City Council Agenda Packet 02-08-2016AGENDA REGULAR MEETING — MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, February 8, 2016 — 6:30 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center SPECIAL MEETING Academy Room 5 p.m. Bertram Chain of Lakes Athletic Park Workshop Mayor: Brian Stumpf Council Members: Charlotte Gabler, Lloyd Hilgart, Tom Perrault, Glen Posusta 1. General Business A. Call to Order & Pledge of Allegiance B. Approval of Meeting Minutes • Special Meeting Minutes from January 25, 2016 • Regular Meeting Minutes from January 25, 2016 C. Consideration of Adding Items to Agenda D. Citizen Comments E. Public Service Announcements/Updates • MCC Events • City Tree Sale F. Council Liaison Updates • Parks Commission • IEDC • Planning Commission G. Department Updates • City Administrator Update 2. Consent Agenda A. Consideration to approve payment of bills B. Consideration to approve new hires and departures for City departments C. Consideration to approve the sale /disposal of surplus city property D. Consideration to recommend the appointments of three representatives to the Industrial and Economic Development Committee E. Consideration to approve an application for a temporary charitable gambling permit for a raffle to be conducted by the Wright County Pheasants Forever Chapter #95 in conjunction with their Annual Membership Banquet F. Consideration to approve a Special Permit to allow alcohol during Monticello Community Center authorized/sponsored Adult Leagues at the Xcel Ball Fields G. Consideration to approve Ordinance No. 632 establishing a Therapeutic Massage Enterprises and Massage Therapists Ordinance and Ordinance No. 632 amending the Fee Schedule H. Consideration to approve authorize preparation of plans and specifications for interim improvements at the Bertram Chain of Lakes Regional Park — Athletic Park to authorize application for required permits, including Wright County for Land Alteration Permit 2A. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion 3. Public Hearings 4. Regular Agenda A. Consideration to approve preparation of a Parkland Conversion Request for the Xcel /City Ballfields and former City bio- solids property (AS) 5. Added Items 6. Adjournment MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING — MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, January 25, 2016 — 5 p.m. Academy Room City Hall - Monticello Community Center Present: Brian Stumpf, Charlotte Gabler, Lloyd Hilgart, Tom Perrault, Glen Posusta Absent: None Others: Jeff O'Neill, City staff. Rachel Leonard, Tom Pawelk, Wayne Oberg, Angela Schumann, Shibani Bisson, Matt Theisen, Tom Moores, Tracy Ergen, and John Rued 1. Call to Order Mayor Brian Stumpf called the special meeting to order at 5 p.m. 2. City Council Goal Setting Process and Time Line Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator, presented a priority list of projects to the City Council. The list is intended to be used by the City Council in order to rank those items they deem as priorities. Mr. O'Neill then touched on: staff resource availability; the capacity to be more proactive and less reactive; Mayor and City Council leadership; and measurements of progress. There was discussion among the City Council and staff in regard to strategies to obtain public input and community involvement to better rank the priorities. Staff will proceed to develop strategies and a time line for public input. 3. Review Organization Framework Matrix Jeff O'Neill presented a spreadsheet that listed all of the boards and commissions and the Council liaisons and the number of meetings per year. He presented possible solutions on how they may work more efficiently together. There was discussion on consolidation the IEDC and the EDA and to combing the Parks Commission, the Monticello Community Center Advisory Board, and the BCOL board. Also mentioned was eliminating the Police Advisory Commission and using the Transportation Advisory Commission on an `as needed' basis. There will be continued discussion on the need for each board and/or for Council liaison membership. 4. Adjournment By consensus the meeting was adjourned at 6 p.m. Recorder: Jennifer Schreiber Approved: Attest: City Administrator City Council Special Meeting Minutes — January 25, 2016 Page 1 1 REGULAR MEETING — MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, January 25, 2016 — 6:30 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Present: Brian Stumpf, Charlotte Gabler, Lloyd Hilgart, Tom Perrault, and Glen Posusta Absent: None 1. General Business A. Call to Order & Pledge of Allegiance Mayor Brian Stumpf called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. with a quorum present. The pledge of allegiance was recited. B. Approval of Meeting Minutes • Regular Meeting Minutes from January 11, 2016 Tom Perrault moved approval of the minutes with minor revisions. Charlotte Gabler seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. C. Consideration of Adding Items to the Agenda • Glen Posusta added 1) discussion on snow removal and 2) update on FiberNet Monticello. D. Citizen Comments • None E. Public Service Announcements • None F. Council Liaison Updates • Personnel Committee — Brian Stumpf commented on the items discussed at the Personnel Committee meeting. They were: update on the transition to Paid Time Off (PTO); discussion on Mayor and City Council appointments to boards and commissions; and discussion on setting criteria for anything more than a 1 step increase for employees. Glen Posusta expressed that the Planning Commission should have an increase in their $50 /meeting stipend. He added that the EDA board members should begin receiving a stipend. He requested that this be discussed at the next Personnel Committee meeting. Brian Stumpf responded that he will bring this topic forward for discussion at the next Personnel Committee meeting. • Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC) — Brian Stumpf noted that there was discussion on the 95th Extension and the TH 25 /CSAH 75 and TH 25/7th Street projects. City Council Minutes — January 25, 2016 Page 1 1 8 • Monticello Community Center Advisory Committee (MCC) — Brian Stumpf updated that the commission discussed a special permit to allow alcohol in park. • Police Advisory Committee (PAC) — Tom Perrault commented that the group discussed call statistical data and was informed about identity theft. He also mentioned that there is a vacant position to be filled on the board. G. Department Updates • City Administrator Jeff O'Neill provided the following updates: 1. The Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC) is looking at modifying the design for the 95th Street Extension. This item will be brought back to the City Council on February 22. He also noted that TAC reviewed the status of the Fallon Avenue project. 2. Mr. O'Neill relayed the message that the City of Monticello was not contacted in regard to the recent Albertville development project. 3. Staff is putting together information for the third party Management for FiberNet. There is a meeting scheduled for Wednesday, January 27. He noted that the system is running well even though there were some attempted hacks. He also mentioned that number of subscribers is increasing — specifically in the area of video. • Wayne Oberg, Finance Director, gave a brief introduction on the department updates of the DMV and Monticello Liquor Store. He noted that both of these divisions are very successful in their operations and bring in a profit for the City. He commended the managers and their abilities. Randall Johnson, Liquor Store Manager, and Carolyn Granger, DMV Manager, were present to address the City Council and gave a brief overview of their departments' operations for 2015. 2. Consent Agenda Lloyd Hilgart moved approval of the Consent Agenda excluding items D, E, F, and H. Tom Perrault seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. A. Consideration of approving the payment of bills. Recommendation: Approved the bill and purchase card registers for a total amount of $751,747.52. B. Consideration of approving new hires /departures. Recommendation: Approved to ratify the hire for the MCC and the departure for the MCC. C. Consideration of approving the sale /disposal of surplus city property. Recommendation: No report this cycle. D. Consideration to approve $5,000 for Public Broadband Alliance. Recommendation: ITEM WAS PULLED FROM CONSENT AGENDA. City Council Minutes — January 25, 2016 Page 2 1 8 E. Consideration to adopt Ordinance No. 631 for approval of the 2016 City of Monticello Official Zoning Map. Recommendation: ITEM WAS PULLED FROM CONSENT AGENDA. F. Consideration to ratify the EDA 2016 Annual Economic Development Work Plan. Recommendation: ITEM WAS PULLED FROM CONSENT AGENDA. G. Consideration to adopt Resolution 2016 -005 accepting improvements and authorizing final payment for the Hillside Farms Yd and 4th Additions Public Improvements, City Project 12C008. Recommendation: Adopted Resolution 2016 -005 accepting improvements and authorizing final payment for Hillside Farm 311 and 41 Addition Public Improvements, City Project No. 12C008. H. Motion to adopt Resolution 2016 -004 releasing parcels 155- 054- 001020, 155- 500- 101408 and 155 -500- 101412 for public sale or auction by Wright County. Recommendation: ITEM WAS PULLED FROM CONSENT AGENDA. 2A. Consideration of items removed from the consent allenda for discussion. D. Consideration to renew membership in the MN Public Broadband Alliance for 2016 Glen Posusta questioned why the City would continue to invest in the MN Public Broadband Alliance when we are in the process of negotiating with Third Party Management companies. He thinks the City should wait because the party that is hired may not want to be a part of the Alliance. Jeff O'Neill responded that there is the possibility for redundancy with what both entities could provide to the City, however, there is the unknown on what will be provided by a Third Party Management Company. He added that the Public Broadband Alliance works with groups on strategies and policies in regard to public facilities and the City is the fiscal agent for this group. Brian Stumpf questioned if it would be a problem to table the item. Mr. O'Neill responded that there isn't a deadline for payment. He also mentioned that the membership fee was reduced for 2016 because projected expenses stayed the same but additional agencies signed up. Glen Posusta moved to table the item until the February 22, 2016 City Council meeting. Tom Perrault seconded the motion. Motion carried 4 -1: Lloyd Hilgart voted against. E. Consideration to adopt Ordinance No. 631 for approval of the 2016 City of Monticello Official Zoning Map. City Council Minutes — January 25, 2016 Page 3 1 8 Glen Posusta commented that the base map may need to be updated. There are some roads that have been built and they don't show up in the map. Angela Schumann, Community Development Director, will review the map and update accordingly. Glen Posusta moved to adopt Ordinance No. 631 approving the 2016 Monticello Official Zoning map. Lloyd Hilgart seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. F. Consideration of ratifying the EDA 2016 Annual Economic Development Work Plan. Tom Perrault pulled the item and noted that he did not vote in favor at the EDA meeting and again wouldn't be voting in favor. He commented that he was not in agreement with the statement related to park and trail facilities. Charlotte Gabler moved approval of the 2016 EDA Annual Economic Development Work Plan. Lloyd Hilgart seconded the motion. Motion carried 3 -2; Tom Perrault and Glen Posusta voted against. K Motion to adopt Resolution 2016 -004 releasing parcels 155 -054- 001020, 155- 500- 101408 and 155 - 500 - 101412 for public sale or auction by Wright Count. Tom Perrault pulled the item because he is not in favor. He believes this property could be used for a new Public Works building. Glen Posusta moved approval of releasing the parcels for public sale or auction by Wright County. Charlotte Gabler seconded the motion. Motion carried 4 -1; Tom Perrault voted against. 3. Public Hearings None. 4. Regular Agenda A. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2016 -006 accepting bids and awarding contract for the TH 25 /CSAH 75 Intersection Improvements, City Project l00009. Shibani Bisson, WSB /City Engineer, introduced the item and gave a brief presentation and noted that this was a re -bid of the project from August 18, 2015. This were five bids received with Valley Paving, Inc. being the low bidder at $1,197,442.29. The Engineer's Estimate was $1,403,930.60. The construction project schedule includes the project beginning April 18, 2016 with a required completion date (60 days) of June 17, 2016. There will be public meetings and City Council Minutes — January 25, 2016 Page 4 1 8 other communication mechanisms used to provide the information to the public on the project. There was discussion on the project and road use during construction. Glen Posusta questioned if the lights at River Street could be shut down to have traffic move better. Shibani Bisson is not sure if this was included in the project but she will review this option. There was some communication on construction work hours. Currently it is specified that weekend hours will not be allowed. In order for the project to work City hours of 7 a.m. — 10 p.m. the contractor would need City Council approval. Lloyd Hilgart questioned that, if possible, could they work some nights and weekends to expedite the project. Ms. Bisson noted that the contractor can request that and she will update the City Council at the next meeting on the specified work hours for this project. Charlotte Gabler moved approval of Resolution 2016 -006 accepting bids and awarding contract to Valley Paving, Inc. for the TH 25 /CSAH 75 Intersection Improvements, City Project. Lloyd Hilgart seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. B. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2016 -007 accepting bids and awarding contract for the 7th Street Retaining Wall Project, City Project 15C003. Shibani Bisson presented the item. She noted that five bids were received and, after one bid withdrawal, the lowest bidder was Sunram Construction at $406,867.00. The Engineer's Estimate was $383,442.50. She mentioned that the City is saving approximately $200,000 by constructing this wall in the winter. The project is scheduled to begin at the end of February with the final completion date of April 29, 2016. There was discussion on the products used, specifically the wall texture and color. The contractor plans to use the Ledgestone block by Redi -Rock with the Council preferred fieldstone finish. She added that the color is something that can be added later. Glen Posusta noted that the he would prefer that the contractor use a local company and use the London Boulder block. Shibani Bisson noted that the London Boulder product is approximately $5,000 more than the ledgestone. Brian Stumpf agreed that the contractor should look at the London Boulder stone. Ms. Bisson will talk to the contractor, noting that the London Boulder is the original preferred block by the City Council, and provide an update. Ms. Bisson gave a brief update on the traffic plans during construction and noted certain pedestrian and bicycle traffic that will be detoured. In addition, they are working on a communication plan in order to provide the information to the public. Glen Posusta moved approval of Resolution 2016 -007 accepting bids and awarding contract to Sunram Construction for the 711 Street Retaining Wall City Council Minutes — January 25, 2016 Page 5 1 8 with the addition that there is a conversation with the contractor of matching Ledgestone with London Boulder and match the price. Motion carried unanimously. C. Consideration to adopt Ordinance No. 629 for amendment to the Monticello Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 4, Section 5 (1) — Temporary Signs and Chapter 8, Section 4 — Definitions for amendments to Temporary Sign regulations. Angela Schumann presented the Ordinance amendment and noted that currently there is an interim ordinance in place and will expire at the end of January. She commented that interim ordinances are intended to allow a municipality the opportunity to study an issue and, therefore, it was staff's recommendation that the City adopt the amendment to the temporary sign ordinance. Ms. Schumann reviewed the amendments to the ordinance which included: the number of signs per location; number of days; sign size; and permit requirement. Brian Stumpf questioned the use of multiple signs in the downtown area. Ms. Schumann responded that there is most likely a separate provision that relates to downtown and will verify this information. Tom Perrault requested clarification on the ordinance and how it relates to new businesses. Ms. Schumann reviewed the specifics of new businesses. Glen Posusta had a number of concerns with the ordinance, specifically certain items in the ordinance that stifle business. He requested that the City consider allowing off - premise signs. Angela Schumann responded that it is important for the City to regulate off -site premises signs because the content of a sign cannot be regulated. Mr. Posusta proposed that off - premise signs could possibly be allowed within so many feet of a property owner's property. Steve Grittman, City Planner, noted that permanent signs are allowed off - premise through the PUD process. Other issues discussed by the City Council were the number of signs allowed and the size of signs. Jeff O'Neill added that a good sign ordinance works for the betterment of businesses. There was continued discussion between permanent signs and temporary signs. Glen Posusta made a motion to approve the ordinance and allow off - premise signs as approved by PUD or by City staff. Following the motion there was discussion between staff and the Council related to the confusion between permanent and temporary signs. Angela Schumann noted that off - premise permanent signs are currently allowed by PUD. After further discussion, Mr. Posusta withdrew his motion. Charlotte Gabler moved to approve Ordinance No. 629 amending the Monticello Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 4, Section 5 (I) — Temporary Signs with the stipulation that the City Council holds a workshop on sign ordinances (permanent and temporary). Lloyd Hilgart seconded the motion. Motion carried 4 -1; Glen Posusta voted against primarily due to the fact that temporary off - premise signs are prohibited. City Council Minutes — January 25, 2016 Page 6 1 8 D. Consideration to approve preparation of a Parkland Conversion Request for the Xcel /City Ballfields and former City bio- solids property. Angela Schumann presented the item which was to move forward with a process for the future option for conversion of use for the Xcel /City Ballfields located on West River Street. This is being requested as part of the Bertram Chain of Lakes Regional Park Athletic Park. This conversion process preserves an opportunity for decommissioning of the Xcel /City ballfields utilizing the 27 -28 acre bio -solid area as the replacement resource should it become necessary. The City Council expressed concern in regard to the large cost of using WSB & Associates to coordinate and submit the conversion request on behalf of the City. The cost is approximately $21,000. Charlotte Gabler questioned where the funding would come from. Angela Schumann responded that it would come from the capital fund. Ms. Gabler questioned if this amount was concrete or if it could be lower. She also wondered if the City could contact Xcel Energy to see if they are willing to contribute to the cost. Angela Schumann noted that she could contact them. Glen Posusta commented that he wouldn't support the cost as it was proposed. It was a consensus of the City Council that there be further investigation on the cost of the services. Brian Stumpf moved to table the item to the February 8, 2016 City Council meeting to allow for negotiations to take place with WSB & Associates on the cost of the service. Charlotte Gabler seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. E. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2016 -008 authorizing submission of a FY2017 Outdoor Recreation Grant application for Phase XI land acquisition at the Bertram Chain of Lakes Regional Park. Angela Schumann presented the item which was in regard to an application to the DNR's 2017 Outdoor Recreation grant program for Phase XI land acquisition which if the final acquisition for the current park plan. This was followed by some discussion on the park. Lloyd Hilgart moved approval of Alternate 1— Resolution 2016 -008 supporting application to the FY2017 Outdoor Recreation Grant Program. Charlotte Gabler seconded the motion. Motion carried 4 -1; Tom Perrault voted against. Add -On Items Glen Posusta brought forward a concern about snow plowing. His concern was that the roads were not being plowed on Monday, January 15 when there was snow but then on Tuesday, January 16, they were plowing when there wasn't any snow. His opinion is that more than one person City Council Minutes — January 25, 2016 Page 7 1 8 should be making the decision on when plows are dispersed or not. Tom Moores, Street Superintendent, address the City Council and responded that he sent the plows out on Tuesday because there were some drifts. These plows did not have plows on the front. There were plowing sides of the roads and drifts. Brian Stumpf noted that there is a snow policy in place that the City is following. Mr. Posusta responded that he is concerned that there is redundancy in what is being plowed. 2. Glen Posusta question why the City Council hasn't been provided any financials on FiberNet, specifically for the end of year 2015. Wayne Oberg responded that he prefers to not provide updates in January for the prior year activity because there is data /numbers that needs to be reconciled and it takes time. He will provide a financial draft at the next FiberNet Advisory Board meeting in February. Mr. Posusta then questioned why internet charges for FiberNet are less than for TDS or Charter. He encouraged city staff to research the competition. 5. Adjournment By consensus the meeting was adjourned at 9:20 p.m. Recorder: Approved: Attest: Jennifer Schreiber City Administrator City Council Minutes — January 25, 2016 Page 8 1 8 City Council Agenda: 02/08/16 2A. Consideration to approve the payment of bills (WO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: City staff submits the attached bill registers and purchasing card registers for approval by Council. The bill registers contain all invoices processed and the purchasing card registers contain all card purchases made since the last Council meeting. Subject to MN Statutes, most invoices require Council approval prior to releasing checks for payment. The day following Council approval, payments will be released unless directed otherwise. A credit purchasing agreement and policy was approved by Council initially and card purchases must comply with the policy. If Council has no questions or comments on the bill and purchase card registers, these can be approved with the consent agenda. If requested, this item can be removed from consent and discussed prior to making a motion for approval. Al. Budget Impact: None A2. Staff Workload Impact: No additional work required B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve the bill and purchase card registers for a total amount of $703,914.97. 2. Motion to approve the registers with changes directed by Council. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends Alternative #1 or #2, per direction of Council. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Bill registers Purchase Card registers Accounts Payable XCEL ENERGY Check Sequence: 2 Computer Check Proof List by Vendor 51- 4400193 -4 16.43 01/30/2016 101- 43160 - 438100 User: Debbie.Davidson 51- 6505905 -0 6,017.25 01/30/2016 601 - 49440 - 438100 Printed: 02/01/2016 - 1:31PM 51- 6505906 -1 222.01 01/30/2016 602 - 49490 - 438100 Batch: 00215.01.2016 - 215.01.2016 Xcel/CPE 51- 4271112 -2 673.64 01/30/2016 101 - 45501- 438100 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Vendor: 1102 CENTERPOINT ENERGY 01/31/2016 51- 6505909 -4 180.41 Check Sequence: 1 1/31/2016 5843395 -5 24.97 51- 6505910 -7 01/30/2016 21741990- 438100 1/31/2016 5863599 -6 84.65 51- 6505911 -8 - CH 01/30/2016 101 - 42700 - 438100 1/31/2016 5806932 -5 45.11 51- 6505911 -8 -MCC 01/30/2016 101 - 45201- 438100 1/31/2016 5821009 -5 322.69 51- 6505911 -8 - Sr. Center 01/30/2016 101 - 42200 - 438100 1/31/2016 5804618 -6 15.85 51- 6505911 -8 - National Grd 01/30/2016 101 - 45201- 438100 1131/2016 5799425 419.66 51- 6505912 -9 01/30/2016 101 - 43127 - 438100 1/31/2016 5799427 75.83 51- 6505913 -0 01/30/2016 101 - 43127 - 438100 1/31/2016 5820786 113.51 51- 6505914 -1 01/30/2016 101 - 43127 - 438100 1/31/2016 5837384 1,104.70 516505915 -2 Parks 01/30/2016 101 - 43127 - 438100 1/31/2016 5804618 -6 15.85 516505915 -2 Elea Interim Ref CR 01/30/2016 101 - 45201- 438100 1/31/2016 5863599 -6 124.11 516505915 -2 - Water 01/30/2016 101 - 42700- 438100 Check Total: 2,346.93 Vendor: 1585 XCEL ENERGY Check Sequence: 2 01/31/2016 51- 4400193 -4 16.43 01/30/2016 101- 43160 - 438100 01/31/2016 51- 6505905 -0 6,017.25 01/30/2016 601 - 49440 - 438100 01/31/2016 51- 6505906 -1 222.01 01/30/2016 602 - 49490 - 438100 01/31/2016 51- 4271112 -2 673.64 01/30/2016 101 - 45501- 438100 01/31/2016 ZZZNEP - IMPLEM - 51- 6505908 -3 16.29 01/30/2016 101 - 42500- 438100 01/31/2016 51- 6505909 -4 180.41 01/30/2016 217- 41990 - 438100 01/31/2016 51- 6505910 -7 1,734.55 01/30/2016 609 - 49754- 438100 01/31/2016 51- 6505911 -8 - CH 1,075.56 01/30/2016 101 - 41940- 438100 01/31/2016 51- 6505911 -8 -MCC 4,871.65 01/30/2016 226 - 45122- 438100 01/31/2016 51- 6505911 -8 - Sr. Center 253.07 01/30/2016 101 - 45175- 438100 01/31/2016 51- 6505911 -8 - National Grd 126.54 01/30/2016 101 - 42800 - 438100 01/31/2016 51- 6505912 -9 77.38 01/30/2016 101 - 42700 - 438100 01/31/2016 51- 6505913 -0 479.65 01/30/2016 101 - 42200 - 438100 01/31/2016 51- 6505914 -1 896.97 01/30/2016 101 - 43127 - 438100 01/31/2016 516505915 -2 Parks 268.80 01/30/2016 101 - 45201- 438100 01/31/2016 516505915 -2 Elea Interim Ref CR - 161.86 01/30/2016 101 - 45201- 438100 01/31/2016 516505915 -2 - Water 132.40 01/30/2016 601 - 49440 - 438100 AP- Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (02/01/2016 - 1:31 PM) Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number 01/31/2016 516505915 -2 - Elea Interim Ref CR -26.26 01/30/2016 601 - 49440 - 438100 01/31/2016 516505915 -2 - Elec. Interim Ref CR NSP Conc -42.92 01/30/2016 226 - 45203- 438100 01/31/2016 516505915 -2 -Parks - Softball Asso. 218.48 01/30/2016 101 - 45203- 438100 01/31/2016 516505915 -2 - Elec. Interim Ref CR - Softball A -48.05 01/30/2016 101 - 45203- 438100 01/31/2016 51- 0371645 -4 18.34 01/30/2016 101 - 45201- 438100 01/31/2016 516505916 -3 9,695.20 01/30/2016 101 - 43160- 438100 01/31/2016 51- 0011127817 -9 23.65 01/30/2016 101 - 43160 - 438100 01/31/2016 51- 9069641 -8 1,865.94 01/30/2016 656- 49877 - 438100 01/31/2016 51- 9391437 -3 149.06 01/30/2016 101 - 41941 - 438100 01/31/2016 ZCULPS -51- 0623082 -8 16.52 01/30/2016 213 - 46522- 438100 Check Total: 28,750.70 Total for Check Run: 31,097.63 Total of Number of Checks: 2 The preceding list of bills payable was revie Date: 2/8/2016 Approved by AP- Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (02/01/2016 - 1:31 PM) Accounts Payable Computer Check Proof List by Vendor User: Julie.Cheney Printed: 02/03/2016 - 12:47PM Batch: 00203.02.2016 - 00203.02.2016 AP Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Vendor: 2925 1ST LINE /LEEWES VENTURES LLC Check Sequence: 1 119384 Flavored Syrups for Concession 279.75 02/09/2016 22645127- 425410 Check Total: 279.75 Vendor: 1006 ABM EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLY LLC Check Sequence: 2 146192 Rebld. Hyd. pum Sewer Jet/Vac- Bearing Housir 1,144.83 02/09/2016 602 - 49490 - 422100 Check Total: 1,144.83 Vendor: 1038 APPERTS /SYSCO FOOD SERVICE Check Sequence: 3 601220708 Freight 5.00 02/09/2016 226 - 45122- 433300 601220708 Resale - Yogurt, Hot Dogs, Muffins, Pretzels, Pi: 714.85 02/09/2016 226 - 45127- 425410 Check Total: 719.85 Vendor: 3491 ARTISAN BEER COMPANY Check Sequence: 4 3078389 resale - beer 196.00 02/09/2016 609- 49750- 425200 Check Total: 196.00 Vendor: 3890 ASTECH CORP Check Sequence: 5 Voucher #2 12C008 - Pay Voucher #2 - Final Payment 54,473.23 12/31/2015 400 - 43300- 459010 Check Total: 54,473.23 Vendor: 4348 MIRIAM BAER Check Sequence: 6 20216 FiberNet acct. FNM- 001 -0194 FINAL credit 62.63 02/09/2016 656- 00000 - 115025 Check Total: 62.63 Vendor: 1062 BEAUDRY OIL COMPANY Check Sequence: 7 227384 (2) Fork lift valve; (2) Qk. Connect Adapter 45.34 12/31/2015 101 - 43127- 422100 AP- Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (02/03/2016 - 12:47 PM) Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Check Total: 45.34 Vendor: 1065 BELLBOY CORPORATION Check Sequence: 8 51971400 resale - liquor 470.00 02/09/2016 609 - 49750- 425100 51971400 freight 8.10 02/09/2016 609- 49750- 433300 Check Total: 478.10 Vendor: 1067 BERNICK'S Check Sequence: 9 14918 Resale - Coffee 144.06 02/09/2016 226 - 45127- 425410 16751 Coffee 250.62 02/09/2016 101 - 41940 - 420990 76123 resale - soda pop;water 57.00 02/09/2016 609 - 49750- 425400 76124 resale - beer 1,141.05 02/09/2016 609 - 49750- 425200 76727 Parry Room - Water 6.40 02/09/2016 226 - 45127- 421460 76727 Resale - pop, water, juice 487.57 02/09/2016 226 - 45127- 425410 78976 resale - soda pop; juice 121.85 02/09/2016 609 - 49750- 425400 78977 resale -beer 545.50 02/09/2016 609 - 49750- 425200 79624 resale - water, gatorade 312.00 02/09/2016 226 - 45127- 425410 Check Total: 3,066.05 Vendor: 1659 BLI LIGHTING SPECIALISTS Check Sequence: 10 600466 (12) Clr. Mogul Sylvania; (12) LU250 Clr. Mog 595.66 12/31/2015 101 - 43160 - 421530 601590 (12) MH400 /C1ear/U /ED28 310.86 02/09/2016 101 - 43160 - 421530 601901 (6) MH1000 /C1ear/UBT37 Sylvania 185.00 02/09/2016 101 - 43160 - 421530 Check Total: 1,091.52 Vendor: 2535 BORDER STATES ELECTRIC SUPPLY Check Sequence: 11 910669674 (100) Jack 8C8P Data W/ Beze; 252.66 02/09/2016 656- 49877 - 421990 910717820 (5) PX1- 001 -CZD- CZD- 10 -050F; (5) 10 -075F 517.52 02/09/2016 656- 49877 - 421990 910717821 (6) CYBE- CS50U48V 48V UPS 918.85 02/09/2016 656- 49877 - 421990 Check Total: 1,689.03 Vendor: 1080 BRAEMAR MAILING SERVICE INC Check Sequence: 12 39511 UB Qtr 4 2015 (4 100) Parks Insert - Print, Fold, 326.33 02/09/2016 101 - 45201- 434990 39511 UB Qtr 4 2015 (3933) - Insert 39.33 02/09/2016 226 - 45122- 431950 39511 UB Qtr 4 2015 (3933) Print, Fold, Inserts, Envel 690.38 02/09/2016 601 - 49440 - 431800 39511 UB Qtr 4 2015 (3933) Print, Fold, Inserts, Enveb 690.37 02/09/2016 602 - 49490 - 431800 Check Total: 1,746.41 AP- Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (02/03/2016 - 12:47 PM) Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Vendor: 4328 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MN WINE & SPIF Check Sequence: 13 1080426169 resale - liquor 4,298.15 02/09/2016 609 - 49750- 425100 1080426169 resale- wine 402.00 02/09/2016 609 - 49750- 425300 1080426169 resale - mix 84.00 02/09/2016 609 - 49750- 425400 1080426169 freight 71.82 02/09/2016 609 - 49750- 433300 1080429175 resale - liquor 1,229.82 02/09/2016 609 - 49750- 425100 1080429175 resale- wine 1,100.00 02/09/2016 609 - 49750- 425300 1080429175 freight 55.55 02/09/2016 609 - 49750- 433300 Check Total: 7,241.34 Vendor: 1749 CALIX NETWORKS INC Check Sequence: 14 10009595 Feb 2016 Flow Analyzer monthly service 395.00 02/09/2016 656- 49877 - 431900 10009596 Feb 2016 Compass Consumer Connect 245.00 02/09/2016 656- 49877- 431900 Check Total: 640.00 Vendor: 1104 CENTRAL LANDSCAPE SUPPLY Check Sequence: 15 260159 32" Lopper; Pruner; Turbo Saw w/ sheath 177.37 02/09/2016 101- 43120 - 421990 Check Total: 177.37 Vendor: 1106 CENTRAL MCGOWAN INC Check Sequence: 16 00060024 Monthly Tank Rental 45.00 02/09/2016 226 - 45122- 441500 00914033 Bulk Carbon Dioxide (270 lbs) 80.00 02/09/2016 226- 45122- 421600 00916914 Bulk Carbon Dioxide (1851bs) 63.00 02/09/2016 226 - 45122- 421600 Check Total: 188.00 Vendor: 2804 CLEARWATER FIRE DEPARTMENT Check Sequence: 17 12/2015 (21) hours Haz Mat- Cargill to Reimburse 210.00 12/31/2015 101 - 42200 - 115030 Check Total: 210.00 Vendor: 4341 COACH HIGH TECH, INC. Check Sequence: 18 15061 Xcel reimbursed $4100- Sheetmetal; painting; ac 3,600.00 02/09/2016 601 - 49440 - 440990 Check Total: 3,600.00 Vendor: 4347 CONSOLIDATED TELECOMMUNICATIONS Check Sequence: 19 INV -3054 IRET Apartment Building Design 3,800.00 02/09/2016 656- 49870 - 431990 Check Total: 3,800.00 Vendor: 4346 JUDITH COOLEN Check Sequence: 20 AP- Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (02/03/2016 - 12:47 PM) Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number 1/27/2016 Refund for Canceled Seminar 9.36 02/09/2016 226 - 45122- 347920 1/27/2016 Refund for Canceled Seminar 0.64 02/09/2016 226 - 00000 - 208100 Check Total: 10.00 Vendor: 2476 CSI DIGITAL INC Check Sequence: 21 103445 Feb 2016- monthly fiber feed -1 Gbps 2,700.00 02/09/2016 656- 49879 - 430930 Check Total: 2,700.00 Vendor: 1129 DAHLHEIMER BEVERAGE LLC Check Sequence: 22 1185882 resale - beer n/a 168.00 02/09/2016 609 - 49750- 425400 1185882 resale - beer 12,845.23 02/09/2016 609 - 49750- 425200 1185904 resale - beer 262.60 02/09/2016 609 - 49750- 425200 1185904 resale - beer n/a 16.80 02/09/2016 609 - 49750- 425400 1185928 resale - beer 18,071.59 02/09/2016 609 - 49750- 425200 1185928 resale - beer n/a 89.80 02/09/2016 609 - 49750- 425400 1185951 resale - beer 160.90 02/09/2016 609 - 49750- 425200 120669 resale - beer credit -75.60 02/09/2016 609 - 49750- 425200 121240 resale - beer credit -25.60 02/09/2016 609 - 49750- 425200 121241 resale - beer 125.20 02/09/2016 609 - 49750- 425200 121241 resale - beer n/a 112.00 02/09/2016 609 - 49750- 425400 121423 resale - beer 192.00 02/09/2016 609 - 49750- 425200 121535 resale - beer credit -79.40 02/09/2016 609 - 49750- 425200 121536 resale - beer 52.00 02/09/2016 609 - 49750- 425200 Check Total: 31,915.52 Vendor: 4233 DI -MAR CONSTRUCTION INC Check Sequence: 23 Voucher No 6 14C002 - PHOSPH - Voucher #6 123,751.94 02/09/2016 602 - 00000 - 165010 Check Total: 123,751.94 Vendor: 1153 ECM PUBLISHERS INC Check Sequence: 24 298049 Health & Wellness AD# 497237 190.00 02/09/2016 226 - 45127- 434990 Check Total: 190.00 Vendor: 1793 EMERGENCY AUTOMOTIVE TECHNOLOG: Check Sequence: 25 DL012816 -25 (3) Super LED Beacon- Amber - State Contract 1,005.69 02/09/2016 101 - 43120 - 422100 Check Total: 1,005.69 Vendor: 1680 EPIC PRODUCTS INC Check Sequence: 26 AP- Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (02/03/2016 - 12:47 PM) Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number 492417 resale - wine glasses; ice buckets; stoppers; char 357.42 02/09/2016 609 - 49750- 425400 492417 resale - freight 40.51 02/09/2016 609 - 49750- 433300 Check Total: 397.93 Vendor: 1180 FIRST HOSPITAL LABORATORIES INC Check Sequence: 27 FL00139105 Urine Drug Screen- Copeland; Rousselow; Strap 64.43 02/09/2016 601 - 49440 - 431990 FL00139105 Urine Drug Screen- Copeland; Rousselow; Strap 64.42 02/09/2016 602 - 49490 - 431990 FL00139105 Urine Drug Screen- M. Rogers 42.95 02/09/2016 101 - 43120 - 431990 Check Total: 171.80 Vendor: 1189 FOSTER WHITE AGENCY INC Check Sequence: 28 18544 Volunteer Accident Ins 11/4/15- 12/15/15 - Polic} 315.00 12/31/2015 101 - 42200 - 413100 Check Total: 315.00 Vendor: 1413 GOPHER STATE ONE CALL INC Check Sequence: 29 6000572 2016 Annual Facility Operator Fee (1/2) 50.00 02/09/2016 601 - 49440 - 432770 6000572 2016 Annual Facility Operator Fee (1/2) 50.00 02/09/2016 656- 49877 - 432770 Check Total: 100.00 Vendor: 1206 GRAPE BEGINNINGS INC Check Sequence: 30 191955 resale - wine 326.00 02/09/2016 609 - 49750- 425300 191955 freight 4.50 02/09/2016 609 - 49750- 433300 Check Total: 330.50 Vendor: 2832 GERALD HARN Check Sequence: 31 20216 FiberNet acct. FNM- 001 -0889 FINAL credit 32.02 02/09/2016 656- 00000 - 115025 Check Total: 32.02 Vendor: 4352 MIKE HAUGHT Check Sequence: 32 20216 FiberNet acct. FNM- 001 -1196 FINAL credit 8.92 02/09/2016 656- 00000 - 115025 Check Total: 8.92 Vendor: 4218 HOHENSTEINS, INC Check Sequence: 33 805337 resale - beer 167.50 02/09/2016 609 - 49750- 425200 805338 resale - beer 254.00 02/09/2016 609 - 49750 - 425200 806175 resale - beer 122.00 02/09/2016 609 - 49750- 425200 AP- Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (02/03/2016 - 12:47 PM) Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Check Total: 543.50 Vendor: 1242 HOLIDAY CREDIT OFFICE Check Sequence: 34 01182016 12/19 - 1/17/2016 Fire- Acct. 1400-017-223-399 176.09 02/09/2016 101 - 42200 - 421200 01182016 -2 Acct. 1400-003-767-337- Broom Diesel 20.22 02/09/2016 226 - 45122- 421200 AP- Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (02/03/2016 - 12:47 PM) Check Total: 196.31 Vendor: 1244 HORIZON COMMERCIAL POOL SUPPLY Check Sequence: 35 160107005 Pool Chemicals 1,406.70 02/09/2016 226 - 45122- 421600 Check Total: 1,406.70 Vendor: 3356 INDIAN ISLAND WINERY Check Sequence: 36 2922 resale - wine 352.80 02/09/2016 609- 49750- 425300 Check Total: 352.80 Vendor: 3971 INTL UNION OF OPER ENGINEERS LOCAL Check Sequence: 37 March 2016 March Health Insurance 52,500.00 02/09/2016 101 - 00000 - 217061 March 2016 March Health Insurance 15,540.00 02/09/2016 101 - 00000 - 217061 Check Total: 68,040.00 Vendor: 1259 JJ TAYLOR DISTRIBUTING Check Sequence: 38 2452596 resale - beer 1,627.48 02/09/2016 609 - 49750- 425200 2452596 freight 3.00 02/09/2016 609- 49750- 433300 2474226 resale - beer 1,296.90 02/09/2016 609 - 49750- 425200 2474226 freight 3.00 02/09/2016 609 - 49750- 433300 Check Total: 2,930.38 Vendor: 3855 JOANNE C JOHNSON Check Sequence: 39 200002950 BLANDN - Broadband Conference Registration 35.00 02/09/2016 656- 00000 - 220250 Jan16 BLANDN - Billing Period January 2016 3,000.00 02/09/2016 656- 00000 - 220250 Check Total: 3,035.00 Vendor: 1263 JOHNSON BROS WHOLESALE LIQUOR Check Sequence: 40 5351468 resale - freight 2.39 02/09/2016 609 - 49750- 433300 5351468 resale - liquor 552.02 02/09/2016 609 - 49750 - 425100 5351469 resale - wine 4,422.69 02/09/2016 609 - 49750- 425300 5351469 freight 131.75 02/09/2016 609 - 49750- 433300 5351470 resale - beer 43.98 02/09/2016 609 - 49750- 425200 AP- Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (02/03/2016 - 12:47 PM) Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number 5352710 resale - liquor 4,869.74 02/09/2016 609 - 49750- 425100 5352710 freight 64.28 02/09/2016 609 - 49750- 433300 5352711 freight 58.79 02/09/2016 609 - 49750- 433300 5352711 resale- wine 2,346.57 02/09/2016 609 - 49750- 425300 5352711 resale- wine n/a 69.98 02/09/2016 609 - 49750- 425400 5355073 resale - wine 1,161.05 02/09/2016 609 - 49750- 425300 5355073 freight 34.56 02/09/2016 609 - 49750- 433300 5356291 freight 90.00 02/09/2016 609 - 49750- 433300 5356291 resale - wine 2,964.81 02/09/2016 609 - 49750- 425300 5356291 resale - wine n/a 148.95 02/09/2016 609 - 49750- 425400 5356292 resale - beer 65.97 02/09/2016 609 - 49750- 425200 5357640 resale - liquor 6,720.12 02/09/2016 609 - 49750- 425100 5357640 freight 118.08 02/09/2016 609- 49750- 433300 5357641 freight 21.11 02/09/2016 609 - 49750- 433300 5357641 resale - wine n/a 39.95 02/09/2016 609 - 49750- 425400 5357641 resale- Wine 889.54 02/09/2016 609 - 49750- 425300 5360163 resale - freight 25.92 02/09/2016 609 - 49750- 433300 5360163 resale - liquor 2,449.71 02/09/2016 609 - 49750- 425100 5360164 resale- wine 501.00 02/09/2016 609 - 49750- 425300 5360164 freight 15.84 02/09/2016 609 - 49750- 433300 555356290 resale - liquor 3,925.45 02/09/2016 609 - 49750- 425100 555356290 freight 48.24 02/09/2016 609 - 49750- 433300 560199 resale - liquor inv. 5337200 -13.08 02/09/2016 609 - 49750- 425100 560200 resale - wine credit inv. 5346563 -13.15 02/09/2016 609 - 49750- 425300 560201 resale - wine credit inv. 5347831 - 242.55 02/09/2016 609 - 49750- 425300 560201 resale - freight inv. 5347831 -1.44 02/09/2016 609 - 49750- 433300 560922 resale - liquor credit inv. 5311399 -3.64 02/09/2016 609 - 49750- 425100 560923 resale - liquor credit inv. 5337201 -8.41 02/09/2016 609 - 49750- 425100 560924 resale - liquor credit inv. 5341788 -3.64 02/09/2016 609 - 49750- 425100 561731 resale- Wine -9.77 02/09/2016 609 - 49750- 425300 Check Total: 31,486.81 Vendor: 1270 KENNEDY AND GRAVEN CHARTERED Check Sequence: 41 MN190 -00101 General EDA Matters through 12/31/15 446.45 12/31/2015 213 - 46301- 430400 MN190 -00147 BLK034 - TIF District 34 through 12/31/15 294.75 12/31/2015 213 - 46301 - 430400 Check Total: 741.20 Vendor: 4344 ALEXANDER KRUEGER Check Sequence: 42 1/22/2016 Re Route Climbing Wall and Clean Hand Holds 138.00 02/09/2016 226 - 45127- 431990 Check Total: 138.00 AP- Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (02/03/2016 - 12:47 PM) Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Vendor: 2626 HARRY LANTTO Check Sequence: 43 January 2016 Planning Commission Meeting Recording 11511E 62.50 02/09/2016 101 - 41910 - 431990 January 2016 EDA Meeting Recording 1/13/16 60.00 02/09/2016 213 - 46301- 431990 January 2016 City Council Meeting Recording 1/11/16 & 1/25 137.50 02/09/2016 101 - 41110 - 431990 Check Total: 260.00 Vendor: 1291 LEAGUE OF MN CITIES INS TRUST Check Sequence: 44 227133 Safety & Loss Workshop- T.M.; M.H. 4/12/16 40.00 02/09/2016 101 - 45201- 433100 227145 Safety & Loss Workshop- T.P.; J.B. 4/12/16 40.00 02/09/2016 101 - 43120 - 433100 Check Total: 80.00 Vendor: 4343 KEVIN LEEDHAM Check Sequence: 45 1/22/2016 Re Route Climbing Wall and Clean Hand Holds 138.00 02/09/2016 226 - 45127- 431990 Check Total: 138.00 Vendor: 4342 LIBERTY MUTUAL INSURANCE Check Sequence: 46 1122/2016 Refund Duplicate Payment - Claim #030422293 281.40 12/31/2015 101 - 43120 - 362980 Check Total: 281.40 Vendor: 1303 MAMUNDSON LLP Check Sequence: 47 209837 resale - cigarettes; juice 1,118.00 02/09/2016 609 - 49750- 425500 209837 resale - tobacco; soda pop; bottle openers; wraps; 845.04 02/09/2016 609 - 49750- 425400 210571 resale - cigarettes 620.32 02/09/2016 609- 49750- 425500 210571 resale -soda pop; juice; cork screws; flask; etc 105.26 02/09/2016 609 - 49750- 425400 Check Total: 2,688.62 Vendor: 1305 MACQUEEN EQUIPMENT INC Check Sequence: 48 2161114 Spring Pin 18.53 02/09/2016 101 - 43120 - 422100 Check Total: 18.53 Vendor: 2819 MADDEN GALANTER HANSEN LLP Check Sequence: 49 1/1/2016 Labor Relations Services thru 12/31/15 278.00 12/31/2015 101 - 41800 - 430400 Check Total: 278.00 Vendor: 4351 SHARON MANDEL Check Sequence: 50 2022016 FiberNet acct. FNM- 001 -1126 FINAL credit 9.77 02/09/2016 656- 00000 - 115025 AP- Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (02/03/2016 - 12:47 PM) Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number AP- Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (02/03/2016 - 12:47 PM) Check Total: 9.77 Vendor: 3745 MANSFIELD OIL COMPANY Check Sequence: 51 143307 (451) gal. unleaded @ $1.37 617.20 02/09/2016 101 - 43120 - 421200 143309 (650) gal. diesel @ $1.56 1,015.85 02/09/2016 101 - 43120 - 421200 Check Total: 1,633.05 Vendor: 1308 MARCO INC Check Sequence: 52 296077001 1/10/16 - 2/10/16 Contract 5,078.52 02/09/2016 702 - 00000 - 441500 Check Total: 5,078.52 Vendor: 1317 MDRA Check Sequence: 53 2/1/2016 2016MDRADues 495.00 02/09/2016 217 - 41990- 443300 Check Total: 495.00 Vendor: 2179 MINNESOTA 9 -1 -1 PROGRAM Check Sequence: 54 Jan -16 January 2016 911 Wright Co. 896.95 02/09/2016 656- 00000 - 208170 Check Total: 896.95 Vendor: 2160 MINNESOTAPOLLUTIION CONTROL AGEP Check Sequence: 55 Registration Collection Syst. Operator Con£ - 3/23/2015 MT; 900.00 02/09/2016 601 - 49440 - 433100 Check Total: 900.00 Vendor: 1350 MN DNR WATERS ECO- WATER -RES Check Sequence: 56 2015 Fee Permit 1964 -1059 Water Use (2015) Municipal/I 4,109.41 12/31/2015 601 - 49440 - 443700 2015 Fee Permit 1964 -1059 - Summer Surcharge (June -Ai 2,983.32 12/31/2015 601 - 49440 - 443700 2015 Fees Permit 1964 -0152 Agricultural Crop Irrig. Wrigl 140.00 12/31/2015 601 - 49440 - 443700 Check Total: 7,232.73 Vendor: 4174 MN PUBLIC FACILITIES AUTHORITY Check Sequence: 57 1/21/2016 14C002 - MPFA -15- 0004- R -FY16 - Semi Annw 2,176.22 02/09/2016 602 - 49480 - 461100 Check Total: 2,176.22 Vendor: 1359 MN RURAL WATER ASSOCIATION Check Sequence: 58 Registration MRWA Tech Conf- M.T., M.S., B.R. 675.00 02/09/2016 602 - 49490 - 433100 Check Total: 675.00 AP- Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (02/03/2016 - 12:47 PM) Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Vendor: 1360 MN SAFETY COUNCIL Check Sequence: 59 002964 2016 Membership Dues 495.00 02/09/2016 101- 41800 - 443300 Check Total: 495.00 Vendor: 1370 MONTICELLO DEPUTY REG #002 Check Sequence: 60 1/26/2016 Duplicate Plates for Plow Trucks (2 sets) 32.00 02/09/2016 101 - 43120 - 443700 Check Total: 32.00 Vendor: 1375 MONTICELLO PRINTING INC Check Sequence: 61 01/29/2016 (45) payroll ledger shts; (15) Mo. Payroll forms 51.20 02/09/2016 101 - 42200 - 421990 Check Total: 51.20 Vendor: 4188 NELSON ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIR, INC Check Sequence: 62 7528 rebuild sewer jet/vac hydraulic dischrg pump 100.00 02/09/2016 602 - 49490 - 440440 Check Total: 100.00 Vendor: 3346 OFFICEMAX Check Sequence: 63 43167 nonskid cover shoe; Solar Yellow #500; Post its 57.61 02/09/2016 101 - 43110 - 420990 6621 8x11 FWX Cover; 20pk AAA battery; Cosmic O 62.47 02/09/2016 101 - 43110- 420990 Check Total: 120.08 Vendor: 1411 OLSON & SONS ELECTRIC INC Check Sequence: 64 52507 Troubleshoot Lights for Parking Lot & Boiler Rc 714.08 12/31/2015 101 - 45501- 440100 52549 Labor - (2.5) hours 220.00 12/31/2015 101 - 43160 - 431990 52549 Material - OSE Bucket Truck Rental 12/15/1015 35.00 12/31/2015 101 - 43160- 431990 52579 Labor - (15.5) hours Trblsht (4) locations 1,254.00 12/31/2015 101 - 43160 - 431990 52579 Materials- bucket rental; timeclock; (2) ballast; s 494.46 12/31/2015 101 - 43160 - 431990 Check Total: 2,717.54 Vendor: 4345 OPG -3 INC Check Sequence: 65 1086 Laserfiche Software Assurance Plan - 3/22/16 - 3 3,122.00 02/09/2016 702 - 00000 - 431900 Check Total: 3,122.00 Vendor: 4040 TRACEY OTTO Check Sequence: 66 2/2/2016 Taught Spin Class 1/23/16 (1 hr) 20.00 02/09/2016 226 - 45127- 430120 Check Total: 20.00 AP- Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (02/03/2016 - 12:47 PM) Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Vendor: 1273 PAUSTIS & SONS WINE CO Vendor: 1442 PURCELL PLUMBING AND HEATING INC Check Sequence: 69 Check Sequence: 67 8533787 resale - wine 850.73 02/09/2016 609 - 49750- 425300 8533787 freight 20.00 02/09/2016 609 - 49750- 433300 8533789 resale - liquor 170.00 02/09/2016 609 - 49750- 425100 8533789 freight 2.25 02/09/2016 609 - 49750- 433300 Check Total: 1,042.98 Vendor: 1427 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS CO Check Sequence: 68 230278 resale - liquor credit inv. 2912863 -7.69 02/09/2016 609 - 49750- 425100 230373 resale - liquor credit inv. 2915448 -8.00 02/09/2016 609 - 49750- 425100 2915447 resale - liquor 1,438.50 02/09/2016 609 - 49750 - 425100 2915447 freight 21.60 02/09/2016 609 - 49750- 433300 2915448 resale - wine 2,474.80 02/09/2016 609 - 49750- 425300 2915448 freight 54.72 02/09/2016 609 - 49750- 433300 2916308 freight 11.52 02/09/2016 609 - 49750- 433300 2916308 resale - liquor 1,071.74 02/09/2016 609 - 49750- 425100 2916309 freight 32.15 02/09/2016 609 - 49750- 433300 2916309 resale - wine 968.90 02/09/2016 609 - 49750- 425300 2917994 freight 28.80 02/09/2016 609 - 49750- 433300 2917994 resale - liquor 2,306.50 02/09/2016 609 - 49750- 425100 2917995 resale - wine 1,015.00 02/09/2016 609 - 49750- 425300 2917995 freight 24.48 02/09/2016 609 - 49750- 433300 2918752 resale - liquor 7,581.84 02/09/2016 609 - 49750- 425100 2918752 freight 120.96 02/09/2016 609 - 49750- 433300 2918753 resale -(5) cases ginger beer glasses 106.25 02/09/2016 609- 49750- 425400 2919662 resale - liquor 1,550.73 02/09/2016 609 - 49750- 425100 2919662 resale - freight 18.86 02/09/2016 609 - 49750- 433300 2919663 resale - wine 811.90 02/09/2016 609 - 49750- 425300 2919663 freight 31.68 02/09/2016 609 - 49750- 433300 2921357 freight 5.76 02/09/2016 609 - 49750- 433300 2921357 resale - liquor 186.00 02/09/2016 609 - 49750- 425100 2921358 resale- wine 847.50 02/09/2016 609 - 49750- 425300 2921358 freight 37.44 02/09/2016 609 - 49750- 433300 Check Total: 20,731.94 Vendor: 1442 PURCELL PLUMBING AND HEATING INC Check Sequence: 69 37504 materials - in -floor boiler- manual reset; added p 65.00 02/09/2016 656- 49870 - 440100 37504 labor - in -floor boiler- manual reset; added pressr 125.00 02/09/2016 656- 49870 - 440100 Check Total: 190.00 AP- Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (02/03/2016 - 12:47 PM) Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Vendor: 1450 RAILROAD MANAGEMENT CO III LLC Check Sequence: 70 326319 License #301483 3/9/16 - 3/8/17 18" Storm Water 176.86 02/09/2016 263 - 49200 - 431990 326320 License #301484 3/9/16- 3/8/17 12" Storm Ware: 176.86 02/09/2016 263 - 49200 - 431990 Check Total: 353.72 Vendor: 4022 REINHART FOODSERVICE LLC Check Sequence: 71 228071 Credit Memo against Inv# 217915 - Cookies -40.17 02/09/2016 226 - 45127- 425410 233205 Freight 7.99 02/09/2016 226 - 45122- 433300 233205 Parry - Juice & Pizzas 136.84 02/09/2016 226 - 45127 - 421460 233205 Resale - Concessions: Cookies, Chips, Juice, Pr( 436.73 02/09/2016 226 - 45127- 425410 234769 Pretzels 34.57 02/09/2016 226 - 45127- 425410 234770 Credit Memo against Inv# 217915 - Pretzels -43.79 02/09/2016 226 - 45127- 425410 Check Total: 532.17 Vendor: 3597 ROCKFORD FIRE DEPARTMENT Check Sequence: 72 12/28/2015 Training for Chad Keuseman- Cargil will reimbu 168.00 12/31/2015 101 - 42200 - 115030 Check Total: 168.00 Vendor: 1474 PATRICIA A SALZWEDEL Check Sequence: 73 February 1st Semi Monthly Contract Payment 1,593.75 02/09/2016 101 - 42700 - 431200 Check Total: 1,593.75 Vendor: 2497 SHERBURNE WRIGHT CABLE COMMISSIC Check Sequence: 74 2/2/2016 Cable PEG fees - TDSBridgewater Q4 2015 1,951.15 02/09/2016 101 - 00000 - 208020 2/2/2016 Cable Franchise fees - TDS /Bridgewater Q4 201 9,616.33 02/09/2016 101 - 00000 - 208020 Check Total: 11,567.48 Vendor: 1958 SIMPLEXGRINNELL LP Check Sequence: 75 82139346 Alarm & Detection; filter VSP -5 599.33 02/09/2016 656- 49870 - 431990 Check Total: 599.33 Vendor: 1490 CYNTHIA R SIMPSON Check Sequence: 76 894140 Jan. 2016 cleaning service - Fire 100.00 02/09/2016 101 - 42200 - 431990 Check Total: 100.00 Vendor: 3309 SOUTHERN WINE & SPIRITS OF MINNESO' Check Sequence: 77 1369871 resale - liquor 2,219.53 02/09/2016 609 - 49750- 425100 1369871 freight 21.23 02/09/2016 609 - 49750- 433300 AP- Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (02/03/2016 - 12:47 PM) Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number 1369873 freight 16.80 02/09/2016 609 - 49750- 433300 1369873 resale -wine 816.00 02/09/2016 609 - 49750- 425300 1372125 resale - liquor 1,048.43 02/09/2016 609 - 49750- 425100 1372125 freight 13.30 02/09/2016 609 - 49750- 433300 1372127 resale- wine 2,200.66 02/09/2016 609 - 49750- 425300 1372127 freight 39.90 02/09/2016 609 - 49750- 433300 Check Total: 6,375.85 Vendor: 2564 SPORTS PRO LLC Check Sequence: 78 496 Labor - Qrtrly Preventive Maint Treadmills (13)/ 545.00 02/09/2016 226- 45122 - 431900 496 Labor - Elliptical Repairs (4) - Wheels, Sleeves 120.00 02/09/2016 226 - 45122- 440800 496 Elliptical Repairs (4) - Wheels, Sleeves 335.00 02/09/2016 226 - 45122- 440800 Check Total: 1,000.00 Vendor: 1937 CITY OF ST MICHAEL Check Sequence: 79 12/2015 (36.50) hours WCF -SRU Training- Cargill to reii 1,110.25 12/31/2015 101 - 42200 - 115030 Check Total: 1,110.25 Vendor: 3645 ROSE STEGNER Check Sequence: 80 20216 FiberNet acct FNM- 001 -1074 FINAL credit 6.47 02/09/2016 656- 00000 - 115025 Check Total: 6.47 Vendor: 4006 SUMMIT COMPANIES Check Sequence: 81 1102441 (12) annual fire ext. inspec; (3) dry chem; w/ bra 319.25 02/09/2016 601 - 49440 - 420650 Check Total: 319.25 Vendor: 1516 TASC Check Sequence: 82 IN718776 3/1/2016 - 3/31/2016 Admin Fees 76.50 02/09/2016 101 - 49240 - 413500 Check Total: 76.50 Vendor: 1522 THORPE DISTRIBUTING COMPANY Check Sequence: 83 1025109 resale - beer 13,175.40 02/09/2016 609 - 49750- 425200 1028238 resale - beer n/a 301.40 02/09/2016 609 - 49750- 425400 1028239 resale- wine 25.10 02/09/2016 609 - 49750- 425300 1028239 resale beer 40.90 02/09/2016 609 - 49750- 425200 120041 resale - beer credit -35.20 02/09/2016 609 - 49750- 425200 992495 -2 resale - beer - corrected invoice 7.20 02/09/2016 609 - 49750- 425200 AP- Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (02/03/2016 - 12:47 PM) Invoice No Description AP- Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (02/03/2016 - 12:47 PM) Amount Payment Date Acct Number 13,514.80 Check Sequence: 84 588.33 02/09/2016 101 - 45201- 421650 J66.JJ Check Total: Check Total: Vendor: 2054 TRI STATE SURPLUS COMPANY, INC 26896 January & February 2016 WWTP Operation & A Park- pallet racking- (3) Teardwn Upright; (11) v July - Sept 2015 Cargill Testing 02/09/2016 Check Total: Vendor: 3594 TRIMARK 2573676 1678174 resale - neon wine glasses 2573678 resale - soda pop Asst. bags; paper towels; toilet tissue; etc 2573678 Vendor: 1684 resale - 1 case bloody mary salt; I doz.mug boot: 2573678 resale - wine freight resale - liquor 0143458 Check Total: Vendor: 1544 US POSTAL SERVICE Permit #42 Permit #42 First Class Presort Annual Fee (1/2) Permit #42 02/09/2016 Permit #42 First Class Presort Annual Fee (1/2) 6.96 Check Total: Vendor: 4349 TINA VENDELA 20216 12/31/2015 FiberNet acct. FMN- 001 -0234 FINAL credit AP- Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (02/03/2016 - 12:47 PM) Amount Payment Date Acct Number 13,514.80 Check Sequence: 84 588.33 02/09/2016 101 - 45201- 421650 J66.JJ Check Total: Vendor: 1550 VEOLIA WATER N AM OPERATING SERV L: 00054490 12CO03 - Progress Inv# 32 WWTP - Dec 2015 00054864 January & February 2016 WWTP Operation & A 00054946 July - Sept 2015 Cargill Testing 02/09/2016 Check Total: Vendor: 1552 VIKING COCA COLA BOTTLING CO 1664623 Resale - soda pop 1678174 resale - soda pop 289177 resale - soda pop Check Total: Vendor: 1684 VINOCOPIA 0143458 resale - wine 0143458 resale - liquor 0143458 freight AP- Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (02/03/2016 - 12:47 PM) Amount Payment Date Acct Number 13,514.80 Check Sequence: 84 588.33 02/09/2016 101 - 45201- 421650 J66.JJ Check Sequence: 85 62.01 02/09/2016 609 - 49750- 425400 213.04 02/09/2016 609 - 49754- 421990 86.77 02/09/2016 609 - 49750- 425400 6.37 02/09/2016 609 - 49750- 433300 368.19 Check Sequence: 86 112.50 02/09/2016 601 - 49440 - 443700 112.50 02/09/2016 602 - 49490 - 443700 225.00 Check Sequence: 87 6.96 02/09/2016 656- 00000 - 115025 6.96 Check Sequence: 88 450.54 12/31/2015 602 - 00000 - 165010 121,290.00 02/09/2016 602 - 49480 - 430800 3,907.64 12/31/2015 602 - 49480 - 430800 125,648.18 Check Sequence: 89 174.75 12/31/2015 609 - 49750- 425400 195.00 02/09/2016 609 - 49750- 425400 392.00 02/09/2016 609 - 49750- 425400 Check Sequence: 90 712.00 02/09/2016 609 - 49750- 425300 198.00 02/09/2016 609 - 49750- 425100 16.00 02/09/2016 609 - 49750- 433300 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number 0143911 resale- wine 528.00 02/09/2016 609 - 49750- 425300 0143911 resale - liquor 448.00 02/09/2016 609 - 49750- 425100 0143911 freight 30.00 02/09/2016 609 - 49750- 433300 Check Total: 1,932.00 Vendor: 1567 WES OLSON ELECTRIC LLC Check Sequence: 91 7597 Materials - 26W Ballast & Wire 35.80 02/09/2016 101 - 41940 - 440100 7597 Labor - 2.75 hrs - LED Kits (2) & Socket Extenc 187.00 02/09/2016 226 - 45122- 440100 7597 Labor - Replace 26W Ballast (30 min) 34.00 02/09/2016 101 - 41940 - 440100 7597 Materials - LED Kits (2); Socket Extenders (2) 565.00 02/09/2016 226 - 45122- 440100 7608 materials - Groveland Pk- wall pac 104.58 02/09/2016 101 - 45201- 431990 7608 labor - Groveland Pk- wall pac (1.5) hr 102.00 02/09/2016 101 - 45201- 431990 7618 Materials - Commercial Paddle Fans (2) 209.00 02/09/2016 22645122- 440440 Check Total: 1,237.38 Vendor: 1572 THE WINE COMPANY Check Sequence: 92 415929 resale- wine 480.00 02/09/2016 609 - 49750- 425300 415929 resale - freight 6.30 02/09/2016 609 - 49750- 433300 Check Total: 486.30 Vendor: 1573 WINE MERCHANTS INC Check Sequence: 93 7065780 resale- wine 1,495.00 02/09/2016 609 - 49750- 425300 7065780 freight 18.72 02/09/2016 609 - 49750- 433300 Check Total: 1,513.72 Vendor: 4350 SUZIE & VINCENT WOJEHOUSKI Check Sequence: 94 20216 FinberNet acct. FNM- 001 -0521 FINAL credit 30.96 02/09/2016 656- 00000 - 115025 Check Total: 30.96 Vendor: 2573 WOODLAND HILL VINEYARDS LLC Check Sequence: 95 1638 resale - wine 324.00 02/09/2016 609 - 49750- 425300 Check Total: 324.00 Vendor: 1577 WRIGHT CO AUDITOR -TREAS - ACH Check Sequence: 96 February February 2016 Deputies Contract 98,088.00 02/09/2016 101 - 42100 - 430500 Check Total: 98,088.00 Vendor: 1582 WRIGHT COUNTY IT Check Sequence: 97 AP- Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (02/03/2016 - 12:47 PM) Invoice No Description 16 -016 (29) 2016 800 MHz Radio Infrastructure Fee Check Total: Total for Check Run: Total of Number of Checks: Amount Payment Date Acct Number 2,175.00 02/09/2016 101 - 42200 - 431990 2,175.00 672,817.34 97 The preceding list of bills payable was reviewed and approved for payment. Date: 2/8/16 Approved by: Mayor Brian Stumpf AP- Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (02/03/2016 - 12:47 PM) City Council Agenda: 2/8/16 2B. Consideration of approving new hires and departures for City departments (TE) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Council is asked to ratify the hiring and departures of employees that have occurred recently in the departments listed. It is recommended that the Council officially ratify the hiring /departure of all listed employees including part-time and seasonal workers. Al. Budget Impact: (positions are generally included in budget) A2. Staff Work Load Impact: If new positions, there may be some training involved. If terminated positions, existing staff would pick up those hours, as needed, until replaced. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to ratify the hire /departures of the employees as identified on the attached list. 2. Motion to deny the recommended hires and departures. C. RECOMMENDATION: By statute the City Council has the authority to approve all hires /departures. City staff recommends Alternative #1, for the Council to approve the hires and/or departures as listed. D. SUPPORTING DATA: • List of new /terminated employees NEW EMPLOYEES Name Title Department Hire Date Class Milissa Long Guest Service MCC 1/22/2016 PT Sydney Nygaard Childcare Attendant MCC 1/22/2016 PT Tracy Otto Fitness Instructor MCC 1/30/2016 PT Nicole Larrison Life Guard MCC 2/2/2016 PT Angelle Spaeth Life Guard MCC 2/2/2016 PT TERMINATING EMPLOYEES Name Reason Department Last Day Class Madysen Johnson Voluntary MCC 1/10/16 PT Addison Schnabel Voluntary MCC 1/15/16 PT Hinton Hobza Voluntary MCC 1/24/16 PT Jennifer Swanson Voluntary MCC 1/28/16 PT New Hire and Terms City Council 2016: 2/2/2016 City Council Agenda: 02/08/16 2C. Consideration of approving the sale or disposal of surplus city property (WO) There is no report this City Council cycle. 2D. A. B. C. la City Council Agenda: 02/08/16 Consideration of recommending the appointment of representatives to the Industrial and Economic Development Committee (AS) REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: City Council is asked to consider the appointment of new representatives to the IEDC. New appointments to the IEDC must be approved by Council. The Chamber Board has recommended Mr. Jason Kisner of Ausco Design as their replacement representative. Mr. Kisner is a resident and business owner in Monticello. Mr. Kisner's term on the IEDC is based on the Chamber's elected officer cycle and appointment. The IEDC further recommended the appointment of Mari Lou McCormic of Riverwood Bank to the Committee. Ms. McCormic is based at the Monticello RiverWood Bank location. The IEDC unanimously recommended both appointments. With Council approval of the appointment, the IEDC's 2016 membership is as follows: IEDC: 011ie White Koropchak 3 yr 2018 (3 -year staggered terms) Dick Van Allen 3 yr 2018 Darek Vetsch 3 yr 2018 Luke Dahlheimer 3 yr 2018 Don Tomann 3 yr 2018 Joni Pawelk 3 yr 2016 Zona Gutzwiller 3 yr 2016 Wayne Elam 3 yr 2016 Don Roberts 3 yr 2016 Mari Lou McCormic 3 yr 2016 Steve Johnson 3 yr 2016 Bill Tapper 3 yr 2017 Jim Johnson 3 yr 2017 Tim O'Connor 3 yr 2017 Brian Stumpf Council liaison Lloyd Hilgart Council liaison Jason Kisner Chamber rep 2018 Chamber Director ex- officio ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: appointed 10115 1. Motion to approve the appointment of Mari Lou McCormic and Chamber of Commerce representative Jason Kisner to the Monticello IEDC as proposed. 2. Motion of other. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City Staff recommends Alternative #1 above. SUPPORTING DATA: • None 1 City Council Agenda: 02/08/16 2E. Consideration to approve an application for a temporary charitable gambling permit for a raffle to be conducted by the Wright County Pheasants Forever Chapter #95 in conjunction with their Annual Membership Banquet (JS) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Wright County Pheasants Forever has applied for a temporary charitable gambling permit for a raffle to be held on Saturday, March 5, 2016 in conjunction with their 31St Annual Membership Banquet. The event is being held at the Monti Ballroom at River City Extreme with Dinner and Banquet Events being held at 7 p.m. To receive a permit from the State, the City must approve the application. In the past the City has not opposed these exempt gambling license applications for charitable events. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve the application for a charitable gambling permit for a raffle conducted by the Wright County Pheasants Forever Chapter #95 on March 5, 2016 for their annual membership banquet at Monti Ballroom, River City Extreme, 3875 School Blvd. 2. Motion to not approve the application for a charitable gambling permit. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff supports Alternative #1 and requests Council to approve the application which will be submitted to the State Gambling Control Board. D. SUPPORTING DATA: • Copy of Application for Exempt Gambling Permit MINNESOTA LAWFUL GAMBLING LG220 Application for Exempt Permit An exempt permit may be issued to a nonprofit organization that: • conducts lawful gambling on five or fewer days, and • awards less than $50,000 in prizes during a calendar year. If total raffle prize value for the calendar year will be $1,500 or less, contact the Licensing Specialist assigned to your county by calling 651 - 539 -1900. ORGANIZATION INFORMATIO 5/15 Page 1 of 2 Application Fee (non - refundable) Applications are processed in the order received. If the application is postmarked or received 30 days or more before the event, the application fee is $100; otherwise the fee is $150. Due to the high volume of exempt applications, payment of additional fees prior to 30 days before your event will not expedite service, nor are telephone requests for expedited service accepted. Organization - U Name: _ (� �-Y�_y Permit Number: x t Minnesota Tax ID � /17� n r i Federal Employer ID Number, if any: / t"lt -- Number (FEIN), if any: -4-1 LIn Mailing 0 13 0 x Address: _ �% ?� City: kl I I p 1 Y_G Y► State: M 1 tl Zip: County: Y I Name of Chief Executive Officer (CEO): Daytime Phone: ­7 lt% 3 _46 ' " ! Lp I Email: � /� V'g 1@ (4 VM P, .. - plir,,✓f NONPROFIT STATUS Type of Nonprofit Organization (check one): = Fraternal = Religious E71 Veterans Other Nonprofit Organization Attach a copy of one of the following showing proof of nonprofit status: (DO NOT attach a sales tax exempt status or federal employer ID number, as they are not proof of nonprofit status.) FIA current calendar year Certificate of Good Standing Don't have a copy? Obtain this certificate from: MN Secretary of State, Business Services Division Secretary of State website, phone numbers: 60 Empire Drive, Suite 100 www.sos state mn us St. Paul, MN 55103 651 - 296 -2803, or toll free 1- 877- 551 -6767 ❑ IRS income tax exemption (501(c)) letter in your organization's name Don't have a copy? To obtain a copy of your federal income tax exempt letter, have an organization officer contact the IRS toll free at 1- 877 - 829 -5500. X1IRS - Affiliate of national, statewide, or international parent nonprofit organization (charter) If your organization falls under a parent organization, attach copies of both of the following: 1. IRS letter showing your parent organization is a nonprofit 501(c) organization with a group ruling, and 2. the charter or letter from your parent organization recognizing your organization as a subordinate. GAMBLING PREMISES INFORMATION Name of premises where the gambling event will be conducted �} f .V Y (for raffles, list the site where the drawing will take place): Address (do not use P.O. box): / C Y) City or Township. Date(s) of activity (for raffles, indicate the date of the drawing): 'VV Zip: _CTGO V'7 County: � jjj Check each type of gambling activity that your organization will conduct: Bingo* F-1 Paddlewheels* ❑ Pull -Tabs* ❑Tipboards* Raffle (total value of raffle prizes awarded for the calendar year: $ ) * Gambling equipment for bingo paper, paddlewheels, pull -tabs, and tipboards must be obtained from a distributor licensed by the Minnesota Gambling Control Board. EXCEPTION: Bingo hard cards and bingo number selection devices may be borrowed from another organization authorized to conduct bingo. To find a licensed distributor, go to www.mn.gov /gcb and click on Distributors under List of Licensees, or call 651 - 539 -1900. LG220 Application for Exempt Permit 5/15 Page 2 of 2 LOCAL UNIT OF GOVERNMENT ACKNOWLEDGMENT (required before submitting application to the Minnesota Gambling Control Board) CITY APPROVAL for a gambling premises COUNTY APPROVAL located within city limits for a gambling premises located in a township The application is acknowledged with no waiting period. _The application is acknowledged with no waiting period. The application is acknowledged with a 30 -day waiting period, and allows the Board to issue a permit after 30 days The application is acknowledged with a 30 -day waiting (60 days for a ist class city). period, and allows the Board to issue a permit after 30 days, The application is denied. _The application is denied. Print City Name: Print County Name: Signature of City Personnel: Signature of County Personnel: Title: Date: Title: Date: as a consequence, may refuse to issue a permit, If your organization supplies the information TOWNSHIP (if required by the county) given; and anyone with your written consent, On behalf of the township, I acknowledge that the organization access to the information; Minnesota's Depart - Is applying for exempted gambling activity within the township The city or county must sign before limits. (A township has no statutory authority to approve or submitting application to the deny an application, per Minn, Statutes, section 349.213.) Gambling Control Board. Print Township Name: _ Signature of Township Officer: Title: Date: CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER'S SIGNATURE (required) The information provided in this application is complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I acknowledge that the financial report will be completed and returned to th and within 30 days of the event date, Chief Executive Officer's Signature: ; ` — Date: 2 -Z �re'im�u (Si t be CE�D's s• nature; designee may-not.siglt) Print Name; REQUIREMENTS MAIL APPLICATION AND ATTACHMENTS Complete a separate application for: Mail application with: • all gambling conducted on two or more consecutive days, or • all gambling conducted on one day, a copy of your proof of nonprofit status, and Only one application is required if one or more raffle drawings are application fee (non- refundable). If the application is conducted on the same day, postmarked or received 30 days or more before the event, Financial report to be completed within 30 days after the the application fee is $100; otherwise the fee is $150. Make check payable to State of Minnesota. gambling activity is done: A financial report form will be mailed with your permit. Complete To: Minnesota Gambling Control Board and return the financial report form to the Gambling Control 1711 west County Road B, Suite 300 South Board. Roseville, MN 55113 Your organization must keep all exempt records and reports for p 3 -1/2 years (Minn, Statutes, section 349,166, subd. 2 (f)), Call the Call the Licensing Section of the Gambling Control Board at 651 - 539 -1900, Data nr[vary nntir- Th. infn —e : - on this form (and any attachments) will be used VV a.,.,,,. -- - 19- 11-auori s name dno address will be public information when received ment of Public Safety; Attorney General; Commissioners of Administration, Minnesota by the Gambling Control Board (Board) to determine your organization's qualifications to by the Board. All other information provided will be private data about your organization Management & Budget, and Revenue; Legislative be involved in lawful gambling activities in Minnesota. Your organization has the right to until the Board issues the permit, When the Board issues Auditor, national and international gambling regulatory agencies; anyone pursuant to court refuse to supply the information; however, if the permit, all information provided will become public. If the Board does not Issue a permit, all order; other Individuals and agencies specifically authorized by state or federal law to have access your organization refuses to supply this information, the Board may not be able to information provided remains private, with the exception of your organization's name to the information; Individuals and agencies for determine your organization's qualifications and, and address which will remain public. Private data which law or legal order authorizes a new use or sharing of information after this notice was as a consequence, may refuse to issue a permit, If your organization supplies the information about your organization are available to Board members, Board staff whose work requires given; and anyone with your written consent, requested, the Board will be able to process the access to the information; Minnesota's Depart - This form will be made available in alternative format (i.e. large print, braille) upon request. An Equal Opportunity Employer City Council Agenda: 2/8/16 2F. Consideration to approve a Special Permit to allow alcohol during Monticello Community Center authorized /sponsored Adult Leagues at the Xcel Ball Fields. (KB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: We are asking that the City Council approve a Special Permit to allow Adult League participants to bring their own beer to MCC authorized/sponsored adult league play at the Xcel Ball Fields. The Community Center runs not only the Adult Leagues at Xcel, but they also run the concession stand. In the beginning we operated during youth and adult games or practices, however, only selling beer during adult leagues. As we've watched our financial information over the years, we've seen a decline in concession sales. In 2013 and 2014 we didn't open the concessions for youth play if they had fewer than 2 -4 teams scheduled at the fields. In 2015 we stopped selling concessions at all youth games. We found that all youth events, without the beer sales, lost money for MCC. In 2015 we only ran the concession during Adult leagues, however, we found that our net profits were very low. More importantly, we found that the Cities surrounding us are allowing their participants to bring in their own beer to league play and some of the teams made the choice to leave Monticello for that reason as well as other reasons. We went from a high of 24 teams playing over two nights to seven teams on one night in 2015. Our goal with this Special Permit request is to discontinue the need to run concessions at the ball fields and to entice teams back to Monticello for their League play. On top of softball we also run adult flag football and plan to offer kickball and bean bag leagues. If this Special Permit is approved, we will begin work on a plan for the Ball Field concessions; perhaps an organization will rent and operate the concessions or we can install vending machines in the secured area for all ball field users to access during games or practice. This will be decided at a later date. There are some guidelines in place on the Special Permit to ensure that things do not get out of hand at the ball fields. We feel comfortable that we can manage with this new policy. Our discussions with the surrounding Cities did not indicate any difficulties with this type of policy. We spoke with the League of MN Cities regarding liability and they assured us that we would be covered because we will be maintaining our liquor license. Al. Budget Impact: For 2015 we tracked the food, beer and employee costs for each week. Without beer sales the concessions lost money. This is before any additional expenses are added; electricity, IT services, maintenance, etc. For 2015 the ball field concessions ended up netting less than $100 profit for the entire season. Without Ball Field Concessions sales in 2016, our budgeted revenue will be decreased by $11,219 but our budgeted expenses will be also decreased by $20,903, less the cost of the field lights, putting the Community Center to the good by over $9,000. A2. Staff Workload Impact: If we do not run the ball field concessions, this will mean less staff hours in the concessions and administrative hours for all services supporting City Council Agenda: 2/8/16 the ball field concessions. We will still have our League Manager and as noted above we plan to increase our adult league play. We will maintain our liquor license, $35 per year, for any tournaments that we host. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve the Special Permit as submitted. 2. Motion to deny the Special Permit. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The Community Center Advisory Board as well as the Parks Commission were made aware of this possible change in early 2015 before leagues began play. Both Boards approved recommending approval for this Special Permit at their last meetings. Staff also recommends the approval of this Special Permit. D. SUPPORTING DATA: • Special Permit 2 CITY or Monticello Community Center 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Montido Monticello, MN 55362 Special Permit Xcel Ball Field, Alcohol Authorization APPLICANT INFORMATION Name Kitty Baltos, Director Address 505 Walnut St., Suite 4, Monticello, MN 55362 Phone 763 - 271 -3268 Email Kitty.baltos @ci.monticello.mn.us Organization Community Center Event Adult League Play at Xcel Ball Fields Dates of Permit February 8, 2016 PERMIT GUIDELINES /REQUIREMENTS 1. The Adult League event shall be supervised by the League Manager for Community Center or an approved substitute can be designated by the MCC Management. 2. Excessive consumption of alcohol will not be tolerated and the Wright County Sheriff's office will be alerted if this situation arises. 3. NO kegs are allowed in the park at any time. Bottled or canned beer only. 4. Alcohol use by Minors is prohibited. 5. NO hard liquor will be allowed. League participants will only be allowed beer, malted beverages or wine coolers. 6. League participants must remove trash and recycle appropriately. The League Manager or approved substitute will make any decisions regarding participants not following the rules set forth by the Special Permit granted. Specific consequences will be defined in the League rules including eviction from League game and /or any future League play to criminal prosecution. Applicant's Statement This application shall be processed in my name and I am the party whom the City should contact regarding the application. I have completed all of the applicable filing requirements and I hereby acknowledge that lei ve read and fullyLynderstand the applicable provisions of the City listed above. (Date) X13 City Council Agenda — 02/08/2016 2G. Consideration to approve Ordinance No. 632 establishing Therapeutic Massage Enterprise and Massage Therapist Licenses and Ordinance No. 633 amending the Fee Schedule (JS /AS) A. REFERENCE & BACKGROUND The City Council is asked to approve a Therapeutic Massage Therapy Ordinance which includes all facets of licensing massage therapists and massage therapy businesses. Currently the City Code does not specifically address massage therapy. The State of Minnesota does not regulate massage therapy, therefore, it is up to the County and/or City agencies to regulate the operations. Wright County does not regulate these operations. Over the past several months the City has received inquiries as to what the city requirements are for massage therapy. Since these businesses exist in the city and are becoming more popular, and given the fact that many cities in the state have adopted their own licensing program for reasons noted below. City staff is suggesting that the City Council consider regulating this use through licensing. As noted, many cities in the State have adopted their own licensing programs. Creating a massage therapy ordinance will protect businesses that are operating legitimate enterprises, prevent criminal activity, and protect the health and welfare of the community. Staff believes that having a massage ordinance and licensure process in place will discourage illegal activity from locating in Monticello while allowing legitimate businesses to continue to prosper. At present, there are approximately 20 -25 massage therapy practices in Monticello, including individual practitioners, as well as massage therapy services offered within chiropractic clinic, medical clinics and salons. Staff have sent out letters and the draft ordinance to these businesses and have not heard any objections to the ordinance. The proposed licensing ordinance provides definitions, license requirements, exemptions, application process, restrictions, renewals, violations, etc. As proposed, a therapeutic massage enterprise license will be required for the business and the individuals performing the massage therapy will need to obtain a massage therapy license. There are some exceptions listed when a person does not have to be licensed with the City if they obtain other licenses or are in a medical type facility. Staff recommends that the ordinance take effect June 1 to allow time for licensing, inspections, and background checks. In addition, we are proposing that the fee for a massage therapist be $50 annually and the fee for a massage therapy establishment be $100 annually. In addition, there will be a background fee of $25 which will also be conducted annually with the application. We are planning on having the process completed (applications, background checks, inspections) in place and regulated by June 1. Per Council direction, staff also researched the potential for companion zoning code amendments regulating massage therapy. At present, massage therapy is currently included within the use classification of "Personal Services" in the Zoning Ordinance City Council Agenda — 02/08/2016 and regulated as such for land use purposes. In the report to the Commission regarding the development of a zoning ordinance amendment specific to massage therapy, staff recommended no action related to zoning ordinance amendments at this time. Rather, staff proposed allowing the City licensing program to be considered by City Council, with analysis of the program if adopted, prior to consideration of zoning ordinances specific to massage therapy uses. Planning Commission held a hearing related to this item in January and February, 2016. No public testimony was offered. The Planning Commission made a motion of no action related to zoning code amendments at this time. Al. Budget Impact: Budget impact at this time is limited to the publication of the Ordinance. If the licensing program is adopted, staff will prepare an evaluation of the actual time to administer the licensing program and provide an update to the Council in the coming year. A2. Staff Impact: The City Clerk and the Building Official and other staff will be involved in the development of ordinance documents as well as administer licenses and conduct initial inspections. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS A) Motion to Approve Ordinance No. 632 establishing a Massage Therapy Ordinance and approved Summary Ordinance No. 632A for publication; and B) Motion to approved Ordinance No. 633 amending the Fee Schedule. 2. Motion to deny Ordinances No. 632 establishing a Massage Therapy Ordinance and Ordinance No. 633 amending the Fee Schedule. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of establishing both a Therapeutic Massage Enterprise and Massage Therapist license ordinance. In addition, The Wright County Sheriff's Office has been consulted regarding the licensing programs and supports the implementation of such a program. D. SUPPORTING DATA • Draft of Massage Therapy Ordinance • Summary Ordinance • Draft Fee Schedule Amendment 2 CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA WRIGHT COUNTY ORDINANCE NO. 632 ORDINANCE AMENDING CITY CODE TITLE 3 BY ADDING CHAPTER 18 - THERAPEUTIC MASSAGE ENTERPRISES AND MASSAGE THERAPISTS CHAPTER 18 THERAPEUTICE MASSAGE ENTERPRISES AND MASSAGE THERAPISTS SECTION: 3 -18 -1: Purpose 3 -18 -2: Definitions 3 -18 -3: License Requirements 3 -18 -4: Exceptions 3 -18 -5: License Application 3 -18 -6: License Fees 3 -18 -7: Persons Ineligible for License 3 -18 -8: Locations Ineligible for Therapeutic Massage Enterprise License 3 -18 -9: License Restrictions 3- 18 -10: Term, Renewal of License 3-18-11: Sanctions for License Violations 3- 18 -12: Violations and Penalties 3 -18 -1: PURPOSE: The purpose of this license is to prohibit massage businesses and services to the public except those licensed by the city as therapeutic massage enterprises and massage therapists pursuant to this section. The license regulations prescribed herein are necessary in order to protect businesses that are operating legitimate enterprises, to prevent criminal activity, and to protect the health and welfare of the community. The purpose of this Section is not to impose restrictions or limitations on the freedom of protected speech or expression. 3 -18 -2: DEFINITIONS: The following words and terms when used for this license shall have the following meanings unless the context clearly indicates otherwise: Accredited Institution — an educational institution holding accredited status with the United State Department of Education. Accredited Program — a professional massage program accredited by the Commission on Massage Therapy Accreditation (COMTA). Clean — the absence of dirt, grease, rubbish, garbage, and other offensive, unsightly, or extraneous matter. Good repair — free of corrosion, breaks, cracks, chips, pitting, excessive wear and tear, leaks, obstructions, and similar defects so as to constitute a good and sound condition. Issuing Authority — the City of Monticello. Massage — any method of pressure on, or friction against, or the rubbing, stroking, kneading, tapping, pounding, vibrating, stimulating, or rolling of the external parts of the human body with the hands or arms with the aid of any mechanical or electrical apparatus, or other appliances or devices, with or without such supplementary aids as rubbing alcohol, liniment, antiseptic, oil, powder, cream, lotion, ointment, or other similar preparations. Massage therapist — an individual who practices or administers massage to the public who can demonstrate to the Issuing Authority that he or she: (A) has current insurance of $500,000 for professional liability in the practice of massage; (B) is affiliated with, employed by, or owns a therapeutic massage enterprise licensed by the City; and (C) has completed 500 hours of certified therapeutic massage training with content that includes the subjects of anatomy, physiology, hygiene, ethics, massage theory and research, and massage practice from an accredited program or accredited institution that has been approved by the Issuing Authority. These training hours must be authenticated by a single provider through a certified copy of the transcript of academic record from the school issuing the training, degree or diploma. Operate — to own, manage, or conduct, or to have control, charge, or custody over. Person — means any individual, firm, association, partnership, corporation, joint venture, or combination of individuals. Therapeutic massage enterprise — a person who operates a business which hires only licensed therapeutic massage therapists to provide massage to the public. The owner /operator of a therapeutic massage enterprise need not be licensed as a therapeutic massage therapist if he or she does not at any time practice or administer massage to the public. Within the city — includes physical presence as well as telephone referrals such as phone -a- massage operations in which the business premises, although not physically located within the City, serves as a point of assignment of employees who respond to requests for services from within the City. 3 -18 -3: LICENSE REQUIREMENTS: Therapeutic Massage Enterprise License. It shall be unlawful for any person to operate, engage in, or carry on, within the City, any type of massage services to the public for consideration without first having obtained a therapeutic massage enterprise license from the City pursuant to this Section. Massage Therapist License. It shall be unlawful for any individual to practice, 2 administer, or provide massage services to the public for consideration within the City without first having obtained a massage therapist license from the City pursuant to this Section. 3 -18 -4: EXCEPTIONS: A Therapeutic Massage Enterprise or Therapist License is not required for the following persons and places: (A) Persons duly licensed as a doctor by this state to practice medicine, surgery, osteopathy, chiropractic, physical therapy, or podiatry, provided the massage is administered in the regular course of the medical business as it prepares the patient for a medical procedure or complements a medical procedure previously performed on the patient and not provided as part of a separate and distinct massage business. Any duly license doctor that offers any form of massage without a direct link to a medical procedure must obtain a massage license. (B) Persons working solely under the direction and control of a duly licensed medical professional licensed under Minnesota State Statute Chapters 147 or 148 or dental professional licensed under Chapter 150A, provided the massage is administered on the premise of the medical business. (C) Places duly licensed or operating as a hospital, nursing home, hospice, sanitarium, or group home established for the hospitalization or care of human beings provided the massage is administered only to the residents or patients of the facility as part of their care and not provided as a part of a separate service. 3 -18 -5: LICENSE APPLICATION: (A) Therapeutic Massage Enterprise License Application. An application for a therapeutic massage enterprise license shall be made on a form supplied by the City and Issuing Authority and shall request the following info: 1. All Applicants: a. Whether the applicant is an individual, corporation, partnership, or other form of organization. b. The legal description of the premises to be licensed together with a plan of the area showing dimensions, location of buildings, street access, and parking facilities. c. The floor number, street number, and rooms where the massage services are to be conducted. d. Whether all real estate and personal property taxes that are due and payable for the premises to be licensed have been paid, and if not paid, the years and amount that are unpaid. e. Whenever the application is for premises either planned or under construction or undergoing substantial alteration, the application shall be accompanied by a set of preliminary plans showing the design of the proposed premises to be licensed. If the plans for design are on file with the Building and Inspection Division, no plans need to be submitted to the Issuing Authority. f. The name and street address of the business if it is to be conducted under a designation, name, or style other than the name of the applicant, and a certified copy of the certificate as required by Minnesota Statutes, Section 333.02. g. The amount of the investment that the applicant has in the business, buildings, premises, fixtures, furniture, and equipment, and proof of the source of such investment. The identity of all other persons investing in the business, building premises, fixture, furniture and equipment, the amount of their investment and proof of the source of such investment. h. Such other information as the City Council or Issuing Authority shall require. 2. Individuals: a. The name, place and date of birth, and street residence address of the applicant. b. Whether the applicant has ever used or been known by a name other than the applicant's name, and if so, the name or names and information concerning dates and places where used. c. Whether the applicant is a citizen of the United States or a resident alien or has the legal authority to work in the United States. d. Street addresses at which the applicant has lived during the preceding five (5) years. e. The type, name, and location of every business or occupation the applicant has been engaged in during the preceding five (5) years. f. Names and addresses of the applicant's employers for the preceding five (5) years. g. Whether the applicant has ever been convicted of any felony, crime, or violation of any ordinance other than a minor traffic offense. If so, the applicant shall furnish information as to the time, place and offense, for which convictions were had. h. Whether the applicant has had an interest in, as an individual or as part of a corporation, partnership, association, enterprise, business or firm, a massage license application is submitted to the Issuing Authority. i. Whether the applicant has ever been engaged in the operation of massage services. If so, applicant shall furnish information as to the name, place, and length of time of the involvement in such an establishment. 3. Partnerships: For the applicants that are partnerships: the names and addresses of all general and limited partners and all information concerning each general partner as is required in paragraph (2) of this Section of this Code. The managing partners shall be designated, and the interest of each general and limited partner in the business shall be disclosed. A true copy of the partnership agreement shall be submitted with the application, and if the partnership is required to file a certificate as to a trade name under Minnesota Statutes, Section 333.02, a certified copy of such certificate shall be submitted. The license shall be issued in the name of the partnership. 4. Corporations and Other Organizations: 0 For applicants that are corporations or other types of organizations. a. The applicant's name and current address. b. The applicant's current employer. c. The applicant's employers for the previous five (5) years, including the employer's name, address and dates of employment. d. The applicant's address for the previous five (5) years. e. The applicants' date of birth, home telephone number, weight, height, color of eyes, and color of hair. f. Whether the applicant has ever been convicted of any felony, crime, or violation of any ordinance other than a minor traffic offense, and, if so, the time, place, and offense which convictions were had. g. Whether the applicant has had an interest in, as an individual or as part of a corporation, partnership, association, enterprise, business or firm, a massage license that was revoked or suspended within the last five (5) years of the date the license application is submitted to those Issuing Authority. (B) Massage Therapist License Application. An application for a message therapist license shall be made on a form supplied by the Issuing Authority and shall request the following information: 1. The applicant's name and address. 2. The applicant's current employer. 3. The applicant's employers for the previous five (5) years, including the employers' name, address, and dates of employment. 4. The applicant's addresses for the previous five (5) years. 5. The applicant's date of birth, home telephone number, weight, height, color of eyes, and color of hair. 6. Whether the applicant has ever been convicted of any felony, crime, or violation of any ordinance other than a minor traffic offense and, if so, the time, place, and offense for which convictions were had. 7. Whether the applicant has had an interest in, as an individual or as part of a corporation, partnership, association, enterprise, business or firm, a massage license that was revoked or suspended within the last five (5) years of the date the license application is submitted to the Issuing Authority. 8. Whether the applicant is a U.S. Citizen or resident alien or has the legal authority to work in the United States. 9. Whether the applicant has ever used or been known by a name other than the applicant's name, and if so, the name or names and information concerning dates and places where used. 10. Whether the applicant has met the definition of massage therapist in this Code. 11. Such other information as the City Council or Issuing Authority shall require. 3 -18 -6: LICENSE FEES: The fees for a therapeutic enterprise and therapist licenses shall be as set forth in the Fee Schedule in Section (Title) 20 of this Code. An investigation fee shall be charged for therapeutic massage enterprise licenses. Each application for a license shall be accompanied by payment in full of the required license and investigation fees, if applicable. 3 -18 -7: LICENSE APPLICATION VERIFICATION AND CONSIDERATION: (A) Therapeutic Massage Enterprise License. The initial application for an enterprise license under this Division shall be presented to the City Council for consideration, after the Issuing Authority has verified the information on the initial license. The Issuing Authority is empowered to conduct any and all investigations to verify the information on the application, including ordering a computerized criminal history inquiry and/or a driver's license history inquiry on the applicant. The City Council may accept or deny the license application per this ordinance. (B) Massage Therapist License. 1. Verification and Consideration. Within a reasonable period after receipt of a complete application and fee for a massage therapist license the City shall grant or deny the application. The City and /or the Wright County Sheriff's Office will conduct any and all investigations to verify the information on the application, including ordering a computerized criminal history inquiry and /or a driver's license history inquiry on the applicant. Notice shall be sent by regular mail to the applicant upon a denial informing the applicant of the right to appeal to the City Council within twenty (20) days. In an appeal is properly made, the matter shall be placed on the next available City Council agenda. 2. Photo I.D. Cards. Photo Identification cards shall be issued to individuals receiving a therapeutic massage therapist license. 3 -18 -7: PERSONS INELIBLE FOR LICENSE: (A) Therapeutic Massage Enterprise License. No therapeutic massage enterprise license shall be issued to a person who: 1. Is not eighteen (18) years of age or older at the time the application is submitted to the Issuing Authority. 2. Has been convicted of any crime directly related to the occupation licensed as prescribed by Minnesota Statutes, Section 364.03, subdivision 2, and who has not shown competent evidence of sufficient rehabilitation and present fitness to perform the duties and responsibilities of a licensee as prescribed by Minnesota Statutes, Section 364.03, subdivision 3. 3. Has had an interest in, as an individual or as part of a corporation, partnership, on association, enterprise, business or firm, a massage license that was revoked or suspended within the last five (5) years of the date the license application is submitted to the Issuing Authority. 4. Is not a citizen of the United States or a resident alien, or is legally prohibited from working in the United States. 5. Is not of good moral character or repute. 6. Is not the real party in interest of the enterprise. 7. Has knowingly misrepresented or falsified information on the license application. 8. Cannot meet the definition of therapeutic massage enterprise in Section 3 -18 -2 of this Code. 9. Owes taxes or assessments to the State, County, School District, or City that are due and delinquent. 10. Is the spouse of a person whose massage - related license has been suspended or revoked in the past five (5) years. (B) Massage Therapist License. No massage therapist license shall be issued to a person who: 1. Is not eighteen (18) years of age or older at the time the application is submitted to the Issuing Authority. 2. Has been convicted of any crime directly related to the occupation licensed as prescribed by Minnesota Statutes, Section 364.03, subdivision 2, and who has not shown competent evidence of sufficient rehabilitation and present fitness to perform the duties and responsibilities of a licensee as prescribed by Minnesota Statutes, Section 364.03, subdivision 3 3. Whether the applicant has had an interest in, individually or as part of a corporation, partnership, association, enterprise, business or firm, a massage license that was revoked or suspended within the last five (5) years of the date the license application is submitted to the Issuing Authority. 4. Is not a citizen of the United States or a resident alien, or is legally prohibited from working in the United States. 5. Is not of good moral character or repute. 6. Has knowingly misrepresented or falsified information on the license application. 7. Is not affiliated with, employed by, or does not own a therapeutic massage enterprise licensed by the City. 7 8. Cannot meet the definition of massage therapist in Section 13 -8 -2 of this Section. 3 -18 -8: LOCATIONS INELIGIBLE FOR THERAPEUTIC MASSAGE ENTERPRISE LICENSE: (A) Delinquent Taxes. No therapeutic massage enterprise shall be licensed if such enterprise is located on property on which taxes, assessments, or other financial claims to the State, County, School District, or City are due and delinquent. In the event a suit has been commenced under Minnesota Statutes, Section 278.01 - 278.13, questioning the amount or validity of taxes, the City Council may on application waive strict compliance with this provision; no waiver may be granted, however, for taxes or any portion thereof, which remain unpaid for a period exceeding one (1) year after becoming due. (B) Improper Zoning. No therapeutic massage enterprise shall be licensed if the location of such enterprise has not obtained a Conditional Use Permit or other required land use approval as outlined in the City's Zoning Code. 3 -18 -9: LICENSE RESTRICTIONS: (A) Posting of License. A therapeutic massage enterprise license issued must be posted in a conspicuous place on the premises for which it is used. Upon the demand of the city administrator or designee, a therapeutic massage enterprise must also immediately produce a current and complete list of all licensed massage therapists who are employed by the therapeutic massage enterprise. A person licensed as a massage therapist shall also post his or her massage therapist license, with color photo, in a conspicuous place on the premises at which the therapist is associated. A massage therapist shall produce his or her massage therapist license upon demand by the City Administrator or designee. (B) Licensed Premises. A therapeutic massage enterprise license is only effective for the compact and contiguous space specified in the approved license application. If the licensed premises is enlarged, altered, or extended, the licensee shall inform the City within ten business days. It shall be the continuing duty of each licensee to properly notify the City, within ten business days, of any change in the information or facts required to be furnished on the application for license and failure to comply with this section shall constitute cause for revocation or suspension of such license. (C) Transfer of License Prohibited. The license issued is for the person or the premised named on the approved license application. No transfer of a license shall be permitted from place to place or from person to person without complying with the requirements of an original application. (D) Affiliation with Enterprise Required. A massage therapist shall be employed by, affiliated with, or own a massage enterprise business licensed by the City, unless a person or place is specifically exempted from obtaining a therapeutic massage enterprise license in Section 3 -18 -4 of this Code. (E) Employment of unlicensed massage therapists prohibited. No therapeutic massage enterprise shall employ or use any person to perform massage who is not license as a therapeutic massage therapist under this section, unless the person is specifically exempted from obtaining a therapist license in Section 3- 18-4 of this Code. (F) Coverage of genitals during massage. The licensee shall require that the person who is receiving the massage shall at all time have his or her genitals covered with non - transparent material or clothing. (G) Therapist clothing requirements. Any massage therapist performing massage shall at all times be dressed professionally, shall have his or her breasts, buttocks, anus, and genitals covered with non - transparent material or clothing, and prominently display or wear their photo identification card. (H) Effect of license suspension or revocation. No license shall solicit business or offer to perform massage services while under license suspension or revocation by the City. (1) Massage of certain body parts prohibited. At no time shall the massage therapist intentionally massage or offer to massage the penis, scrotum, mons veneris, vulva, or vaginal area of a person. (J) Restrictions regarding hours of operation. No therapeutic massage enterprise shall be open for business, nor will any therapeutic massage therapist offer massage services, before 8:00 a.m. or after 10:00 p.m. any day of the week. I I (K) Proof of local residency required. In the case of a therapeutic massage enterprise, the licensee, operator, managing partner, or manager of the licensed premise must show proof of residency within a 50 mile radius of the City of Monticello. (L) Inspections. In light of the high risk of involvement with illegal conduct an establishment providing massage therapy poses to the general public and in the interests of public safety, the issuing authority, the building inspector, the fire marshal, and the Wright County Sheriff's Office shall have the right to enter, inspect, and search the licensed premises during the hours in which the licensed premises is open for business to ensure compliance with all provisions of this section and any other applicable sections of the city code and state building code. Any entry into a private residence will require either consent, exigent circumstances, or a search warrant. With reasonable notice, the business records of the licensee, including income tax returns, shall be available for inspection during the hours in which the licensed premises is open for business. The licensee is subject to a fee for a third inspection per the fee schedule, if orders to correct are issued to the licensee and those orders are not corrected upon re- inspection. Licenses shall be granted only to establishments which can meet the safety and sanitary requirements of the city and of the building code regulations of the city and state. 0J (M) Posting of rates. All massage enterprise businesses must post their rates for service in a prominent place in the entrance or lobby of the business. (N) Illegal activities. In addition to the license restrictions set forth in this section, any advertising by a licensee of any potential unlawful or erotic conduct at the licensed establishment shall be prohibited. A licensee under this chapter shall be strictly responsible for the conduct of the business being operated in compliance with all applicable laws and ordinances, including the actions of any employee or agent of the licensee on the licensed premises. 3- 18 -10: TERM, RENEWAL OF LICENSE: (A) The term of a massage therapist license and a therapeutic massage enterprise license is one year. If an individual or enterprise submits an application any time during a calendar year, the term shall expire December 31 of the year of issuance. The license fee for a partial calendar year may be pro -rated to on -half of the annual fee if an application is filed with the issuing authority after June 30. (B) Licenses must be renewed annually and the annual fee will be applied. A massage therapist license issued under this section shall expire on December 31 of the year of issuance of the license. A therapeutic massage enterprise license issued under this section shall expire on December 31 of the year of issuance. An application for the renewal of an existing license shall be made at least 30 days prior to the expiration date of the license and shall be made in such form as the issuing authority requires. (C) Within a reasonable period after the completion of the renewal license verification process, the Issuing Authority shall accept or deny the license application in accordance with this Chapter. If the application is denied, the City shall notify the applicant of the determination in writing and by regular mail to the address provided on the application form. The notice shall inform the applicant of the right, within twenty (20) days after receipt of the notice by the applicant, to request an appeal of the City's denial to the City Council. In an appeal to the City Council is timely received by the City, the hearing before the City Council shall take place within a reasonable period of receipt of the appeal by the Issuing Authority. 3- 18 -11: SANCTIONS FOR LICENSE VIOLATIONS: (A) Suspension or revocation. The City Council may impose an administrative penalty, suspend or revoke a license issued pursuant to this section, at its discretion, for: 1. A violation related to fraud, misrepresentation, or false statement contained in a license application or a renewal application. 2. A violation related to fraud, misrepresentation, or false statement made in the course of carrying on the licensed occupation or business. 10 3. Any violation of this code or state law. 4. A violation by any licensee or individual that is directly related to the occupation or business licensed as defined by Minnesota Statutes, Section 364.03, subdivision 2. 5. Conducting the licensed business or occupation in an unlawful manner or in such a manner as to constitute a breach of the peace or to constitute a menace to the health, safety, or general welfare of the community. 6. If the owner, operator, manager, lessee, or any of the employees are found to be in control or possession of a narcotic drug, or controlled substance on the premises, other than drugs which may be purchased over the counter without a prescription or those for which the individual has a prescription. 7. If the holder of an enterprise license fails to maintain with the issuing authority a current list of all employees of such licensed premises. The list shall include all massage therapists licensed under this section. 8. A material variance in the actual plan and design of the premises from the plans submitted. (B) Notice and hearing. A revocation or suspension by the City Council shall be preceded by written notice to the licensee and a hearing. The notice shall give at least ten (10) days' notice of the time and place of the hearing and shall state the nature of the charges against the licensee. The notice shall be mailed by regular mail to the licensee at the most recent address listed on the license application. 3- 18 -12: VIOLATIONS AND PENALTIES: Any person or entity that violates the provisions of this chapter is guilty of a misdemeanor under Minnesota law, and shall be punished by a fine or imprisonment, or both, together with the costs of prosecution. Each violation of this section shall constitute a separate offense. Conviction of a violation of this section, while not required, may be grounds for the suspension or revocation of any license issued under this section. 11 SUMMARY ORDINANCE NO. 632A CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA A SUMMARY ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 3 BY ADDING CHAPTER 18 — THERAPEUTIC MASSAGE ENTERPRISES AND MASSAGE THERAPISTS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, on February 8, 2016, Ordinance No. 632 was adopted by the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota. Due to the lengthy nature of Ordinance No. 632, the following Summary Ordinance No. 632A has been prepared for publication as authorized by state law. The ordinance adopted by the Council amends Title 3 of the Monticello Zoning Code. The general purpose of the ordinance amendments are to add Chapter 18 which regulates Therapeutic Massage Enterprises and Massage Therapists 3 -18: Therapeutic Massage Enterprises and Massage Therapists A printed copy of the whole ordinance is available for inspection by any person during the City's regular office hours. The complete ordinance will be posted on the City's website following publication. APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION by the City Council of Monticello, Minnesota, this 8th day of February, 2016. CITY OF MONTICELLO Brian Stumpf, Mayor ATTEST: Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator VOTING IN FAVOR: VOTING IN OPPOSITION: CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY ORDINANCE NO. 933 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FEE SCHEDULE THE CITY CODE — CHAPTER 20, SECTION 1 - BY ADDING FEES AND CHARGES FOR THERAPEUTIC MASSAGE ENTERPRISES AND MASSAGE THERAPISTS The City Council of Monticello ordains: That the Fee Schedule City Code is hereby amended, with respect to certain fees and descriptions contained under "Licenses and Permits ", and shall read as follows: LICENSES AND PERMITS Therapeutic Massage Enterprises: Application fee Massage Therapist: Application fee ADOPTED B Y the City of Monticello on the 8th day of February, 2016. ATTEST: Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator Brian Stumpf, Mayor City Council Agenda: 02/08/16 2H. Consideration to authorize preparation of plans and specifications for interim improvements at the Bertram Chain of Lakes Regional Park — Athletic Park and to authorize application for required permits, including Wright County for Land Alteration Permit. (AS /JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The City Council is asked to authorize the preparation of plans and specifications for a set of interim improvements in the area the Bertram Chain of Lakes Regional Park Athletic Park. Council is also asked to authorize the submission of required permits associated with the improvements. The City and Wright County acquired 40.17 acres of property at Bertram Park (a portion of parcel 8 and a portion of parcel 1) in 2014 with funding from the Outdoor Recreation grant fund. In 2015, the City and Wright County acquired 9.63 acres of property at Bertram Park (9.63 acres of parcel 1) with funding from the Outdoor Recreation grant fund. Both parcels are intended to be part of the athletic park area of the larger regional park. As part of the Outdoor Recreation grant requirements, the City is required to provide recreation facilities in these areas within three years from the date of acquisition. As the City acquired the first 40.17 acres in June of 2014, recreational facilities will need to be provided on site by June, 2017. Staff spoke with the DNR grant representative on February 2nd and confirmed that the City will need to complete the required grant funding signage, 10' bituminous trail, gravel parking lot, and gravel entrance road, as planned and identified in the grant applications. Although the City also originally planned for approximately 20 acres of playable open space with these interim improvements, the DNR has indicated that less playable space is acceptable if the City can show progress toward completion of final planned improvements for the larger athletic park. As such, staff would propose at this time to keep field improvements to a minimum to reduce cost and duplication with later development phases as identified by the master plan. However, based on the Needs Assessment prepared with the Athletic Park master planning process, there is a need to provide additional open field space for soccer and lacrosse in the near term. With the exception of the need to prepare the 5 -acre play area to a final grade and re -seed with a later phase of development, all other interim improvements integrate into later stages of development at the park. Development of plans and specifications for the interim improvements, including grading plan, are included within the Bertram Chain of Lakes Athletic Park master plan project contract with WSB & Associates. Therefore, with Council authorization, WSB will work with the Parks Department to prepare grading and construction documents for the following: • Gravel entrance drive (base for future paved drive) • Gravel parking area (45 spaces) • 10' bituminous pathway from the gravel entrance drive to regional park entrance /trail connection point • Approximately 5 acres of open play space — suitable for soccer, lacrosse, frisbee City Council Agenda: 02/08/16 WSB will also coordinate the quote/bid process for the pathway and will provide construction staking and oversight for the pathway, per contract. The Parks Department will construct the gravel parking lot and drive, as well as complete the disking and seeding of the 5 -acre play area. WSB will provide grading and staking for these features as per contract. At a future meeting, Council will be asked to consider approving the plans and specifications and then authorizing bids (if necessary based on estimated cost) in late March. Award of work is anticipated to come before Council in April, 2016. At the workshop preceding the regular Council meeting, an overview of the draft feasibility report for the full athletic park will be provided to the Council. The overview will provide information on the four development areas of the park, which could be phased in over time. In lieu of the proposed interim improvements, Council could consider moving forward with build -out of one or more of the development areas. To complete the full -build out of a development area (or areas) would require commitment to budgeting for the capital expenditures over time, or alternative funding mechanism, such as a referendum. Build -out of a development area based on the master plan will require a request and approval of an extension from the DNR due to the scope of work and potential cost associated with any development area of the athletic park. A modification of contract with WSB for preparation of plans and specifications would also be necessary, although it should be noted that the costs identified for any given development area do include indirect costs for planning and engineering. It would also be recommended that Council first consider adoption of the master plan and feasibility report prior to authorizing plans and specifications for a development area. To move forward with the interim improvements, Council is also asked to authorize application to Wright County for a Land Alteration Permit. The City is required to apply for this permit through the county, as the interim improvement project will disturb over 500 cubic yards of material (and/or more than 50 yards in shoreland area). The permit process requires a public hearing by the Wright County Planning Commission, as well as review by the Monticello Township Board. As co- owners of the parkland, the City will request that Wright County be a co- applicant. Staff would also request that the City's motion authorize any other required permit applications which may be needed for the project. Al. Budget Impact: The cost for the preparation of plans and specifications and the grading plan for interim improvements is included within the $87,358 master planning contract with WSB & Associates. These items are identified as Tasks 3 and 4 within the contract. Regarding the cost of the interim improvements, the City budgeted $200,000 within the Parks Department budget for completion of the noted items in 2016. This amount includes materials for all proposed improvements and the cost of the permit application to Wright County. City Council Agenda: 02/08/16 A2. Staff Workload Impact: The Parks Superintendent has planned for the workload associated with the noted improvements and estimates a total of two full time and one seasonal employee working on the project, for approximately two - three weeks. City equipment will also be utilized for the project. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: Decision 1: Authorize preparation of plans and specifications for interim improvements at the Bertram Chain of Lakes Regional Park Athletic Park Motion to authorize preparation of plans and specifications for interim improvements at the Bertram Chain of Lakes Regional Park Athletic Park as identified in the staff report of 2/08/16. 2. Motion to deny authorization of preparation of plans and specifications for interim improvements at the Bertram Chain of Lakes Regional Park Athletic Park as identified in the staff report of 2/08/16. 3. Motion of other. (Council may wish to direct that staff and consultants to move toward preparation plans and specifications and required permit applications for a specified development area) Decision 2: Authorize application for required permits, including Wright County for Land Alteration Permit. 1. Motion to authorize application for required permits, including Wright County for Land Alteration Permit. 2. Motion to deny authorization of application for required permits. 3. Motion of other. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends Alternative #1 for both decisions. Authorization to proceed with preparation of plans and specifications and permitting applications are consistent with the City's planning efforts to -date for the Bertram Chain of Lakes Athletic Park. In addition, these steps are required in order to move forward toward improvements required by the awarded grant funding. In addition, the 5 -acres of field space will provide needed play area for Monticello soccer and lacrosse teams, which will lose practice space in 2017 with the school district's intended field improvements at the high school. City Council Agenda: 02/08/16 Further, the City has approved a contract which includes the cost of the preparation of the grading plan and improvement plans and specifications. The City has also budgeted the funding necessary to complete the improvements, based on the estimated costs. A SUPPORTING DATA: • Proposed Interim Improvements • Proposed BCOLAP Improvements, Concept • Contract — BCOLAP Master Plan 4 ob V) Lu LL- 0 z u 2 cr- bc Lu cn �Ie cr Z ir izh�--Yk& Interim Development ULVERT RAVEL DRIVE AllGRAVEL PARKING LOT FOR 45 VEHICLES INTERIM (GRADING AND SEEDING TO SMOOTH EXISTING FIELD (DOES NOT INCLUDE FINAL GRADING OF ATHLETIC FIELDS AT THIS TIME). Ir BITUMINOUS TRAIL TO COUNTY PARK rl dn!! Lu Base Development L $191,147 Cr.TY OF morifiAo A ww �, ■ . :4� r %t`.. �� �' � lr'�4� ' tip' s 00 LAKES BASEBALL .- a �`- FIELD 3801 x 540"1 r- -� 1 ► 1 1 1 I Includes lighting LI • 1 I_ Accommodates I 1 1 3 Includes lighti Na1 GA ��t �" L` �, � 1 � I x•,�,�V; #� ''�y�1 I t����"' �= �►��r`��� �� % �;: ; /f'f:, a�F. -' , e �• .. - ..l,_ 1 a s .s' � K .;�%' � _x� / -" tea► " \�- � Z !.- �� �� • `lj•=d(� . -,,r . .,. " t -t/i l l ~ ` �' � : �4�; . .__ -_�..:'.. ; . �.�_ - ��>..� - .:.ry�,l...^ . . ■1 ■ ■�■ /■,,r�■,•�,.. ■ �■'■ ■tf��� irar Ll�.A �• ` .. � YA ��„�_.� %� ��j1\1''*, � , 1. 4 � 11�-_�,. , 11�y�� 1 °- _../i�t r!!'ry:I ' ., ��� � ►��_ :; ' i r•�/_.,,1 -.�1 �� e �� � ����'► * r � y. �Fe-„ z - r ,�I 'l.„ +� , 1� . .k �" \?.tit�.e ' ' . , - - ���.. � ;�.�; � . . ' � , � .� ��p..► . .�,. -i�7 � �: � ' � sy' = +r['�, \i . t" - _ .. z >� '4 '.:Stted/'.' • � lIk a , 1 /f , / F� i 1i11' � r "wr�t'- . :. , , � ��^�•I�.p I. I, ,� - - e a�-�•'r ` --Islam 100 �. BALLFIELD I outfield fence 7lud - s restrooms F-,A��I-PURPOSE r, BALLFIELD 300' I outfield fence Includes lighting a. 1 "IF o n rooms s/ �V r rlr - � ��i 1�fE�. �►t� � :,�1%; �r.l�,r. —PURPOSE Accommodates I 1 . I . LU NO __ _— —_ __ SINGLE . -s• . . GENERAL SKATING - DOUBLE MULTI — PURPOSE GREEN ULTI — PURPOSE (SOCCER /LACROSSE /FOOTBALL) GREENy� Concession Building i 380 x 540 * ` • Includes restrooms and warming house _. ,8 S CCER /LACROSSE /FOOTBA "' ` • Accommodates two full size fields 360' x 225' ; I ( ) � • 245 x 380 I � � - - _ MonticcRo 1 . SECONDARY ENTRANCE /EXIT accommodates one full si -s field (360' x 2251) ' � ICE HOCKEY _ » 701 Xenia Avenue South, Suite 300 I � � r rt "�`' - � "`� ® _ • Paved for in -line hocked/ basketball during ummer Minneapolis, MN 55416 ; `? + ) / g WSBTel: (763) 541 -4800 II - Fax : (763) 541 1700 - - - - - - - - - - — Includes lighting ; .. i. Project # _ � January 29th, 2016 GATE " 1. f SECONDARY 0' 100' 200' N GRAPHIC SCALE ENTRANCE � EXISTING COON TYA_ RK ROAD gas !„ SUMMARY • 10 Multi- Purpose Greens • 7 Multi- Purpose Ballfields • 2 Youth Baseball Fields • 1 Baseball Field • 2 Tennis Courts 1 Hockey Rink /Basketball Court • 2 Play Areas • 4 Concession / Restroom Buildings • 1 including Warming House • 1 including Shelter Overhang • Parking for Approximately 1000 vehicles • Paved Trail Loop System - Approximately 3.8 Miles _. 1 PAVED TRAIL LOOP SYSTEM • Provides access to various recreational activities as well as connections to the regional park. NATIVE RESTORATION AREAS FUTURE CAMPGROUND � c� A WSB �" „ engineering • planning • on vironmental • construction July 14, 2015 Ms. Angela Schumann Community Development Director City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Monticello, MN 55362 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Tel: 763 - 541 -4800 Fax: 763. 541 -1700 Re: Professional Services Proposal for Bertram Chain of Lakes Athletic Complex Master Planning and Interim Use Design Dear Ms. Schumann: WSB is pleased to present the following scope of services and fee for professional services related to the Bertram Chain of Lakes Athletic Complex project. We have included the following sub - consultants on our team to provide peer level review and comment related to the master plan and estimation. Professional Turf & Renovation (topsoil and seed) ❑ MLC Irrigation The following details the associated tasks to be performed as part of WSB's professional services for this project. A. Scope of Services Task 1: Needs Analysis / Man Confirmation WSB will reconfirm conceptual athletic park plan elements and park configuration based on an updated needs assessment. WSB will review existing concept plan and background documents including Outdoor Recreation Grant documents, Park & Pathway Plan, Natural Resource Inventory, archeological survey, City of Monticello and regional park system, and other previously developed BCOL park documents. WSB will meet with stakeholders, including staff, Bertram Chain of Lakes Advisory Council, BCOL Athletic Sub - Committee, Monticello School District, and Monticello Parks Commission to determine current and future needs and capacities. WSB will prepare up to 3 alternative concepts based on programmatic elements desired to explore different spatial arrangements and the resulting balance between natural /active areas. Deliverables ❑ Needs assessment report including: o Methodology of assessment St. Cloud • Minneapolis • 5t. Paul Equal Opportunity Employer wsbeng.com Ms. Angela Schumann City of Monticello, MN July 14, 2015 Page 2 o Record and summary of stakeholder interviews and meetings o Overview of current needs and availability – school district, City of Monticello, region • Current / historical data to be provided by city, school district, and associations o Projection of future need -- school district, City of Monticello, region (based on local participation data and regional trends) o Specific evaluation of local versus regional needs o Statement regarding decommissioning potential of other park facilities o Final recommendation based on above, including description of prioritization of improvements o Provide 3 soil borings to gain representative understanding of underlying soils Meetings and Public Process ❑ Kick -Off Meeting — Review prior site concepts with City staff, site conditions and design requirements, and receive and /or request project information from the City. Stakeholder Meetings and Interviews - o City and County Park and Community Center Staff o BCOL Athletic Field Subcommittee o Monticello School District Staff o Athletic Organizations (as needed) o Monticello Community Education Staff o Bertram Chain of Lakes Advisory Council o Monticello Parks Commission ❑ Final Recommendation Staff Meeting Review final recommendations with City staff Task 2: Master Site Plan. Phasine .Plan and Feasibility Plan & Renort Master Site Plan: WSB will prepare a final master site plan for the site based on Task 1 outcomes. The plan will show the number, location and orientation of all fields, access drives, trails, parking areas, open spaces and buildings. Phasing Plan: WSB will prepare a detailed site plan for each phase of the site as follows. A map of the phases was provided in the RFP by the City of Monticello. Phase 1: 49.8 acres a. Interim improvements per Outdoor Recreation Grant b. Full build out per master site plan Phase 2: 40.89 acres a. Interim improvements per Outdoor Recreation Grant b. Full build out per master site plan Phase 3: 26 acres (full build -out only) The consultant will first develop an interim improvements plan layer based on meeting the requirements of Outdoor Recreation Grants. The City has been awarded Outdoor Recreation grant funds through the Department of Natural Resources, which require the development of outdoor recreation facilities on the Phase 1 area no later than June, 2017. The first phase of improvements includes the placement of a mid - parcel access road with open play fields on the south 20 acres of the 49,8 acres of Phase 1, including a 10' unpaved trail to the passive recreational area of the park. The second phase of interim Ms. Angela Schumann City of Monticello, MN July 14, 2015 Page 3 improvements is based on a second Outdoor Recreation grant (currently pending award) and was to include the extension of the access road to a gravel parking area and extension of the 10' unpaved trail to additional open play fields. For detailed full build -out phasing plans, the consultant will determine detailed plans for recreational amenities and supporting facilities for each of the three noted phase acreages based on most immediate needs determined via Task 1. Feasibility Plan & Report: WSB will prepare itemized engineer's estimates /construction cost estimates for all improvements in each phase, including as a separate component the interim improvement plans. The consultanticonsultant team will provide projections of operations and maintenance for each phase, including the interim improvements. The feasibility plan/report will include an environmental analysis, utility plan, traffic analysis, ADA compliance detail, and sustainability analysis and recommendations. The feasibility plan /rejnnrt will include a statement addressing how each of the goals of the project have been met with the master site plan, phasing plan or the report itself. Deliverables Full site Master Plan o 24" X 36" sheets o A full certificate of survey will be provided. o Site topographic survey will be required. o AutoCAD software and the design base drawing. o File must be suitable for input into both City and Wright County GIS. ❑ Interim Phasing Plan o 24" x 36" plan sheet for each of two phases o AutoCAD software and the design base drawing. o File must be suitable for input into both City and Wright County GIS. Detailed Phasing Plans at master planning level to guide phased implementation of the project over time, Full Build -Out (not construction ready plans) o 24" x 36" plan sheet for each phase o Show all plan features, as appropriate: Site layout for soccer, football, lacrosse, baseball, softball, and other field or court types, as determined necessary o Spectator stands /areas a Field and site lighting N Concessions /restrooms Storage and maintenance building(s) a Trails a Natural features, including plazas and open space pavilions Parking lots Playgrounds Picnic and seating areas Site access and utility access roads Conceptual irrigation layout (existing well; future city services) ■ Storm water features (ponds, rain garden, swales, etc.) Ms. Angela Schumann City of Monticello, MN July 14, 2015 Page 4 o Landscape plan, including species and recommended count — to be provided at a master plan level to guide development and budget for landscaping (not a construction ready document). ■ Topsoil and seed • Review site soil • Review preferred plan • Recommendations for seed selection using native topsoil or for modified topsoil related to high performance/high maintenance fields o Signage and interpretive kiosk plan o Utility plan for electric, well, and septic, as well as future municipal utility connection points and corridors • Storm water o Review of soil types and concerns o Review of 3 concept plans and preferred plan spatial considerations for storm water o Recommendation of opportunities for storm water management and reuse o Guidance with construction cost estimate for full development • Water Service o Review readily available well information and soil /geology for this area o Review of preferred plan o Preliminary recommendation for potential well sites and future utility routing for municipal water and sanitary connections. o Guidance with construction cost estimate for well(s) and future utility routing • Septic o Review readily available soils information o Review of preferred plan o Recommendation for general spatial needs associated with septic system(s) and future utility routing for municipal connections o Guidance with construction cost estimate for septic systems and future utility routing ■ Irrigation o Review preferred plan o Identify water needs (gallons per minute max) for irrigation system o Assist with alternative considerations of irrigation source that may include • Water reuse • Well(s) • Sourcing from lake via permit if allowed o Plan files must be suitable for input into both City and Wright County GIS. Project Feasibility Plan & Report to include: o Environmental analysis- description of features and impacts, regulatory compliance o Traffic projections • Review public street/road requirements for allowable access point(s) • Review of preferred plan as related to public street/road impact Ms. Angela Schumann City of Monticello, MN July 14, 2015 Page 5 ■ Recommendations for public streetiroad modifications needed for full development (turn lanes / widening, etc) Guidance for budgeting of public streettroad modifications needed o ADA compliance detail and report o Sustainability analysis and recommendations, including low impact design recommendations and best management practices for design, materials and construction, and on -going maintenance o Engineer's estimates /construction cost estimates for all improvements by phase 0 Statement regarding cost efficiency for phased improvement "clusters" o Projections of operations and maintenance for planned improvements Meetings and Public Process ❑ Workshop - Bertram Chain of Lakes Advisory Council, Proposal Steering Committee, Athletic Field Sub- Committee, Parks Commission ❑ Public Open House to review alternate concept plans (additional meeting) ❑ Public Open House to review master plan ❑ Secondary Workshop - Bertram Chain of Lakes Advisory Council, Proposal Steering Committee, Athletic Field Sub - Committee, Parks Commission, City Council, Planning Commission C Parks Commission Review and Recommendation ❑ Council Review and Adoption Task 3: Schematic Grading Plan for All Phases (for Land Alteration Permit) WSB will prepare a schematic grading plan for all phases of the athletic facility based on the master site plan and phasing plans. The plan must be prepared to meet Wright County Land Alteration Conditional Use Permit requirements. The consultant will submit the plan to permit review and decision authorities and represent the City and park in the review process. Deliverables ❑ Complete and evaluate site soil borings. Prepare preliminary plan grading, erosion, sediment control and storm water management sheets using AutoCAD software and the design base drawing. o Plan reviews on 24" X 36" sheets. o City will provide Standard Detail Plates for consultant's use. ❑ Prepare for Wright County Land Alteration Conditional Use Permit. Submit application and plans as needed for the required permits. Meetings and Public Process Preliminary Application Meeting – Meet with Wright County PIanning & Zoning staff for purpose of understanding requirements and plan detail required for Land Alteration Conditional Use Permit. ❑ Preliminary Design Meeting — Review draft plans and specifications. City will review and provide comments in regard to the preparation of final plans and project deliverables. ❑ City Council – Present for authorization to submit application to Wright County. ❑ Monticello Township Board Meeting. ❑ Wright County Planning Commission Meeting. 11 Final Meeting — Review and receive final permit plans and related deliverables. Ms. Angela Schumann City of Monticello, MN July 14, 2015 Page 6 Task 4: Construction Design Plans & Coordination for Interim Improvements WSB will provide final design, bidding services, construction staking, and construction management assistance of the interim improvements described below: • Interim Improvement Phase 1: This will include the placement of a mid - parcel access road with open play fields (turf without irrigation) on the south 20 acres, including a 10' unpaved trail to the passive recreational area of the park. • Interim Improvements Phase 2: This is pending grant agency award and will include the extension of the access road to a gravel parking area and extension of the 10' unpaved trail to additional open play fields (turf without irrigation). WSB will provide the following bidding process services: ■ Advertisement for bids ■ Coordinating online plan set availability for interested bidders ■ Answering bidder questions during bidding ■ Issuing addenda to provide any clarifications during bidding if needed WSB will meet with the City and contractor on a frequency of one time every other week throughout the construction to review the project to ensure the design intent is being carried through. Based on the five month timeline included in the RFP, we anticipate approximately ten site meetings at four hours per meeting (includes travel time). WSB will provide design and estimate for street /road modifications for interim improvements if required. Does not include final design of full build -out. Deliverables: ❑ Prepare preliminary plan sheets using AutoCAD software and the design base drawing. Plan reviews on 24" X 36" sheets. c City will provide Standard Detail Plates for consultant's use. ❑ Prepare pre - development and post - development site hydrology calculations using HydroCAD software. Project design should mimic natural hydrologic site conditions to the maximum extent practical. Incorporate Low Impact Development (LID) Best Management Practices (BMP's) such as grass -lined swales, infiltration and rain gardens. Note: Storm water design shall meet the standards of the City of Monticello and Wright County. ❑ Design temporary /permanent erosion protection and sediment control BMP's in construction plans and prepare SWPPP (Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan) documentation for project as required by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) to obtain an NPDES Phase I I Construction Activity Permit. ❑ Prepare for City and Wright County storm water permit applications, as applicable. ❑ Prepare final construction plans, bid documents and specifications based on comments from City and Wright County. Manage bid process. ❑ Preconstruction Meeting — Construction meeting with contractor, utility companies, etc. to review construction plans. ❑ Construction staking of improvements. ❑ Consult with City on as- needed basis during construction (provide hourly rate and an estimate of hours required). Meetings and Public Process: 11 Bid Opening/Tabulation and Board Recommendation Ms. Angela Schumann City of Monticello, MN July 14, 2015 Page 7 ❑ Pre - Construction Meeting I❑ On -site construction observation B. Total Cost and Schedule Fees for the services defined in this proposal will be billed on an hourly not -to- exceed basis. The total not -to- exceed fee is $87,358.00. Per our discussion, we have adjusted the scope and related fee to include 1 additional public open house meeting and feedback summary to review the alternate preliminary concepts with the public. Additional services requested by the City beyond what is defined in this proposal will be billed as `additional services' on an hourly basis. Additional services will only proceed with authorization from the owner. If you wish to authorize the work defined in this proposal, please sign below and return one copy to me for our records. Sincerely, WSB & Associates, Inc. Jason L. Amberg, RLA Group Manager - Landscape Architecture ACCEPTED BY: City of Monticello, MN By 01_� (Simiy J, ignature r We Printed name Date 7-1-1-15 City Council Agenda: 02/08/16 4A. Consideration to approve preparation of a Parkland Conversion Request by WSB & Associates for the Xcel /City Ballfields and former City bio- solids property. (AS /JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The City Council tabled action on this item in January, requesting that staff provide additional information on the proposed cost for the conversion request process. In staff discussions with WSB regarding the $20,199 estimate of cost, WSB has indicated that the numbers provided are conservative based on their experience with the process. The scope of work provides an estimate of the number of hours of staff time by task. The estimated number of hours are then tallied and totaled based on hourly rates for an estimate of cost. WSB will bill the project by hour, so the City is not locked in to the $20,199 amount. WSB has indicated that if the coordination with the DNR goes well, the cost will be less. The intent in the scope document was to provide an estimate that could cover the potential for additional coordination rather than coming back for scope amendments, further delaying the process. It should again be noted that as a federal grant conversion request, the documents required for submission of the application require technical expertise and assembly of data related to environmental and cultural resources; experience in these areas is a benefit to submission of the request. A representative from WSB & Associates will be present to answer more detailed questions of the Council as related to the scope of work and estimate of cost. The investment of approximately $25,000- $30,000 to complete this process provides the City with flexibility to decommission the Xcel /City ballfields with resources currently available through utilization of the bio- solids land. If the City elects not to move forward with a conversion request at this time, should the Xcel /City fields need to be decommissioned at a future date, the City will still incur the conversion application costs. Furthermore, the City will need to find and purchase alternative replacement land elsewhere within the community. The replacement land cannot be land otherwise planned or dedicated for park. In reviewing estimated land costs in areas immediately adjacent to the City, the amount of replacement elsewhere is estimated at $5,000 - $8,000 per acre. To replace 15 acres (the amount of recreational land at Xcel /City ballfields), the land cost is therefore estimated conservatively at $120,000. In addition, it will be required that the City provide a "like" replacement of recreational capacity. As such, the City would need to provide field capacity similar to that at Xcel /City ballfields (or demonstrate alternative recreational opportunity based on need). The estimated cost to re -build a comparable four -field pinwheel at another location is $2.5 -$3 million. City Council Agenda: 02/08/16 Staff has provided the staff report from the January meeting for reference on the original background material. Al. Budget Impact: The scope of work prepared by WSB totals $20,199. Required appraisals and review for the conversion process are outside the scope of WSB's proposal and are estimated at approximately $10,000. Funds for this project would be paid from the Capital Projects Fund. A2. Staff Workload Impact: Staff support for this report and continued support for the conversion of use request are estimated at 15 -20 hours. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve preparation of a Parkland Conversion Request by WSB & Associates for the Xcel /City Ballfields and former City bio- solids property, including continued communication with Xcel Energy regarding the process. 2. Motion to deny preparation of a Parkland Conversion Request for the Xcel /City Ballfields and former City bio- solids property. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends Alternative #1. Although the conversion process represents a significant investment by the City, it preserves an opportunity for decommissioning of the Xcel /City ballfields utilizing the approximately 27 -acre bio -solid area as the replacement resource should it become necessary. The estimated cost to replace the recreational land at Xcel /City ballfields elsewhere outside the Bertram Chain of Lakes /bio- solids park is estimated at approximately $3 million. The investment of approximately $30,000 at this time allows the City the opportunity consider the bio- solids land, and the recreational fields already planned for Bertram, as an alternative to this redundant expense. Decision on this item will allow the City to continue moving forward on two other important fronts. First, given Council's previous direction to consider approximately 25- 27 acres of bio- solids property as part of the conceptual BCOL athletic park planning effort, the City will be able to move the final master planning effort through to final consideration of approval. Secondly, as Council has directed staff to market for sale the bio- solids land, the City will be able to submit a request to the MOAA Board to split the approximately 27 -acre parcel from the larger 157 acres. City Council Agenda: 02/08/16 D. SUPPORTING DATA: • Proposed Scope of Work • Staff Report — January 25th, 2016 • Conversion of Use — Guidelines and Requirements • NSP Ballfield Lease • NSP Ballfield Area Maps 1 =� Building a legacy —your legacy. 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Tel: 763 -541 -4800 Fax: 763 -541 -1700 January 18, 2016 Ms. Angela Schumann City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Monticello, MN 55362 Re: BCOL Contract Amendment to Provide Additional public meeting and Section 6(f) Documentation at Xcel Ballfields and Bertram Chain of Lakes Regional Park Dear Angela: WSB & Associates, Inc. is pleased to present this proposal to provide services as they relate to the additional public /stakeholder meeting held on Oct. 8th and preparing Section 6(f) documentation. The information provided below is our understanding of the project and the work that will need to be completed in order to proceed with city approval of the Bertram Chain of Lakes Regional Park Master Plan. PROJECT UNDERSTANDING The City of Monticello is developing a master plan for Bertram Chain of Lakes Regional Park. Initial drafts of the master plan concept include expanding the park beyond its current boundaries. Concurrently, the city is preparing for potential construction of a new interchange on 1 -94, near 120th Street NE, County Road 75, and the Xcel Ballfields. It is possible that a future interchange will impact the Xcel Ballfields, a Section 6(f) resource. Per the requirements of Section 6(f), park land purchased or improved using Land and Water Conservation (LAWCON) funding must be replaced with park land of equivalent value. The city has identified potential replacement land that could be converted to park use and support the expansion of Bertram Chain of Lakes Regional Park. The potential replacement land is owned by the city and was originally purchased for biosolids use. Based on the potential for a conversion of the Xcel Ballfields and the desire to expand Bertram Chain of Lakes Regional Park, the City would like to initiate proactive Section 6(f) documentation. City and WSB staff has spoken with Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) staff to discuss the proposed conversion. DNR staff provided guidance on the documentation necessary and indicated that the proposed conversion and proactive Section 6(f) would be acceptable assuming that the land that is to replace the ballfields was not previously identified as park land. SCOPE OF SERVICES "A" — Additional Public /Stakeholder Meeti At the request of the city, an additional stakeholder meeting was held at the city to review a preliminary site layout plan on Oct. 8, 2015 prior. WSB staff presented and facilitated the discussion for this meeting. Equal Opportunity Employer wsbeng.com H:\ Proposals \Monticello \Monticello LAWCON letter proposal Jan 18 2016.docx Angela Schumann January 18, 2016 Page 2 SCOPE OF SERVICES "B" — Section 6(f) WSB proposes to complete the required Screening Forms, EA, and Public Review Documentation for a Section 6(f) parkland conversion. Additionally, WSB will assist the city in coordinating with the DNR to obtain approval of the required forms and documentation to convert the LAWCON property. The major tasks that will be completed are the following: A. Project Management Maintain budget and coordination with city staff with regard to the project. B. Agency Coordination and Public Information: WSB will attend a meeting with the DNR and city staff to discuss draft reports, appraisals, etc. if needed. WSB will prepare agendas, materials and meeting minutes for this meeting. This task also includes telephone calls and e -mail coordination with the DNR. As part of the documentation and public comment efforts, WSB will work with city staff to post materials on the city's website — including the required screening forms and EA document. A legal notice will be prepared by WSB (with the City of Monticello submitting it) for publication in the local paper about the project and the public's opportunity to comment on the conversion and the documentation prepared for the conversion. C. Environmental Screening Form Completion: WSB will complete the required environmental screening forms for the property to be converted and the replacement land. Information collected from meetings with city staff and the DNR will be incorporated as needed. This task also requires coordination with the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO), a DNR threatened and endangered species review and completion of a contaminated property review. WSB will coordinate these activities. If a Phase I or Phase II site review is required, an additional scope of work would be prepared to address potential contamination. If historic and /or archaeological investigations are also required, an additional scope of work will be prepped with a qualified consultant. This task assumes that no wetlands would need to be delineated. If wetlands need to be delineated, a separate scope would be prepared. The City of Monticello will review and provide comments on the draft screening form document. Comments from the review will be incorporated and the draft form will be submitted to DNR along with the EA (see below). Any comments from the DNR will be incorporated and the document will be resubmitted to the DNR and the National Parks Service. D. EA Documentation: WSB will complete the required EA document due to the fact that replacement land will not be obtained adjacent to the park. Information collected from meetings with city staff and the DNR will be incorporated as needed. Additionally, information from the alternatives analysis will be used. The City of Monticello will review and provide comments on the draft EA document. Comments from the review will be incorporated and the draft EA will be submitted to DNR H:\ Proposals \Monticello \Monticello LAWCON letter proposal Jan 18 2016.docx Angela Schumann January 18, 2016 Page 3 along with the screening form (see above). Any comments from the DNR will be incorporated and the document will be resubmitted to the DNR and the National Parks Service. E. Public Comment and Review Documentation: WSB will complete the public comment and review report. The City of Monticello will review and provide comments on the draft public comment and review document. Comments from the review will be incorporated and the draft document will be submitted to DNR. Any comments from the DNR will be incorporated and the document will be resubmitted for review to the DNR and the National Parks Service National Parks Service. SCOPE OF SERVICES "C" - OPTIONAL TASK: RIGHT OF WAY SERVICES As an optional task, WSB will coordinate the appraisal process for the land to be converted and the replacement land. INFORMATION REQUESTED FROM THE CITY OF MONTICELLO To facilitate the completion of the screening form document and EA, WSB requests the following information from the City of Monticello: • Base mapping of the existing Xcel Ballfields • Documents summarizing any cultural resource review of the proposed replacement site adjacent to Bertram Chain of Lakes Regional Park SCHEDULE The following provides a preliminary schedule for the different activities related to the Section 6(f) process for this work. February 2016: Coordinate SHPO, threatened and endangered species, and contamination reviews February - March 2016: Complete a draft screening form document and EA and submit to DNR Coordinate appraisals and review appraisals (assumes city hires the consultants) March - April 2016: Prepare and post materials for website, legal notices, and mailings May —June 2016: Prepare and submit draft and final documents H: \Proposals \Monticello \Monticello LAWCON letter proposal Jan 18 2016.docx Angela Schumann January 18, 2016 Page 4 PROPOSED FEES SCOPE OF SERVICES "A" — Additional Meeting Total Scope of Service "A" Fee: $820 SCOPE OF SERVICES "B" — Section 6(f) The project requires coordination with the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources and the City of Monticello. The Section 6(f) process is an iterative process that sometimes requires shifts in analyses and additional documentation as new information is learned. Because not all situations and discoveries can be known in advance, anticipated levels of effort may be reduced or increased as the study progresses. The proposed fee is a best anticipated effort. If we see additional or less time required from what we have identified, we will work with the city to adjust the fee and level of effort to provide the best value possible. 1. Project Management: $1,530 2. Agency Coordination and Public Information: $7,070 3. Required Documentation: $10,375 --------------------------------------------------- Total Scope of Service "B" Fee: $18,975 SCOPE OF SERVICES "C" - Optional Task: Total Scope of Service "C" Fee : Right of Way Services: $1,224 The attached detailed scope of work and associated fees for scope of services "B" and "C" are for your review. If there are tasks that the city would like to adjust or eliminate, we will work with you to modify the scope. Thank you for the opportunity to be of service to you. Please feel free to contact me at 763 - 231 -4871 with any questions or comments. Sincerely, WSB & Associates, Inc. WSB & Associates, Inc. Jacqueline Corkle, AICP, PTP Jason L. Amberg, RLA Sr. Transportation Planner Group Manager — Landscape Architecture If the City of Monticello agrees with this proposal, please sign below and return a copy of this proposal to our office. ACCEPTED BY THE CITY OF MONTICELLO: Name Date H: \Proposals \Monticello \Monticello LAWCON letter proposal Jan 18 2016.docx City of Monticello BCOL Contract Amendment Detailed Cost and Breakdown of Tasks WSB A —,, Task Description Cost Scope of Services "A" - Additional Meeting Associate Sr. L. Arch LA support Total Hours Cost 1.0 Attend / facilitate public stakeholder meeting 4 4 Total Hours 4 4 8 Hourly Costs (based on 2015 rates) Scope of Services "A" Total 1 $133.00 If $532.00 1 $72.00 $288.00116 $ONW $0.00 Scope of Services "B" - Section 6(f) Project Manager Planner Cad Tech / GIS Admin Total Hours Cost 1.0 Project Management 1.1 Administration 10 10 $ 1,530.00 2.0 Agency Coordination and Public Information 2.1 Meetings with DNR 20 16 36 $4,756.00 2.2 Prepare Materials for Website, Legal Notices, and Mailings 2 12 4 4 22 $2,314.00 3.0 Complete Required Documentation for Converted and Replacement Land 3.1 Complete Screening Forms (assumes no wetland delineations needed) 4 22 8 34 $3,792.00 3.2 Complete EA 4 30 12 46 $5,064.00 3.3 Complete Public Comment and Review Documentation 3 6 4 13 $1,519.00 Total Hours 43 86 28 4 161 Hourly Costs (based on 2016 rates) $153.00 $106.00 $106.00 $78.00 Scope of Services "C" - Optional Task: Right of Way Services Row Manager Total Hours cost Appraisal Coordination 8 8 $1,224.00 Hourly Costs (based on 2016 rates) $153.00 Scope of Services X" Total IL 00 City Council Agenda: 02/23/15 5x. Consideration to approve preparation of a Parkland Conversion Request for the XceUCity Ballfields and former City bio- solids property. (AS /JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The City Council is asked to consider moving forward with a process for a future option for conversion of use for the Xcel /City Ballfields located on West River Street. This request is related to work being undertaken on the Bertram Chain of Lakes Regional Park Athletic Park ( BCOLAP). Included within WSB's scope of work for the BCOLAP master plan process was consideration of the potential for decommissioning of the Xcel /City ballfields. As related to that review, it has been determined that due to federal grant funds received and expended in the mid- 1980's for the development of the Xcel /City fields (LAWCON funds - Land and Water Conservation Fund Act), a replacement of outdoor recreational capacity will be required by the granting agencies in order to decommission the Xcel /City ballfields. In short, the City must receive approval from the DNR for replacement of recreational land and facilities prior to decommissioning the XceUCity fields. In order to obtain a review and approval for replacement, a formal "Conversion of Use" process is required. The City has an opportunity to submit the request for Conversion of Use to the DNR at this specific point in time. As Council is aware, as part of the master planning for the Bertram Chain of Lakes Athletic Park, the City Council has authorized the ability for a portion of the former bio- solids park to be considered within the master plan area for the athletic park. In preliminary planning for the athletic park, approximately 27 -28 acres of bio- solids property would be needed to accommodate the most recent concept plans for the athletic park. At a preliminary level, the DNR has indicated that this bio- solids property may be considered in a request for conversion of the XceUCity ballfields use. Once the bio- solids property is incorporated into the Bertram Chain of Lakes Regional Park, is approved as part of the BCOLAP master plan, and/or is included within the Comprehensive Plan or Park & Pathway Plan, the City will lose the opportunity to consider the bio- solids acreage as a potential replacement site for the Xcel /City ballfields upon decommissioning. Existing or planned parkland cannot be considered as a replacement. To formalize the bio- solids property as the replacement for a potential future decommissioning of the Xcel /City ballfields, the City is required to submit a formal request for Conversion of Use to the DNR. Again, because the XceUCity ballfields were developed using federal grant funds, the conversion request requires the submission of a number of technical documents. Existing staff does not have the technical expertise to City Council Agenda: 02/23/15 complete this documentation. These include environmental documents, cultural resource information, and coordination with the granting agency and other agencies on the conversion requirements. Staff has requested that WSB & Associates prepare a scope of work and estimated cost for the necessary documentation for the Conversion of Use request. WSB's familiarity with the conversion process and LAWCON requirements, their work on the BCOLAP master plan, as well as their existing knowledge and collection of background data for the City allow for the most efficient submission to the DNR. The cost for coordination and submission of the conversion request is estimated at $20,199 based on an estimate of their hourly services for this work, which includes anticipated agency coordination. It should be noted that part of WSB's initial work will be to assess the feasibility of the replacement through initial meetings with the DNR. Initial coordination with the DNR and preparation of materials to determine if it appears that the conversion request will be successful or not, is estimated at approximately $5000. Council will note that moving through the process does not guarantee an approval for conversion, however the likelihood that conversion would be allowed is viewed as favorable. Not included in the scope of work are the appraisals and review appraisals required for the conversion request. The City would be required to complete an appraisal and review appraisal for both the bio- solids property, as well as the Xcel /City ballfields. It is important to re -state that decommissioning of the Xcel/City ballfields is not being recommended at this time. The Xcel ballfields provide a critical outdoor recreational resource for the community. The capacity provided by the Xcel /City fields is needed to serve the outdoor recreational needs of the community at this time. Rather, the consideration for moving forward with a conversion request is being brought forward due to the unique timing related to the bio- solids property and Bertram Chain of Lakes planning effort. The Xcel/City ballfields are anticipated to remain in service until ballfields are developed at BCOL. At the time development of fields at the BCOLAP moves forward, the City can consider the level of service and needs for ballfields and make a determination on whether to decommission the Xcel fields at that time. A development timeline for fields at BCOLAP has not been established at this time. There is also a chance that the property would be needed for another use at some time in the future. Going through this process in advance provides the capacity to decommission the fields accordingly. While the City may elect to move forward with the formal conversion request at this time, it does not need to decommission the Xcel /City fields within a certain timeframe as a result of receiving an approval for conversion. However, if and at such time the City (or Xcel Energy) does seek to decommission the fields, the City will need to develop alternative outdoor recreation land and facilities within three years. City Council Agenda: 02/23/15 If the City does not move forward with a conversion request at this time, should the City seek later to decommission the Xcel /City fields, or should Xcel Energy seek to terminate the City's lease for the ballfield area, a conversation of use process will be required. The City will be required to replace the recreational resource somewhere else. For Council's reference, the City and NSP entered into a lease agreement in 1985 under which the City was allowed to utilize land owned by NSP for the development and operation of city ballfields. The lease agreement with NSP /Xcel Energy is a year -to -year lease. Xcel may terminate the lease with 180 days notice to the City. The City has spoken on a preliminary level with representatives from Xcel Energy regarding this process. Xcel has requested that the City provide a formal letter outlining the process for their records. The City would also continue to communicate with Xcel throughout this process. Al. Budget Impact: The scope of work prepared by WSB totals $20,199. Required appraisals and review for the conversion process are outside the scope of WSB's proposal and are estimated at approximately $10,000. Funds for this project would be paid from the Capital Projects Fund. .A2. Staff Workload Impact: Staff support for this report and continued support for the conversion of use request are estimated at 15 -20 hours. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve preparation of a Parkland Conversion Request for the Xcel /City Ballfields and former City bio- solids property, including continued communication with Xcel Energy regarding the process. 2. Motion to deny preparation of a Parkland Conversion Request for the Xcel /City Ballfields and former City bio- solids property. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends Alternative #1. Although the conversion process represents a significant investment by the City, it preserves an opportunity for decommissioning of the Xcel /City ballfields utilizing the 27 -28 acre bio -solid area as the replacement resource should it become necessary. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Proposed Scope of Work B. Conversion of Use — Guidelines and Requirements C. NSP Ballfield Lease D. NSP Ballfield Area Maps MNDNR Conversions of Use — Guidelines and Requirements Grant agreements between the Local Sponsor and the State require land developed, improved, or acquired with Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) and/or state assistance to be retained and used for public outdoor recreation. Any property so acquired and /or developed shall not be wholly or partly converted to other than public outdoor recreation uses without the approval of the State and/or National Park Service (NPS) pursuant to Section 6(f)(3) of the LWCF Act and these regulations. The conversion provisions of Section 6(f)(3), 36 CFR Part 59, and these guidelines apply to each area or facility for which LWCF assistance is obtained, regardless of the extent of participation of the program in the assisted area or facility and consistent with the grant agreement between NPS and the State. This requirement applies to the area described in the project documentation approved by the State and/or the NPS. This area normally exceeds that actually receiving State and/or LWCF assistance so as to ensure the protection of a viable recreation entity. Local sponsors must consult early with the State manager when a conversion is under consideration or has been discovered. Any previous project agreements and actions must be identified and understood to determine the actual boundary subject to the grant agreement. The State and /or the NPS Regional Director have the authority to disapprove conversion requests and/or to reject proposed property substitutions. This approval is a discretionary action and should not be considered a right of the project sponsor. Situations that triaaer a conversion include: a. Property interests are conveyed for private use or non - public outdoor recreation uses. b. Non - outdoor recreation uses (public or private) are made of the project area, or a portion thereof, including those occurring on pre- existing rights -of -way and easements, or by a lessor. c. Unallowable indoor facilities are developed within the project area without NPS approval, such as unauthorized public facilities and sheltering of an outdoor facility. d. Public outdoor recreation use of property acquired or developed with LWCF assistance is terminated. To Request Approval for a Conversion: Formal requests from the project sponsor for permission to convert LWCF and /or state assisted properties in whole or in part to other than public outdoor recreation uses must be submitted in writing. Submit a narrative description of the proposal that identifies all practical alternatives have been evaluated and rejected on a sound basis. The "do nothing" alternative must be considered. Minnesota typically processes only a couple of conversions each year, usually for road improvements undertaken to improve safety. Proposals to construct non - recreation facilities such as cell phone towers or to convey an interest in the property to a private party generally do not qualify, as there are usually practical alternatives available. Do not continue with the conversion process until this step has been approved by the State. If approved to move forward with the conversion process, a critical first step is for the State and Local sponsor to agree on the size of the Section 6(f) park land impacted by any non - recreation, non - public use, especially prior to any appraisal activity. The area required for the conversion could include the entire park depending on the impact of the proposed facility and/or could include a minimum of all impacted land, buffer areas, any facility access, land cut off from the remaining park area and possible visual and/or noise impacts. The next step is to identify the proposed replacement land to be acquired. The replacement land must be an addition to an existing facility or, if a new facility, constitute a viable, self - supporting unit of outdoor recreation. The grants manager must approve the extent of the conversion and the suitability of the replacement lands before continuing with the conversion process. 4. Information to be submitted with a conversion request: a. Boundary maps of both the converted site and the proposed replacement land. These maps must include references to known landmarks, a north arrow, acreages, a graphic scale, the date of preparation, and the signature of the Local Sponsor. The map of the replacement land should also indicate planned recreation development and a proposed timeline for that development. b. Appraisals and Appraisal Reviews - Fair market valuation of both the converted and replacement lands. Appraisals for a federal conversion request must be prepared in conformance with the Uniform Appraisal Standards for Federal Land Acquisitions and be reviewed by a qualified review appraiser. Appraisals for a state conversion request must be prepared in conformance with the Uniform Standards for Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP). The grants manager will be able to give you guidance on making the appraisal assignments. c. Environmental documentation - An environmental assessment must be prepared in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and /or state guidelines for both the property to be converted and the proposed replacement land. Additional information will be provided by the grants manager. d. Historical / Archeological Review and Coordination - The State Historic Preservation Office SHPO) must be afforded a chance to comment on the conversion proposal pursuant to Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 and/or Minnesota statutes. The SHPO must be contacted and provided information about the proposal. If the SHPO recommends a survey of the land be completed, the proposer must contract with a qualified firm to complete it and coordinate with the SHPO on any actions that must be taken to protect archeological / historical resources on the property. If the conversion request is approved, the original grant agreement between the State and the Local Sponsor will be amended to delete the converted lands and add the replacement lands to the project boundary subject to the grant agreement. 4 F- Z W W W d U G Z W N Q W J V 4- -0 ..\�� a) 1 •n r O ^ N i 0 Y C m O N c Y ro O O- i S- In l.� 4J N 1^c) C 1011 N 0 i ro ro in .O Y T r ^ Y a) a) - c i V0) E 1 a) c ro ru- 4- J Y E ro ro N a) o In J U a) 0 i Y Z i ro S- CL r c d N 0 0 d E c !Z p o i 3 L i N ro ro 'N ° Y ° ro a) t ro d N V N 0 () C 0 u Y Y 'r d Y a) > owo ° L >) td N a) 0 ro ro p ro YO OJ Y >) C d N U ro to r A C •0 r 3 _ C >> N J 0i C J co p vi J 'O G i 1 •r ro Y +) 4- y O Y •r- a) C Y 0 N a) W S- 0 H al L r >> 3 ✓) ro C O ro 0 •^ y L O ,.y 4= _ O C H a) a) i a) Y Y 1 ro i 'O L w d C Y N ro L C t y i ^ ^ V) S. >) 5.. 4- a/ i 0 d' Y 0 C Y 0 N p ^ 0 a) U y r Z ro 0) ro O ro a) 0= O d\ •^ C C Id N Z u) C L aJ O n U 4- a) C 3 Y 1 Y 4- r 4- 0 •r 0O i r i zt 4- a) c L 1 0 Y O ro O C O O) u) c E O 4- ° ro O a) ro ro i O L Y a) 4- ro L O a) 3 •r d C r a) Y p a) r ro x 0 4- y •1 Y i U 0 a) O) N C O Z 4Y r i O ^ 0 >1 p >> w w N Y O O C I L •r Y a) 0 O r 'p d -0 4- Y >1 ,d } O a) •O i U O Z a Y Y i a) a) L L 3 cu a) $ y d > rf V Z C C 0 a) N L L i U >,L O Y Y O O .0 Y ,r�'a„ i •r E i ¢ ro Y N a) Y O) O >> C'O Y d d 0 y U ^ 0 Y .. 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Ol 7 a In OD D7 ti N A 0 Y U O _a U E C J J W U r z 0 W O } r U UJ s Y 4- O c O Y ro i O d i 0 U N t Y 4- O r ro L N a c O C U Y ro i 0 M S- o U d 4 � ` O fJ u0i Z �- -QznQ �UF a: _tM(5 jppdd zd Qm 4 a >. �: -' p4 U; s O >-+, z �E T a 0 Y 4- rt i N rt 3 Y C N E 41 N c N r r T G .-1 m o o_ V- E u� O LO U rt i Y a) o 3 N O d r- c N R} •� 41 Y rt Y Y N N N r •� C 00 i U O_ 41 z a Y C S- V C O.Z-I •� Z V E T. 4- O V o: rt a 0 J J W ti r Z O W O } r V I w N Q W J .F 4 / 4 ib s az M Air =� aa m� a tKO A� • i x I 'r of aM' S moo,. 4 7 �Q PROJECT N0. F # 1 P: 2596 -010 M� DRAWING TYPE ` EXISTING LEASE AREA - 550.00 _ J$111168W9'03 "W T � � * DRAFTER *. Ido PDH REVIEWED PDH dy # SHEET 1 OF 1 DENSE OAK TREES GFNERATING PLANT There are no existing recreation facilities. Sewer, water, power and gravel street are to the property line. G, O,L EXHIBIT rNOTE1 SUPROUNDING ZONING IS ENTIRELY INDUSTRIAL- 1 -2, ALL USES ARE INDUSTRIAL AND IN CONFORMANCE WITH CITY ZONING FENCE WATER LINE SAN. SEWER ELECTRIC PFOPOSED TREES E L I G I B L E GRANT PROPOSED NON - ELIGIBLE FUTURE 00 \ &2 T� �O �O l CITY OF ~, Monticello COUNCIL CONNECTION February S, 2016 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 7TH STREET RETAINING WALL UPDATE At the January 25, 2016 Council meeting, the Council awarded the 7th Street Retaining Wall project, CP 15C003, to Sunram Construction, Inc. Included in the motion was to have staff work with the contractor to see if they will use the London Boulder retaining wall product, supplied by JME, to support the local use of sub - contractors for the project as long as there is no change in the contract price. We requested this from Sunram and they provided the enclosed letter. In consulting with the City attorney, he indicated that, unless the wall supplier Sunram chose is not responsible, the City cannot direct Sunram to seek the local supplier re -bid. The project specified London Boulder, Red -Rock or approved equal because they both have similar products for the type of wall needed for the project. Unless there is some compelling project - related reason to specify only London Boulder, such as an extension of an existing wall where consistency of appearance is a reasonable goal, we cannot justify justify excluding other similar providers. In addition, the City attorney indicated that for this type of project, we could not have specified that the Contractor use a local supplier. Therefore, Redi -Rock will be the retaining wall supplier for the project. It should be noted that the fieldstone face the Council prefers can be accomplished with the Redi -Rock product. Also, for reference, below is what the City's purchasing policy states, which addresses the intent to use local vendors. This policy does not apply to publically bid projects such as this project. LOCAL VENDORS If the local vendor's quote does not exceed the lowest non -local vendor's quote by more than 5 %, the purchase may be made from the local vendor for purchases of less than $10,000. Sunram Construction, Inc. 20010 75u' Avenue North Corcoran, MN 55340 (763) 420 -2140 Fax (763) 494 -3951 January 21, 2016 Mr. Eric Eckman WSB & Associates 701 Xenia Ave. South, Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN55416 Subject: 7' Street Retaining Wall Project, Monticello Eric: I understand that the City of Monticello would like me to give LondonBoulder a second chance at revising their prices since they are the hometown company. I really do not agree with that practice. This is a publicly bid project with all of the laws and ethical practices that go with it and not a negotiated contract. Both materials are specified as acceptable for this project, but Redi -Rock had a lower price at the time of the bid. Redi -Rock had a lower price, which I used, I told them they had the job, I told LondonBoulder that Redi -Rock had the job and I told you that I plan on installing Redi -Rock block. LondonBoulder makes a fine product, Redi -Rock makes a fine product and I would have went with either product when this was bid. Both are very reputable companies. This is a nice project for Sunram Construction, Inc. and I'm sure that it would be a nice project for either LondonBoulder or Redi -Rock, but this is not the project that anyone will retire on. I do a lot of business with Redi -Rock and LondonBoulder and plan to do a lot more in the future. Whoever has the lowest price when the project is bid will get the work. I hope this letter clears up the matter of what block will be installed. I look forward to working with you on this project. Sincerely, 4, Ryan M. Sumam Project Manager 763 - 420 -2140 Office 763 - 494 -3951 Fax 612 - 282 -3952 Cell ryan@sunramconstructioninc.com C.C. Shibani Bisson— WSB Kevin Eull — Eull's Manufacturing Jay Huisken — JME Companies January Shuttle Ridership 1 -Jan Holiday 11 -Jan 42 21 -Jan 49 31 -Jan Sunday 2 -Jan Saturday 12 -Jan 44 22 -Jan 36 3 -Jan Sunday 13 -Jan 52 23 -Jan Saturday 4 -Jan 37 14 -Jan 46 24 -Jan Sunday 5 -Jan 50 15 -Jan 37 25 -Jan 28 6 -Jan 46 16 -Jan Saturday 26 -Jan 40 7 -Jan 42 17 -Jan Sunday 27 -Jan 37 8 -Jan 40 18 -Jan Holiday 28 -Jan 38 9 -Jan Saturday 19 -Jan 37 29 -Jan 32 10 -Jan Sunday 20 -Jan 45 30 -Jan Saturday Monthly Riders: 806.00 RIDERS Monthy Average: 42.42 riders per day Demographics: To or from work 334 41.44% To or from school 216 26.80% Wheelchair bound 28 3.47% Riders at: PWE 2 0.25% Mississippi Shores 25 3.10% Pumpkin Patch 29 3.60% River Park Apts. 3 0.37% MMS 20 2.48% St Benedicts 21 2.61% Eastview 20 2.48% Ridgemont Apts. 6 0.74% The Bluffs 25 3.10% Cardnial Hills 30 3.72% Kjelbergs 47 5.83% Swan River 33 4.09% Cedar Crest 15 1.86% Other 65.51% Broadway Sq. Apts. 2 0.25% Notes: Projected Numbers 1 -Jan New Years Day 18 -Jan Martin Luther King Day (320) 632 -9255 405 First Street SE Little Falls, MN 56345 January 27, 2016 Jeff O'Neill City of Monticello 505 Walnut St Monticello, MN 55362 Dear Mr. O'Neill, Please extend our heartfelt thank you to the City of Monticello and your City Council for supporting the Initiative Foundation's mission and activities with your 2016 investment of $2,300, received on January 27, 2016. Your continued support means so much to us. Your ongoing financial partnership has allowed us to provide gap financing for new and expanding businesses and provide grant dollars to area non - profit organizations, schools and units of local government. Your gift assures our mission continues, keeping our communities viable and healthy. Your gift does have a direct impact on the Monticello area. If you have any questions, or would like us to provide updates on the work we are doing in your area, please don't hesitate to call our office directly. We would welcome the opportunity. Sincerely, Kathy Gaalswyk President ifound.org ARM Equal opportunity lender, provider and employer. LaPowering Possible i s±FF 5 O44ti Monticello Monthly Report 2015 Wright County Sheriff's Office Sheriff Joe Hagerty 3800 Braddock Ave. NE, Buffalo, MN 55313 1- 800 - 362 -3667 Fax -763- 682 -7610 Incident Start Date /Time Incident Type Case Number �OFESSIONq�r Q •y ti 2 Q N 4 CARING Printed on -• 201(#', How Reported 911 Hang -up Total: 6 Agency Assist WCSOP16000029 01/05/1618:07 911 Hang -up WCSOP16000420 911 01/17/1617:52 911 Hang -up WCSOP16001542 911 01/20/1614:58 911 Hang -up WCSOP16001737 911 01/23/1611:17 911 Hang -up WCSOP16001994 911 01/25/1611:24 911 Hang -up WCSOP16002145 911 01/31/1619:51 911 Hang -up WCSOP16002702 911 Abandoned Vehicle Total: 4 01/11/16 08:21 Agency 01/02/16 15:03 Abandoned Vehicle WCSOP16000155 Phone 01/08/16 10:42 Abandoned Vehicle WCSOP16000671 Phone 01/18/16 09:20 Abandoned Vehicle WCSOP16001569 Phone 01/31/16 08:00 Abandoned Vehicle WCSOP16002657 Phone Abuse Total: 1 Phone 01/26/16 18:12 Agency 01/28/16 22:48 Abuse WCSOP16002464 Phone Agency Assist Total: 13 01/01/16 04:03 Agency Assist WCSOP16000029 Phone 01/02/16 18:27 Agency Assist WCSOP16000174 Phone 01/04/16 08:17 Agency Assist WCSOP16000292 Phone 01/04/16 16:27 Agency Assist WCSOP16000332 Phone 01/06/16 12:36 Agency Assist WCSOP16000482 Phone 01/08/16 08:45 Agency Assist WCSOP16000660 01/11/16 08:21 Agency Assist WCSOP16000949 Phone 01/11/16 13:17 Agency Assist WCSOP16000979 Phone 01/20/16 22:34 Agency Assist WCSOP16001783 Phone 01/21/16 15:19 Agency Assist WCSOP16001836 Phone 01/26/16 18:12 Agency Assist WCSOP16002273 Phone 01/28/16 03:57 Agency Assist WCSOP16002387 Phone 01/28/16 20:41 Agency Assist WCSOP16002458 Phone Alarm Total: 2 01/03/16 16:43 Alarm WCSOP16000257 Phone 01/18/16 13:18 Alarm WCSOP16001584 Phone Animal Total: 5 01/01/16 08:50 Animal WCSOP16000042 Phone 01/02/16 20:05 Animal WCSOP16000181 01/16/16 14:10 Animal WCSOP16001457 911 01/19/16 05:28 Animal WCSOP16001633 Phone 01/28/16 18:58 Animal WCSOP16002446 911 ZUERCHER Page 1 of 15 Incident Start Date /Time Incident Type Case Number How Reported Animal - Abuse Total: 1 01/16/16 17:18 Animal - Abuse WCSOP16001468 Phone Animal - Barking Dog Total: 3 01/14/16 21:10 Animal - Barking Dog WCSOP16001287 Phone 01/24/16 06:23 Animal - Barking Dog WCSOP16002045 Phone 01/30/16 12:39 Animal - Barking Dog WCSOP16002594 Phone Assault Total: 2 01/02/16 18:00 Assault WCSOP16000171 911 01/13/16 20:31 Assault WCSOP16001201 911 Burglary Total: 2 01/11/16 08:14 Burglary WCSOP16000948 Phone 01/21/16 08:02 Burglary WCSOP16001805 Phone Check Welfare Total: 22 01/02/16 10:45 Check Welfare WCSOP16000131 Phone 01/08/16 20:45 Check Welfare WCSOP16000720 Phone 01/09/16 18:22 Check Welfare WCSOP16000821 Phone 01/10/16 21:11 Check Welfare WCSOP16000917 Phone 01/11/16 11:28 Check Welfare WCSOP16000970 Phone 01/11/16 15:34 Check Welfare WCSOP16000989 Phone 01/12/16 06:57 Check Welfare WCSOP16001041 Phone 01/12/16 07:36 Check Welfare WCSOP16001042 Phone 01/13/16 11:18 Check Welfare WCSOP16001160 Phone 01/14/16 13:50 Check Welfare WCSOP16001251 Phone 01/16/16 08:18 Check Welfare WCSOP16001436 Phone 01/16/16 11:20 Check Welfare WCSOP16001443 911 01/17/16 14:02 Check Welfare WCSOP16001530 911 01/22/16 17:33 Check Welfare WCSOP16001935 Phone 01/24/16 13:18 Check Welfare WCSOP16002065 Phone 01/25/16 08:42 Check Welfare WCSOP16002129 Phone 01/25/16 21:36 Check Welfare WCSOP16002200 Phone 01/25/16 21:45 Check Welfare WCSOP16002202 Phone 01/26/16 10:16 Check Welfare WCSOP16002237 Phone 01/26/16 21:08 Check Welfare WCSOP16002287 Phone 01/27/16 08:58 Check Welfare WCSOP16002310 Phone 01/30/16 14:11 Check Welfare WCSOP16002600 911 Citizen Aid Total: 3 01/08/16 19:35 Citizen Aid WCSOP16000714 911 01/09/16 16:00 Citizen Aid WCSOP16000801 Phone 01/29/16 13:13 Citizen Aid WCSOP16002501 Phone Civil Child Custody Total: 3 01/03/16 12:49 Civil Child Custody WCSOP16000232 Phone 01/03/16 16:03 Civil Child Custody WCSOP16000254 Phone ZUERCHER Page 2 of 15 Incident Start Date /Time Incident Type Case Number How Reported 01/15/16 17:59 Civil Child Custody WCSOP16001379 Phone Civil Complaint Total: 22 01/03/16 17:18 Civil Complaint WCSOP16000259 Phone 01/05/16 17:04 Civil Complaint WCSOP16000414 Phone 01/07/16 12:49 Civil Complaint WCSOP16000568 Phone 01/07/16 17:59 Civil Complaint WCSOP16000596 Phone 01/07/16 18:10 Civil Complaint WCSOP16000597 Officer 01/09/16 18:00 Civil Complaint WCSOP16000817 911 01/10/16 06:28 Civil Complaint WCSOP16000863 911 01/10/16 11:11 Civil Complaint WCSOP16000874 Phone 01/11/16 09:00 Civil Complaint WCSOP16000952 Phone 01/11/16 23:03 Civil Complaint WCSOP16001020 Phone 01/12/16 14:33 Civil Complaint WCSOP16001072 Phone 01/14/16 12:44 Civil Complaint WCSOP16001242 Phone 01/15/16 15:27 Civil Complaint WCSOP16001358 Phone 01/15/16 19:36 Civil Complaint WCSOP16001387 Phone 01/19/16 13:57 Civil Complaint WCSOP16001654 Phone 01/19/16 16:54 Civil Complaint WCSOP16001669 Phone 01/22/16 13:41 Civil Complaint WCSOP16001915 Phone 01/22/16 17:48 Civil Complaint WCSOP16001938 911 01/23/16 10:42 Civil Complaint WCSOP16001991 Phone 01/24/16 15:39 Civil Complaint WCSOP16002075 Phone 01/25/16 23:00 Civil Complaint WCSOP16002205 Phone 01/31/16 11:52 Civil Complaint WCSOP16002669 911 Commercial Fire Alarm Total: 3 01/13/16 02:10 Commercial Fire Alarm WCSOP16001131 Phone 01/25/16 06:18 Commercial Fire Alarm WCSOP16002120 Phone 01/28/16 15:12 Commercial Fire Alarm WCSOP16002431 Phone Commercial General Alarm Total: 28 01/01/16 02:55 Commercial General Alarm WCSOP16000024 Phone 01/02/16 16:48 Commercial General Alarm WCSOP16000166 Phone 01/02/16 18:46 Commercial General Alarm WCSOP16000176 Phone 01/05/16 05:02 Commercial General Alarm WCSOP16000370 Phone 01/05/16 20:20 Commercial General Alarm WCSOP16000432 Phone 01/07/16 06:04 Commercial General Alarm WCSOP16000541 Phone 01/09/16 02:24 Commercial General Alarm WCSOP16000752 Phone 01/09/16 07:43 Commercial General Alarm WCSOP16000760 Phone 01/09/16 12:35 Commercial General Alarm WCSOP16000778 Phone 01/09/16 14:36 Commercial General Alarm WCSOP16000791 Phone 01/10/16 21:21 Commercial General Alarm WCSOP16000918 Phone 01/12/16 22:09 Commercial General Alarm WCSOP16001119 Phone 01/14/16 18:26 Commercial General Alarm WCSOP16001277 Phone 01/15/16 19:30 Commercial General Alarm WCSOP16001386 Phone 01/16/16 05:08 Commercial General Alarm WCSOP16001425 Phone 01/16/16 06:50 Commercial General Alarm WCSOP16001430 Phone ZUERCHER Page 3 of 15 Incident Start Date /Time Incident Type Case Number How Reported 01/17/16 01:39 Commercial General Alarm WCSOP16001497 Phone 01/19/16 06:57 Commercial General Alarm WCSOP16001634 Phone 01/20/16 21:59 Commercial General Alarm WCSOP16001782 Phone 01/21/16 19:08 Commercial General Alarm WCSOP16001857 Phone 01/22/16 06:50 Commercial General Alarm WCSOP16001885 Phone 01/22/16 18:05 Commercial General Alarm WCSOP16001941 Phone 01/22/16 19:15 Commercial General Alarm WCSOP16001947 Phone 01/23/16 14:12 Commercial General Alarm WCSOP16002006 Phone 01/24/16 08:29 Commercial General Alarm WCSOP16002049 Phone 01/24/16 17:46 Commercial General Alarm WCSOP16002087 Phone 01/28/16 04:30 Commercial General Alarm WCSOP16002388 Phone 01/28/16 07:08 Commercial General Alarm WCSOP16002395 Phone Commercial Medical Alarm Total: 2 01/04/16 14:26 Commercial Medical Alarm WCSOP16000317 Phone 01/18/16 15:04 Commercial Medical Alarm WCSOP16001593 Phone Court Order Violation Total: 3 01/06/16 07:13 Court Order Violation WCSOP16000459 Phone 01/16/16 20:54 Court Order Violation WCSOP16001482 Phone 01/30/16 13:56 Court Order Violation WCSOP16002598 Officer Criminal Damage to Property Total: 8 01/01/16 04:13 Criminal Damage to Property WCSOP16000030 911 01/03/16 15:35 Criminal Damage to Property WCSOP16000250 Phone 01/05/16 17:04 Criminal Damage to Property WCSOP16000415 Phone 01/09/16 20:54 Criminal Damage to Property WCSOP16000835 Phone 01/10/16 11:13 Criminal Damage to Property WCSOP16000875 Phone 01/13/16 11:04 Criminal Damage to Property WCSOP16001157 Phone 01/24/16 08:24 Criminal Damage to Property WCSOP16002048 Phone 01/31/16 08:13 Criminal Damage to Property WCSOP16002658 911 Death Investigation - Natural Total: 2 01/16/16 19:04 Death Investigation - Natural WCSOP16001475 Phone 01/19/16 14:26 Death Investigation - Natural WCSOP16001655 911 Death Investigation - Suicide Total: 2 01/19/16 18:43 Death Investigation - Suicide WCSOP16001682 911 01/23/16 17:12 Death Investigation - Suicide WCSOP16002016 Phone Disabled Vehicle Total: 1 01/13/16 08:00 Disabled Vehicle WCSOP16001144 Phone Disorderly Total: 4 01/01/16 01:24 Disorderly WCSOP16000011 Phone 01/04/16 19:56 Disorderly WCSOP16000354 911 01/06/16 12:02 Disorderly WCSOP16000477 Phone 01/30/16 15:51 Disorderly WCSOP16002607 911 ZUERCHER Page 4 of 15 Incident Start Date /Time Incident Type Case Number How Reported Domestic Disturbance Total: 17 01/01/16 00:17 Domestic Disturbance WCSOP16000003 911 01/01/16 19:25 Domestic Disturbance WCSOP16000089 911 01/03/16 07:01 Domestic Disturbance WCSOP16000214 911 01/03/16 15:46 Domestic Disturbance WCSOP16000251 Phone 01/05/16 18:56 Domestic Disturbance WCSOP16000424 Phone 01/07/16 11:40 Domestic Disturbance WCSOP16000564 911 01/07/16 18:50 Domestic Disturbance WCSOP16000601 Phone 01/09/16 07:57 Domestic Disturbance WCSOP16000761 Phone 01/09/16 11:40 Domestic Disturbance WCSOP16000774 Phone 01/10/16 19:24 Domestic Disturbance WCSOP16000909 911 01/12/16 21:46 Domestic Disturbance WCSOP16001117 Phone 01/15/16 21:17 Domestic Disturbance WCSOP16001395 Phone 01/17/16 05:42 Domestic Disturbance WCSOP16001505 Phone 01/20/16 20:39 Domestic Disturbance WCSOP16001773 911 01/24/16 03:04 Domestic Disturbance WCSOP16002039 911 01/26/16 06:51 Domestic Disturbance WCSOP16002220 911 01/30/16 15:44 Domestic Disturbance WCSOP16002606 911 Drugs Total: 13 01/01/16 16:19 Drugs WCSOP16000071 911 01/05/16 23:29 Drugs WCSOP16000439 Phone 01/09/16 12:35 Drugs WCSOP16000779 Phone 01/12/16 05:48 Drugs WCSOP16001037 Phone 01/12/16 13:45 Drugs WCSOP16001069 Officer 01/12/16 21:49 Drugs WCSOP16001118 Phone 01/14/16 23:56 Drugs WCSOP16001299 Officer 01/17/16 18:25 Drugs WCSOP16001544 Phone 01/19/16 08:11 Drugs WCSOP16001640 01/20/16 13:40 Drugs WCSOP 16001724 01/21/16 17:53 Drugs WCSOP16001850 Phone 01/22/16 00:25 Drugs WCSOP16001871 Phone 01/25/16 00:06 Drugs WCSOP16002109 Officer Dumping Total: 2 01/23/16 10:44 Dumping WCSOP16001992 Phone 01/30/16 13:27 Dumping WCSOP16002597 Phone Extra Patrol Total: 1 01/13/16 15:41 Extra Patrol WCSOP16001182 Phone Fire - Gas Leak Total: 1 01/18/16 12:15 Fire - Gas Leak WCSOP16001576 Phone Fraud - Checks - Cards Total: 13 01/02/16 23:32 Fraud - Checks - Cards WCSOP16000195 911 01/04/16 17:41 Fraud - Checks - Cards WCSOP16000340 Phone 01/07/16 16:34 Fraud - Checks - Cards WCSOP16000589 Phone ZUERCHER Page 5 of 15 Incident Start Date /Time Incident Type Case Number How Reported 01/09/16 18:06 Fraud - Checks - Cards WCSOP16000819 Phone 01/13/16 10:30 Fraud - Checks - Cards WCSOP16001152 Phone 01/14/16 11:45 Fraud - Checks - Cards WCSOP16001239 Phone 01/16/16 16:26 Fraud - Checks - Cards WCSOP16001466 911 01/17/16 16:07 Fraud - Checks - Cards WCSOP16001537 911 01/20/16 17:00 Fraud - Checks - Cards WCSOP16001753 Phone 01/20/16 19:26 Fraud - Checks - Cards WCSOP16001768 Phone 01/21/16 15:18 Fraud - Checks - Cards WCSOP16001837 Phone 01/25/16 13:37 Fraud - Checks - Cards WCSOP16002158 Phone 01/28/16 22:41 Fraud - Checks - Cards WCSOP16002462 Phone Fraud - Forgery Total: 3 01/07/16 17:39 01/04/16 09:48 Fraud - Forgery WCSOP16000299 Phone 01/07/16 16:46 Fraud - Forgery WCSOP16000592 Phone 01/29/16 19:40 Fraud - Forgery WCSOP16002539 Phone Fraud - Internet Total: 4 01/22/16 07:11 Fraud - Internet WCSOP16001887 Phone 01/22/16 11:08 Fraud - Internet WCSOP16001904 Phone 01/25/16 13:41 Fraud - Internet WCSOP16002159 Phone 01/29/16 12:49 Fraud - Internet WCSOP16002496 Phone Funeral Escort Total: 1 Harassment WCSOP16002225 Phone 01/19/16 09:57 Funeral Escort WCSOP16001647 Phone Harassment Total: 5 01/11/16 00:12 Harassment WCSOP16000930 911 01/21/16 13:16 Harassment WCSOP16001823 Phone 01/23/16 15:01 Harassment WCSOP16002011 Phone 01/24/16 10:40 Harassment WCSOP16002057 911 01/26/16 07:27 Harassment WCSOP16002225 Phone Info Total: 3 01/03/16 02:05 Info WCSOP16000204 Phone 01/06/16 11:18 Info WCSOP16000474 Phone 01/22/16 13:35 Info WCSOP16001917 Phone Intoxicated Person Total: 1 01/16/16 22:05 Intoxicated Person WCSOP16001486 911 Juvenile - Complaint Total: 7 01/07/16 17:39 Juvenile - Complaint WCSOP16000595 Phone 01/09/16 12:23 Juvenile - Complaint WCSOP16000777 Phone 01/10/16 16:49 Juvenile - Complaint WCSOP16000896 Phone 01/19/16 15:17 Juvenile - Complaint WCSOP16001660 Phone 01/20/16 22:40 Juvenile - Complaint WCSOP16001784 911 01/23/16 15:20 Juvenile - Complaint WCSOP16002010 Phone 01/27/16 06:54 Juvenile - Complaint WCSOP16002305 Phone ZUERCHER Page 6 of 15 Incident Start Date /Time Incident Type Case Number How Reported Juvenile - Runaway Total: 2 01/06/16 08:06 Juvenile - Runaway WCSOP16000464 Phone 01/28/16 10:35 Juvenile - Runaway WCSOP16002410 Phone Lock Out - Lock In Total: 3 01/09/16 17:19 Lock Out - Lock In WCSOP16000809 Phone 01/21/16 17:46 Lock Out - Lock In WCSOP16001849 911 01/29/16 20:05 Lock Out - Lock In WCSOP16002543 Phone Lost - Found Property Total: 13 01/01/16 21:24 Lost - Found Property WCSOP16000095 01/02/16 21:52 Lost - Found Property WCSOP16000188 Phone 01/06/16 13:43 Lost - Found Property WCSOP16000488 01/08/16 12:59 Lost - Found Property WCSOP16000681 01/10/16 11:23 Lost - Found Property WCSOP16000878 01/11/16 17:38 Lost - Found Property WCSOP16000999 Phone 01/12/16 19:33 Lost - Found Property WCSOP16001103 01/16/16 12:24 Lost - Found Property WCSOP16001447 01/19/16 08:44 Lost - Found Property WCSOP16001641 01/21/16 18:11 Lost - Found Property WCSOP16001855 01/22/16 08:18 Lost - Found Property WCSOP16001895 01/25/16 19:46 Lost - Found Property WCSOP16002192 Phone 01/30/16 08:37 Lost - Found Property WCSOP16002583 Medical - Abdominal Pain Total: 5 01/03/16 09:21 Medical - Abdominal Pain WCSOP16000220 Phone 01/18/16 22:48 Medical - Abdominal Pain WCSOP16001618 Phone 01/19/16 17:36 Medical - Abdominal Pain WCSOP16001675 Phone 01/22/16 07:46 Medical - Abdominal Pain WCSOP16001889 911 01/28/16 07:48 Medical - Abdominal Pain WCSOP16002398 911 Medical - Allergies - Stings Total: 1 01/19/16 00:15 Medical - Allergies - Stings WCSOP16001626 911 Medical - Back Pain Total: 2 01/30/16 22:29 Medical - Back Pain WCSOP16002633 911 01/31/16 21:22 Medical - Back Pain WCSOP16002706 Phone Medical - Bleeding - Lacerations Total: 2 01/01/16 05:46 Medical - Bleeding - Lacerations WCSOP16000033 911 01/22/16 23:39 Medical - Bleeding - Lacerations WCSOP16001968 911 Medical - Breathing Problems Total: 3 01/13/16 02:40 Medical - Breathing Problems WCSOP16001133 911 01/20/16 21:21 Medical - Breathing Problems WCSOP16001778 911 01/29/16 18:31 Medical - Breathing Problems WCSOP16002535 911 Medical - Chest Pain Total: 7 01/01/16 03:09 Medical - Chest Pain WCSOP16000025 911 ZUERCHER Page 7 of 15 Incident Start Date /Time Incident Type Case Number How Reported 01/04/16 11:54 Medical - Chest Pain WCSOP16000307 Phone 01/08/16 18:49 Medical - Chest Pain WCSOP16000710 911 01/15/16 21:58 Medical - Chest Pain WCSOP16001400 911 01/22/16 14:35 Medical - Chest Pain WCSOP16001921 911 01/25/16 18:17 Medical - Chest Pain WCSOP16002185 911 01/29/16 15:16 Medical - Chest Pain WCSOP16002516 911 Medical - Choking Total: 2 01/02/16 10:52 Medical - Choking WCSOP16000132 911 01/08/16 16:28 Medical - Choking WCSOP16000699 Phone Medical - Diabetic Total: 2 Medical - Seizure WCSOP16001282 911 01/01/16 14:31 Medical - Diabetic WCSOP16000062 911 01/09/16 20:07 Medical - Diabetic WCSOP16000831 911 Medical - Fall Over 6 Feet Total: 1 01/29/16 07:27 Medical - Fall Over 6 Feet WCSOP16002478 911 Medical - Fall Under 6 Feet Total: 7 01/07/16 08:55 Medical - Fall Under 6 Feet WCSOP16000546 911 01/07/16 14:56 Medical - Fall Under 6 Feet WCSOP16000583 Phone 01/08/16 12:47 Medical - Fall Under 6 Feet WCSOP16000680 911 01/09/16 03:37 Medical - Fall Under 6 Feet WCSOP16000755 911 01/12/16 12:26 Medical - Fall Under 6 Feet WCSOP16001062 911 01/24/16 09:25 Medical - Fall Under 6 Feet WCSOP16002054 911 01/24/16 22:03 Medical - Fall Under 6 Feet WCSOP16002101 911 Medical - Heart Problems Total: 3 01/08/16 21:05 Medical - Heart Problems WCSOP16000722 911 01/25/16 20:12 Medical - Heart Problems WCSOP16002195 Phone 01/27/16 21:53 Medical - Heart Problems WCSOP16002379 911 Medical - Overdose - Poisoning Total: 1 01/18/16 12:23 Medical - Overdose - Poisoning WCSOP16001578 911 Medical - Psychiatric - Behavioral Total: 6 01/02/16 04:11 Medical - Psychiatric - Behavioral WCSOP16000108 911 01/05/16 10:20 Medical - Psychiatric - Behavioral WCSOP16000383 Phone 01/09/16 15:22 Medical - Psychiatric - Behavioral WCSOP16000798 911 01/12/16 10:58 Medical - Psychiatric - Behavioral WCSOP16001057 911 01/15/16 09:45 Medical - Psychiatric - Behavioral WCSOP16001328 Phone 01/27/16 17:46 Medical - Psychiatric - Behavioral WCSOP16002351 911 Medical - Seizure Total: 3 01/10/16 12:22 Medical - Seizure WCSOP16000882 911 01/12/16 14:47 Medical - Seizure WCSOP16001073 911 01/14/16 19:51 Medical - Seizure WCSOP16001282 911 Medical - Sick Total: 14 01/03/16 08:51 Medical - Sick WCSOP16000218 911 ZUERCHER Page 8 of 15 Incident Start Date /Time Incident Type Case Number How Reported 01/05/16 06:23 Medical - Sick WCSOP16000373 911 01/05/16 19:15 Medical - Sick WCSOP16000426 911 01/06/16 00:22 Medical - Sick WCSOP16000444 911 01/11/16 09:49 Medical - Sick WCSOP16000957 911 01/12/16 10:55 Medical - Sick WCSOP16001056 911 01/12/16 11:37 Medical - Sick WCSOP16001059 Phone 01/17/16 13:39 Medical - Sick WCSOP16001527 911 01/19/16 16:19 Medical - Sick WCSOP16001665 911 01/21/16 23:47 Medical - Sick WCSOP16001868 Phone 01/22/16 12:53 Medical - Sick WCSOP16001909 911 01/27/16 13:20 Medical - Sick WCSOP16002333 911 01/28/16 17:21 Medical - Sick WCSOP16002440 911 01/29/16 21:35 Medical - Sick WCSOP16002552 911 Medical - Stroke Total: 1 01/03/16 11:43 Medical - Stroke WCSOP16000227 911 Medical - Trauma Total: 1 01/15/16 10:53 Medical - Trauma WCSOP16001332 911 Medical - Unconscious - Fainting Total: 3 01/15/16 11:54 Medical - Unconscious - Fainting WCSOP16001341 911 01/17/16 08:17 Medical - Unconscious - Fainting WCSOP16001509 Phone 01/21/16 16:42 Medical - Unconscious - Fainting WCSOP16001846 Phone Medical - Unknown Total: 6 01/05/16 01:56 Medical - Unknown WCSOP16000361 911 01/15/16 21:40 Medical - Unknown WCSOP16001399 911 01/23/16 04:53 Medical - Unknown WCSOP16001979 911 01/23/16 18:43 Medical - Unknown WCSOP16002019 911 01/25/16 03:48 Medical - Unknown WCSOP16002117 911 01/31/16 23:57 Medical - Unknown WCSOP16002715 911 Missing Person Total: 2 01/15/16 17:40 Missing Person WCSOP16001376 Phone 01/18/16 12:58 Missing Person WCSOP16001579 Phone Motorist Aid Total: 2 01/09/16 21:57 Motorist Aid WCSOP16000840 911 01/15/16 17:52 Motorist Aid WCSOP16001377 Phone MVA - Car Deer Total: 1 01/13/16 06:17 MVA - Car Deer WCSOP16001139 Phone MVA - Hit & Run Total: 2 01/05/16 20:41 MVA - Hit & Run WCSOP16000433 911 01/28/16 10:35 MVA - Hit & Run WCSOP16002409 MVA - Injuries Total: 2 01/28/16 14:45 MVA - Injuries WCSOP16002429 ZUERCHER Page 9 of 15 Incident Start Date /Time Incident Type Case Number How Reported 01/31/16 14:05 MVA - Injuries WCSOP16002675 911 MVA - No Injuries Total: 13 01/01/16 08:23 MVA - No Injuries WCSOP16000040 Phone 01/02/16 15:57 MVA - No Injuries WCSOP16000159 Phone 01/04/16 14:51 MVA - No Injuries WCSOP16000319 01/08/16 07:14 MVA - No Injuries WCSOP16000651 911 01/08/16 14:13 MVA - No Injuries WCSOP16000687 911 01/10/16 18:54 MVA - No Injuries WCSOP16000906 01/11/16 09:45 MVA - No Injuries WCSOP16000958 01/20/16 07:49 Residential Burglary 01/12/16 16:28 MVA - No Injuries WCSOP16001084 01/15/16 08:26 MVA - No Injuries WCSOP16001321 Phone 01/19/16 20:40 MVA - No Injuries WCSOP16001691 911 01/22/16 16:48 MVA - No Injuries WCSOP16001934 WCSOP16000664 01/28/16 16:21 MVA - No Injuries WCSOP16002436 Phone 01/31/16 12:36 MVA - No Injuries WCSOP16002671 01/12/16 06:15 Residential General Alarm Neighborhood Dispute Total: 1 Phone 01/15/16 08:58 Residential General Alarm 01/22/16 22:22 Neighborhood Dispute WCSOP16001960 WCSOP16001897 Noise Total: 4 01/03/16 22:50 Noise WCSOP16000273 01/04/16 02:13 Noise WCSOP16000280 Phone 01/21/16 00:47 Noise WCSOP16001791 01/23/16 01:23 Noise WCSOP16001973 Parking Total: 3 01/06/16 20:27 Parking WCSOP16000521 01/24/16 12:33 Parking W CSOP 16002063 01/25/16 20:04 Parking WCSOP16002213 Residential Burglary Total: 1 01/20/16 07:49 Residential Burglary WCSOP16001720 Phone Residential Fire Alarm Total: 1 01/30/16 05:31 Residential Fire Alarm WCSOP16002579 Phone Residential General Alarm Total: 7 01/04/16 07:17 Residential General Alarm WCSOP16000291 Phone 01/08/16 09:26 Residential General Alarm WCSOP16000664 Phone 01/08/16 15:50 Residential General Alarm WCSOP16000695 Phone 01/10/16 05:43 Residential General Alarm WCSOP16000860 Phone 01/12/16 06:15 Residential General Alarm WCSOP16001039 Phone 01/15/16 08:58 Residential General Alarm WCSOP16001323 Phone 01/22/16 10:01 Residential General Alarm WCSOP16001897 Phone Residential Medical Alarm Total: 3 01/01/16 10:15 Residential Medical Alarm WCSOP16000046 Phone 01/04/16 16:56 Residential Medical Alarm WCSOP16000336 Phone 01/27/16 08:11 Residential Medical Alarm WCSOP16002308 Phone ZUERCHER Page 10 of 15 Incident Start Date /Time Incident Type Case Number Snowbird Total: 45 01/04/16 02:02 Snowbird WCSOP16000278 01/04/16 02:17 Snowbird WCSOP16000281 01/04/16 02:23 Snowbird WCSOP16000282 01/05/16 02:19 Snowbird WCSOP16000365 01/05/16 02:25 Snowbird WCSOP16000366 01/05/16 02:32 Snowbird WCSOP16000367 01/06/16 02:06 Snowbird WCSOP16000450 01/06/16 02:13 Snowbird WCSOP16000453 01/06/16 02:35 Snowbird WCSOP16000457 01/07/16 02:07 Snowbird WCSOP16000532 01/08/16 01:59 Snowbird WCSOP16000631 01/08/16 02:01 Snowbird WCSOP16000634 01/08/16 02:12 Snowbird WCSOP16000636 01/08/16 02:31 Snowbird WCSOP16000638 01/09/16 02:01 Snowbird WCSOP16000743 01/09/16 02:09 Snowbird WCSOP16000746 01/09/16 02:10 Snowbird WCSOP16000747 01/09/16 02:16 Snowbird WCSOP16000749 01/09/16 02:22 Snowbird WCSOP16000751 01/09/16 04:20 Snowbird WCSOP16000756 01/10/16 02:02 Snowbird WCSOP16000851 01/10/16 02:16 Snowbird WCSOP16000855 01/10/16 02:21 Snowbird WCSOP16000856 01/10/16 02:26 Snowbird WCSOP16000857 01/10/16 02:36 Snowbird WCSOP16000858 01/11/16 02:08 Snowbird WCSOP16000934 01/11/16 02:14 Snowbird WCSOP16000935 01/11/16 02:16 Snowbird WCSOP16000936 01/12/16 02:00 Snowbird WCSOP16001027 01/12/16 02:09 Snowbird WCSOP16001030 01/12/16 02:33 Snowbird WCSOP16001033 01/15/16 02:08 Snowbird WCSOP16001308 01/15/16 02:36 Snowbird WCSOP16001310 01/19/16 02:38 Snowbird WCSOP16001630 01/19/16 02:49 Snowbird WCSOP16001631 01/20/16 02:00 Snowbird WCSOP16001703 01/20/16 02:09 Snowbird WCSOP16001704 01/20/16 02:12 Snowbird WCSOP16001705 01/20/16 02:21 Snowbird WCSOP16001706 01/20/16 02:23 Snowbird WCSOP16001707 01/20/16 02:26 Snowbird WCSOP16001708 01/20/16 02:47 Snowbird WCSOP16001710 01/25/16 02:23 Snowbird WCSOP16002114 01/25/16 02:40 Snowbird WCSOP16002115 01/26/16 02:22 Snowbird WCSOP16002214 How Reported ZUERCHER Page 11 of 15 Incident Start Date /Time Incident Type Case Number How Reported Snowmobile Complaint Total: 1 01/23/16 00:08 Snowmobile Complaint WCSOP16001970 Phone Stolen - Vehicle Total: 2 01/03/16 13:50 Stolen - Vehicle WCSOP16000241 911 01/11/16 13:07 Stolen - Vehicle WCSOP16000974 Phone Stoparm Violation Total: 3 01/12/16 09:59 Stoparm Violation WCSOP16001054 Other 01/22/16 08:11 Stoparm Violation WCSOP16001893 Other 01/28/16 17:11 Stoparm Violation WCSOP16002442 Other Suspicious - Circumstances Total: 17 01/01/16 17:03 Suspicious - Circumstances WCSOP16000075 Phone 01/02/16 04:30 Suspicious - Circumstances WCSOP16000109 Phone 01/03/16 18:05 Suspicious - Circumstances WCSOP16000262 911 01/06/16 07:59 Suspicious - Circumstances WCSOP16000461 Phone 01/07/16 09:12 Suspicious - Circumstances WCSOP16000551 Phone 01/07/16 13:54 Suspicious - Circumstances WCSOP16000573 Phone 01/09/16 22:58 Suspicious - Circumstances WCSOP16000844 911 01/10/16 18:10 Suspicious - Circumstances WCSOP16000901 Phone 01/11/16 15:22 Suspicious - Circumstances WCSOP16000985 Phone 01/12/16 15:52 Suspicious - Circumstances WCSOP16001081 Phone 01/18/16 10:16 Suspicious - Circumstances WCSOP16001573 Phone 01/18/16 14:22 Suspicious - Circumstances WCSOP16001590 Phone 01/19/16 07:17 Suspicious - Circumstances WCSOP16001637 Phone 01/21/16 11:24 Suspicious - Circumstances WCSOP16001818 Phone 01/21/16 21:13 Suspicious - Circumstances WCSOP16001863 Phone 01/22/16 14:17 Suspicious - Circumstances WCSOP16001919 Phone 01/29/16 20:15 Suspicious - Circumstances WCSOP16002545 Phone Suspicious - Person - Vehicle Total: 13 01/01/16 16:24 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WCSOP16000073 Phone 01/02/16 13:13 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WCSOP16000149 911 01/03/16 02:44 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WCSOP16000206 Phone 01/06/16 10:38 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WCSOP16000471 Phone 01/09/16 19:45 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WCSOP16000827 911 01/10/16 22:27 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WCSOP16000927 01/12/16 18:01 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WCSOP16001094 Phone 01/15/16 11:55 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WCSOP16001342 Phone 01/15/16 19:08 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WCSOP16001383 Phone 01/19/16 11:05 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WCSOP16001649 Phone 01/24/16 10:18 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WCSOP16002056 Phone 01/24/16 22:10 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WCSOP16002103 Phone 01/28/16 19:21 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WCSOP16002448 Phone Theft Total: 20 01/03/16 12:21 Theft WCSOP16000228 Phone ZUERCHER Page 12 of 15 Incident Start Date /Time Incident Type Case Number How Reported 01/05/16 11:37 Theft W CSOP 16000390 Phone 01/09/16 16:32 Theft W CSOP 16000806 Phone 01/12/16 16:37 Theft WCSOP16001086 Phone 01/13/16 14:51 Theft WCSOP16001179 Phone 01/14/16 08:25 Theft WCSOP16001229 911 01/14/16 08:25 Theft WCSOP16001227 Phone 01/14/16 20:36 Theft WCSOP16001284 01/17/16 19:09 Theft WCSOP16001547 Phone 01/18/16 12:59 Theft WCSOP16001581 Phone 01/20/16 14:08 Theft W CSOP 16001729 01/20/16 16:38 Theft WCSOP16001749 Phone 01/20/16 20:09 Theft WCSOP16001770 Phone 01/22/16 12:37 Theft WCSOP16001907 Phone 01/22/16 16:36 Theft WCSOP16001933 Phone 01/22/16 18:08 Theft WCSOP16001942 Phone 01/23/16 12:54 Theft WCSOP16001999 Phone 01/26/16 09:32 Theft WCSOP16002234 Phone 01/26/16 19:25 Theft WCSOP 16002279 Phone 01/27/16 18:25 Theft WCSOP16002359 Phone Theft - From Vehicle Total: 6 01/05/16 13:42 Theft - From Vehicle WCSOP16000401 Phone 01/11/16 17:36 Theft - From Vehicle WCSOP16000998 Phone 01/17/16 12:43 Theft - From Vehicle WCSOP16001524 Phone 01/18/16 12:20 Theft - From Vehicle WCSOP16001577 Phone 01/20/16 06:47 Theft - From Vehicle WCSOP16001716 Phone 01/20/16 14:05 Theft - From Vehicle WCSOP16001728 Theft - Gas Drive Off Total: 7 01/04/16 05:25 Theft - Gas Drive Off WCSOP16000286 911 01/07/16 17:31 Theft - Gas Drive Off WCSOP16000594 911 01/14/16 09:29 Theft - Gas Drive Off WCSOP16001232 911 01/15/16 05:31 Theft - Gas Drive Off WCSOP16001315 911 01/16/16 12:21 Theft - Gas Drive Off WCSOP16001448 911 01/19/16 23:30 Theft - Gas Drive Off WCSOP16001695 01/22/16 18:19 Theft - Gas Drive Off WCSOP16001944 911 Theft - Identity Theft Total: 1 01/18/16 17:00 Theft - Identity Theft WCSOP16001601 Phone Theft - Shoplifting Total: 4 01/06/16 18:19 Theft - Shoplifting WCSOP16000512 Phone 01/09/16 15:20 Theft - Shoplifting WCSOP16000797 Phone 01/15/16 10:46 Theft - Shoplifting WCSOP16001331 Phone 01/27/16 20:56 Theft - Shoplifting WCSOP16002375 Phone Threats Total: 3 01/04/16 21:23 Threats WCSOP16000358 911 01/24/16 17:35 Threats W CSOP 16002086 Phone ZUERCHER Page 13 of 15 Incident Start Date /Time Incident Type Case Number How Reported 01/29/16 21:02 Threats WCSOP16002550 911 Traffic - Complaint Total: 16 01/01/16 13:50 Traffic - Complaint WCSOP16000058 911 01/02/16 12:43 Traffic - Complaint WCSOP16000143 Phone 01/03/16 10:22 Traffic - Complaint WCSOP16000223 Phone 01/08/16 16:26 Traffic - Complaint WCSOP16000700 911 01/10/16 07:58 Traffic - Complaint WCSOP16000866 Phone 01/10/16 21:38 Traffic - Complaint WCSOP16000921 Phone 01/10/16 22:05 Traffic - Complaint WCSOP16000924 Phone 01/13/16 08:59 Traffic - Complaint WCSOP16001147 911 01/14/16 20:48 Traffic - Complaint WCSOP16001285 Phone 01/15/16 20:16 Traffic - Complaint WCSOP16001388 Phone 01/15/16 20:54 Traffic - Complaint WCSOP16001390 Phone 01/18/16 10:15 Traffic - Complaint WCSOP16001572 Phone 01/20/16 20:43 Traffic - Complaint WCSOP16001774 911 01/20/16 21:03 Traffic - Complaint WCSOP16001776 911 01/24/16 15:16 Traffic - Complaint WCSOP16002072 Phone 01/29/16 15:03 Traffic - Complaint WCSOP16002513 Phone Traffic - Hazard Total: 2 01/08/16 13:56 Traffic - Hazard WCSOP16000685 Phone 01/15/16 18:36 Traffic - Hazard WCSOP16001380 Phone Traffic Stop Total: 25 01/02/16 00:56 Traffic Stop WCSOP16000102 Officer 01/02/16 14:06 Traffic Stop WCSOP16000151 Officer 01/02/16 23:00 Traffic Stop WCSOP16000193 Officer 01/02/16 23:16 Traffic Stop WCSOP16000194 Officer 01/02/16 23:52 Traffic Stop WCSOP16000197 Officer 01/03/16 01:15 Traffic Stop WCSOP16000203 Officer 01/04/16 19:00 Traffic Stop WCSOP16000347 Officer 01/05/16 16:20 Traffic Stop WCSOP16000410 Officer 01/06/16 14:55 Traffic Stop WCSOP16000497 Officer 01/07/16 04:52 Traffic Stop WCSOP16000537 Officer 01/08/16 08:26 Traffic Stop WCSOP16000657 Officer 01/14/16 15:43 Traffic Stop WCSOP16001261 Officer 01/16/16 00:16 Traffic Stop WCSOP16001409 Officer 01/16/16 00:26 Traffic Stop WCSOP16001410 Officer 01/16/16 13:56 Traffic Stop WCSOP16001455 Officer 01/17/16 10:00 Traffic Stop WCSOP16001513 Officer 01/21/16 22:21 Traffic Stop WCSOP16001865 Officer 01/25/16 07:23 Traffic Stop WCSOP16002122 Officer 01/26/16 00:20 Traffic Stop WCSOP16002209 Officer 01/26/16 15:37 Traffic Stop WCSOP16002259 Officer 01/26/16 17:10 Traffic Stop WCSOP16002265 Officer 01/26/16 17:21 Traffic Stop WCSOP16002267 Officer 01/28/16 14:07 Traffic Stop WCSOP16002425 Officer ZUERCHER Page 14 of 15 Incident Start Date /Time Incident Type Case Number How Reported 01/31/16 00:08 Traffic Stop WCSOP16002641 Officer 01/31/16 20:34 Traffic Stop WCSOP16002703 Officer Trespass Total: 1 01/01/16 04:36 Trespass WCSOP16000032 Phone Unwanted Person Total: 3 01/03/16 05:14 Unwanted Person WCSOP16000209 Phone 01/14/16 19:47 Unwanted Person WCSOP16001281 911 01/19/16 20:18 Unwanted Person WCSOP16001689 Phone Vehicle Off Road Total: 1 01/29/16 07:22 Vehicle Off Road WCSOP16002477 Phone Warrant - Arrest Total: 12 01/04/16 10:38 Warrant - Arrest WCSOP16000303 911 01/14/16 19:17 Warrant - Arrest WCSOP16001280 Officer 01/15/16 17:13 Warrant - Arrest WCSOP16001375 Officer 01/18/16 18:45 Warrant - Arrest WCSOP16001609 Phone 01/23/16 15:29 Warrant - Arrest WCSOP16002013 Officer 01/27/16 08:47 Warrant - Arrest WCSOP16002315 Officer 01/27/16 13:38 Warrant - Arrest WCSOP16002335 Officer 01/27/16 17:59 Warrant - Arrest WCSOP16002358 Officer 01/29/16 17:05 Warrant - Arrest WCSOP16002528 Officer 01/29/16 23:52 Warrant - Arrest WCSOP16002561 Officer 01/30/16 04:57 Warrant - Arrest WCSOP16002578 Officer 01/31/16 17:00 Warrant - Arrest WCSOP 16002693 Officer Total Records: 525 ZUERCHER Page 15 of 15 Fiber Net 2015 Schedule of Revenue and Expenses (Modified Accrual Basis) 12/31/2015 Account Number Description Original Budet g Amended Bud et g tan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec YTD Ytd% REVENUE 656- 00000 - 341180 PEG Access Fee $ (10,000) $ (10,000) (659) (644) (639) (635) (619) (632) (628) (618) (620) (627) (612) (603) (7,534) 75.3% 656 - 00000 - 341190 USF Fee (10,000) (10,000) (675) (679) (674) (697) (703) (704) (672) (673) (674) (655) (631) (627) (8,064) 80.6% 656- 00000 - 362920 Services - Misc 4,500 4,500 (1,515) (1,514) (1,503) (1,489) (1,339) (1,340) (1,330) (1,307) (1,315) (1,315) (1,315) (1,323) (16,604) - -- 656- 00000 - 362990 Other Miscellaneous Revenue 30,101 30,101 (233) (4) (208) (8) (2) (2) (171) (36) (167) (646) (8) (35) (1,520) - -- 656- 00000 - 380510 Television Services (565,284) (565,284) (45,118) (50,974) (50,021) (49,778) (48,932) (49,280) (48,493) (47,985) (48,215) (48,394) (47,209) (46,471) (580,871) 102.8% 656 - 00000 - 380520 Internet Services (554,256) (554,256) (47,631) (47,524) (48,462) (48,396) (49,433) (49,854) (49,924) (50,256) (50,918) (55,336) (55,454) (55,809) (608,997) 109.9% 656- 00000 - 380522 Equipment Rental /Purchase (127,044) (127,044) (10,681) (11,363) (10,987) (10,878) (14,361) (11,237) (13,327) (11,595) (10,708) (12,615) (11,336) (11,591) (140,680) 110.7% 656 - 00000 - 380530 Phone Services (315,000) (315,000) (17,886) (25,088) (25,151) (25,458) (24,352) (25,206) (24,424) (24,678) (22,301) (24,694) (24,685) (24,664) (288,588) 91.6% 656- 00000 - 380540 CABS Revenue (57,600) (12,000) (3,266) (3,149) (3,348) 11,792 (13,142) 3,073 231 - (1,506) 153 - (1,726) (11,273) 93.9% 656 - 00000 - 380542 Late Fees 47,508 47,508 (1,480) (1,535) (1,215) (1,350) (1,230) (1,510) (1,215) (1,335) (1,355) (1,290) (1,555) (1,185) (16,255) - -- 656- 00000 - 380545 Discounts Offered - Taxable - - 2,224 2,170 2,129 2,128 2,292 2,218 2,205 2,196 2,184 2,237 2,165 2,133 26,282 - -- 656- 00000 - 380546 Discounts Offered -Non Taxable 3,855 3,782 3,786 3,606 3,676 3,716 3,570 3,496 3,509 3,472 3,383 3,307 43,157 - -- 656- 00000 - 380557 Miscellaneous Charges (12,400) (12,400) (620) (470) (986) (1,574) (2,161) (2,088) (2,498) (2,349) (2,293) (2,208) (1,879) (1,914) (21,039) 169.7% 656 - 00000 - 380558 Misc Charges -Non Taxable 45 (337) (54) (602) (125) (508) (13) (174) (110) (79) 5 97 (1,855) - -- Dept 49870 Field Operations 656- 49877 - 410100 Salaries Full -Time Reg 165,118 185,118 13,994 17,678 17,058 17,201 17,172 17,187 25,513 17,172 17,187 17,684 17,430 29,599 224,876 121.5% 656 - 49877 - 410200 Salaries Full -Time OT 10,000 10,000 1,167 1,211 1,224 755 661 1,121 1,281 949 828 677 1,196 1,074 12,144 121.4% 656- 49877 - 410300 Salaries Part -Time Reg 10,000 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- OPERATING REVENUE Totals: (1,651,584) (1,605,984) (123,639) (137,329) (137,334) (123,340) (150,431) (133,354) (136,920) (135,315) (134,488) (142,152) (139,129) (140,412) (1,633,842) 101.7% EXPENSE Dept 49870 General & Administration 656 - 49870 - 410100 Salaries Full -Time Reg 89,749 89,749 (879) 10,244 9,402 9,773 9,781 9,987 14,283 9,672 9,799 9,755 10,203 15,976 117,997 131.5% 656- 49870 - 410200 Salaries Full -Time OT 4,500 4,500 14 48 27 14 17 4 14 14 11 57 71 110 401 8.9% 656 - 49870 - 410300 Salaries Part -Time Reg 30,101 30,101 3,164 3,955 2,136 1,350 1,258 1,453 2,171 1,433 859 1,150 892 2,504 22,325 74.2% 656- 49870 - 410310 Salaries Part -Time. OT 500 500 - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0.0% 656 - 49870 - 410400 Salaries Temporary -Reg 5,000 5,000 - 61 364 - - - - - - - - - 425 8.5% 656- 49870 - 412100 Pera Contributions 9,364 9,364 911 1,069 867 835 829 858 1,235 834 800 822 837 1,394 11,292 120.6% 656 - 49870 - 412200 Fica Contributions 8,051 8,051 736 860 713 664 659 683 987 663 635 653 666 1,136 9,054 112.5% 656 - 49870 - 412300 Medicare Contributions 1,883 1,883 172 201 167 155 154 160 231 155 148 153 156 236 2,088 110.9% 656 - 49870 - 413100 Health Insurance Contributions 47,508 47,508 - 3,695 3,657 3,657 3,657 3,653 3,697 3,664 3,657 3,644 3,664 4,960 41,602 87.6% 656- 49870 - 413300 Life Insurance Contributions - - 23 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 31 254 - -- 656- 49870 - 413400 Disability Ins Contributions 38 35 35 35 35 36 35 35 35 35 47 402 - -- 656- 49870 - 414200 UC Benefit Payments - - - - - - - - - - - - 656- 49870 - 420300 Printed Forms And Paper 656- 49870 - 420990 Office Supplies - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- 656- 49870 - 421990 Gen Operating Supplies 14,500 14,500 103 3,228 1,937 4,756 2,717 1,031 440 2,143 (766) 393 226 675 16,882 116.4% 656- 49870 - 430100 Professional Services -Audit 5,350 5,350 - - - - - - - - - - - - 0.0% 656 - 49870 - 430400 Legal Fees - - 900 11 115 525 555 75 150 986 31593 1,748 5,590 25,236 - -- Bond lawsuit 656- 49870 - 430700 Management Services (GM) 100,000 75,000 - 6,235 1,885 715 1,690 2,015 - - - - - 12,540 16.7% 656 - 49870 - 431800 Professional Services - Billings - 25,000 - - - - 10,173 2,045 2,016 2,030 2,173 1,580 4,530 2,030 26,578 106.3% 656- 49870 - 431970 Regulatory Professional Svcs 20,000 20,000 - 658 658 - - 1,975 1,979 - - 2,125 364 256 8,016 40.1% 656 - 49870 - 431990 Miscellaneous Prof Services 24,000 24,000 2,617 1,955 3,565 7,271 (50) 2,558 6,612 4,062 5,813 6,052 (12,128) 2,824 31,151 129.8% 656- 49870 - 432100 Telephone /Internet 2,640 2,640 150 - 156 306 313 8 909 8 8 - 17 1,808 3,683 139.5% 656 - 49870 - 432150 Internal IT Services 24,291 24,291 2,024 2,024 2,024 2,024 2,024 2,024 2,024 2,024 2,024 2,024 2,024 2,024 24,291 100.0% 656- 49870 - 432200 Mail & Delivery Services - - 543 507 807 623 1,135 555 933 578 696 624 564 1,338 8,903 - -- 656- 49870 - 432500 Cable /Network Services - 128 - 2,024 128 - 1,901 - - 1,867 - - 6,048 - -- 656- 49870 - 433200 Training /Conferences - - - 12 - - - - - - 225 237 - -- 656- 49870 - 434600 Marketing 1,500 1,500 - - 220 39 5 289 289 383 - 1,225 81.7% 656- 49870 - 436100 LPV Insurance 9,514 9,514 6,730 - - - - - 3,819 - 10,549 110.9% 656 - 49870 - 440100 Repair and Maint - Buildings - - - 1,199 304 - - - 1,357 - - - - 2,859 - -- 656- 49870 - 441200 Building /Room Rental 16,980 16,980 1,415 1,415 1,415 1,415 1,415 1,415 1,415 1,415 1,415 1,415 1,415 1,415 16,980 100.0% 656 - 49870 - 443200 Write Offs 11,000 11,000 4,394 - (357) 3,493 1,459 790 760 703 4,016 1,467 S29 1,862 19,117 173.8% 656- 49870 - 443300 Dues Membership and Subscrip 1,500 1,500 400 - - 895 - - - - - - 1,295 86.3% 656 - 49870 - 443700 Licenses And Permits 1,500 1,500 - - 139 - 25 - 1,293 - 102 - - 183 1,741 116.1% 656- 49870 - 443980 Bank Charges 15,000 15,000 852 922 1,246 1,301 951 953 950 981 1,028 988 941 1,040 12,153 81.0% 656 - 49870 - 443990 Miscellaneous Other Exp 6,000 6,000 208 6 5 5 7 338 112 6 6 18 10 16 739 12.3% 656- 49870 - 472030 Operating Transfer Out - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 656 -49870 EXPENSE TotaIS: 450,431 450,431 23,554 33,148 46,640 42,354 38,913 32,312 46,192 33,074 40,181 36,974 15,039 47,682 436,063 96.8% Dept 49870 Field Operations 656- 49877 - 410100 Salaries Full -Time Reg 165,118 185,118 13,994 17,678 17,058 17,201 17,172 17,187 25,513 17,172 17,187 17,684 17,430 29,599 224,876 121.5% 656 - 49877 - 410200 Salaries Full -Time OT 10,000 10,000 1,167 1,211 1,224 755 661 1,121 1,281 949 828 677 1,196 1,074 12,144 121.4% 656- 49877 - 410300 Salaries Part -Time Reg 10,000 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- Account Number Description Original Amended Budet Bud et tan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec YTD Ytd% g g 656- 49877 - 410310 Salaries Part -Time OT 656 - 49877 - 410400 Salaries Other -Reg 10,000 - - - - - - - - - - - - 4 146 4,146 - -- PTO payout 656- 49877 - 412100 Pera Contributions 13,884 13,884 1,137 1,417 1,371 1,347 1,338 1,373 2,009 1,359 1,351 1,377 1,397 2,300 17,777 128.0% 656 - 49877 - 412200 Fica Contributions 12,097 12,097 926 1,134 1,097 1,077 1,069 1,099 1,625 1,087 1,081 1,102 1,118 1,906 14,320 118.4% 656- 49877 - 412300 Medicare Contributions 2,829 2,829 217 265 257 252 250 256 380 254 253 258 262 386 3,289 116.2% 656 - 49877 - 413100 Health Insurance Contributions 45,882 45,882 - 5,205 5,440 5,440 5,440 5,440 5,440 5,440 5,440 5,440 5,440 7,509 61,674 134.4% 656- 49877 - 413300 Life Insurance Contributions - - 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 47 372 - -- 656- 49877 - 413400 Disability Ins Contributions 5,841 3,126 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 79 652 - -- 656- 49877 - 414200 UC Benefit Payments 5,000 5,000 Feb Mar - May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct - Dec YTD Ytd% - 0.0% 656 - 49877 - 415100 Work Comp Ins Premiums 13,000 13,000 2,694 6,240 3,792 10,158 5,329 5,298 5,921 5,103 - 1,461 6,910 87,194 5,253 40.4% 656- 49877 - 421110 Clothing Supplies 5,000 5,000 53,928 46,837 - - - - - - 1,640 18 - - 1,658 33.2% 656 - 49877 - 421200 Motor Fuels 10,000 10,000 - 157 249 126 271 302 260 342 247 157 160 296 2,567 25.7% 656- 49877 - 421800 Fiber /Video /Phone Supplies 145,000 145,000 8,717 762 4,775 328 315 21 14,015 1,834 9,625 1,309 5,677 8,827 56,206 38.8% 656 - 49877 - 421990 Gen Operating Supplies 35,000 35,000 - 501 21 4,735 5,841 3,126 452 4,008 5,240 1,400 (2,237) 3,609 26,697 76.3% 656- 49877 - 422500 Landscaping Materials 5,000 5,000 141,124 - - - - - - 36 - - 247,721 - 36 0.7% 656 - 49877 - 422990 Misc Repair and Maint Supplies 2,160 2,160 (3,795) (14,832) (41,504) 121 2 (34,018) (4,933) - (29,437) (29,213) (107,309) (322,434) 123 5.7% 656- 49877 - 424100 Small Tools ($500 - $9999) 25,000 25,000 - - - - OPERATING - average monthly (loss) - - - - 0.0% 656 - 49877 - 431900 Maintenance & Support Services 110,000 110,000 63,536 2,077 406 - 4,165 - 20,986 5,115 96,285 87.S% 656- 49877 - 431990 Miscellaneous Prof Services 15,000 15,000 - 641 871 91 9,028 455 (6,587) 658 771 658 658 1,317 8,562 57.1% 656 - 49877 - 432770 Gopher State Locates 5,000 5,000 50 31 20 71 240 - 172 323 131 153 119 115 1,425 28.S% 656- 49877 - 433100 Travel Expense 2,000 2,000 - - - - - - - - - - - - 0.0% 656 - 49877 - 433200 Training /Conferences 5,000 5,000 - - - - - - - - - - - 0.0% 656- 49877 - 438100 Electric 27,500 27,500 4,397 4,424 1,946 1,489 1,795 1,900 1,694 1,775 1,948 1,596 22,965 83.5% 656 - 49877 - 438200 Water /Sewer 2,000 2,000 - - 82 - - 451 - - 82 - 616 30.8% 656- 49877 - 438400 Refuse /Recycling Services 500 500 137 137 137 137 137 274 137 - 366 1,463 292.5% 656 - 49877 - 440100 Repair and Maint- Buildings /Systems 10,000 10,000 - - - - 6,630 3,900 - 195 7,358 6,528 24,611 246.1% 656- 49877 - 440440 Repair & Maint -Mach & Equip 5,000 5,000 - 943 65 - - - 1,008 20.2% 656 - 49877 - 440500 Repair and Maint - Vehicles 5,000 5,000 575 - - 466 1,041 20.8% 656- 49877 - 443990 Miscellaneous Other Exp 6,255 6,255 - 28 800 - 28,800 460.4% Vaultus exit fee 656 - 49877 - 458010 Other Equipment 120,000 120,000 - - - - 0.0% 656- 49877 - 472030 Operating Transfer Out - - - - - - - - - - 656 -49877 EXPENSE Totals: 828,225 828,225 89,743 29,093 40,798 38,272 43,882 32,502 53,787 41,021 49,807 62,693 61,685 75,279 618,563 74.7% Dept 49879 Cost of Goods Sold Amended Budget Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec YTD Ytd% OPERATING (LOSS) (449,072) 656- 49879 - 430910 Voice - Technical Services 76,000 76,000 2,694 6,240 3,641 10,158 5,329 5,298 5,921 5,103 6,083 5,136 24 682 6,910 87,194 114.7% Hack $19k 656 - 49879 - 430920 Video - Technical Services 576,000 576,000 - 53,928 46,837 59,811 51,847 51,654 50,790 49,435 50,094 49,566 49,516 97,730 611,206 106.1% 656- 49879 - 430930 Data - Technical Services 170,000 170,000 9,849 18,649 14,249 14,249 14,249 16,949 14,249 11,549 34,366 17,220 17,420 20,120 203,116 119.5% 656 - 49879 - 443720 Video - Licenses and Permits - - - 67 - - - - - 67 - - - - 134 (15,500) 656 -49879 EXPENSE Totals: 822,000 822,000 12,542 78,883 64,727 84,218 71,425 73,901 70,959 66,153 90,542 71,922 91,618 124,760 901,650 109.7% (37,500) OPERATING EXPENSE Totals: 2,100,656 2,100,656 125,840 141,124 152,165 164,844 154,220 138,715 170,938 140,248 180,530 171,589 168,342 247,721 1,956,275 93.1% 8,287 OPERATING (LOSS) (449,072) (494,672) (2,201) (3,795) (14,832) (41,504) (3,789) (5,361) (34,018) (4,933) (46,041) (29,437) (29,213) (107,309) (322,434) 65.2% OPERATING - average monthly (loss) (26,869) - -- Months Year % 12 12 100.0% Note: Some December 2015 (CoGS) content, which is paid in January 2016, will need to be accrued at year -end. SUMMARY Description Orig. Budget Amended Budget Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec YTD Ytd% OPERATING (LOSS) (449,072) (494,672) (2,201) (3,795) (14,832) (41,504) (3,789) (5,361) (34,018) (4,933) (46,041) (29,437) (29,213) (107,309) (322,434) 65.2% NONOPERATING (REV) /EXP: CABs receivable w/o 12,573 - 12,573 - -- USAC receivable w/o - 24,170 24,170 - -- 656- 00000 - 362400 Sale of City Property (500) (800) (2,400) (15,700) (15,500) - (34,900) - -- 656- 00000 - 392000 Operating Transfer In (450,000) (450,000) (37,500) (37,500) (37,500) (37,500) (37,500) (37,500) (37,500) (37,500) (37,500) (37,500) (37,500) (37,500) (450,000) 100.0% NET 928 (44,672) 35,799 33,705 23,468 (1,604) 49,411 35,066 3,482 32,567 (32,712) 8,063 8,287 (69,809) 125,723