EDA Agenda Packet 07-14-20101 317 10 104 By I II &F, Wednesday, July 14, 2010 6:00 p.m. Mississippi Room - 505 Walnut Street, Monticello, MN Commissioners: President Bill Demeules, Vice President Dan Frie, Treasurer Bill Tapper, Bill Fair, Tracy Hinz, and Council members Tom Perrault and Brian Stumpf Staff: Executive Director Megan Barnett 1. Call to Order 2. Approve Meeting Minutes: a. June 9, 2010 3. Consideration of additional agenda items 4. Approval of EDA Invoices 5. Marketing Update a. Conferences b. Website 6. Director Report 7. Adjournment EDA Meeting Minutes 6/09/10 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (EDA) MEETING MINUTES Wednesday, June 9, 2010 6:00 p.m. Mississippi Room - 505 Walnut Street, Monticello, MN Commissioners Present: President Bill Demeules, Vice President Dan Frie, Treasurer Bill Tapper, Bill Fair, Tracy Hinz and Council Members Tom Perrault and Brian Stumpf Staff Present: Executive Director Megan Barnett, Finance Director Tom Kelly 1. Call to order 2. Approve Meeting Minutes a. May 12, 2010 MOTION BY FAIR TO APPROVE MAY 12, 2010 MINUTES, SECONDED BY TAPPER. MOTION CARRIED 7 -0. 3. Consideration of additional agenda items: None 4. Approval of EDA Invoices Barnett stated that the Department of Employment Shovel Ready application invoice involved the cost of participating in the state certification program to better position the City for site selector evaluations. She pointed out that this designation indicates that the City is prepared to proceed to more immediately locate businesses and would put Monticello on a higher priority list. She noted that the $2950 expenditure included the in depth consultant assistance in the application process. Barnett indicated that the City would receive its certification in a few weeks and that she would provide a full report at that time. MOTION BY TAPPER TO APPROVE INVOICES, SECONDED BY FRIE. MOTION CARRIED 7 -0. 5. Consideration of adopting Resolution approving a Greater Monticello Enterprise Fund (GMEF) for Hoglund Body and Equipment, LLC EDA Meeting Minutes 6/09/10 Barnett summarized that Hoglund Body and Equipment recently purchased property at 307 Chelsea Road with plans to utilize this facility for body repair, painting, sandblasting, and custom fabrication. She noted that they are looking to remodel the building for these specific needs. She indicated that Hoglund is asking the EDA to grant a GMEF loan of $198,281 or 30% of total cost of project to remodel and purchase necessary equipment. Hoglund proposed to create 17 new jobs at two to four times the minimum wage. GMEF guidelines allow funds to be loaned for remodeling and purchase of equipment. The loan terms include 3% interest rate and 5 year term with no balloon for equipment. EDA would ask that Hoglund create ten new jobs within three years. Barnett stated that the City Attorney has reviewed the application and supporting data and has recommended that EDA enter into a security agreement using purchased equipment as collateral. Staff recommended approval of the project because it is supportive of a local business trying to expand in Monticello and it meets GMEF loan criteria. Barnett indicated that the applicant was present and would be glad to answer any questions. Barnett explained that the EDA would be taking first position on the value of equipment to be purchased to cover the loan and that the bank would take second position with the property under contract for deed and cover the remaining collateral of equipment. Barnett pointed out that Hoglund would be leasing a portion of the building to another company. Tapper cited that he is in favor of making the loan but that he had a few questions. Barnett clarified that such a body shop would be allowed in the district according to the City's Community Development Director. Also, the applicant indicated that all of the sandblasting would be done inside. Barnett assured the EDA that staff had looked at other financing options and that neither tax abatement nor TIF really fit the project. The applicant indicated that they are satisfied with the proposal. MOTION BY STUMPF TO APPROVE ALTERNATIVE 1 WITH CORRECTIONS OF NO BALLOON AND THE REVISED DOLLAR AMOUNT OF $198,281, SECONDED BY FRIE. MOTION CARRIED 7 -0. Barnett stated that Kennedy & Graven will next draft the loan agreement, security agreement, promissory note, the applicant will sign and staff will work with the Finance Department to cut the check. 6. Consideration of approving a Spending Plan for TIF District 1 -22 EDA Meeting Minutes 6/09/10 Economic Development Director Barnett and Finance Director Tom Kelly provided an overview of the Semper Development/Walgreens project and related Transportation Feasibility Study. Barnett stated that the subject project area is located within EDA's TIF District No. 1 -22. She pointed out that the legislature recently passed a law loosening up eligible TIF expenses in order to encourage private development. She noted that the EDA is being asked to utilize surplus TIF funds of $378,680 for this development project. She indicated that TIF District No. 1 -22 has a significant surplus balance, but unfortunately the ability to spend the funds is quite restrictive due to the fact the district was created in 1997 under strict regulations. The new law passed now allows TIF to be utilized in ways to help spur private development. The proposed infrastructure project meets the objectives of TIF District No. 1 -22, which is redevelopment. The Planning Commission reviewed Walgreens land use applications and recommended that the City Council approve use applications. Therefore, the proposed use of funds complies with the City Comprehensive Plan. She summarized that the EDA is being asked to consider a preliminary TIF Spending Plan. The City Council will hold the required public hearing regarding this request and make a recommendation to the EDA to be considered at the July meeting. Barnett stated this is a great opportunity to take advantage of an otherwise very restricted pool of money. The redevelopment of this intersection could continue to spur further redevelopment. It is important to note that construction must commence by July 1, 2011. Walgreens would like to be open for business in that location by spring of 2011. Stumpf asked if the funds would be used for actual road improvements and if these are different funds than what has been discussed in the past. Kelly replied that the funds could be used for infrastructure improvements as long as they were tied to a private development. District No 1 -22 funds have been discussed in the past, however a specific use has never been identified due to state law restrictions. He stated the City would lose 60% of fund balance if it isn't used when the City decertifies the district. Kelly also noted that, if the City receives funds from the county or state to complete the improvement project, the required amount by the city would be reduced. Hinz inquired as to whether the developer could still develop the site if the EDA did not approve the Spending Plan. Barnett stated the developer could still develop, however due to the high cost of redeveloping, it is likely the development would not occur. Kelly stated Walgreens needs these intersection improvements in order to proceed. Tapper asked if it was really necessary to make this improvement now. He wanted to make sure the EDA spends public money prudently. Barnett stated that this is a catalyst project and that a developer is currently willing to put investment into this property. She stated the new EDA Meeting Minutes 6/09/10 TIF law encourages this type of development to utilize TIF dollars. She pointed out that the project will also address continual regional traffic flow concern. Demeules stated that the old movie theater building has six parking spots; from a development point of view this configuration has limited potential. Frie asked if staff had calculated the increase in tax value after the development was completed. Kelly stated it really wasn't a huge increase as it would only add about $14,000. Stumpf commented that the project would result in an occupied building that would create pedestrian traffic. In general, the EDA agreed that this was a good opportunity to utilize surplus TIF dollars. They reiterated that they'd like to see the downtown developed in a pedestrian friendly manner and do not want to cut corners on improvements. Barnett stated such conversations have occurred with the developer and that she will relay the message again. Barnett reiterated that this development has both a downtown and regional redevelopment benefit. State law requires that in the official documents, this project be tied to a specific private development. Fair stated that he sees this as an opportunity to clean up a vacant block of blight. MOTION BY FAIR TO ADOPT SPENDING PLAN FOR TIF 1 -22 ALTERNATIVE 1, SECONDED BY FRIE. MOTION CARRIED 7 -0. Barnett assured Tapper that the proposed TIF Spending Plan would be in conformance with the recently amended Comprehensive Plan. 7. Consideration of joining MNCAR Exchange Barnett is a currently a member of the Economic Development Director's Association of Minnesota (EDAM). She stated that the MN Commercial Association of Realtors ( MNCAR) partners with EDAM to find out what is happening in the industry, how to market the City, who are the contacts, and how to go after them. MNCAR will now allow economic development professionals to become members. This will provide the EDA access to land, property and legal listings. In addition, the EDA will be able to send out monthly information to 2,500 realtors. Barnett pointed out that it is a great opportunity to join at an extremely discounted price. The membership fee is $1,000 for the year. She indicated that MNCAR has a strong presence in St. Cloud and Minneapolis markets and is planning to provide statewide coverage. Barnett noted that the City has already gotten some leads from having initial free access to the Exchange since February. She indicated that she will be able to track MNCAR EDA Meeting Minutes 6/09/10 leads. She assured the EDA that the contract to list properties with Wayne Elam will continue to be honored. Barnett noted that the marketing budget is $20,000 and so far this year only $2,000 has been expended. MOTION MADE BY FAIR TO JOIN MNCAR EXCHANGE AT A COST OF $1,000, SECONDED BY TAPPER. MOTION CARRIED 6 -0 WITH PERRAULT ABSENT. 8. Marketing Update: Barnett indicated that she has done a lot of research on conferences which might be useful to attend to provide some productive economic development leads. She noted that the EDA would be represented as an exhibitor at these conferences in order to increase visibility in front of key leaders. She clarified that it would be an opportunity to market Monticello and cited the FiberNet system as well as access to I -94 as great benefits. She indicated that it would be helpful to also use the EDA marketing budget for an updated banner for the exhibitor booth at a cost of $600 as well as for new printed marketing materials at a cost of $1,000. Barnett recommended attendance at the Wind Industry Supply Chain Workshop at a gold sponsorship level of $500. This workshop is scheduled for July 14`s and will be hosted by Positively MN. She also suggested attendance at the Medical Design and Manufacturing Conference in Minneapolis on July 13 -14. Additionally, she noted that the Life Science Alley held in December in Minneapolis would expose Monticello to a potential technology development emphasis at a cost of $2400. Finally, Barnett pointed out that the EDA has the option of expanding its scope outside of Minnesota. She suggested that CoreNet Global is hosting a conference in Phoenix in September for a fee of $1,100. She noted that Positively MN (DEED) gets some great contacts from this conference. There was discussion about how it might be beneficial to take a more global outlook toward economic development. Barnett noted that the state has also been focusing on key industries outside of Minnesota. MOTION BY TAPPER TO AUTHORIZE EXPENDITURE OF UP TO $10,000 FOR CONFERENCES, SECONDED BY FAIR. MOTION CARRIED 6 -0 WITH PERRAULT ABSENT. 9. Director Report Barnett reported that DEED is doing an annual summer road show visiting eleven different cities to present New Tools for New Times - initiatives designed to encourage economic EDA Meeting Minutes 6/09/10 growth in Minnesota. She stated that she has the list of cities and schedule and encouraged EDA attendance. 10. Adjournment MOTION BY FRIE TO ADJOURN, SECONDED BY STUMPF, MOTION CARRIED 6 -0 WITH PERRAULT ABSENT. The meeting adjourned at 7:04 p.m. Bill Demeules, President 4. Approval of EDA Invoices. a. University of MN $13,000 *BR &E Program b. Law Bulletin $1,500.00 *Sponsor for Land Conference c. DEED $500.00 *Gold Sponsor d. Canon Communications *Medical Design & Mfg. conference sponsorship $3,650.00 e. Kennedy & Graven $432 *Hoglund GMEF loan £ MNCAR $322.00 *membership fee g. Initiative Foundation $2,000 *contribution approve by FDA in October of 2009 §� ( / ( OR § { { ) \ \ \ * y(@ e $ 9 . C / / E � ( W / \ } � } \( � ; $ R ; ; K!§ 7 ( , ! E / | [ � � { \ ( § ( � ( ` \ ( � E [ ( \ ! f ( $ \ \ \ \ \ \ � \ ( _ - ( * y(@ e $ 9 . C / � � / \ � \( � ) K!§ 7 ƒ [ � / 7 } ! 3 ! o CL 9 . C / � � / \ ! 3 ! CITY OF MONTICELLO VOUCHER Please complete, sign, and submit to Accts Payable by due date for check run. ® Disb. Ck. Batch VENDOR: Nance U O 1't 9► Address 1 haH�, k AddEvess a0 ���s�a9 pu"i Address 2 City /ST /Zip Statement/ Invoice No: DISTRIBUTION OF EXPENSE Pay by; WA Acct. No. Amount Description Project Code 113.00000 U H O 20 99000 5 e \�s1 haal aa. b q , .4 4so0 4 3 jq qc 5006 Sw� «13RygP....." A %3,000 •- TOTAL: tip APPROVED BY Voucher.As "0 ENTERED DATE: t IdW, �1, 1 #1 Pr a F U W W w .tl Q 0 P� o o f o l o l o l l o i A M 0 0 M M M N N w A AAA AAA O N N N N N Vt VI M Vry b n H n H `.; O m M M M M M M M V V N N ro o: 6 d C 6 6� C7 6 C 6 N o o e a e o e o 0 0 0 a N h O 0 4 O O O S S8 yy 4 �i Q O N h O H ry Q S S S S S S O O O S S S 8 S S Y H {V A N N Yl N N z O o3 O 00 O 00 fJ 00" O ud' S S S 8 S S g g ad o o l g l c4i I S I $ I I S d d d d d d o d o d d o c c o o o f o l o l o l l o i A M 0 0 M M M N N w A AAA AAA O N N N N N Vt VI M Vry b n H n H `.; O m M M M M M M M V V N N ro o: 6 d C 6 6� C7 6 C 6 N o o e a e o e o 0 0 0 a N h O 0 4 O O O S S8 S S S S S S S S S S S O O O S S S 8 S S 8 S 8 8 0 N N Yl N N N O V� N t`T O o3 O 00 O 00 fJ 00" O ud' S S S 8 S S g g ad o o l g l c4i I S I $ I I S d d d d d d o d o d d o c c o 0 o o f o l o l o l l o i A M 0 0 M M M N N w A AAA AAA O N N N N N Vt VI M Vry b n H n H `.; O m M M M M M M M V V N N ro o: 6 d C 6 6� C7 6 C 6 N o o e a e o e o 0 0 0 a N h O 0 4 watt V, wo 4-w- f-fl.co.py to- Over jD G am of Printing Excellence Qw SOD .° . IS 110 IbbOo (8 tz g 1000,`° 1N31° 500°" y0hh5 Son°° n4Nt goo'° (130 500•° (8 tz g 500p0 (131-S SAD.° 14129 500.• %1937. Soo ,Has So0.0 °�,Abyl o^ ¢,5D0 ob City of1Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite I Monticello, MN 55362 (763) 295 -2711 00013358 01/13/2010 2:97 PM Initiative Foundation Business Retention and Expansion Frog Project 2009 Revenue li in (01 Local grant for the EDA 5,000.00 Total 5,000.00 Tendered: Check 36218 5,000.00 Change 0.00 Thank you! Law Bulletin Irg REAL COMMUNICATIONS INDEX INDEX PUBLISHING CORPORATION CORPORATION Publishing Company SULLIVAN'S LAW DIRECTORIES 415 NORTH STATE STREET i.'l5B CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 80684 312.844.7800 INVOICE SILL TO: 113723 -00 Invoice Date: 05/12/10 CITY OF MONTICELLO Invoice Number: 1302202 505 Walnut St Ste 1 Salesperson: KODYTEK Monticello MN $5362 Due Date: Upon Receipt Fein; 36- 1368690 Attn ;ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SOLD TO: 113723 -00 CITY OF MONTICELLO 505 Walnut St Ste I Monticello MN 55362 Cuet PO; None Order; 906976 Qty Price Inv Amt 05/12/10 MN 6th Annual Land Conference 5/14/2010 1 EA 1,500.00 1,500.00 Note: Attn; Megan Barnett Payment due upon receipt of invoice. CIO, TOTAL INVOICE AMOUNT A Late Charge of 1.6% Per Month will be Added to All Open Balances on the 31st Day After the Invoice Date Original Copy -For Your Records Page 1 Of 1 Ann Zimmerman From: Megan Barnett Sent: Monday, May 24, 2010 7:66 AM To: Ann Zimmerman Subject: RE: Law Bulletin 1302202 5/12110 $1500.00 Yes, good to pay. From 213 marketing budget. Megan Barnett Economic Development Director City of Monticello 505 walnut Street x13 - µ4301-h3106 Monticello MN 55362 763.271.3208 (direct) 763,295.4404 (fax) - - - -- Original Message---- - From: Ann Zimmerman Sent: Friday, May 21, 2010 2:32 PM To: Megan Barnett Subject: Law Bulletin 1302202 5/12/10 $1500.00 Megan, Please refer to the attachment. Okay to pay? Annie 271 -3205 � \ { { \, I / \ \ { ` « » / / \ r / § \ 7 � ƒ 2 « ( { ( \ 7 \ \ k R & � � ( ( f ; E a , [ \ � ( / \ \ ! \ f { ( _ } / } \ \ ( p p « » ! \ ) ¥ �{ / r / § \ 7 � ƒ ( { 7 \ � � ( f a , [ \ � Z ! \ ) ¥ �{ CITY OF MONTICELLO VOUCHER Please complete, sign, and submit to Accts Payable by due date for check run. ,yy ® VENDOR: Disb, Ck, Batch Pay by: ��1y Name 1�1f "o ✓ � rk� Y " ` ". (�bULV, �EV �rJ Address 1r Address M, rineSr&,1 Q-,�I-Yt City /ST /Zip L . pow/ MIV 55-10 Statement/ Invoice No: DISTRIBUTION OF EXPENSE TOTAL: $0.00 iw.ob 'f9 PUTIPArn APPROVED BY voucher.As ➢A•r�:,n f�j JUN 11 2010 SPONSORSHIP APPLICATION RAMADA -MAL LOFA MERICA' ' 2300 East American Blvd.,; Bloomington, MN * July 14,2010. • 8:00 am -Noon The wind industry Is experiencing unprecedented growth, which Is bringing major supply chain challenges to the Industry while it aggressively 'ramps up "domestic manufacturing of wind turbines and their components, As a result, there is significant opportu manufacturers and component suppliers across all industries to help feed the pl hain and grow their business. Don't miss a unique opportunity to be a sponsor of this popular event) ❑ Premier Sponsor; $1,000.00 Sponsorship includes: • Prominent logo recognition • Prominent location of 10x10 exhibit booth • Recognition by VIP speaker Two (2) complimentary workshop registrations ($79 -$99 value for each registration) Gold Sponsor: $500.00 ponsorship includes: • Ability to place one marketing piece on literature table inside workshop general session room • Logo recognition • One (1) complimentary registration ($79 -$99 value) Organization Inform Company Name: GJTN (�" I U X "I I LU U Street Address: 50 Mweey City: ML* atLo State:_W L r� Zip Code: b7 � Contact Name: IV't Phone: ( u.3-) Z Email: !'U Fax: (MLL5 -) Q'- Q_Q_�r Mail Sponsorship application, along with check made payable to "DEEW(sorry, no credit cards) to: Mary Babaya, Business Development Office Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED) First National Bank Building 332 Minnesota Street, Suite E200 5t. Paul, MN 55101 Questions? Contact Lisa Hughes at 507 -389 -6779 POSITIVELY ao.im.x ei emaigwm..e a...� a..mw... Wind Industry supply chain workshop Page 1 of 1 POSITIVELY Department of Emplayment and Economic Davolopmant Wind Industry Supply Chain Workshop 04P Unprecedented growth in the wind Industry has brought major supply chain challenges and major opportunities as 7P manufacturers ramp up production of wind turbines and components. Join us Wednesday, July 14, 2010, from 8 a.m. to noon at the Ramada Mail of America in Bloomington, MN, to learn about growth opportunities for manufacturers and suppliers in the wind supply chain market. Led by the Great Lakes WIND Network, the workshop will cover: Now business opportunities In the WIND supply chain market Current global trends driving market demand for key components in an already sold out supply chain The WIND supply chain structure and the kinds of components needed What WIND OEMs look for In suppliers Ways to accelerate growth In wind Agenda Select this link to download and print a draft agenda. Cost to Attend Business Rate: $79 Nonprofits, Education, Government Rate: $99 To Register Start by selecting the following link to Register nll a. Then mall your check (sorry, no credit cards) to: Mary Babaya Business Development Office Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development First National Bank Building 332 Minnesota Street, Suite E200 St. Paul, MN 55101 To Become a Sponsor Sponsorships are available for this event. Select the following link for a Sponsorship Application. Got Listed In Our Wind Power Supply -Chain Directory If you're not already listed in our online Wind Power Supply -Chain Directory, ask us how to take advantage of this no -cost opportunity to promote your company with wind- Industry manufacturers. For More Information For more Information, contact Use Hughes at 507 - 389 -6779 or email Usa.Hughes cr state.mn.us. ©2010 Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development Privacy Policy Accessibility Site Me Webmaster Contact Us http:// www, positivelyminnesota .cornlCaleticlar_of Events lWitid_Industry_Supply_Chaiu ,.. 6/7/2010 CITY OF MONTICELLO VOUCHER Please complete, sign, and submit to Accts Pgyoble by due date for check run, VENDOR: XIti' ® Disb, Ck. Batch Pay by: Name �. t( y o m s M L Address Address 2 City /ST /Zip j.0 J AE V � r� QUQ 19�tatement/ Invoice No: DISTRIBUTION OF EXPENSE TOTAL: APPROVED BY JUN 2 1 2010 � vouchor.xls ry DATE:, : t 0. CU&- W-�;- tw °i. Medical Design & Manufacturing® CONTRACT FOR EXHIBIT SPACE M �M OCTOBER NT -14, LATER MINNEAPOLIS CONVENTION CENTER ww•11 rocwni••`■ ere+ MINNEAPOLIS, MN Location Preference 1. � 2. 3. 4. Size (length x depth) —10--x -ALTOIal Square Feef ®$36.60 per square foot = $ 3,tr7� Type of Location (check one) ❑ In -Ilne 0 Corner ❑ Penlnsula Q Island - $ 0.00 Total Booth Cost $ Total Deposit Required $ Show Mgmt. Use Only Size ❑P Booth space includes slandaaf booth drape In the show colors, a company identification sign, one on-site directory listing (print deadlines apply), on -line exhibitor services kit, and 10 exNbltor badges per I square feet. All booths are subject to IAEE Display Rules & Regulations on show tike, Competitors to avold: We will make awry effort at the time of booking to place your booth at least 40' from the companies you list, however no guarantees can be made, please contact your Sales Executive prior to the show to catNYm neighboring exhibitors. For your deposit, you may send a Check payable to "CANON COMMUNICATIONS LLe to the address below, or send us a wire (please call Instructions). Please reference the show name and Invoice number when making payment. PROMOTIONAL OPPORTUNITIES Promote yourself at the showl Please check out all the Items avallable in the exhibitor kit 3 months prior to the show, or contact Rita Marto at (310) 996.9415 or via email at rlta.meno *cancom.com. ❑ MadiaTrl- Pack: Premier Logo Listing in the Show Directory, a link from the show website to yours, and a Web Product Spotlight! An $925 value for $499 The following schedule will determine the required deposit amount, as welt as the contracted payment terms. A deposit Is requlred to reserve. Specs; that amount Is determined by rho contract date oorrosponding with the schedule below. As a contracted exhibitor, payments are duo within 30 days of receipt of the Invoice, which will be at the beginning of each Interval noted balow, • If the current data Is between 12 -9 months prior to the show, a 10% doposil /payment Is required. • If thecurrent date Is belween 9.6 months prior to the show, a 60 %depwIl /payment Is required. • If the current date Is belweon 6.0 months prior to the show, a 100% depcelVpnymont Is required, By signing I acknowledge that I am authorized by my employer to enter Into this agreement and agree to enclose the deposit, and settle all remaining amounts by the due dame ant forth, I agree 10 abide by the Rules and Regulallona as a condition of the allotment of apace (see reverse). Cancellation of this contract will result In Management retaining as 11quldated damages, and not as penalty, all amounts thon paid by (and due from) the exhibiting company up to the time of cancellation. , Signature Required or small this application to your CANON COMMUNICATIONS I.LC 11444 W. Olympic Blvd„ Suite 900 • Los Angeles, CA 90064 USA Tel: (310) 445.4200 • Fax: (31o) 996.9499 Date MD&M Minneapolis het* Page 1 of 2 Quick Links Whether you're planning to attend MD &M Minneapolis for the Notify Me When 201) first time, or your company has been an annual visitor since the Registntlon opens Inaugural event in 1994, you'll find this year's show brimming Forward to Colleague with new advances in materials, components, electronics, List of Exhibitors machinery, systems and services for the design and Floor Plan manufacture of every type of medical product. Add to Outlook Calendar Connect Online �n �'�" { tT_`_ fonveN to a rdend Unked® 93 kttli&.HfaC Mderm re yew outloat ralonaar MD &M Minneapolis Expo and Conference: Facilitating Next - Generation Medical product Development Before new medical technology Is Introduced to hosplWls, clinics, and declare' offices around the world, the materials, components, manufacturing equipment, systems, and services that move the technology from concept to reality ere first seen on the MD &M exhibit Boor and presented at the Industry- acclalmed MD &M Minneapolis conference program. Find the Suppliers and Solutions to Bring Medical Products and Equipment from Cancept to Customer Whether you're updating a current device to stay ahead of the competition or launching an entirely new generation of products to the healthcare marketplace, MD&M Minneapolis presents a wealth of resources to meet your needs for every aspect of the medical product development and manufacturing process. MD &M Michas oils exhibitors are ready to assist you In designing products that Improve quality and rellablllty, shorten time to market, and are easier and more affordable to produce, reduce end -user costs, and enhance patlent safety — all key advantages In positioning your products latency's co mpetitive marketplace, I @s All Here, -and Only Here Regardless of medical specialty or application focus, you'll find the most complete and comprehensive army of suppllers, resources, and solutions at MD &M Mlnnoapolls, Explore and compare the latest developments In medical grade materials, assembly and electronic components, computer aided design and manufacturing, production equipment, automation and centrals, packaging materials and machinery, medical device software, testing and calibration equipment, enterprise -wide IT, sterilization systems, contract doslgn, manufacturing and allied service and support provklers...and much more. MD &M Minneapolis —the Genesis of Medical Product Development supported by; hryi 0p g� 111hi, Bfpy NOWS TECliNOLOGy M �'vw ffig nidt Yci� R�CIIRECTIONS n;-a Qr�ho��{ "Exhibiting at the MD &M In Minneapolis was a complete suamssl We were able to spend quality time with many of our local customers, sharing Information about same of ProMed's recently added capabilities. This Is so much more effective than receiving the announcement In the mail. We walked away with a number of good leads and have are confident these will tam Into orders Soon.- — Conale Laumeye, ahactor of Sales & Mo4ating, ProMed Needed Producfa, Inc, "MD &M Minneapolis was a great success for NuSll Technology, Despite those tough economic tines, attendance, quality and quantity of leads were high. The family of MD &M shows continues to be a soauss in bringing together Industry leaders." — Alyssla Wagner, MarNOting [o0rdinoto, NOSH Technology "Mo &M Is an efficient way to meet customers and Interact with current customers, We cannot overstate the value of the MD&M elves and the powerful approach on how to present our company by having our booth,.' slam — Augusta rattarellPSfevers, OHlce Manager /Earocunve Adndolctram , Evans Analyncal Group, LLC »snore« http:// www. canontradeshows .com/expo /minnO9/ 6/4/2010 d J 0 O' J O W O O W U N ro x N s a N W A A Vi U O O ro O x�y O w w w w 0 0 0 0 $ � w A O o 0 0 o O 0 O 0 o O x�y O y O �; m O O O J O b O A O eAp I W N N z 0 � 9 � O J J tNi� vNi N N O o O �g O o O < p � O a � P' W W F r1 y� a C m n � o � o W G � n o o N � a x � H 0 0 0 0 d d o d w w 0 0 w 0 w w 0 o0o w 0 o°o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O x�y O y O �; m O O O J O b O A O eAp I W N N z O � O J J tNi� vNi N N O o O O O o O O 9 x�y y d �; m O �1 A I z � � 0 0' Cs W W F r1 y� a C a d n C °e Y O � a d �; m O �1 A I Y O � Kennedy & Graven, Chartered I��o 200 South Sixth Street Suite 470 Minneapolis, MN 56402 (612) 337 -9300 Tax ID No. 41-1225694 June 18, 2010 Statement No. 96435 Monticello EDA Megan Barnett 505 Walnut Ave Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Through May 31, 2010 MN325 -00021 Hoglund OMEF Loan I declare, under penalty of law, that this account, claim or demand Is Just and correct and that no part of It has been paid. Signature of Clal 4 nt Rau 432.00 Total Current Billing; 432.00 z1�.q�e3ol • �CSO`h0 Monticello EDA Megan Barnett May 31, 2010 Page: 1 Kennedy & Graven, Chartered 200 South Sixth Street Suite 470 Minneapolis, MN 55402 MN325 -00021 Hoglund GMEF Loan Through May 31, 2010 For All Legal Services As Follows: Hours Amount 5/19/2010 MNI Email memo to M Barnett regarding public hearing 0,50 90.00 requirements for GMEF loan; follow -up phone conversation regarding same; review business subsidy statute. 5/21/2010 MNI Draft business subsidy public hearing notice. 0.40 72.00 5/2012010 MNI Phone conversation with M Barnett regarding security for 1.10 198.00 GMEF Hoglund loan given contract for deed; office conference with S Bubul regarding same; research on security options per GMEF guidelines and loan purposes, 5/28/2010 MNI Email correspondence with M Barnett regarding security 0.40 72.00 for loan. Total Services: $ 432.00 Total Services and Disbursements:$ 432.00 r� JUN 2 4 2010 MNCAR . E CHANGE Bill To: City of Monticello Attn: Megan Barnett 505 Walnut St W Monticello MN 55362 3rd Quarter Exchange Fees The MNCAR Exchange 6800 France Avenue, Suite 760 ' Edina, MN 55435 Phone: 952-908-1181) Fax: 952-908-1799 "The Commercial Property Database" Amount Paid $ 22b.00 10-i R.O r crisaa� xt Sri OLM- QTR -PP -EDAM Amount Paid $ x-13 -QW) - W 3300 2N5 al _. f Z o JUL, _ 6 2010 w 0 W n Lv Z 'a U z LL If you would like to cancel your Exchange access, Lf� U 4 x U U U z 2 you must notify our office no later than July 20, 2010 to avoid paying the full quarter's dues. Dim 22b.00 esm = um 7a ceF R t � a W 4 Li4rcctar r l lJi fPrlh ' xt Sri OLM- QTR -PP -EDAM First User - EDAM Member Discount 1 $225.00 $225.00 x-13 -QW) - W 3300 2N5 al _. f Z o JUL, _ 6 2010 w 0 W n Lv Z 'a U z LL If you would like to cancel your Exchange access, Lf� U 4 x U U U z 2 you must notify our office no later than July 20, 2010 to avoid paying the full quarter's dues. Dim The Board of Directors of the MNCAR Exchange has implemented a policy regarding late payments. Any subscriber who is 60 days past due with their payment will be cut off from the MNCAR Exchange database and will be required to pay a $100 reinslaiement fee to rejoin. NOTE: IF PAYING BY CREDIT CARD, AN ADDITIONAL 3% WILL BE ADDED FOR CREDIT CARD PROCESSING, CREDIT CARD NUMBER EXPIRATION DATE SIGNATURE INVOICE TOTAL TO BE CHARGED PLUS 3% CREDIT CARD FEE 513992 22b.00 $0.00 $225.00 The Board of Directors of the MNCAR Exchange has implemented a policy regarding late payments. Any subscriber who is 60 days past due with their payment will be cut off from the MNCAR Exchange database and will be required to pay a $100 reinslaiement fee to rejoin. NOTE: IF PAYING BY CREDIT CARD, AN ADDITIONAL 3% WILL BE ADDED FOR CREDIT CARD PROCESSING, CREDIT CARD NUMBER EXPIRATION DATE SIGNATURE INVOICE TOTAL TO BE CHARGED PLUS 3% CREDIT CARD FEE 513992 Z z 0 w 0 Z Q U z 0 �o MN CAR MinneAa Cw woW Ma An a/NEALMRr BILL TO: Megan Barnett City of Monticello 505 Walnut St W Monticello MN 55362 Minnesota Commercial Association of REAL7ORSO 6800 France Avenue, Suite 760 • Edina, MN 55435 Phone: 952-908-1780 Fax: 952 -908 -1799 REALTOR• Dedicated to Excellence in the Co n nercial Real Estate Profession INVOICE 8 114273 INVOICE DATE 7/1/2010 PAYMENT TERMS DUE UPON RECEIPT MEMBER In 502211230 ITEM NUMBER DESCRIPTION MNCAR- CA-NN -07JUL 2010 MNCAR Association Membership 2 12-)- PU30.1- 44 ?j(Z AMOUNT DUE $97.50 AMOUNT PAID QTY UNIT PRICE EXTENDED 1 $97.50 $97.50 .2� 0tx MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL AMOUNT $97.50 V CITY OF MONTICELLO VOUCHER Please complete, sign, and submit to Accts Payable by due date for check run. ® Disb. Ck. Batch Pay by; VENDOR: Name TH RT Address 1 110 Ti-%'°4J Address 2 City /ST /Zip Statement/ Invoice No; DISTRIBUTION OF EXPENSE 'J,209 TOTAL: $uo APPROVED BY voucher.xls 5. APPROVE CONTRIBUTING FINANCIAL DOLLARS TO THE INITIATIVE FOUNDATION: BY MEGAN BARNETT A. REFERENCE AND BALI {GROUND: The Initiative Foundation is an organization that provides gap financing for company's Just starting or expanding, The organization also provides grants to various non - profit and government agencies. The Foundation is requesting the City of Monticello BDA contribute $2,000 to the organization in 2010. Per State Statute Cities are) able to contribute not more than $50,000 annually for promoting, advertising, improving, or developing the economic and agricultural resources of the city or town. B. ATTACHMENTS: 1, Information regarding the Initiative Foundation C, BUDGET IMPACT: 1. $2,000 from the RDA marketing budget for 2010, D, ALTERNATIVE ACTION: 1, Approve contributing $2,000 to the hnitiative Foundation for the year 2010 2, Deny contributing money to the Initiative Foundation, 3, Table action for lluther research and discussion. E. STAFF, RECOMMENDATION: City Staff recommends contributing $2,000 in 2010 to the Initiative Foundation, The Foundation is a wolf known and established organization that provides great economic growth to Wright County, They also have a strong cown4mity -focus that is shown through their grant programs, Initiative Foundation 2010 Budget Request Status Form Please use this form to notify us when a decision is made regarding this request./ City of Monticello A/Request Approved 0 ❑ Request Denied LO / / ate action taken by C9t�_ lou cil $Total commitment fo 0 0 $ by 6/30/10 or by —/—/ (your preferred payment schedule) Signatur /6 a�&' (Title) t21let Thank you for considering this request. We look forward to your partnership and support in 2010. Email: kriittersAifound.om Phone: 1- 877 - 632 -9255 ext 2007 Fax: 1- 320 - 632 -9258 Mail: 405 First St. SE Little Falls, rMN 56345 County of Wright J U L - 7 2010 It 5. MARKETING UPDATE. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Conferences /Tradeshows: At the direction of the EDA, staff compiled a list of appropriate conferences and trade shows to attend at a cost not to exceed $10,000. To date staff has registered for the following conferences /tradeshows: Trade Show /Conference Price Date Wind Industry Supply Chain Workshop $500.00 Gold Sponsor July 14, 2010 Medical Design & Manufacturing $3,650.00 (sponsor) 499 (booth table, sign, tablecloth, etc) October 13 —14, 2010 MNCAR Expo $1,000 October 27, 2010 LifeScience Alley $1,620 December 8, 2010 The total cost for the above tradeshows are $7,269.00. Staff is proposing to also register for the CoreNet Global conference in the fall. This event is targeted for corporate real estate industry leaders. Positively MN (the State's marketing department) attends CoreNet's conferences in the spring and fall each year. The fall event is located in Phoenix Arizona. The cost to simply attend the event as an Economic Developer is $995.00. This would allow staff the ability to walk the exhibit floor each day and attend seminars. Staff could also register as an exhibitor. The cost for an exhibit booth is $4,500. Since Positively MN attends this event each year, City Staff contacted applicable State staff to gain insight on an approach that would provide the most exposure at a cost effective rate. Positively MN staff stated in the spring they walked the exhibitor floor each day and then hosted an evening dinner. This approach worked quite well as they reduced their exhibitor costs while still gaining significant exposure to key industry leaders. Based on the information obtained, staff would simply like to register as an Economic Developer at a rate of $995. It is quite possible City Staff will have the ability to attend Positively MN's evening dinner also. Staff completed a quick research on costs for attendance, hotel, and airfare: Registration: $995 Hotel: $438 ($219 /per night for 2 nights) *there are 3 different conference hotel options. Staff is proposing to stay at the cheapest hotel, while still being located within the free shuttle service area. Airfare: $253 (subject to change) July 14, 2010 EDA Total: $1,686 (plus or minus depending on airfare and if staff would need to check in a day early in order to attend the full conference) The estimated total cost for attending the CoreNet conference and the other conferences as listed is $8,955. This is still under the $10,000 cap the EDA approved for conference /tzadeshow expenses. Economic Development Website: City Staff has been working with a local vendor in Monticello to create a specific and targeted Economic Development Website. The new site will focus on providing information that is of most interest to Site Selectors. Information will include: demographics (population, workforce, transportation corridors, etc.), financing incentives, and available property (for sale and lease/ public & private) in Monticello. A few other highlights will include upcoming or ongoing "projects" and other "resources." Please see attached draft outline. Please note colors and pictures will be swapped out to bring a more economic feel to the site. Also, the City's website will still have an Economic Development presence, however a link will be created to direct people to this more specific site selector website. The local vendor has been very helpful and accommodating to work with. The proposed cost to build the site is $2,899.00. Hosting costs will also need to be factored in, however these costs are not typically a significant amount. Staff would like to obtain authorization to move forward with launching an Economic Development site that has the ability to be more functional and flexible compared to the existing tab on the City's website. Stats of Marketing Budget: See attached B. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the EDA authorize the Economic Development Director to attend the fall CoreNet event in Phoenix in September of 2010. Monticello has a great opportunity to expand its exposure to other viable businesses throughout the country. Attending numerous tradeshows /conferences outside of MN will begin to place Monticello on a different playing field that will hopefully help generate more business leads. C. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: Conferences: 1. Motion to approve expenses related to Economic Development Director attending CoreNet Tradeshow in Phoenix Arizona in September 2010. 2. Motion to deny Economic Development Director attendance at the September CoreNet Tradeshow. July 14, 2010 EDA 3. Motion to table action for further research. Economic Website: 1. Motion to approve allocating up to $3,000 of marketing dollars to create an Economic Development website utilizing Bullfrog Sweatshop and associated hosting fees. 2. Motion to deny allocating marketing dollars for an Economic Development website. 3. Motion to table action for further direction and research. D. SUPPORTING DATA: a. Conference information b. Marketing budget summary c. Website quote «, \0 ƒ{ kCL 0 �(u //j / CL \} Ec E§\ o / l{ �\ {m \�k \/2 �u �(& [k /k\ \ \� o \ \\ E' 2 E /»/ CL k: :e )m ; al / §-B @(% E)/ / {( m R»£ 0 k\k \ / )0 3§�? 0 / \�� /j /\ 2 L/ 46 \0 ©,e E /10 Bullfrog Sweatshop LLC. 4321 Harvest Court Monticello, MN 55362 City of Monticello Economic Development Attn: Megan Barnett P.O. # Terms Due on receipt Website Design Services 20 Page Website W/ Search engine optimization and set up for Adobe Contribute. Includes Adobe contribute program training for managing site updates. (up to 3 hours) Website Hosting Includes Domain, 5 email addresses up 500MB total, FTP management, and google analytics. 1yr Adobe Software can be purchased through adobe.com or newegg.com. It is available as instant download through adobe.com. Megan will provide content for website. Thank you for the opportunity to work with you. Please let me know if you have any questions on the 4uote. Thank you for your buisness! Have a great day! Bullfrog Sweatshop LLC. dave @bullfrogsweatshop.com www.bullfrogsweatshop.com Due Date Other 612 - 801 -6717 Subtotal Date 7/6/2010 Estimate # 3 7/6/2010 2,500.00 200.00 Sales Tax (6.875%) Total 2,500.00 200.00 iRU0 110 $2,899.00 E,� $2,899.00 2009 Marketing Budget Budget Year 2010 Total Budget 20,000 Description Estimated Cost Actual Wright County Insert flyer Fee $50 Flyer Printing Cost Directory pages Marketing Pieces 300 Newspaper /Journals MN Real Estate Journal NAIOP (3 mon. run) EDAM (half page /1 time) Business Newsletter (4 publications) 2,500 667.97 Booth /Vendor @ conferences 10,569 8,769 Land Conference (1,600) Wind Industry (500) Medical Design (4,149) Life Science (1,620) MNCAR (1,000) corenet(1,800) Shovel Ready Application 2,950 2,950 Breakfast Networking Mtgs Economic Website 2,899 Promotional Giveways Total 19,218 12, 386.97 Remaining Funds 7,613.03 updated 7.8.10 Economic Development Director Updates: IEDC: The IEDC did not hold a July meeting City Council: See attached agenda. The City Council denied a request by Barry Fluth to rezone the parcel known as "LandMark Square B" located in downtown Monticello from CCD to CCD -R. The request by Mr. Fluth would have allowed a higher intensity first floor residential development. A few Council members were uncomfortable approving the request without a proposed plan. The City Council approved moving forward with Third Street Parking Lot improvements. The improvement will include a City and private business owner cost share. The final assessment will be handled at time of accepting improvements, which is anticipated to occur in the Fall. The City Council recommended the EDA approve a TIF Spending Plan for TIF District 1 -22 for improvements related to the development of the NE Quadrant of Highway 25 and 75. The City Council also approved the required land use approvals for Semper Development to initiate building of a Walgreens. The EDA will review a final spending plan and Development Agreement at their August meeting. Planning Commission: See attached agenda. Wright County Economic Development Partnership The Annual Golf Tournament will occur in September. Staff will provide information as it becomes available. BR &E: The Leadership Team and Task Force were successful in completing 60 interviews. The Leadership Team will be attending a meeting at the University of MN on Monday July t2, 2010 to review the complied results. It is anticipated the final report will be completed in September. A business community meeting is in the process of being scheduled for early October to present the data to the businesses and begin working on viable projects. Inquiries: No new inquiries to report Industrial Marketing / Venues: This item was addressed as part of the marketing update on the regular agenda. Business Communications: Business Newsletter: The "Spring" Newsletter was distributed to the business community in June. A fall issue will need to begin production shortly. Embracing Downtown: This item will be addressed as part of a joint meeting with the City Council immediately following the regular July EDA meeting. Future Meeting Dates: 1. IEDC: August 3, 2010. 2. EDA: August t 1, 2010 AGENDA REGULAR MEETING — MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, June 28, 2010 — 7 p.m. Mayor: Clint Herbst Council Members: Tom Perrault, Glen Posusta, Brian Stumpf, Susie Wojehouski Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance 2A. Approval of Minutes — May 24, 2010 Regular Meeting 2B. Approval of Minutes — June 14, 2010 Special Meeting 2C. Approval of Minutes — June 14, 2010 Regular Meeting 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda 4. Citizen comments, public service announcements and Council updates a. Citizen Comments: b. Public Service Announcements: 1) Riverfest Block Party at MCC (7/8) 2) Riverfest (7/8 -11) 3) Council meetings live on FiberNet 4) Utility billing now using Eco- envelopes C. Staff Updates: 1) Walk & Roll 2) CGI Video 3) Wright County Sheriff report Consent Agenda: A. Consideration of approving new hires and departures for City departments B. Consideration of adopting Resolution #2010 -42 to accept contributions from the Land of Lakes Choirboys for 2010 Riverfest bands and Tom Perrault for the general fund C. Consideration of adopting Resolution #2010 -44 to accept anonymous contributions for Family Fun Day at Bertram Chain of Lakes D. Consideration of approving an application for 1 -day temporary liquor license to the Monticello Downtown Business Association for a block party on July 7, 2010 E. Consideration of approving an application for temporary gambling license for the St Michael - Albertville Rotary Club for August 30, 2010 at Monticello Country Club F. Consideration of adopting Resolution #2010 -45 approving redemption of the balance of the General Obligation Taxable Tax Increment Bonds, Series 2004A G. Consideration of adopting Resolution #2010 -46 calling for sale of General Obligation bonds in the amount of $3,255,000 for 2010 Street Reconstruction, NE Quadrant Highway 25 & CSAH 75 Improvements, and Refunding of Series 2002 Improvement Bonds H. Consideration of appointing 2010 election judges and deputizing two city staff members to assist with absentee ballot processing I. Consideration of appointing a representative to the MCC Advisory Board to fill a vacancy for a term to expire on 12/3 1 /2010 Consideration of approving an agreement for use of Locust Street Right of Way for Beef O'Bradys outdoor patio K. Consideration of adopting a Statement of Support for the National Guard and Reserve 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion. (A) Continuation of Public Hearing - Consideration of adopting Resolution #2010 -39 ordering improvements and authorizing plans and specifications for the Third Street Parking Lot Reconstruction amendment to 2010 Street Reconstruction, City Project No. 100001 (B) Consideration of adopting Resolution #2010 -40 approving plans and specifications and authorizing advertisement for bids for the Third Street Parking Lot Reconstruction amendment to 2010 Street Reconstruction, City Project No. l 00001 (C) Consideration of adopting Resolution #2010 -41 awarding contract for the Third Street Parking Lot Reconstruction amendment to 2010 Street Reconstruction, City Project No. 100001 8. Public Hearing — Consideration of recommending that the Monticello Economic Development Authority adopt a preliminary Spending Plan for Tax Increment Financing District No. 1/22 9. Public Hearing — Consideration of approving vacation of right -of -way associated with Nicolle Addition final plat requested by petition of property owners 10. Consideration of approving a Comprehensive Plan Amendment, Conditional Use Permit for cross parking, Cross Access and Drive - through Facility, and Preliminary and Final Plat for the proposed Nicolle Addition, a commercial development in the CCD (Central Community District); Applicant: Semper Development 11. Consideration of approving a rezoning request from CCD (Central Community District) to CCD -R (Central Community District Residential); Applicant: Masters 5a' Avenue/Barry Fluth 12. Consideration of adopting City Ordinance # 516 adding Title 7, Chapter 10 relating to Illicit Discharge, Detection and Elimination (IDDE) regulations 13. Consideration of approving color choice for recycling carts and lids 14. Added Items 15. Approve payment of bills for June 28th 16. Adjournment AGENDA REGULAR MEETING — MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, July 12, 2010 — 7 p.m. Mayor: Clint Herbst Council Members: Tom Perrault, Glen Posusta, Brian Stumpf, Susie Wojchouski 1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance 2A. Approval of Minutes — June 28, 2010 Regular Meeting 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda 4. Citizen comments, public service announcements and Council updates a. Citizen Cominents: b. Public Service Announcements: 1) Riverfest Recap 2) Beer Tasting (7/23) C. Staff Updates: 1) City of Monticello Facebook Presence 2) GFOA Distinguished Budget Presentation Award 5. Consent Agenda: A. Consideration of approving new hires and departures for City departments B. Consideration of adopting Resolution 42010 -48 approving a contribution from the Thurber family C. Consideration of adopting a Social Media Policy for the City D. Consideration of granting one hour deviation to City Ordinance 6 -1 -10 Noise Regulation for the Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant on specified training dates E. Consideration of accepting quotes and awarding contract to implement GPS coordinates for the city's fiber network on the City GIS system F. Consideration of adopting Resolution #2010 -38 approving Plans and Specifications and authorizing advertisement for bids for the NE Quadrant Improvements to State Hwy 25, CSAH 75 and East River Street, City Project No. 100005 G. Consideration of adopting Resolution #2010 -49 approving Comprehensive Plan Amendment to the Downtown Plan H. Consideration of approving an application for a temporary gambling license for the Wright County/West Metro Whitetails (MDHA) on September 12, 2010 at River City Extreme Consideration of amending Job Description and Title from Lead Fiber Technician to Technical Services Supervisor for FiberNet Consideration of adopting Summary Ordinance #516A for publication of the Illicit Discharge, Detection and Elimination Ordinance #516 approved on June 28, 2010 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion. 7. Consideration of reapportioning special assessments and amending the SW Interchange Assessment Agreement for Monticello Industrial Park, Inc (Shawn Weinand & Charlie Pfeffer) 8. Consideration of authorizing advertisement for an intern to assist with GIS inventory of City street lighting system to be funded from electric surcharge revenue 9. Added Items 10. Approve payment of bills for July 12th 11. Adjournment AGENDA MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, July 6th, 2010 6:00 PM Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Commissioners: Rod Dragsten, Charlotte Gabler, Lloyd Hilgart, William Spartz, and Barry Voight Council Liaison: Susie Wcjchouski Staff: Angela Schumann, Ron Hackenmueller, Steve Grittman — NAC Call to order. 2. Consideration to approve the Planning Commission minutes of February P, 2010, May 4th, 2010, June lat, 2010 and June 8"', 2010. Citizen Comments. 4. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. 5. Public Hearing — Consideration of a request for Amendment to Conditional Use Permit for Planned Unit Development for Open & Outdoor Storage for Car Rental Facility. Enterprise Leasing Company of MN, LLC 6. Consideration of a request for extension of a Conditional Use Permit for Amendment to Planned Unit Development for a retail commercial development at Monticello Travel Center 2 "d Addition. Applicant: Mielke Bros., LLC Monticello Zoning Ordinance Revision — Comment Review and Update 8. Community Development Director's Report. 9. Adjourn.