EDA Agenda 07-10-2013EDA MEETING Wednesday, July 10th, 2013 6:00 p.m. Mississippi Room - 505 Walnut Street, Monticello, MN Commissioners: President Bill Demeules, Vice President Bill Tapper, Treasurer Tracy Hinz, Vice Treasurer Matt Frie, Rod Dragsten and Council members Tom Perrault and Brian Stumpf Staff: Executive Director Jeff O'Neill, Wayne Oberg, Angela Schumann 1. Call to Order. 2. Approve Meeting Minutes: a. June 12th, 2013 - Meeting Minutes 3. Consideration of additional agenda items. 4. Consideration of approving payment of bills. 5. Consideration to review for comment 2014 preliminary budget documents. 6. Consideration of Director's Report. 7. Adjourn. MINUTES ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (EDA) MEETING Wednesday, June 12, 2013 - 6:00 p.m. Mississippi Room Present: Bill Demeules, Bill Tapper, Tracy Hinz, Matt Frie, Rod Dragsten, Tom Perrault, Brian Stumpf Others: Jeff O'Neill, Angela Schumann, Wayne Oberg 1. Call to Order Bill Demeules called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. Approve Meeting Minutes a) May 8th, 2013 — Special Meeting Minutes The special meeting minutes were tabled. b) May 8th, 2013 — Regular Meeting Minutes BILL TAPPER MOVED TO APPROVE THE MAY 8TH REGULAR EDA MEETING MINUTES. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 6 -0. (Matt Frie did not vote.) 3. Consideration of additional agenda items None 4. Consideration of approving payment of bills Bill Demeules noted that the I -94 Coalition bill had been removed. He also pointed out that $16,301 in expenses was related to the payment of property taxes for buildings purchased by the EDA. TRACY HINZ MOVED TO APPROVE PAYMENT OF BILLS IN THE AMOUNT OF $24,819.60 THROUGH JUNE 2013. BILL TAPPER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 7 -0. 5. Consideration to review a Greater Monticello Enterprise Fund loan application for Culver's Monticello and to direct preparation of loan documents Applicant Eric Knott requested a $149,500 GMEF loan to assist in ownership financing of Culver's restaurant. The funds would fill the gap between his current debt and the amount needed to refinance the loan. The applicant suggested that gap funding would place the business in a better financial position to retain existing jobs and create opportunity for future internal improvements and equipment purchases. EDA Minutes - 6/12/13 The EDA was asked to determine if the request met the intent of public purpose and if it demonstrated compliance with GMEF - outlined use of loan proceeds. GMEF loans had primarily been used for gap financing for capital improvements such as land acquisition or construction costs for new or expanding industrial or manufacturing projects or as companion financing for new equipment for industrial or manufacturing businesses. The EDA had most recently approved GMEF loans for the pet hospital and the Napa. GMEF guidelines specify that credit - worthy businesses must demonstrate public purpose by either creating new jobs, increasing the community tax base, allowing the ability to improve or expand operations, or providing for job retention. The guidelines also limit the use of loan proceeds to real property acquisition, development, & rehabilitation improvement costs and machinery and equipment. EDA's attorney had indicated that additional information related to credit - worthiness, personal guarantee, and firm job creation and wage goals with compliance dates would be required as part of preparing loan documentation should this request move forward. A loan agreement would also include a security agreement with UCC filing, acting as a security on the restaurant's equipment. Matt Frie said that he would not deny the applicant the opportunity to provide additional information and suggested that GMEF loan guidelines may not be specific enough. There was some discussion about the ramifications of allowing the applicant the opportunity to move forward with loan document preparation. Tom Perrault noted his concern that moving forward with the request would set a precedent. He asked about legal preparation costs and if the Initiative Foundation or any other sources of funding might be available to the applicant. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO DENY PREPARATION OF LOAN DOCUMENTS FOR MONTICELLO VENTURES, LLC. TRACY HINZ SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 5 -1 WITH MATT FRIE VOTING IN OPPOSITION. (Bill Tapper did not vote as he is a past recipient of a GMEF loan.) O'Neill said he'd talk with the applicant about other refinancing options. He also suggested that, in future, the EDA may wish to consider developing an option for providing assistance to existing local businesses looking to refinance. 6. Consideration to approve a contract with WSB & Associates for Market Matching Economic Development Services Jeff O'Neill provided a brief update about the status of the Market Matching contract proposed by WSB for the provision of economic development services. The City Council had approved funding 50% of the contract amount contingent upon EDA's commitment to 2 EDA Minutes - 6/12/13 funding the other 50% of the contract. In addition to outlining actual marketing and sales activities, the contract provides detail on the operational terms of the partnership, including term of contract and contract extension rights, termination rights and costs for services outside the scope of the contract. John Uphoff pointed out that W SB has a vested interest in identifying and facilitating successful prospects for Monticello, not only it is written into the contract, but because doing so will help to establish credibility for W SB as it provides economic development as a contracted service. Rod Dragsten expressed concern that the City had not considered other options for obtaining economic development services. Jeff O'Neill pointed out that this type of contract for services would enable the City become part of a larger network at a very reasonable cost. The contract also provides for data collection and assembly services for which the City would need to contract to obtain regardless. John Uphoff explained that the City would maintain full access to the data compiled on InfoTracker should the contract be terminated. He agreed to include language to that effect in the contract. Bill Tapper expressed concern that the contract would be more about collecting data than putting someone on the street to sell the City. F Dragsten asked how prospecting progress would be gauged. Staff indicated that bi- monthly reports and opportunities for feedback would be key to measuring success. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE THE PROPOSED CONTRACT FOR SERVICES BETWEEN THE CITY OF MONTICELLO AND WSB & ASSOCIATES FOR MARKET MATCHING, INCLUDING FUNDING 50% OF (THE ANNUAL EXPENSE $48,000) BY THE EDA, SUBJECT TO CONTRACT REVISIONS AS SUGGESTED BY THE EDA. TRACY HINZ SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 5 -2 WITH ROD DRAGSTEN AND BILL TAPPER VOTING IN OPPOSITION. 7. Consideration of TIF 1 -22 investment planning and appointment of an EDA sub - committee for the purpose of developing a strate2y for acquisitions as related to Embracing Downtown The EDA toured TIF 1 -22 just prior to its June 12th meeting in preparation for drafting a spending plan for the district and a strategy for acquisition and sale of property within the downtown. Bill Tapper suggested that a small sub - committee of the EDA develop a more pro- active, EDA Minutes - 6/12/13 partnership approach to working with property owners to move the Embracing Downtown Plan forward. The approach involves EDA involvement in securing purchase options on downtown parcels. These agreements would include clauses which would trigger increases in the sale price of a given property under certain circumstances. This would enable property owners to continue to own, operate and lease their buildings until they seek to sell. It also would provide flexibility in the event of developer interest and provide incentives for cooperation to get maximum property value. Tapper suggested appointing Rod Dragsten and Matt Frie to the sub - committee due to their expertise in land and legal matters. Staff recommended that a representative from the Restoreing Downtown group also be included. Decision: Acquisition Strategy Development BILL TAPPER MOVED TO APPOINT EDA COMMISSIONERS ROD DRAGSTEN AND MATT FRIE TO AN EDA SUB - COMMITTEE ON PROPERTY ACQUISITION STRATEGY. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 7 -0. Decision: TIF Investment Planning BILL DEMEULES MOVED TO DIRECT STAFF TO PREPARE A DRAFT OF ALTERNATIVES FOR DEVELOPING AN OUTLINE FOR TIF 1 -6 AND TIF 1 -22 INVESTMENT PLANS ( "SPENDING PLANS "), BASED ON COMMENTS AND TH FINDINGS OF THE EDA IN THE MEETING OF JUNE 12 , 2013. MATT FRIE SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 6 -0. (Tom Perrault did not vote as he had left the meeting.) 8. Consideration of Director's Report Fallon Avenue Overpass - City Council authorized spending $5,000 on an appraisal of the Fallon Avenue overpass bridge landing property. Construction is expected to begin in 2015. 9. Adiourn BILL TAPPER MOVED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 7:43 P.M. MATT FRIE SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 6 -0. Recorder: Kerry Burri Approved: July 10, 2013 Attest: Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator 4 EDA Agenda — 7/10/13 4. Consideration of approving payment of bills (WO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Included are the previous month's invoices for approval of payment. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve payment of bills through June 2013 in the amount of $15,501.94. 2. Motion to approve the registers with changes directed by the EDA. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends approval of payment for submitted invoices. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Invoices 0 z 0 F O z ice+ A a A L O v O b O p co M M ti M r-� O O QOi V o C, M r-i noS N N iti C13 N C,3 O N O N O N W m O v a1 P R O b O p co M M ti M r-� � O O QOi o C, M r-i noS O N iti C? m N O N O N O N W a1 P R ao SO + m kK W c q O ✓ 7 N r. v o 0 R A rn U U q Ln vi ✓' co O p0] p0 W W p0J W � O O QOi o C, noS O N iti C? m M m m N N N N li a N d' M_ Q a A 0 CH 4 m AY i Invoice 0 G201101240454 - - April 30, 2013 City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55352 7Yie following is the fnvoice for Trash Removal and Recycling Service for the month and year referenced below. The required reports are attached foryour reference, Please feel free to contact mc. if you have any quest[ons about this invoice or the attached information. Month: April Year: 2013 Again, please feel free to rontact me if you have any questions, and thank you for the opportunity to provide tiro City of Monticeila with "Superior" waste removal servioe, Advanced Disposal Enclosures EDA 95 gal trash $6.82 $1.16 $7.98 100 Broadway F, 65 gal recycle $2,47 $2.47 MONTICELLO MAIN PO MONTICELLO, Minnesota 5536"29356 2663650964 0096 05/15/2013 {763 }295 -2213 01t4509 PM Sales Receipt °-- -�-- -- Product Sale Unit Final Oascription Qty Price Price MONTICELLO MN 55362 $0.46 Zone -•0 First -Class Letter 0.40 oz. Expected Deliveryt Thu 05,16/13 Return Rcpt (Green Card) 2.55- 00 Certified $3,10. Label #1 70123460000116950260 Issue PVT: $6.11 Totals $6.11 Paid byt VISA $6.11 Ac Count #s XXXXXXXXXXXX7219 Approval #t 066993 Transaction sit 479 23 903341360 00 For tracking or inquiries go to USPS.cosa or call 1- 800 - 222.1811. Order stamps at ugps.com /shop or call 1 800- Stamp24. Go to usps.com /clicknship to print shfpping labels with postage. For other information call 1.000- AS1S -USPS. WWWW Wwww�W wW WWw *wwwW wWWWwwwWwWwwwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww ;�wwwwww•kwwwwwWWwwWwwwww Get your mail when and where you want it frith a secure Post Office Box, Sign up for a box online at usps.com /poboxes. wwwwwwwWwwwWwwwwwawwwwwwwwwwwWwwwwwwwwWw wWWwWwwWwWUWwwwwwWWwWwwwwwwwwwwwWwWwwwww Bill#. 1000402002207 Clerkt 04 All sales final an stamps and postage Refunds for guaranteed services only Thank you for your business wwwwWw, �wwwwev *wWwwwwwwWwwwwwwwWWwwwwwwwww wWwww• xwwwwwwwww� ,wwwwwwwwwwWwW,kwwwwww vra�Ww HELP US SERVE YOU BETTER Go to: httitissllllostalexperiance . coml;'os TELL US ABOUT YOUR RECENT POSTAL EXPERIENCE. YOUR OPINION COUNTS WWWwk *.i wwwwwwwwWwWwwwwWkwW *Wwp A+pWw.kwwwww •. .. WwWwWWWWWW'k wwwWwwWWWWW WkWwwWWWwwwwwwwwWw Customer Copy r11► 9 aw W 0 O Qi r+ O 0 z U u A q h AI w 0 "C w 4. n rn N q N M b0 G N � N U 0 �46 o W O O l� h 0 00 Q! o Cl O O O O O 01 m M 00 00 00 1D o� O O z C N N N N Cr cn O p t+j IND u H p b0 W O O l� h 0 00 N N N O V1 O O O O O O 01 m M 00 00 00 1D O O O N N N N Cr O O p t+j -�D �D Qnt a1 Cl n D 0 o O O o tz �D �D it, �D o 000 0�0 000 o�0 n °i-, r n � 00 D o d o Cl 0 0 0 0 0 M_ N M_ O 6 O d P O P P O P O ff�y N V"1 1 V in l V V`1 h Vl tf�� Y1 V F+ (D C> 0 � O O O O C) O o +' W W 4d W :A N M v O o0 V� �i N oa 4 h aAi 3 a0i r- 00 m > O to In .. ✓ 'G i yyyyrr!! 01 y o o kn G ON m N N N In P� 124 O U 00000 P�v x x �C x U U U U U a h M c-1 O o Q d d O O O O O O O O O o0 oo O O O O rn m b O oo omo omo 0000 of omo cn v v v V+ N Vt N WI N N In N Vl N tV N N N N In In N VD 10 �• � �' mil' 'o `� q' �' �' cl' q' � M r N N N N N N N N N N N N C q N 0 z Q a 0 0 z x U d d r� V ¢1 �n u a A k 0 b 0 d z w d 0 U V di � I!0 6 I t Q rl N tC a a n m nl 0 O v O U U A y O H C PLEASE REMIT TO BRAUN INTERT €C CORPORATION BRAUN NW 7644 a P.O. BOX 1460 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55486-7644 INTERTEC (952) 995 -2086 • FAX (952) 995 -2020 Tax I.D. #41 - 1684206 Angola Schumann City of Monticello 505 Wainut St Ste 1 Monticello, MN. 55362 -8831 Fred's Auto Body Petrofund Application 349 Broadway St. W Monticello, MN For Professional Services Rendered through, 5117/2013 Involco Date: 512412013 Invoice # : 369006 Project # : SC-12-024653 Client 9. M06994 Client Ref : Total Project Foe Authorized 500.00 Porcent Complete as of 511712013 100,00% Amount Due this Invoice 500,00 a d/( l7 liv i it -V1SA .. Please pay from this Invoice. We accept hommomi Terms: Due on racelpt,1 112% per month alter 30 days,l 8% annual percentage rate, FORM No. B112-01 (sn2) jo Xcel Energy® RRaPBNSIBLE BY nATBRE- Northern States Power Company Please Return This Portion WidlYour Payment AT 01 008672 6841913 32 A * *3pQT �10111i1111111 hill 11111111P r,111 fill 1 41111111111111111111111 111 MONTICELLO EDA 505 WALNUT ST STE 1 MONTICELLO MN 55362 -8831 111111111' 1111{ llllllllllrl 'tllllllr`I }'lllllllill'llllll "11111' P.O. BOX 9477 M P LS, MN 55484 -9477 31 51n71113 06230828 000O0001707000.00001707 Detach and Retain This 'Portian Far Your necards Questions: Call or write to us at: _ Please Call, (000) 4BI -4700 Northern States Pavvor Company $ EM, _ Hearing Impaired: (800) 00,4949 PO B07€ 0 ....'...'..:::.�:`�.' n Fax; rB00} 011 -p05D EAU CLAIRE Wf 54702 -0008 ttn Willing Summary Commercial` Previous Balance 05116 $17.07 Payment Received as of 06113 17.07 Go Averages for This Last Balance Ast]ft18113 $0.00 1 Billing Period Year Year Commercial Electric Service 08113 11.07 Average TQmperatura & 66 Total 17.07 Electriefth per Day 010 0.0 Cost per Day $0 63 0.00 * 7 Degrees Colder _ Electric Charges Usago Period: 05116/13 to 961121 Invoice If 47557544$ Total Energy -kWh Meter # Company Heading on 06/12 000052995965 Company Headin on 05/16 Tidal Usage in V Days 42695 42695 kWh 0 Sm Gen Svc (Metered) 27 Days %35F.C. Q %St}kA5 . 07111/2093 £j; %F +a $17.07 CTNa_nk 07/16/13 51. 0623082 -0 , Youl�/ Affardability Chrg AT 01 008672 6841913 32 A * *3pQT �10111i1111111 hill 11111111P r,111 fill 1 41111111111111111111111 111 MONTICELLO EDA 505 WALNUT ST STE 1 MONTICELLO MN 55362 -8831 111111111' 1111{ llllllllllrl 'tllllllr`I }'lllllllill'llllll "11111' P.O. BOX 9477 M P LS, MN 55484 -9477 31 51n71113 06230828 000O0001707000.00001707 Detach and Retain This 'Portian Far Your necards Questions: Call or write to us at: _ Please Call, (000) 4BI -4700 Northern States Pavvor Company $ EM, _ Hearing Impaired: (800) 00,4949 PO B07€ 0 ....'...'..:::.�:`�.' n Fax; rB00} 011 -p05D EAU CLAIRE Wf 54702 -0008 ttn Willing Summary Commercial` Previous Balance 05116 $17.07 Payment Received as of 06113 17.07 Go Averages for This Last Balance Ast]ft18113 $0.00 1 Billing Period Year Year Commercial Electric Service 08113 11.07 Average TQmperatura & 66 Total 17.07 Electriefth per Day 010 0.0 Cost per Day $0 63 0.00 * 7 Degrees Colder _ Electric Charges Usago Period: 05116/13 to 961121 Invoice If 47557544$ Total Energy -kWh Meter # Company Heading on 06/12 000052995965 Company Headin on 05/16 Tidal Usage in V Days 42695 42695 kWh 0 Sm Gen Svc (Metered) 27 Days :.Rfi 07/16/13 Basic Service Chg , $8.61 Affardability Chrg i : #` 'i :. i# `? {r i` -. !: 't: ' $0,07 Energy Charge Summor 0 kWh ®$0,0791 &01, ;•'. Energy Charge Winter 0 kWh ®$0,06 870 , i $0.00 Resource Adjustment $0.00 Interim Rate Adj Subtotal +' } °lrU �� I : ° .19 $10A7 City Fees i State Tax 06.875°fo - a.• „.... a 1. 0 Total Amount , j I ',' _ . >' 1 ' :': $17.07 for an average non- aemano customer, 1/"Io of your poi refers ro power pian2 costs, i i w m nigh vonage fine casts and 17°10 to the cost -of local wires connected to your business. For an average demand - billed customer, 82% of your total bill refers to power plant costs, 10%to high voltage lines, and 8% to the cost of local wires connected to your business. Thank you for your payment. MONTICELLO ELiA 349 W'SROADWA'Y ST MONTICrELLO, MN 55362-9356 See back of bill ter Account #: 51- 0623082 -8 Moro ilnfnrmatien. Page 1 of 1 Statement Date.: 06/13113 Next Scheduled Meter Reading Hate :.Rfi 07/16/13 07/1112413 $17.07 Please see the back of this bill for more information regarding the late payment charge. Pay on or'before the date due to avoid assessment of a late payment charge. Statement # 372202544 a Promise # 3036573rB 90 Q� Xceffi rergym RESPONSIOLP 9Y PIATe1170 Northern States Power Company Please Return This Parton With Your Payment 51- 0502578 -0 Y �3' .°`°°°- 07111/2013 eyJ -� ` 07111/2013 j�� � JUN 17 AT 01 008599 1684196 32 A **8A4T ' IIIII 'I'III11111111P111 I'll 11'I'llI 'I III I III IIIII III IIIII "III MONTICELLO EDA 505 WALNUT ST MONTICELLO MN 55362 -8831 I' IIlI 'I'Illll'I'I1lII "IIIII11EI111 "'III' "IIII'I'IIII'llllll'II P.O.13OX 9477 MPLS, MN 55484 -9477 31 51071113 05925780 000000017070011HU01707 Detach and Retain This Portion For Your Accords Questions: Gull or write to us at: _ Please Call: (80014RI -4700 Northern States Power Company Hearin Impaired; r I7 P (9000 895 -9949 I'Q BOX 8 Fax: (8001311 -OUISO LAU CLAIRCWI 54702 -9008 Billing Summary Commercial Previous Balance 05115 $17.07 Payment Aaceived as of 061131Zfl Averages for This Last Balance As Of 06113 50.00 Billing Period Year Year Cemmereinl Electric Service 06/13 $17,07 Aver4ge Temperature 59* 68 Total 517.07 Electriclkwh per Day 0.0 0.0 Cost per Day $0 63 $0 00 r, 7 f)egrees Calder Period: 05/15/13 to Invoieo #47rr573020 Tn%l .Energy -kWh Motor # ' Company Reading on 00111 000007727701 Company Reading on 05115 Total Usage in 27 Days Actual RomandAW Billable Demand Sm Gun Sue (Metered) 27 pays Basic Surviee Chg .Affordability Chrg Energy Charge Summer Energy Charge Winter Resource Adjustment Interim Rate Adj Subtetal City Fees State Tax 06,875% Total Amount �`1 - -y rt t:r� c'1 �� w,�ks• y :I� '�. . � 2009 12808. Y �3' .°`°°°- 07111/2013 y�.� 1y : kWh 0 07/15/13 0 � JUN 17 •�'.' �� k � � $0.01 $0.67 $0,00 0 kWh 0 $0,068870 $0,00 $0:00 $10:97 $5,50 $17am For an average non- demand customer, 72% of your bill refers to power plant costs, 11 % to high voltage line costs, and 17 %to the cost of.local wires connected to your business. For an average demand- billed customer, 62% of yourtotal bill refers to power plant costs, 10% to high voltage lines, and 8% to the cost of local wires connected to your business. MONTICELLO EDA .202 PINE ST MONTICELLO, MN 66362 See book of bill for Account k 51- 0592578 -0 more information. Pass 1 of 2 Statement Date, 06113/13 Next Scheduled MeterReadin Dates- Y �3' .°`°°°- 07111/2013 iMy. $17.07 07/15/13 Please see the back of this bill for more information regarding tho late payment charge. Pay on or before the date due to avoid assessment of a late payment charge. Statement # 372200206 Premise 0 303547449 m o� w r 00 as XcelEnergys OL.SFONBIaLI BY 11147091w Northern States Potent Company Ploaso Return This Portion With Your payment. AV 02 002172 676698 10 A * *5DOT ! d�llli[ lJ1�1f�lu�llll 'I'1111'11LI1l11111111 tllllll "1!!IIII MONTICELLO EIDA 505 WALNUT ST STE 1 MONTICELLO MN 55362 -8831 111 11!1111[11, Ihlllflll.I+"I�I'u'l 111!11! =III I "1111'.11.1111,1, P.O. BOX 9477 MPLS, MN 55484 -9477 31 51071013 QS173545 00000001Re14Q00000131294 Datach and Raul n Thls Portion For Your Records Questions; Call 24 Hours 7 Days A Week or writs to us at Please Call: Fax; Northern States Power Company . t " ` Hearingg Impaired: 860 895 -4.949 1800) 895 -2885 PO BOX 8 .- .- .s. >.�� Espafla7: 18001096-4999 800 687-8778 FAU CLAIRE WI 54702 0008 ;. Billing Summary Residenti al«xskiz #�5uaxys`.«;ys°& Previous Balance 05115 $12.98 Payment Receivod as of 06112 12. Avera0es far This Last Balance As Of 08112 $0 ,'00 Billing Period Year Year Current Energy Charges 06112 12.94 Average Temperature 59 *_ 06 Total 512.94 Electriclkwh per Day 0,5 42.1 Cost por DaY $048 535 * 7 Degrees Colder Electric Gharges Usago Period; Q519r113ta pQlf1193:. ,: Motor Reading Information Invoice fE475381009 ;.F '.`. 51- 0517384.8 07/1012013 16$12 / ;'i Total Energy -kWh Basic Service Chg "tit' ank a ! Company Reading on 06111 ............ . .................. 05023 AV 02 002172 676698 10 A * *5DOT ! d�llli[ lJ1�1f�lu�llll 'I'1111'11LI1l11111111 tllllll "1!!IIII MONTICELLO EIDA 505 WALNUT ST STE 1 MONTICELLO MN 55362 -8831 111 11!1111[11, Ihlllflll.I+"I�I'u'l 111!11! =III I "1111'.11.1111,1, P.O. BOX 9477 MPLS, MN 55484 -9477 31 51071013 QS173545 00000001Re14Q00000131294 Datach and Raul n Thls Portion For Your Records Questions; Call 24 Hours 7 Days A Week or writs to us at Please Call: Fax; Northern States Power Company . t " ` Hearingg Impaired: 860 895 -4.949 1800) 895 -2885 PO BOX 8 .- .- .s. >.�� Espafla7: 18001096-4999 800 687-8778 FAU CLAIRE WI 54702 0008 ;. Billing Summary Residenti al«xskiz #�5uaxys`.«;ys°& Previous Balance 05115 $12.98 Payment Receivod as of 06112 12. Avera0es far This Last Balance As Of 08112 $0 ,'00 Billing Period Year Year Current Energy Charges 06112 12.94 Average Temperature 59 *_ 06 Total 512.94 Electriclkwh per Day 0,5 42.1 Cost por DaY $048 535 * 7 Degrees Colder Electric Gharges Usago Period; Q519r113ta pQlf1193:. ,: Motor Reading Information Invoice fE475381009 ;.F '.`. Mater #0 0 0 0 52245 0 3t Residential Service 27 Days r ;'i Total Energy -kWh Basic Service Chg "tit' i $7.11 Company Reading on 06111 ............ . .................. 05023 AffardabilityChrg t Energy Charge Summor 5.30 kWh' -@ 08206VJN 1 7 1:,,'.:$0.50 2013 1'! .$0,43 Comggan�y fieadinggan05115 .... ............................... r5�010 Tota[ Usage 1111 1)ays kWh 13 Energy Charge Wintor7.70 kWh 0$0.0 750 10.54 Fuel Cost Charge 13 kWh C $0.033p77 $0.43 Resource Adjustment Interim Rate Adj Subtotal $1Q.16 Gity Fees State Tax 66.075% 0.83 Total Amount $12.94 Thank you for your payment. MONTICELLO EDA Nextscheduletl� 112 E BROADWAY ST .Mater Readin Data _�P� MONTICELLO. MN 55362 -9321 07/15113 07111=135 $12.94 Please see the back of this hill for more information See back of hill for Account #: 51- 0517384 -8 regarding the late payment charge. Pay on or before the more information. date due to avoid assessment of a late paymant charge. Page 1 of 1 Statement Date: 06112/13 Statement # 372032594 1 2 8 4 6 6 Promise # 303603854 IN M1 rs N o� xcel Energyv 99SPONSIer.F B9 WAraaFM Northern States Power Company Please Return This Portion With Your Payment 901 .tlk• `S, 6511.0 , g :hY.. :t: •::'.�a^.<;i� z ..i: ? :k �'` 4, 51- 0517365.5 07171/x013 $99.30 Thank Youl Balance As QiGG113 AT 03 008469 684193 32 A * *3DGT 'Il'I' 111111' 1111�1�11�1111Le�llllllll 'Illlllllll'Illllllll "'I' MONTICELLO EDA 505 WALNUT ST STE 1 MONTICELLO MN55362 -8831 11111'1 ll "'111t11fN Ilrlll'llllll'l'I'llllll hllll'111111nn1' P.O. BOX 9477 M P LS, MN 55484 -9477 31 51071113 051731655 0.0000009430D00000094H Detach and Rota inThis Portion For Your Records Questions. call or write to us at: _ x Please Call: Ignel 481 -4760 Northern States Power Company ImHearin Im aired: 00 895 -4949 PO BOX 8 Fax: (800) 311 -0050 EAU CLAIRE WI 54702 -0048 Billing Summary �. commercial Previous Balance05115 $116.61 Payment Received as of 08113 11 Averages for This Last Balance As QiGG113 �- 00 Billing Period _ Year Year Commercial Electric Service 06113 Total 6 0430 _ Average Temperature, , • • • •,..__ rA* 6s 000007727744 Company Heading on 05015 l Electric /kwh per Day 17.6 7011 Total Usage in 27 [lays ��.� Cost Vier .Day 3 49 $111 Actual demand -kW 7 Degrees Calder. 4.08 r:tectrrc unarges usage Marion: 06/1`,►13 to unlit /l j - N ^W ` Motor Reading hate Invoice # 475572387 :; 1. 1 ' 07111013 Total Energy -kWh - Motor Company Reading on 0G /11 ;! '; 47237 000007727744 Company Heading on 05015 l 47080 Total Usage in 27 [lays ��.� A N 17 kWh 145 Actual demand -kW 4.08 Billable Demand f 1 :5 Sm Gen Svc (Metered) 27 Days Basic Service Chg $8,61 Affordability Chrg $0,07 Fnergy Charge Summer 60.70 kWh 0$0.079190 $4,81 Energy Charge Winter 88.30 kWh ® $0,066070 $5,90 Fuel Cosl Charge 149 kWh 0 $0.033624 $5.01 nesource Adjustment $0,46 Interim Ante Adj $2.67 subtotal $28.13 City Foes $5.50 State Tax 06.815% 52.3-1 Total Amount $X94 MONTICELLO EDA 206 PINE ST MONTICHLO, MN 515362.6665 Sao back of hill tar Account#. 51- 4517365.5 utore information. Page 1 of 4 - Statement pate: 06113/13 Next Scheduled - N ^W ` Motor Reading hate ; :. r ... _ `' $94.30 07115/13 07111013 Please see the back of this bill for more°information regarding the late payment Charge. Pay on or before the date due to avoid assessment of a Into payment charge, Statement # 372201222 Premise 9 302451493 a ' XcelEnergyo RESPONSIBLE sY NAT -uBVTM Current Charges (continued) For an average non - demand customer, 72% of your bill refers to power plant costs, l I% to high voltage line costs, and 17% to the cost of local wires connected to your business. For an average demand - billed customer, % of your total bill refers to power plant costs, 10% to high voltage lines, and 8% to the cost of local wires connectod to your businoss. Thank you for your payment N N See back of bill for mote information. Page 2 of 4 L MONTICELLO EDA 206 PINE Si' MONUCELL0. MN 55362 -8165 Acceont #: 51. 0517365-5 Statement bate: 06113113 Next&heduled Motor Pleading Ilate '° _ >::::: ..:: _ . < $9gsp 07115113 07/11/2013 Plaesa see the back of this bill for more information regarding the late payment charge. Pay on or before the date due to avoid assessment of a late payment charge. Statement # 372201222 Premise # 302451493 XcelEnergy V RESPONSIBLE BY VATUREly Northern States Power Company Please Return This Portion With Your Payment MONTICELLO EDA 505 WALNUT ST STE I MONTICELLO MN 55362-8822 P.O. BOX 9477 MPLS, MN 564049471 31 51U71113 05173655 OBODBQQ943000000009430 Detach and Retain This Portion For Your Records Quesfialls: Call or writo to us at Please Call; (800) 481-4700 Northorn States Power Company Hearing Impaired• . (808) 095-4949 PO BOX 6 Fax. 1000) 311-0050 EAU CLAIRE Wl 54102-ODO6 Averagesfor 07111/2013 $94.30 Thank YGULl Billing Period 51-9517365-5 P.O. BOX 9477 MPLS, MN 564049471 31 51U71113 05173655 OBODBQQ943000000009430 Detach and Retain This Portion For Your Records Quesfialls: Call or writo to us at Please Call; (800) 481-4700 Northorn States Power Company Hearing Impaired• . (808) 095-4949 PO BOX 6 Fax. 1000) 311-0050 EAU CLAIRE Wl 54102-ODO6 Averagesfor This Last Billing Period V.— Year Average Temperature L:n* 06 Eloctriclkwh par Day 17.6 78,11 Gast per Day 43_A9 `$ 10.74 7 Degrees Colder --L ps: t� W. IM-1 .. .. . . . . . . . . . ... U Metur Reading Date Eloalria Charges Usage Period: 05111511113 to 06/11113 as 7 $94.30 07115113 07111/2013 Invoice #475573407 Too[ Energy-kWh Meter# Company Heading on 061I 1 63434 000007727732 Company Reading on 05115 q2`108 Tolal Usage in 77 Days kWh 326 Actual naniand-ffl 4.35 Billable Demand 4 Sm Gen Svc J111111aterad) 27 Days Basic Service Chg Affordability Chrg $0,61 Energy Charge Summer 132.81 kWh @$0.079190 $10.52 Energy Charge Winter 193.19 l(Wh @ $0.066810 $12.92 Fuel Cost Charge 326 kWh 0$0.033589 $IQ•95 Resource Adjustment $1.00 Interim Hato Adi $4.43 subtotal $49.10 City fees $5.50 State Tax @6.8759'0 SM Total Amount $5836 MONTICELLO 15OA 112 E•11110ADWAY ST MONTICELLO, MN•55362-9321 See back of hill for Account& 51-0517365-5 more information. Page 3 914 Statement Date., 06113113 Next Scheduled Metur Reading Date as 7 $94.30 07115113 07111/2013 Statement 9 372201222 Promise # 302695149 I � Xcel Energyv RRDFUN#IBI.E RY NATUREM Current-Charges ican Itn1Od] For an average non - demand customer, 72% of your bill reforsta power plant costs, 11% to high voltage line costs, and 17 %E to the cost of local wires connected to your business. For an average demand - billed customer, 82% of your total hill refers to power plant costs, 10 %p to high voltage lines, and 8°4 to the cost of local wires connected to your business. Thank you for your payment N N IXI co MONTICELLO EDA 112 E 13OOAa19fAY ST MONTICELLO, MN 55362 -9321 Next Scheduled Motor Aoodiug Data 07111=3 $94.30 071155113 Son had of hill for Accoont M. 51- 11577365-5 more information. Page 4 of +4 Statement Date: 06/13113 Statement # 37220/222 s Premise # 302695149 L Ah, Ceiltel`PDInt® VW L6jjergy Always-There QUESTIONS OR COMMENTS? CenterPoint Energy PO SOX 1144 MINNEAPOLIS MN 55440 -1144 (Address not for bill payment) Monday - Friday Call 8 A.M. - 6 p.m. Bill Into 612 -321 -4939 CcnterPointEnergy.corn ��TC+1TlL {t•CP��r7 Your account Is ready to 'view now. Register far free online account access. View balance, usage history, make an online payment, view recommendations for saving energy and money with My Energy Analyzer, and much more. Register at ContorPointEnergy.coml myaccountonllne. Pay your next bill without lilting a finger. To enroll In Automatic Bank Draft, just slgn and date the back of your bill stub and return to us with a check for your payment amount. Its that easy! ACCT BU MMARY Qas charge s Cumtomername CITY OF MONTICELLO ANGELA SCHUMAN Account number 9739641 -0 Fulling date. 06/31/2013 . Onto due 0612$12413 Total amount due $ 12,82 ACCT BU MMARY Qas charge s Previous balance $12,82 Payment 06/16/201 8 -12.82 _ Balance forward _ $ 0,00 Current billing 12,82 Total amount due SERVICE ADDRESS 100 E Broadway St Monticello MN 66362 -8321 $12Z2. YOUR GAS USAGE Meter # M10802312729 30 Day billing period 04/29/2013 to 06/2912013 Current reading 06/2912013 W34 Previous reading 04/29/2013 9934 Metered usage 0000FXT Insnkotor011 .01106 'rhelms used In00days= 0 Next meter reading 06/28/2013 Next billing date 07/0112013 YOUR BILL, IN DETAIL Comflnd Firm Rata Basic charge $12,Q0 Delivery chargs 0100 0e0oupling adjustment 0140 Gas Affordability PRQ 0,00 State sales tare 0,82 Total current charges $12.132 I. JUN 6 2013 J. Avg dWV gee use: This period (hie yr 0.01herms; this perlod last yr 1.6 therms Ak Centerpolut Frrergy Atwgvs Y'here CENTERPOINT ENERGY PO BOX 1144 MINNEAPOLIS MN 55440 -1144 qowl; Page 1 of 1 Avg dally temp; We perlad We year 611 °F; this perindlast year 00 °F. Mall this portion udih paymsn6 Pleaee do na Include Letters ar notes < Account number 9739641 -0 Date due 06/28/2013 Total amount due $1222 Amount paid $ CENTERPOINT ENERGY ed PO BOX 4671 HOUSTON TX 77210 -4671 lrlrllrlllllrllrllillldh111111diIhIIIIPIIlfil111�llllll .1'111 00018001 01 AV 0.3601 CITY OF MONTICELLO ANGELA SCHUMAN 505 WALNUT ST STE 1 MONTICELLO MN 66362 -8822 IIIItIIAAII�IIIfrllllllilur6>, Ilnlll (1lIrnII111r11r('lllllllitl U860074722957 00720000097396410000000001282000000012829a WCeml, lntm EnAllly customer namQ TtiE CITY OF MONTICt =LLO I:GONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Account number 84294493 Alwap There.° Billing date 0613112013 Date due 06/28/2013 Total amount due $12.82 QUESTIONS Oil COMMENTS? .�. CenterPolnt Energy PO BOX 1144 MINNEAPOLIS MN 55440 -1144 JAddress not for bill payment) Monday - Friday Call 8 a.m. - 5 p.rn. B111,1I fo 612 -321 -4939 CenterPolntEnergy cam 0 a. d DID YOU KNOW? Your account Is ready to view now. Register for froo online account access. View balance, usage history, make an online payment view recommendations for saving energy and money with My Energy Analyzer, and much more. Register at CenterPo i ntE ne rgy . oo m1 myaccountonline. Pay your next bill without lifting a finger. To enroll In Automatic Bank Draft, just sign and date the luck of your Ialll stub and return to us with a check for your payment amount. k s that eusyl Ah Cellter,P ot. Energy Alwms Them CENTERPOIMT ENERGY PO BOX 1144 MINNEAPOLIS MN 55440.1144 ACCT SUMMARY Gas charges Plevicus balance $12.82 Payment 06/16/2013 -12.-82 Balance forward TO Currant billing 12.82 Total amount ttue SERVICE ADORESs 202 Pine 5t Monticello MN 66362.8665 $12.82 YOUR GAS USAGE War# M19622312W 30 Ny billing period 04/2012010 to 061/28/2013 Current reading 06/2912D13 6369 Prevlous reading 04129013 6369 Metered usage 09 CGFX 111erm laalor of 1,01196 -Therms. used in 3o days 0 Next meter reading 08120/2013 Next billing date 07/01/2013 YOUR BILL IN DETAIL Com /Ind Firm Rate Basic charge $12,00 Delivery charge ODD Decauplingg adjustment 0100 Gas Alfordablllty PRG 0100 State sates tax 0182 Total current charges $12,82 ..i� '� tR.r� f, � 1L •t' �y�' fi I JUN -6 2013 �y Mi. r• 1 1� Page 1 Of i AV9 dally limp: This gerbd He yea, 69'V; Ihls perrsd lust year 67 °F. Mall this poiUori wllh payment. plaao® dp nor Include rellore or no Account number 9429449-3 Date due 06121312013 Total amouni due .$12,137 Amount paid $ _ . CENTERPOINT ENERGY Pa BOX 4671 HOUSTON TX 77210 -4871 i�irlirl1111rilrllll�nllr�l�llnlrlli1lIIIIIImIEII�I�fhhrl�l 00017996 01 AV 0.2601 THE CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SOS WALNUT ST MONTICELLO MN 66362 -8821 �INlq�irlllli�i4�fI1lIIl, rrurrlll�llrl�IlllllEllllrlggrllp 0500071L918921 0972UDUU 4429449aU00p00i1010820000000108290 Ce►1terPoinio Energy Always.Theree QUESTIONS OR COMMENTS? CenterPolnt Energy PO BOX 1144 MINNEAPOLIS MN 55440 -1144 (Address not for bill payment) Monday - Friday Call 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Bill Into 612- 321 -4939 ConterPolntEnergy corn DID YOU KNOW? Your account is ready to view now. Register for free online account access. View balance, !usage history, matte an online payment, view recommendations for saving energy and money with My Energy Analyyzer, and much more. Reggister at CenterPointEnergy.eom/ myaccountontine. Pa your next bill wi /hout lifting a linger. To enroll In Automatic Rank Draft, just sign and date the back of your bilk stub and return to us with a check for your payment amount. It s that easy! Energy Always TBae.° CEWERPOINI' ENERGY PO SOX 11144 MINNEAPOLIS NIN 55440 -1144 Customer name THE CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Account number 9429448 -6 Billing date 06/3112013 Date due 06/28/2013 Total amount due $1 232 ACCT SUMMARY Gas ohargoa Previous balance $13.131 Payment0611W0i3 -13.61 Balance forward $ 0.00 .f? Current billing 12,82 Total amount due SERVICE ADDRESS 206 Plne 81 Monticello MN 55362 -8666 $12.82 YOUR CHAS USAGE Motor# M1 96021312869 30 Day billing period 0412912013 to 08/2912013 Current reading 06/2912013 979 Previous reading 04/29/2013 978 Metered mago 00 00r X thernn factor of 1.01190 -Therms used In 30 days= 0 Next meter reading 06129/2013 Next billing dale 07/0112013 YOUR BILL IN DETAIL Comlind Firm Rate E3aslc charge $12.00 Delivery charge 0.00 Decoupiingg adjustment 0.00 Gas Affordability PRO 0.00 State sales tan 0.82 Total current oharges r E jjj JUN 6 2013 1 ... �..r...._. _..J $12.82 Page, 1 of t Avg dally lamp 71;ts p rl d We year "*F; Oils period Iasi year 07 °F. Mall this paTOon VAltt payment. Pi6ase da not 6 6!a letlers or notes Account number 9429448 -5 Date clue 06128/2013 Total amount due $1 2.82 Amount paid $ CENTERPOINT ENERGY PO BOX 4671 HOUSTON TX 77210.4671 111111i1111 Jill 1 111111111' 11111111 '11111111111Il111111111111I'lll 000TS9501 AV 0.3801 THE CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 505 WALNUT 5T „ MONTICELLO MN 56362 -OR21 11 111 I I 1 l I I I I l l 11 I' I I I "1 I I I " "' I I "III "I I' 1111111111111111 Ji p I III 0511OU71648`113 O 07200 00 094294485000000Dp1282 ©1700UUUl28290 �Famt. Gas charges Previous balanco energy Customer name THE CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Balance forward Account number 9429450 -1 Always There,° Billing date 06131/2013 Date due 06/28/2013 Total amount due $ 62.60 QUESTIONS OR COMMENTS? �. CenterPoint Energy PO sox 1144 MINNEAPOLIS MN 56440-1144 (Address not for b)11 payment) Monday - Friday Call 8 a.m. - 6 p.m. 13111 info 612- 321 -4939 ContorPoinlE nergy.com DID YOU KNOW? Your account Is ready to view now. Register for free online account access. View balance,.usage history, make an online payment, view recommendations for saving energy and money with My Energy Analyzer, and much more. �ieglster, at GenterPointEnergy.com/ myaccauntonllne. Pay your -next bill without lifting a finger. To enroll in Automatic Dank Draft, just sign and date the back of your bill stub and return to us with a check forourpaymant amount. Its that easy! Ge rPornt. Erne AlwaysThete.° CENVERPO1NT ENERGY PO BOX 1144 MINNEAPOLIS MN 85440 -1 t44 ACCT SUMMARY Gas charges Previous balanco $167.07 Payment 06116/2013 -167.07 Balance forward $ 0.00,!" Current billing 62.60 Total amount due $62.80 SERVICE ADDRESS 112 E Broadway St Monticello MN 56362.4654 YOUR GAS USAGE Meter4 M19808103467 .30 Day HIM � perlod 04129/2013 to 06129/2013 Current reading OS129/a013 3411 Previous reading 04/20/2013 3349 Motored u6age 02 00FX iMarm Ieetor of 1.01166 - Thorme used In $0 days = 63 Next meter reading 06129/2013 Next billing date 07101/2013 YOUR BILL IN DETAIL Basle charge Delivery charge Deooupling adjustment Gas Affordabillty PRQ Gast of gas` State sates tax Total current charges Page 1 of 1 63 therms @ $0,15848h'HM 63 therms 0 40.009e7/TNM 63 therms @ $0,00490trHm 83 therms @ $0,490481THM Corn/Ind Firm Hate $18.00 9198 -0102 0.31 90,90 4.03 $62.60 s� JUN 6 l i Avg dOy tome: Thlo po►lod this year 60 °F; this petlud raetyear 97T. MdJ1 this poiCan'with payment. Pfeaso do not Include Iettere.ot. hates � Account number 94?9450 -1 'Date due 013/28/2013 Total amount due $ 62.60 Amount pald QENTERPOINT ENERGY PO BOX 4071 HOUSTOM TX 77210.4671 lt ill Jill lill11111111111111 11}'III Jill 111111111 011017997 81 AV 0.3601 THE CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 606 WALNUT ST MONTICELLO MN 55362 -8621 � u1u11��I1Pu1ui111r1111' ��11��111 'll'1111hI11111ttllliltllp 0500071648939 00720UC OU442445U16BOD 000062600000000626020 CBiTt81Piiint. Energy Customer name CITY OF MONTICELLO ANGELA SCHUMAN l centarpoint Mell Ihle Portion vd't' paymarit. Please do not include loft ua or notes < Energy Account number. 9739645 -1 Alwtga9trere! Date due 07101/2013 'fatal amount due $ 69.65 CENTERPOINT ENERGY Amount paid $ PO BOX 1144 MINNEAPOLIS MN 55440.1144 CENTERPOINT ENERGY PO BOX 4671 HOUSTON TX 77210.4671 M Itltl1111111,1 01111ifUt11111u1rlilfl1111rurlllit1111111t lu 0e0020 01 AV 0,3601 CITY OF MONTICELLO ANGELA SCHUMAN ,.� 606 WALNUT ST STi; 1�, MONTICELLO MN 66362 -8822 Ill rill trill! tilyllllllrnlull >Irlilrlhnrlliiltll'n11111111i1 032007751a2504 x0720000097396451800DUOU064650 (lDOUD0696500 Account number 9739646 -1 Always Them' Billing date 06/03/2013 Dale due 0710112013 amount due $ Bf;~.1i5 96 ---- QUESTIONS OR COMMENTS? — CenterPoint Energy PO BOX 1144 MINNEAPOLIS MN 55440 -1144 ACCT SUMMARY Gas charges (Address not for bill payment) Previous balance Payment 06!0312013 $146.84 - 148,84 Monday - Friday Call 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Balance forward Bill info 612 -321 -4939 Currant billing 69,65 CenterPoinlEnergy.com Total amount due $88,65 SERVICE ADDRESS 106 B Broadway 5t DIDYOU KNOW? Monticello MN 65362 -9321 YOUR GAS USAGE Meter# M19s023127oo 30 nay billing period 04!2912013 to 06129/2013 Your account is read to Y Current reading Previous reading 05/2912013 0412812013 2282 2203 View now, Register f6r free online account access, View Metered yeg9e 70 qcF X Therm Motor of 1.01166 w therms egad In 30 days o Next meter reading 0612912013 80 [Nalanc% usage history, make Next billing date 07101/2013 an online payment, view recommendations for saving YOUR BILL IN DETAIL Comllnd f=irm Rate energy and money with My Basic charge $f 2,00 Energy Analyzer, and much Delivery charge 80 iherms @ $0.16106trHM 12,08 more:. Register at Decoupling adjustment 80 therms 0 $0,00820trHM 0,66 CenterPointEnorgy.coml Gas Affordability PIER 80 therms @ $0,00480/THM 039 myaccountonline. Cost of gas" 80 therme 0 $0,48060trHM 39,24 Pay your next bill without State sales tax 4.48 lifting a finger. To enroll in Automatic Bank Draft, just sf n Total current charges ,.t ER $81,68 and date the back of your bill g stub and return to us with a check for your payment amount. It s that easyE JUN il rnf t � 7 Avg dally gas use:lhls period thle yr 2.7 therms; Ihls perlod last yr 0.1 Iherrns IPagB 1 Of 1 Avg daly temp: Tble period lhle your 007: This perlod last year 63'F. l centarpoint Mell Ihle Portion vd't' paymarit. Please do not include loft ua or notes < Energy Account number. 9739645 -1 Alwtga9trere! Date due 07101/2013 'fatal amount due $ 69.65 CENTERPOINT ENERGY Amount paid $ PO BOX 1144 MINNEAPOLIS MN 55440.1144 CENTERPOINT ENERGY PO BOX 4671 HOUSTON TX 77210.4671 M Itltl1111111,1 01111ifUt11111u1rlilfl1111rurlllit1111111t lu 0e0020 01 AV 0,3601 CITY OF MONTICELLO ANGELA SCHUMAN ,.� 606 WALNUT ST STi; 1�, MONTICELLO MN 66362 -8822 Ill rill trill! tilyllllllrnlull >Irlilrlhnrlliiltll'n11111111i1 032007751a2504 x0720000097396451800DUOU064650 (lDOUD0696500 Date: June 10, 2013 )MENT SERVICES LLC To: Angle McIntire Angela Schumann From: Dan Wilson Re: PAYMENT REQUEST City of Monticello Relocation BL Used Bike Shop Relocation Claim #4 OFFICE 952.448.4630 800.448.4630 FAX 952.448.4676 510 N. CHESTNUT STREET SUITE 200 CHASKA, MINNESOTA 55318 W W W. WiLSONDEVELOPMENTSERYICES.COM Check Request: $13,790.00 Check payable to: Heritage Construction Companies, LLC and Robert Butler Please mail check to: Robert Butler BL Used Bike Shop 530 Cedar Street Monticello, MN 55362 Business Reestablishment -49 CFR, 24.304 (a) (2) of the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition for Federal and Federally- Assisted Programs. Modification to replacement property claim in the amount of $13,790.00 Please see attachments: Business Relocation Summary Attachment to: Business Relocation- Claim 44 Heritage Invoice #2128.13 Signed Moving Cost claim 44 5/28/2013 Business Relocation Summary Business Name: BL Used Bike Shop Mn1DOT Claim #4 1111M I MINIM a ! Actual Moving Expenses q 1 - b Professional feeldetermine suitability - c Impact Fees - SUBTOTAL - - Storage of persohal-property © Insurance • replacement value ap�+�. ® Professional • 1 1 1 1 A w n " � s � �• -I / 1 1 1 Printed. Material / signs Mi Direct Loss KM Cost inourred in sale Purchase of substitute property Mw M m ! for replacement 11 1 1 11 11 lmilLowValue- � W MOR + •r111 -& +11� 24.303 Related Expenses a Utilities from ROW - b Professional feeldetermine suitability - c Impact Fees - SUBTOTAL - - offCode- Requirements -_ replacement prop--- Modification to Exterior Signage M-42 Redecoration/replacement surfaces MAdvertisement 43ie a �� Increased operational costs TOTAL 41,110.00 54,900.00 May 28, 2013 ATTACHMENT TO: Business Relocation - Move Claim #4 FOR: BL Used Bike Shop The Displacce has made modifications to replacement site located at 530 Cedar Street in Monticello, MN. Section 24.304(a) Business Reestablishment......... (2) Modification to replacement site..... BL Used Bike Shop had modifications to replacement site provided by Heritage Construction Companies, LLC in the amount of $13,790.00. See Attached invoice 42128.13. ^ HEI E CONSTRUCT 10 N-C OM PAN I ES-LLC Jim Peterson Bullseye P(operflas U Date: 5/13/13 Invoice #: 2128.13 Estimator: Job Payment Terms �dreHa2raIaC76:3)486-;29f TL BTla Shop - Teno nt Due upon receipt �m Description Una Toial 1. Painting walls In the main room. ExMudes walls In 102, 105, 114, 115, and 116. j,PT5�. 0 2. Vestibule: Strip wallpaper, fix drywall and point. 3, Scrape/Grind/f III and epoxy concrete where the walls and ille were removed. 977.50 4. Point frames and finish door slabs on 4 new doors. 460.00 5, Replace approximately 285 sqft of coiling tiles in the North Restrooms (106 and )D7) 642,39 6. install mirrors in the North restrooms (107 and 106) and missing toilet accessories. 690,00 7. Add 6 new brass pendent sprinkler heads on exposed pipes and remove tape from 4 heads.­_ 5-0 a. Remove existing water heater and replace with a 20 gallon electric. 805.00 9. Wire Ihe new water heater. 460.00 Relarn p T- 12 Fixtures lit bulbs are ovoliabiej, rolo mp (64) irate heads with 65w BR Incandescen1s, 10, relamp up to 10 mist fixtures with Incandescent lamps. 1.277.65 Included: It Is recommended that T12 Fixtures be swapped with T8 fixtures, 112 bulbs are no longer 11. being made and one the existing bulbs fun out you will no longer be able to purchase them. included: irate heads 65w lncandosconts. 2,774.1 fl 12. iflInstall Relamp (64) with CFL Floods vs 4'toll black chain link fence, (this covers only 39 of fence) 362,25 1 300.00 14. Supply pl�T 1 5 �In feet of area 103, Product is U-1-Ine H-3520. n��nStaj� 2,4$4,00 Tot C, I Thank you for your buslnessl 13422 Business Center Drivo, Elk River, MN 55330 Phor)e (763) 633-4080 Fax (763) ('533-4082 MN LiC #: 20826330 LEAD CERT #: NAT-64226-1 Ai)dy@HeritageConstructionMN,com Minnesota Department of Transportation v.2006/0-1 REESTABLISHMENT "Important: See Over For ineligible Expenses'" Occupancy (OaYSI ©Business dNon- Profit ❑'589 0 90,179 if1s0 © Farm 13 Government ❑Advance OPartial [KIFInaf Robert Butler and Heritage Construction Companies Payee(s) : Submitted Amount $ i3 790.00 LLC District Approval: _ Cale _ Dist. S.P. Parcel _ Agency Approval: ♦)alp C.S. Job No. Application Approved: Fed No, County Wright Vendor No.: Atln, Finance: Acquisition: ❑ Pending ® Accepted 0 Em. Domain Parcel Owner: Mail Check To: tNameorcaption) Monticello E L)A Addressee(s): Hold for Pick up by Wilson_ Development Services Parcel 112 Broadway East Address: Mailing Addr.: City, State Zip., Monticello, MN 55362 City, State Zip: RELOCATION CLAIM ELIGIBILITY __- - LOCATION OF REPLACEMENT SITE Displacee' Facility Name Name(s): Robert Butler DBA BL Used Bike Shop and /or Type: Street Address: 534 Cedar Street Occupancy Date: 410112010 © Ofter ' 0 Tenant Eligibility Date: 411312012 Acquisition Date: _ 5/_1.512012 (Notice Of Intent or Purchase offer) (if determined, also `panding ") City, State zip: Monticello, MN 55302 ELIGIBLE EXPENSES 1. Repairs or improvements to the replacement real property required bylaw, code, or ordinance ........... $ 2. Modifications to the replacement property to accommodate the business operation .........:....................$ 13,790.00 _ 3, Construction and-installation of Exterior Signing to advertise the business .............. ........:..:..................$ 4, Redecoration or replacement costs of soiled or worn surfaces at the replacement site .:...................1111$ 5: Advertisement of the replacement location ................................ ........................:...... ................1.:....1.11...$ 6. Estimated increased costs of operation during first 2 yrs ............... ........... (Ioases, taxes, Insurance, etc.) $ 7, Other item costs essential, reasonable and necessary to reestablish. (canfirm eligibility with the Agency) $ TOTAL THIS CLAIM .................................................. ............................... (maximum $ 50,000.00) $ 13,790.00 Total Reestablishment Claims Paid-To-Date (including this claim) ....... <$ 50,000.00 ? Eligible remaining Reestablishment expenses claimable :.. ......................$ 0 Utsplacee Residency Certification: I attest, under penalty of perjury, that myself and/or members of this partnership, association or corporation are lawful citizens of, or aliens lawfully admitted for residency and authorized to conduct business in, the United Slates. Claimant Acknowledgement: 1, the undersigned, do hereby certify that the above information is true and correct, and that any receipts or statements attached hereto accurately represent the expenses incurred. 1 further certify that I have not submitted any other claim for reimbursement of, or received payment for, any expense submitted with this claim. OFFICIAL USE ONLY: tcammonts) Authorized rq Signature: _ Name (print): Robert Butler - -- Telephone: %.: Date:" Fed Tax 1. D. or Soc. Sec. No_ See Ineligible Expenses On Reverse Side Re- establishment Costs Claim Page 1 of 2 RL1033 5/29/2013 Ann Zimmerman From: Jeff O'Neill Sent: Wednesday, June 12, 2013 9:14 AM To: Ann Zimmerman Cc: Angela Schumann; Angie McIntire Subject: FW: BL Used Bike Shop Check Request Attachments: BL Used Bike Shop Check Req. BRE -Claim 4.pdf Based on the information provided by Wilson Development services, this is ok to pay. Jeff O'Neill City Administrator City of Monticello, Minnesota 763 - 271 -3215 This email sent by Monticello FiberNef internet, at 100 mb speed! From: Angie McIntire Sent: Wednesday, June 12, 2013 8:26 AM To: Angela Schumann; Jeff O'Neill Subject: FW: BL Used Bike Shop Check Request Please provide Annie the OK to pay on this one. (The other one is the one we are having them re -do to reduce it by the rent owed.) Thanks! From: Helen Flowers [ mailto: helen @wilsondevelopmentservices.com] Sent: Monday, June 10, 2013 4:45 PM To: Angie McIntire Cc: Angela Schumann Subject: BL Used Bike Shop Check Request Please see attached check request for Business Reestablishment for BL Used Bike Shop. I have also attached the invoice. Please send a copy of the check for the file. Thanks, Helen for Dan Wilson 0 wmio Helen Flowers Wilson Development Services, LLC Office: 952- 448 -4630 Fax: 952 - 448 -4676 helen @wilsondevelopmentservices.com k / 2 ) ) / k u j § } � Cl k � \ \ \ | \ | | \ I I \ / / \ m2 / \ \ j \ \ } ® / 2 q } .. ] U §jƒ \ \ \ \ | \ | | \ I I \ N m C \ A \ ) 4 .\ 2 \ \ / \ 9 @ m2 / \ \\ / j \ } } ® / \ j B \ ) / AA ) ] 4 « ] ) � § \\ § ) „ / ) ) \ \ > §§ qq 00 j ' § \ } _ N m C \ A \ ) 4 .\ 2 \ \ } \ 9 @ m2 / \ \\ / N m C \ A \ ) 4 .\ 2 \ \ A WSB & Ags"law, Inc. Engineering I Planning I Environmental I Construction 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite 309 City of Monticello May 21, 2013 Minneapolis, MINI 50416 Attn: Wayne Oberg, Finance Director Project No: 01010-270 Tal; 763-.541-4800. 606 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Invoice No: i W. 7 6 3:j 5 4,� x'700 Monticello, MN 553628831 Monticello Maps M AY 3 1 2013 I. City Staff Reviewer - Angola L PrQfesq.lonal Services from April 011-20113 to April 30, 2013 ----------------------------------- Phase 7 Jan.-Dec. 2013 Professional Personnel Hours Rate Amount Project Management/CoordInation Bisson, Shlban! 412612013 1.00 124.00 124.00 Otter Creek site drawings for Wayne Elam (EDA) Base Mapping Youngquist, Edward 412512013 1.00 110,00 110-00 Otter Creek Crossing site drawings for Wayne Elam (EDA) Totals 2.00 234.00 Total Labor 234.00 Total this Phase $234.00 Billings to Date Current Prior Total Labor 234.00 4,090.50 4,324.50 Totals 234.00 4,090.50 4,324.50 Total this Invoice $234.00 Comments: Approved by: Qkx_." Reviewed by: Bret Weiss Project Manager: Shlbani Bisson St. Cloud I Minneapolis I St. Paul Equal Opportunity Employer wsbeng,corh j LSON Invoice submitted to: City of Monticello Attn: Angela Schumann 505 Walnut Street Monticello, MN 55362 Wilson Development Services, LLC 510 North Chestnut Street, Sulte, 200 Chaska, MN 55318 952.448.4630 800.448.4630 FEIN 26- 1629971 Invoice Date Invoice Number Last Bill Date May 20, 2013 23192 419/2013 In Reference To: Acquisition & Relocation Services- Montgomery Farms Professional Services 2013 HrslRate Amount BL Used Bike Shop 4/1/2013 DHW Time 0.10 11.00 Received invoice from architect with revision. 110,00 /hr BL Used Bike Shop 413/2013 LGT Time 0.10 9.50 Sent check request for Powers move estimate 95.00/hr BL Used Bike Shop HNF Time 1.50 142.50 Prepared claim for moving expenses with Leah, typed cover letter for 95.001hr claim, mailed claim for signature to Rob Butler. Updated business relocation summary. Updated file. 131_ Used Bike Shop DHW Time 0.40 44,Q0 Call with Angie regarding build out. Call Jim Peterson - build out in 110,001hr name of Heritage Construction BL Used Bike Shop 41512013 HNF Time 0.30 28.50 Typed attachment to business relocation summary claim #3; to Ban 95.00/hr fo.r final review. Updated file BL Used Bike Shop 419/2013 HNF Time 0.40 38.00 Discussed with Dan received signed claim for moving expenses, 95.00ft prepared check request to Angie McIntire and Angela Schumann at City of Monticello Monticello - Montgomery Farms Page 2 Hrs /Rate _Amount Cityof Monticello, Updated file. BL Used Bike Shop 4/23/2013 LGT Time 0.10 9.50 Received copy of check paid to Domain for design and filed, 95.001hr BL Used Bike Shop 4126f2013 DHW Time 0.20 22.00 Call Rob - building walk -thru Monday, Discuss detailed invoice. 110.0011hr Merno to file BL Used Bike Shop 4/3012013 DML Time 0.30 22.50 Type memo to Nick at Heritage Construction, cc Angela Schumann 75.00/hr and Rob Butler regarding build out BL Used 131ke Shop DHW Time 0.20 22,00 Return call top Jim Peterson - regarding buildout complete 110.001hr BL Used Bike Shop SUBTOTAL: [ 3.60 349.50; Good Clean Fun Tattoos 4/3/2013 LGT Time 0.10 9,50 Email from /to Angie regarding checks still at city. Sent check request 95.001hr for Powers move estimate. Call to Jon regarding check ready. Updated. file notes Good Clean Fun Tattoos 4/812013 LGT Time 0:10 9.50 Received copy of check, received by Carpenter. 95.00 /hr Good Clean Fun Tattoos 4/26/2013 DHW Time 0.10 11.00 Discuss status with Leah 110.00 /hr Good Clean Fun Tattoos SUBTOTAL: [ 0.30 30,00: Pizza Factory (Ekegran) 4/3/2013 D14W Time 0.20 22.00 Received Angle's email regarding terminate lease. Call Gary - left 110.001hr message Pizza Factory (Ekegren) City of Monticello Monticello- Montgomery Farms rage 3 Hrs /Rate Amount 4126/2013 DHW Time 0.20 22.00 Call Gary - left message on recording regarding move estimate for 110.001hr end of May. Memo to file Pizza Factory (Ekegren) 4/30/2013 DHW Time 0.30 33.00 Call from Gary Ekegren - discuss time now out - give him change to 110.001hr do something with a plan. Call Angela - left message with update Pizza Factory (Ekegren) SUBTOTAL: [ 0.70 77.00' Wong, Fu- Lakeland Dental Associates 411212013 DHW Time. 0.10 11.00 Jon has not received claim document 110.001hr Wong, Fu- Lakeland Dental Associates SUBTOTAL: [ 0.10 11,00; z- Project Management 412212013 LGT Time 0.14 9.50 Email from /to McIntire regarding check for move estimates from 95.001hr Powers z- Project Management 4126/2013 DHW Time 0.10 91.00 Respond to Angela's email regarding status 110.00/hr z- Project Management 4/30/2013 DML Time 1.38 103.50 411 - 4130, 2013 Consultant entries recorded to database for 75.00 /hr clienticase history, status and file maintenancelbackup. z- Project Management SUBTOTAL; [ 1.58 124,00; For professional services rendered 0.28 $591,50 City of Monticello Monticello- Montgomery Farms Additional Charges z-Project Management 4!3012013 Copies- Internal Copies - 411 to 4130, 2013 z- Project Management SUBTOTAL: Total costs For professional services rendered Total amount of this bill Previous balance 412412013 Payment -Thank You 5/15/2013 Payment -Thank You Total payments and adjustments Balance due &V 0 " ' 4 AY 24 2013 ; Page 4 Qty /Price Amount 46 8.80 0.15 $6.90 6.28 $598.40 $598.40 $3,666.73 ($1,377.03 ($2,289.70 ($3;666.73 $598.40 XcelEnergyo RE.81,0Nslato 9Y NATURE"' Norlbern Stales Power Company Please Return This Portion Wirh Your Payment. AV 01 001147 51890 B 6 A * *BDOT 1111I'd 'Ill - l'1101111'/'tl III] I III 1111111111111111 H ll'I'11111II - MONTICELLO EDA 505 WALNUT ST STE 1 MONTICELLO MN 55362 -8831 IItIfri II ill iII II'll1'II1111' 1]III I1'1111111rIJI11111I III] loll f .0.00X 9477 MPLS, EVEN 55484 -9477 31 51061713 07984810 000000054070000=35407 Detach and Retain This Portion For Ynur Records Quostions: Calf or write to us at: Please Call: 18601481 -4708 Northern States Power Company Nearing Impaired: 18601895 -4949 PO BOX8 Fnx: 1800 311 -0050 EAU CLAIRE WI 54702.0008 Aahr4 Slutnmary Vats of Rill May 20, 2013 Previous Balance $67,17 Numberof Paymerrcs Received 1 Total Amount of Payments C Statement Number 369269606 Balance Forward $0.00 +Current Charges WK Current Balance $64;07 Premise Summary 51. 0798481 -0 06/17/2043 $54,47 Premise Ideutilier Premise Descriptor Thank Youl 302392979 AV 01 001147 51890 B 6 A * *BDOT 1111I'd 'Ill - l'1101111'/'tl III] I III 1111111111111111 H ll'I'11111II - MONTICELLO EDA 505 WALNUT ST STE 1 MONTICELLO MN 55362 -8831 IItIfri II ill iII II'll1'II1111' 1]III I1'1111111rIJI11111I III] loll f .0.00X 9477 MPLS, EVEN 55484 -9477 31 51061713 07984810 000000054070000=35407 Detach and Retain This Portion For Ynur Records Quostions: Calf or write to us at: Please Call: 18601481 -4708 Northern States Power Company Nearing Impaired: 18601895 -4949 PO BOX8 Fnx: 1800 311 -0050 EAU CLAIRE WI 54702.0008 Aahr4 Slutnmary Vats of Rill May 20, 2013 Previous Balance $67,17 Numberof Paymerrcs Received 1 Total Amount of Payments C Statement Number 369269606 Balance Forward $0.00 +Current Charges WK Current Balance $64;07 Premise Summary Promise Number Premise Ideutilier Premise Descriptor CHUM Bill 302392979 186 F RjiOABWAY ST : LAO (��FA $17.42 303420/03 186<I E3}�Oi�ClW1�F$7';.. ;l ,. ;F1tON 'OFFICE $36;05 Total Crrrreat Rill " $54,07 W ', WAY 2 3 2013 ... MONTICELLO EDA 91121 WALNUT ST. STE 1_a, MONTICELLO VIN 55362 -$822 06117= y � 3 $54.07 Please see the back of this bill for more information See bank of bill for Account -4: 51- 0798491 -0 regarding the late payment charge, Pay on or before the Mora information. dote due to avoid assessment of a late payment charge, Page 1 of 3 Statement Date, 05120!13 Statement # 30+9269098 XcelEEnergym REAP- UNErBLE aT NATURE" Customer dame MONTICELLO EDA Service Address flue Date Account No. Premise Number LAB AREA Os11712013 at- mse401 -0 302892979 100 E BROADWAY ST MONTICELLO, MN 553829321 Electric Charges Usage Period. 04/16113 to 65115113 Invoice # 472244940 Total Energy -kWh Mater # Company Rending on 05115 000054223420 Cam any Reading on 04116 Total Cgo in 29 Days Sm Gen SVC (Metered} 29 Days Basic Service Chg Affordability Chrg Energy Charge Winter Fuel Cost Charge Resource Adjustment Interim Hate Adj Subtotal City Foas State Tax @6.075% Total Amount 63206 63203 kWir 3 3 kWh Q $0.006070 3 kWh 0$0.030000 Averagesfor This Last Billing Period Year Year _&Amae Temaoratura AV 55 Clectriclkwh per Day 011 0.0 CostnerDav $0.60 50,00_ ,r 8 Degrees Colder $8.61 $0.67 $0.20 $0;09 $0.01 $1010 $5"90 SW $17A2 For an average non - demand customer, 73% of your bill refers to power plant costs, 10% to high voltage line casts and 17% to the cost of local wires connected to your business. For an averaged emand -billed customer, 133% of your total bill refers to power plant costs, 10 %to high voltage lines, and 7% to the cost of local wires connected to your business. Thank you for your payment. MONTICELLO EDA LAB AREA 1106 E BROADWAY ST MONTICELLO. MN 555362 -9321 See hack of bill for Account #. 51- 0798481 -0 more information. Page 2 of 3 Statement Date: 05124/13 A Next Schnduled x Motor Readin g Date $17.42 66/19113 361392979 Statement # 369269698 1- W to U1 OD XceiEnerr ye R@8PeN81BLE BY N- 11TVIEN Customer Name MONTICELLO FDA Service Address Due Date Account No. Premise Number FRONT OFFICE 0611712013 51- 0790401 -0 303420703 106 E BAOADWAY ST MONTICELLO, MN 55362 ??t. .iYti @r #. .pppfYEY'r''.TkiS3. '.. :.`;•.HN.: Mt Electric Electric gtarges Usage Period: 04/16113 to 05/15/13 Invoice #472244635 Total Energy-kWh Meter Company Heading on 05115 68757 000007727.735 Company Reading on 04116 Total usage in 29 Days kWh 165 Actual Demand -kW 0A1 Billable Demand 0 5m Den Svc (Metered) 29 Days RasicSBrvico Cho $0,81 Affordability Chrg $0,67 Energy Charge Winter 165 kWh 0$0.068870 $11.03 Fuel Cost charge 165 kWh @ $0,031879 5.26 1.0151 Resource. Adjustment Interim Rate Adj $231 subtotal $28.79 City Foes $5.50 State Tax 06.075% $2 � Total Amount $36.65 Averagesfor This Lost Billing Period Year Year Average Tam erature 7 Electriclkwh per'Day 53 0.0 Cost ner Bev $1.26 $0.00- e 8 Degrees Colder For an average non- demand customer, 73% of your bill rofors to power piant costs, 10% to high voltage line costs and 17% to the cost of local wires connected to your business. For an average demand - billed customer, 83% of your total bill refers to power plant costs, 10 %o to high voltage lines, and 7% to the cost of local wires connected to your business. Thank you for your payment. MONTICELLO EDA Next Scheduled FRONT OFFICE Motor Reading Date IN ]E BROADWAY Sr 06/18/13 303421/183 $36.65 MONTICELLO, MN 55362 See back of hill for Account fk 51.0798451 -0 more information. Page 3 of Statement pate, 05120/13 Statement # 369269608 8 EDA Agenda — 07/10/13 5. Consideration to review for comment 2014 preliminary budget documents. (AS /JO/WO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND The EDA is asked to provide staff with direction as related to the preparation of a preliminary budget document for 2014. As the EDA is aware via its 2013 budget discussion, the EDA had previously utilized two primary funding sources for its activities - the EDA General Fund (account 213) and the Economic Development line item of the City's General Fund (account 101 - 46500). The EDA General Fund includes "sub- funds" for each of the EDA's TIF districts, as well as a sub -fund titled "EDA General ", which funded economic development expenses prior to 2013. These items included 40% of the Economic Development Director salary and other miscellaneous marketing expenses. During 2013 EDA budgeting discussions, it was noted that without a special taxing district or other funding mechanism, there is no long- term consistent source of funds necessary to replenish the EDA's "General EDA" sub - fund. As noted, the Lib's General Fund also included a line item budget for Economic Development, supporting 60% of the Economic Development Director's salary, administrative expenses, marketing and other expenses. After a lengthy discussion regarding the structure of EDA assets, funding, and budgeting in late 2012, the City's Economic Development General Fund was zeroed for 2013. This was done due to the lack of funding source for the "EDA General" sub -fund and in favor of a new budgeting process, by which the funding for all marketing, staffing and other such activities of the EDA would occur through an annual allocation by the City Council to the EDA. For each budget year, the EDA would request an allocation from the City General Fund levy, which would then be allocated into the "General EDA" sub -fund. This eliminates splitting of EDA budgeting into two separate accounts, provides the necessary funding source for Economic Development/EDA activities, and ideally results in close alignment of goals for both bodies. This budgeting strategy requires that the EDA present a budget request to the City Council in August for funds needed to accomplish its work -plan during the following year. The budget request should include goals and/or a workplan for the following year, and budget items needed to accomplish the work plan. As a result, staff are requesting that the EDA review its 2013 workplan for potential modification for 2014, and review potential budget expense items for the purpose of proposing a 2014 budget to the City Council. While the EDA's workplan represents broad goals, such statements are important to the detailing of budget expenses supporting accomplishment of the workplan and goals. Staff has made a list of preliminary budget recommendations for the EDA's review. • In the review and analysis of all TIF funds (including TIF 1 -22) at the close of 2012, a one -time allocation of $890,000 to the EDA General Fund was completed. Staff is suggesting that the first year of the EDA's investment for the contract with WSB's Marketing Matching team ($20,000) come from the initial $890,000 transfer, thereby requiring no additional impact to the City's General Fund. Proposed Budget Funding Source: Existing "General EDA" sub -fund Continue to fund the "Marketing" line item at $17,000. Staff had an opportunity to meet with the WSB Market Matching team prior to the agenda preparation to discuss timeline for the first deliverables, which includes an analysis of market position and any gaps in marketing information. WSB will present the situation analysis to the EDA in September. At that time, the EDA can consider additional marketing avenues, studies, or other opportunities it would like to pursue related to the marketing budget item. The marketing line item also covers the expenses for economic development website (hosting and edits beyond staff level) and the annual Industry of the Year event, and print materials. Proposed Budget Funding Source: To lessen first -year impact to the City General Fund, it is proposed that for 2014, this amount be allocated from the Existing "General EDA" sub -fund. This recommendation is primarily due to the City Council's 2014 commitment to 50% of Market Matching services. • Staff would recommend keeping the "Professional Services- Legal Fees" line item at current level at $10,000. The assistance of Kennedy & Graven will be needed for on -going TIF 1 -22 administration and future assistance with acquisition options agreement framework. Proposed Budget Funding Source: To lessen first -year impact to the City General Fund, it is proposed that for 2014, this amount be allocated from the Existing "General EDA" sub -fund. This recommendation is due to the City Council's 2014 commitment to 50% of Market Matching services. • Retain $10,000 in "Miscellaneous Professional Services" and "Other Expenses" to monitor type and amount of expenses for future budget years. Proposed Budget Funding Source: "General EDA" sub -fund. • Staff is requesting a slight decrease in the "Dues and Memberships" line item, from $10,000 to $7,000, as the contract for Market Matching will likely allow the EDA to better leverage partnerships through WSB, lessening the need for separate memberships. However, individual membership retention for the following is 2 included as part of 2014 budgeting: • Wright County Economic Development Partnership: estimated at $2305.00 • Initiative Foundation: estimated at $2200 In addition, staff will likely propose memberships with technology organizations in order to take advantage of Monticello's fiber optics capacity as an economic development tool. Proposed Budget Funding Source: City General Fund allocation. Staff would also propose that the EDA budget an amount for "Travel Expense" and "Conference and Schools" in order to facilitate attendance by EDA representatives (commissioners, staff, consultants as applicable) at conventions which present important economic development opportunities. These may include technology/high tech conferences. Proposed Budget Funding Source: Amount and source to be determined with input of the EDA. • In regard to budgeting for individual tax increment financing districts, staff would recommend maximizing the total allowable administrative expense (10 %) for both District 1 -6 and 1 -22 for 2014. Such funding would cover the expenses for in- house staff time, legal staff and other potential consulting staff related to upcoming work for those districts. The above represent preliminary recommendations, which will be augmented by the EDA's review and comment of the enclosed materials. The information will then be brought forward to the City Council as part of their 2014 budgeting process. Staff will also strive to provide the City Council will also receive information on potential EDA budget allocation impacts for future years. Al. Budget Impact: The above recommendations result in a preliminary estimated budget impact to the City's General Fund of $27,000, which includes $7,000 in Dues and Memberships and $20,000 in Market Matching costs. The preliminary impact to the EDA General Fund based on the included budget is $64,000, with some expenses to be determined. A2. Staff Impact: Staff considerations for budgeting are as noted. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS Decision 1: 2014 EDA Goals and Workplan 1. Motion to direct the drafting of 2014 Workplan and Goals based on feedback to be provided by the EDA. Decision 2: 2014 Budgeting Motion to direct staff to prepare a draft budget for consideration in August, based on the recommendations of the EDA. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff is seeking EDA input on the included recommendations, as well as additional comment and feedback for the purpose of 2014 budgeting. D. SUPPORTING DATA A. 2013 EDA General Fund outline, with "Sub- Fund" Detail B. 2013 Adopted EDA Workplan 4 SPECIAL REVENUE 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2014 1 % EDA (Consolidated) EDA/HRA ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED BUDGET CHANGE 21346301- 410100 SALARIES, FULL TIME - REG $624 $18,229 $18,214 $9,883 $90,243 $90,243 $57,564 -3621% 21346301- 410200 SALARIES, FULL TIME - OT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - -- 213-46301- 410400 SALARIES, TEMPORARY - REG 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - -- 213-46301- 410900 SALARIES, OTHER 296 570 0 0 0 0 0 - -- 213-46301-411100 SEVERANCE PAY 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - -- 213-46301-412100 PERA CONTRIBUTIONS 62 1,317 1,320 716 6,543 6,543 4,173 -3622% 21346301412200 FICA CONTRIBUTIONS 56 1,098 1,091 590 5,595 5,595 3,569 -3621% 21346301- 412300 MEDICARE CONTRIBUTIONS 13 257 255 138 1,309 1,309 835 -3621% 21346301- 413100 HEALTH /DENTAL/LIFE INSURAN 0 4,202 4,984 2,579 6,717 6,717 6,717 0.00% 21346301- 413500 FLEX BENEFITS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - -- 213-46301- 421990 GENERAL OPERATING SUPPLIE 0 0 0 1,170 0 0 0 21346301- 422990 MISC REPAIR & MTC SUPPLIES 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 21346301424100 SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 21346301430260 PROF SRV - CONSTRUCTION CO 96 0 0 0 0 0 0 - -- 213-46301-430300 PROF SRV - ENGINEERING FEE 214 4,438 11,267 6,607 0 0 0 21346301430400 PROF SRV - LEGAL FEES 6,304 16,987 16,467 28,817 10,500 10,500 0 - 100.00% 21346301430910 PROF SRV - SOFTWARE /PRGRM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 21346301431990 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 7,366 145,170 91,700 130,793 13,473 13,473 0 - 100.00% 21346301432400 DELIVERY MAIL SERVICE (UPS 132 102 1,331 109 0 0 0 21346301433100 TRAVEL EXPENSE 0 2,203 0 290 0 0 21346301433200 CONFERENCE & SCHOOLS 0 245 154 148 0 0 21346301434600 MARKETING 3,722 16,181 17,338 13,047 17,000 17,000 0 - 100.00% 21346301435100 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLICATION 547 843 2,067 1,186 228 228 0 - 100.00% 21346301435200 GENERAL PUBLIC INFORMATION 0 0 4,998 399 0 0 0 - -- 213-46301-437100 PROPERTYTAXES 0 1,860 2,131 20,862 0 0 0 21346301437300 DECERTIFICATION REIMB 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - -- 213-46301- 438300 GAS, Electric, Water, Sewer, etc. 4,264 0 0 7,105 0 0 0 21346301- 443300 DUES, MEMBERSHIP & SUBSCRI 0 7,906 10,769 4,309 10,000 10,000 0 - 100.00% 21346301- 443500 BOOKS & PAMPHLETS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 21346301- 443800 PUB WKS /ADM IN & INSP FEES 311 0 0 260 0 0 0 - -- 213-46301-443990 MISC OTHER EXPENSE 5,665 2,180 307,568 12,496 7,000 7,000 0 - 100.00% 21346301 451010 LAND 0 0 0 1,117,906 0 0 - -- 213-46301-453010 IMPROVEMENTS 15,088 0 0 0 0 0 - -- 213- 46301 - 452010 BUILDINGS 0 0 0 0 0 0 213- 46301 - 456010 FURNITURE & FIXTURES 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 213- 46301 - 460300 DEBT SRV PRINC -OTTER CREEK 608,141 16,540 13,929 10,054 58,048 58,048 0 - 100.00% 21346301- 460500 SA PRIN PYBL -LAND FOR RESA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 21346301- 461300 DEBT SRV INT -OTTER CREEK 38,613 6,511 5,474 8,398 23,877 23,877 0 - 100.00% 21346301- 461500 SA INT PYBL -LAND FOR RESAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 21346301- 462010 FISCAL AGENT FEES 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - -- 213-46301- 465010 TIF LOAN 21,656 0 0 0 0 0 0 213-46301- 465110 TIF PAYBACK INSTALLMENTS 509,239 572,352 415,057 233,393 206,540 206,540 0 - 100.00% 213-46301-465120 LOCALCONTRIB - TIFPENALT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 213- 00000-472030 TRANSFER TO GENERAL FUND 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 213- 00000-472030 TRANSFER TO OTHER FUNDS 0 356,179 0 0 0 0 213- 00000-472030 TRANSFER TO DEBT SERVICE F 363,712 317,277 316,279 699,264 774,403 774,403 0 100A0% 213 - 00000-472030 TRANSFER OUT - TRUNK FEES 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $1,586,121 $1,492,647 $1,242,393 $2,310,519 $1,231,476 $1,231,476 $72,858 - 94.08% EDA FUND 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2014 % EDA General EDA/HRA ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED BUDGET CHANGE 213 46301 410100 SALARIES, FULL TIME -REG $624 $18,229 $18,214 $9,883 $55,430 $55,430 57,564 3.85% 21346301410200 SALARIES, FULL TIME - OT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - -- 21346301410400 SALARIES, TEMPORARY -REG 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - -- 21346301410900 SALARIES, OTHER 296 570 0 0 0 0 0 - -- 213-46301- 411100 SEVERANCE PAY 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - -- 213-46301- 412100 PERA CONTRIBUTIONS 62 1,317 1,320 716 4,019 4,019 4,173 3.83% 213 - 46301 - 412200 FICA CONTRIBUTIONS 56 1,098 1,091 590 3,437 3,437 3,569 3.84% 213 - 46301 - 412300 MEDICARE CONTRIBUTIONS 13 257 255 138 804 804 835 3.86% 213 - 46301 - 413100 HEALTH /DENTAL/LIFE INSURAN 0 4,202 4,984 2,579 6,717 6,717 6,717 0.00% 21346301- 413500 ����-���� 213 - 46301- 421990 FLEX BENEFITS ��-�-�-��P -sue GENL OPERATING SUPPLIES 0 - - - -- 0 0 ----- ������7 0 0 0 0 1,170 71773 0 - - - -� 0 0 0 - - - - -7 0 21346301- 422990 MISC REPAIR & MTC SUPPLIES 0 0 0 0 0 0 - -- 213-46301- 424100 SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 0 0 - -- 213-46301-430260 PROF SRV - CONSTRUCTION CO 96 0 0 0 0 0 - -- 213-46301-430300 PROF SRV - ENGINEERING FEE 214 4,438 4,533 4,461 0 0 - -- 213-46301-430400 PROF SRV - LEGAL FEES 1,785 1,789 10,931 10,487 10,000 10,000 - 100.00% 21346301430910 PROF SRV - SOFTWARE /PRGRM 0 0 0 0 0 0 - -- 213-46301-431990 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 0 5,486 6,003 32,936 10,000 10,000 - 100.00% 21346301- 432400 DELIVERY MAIL SERVICE (UPS 132 102 1,331 109 0 0 21346301- 433100 TRAVEL EXPENSE 0 2,203 0 290 0 0 21346301- 433200 CONFERENCE & SCHOOLS 0 245 154 148 0 0 213- 46301 - 434600 MARKETING 3,722 16,181 17,338 13,047 17,000 17,000 - 100.00% 213 - 46301- 435100 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLICATION 150 310 1,114 274 0 0 - -- 213-46301- 435200 GENERAL PUBLIC INFORMATION 0 0 4,998 399 0 0 - -- 213-46301- 437100 PROPERTYTAXES 0 0 374 0 0 0 21346301- 438200 WATER & SEWER 0 0 0 0 0 0 - -- 213-46301- 438300 GAS 0 0 0 0 0 0 21346301- 443300 DUES, MEMBERSHIP & SUBSCRI 0 7,906 10,769 4,309 10,000 10,000 - 100.00% 21346301- 443500 BOOKS & PAMPHLETS 0 0 0 0 0 0 - -- 213-46301- 443800 PUB WKS /ADM IN & INSP FEES 311 0 0 260 0 0 - -- 213-46301- 443990 MISC OTHER EXPENSE 5,665 2,027 2,823 12,468 7,000 7,000 - 100.00% 213 - 46301 - 451010 LAND (or value adjusted) 0 0 0 51,500 0 0 - -- 213- 46301 - 453010 IMPROVEMENTS 15,088 0 01 01 01 0 21346301- 456010 FURNITURE & FIXTURES 0 0 0 0 0 0 - -- 213-46301- 460300 DEBT SRV PRINC -OTTER CREEK 564,293 0 0 0 0 0 - -- 213-46301- 460500 SA PRIN PYBL -LAND FOR RESA 0 0 0 0 0 0 - -- 213-46301- 461300 DEBT SRV INT -OTTER CREEK 31,036 0 0 0 0 0 - -- 213-46301- 461500 SA INT PYBL -LAND FOR RESAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 - -- 213- 00000 - 472030 TRANSFER TO GENERAL FUND 0 0 0 0 0 0 - -- 213- 00000 - 472030 TRANSFER TO DEBT SERVICE F 0 0 0 0 0 0 - -- 213- 00000 - 472030 TRANSFER OUT - TRUNK FEES 0 0 0 0 0 0 - -- TOTAL EXPENDITURES $623,543 $66,360 $86,232 $145,764 $124,407 $124,407 $72,858 41.44% EDA FUND 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2014 % EDA - TIF Admin TIF Administration ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED BUDGET CHANGE 213 - 46301 - 410100 SALARIES, FULL TIME - REG 34,813 34,813 21346301- 410200 SALARIES, FULL TIME - OT 21346301- 410400 SALARIES, TEMPORARY -REG 21346301- 410900 SALARIES, OTHER 21346301- 411100 SEVERANCE PAY 21346301- 412100 PERA CONTRIBUTIONS 2,524 2,524 21346301412200 FICA CONTRIBUTIONS 2,158 2,158 21346301412300 MEDICARE CONTRIBUTIONS 505 505 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $0 $0 $0 $0 $40,000 $40,000 $0 - 100.00% EDA FUND 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2014 % EDA - TIF 5 TIF #5 - CONSTRUCTION 5 ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED BUDGET CHANGE 213 - 46505 - 430400 PROF SRV - LEGAL FEES $34 $335 $0 $1,044 213- 46505 - 431990 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 396 0 400 393 - -- 213- 46505 - 435100 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLICATION 22 30 125 28 213- 46505437100 PROPERTY TAXES 0 0 0 0 213- 46505451010 LAND 0 0 0 0 21346505452010 BUILDINGS 0 0 0 0 21346505460300 DEBT SRV PRINCIPAL -SHRT TE 0 0 0 0 - -- 213-46505-461300 DEBT SRV INTEREST -SHRT TER 0 0 0 0 21346505462010 FISCAL AGENTS' FEES 0 0 0 0 - -- 213- 46505-465120 LOCAL CONTRIB - TIF PENALT 0 0 0 0 213- 46505472030 TRANSFER TO CONSTRUCTION 1 0 0 0 0 455,000 455,000 - 100.00% TOTAL EXPENDITURES $452 $365 $525 $1,465 $455,000 $455,000 $0 - 100.00% EDA FUND 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2014 % EDA - TIF 6 TIF #6 - RAINDANCE ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED BUDGET CHANGE 213 - 46506- 430400 PROF SRV - LEGAL FEES $35 $335 $0 $0 $0 $0 21346506431990 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 396 0 0 393 500 500 - 100.00% 21346506435100 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLICATION 22 30 26 28 21346506460300 DEBT SRV PRINCIPAL -SHRT TE 0 0 0 0 21346506- 461300 DEBT SRV INTEREST -SHRT TER 0 0 0 0 213- 46506 - 462010 FISCAL AGENTS' FEES 0 0 0 0 213- 46506 - 465120 LOCAL CONTRIB - TIF PENALT 0 0 0 0 213- 46506 - 472030 TRANSFER TO DEBT SERVICE F 0 0 0 0 - -- TOTAL EXPENDITURES $453 $365 $26 $421 $500 $500 $0 - 100.00% EDA FUND 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2014 % EDA - TIF 19 TIF #19 - MISSISSIPPI SHORES ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED BUDGET CHANGE 21346519430300 PROF SRV - ENGINEERING FEE $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 21346519430400 PROF SRV - LEGAL FEES 0 61 0 1,409 - -- 213-46519-431990 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 430 0 0 2,568 21346519435100 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLICATION 23 30 27 28 100 100 - 100.00% 213 - 46519 - 443990 MISC OTHER EXPENSE 0 0 0 0 - -- 213- 46519 - 451010 LAND 0 0 0 0 - -- 213- 46519 - 460300 DEBT SRV PRINCIPAL -SHRT TE 0 0 0 0 - -- 213- 46519 - 461300 DEBT SRV INTEREST -SHRT TER 0 0 0 0 - -- 213- 46519 - 462010 FISCAL AGENTS' FEES 0 0 0 0 213- 46519 - 465010 TIF LOAN 0 0 0 0 213- 46519 - 465110 TIF PAYBACK INSTALLMENTS 31,289 44,193 29,418 0 0 0 - -- 213- 46519 - 465120 LOCAL CONTRIB - TIF PENALT 0 0 0 0 - -- 213- 46519 - 472030 TRANSFER TO DEBT SERVICE F 0 0 0 0 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $31,742 $44,284 $29,445 $4,005 $100 $100 $0 - 100.00% EDA FUND 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2014 % EDA - TIF 20 TIF #20 - PRAIRIE WEST ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED BUDGET CHANGE 21346520430300 PROF SRV - ENGINEERING FEE $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 - -- 213-46520-430400 PROF SRV - LEGAL FEES 0 61 0 150 500 500 - 100.00% 213 - 46520431990 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 430 0 0 393 213- 46520435100 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLICATION 22 30 26 28 213- 46520443990 MISC OTHER EXPENSE 0 0 0 0 21346520451010 LAND 0 0 0 0 - -- 213-46520-460300 DEBT SRV PRINCIPAL -SHRT TE 10,342 10,731 9,892 10,023 6,521 6,521 - 100.00% 21346520461300 DEBT SRV INTEREST -SHRT TER 3,334 2,436 1,544 740 - -- 213-46520-462010 FISCAL AGENTS' FEES 0 0 0 0 - -- 213-46520-465010 TIF LOAN 0 0 0 0 - -- 213-46520-465110 TIF PAYBACK INSTALLMENTS 9,563 13,108 7,624 7,175 213- 46520465120 LOCAL CONTRIB - TIF PENALT 0 0 0 0 - -- 213- 46520 - 472030 TRANSFER TO DEBT SERVICE F 0 0 0 0 - -- TOTAL EXPENDITURES $23,691 $26,366 $19,086 $18,509 $7,021 $7,021 $0 - 100.00% EDA FUND 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2014 % EDA - TIF 22 TIF #22 - DWNTWN REDEVELOPP ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED BUDGET CHANGE 21346522430300 PROF SRV - ENGINEERING FEE $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 21346522430400 PROF SRV - LEGAL FEES 731 8,439 126 15,282 0 0 - -- 213-46522-431990 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 396 2,765 21,051 90,966 21346522435100 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLICATION 22 113 26 211 - -- 213- 46522-436200 PROPERTY INSURANCE 0 0 0 0 21346522437100 PROPERTY TAXES 0 1,860 1,757 20,862 - -- 213-46522-438300 GAS, Electric, Water, Sewer, etc. 4,264 0 0 7,105 21346522443990 MISC OTHER EXPENSE 0 153 0 0 - -- 213-46522-451010 LAND 0 0 0 1,066,406 21346522460300 DEBT SRV PRINCIPAL -SHRT TE 0 0 0 0 0 0 - -- 213-46522-461300 DEBT SRV INTEREST -SHRT TER 0 0 0 0 21346522462010 FISCAL AGENTS' FEES 0 0 0 0 213- 46522465010 TIF LOAN 21,656 0 0 0 213- 46522465110 TIF PAYBACK INSTALLMENTS 21,656 103,167 61,487 63,312 63,312 - 100.00% 21346522465120 LOCAL CONTRIB - TIF PENALT 0 0 0 0 21346522472030 TRANSFER TO OTHER FUNDS 0 356,179 0 0 - -- 213-46522-472030 TRANSFER TO DEBT SERVICE F 0 0 0 378,680 - -- TOTAL EXPENDITURES $48,725 $472,676 $84,447 $1,579,512 $63,312 $63,312 $0 - 100.00% EDA FUND 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2014 % EDA - TIF 24 TIF #24 - ST BEN'S CENTER ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED BUDGET CHANGE- 21346524-430300 PROF SRV - ENGINEERING FEE $0 $0 $0 $0 213- 46524- 430400 PROF SRV - LEGAL FEES 34 61 0 150 - -- 213- 46524 - 431990 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 396 0 623 393 649 649 - 100.00% 213 - 46524 - 435100 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLICATION 22 30 26 28 213- 46524 - 443990 MISC OTHER EXPENSE 0 0 0 0 - -- 213- 46524 - 451010 LAND 0 0 0 0 213- 46524 - 460300 DEBT SRV PRINCIPAL -SHRT TE 0 0 0 0 - -- 213- 46524 - 461300 DEBT SRV INTEREST -SHRT TER 0 0 0 0 213- 46524 - 462010 FISCAL AGENTS' FEES 0 0 0 0 - -- 213-46524- 465010 TIF LOAN 0 0 0 0 21346524- 465110 TIF PAYBACK INSTALLMENTS 46,798 67,579 42,321 42,959 43,986 43,986 - 100.00% 21346524- 465120 LOCAL CONTRIB - TIF PENALT 0 0 0 0 - -- 213-46524-472030 TRANSFER TO DEBT SERVICE F 0 0 0 0 - -- TOTAL EXPENDITURES $47,250 $67,670 $42,970 $43,530 $44,635 $44,635 $0 - 100.00% EDA FUND 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2014 % EDA - TIF 29 TIF #29 - FRONT PORCH ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED BUDGET CHANGE- 213-46529-430300 PROF SRV - ENGINEERING FEE $0 $0 $0 $0 21346529- 430400 PROF SRV - LEGAL FEES 34 61 0 151 - -- 213-46529- 431990 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 396 0 623 393 649 649 - 100.00% 213 - 46529 - 435100 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLICATION 22 30 26 28 - -- 213- 46529 - 443990 MISC OTHER EXPENSE 0 0 0 0 21346529451010 LAND 0 0 0 0 - -- 213-46529-460300 DEBT SRV PRINCIPAL -SHRT TE 0 0 0 0 - -- 213-46529-461300 DEBT SRV INTEREST -SHRT TER 0 0 0 0 - -- 213-46529-462010 FISCAL AGENTS' FEES 0 0 0 0 213- 46529465010 TIF LOAN 0 0 0 0 213- 46529465110 TIF PAYBACK INSTALLMENTS 27,472 32,499 19,296 18,989 20,370 20,370 - 100.00% 21346529465120 LOCAL CONTRIB - TIF PENALT 0 0 0 0 21346529472030 TRANSFER TO DEBT SERVICE F 0 0 0 0 - -- TOTAL EXPENDITURES $27,924 $32,590 $19,945 $19,561 $21,019 $21,019 $0 - 100.00% EDA FUND 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2014 % EDA - TIF 30 TIF #30 - CMHP ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED BUDGET CHANGE 21346530430300 PROF SRV - ENGINEERING FEE $0 $0 $0 $0 - -- 213-46530-430400 PROF SRV - LEGAL FEES 0 61 0 0 - -- 213-46530- 431990 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 430 0 623 393 650 650 - 100.00% 21346530- 435100 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLICATION 22 30 26 28 21346530- 443990 MISC OTHER EXPENSE 0 0 0 0 213- 46530 - 451010 LAND 0 0 0 0 21346530- 460300 DEBT SRV PRINCIPAL -SHRT TE 6,708 5,809 4,037 31 0 0 - -- 213-46530- 461300 DEBT SRV INTEREST -SHRT TER 4,243 4,075 3,930 7,658 6,945 6,945 - 100.00% 21346530- 462010 FISCAL AGENTS' FEES 0 0 0 0 - -- 213-46530- 465010 TIF LOAN 0 0 0 0 - -- 213- 46530- 465110 TIF PAYBACK INSTALLMENTS 0 0 0 0 - -- 213-46530- 465120 LOCAL CONTRIB - TIF PENALT 0 0 0 0 - -- 213-46530- 472030 TRANSFER TO DEBT SERVICE F 0 0 0 0 - -- TOTAL EXPENDITURES $11,403 $9,975 $8,616 $8,110 $7,595 $7,595 $0 - 100.00% EDA FUND 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2014 % EDA - TIF 34 TIF #34 -194/INTERCHANGE ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED BUDGET CHANGE 213 - 46534- 430300 PROF SRV - ENGINEERING FEE $0 $0 $0 $0 21346534- 430400 PROF SRV - LEGAL FEES 34 61 0 0 - -- 213-46534- 431990 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 396 0 0 393 75 75 - 100.00% 21346534- 435100 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLICATION 22 30 26 28 25 25 - 100.00% 213 - 46534- 443990 MISC OTHER EXPENSE 0 0 0 0 - -- 213-46534- 451010 LAND 0 0 0 0 21346534- 460300 DEBT SRV PRINCIPAL -SHRT TE 0 0 0 0 - -- 213-46534- 461300 DEBT SRV INTEREST -SHRT TER 0 0 0 0 - -- 213-46534- 462010 FISCAL AGENTS' FEES 0 0 0 0 - -- 213-46534- 465010 TIF LOAN 0 0 0 0 21346534- 465110 TIF PAYBACK INSTALLMENTS 0 0 0 0 213- 46534- 465120 LOCAL CONTRIB - TIF PENALT 0 0 0 0 - -- 213- 46534- 472030 TRANSFER TO DEBT SERVICE F 318,274 317,277 316,279 320,584 319,403 319,403 - 100.00% TOTAL EXPENDITURES $318,726 $317,368 $316,305 $321,005 $319,503 $319,503 $0 - 100.00% EDA FUND 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2014 % EDA - TIF 35 TIF #35 - LANDMARK SQUARE II ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED BUDGET CHANGE- 213-46535430300 PROF SRV - ENGINEERING FEE $0 $0 $0 $0 21346535430400 PROF SRV - LEGAL FEES 34 61 0 0 21346535431990 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 396 0 0 393 21346535435100 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLICATION 22 30 26 28 27 27 - 100.00% 21346535443990 MISC OTHER EXPENSE 0 0 0 0 - -- 213-46535-451010 LAND 0 0 0 0 - -- 213-46535-460300 DEBT SRV PRINCIPAL -SHRT TE 0 0 0 0 - -- 213-46535-461300 DEBT SRV INTEREST -SHRT TER 0 0 0 0 21346535462010 FISCAL AGENTS' FEES 0 0 0 0 21346535465010 TIF LOAN 0 0 0 0 21346535465110 TIF PAYBACK INSTALLMENTS 0 0 0 0 21346535465120 LOCAL CONTRIB - TIF PENALT 0 0 0 0 21346535472030 TRANSFER TO DEBT SERVICE F 0 0 0 0 - -- TOTAL EXPENDITURES $452 $91 $26 $421 $27 $27 $0 - 100.00% EDA FUND 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2014 % EDA - TIF 36 TIF #36- DAHLHEIMER DIST ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED BUDGET CHANGE 21346536430300 PROF SRV - ENGINEERING FEE $0 $0 $0 $0 21346536430400 PROF SRV - LEGAL FEES 34 1,918 0 0 - -- 213-46536-431990 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 396 0 0 393 475 475 - 100.00% 21346536435100 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLICATION 22 30 26 28 25 25 - 100.00% 21346536- 443990 MISC OTHER EXPENSE 0 0 0 0 21346536- 451010 LAND 0 0 0 0 21346536- 460300 DEBT SRV PRINCIPAL -SHRT TE 0 0 0 0 51,527 51,527 - 100.00% 21346536- 461300 DEBT SRV INTEREST -SHRT TER 0 0 0 0 13,889 13,889 - 100.00% 21346536- 462010 FISCAL AGENTS' FEES 0 0 0 0 21346536- 465010 TIF LOAN 0 0 0 0 21346536465110 TIF PAYBACK INSTALLMENTS 64,141 64,776 64,776 63,803 21346536465120 LOCAL CONTRIB - TIF PENALT 0 0 0 0 - -- 213-46536-472030 TRANSFER TO DEBT SERVICE F 0 0 0 0 - -- TOTAL EXPENDITURES $64,593 $66,724 $64,802 $64,224 $65,916 $65,916 $0 - 100.00% EDA FUND 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2014 % EDA - TIF 37 TIF #37- KARLSBURGER FOODS ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED BUDGET CHANGE- 213-46537430250 PROF SRV - CONSTRUCTION CO $0 $0 $0 $0 21346537430300 PROF SRV - ENGINEERING FEE 0 0 0 0 - -- 213-46537-430400 PROF SRV - LEGAL FEES 34 61 0 0 21346537431990 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 396 0 0 393 475 475 - 100.00% 21346537435100 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLICATION 22 30 27 28 25 25 - 100.00% 21346537443990 MISC OTHER EXPENSE 0 0 0 0 21346537451010 LAND 0 0 0 0 21346537460300 DEBT SRV PRINCIPAL -SHRT TE 0 0 0 0 0 0 - -- 213-46537-461300 DEBT SRV INTEREST -SHRT TER 0 0 0 0 3,043 3,043 - 100.00% 21346537462010 FISCAL AGENTS' FEES 0 0 0 0 213- 46537- 465010 TIF LOAN 0 0 0 0 21346537- 465110 TIF PAYBACK INSTALLMENTS 24,787 23,796 24,787 24,550 3,543 3,543 - 100.00% 21346537- 465120 LOCAL CONTRIB - TIF PENALT 0 0 0 0 - -- 213-46537- 472030 TRANSFER TO DEBT SERVICE F 0 0 0 0 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $25,239 $23,887 $24,814 $24,971 $7,086 $7,086 $0 100.00% EDA FUND 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2014 % EDA - TIF 38 TIF #38 - WALKER IN -STORE ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED BUDGET CHANGE 21346538430300 PROF SRV - ENGINEERING FEE $0 $0 $0 $0 21346538430400 PROF SRV - LEGAL FEES 34 61 0 0 21346538431990 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 396 0 0 0 - -- 213-46538- 435100 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLICATION 22 30 27 393 26 26 - 100.00% 213 - 46538- 443990 MISC OTHER EXPENSE 0 0 0 28 - -- 213- 46538 - 451010 LAND 0 0 0 0 - -- 213-46538- 460300 DEBT SRV PRINCIPAL -SHRT TE 0 0 0 0 - -- 213-46538- 461300 DEBT SRV INTEREST -SHRT TER 0 0 0 0 - -- 213-46538- 462010 FISCAL AGENTS' FEES 0 0 0 0 - -- 213-46538- 465010 TIF LOAN 0 0 0 0 - -- 213-46538- 465110 TIF PAYBACK INSTALLMENTS 12,605 12,604 12,604 12,604 12,017 12,017 - 100.00% 21346538- 465120 LOCAL CONTRIB - TIF PENALT 0 0 0 0 - -- 213-46538-472030 TRANSFER TO DEBT SERVICE F 0 0 0 0 - -- TOTAL EXPENDITURES $13,057 $12,695 $12,631 $13,025 $12,043 $12,043 $0 - 100.00% EDA FUND 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2014 % TIF 1 -39 SMC TIF 1 -39 SMC ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED BUDGET CHANGE 21346539430300 PROF SRV - ENGINEERING FEE $0 $0 $6,734 $2,146 $0 21346539430400 PROF SRV - LEGAL FEES 0 0 5,410 144 0 - -- 213-46539-431990 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 0 0 29,743 393 0 - -- 213-46539-435100 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLICATION 0 0 461 0 0 - -- 213-46539-436200 PROPERTY INSURANCE 0 0 0 0 0 21346539438100 ELECTRIC 0 0 0 0 0 21346539438300 GAS 0 0 0 0 0 21346539443990 MISC OTHER EXPENSE 0 0 211 0 0 21346539451010 LAND 0 0 0 0 0 - -- 213-46539- 460300 DEBT SRV PRINCIPAL -SHRT TE 0 0 0 0 0 - -- 213-46539- 461300 DEBT SRV INTEREST -SHRT TER 0 0 0 0 0 - -- 213- 46539- 462010 FISCAL AGENTS' FEES 0 0 0 0 0 213- 46539- 465010 TIF LOAN 0 0 0 0 0 - -- 213-46539- 465110 TIF PAYBACK INSTALLMENTS 0 0 0 0 0 - -- 213-46539- 465120 LOCAL CONTRIB - TIF PENALT 0 0 0 0 0 21346539- 472030 TRANSFER TO OTHER FUNDS 0 0 0 0 0 - -- 213- 46539- 472030 TRANSFER TO DEBT SERVICE F 0 0 0 0 0 - -- TOTAL EXPENDITURES $0 $0 $42,559 $2,683 $0 $0 $0 #DIV /01 EDA FUND 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2014 % EDA TIF 22 -1 TIF 22.1 - FLUTH /CUB FOODS ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED BUDGET CHANGE 21346581430300 PROF SRV - ENGINEERING FEE $0 $0 $0 $0 21346581430400 PROF SRV - LEGAL FEES 0 0 0 0 21346581431990 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 0 0 0 0 - -- 213- 46581 - 435100 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLICATION 0 0 0 0 213- 46581- 436200 PROPERTY INSURANCE 0 0 0 0 - -- 213-46581- 438100 ELECTRIC 0 0 0 0 21346581- 438300 GAS 0 0 0 0 21346581- 443990 MISC OTHER EXPENSE 0 0 0 0 21346581- 451010 LAND 0 0 0 0 21346581- 460300 DEBT SRV PRINCIPAL -SHRT TE 0 0 0 0 213- 46581 - 461300 DEBT SRV INTEREST -SHRT TER 0 0 0 0 - -- 213- 46581- 462010 FISCAL AGENTS' FEES 0 0 0 0 21346581465010 TIF LOAN 0 0 0 0 21346581465110 TIF PAYBACK INSTALLMENTS 10,283 86,214 51,284 52,809 52,808 52,808 - 100.00% 21346581- 465120 LOCALCONTRIB - TIFPENALT 0 0 0 0 - -- 213- 46581- 472030 TRANSFER TO DEBT SERVICE F 0 0 0 0 - -- TOTAL EXPENDITURES $10,283 $86,214 $51,284 $52,809 $52,808 $52,808 $0 - 100.00% EDA FUND 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2014 % EDA TIF 22 -5 TIF 22.5 - AMOCO ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED BUDGET CHANGE 213 - 46585430300 PROF SRV - ENGINEERING FEE $0 $0 $0 $0 213- 46585430400 PROF SRV - LEGAL FEES 0 0 0 0 213- 46585431990 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 0 0 0 0 - -- 213-46585-435100 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLICATION 0 0 0 0 21346585436200 PROPERTY INSURANCE 0 0 0 0 - -- 213-46585-438100 ELECTRIC 0 0 0 0 21346585438300 GAS 0 0 0 0 213- 46585443990 MISC OTHER EXPENSE 0 0 0 0 213- 46585451010 LAND 0 0 0 0 - -- 213-46585-460300 DEBT SRV PRINCIPAL -SHRT TE 0 0 0 0 - -- 213-46585-461300 DEBT SRV INTEREST -SHRT TER 0 0 0 0 - -- 213-46585-462010 FISCAL AGENTS' FEES 0 0 0 0 21346585465010 TIF LOAN 0 0 0 0 21346585465110 TIF PAYBACK INSTALLMENTS 11,373 16,953 10,203 10,504 10,504 10,504 - 100.00% 213 - 46585 - 465120 LOCAL CONTRIB - TIF PENALT 0 0 0 0 - -- 213- 46585 - 472030 TRANSFER TO DEBT SERVICE F 0 0 0 0 - -- TOTAL EXPENDITURES $11,373 $16,953 $10,203 $10,504 $10,504 $10,504 $0 - 100.00% Notes- 1 ) 2) 3) 4) 5) EDA 2013 WORK PLAN: Purpose: The EDA is charged with coordinating and administering the City of Monticello's economic development and redevelopment plans and programs. The EDA is also responsible for housing and redevelopment. Attracting & Retaining Jobs: 1. Move forward with the hiring of Economic Development Sales (and Marketing) Position a. Will act as primary outreach in developing and fostering lead opportunities outside of Monticello. b. Will understand and promote existing gap financing options to help facilitate new development and business expansions. c. Will understand and utilize McCombs study and analysis for benefit of redevelopment opportunities. d. Will recommend additional incentives, assets or programs necessary to attract business. City will develop the needed and necessary marketing materials for City and EDA properties. Existing City development staff will continue to implement efforts to recognize and support existing Monticello businesses. These will include: a. Execution of business subsidy programs b. Communication efforts Expanding Tax Base: 1. See priority #1, above. 2. Develop a spending plan for TIF 1 -6 (may also be an Enhancing Downtown objective) Enhancing Downtown: 1. Determine Focus Project Area(s) a. Pursue purchasing properties that fit within the "next steps" or recommendations stated in the Embracing Downtown Plan b. Develop structure for negotiations terms and options for acquisitions 2. Develop a spending plan for TIF 1 -22 a. Modify the district, if necessary 3. Support the efforts of ReSTOREing Downtown Facilitating Redevelopment: 1. Participate in residential or commercial redevelopment when determined appropriate Housing: 1. Develop a spending plan for use of available excess increment in existing housing TIF districts. 2. Continue to market 413 4"' Street for future redevelopment 3. Consider completion of a housing study to determine the need for affordable /senior housing within the community. EDA Agenda: 07/10/13 6. Economic Development Report Economic Development — Vision & Long -Range Planning The amendments proposed to the Comprehensive Plan for Chapter 2- Community Context and Chapter 4 Economic Development were presented in a public hearing to the Planning Commission on June 4th, 2013. The Planning Commission recommended approval of the documents as presented. The City Council subsequently approved the amendments on June 24th, with a recommended modification to the tax base graphic to account for the 2013 tax base structure. Final versions of the amended chapters will be available online on the City's website in July. Market Matching Economic Development Services City staff had the opportunity to meet with John Uphoff and Brian Bourassa of WSB's Market Matching team on Wednesday, July P. The purpose of the meeting was to lay out the plan for achievement of the contract deliverables set for completion within the first 30 -45 days. As noted earlier in the EDA's agenda, one of the first tasks of the program is to identify all of Monticello's current marketing avenues and evaluate the depth of our presence in various market segments. WSB will be completing that task over the next three weeks and then will present that information, along with recommendations on how to fill such gaps, at the EDA's September meeting. As part of that process, the EDA will also be asked to prioritize market segments and the completion of recommended marketing information. WSB will also present their findings on Monticello's unique selling proposition (USP) - what differentiates the community in the marketplace. WSB also demonstrated for staff the module and technology it has been developing for site selectors, which will be integrated into the City's website and then coordinated for connection with Greater MSP and DEED. Finally, WSB has already begun responding to leads, responding promptly to a recent lead from the Wright County Economic Development Partnership on a medical manufacturer locate. More information on results from that contact will be available at the time of the meeting. Minnesota Manufacturer's Week This year's manufacturing week is October 20 -26th. In past years, the primary focus for this week has been hosting the Industry of the Year event, with the EDA and IEDC co- hosting the event. The IEDC and EDA typically begin the application process in August, with the voting for award in September and award presentation and breakfast occurring in October, in conjunction with Minnesota Manufacturer's Week. The EDA is welcome to appoint a member to the award and event planning team for this year's program. EDA Agenda: 07/10/13 At its July meeting, the IEDC was asked also to review a listing of possible additional ideas as an opportunity to develop some additional promotion of Monticello's manufacturers during that week. More information on planning in that regard will be provided to the EDA in August. EDA recommendations on MN Manufacturer Week activities are also welcomed. Employers and Economic Data Please find attached information from the Monticello Chamber of Commerce on Monticello's largest employers and information from DEED on Monticello's current employment picture by Standard Industrial Classification (SIC), type and occupation. TAC Next meeting of the TAC is July 11th, 2013. The City Council has authorized an appraisal on property owned by St. Henry's Catholic Church. The appraisal includes all property which may be impacted by the Fallon Avenue overpass, in any alignment. Appraisal is in progress. FiberNet Monticello A verbal update on the system will be provided at the meeting. Discussion on possible packaging of a fiber- related incentive may also appear on an August EDA agenda. Bertram Chain of Lakes On June 24th, the City Council authorized a Phase VI acquisition at the Bertram Chain of Lakes. The Phase VI acquisition funding request matches $1.8 million in awarded grant funds (with $1.5 million from a Clean Water Land & Legacy grant). The Wright County Board of Commissioners similarly approved their match in May. The grant and local match funding is for the purchase of parcel 8 and the balance of parcels 7 and 5. These properties total 124.13 land acres and include the beach at Bertram Lake and the completion of shoreland acquisitions for Bertram and Long Lakes. With completion of this acquisition, total acreage of the park will reach 992 land and water acres. The City has completed 3 property acquisitions at Bertram to -date. However, the City and County have successfully applied for and received grant funding for two other acquisitions, Phases IV and V, in addition to the Phase VI funding. To follow is information on the status of those acquisitions. Phase IV (Parcels 9, 10 and 12) — The County and City have both approved match funding in the amount of $212,000 each. These funds match $833,333 in awarded Legacy and Non -Metro Regional Park grant funds. The City Council has already approved the purchase agreement and shared use agreement for this purchase. 2 EDA Agenda: 07/10/13 At the present time, the BCOL negotiations team, including Mayor Herbst and Council member Posusta, are working with the YMCA to finalize the Fourth Addendum to the MOU and the Ground Lease for Phase IV. The ground lease document is the primary point of negotiation, as it sets the terms for the YMCA's continued presence in the park. It is hoped that the completed Fourth Addendum to the MOU and the Ground Lease will be brought to the City Council for consideration in July of 2013. It is the intent of the City and County to close of Phase IV prior to fall, 2013. Phase V (Parcel 1) - The County and City have both approved match funding of $327,268 each. This funding matches a DNR Outdoor Recreation grant award of $369,713.00 and includes appraisal and closing costs. This match facilitates the acquisition of 40.17 land acres of property planned for the City athletic complex at Bertram. Appraisal and review appraisal for this acquisition are in progress. Currently, the 496 acres of property acquired under the first three phases of acquisition is jointly owned and operated by the City and County and is fully accessible to the public. While the focus of investment at the park is on property acquisition at this stage, minimal improvements have been made to the park to allow for public use and enjoyment of the land owned by Wright County and the City of Monticello. To -date, the Wright County and City Park staff have completed the following improvements for public use: • 3.7 miles of cleared hiking paths; paths groomed for cross - county skiing in winter • Installation of two docks (one on Bertram and one on Long) • Improvement of a public -use gravel- surface parking lot and entrance road off 901h St. • Repairs to bridge along east Long Lake trailway • Partnership with the Minnesota Off -Road Cyclists (MORC) for development of a single -track mountain biking course; in progress • Park boundary signage • Improvements to picnic area at park entrance In August, the City and County will be hosting a Chamber lunch at the park. More information on the event can be found in the upcoming Chamber newsletter. Planning Your Manufacturers Week Events Page 1 of 2 POSITIVELY .10/ R Qapaftett of Bmpleyment and Economic Dwa4msftt Planning Your Manufacturers Week Events Here are some ideas to help you organize Manufacturers Week events in your community to raise public awareness of the importance of manufacturing to the state and local economy and recognize local companies. Arrange Plant Tours Encourage local manufacturers to invite their legislators or local officials to tour their facilities to see the kinds of manufacturing operations taking place in their district. Contact the Secretary of State to find your legislators and other officials. Facility Tour Talking Points will get them started. Sponsor an Event or Forum Sponsor a chamber of commerce lunch or dinner to recognize local industry leaders or legislative candidates. Or ask the local Rotary Club or other civic groups to invite manufacturers to speak at one of their meetings and to invite local businesses to attend. Sponsor an informal breakfast or lunch and invite local legislators or other officials to listen to manufacturers concems about their business, their issues and the jobs they provide in the community. Recognize local manufacturers for their high - skill, high -wage jobs. Engage Elected Officials Arrange for your mayor, legislators and officials to spend a morning - -even the entire day -- at different companies job shadowing employees or participating in a manufacturing company quality or team meeting. Host a lunch or dinner afterward and have participants share perspectives and what they learned. Ask the mayor to declare Minnesota Manufacturers Week in your community, using the provided template. Reach Out to Media There are many ways to reach out to the media and spread the news about the important of manufacturing. Here are a few: • Contact the local newspapers, radio and television stations and ask them to do mini - profiles on manufacturing companies in the community. Recognize local manufacturers with a Governor's Certificate of Commendation. Buy a print or online ad or use social networking (Facebook, Twitter, Linkedln) to inform your community of manufacturing - related events and the importance of manufacturing and technology to the state and community. Write an article, commentary or letter to the editor for your local newspaper or trade association publication. Plan a Public Event The possibilities are nearly endless for interesting public events. Here are a few to consider: • Enlist a speaker to discuss manufacturing and technology and its importance to the state. • Encourage local manufacturing companies to open their facilities to employees' families, school groups and /or the public for facility tours. Organize a locally -led Parade of Manufacturers modeled on the popular Parade of Homes tours. St. Cloud and surrounding communities have already done a progressive tour of area manufacturers. See Central Minnesota Manufacturers Association for more information. Plan an Educational Event Work with area schools to educate and inform students on the career benefits of manufacturing in Minnesota. Use the Minnesota Manufacturers Quiz to stimulate discussion. ISEEK, a comprehensive career, education and job resource, devotes a section to manufacturing careers that is particularly good for young adults and teens. Ask the local public and school libraries to showcase books on math and science careers, quality, and new - product inventions during Minnesota Manufacturers Week. httin://www.nositivelyminTiesota.com/C.glen(iar of RvPntC/TV/innPSnta Maniifachir ?rc Wee. 6090011 Planning Your Manufacturers Week Events Page 2 of 2 Sponsor a product showcase or training trade fair at the community center or shopping mail. Ask local factories to loan product samples for the showcase. For a training trade fair, invite local colleges to set up a display highlighting manufacturing training and programs, including opportunities for exploration such as Camps to Careers, Zap Camps, and FIRST Robotics available to youth throughout Minnesota. http:// www. positivelyminnesotn _com1091endnr of Fve.nts/MinnPCota Mamffiarhircrc Wee. FI�R12(11 Statewide Tour of Manufaeturing POSITIVELY Statewide Tour of Manufacturing SMEWIDE Page 1 of I Manufacturers Week includes a statewide Tour of Manufacturing where the general public is Invited to tour participating manufacturing businesses. The Tour of Manufacturing showcases modern manufacturing and the exciting job opportunities in the industry. Today's manufacturing employee is highly skilled; uses complex, advanced technology and automated, computer - controlled equipment; and earns above- average wages with benefits. To learn about the facilities statewide that are providing tours, arrange to take a tour, or learn how your business can participate visit the Dream It, Do It website. http:// www. i)ositivelyminnesota .com/Calendar of F,vents/Minnegota MannfneturerC Wee__. 6/ ?R /2013 Print Report Total Establishments TOTAL Agriculture, Forestry 3 0 488 6.00 Total Employees 5 1 Coal and Ore Mining 0 0 6,783 0 0 Total Establishments by Size (2013) Heavy Construction 19 3 TOTAL % 1 -4 Employees 254 52.05 5 -9 Employees 97 19.88 10 -19 Employees 64 13.11 20 -49 Employees 42 8.61 50 -99 Employees 21 4.30 100 -249 Employees 7 1.43 250 -499 Employees 2 0.41 500 -999 Employees 1 0.20 1000+ Employees 0 0.00 Total Businesses by Establishment Type (2013) .61 .02 .00 .00 .66 .89 .41 .00 .00 EEO .41 .00 .00 .23 .00 .00 .20 .00 0 0.00 Pagel of 4 Total Employees by Major SIC (2013) TOTAL % Agricultural, Forestry, Fishing (SIC Range TOTAL Agriculture, Forestry 3 0 and Fishing 6.00 Agricultural Services 5 1 Coal and Ore Mining 0 0 Oil and Gas 0 0 General Construction 13 2 Heavy Construction 19 3 Food Manufacturing 2 0 Tobacco Manufacturing 0 0 Textile Mills 0 0 Apparel and Textile 0 0 Manufacturing 173 Lumber and Wood 2 0 Production 0.00 Furniture Manufacturing 0 0 Paper Manufacturing 0 0 Printing and Publishing 6 1 Chemicals 0 0 Petroleum Refining 0 0 Rubber and Plastics 1 0 Leather Manufacturing 0 0 .61 .02 .00 .00 .66 .89 .41 .00 .00 EEO .41 .00 .00 .23 .00 .00 .20 .00 0 0.00 Pagel of 4 Total Employees by Major SIC (2013) TOTAL % Agricultural, Forestry, Fishing (SIC Range 439 6.47 01 -09) 407 6.00 Mining (SIC 10 -14) 0 0.00 C onstrurtion (SIC 15- 273 4.02 17) 0 0.00 Manufacturing (SIC 20- 773 11.40 39) 68 1.00 Transportation and 205 3.02 Communications (SIC 173 2.55 40 -49) 0 0.00 Wholesale Trade (SIC 343 5.06 50 -51) 0 0.00 Retail Trade (SIC 52- 2,020 29.78 59) 5$ 0.86 Finance, Insurance And Real Estate (SIC 350 5,16 60 -69) 0 0.00 Services (SIC 70 -89) 2,279 33.60 Public Administration 123 1.81 (SIC 90 -98) 0 0.00 Unclassified (SIC 99) 13 0.19 Total Employees by Establishment Type (2013) http: l/ www. mnprospector. comlmainl reportViewerslprintreport.aspx ?id= 5fO5fb56- beat -33... 6126/2013 TOTAL % Agriculture, Forestry 407 6.00 and Fishing Agricultural Services 32 0.47 Coal and Ore Mining 0 0.00 Oil and Gas 0 0.00 General Construction 68 1.00 Heavy Construction 205 3.02 Food Manufacturing 266 3.92 Tobacco Manufacturing 0 0.00 Textile Mills 0 0.00 Apparel and Textile 0 0.00 Manufacturing Lumber and Wood 5$ 0.86 Production Furniture Manufacturing 0 0.00 Paper Manufacturing 0 0.00 Printing and Publishing 24 0.35 Chemicals 0 0.00 Petroleum Refining 0 0.00 Rubber and Plastics 5 0.07 Leather Manufacturin❑ 0 0.00 0 0.00 http: l/ www. mnprospector. comlmainl reportViewerslprintreport.aspx ?id= 5fO5fb56- beat -33... 6126/2013 Print Report Page 2 of 4 Stone, Glass, and Stone, Glass, and Concrete Concrete Metals Fabrication 4 0.82 Metals Fabrication 67 0.99 Machinery and Machinery and Equipment 13 2.66 Equipment 353 5.20 Manufacturing Manufacturing Transportation 7 1.43 Transportation 107 1.58 Travel Services 3 0.61 Travel Services 21 0.31 Transport Services 0 0.00 Transport Services 0 0.00 Communications 3 0.61 Communications 28 0.41 Utilities 3 0.61 Utilities 17 0.25 Durables Wholesale 16 3.28 Durables Wholesale 289 4.26 Non Durables 3 0.61 Non Durables 54 0.80 Wholesale Wholesale Building Materials, 6 123 Building Materials, 42 0.62 Hardware and Garden Hardware and Garden General Merchandise 3 0.61 General Merchandise 506 7.46 Stores Stores Food Markets 1 0.20 f=ood Markets 180 2.65 Convenience Stores 4 0.82 Convenience Stores 73 1.08 Other Food Stores 4 0.82 Other Food Stores 33 0.49 Auto Dealers and Gas 13 2.66 Auto Dealers and Gas 172 2.54 Stations Stations Clothing Stores 0 0.00 Clothing Stores 0 0.00 Furniture Stores 1 0.20 Furniture Stores 1 0.01 Home Furnishings 2 0.41 Home Furnishings 3 0.04 Electronics and 6 1.23 Electronics and 35 0.52 Computer Stores Computer Stores Music Stores 0 0.00 Music Stores 0 0.00 Restaurants 26 5.33 Restaurants 597 8.80 Other Food Service 11 2.25 Other Food Service 205 3.02 Bars 2 0.41 Bars 19 0.28 Drug Stores 5 1.02 Drug Stores 35 0.52 Liquor Stores 2 0.41 Liquor Stores 16 0.24 Specialty Stores 28 5:74 Specialty Stores 103 1.52 Catalog and Direct 0 0.00 Catalog and Direct 0 0.00 Sales Sales Banks and Financial 18 3.69 Banks and Financial 110 1.62 Institutions Institutions Insurance Carriers 2 0.41 Insurance Carriers 13 0.19 Insurance Agents and 14 2.87 Insurance Agents and 60 0.88 Brokers Brokers Real Estate 18 3.69 Real Estate 167 2.46 Hotels and Lodging 5 1.02 Hotels and Lodging 46 0.68 Dry Cleaning and 2 0.41 Dry Cleaning and 2 0.03 Laundry Laundry Beauty and Barber 15 3.07 Beauty and Barber 60 0.88 Shops Shops Other Personal Service 17 3.48 Other Personal Service 59 0.87 Advertising 0 0.00 Advertising 0 0.00 http:// www. mnprospector. comlmain/ reportViewers /printreport.aspx ?id= 5fO5fb56- beat -33... 6/26/2013 Print Report Page 3 of 4 Computer Services 4 0.82 Computer Services 19 0.28 Other Business 10 2.05 Other Business 105 1.55 Services Services Auto Repair /Services 15 3.07 Auto Repair /Services 117 1.72 Miscellaneous Repair 2 0.41 Miscellaneous Repair 6 0.09 Services Services Motion Pictures 7 1.43 Motion Pictures 49 0.72 Entertainment and 12 2.46 Entertainment and 178 2.62 Recreation Services Recreation Services Health and Medical 41 8.40 Health and Medical 189 2.79 Services Services Hospitals 5 1.02 Hospitals 522 7.70 Legal Services 5 1.02 Legal Services 19 0.28 Primary and Secondary 8 1' Primary and Secondary 515 7.59 Education Education Colleges and 0 0.00 Colleges and 0 0.00 Universities Universities Social Services 14 2.87 Social Services 205 3.02 Child Care Services 6 1.23 Child Care Services 41 0.60 Museums and Zoos 0 0.00 Museums and Zoos 0 0.00 Membership 16 3.28 Membership 80 1.18 Organizations Organizations Professional Services 9 1.84 Professional Services 55 0.81 Government 19 3.89 Government 123 1.81 Unclassified 6 123 Unclassified 13 0.19 Establishments Establishments Total Employees by Occupation (2013) Source: Applied Geographic Solutions, 2013 TOTAL % Executive, Managers, and 672 9.91 Administrators Business and Financial 195 2.87 Operations Computer and 86 1.27 Mathematical Occupations Architecture and 101 1.49 Engineering Life /Physical /Social 30 0.44 Science Occupations Community and Social 102 1.50 Services Legal 16 0.24 Education/Training /Library 363 5.35 Health Diagnosing and 255 3.76 Treating Practitioners Health 106 1.56 Technologists/Technicians Healthcare Support 159 2.34 Protective Services 57 0.84 Food Preparation /Serving 474 6.99 232 3.42 hup: / /www.mnprospector.coml main/ reportViewers /printreport.aspx ?id= 5fU5fb56 -beal -33... 6/26/2013 Print Report Building and Grounds Maintenance Personal Care and 272 4.01 Service Sales 965 14,23 Office and Administrative 848 12.50 Support Farming /Fishing /Forestry 168 2.48 Construction and 326 4.81 Extraction Installation /Maintenance 210 3.10 and Repair Workers Production Workers 620 9.14 Transportation Workers 225 3.32 Material Moving 181 2.67 Report provided by the State of Minnesota http : / /statemn.zoomprospector.com Page 4 of 4 http:// www. mnprospector .comlmainlreportViewersl printreport.aspx ?id= 5fO5fb56 -bea 1 -33... 6/26/2013