EDA Agenda Packet 01-13-2010 (EDA/CC)JOINT EDA/CITY COUNCIL AGENDA Wednesday, January 13,2010 6:00 p.m. Mississippi Room - 505 Walnut Street, Monticello, MN Commissioners: President Bill Demeules, Vice President Dan Frie, Treasurer Bill Tapper, Bill Fair, Bob Viering, and Council members Tom Perrault and Brian Stumpf City Council: Mayor Clint Herbst, Glen Posusta, and Susie Wojchouski Staff: City Administrator Jeff O'Neill, Executive Director Megan Barnett, Finance Director Tom Kelly, Community Development Director Angela Schumann, and City Engineer Bruce Westby Call to Order 2. Approve October 14, 2009 Meeting Minutes Consideration of additional agenda items 4. Approval of EDA Invoices Presentation by the I -94 West Corridor Coalition 6. TIF Management Plan: Prioritizing Project Exercise Marketing Update: a. Inquiries on the City's industrial park have been slow over the holiday season. b. ED Director is in the process of initiating a new marketing look for the EDA, including creating a LinkedIn & Facebook page c. Staff contacted both Louisiana and Indiana regarding insight into attracting fiber optic dependent businesses to Monticello d. The ED Director obtained a contact at the University of MN to begin establishing a relationship with their research departments. This could lead to potential satellite research and entrepreneur businesses created in Monticello. f ED Director will be attending more NIOP functions to further network with developers and cormnercial brokers to keep Monticello in their minds for new development prospects. Adjournment MINUTES CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Wednesday, October 14, 2009 6:00pm 1. Call to Order: Chairman Demeules called the meeting to order and declared a quorum at 6:00pm. Roll Call: The following Commissioners were present: President Bill Demeules Commissioner Bill Fair Commissioner Bill Tapper Council Member Tom Perrault Council member Brian Stumpf Absent: Vice President Dan Frie Commissioner Bob Viering Also present Executive Director Megan Barnett and Finance Director Tom Kelly 2. Approve minutes: MOTION BY BILL FAIR SECONDED BY TOM PERRAULT TO APPROVE THE JUNE 10, 2009 MEETING MINUTES WITH CORRECTIONS TO THE VOTE COUNT AND COMMISSIONERS ABSENT. MOTION CARRIED. 5 -0. MOTION BY BILL FAIR SECONDED BY TOM PERRAULT TO APPROVE AUGUST 12, 2009 MEETING MINUTES WITH GRAMMER CORRECTIONS AS DISCUSSED. MOTION CARRIED. 4 -0. STUMPF ABSTAINED. 3. Consideration of additional agenda items: No additional items were added. Staff stated item #6 on the agenda has been removed due to the request being withdrawn. 4 Approval of EDA invoices: Council Member Stumpf requested staff provide follow up information regarding what property's taxes were due and why. MOTION BY BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED BY BILL FAIR TO APPROVE INVOICES. MOTION CARRIED. 5 -0 5. Request from the Initiative Foundation for financial contribution. Executive Director Barnett stated Paul IQeinwachter was here representing the Initiative Foundation. Barnett stated Cities are allowed to provide financial contributions to organizations as long as there is an economic development purpose associated with the contribution. Barnett stated Paul would like to make a short presentation regarding the services the Initiative Foundation provides. Mr. Kleinwachter reviewed the purpose of the Foundation. They provide gap financing to a variety of entities (i.e. non - profit organizations, private companies, etc.) and issue numerous grants to assist with planning projects, transportation, workforce development, natural resources, technology enhancements and much more. The Foundation has provided over three million loans from 1986 to 2008. The Foundation believes in assisting communities and businesses to help stimulate economic growth. Paul stated several examples of loans and grants that have been awarded within Wright County. Commissioners inquired about a few of the past loans and grants approved. MOTION BY FAIR SECONDED BY STUMPT TO APPROVE CONTRIBUTING $2,000 TO THE INITATIVE FOUNDATION. MOTION CARRIED. 4 -0. TAPPER ABSTAINED. Council Member Perrault stated he voted in favor of the request due to the fact there was matching funds associated with the Initiative Foundation. 6. Report from Executive Director: Director Barnett updated the EDA on the pending amendment to the NSP grant. Barnett stated staff and a few council members raised concern regarding demolishing 413 0' Street utilizing NSP funds. Due to the income level restrictions that would be placed on the property it could be stated the property may result in being under developed. Commissioner Fair questioned why a habitat for humanity home was not being further pursed. Staff stated there was concern raised that this property may not be the best option for a habitat home due to the location and larger lot size. If the State approves the NSP amendment, staff will need to obtain further direction from the EDA and City Council regarding future use of the subject property. Staff updated the EDA on the aggressive construction process FiberNet Monticello is making to bring live fiber optics to City facilities and local neighborhoods. Barnett also updated the EDA regarding follow up actions to the TIF Management Plan. Wright County Economic Development Partnership is looking for EDA members to participate in a County wide meeting to be held in the middle of November. A question was raised if the house located at 413 4th Street could be donated to the fire department for fire training purposes. Staff stated this could be further pursued by the EDA as an option for demolishing the house. Funds would need to be obtained to cover the insurance and remaining debris removal expenses. 7. Adjourn MOTION BY TAPPER SECONDED BY FAIR TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. MOTION CARRIED. 5 -0. Bill Demeules, President Megan Barnett, Executive Director ( ( \ / ( / / \ ( \ \ \� \ l \ \ g 0 O CL ; ( n � ( � ( � � ( / ( ) 2 { ((( ! * E R 7 \ ( 2 z [ 7 } | ! 2 \ � \ � � ( / r \� \ l \ \ r. @ g 0 O CL ( n � ( � w � � ( / ) 2 ((( * \ R 7 2 r. @ g 0 O CL ( n � ( � w ( � [ \ � 3 / x ) � 2 k [ � �\ 0 VAN IAGEPOIN`i° PARTNERS 21025 Commerce Blvd, Suite 900 Rogers, MN 55374 Phone (763) 428 -4466 Fax (763) 428 -2430 TO: City of Monticello Attn: Megan Barnett Via email — Megan. Barnett @ci.monticel lo. mn.us Monticello, MN aim INVOICE #1586 r DATE: NOVEMBER 4, 2009 FROM: Vantage Point Partners, LLC 21025 Commerce Blvd Suite 900 Rogers, MN 55374 DESCRIPTION AMOUNT Reimburse Vantage Point Partners for a portion of the MNCAR Expo Fee MNCAR Expo $700.00 NOV - 4 2009 �D - - - TOTAL DUE $700.00 MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO : Vantage Point Partners, LLC If you have any questions concerning this invoice, contact Dennis Meadows 763 - 428 -7008 Thank you for your business! j § ( / ! \ / # § / ( ■ \ / / E ; ( ! ru \ / K f y { \ @ § 7 2 ^ / ) «� . � ( \ 0 O CIL � ( � \ \ \ ® � � v / \ §ƒ ® \ / ) . ƒ y { \ @ § 7 2 ^ / ) «� . � ( \ � + / \ (f 2 �\ � [ 0 O CIL ( � � v / / . ƒ � + / \ (f 2 �\ � [ Page: 1 Kennedy & Graven, Chartered 200 South Sixth Street City of Monticello Suite 470 Minneapolis, MN 55402 DEC - n K09 s October 31, 2009 MN190 -00101 General HRA Matters Through October 31, 2009 For All Legal Services As Follows: Hours Amount 10/1/2009 SJB Meet with staff and R. Fiefield regarding various TIF 2.00 410.00 matters 10/212009 SJB Review Fiefield memo from 10/1 meeting 0.20 41.00 10/5/2009 SJB Revise old TIF Pledge Agrmnt, mall TIF note; phone call 1.00 205.00 with Fiefield regarding same Total Services: $ 656.00 Total Services and Disbursements:$ 656.00 w O OR 0 0 0 w 0 b 9 ro w ono N w w 0 A 0 b W J o SI o 0 0 0 w 0 �1 \V w a �J q h tlo r d � A � n ti oa �N 0 F C 0 0 a m N C b ro N tlrt p F a G %y w n s � W r ti O Y C.1 a b .N- w b W J o SI o 0 r. 0 C m n O p r d N X 0 n z 0 a 0 e y O z 0 0 0 0 �1 \V �J h r ti � A � oa �N 0 0 � ro r. 0 C m n O p r d N X 0 n z 0 a 0 e y O z 0 0 0 0 \V �J r ti 5 Mfi •'� an anddDesig J P.Q. Box 661, Monticello, MN 55362 www.majlrs.00m W ph: 763.295.4393 LB f :763.295.8858 Bill To City of Monticello Megan Barnett 505 Walnut Street Monticello, MN 55362 Invoice Date Invoice # 12/21/09 356 Terms Due on receipt Quantity Description Rate Amount 1.25 Layout and Design for Wright County Economic 80.00 100.00 Development Partnership 2 page Ad sales tax 6.875% 0.00 D EC 2 2 2009 ,y Thank you for your business. Total $100.00 Payments /Credits $0.00 Balance Due $100.00 NTEREU — ®m. a § ( \ ( \ / { ( \ \ \ \ ( \ \ ( E / \ a ( \ 7 ( \ } 2 ) / }�\ 2 ( } ( \ � ! ( ( \ $ { \ ( { y \ 0 J \ \� ƒ \ � n { f ƒ » § 3 » ) � ) $ e E { y \ 0 J \ \� ƒ \ � n { f ƒ » § 3 » Check No.: Vendor No.: CITY OF MONTICELLO VOUCHER Poo Kq e,.,- Igcurring ❑ Manual 4✓ Needs CC Approval Pay by: Payee: (&106151 0 /- UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA Claudia Cody, M.P.A. EXTENSION EDUCATOR, COMMUNITY ECONOMICS AND ASSISTANT EXTENSION PROFESSOR (320) 203 -6053 or (888) 241.4591 or (651) 319.2754 (cell) FAX(320)203-6110 EMAIL cody0031 (Pumn.edu WEB www.exICI iORAmR,edu Extension Regiond Office, St, Cloud, Midtown Office Complex, 3400 Eint Street N, Suile 400, St. Cloud, MN 56303 -4000 DISTRIBUTION OF EXPENSE voucher,xls (This cover sheet for Extension staff use only) Regional Extension Educator recommendation forf acceptance of a community into the University of Minnes�ta Extension Business Retention & Expansion (13ME Strtitegihs Program St seV Community Participant Name: CITY OF MONTICELLO AV The applicant has completed all the steps necessary to enter the Business Retention and Expansion Strategies Program including: Leadership Team Orientation The purpose of this section is to ensure that the Leadership Team (1) understands the purpose and goals of the program and (2) is clear on its role and responsibilities. Circle all that apply: Each team member has read the publication, Is It for Our Community? YES NO • The team had a conversation with a coordinator from a community that has YES NO already conducted a BR &E visitation program? • The team has discussed the program and the roles of the leadership team with YES NO a U.M. Extension Educator — Community Economics? If yes, please list who the team spoke with: —OR— The team participated in Workshop B, Starting a BR&E Visitation Program YES NO (The workshop addresses each of the steps listed above.) The following Documents are attached: X Signed Program Fee Agreement X BR &E Application I recommend this porticipavt for acceptance into the Business Retention and Expansion Strategies Program at the University of Minnesota Extension. Name of Extension Educator — Community Economics CLAUDIA CODY BR&I," Application Form, Rev. September, 2009 EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS (such as: superintendent of elementary and secondary schools, technical and community college officials, University of Minnesota Extension Regional Director) OTHER COMMUNITY "LEADERS" (such as: retired business leaders', religious leaders, residents at large, and representatives of constituencies and workforca..populations not represented on the Task Force)* Program Objectives Listed here are the standard objectives for a community's BR &E Visitation Program. If applicable, please list any additional objectives that apply to your community's BR &E Visitation Program. 1. To demonstrate support for local businesses 2. To help solve immediate business concerns. 3. To increase local businesses' ability to compete in the global economy 4. To establish and implement a strategic plan for economic development. 5. To build community capacity to sustain growth and development. Summary of Work Plan Please list the date the following key steps will occur. (Take this information from your work plan) Task Force Orientation Practice BR &E visits (by Leadership Team) Volunteer Visitor Training (1 or 2 sessions) Business visits (range of dates) Warning Flag Review Session (first one) Task Force Retreat (at least 5 weeks after visits are completed) Implementation Resources & Project Design Meeting NOVEMBER 2009 FEBRUARY 2010 MARCH 2010 FEBRUARY -JUNE 2010 JULY 2010 OCTOBER 2010 NOVEMBER 2010 Community Commencement Meeting DECEMBER 2010 (at least 1 month after Implementation Resources & Project Design Meeting) 6R&EApplicatiau Fount, Rei. Sepieruber, 2009 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA PROGRAM AGREEMENT THIS PROGRAM AGREEMENT (the "Agreement') is between the�Regents of the University of Minnesota (the "University "), a Minnesota constitutional corp`%iation, and The CITY OF MONTICELLO, MN a(n) CITY (the "Organization "). This Agreement is entered into by University through Extension. The parties agree as follows: 1. Description of Program. University shall deliver the following program to Organization: BUSINESS RETENTION AND EXPANSION STRATEGIES STANDARD PROGRAM on the following dates 2009 -2011 at the following location(s)VARIOUS IN MONTICELLO. (the "Program "). University is the owner of or has obtained the right to use, distribute, publish, copyright (if applicable) and otherwise disseminate the Program and all materials related to the Program. Organization expressly disclaims any ownership or copyright to the Program and all materials related to the program. Reference to Program in this Agreement shall be deemed to include any deliverables provided to Organization in connection with the Program, including without limitation, curriculum, reports, results, materials, products, and information. 2. Fee. For the Program described in Section 1, Organization shall pay the University: $15,000, plus any sales or use tax, if applicable. 11 The fee shall be paid (check one of the two boxes): X ❑ i full upon the signing of this Agreement; or in installments, payable on the following dates: 2.2 Invoices shall be sent to: Name of Organization: CITY OF MONTICELLO Attn: MEGAN BARNETT ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR 505 WALNUT STREET MONTICELLO, MN 55362 Phone No.: 763.271.3208 Email: megan .barnett @ci.monticello.rnn.us technological information or data that Organization is reuesting U rs ty to produce during the course of work under this Agreement is expected to be subjeC'�to4lach c ntr Is. Organization shall notify University of the applicable export controls (for example, Co Zierce Control List designations, reasons for control, and countries for which an export license is required). University shall have the right to decline export controlled information or tasks requiring production of such information. If the Services cannot reasonably be performed without University access to export controlled information or data, the Agreement may be terminated by either party for convenience in accordance with Section 4, except that such termination shall occur inniediately upon written notice to the other instead of at the end of the 30 -day period set forth in Section 4. Organization shall not release export controlled information or data to University until Organization has been notified in writing by University that University has implemented a technology control plan for such information. 10. Indemnification. 10.1 Except as provided in Section 10.2, each party shall be responsible for its own acts and omissions, including the acts of its directors, employees, agents and contractors, and the results thereof and shall not be responsible for the acts of the other party and the results thereof. Liability of the University is subject to the terms and limitations of the Minnesota Tort Claims Act, Minnesota Statutes Section 3.736, as amended. 10.2 Organization shall indemnify, defend, and hold harmless University, its regents, faculty members, students, employees, agents, contractors, and authorized volunteer workers against any and all claims, costs, or liabilities, including attorneys' fees and court costs at both trial and appellate levels, for any loss, damage, injury, or loss of life (other than that attributable to willful, wanton or intentional acts or omissions of University) arising out of (i) use by Organization (or any third party acting on behalf of or under authorization from Organization) of the Program or any information, reports, deliverables, materials, products or other results of University's work under thus Agreement or (ii) Organization's infringement of a third party's intellectual property rights or Organization's violation of any law, rule, or regulation in the provision of any materials to University. 10.3 Each party represents that it has and will maintain the following levels of insurance or self - insurance during the term of this Agreement: (i) Workers' Compensation in statutory compliance with Minnesota law; and (ii) general liability insurance in an amount not less than $1,000,000 each claim/$3,000,000 each occurrence. If requested by University, Organization's policy shall name the Regents of the University of Minnesota as an additional insured. Certificates of all insurance detailed above shall be funnished to the other party upon request: 11. General Provisions. 11.1 Arnendment. This Agreement shall be amended only in writing duly executed by all the parties to this Agreement. If to University: University of Minnesota Extension Center for Community Vitality Attn: Roxy McCann 468 Coffey Hall "I 1420 Ecldes Avenue St. Paul, MN 55108 Phone No.: 612- 624 -5429` Facsimile No.: 612- 625 -1955 E -mail: doni0007 @umn.edu With a copy to: University of Minnesota Office of the General Counsel Attn: Transactional Law Services Group 360 McNamara Alunmi Center 200 Oak Street S.E. Minneapolis, MN 55455 -2006 Facsimile No.: (612) 626 -9624 E -mail: contracts @mail.oge.unm.edu With a copy to: University of Minnesota Extension Finance and Planning 415 Coffey Hall 1420 Eckles Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 E -mail: m- mone @unnun.edu If to Organization: CITY OF MONTICELLO Attn: MEGAN BARNETT ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR 505 WALNUT STREET MONTICELLO, MN 55362 Phone No.: 763.271.3208 Facsimile No.: 763.295.4404 E -mail: nnegan .barnett @ci.montieello.nun.us 11.8 Survival. Upon termination or expiration of this Agreement, Sections 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 shall survive. b a n N O O b b N W I (n r C R IJ W O U O b U� N N N N N N IJ N N W W W W AL W W ..W W 41 Vii VOi UOi Vii VOi Vii W W W w w w w rn m o 0 0 z � o00 0 0 0 lil W li, O O O O O O O O O O O O �O �D b b b b �O �O 0b0oo J W W A N u A W v lA U W r J U J OJ W U V� r U v W O O O O b O O O O � � ryM 1yt ✓' z � 0 0 0 �°. n. 1 H 4a, 7y t7 C7 r n4a cn IJ n n lC m iu 0 0 0 N ^, b p M •J 0 0 5 5 d roro roro roro t7 t) t7 { �J 00 0O o0 aaa �e n 0 o O O n O O O K Xy a rppn fy r� tl r� in 91 T G " G w C N C m O LNG n r n n o d d d U O O U O O U O O O O O W O � O 2 b b b ♦p b b O O b �O �D b b b b �O �O 0b0oo J W W A N u A W v lA U W r J U J OJ W U V� r U v W O O O O b O O O O I a 0 t7 � � ryM 1yt ✓' z � 0 � r IJ Y lC f�1 N ^, b p M I a 0 t7 n 0 r •J d N { �J .b �e n n O a k M ro O z 0 0 a n 0 s N O O b N 'tl O .`1 H 0 0 ro ro ro w bo N 0 F a Y N _N d O Y n Y 9 C O 'J r d w n r. 7 0 b O 7. O J &Associates, Inc. Infrastructure 1 Engineering 1 Planning 1 Construction 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite 300 City of Monticello October 28, 2009 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Attn: Tom Kelly Project No: 01627 -570 Tel: 763 -541 -4800 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Invoice No: 29 Fax: 763 -541 -1700 Monticello, MN 55362 -8831 Dalton Ave,&- Weste rFy - Road- Extension.(Balton- Gourt} GP#(2006 -15C7 Professional Services from September 1, 2009 to September 30, 2009 Phase 3 Construction Professional Personnel Hours Rate Amount Project Management/Coordination Bisson, Shibani 9/10/09 .50 121.00 60.50 review punchlist with field observer /sent to contractor, site visit Bisson, Shibani 9/22/09 .50 121.00 60. prepare final agenda item for 9128 CC mtg /discuss with r ole contractor Pay Voucher Buckley, Susan 9/9/09 .25 62.00 15.50 Email draft final pay voucher to CTR for review. Administrative Buckley, Susan 9/23/09 .75 62.00 46.50 Prep agenda item accepting improvements and authorizing final payment. Prep letter to Mayor and Council recommending final payment to contractor. Email agenda item along w /supporting data to City. Fax voucher to contractor for signature. Totals 2.00 183.00 Total Labor 183.00 Total this Phase $183.00 Total this Invoice $183.00 E-11TERE � Billings to Date Current Prior Total Labor 183.00 86,811.75 86,994.75 Consultant 0.00 3,104.19 3,104.19 Expense 0.00 617.64 617.64 Field Services 0.00 51,233.00 51,233.00 Totals 183.00 141,766.58 141, 949.58 Minneapolis 1 St. Cloud Equal Opportunity Employer Project 01627 -570 MONT - Dalton Ave and Westerly Road Invoice29 Exte Comments: Reviewed by: Bret Weiss Project Manager: Shibani Bisson 0,51 Page 2 Check No.: Vendor No.: Payee: Ai) CITY OF MONTICELLO VOUCHER ❑ Recurring ❑ Manual FXI Disb. Ck. Batch ❑ Needs CC Approval Statement/ Invoice No: DISTRIBUTION OF EXPENSE Pay by: OC�P�...... . ..... Acct. No. Amount Description 11 Project Code a(14 4 3l 7, NAq TOTAL: 3(6, `1%5- vouclier.xls Twin Cities Die Cast Pay -as- you -go District: 26 Payment to: Twin City Die Castings Original Amount 225,000.00 Interest Rate 7.500% Payments Commence 8/1/01 Ending on Later Than 8/1/10 Available TIF 89.750% Increment Total Balance Date Received Principal Interest Payment Remaining 7/26/2001 770.00 770.00 225,000.00 1/15/2002 770.00 770.00 225,000.00 7/25/2002 8,791.00 8,906.00 17,697.00 216,209.00 1/14/2003 9,589.00 8,108.00 17,697.00 206,620.00 7/24/2003 10,143.00 8,708.00 18,851.00 196,477.00 1/23/2004 11,483.00 7,368.00 18,851.00 184,994.00 7/22/2004 11,005.00 7,897.00 18,902.00 173,989.00 1/20/2005 12,377.00 6,525.00 18,902.00 161,612.00 7/21/2005 12,089.00 6,060.00 18,149.00 149,523.00 1/19/2006 12,542.00 5,607.00 18,149.00 136,981.00 7/20/2006 12,024.00 5,137.00 17,161.00 124,957.00 1/18/2007 12,475.00 4,686.00 17,161.00 112,482.00 7/19/2007 12,414.00 4,218.00 16,632.00 100,068.00 1/28/2008 12,879.00 3,753.00 16,632.00 87,189.00 8/1/2008 15,099.00 3,815.00 18,914.00 72,090.00 1/1/2009 25,067.00 19,856.93 2,703.38 22,560.30 52,233.08 8/1/2009 21,181.59 17,104.69 1,958.74 19,063.43 35,128.38 1/1/2010 21,181.59 17,746.12 1,317.31 19,063.43 17,382.27 1/1/2010 17,382.27 17,382.27 0.00 17,382.27 0.00 Total 225,000.00 88,307.43 313,307.43 Check No.: Vendor No.: CITY OF MONTICELLO VOUCHER ❑ Recurring ❑ Manual ❑ Needs CC Approval Pay by: ® Disb. Ck, Batch /QSA Payee: Statement/ Invoice No: DISTRIBUTION OF EXPENSE Acct. No. Amount Description Project Code /77,/CJ ,2 3 "_r,ro2S `..5 " / /Cl�,5(J TOTAL: ��t%((J�,. TERED voucher.As IRTI Pay -as- you -go District: 28 Payment to: Integrated Recycling Technology, Inc. Original Amount 40,000.00 Interest Rate 8.000% Payments Commence 8/1/03 Ending on Later Than 2/1/12 Available TIF 90.000% Increment Total Balance Date Received Principal Interest Payment Remaining 7124/2003 1,195.00 1,729.00 2,924.00 38,805.00 1/23/2004 1,367.00 1,552.00 2,919.00 37,438.00 7/22/2004 1,448.00 1,498.00 2,946.00 35,990.00 1/20/2005 1,500.00 1,440.00 2,940.00 34,490.00 7/21/2005 0.00 34,490.00 1/19/2006 3,015.00 2,759.00 5,774.00 31,475.00 7/20/2006 1,764.00 1,259.00 3,023.00 29,711.00 1/18/2007 1,835.00 1,188.00 3,023.00 27,876.00 7/19/2007 3,315.00 1,115.00 4,430.00 24,561.00 1/28/2008 3,448.00 982.00 4,430.00 21,113.00 8/1/2008 4,248.00 1,108.00 5,356.00 16,865.00 1/1/2009 5,951.00 4,681.30 674.60 5,355.90 12,183.70 8/1/2009 5,981.81 4,896.28 487.35 5,383.63 7,287.42 1/1/2010 5,981.81 5,092.13 291.50 5,383.63 2,195.29 1/112010 2,195.29 2,195.29 0.00 2,195.29 0.00 Total 40,000.00 16,083.44 56,083.45 CITY OF MONTICELLO VOUCHER Check No.: ❑ Recurring Vendor No.: ❑ Manual Payee: 2�ypy'42 '✓13��� f! / .L1-6 — 11 ® Disb. Ck. Batch ❑ Needs CC Approval Pay by: Voli Statement/ Invoice No: DISTRIBUTION OF EXPENSE Acct. No. Amount Description Project Code / 3. �qJ 3 3, 7 (� d/ 3. /G.�) 33. X4>5-11 0 �i, I7 -DEC - :3 TOTAL: �76, 7 -91. voucheuls Tapper's Holdings District: 33 Payment to: Original Amount Interest Rate Payments Commence Ending no Later Than Avaialbe TIF Pay -as- you -go blalance Tapper's Holdings LLC 100,000.00 6.200% 8/1/07 2/1115 95.00% Increment Date Received Principal 7/2012006 1/18/2007 7/19/2007 1/28/2008 8/1/2008 1/9/2009 12,131.00 8/1/2009 12,193.70 1/1/2010 12,193.70 1/1/2010 49,137.53 1/1/2011 0.00 8/1/2011 0.00 1/1/2012 0.00 8/1/2012 0.00 6,729.79 6,938.41 8,848.71 9,122.47 9,464.84 9,758.25 49,137.53 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Interest 617.00 514.00 3,100.00 2,891.38 2,676.29 2,401.98 2,119.18 1,825.77 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total Payment 617.00 514.00 9,829.79 9,829.79 11,525.00 11, 524.45 11, 584.02 11,584.02 49,137.53 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total 100,000.00 16,145.59 116,145.59 Balance Remaining 100,000.00 100,000.00 93,270.21 86,331.80 77,483.09 68, 360.62 58,895.78 49,137.53 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 v+ Consideration of approviug a Resolution supporting and joining the efforts of the I- 94 West Corridor Coalition (MB). A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Minnesota I -94 West Corridor Coalition is a coalition of local governments, private businesses, local Chambers of Commerce and other stakeholders affected by the transportation challenges that plague Interstate 94 between Maple Grove, MN and Monticello, MN. They seek to work with residents, business leaders, and local, state, and federal policy makers to identify and rectify transportation infrastructure deficiencies along this corridor. The Coalition has joined together to organize a campaign to raise public awareness and advance the cause to expand capacity on one of Minnesota's most important transportation corridors. The I -94 West Corridor Coalition will be present at the January EDA meeting. Board Members will outline the progress they have made to date along with what they hope to achieve. Representatives will be requesting the City join the Coalition. The annual fee is approximately $5,624. Staff is proposing the fee be funded through the EDA marketing budget. The IEDC heard the presentation from the Coalition at their December 2009 meeting. They passed a resolution supporting the Coalitions efforts and recommended a funding source be determined for the annual membership fee. The City Council previously passed a resolution supporting the I -94 Corridor Coalition but decided not to contribute financially to the organization until a later date. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS 1. Motion to adopt Resolution # approving supporting and joining the I -94 West Corridor Coalition and funding the membership fee through the EDA budget. 2. Motion to deny Resolution # 3. Motion to table action. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the EDA approve the resolution and authorize the annual membership fee of $5,624 to be paid through the EDA marketing budget for the next 2 years. The EDA Marketing budget has a fimd balance due to minimal marketing completed in 2009. These funds could be utilized for the membership fee for the next 2 years. The I -94 Coalition will allow the City to fiirther its networking exposure along with supporting efforts that could potentially generate additional economic growth in Monticello. D. SUPPORTING DATA: 1. Resolution ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY CITY OF MONTICELLO RESOLUTION NO. 2010- A RESOLUTION SUPPORTING THE EFFORTS AND REQUESTED FUNDING OF THE I -94 WEST CORRIDOR COALITION WHEREAS, the I -94 Corridor is routinely congested, particularly in morning and afternoon rush hours, and due to its role as a major transportation route to access Northern and Northwestern Minnesota recreation areas, congestion on the I -94 Corridor has expanded to weekends in the summer and holidays; and WHEREAS, the City of Monticello approved a Resolution on January 12, 2009 recognizing the importance of the I -94 West Highway Corridor and supports efforts for increased capacity along the I -94 West Corridor; and WHEREAS, on December 1, 2009 the Industrial and Economic Development Committee approved a resolution supporting the efforts of the Coalition and requested the City determine a funding source to join the I -94 West Corridor Coalition; and WHEREAS, the Coalition continues to make grant applications and lobby at the local, state, and federal levels in order to further identify and rectify transportation infrastructure deficiencies along the critical I -94 west corridor; and WHEREAS, the Economic Development Authority is committed to the business and industrial growth and expansion along the I -94 West Corridor; and WHEREAS, the Economic Development Authority supports the belief that continued growth and economic expansion along the 1 -94 corridor is dependent upon its continued viability as an uncongested major transportation corridor serving businesses and residents of the northwestern Metro area as well as the State of Minnesota as a whole; and WHEREAS, the Economic Development Authority fully supports increased capacity in the I -94 Corridor as a transportation priority for the State of Minnesota. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED THAT THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENTAUTHORITY, reconmlends the City of Monticello join the I -94 West Corridor Coalition and fund the membership fee through the EDA budget; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED the Economic Development Authority supports the planning and lobbying efforts established by the Coalition and believes the City of Monticello should further engage in these efforts in coordination with businesses, surrounding cities and counties, and legislative leaders to help secure funding to advance the I -94 corridor improvements as a priority for the State of Minnesota. Adopted by the Monticello City Council this day of January, 2010. Bill Demeules, President ATTEST: Megan Barnett, Economic Development Director Consideration of identifving TIF eligible projects within TIF Districts 1 -2, 1 -5, 1 -6 utilizing available TIF funds. (MB /JO /TIC A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The City Council and EDA recently adopted the TIF Analysis and Management Plan prepared by Northland Securities. Within the Management Plan several follow up items were identified. One of the recommended action items was to decertify districts 1 -26, 1 -28, and 1 -33, which was completed by the EDA in August of 2009. Due to existing fund balances and flexible pooling opportunities staff would like to discuss follow up steps for TIF Districts 1 -2, 1 -5, and 1 -6. It should be noted that District 1 -22 will also need to be addressed in the near future. This district is complex and requires the Finance Director and Kennedy and Graven to further analyze appropriate next steps. This is anticipated to occur by early Spring of 2010. District 1 -2 This district was created for the purpose of the Metcalf/Larson redevelopment and site improvements. The current fund balance is $138,434. District 1 -5 This district was originally created for the construction of 72 units of apartment housing. The district was modified to include land acquisition, site improvements, and public utilities. The current fund balance is $302,286. District 1 -6 This district was established for the constriction of a 33,000 square foot retail center and later modified for public improvements and other associated project costs. The current fund balance is $331,426. Summary: It is estimated that between the three districts there is approximately $772,146 dollars available for TIF eligible expenses /projects. These districts are not subject to pooling restrictions, which allows the EDA and City Council to authorize projects outside of the physical district boundaries as long as they meet TIP laws and district budgets. District 1 -2 is set to decertify on December 31, 2010. Due to this time constraint it is important to begin identifying ways to utilize the available TIF funds before the decertification date arrives. Once the district is required to decertify, any remaining funds must go back to the County and re- disbursed at a 40% rate of return. Districts 1 -5 and 1 -6 are set to decertify in 2012 and 2013 respectfully. Same decertification rules apply. It would seem appropriate to utilize this opportunity to fund projects that are TIT eligible prior to the on -set of decertification. City Staff, Rusty Fifield, and Steve Bubal meet to discuss potential TIF eligible projects within the established budgets for districts 2, 5, and 6. Based on this meeting and preliminary comments from the Attorney; Staff prepared a short list of potential projects for the EDA and City Council to consider funding through TIF dollars. Please note other projects could be considered TIF eligible. However, for the purpose of this meeting staff reviewed various projects within the downtown area that have been included in the proposed CIP document. If the EDA and City Council would like to add other potential projects, staff would be happy to research whether or not the proposed project would be considered TIF eligible. Proposed potential TIF eligible projects: 1. 3d Street Parking Lot Improvements. Staff is proposing two options for this project. Redevelopment is likely to occur at some point in the future, however there does appear to be a need to improve the existing parking lot to encourage parking in this area. If the EDA and City Council believe redevelopment could occur within a 5 -10 year time frame a "shorter- term" parking lot improvement project could be completed at a cost estimate of $36,000. If it is believed that redevelopment of this area will occur outside of 10 years or even if it does occur within 5 years but a majority of the parking lot could still be used, a "longer- term" parking lot improvement project could be implemented at an approximate cost of $89,500. 2. Walnut Street Parking Lot. Improvements to Walnut Street parking lot are being proposed as part of the 2010 W River Street reconstruction project. Staff is proposing to pay for the parking lot portion of this street reconstruction project through TIF funds. It is anticipated improvements to the parking lot will be $272,000 for surface improvements and $58,600 for utility improvements. 3. Fallon Avenue Overpass Study. Due to the fact that implementation of the Fallon Avenue Overpass Bridge will affect the downtown, it is believed TIF funds could be utilized to complete a Fallon Avenue Overpass Study. The study is anticipated to cost $25,000 and will include the final alignment, property impacts, and clarify right -of -way needs. 4. Downtown Community Signs. A nice site improvement to the downtown would be to incorporate attractive consistent community directional signs. Several cities have incorporated nicely designed signs within their city denoting where city hall, police, fire, etc. (community center, FiberNet) facilities are located. Cost estimates could range from 50,000 to 75,000. 5. Downtown Redevelopment Study. The Comprehensive Plan calls for the 1997 Redevelopment Plan to be updated. It is staffs understanding dollars could be utilized from the above TIF districts to complete a Downtown Redevelopment Study. RFP's would need to be solicited in order to fully understand what this project would cost. Prior to completing this staff would like to get further direction from the EDA and City Council. 6. Trunk Highway 25 Study This study will explore potential improvements necessary to: Relieve traffic congestion • Improve safety, both for drivers and pedestrians Provide better access to local businesses B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS 1. Review the list of proposed TIF eligible projects. 2. Identify whether or not the proposed projects are a priority in the next 1 -3 years. 3. Propose other high priority site improvement projects or studies that staff can research whether or not they qualify as TIF eligible. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The purpose of tonight is to make the EDA and City Council aware of available TIF dollars and begin identifying how the dollars should be used within the next 1 — 2 years. Staff is requesting the EDA and City Council identify a few priority projects (site improvements and /or studies) to begin working on in 2010 through 2013. Please note final numbers will be determined once the EDA and City Council authorizes aproject. The format for the meeting will consist of a small group exercise. The EDA and CC will form two small groups and work through a budgeting and prioritizing exercise for 20 minutes. We will then meet as a large group to go over the small group results. Further Consideration and Timeline: 1. The list of potential projects staff is requesting the EDA and City Council to review and either identify as a "YES, high priority ", or "NO, proposed project wait" (in this case staff would request additional feedback regarding other projects considered important to accomplish in the next 1 -3 years that are TIF eligible); is not inclusive of every project that could be completed with these TIF dollars. However, it could be stated the proposed projects would enhance the general area where these districts were created and thus meet the TIF budget regulations. 2. There is a time frame to consider. District 1 -2 is set to decertify on December 31, 2009. It is important that the City identify how the $138,434 dollars of excess TIF should be utilized in 2010. However, it may make sense to lump 2, 5, and 6 into one category in order to accomplish a wider array of projects due to the fact that these districts decertify in the short term. 3. After the EDA and City Council identify priority projects for the next 1 -3 years and the associated costs; staff will request further discussion regarding the pros and cons of decertifying Districts 1 -5 and 1 -6 early or letting them nun their course. 4. Please keep in mind that by early next year staff will begin discussing with the EDA and City Council how they would like to address available TIF funds in District 1 -22. D. SUPPORTING DATA: 1. District Summary's for.1-2, 1 -5, and 1 -6. 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