EDA Agenda Packet 11-10-2010EDA MEETING Wednesday, November 10, 2010 6:00 p.m. Mississippi - 505 Walnut Street, Monticello, MN Commissioners: President Bill Demeules, Vice President Dan Frie, Treasurer Bill Tapper, Bill Fair, Tracy Hinz, and Council members Tom Perrault and Brian Stumpf Staff: Executive Director Megan Barnett 1. Call to Order 2. Approve Meeting Minutes: a. October 13, 2010 3. Consideration of additional agenda items 4. Approval of EDA Invoices 5. Consideration of extending the Preliminary Development Agreement between the RDA and Rocky Mountain Group 6. Consider request to amend GMEF 024 Loan Agreement between the Monticello EDA and Tapper Holdings Inc. for GMEF Loan #024 7. Consideration of entering into a Listing Agreement with Wayne Elam of Commercial Realty Solutions 8. Authorizing A $2,500 City Platinum Sponsor for the NAIFC Qualifying lee Fishing Tournament to be held in Monticello in January 2011 9. Marketing Update a. Conferences b. Website c. Concierge Team 10. Director Report 11. Adjournment Economic Development Authority Minutes 10/13/10 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (EDA) MEETING MINUTES Wednesday, October 13, 2010 6:00 p.m. Commissioners: President Bill Demeules, Treasurer Bill Tapper, Bill Fair, and Council members Tom Perrault and Brian Stumpf Commissioners Absent: Vice President Dan Frie, Tracy Hinz Staff: Executive Director Megan Barnett 1. Call to Order President Demeules called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. Approve Meeting Minutes: A. August 18, 2010 MOTION MADE BY FAIR TO APPROVE THE AUGUST 18, 2010 REGULAR EDA MINUTES WITH A CORRECTION TO ITEM 8 NOTING THAT THE MOTION CARRIED 6 -1 WITH PERRAULT OPPOSED. MOTION WAS SECONDED BY PERRAULT. MOTION CARRIED 5 -0. 3. Consideration of additional agenda items: Tapper asked to discuss the EDA role of participating in events and activities geared toward promoting business for Monticello. 4. Approval of EDA Invoices Stumpf asked when the McComb Group Embracing Downtown meetings would begin. Barnett indicated that the first downtown stakeholder meeting would be held the following week and that business and landowners would participate in completing a survey to outline the challenges and opportunities in the downtown area. Tapper asked how funds would be disbursed between EDA and the City budget to pay for the McComb Group project. Barnett summarized that EDA funds would be utilized for 2010 and in 2011 a determined percentage would be applied between City and EDA funds. Economic Development Authority Minutes 10/13/10 Perrault noted that the City portion for the project is part of the 2011 levy. Tapper also noted that he had discussed the WSB bill with Barnett and found it to be appropriate. MOTION WAS MADE BY TAPPER TO APPROVE THE INVOICES. MOTION WAS SECONDED BY STUMPF WITH A COMMENT RELATED TO THE NEED FOR COUNCIL RATIFICATION OF OUT -OF -STATE TRAVEL EXPENDITURES. MOTION CARRIED 5 -0. Stumpf noted that the City Council had expressed concern that the EDA approved expenditure of the staff marketing trip to the CoreNet Global conference should have also come before Council for a vote because it involved out -of -state travel. Barnett pointed out that Council had been provided a green sheet update summary documenting the cost, funding for, and value of the trip in advance of the expenditure. 5. Presentation by the I -94 Corridor Coalition Barnett reported that Kathy Poates from the I -94 Coalition was unable to attend the meeting due to a family emergency. Tapper noted that Poates had previously presented to the IEDC and that the general consensus at that meeting was strong support for the Coalition's continued efforts. He also pointed out that there was nearly unanimous support for the importance of transportation as an issue among those involved in the BR &E. Barnett indicated that funding for Coalition support would be in the 2011 EDA budget. Review proposed development plan modification for Landmark Square II, TIF District 1 -35 Barnett introduced this agenda item as property owner Barry Fluth was not present at the meeting. She indicated that the City approved an 11,000 square foot commercial building development known as Landmark II in 2005. However, due to the economy the project was never built. The developer desires to develop the property, however lending institutions will not issue loans for purely commercial projects. Mr. Fluth is now exploring higher end apartment complex. Barnett pointed out that if the developer's construction numbers shift, the EDA could do a budget amendment but, if there were a significant change to the plan a TIF amendment would be required. There was some discussion about the question of ample parking. Planning Commissioner Rod Dragsten was in attendance and cormnented briefly. The EDA generally stated they would support the Planning Commission and City Council in a change in development plan. Authorize demolition work to be completed for structures located on the property at 413 41h Street Barnett surmnarized that an environmental study had detennined that there were no hazardous materials on site. Staff contacted three contractors and received the lowest quote for demolition from Carlson Construction of Buffalo in the amount of $5,600. There was some discussion about the value of obtaining services from local businesses "within reason." There were also some Economic Development Authority Minutes 10/13/10 questions about options for use and marketing the property which is zoned R -1 or single - family residential. MOTION WAS MADE BY PERRAULT TO AMEND THE MOTION FOR DEMOLITION WORK AT 413 4TH STREET TO INCLUDE THE PROVISION THAT THE SELECTED QUOTE INCLUDE THE ADDITION OF TOPSOIL AND SEEDING. MOTION WAS SECONDED BY FAIR. MOTION CARRIED 5 -0. MOTION WAS MADE BY FAIR TO APPROVE CARLSON CONSTRUCTION TO COMPLETE DEMOLITION WORK AT 413 4' STREET PER SUBMITTED QUOTE WITH THE AMENDMENT THAT THE CONTRACTOR ADD TOPSOIL AND SEEDING. MOTION WAS SECONDED BY PERRAULT. MOTION CARRIED 5 -0. 8. Marketing Update (verbal) A. Conferences Barnett noted that she had attended the first of four of her National Development Council (NDC) trainings which was required as part of her role as Economic Development Director with the City. She summarized her experience at the CoreNet Global conference by saying that she had made many contacts from across the country through her participation in roundtables which included end users, economic developers, manufacturers and general managers. She indicated that she would be sending along City marketing materials to these contacts as a follow up. She noted that the cost of the conference nearly covered the cost of a full year of access to CoreNet membership benefits. She pointed out that she'd been part of the Medical Manufacturing conference in Minneapolis and that both the upcoming MNCAR and Life Science Alley conferences were additional opportunities for networking. B. Website Barnett noted that the site selector website had been was launched and that she would spend some time working to enhance it. 9. Director Report (verbal) Barnett reported that the BR &E retreat was well attended and well received. She noted that transportation was determined to be the number one priority as congestion on the freeway significantly affects businesses. The group also stated that it is important to focus on the recreational aspects of the river as well as the success of the downtown area. The study indicated that businesses Economic Development Authority Minutes 10/13/10 would be interested in opportunities for roundtable meetings and site visits with the Mayor and Council. Barnett pointed out that, although the City has knowledge of many useful resources for business, it lacks a marketing and communications link and /or person to provide the business community access to those resources. She indicated that it might be useful to establish an information task force at some point to address this need. She noted that businesses would be invited to a meeting in November to get an update as to the plan for implementing the BR &E findings. Tapper stated that he thought that the study had indicated that businesses would like more of an opportunity to network among themselves around particular topics. Barnett stated that she would get clarification on that point. There was some discussion about the value of marketing the community as a whole. Barlett pointed out that six promotional videos had been created and would be utilized and distributed soon for that purpose. Tapper outlined the need for the EDA to be out in front of co- sponsoring and supporting events which promote business for Monticello. There was discussion about an upcoming ice fishing tournament which had been considering Monticello as a potential site. After some consideration it was determined that it would be within the scope of the EDA to more actively seek out ways to support opportunities to draw events to town. 10. Adjournment MOTION WAS MADE BY TAPPER TO ADJOURN. MOTION WAS SECONDED BY PERRAULT. MOTION CARRIED 5 -0. The meeting adjourned at 6:50 p.m. Recorder: Kerry T. Burn Approved: Attest: Attest: Bill Demeules, President Megan Barnett, Executive Director 5. CONSIDERATION OF EXTENDING THE PRELIMINARY DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE MONTICELLO EDA AND ROCKY MOUNTAIN GROUP LLC. (MB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: As you may recall, the EDA approved entering into a Preliminary Development Agreement with Dahlheimer Distribution (Rocky Mountain Group) at May EDA meeting. The agreement stipulated the EDA would hold the property known as Outlot C under contract with Rocky Mountain Group until October 31, 2010. Purchasing Outlot C will allow Dahlheimer Distribution to expand their existing facility by approximately 50,000 - 60,000 square feet. In order to complete the land sale transaction and desired expansion, Dahlheimer needs to sell an existing building they own in the City of Ramsey. To date, this building has not been sold. The Applicant continues to receive inquires from potential buyers, however to date there is no signed purchase agreement. The applicant is requesting the EDA extend the terms of the Preliminary Development Agreement until April 30, 2011. B. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City Staff supports the requested extension. Staff continues to communicate with Dahlheimer's regarding their progress in selling the building in Ramsey and desired expansion timelines. Based on the reality of the economy, finding a tenant for the building may take awhile. It is Staff's opinion we should continue to work with our existing business to continue to help facilitate their ultimate goal of expanding in Monticello. Furthermore, staff has not received a high volume of inquires that requires this specific property to be sold at the immediate time. C. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve a six month extension to the Preliminary Development Agreement between Rocky Mountain Group ( Dahlheimer) and the Monticello EDA. 2. Motion to deny entering into a 6 month extension to the Preliminary Development Agreement between Rocky Mountain Group and the Monticello EDA. 3. Motion to table item for further research. D. SUPPORTING DATA: a. Letter from Luke Dahlheimer requesting extension b. Proposed revised Preliminary Development Agreement M/NNESOTA October 29, 2010 Economic Development Authority City of Monticello 505 Walnut St. Monticello, MN 55362 Dear EDA, Dahlheimer Beverage/Rocky Mtn Group entered into a Preliminary Development Agreement with the EDA to purchase adjacent property to that which is currently owned by Rocicy Mtn Group. That Preliminary Development Agreement states that the contract will expire on October 31, 2010. At this time Dahlheimer Beverage/Rocky Mtn Group would like to request the EDA consider an extension of the Development Agreement until April 30, 2011. Our overall goal remains to purchase the property in order to facilitate an expansion of our existing building at 3360 Chelsea Road West. We are currently working on preliminary site plans and possible timelines depending on the sale of a property in Ramsey, MN. If you would like to discuss options going forward please contact me at 295 -3347. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Like Dahlheimer General Manager Dahlheimer Beverage, LLC 3360 Chelsea Road West e Box 336 e Monticello, MN 55362 e Telephone 763 - 295 -3347 MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY PRELIMINARY DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT (Monticello Business Center) THIS AGREEMENT, dated this day of , 20_ by and between the Monticello Economic Development Authority, a public body corporate and politic under the laws of Minnesota ( "Authority ") and Rocky Mtn Group, LLC or its Assigns ( "Developer "): WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the Authority owns certain property within the City of Monticello (the "City"), which property is legally described in Exhibit A attached hereto ( "Property "); and WHEREAS, the Developer has submitted a preliminary proposal (the "Proposal ") for the acquisition and development of the Property (the "Development "), which proposal is attached hereto as Exhibit B; and WHEREAS, the Developer has requested the Authority to explore the use of certain public assistance to assist with the Development; and WHEREAS, the Authority has determined that it is in the Authority's best interest that the Developer be designated sole developer of the Property during the term of this Agreement; and WHEREAS, the Authority and the Developer are willing and desirous to undertake the Development if (i) a satisfactory agreement can be reached regarding the Authority's commitment for public costs necessary for the Development; (ii) satisfactory mortgage and equity financing, or adequate cash resources for the Development can be secured by the Developer; and (iii) the economic feasibility and soundness of the Development and other necessary preconditions have been determined to the satisfaction of the parties; and WHEREAS, the Authority is willing to evaluate the Development and work toward all necessary agreements with the Developer if the Developer agrees to make the nonrefundable deposit described herein, which is intended, in part, to reimburse the Authority for its costs if the Development is abandoned by Developer or necessary agreements are not reached under the terms of this Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing and of the mutual covenants and obligations set forth herein, the parties agree as follows: 1. Negotiations between the parties shall proceed in an attempt to formulate a definitive purchase and development contract ( "Contract ") based on the following: (a) the Developer's Proposal, which shows the scope of the proposed Development in its latest form as of the date of this Agreement, together with any changes or modifications required by the Authority; (b) a mutually satisfactory Contract to be negotiated and agreed upon in 367304v4 SJB MN190 -135 accordance with negotiations contemplated by this Agreement; (c) such documentation regarding economic feasibility of the Project as the Authority may wish to undertake during the term of this Agreement; and (d) other terms and conditions of this Agreement. 2. It is the intention of the parties that this Agreement: (a) documents the present understanding and commitments of the parties; and (b) will lead to negotiation and execution of a mutually satisfactory Contract for the Development prior to the termination date of this Agreement. The Contract (together with any other agreements entered into between the parties hereto contemporaneously therewith) when executed, will supersede all obligations of the parties hereunder. 3. During the term of this Agreement, the Developer shall: (a) Submit to the Authority a design proposal to be approved by the Authority showing the location, size, and nature of the proposed Development, including floor layouts, renderings, elevations, and other graphic or written explanations of the Development. The design proposal shall be accompanied by a proposed schedule for the starting and completion of all phases of Development. (b) Submit an over -all cost estimate for the design and construction of the Development. (c) Submit a time schedule for all phases of the Development. (d) Undertake and obtain such other preliminary economic feasibility studies, income and expense projections, and such other economic information as the Developer may desire to further confirm the economic feasibility and soundness of the Development. (e) Submit to the Authority the Developer's financing plan showing that the proposed Development is financially feasible, and, to the extent Developer seeks public financial assistance in any form (including reduced land cost, waiver of fees, and tax increment financing), evidence that such assistance is reasonably necessary to make the Development financially feasible. (f) Furnish satisfactory, financial data to the Authority evidencing the Developer's ability to undertake the Development. (g) Cooperate with the Authority and City in replatting of the Property as described in Section 4. 4. During the tern of this Agreement, the Authority agrees to: (a) Commence the process necessary to undertake such public assistance as is necessary pursuant to the terns of the Proposal, including without limitation commencement of actions necessary to expand Tax hncrement Financing District No. 1 -36 367304A SJB MN190 -135 2 to include the Property. (b) Proceed to seek all necessary information with regard to the anticipated public costs associated with the Development. (c) Estimate the Authority's level and method of financial participation, if any, in the Development and develop a financial plan for the Authority's participation. (d) Grant to the Developer a right of access to the Property for purposes of environmental and soil testing. Developer agrees to indemnify, save harmless, and defend the Authority and City , their officers, and employees, from and against any and all claims, actions, damages, liability and expense in connection with personal injury and /or damage to the Property arising from or out of any occurrence in, upon or at the Property caused by the act or omission of the Developer in connection with Developer's entry on the Property. Further, Developer shall not permit any mechanics', materialmens' or other liens to stand against the Property or any part thereof for work or materials famished to Developer in connection with the right of entry granted pursuant to this Agreement and Developer agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Authority and City from and against the same. (e) Commence replatting of the Property in order to create two parcels (with the divide running parallel to Dalton Way). The parcel immediately adjacent to Developer's existing parcel would contain 3 acres (referred to as "Parcel 1 "). The parcel adjacent to Dalton Way would contain 3.19 acres (referred to as "Parcel 2 "). 5. It is expressly understood that execution of the Contract shall be subject to: (a) A determination by the Authority in its sole discretion that its undertakings are feasible based on (i) the projected tax increment revenues and any other revenues designated by the Authority (to the extent requested by Developer); (ii) the purposes and objectives of any tan increment, development, or other plan created or proposed for the purpose of providing financial assistance for the Development, if any, including the determination that such assistance is reasonably necessary in order to make the Development possible; (iii) the best interests of the Authority. (b) A determination by the Developer that the Development is feasible and in the best interests of the Developer. 6. This Agreement is effective from the date hereof through October 31, 2010, unless extended with approval of the Authority's board of cominissioners. After expiration of the tern of this Agreement, neither party shall have any obligation hereunder except as expressly set forth to the contrary herein. (a) The EDA herein approved a 6 month extension to the terms of said Preliminary Development Agreement on November 10, 2010, Said Agreement will be effective until April 30, 2011. 7. The Developer shall be solely responsible for all costs incurred by the Developer. hi 367304v4 Sin MN190 -135 3 addition, the Developer shall reimburse the Authority for Administrative Costs, as hereafter defined. For the purposes of this Agreement, the term "Administrative Costs" means out of pocket costs incurred by the Authority and City together with staff costs of the Authority and City, all attributable to or incurred in connection with the negotiation and preparation of this Agreement, the Contract, and other documents and agreements in connection with the Development, including without lnnitation all costs in connection with replatting of the Property and the cost of financial advisors, attorneys, and planning and environmental consultants. In order to secure payment of the Administrative Costs, the Authority acknowledges that Developer delivered $5,000 to the Authority upon filing an application for tax increment assistance. Upon for before execution of this Agreement, Developer shall deliver an additional $5,000 to the Authority (by cash or a certified check), for a total deposit of $10,000. If at anyone or more times during the term of this Agreement, the Authority determines that Administrative Costs will exceed $10,000 and that additional security is required, the Authority shall notify the Developer of the amount of such additional security. Within ten calendar days of receipt of this notice, the Developer shall deliver to the Authority the required additional security. The Authority will utilize the funds delivered by the Developer to pay or reimburse itself for Administrative Costs. Upon termination of this Agreement, the Authority will return to the Developer the funds paid by the Developer to the Authority pursuant to this Section 7, less an amount equal to the Administrative Costs incurred by the Authority through the date of notice of termination. For the purposes of this paragraph, Administrative Costs are considered to be incurred if they have been paid, relate to services performed, or are payable under a contract entered into, on or before the date of the notice of termination. This Section 7 shall survive termination of this Agreement and shall be binding on the Developer regardless of the enforceability of any other provision of this Agreement. This Agreement may be terminated upon 5 days written notice by a party to the other party if: (a) if, in the respective sole discretion of the Authority or the Developer, an impasse has been reached in the negotiation or implementation of any material tern or condition of this Agreement or the Contract; or (b) the Authority determines that its costs in performing under this Agreement well exceed $10,000 and the Developer does not deliver additional security to the Authority pursuant to Section 7; or (c) a party fails to perform any of it's obligations under this Agreement, If either party terminates the Agreement under this Section 8, the Developer shall remain liable to the Authority to the extent provided under Section 7 of this Agreement. 9. The Developer shall not assign or transfer its rights under this Agreement in full or in part to any person or entity that is not a "Related Party," or enter into any subcontracts to perform any of its obligations hereunder, without the prior written consent of the Authority. For the purposes of this Agreement, a "Related Party" is an entity owned or controlled by Developer, or owned and controlled by the same person or entity that owns or controls Developer. 367304v4 SJB MN190 -135 4 10. In the event that the Developer, its heirs, successors or assigns, fail to comply with any of the provisions of this Agreement, the Authority may proceed to enforce this Agreement by appropriate legal and /or finance consulting or equitable proceedings, or other similar proceedings, and the Developer, its heirs, successors or assigns, agree to pay all costs of such enforcement, including reasonable attomeys' fees. 11. If any portion of this Agreement is held invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, such decision shall not affect the validity of any remaining portion of the Agreement. 12. In the event any covenant contained in this Agreement should be breached by one party and subsequently waived by another party, such waiver shall be limited to the particular breach so waived and shall not be deemed to waive any other concurrent, previous or subsequent breach. 13. Notice or demand or other communication between or among the parties shall be sufficiently given if sent by snail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested or delivered personally: (a) As to the Authority: Monticello Economic Development Authority 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 -8822 Attn: Executive Director (b) As to the Developer: Rocky MTN Group, LLC 3360 Chelsea Road PO Box 336 Monticello MN 55362 14. This Agreement may be executed simultaneously in any number of counterparts, all of which shall constitute one and the same instrument. 15. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the state of Minnesota. Any disputes, controversies, or claims arising out of this Agreement shall be heard in the state or federal courts of Minnesota, and all parties to this Agreement waive any objection to the jurisdiction of these courts, whether based on convenience or otherwise. 16. The Developer hereby agrees to protect, defend and hold the Authority, the City and their officers, elected and appointed officials, employees, administrators, commissioners, agents, and representatives harmless from and indemnified against any and all loss, cost, fines, charges, damage and expenses, including, without limitation, reasonable attorneys fees, consultant and expert witness fees, and travel associated therewith, due to claims or demands of any kind whatsoever caused by Developer or arising out of actions of Developer (and excluding those caused by or arising out of the Authority's or City's own acts or conduct) with regard to (i) the development, marketing, sale or leasing of all or any part of the Property, including, without limitation, any claims for any lien imposed by law for services, labor or materials furnished to or for the benefit of the Property, or (ii) any claim by the state of Minnesota or the Minnesota 367304v4 SJB MN190 -135 5 Pollution Control Agency or any other person pertaining to the violation of any permits, orders, decrees or demands made by said persons or with regard to the presence of any pollutant, contaminant or hazardous waste on the Property; and (iii) or by reason of the execution of this Agreement or the performance of this Agreement. The Developer, and the Developer's successors or assigns, agree to protect, defend and save the Authority, and its officers, agents, and employees, harmless from all such claims, demands, damages, and causes of action and the costs, disbursements, and expenses of defending the same, including but not limited to, attorneys fees, consulting engineering services, and other technical, administrative or professional assistance. This indemnity shall be continuing and shall survive the performance, termination or cancellation of this Agreement. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as a limitation of or waiver by the Authority of any immunities, defenses, or other limitations on liability to which the Authority is entitled by law, including but not limited to the maximum monetary limits on liability established by Mimlesota Statutes, Chapter 466. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Authority has caused this Agreement to be duly executed in its name and behalf and its seal to be duly affixed hereto and the Developer has caused this Agreement to be duly executed as of the day and year first above written. ROCKY MTN GROUP, LLC By Its: MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY By Its President By Its Executive Director 367304v4 STB M1,1190 -135 6 Description of Property Outlot A, Otter Creel, Crossings, 1St Addition, and Outlot C, Otter Creek Crossings 3'd Addition, according to the recorded plat thereof, Wright County, Minnesota. 367304A SJB MN190 -135 A -1 Project Proposal 367304v4 SJB MN190 -135 B_1 6. CONSIDERATION OF AUTHORIZING AMENDMENT TO GMEF 024 LOAN AGREEMENT BETWEEN TAPPER'S HOLDING AND THE MONTICELLO EDA: A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Bill Tapper from Tappers Holding submitted a letter requesting an extension of terms to their Greater Monticello Enterprise Fund (GMEF) loan number 024. Tappers Holdings is asking the EDA to amend the agreement to extend the current principal and interest payment another three years. This would put their final balloon payment in the amount of $137,221.89 due in 2013. The EDA awarded Tappers Holding a five year loan in the amount of $200,000 in 2005 for the purpose of rehabilitating real estate. B. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City Staff recommends the EDA approve extending the loan agreement for three years. As you may recall, the EDA approved a similar request by WSI in April of 2009. The economy continues to be challenging and it is staff's opinion we should assist our existing businesses in areas where viable. Extending the loan an additional three years appears to be a reasonable request. It should also be noted the GEMF loan guidelines allow for extension of balloon payments. The applicant has provided a letter from Stems Bank stating the company would not be issued a loan in order to fulfill the GMEF balloon payment. C. ALTERNATIVE ACTION: 1. Motion to adopt Resolution #2010 -69 approving an amendment of the loan agreement between the Monticello EDA and Tappers Holdings. 2. Motion to deny Resolution #2010 -69 based on findings of fact. 3. Motion to table action. EDA 11.10.10 November 3, 2010 EDA Monticello, MN 55362 Dear EDA Members: The purpose of this letter is to inform you that Tapper's Inc. has a balloon payment of approximately $168,000 due to the EDA on November 1, 2010. As you are aware Tapper's Inc.'s business activities are closely related to the new home industry and as you are also aware currently there is almost no new home building. We have during the last year been able to switch a good portion of our production to commercial cabinets and fixtures. While this has allowed us to once again increase our work force, we have not been able to recover enough to enable us to qualify for new bank loans or to generate enough cash to cover this payment. As a result I am asking the EDA to defer the balloon payment for a minimum of three years. We will continue to make monthly payments during this extension. This is allowed under the EDA Business Subsidy Criteria Deferral of Payments provision. I am attaching a letter from our bank rejecting a $168,000 loan request. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, William R. Tapper STEARNS ' BANKN .A. We Get The Job Done!" November 3, 2010 Mr. William Tapper Tapper's Inc. 212 Chelsea Rd Monticello, MN 55362 -8919 RE: Loan Request Dear Bill 4191 2nd Street South + St. Cloud, MN 56301 320 -253 -6607 or 1 -800- 320 -7262 ♦ Fax: 320-253-3051 www.stearns- bank.com ♦ Member FDIC. Equal Housing Lender 0 Stearns Bank regrets to inform you that we will are unable to meet your request for $168,000 advance to pay the balloon payment due to the EDA. If you have questions or conceals, you can call me at 320 - 202 -6132. jSiZre ; Steve Domine Senior Vice President SMD /ke Steams Bank Locations: St. Cloud, MN - Albany, MN . Holdingford, MN - Upsala, MN - Scottsdale, AZ EDA RESOLUTION NO. 2010-69 RESOLUTION APPROVING AN AMENDMENT OF THE LOAN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY AND TAPPERS HOLDING, LLC AND OF THE PROMISSORY NOTE MADE BY TAPPERS HOLDING. BE IT RESOLVED BY the Board of Commissioners ('Board ") of the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority (the "Authority" or "Holder ") as follows: Section 1. Recitals. 1.01. The Authority and Tappers Holdings, LLC (the "Maker ") entered into a loan agreement (the "Loan Agreement') dated as of June 13, 2005, for the acquisition of certain real property in the City of Monticello. 1.02. Pursuant to the Loan Agreement, the Authority loaned to the Borrower the sum of $2000,000 (the "Loan"), evidenced by a promissory note (the "Note ") and a Mortgage (the "Mortgage" ), both dated as of June 13, 2005, and executed and delivered to the Authority by the Borrower. The Mortgage was recorded on October 17, 2006 in the office of the Wright County Recorder as document no. A1029695. 1.03. The Loan Agreement and Note provide for a sixty -month term of the Loan, which is currently due and payable on November 1, 2010. 1.04. The Maker has requested modification of the Loan Agreement and Note to provide for an extension of the term of the Loan for an additional 36 months. Section 2. Amendment of Loan Agreement and Note Approved. 2.01. The Authority hereby approves amendment of the Loan Agreement in substantially the form attached hereto as Exhibit A, and authorizes execution of the amended Loan Agreement, subject to modifications that do not alter the substance of the transaction and that are approved by the President and Executive Director, provided that execution of the amended Loan Agreement by those officials shall be conclusive evidence of their approval. 2.02. The Authority further authorizes delivery to the Maker of the original Note upon receipt of a replacement Note, amended as described in this resolution, from the Maker. Approved this 10th day of November, 2010, by the Board of Commissioners of the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority. President ATTEST: Executive Director 348990vl MNI MN325 -6 EXHIBIT A FIRST AMENDMENT TO LOAN AGREEMENT This First Amendment to Loan Agreement (the "Amendment') is made this day of 20010, by Tappers Holdings LLC, a Minnesota corporation (the "Borrower ") and the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority, a public body corporate and politic (the "Authority"). RECITALS A. The Borrower and the Authority entered into a loan agreement (the "Loan Agreement') dated as of June 13, 2005, for rehabilitation of certain real property described on Exhibit A attached hereto (the "Property') in the City of Monticello (the "City"). B. Pursuant to the Loan Agreement, the Authority loaned to the Borrower the sum of $200,000 (the "Loan"), evidenced by a promissory note (the "Note ") and a mortgage (the "Mortgage "), both dated as of November 1, 2005 (the "Loan Closing Date "), and executed and delivered to the Authority by the Borrower. The Mortgage was recorded on October 17, 2006 in the office of the Wright County Recorder as document no. Al 029695. C. The Loan Agreement provides for a sixty -month term of the Loan, which is due and payable on November 1, 2010. D. The Loan Agreement contained a business subsidy agreement consisting of certain job and wage goals to be met by June 13, 2007, and such job and wage goals have been duly satisfied by the Borrower. E. The parties desire to extend the tern of the Loan beyond the term provided in the Loan Agreement, and have agreed to modify certain terms and conditions of the Loan Agreement as set forth below. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and the mutual obligations of the parties hereto, each of them does hereby covenant and agree with the other as follows: 1. Amendment of paragraph 2 of the Loan Agreement. Paragraph 2 of the Loan Agreement is amended to read as follows: Repayment of Loan. The Loan shall be repaid with interest as follows: (a) Interest at the rate of two percent (3.5 %) per annum shall accrue from the Loan Closing Date until the Loan is repaid in full. (b) Payments of principal and interest shall continue on the third day of each and every month until the Loan is repaid in full. Such payments shall fully amortize any 3489900 MNI MN325 -6 A -1 outstanding balance of the Loan over twenty (20) years from the Loan Closing Date; provided, however, the entire remaining unpaid balance of principal and interest shall be due and payable on the first day of the ninety -six (96`11) month following the Initial Payment Date of November 1, 2005. 2. Miscellaneous. Except as amended by this Amendment, the Loan Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. Upon execution, Borrower shall reimburse the Authority for all out -of pocket -costs incurred by the Authority in connection with negotiating, drafting and approval of this Amendment. 348990v1 MNI MN325 -6 A -`Z IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Amendment has been duly executed and delivered by the proper officers thereunto duly authorized on the day and year first written above. CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY By: President By: Executive Director [Signature page to First Amendment to Loan Agreement- Monticello EDA, Monticello, Minnesota] 348990v1 MNI MN325 -6 A -3 BORROWER TAPPER HOLDINGS, LLC By: Its [Signature page to First Amendment to Loan Agreement- BoiTower] 348990vi MNI MN325 -6 A -4 Exhibit A Description of Property Lot 12, Block 002, Oakwood Industrial Park, City of Monticello 348990v1 MNI MN325 -6 A -5 Tapper's Holding, LLC GMEF #024 Extension Original Amount 162,937.80 Interest Rate 3.500% Payments Commence 11/1/2010 Ending on Later Than 10/1/2013 Total Balance Date Principal Interest Payment Remaining 11/1/2010 700.53 459.39 1,159.92 161,777.88 12/1 /2010 688.07 471.85 1,159.92 161,089.81 111/2011 690.07 469.85 1,159.92 160,399.74 2/1/2011 692.09 467.83 1,159.92 159,707.65 3/1/2011 694.11 465.81 1,159.92 159, 013.54 411/2011 696.13 463.79 1,159.92 158,317.41 5/1/2011 698.16 461.76 1,159.92 157,619.25 6/1/2011 700.20 459.72 1,159.92 156,919.06 7/1/2011 702.24 457.68 1,159.92 156,216.82 8/1/2011 704.29 455.63 1,159.92 155,512.53 9/1/2011 706.34 453.58 1,159.92 154,806.19 1011/2011 708.40 451.52 1,159.92 154,097.78 11/1/2011 710.47 449.45 1,159.92 153,387.32 12/1/2011 712.54 447.38 1,159.92 152,674.78 1/1/2012 714.62 445.30 1,159.92 151,960.16 2/1/2012 716.70 443.22 1,159.92 151, 243.45 3/1/2012 718.79 441.13 1,159.92 150,524.66 4/1/2012 720.89 439.03 1,159.92 149,803.77 5/1/2012 722.99 436.93 1,159.92 149,080.78 6/1/2012 725.10 434.82 1,159.92 148,355.68 7/1/2012 727.22 432.70 1,159.92 147,628.46 8/1/2012 729.34 430.58 1,159.92 146,899.13 9/1/2012 731.46 428.46 1,159.92 146,167.66 10/1/2012 733.60 426.32 1,159.92 145,434.06 11/1/2012 735.74 424.18 1,159.92 144,698.33 12/1/2012 737.88 422.04 1,159.92 143,960.44 11112013 740.04 419.88 1,159.92 143,220.41 2/1/2013 742.19 417.73 1,159.92 142,478.21 3/1/2013 744.36 415.56 1,159.92 141, 733.86 4/1/2013 746.53 413.39 1,159.92 140,987.33 5/1/2013 748.71 411.21 1,159.92 140,238.62 6/1/2013 750.89 409.03 1,159.92 139,487.73 7/1/2013 753.08 406.84 1,159.92 138,734.65 8/1/2013 755.28 404.64 1,159.92 137,979.37 9/1/2013 757.48 402.44 1,159.92 137,221.89 10/1/2013 137,221.89 400.23 1,159.92 (0.00) 7. CONSIDERATION OF RENEWING LISTING AGREEMENTS WITH WAYNE ELAM OF COMMERCIAL REALTY SOLUTIONS. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The EDA approved entering into a Commercial Listing Agreement with Wayne Elam on March 11, 2009 for Monticello Business Park. At the time of approval in 2009, Wayne Elam was working for Vantage Point Partners. Subsequent to EDA approval, Wayne Elam developed his own broker company known as Commercial Realty Solutions. Due to the fact Mr. Elam's obligation with Vantage Point Partners has expired and therefore the listing agreements are void. Mr. Elam is requesting the EDA authorize signing the listing agreements under his new company. The terms of the listing agreements have not changed. The EDA can cancel the contract within 30 days written notice. B. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City Staff recommends entering into the attached Listing Agreements with Wayne Elam. Mr. Elam is a very aggressive and pro- active broker that has proved to work very complimentary with the City. Mr. Elam continually partners with the City at various trade shows and conferences to further promote Monticello. Wayne has meet with Staff many times to discuss potential leads and brain storm over ideas on best uses for various properties. It is staff's opinion by listing property with Mr. Elam the City gains additional exposure ainong key decision makers. C. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve entering into a Listing Agreement with Commercial Realty Solutions. 2. Motion to deny entering into a Listing Agreement with Commercial Realty Solutions. 3. Motion to table action and direct staff to complete more research. D. SUPPORTING DATA: a. Listing Agreement EDA 11.10.10 Sale Listing Agreement 1. Date: October 25, 2010 2. Page One: 3. IN CONSIDERATION OF the Agreement of _Commercial Realty Solutions, LLC. 4. (hereinafter referred to as `BROKER') to undertake to sell the property hereinafter described 5. City of Monticello (hereinafter referred to as "SELLER') grants to BROKER the exclusive right to 6. sell or contract to sell the property at Otter Creek Crossing 3`d Addition, Outlets A, B, C & E, 7. Monticello, MN identified as PID #155 -191- 000010, 155- 191- 000020, 155 -191- 000030, 155 -191- 8. 000040,155-194-000020 and 155- 194 - 000030. Hereinafter referred to as the( "PROPERTY ") for the 9. period from the date hereof and shall continue until May 1, 2011. The listing agreement shall continue 10. thereafter with a 30 -day written notice of cancellation. The PROPERTY consists of approximately 11. 50 acres of commercial land. The property shall be priced at $2.15 per square foot. Terms of the sale 12. shall be CASH, or any other price, terms or exchange to which SELLER may consent. SELLER 13. understands that BROKER may list other properties during the term of this Agreement which may 14. compete with SELLER'S PROPERTY for potential buyers. 15. SELLER'S OBLIGATIONS 16. It is agreed that SELLER shall promptly furnish BROKER with complete information concerning any 17. person who during the period of this Agreement makes inquiry to SELLER regarding the sale, exchange 18. or lease of the PROPERTY. 19. If the PROPERTY is sold, SELLER hereby agrees to furnish to buyer an Abstract of Title, a Registered 20. Property Abstract or a Title Insurance Commitment, certified to date, to include proper searches 21. covering bankruptcies and state federal judgments and liens, and to execute or cause to be executed a 22. Deed conveying title to the PROPERTY to the buyer and any further documents as may be required to 23. consummate the sale in accordance with the terms above designated or with the terms to which 24. SELLER may hereafter consent. SELLER further agrees to promptly notify BROKER of any notices 25. pertaining to the PROPERTY which are hereafter received during the term of this Agreement. It is 26. further agreed that SELLER shall permit BROKER to erect a "For Sale" sign on the PROPERTY and to 27. remove all other "For Sale" signs from the PROPERTY during the period of this Agreement. It is 28. further agreed that SELLER shall permit BROKER to erect a "Sold" sign on the PROPERTY for a 29. eriod of thirty (30) days following the sale or exchange of the PROPERTY by BROKER. COMMERCIAL REALTY SOLUTIONS WWW.ColY1mrolltysolutlons'Com 30. Otter Creek Crossing 3`a Addition, Outlets A, B, C & E, Monticello, MN 31. Page 2 32. SELLER shall permit BROKER to place information on the Minnesota Commercial Property Exchange 33. (MCPE) and the internet concerning the PROPERTY. Broker may notify the MCPE and member 34. REALTORS of the price and terms of the sale. 35. COMPENSATION 36. It is further agreed that SELLER shall pay BROKER a brokerage fee of 4% or 6% percent ( %). 37. Commissions will be 4% if Commercial Realty Solutions is the only broker involved in the transaction. 38. If there is a cooperating broker involved representing the buyer, the commissions will be 6% and will be 39. split with each broker receiving 3 %. Commissions will be paid upon the base sale price prior to any 40. City incentives which would reduce the effective purchase price. Minimum commissions paid for a 41, transaction will be $5,000. For transactions of existing property owners acquiring additional land 42. Commercial Realty Solutions will be paid the minimum transaction fee of $5,000. Commissions are 43. payable upon occurrence of any of the following conditions; 44. 1. The Sale, contract for sale, exchange or conveyance of the PROPERTY during the period of this 45. Agreement by BROKER or any other person, including, but not limited to, SELLER, or any other agent 46. or broker not a parry to this Agreement, in accordance with the price, terms or exchange as set forth 47. herein or as otherwise consented to by SELLER. 48.2. If a BUYER is procured, whether by BROKER, SELLER or anyone else, who is ready, willing 49. and able to purchase the PROPERTY at the price and terms set forth above and SELLER refuses to sell. 50.3. If SELLER agrees to sell the PROPERTY before this contract expires, and SELLER refuses to 51. close the sale. 52.4. If SELLER removes the PROPERTY from the market before expiration of this Listing Agreement, 53. 5. If SELLER grants an option to purchase the PROPERTY, SELLER shall compensate BROKER, 54. as provided herein, based on the price paid for the option and for any extensions thereof. The 55. compensation shall be paid upon receipt by SELLER of any such payments. In the event such option is 56. exercised, whether during the tern of this Agreement, or within 3 months thereafter, SELLER 57. shall also compensate BROKER on the gross sale price of the PROPERTY in accordance with the 58. provisions herein. Notwithstanding the foregoing, to the extent that all or part of the price paid for the 59. option or any extension thereof is applied to the sales price of the PROPERTY, then any compensation 60. Previously paid by owner to BROKER on account of such option payments shall be credited against the 61. compensation payable to BROKER on account of the exercise of the option. 62. Otter Creek Crossing 3`d Addition, Outlots A, B, C & E, Monticello, MN 63. Page 3 64.6. SELLER contributes or conveys the PROPERTY or any interest therein to a partnership, joint 65. venture or other business during the term of the Agreement in lieu of a sale of the PROPERTY during 66. the term of this Agreement. 67.7. SELLER is a partnership or other business entity, and an interest in the partnership or other 68, business entity is transferred, whether by merger, outright purchase or otherwise in lieu of sale of the 69. PROPERTY during the term of this Agreement. 70.8. If within 90 days (not to exceed 180 days, except for the purchase or sale of a business 71. in which case it cannot exceed two (2) years) after the end of this Agreement, SELLER sells or agrees to 72. sell the PROPERTY to anyone who has made an affirmative showing of interest in the PROPERTY by 73. responding to an advertisement or by contacting the BROKER or salesperson involved or has been 74. physically shown the PROPERTY by the BROKER or salesperson. It is understood that BROKER shall 75. not seek to enforce collection of a compensation under this subparagraph nine (9) unless the name of 76. the prospect is on a written list given to SELLER within 72 hours after expiration of this Agreement. 77. As security for BROKER'S compensation. SELLER hereby grants to BROKER a security 78. interest in the proceeds from the sale or lease of the PROPERTY described herein and any title company 79. or other closer who conducts the closing on the sale or lease of the PROPERTY described herein is 80. directed to disburse the BROKER'S compensation provided hereunder to the BROKER at the time of 81. Closing. 82. SELLER further agrees that in the event a LEASE of the PROPERTY is entered into (a) during the term 83. of this Listing Agreement, or (b) during the period set forth in subparagraph nine (9) above with a 84. person or entity as described therein, then SELLER shall pay BROKER a leasing commission of 85. one months gross lease amount for each year of the lease, not to exceed 5 years. For short term leases, 86, minimum commission amount is one months gross lease amount, which shall be due and payable upon 87. execution of the lease or as otherwise agreed in writing. 88. Otter Creek Crossing 3rd Addition, Ouflots A, B, C & E, Monticello, MN 89. Page 4. 90. SELLER'S REPRESENTATIONS 91. SELLER has full legal right to sell or lease the PROPERTY. SELLER certifies that as of the date of 100. execution of this Agreement, SELLER has not received any notice of building, health, fire code 101. violations, nor notice of hazardous waste on the PROPERTY, nor notice of condemnation pertaining 102, to the PROPERTY, except as herein noted (if none, state "none "): 103. CERTIFICATION INDIVIDUAL TRANSFEROR 104. Section 1445 of the Internal Revenue Code provides that a transferee (buyer) of a U. S. 105. Real property interest must be notified in writing, and must withhold tax if the transferor 106. (SELLER) is a foreign person and the sale price exceeds $300,000. In the event transferor 107. (SELLER) is a foreign person and the sale price exceeds $300,000, requirements of the 108. 1980 Foreign Investment in Real Property Tax Act (FIRPTA) will be fulfilled. SELLER 109. States and acknowledges the following: 110. I am a citizen of the United States or, if a corporation, partnership or other business entity, duly 111. incorporated in the United States, or, if a partnership or business entity, formed and governed by the 112. laws of the United States: —X —Yes No 113. If "No," please state country of citizenship, incorporation or the like: 114. Under the penalties of perjury, I declare that I have examined this certification and, to the best of my 115. Imowledge and belief, it is true, correct and complete. FORFEITURE OF EARNEST MONEY 116. If a buyer of the PROPERTY defaults and as a result forfeits the earnest money, SELLER shall 117. receive 50 percent ( %) and BROKER shall receive 50 percent ( %) of the earnest money. 120. COOPERATING BROKERS 121. SELLER hereby permits BROKER to share part of BROKER'S compensation with other real estate 122. brokers, including brokers only representing the buyer. 123. Otter Creels Crossing 3'd Addition, Outlots A, B, C & E, Monticello, MN 124. Page 5 125. CLOSING SERVICES 126. After a purchase agreement for the PROPERTY is signed, arrangements must be made to close the 127. transaction. SELLER understands the SELLER may arrange for a qualified closing agent or attorney 128. to conduct the closing, or SELLER may ask BROKER to arrange for closing. 129. SELLER understands that SELLER may be required to pay certain closing costs which may 130. effectively reduce the proceeds from the sale. SELLER has indicated his /her /its choice for 131, closing services. (initial one) 132. SELLER wishes to have BROKER arrange for closing services. 133. SELLER shall arrange for closing services. 134. MISCELLANEOUS 135.1. This Agreement is binding upon the heirs, successors and assigns of the parties. 136.2. All of the representations and covenants of this Agreement shall survive and be enforceable after 137. termination of the Agreement. 138.3. In the event of any litigation instituted by SELLER or BROKER to enforce the provisions of this 139. Agreement, the prevailing party shall recover reasonable attorneys' fees, costs and expenses from 140. the other parry. 141.4. This Agreement constitutes the complete agreement between the parties and supersedes any prior 142. oral or written agreements between the parties relative to the provisions herein. No amendment, 143. modification or extension of this Agreement shall be valid or binding unless made in writing and 144 signed by both the SELLER and BROKER. 145.5. This contract shall be governed by the laws of the State of Minnesota. 146. Commercial Realty Solutions, LLC. (SELLER) (BROKER) 147. By: (Signature) 148. (Date) (Date) 8. AUTHORIZING A $2,500 CITY PLATINUM SPONSORSHIP FOR THE NAIFC QUALIFYING ICE FISHING TOURNAMENT TO BE HELD ON PELICAN LAKE IN MONTICELLO IN 2011 A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Monticello Chamber of Commerce and Industry was approach by Ice Man Realty Show to co -host a fishing tournament on Pelican Lake in January of 2011. The Chamber is required to come up with $12,000 in order to attract the show to the City. Sandy Suchy from the Monticello Chamber contacted City Staff inquiring if the City would be willing to be a sponsor. Economic Development Director Barnett believes supporting the Ice Man Realty fishing tournament in Monticello will prove to be beneficial to numerous local businesses. Supporting Monticello's local businesses is important for the overall economic stability in the community. Due to the numerous economic benefits to the business community, Director Barnett stated she would present the request to the EDA. Supporting all business sectors in the community provides for a strong sustainable community and appears to fall within the scope of the EDA. A platinum sponsor consists of $2,500. Staff is proposing the sponsorship amount be utilized from the 2011 marketing budget. Attached is a list of local businesses that have stepped up and committed dollars to support bringing a national ice fishing tournament to Monticello. B. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City Staff recommends authorizing the City of Monticello to be a Platinum Sponsor for the NAIFC Qualifying Ice Fishing Tournament to be held on January 21 -23, 2011 on Pelican Lake in Monticello. This tournament will bring national exposure to Monticello, which will in turn provide additional revenue for many businesses in the City. The scope of the EDA encompasses encouraging and supporting a strong and sustainable economic climate in the City. Supporting an event that has the potential to drive additional revenue to many businesses in Monticello is one way to stimulate the local business economy. C. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve a $2,500 Platinum Sponsorship for the NAIFC Iee Fishing Tournament to be utilized from the 2011 marketing budget. 2. Motion to deny the City sponsoring the NAIFC at a Platinum Sponsorship level. 3. Motion to table item for further research. D. SUPPORTING DATA: a. Misc. information regarding NAIFC Ice Fishing Tournament I 0 Host Community Return on Sponsorship Dollars Prior to all 2009 -2010 NAIFC Tournaments each and every contestant was asked to fill out a survey. The forecast of revenues laid out in the survey's answers show a tremendous return on Host Comnumity sponsorship dollars. The survey's answers show the Qualifying Tournament generates substantial community dollars throughout the year.., there is a great.deal more revenues generated than just during the weekend of the Qualifying Tournament. The teams fishing in the Qualifying Tournament visit the Host Community several times a year. The revenue generated in the Host Community is constantly on going, so the Qualifying Tournament should be looked al as a year round event that positively affects the "entire" community, ' During open water season: The summer and fall months, teams will scout the Host Lake. The teams are not fishing exactly..., they are learning the lake. Teams find weed - lines, map the lake's contours and mark GPS spots that may hold good structure. Whatever the team's purpose; That activity brings big dollars to the Host Community... around $35,880.00 total or about $358.00 per lean entered in the tournament (see appendix #1 survey question #3). After freeze -up: The time period between when the lake freezes over and the weekend of the tournament. Once again the teams come to pre -fish the Host Lake. This time period falls at the very end of the fourth quarter and during the early first quarter of the financial year for most retail establishments... getting a revenue boost at this time of the year is exactly what 'cry business in the Host Community would want, The survey indicates that pre - fishing amounts to $41,250.00 total or about $412.50 per team entered in the tournament (see appendix #1 survey question #2). The week prior to the tournament: Pre - fishing is kicked into high gear at this time, with almost every team in town. Survey answers forecast the Host Community revenues for this time period to total near $63,040.00 or about $630.00 per team entered in the tournament (see appendix #1 survey question #5). Tournament Weekend: The Friday Night Seminar, Saturday Night Rules Meeting and the Sunday competition. 80 -90% of the teams are in the Host Community by Friday night. 100% on Saturday night as the Rules meeting is mandatory. 10 -15% of the teams stay over Sunday night. For a 100 team tournament, that equates to 190 room nights for the weekend, @$60,00 a night = $11,400.00. Food, drinks for those three days plus a gas fill tip leaving town easily equates to $125.00 per team adding an additional $12,500.00 to the weekend for a total of $23,900.00 or about $239.00 per team entered in the tournament. Total Year Long Revenues: With the Host Community Sponsor ship in -place allowing the Qualifying Tournament to be announced as soon as possible in the year, thus allowing for a summer prc- fishing season, along with ice conditions that are fishable during the hard -water season a 100 leant tournament has the history/potential to produce $164,070.00 city wide, or about $1,640.00 per team entered in the tournament. None of the above figures remotely puts a value on the media exposure the Host Community reaps! 320.252.0428 1 www.naifc.com j info @naife.com Monticello Chamber of Commerce Signor, for Community Event Information Email: 1JpiB HOME I ABOUT US I CONTACT US WELCOME TO MONTICELLO )PA. A1FC ' vp� mo Sp I Uj ate' ' A' +�."��ri'Jyy`J�'. 7 4Jnsi�^: fn%u�iyn �y YeDL1A �isn iw.. 5mrti` cT"'no 1st Annual NAIFC Qualifying Ice Fishing Tournament (See information below) Monticello Chamber named one of the Top 25 Chamber of Commerce in the 112212010 Issue of the Minneapolls /St. Paul Business Journal. > HIGHLIGHTS Annual Banauet- A Nloht In Santa's Workshop 1st Annual NAIFC Qualifying Ice A Night In Santa's Workshop On Friday, December lOm S 5:30pm- 11:00pm at the Monticello Community Center. Enjoy a delicious plated 14 meal stacked with some of 23 Russell's most favorite dishes; za Granny Smith Apple Salad with Candied Walnuts, Grilled Sirloin topped with a red wine reduction mushroom sauce, Garlic Mashed Potatoes, and delicate Chocolate Mint Cake for Dessert. Be entertained by local band SALT followed by the Annual Presentation where Monticello Chamber's Business of the Year will be announced and Joni Pawelk will give her final hurrah as Board Chair. Tickets are $60 per person and If you reserve a table of eight or more guests you receive a complimentary bottle of wine. RSVP before November 12th to be entered into our Early Bird Drawing to WIN a Gift Certificate and a Bottle of Wine - compliments ofRussell's on the Lake. Register Here: Annual Banauet- A Nloht In Santa's Workshop 1st Annual NAIFC Qualifying Ice Monticello, MN 43-F Sunny Hour bv -trout 110-da� Enter dtyor U.6 Zip � „Gtr > WHAT'S NEW Welcome New Chamber Members The Chamber welcomes new businesses! > more info CHAMBER EVENTS: Chamber Lunch - Good Morning Monticello Extreme Networking Business After Hours > more Info MEMBER NEWSH Members share your news! > more info Government Affairs Friday Meetings Next Meeting Date: TBD Bachmann Bulletin At Fmmken Uodates Amy Koch Bruce Anderson Amv Klo6uchar > more info Halloween Parade - Oct 30th The Parade begins at Wallgreen's at 10:00am. Kids dressed up in their costumes parade down Walnut Street and end at the Monticello Community Center. When they reach the Community Center they enter the building and trick or treat at the different businesses lining the halls on their way to the gymnasium where the kids games are. If You're Pagel of 3 Advertisements Constant Co' i li DD -it Yourself t't E -Mall Murkeiinge 1 Free 60 -Day Trial Loarn Krrea http : / /www.inoliticellochainber.com/ 11/3/2010 Time - 9:42 AM « November 2030 » S M T W TM1 F Sa } 2 3 4 5 6 14 l5 $ D 18 19 20 23 3z 111 25 26 2) za z9 1p Monticello, MN 43-F Sunny Hour bv -trout 110-da� Enter dtyor U.6 Zip � „Gtr > WHAT'S NEW Welcome New Chamber Members The Chamber welcomes new businesses! > more info CHAMBER EVENTS: Chamber Lunch - Good Morning Monticello Extreme Networking Business After Hours > more Info MEMBER NEWSH Members share your news! > more info Government Affairs Friday Meetings Next Meeting Date: TBD Bachmann Bulletin At Fmmken Uodates Amy Koch Bruce Anderson Amv Klo6uchar > more info Halloween Parade - Oct 30th The Parade begins at Wallgreen's at 10:00am. Kids dressed up in their costumes parade down Walnut Street and end at the Monticello Community Center. When they reach the Community Center they enter the building and trick or treat at the different businesses lining the halls on their way to the gymnasium where the kids games are. If You're Pagel of 3 Advertisements Constant Co' i li DD -it Yourself t't E -Mall Murkeiinge 1 Free 60 -Day Trial Loarn Krrea http : / /www.inoliticellochainber.com/ 11/3/2010 Monticello Chamber of Commerce Signup for Community Event Information Email: F_- - -� ,!o_iti 2y = —.MhdR HOME ABOUT US I CONTACT US I Schedule of Events UL ` Myvent Informatic [ Reolstration Information I 5_ oQ nsors I Accomodations I EVENT HIGHLIGHT Schedule of Events NAIFC QUALIFYING ICE FISHING TOURNAMENT SCHEDULE OF EVENTS January 21- 23,2011 Spectators Welcome at All Events FRIDAY Friday Night Social at the Monticello Community Center: 6PM (Cash Bar /Food Available) -This event is open to the public! Friday Night Seminar: 7PM –IOPM Well knowspeaker presents & mini Ice fishing trade show /break out Cracker Barrel Sesslons (Open to public and fishing contestants. 300+ attendees expected.) SATURDAY On ice Break -out Session: 7AM – 9AM (Same groups as Friday Night January 22) Kids Ice Camp (Monticello Community Center): 10 –10:30 AM; Kids Ice Camp (Pelican Lake): 10:30 –12:00 noon; Kids Ice Camp food and hot coca (on ice): 11:00 –1:00 PM Rules Clinic for all Volunteers at River City Extreme: 4PM (Rules Meeting at River City Extreme) Registration Opens: 5:00 –7:00 PM (CashBor /Meal) Rules Meeting: 7:00 –&00 PM (Mandatory for all fishing) SUNDAY 6:00 AM Parking Opens 6 :00 –7:00 AM Line Up of Equipment and Contestants 7:00 AM Equipment Inspection 7:30 AM Contestants Released onto the Lake - Volunteers in position 8:00 AM Fishing Starts 1:05 - 3:00 PM Weigh -in 3:00 - 3:30 PM Awards Page 1 of 2 Advertisements constant Contact-) Uo -It Yourself E -Mail Markefine Free 60 -Day Trial darn Nure+ bttp:// www. monticellocliainber .com /EvelitHighliglit.cfnl7HPID =210 11/3/2010 Monticello Chamber of Connnerce 3:00 -4:00 PM Pictures, Press Interviews, Web Updates, Tear Down back to home Paoe Monticello Chamber 2 Commerce & 763) 29 V.O. Eon 192, Monticello, CO 55362 to, s ph: p63) 295 -2700 fax: (]63) 285 -2]05 jnfoCamonticelloccLCOm Page 2 of 2 HOME I ABOUT US I MEMBER INFORMATION I ADVERTISE WITH US I VISITOR INFORMATION: Lodaina Restaurants Other COMMUNM: Business Directory Events Calendar Lantl& Lease Information Links I THE SWAN I CONTACT US Powered by ICBits http : / /www.monticellocliainber.coli EventHighlight.cfin ?HPID =210 11/3/2010 Economic Development Director Updates: EDA: It is anticipated Ward Carlson will demolish structures located at 413 4th Street the week of November 15th. Staff is recommending a for sale sign be erected on the property (staff will contact public works to see if they can make a generic sign). At this time staff is not recommending entering in a listing agreement with a real estate agent. Since the construction season is coming to an end it would make more sense to engage such services during Spring of 2011. Staff will contact the neighboring properties to see if there is any wiliness on their part to purchase the property. IEDC: A strong BR &E program is vital to the success of retaining and attractin¢ businesses into a community. Staff realizes we are in the process of creating a strong BR &E program, however it seems appropriate to begin implement now. In one of the conferences I attended in Arizona, I was talking to another community that recently implemented a Concierge Team. Most people know and can quickly relate to a Concierge. Therefore the Concierge concept has worked well as it ties a community together. I think it is safe to say that most people like Concierges as they provide us with a wealth of information in a friendly manner (as least they should). It is their job to help, we have the preconceived notion that they will give us the information we need. It is quite apparent based on the results of the BR &E survey that one of the main things we are lacking in the City is coordinated communication. Which, from my perspective is interesting considering we have SO many task forces, resources, and programs in the City. In any case, it is evident we are not communicating in a manner that is catching people's attention. The idea is if we mass market the term "Monticello Concierge" we may be able to draw people's attention quicker and give them the sense that we will help them with all their need.. We will hopefully be able to tie in what we already have in place and market it in a coordinated and consistent manner. Q. Who will be part of the Concierge Team? *IEDC, City Staff (Angela and Megan), and Chamber. Q. What will the Team do? *Be the face and front line for Monticello existing and new businesses *Meet during IEDC regular meetings *Attend Site Review meetings with new applicants (staff will email IEDC members and request an applicable member attend) *Setup quarterly BR &E visits *Establish a Concierge phone number and website and provide project, application, and resource info *Exchange information on what programs are available *Coordinate marketing and communication materials to provide the business community with less number but more effective information *Address and bring forward business concerns to the appropriate body *This Team will be the link and often times advocate for existing and new businesses in the community The best part is we already have the frame work in place. We have an IEDC that is instrumental in advocating for a better business community in Monticello, a site review process is already in place, the Chamber is already active. Now we just have to pull it all together in an aggressive marketing and coordinated strategy. Q. How would we market? *PICTURES! Yes, people quickly associate with faces and people. We would hire a local photographer to take professional pictures. We would print greeting cards and all the necessary marketing materials to do a mass media blitz about this team. * Website. We just launched a new website. This website will be expanded to include a Concierge page. This website will be the port for all community and business related resources. Several people will have access to update this website. This team will become the umbrella for people to obtain all existing information throughout the community. *Business E -News, Chamber, notify the Rotary, Workforce center, and any other applicable groups. The IEDC supports this new concept and we will begin implementing immediately. Planning Commission: See attached agenda. BR &E: Please mark your calendars for Thursday, November 18, 2010 at 7:30am at the Community Center for the BR &E Project Implementation Planning meeting. It is important to work together as a part of the larger group in order to motivate and challenge one another, keep abreast of what other teams are doing, where they are having difficulties, and where they need help. The agenda for the session is as follows: 1. Review the givens, background and previously made decisions 2. Envision the future - Imagine the day after completion of your project. What do you see, feel, and hear? 3. Acknowledge the situation by talking through the potential benefits and dangers that would result from succeeding with your action plan and listing the strength and weaknesses of the team. 4. Identify the tasks through brainstonning activities and clustering actions that overlap or could be done by the same group. 5. Establish time frames - each project team plan its activities 6. Finalize details of coordinating leadership, budget and follow through mechanisms Attached to this report is a list of projects the BR &E Task Force discussed and ultimately prioritized importance. The point of the implementation meeting is to identify more specific projects within each over broad category. EDA November 10, 2010 Inquiries: Staff will be sending out direct marketing pieces in the next month to hopefully spark inquiries by late winter to early spring. Industrial Marketing / Venues: City Staff and Wayne Elam attended the Medical Design and Manufacturing tradeshow on October 6t" and 71t at the Minneapolis Convention Center. The exhibit hall was packed with various types of medical manufactures, consultants, sales companies, State agencies, and communities. Staffs overall impression of the conference was it contained many good exhibitors; however people in attendance seemed to be mostly students and unemployed workers. One positive was we were able to obtain a list of all exhibitors and their contact information. However, this is not a tradeshow Staff would recommend being an exhibitor in the future. The City could attend the event at a lower price and still receive a copy of all exhibitor information. Wayne Elam attended the MNCAR Expo for the City on October 27, 2010. MNCAR continues to be a good venue for the City to affiliate. The LifeScience Alley conference is coming up on December Sty'. Wayne Elam and Sandy Suchy will be attending this event. The Economic Development Director will be in school this week in order to complete the 2nd week of a 4 week certification course to become a certified Economic Development Finance Professional. According to several other cities and Positively MN staff, the LifeScience Alley conference provides a more focused attendance audience. This year has a busy year in attending many conferences and tradeshows. City staff continues to try to diversify the City's exposure to end users and cormmercial brokers. Business Communications & Retention Initiatives: www .buildinebusinessinmonticello .coin has been launched. However, due to lack of staff time, the site is not up to the standards desired by the Economic Development Director. This continues to be a work in progress. The Industry of the Year event was well attended. Electro Industries was very appreciative to be the first Industry of the Year award recipient. Staff has received positive feedback from attendees. If higher attendance can continue to achieved, it would be worth discussing soliciting a higher profile speaker (possible pay a professional motivational speaker) that could really motivate the audience. Thank you to everyone who participated in the site visits of Electro Industries and UMC. These companies appreciate our efforts to stay in contact with them. These visits should be done on a regular basis. Staff is hopeful the newly created "Monticello Concierge" team will assist in making these visits become a regular occurrence. EDA November 10, 2010 Transportation: Intersection improvements for Highway 25 and 75 are anticipated to begin shortly as part of the Walgreens development. It appears Walgreens will be locating in Monticello as City staff released the plat and executed all necessary documents on Friday October 29, 2010. Staff anticipates demolition of the old theatre building to occur within the next couple weeks. Embracing Downtown: McComb Group met with downtown stake holders on October 19th. Many business and real estate owners were in attendance. Jana King, from Economic Development Services, went through a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) analysis of downtown. Attendees seemed to enjoy the exercise as it sparked good discussion and provided the consulting team with great information. Jana will be holding individual stake holder meetings on November 4th and 11th. Many retail businesses are currently conducting a retail survey to assist in data needed for the market analysis. It is anticipated the Steering Committee will reconvene in December. Future Meeting Dates: 1. IEDC: December 7,2 010 2. EDA: December 8, 2010 3. BR &: Priority Project implementation November 18, 2010 7:30an EDA November 10, 2010