Planning Commission Agenda 10-05-2010 AGENDA MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, October 5th, 2010 6:00 PM Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Commissioners: Rod Dragsten, Charlotte Gabler, Lloyd Hilgart, William Spartz, and Barry Voight Council Liaison: Susie Wojchouski Staff: Angela Schumann, Ron Hackenmueller, Steve Grittman – NAC 1. Call to order. 2. Consideration to approve the Planning Commission minutes of August 3rd, 2010 and September 7th, 2010. 3. Citizen Comments. 4. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. 5. Continued Public Hearing - Consideration of a request for Amendment to Conditional Use Permit for Planned Unit Development for Towne Centre Signage Plan. Applicant: Silver Creek Development/City of Monticello 6. Consideration to reschedule the regular November Planning Commission meeting due to General Elections. 7. Community Development Director’s Report. 8. Adjourn. NOTE: A meeting of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance Steering Committee will convene immediately after the regular Planning Commission meeting. Steering Committee Agenda: 1. Review staff comments for next code revision 2. Discuss and define PZM/PUD code standards 3. Discuss new zoning classifications for the PZM district areas Planning Commission Minutes — 9/7/10 MINUTES MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, September 7, 2010 6:00 PM Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Commissioners Present: Rod Dragsten, Charlotte Gabler, Barry Voight, Lloyd Hilgart, William Spartz Council Liaison Absent: Susie Wojchouski Staff. Angela Schumann Call to order_ Chairman Dragsten called the meeting to order noting the absence of Council Liaison Susie Wojchouski. 2. Consideration to approve the Planning Commission minutes of August 3rd, 2010. Community Development Director Angela Schumann noted that the minutes had been completed but not yet submitted to the Planning Commission. She agreed to provide the minutes to the Commission. 3. Citizen comments. None. 4. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. None. 5. Continued Public Hearing - Consideration of a request for Amendment to Conditional Use Permit for Planned Unit Development for Towne Centre Signage Plan. Applicant: Silver Creek Development/City of Monticello Schumann indicated that the applicant had requested a continuation until October to allow time for additional information. She pointed out that although Towne Centre is a classic Planned Unit Development (PUD) with shared access, shared parking, and shared signage, it was processed as a Conditional Use Permit. She specified that in order for the applicants to use the existing Towne Centre sign monument, which is on City property, the application must be processed as a PUD. Schumann provided an update related to the remodeling of the Hi -way Liquors sign which was damaged in a recent storm. She stated that the City will be repairing the base sign, changing the sign face and adding an electronic message board. She noted that it will meet sign code provisions as it will be 22 feet in height and under the 100 square foot requirement for messaging. Chairman Dragsten asked why the City decided to install a reader board on the sign. Schumann clarified that various community events will be posted on the reader board and that it will serve the entire city campus including the community center, the city, the liquor store, the library, the farmer's market, the Planning Commission Minutes — 9/7/10 community garden and some non -profits. The messaging will be controlled by the community center. As this agenda item was noticed as an amendment to PUD, and it is not actually a PUD, Schumann suggested a continuance until October so that that staff can research and identify the proper procedural motion. MOTION BY COMMISSIONER SPARTZ TO CONTINUE THE PUBLIC HEARING FOR SILVER CREEK TO OCTOBER. MOTION WAS SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER VOIGHT. MOTION CARRIED 5-0. 6. Public Hearing — Conditional Use Permit for Open and Outdoor Storage in an I-2 Heavy Industrial District Applicant: All Elements, Inc. Schumann summarized that All Elements, Inc. applied for a Conditional Use Permit for Open and Outdoor Storage to allow for the exterior storage of vehicles, trailers and equipment related to their primary use as a roofing contracting company. They are proposing to fence and surface their rear yard of 1347 Dundas Circle. Schumann cited the ways in which the property is in compliance with conditional use provisions for open and outdoor storage in the I-2 District. The property is bordered on all sides by I-2 property. The storage area is to be surrounded by an 8' steel fence and the fence line is to be placed up to the property line. The City Engineer must approve the final placement of the fence relative to the drainage and utility easement. The height of the fence requires a building permit. The fence will be constructed of steel similar to the existing building, and will be of a similar color. The storage area is proposed to be surfaced with crushed concrete or Class 5. The applicant may need to spray the surfacing occasionally in the summer months to prevent excess dust with frequent vehicle movement. No additional lighting is proposed for the site as part of the project. Schumann specified that current code requires 36 parking spaces for this property. The site currently includes 19 striped parking spaces and approximately 4,000 square feet of surfaced area on its northern portion. Staff recommends the applicant submit a revised site plan to indicate how this surfaced area could be striped to provide the additional required parking if it became necessary and stipulated that the gate to the storage area be in this location. Schumann noted the assigned conditions as follows: 1. The applicant shall revise the site plan to illustrate proof -of -parking for 17 additional stalls. 2. Applicant is to verify exact location of proposed gate on the site plan. 3. All materials stored outside on the site shall be stored within the fenced storage area at all times. 4. The proposed fence line will not encroach into the Dundas Road or Dundas Circle right of way. 2 Planning Commission Minutes — 9/7/10 5. The applicants shall apply and be approved for a building permit for the proposed fence. 6. The City Engineer will approve the final placement of the fence relative to the drainage and utility easement and the drainage swale on site. There were questions about whether or not the parking requirement had changed. It wasn't clear how the current parking might have been allowed as there was no conditional use permit on file. Chairman Dragsten opened the public hearing. Wayne Elam, with Commercial Realty Solutions, the broker handling the sale of the property, represented the applicant. He noted that the gate is proposed to be located on the north end of the building and that the north end of the site could accommodate extra parking stalls. Commissioner Spartz asked Elam if any rubberized or tar type chemicals would be stored outside. Elam specified that only equipment would be stored outside. As there were no public comments, the public hearing was closed. MOTION BY COMMISSIONER HILGART TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF THE REQUEST FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR OPEN AND OUTDOOR STORAGE FOR 1347 DUNDAS CIRCLE, BASED ON A FINDING THAT THE PROPOSED USE IS CONSISTENT WITH THE CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL AND THE PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE I-2 DISTRICT, SUBJECT TO THE CONDITIONS OUTLINED IN EXHIBIT Z AS FOLLOWS. 1. The applicant shall revise the site plan to illustrate proof -of -parking for 17 additional stalls as noted in the Planning Commission report date 9/7/10. 2. Applicant is to verify exact location of proposed gate on the site plan. 3. All materials stored outside on the site shall be stored within the fenced storage area at all times. 4. The proposed fenceline will not encroach into the Dundas Road or Dundas Circle right of way. 5. The applicants shall apply for a building permit for the proposed fence. The CUP is subject to approval of the proposed fence. 6. The City Engineer will approve the final placement of the fence relative to the drainage and utility easement and the drainage swale on site. MOTION WAS SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER SPARTZ. MOTION CARRIED 5- 0. 3 Planning Commission Minutes — 9/7/10 7. Public Hearing — Amendment to the 2010 City of Monticello Zoning MaApplicant: City of Monticello Angela Schumann noted that since the Planning Commission's initial review of the zoning map staff has found that there are locations where zoning designations were incorrectly shown. These include the designation for 307 Chelsea Road, which should be shown as I -IA, and the adjacent parcel to the east, which should be shown as B-4. This mis- classification was made primarily due to the fact that the underlying parcel map was not current based on County records. Staff has also made a correction in the area of Otter Creek, where property has been annexed and needs to reflect an A-0 zoning classification. In making these clarifications, staff has found other portions of the map that require clean-up. These are areas where the zoning shape did not match the parcel lines. The Zoning Map will be further amended as part of the Zoning Code revision project. Chairman Dragsten asked if it was necessary to update this map at this time or if it could wait until the zoning rewrite was completed. Schumann indicated that the City Attorney recommended adopting the updated map because City Code cites that the map controls the actual designation of a property. After some discussion about other options, the Commission decided to update the map. Schumann clarified that once the zoning code is rewritten, the map will again have to be approved. She noted that the parcel by parcel clarification would have to be done in- house and would be an ideal project for a planning and zoning intern. MOTION BY COMMISSIONER SPARTZ TO RECOMMEND ADOPTION OF THE REVISED 2010 CITY OF MONTICELLO ZONING MAP. MOTION WAS SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER VOIGHT. MOTION CARRIED 5-0. 8. Community Development Director's Report. Live Wright: Schumann stated that the City of Monticello submitted a grant proposal by to Live Wright which is the Wright County component of the Statewide Health Improvement Program, for an update to the Park and Trail Plan which was last updated in 1996. She noted that grant funds are available for initiatives that lead directly to policy changes which support healthier and more active lifestyles in communities and schools. The grant does not require a cash match, but recommends an in-kind match of approximately 10%. The grant will be decided by the end of September and require formal review by the Parks Commission and Council. Hunter' Crossing: Schumann indicated that the City had received notice that the Hunters Crossing development is in foreclosure. There was no reason to respond to the complaint served to the City as the applicant is in compliance with both phases of development. The preliminary plat and first development agreement are still valid. The second development agreement is now invalid. G, Planning Commission Minutes — 9/7/10 Active Developments: Schumann noted that staff is working on preparing a status report on twelve active developments. Street Lighting Improvements: Schumann noted that the City had been waiting for street lighting on School Boulevard for two years. She indicated that after the lighting project underway is completed staff will be meeting to talk about placing trees along the boulevard to help cut down on the wind that blows across the open area. Trees will help to protect pedestrians walking on the trail and also help with snow plowing issues. 9. Adjourn. MOTION BY COMMISSIONER SPARTZ TO ADJOURN. MOTION WAS SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER VOIGHT MOTION CARRIED 5-0. The meeting was adjourned at 6:26 p.m. The Planning Commission then convened a meeting of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance Steering Committee. 5 Planning Commission Minutes — 8/3/10 MINUTES MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, August 3rd, 2010 6:00 PM Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Commissioners Present: Rod Dragsten, Charlotte Gabler, Barry Voight, Lloyd Hilgart Commissioners Absent: William Spartz Council Liaison: Susie Wojchouski Staff- Angela Schumann, Ron Hackenmueller, Steve Grittman — NAC 1. Call to order. Chairman Dragsten called the meeting to order noting the absence of Commissioner Spartz. 2. Consideration to approve the Planning Commission minutes of July 6', 2010. MOTION BY COMMISSIONER VOIGHT. MOTION WAS SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER GABLER. MOTION CARRIED 4-0. 3. Citizen comments. None. 4. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. None. 5. Public Hearing - Consideration of a request for Amendment to Conditional Use Permit for Planned Unit Development for Towne Centre Signage Plan. Applicant: Silver Creek Development/City of Monticello Community Development Director Angela Schumann stated that the applicant has requested that the public hearing be continued to the September meeting in order to have additional time to put together the needed supporting materials. Chairman Dragsten opened the public hearing, and finding no comments, then closed the public hearing and asked for a continuance. MOTION BY COMMISSIONER HILGART TO CONTINUE THE PUBLIC HEARING TO THE SEPTEMBER MEETING. MOTION WAS SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER VOIGHT. MOTION CARRIED 4- 0. Planning Commission Minutes — 8/3/10 6. Public Hearing — Consideration of an Amendment to Conditional Use Permit for Planned Unit Development for Union Crossings and consideration of a final plat for Union Crossings 5th Addition. Applicant: Ryan Companies US, Inc. Schumann summarized that the applicant is seeking a subdivision and amendment to Planned Unit Development for the existing Union Crossings 4th Addition. Lot 2, Block 1 will be subdivided to create two parcels to separate the property currently occupied by PetSmart from the easterly remainder of the property. The PetSmart parcel will become Lot 1, Block 1 of Union Crossings 5th Addition and the remainder would be Lot 2. Union Crossings was developed as a PUD to provide for a variety of retail buildings in a shopping center arrangement. The PUD covers the easements for parking and access between all the lots in the Union Crossings development. Chairman Dragsten questioned the irregular shape of the lot and utility easement. Schumann noted that there had also been an irregular lot and drainage easement configuration within the 4th Addition subdivision and those divisions were to accommodate the amount of square footage needed for each particular lot as required by the property owner. Chairman Dragsten opened the public hearing. Applicant Chris Brink with Ryan Companies, 50 S. 10th St., Suite 300, Minneapolis pointed out that there had been a prorata split between the properties within the entire development so that there would be enough land area to meet the requirements of the leasing agreement. Susie Wojchouski clarified that the lots had to be cut up that way for it to work out for the sale. Schumann confirmed that the Planned Unit Development would include cross easements, shared access and cross parking. As there were no further public comments, the public hearing was closed. MOTION BY COMMISSIONER VOIGHT TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLAT AND PUD AMENDMENT FOR UNION CROSSINGS 5TH ADDITION BASED ON A FINDING THAT THE APPLICATIONS ARE CONSISTENT WITH THE ORIGINAL PUD APPROVALS FOR UNION CROSSINGS WITH THE RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE CITY ENGINEER THAT THE PROPOSED 30 -FOOT EASEMENT IS ADEQUATE TO MAINTAIN THE DEEP SANITARY SEWER TRUNK LINE. MOTION WAS SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER HILGART. MOTION CARRIED 4-0. 7. Public Hearing — Consideration of an Amendment to Conditional Use Permit for Joint Parking for a Commercial Restaurant. Applicant: Warnert Development. Steve Grittman from NAC presented a Conditional Use Permit Amendment to allow for joint access and parking on a commercial parcel for an approximate 5,000 square foot Pizza Ranch restaurant, which is proposed to occupy the northern portion of Building B 2 Planning Commission Minutes — 8/3/10 in a retail shopping center located south of Chelsea Road between Highway 25 and Cedar Street. He pointed out that additional parking would be constructed to accommodate the proposed use. He stated that code takes into account square footage when determining parking space requirements and noted that there would be 25 surplus parking spots on site after the future expansion of retail in Building A. Grittman indicated that the building in which the restaurant is to be located was part of a two building/lot retail commercial development approved by the City in 2006 as a Planned Unit Development. The Zoning Ordinance has since been modified and the PUD classification is no longer necessary. Staff recommended approval of the CUP with a series of conditions mostly related to verification issues: • PUD applied to current property is terminated and replaced with CUP; • 56 parking spaces be developed on site at the time of Pizza Ranch construction; • Use and associated business hours of Building A are examined at the time of development to assure adequate on -street parking; • Agreement executed for cross parking and cross access reflecting new tenant mix; • Submitted building elevations be modified to specify finish materials; • Landscaping conditions must be met; • Signage be in compliance with previous approvals; • Changes to site lighting plan be approved by staff; • Compliance with Engineering requirements. Chairman Dragsten opened public hearing. Applicant Sheila Devine of Warnert Commercial noted that she is working with the Pizza Ranch franchise to redo the configuration of the retail space and bring forward the full plan. She confirmed that money would be maintained in escrow for landscaping until the project is completed. She indicated that the awning would only be on the Pizza Ranch property corner. She stated that the applicants would meet all conditions in Exhibit Z. Hearing no further public comment, the public hearing was closed. Schumann suggested attaching a condition that final materials come back to the Planning Commission for review and comment but not approval. Grittman noted that although the Commission may make recommendations to Council, they would not be conditions of the formal CUP. MOTION BY COMMISSIONER VOIGHT TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF THE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT, BASED ON A FINDING THAT THE PROPOSED PLAN IS CONSISTENT WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE, AND CONTINGENT ON COMPLIANCE WITH THE CONDITIONS LISTED IN EXHIBIT Z AS FOLLOWS, WITH THE ADDITION OF THE FUTURE REVIEW BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF FINISHING MATERIALS. Planning Commission Minutes — 8/3/10 The existing PUD applied to the property be terminated. This issue should be subject to further comment and recommendation by the City Attorney. 2. At least 56 parking spaces on the north, Phase 2 site are constructed at the time of the Pizza Ranch construction. 3. The use and associated business hours of "Building A" be examined at the time development to ensure an adequate off-street parking supply (for the entire development). 4. An agreement be executed by the parties involved in the cross parking and cross access arrangement. Such agreement shall be subject to review and approval by the City Attorney, filed with the City and recorded with the County. The submitted building elevations be modified to specify finish materials. 6. The following landscaping -related conditions be satisfied: A. All landscaping areas shall be irrigated. B. A minimum one year landscaping guarantee shall be provided. 7. Site signage comply with the conditions of previous City approvals. If any changes to the previously approved photometric lighting plan are proposed, particularly in the area of the previously proposed drive-through lane, the changes be documented upon on a revised photometric plan. Such revised photometric plan (if necessary) will be subject to the review and approval of the Building Official for conformance to the zoning ordinance lighting requirements. 9. Issues related to grading, drainage, erosion control, and utilities are subject to the review and approval of the City Engineer, including the preliminary comments identified in this report. MOTION WAS SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER GABLER. MOTION CARRIED 4-0. 8. Public Hearing - Consideration of a request for (1) a Rezoning from B-4, Region Business to I-1 or I-1 A, Light Industrial. (2) a Zoning Ordinance Amendment Establishing `Major Automobile and Truck Repair" as a conditional use in the 1-1 or I- EA, Light Industrial District and (3) a Conditional Use Permit to allow a major truck and automobile repair facility in an I-1, or I-lA, Light Industrial District. Applicant: Hoglund Body & Equipment. Grittman presented this request as a series of approvals involving a rezoning of the property; amending the zoning ordinance to accommodate the use; and submitting an application for a conditional use permit. These actions would allow the applicant to move into an existing building along Chelsea Road and to operate a repair facility for buses, El Planning Commission Minutes — 8/3/10 trucks and other vehicles. This proposal would also correct snap re -zoning issues and consider appropriate use on this site over the long term. Grittman gave a brief development history of the site and summarized an analysis of the potential rezoning. He noted that it had been inaccurately classified as a business zone. He indicated that this proposal seeks to create an industrial use classification consistent with the historic use of this property. The surrounding land use to the west is designated I -1A and an I -1-A designation would be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. He pointed out that the I -IA, Light Industrial District, does not make allowance for repair of trucks or automobiles. He suggested a text amendment to establish Major Automobile Repair and Truck/Heavy Equipment Repair as a permissible activity and recommended removing bus terminals and maintenance garages from the I -IA, leaving them to the more appropriately restrictive I-1 district. He cited the need for a greater level of detail for the conditional use permit and specified the need for compliance with conditions related to setbacks, parking, loading, landscaping, signage, building design, trash, grading, drainage and utilities and outdoor storage. Grittman then summarized the three decisions and the recommended motions for the Planning Commission to consider and responded to numerous related Commissioner questions and comments. Chairman Dragsten opened the public hearing. Applicant Wayne Hoglund indicated that he had purchased the building and would be moving an existing business from a building in Corcoran into this larger site to do auto body work with buses and trucks. Hoglund reported that he would have no problem complying with the specified conditions. Hearing no public comment, the public hearing was closed. DECISION 1: REGARDING THE REZONING OF THE SUBJECT SITE FROM B-4, REGIONAL BUSINESS, TO I-lA, LIGHT INDUSTRIAL MOTION BY COMMISSIONER VOIGHT TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF THE REZONING, BASED ON A FINDING THAT THE ACTION IS CONSISTENT WITH LAND USE DIRECTIVES OF THE CITY'S COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AND THAT THE CURRENT B-4 ZONING DESIGNATION WAS APPLIED IN ERROR. MOTION WAS SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER HILGART. MOTION CARRIED 4-0. DECISION 2: REGARDING AN AMENDMENT TO THE I-lA DISTRICT ESTABLISHING "BUS, MAJOR AUTOMOBILE, TRUCK, AND HEAVY W1 Planning Commission Minutes — 8/3/10 EQUIPMENT REPAIR" AS A CONDITIONAL USE, WITH A CONCURRENT DELETION OF BUS TERMINAL AND MAINTENANCE GARAGE FROM THE I -IA DISTRICT MOTION BY COMMISSIONER HILGART TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF THE AMENDMENT, BASED ON A FINDING THAT THE AMENDMENT IS CONSISTENT WITH THE INTENT AND PURPOSE OF THE I-lA DISTRICT, AND THAT THE USE WOULD BE CONSISTENT AND COMPLEMENTARY TO SIMILAR LIGHT INDUSTRIAL USES. MOTION WAS SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER GABLER. MOTION CARRIED 4-0. DECISION 3: REGARDING A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR "BUS, MAJOR AUTOMOBILE, AND HEAVY EQUIPMENT REPAIR" IN THE I -IA DISTRICT MOTION BY COMMISSIONER VOIGHT TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF THE CUP WITH CONDITIONS LISTED IN EXHIBIT Z AS FOLLOWS, BASED ON A FINDING THAT THE PROPOSED USE WILL MEET THE CONDITIONS OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE AND WILL BE CONSISTENT WITH THE INTENT OF THE I-lA DISTRICT AND THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN. 1. The site plan be revised to illustrate all off-street parking stalls (including those dedicated for use by the disabled) and designated loading areas. 2. The applicant address, to the satisfaction of the City, the handling of trash and recycled materials. The entire site other than that taken up by a building, structure, or plantings shall be surfaced with a material to control dust and drainage which is subject to the approval of the City Engineer. 4. A drainage system subject to the approval of the City Engineer shall be installed. 5. The lighting shall be accomplished in such a way as to have no direct source of light visible from adjacent land in residential use or from the public right-of-way and shall be in compliance with Chapter 3, Section 2 [H], of this ordinance. 6. The site plan be revised to illustrate the location of the proposed freestanding sign. 7. Provisions are made to control and reduce noise. 8. Any outdoor storage of vehicles awaiting repair or pick-up shall be contained within an enclosure, and shall be screened and landscaped to meet the requirements and intent of the I- lA zoning district. 9. Loading areas be screened from adjacent rights-of-way. 10. A landscaping plan be submitted which illustrates the location, variety and size of all site 31 Planning Commission Minutes — 8/3/10 plantings. The landscaping plan shall specifically identify the proposed screen plantings for any approved storage area. Such plan shall be subject to City review and approval. MOTION WAS SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER HILGART. MOTION CARRIED 4-0. 9. Consideration of a request for extension of Conditional Use Permit for Planned Unit Development for a multi -tenant commercial development in a B-3 (Highway Business) District. Applicant: Cornerstone/DOJO LLC. Schumann presented a request for an extension of the conditional use permit for the Cornerstone Development Planned Unit Development project. She noted that in 2008, the Planning Commission had reviewed and recommended approval of a Conditional Use Permit for a Planned Unit Development for a multi -tenant commercial development in a B-3 Highway Business District submitted by Cornerstone/DOJO. The City Council granted the CUP. Due to non-use, the CUP is set to expire this year. The applicant has not yet supplied record documents. Schumann recommended that the applicant bring the final stage proposal back before the Planning Commission to address all previously approved conditions. MOTION BY COMMISSIONER GABLER TO RECOMMEND AN EXTENSION OF ONE YEAR FOR THE AUGUST 11TH, 2008 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT FOR A MULTI -TENANT COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT IN A B-3 (HIGHWAY BUSINESS DISTRICT) FOR CORNERSTONE/DOJO LLC, WITH CONDITION THAT ALL PREVIOUSLY APPROVED CONDITIONS BE ASSIGNED TO THE EXTENSION AND FINAL STAGE PUD TO COME BACK BEFORE PLANNING COMMISSION. MOTION WAS SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER HILGART. MOTION CARRIED 4-0. 10. Consideration of a request for extension of Conditional Use Permit for a Bank Facility with a Drive -Through Facility, Joint Parking and Joint Access. Applicant: Broadway Market Investors, LLC. Schumann confirmed that M& I Bank is now the sole property owner and is requesting an extension of their 2008 Conditional Use Permit for a commercial development project located adjacent to Hart and CSAH 39. Due to non-use, the CUP will expire on September 22, 2010. Schumann noted that this extension is just for the M&I corner rather than the entire Broadway Market. She also indicated that she would provide a list of CUP extensions to the Planning Commission by the end of the year. MOTION BY COMMISSIONER VOIGHT TO RECOMMEND EXTENSION FOR ONE YEAR OF THE SEPTEMBER 22, 2008 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR PLANNED DEVELOPMENT FOR A BANK FACILITY WITH DRIVE-THROUGH FACILITY, JOINT PARKING, AND JOINT ACCESS FOR M & I BANK WITH THE CONDITION THAT ALL PREVIOUSLY APPROVED CONDITIONS BE ASSIGNED TO THE EXTENSION. VA Planning Commission Minutes — 8/3/10 MOTION WAS SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER HILGART. MOTION CARRIED 4-0. 11. Consideration to call for a Public Hearing on amendments to the 2010 City f Monticello Zoning Map. Applicant: City of Monticello. Schumann asked that the Planning Commission call a second public hearing of the revision of the zoning map that was adopted earlier this year. Any additions would be clarified and inconsistencies in parcel configuration would be corrected. After the zoning ordinance revision process has been completed, MFRA would verify and complete a specific parcel -by -parcel GIS layer for the City for the 2011 zoning map. MOTION BY COMMISSIONER DRAGSTEN TO CALL FOR A PUBLIC HEARING ON SEPTEMBER 7, 2010 ON AMENDMENTS TO THE 2010 CITY OF MONTICELLO ZONING MAP. MOTION WAS SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER GABLER. MOTION CARRIED 4-0. 12. Community Development Director's Report. Schumann invited questions related to the Director's Report. Grittman responded to a question about variances by summarizing what type of variance requests might be considered justifiable. There was much discussion about what might be considered reasonable use of property and the need for clear zoning regulations. When asked about Pelican Lake, Schumann clarified that the approved plan calls for the restoration of that lake which includes a reduction in the water level. Chairman Dragsten asked about how to gain access to the City compost facility using the combination code. Schumann reported that there would soon be a quick link to Pay My Utility Bill on the City website on which citizens can sign up to view their city account and get the code information. Schumann noted that further related questions might be best directed to the Utilities Department. Building Official Ron Hackenmueller reported that it is difficult to obtain an accurate hail damage count because of foreclosures. He noted that staff has been working to determine ownership and obtain timely cooperation from those involved. He pointed out that inventory of vacant homes has been reduced. He cited that there are two new homes going up in Monticello. Schumann reported that Wright County Community Action and the MN Homeownership Center had provided anecdotal information about upcoming foreclosures in Northeastern Wright County including Monticello to some extent. These are primarily due to Planning Commission Minutes — 8/3/10 homeowners who have lost employment. In addition, she cited that complaints about foreclosure scams have considerably increased in the past few years. 13. Consideration of added items. None 14. Adjourn. MOTION BY COMMISSIONER VOIGHT TO ADJOURN. MOTION WAS SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER HILGART. MOTION CARRIED 4-0. The meeting was adjourned at 7:40 p.m. E Planning Commission Agenda – 10/05/10 1 5. Continued Public Hearing - Consideration of a request for Amendment to Conditional Use Permit for Towne Centre Signage Plan. Applicant: Silver Creek Development A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND The applicant has indicated that they are having difficulty in getting information pulled together on their sign design. As noted in the September agenda item, Towne Centre was originally approved under a Conditional Use Permit, not a Planned Unit Development. It anticipated that Silver Creek may request use and enhancement of the existing Towne Centre monument, which is actually on City property. This would then necessitate the creation of a Planned Unit Development. Therefore, at this time, it is recommended the Commission formally deny the request for amendment, as a new application will be needed to process further sign adjustments. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS 1. Motion to deny request for Amendment to Conditional Use Permit for Towne Centre Signage Plan. 2. Motion of other. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends alternative 1 below. D> SUPPORTING DATA None. Planning Commission Agenda- 10/05/2010 1 6. Consideration to reschedule the regular November Planning Commission meeting due to General Elections. A. BACKGROUND The Planning Commission is asked to set at alternative date for November’s regular Planning Commission meeting. If acceptable to the Commission, staff has confirmed the availability of the Mississippi Room and taping options for November 3rd, Wednesday. Staff will post notice as appropriate for the rescheduled date. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS 1. Motion to reschedule the regular November Planning Commission meeting to a date to be specified by the Commission. 2. Motion of other. Planning Commission Agenda – 10/05/10 1 7. Community Development Director’s Update. (AS) Enclosed is the Council Connection provided to the City Council on September 27th. Green Sheet Report: 9/27/10 CITY OF MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL GREEN SHEET REPORT SEPTEMBER 27, 2010 MONTICELLO COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Council/Planning Commission Special Meeting — Zoning Ordinance A special meeting is planned between the City Council and the Planning Commission on Monday, November 8th, 2010. The meeting will review the draft Zoning Code revision. Special Note: A public open house regarding the revised code is set for Wednesday, October 201h. MFRA will be reviewing the code revision process and will present the new code to the public in summary. The open house will be an opportunity for the public to ask questions and provide additional comments. Silver Springs Golf Course Over the past two weeks, staff has fielded a number of calls related to possible uses for the Silver Springs golf club. As needed, staff have conveyed information on the Monticello Orderly Annexation Area (and MOAA Board), the County's current land use authority, and the City's long-range land use and infrastructure planning, etc. However, staff wants to make Council aware of one of the proposed uses. Attached is an article that appeared in the Star Tribune last week. The DNR has not contacted the City about this proposal. Staff will continue to monitor this proposal and will respond, as with previous concepts proposed, with the appropriate information. Office Administration Assistance The City of Monticello currently has a contract with the MN Workforce Center which allows us to utilize their client services for temporary employees on a limited basis. The Workforce Center matches clients with the City in employment areas that fit their skills sets. The City does not pay these employees, as their wages and insurance coverages are managed by the Workforce Center through existing State or Federal programs. MCC utilizes this with great success to help manage some workload needs. Green Sheet Report: 9/27/10 Over the next year, City Hall will also be taking advantage of this program. City Hall needs get caught up and organized in relationship to all of the paper filing that has accumulated. The paper filing system needs to be in order as the City ramps up the transition into the existing Laserfiche digital filing system. Each department needs assistance in filing and scanning documents. Specifically, the City has been matched with a client through the Senior Service America, Inc. (SSAI), Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP). This program is operated under Title V of the Older Americans Act and is administered locally through the Workforce Center. The senior client will be able to work for the City for up to one year. Again, SCSEP will fund the client's wage completely. There is no cost to the City to utilize this service. Human Resources and Community Development met with a client matched to the City in mid-September. Carole Larson has a tremendous amount of administrative and clerical experience to offer in the needed area. She will be joining the City Hall team on October 4th. We are looking forward to having her assistance! Please contact Tracy Ergen or Angela Schumann with any questions on this item DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING SAFETY Building Department Staff has been working on the plan review on a warehouse addition for Xcel Energy; this building has a value of $700,000. Xcel has also started moving dirt for the guard house; this building has a value of $1.2 million. Staff has been working with Semper Development to ensure that when they are ready for the demolition of the two buildings we will have all the items we need to proceed with the demolition. Groveland Center has three projects they are working on, one of which is Enterprise Rental. $5 Pizza will be opening soon, at Towne Centre. Kjellbergs Park Staff will have a full report of the status of the park with the next green sheet as related to water quality and emergency storm shelters. Public Nuisance Staff has recently sent three property maintenance violations over to the County 2 Green Sheet Report: 9/27/10 Attorney's office for siding damage that still has not been repaired from the 2008 storm. Staff will continue to provide updates on the progress of these violations. We also continue to follow-up on complaints of other damaged homes. Staff will continue to communicate with the banks and home owners on these violations. Rentals There has been a good response to the reminder letters sent out last month for delinquent inspections. There has been a steady stream of rental inspections over the last few weeks. DEPARTMENT OF MOTOR VEHICLES Saturday Transactions Cost/Profit Breakdown: DMV Saturday Transactions Number Breakdown January thru Sept 18, 2010 Monti Big Lake Becker Albertv. Other total Transactions 830 584 245 96 1013 2768 The percent of transactions for just Monticello Jan -Sept 18, 2010 is Other is mainly: Elk River Buffalo Clear Water St. Cloud Minneapolis St. Paul Cost/Profit Total Wage Profit Jan -Sept. $15,569.95 $41907.20 $10,662.75 3 30% Green Sheet Report: 9/27/10 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Monticello BR&E The Leadership Team and Task Force will be holding a BR&E Retreat on September 28, 2010 at the New River Medical Center. The purpose of the meeting is to review information gathered from the 60 completed business surveys. The other purpose will be to begin formulating viable projects to initiate. A meeting notice has been posted in the event a quorum of the City Council occurs. A large community meeting will be held in late October to early November. The purpose of the community meeting will be to unveil the set of priority projects identified by the Task Force. EDA Staff attended the CoreNet Global Summit conference in Phoenix on September 19 -21st. CoreNet is a group that represents national commercial realtors/brokers, economic developers, and end users. The conference was amazing with a lot of end user executives, site selectors, brokers, and many Economic Development staff in attendance. Staff networked with many different groups and was able to participate in several round table discussions. One of the breakout sessions included conversations with executives from General Motors, Ford Motors, and General Dynamics. It was very interesting to hear how many different sectors, states, and cities are dealing with the current economic downtown. The EDA authorized the creation of an economic development website designed specifically geared towards site selectors. The site is still in the works of refining look and format, however it is up and running. Check out www.buildingbusinessinmonticello.com IEDC October is Manufacturer's Month in Monticello. Please join the EDA and the IEDC on October 271h at 7:30-8:30am at the Monticello Community Center for breakfast with local manufacturers. This is an important event for elected officials to attend in order to show appreciation for the many great industries located in Monticello. Toby Madden from the Federal Reserve Bank will speak, along with Mayor Herbst, and Kevan Sorenson 0 Green Sheet Report: 9/27/10 from Riverwood Bank. The selected Industry of the Year award will also be presented at this meeting. Invitations will go out the week of September 271h Inquiries Staff was notified by the State of MN that Monticello is no longer being considered for a Tier 4 data center. City Council may recall staff submitted a proposal for a very large data center through the Shovel Ready process. Several factors precluded Monticello from being looked at further. The good news is that Monticello does show good indicators for a Tier 1 or 2 data center. This could equal high paying jobs in the community. Other opportunities may include wind supply chain manufacturers and alternative energy companies. Embracing Downtown The Embracing Downtown kick off meeting with staff and consultants is set to occur the second week in October. The kick off meeting with the staff, steering committee, and downtown land owners is in the process of being scheduled for the third week in October. The consulting team desires to meet with land and business owners at the very start of the project. Wright County Economic Development Partnership The Partnership is in the process of scheduling a meeting with EDA, City Council, and staff members throughout the entire County in order to better facilitate a coordinated and regional marketing plan for the. County. EDA and City Council members are asked to participate in order to fully understand all the dynamics in the County. Research has shown that county wide efforts for marketing have better success rates. This effort is in the beginning stages, however it is anticipated that this next meeting with be facilitated by a consultant in order to truly come to a consensus and move forward in a positive manner. NSP It is staff understanding that all of Monticello/Otsego's NSP dollars have been allocated. Staff is hopeful that by the end of November we will have all houses closed and occupied. 5 Green Sheet Report: 9/27/10 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 2010 Street Reconstruction Project The project schedule recently slipped a few weeks, primarily due to a shortage of crews for one of the subcontractor's, but also to a lesser extent due to the weather. However, it is expected that all work will be completed by the end of October. Last week Prairie Road was paved, and the reconstructed Chestnut Street sanitary sewer lift station was placed back into service. The remainder of Area 4A should be paved within the next two weeks, and the reconstruction of the Third Street parking lot should begin later this week or the week after. Third Street Parking Lot Common -Use Dumpster Enclosures Requests for quotes were submitted to several firms last week, and a public hearing will be held on these improvements at the October 11th City Council meeting. The two proposed will be located on the south sides of the two end island delineators between the single rows of parking stalls and the alley. Landscaping will be provided on all sides of the enclosures without access gates. 2010 Street Lighting Improvements The lights between Fallon Avenue and Edmonson Avenue were first lit on Thursday, September 161h. Since that time staff has received one compliment and one complaint (light shining in bedroom window). Staff will review the lighting patterns to see if adjustments should be made anywhere. The lights between Fenning Avenue and Fallon Avenue should be operational this week, assuming that Xcel Energy removes their existing poles and updates their transformer on Fenning Avenue to provide 240V power to our new system. Staff will also provide a verbal update on this project during the September 27th Council meeting. FINANCE DEPARTMENT Fire Contract Green Sheet Report: 9/27/10 At one of the budget meetings it was discussed that Monticello Township would begin paying the City for fire services in 2011. It was brought up that staff should meet with Township officials to make sure they will continue to use the Monticello Fire Department for fire service in 2011. This meeting is not needed as the City has a signed contract to provide fire services to Monticello Township through 2012. Sale Tax Audit The State of Minnesota has been performing a sales tax audit on the City to make sure the City has collected and paid the correct sales tax to the State. The audit is covering the years 2007 through 2010. While final results are not known at this time and the audit is still in process, as far as staff can tell they have not found any major issue so far. Once the audit is completed, any findings will be sent to the City in the next month or so and the City can either simply pay the unpaid sales tax and penalties or dispute and provide evidence as to why sales tax is not due. Staff will provide an update to council when results of the sales tax audit are known. DMV Saturday Customer Counts Attached is data related to the number of customers the DMV served on Saturdays so far in 2010 and where those customers live. As you can see the DMV has served 2,713 customers, of which 810 customers were Monticello residents. These transactions have generated an estimated $15,242.95 in revenues against $5,700.00 in expenses. At this time based on these numbers staff feels it would make sense to maintain the Saturday hours. HI -WAY LIQUORS Fall Wine Tasting/Wine Sale The event this year is Friday October 22nd in the Mississippi Room of the Monticello Community Center. There will be over 90 wines featured for sampling, along with a catered buffet, door prizes and a souvenir etched wine glass for each attendee. Tickets are now available for $20, and available only at Hi -Way Liquors in advance of the tasting. Tickets are not sold at the door the night of the event. This is followed by Hi -Way Liquors Fall Wine Sale October 23rd—November 61h. All wines in the store will be 30% off, with the exception of previously discounted selections. 7 Green Sheet Report: 9/27/10 HUMAN RESOURCES Recent OSHA Visit On August 19, 2010 OSHA paid a routine visit to the City of Monticello. While it was considered a routine visit, the last time OSHA was out to visit the City was approximately 15 years ago. Tracy Ergen was out of the office and so Jeff O'Neill and Tom Kelly met with the OSHA inspector. The inspector visited City Hall, MCC, Hi - Way Liquors and Public Works. Overall, the inspections went well receiving just three citations. While the City only received three citations, the OSHA inspector did make recommendations along the way which staff have either corrected or are in the process of correcting. Below is a list of the citations and associated fines. The original OSHA fines below were reduced as a result of discounts given by OSHA based on good faith, size of the business and history. The deadline for the corrections below is October 2, 2010. Public Works: Procedures not developed, documented and utilized for the control of potentially hazardous energy. Fine: $750 Reduced to: $525 MCC: Procedures not developed, documented and utilized for the control of potentially hazardous energy. Fine: $750 Reduced to: $525 Not trained in and familiar with the safety work practices required by their respective job. Employees working in areas where there were potential electrical hazards were not provided with; and/or did not use, electrical protective equipment that was appropriate for the specific parts of the body to be protected and for the work performed. Fine: $1750 Reduced to: $1225 Insurance Renewal Process Update For 2011 the City has moved its business from Financial Concepts to local agent Tony Velishek with Apollo Insurance Agency. The City went to market this year and expects preliminary medical and dental renewal rates back from Apollo Insurance Agency the beginning of October. Last year our renewal rates were 5% for medical and 6% for Green Sheet Report: 9/27/10 dental. There was very low utilization in 2009 by employees and therefore, our rate increase was significantly lower than that of other companies. In 2010 we have had higher utilization and therefore, expect our increase to be at least 10% for medical. Each year dental rates as a market increase approximately 7%. MONTICELLO COMMUNITY CENTER Liquor Store Sign Update Top Line Advertising, our sign contractor, had Daktronics provide us with a demo of the sample of the sign we'll be getting for the Liquor Store. It has good color and graphics and we felt very confident that it will work very well for all of us. Top Line has been out and determined that the internal structure and the footings are good. They are just waiting for their signed permit to begin. They expect to complete the project within the next three weeks. Building Siding Update With the pool just reopening from its annual closing, Brian Weldon is working to answer the questions and concerns brought up about the siding. We might have something available at the next meeting if the Council would like a verbal update. PUBLIC WORKS Recycling The first impact data related to our new recycling program shows an impressive start. Last year during the week of 9-7-2009, City residents recycled 21.10 tons of material. During that same week this year, City residents recycled 37.21 tons of material. That is more than a 75% increase in recycling and saves 16 tons of resources that would have been sent to a landfill. Our landfill cost per ton is $43. Multiply $43 per ton for 16 tons and the City has potentially saved $688 on this one collection alone. Statistics have shown recycling to increase 30% or more with cart use. We've also reduced our carbon footprint by recycling more and will include totalized data on our website crawler when it is calculated. Hats off to City residents for their involvement in this success! 7 Green Sheet Report: 9/27/10 Bowling Alley Lot Council had stated some cars had been parking in the bowling alley lot. Staff has been keeping an eye on this after Council's request, in the last few recent weeks none have been seen during working hours. Fall Leaf Pickup Normally the fall leaf collection is the last Saturday in October. Last year that Saturday fell on Halloween so it was held the following week on Saturday, November 7 so as not to interfere with kids on the street that were trick or treating. Staff had a second collection on 11-23-09 because of the long fall season. Residents were confused because of the change from the normal pickup. Later Council had suggested waiting two weeks beyond 2010's fall pick up which would bring us to November 201h. (Who knows what the weather will be doing this year!) Staff is suggesting pickup occur no later than November 13. Veolia states that it is generally most convenient for residents to use plastic bags they may have on hand and that 30 gallon bags are the easiest to size to handle. When compostable bags are required, participation in the leaf collection program drops and leaves blow around much more. There is no pick up or hauling charge from Veolia, so the cost is very low - $250/truckload. The bags are prearranged to tear. Usually 2-3 loads are collected seasonally. It takes 8 to 10 hours for 4 people to tear bags open at the disposal site. We are considering asking the scouts to do debagging as a badge earning event as a way to reduce these costs. We'd provide an incentive in support of their efforts. Fall and spring each average from 1,500 to 2,000 bags to be picked up. Loads are brought to Kremer's Compost Site in Cold Spring, MN. It was suggested that we accept only compostable bags purchased from the city to eliminate a bag tearing fee. However, this involves staff time to order, pick up, organize bag sale, sell and record sale transactions, and that cost would be more than the retail store price. (Sales would have to be at City Hall, as Public Works is not set up to accept cash or credit cards.) Compostable bags: 1 box has 10 bags. There are 12 boxes in a case = $64.13 which equates to $0.53 per bag. Freight would have to be added which will be around $0.10+ per bag. • City's cost $6.50 / 10 compostable plastic • Target $7.99 / 10 compostable plastic • Home Depot $ 8.48 / 10 compostable plastic 10 (No Labor reflected in cost) $2.99/5 Compostable paper $1.88/3 Compostable paper Green Sheet Report: 9/27/10 • Ace $8.99 / 10 compostable plastic $7.49/25 Compostable 1. Are there compostable plastic or paper bags? Not all compostable plastic or paper bags are acceptable. Bags must state that it meets EN 13432 Standards and ASTM D6400. 2. Do the compostable bags rot quickly when they get wet? The manufacturer stated that the bags could be handled for two weeks when wet if they are not over 351bs. The bags are so slippery in snow that carriers have a hard time picking them up and the bags tend to split when cold. 3. Bag -To -Nature is an acceptable compostable bag which is sold locally in stores. This bag meets recycling EN 13432 Standards and ASTM D6400. Problems associated with compostable bags are bagging too soon, or storing incorrectly, because disintegration begins with moisture or sunlight. Proper planning must be used to avoid bag failure. Veolia cannot pick up leaves that are not contained. This could be a problem on a one day pickup. STREET DEPARTMENT Shop Our shop mechanic Al has started to inspect our larger trucks for winter plowing. Already the first truck brought into the garage shows some major problems. The main springs on the rear axle need replacement. Al has also been doing normal maintenance and minor repairs on other vehicles and equipment when we can keep him in the shop. Roadwork We have been completing road repairs on E. Chelsea Rd with hot patch. MN DOT's recent project on Hwy 25 has added some work to our schedule. We repaired a storm water pipe that runs under Hwy 25 before resurfacing. Staff also had to remove six streetscape railings at the intersection 25 & Broadway. Other related work on Hwy 25: Streetlights which were ordered to be removed by council will be taken down by staff to save several thousand dollars. Staff will also prepare the locations for the electrician to make wiring corrections and install a handhold vault for the lighting system loop. Scheduling is to be completed in conjunction with the State work. Landscaping assistance was provided at the FiberNet head end building. This consisted of excavation & grading, and hauling and dispersal of FA Granite throughout the 11 Green Sheet Report: 9/27/10 surface of the property to create grounds that are maintenance free. Mowing We started Round 3 of our fall mowing of right of ways, boulevards, and outlots, as the mowing policy dictates. We will continue working on storm water maintenance as time allows. PARKS DEPARTMENT The Parks Department is also trying to make ends meet with existing staffing levels by utilizing, when available, the STS (prisoners and juvenile workers). Currently staff is working on various tasks listed below: • Chipping requests • Cemetery locating graves and stone setting • Equipment/vehicle repairs • Playground repair at 4th St • Daily athletic field setups (softball, baseball and football) • 41h St ballfield renovation - 62 yards of age lime was added to infield playing area • Cleaning for park rentals • Athletic field -turf grass program (turf cultivation) • Routine building maintenance • Irrigation work, ground maintenance Shade Tree Update: The Monticello Parks Department completed a biannual inspection of diseased shade trees. The numbers are up and a total of 300 trees have been identified with Dutch Elm Disease and are tagged for removal. City staff will also complete a follow-up inspection in October. Good News: The Monticello soccer club is looking for a site capable of having space for 14 small 12 Green Sheet Report: 9/27/10 recreational soccer fields. This would be a temporary fix for current crowed athletic fields. City staff responded with a few options. The first option would be to place fields on Th St. however, this area conflicts with the Street Department's operations. The second location is Hunters Crossing Park located a half mile south of Pioneer Park. Currently staff is waiting on pricing from a local contractor for grading the park. This cost would be absorbed by the soccer club. There are a few issues with this park area such as parking, water and future needs for the existing residents (such as a possible playground). The third option for the soccer club is located at the Bertram Chain of Lakes Park; however, there is a lot of planning to be done before the city makes that commitment. The Parks Commission will be reviewing this issue at their regularly scheduled meeting on Thursday September 23, 2010. WATER DEPARTMENT The water department has been working on: 1. Sewer cleaning in the northwest quadrant (18 miles) 90% complete 2. Hydrant Maintenance: Oiling, exercise, rebuilding NW quadrant. 100% complete 3. Hydrant painting Northwest quadrant 80% complete 4. Water gate valve exercising & GPSing 100% complete 5. 2010 Core City project sewer service repair & replacement. 100% complete 6. Sewer cleaning the yearly main lines (2 miles) 0% done The Water Department will start reading water meters Oct. 4th, and flushing water mains Oct. 12th. 13