew T. Brandel DATE LIC. NO. 4707$ I I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS DOCUMENT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED ARCHITECT UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. / DATE LIC. NO. THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF I &S GROUP, INC. AND MAY NOT BE USED, COPIED OR DUPLICATED WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT. PROJECT ALD1, INC. RETAIL FACILITY MONTICELLO MINNESOTA -- — UTL — — — — — UTL - -- — Revision Schedule - UE - -- — UE - - - -- UE - - - -- UE - - - -- UE - - - -- UE - -- UE — — — — — UE — — — — — UE — — — — Mark Date Description V I _ I 1 I I BENCH MARK I I I I I SANITARY MANHOLE 1 RIM = 964.59 INVERT= INP. 12" DIP WATERMAIN - I I � INP. 12" RCP SANITARY SEWER I J 1 STORM MANHOLE INP. 21" RCP STORM SEWER f RIM= 9L600..98 a8 » » -- -- » - - -- >> - - - -- » - - - -- >> - - - -- >> - - - -- » - - - -- >> - - - -- » -- — >> - - - -- >> - - - -- » -- -- » - - - -- » -- INVFR = » - - - -- » - - - -- » - - - -- I I son manhole RI M=961.24 n STORM MANHOLE I INVERT= RIM = 964.22 n INVERT = 958.57 n I I I I � I I I � V I > - - - -- > - - - -- - - - -- > - - - -- > - - - -- > PROJECT NO. 12 -14980 FILE NAME 14980 SITE - -- » - - - -- » - - - -- » - - - -- >> - - - -- >> DRAWN BY INP. 36" RCP STORM SEWER DESIGNED BY REVIEWED BY ISSUE DATE 8/29/13 CLIENT PROJECT NO. TITLE SHEET SITE PLAN c2.11 LEGEND EXISTING PROPOSED — — >> — — STORM DRAIN >> — — > — — SANITARY SEWER > SANITARY SEWER II> FORCEMAIN — — I — — WATER — — UT — — UNDERGROUND UT TELEPHONE — — OE — — OVERHEAD ELECTRIC OE — — UE — — UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC UE — — UTV — — UNDERGROUND TV UTV -- G -- GAS G WET WETLAND — — W — — WATER SHORELINE — — x — — FENCE LINE X X —1015 CONTOURS 1015 (MAJOR) 1012 CONTOURS 1012 (MINOR) PROPERTY LINE B91.46 8 1ti• x ° SPOT ELEVATION 8 TOP OF CURB SPOT ELEVATION NOTE: CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD VERIFY THE LOCATIONS OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES. B.M. ELEVATION = 964.46 TOP NUT FIRE HYDRANT LOCATED 39' NORTH OF CENTERLINE SCHOOL BLVD, 495' EAST OF CEDAR STREET INTERSECTION. 0 20 40 Scale: R20' I I II 177 I CONSTRUCT I B618 CURB & GUTTER, TYP 4.78 (SEE DETAIL) R5.17'; -- I t -- — - - -- — — - - -- — -- — -- — —4 + + I + I —R 2,i I I I I 1 1 15 I I 1 I 1 I I 1+ I I -- -G - - -i Gi— `�_�_____�= = = = =G— --- G===== �_____�__� —_�__— I I I v VIL — — — — — VIL — — — — — VIL VIL `O GROUP One firm - start to finish's ARCHITECTS • ENGINEERS • PLANNERS - LAND SURVEYORS • SCIENTISTS Minnesota: Mankato • Faribault Iowa: Storm Lake •Algona •Sac City Wisconsin: La Crosse Web: www.is - grp.com 4201 Bagley Ave. N Faribault, MN 55021 Tel: 507/333 -9460 Fax: 507/333 -9485 I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS DOCUMENT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. Andrew T. Brandel DATE LIC. NO. 4707$ I I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS DOCUMENT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED ARCHITECT UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. / DATE LIC. NO. THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF I &S GROUP, INC. AND MAY NOT BE USED, COPIED OR DUPLICATED WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT. PROJECT ALD1, INC. RETAIL FACILITY MONTICELLO MINNESOTA -- — UTL — — — — — UTL - -- — Revision Schedule - UE - -- — UE - - - -- UE - - - -- UE - - - -- UE - - - -- UE - -- UE — — — — — UE — — — — — UE — — — — Mark Date Description V I _ I 1 I I BENCH MARK I I I I I SANITARY MANHOLE 1 RIM = 964.59 INVERT= INP. 12" DIP WATERMAIN - I I � INP. 12" RCP SANITARY SEWER I J 1 STORM MANHOLE INP. 21" RCP STORM SEWER f RIM= 9L600..98 a8 » » -- -- » - - -- >> - - - -- » - - - -- >> - - - -- >> - - - -- » - - - -- >> - - - -- » -- — >> - - - -- >> - - - -- » -- -- » - - - -- » -- INVFR = » - - - -- » - - - -- » - - - -- I I son manhole RI M=961.24 n STORM MANHOLE I INVERT= RIM = 964.22 n INVERT = 958.57 n I I I I � I I I � V I > - - - -- > - - - -- - - - -- > - - - -- > - - - -- > PROJECT NO. 12 -14980 FILE NAME 14980 SITE - -- » - - - -- » - - - -- » - - - -- >> - - - -- >> DRAWN BY INP. 36" RCP STORM SEWER DESIGNED BY REVIEWED BY ISSUE DATE 8/29/13 CLIENT PROJECT NO. TITLE SHEET SITE PLAN c2.11 I CAP INP. 6" WATER SERVICE 5' BEHIND CURB \\ -% TOP OF CASTING ELEV. PROPOSED - - >> - - STORM DRAIN 5' OUTSIDE BUILDING (CONNECTION - - > - - - > - - II> - - SANITARY SEWER II> PIPE OUTLET ELEV. F &I: 10" HDPE APRON W/TRASH GUARD 1= 958.50 CONNECT TO INP. 15" STORM (VERIFY DEPTH & LOCATION) PRppER� UNE, � � pRppOSE SEMEN'' - „ I p p Y\90- R= 962.94 I= 954.02 NW 11= 954.02 SE I R =962 27 1= 957.30 NE I 1= 952.60 I I I I I I 17 I I I I I I CONSTRUCT BLEEDER II I DRAINS, TYP. (SEE DETAIL) I II I I I v I I I II I 1 II I 1 II I I I v I 1 II 1 II I -------------------------------------- I -------------- - - - - -- I r CONSTRUCT 4" RETAINING WALL f f P -4A (10 ") SUBDRAIN, TYP. (SEE DETAIL) F &I: 4" LOADING DOCK SUBDRAIN YT �� (SEE DETAIL) , F &I: FIRE DEPARTMENT CONNECTION /crr Aonu \ R= 959.08 1= 955.14 SUMP = 954.64 (SEE DETAIL) ' VERSION 5.0 PROTOTYPE RIGHT HAND ENTRY, SIDE DOCK �� 179651 SQ.FT. INCLUDING CANOPY CANOPY SQ.FT.:633 ' BUILDING SQ.FT.:17,018 .. F.F.E.:963.50 9� I CONSTRUCT 6" SANITARY SERVICE TO -- F &I: EMERGENCY OVERFLOW W /TURF REINFORCEMENT MAT ELEVATION= 960.40 (SEE DETAIL) F &I: 12" PVC APRON W /TRASH GUARD & 4 CY MnDOT CLASS 3 RIPRAP ON GEOTEXTILE FABRIC (SEE DETAIL) 1= 959.00 P -5 (12 ") CONNECT TO ROOF DRAIN LEADER (SEE MECHANICAL) I I }- CONNECT SUBDRAIN TO A -6 (SEE DETAIL) I }- CONSTRUCT INFILTRATION BASIN (SEE DETAIL) HWL = 961.00 MWL= 958.50 BASE = 957.00 1 II I CAP INP. 6" WATER SERVICE 5' BEHIND CURB C.B. -% TOP OF CASTING ELEV. PROPOSED - - >> - - STORM DRAIN 5' OUTSIDE BUILDING (CONNECTION - - > - - SANITARY SEWER > - - II> - - SANITARY SEWER II> PIPE OUTLET ELEV. I APRON, RIPRAP I WATER 1 II I - - UT - - UNDERGROUND UT P -1 TELEPHONE - - - OE - - TO BUILDING BY MECHANICAL OE - - UE - - UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC UE - - UTV - - UNDERGROUND TV UTV - - G - - GAS G WET I II II CAP INP. 6 SANITARY SERVICE 5 BEHIND CURB - - W - - WATER SHORELINE - - - X -- CD X X CONTRACTOR) 1= 948.54 CONTOURS 1015 - (MAJOR) - 1012 CONTOURS 1012 - PROPOSED ELECTRIC, GAS, & TELEPHONE SERVICES P -2 - PROPERTY LINE - - - 91 ,46 x ° SPOT ELEVATION v - 0 - $ - , a r- P -213 SPOT ELEVATION 45 NOTE: CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD VERIFY THE LOCATIONS OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES. - - 1.00% 958.59 PVC - - (COORDINATE W /UTILITY COMPANY FOR CONNECT, - I I� 959.04 v P -2C I I 45 - - I - - 1.00% 958.59 PVC - A -3 1 2.83 I 959.02 I I LOCATIONS, & REQUIREMENTS) P -3 A -2 -- _ - < - - - < - I - - 100 I I 0.40% 958.62 - - - A-4 2 9.67 962.27 952.60 C -2 INP. I F &1: 15" HDPE APRON W/TRASH GUARD & - 1 - - - II I II I - - A - II II II - F &I: 5'x6 "07.00% SDR -35 F &I: CLEANOUT _ R= 962.78 1= 948.19 (SEE DETAIL) 1 2 8.92 962.94 954.02 C -2 P -4 f - I I I - I 5 CY MnDOT CLASS 3 ON GEOTEXTILE I I FABRIC (SEE DETAIL) 1= 957.50 I I 142 I I 952.60 HDPE TC -962 51 - - - - 958.50 - P-4A A -5 - - 24 - - 5.00% 957.30 0 20 40 ............................ .................. . . . M iii Scale: B.M. ELEVATION = 964.46 TOP NUT FIRE HYDRANT LOCATED 39' NORTH OF CENTERLINE SCHOOL BLVD, 495' EAST OF CEDAR STREET INTERSECTION. F &I: CURB STOP (SEE DETAIL) U UE UE UE ua 1= 958.62 II CONSTRUCT 1-1/2" WATER SERVICE TO 5 I I G_ G_ G G L_ I CART CORRAL I I I OUTSIDE BUILDING "CONNECTION TO BUILDING 1 - - I c F I- 7 BY MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR) 1 I I I I UE UE UE uE E UE UE I I CONSTRUCT 6" FIRE SPRINKLER SERVICE TO I J I I + v I I 5' OUTSIDE BUILDING (CONNECTION TO I G G G G G I I I I >> P -2A (8 „) v BUILDING BY MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR) F &I: 46'x6 "07.00% SDR -35 in F &I: TRANSFORMER (COORDINATE W /UTILITY COMPANY) P_2 (15 ") I I I I " >- I F &I: 45'x6" BEND 8 WYE CONNECTION TO ROOF DRAIN 958.41 >> CONSTRUCT 6" WATER I I I II LEADER 1= 958.59 (SEE DETAIL) „ - »- r SERVICE, TYP. I I I P -1 (15 ") CONNECT TO INP. WATER STUB F &I: 45'x6 >> I I I I I BEND (VERIFY DEPTH &LOCATION) TC= 960.90 I I I I I >> I I 1= 957.74 --- - - - -- - - - -- -- - - - -- - - -- �- -- - ----- r----- -� - -�- - -- - T - -I -- I- I- I I I I I I I ► CONNECT TO EXISTING SANITARY STUB MAINTAIN 18" VERTICAL 11 (VERIFY DEPTH & LOCATION) I SEPARATION I I I 1 I I I V I 17 F &I: CLEANOUT R= 961.72 1= 945.00 I V I I I I V I I J, I I I I I I I I - I 1 I I I I I - -G - - - G --- G----- G----- G- - - - -G- - G - - - - - G - - - - - G - - - - - G---- - G - - - - -G I I I I 1 I- -I - -G - - - - -G - - - -G - - -r G -{- -`L= == ___� - - - -- PROPOSED PARKING SETBACK, TYP. I I I I I I V I I V I I I V I L- I I II \\ •�. � I I - - - -- I G - -i Ii-- - G GROUP One firm - start to finish's ARCHITECTS • ENGINEERS • PLANNERS - LAND SURVEYORS • SCIENTISTS Minnesota: Mankato • Faribault Iowa: Storm Lake • Algona • Sac City Wisconsin: La Crosse Web: www.is - grp.com 4201 Bagley Ave. N Faribault, MN 55021 Tel: 507/333 -9460 Fax: 507/333 -9485 I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS DOCUMENT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. Andrew T. Brandel DATE LIC. NO. 47078 I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS DOCUMENT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED ARCHITECT UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. DATE LIC. NO. THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF I &S GROUP, INC. AND MAY NOT BE USED, COPIED OR DUPLICATED WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT. PROJECT ALD1, INC. RETAIL FACILITY MONTICELLO \UTL - - -- -UTL - - - -- - - - -- -- 1 L - - - -- U I L - - - -- -- - - - -- L - - - - -U - -- - - - - -- - - -- - -- -UTL - - - -- - -- �� �,� UT TL 960 O• -- UE - - -- UE - - - -- UE - - - -- UE - - - -- UE - -- UE - - -- --i- UE - - - -- UE - - - -- UE - - -- Mark Date v I - I SANITARY MANHOLE I \ INVER 64.59 I \ vI - - - -- I - - - -- I - - - -- I - - - -- I - - - -- I - - - -- I - - - -- I - - - -- I - - - -- I - - - -- I - - - -- I - - - -- I - - - -- I - -v - I -- -- I - - -- I - - - -- I - - - -- I - - - -- I I I STORM DRAIN SCHEDULE LEGEND C.B. EXISTING TOP OF CASTING ELEV. PROPOSED - - >> - - STORM DRAIN >> - - > - - SANITARY SEWER > - - II> - - SANITARY SEWER II> PIPE OUTLET ELEV. FORCEMAIN APRON, RIPRAP - - I - - WATER 3.16 - - UT - - UNDERGROUND UT P -1 TELEPHONE - - - OE - - OVERHEAD ELECTRIC OE - - UE - - UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC UE - - UTV - - UNDERGROUND TV UTV - - G - - GAS G WET WETLAND P -2 - - W - - WATER SHORELINE - - - X -- FENCE LINE X X 1015 CONTOURS 1015 - (MAJOR) - 1012 CONTOURS 1012 - (MINOR) P -2 - PROPERTY LINE - - - 91 ,46 x ° SPOT ELEVATION - - $ - TOP OF CURB - P -213 SPOT ELEVATION 45 NOTE: CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD VERIFY THE LOCATIONS OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES. - - 1.00% 958.59 F &I: CURB STOP (SEE DETAIL) U UE UE UE ua 1= 958.62 II CONSTRUCT 1-1/2" WATER SERVICE TO 5 I I G_ G_ G G L_ I CART CORRAL I I I OUTSIDE BUILDING "CONNECTION TO BUILDING 1 - - I c F I- 7 BY MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR) 1 I I I I UE UE UE uE E UE UE I I CONSTRUCT 6" FIRE SPRINKLER SERVICE TO I J I I + v I I 5' OUTSIDE BUILDING (CONNECTION TO I G G G G G I I I I >> P -2A (8 „) v BUILDING BY MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR) F &I: 46'x6 "07.00% SDR -35 in F &I: TRANSFORMER (COORDINATE W /UTILITY COMPANY) P_2 (15 ") I I I I " >- I F &I: 45'x6" BEND 8 WYE CONNECTION TO ROOF DRAIN 958.41 >> CONSTRUCT 6" WATER I I I II LEADER 1= 958.59 (SEE DETAIL) „ - »- r SERVICE, TYP. I I I P -1 (15 ") CONNECT TO INP. WATER STUB F &I: 45'x6 >> I I I I I BEND (VERIFY DEPTH &LOCATION) TC= 960.90 I I I I I >> I I 1= 957.74 --- - - - -- - - - -- -- - - - -- - - -- �- -- - ----- r----- -� - -�- - -- - T - -I -- I- I- I I I I I I I ► CONNECT TO EXISTING SANITARY STUB MAINTAIN 18" VERTICAL 11 (VERIFY DEPTH & LOCATION) I SEPARATION I I I 1 I I I V I 17 F &I: CLEANOUT R= 961.72 1= 945.00 I V I I I I V I I J, I I I I I I I I - I 1 I I I I I - -G - - - G --- G----- G----- G- - - - -G- - G - - - - - G - - - - - G - - - - - G---- - G - - - - -G I I I I 1 I- -I - -G - - - - -G - - - -G - - -r G -{- -`L= == ___� - - - -- PROPOSED PARKING SETBACK, TYP. I I I I I I V I I V I I I V I L- I I II \\ •�. � I I - - - -- I G - -i Ii-- - G GROUP One firm - start to finish's ARCHITECTS • ENGINEERS • PLANNERS - LAND SURVEYORS • SCIENTISTS Minnesota: Mankato • Faribault Iowa: Storm Lake • Algona • Sac City Wisconsin: La Crosse Web: www.is - grp.com 4201 Bagley Ave. N Faribault, MN 55021 Tel: 507/333 -9460 Fax: 507/333 -9485 I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS DOCUMENT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. Andrew T. Brandel DATE LIC. NO. 47078 I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS DOCUMENT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED ARCHITECT UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. DATE LIC. NO. THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF I &S GROUP, INC. AND MAY NOT BE USED, COPIED OR DUPLICATED WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT. PROJECT ALD1, INC. RETAIL FACILITY MONTICELLO \UTL - - -- -UTL - - - -- - - - -- -- 1 L - - - -- U I L - - - -- -- - - - -- L - - - - -U - -- - - - - -- - - -- - -- -UTL - - - -- - -- �� �,� UT TL 960 O• -- UE - - -- UE - - - -- UE - - - -- UE - - - -- UE - -- UE - - -- --i- UE - - - -- UE - - - -- UE - - -- Mark Date v I - I SANITARY MANHOLE I \ INVER 64.59 I \ vI - - - -- I - - - -- I - - - -- I - - - -- I - - - -- I - - - -- I - - - -- I - - - -- I - - - -- I - - - -- I - - - -- I - - - -- I - - - -- I - -v - I -- -- I - - -- I - - - -- I - - - -- I - - - -- I I I STORM DRAIN SCHEDULE STRUC. NO. C.B. PAY HT. LN. FT. TOP OF CASTING ELEV. OUTLET ELEV. CASTING TYPE PIPE NO. DRAIN TO 6" 8" 10" 12" 15" PIPE GRADE PIPE OUTLET ELEV. PIPE MATERIAL APRON, RIPRAP A -1 1 3.16 960.90 957.74 C -1 P -1 APRON - - - - 60 0.40% 957.50 HDPE 15" HDPE APRON, 5 CY RIPRAP A -2 1 3.89 962.51 958.62 C -1 P -2 A -1 - - - - 221 0.40% 957.74 HDPE - - - - - 958.59 - P -2A P -2 - 18 - - - 1.00% 958.41 PVC - - - - 959.04 - P -213 P -2A 45 - - - - 1.00% 958.59 PVC - - - - - 959.04 - P -2C P -2A 45 - - I - - 1.00% 958.59 PVC - A -3 1 2.83 961.85 959.02 C -1 P -3 A -2 - - - 100 - 0.40% 958.62 HDPE - A-4 2 9.67 962.27 952.60 C -2 INP. - - - - - - - - - A -5 1 2 8.92 962.94 954.02 C -2 P -4 A -4 - - - 142 1.00% 952.60 HDPE - - - - - 958.50 - P-4A A -5 - - 24 - - 5.00% 957.30 HDPE 10" HDPE APRON A -6 3 4.44 959.08 954.64 ** C -3 P-4B A -5 - - - 112 - 1.00% 954.02 HDPE - - I - I - I - 1 959.15 - P -5 APRON - - - 15 - 1.00% 959.00 HDPE 12" HDPE APRON, 4 CY RIPRAP I TOTALS I 32.91 I 190 118 124 1 227 1 423 I *NOTE TOP OF CASTING ELEVATIONS ON CURB STYLE CATCH BASINS REFERS TO TOP OF CURB NOT GUTTER OR FLOWLINE. ** SUMP ELEVATION > - -� - -- > - - -- J \> - - - -- > - - - -- > - - - -- > - - - -- > - - - \ STORM MANHOLE f RIM= 960.98 >> -- -- >> - - - -- >> -- INVFRL= 93Sz98» - - - -- >> - - - -- >> - - - -- >> son manhole RIM = 961.24 INVERT= CASTING TYPES LENGTH STRUCTURE TYPES (FT) 1 TYPE 1 CATCH BASIN 9.88 2 MnDOT 4020 -48" 18.59 1 3 FT SQUARE CONCRETE CATCH 3 4.44 BASIN CASTING TYPES NO. C -1 NEENAH R- 3067 -VB 3 C -2 NEENAH R -1733 VW /SOLID COVER VV / "STORM SEVVER" STAMPED 2 C -3 NEENAH R- 321 0 -Q 1 BENCH MARK -/ MINNESOTA 1 Revision Schedule Description - -- - - - -�- I - -i- I - - - -- I - - - -- I - - - -- I I > - - - -- > - - - -- - - - -- > - - - -- > - - - -- > PROJECT NO. 12 -14980 FILE NAME 14980 SITE - - -- >> - - - -- >> - - - -- >> - - - -- >> - - - -- >> DRAWN BY DESIGNED BY REVIEWED BY ISSUE DATE 8/29/13 CLIENT PROJECT NO. TITLE SITE UTILITY PLAN SHEET c2.12 17 14 5 7 1517 10 VERSION 5.0 PROTOTYPE RIGHT HAND ENTRY, SIDE DOCK 17,651 SQ.FT. INCLUDING CANOPY CANOPY SQ.FT.:633 BUILDING SQ.FT.:17,018 F.F.E.:963.50 CA R T C O R R A L CART CORRAL THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF I&S GROUP, INC. AND MAY NOT BE USED, COPIED OR DUPLICATED WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT. PROJECT PROJECT NO. FILE NAME DESIGNED BY DRAWN BY TITLE ISSUE DATE CLIENT PROJECT NO. SHEET 14980 GRADE REVIEWED BY Mark Date Description Revision Schedule C3.11 LEGEND EXISTING PROPOSED B.M. ELEVATION=964.46 4201 Bagley Ave. N Faribault, MN 55021 Tel: 507/333-9460 Fax: 507/333-9485 ALDI, INC. RETAIL FACILITY MONTICELLO MINNESOTA I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS DOCUMENT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. KEY PLAN LIC. NO.DATE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS DOCUMENT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED ARCHITECT UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. LIC. NO.DATE Andrew T. Brandel 47078 8/29/13 12-14980 SITE GRADING & SPOT ELEVATION PLAN BENCH MARK LEGEND EXISTING PROPOSED B.M. ELEVATION=964.46 THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF I&S GROUP, INC. AND MAY NOT BE USED, COPIED OR DUPLICATED WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT. PROJECT PROJECT NO. FILE NAME DESIGNED BY DRAWN BY TITLE ISSUE DATE CLIENT PROJECT NO. SHEET 14980 SWPPP PLAN REVIEWED BY Mark Date Description Revision Schedule KBR 12-14980 C4.11 4201 Bagley Ave. N Faribault, MN 55021 Tel: 507/333-9460 Fax: 507/333-9485 ALDI, INC. RETAIL FACILITY MONTICELLO MINNESOTA I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS DOCUMENT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. KEY PLAN LIC. NO.DATE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS DOCUMENT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED ARCHITECT UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. LIC. NO.DATE Andrew T. Brandel 47078 8/29/13 12-14980 EXISTING STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP) LEGEND EXISTING PROPOSED B.M. ELEVATION=964.46 THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF I&S GROUP, INC. AND MAY NOT BE USED, COPIED OR DUPLICATED WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT. PROJECT PROJECT NO. FILE NAME DESIGNED BY DRAWN BY TITLE ISSUE DATE CLIENT PROJECT NO. SHEET 14980 SWPPP PLAN REVIEWED BY Mark Date Description Revision Schedule KBR 12-14980 C4.12 SWPPP LEGEND 4201 Bagley Ave. N Faribault, MN 55021 Tel: 507/333-9460 Fax: 507/333-9485 ALDI, INC. RETAIL FACILITY MONTICELLO MINNESOTA I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS DOCUMENT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. KEY PLAN LIC. NO.DATE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS DOCUMENT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED ARCHITECT UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. LIC. NO.DATE Andrew T. Brandel 47078 8/29/13 12-14980 PROPOSED STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP) BENCH MARK NOTE: SEED ALL DISTURBED AREAS THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF I&S GROUP, INC. AND MAY NOT BE USED, COPIED OR DUPLICATED WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT. PROJECT PROJECT NO. FILE NAME DESIGNED BY DRAWN BY TITLE ISSUE DATE CLIENT PROJECT NO. SHEET 14980 SWPPP PLAN REVIEWED BY Mark Date Description Revision Schedule KBR 12-14980 C4.13 4201 Bagley Ave. N Faribault, MN 55021 Tel: 507/333-9460 Fax: 507/333-9485 ALDI, INC. RETAIL FACILITY MONTICELLO MINNESOTA I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS DOCUMENT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. KEY PLAN LIC. NO.DATE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS DOCUMENT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED ARCHITECT UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. LIC. NO.DATE Andrew T. Brandel 47078 8/29/13 12-14980 N.T.S. N.T.S. PROFILE VIEW PLAN VIEW N.T.S. NOTES: N.T.S. ROUND CB INLET CURB STYLE CB INLET N.T.S. STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP) THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF I&S GROUP, INC. AND MAY NOT BE USED, COPIED OR DUPLICATED WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT. PROJECT PROJECT NO. FILE NAME DESIGNED BY DRAWN BY TITLE ISSUE DATE CLIENT PROJECT NO. SHEET 14980 DETAILS REVIEWED BY Mark Date Description Revision Schedule DEH C5.11 4201 Bagley Ave. N Faribault, MN 55021 Tel: 507/333-9460 Fax: 507/333-9485 ALDI, INC. RETAIL FACILITY MONTICELLO MINNESOTA I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS DOCUMENT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. KEY PLAN LIC. NO.DATE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS DOCUMENT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED ARCHITECT UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. LIC. NO.DATE Andrew T. Brandel 47078 8/29/13 12-14980 SITE DETAILS N.T.S. STORE ENTRANCE DETAIL 3 3/4"3 3/4" 1'-2 1/2"6"1'-4"2'-4 1/2"1'-1 1/2"6"1'-3"6"1'-2 1/4"6"1'-3 1/2" 5 3/4" 3 3/4" 5 3/4" 1'-2 1/2" 5 7/8" 1'-4 3/8" 3 3/4" 3 1/2" 3 3/4" 3 3/4" 6 3/4" 1'-2"5 1/2"4" 1 3/4" 5 1/2"4 1/2" 3 3/4" 3 3/4"3 3/4"1'-4 1/2" 7 1/2"3 3/4" N.T.S. N.T.S.N.T.S. N.T.S. N.T.S.N.T.S. N.T.S. N.T.S. N.T.S. THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF I&S GROUP, INC. AND MAY NOT BE USED, COPIED OR DUPLICATED WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT. PROJECT PROJECT NO. FILE NAME DESIGNED BY DRAWN BY TITLE ISSUE DATE CLIENT PROJECT NO. SHEET 14980 DETAILS REVIEWED BY Mark Date Description Revision Schedule DEH C5.12 4201 Bagley Ave. N Faribault, MN 55021 Tel: 507/333-9460 Fax: 507/333-9485 ALDI, INC. RETAIL FACILITY MONTICELLO MINNESOTA I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS DOCUMENT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. KEY PLAN LIC. NO.DATE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS DOCUMENT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED ARCHITECT UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. LIC. NO.DATE Andrew T. Brandel 47078 8/29/13 12-14980 SITE DETAILS DETAIL FOR SANITARY SEWER AND WATERMAIN PIPE BEDDING NON-CONCRETE STORM DRAIN PIPE BEDDING TRENCH WIDTH SANITARY SERVICE DETAILS PLAN VIEW N.T.S. N.T.S. TYPE 1 CATCH BASIN N.T.S. CLEAN OUT N.T.S. THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF I&S GROUP, INC. AND MAY NOT BE USED, COPIED OR DUPLICATED WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT. PROJECT PROJECT NO. FILE NAME DESIGNED BY DRAWN BY TITLE ISSUE DATE CLIENT PROJECT NO. SHEET 14980 DETAILS REVIEWED BY Mark Date Description Revision Schedule DEH C5.13 4201 Bagley Ave. N Faribault, MN 55021 Tel: 507/333-9460 Fax: 507/333-9485 ALDI, INC. RETAIL FACILITY MONTICELLO MINNESOTA I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS DOCUMENT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. KEY PLAN LIC. NO.DATE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS DOCUMENT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED ARCHITECT UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. LIC. NO.DATE Andrew T. Brandel 47078 8/29/13 12-14980 SITE DETAILS & SPECIFICATIONS 'A'-'A' 'A''A' SECTION A-A A A N.T.S. MAINTAINED WATER LEVEL=958.50 HIGH WATER LEVEL=960.79 BOTTOM BASIN = 957.00 N.T.S. 3:1 VERSION 5.0 PROTOTYPE RIGHT HAND ENTRY, SIDE DOCK 17,651 SQ.FT. INCLUDING CANOPY CANOPY SQ.FT.:633 BUILDING SQ.FT.:17,018 F.F.E.:963.50 CA R T C O R R A L CART CORRAL THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF I&S GROUP, INC. AND MAY NOT BE USED, COPIED OR DUPLICATED WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT. PROJECT PROJECT NO. FILE NAME DESIGNED BY DRAWN BY TITLE ISSUE DATE CLIENT PROJECT NO. SHEET 14980 SITE LIGHTING REVIEWED BY Mark Date Description Revision Schedule KDM KDM C6.11 4201 Bagley Ave. N Faribault, MN 55021 Tel: 507/333-9460 Fax: 507/333-9485 ALDI, INC. RETAIL FACILITY MONTICELLO MINNESOTA I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS DOCUMENT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. KEY PLAN LIC. NO.DATE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS DOCUMENT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED ARCHITECT UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. LIC. NO.DATE Andrew T. Brandel 47078 8/29/13 12-14980 SITE LIGHTING PLAN N.T.S.1 MANUFACTURER/MODEL NUMBER LIGHT FIXTURE SCHEDULE STYLETYPE LAMPS REMARKS Provide light fixtures as shown on Fixture Schedule. Substitutions shall have prior approval by the Project Engineer before bid date. Being listed as an acceptable Manufacturer in no way relieves the Contractors obligation to provide all equipment and features in accordance with these specifications. FOOTCANDLE LEGEND VERSION 5.0 PROTOTYPE RIGHT HAND ENTRY, SIDE DOCK 17,651 SQ.FT. INCLUDING CANOPY CANOPY SQ.FT.:633 BUILDING SQ.FT.:17,018 F.F.E.:963.50 CA R T C O R R A L CART CORRAL 4201 Bagley Ave. N Faribault, MN 55021 Tel: 507/333-9460 Fax: 507/333-9485 ALDI, INC. RETAIL FACILITY MONTICELLO MINNESOTA I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS DOCUMENT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. KEY PLAN LIC. NO.DATE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS DOCUMENT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED ARCHITECT UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. LIC. NO.DATE Andrew T. Brandel 47078 8/29/13 12-14980 LANDSCAPE PLAN THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF I&S GROUP, INC. AND MAY NOT BE USED, COPIED OR DUPLICATED WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT. PROJECT PROJECT NO. FILE NAME DESIGNED BY DRAWN BY TITLE ISSUE DATE CLIENT PROJECT NO. SHEET 14980 LBASE REVIEWED BY Mark Date Description Revision Schedule L1.11 LANDSCAPE NOTES & DETAILS THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF I&S GROUP, INC. AND MAY NOT BE USED, COPIED OR DUPLICATED WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT. PROJECT PROJECT NO. FILE NAME DESIGNED BY DRAWN BY TITLE ISSUE DATE CLIENT PROJECT NO. SHEET 14980 LBASE REVIEWED BY Mark Date Description Revision Schedule L2.11 4201 Bagley Ave. N Faribault, MN 55021 Tel: 507/333-9460 Fax: 507/333-9485 ALDI, INC. RETAIL FACILITY MONTICELLO MINNESOTA I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS DOCUMENT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. KEY PLAN LIC. NO.DATE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS DOCUMENT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED ARCHITECT UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. LIC. NO.DATE Andrew T. Brandel 47078 8/29/13 12-14980 TA P E R E D I N S U L A T I O N DN AT P I L A S T E R B E Y O N D , P R O V I D E OP E N I N G I N M A S O N R Y T O A L L O W FO R N E W L I G H T G A U G E ' C ' J O I S T TO P E N E T R A T E F O R A N C H O R I N G TO C O L U M N . P R O V I D E F L A S H I N G @ R O O F A N D C A N O P Y C E I L I N G , TY P A T C A N O P Y P I L A S T E R S DN DN DN DN TA P E R E D IN S U L A T I O N SLOPED STRUCTURE OUTLINE OF COOLER (BELOW) OU T L I N E O F F R E E Z E R ( B E L O W ) OUTLINE OF HUSSMANN MULTI-DECK (BELOW) WA L K W A Y P A D S RO O F H A T C H w / S A F E T Y RA I L S - C O O R D . W / R O O F ST R U C T U R E A N D L A D D E R PL A C E M E N T B E L O W PR O T O C O L U N I T CO N D E N S E R DN B2 A5 0 1 A2 A5 0 1 B3 A5 0 1 D3 A5 0 3 LI N E O F E X T E R I O R BL D G . F A C E ( T Y P . ) 36 ' - 0 " V . I . F . 51' - 9 " V . I . F . 12 ' - 0 " V . I . F . SLOPED STRUCTURE B3 A5 0 1 17'-6" V.I.F. 35'-11" V.I.F. 6'-4 3/4" SI M . OP P . HA N D A2 A5 0 1 35'-7 3/8" 17 ' - 9 " 2" D I A . R G S CO N D U I T - S E E E L E C EX H A U S T V E N T S - S E E ME C H D W G S . UN I T H E A T E R F L U E - SE E M E C H D W G S . UNIT HEATER FLUE -SEE MECH DWGS. A1 A5 0 3 A1 A5 0 3 RO O F H Y D R A N T - S E E PL U M B I N G D R A W I N G S CR I C K E T DN DN 65 ' - 5 " V . I . F . 85'-1" V.I.F. RT U - 1 RT U - 2 CR I C K E T EX H A U S T V E N T - SE E M E C H D W G S . "P A T E " P I P E C U R B P C A - 2 WI T H P C C - 5 C A P B Y G C - SE E D E T A I L D 1 / A 5 0 1 GR A Y R O O F M E M B R A N E AT B A C K O F R A I S E D PA R A P E T S - S E E S P E C GR A Y R O O F M E M B R A N E AT B A C K O F R A I S E D PA R A P E T S - S E E S P E C NOTE:1.ROOFTOP EQUIPMENT , SCUPPER AND ROOF DRAIN LOCATIONDIMENSIONS REFER TO EXTERIOR FACE OF BUILDING WALL @FINISHED FLOOR.2.ROOF SYSTEM PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTSA.ACCELERATED WEATHERING: ROOFING SYSTEM SHALLWITHSTAND 2000 HOURS OF EXPOSURE WHEN TESTED$&&25',1*72$670¬*¬$670¬*¬25$670¬*¬B.IMPACT RESISTANCE: ROOFING SYSTEM SHALL RESIST IMPACTDAMAGE WHEN TESTED ACCORDING TO $670¬'¬ OR$670¬'¬C.ROOFING SYSTEM DESIGN: TESTED BY A QUALIFIED TESTINGAGENCY TO RESIST THE FOLLOWING UPLIFT PRESSURES:1.1.CORNER UPLIFT PRESSURE: 72.2T LBF/SQ. FT.1.2.PERIMETER UPLIFT PRESSURE: 47 LB/SQ. FT.1.3.FIELD-OF-ROOF UPLIFT PRESSURE: 37.6 LBF/SQ. FT.1.4.FIRE-RESISTANCE RATINGS: COMPLY WITHFIRE-RESISTANCE-RATED ASSEMBLY DESIGNS INDICATED.IDENTIFY PRODUCTS WITH APPROPRIATE MARKINGS OFAPPLICABLE TESTING AGENCY.27'-8"33'- 4 " 33 ' - 4 " 29 ' - 2 " 33 ' - 4 " 30'-0"SLOPE1/4" PER FT. SL O P E 1/ 4 " P E R F T . SLOPE1/4" PER FT. SL O P E 1/ 4 " P E R F T . SL O P E 1/ 4 " P E R F T . SL O P E 1/ 4 " P E R F T . SL O P E 1/ 4 " P E R F T . SL O P E 1/ 4 " P E R F T . RO O F D R A I N ȭ D I M S 31 ' - 4 " SC U P P E R ȭ D I M S 37 ' - 6 " 33 ' - 4 " 33 ' - 8 " SLOPEDSTRUCTURE D2 A5 0 2 RD 2'-11 1/2" TYP. TY P I C A L S C U P P E R - C O O R D . LO C A T I O N S W I T H T A P E R E D IN S U L A T I O N RD RD RDPARAPETS E X C L U D E D ) SQ U A R E F E E T MAIN RO O F A R E A 16 , 5 5 6 CANOPY R O O F A R E A 63 3 TOTAL RO O F A R E A 17 , 1 8 9 RO U T E C A N O P Y R O O F D R A I N (D S ) P I P I N G T O P I L A S T E R , T H E N DO W N I N S I D E P I L A S T E R & T I E IN T O S T O R M ( T Y P O F 2 ) DSRD DS RD PO S T M O U N T E D EQ U I P M E N T S C R E E N - S E E SP E C I F I C A T I O N S E C T I O N 10 2 4 0 0 A N D S T R U C T U R A L DR A W I N G S - P A I N T A L L EX P O S E D S T E E L P T - 1 0 / C L - 5 8'-0"8'-0" 10 ' - 0 " 10 ' - 0 " 47'-9" V I F  “ UN I T M O U N T E D EQ U I P M E N T S C R E E N - S E E S P E C I F I C A T I O N SE C T I O N 1 0 2 4 0 0 UN I T M O U N T E D EQ U I P M E N T S C R E E N - S E E S P E C I F I C A T I O N SE C T I O N 1 0 2 4 0 0 Dr a w i n g N o . Sc a l e : Pr o j e c t N o . Ty p e : Da t e : Dr a w n B y : Da t e : A Is s u e d : Pr o j e c t N a m e & L o c a t i o n : Dr a w i n g N a m e : PR O J E C T A R C H I T E C T / E N G I N E E R DA T E PR O J E C T L E A D DA T E Se a l Se a l DA T E PR O J E C T D E S I G N E R BCD1234 Da t e : Re v i s i o n s : 5 45 Is s u e d f o r U s e / R e f e r e n c e 08 / 2 7 / 1 3 In c . DO N O T S C A L E P L A N S Co p y i n g , P r i n t i n g , S o f t w a r e a n d o t h e r p r o c e s s e s r e q u i r e d t o p r o d u c e th e s e p r i n t s c a n s t r e t c h o r s h r i n k t h e a c t u a l p a p e r o r l a y o u t . Th e r e f o r e , s c a l i n g o f t h i s d r a w i n g m a y b e i n a c c u r a t e . C o n t a c t A P D En g i n e e r i n g w i t h a n y n e e d f o r a d d i t i o n a l d i m e n s i o n s o r c l a r i f i c a t i o n s . 58 5 . 7 4 2 . 2 2 2 2 58 5 . 9 2 4 . 4 9 1 4 . f a x 61 5 F i s h e r s R u n Vi c t o r , N Y 1 4 5 6 4 61 5 F i s h e r s R u n Vi c t o r , N Y 1 4 5 6 4 58 5 . 7 4 2 . 2 2 2 2 58 5 . 9 2 4 . 4 9 1 4 . f a x Dr a w i n g A l t e r a t i o n It i s a v i o l a t i o n o f l a w f o r a n y p e r s o n , u n l e s s a c t i n g u n d e r t h e di r e c t i o n o f l i c e n s e d A r c h i t e c t , P r o f e s s i o n a l E n g i n e e r , L a n d s c a p e Ar c h i t e c t , o r L a n d S u r v e y o r t o a l t e r a n y i t e m o n t h i s d o c u m e n t i n an y w a y . A n y l i c e n s e e w h o a l t e r s t h i s d o c u m e n t i s r e q u i r e d b y l a w to a f f i x h i s o r h e r s e a l a n d t o a d d t h e n o t a t i o n " A l t e r e d B y " f o l l o w e d by h i s o r h e r s i g n a t u r e a n d t h e s p e c i f i c d e s c r i p t i o n o f t h e a l t e r a t i o n or r e v i s i o n . AP D E n g i n e e r i n g & A r c h i t e c t u r e , P L L C ww w . a p d . c o m C AP D E n g i n e e r i n g & Ar c h i t e c t u r e , P L L C ww w . a p d . c o m Co p y r i g h t 2 0 1 3 PLOTTED: 8/27/2013 3:16 PM 13 - 0 2 4 5 AL D I I n c . Mo n t i c e l l o , M N Sc h o o l B l v d & C e d a r S t Mo n t i c e l o , M N 5 5 3 6 2 Wr i g h t 08 / 2 7 / 1 3 RH S D - V 5 As N o t e d Ro o f P l a n BT G A- 1 2 1 1Roof PlanSCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0"PLANNORTH 44 ' - 0 "     “ 33 ' - 0 " 6' - 6 3 / 4 "     “ 3' - 0 " 12 ' - 0 " 95 ' - 0 " Mc C U E SE C U R I T Y R A I L TU B E S T E E L SP O T M E R C H A N D I S E R S 27'-0" GONDOLA 44'-11" CLEAR WA T E R & FI R E R I S E R HU B D R A I N CH E C K L A N E 55'-6" BA L E R CO A T CL O S E T RE F . EL E C T R I C S W I T C H G E A R & B O L L A R D S DR I N K I N G FO U N T A I N S 17 D O O R F R E E Z E R 19 ' - 0 " x 46 ' - 0 " 15 DOOR COOL E R 24'-0" x 54'-8" TR A S H C A N 6" D I A . C O V E R E D S T E E L PI P E B O L L A R D ( T Y P . O F 7 ) MEATCOOLER 46 ' - 0 " 19'-0" 11 1/2" TYP. EXTERIOR WALL THICKNESS 8'-6" HUB DRAIN 3'-0"7'-10"7'-0"7'-6"7'-0"7'-6"8'-0"7'-6 1/2"6'-11"10'-2 7/8" 3' - 0 " 3' - 0 " 11 ' - 7 " LO C K E R S 10'-0" FL O O R DR A I N PR O T O C O L U N I T Mc C U E G U A R D R A I L 6'-0"4'-6" 9'-6"5'-0"4'-6" 10 ' - 5 " 54 ' - 8 " 24'-0" 11'-4"7'-11"2'-0"6'-0"HUBDRAIN6'-6"CLEAR TU B E S T E E L BA C K RO O M 11 0 WO M E N S 10 4 BR E A K RO O M 10 7 OF F I C E 10 8 HA L L 10 5 ME N S 10 6 UT I L I T Y AR E A 10 9 SA L E S 10 3 EN T R Y 10 1 EX I T 10 2 8'-0"10'-2 3/8" 6'-7 1/4" 5'-9 1/4" CLEAR TH I S D R A W I N G I S F O R G E N E R A L FI X T U R I N G L A Y O U T A N D RE F E R E N C E T O E Q U I P M E N T ON L Y . A L L I N F O R M A T I O N I S F O R AL D I O P E R A T I O N A L U S E O N L Y AN D S H A L L N O T B E U S E D F O R CO N S T R U C T I O N O R B I D D I N G PU R P O S E S . TH I S D R A W I N G I S F O R G E N E R A L FI X T U R I N G L A Y O U T A N D RE F E R E N C E T O E Q U I P M E N T ON L Y . A L L I N F O R M A T I O N I S F O R AL D I O P E R A T I O N A L U S E O N L Y AN D S H A L L N O T B E U S E D F O R CO N S T R U C T I O N O R B I D D I N G PU R P O S E S . LI N E A R F O O T A G E O F B A S E (S H A D E D A R E A S ) : VE R S I O N 5 . 0 P R O T O T Y P E : 82 4 ' - 4 " L . F . HU B DR A I N HU B DR A I N 3'-0"20' - 4 " HU B DR A I N HU B DR A I N 34 ' - 0 " 3' - 0 " HUB DRAIN FR E E S T A N D I N G SA C K I N G CO U N T E R 16'-0" 3' - 0 " PRODUCE 3' 3T BREAD RACK 10 ' 2 T B R E A D SB / SEASONA L 8' HUSSMAND5XULEP8' HUSSMAND5XULEP12' HUSSMAND5XULEP8' HUSSMANC5XLEPFRESH MEAT 7'-0"8'-0"7'-0" 10 ' 2 T B R E A D 3' 3T BREAD RACK HUB DRAIN(CAPPED @F.F. FOR FUTURE USE) 10 ' - 0 " 3' - 0 " 10 0 ' - 0 " 16'-0" MCCUE BUMPER 4'-8"3'-0"4'-8"3'-0"4'-8"3'-0"4'-8"3'-0" 17 ' - 1 " 4'-11 1/8" 72'-7 1/4" 13 5 ' - 7 3 / 4 " 13 ' - 1 " CH A R G E R S H E L F Mc C U E SE C U R I T Y RA I L 44 ' - 0 "     “ 40 ' - 0 " SB / S E A S O N A L 12 ' - 0 " 44'-8" MULT-DECK UNITS27'-1 1/2" CLEAR 8'-2" 8'-0" Mc C u e SE C U R I T Y RA I L TU B E S T E E L 5'-0" RACKING 6'-0" RACKING 6'-0" RACKING MA N A G E R OR G A N I Z A T I O N D E S K WA L K O F F M A T HU B DR A I N RO O F LA D D E R FL O O R SC R U B B E R DUMPSTER ROOF LEADERCHARGER SHELF AS S U M E D P A L L E T S T O R A G E : VE R S I O N 5 . 0 P R O T O T Y P E : 65 P A L L E T S 14 1 ' - 4 " 22'-8" 16 4 ' - 0 " 18'-8"98'-8"117'-4"PALLET JACKS (6 2 ) M O D E L 5 6 3 W CA R T S T O R A G E (3 2 ) M O D E L 5 6 3 W CA R T S T O R A G E SIDE DOCK AREA SUMMARY OCCUPANCY USE ROOM NAMESQUARE FOOTAGE MERCANTILE SALES / ENTRY / EXIT10,126 OFFICE217 BREAK ROOM253 MEN'S ROOM81 WOMEN'S ROOM75 HALL139 SUBTOTAL (MERCANTILE)10,891 STORAGE / STOCK BACKROOM3,258 COOLER1,260 FREEZER821 SUBTOTAL (STORAGE / STOCK)5,339 SUBTOTAL (OCCUPANCIES)16,230 EXTERIOR /INTERIOR WALLS / UNOCCUPIED SPACE788 BUILDING SQUARE FOOTAGE17,018 EXTERIOR CANOPY633 TOTAL SQUARE FOOTAGE17,651PLANNORTH Dr a w i n g N o . Sc a l e : Pr o j e c t N o . Ty p e : Da t e : Dr a w n B y : Da t e : A Is s u e d : Pr o j e c t N a m e & L o c a t i o n : Dr a w i n g N a m e : PR O J E C T A R C H I T E C T / E N G I N E E R DA T E PR O J E C T L E A D DA T E Se a l Se a l DA T E PR O J E C T D E S I G N E R BCD1234 Da t e : Re v i s i o n s : 5 45 Is s u e d f o r U s e / R e f e r e n c e 08 / 2 7 / 1 3 In c . DO N O T S C A L E P L A N S Co p y i n g , P r i n t i n g , S o f t w a r e a n d o t h e r p r o c e s s e s r e q u i r e d t o p r o d u c e th e s e p r i n t s c a n s t r e t c h o r s h r i n k t h e a c t u a l p a p e r o r l a y o u t . Th e r e f o r e , s c a l i n g o f t h i s d r a w i n g m a y b e i n a c c u r a t e . C o n t a c t A P D En g i n e e r i n g w i t h a n y n e e d f o r a d d i t i o n a l d i m e n s i o n s o r c l a r i f i c a t i o n s . 58 5 . 7 4 2 . 2 2 2 2 58 5 . 9 2 4 . 4 9 1 4 . f a x 61 5 F i s h e r s R u n Vi c t o r , N Y 1 4 5 6 4 61 5 F i s h e r s R u n Vi c t o r , N Y 1 4 5 6 4 58 5 . 7 4 2 . 2 2 2 2 58 5 . 9 2 4 . 4 9 1 4 . f a x Dr a w i n g A l t e r a t i o n It i s a v i o l a t i o n o f l a w f o r a n y p e r s o n , u n l e s s a c t i n g u n d e r t h e di r e c t i o n o f l i c e n s e d A r c h i t e c t , P r o f e s s i o n a l E n g i n e e r , L a n d s c a p e Ar c h i t e c t , o r L a n d S u r v e y o r t o a l t e r a n y i t e m o n t h i s d o c u m e n t i n an y w a y . A n y l i c e n s e e w h o a l t e r s t h i s d o c u m e n t i s r e q u i r e d b y l a w to a f f i x h i s o r h e r s e a l a n d t o a d d t h e n o t a t i o n " A l t e r e d B y " f o l l o w e d by h i s o r h e r s i g n a t u r e a n d t h e s p e c i f i c d e s c r i p t i o n o f t h e a l t e r a t i o n or r e v i s i o n . AP D E n g i n e e r i n g & A r c h i t e c t u r e , P L L C ww w . a p d . c o m C AP D E n g i n e e r i n g & Ar c h i t e c t u r e , P L L C ww w . a p d . c o m Co p y r i g h t 2 0 1 3 PLOTTED: 8/27/2013 3:11 PM 13 - 0 2 4 5 AL D I I n c . Mo n t i c e l l o , M N Sc h o o l B l v d & C e d a r S t Mo n t i c e l o , M N 5 5 3 6 2 Wr i g h t 08 / 2 7 / 1 3 RH S D - V 5 As N o t e d 1Operations PlanSCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" Op e r a t i o n s P l a n BT G A- 1 3 1 16 ' - 1 1 / 2 " A . F . F . T. O . S T U D 0' - 0 " FI N . F L O O R 22 ' - 6 " A . F . F . T. O . T O W E R O U T R I G G E R S T U D 12 ' - 0 " A . F . F . B. O . P A N E L 11 ' - 0 " A . F . F . T. O . C A N O P Y ST E E L 6' - 3 1 / 2 " SI G N OP N G . 7'-6" SIGN OPNG. TY P . GR A D E L I N E - S E E C I V I L D W G S . TY P . 18 ' - 6 " A . F . F . T. O . T O W E R O U T R I G G E R S T U D @ B U I L D I N G W A L L @ C A R T W A L L @ C A R T W A L L @ B U I L D I N G W A L L GR A D E L I N E - S E E C I V I L D W G S . 16 ' - 1 1 / 2 " A . F . F . T. O . S T U D 22 ' - 6 " A . F . F . T. O . T O W E R O U T R I G G E R S T U D 12 ' - 0 " A . F . F . B. O . P A N E L S 11 ' - 0 " A . F . F . T. O . C A N O P Y ST E E L 0' - 0 " FI N . F L O O R 6' - 3 1 / 2 " SI G N OP N G . 7'-6" SIGN OPNG. TY P . TY P . 18 ' - 6 " A . F . F . T. O . T O W E R O U T R I G G E R S T U D @ B U I L D I N G W A L L @ C A R T W A L L 16'-1 1/2" A.F.F.T.O. STUD0'-0"FIN. FLOOR TY P . TY P . TY P . GR A D E L I N E - S E E C I V I L D W G S . 16 ' - 1 1 / 2 " A . F . F . T. O . S T U D 0' - 0 " FI N . F L O O R TY P . TY P . SIGNAGEDESCRIPTIONQUANTITYSQ. FT. PER SIGNTOTALSTOWER SIGN246.693.2FOOD MARKET SIGN221.342.6TOTAL SIGNAGE135.8SIGNAGE IS SHOWN FOR REFERENCE ONLY AND SHALL BE UNDER SEPARATEPERMIT SUBMITTAL EXTERIOR FINISH SCHEDULEKEYMATERIAL / MFG.COLOR / NO.NOTESGRAVEL STOP BY FIRESTONEA1 - SLATE GRAYA1a - SILVER METALLICMODULAR BRICKFIELD COLOR - SEE SPECFIELD AND TRANSOM WINDOW SILLSMODULAR BRICKACCENT COLOR - SEE SPECPILASTERSSTOREFRONTANODIZED ALUM.RE: DWG. A602MEMBRANE ROOFINGGRAYSEE SPECFICATIONS APPENDIX 'B'METAL SOFFIT PANELSSOLID PANELS - SEE SPECRE: DWG. A301-A304EXTERIOR PAINT BYSHERWIN-WILLIAMSPT-10 / CL-5ALUMINUM COMPOSITEPANELA9 - BRIGHT SILVERA9a - SLATE GRAY PROVIDE PANEL JOINTS AS SHOWNON DRAWINGSSPLIT-FACE CMUSEE SPECWATER TABLE FIELDBLRD-2PT-10 / CL-4BLRD-4FACTORY FINISH - CHARCOALRE: A603GUARD RAIL TYPE "A"PT-11 / CL-5RE: A3/A503GUARD RAIL TYPE "B"PT-11 / CL-5RE: A3/A503CART RAIL & STARTER POSTGALVANIZEDDOCK LEVELER / SEAL ANDBUMPERSLEVELER - FACTORY FINISH / SEAL AND BUMPERS- FACTORY FINISH - BLACK BY OWNER - STOP CAST STONE SILLBEHIND SEALCONTROL JOINTMAX 30' OC RE: DWG. A504OVERFLOW SCUPPERPT-10 / CL-5RE: C3/A503FOOD MARKET SIGNAGEBY SIGN VENDOR14'-2 3/4"w. x 1'-6"h.ALDI TOWER SIGNBY SIGN VENDOR 6'-3" w. x 7'-5 1/2" h. SEE DETAILD1/A504; VERIFY SIGN SIZE PRIOR TOFRAMING OPENINGCONCRETE CART BUMPERNATURALSEE STRUCTURAL DWGSCAST STONE SILLSEE SPECWATER TABLE TRIMROOF TOP SCREENINGSLATE GRAYEXIT DISCHARGE LIGHTEXTERIOR REMOTE EMERGENCY FIXTUREMOUNT @ 8'-0" A.F.F.WALL SCONCEFACTORY PAINT - PLATINUM SILVERMOUNT @ 7'-6" A.F.F.EXTERNAL SIRENFACTORY FINISHMOUNT @ 12'-0" A.F.F.UTILITY METERING & C.T.FACTORY FINISHSEE ELECTRICALEXTERIOR LIGHTWALL PACKMOUNT @ 12'-0" A.F.F.EXTERIOR DUPLEXRECEPTACLEFACTORY FINISHMOUNT @ 1'-6" A.F.F.FIRE DEPT. CONNECTIONFACTORY FINISHSEE FIRE PROTECTION DWG.VENT GRILLFACTORY FINISHSEE MECHANICAL DWGSHOSE BIBFACTORY FINISHSEE PLUMBING DWGSSTOREFRONT KEYANODIZED ALUMINUMSEE A602 DUMPSTER ENCLOSURERE. DWG A505 AL D I - M O N T I C E L L O M N EX T E R I O R E L E V A T I O N CO P Y R I G H T ‹     Ea s t E l e v a t i o n We s t E l e v a t i o n No r t h E l e v a t i o n So u t h E l e v a t i o n APD ENGINEERING &ARCHITECTURE, PLLC615 Fishers RunVictor, NY 14564585.742.2222585.924.4914.faxwww.apd.com SC A L E : 1 / 8 " = 1 ' - 0 " SC A L E : 1 / 8 " = 1 ' - 0 " SC A L E : 1 / 8 " = 1 ' - 0 " SC A L E : 1 / 8 " = 1 ' - 0 " In c . 3'-8"9'-10" 2x 4 B L O C K I N G B O L T E D TO T U B E S T E E L F R A M E 1x 6 C O M P O S I T E F E N C E BO A R D S S C R E W E D T O BL O C K I N G 1 1 / 2 " x 1 1 / 2 " T U B E S T E E L FR A M E 3 1 / 2 " x 3 1 / 2 " T U B E S T E E L FR A M E W E L D P L A T E T O T O P OF P O S T HE A V Y D U T Y S P R I N G LO A D E D G A T E W H E E L I N FO R E G R O U N D FO U N D A T I O N - S E E ST R U C T U R A L 7'-0"6" 2x 4 B L O C K I N G BO L T E D T O T U B E ST E E L F R A M E 1x 6 C O M P O S I T E FE N C E B O A R D S SC R E W E D T O BL O C K I N G 1 1 / 2 " x 1 1 / 2 " T U B E ST E E L F R A M E 3 1 / 2 " x 3 1 / 2 " T U B E ST E E L F R A M E W E L D PL A T E T O T O P O F P O S T 1 1 / 2 " x 1 1 / 2 " T U B E ST E E L F R A M E 2x 4 B L O C K I N G BO L T E D T O T U B E ST E E L F R A M E (3 ) H E A V Y D U T Y T E E HI N G E S P E R D O O R 11 " H E A V Y D U T Y GA T E P U L L HE A V Y D U T Y S P R I N G LO A D E D G A T E W H E E L ST A I N L E S S S T E E L CA N E B O L T AI R C R A F T C A B L E FE N C E S U P P O R T W I T H TU R N B U C K L E 1/ 2 " E Y E B O L T T Y P . C2 A5 0 5 6' - 7 1 / 2 " 2x 4 B L O C K I N G BO L T E D T O T U B E ST E E L F R A M E 1x 6 C O M P O S I T E F E N C E BO A R D S S C R E W E D T O BL O C K I N G 1 1 / 2 " x 1 1 / 2 " T U B E ST E E L F R A M E 3 1 / 2 " x 3 1 / 2 " T U B E ST E E L F R A M E W E L D PL A T E T O T O P O F PO S T Dr a w i n g N o . Sc a l e : Pr o j e c t N o . Ty p e : Da t e : Dr a w n B y : Da t e : A Is s u e d : Pr o j e c t N a m e & L o c a t i o n : Dr a w i n g N a m e : PR O J E C T A R C H I T E C T / E N G I N E E R DA T E PR O J E C T L E A D DA T E Se a l Se a l DA T E PR O J E C T D E S I G N E R BCD1234 Da t e : Re v i s i o n s : 5 A B C D 1 2 3 45 Is s u e d f o r U s e / R e f e r e n c e 08 / 2 7 / 1 3 In c . DO N O T S C A L E P L A N S Co p y i n g , P r i n t i n g , S o f t w a r e a n d o t h e r p r o c e s s e s r e q u i r e d t o p r o d u c e th e s e p r i n t s c a n s t r e t c h o r s h r i n k t h e a c t u a l p a p e r o r l a y o u t . Th e r e f o r e , s c a l i n g o f t h i s d r a w i n g m a y b e i n a c c u r a t e . C o n t a c t A P D En g i n e e r i n g w i t h a n y n e e d f o r a d d i t i o n a l d i m e n s i o n s o r c l a r i f i c a t i o n s . 58 5 . 7 4 2 . 2 2 2 2 58 5 . 9 2 4 . 4 9 1 4 . f a x 61 5 F i s h e r s R u n Vi c t o r , N Y 1 4 5 6 4 61 5 F i s h e r s R u n Vi c t o r , N Y 1 4 5 6 4 58 5 . 7 4 2 . 2 2 2 2 58 5 . 9 2 4 . 4 9 1 4 . f a x Dr a w i n g A l t e r a t i o n It i s a v i o l a t i o n o f l a w f o r a n y p e r s o n , u n l e s s a c t i n g u n d e r t h e di r e c t i o n o f l i c e n s e d A r c h i t e c t , P r o f e s s i o n a l E n g i n e e r , L a n d s c a p e Ar c h i t e c t , o r L a n d S u r v e y o r t o a l t e r a n y i t e m o n t h i s d o c u m e n t i n an y w a y . A n y l i c e n s e e w h o a l t e r s t h i s d o c u m e n t i s r e q u i r e d b y l a w to a f f i x h i s o r h e r s e a l a n d t o a d d t h e n o t a t i o n " A l t e r e d B y " f o l l o w e d by h i s o r h e r s i g n a t u r e a n d t h e s p e c i f i c d e s c r i p t i o n o f t h e a l t e r a t i o n or r e v i s i o n . AP D E n g i n e e r i n g & A r c h i t e c t u r e , P L L C ww w . a p d . c o m C AP D E n g i n e e r i n g & Ar c h i t e c t u r e , P L L C ww w . a p d . c o m Co p y r i g h t 2 0 1 3 PLOTTED: 8/27/2013 3:21 PM 13 - 0 2 4 5 AL D I I n c . Mo n t i c e l l o , M N Sc h o o l B l v d & C e d a r S t Mo n t i c e l o , M N 5 5 3 6 2 Wr i g h t 08 / 2 7 / 1 3 RH S D - V 5 As N o t e d Ex t e r i o r De t a i l s BT G A- 5 0 5 B1 El e v a t i o n Ex t e r i o r SC A L E : 3 / 4 " = 1 ' - 0 " C2Detail ExteriorSCALE: 1" = 1'-0" A3 De t a i l Ex t e r i o r SC A L E : 1 1 / 2 " = 1 ' - 0 " i nnovative equipm ent scr eens 3 genera tions ahead o f the next best solu tion U.S. Patent No. 5,664,484 An af for dable s olut ion for equipment scr eening i s finally here… Envisor e quipment s cr eens now o ffe r arc hitects the fle xibility t o crea te a f fordable , ele gant, customized scr eening solutions t hat in tegrate with th eir b uil ding de sign, all with no r ooft op penet rat ion . Our paten ted equipment scr eens also prov ide a v iable s olution f or m unic ipal scr eening c ode re quir ements on ever ything from HVAC unit s to Customiz ing a scr een t o fit y our n eeds i s ea sy… Simply c hoose b etween c anted or vertic al, d ecide on a pane l design, sel ect a t op t rim (opt ional), and pick a c olor. I t’s t hat s imple! We c an cu stomi ze any f eature to your particular design r equir emen ts, in cluding custom panel designs, custom color s, and custom top tr im designs. If you don’t see w hat you n eed, tell us w hat you w ant. We’ll bu ild it f or you.52” Louver Panels chiller s, air handler s, power ex hausts, r oof stacks, c ommunicat ion e quipment , dumpsters - y ou name i t! www.ci tyscapesinc.com System Features Vertical Screen Louver Panel Design Cove Top Trim Panel Color: Oyster Top Trim Color: Terra Cotta ..... The Ohio State University Foundation - Columbus, Ohio S tep 2 : D ecide on a Panel D esign PANLOUVERBATTENWIDE RIB BRICK S tep 3 : Sel ect a To p Trim (opt ional) S tep 1 : Choose a Can ted or Verti cal S ystem Envisor scr eens are the p erf ect alter nat ive t o parapet w alls and th ey sat isfy eve n the s t rictest s cr eening c ode r e quirements. Bot h style s feat ure our paten ted attac hment m ethod, w hic h secure our scr eens directly t o the e quipment wit h no rooftop pen etrat ion. Scr een he ight s are available t o scr een virt ually anything y ou de sire. P ane ls are available in 5 standard styles allowing you to contr ol the pr oject without sacr ificing the essential elements of the building design. The pane ls are constructed of t her moformed high impact ABS with a co-ext ruded UV prot ect ive layer on both sides. The panels are held fir mly in place using a r ust-fr ee, double tr acked aluminum r ail system. This e nables the panels to slide side-to-side for easy access to the unit dur ing ser vic ing and maint enance. Don’t s ee a panel t hat fi ts you r project? Te ll us and we’ll make one t hat you d esign. www.ci tyscap esinc.com 2 PETSOMALAEVOCSTEP 1 FLAT 6.5”6.5”8” D ecorat ive t op t rip opt ions offe r the fle xibility t o furthe r c ust omize the ele gant appe arance of the s cr eens by picking up on your building desig n elements and inc orporat ing t hose d etails int o the s cr een itse lf. Alt hough opt ional, they offe r one more way t o make s cr eens part of the d e sign, not part of the proble m. We c an manufacture any size and shape t op t rim y ou crea te. 5 1/2” 3” S tep 4: P ic k a D esign er Color ALABASTER S tep 5: Custom D esigned Solut ions Our designer colors c omplement most architectural applica tions, b ut don’t let standard c ol ors lim it you r creativi ty. We have the ability to ma tch to any cro ss-referen ced color sp ecificat ion. Send us s amples to match. We’ve even matche d a c olor to a rock! Colors shown ar e only approx imate. P lease call for actual samples. Envisor equipment scr eens can be manufactur ed in a limitless combination of shapes and configur ations to help r educe cost, add to the aesthetics of a building, or both. Let us design one for you! Just tell us the equipment manufacturer, the model numbers, and the special requir ements you might have. Call for a complete design kit today or visit our website at www.cityscapesinc.com . ALMOND OYSTER PUTTY KHAKI SAGEBRUSH SHADOW GRAY SLATE GRAY RANCHERO RED CYPRESS MOSS FOREST GREEN MANSARD BROWN www.ci tyscapesinc.com TOP TRIM ADDED MULTIPLE UNIT SCREENS CUSTOM PANELS www.ci tyscapesinc.com Our panels are design ed to slide side-to-side in either direction f or ea sy a ccess to t he equip men t for servicing and routine main tenance. N o Rooft op Pen etration Pre -Eng ineere d Scr eening S ystem Scr eening Code Solution A ttra ctive Alter nat ive t o Par apet Walls M ult iple P ane l Designs D esign er Top Trim A ccents Vertic al or Canted Designs W ide R ange of Design er Colors P anels Slide for Easy S ervice A ccess Custom D esig n Capabilities Pro duct Features Trane Le nnox York C arrier Heil AAON Lieb ert Rh eem Reznor Commercial HVAC and Chiller Equipment Ve ndors w ho have in sta lled ENVI SOR Rooftop E quipmen t Scr een s in clude: Some o f the cl ien ts uti lizing E NV ISO R Rooftop Equipment scr een s on the ir HVAC and Chiller E quip men t include: Hu ssmann Air wise Bryant McQuay BAC H ill P h oenix Am . St andard M unters Eng ineere d Air Equipmen t Ve ndors by CitySc apes Inter nat ional 4200 Ly man Court Hil liard, OH 43026 Toll Free: 877.727.3367 Fax: 800.726.4817 www.ci tyscapesinc.com Retail Clients Aldi AM C Th eaters Avis B est Buy Bloc kbuster C ostco CVS Hertz Home De pot Ko hl’s Low e’s McDonald’s Meijer M obil Oil M uvico Ri te Aid Sam’s Club Sears Tar get Walgr een’s Wa l-Mart We ndy’s 5/2011 F:\CommunityDevelopmentDirector\Planning&Development\PlanningFiles\2013\2013.034.ALDI\PCAgenda&Minutes\LTR-aschumann-092413.doc Infrastructure Engineering Planning Construction701XeniaAvenueSouth Suite300 Minneapolis,MN55416 Tel:763541-4800 Fax:763541-1700 September24,2013 Ms.AngelaSchumann CommunityDevelopmentDirector CityofMonticello 505WalnutStreet,Suite1 Monticello,MN55362 Re:AldiStore–PlanReview CityofMonticelloPlanningNo.ZZALDI WSBProjectNo.1494-77 DearMs.Schumann: Wehavereviewedthepreliminary,finalplat,constructionplansandtheStormwater ManagementReportfortheAldi,IncRetailFacilitydatedAugust29,2013,andofferthe followingcomments. PreliminaryandFinalPlat 1.Adrainageandutilityeasementshouldbeprovidedfortheinfiltrationbasinandthe outletpipe.Maintenanceresponsibilitiesandaccesstothepondwillbeidentifiedinthe developmentagreement. 2.Removethe“Lot2”textfromthefinalplat. SheetC2.11–SitePlan 1.DimensiontheboulevardandsidewalkwidthalongCedarStreet.Itappearsthereisan8- footboulevardand6-footwidesidewalk.ThismeetsCitystandards. 2.ExtendsidewalkfromtheproposedsidewalkalongCedarStreettoprovideaccesstothe siteandalsoextendtrailalongSchoolBoulevardtoprovideaccesstothesite. 3.DropthecurbatthenortherlyradiusoftheaccessfromCedarStreettoaccommodate futuresidewalkextensionalongCedarStreet. 4.Prepareasidewalkeasementdocumenttoberecordedandincludedwiththedevelopment agreement. 5.Providetruckturningmovementdrawingstoidentifyhowsemitruckswillenterandexit fromCedarStreetandcirculatethroughtheentiresite.Thereisaconcernthattheaccess fromCedarStreetmayneedtobeadjustedtoaccommodatesemitrucks. Ms.AngelaSchumann September24,2013 Page2 F:\CommunityDevelopmentDirector\Planning&Development\PlanningFiles\2013\2013.034.ALDI\PCAgenda&Minutes\LTR-aschumann-092413.doc 6.Provideestimatedtrafficprojectionsornumberofvehicleandtrucktripsanticipatedto accessthesite.Asignalisanticipatedtobeinstalledinthefutureattheintersectionof SchoolBlvdandCedarStreet.Thedevelopmentagreementwillidentifythatan assessmentwillbeleviedatthetimethesignalisconstructed. 7.Provideaninternalsignageplanforthesite. 8.LabelthetrailalongSchoolBlvd. SheetC3.11–GradingandDrainagePlan 1.ThewaterqualitystandardfortheCityistheNURPeventwhichrequirestreatmentof runofffroma2.5”rainfalleventbelowtheoutlet.Thewaterqualitytreatmentdesignfor thesiteshouldbebroughtintoconformancewiththisstandard. 2.Thepondshouldaccommodatethe100yearstormeventwithoutoverflowingoff-site. 3.Askimmershouldbeprovidedinthepondtotrapdebris. 4.Consideraddingagritchamberorsumpmanholeatthesoutheastinlettothepondtoaid inpreventingasedimentdeltafromforming. 5.Identifyallemergencyoverflowroutesandelevationsforeachcatchbasinonthegrading plan.TheEOFshouldbeaminimumof1.5’belowthelowbuildingopening.(963.5) 6.TheCityisreviewingtheoverallplanfortheultimateemergencyoverflowrouteforthe Ocellopropertyandcontributingdrainageareatoverifythebuildingelevationis adequate. 7.Theon-sitestormsewerthatconveysrunofftothepondappearstobeinconformance withtheCitystandards.ThestormsewerPipeP-1isaminimalamountunderfullflow capacity.(0.35cfslessthanreq.)Thesitedesignengineercouldincreasethepipeslopeto meetthedesigncapacity. 8.Identifythetopcastingandinvertelevationsforeachcatchbasinonthegradingplan. 9.Labelthepondslopes. SheetC2.12–UtilityPlan 1.TheexistingwaterservicefromCedarStreetthatisnotbeingconnectedto,shouldbe tiedtotheexistinggatevalvetopreventpotentialcollapseofthepipe. 2.Aplugwithconcreteplacedarounditshouldbeplacedinthesanitarysewermanholein CedarStreetsincetheexistingsanitarysewersserviceisnotbeingconnectedto. Ms.AngelaSchumann September24,2013 Page3 F:\CommunityDevelopmentDirector\Planning&Development\PlanningFiles\2013\2013.034.ALDI\PCAgenda&Minutes\LTR-aschumann-092413.doc 3.ItisrecommendedtoextendthesewerandwaterservicesfromSchoolBoulevardnorth ofthepavedaccessareaforfutureextensiontoserveLot2. 4.Splitthedomesticandfireservicewatermaininsidethebuilding.Acurbstopisnot neededforCityaccess.ThegatevalveinSchoolBoulevardwillbeusedtoshutdownthe watermainifnecessary. 5.Movethefiredepartmentconnectiontothesoutheastcornerofthebuildingtobewithin therequired150feetfromtheexistinghydrantonSchoolBlvd.Itappearstheexisting firehydrantfromCedarStreetismorethan150feetfromtheproposedfiredepartment connectionlocation. 6.CoordinateallwatermainshutdownswiththePublicWorksDepartment. 7.AutilityexcavationpermitmustbeobtainedfromthePublicWorksdepartmentpriorto commencementofutilityconnections. 8.Provideanas-builtplanonceconstructioniscomplete. 9.ProvidedocumentationthatNorthernNaturalgasapprovesofworkwithintheir easement. Pleasehavetheapplicantprovideawrittenresponseaddressingthecommentsabove.Final constructionplanswillneedtobesubmitted,reviewed,andapprovedpriortobuildingpermit approval.Inaddition,thefinalplatmustberecordedpriortobuildingpermitapproval.Please givemeacallat763-287-7162ifyouhaveanyquestionsorcommentsregardingthisletter. Thankyou. Sincerely, WSB&Associates,Inc. ShibaniK.Bisson,PE CityEngineer skb Planning Commission Agenda: 10/01/13 1 8. Planning Commission/City Council Workshop – R-4 District Commissioner Gabler has requested that the Commission consider requesting a joint worksession with the City Council for the purpose of a more detailed discussion regarding the impacts of the addition of the R-4 (Medium to High Density) Residence District to the Zoning Ordinance. Mayor Herbst and Planning Commission Council liaison Hilgart have agreed that a workshop on this topic would be helpful to both bodies. Staff believes that the workshop would cover the following areas: · Planning Commission role in recommendation · Comprehensive Plan objectives for “Places to Live” · Need for R-4/Housing Study · Understanding R-4 Regulations · R-4 Location factors (access, surrounding land use, nearby services, topography, etc.) · R-4 Locations (inside current municipal boundary and within annexation area) · Technical implementation of locating R-4 sites (Comp Plan amendment, rezoning, “study” areas) Commission will be asked to consider this request and provide staff with direction accordingly. Planning Commission Agenda: 10/01/13 1 9. Community Development Director’s Report Market Matching Economic Development Services The EDA and City Council had the opportunity to hear WBS Market Matching representative John Uphoff discuss progress to-date on Market Matching efforts. Mr. Uphoff described both tangible deliverable work and sales work completed on Monticello’s behalf. The Powerpoint presentation from that evening is included here for the IEDC’s reference. More detail will also be provided by staff in a verbal report at the IEDC meeting. Upcoming Workshops Due to scheduling conflicts, Planning Commission workshops will be scheduled on the evening of the regular meeting, immediately prior to the meeting at 5:00 PM. No special meetings will be scheduled for workshop topics through the end of 2013, if avoidable. As such, please watch your agenda cover page for information on the remaining two workshop topics:  Planning/Parks Commission workshop on Monte Club Hill uses  Review of Planning Application Process  Aforementioned Planning Commission/City Council meeting (this may occur prior to a regularly scheduled Council meeting) Land Use Decisions To follow is a summary of action by the City Council as related to September Planning Commission items: 1. Continued Public Hearing – Consideration of a request for Comprehensive Plan Amendment for a change in land use designation from Places to Shop to Places to Live and a request for rezoning from B-4 (Regional Business) District to R-4 (Medium-High Density Residence) District. Applicant: IRET Properties Action: Denied 2. Public Hearing - Consideration of an amendment to Conditional Use Permit for Planned Unit Development for the Monticello Big Lake Community Hospital District Campus (CentraCare Health Monticello) for the relocation of an accessory use heliport. Applicant: CentraCare Health System Monticello Action: Approved 3. Public Hearing – Consideration of a zoning text amendment to Title 10, Monticello Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 4, Section 13(E) adding Wireless Telecommunications Service Antennae and Antenna Support Structures as accessory uses on publicly owned property by Conditional Use Permit, a request for Conditional Use Permit for Antenna Support Structure in a R-2 (Single and Two-Family Residential) District, and a request for Conditional Use Permit for Co-location of a Planning Commission Agenda: 10/01/13 2 Wireless Telecommunication Service Antenna. Applicant: City of Monticello and Verizon Wireless Action: Approved 4. Public Hearing – Consideration of a request for Amendment to CUP for Addition of Equipment for Co-Location of Wireless Communication Antennae. Applicant: Faulk & Foster for AT & T Mobility Action: Approved 5. Public Hearing - Consideration of a request for amendment to the Official Zoning Map for the City of Monticello for rezoning from R-2 (Single and Two-Family Residential) to CCD (Central Community District), sub-district F-2 (Convenience and Services). Applicant: City of Monticello Action: Approved Special Joint Meeting – Monticello City Council/EDA September 23, 2013 Update on Market Matching Program Market Data Report – Situation Analysis •Complete Data Review – Review the assets in the community to ensure they are well defined and accessible •Define Monticello’s Unique Selling Proposition (USP) “Up to 90% of market research is conducted on a desktop.” – Mark Rossate, Site Selection Consultant speaking at the 2013 EDAM Conference in Duluth, MN Website Review •Main City of Monticello •Building Business landing page •ReSTOREing Downtown Monticello •WCEDP •MNDEED Shovel Ready •Positively MN (MNProspector) •CoStar Collateral Material Review •Site Flyers •Chamber Quarterly •Press Releases •News Articles •Social Media Market Studies & Recommended Priority for New Data Sets Reviewed •Comprehensive Plan •Retail Market Analysis •ReSTOREing Downtown Recommend •Update Building Business Landing Page with all commercial listings – Right now •General Market Data – Right now •Labor Shed Analysis & Labor Market Study – Winter •Housing Market Study – Winter/Spring New Data Sets •General Market Data (modeled after the International Economic Development Council Site Selector Data Standards – Deployable on City’s Webpage via PDF and XLS) •Demographic Characteristics •Leading Employers •New and Expanded Companies •Higher Education Resources •Vocational/Technical Center Resources •Last Year Available Payroll Costs by Industry •Average Salary by Selected Occupation •Workers Compensation & UI Insurance •Transportation •Taxation •Occupancy/Supply •Utilities •Quality of Life New Data Sets •Labor Shed Analysis and Labor Market Study –Labor shed is critical to display to site selectors. Labor sheds vary greatly in scope from one city to another. –Site Selectors need help understanding Monticello’s labor shed. –WSB uses ESRI BAO to assist in this effort. New Data Sets •Housing Market Study – A lot has changed in the residential market since the last time a housing market study was completed. –Need to make sure we are aligning our business development efforts with residential supply. Development of Monticello’s Unique Selling Proposition Discovery Key Features •High Speed Fiber Optic Internet •High Quality of Life –Parks and Pathways –Large Regional Park (unique attributes) –Mississippi River Access •Geographic Location –Access to Freeways –Access to Rail –Access to National Shippers? •Sara Burrows •Kevin McKinnon •Stacy Crakes •Gene Goddard •WSB Research •Angelos Angelou •Phil Schnieder •Tom Lambrecht •City Staff •Mark Pultusker •Shawn Weinand •Charlie Pfeffer •Wayne Elam •Ted LaFrance •Jim Gromberg •Patti Gartland Data Deployment •Responded to three specific RFIs –We have received notice that there is some early interest from one of our responses – stay tuned •Contacted Conlin’s Furniture RE: vacant cornerstone site •Met with Kevin McKinnon – Discussed technology firms & emerging small uav firms •Attended Site Selector Fam Tour –Greater St. Cloud Development Corporation –GreaterMSP –Positively MN Site Selector Familiarization Tour •Three days - September 10 – 12 •Five national site selection consultants came to check out Minnesota •WSB in partnership with Monticello & WCEDP played a central role representing our region Exclusivity – Only a handful of cities participated Regional Approach – Presented data on the region (Wright County) as well as the City of Monticello Site Selector Familiarization Tour Angelos Angelou Angelos was responsible for the recruitment of 400 technology companies and some 70,000 employees, including, IBM, Apple, Samsung, Motorola, AMD, Cypress Semiconductor, Applied Materials, Tokyo Electron, and Sematech. A highly visible leader in the field of economic development across the U.S., Angelos is widely regarded as the chief architect in the establishment of Austin as a high tech center. Site Selector Familiarization Tour Phil Schnieder Mr. Schneider conducted nearly 400 engagements for clients in heavy manufacturing, high technology, headquarters, R&D, call center, and shared services. He developed corporate location strategy and selection decision processes; screened and analyzed countries, states, and cities; developed operating costs and business condition benchmarking models; and led corporate negotiations for government incentives and real estate acquisition. Some of Mr. Schneider’s past clients are: Amgen, Apple Computer, Bosch, Bridgestone, Caterpillar, Concentrix Solar, Elkhem Solar, Gap, Genentech, HP, Hyundai, John Deere, Johnson & Johnson, Kellogg, Kimberly-Clark, Land's End, Mattel, Michelin, Morgan Stanley, Nestle, nVidia, Pratt & Whitney, Q- Cells Solar, Raflatac, Renewable Energy Corporation, Republic Steel, Soitec Semiconductor, Synthes, ThyssenKrupp, and Toyota. Site Selection Familiarization Tour Example of Data Deployed Site Selection Familiarization Tour Next Step –Re -connect with Angelos Angelou RE: Labor Shed Analysis and more information on available sites based on his feedback. –Continue conversations with Jim Gromberg and Kevin McKinnon to get Monticello front and center at a state level. QUESTIONS/COMMENTS?