City Council Agenda Packet 03-28-2016AGENDA REGULAR MEETING — MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, March 28, 2016 — 6:30 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center SPECIAL MEETING Academy Room 5:30 p.m. Bertram Chain of Lakes Master Plan Process Update Mayor: Brian Stumpf Council Members: Charlotte Gabler, Lloyd Hilgart, Tom Perrault, Glen Posusta 1. General Business A. Call to Order & Pledge of Allegiance B. Approval of Meeting Minutes • Regular Meeting Minutes from March 14, 2016 C. Consideration of Adding Items to Agenda D. Citizen Comments E. Public Service Announcements/Updates F. Council Liaison Updates • FNM • Parks Commission G. Department Updates • Water Department Update • City Administrator Update • Wright County Sheriff's Office — Regular Quarterly Report 2. Consent Agenda A. Consideration to approve payment of bills B. Consideration to approve new hires and departures for City departments C. Consideration to approve the sale /disposal of surplus city property D. Consideration to adopt Resolution 2016 -014 approving a donation from Run Sponsors — Ausco Design, CentraCare Health Monticello, Health Source Chiropractic, and Schlenner Wenner and Co. and Movie Sponsors — The Monticello Times, Great River Shopper, and Schlenner Wenner and Co. E. Consideration to adopt Resolution 2016 -015 accepting a contribution from various donors for future off -leash dog park at Meadow Oak Park F. Consideration to accept quotes and authorization to enter into a contract for fencing or the off -leash dog park at Meadow Oak Park G. Consideration to adopt Resolution 2016 -016 approving a Conditional Use Permit for co- location of a Wireless Telecommunication Service on a City water tower. Applicant: Verizon Wireless H. Consideration to approve Verizon Wireless lease installing, maintaining and operating communication facilities at the School Boulevard water tower I. Consideration to approve a Special Event Permit allowing the use of the City Commuter Lot and related assistance in conjunction with a recycling event on April 30, 2016. Applicant: Jason Warehime, Metro Appliance Recycling Consideration to approve the purchase of Neptune radio reading units for the Water Department K. Consideration to adopt Resolution 2016 -017 approving final plans and specifications and authorizing the advertisement for bids for the 2016 Street Reconstruction Project, City Project No. 15 COO 1 L. Consideration to adopt Resolution 2016 -018 requesting MnDOT aid for the TH 25/7th Street Intersection Improvement, City Project No. 15C004 2A. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion 3. Public Hearings A. Consideration to adopt Resolution 2016 -019 approving the issuance of revenue bonds by the City of St. Cloud on behalf of CentraCare Health System 4. Regular Agenda 5. Added Items 6. Adjournment We are committed to de maintaining a high level meeting the challenges c water conservation. water possible and remain vigilant in protection, and CITY OF M04fcdo • Read over 4,000 water meters per quarter for billing • Read over 100 meters per quarter for sold homes or new renters • Read over 17,000 meters per year • Locate water services, water mains, valves and hydrants fo • Water valve maintenance -1/4 of the City in 2015 - Sout s • Fire hydrant and hydrant valve maintenance -1/4 of • Flush water mains twice a year in April and Octo • Clean and inspect both water towers each • Cleaned and inspected 800,000 gallon -be • Over 175 water samples sent to =r/off 6 • Over 200 water service account • Inspection of all new water servi� * talled • 2015: 44 Residental/4 Commercial + 30 Ne ome Hookups • 2014: 72 Residential /4 Commercial • Prep work for 2016 Core City Project Ci April rs and core city projects 435 valves 15 - Southeast quadrant 420 hydrants reservoir in 2015 ent of Health • Keeping unaccounted water under 10 % (2015: 6 % unaccounted) CITY OF M04fcdo • 800 million gallons (mg) of water permitted to pump per year • 2015 the City of Monticello pumped 514 mg of water • 2015 the City of Monticello sold 477 mg of wat • 2015 unaccountable water was 6% : state y� ell at 10% • 2015 DNR cost for pumping 514 mg o is $7,092 • 2015 DNR cost for pumping 6 fo major crop irrigation at our farm site on County Road 39 West was 0 • The Water Supply Emergency & Conservation Plan accepted in 2013 CITY OF will be updated by December 2016 ,�ilm Water History 44 RESIDENTIAL 4 COMMERCIAL M0666cflo Water Department Facts WATER PUMPED AVERAGE MAXIMUM I RESIDENTIAL TOTAL PERCENT PROJECTED DAY DAY GAI -LONS GALLONS UNMETERED/ DEMAND PERMITTED ACTUAL DEMAND DEMAND CAPITA/DAY CAPITA /DAY UNACCOUNTED (MGD) YEAR MG TOTAL % (MGD) (MGD) PUMPAGE (MG) Year End Pumping Totals L -d 0 JANUARY 31,363,000 30,943,000 30,163,000 30,169,000 2 ,4 1,000 29,938,000 FEBRUARY 28,381,000 27,546,000 28,471,000 28,994,0005,591,000 26,865,000 MARCH 32,050,000 31,527,000 30,979,000 4, 23,000 29,409,000 30,886,000 APRIL 47,175,000 31,673,000 38,345,000 32,149,000 30,338,000 35,311,000 MAY 75,831,000 43,548,000 59,367,000 46,560,000 40,462,000 45,469,000 JUNE 62,390,000 70,936,000 78,774,000,;55,000,000 45,504,000 55,344,000 JULY 81,184,000 75,646,000 104,864,00 93,848,000 79,333,000 69,988,000 AUGUST 80,904,000 69,573,000 89,641,000 102,048,000 82,782,000 63,926,000 SEPTEMBER 49,110,000 72,471,000 89,592,000 74,920,000 51,984,000 55,862,000 OCTOBER 43,025,000 52,058,000 4 1221,000 38,427,000 39,912,000 43,645,000 NOVEMBER 31,220,000 32,035, 29,140,000 30,113,000 27,741,000 27,866,000 DECEMBER 30,542,000 30,297,000 29,351,000 28,988,000 28,767,000 28,576,000 YEAR END TOTALS 593,175,000 568,253,000 657,908,000 591,889,000 511,234,000 513,676,000 AVG GPD 1,625,137 1,556,858 1,797,563 1,621,614 1,400,641 1,407,332 Mk)nti�Ao C1TY OF AVG GPM 1,129 1,081 1,248 1,126 973 977 New Radio Reading Units • Since 2014, staff has been installing new r ding units on all residential water meters in the City '7�� • To date, a total of 1,220 new units aavee een installed. • Upon completion, the City ave the tools necessary to automatically read water m stead of manually reading water meters; saving dollars on e and reading errors. • Furthermore, the n rstem. rs will enable the City to transition to a monthly utility bill' CITY OF M04fAo Water Meters Repaired or Repl 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 NUMBER OF METERS 8.0% 7.0% 6.0% 5.0% 4.0% 3.0% 2.0% 1.0% 0.0% 7K I l I FWA T I 0 (0 1 011111.1L a A i_N r: 1 cb 19 lfc, ti °y` If�� ti°�� le"', If� ti°", 4 Water Department Maintenance YEAR I ARE 2012 Southwest Quadrant 2013 Northeast Quadrant 2014 Northwest Quadrant 2015 Southeast Quadrant * Estimated U) 140* 203 HUI 912 * 220 242 435 1017 CITY OF Monti �lo� Ilk r P WATER Tr.STING WILL BE SAMPLING JULY 2016 LEAD RESULTS (15.0 ug/L) max5crium contaminant levs4 ADDRESS 1992 1993 1994 1995 1998 2001 2-002007 2010 2013 Craig Ln, 103 Craig Ln, 105 Eagle Cir, 12 Eagle Cir, 14 Eagle Cir, 2 Fair-way Dr, 18 Fairway Dr, 2 Fairway Dr, 7 Fairway Dr, 8 Fairway Dr, 20 Fairway Dr, 23 Fairway Dr, 24 Fairway Dr, 27 Fairway Dr, 29 Fairway Dr, 30 Fairway Dr, 31 Fairway Dr, 33 Clubview R.d, 1119 Hedrnan Ln, 128 Hedman LN, 156 C5 <5 c5 <5 <5 ¢5 [5 <5 5.7 6 <5 <5 c5 C5 c5 <5 C5 C2 c2 C2 4 C2 3 2.3 3 <2 <2 <2 <2 2 <2 <1 2 <1 <1 3 3 3 c1 1 3 <1 <1 9 11 9 <2 2 1 <1 c2 5 5 c2 E1 <2 <1 4 2 5 CITY OF 1 mo4fcdo 1 WILL BE SAMPLING JULY 2016 LEAD RESULTS (13.01 L.) m®ximum carmarnirbant ICI ADE*UESS 1992 19093 1994 1995 1998 2ia0L 2004 200 020 2013 Jerry Leifert Dr, 120 <5 <2 « <2 Jerry Leffert Dr, 122 <5 <2 <2 Jerry Leffert Dr,. 126 <5 <2 <2 <1 <1 Jerry Leffert Dr, 130 <5 e2 <2 <2 9 1 Jerry Liefert Dr. 116 1 Jerry Lief'ert Dr„ 124 2 Kevin Longley Dr, 204 <5 <2 <2 <1 Kevin Longley Dr, 205 <5 <2 <2 <2 1 Ma ry n Elwood Rd, 206 <5 <2 :2 <1 <1 Ella rvl n EIw cmo d Rd. 207 <5 <2 <2 < 2 Matthew Cir, 103 <5 4 3 9 F <3 Meadow Oak Dr, 1OOO <5 <2 <1 Meadow Oak Dr, 1005 <5 <2 <2 <2 <2 1 Meadow Oak Dr, 925 <5 <2 <1 Meadow Oak Dr, 940 <5 <2 <2 c2 <1 Mississippi Dr, 117 <5 <2 1.1 <2 <2 3 Red Oak Cir. 2861 <5 <2,, <2 Red Oak Cir. 2880 <5 <2 3 River St W. 121$ <5 <2 2.1 <2 <2 <2 <1 <1 River 5t W, 1602 <5 <2 <2 <1 <2 <2 <2. <1 <1 Plover 5t W, 1604 <5 <2 <2 3 2 Riverside Cir. 7 <5 <2 <2 <1 <1 4 RivervIew Dr, 149 # 7 <2 1 2 CITY'O�Fp1��ry Rivervfew+ Dr, 149 # 8 <5 <2 4 ���1V4114J Sande rap Cir. 13 3.5 6 5 6 3.4 7 12 21 4 3 Sand[ rap Cir, 5 <5 7 1 WILL BE SAMPLING JULY 2016 ADDRESS Craig Ln, 103 Craig Ln, 105 Eagle Cir, 2 Eagle Cir, 12 Eagle Cir, 14 Fairway Dr, 2 Fairway Dr, 7 Fairvfay Dr, 8 Fairway Dr, 18 Fairway Dr, 20 Fairway Dr, 23 Fairway Dr, 24 Fairway Dr, 27 Fairway Dr, 29 Fairway Dr, 30 Fairway Dr, 31 Fairway Dr, 33 Clubv ew Rd, 1119 Hedman Ln, 128 Hedman Ln, 156 COPPER RESULTS(1300 ug /L) maximum contamina nt level 1992 1993 1994 1995 1993 2001 20144 2097 2010 2013 480 450 450 410 310 316 31�\ 290 310 290 193 2301 111 116 175 153 <50 100 305 321 <50 410 340 24 256 242 290 6407 390 528 330 415 275 296 200 202 180 210 300 � 288 284 150 360 280 324 205 124 60 160 550 - 290 326 101 650 770 520 7 760 601 410 1403 170 210 2 2 .250 290 244 308 207 9107 780 820 565 354 130 24(D 110 390 86 130 120 270 1700 380 630 470 110 290 200 350 450 480 410 289 350 480 470 311 � 387 407 316 259 193 111 116 175 153 241 305 321 275 372 272 528 551 415 296 200 202 250 425 557 288 145 101 278 324 234 226 271 295 675 `� CJTYOF y , M ontiAo 559 _. . .. 228 143 � WILL BE SAMPLING JULY 2016 COPPER RESULTS (1300 ug/L) maximum contaminant level ADDRESS 1992 1993 1994 1995 1999 2001 2004 20,q7 2010 2013 J e rryr L.,_- I fe rt a r, 12 I1 Je-rrw Lrifr. rt Dr. 12 2 Jerry Le-Ifert Dr, :L26 Jerry Lcifert Dr, 13O Jerry LIefert Dr, 116 Jerry l_iinfert Dr. 124 Kevin L4' ogler Dr, 2Q4 Kelvin LC3-n,gjeV Dr, 205 Marvin Flw0eid Imp 21015 KwliariAn Elwc*Dd Rai„ 2-10 Marttl � Ciir,o 1.03 KAL--adow Oak Dir, X25 Mwad:pw 0�ak ar, 940 m"fir oA k pry, 1 000 KA eadk3w Oa k Dr, 1OO5 Mr!mis*fppi Dr, 117 R:ed Oak: Cir. 2961 Rod Oak Cir, 2880 RlaAer 5t AVr 12.15 River 5t WV, 1602 R I r St VW, 1!04 Riverside Clrr 7 R.iwwr v*mw D r, 14 3 im 7 Riverview D r, 1-9 9 F! 8 &a n€tt rap Ciir. 5 Sa rrdt raP Cllr 2a 260 25 440 4200 490 2913 400 3.50 .1111A0 62 520 .534 _560 -410 +4 3155 Za o 1111 100 1811 350 260 1140 700 380 440 38_0 560 280 110 2QU 420 a20 360 350 1.-W 96 ---iFw 210 25�7 209 241 a19 55 Sao 1 -92 10'3 A41 520 33ra s5s 3 sa 3.10 3 142 340 32_0 382 200 i1 395 153 Aso d :2 22.4 1 2301D 2, 4 86 3.10„ J&-A 2 eO :2 1!9 210 190 170 $5 1450 1 S!90, F9 1 0 270 430 5:10 5.90 2,450 2713 200 250 280 319 41 25�7 209 241 a19 167 as 154 Sao 1 -92 10'3 A41 520 33ra s5s sv5 1.55 421 79 2 .05 262 56 _104 386 1$4 21$ 10-5 1O3 70L 346 25�7 209 241 25?S 167 as 154 54 197 3&S A41 22A 33ra 33-7 3'51 :177 272 402 270 CITY OF w4fcdo We are committed to servicing our cons backups through improving system OOH M kto having no sewer CITY OF M04fcdo • Clean over 25 miles of sewer lines -1/4 of the City every year • Maintenance on all City lift stations • 300+ sanitary sewer and storm water sewer loca • 100+ televising of sanitary sewer services • Manhole maintenance -1/4 of the City • Televising main line sanitary sewers • Inspect all new sanitary sewer and • (2015: 44 Residential, 30 Open Lots, 4 • Service 10 generators (20 k w • Prep work for 2016 Core P ject • Clean all storm water septor anholes • Clean all storm water sump manholes U ater hookups • Attempt to clean 1/4 of City storm water lines CITY OF NM04fcdo NOW.w V. - SEWER MAINTENANCE MAIN LINE SEWER MAINTENANCE 2012 2012 2012 1110a] 2014 2015 ANNUALLY * Estimated Southwest Quadrant Elm Street Interceptor Chelsea Road Interceptor Northeast Quadrant Northwest Quadrant Southeast Quadrant, TOTALS Throughout the City ,3,62 730 11700 50 5, 848 63,360 83,024 135,199 341,023 20,000 15.7 25.6 64.51 CITY OF 3.7 Monti C �11� Park Lift Station 367 78,579 54 214 Riverview Drive Lift Station 276 67,160 46 168 Sunset Ponds Lift Station 149 0,565 14 138 Meadow Oaks Lift Station 108,835 75 169 Marvin Road Lift Station 348 64,222 44 184 CITY OF Chelsea Road Lift Station 6 4,400 3 733 z, Montfcdo Gravity Line # 2 Mississippi Drive 7 18,854 13 238 Interceptor # 1 Elm Street 118,907 82 639 Interceptor # 2 By Reservoir 49 268,551 186 282 CITY OF M04fcdo 2016 CORE CITY PROJECT • Improve existing sewer system. sanitary sewer system and red replacing mains that are crac them with new mains. Recucin flow of clean water into the "he chance of sewer back ups by or have tree roots infiltrated into CITY OF M04fcdo REGULAR MEETING — MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, March 14, 2016 — 6:30 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Present: Brian Stumpf, Charlotte Gabler, Lloyd Hilgart, Tom Perrault, and Glen Posusta Absent: None 1. General Business A. Call to Order & Pledge of Allegiance Mayor Brian Stumpf called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. with a quorum present. The pledge of allegiance was recited. B. Approval of Meeting Minutes • Special Meeting Minutes from January 12, 2016 (FiberNet) Glen Posusta moved approval. Lloyd Hilgart seconded the motion. Motion carried 4 -0 -1; Tom Perrault abstained. • Regular Meeting Minutes from February 22, 2016 Tom Perrault moved approval as revised. Charlotte Gabler seconded. Motion carried unanimously. C. Consideration of Adding Items to the Agenda • None. D. Citizen Comments • None. E. Public Service Announcements • TH 25 /CSAH 75 Open House — Shibani Bisson, WSB Engineer noted that the Open House will be Wednesday, March 16, 2016 from 5:30 — 7:30 p.m. She played a video in regard to the improvements. • Photo Contest Winners — Kitty Baltos, gave a brief presentation of the photo contest submissions and winners. The photos are currently on display in the Community Center. F. Council Liaison Updates • IEDC — Brian Stumpf noted that they reviewed possible new interchange areas and discussed land around these options. The committee also received an update from Xcel Energy. • Planning Commission — Charlotte Gabler mentioned that there was a joint workshop with City Council in regard to an apartment proposal. She also commented on the Planning Commission meeting where they City Council Minutes — March 14, 2016 Page 1 1 5 reviewed the following items: CUP request, Zoning Map, and Interchange Land Use amendment. • BCOL — The main topic was allowing snowmobiles to use the outside areas of the park during the 2016 -2017. • Library Board — Charlotte Gabler noted that Deb Luken is retiring at the end of the month. • EDA — EDA Manager Interviews will be scheduled for the week of March 28. • TAC — Discussed the possible 95th Street extension. • MOAA — The Board tabled the solar ordinance until the April meeting. • Brian Stumpf noted that he met with residents and their concerns in regard to the St. Henry's project. • Brian Stumpf gave a brief overview of a Joint meeting between the City Council and the Planning Commission related to an apartment unit proposal. G. Department Updates • Shibani Bisson, City Engineer, presented a video describing the Engineering Department. The highlights of the video included: day to day activities of the Engineering Department; new initiatives; hiring a new employee; a review of the engineering project process; and a list of current projects. • City Administrator Jeff O'Neill provided the following updates: 1. There will be a community engagement opportunity at the Chamber Luncheon event on March 15. 2. Still in the process of consolidating Board and Commissions. 3. The Highway 25 Coalition Joint Powers Agreement is currently being reviewed by Sherburne County. 2. Consent Agenda Glen Posusta moved to approve the consent agenda excluding K and L and M. Lloyd Hilgart seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. A. Consideration of approving the payment of bills. Recommendation: Approved payment of bill and purchase card registers for a total amount of $490,366.60. B. Consideration of approving new hires /departures. Recommendation: Approved to ratify the hires for the MCC and Engineering and terminations for MCC and Liquor Store. C. Consideration of approving the sale /disposal of surplus city property. Recommendation: Approved the sale or disposal of surplus property as identified. City Council Minutes — March 14, 2016 Page 2 1 5 D. Consideration to approve an application for a temporary charitable gambling permit for a raffle to be conducted by the Monticello Youth Hockey Program in conjunction with their annual fish fry at the Monticello Country Club. Recommendation: Approved the application for a temporary charitable gambling permit for a raffle to be conducted by the Monticello Youth Hockey Program on March 18, 2016. E. Consideration to recommend the appointment of Andrew Tapper as a representative to the Industrial and Economic Development Committee (IEDC). Recommendation: Approved the appointment of Andrew Tapper to the Monticello IEDC as proposed. F. Consideration to approve Resolution No. 2016 -013 approving donations from All Elements Roofing, Cargill Kitchen Solutions, Foster White Agency Inc., and North Risk Partners — Apollo Division for the Blazin' Thru Bertram/Phillip LaVallee Memorial Run Sponsorship. Recommendation: Approved the contribution and authorized use of funds as specified. G. Consideration to direct staff to prepare an Ordinance for approval relating to beekeeping. Recommendation: Approved to direct staff to draft an ordinance regulating beekeeping for future City Council review and consideration. H. Consideration to approve a Special Event Permit allowing use of City streets and related assistance in conjunction with the Memorial Day parade on May 30, 2016. Applicant: Monticello American Legion. Recommendation: Approved the Special Event Permit allowing use of City streets and related assistance in conjunction with the Memorial Day parade to be run by the Monticello American Legion and Monticello VFW on May 30, 2016. 1. Consideration to approve Change Order No. 1 for the WWTF Phosphorus Reduction and Digester Cover Improvements Project, City Project No. 14C002. Recommendation: Approved Change Order No. 1 for the WWTF Phosphorus Reduction and Digester Cover Improvements Project, City Project No. 14C002. J. Consideration to renew membership in I -94 Coalition for 2016 in the amount of $6,568. Recommendation: Approved the membership renewal in I -94 Coalition for 2016 in the amount of $6,568. K. Consideration to approve equipment specifications and authorize purchase of a 2016 Ford F -350 4X4 equipped with a snow plow based on state contract pricing in accordance with the Capital Equipment Fund bond. Recommendation: ITEM WAS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA. L. Consideration to approve equipment specifications and authorizing purchase of a 2016 F -350 equipped with a utility box on the state contract pricing in accordance City Council Minutes — March 14, 2016 Page 3 1 5 with the Water and Sewer Fund. Recommendation: ITEM WAS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA. M. MOVED FROM REGULAR AGENDA. Update on 95th Street Alignment Project between Gillard Avenue and Broadway Street. Recommendation: ITEM WAS REMOVED FROM CONSENT AGENDA. 2A. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion. K. Consideration to approve equipment specifications and authorize purchase of a 2016 Ford F -350 4X4 equipped with a snowplow based on state contract pricing in accordance with the Capital Equipment Fund Bond. Tom Perrault pulled the item and had questions in regard to the truck that is being replaced and reasons for replacement. Tom Moores, Street Superintendent, addressed the City Council in regard to the replacement. Charlotte Gabler moved approval. Lloyd Hilgart seconded. Motion carried 4 -1; Glen Posusta voted against because he does not support the snow plow attachment. L. Consideration to approve equipment specifications and authorizing purchase of a 2016 F -350 equipped with a utility box on the state contract pricing in accordance with the Water and Sewer Fund. Tom Perrault pulled the item and had questions on the replacement. Matt Theisen, Water & Sewer Superintendent, addressed the City Council responding to the questions on the need of replacement. Brian Stumpf moved to deny and bring back at a future date. There wasn't a second, therefore, the motion died. Glen Posusta moved to approve the purchase. Lloyd Hilgart seconded the motion. 4 -1; Brian Stumpf voted against because he feels that this purchase is not needed at this time. M. Update on 95th Street Alignment Project between Gillard Avenue and Broadway Street. Tom Perrault pulled the item. Shibani Bisson provided an overview on why the item was removed from the Regular Agenda to the Consent Agenda with a recommendation to table. She noted that the City would like to review the road option in more detail, including the short-term and long -term solutions. It was discussed to table for one month and then visit the item at a City Council workshop. Glen Posusta moved to table the item. Lloyd Hilgart seconded. Motion carried unanimously. City Council Minutes — March 14, 2016 Page 4 1 5 4. Regular Agenda A. Update on 95th Street Alignment Project between Gillard Avenue and BroadwaX Street. Item was removed from Regular Agenda and put on Consent Agenda with a recommendation to table. B. Consideration to approve the establishment of a Benefit Accrual Internal Service Fund for unfunded liabilities related to accrued compensated absences. Wayne Oberg, Finance Director, gave a brief overview. Wants authorization to set money aside in a separate fund to account for the associated liabilities. There was a brief discussion. Glen Posusta moved approval. Charlotte Gabler seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. C. Consideration to authorize members of the City Council to participate in an upcoming I -94 Coalition lobbying effort in Washington DC. Jeff O'Neill gave a brief overview. There was a brief discussion among the City Council. Charlotte Gabler moved to approve up to two City Council members to attend. Tom Perrault seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. By consensus the meeting was adjourned at 7:37 p.m. Recorder: Jennifer Schreiber Approved: Attest: City Administrator City Council Minutes — March 14, 2016 Page 5 1 5 City Council Agenda: 03/28/16 2A. Consideration to approve the payment of bills (WO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: City staff submits the attached bill registers and purchasing card registers for approval by Council. The bill registers contain all invoices processed and the purchasing card registers contain all card purchases made since the last Council meeting. Subject to MN Statutes, most invoices require Council approval prior to releasing checks for payment. The day following Council approval, payments will be released unless directed otherwise. A credit purchasing agreement and policy was approved by Council initially and card purchases must comply with the policy. If Council has no questions or comments on the bill and purchase card registers, these can be approved with the consent agenda. If requested, this item can be removed from consent and discussed prior to making a motion for approval. Al. Budget Impact: None A2. Staff Workload Impact: No additional work required B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve the bill and purchase card registers for a total amount of $490,366.60. 2. Motion to approve the registers with changes directed by Council. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends Alternative #1 or #2, per direction of Council. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Bill registers Purchase Card registers Accounts Payable Computer Check Proof List by Vendor User: Julie.Cheney Printed: 03/14/2016 - 2:51PM Batch: 00201.03.2016 - 00201.03.2016 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Vendor: 4263 CAYAN Check Sequence: I Feb 2016 -1 Invoice 112906 for Feb 2016 Service- (3) termin 59.85 03/15/2016 60949754- 424100 Check Total: 59.85 Vendor: 3241 LINCOLN FINANCIAL GROUP Check Sequence: 2 3/1/2016 March 2016 1,882.03 03/15/2016 101 - 00000 - 217066 Check Total: 1,882.03 Vendor: 2811 US BANK CORPORATE PMT SYSTEM Check Sequence: 3 3/6/2016 Grady's - Vacuum Brass 3/4 "; rstp safety spray - 11.98 03/15/2016 601 - 49440 - 422700 3/6/2016 M & M Express - 1 gal up HP Ultra Mix; slide a 16.96 03/15/2016 101 - 43120 - 422100 3/6/2016 Grady's - Fasteners 19.00 03/15/2016 601 - 49440 - 422701 3/6/2016 Streicher's - Battery: Ni -Cad 19.99 03/15/2016 101 - 42200 - 421990 3/6/2016 Home Depot - Cedar for Gazebo 34.35 03/15/2016 101 - 45201- 421650 3/6/2016 SA - #1 - (26.159) gal unleaded @ $1.529 40.00 03/15/2016 656- 49877 - 421200 3/6/2016 Runnings -(2) Galv. Pipe; fuel cap pre -vent kit 112.97 03/15/2016 101 - 43127 - 422300 3/6/2016 CWP Enterprises - 6.6' feet hydraulic hose 63.83 03/15/2016 101- 43120 - 422100 3/6/2016 New World - replace PA System 13" ceiling spea 81.26 03/15/2016 609 - 49754- 422990 3/6/2016 M & M Express - speedfeed clamshell; throttle cl 88.71 03/15/2016 101 - 43120 - 422100 3/6/2016 Zee Medical - First Aid Kit refill asst. items 91.66 03/15/2016 609 - 49754- 421990 3/6/2016 Hampton Inn- Jake; Kurt;Mike - 2/6/16 Traing F 463.44 03/15/2016 101 - 42200 - 433100 3/6/2016 Home Depot - (8) gate valve; (16) couplling; (6) 193.90 03/15/2016 601 - 49440 - 422100 3/6/2016 Home Depot - Otter Crk Gazebo- (16) 12' #2 Pri 208.30 03/15/2016 101- 45201- 421650 3/6/2016 Titan Machine- #103- Bearing Carrier 212.07 03/15/2016 101 - 43120 - 422100 3/6/2016 Summit Co - (26) annual Fire ext. maintc; (5) ex 493.25 03/15/2016 101 - 43127 - 420650 3/6/2016 Summit Co - (13) annual Fire ext. maintc; (1) ne 109.25 03/15/2016 101 - 45201- 422300 3/6/2016 Spirit Comm- Feb 2016 billing 658.32 03/15/2016 656- 49877 - 431990 3/6/2016 Fastenal- MCC Stalls (4) Jobber; misc. sm. parts 28.63 03/15/2016 226 - 45122- 422990 3/6/2016 Domino's Pizza - Pizza City Council 53.80 03/15/2016 101 - 41110 - 443990 3/6/2016 US Post Office - (1) Priority Mail Package 7.35 03/15/2016 217 - 41990 - 432200 3/6/2016 Kwik Stop - (8.794) gal unleaded @ 1.499 13.18 03/15/2016 217 - 41990 - 421200 AP- Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (03/14/2016 - 2:51 PM) Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number 3/6/2016 JP Cooke - (5) Special 1 -1/2 Band Stamp W/2 Pt 488.50 03/15/2016 217 - 41990- 420990 3/6/2016 AED Superstore - (1) AED Cartridge 60.30 03/15/2016 609 - 49754- 421990 3/6/2016 AED Superstore - (1) AED Cartridge 60.30 03/15/2016 217 - 41990 - 421990 3/6/2016 Dacotah Paper /Spectrum Supply - bandages, glo 686.45 03/15/2016 226 - 45122- 421100 3/6/2016 Dacotah Paper /Spectrum Supply - bandages, glo 719.25 03/15/2016 226 - 45122- 421990 3/6/2016 Dacotah Paper /Spectrum Supply - foam cups 70.15 03/15/2016 226 - 45127- 425410 3/6/2016 Dacotah Paper /Spectrum Supply -slim jim wall r 159.37 03/15/2016 226 - 45122- 422990 3/6/2016 G &K - jeans, relaxed fit (3 0) 10.80 03/15/2016 226 - 45122- 441700 3/6/2016 G &K - micro towels (50), wetmop (4), and dustr 19.70 03/15/2016 226 - 45122- 431110 3/6/2016 G &K - towel rental (15) 3.30 03/15/2016 226 - 45122- 441710 3/6/2016 Walmart - bananas (5.90 lbs) 3.37 03/15/2016 226 - 45127- 425410 3/6/2016 Walmart - calculator, printing calculator 27.21 03/15/2016 226 - 45122- 420990 3/6/2016 Wahnart - timer, stopwatch 26.54 03/15/2016 226 - 45127- 421720 3/6/2016 Verizon - December 21 - January 20 26.04 03/15/2016 101 - 43120 - 432100 3/6/2016 Verizon - December 21 - January 20 166.68 03/15/2016 101 - 42200 - 432100 3/6/2016 NBP - (2) bxs letter pouch, forks, knives, cups, p 417.91 03/15/2016 101 - 41940- 420990 3/6/2016 Mayflower - return party supply -1.20 03/15/2016 226 - 45127- 421460 3/6/2016 MailFinance - lease payment 12/4/15 - 3/3/16 564.33 03/15/2016 101- 41940 - 441500 3/6/2016 Randy's - February shredding 16.02 03/15/2016 217 - 41990 - 431990 3/6/2016 Randy's - February shredding 16.02 03/15/2016 101 - 41940 - 431990 3/6/2016 MNGTS.Org /MCFOA - Jennifer Schrieber annu; 245.00 03/15/2016 101 - 41310 - 433100 3/6/2016 Verizon - Dec 11 - Jan 10 25.02 03/15/2016 101 - 43115- 432100 3/6/2016 Verizon -Dec 11 -Jan 10 8.34 03/15/2016 601 - 49440 - 432100 3/6/2016 Verizon - Dec 11 - Jan 10 8.34 03/15/2016 602 - 49490 - 432100 3/6/2016 Verizon - Dec 11 - Jan 10 8.34 03/15/2016 656- 49870 - 432100 3/6/2016 Normandale Community Ed - Beth Green Adobe 175.00 03/15/2016 101 - 43110- 433100 3/6/2016 Normandale Community Ed - Beth Green Adobe 175.00 03/15/2016 101 - 43110- 433100 3/6/2016 NBP - (1) box clasp, 12x15.5, bm envelopes 24.99 03/15/2016 217 - 41990 - 420990 3/6/2016 Int'l Code Council - pocketbook, insp guide, NFl 246.83 03/15/2016 101 - 42400- 443500 3/6/2016 Grady's Bucket Truck- (4) screw head 1.80 03/15/2016 101 - 43120 - 422100 3/6/2016 Olson & Son's - (2) mini bayonet contact 6v 1.90 03/15/2016 601 - 49440 - 422700 3/6/2016 Auto Value - bucket truck- wet/dry color sand 9.99 03/15/2016 101 - 43127 - 421510 3/6/2016 Grady's - gloves- Blizzard XL 16.99 03/15/2016 101 - 43120 - 420650 3/6/2016 Runnings - (7) asst. wheel grind discs; backup p, 23.32 03/15/2016 101 - 43127- 421990 3/6/2016 Monti Napa- U -joint 34.69 03/15/2016 101 - 43120 - 422100 3/6/2016 Arctic Glacier - resale ice inv. #1956604011 55.03 03/15/2016 609 - 49750- 425500 3/6/2016 Midway Iron - 20' Angle 58.00 03/15/2016 101 - 43127 - 422300 3/6/2016 Monti Napa- (7) Oil Dry 59.55 03/15/2016 101 - 43127 - 421990 3/6/2016 Monti Napa- (7) Oil Dry - tax charges refund -3.83 03/15/2016 101 - 43127 - 421990 3/6/2016 CasinoSupply.com- Community Engagemnet Pn 83.15 03/15/2016 101 - 41310 - 421990 3/6/2016 Dyna - shop supplies- (100) cable tie; (50) Lec L 126.26 03/15/2016 101 - 43127 - 421990 3/6/2016 Runnings - Dewalt Battery & Charger 189.98 03/15/2016 101 - 43127 - 421990 3/6/2016 Runnings - (2) chain sharp; 1 ga. gas can 60.99 03/15/2016 101 - 43120 - 421990 AP- Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (03/14/2016 - 2:51 PM) Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number 3/6/2016 Aramark - Jan 2016 - Parks 105.50 03/15/2016 101 - 45201- 441700 3/6/2016 Aramark - Jan 2016 - Sewer 86.63 03/15/2016 602 - 49490 - 441700 3/6/2016 Aramark - Jan 2016 - Water 86.63 03/15/2016 601 - 49440 - 441700 3/6/2016 Aramark - Jan 2016 - Streets 148.22 03/15/2016 101 - 43120 - 441700 3/6/2016 Aramark - Jan 2016 - Shop towels 118.46 03/15/2016 101 - 43127 - 421990 3/6/2016 Runnings - Oil Rm.- (2) 2 wired hose; (2) qt oil; 69.92 03/15/2016 101 - 43127 - 422100 3/6/2016 Monti Napa- Shop -(24) 5w quart; oil filter 73.19 03/15/2016 101 - 43127 - 421300 3/6/2016 G &K - floor mats - inv. #1043397917; 10434034' 185.19 03/15/2016 609 - 49754- 431990 3/6/2016 Lano - drive belt; fuel fltr w /sep; (2) fuel fltr; oil 949.64 03/15/2016 101 - 45201- 422100 3/6/2016 WHCE - Sunset Pds- 1 /1- 2/1/16 (1092) kWh 142.06 03/15/2016 602 - 49490 - 438100 3/6/2016 WHCE - 1645 & 1675 CR 39 27.34 03/15/2016 602 - 49490 - 438100 3/6/2016 WHCE - DMV - 119 E 3rd St 19.95 03/15/2016 217 - 41990 - 431900 3/6/2016 WHCE - 2171 W River St 36.45 03/15/2016 101 - 45201- 431900 3/6/2016 WHCE - 303 W 6th St 27.95 03/15/2016 101 - 42200 - 431900 3/6/2016 WHCE - 5980 Jason Ave NE 19.95 03/15/2016 601 - 49440 - 431900 3/6/2016 WHCE - 505 Walnut St 27.95 03/15/2016 226 - 45122- 431900 3/6/2016 WHCE - 207 Chelsea Rd 32.95 03/15/2016 601 - 49440 - 431900 3/6/2016 WHCE - 209 Cedar St 29.95 03/15/2016 601- 49440 - 431900 3/6/2016 WHCE - 132 E Broadway St. 19.95 03/15/2016 601 - 49440 - 431900 3/6/2016 WHCE - 107 River St W 19.95 03/15/2016 101 - 45201- 431900 3/6/2016 WHCE - March 2016 Monitoring Service 21.32 03/15/2016 609 - 49754- 431900 3/6/2016 WHCE - March 2016 Monitoring Service 19.95 03/15/2016 226 - 45122- 431900 3/6/2016 WHCE - March 2016 Monitoring Service 29.95 03/15/2016 601 - 49440 - 431900 3/6/2016 WHCE - March 2016 Monitoring Service 19.95 03/15/2016 101 - 43110- 431900 3/6/2016 WHCE - Gen Street Lights 1,313.40 03/15/2016 101 - 43160 - 438100 3/6/2016 Grady's - toilet seat (1/2) 10.00 03/15/2016 601 - 49440 - 422300 3/6/2016 Grady's - toilet seat (1/2) 9.99 03/15/2016 602- 49490 - 421990 3/6/2016 Cub - (45) limes; (6) lemons 20.19 03/15/2016 609 - 49750- 425500 3/6/2016 Auto Value - bucket truck- fast cure auto glass 16.99 03/15/2016 101 - 43127 - 421510 3/6/2016 Holiday - Windshield Washer Fluid (2 gals) 5.98 03/15/2016 217 - 41990 - 421990 3/6/2016 Super America - Unleaded Fuel 10.790 gals @ $ 17.25 03/15/2016 217 - 41990 - 421200 3/6/2016 Verizon - Jan 4 - Feb 3 101.54 03/15/2016 101 - 42400 - 432100 3/6/2016 Verizon - Jan 4 - Feb 3 94.94 03/15/2016 226 - 45122- 432100 3/6/2016 Verizon - Jan 4 - Feb 3 104.94 03/15/2016 101 - 43120- 432100 3/6/2016 Verizon - Jan 4 - Feb 3 46.04 03/15/2016 601 - 49440 - 432100 3/6/2016 Verizon - Jan 4 - Feb 3 46.05 03/15/2016 602 - 49490 - 432100 3/6/2016 Life Fitness - Recumbant Bike Parts 223.04 03/15/2016 226 - 45122- 440800 3/6/2016 Chatters - ZZZNEP - Lunch Qtrly Meeting JR 18.50 03/15/2016 101 - 42400 - 433100 3/6/2016 Displays 2 Go - Ballot Box - Community Engage 61.01 03/15/2016 101 - 41310 - 443990 3/6/2016 Wall Street Journal - Monthly Subscription 32.99 03/15/2016 101 - 41520- 443300 3/6/2016 Target - Friends of Bertrum Reception 29.98 03/15/2016 101 - 41940 - 443990 3/6/2016 Klatt True Value - Snow Ball Game Rental 21.40 03/15/2016 226 - 45127- 441500 3/6/2016 Dacotah Paper - Cleaning Supplies 381.59 03/15/2016 226 - 45122- 421100 AP- Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (03/14/2016 - 2:51 PM) Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number 3/6/2016 Dacotah Paper - Lockerroom & Bathroom Suppl 439.66 03/15/2016 226 - 45122- 421990 3/6/2016 Dacotah Paper - Concession Supplies 39.56 03/15/2016 226 - 45127- 425410 3/6/2016 Dacotah Paper - Uniforms - Jeans 21.60 03/15/2016 226 - 45122- 441700 3/6/2016 Dacotah Paper - Mops 39.40 03/15/2016 226 - 45122- 431110 3/6/2016 Dacotah Paper - Towels 6.60 03/15/2016 226 - 45122- 441710 3/6/2016 MCFOA - 2016 Annual Conference Registration 240.00 03/15/2016 101 - 41910- 433100 3/6/2016 USPS - Priority Mail Pkg to St.Paul 2 lb 13.9 02 11.95 03/15/2016 217 - 41990 - 432200 3/6/2016 NBP - Lead Pencils, Redaction Tape, Paper, Tapi 60.83 03/15/2016 101 - 41940- 420990 3/6/2016 NBP - Refund for Defective Staple Removers (2; -5.43 03/15/2016 217 - 41990 - 420990 3/6/2016 NBP - Post Its, Tape 51.36 03/15/2016 101 - 41940 - 420990 3/6/2016 Gradys - Hex Washers (8) 6.00 03/15/2016 226 - 45122- 422990 3/6/2016 Gradys - Misc Parts for Toilet at Library 22.38 03/15/2016 101 - 45501- 443990 3/6/2016 MNGFOA- 2016 Membership SR 3/16 -3/17 60.00 03/15/2016 101 - 41520- 443300 3/6/2016 MNGFOA - Monthly Meeting & Lunch - CAFR 25.00 03/15/2016 101 - 41520- 433100 3/6/2016 MNGFOA- 2016 Membership JC 3/16 -3/17 60.00 03/15/2016 101 - 41520- 443300 3/6/2016 Advanced Disposal - 2nd Trash Cart 30.00 03/15/2016 101 - 43230- 431000 3/6/2016 Advanced Disposal - January 2016 37,392.17 03/15/2016 101 - 43230 - 431000 3/6/2016 Advanced Disposal - January 2016 12,414.60 03/15/2016 101- 43230 - 431010 3/6/2016 Advanced Disposal - January 2016 74.63 03/15/2016 656- 49870 - 431000 3/6/2016 Advanced Disposal - January 2016 34.34 03/15/2016 656- 49870 - 431010 3/6/2016 Advanced Disposal - January 2016 35.80 03/15/2016 101 - 43127 - 431000 3/6/2016 Advanced Disposal - January 2016 47.74 03/15/2016 101 - 45201- 431000 3/6/2016 Advanced Disposal - January 2016 23.87 03/15/2016 101 - 45201- 431000 3/6/2016 Advanced Disposal - January 2016 113.38 03/15/2016 602 - 49480 - 431000 3/6/2016 Advanced Disposal - January 2016 208.87 03/15/2016 226 - 45122- 431000 3/6/2016 Advanced Disposal - January 2016 11.93 03/15/2016 101 - 45501- 431990 3/6/2016 Advanced Disposal - January 2016 23.87 03/15/2016 609 - 49754- 431000 3/6/2016 Advanced Disposal - January 2016 23.87 03/15/2016 101 - 45201- 431000 3/6/2016 Cub - Friends of Bertrum Reception - Cocoa, Gl; 44.89 03/15/2016 101 - 41940 - 443990 3/6/2016 Cub - Bananas, Plates 12.00 03/15/2016 226 - 45127- 425410 3/6/2016 Cub - Hot Dogs (4 pkgs) 10.36 03/15/2016 226 - 45127- 425410 3/6/2016 Amazon - Compressed Air 16.36 03/15/2016 101 - 41940 - 420990 3/6/2016 Amazon - Thermal Carafe 32.59 03/15/2016 101 - 41940 - 421990 3/6/2016 Walmart - Batteries 14.97 03/15/2016 226 - 45122- 421990 3/6/2016 Wahmart - Plates 4.21 03/15/2016 226 - 45127- 425410 3/6/2016 Walmart - Apples 5.92 03/15/2016 226 - 45127- 421980 3/6/2016 Walmart - Diapers 17.94 03/15/2016 226 - 45127- 425490 3/6/2016 Walmart - Batteries, Shower Curtains (3) 34.61 03/15/2016 226 - 45122- 421990 3/6/2016 Walmart - Concession: Zone Bars, Mustard 24.99 03/15/2016 226 - 45127- 425410 3/6/2016 Walmart - Basket Organizers (2) 12.92 03/15/2016 226- 45122- 420990 3/6/2016 Walmart - Oven Mitts (2) 9.94 03/15/2016 226- 45127- 421450 3/6/2016 G & K - Mat Service 15.60 03/15/2016 217 - 41990 - 421990 3/6/2016 Walmart - Plates 5.94 03/15/2016 217 - 41990- 421990 AP- Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (03/14/2016 - 2:51 PM) Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number 3/6/2016 J P Cooke - Registtar Stampers (3) 79.40 03/15/2016 217 - 41990- 420990 3/6/2016 Office Max - Laminate (10) 21.27 03/15/2016 101 - 41940 - 420200 3/6/2016 Walmart.com - Friends of Bertram - Mounted Pb 221.62 03/15/2016 101 - 41940 - 443990 3/6/2016 Boyer Trucks - valve 9.52 03/15/2016 101 - 43120 - 422110 3/6/2016 Von Hansen - propane gas - Cemetary 13.88 03/15/2016 651- 49010- 421990 3/6/2016 Home Depot - 4" Step & Ladder tread 27.93 03/15/2016 101 - 43127 - 421990 3/6/2016 ABM Equipment - #112 - (7) variety decal 44.56 03/15/2016 101 - 43120 - 422100 3/6/2016 MPSTMA - Spring Workshop- T.G.& J.B. 3/9/1f 60.00 03/15/2016 101 - 45201- 433100 3/6/2016 Home Depot - Otter Creek- (2) 10' Cedar; (3) 8'' 64.65 03/15/2016 101 - 45201- 421650 3/6/2016 General Rental - Gas T tank; Haz. Mat. handling 111.10 03/15/2016 101 - 43127 - 421520 3/6/2016 Big Lake Lumber- Gazebo- (96) 2x2 4' Cedar; (1 486.34 03/15/2016 101 - 45201- 421650 3/6/2016 Big Lake Lumber- Gazebo- inv# 20050822; # 2( 1,612.39 03/15/2016 101 - 45201- 421650 3/6/2016 Kwik Trip - (3.430) gal unleaded @ $2.099- gas 7.20 03/15/2016 101 - 42200 - 421200 3/6/2016 Runnings - wheel 10.68 03/15/2016 602 - 49490 - 422100 3/6/2016 Red's - #230 - (3.8) gal. tool cat 15.20 03/15/2016 101 - 45201- 421300 3/6/2016 Chatters - Excel Qtly Meeting 17.96 03/15/2016 101 - 42200 - 433100 3/6/2016 Runnings - (2) floor mat blk; (2) floor mat gray ( 39.89 03/15/2016 601 - 49440 - 422110 3/6/2016 Runnings - (2) floor mat blk; (2) floor mat gray ( 39.88 03/15/2016 602 - 49490 - 422110 3/6/2016 Runnings - credit tax charged -4.62 03/15/2016 101 - 42200 - 421990 3/6/2016 Runnings - (3) 8pk C battery; (2.5) gal dsl. exhai 85.05 03/15/2016 101 - 42200 - 421990 3/6/2016 Hirshfields - gal. Cetil; tape; asst brushes; sandin 85.85 03/15/2016 101 - 45201- 421990 3/6/2016 Intentory Trading Co - Hero 247- (6) polo shrits 132.00 03/15/2016 101 - 42200 - 421120 3/6/2016 Home Depot -(2) themo. wire; 5pk elec. tape 135.62 03/15/2016 601 - 49440 - 422701 3/6/2016 UofM CCE Reg - T.M. E; M.H. Extended Paven 140.00 03/15/2016 101 - 43120 - 433100 3/6/2016 AIRBNB - Darryl; Kurt; Scott - (3) nights FF Cc 588.00 03/15/2016 101 - 42200 - 433100 3/6/2016 Streichers- (3)pants; (6) shirts; (3) belts; (3) shoe 845.81 03/15/2016 101 - 42200 - 421120 3/6/2016 Nuss Trucking - #116 - rear axle brake shoe 1,542.40 03/15/2016 101 - 43120 - 440500 3/6/2016 Cub - Safety Bingo Prize - Gift Card 50.00 03/15/2016 101 - 41800 - 421990 3/6/2016 Ameripride - Mop Dry Handle (1) 5.10 03/15/2016 226 - 45122- 431110 3/6/2016 NBP - Labels, Paper, Key Tags, Refill Cards, Mz 192.55 03/15/2016 226 - 45122- 420990 3/6/2016 Paypal - MN Fanners Market Assoc Spring Coni 40.00 03/15/2016 226 - 45122- 433100 3/6/2016 Life Fitness - Pedals & Cables for Recumbant Bi 108.06 03/15/2016 226 - 45122- 422105 3/6/2016 Monti Napa - Misc Parts for Water Park 50.83 03/15/2016 226 - 45122- 421610 3/6/2016 Grady's - Parts for Vacuum - Coupler & Rubber 1 5.09 03/15/2016 101 - 45501- 443990 3/6/2016 Recreation Supply - Gaskets (2) for Adult Spa Pi 19.67 03/15/2016 226 - 45122- 421610 3/6/2016 Recreation Supply - Parts for Pool Pump 356.30 03/15/2016 226 - 45122- 421610 3/6/2016 Octane Fitness - Shaft, Arm Pivot for Octane Ma 96.80 03/15/2016 226 - 45122- 422105 3/6/2016 Octane Fitness - Sales Tax Refund -6.22 03/15/2016 226 - 45122- 422105 3/6/2016 Walmart - Cupcakes for Party 20.64 03/15/2016 226 - 45127- 421460 3/6/2016 Walmart - Apples, Protein Bars 15.36 03/15/2016 226- 45127- 425410 3/6/2016 Walmart,com - Sales Tax Refund on Little Tikes -6.31 03/15/2016 226- 45127- 421740 3/6/2016 Walmart,com - Sales Tax Refund Dumbells -16.50 03/15/2016 226 - 00000 - 115030 3/6/2016 Park Supply - Lock 1.43 03/15/2016 226 - 45122- 422990 AP- Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (03/14/2016 - 2:51 PM) Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number 3/6/2016 Park Supply - Shower & Plumbing Repair Items 387.85 03/15/2016 226 - 45122- 422300 3/6/2016 Park Supply - Repair Parts for Janitor Closet Sin 105.42 03/15/2016 226 - 45122- 422990 3/6/2016 Target- Picture Hangers for Display Photos 25.62 03/15/2016 101- 41940 - 420990 3/6/2016 Fastenal- (100) blk. cable ties 5.09 03/15/2016 101 - 45201- 421650 3/6/2016 Monti Chamber - Chamber lunch 2/16 R.L. 15.00 03/15/2016 656- 49870 - 443990 3/6/2016 Fastenal- #132 - misc. small repair items 15.07 03/15/2016 101 - 43127 - 422110 3/6/2016 Cub - (26) limes; (14) lemons 23.90 03/15/2016 609 - 49750- 425500 3/6/2016 Fastenal -(100) blk. cable tie; Ylw. HV RangerHt 25.45 03/15/2016 101 - 43127 - 421990 3/6/2016 Dyna -(50) sign bolts 27.60 03/15/2016 101 - 43120- 422600 3/6/2016 Auto Value - #114 - (5) J B Kwick 32.45 03/15/2016 101 - 43120 - 421510 3/6/2016 Dyna -(100) sign bolts 63.47 03/15/2016 101 - 43120 - 422600 3/6/2016 UofM CCE - Shade Tree -3/15 &16 - Josh B. 195.00 03/15/2016 101 - 45201- 433100 3/6/2016 Dyna - shop supplies; sign bolts; plow bolts /nuts 781.10 03/15/2016 101 - 43127 - 421990 3/6/2016 Randy's - February shredding FNM 15.90 03/15/2016 656- 49870 - 431990 3/6/2016 Auto Value - #114 -(100) P180 6disc; (100) P80E 110.89 03/15/2016 101 - 43120 - 421510 3/6/2016 Environmental Equip, blower lip 352.86 03/15/2016 101 - 43120 - 422100 3/6/2016 G &K - inv# 93766198 (22) polo 487.07 03/15/2016 609 - 49754- 421110 3/6/2016 WHCE - HADCO lights @E7th St 357.75 03/15/2016 101- 43160 - 431900 3/6/2016 WHCE - (14) lights 4489 Sc. Blvd 193.90 03/15/2016 101 - 43160 - 438100 3/6/2016 WHCE - Chelsea Rd E 180.00 03/15/2016 101 - 43160 - 431900 3/6/2016 WHCE -(30) lights 4018 Sc. Blvd 415.50 03/15/2016 101 - 43160 - 431900 3/6/2016 WHCE -W 7th St & adj. pathway 119.75 03/15/2016 101 - 43160- 431900 3/6/2016 WHCE - (9) lights - 7th St & Highland Way 90.00 03/15/2016 101 - 43160 - 431900 3/6/2016 WHCE -Sc. Blvd Fenning Ave to Edmonson Ave 372.00 03/15/2016 101 - 43160 - 431900 3/6/2016 WHCE -Cedar St. Dundas to Chelsea 124.65 03/15/2016 101 - 43160 - 431900 3/6/2016 Grady's - (16.4) oz propane for Riverside Cemet; 6.49 03/15/2016 651- 49010- 421990 3/6/2016 Runnings - (2) chain sharp; 1 ga. gas can 62.67 03/15/2016 101 - 46102- 421990 3/6/2016 Home Depot - Otter Creek - (2) underlayment; (t 139.80 03/15/2016 101 - 45201- 421650 3/6/2016 Flagship Rec - (2) scoop bucket; (6) superscoop; 283.10 03/15/2016 101 - 45201- 421990 3/6/2016 Zamoth - #132- hose; rbr. llined dust separ; rbr li 1,257.40 03/15/2016 101 - 43120 - 422100 3/6/2016 Zarnoth - #132 -(2) liner kit w/ caulk; curtain set 1,437.55 03/15/2016 101 - 43120 - 422100 3/6/2016 TDS - 763 - 295 -3714 - Monthly Invoice 334.71 03/15/2016 702 - 00000 - 432100 3/6/2016 TDS - 763 - 271 -3230 - Monthly Invoice 104.95 03/15/2016 702 - 00000 - 432100 3/6/2016 TDS - 763 - 295 -2005 - Monthly Invoice 22.08 03/15/2016 702 - 00000 - 432100 3/6/2016 Trusted Employees - Background Check (1) RH 37.00 03/15/2016 101 - 42400 - 431990 3/6/2016 Trusted Employees - Background Check (1) MR 37.00 03/15/2016 101 - 43111- 431990 3/6/2016 Banners.com - Banner for Community Engagem 51.43 03/15/2016 101 - 41940 - 443990 3/6/2016 Domino's Pizza - Meal for Special Planning Con 69.54 03/15/2016 101 - 41910 - 443990 3/6/2016 TDS - 763- 271 -3257 - Monthly Invoice 94.99 03/15/2016 702 - 00000 - 432100 3/6/2016 TDS - 763 - 295 -4054 - Monthly Invoice 50.81 03/15/2016 702 - 00000 - 432100 3/6/2016 G & K - Uniform Rental - Jeans 10.80 03/15/2016 226- 45122- 441700 3/6/2016 G & K - Mops 19.85 03/15/2016 226 - 45122- 431110 3/6/2016 G & K - Towels 3.30 03/15/2016 226 - 45122- 441710 AP- Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (03/14/2016 - 2:51 PM) Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number 3/6/2016 General Rental - Penguin Fish Fling Game - Ind( 45.00 03/15/2016 226 - 45127- 421980 3/6/2016 Dacotah Paper - Food Service Gloves for Conce: 66.26 03/15/2016 226 - 45127- 425410 3/6/2016 Dacotah Paper - Cleaning Supplies 275.47 03/15/2016 226 - 45122- 421100 3/6/2016 Dacotah Paper - Bathroom & Locker room Supp 79.71 03/15/2016 226 - 45122- 421990 3/6/2016 NBP - Paper, Staples, PostIts, Pends, Index Flag, 65.18 03/15/2016 217 - 41990 - 420990 3/6/2016 USPS - Priority Mail Pkgs to St.Paul (2) 15.10 03/15/2016 217 - 41990 - 432200 3/6/2016 Holiday - Unleaded Fuel - 9.806 gals @ $1.899 18.62 03/15/2016 217 - 41990 - 421200 3/6/2016 West Sherburne Tribune - Health Guide Ad 1/23/ 138.80 03/15/2016 226 - 45127- 434990 3/6/2016 Trusted Employees - Background Checks (4) 92.00 03/15/2016 226 - 45122- 431990 3/6/2016 Walmart - Video Shoot 14.55 03/15/2016 101 - 41940 - 443990 3/6/2016 Walmart - Batteries 34.91 03/15/2016 226 - 45122- 421990 3/6/2016 Walmart - Zone Bars, Oranges, Apples, Bananas 35.30 03/15/2016 226 - 45127- 425410 3/6/2016 Walmart - Bottles, Air Horn 14.24 03/15/2016 226 - 45127- 421980 3/6/2016 NBP - Colored Labels fpr 100 Mile Club Trackir 8.47 03/15/2016 226 - 45122- 420990 3/6/2016 Monticello Printing - ID Badge - BC 16.25 03/15/2016 101 - 41310 - 421990 3/6/2016 Cub - (20) limes 8.80 03/15/2016 609 - 49750- 425500 3/6/2016 Cub - (25) limes; (5) lemons 15.45 03/15/2016 609 - 49750- 425500 3/6/2016 Kwik Trip - #3 (11.081) gal unleaded @ $1.759 19.49 03/15/2016 656- 49877 - 421200 3/6/2016 Kwik Trip - #4 (13.473) gal unleaded @ $1.529 20.60 03/15/2016 656- 49877 - 421200 3/6/2016 Nelson Bros. -Fire meet lunch Daryl; Ken; Dusti 35.56 03/15/2016 101 - 42200 - 433100 3/6/2016 DISH - March 2016 service 56.64 03/15/2016 609 - 49754- 432500 3/6/2016 USA Bluebook - (2) swivel Adapter F x M 140.64 03/15/2016 601 - 49440 - 422220 3/6/2016 Normandale Community Ed - Beth Green 3 -16 1 175.00 03/15/2016 101 - 43110- 433100 3/6/2016 Normandale Community Ed - Rachel L Adobe 3/ 175.00 03/15/2016 101 - 41310 - 433100 3/6/2016 Monti Napa- #114 - Gray Acryl; spot panel; etc 186.55 03/15/2016 101 - 43120 - 421510 3/6/2016 Retail Resource - utx (12) card stars; (24) sign hl 293.90 03/15/2016 609 - 49754- 421990 3/6/2016 Retail Resource - freight 37.72 03/15/2016 609 - 49750- 433300 3/6/2016 Paypal - ebay (25) SLA battery for cyber replace 449.75 03/15/2016 656- 49877 - 421990 3/6/2016 U of M CCE Shade Tree- L.S.; T.G.; T.P. 585.00 03/15/2016 101 - 45201- 433100 3/6/2016 U of M CCE Shade Tree- M.H.; M.R. 390.00 03/15/2016 101 - 43120 - 433100 3/6/2016 Home Depot -(5) 1x12 10' com. brd; (3) 10' com 80.76 03/15/2016 101 - 45201- 421650 3/6/2016 Runnings - #114 seat cover return -3.50 03/15/2016 101 - 43120 - 422110 3/6/2016 Runnings - #114 seat cover; undercoat spray 57.48 03/15/2016 101 - 43120 - 422110 3/6/2016 Monti Napa- gauge 6.79 03/15/2016 101 - 43120- 422100 3/6/2016 Gradys - Gazebo sawza119" 5pk; box nails 27.98 03/15/2016 101 - 45201- 421650 3/6/2016 Zarnoth - #132 drag link bracket 84.80 03/15/2016 101 - 43120 - 422100 3/6/2016 Hoglund Bus - (2) battery 31XHD 242.52 03/15/2016 101 - 43120 - 422100 3/6/2016 Mayflower - Credit for Parry Supplies -1.20 03/15/2016 226 - 45127- 421460 3/6/2016 Constant Contact - Monthly Email Marketing Se 55.00 03/15/2016 226 - 45122- 430920 3/6/2016 Gradys - bucket trucks boom paint 3.99 03/15/2016 101 - 43120 - 421510 3/6/2016 Auto Value -16 Tune Up 8.99 03/15/2016 602 - 49490 - 421990 3/6/2016 General Credit Forms - Credit Card Machine Pal 30.37 03/15/2016 217 - 41990 - 420990 3/6/2016 Park Supply of America - Door Latch for Mens 1 1.43 03/15/2016 226 - 45122- 422990 AP- Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (03/14/2016 - 2:51 PM) Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number 3/6/2016 US Bank Qtrly Rebate - 5,472.42 03/15/2016 101 - 00000 - 362970 Check Total: 79,396.05 Vendor: 2438 VANCO SERVICES LLC Check Sequence: 4 00007228119 Vanco - Fitness Rewards - Feb 2016 88.25 03/15/2016 226 - 45122- 430700 00007231149 Vanco - Gateway Exchange - Feb 2016 39.20 03/15/2016 656- 49870 - 443980 00007231149 Vanco - Gateway Exchange - Feb 2016 31.45 03/15/2016 601 - 49440 - 443980 00007231149 Vanco - Gateway Exchange - Feb 2016 31.45 03/15/2016 602 - 49490 - 443980 Check Total: 190.35 Total for Check Run: 81,528.28 Total of Number of Checks: 4 The preceding list of bills payable was reviewed and approved for payment. Date: 3/29/16 Approved by: Mayor Brian Stumpf AP- Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (03/14/2016 - 2:51 PM) Accounts Payable Computer Check Proof List by Vendor User: Julie.Cheney Printed: 03/23/2016 - 1:15PM Batch: 00206.03.2016 - 00206.03.2016 AP Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Vendor: 2925 1ST LINE /LEEWES VENTURES LLC Check Sequence: 1 119928 Antique Popcorn Popper 784.00 03/29/2016 22645127- 421450 Check Total: 784.00 Vendor: 4303 ALDEN POOL & MUNICIPAL SUPPLY CO Check Sequence: 2 16022 Series2000 Regulator w/ rate valve /ejector 1,765.67 03/29/2016 601 - 49440 - 440440 Check Total: 1,765.67 Vendor: 4393 DOUG ANTONY Check Sequence: 3 3/14/2016 Refund for Canceled Pickleball Tournament 30.00 03/29/2016 226 - 45122- 347930 Check Total: 30.00 Vendor: 1036 APEC Check Sequence: 4 120815 Masterlink Blue Filter 16x123 (2) 63.92 03/29/2016 226 - 45122- 422990 120858 Masterlink Blue Filter 16x123 (4) 117.46 03/29/2016 226 - 45122- 422990 Check Total: 181.38 Vendor: 3491 ARTISAN BEER COMPANY Check Sequence: 5 3088053 resale - beer 64.00 03/29/2016 609 - 49750- 425200 Check Total: 64.00 Vendor: 4046 AST SPORTS INC Check Sequence: 6 16672 Polo Shirts (5) RH 168.90 03/29/2016 101 - 42400 - 421110 Check Total: 168.90 Vendor: 1048 AVENET LLC Check Sequence: 7 38399 Extended Storage Plan 4 GB 250.00 03/29/2016 702 - 00000 - 432300 AP- Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (03/23/2016 - 1:15 PM) Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number AP- Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (03/23/2016 - 1:15 PM) Check Total: 250.00 Vendor: 1065 BELLBOY CORPORATION Check Sequence: 8 52657200 resale - liquor 181.75 03/29/2016 609 - 49750- 425100 52657200 freight 8.10 03/29/2016 609- 49750- 433300 52760500 resale- wine 165.40 03/29/2016 609 - 49750- 425300 93575400 resale - liquor creditinv. #9352900 -28.20 03/29/2016 609 - 49750- 425100 93600200 resale- condiments 66.10 03/29/2016 609 - 49750- 425500 93600200 resale- Marg. salt 22.00 03/29/2016 609- 49750- 425400 93600200 freight 0.40 03/29/2016 609 - 49750- 433300 Check Total: 415.55 Vendor: 1067 BERNICK'S Check Sequence: 9 100392 Resale - Pop, Juice 262.00 03/29/2016 226 - 45127- 425410 96365 resale - soda pop 80.70 03/29/2016 609 - 49750 - 425400 96365 resale -juice 32.80 03/29/2016 609 - 49750- 425500 96366 resale - beer 1,338.10 03/29/2016 609 - 49750- 425200 97070 Party Room - Water 12.80 03/29/2016 226- 45127- 421460 97070 Resale - Pop, Water, Milk, Juice 416.00 03/29/2016 226 - 45127- 425410 99569 resale - soda pop 74.10 03/29/2016 609 - 49750- 425400 99569 resale -juice 32.80 03/29/2016 609 - 49750- 425500 99570 resale - beer 689.70 03/29/2016 609 - 49750- 425200 Check Total: 2,939.00 Vendor: 2535 BORDER STATES ELECTRIC SUPPLY Check Sequence: 10 910945426 (300) Flex Clip Black Telecrafter 37.33 03/29/2016 656- 49877 - 421990 Check Total: 37.33 Vendor: 1080 BRAEMAR MAILING SERVICE INC Check Sequence: 11 56970 UB Qtr 4 2015 Delinquent (922) (1/2) 106.46 03/29/2016 601- 49440 - 431800 56970 UB Qtr 4 2015 Delinquent (922) (1/2) 106.45 03/29/2016 602 - 49490 - 431800 Check Total: 212.91 Vendor: 3632 BRIAN BRAMLEY Check Sequence: 12 5945 Em. Respns Sol - (3) Ultra Elite, M7, MD, STC 1,033.42 03/29/2016 101 - 42200 - 431990 Check Total: 1,033.42 Vendor: 4328 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MN WINE & SPIF Check Sequence: 13 AP- Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (03/23/2016 - 1:15 PM) Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number 1080445385 resale - liquor 1,690.22 03/29/2016 609 - 49750- 425100 1080445385 resale - liquor 112.00 03/29/2016 609 - 49750- 425300 1080445385 freight 23.93 03/29/2016 609 - 49750- 433300 1080448028 resale- wine 286.00 03/29/2016 609 - 49750- 425300 1080448028 resale - liquor 1,321.46 03/29/2016 609 - 49750- 425100 Check Total: 3,433.61 Vendor: 2047 BRIDGE WATER TELEPHONE COMPANY Check Sequence: 14 0665FNMT -16073 Voice - Monthly Access Charge Interstate - 3/13- 520.23 03/29/2016 656- 49879- 430910 Check Total: 520.23 Vendor: 2286 KERRY BURRI Check Sequence: 15 3/22/2016 Mileage (109.6) MCFOA Conference 3/16/16 & 59.18 03/29/2016 101 - 41310 - 433100 3/22/2016 Mileage (2.1 miles) EDA Agenda Packet Deliver 1.13 03/29/2016 213 - 46301 - 433100 Check Total: 60.31 Vendor: 1091 CAMPBELL KNUTSON PA Check Sequence: 16 2348 -000G 163 Feb 2015 - FiberNet 375.00 03/29/2016 656- 49870 - 430400 2348 -000G 163 Feb 2015 - Liquor Store 150.00 03/29/2016 609 - 49754- 431990 2348 -000G 163 Feb 2015 - Planning & Zoning 300.00 03/29/2016 101 - 41910 - 430400 2348 -000G 163 100009 - Feb 2015 75.00 03/29/2016 400 - 43300 - 459010 2348 -000G 163 Feb 2015 - General Legal 2,205.00 03/29/2016 101 - 41610- 430400 2348 -127G 6 Monticello Commerce Center 8th Addition 81.00 03/29/2016 101 - 41910- 430400 Check Total: 3,186.00 Vendor: 4089 CARLSON & LYTER DISTRIBUTING, INC Check Sequence: 17 375 -11 resale - beer 82.50 03/29/2016 609 - 49750- 425200 AP- Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (03/23/2016 - 1:15 PM) Check Total: 82.50 Vendor: 2213 CBS TV STATIONS Check Sequence: 18 022916 WCCO February 2016 1,309.80 03/29/2016 656- 49879 - 430920 Check Total: 1,309.80 Vendor: 1106 CENTRAL MCGOWAN INC Check Sequence: 19 00924619 Bulk Carbon Dioxide (215 lbs) 69.00 03/29/2016 226 - 45122- 421600 Check Total: 69.00 Vendor: 2654 CENTURYLINK Check Sequence: 20 AP- Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (03/23/2016 - 1:15 PM) Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number L04003703716068 2/8- 3/7/2016 - monthly usage 89.08 03/29/2016 656- 49879 - 430910 R72010610616068 2/8- 3/7/2016 - monthly access interstate 600.00 03/29/2016 656- 49879 - 430910 R97006006016068 2/8- 3/7/2016 - monthly access interstate 145.21 03/29/2016 656- 49879 - 430910 Check Total: 834.29 Vendor: 4347 CONSOLIDATED TELECOMMUNICATIONS Check Sequence: 21 INV -3066 IRET Apartment Building Design 2,175.00 03/29/2016 656- 49870 - 431990 Check Total: 2,175.00 Vendor: 1129 DAHLHEIMER BEVERAGE LLC Check Sequence: 22 1193087 resale - beer 17,600.27 03/29/2016 609 - 49750- 425200 1193087 resale - beer n/a 35.30 03/29/2016 609 - 49750- 425400 123139 resale - beer n/a 84.00 03/29/2016 609 - 49750- 425400 123139 resale - beer 22,236.35 03/29/2016 609 - 49750- 425200 123200 resale - beer credit - 134.80 03/29/2016 609 - 49750- 425200 123330 resale - beer 1,610.45 03/29/2016 609 - 49750- 425200 123330 resale - beer n/a 48.60 03/29/2016 609 - 49750- 425400 123544 resale - beer credit -64.00 03/29/2016 609 - 49750- 425200 123545 resale - beer 547.05 03/29/2016 609 - 49750- 425200 123607 resale - beer 3,066.90 03/29/2016 609 - 49750- 425200 123850 resale - beer 134.10 03/29/2016 609 - 49750- 425200 Check Total: 45,164.22 Vendor: 1147 DOUBLE D ELECTRIC INC Check Sequence: 23 21021 Instl. de -icing tank receptcle, light & troubleshot 845.58 03/29/2016 101 - 43127 - 440100 21022 Replace Photocell on S. Exterior for Lighting 83.00 03/29/2016 609 - 49754- 440100 Check Total: 928.58 Vendor: 1153 ECM PUBLISHERS INC Check Sequence: 24 318048 Readers Choice Ad #505673 250.00 03/29/2016 609- 49754- 434990 318049 Food Shelf Drive Ad #514486 40.00 03/29/2016 609 - 49754- 434990 Check Total: 290.00 Vendor: 3681 STERLING EGAN Check Sequence: 25 3/17/2016 Referee Mens Hockey - 4 Games 3/16/15 180.00 03/29/2016 226 - 45127- 430160 Check Total: 180.00 Vendor: 4239 ENVENTIS CORPORATION Check Sequence: 26 AP- Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (03/23/2016 - 1:15 PM) Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number 1219503- 03/2016 Consolidated Comm- Mar 2016 Gigabite Transp 7,667.57 03/29/2016 656- 49879 - 430930 Check Total: 7,667.57 Vendor: 1634 FIRE EQUIPMENT SPECIALTIES INC Check Sequence: 27 9200 (2) Pant shells- Lion Total Care 179.26 03/29/2016 101 - 42200 - 421120 Check Total: 179.26 Vendor: 2222 FOX SPORTS NET INC Check Sequence: 28 K29918 FSN February 2016 4,797.92 03/29/2016 656- 49879 - 430920 Check Total: 4,797.92 Vendor: 2462 FOX TELEVISION STATIONS INC Check Sequence: 29 022916 KMSP February 2016 1,203.60 03/29/2016 656- 49879 - 430920 022916 -1 WFTC February 2016 212.40 03/29/2016 656- 49879 - 430920 Check Total: 1,416.00 Vendor: 1740 BRAD FYLE Check Sequence: 30 03072016 meal reimburs. 2 -20 -16 training 11.53 03/29/2016 101 - 42200 - 433100 Check Total: 11.53 Vendor: 3230 SCOTT GEAREY Check Sequence: 31 3/14/2016 Mileage - to Nisswa for Burn Training (208 mile 112.32 03/29/2016 101 - 42200 - 433100 Check Total: 112.32 Vendor: 4391 WIL GOETSCH Check Sequence: 32 3/14/2016 Referee Mens Hockey - 3 Games - 3/13/16 120.00 03/29/2016 226 - 45127- 430160 Check Total: 120.00 Vendor: 1206 GRAPE BEGINNINGS INC Check Sequence: 33 NIN00001954 Freight 10.00 03/29/2016 609- 49750- 433300 MN00001954 resale - wine 176.00 03/29/2016 609 - 49750- 425300 Check Total: 186.00 Vendor: 1207 ELIZABETH GREEN Check Sequence: 34 3/22/2016 Mileage Reimb - Cont. Ed Class- Normandale C 50.87 03/29/2016 101 - 43120 - 433100 Check Total: 50.87 AP- Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (03/23/2016 - 1:15 PM) Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Vendor: 4218 HOHENSTEINS, INC Check Sequence: 35 814605 resale - beer 145.00 03/29/2016 609 - 49750- 425200 Check Total: 145.00 Vendor: 2305 HOME BOX OFFICE Check Sequence: 36 02292016 HBO February 2016 122.70 03/29/2016 656- 49879 - 430920 02292016 HBO Bulk February 2016 278.04 03/29/2016 656- 49879 - 430920 02292016 Max February 2016 51.84 03/29/2016 656- 49879 - 430920 6CSG0210 HBO Qtr 12016 Guides 10.00 03/29/2016 656- 49879 - 430920 Check Total: 462.58 Vendor: 1244 HORIZON COMMERCIAL POOL SUPPLY Check Sequence: 37 160226021 Pool Chemicals 1,276.70 03/29/2016 226 - 45122- 421600 160301024 Alkalinity Indicator for Pool 38.05 03/29/2016 226 - 45122- 421600 Check Total: 1,314.75 Vendor: 2214 HUBBARD BROADCASTING INC Check Sequence: 38 022916 KSTP February 2016 1,593.00 03/29/2016 656- 49879 - 430920 022916 -1 KSTC February 2016 247.80 03/29/2016 656- 49879 - 430920 Check Total: 1,840.80 Vendor: 2113 1 -94 WEST CORRIDOR COALITION Check Sequence: 39 2016 Membeship 2016 Membership Investment - I -94 West Corrid 6,568.00 03/29/2016 101 - 43111- 443300 Check Total: 6,568.00 Vendor: 4332 INTERSTATE TELCOM CONSULTING, INC Check Sequence: 40 36102 Rvw Tariffs; TAP filing; Sec 214 authority; CAB 405.00 03/29/2016 656- 49870 - 431970 Check Total: 405.00 Vendor: 4389 J.M. HEATING, COOLING & GEO SERVICE Check Sequence: 41 03102016 Credit overcharge building permit 4.00 03/29/2016 101 - 42400 - 322110 Check Total: 4.00 Vendor: 3369 JAKE'S EXCAVATING INC Check Sequence: 42 2831 15C003 - Move 2 Graves and Dig 1 Grave 950.00 03/29/2016 400 - 43300 - 459013 Check Total: 950.00 AP- Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (03/23/2016 - 1:15 PM) Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Vendor: 1259 JJ TAYLOR DISTRIBUTING Check Sequence: 43 2491214 resale - beer 1,921.60 03/29/2016 609 - 49750- 425200 2491214 resale - beer n/a 49.20 03/29/2016 609 - 49750- 425400 2491214 freight 3.00 03/29/2016 609 - 49750- 433300 2491255 resale - beer 2,864.35 03/29/2016 609 - 49750- 425200 2491255 resale - beer n/a 48.00 03/29/2016 609 - 49750- 425400 Check Total: 4,886.15 Vendor: 1263 JOHNSON BROS WHOLESALE LIQUOR Check Sequence: 44 5387353 resale - liquor 6,120.13 03/29/2016 609 - 49750- 425100 5387353 freight 59.35 03/29/2016 609 - 49750- 433300 5387354 freight 52.56 03/29/2016 609 - 49750- 433300 5387354 resale - wine 1,706.00 03/29/2016 609 - 49750- 425300 5388731 resale - liquor 2,899.38 03/29/2016 609 - 49750- 425100 5388731 freight 31.08 03/29/2016 609 - 49750- 433300 5388732 freight 19.20 03/29/2016 609 - 49750- 433300 5388732 resale- wine 972.00 03/29/2016 609 - 49750- 425300 5391153 freight 53.28 03/29/2016 609 - 49750- 433300 5391153 resale - liquor 1,912.50 03/29/2016 609 - 49750- 425100 5391154 resale - liquor 104.00 03/29/2016 609 - 49750- 425100 5391154 freight 1.44 03/29/2016 609 - 49750- 433300 5391155 freight 15.84 03/29/2016 609 - 49750- 433300 5391155 resale- wine 523.60 03/29/2016 609 - 49750- 425300 5392536 resale - liquor 526.90 03/29/2016 609 - 49750- 425100 5392536 freight 7.20 03/29/2016 609 - 49750- 433300 5392537 freight 76.32 03/29/2016 609 - 49750- 433300 5392537 resale- wine 2,922.95 03/29/2016 609 - 49750- 425300 5392538 resale -beer 65.97 03/29/2016 609 - 49750- 425200 5393855 resale - liquor 6,286.49 03/29/2016 609 - 49750- 425100 5393855 freight 75.59 03/29/2016 609 - 49750- 433300 5393856 resale - wine 1,917.40 03/29/2016 609 - 49750- 425300 5393856 resale - raise 153.29 03/29/2016 609 - 49750- 425400 5393856 freight 52.56 03/29/2016 609 - 49750- 433300 5393857 resale - beer 204.00 03/29/2016 609 - 49750- 425200 566260 resale - liquor credit inv. 5335250 -15.00 03/29/2016 609 - 49750- 425100 566261 resale - liquor credit inv. 5356291 -9.65 03/29/2016 609 - 49750- 425100 566262 resale - liquor credit inv. 5366567 -14.75 03/29/2016 609 - 49750- 425100 566263 resale - liquor credit inv. 5367910 -4.83 03/29/2016 609 - 49750- 425100 567151 resale - liquor credit inv. 5391153 - 153.00 03/29/2016 609 - 49750- 425100 567151 freight credit inv. 5391153 -2.88 03/29/2016 609 - 49750- 433300 AP- Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (03/23/2016 - 1:15 PM) Invoice No Description AP- Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (03/23/2016 - 1:15 PM) Amount Payment Date Acct Number 300.00 300.00 2,693.48 1,344.85 1 — nn 451.81 nn1 in inn �n Check Sequence: 45 03/29/2016 101 - 42200 - 433100 Check Sequence: 46 03/29/2016 226 - 45122- 347930 Check Sequence: 47 03/29/2016 400 - 43300 - 459010 Check Sequence: 48 03/29/2016 702 - 00000 - 424100 03/29/2016 702 - 00000 - 424100 03/29/2016 702 - 00000 - 431990 Check Sequence: 49 03/29/2016 609 - 49750- 425400 03/29/2016 609 - 49750- 425500 Check Sequence: 50 03/29/2016 101 - 41940- 420990 Check Sequence: 51 03/29/2016 702 - 00000 - 441500 Check Sequence: 52 03/29/2016 656- 49879 - 430920 Check Total: Vendor: 1741 KENNETH KAKO 03072016 lunch Sawmill Inn - 2/20/16 training Check Total: Vendor: 4392 TOM KOTSCHEVAR 3/14/2016 Refund for Canceled Pickleball Tournament Check Total: Vendor: 4395 LOOK AT ME PRODUCTIONS, INC 3/7/2016 l 00009 - Hwy 25 /CR 75 Intersection Imp Video Check Total: Vendor: 1300 DOUGLAS WILLIAM LYSENG 1331 Laptops (2) for WO & JS 1332 Replacement Computer for SR 1333 On Site Services (2/11- 3/16/16) Check Total: Vendor: 1303 MAMUNDSON LLP 212920 resale - soda pop; cork screws; can coolers; etc 212920 resale - cigarettes Check Total: Vendor: 1726 MARCO INV3180968 Staples for Konica SK -602 (2 boxes) Check Total: Vendor: 1308 MARCOINC 300337391 3/10/16 - 4/10/16 Contract Check Total: Vendor: 2215 METRO GOLDWYN MAYER INC 022916 MGM February 2016 Check Total: AP- Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (03/23/2016 - 1:15 PM) Amount Payment Date Acct Number 300.00 300.00 2,693.48 1,344.85 1 — nn 451.81 nn1 in inn �n Check Sequence: 45 03/29/2016 101 - 42200 - 433100 Check Sequence: 46 03/29/2016 226 - 45122- 347930 Check Sequence: 47 03/29/2016 400 - 43300 - 459010 Check Sequence: 48 03/29/2016 702 - 00000 - 424100 03/29/2016 702 - 00000 - 424100 03/29/2016 702 - 00000 - 431990 Check Sequence: 49 03/29/2016 609 - 49750- 425400 03/29/2016 609 - 49750- 425500 Check Sequence: 50 03/29/2016 101 - 41940- 420990 Check Sequence: 51 03/29/2016 702 - 00000 - 441500 Check Sequence: 52 03/29/2016 656- 49879 - 430920 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Vendor: 1327 MIDSTATES EQUIPMENT & SUPPLY Check Sequence: 53 216130 (2) Return Filter Element #170407 75.45 03/29/2016 101 - 43120 - 422100 Check Total: 75.45 Vendor: 2217 MLB NETWORK LLC AFFILIATE SALE Check Sequence: 54 062556 MLB February 2016 268.20 03/29/2016 656- 49879 - 430920 Check Total: 268.20 Vendor: 1341 MMKR Check Sequence: 55 39168 Progress Billing - Audit Services through 2/29/1, 4,800.00 03/29/2016 101 - 41540- 430100 Check Total: 4,800.00 Vendor: 1370 MONTICELLO DEPUTY REG #002 Check Sequence: 56 03/09/2016 16 Ford Pickup 17.00 03/29/2016 101 - 45201- 443990 Check Total: 17.00 Vendor: 1371 MONTICELLO FIREMEN RELIEF ASSOC Check Sequence: 57 3/14/2016 Pass Through To Monti Fire Relief - Rec'd 3/14/ 2,000.00 03/29/2016 101 - 42202 - 334200 Check Total: 2,000.00 Vendor: 1377 MONTICELLO SENIOR CENTER Check Sequence: 58 March 2016 Monthly Allocation - March 2016 4,730.00 03/29/2016 101 - 45175- 444310 Check Total: 4,730.00 Vendor: 4390 MICHAEL MUELLER Check Sequence: 59 3/14/2016 Referee Mens Hockey - 3 Games - 3/13/16 120.00 03/29/2016 226- 45127- 430160 3/21/2016 Referee Mens Hockey - 4 Games - 3/20/16 160.00 03/29/2016 226 - 45127- 430160 Check Total: 280.00 Vendor: 2218 MUSIC CHOICE Check Sequence: 60 022916 Music Choice February 2016 332.37 03/29/2016 656- 49879 - 430920 Check Total: 332.37 Vendor: 2082 NEUSTAR INC Check Sequence: 61 M- 10830382 Account 19894 -Loci # Portability Feb 2016 90.00 03/29/2016 656- 49870 - 431990 AP- Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (03/23/2016 - 1:15 PM) Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number AP- Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (03/23/2016 - 1:15 PM) Check Total: 90.00 Vendor: 2216 NHL NETWORK Check Sequence: 62 02292019 NHL February 2016 214.56 03/29/2016 656- 49879 - 430920 Check Total: 214.56 Vendor: 1687 NORTHLAND SECURITIES INC Check Sequence: 63 4441 EDA - Manufacturing Expansion Project 850.00 03/29/2016 213 - 46301- 431990 Check Total: 850.00 Vendor: 4368 OFFICE DEPOT INC Check Sequence: 64 829858381001 Laminating Pouch - 1 box 54.99 03/29/2016 101 - 43110- 420990 829858637001 carton Red Top 17" 5RM; 3pk 4GB Flash 64.83 03/29/2016 101 - 43110- 420990 Check Total: 119.82 Vendor: 4015 OHLIN SALES INC Check Sequence: 65 324110 (144) Everready C batteries 110.41 03/29/2016 101 - 42200 - 421990 Check Total: 110.41 Vendor: 1417 OSC OXYGEN SERVICE COMPANY Check Sequence: 66 14392 Welder 500.00 12/15/2015 101 - 43127 - 424100 14392 Welder- credit for trade -in - 500.00 12/15/2015 101 - 43127- 424100 7959857 (5) Elctd:T80/T60 80A; (5) shld coax; Had Tch 139.82 03/29/2016 101 - 43127 - 421520 Check Total: 139.82 Vendor: 1273 PAUSTIS & SONS WINE CO Check Sequence: 67 8538847 resale- wine 131.45 03/29/2016 609 - 49750- 425300 8538847 freight 2.25 03/29/2016 609 - 49750- 433300 8539344 resale - wine 2,530.44 03/29/2016 609 - 49750- 425300 8539344 freight 32.50 03/29/2016 609 - 49750- 433300 Check Total: 2,696.64 Vendor: 1425 PETERSON GRIMSMO CHAPEL Check Sequence: 68 3/10/2016 Basic Services, Transfer & Shelter of Remains, l 270.00 03/29/2016 400 - 43300- 459013 Check Total: 270.00 Vendor: 1427 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS CO Check Sequence: 69 AP- Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (03/23/2016 - 1:15 PM) Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number 22940446 freight 7.20 03/29/2016 609 - 49750- 433300 22940446 resale - liquor 391.25 03/29/2016 609 - 49750- 425100 232914 resale - liquor credit inv. 2912863 -7.69 03/29/2016 609 - 49750- 425100 232915 resale - liquor credit inv. 2932505 -6.67 03/29/2016 609 - 49750- 425100 232916 resale - liquor credit inv. 2935986 -97.74 03/29/2016 609 - 49750- 425100 232916 freight credit inv. 2935986 -1.44 03/29/2016 609 - 49750- 433300 2939486 resale - liquor 3,310.25 03/29/2016 609 - 49750- 425100 2939486 freight 48.96 03/29/2016 609 - 49750- 433300 2939487 resale - wine 143.00 03/29/2016 609 - 49750- 425300 2939487 freight 4.32 03/29/2016 609 - 49750- 433300 2940447 resale - wine 830.00 03/29/2016 609 - 49750- 425300 2940447 freight 20.16 03/29/2016 609 - 49750- 433300 2942245 resale - liquor 639.10 03/29/2016 609- 49750- 425100 2942245 freight 8.64 03/29/2016 609 - 49750- 433300 2942246 freight 11.52 03/29/2016 609 - 49750- 433300 2942246 resale- wine 387.90 03/29/2016 609 - 49750- 425300 2943173 resale - liquor 4,018.15 03/29/2016 609 - 49750- 425100 2943173 freight 54.72 03/29/2016 609 - 49750- 433300 2943174 freight 24.84 03/29/2016 609 - 49750- 433300 2943174 resale - wine 1,046.80 03/29/2016 609 - 49750- 425300 2944108 resale - liquor 1,713.90 03/29/2016 609 - 49750- 425100 2944109 resale- wine 583.95 03/29/2016 609 - 49750- 425300 2944109 resale - wine n/a 18.00 03/29/2016 609 - 49750- 425400 2944109 freight 14.40 03/29/2016 609 - 49750- 433300 2945904 freight 14.40 03/29/2016 609 - 49750- 433300 2945904 resale - liquor 1,669.30 03/29/2016 609 - 49750- 425100 Check Total: 14,847.22 Vendor: 4060 POP MEDIA NETWORKS, LLC POP MEDIA ( Check Sequence: 70 162983 Pop February 2016 489.66 03/29/2016 656- 49879 - 430920 Check Total: 489.66 Vendor: 4022 REINHART FOODSERVICE LLC Check Sequence: 71 293118 Freight 7.99 03/29/2016 226 - 45122- 433300 293118 Parties- Cheese Pizzas 130.28 03/29/2016 226 - 45127- 421460 293118 Resale - Concession Food 604.87 03/29/2016 226 - 45127- 425410 301079 Freight 7.99 03/29/2016 226 - 45122- 433300 301079 Resale - Concession Food 476.17 03/29/2016 226 - 45127- 425410 Check Total: 1,227.30 AP- Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (03/23/2016 - 1:15 PM) Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Vendor: 2602 RFD TV Check Sequence: 72 2219 -1238 RFD -TV February 2016 18.19 03/29/2016 656- 49879 - 430920 Check Total: 18.19 Vendor: 1470 RUSSELL SECURITY RESOURCE INC Check Sequence: 73 A27131 Repaired Cylinder in Child Care Area, Repaired 117.50 03/29/2016 226 - 45122- 440100 Check Total: 117.50 Vendor: 1474 PATRICIA A SALZWEDEL Check Sequence: 74 March 2nd Semi Monthly Contract Payment 1,593.75 03/29/2016 101 - 42700 - 431200 Check Total: 1,593.75 Vendor: 2443 SECURITAS SECURITY SERVICES USA INC Check Sequence: 75 W5137783 2/27/16 - Raisler Wedding R2167 140.00 03/29/2016 226 - 45122- 431992 Check Total: 140.00 Vendor: 4075 GARY W SELL, JR Check Sequence: 76 3/17/2016 Referee Mens Hockey - 3 Games 3/16/16 120.00 03/29/2016 226 - 45127- 430160 3/21/2016 Referee Mens Hockey - 4 Games 3/20/16 160.00 03/29/2016 226 - 45127- 430160 Check Total: 280.00 Vendor: 2301 SHOWTIME NETWORKS INC Check Sequence: 77 201602 - 40843608 Showtime February 2016 103.95 03/29/2016 656- 49879 - 430920 Check Total: 103.95 Vendor: 2212 SINCLAIR TELEVISION GROUP INC Check Sequence: 78 022916 WUCW February 2016 460.20 03/29/2016 656- 49879 - 430920 Check Total: 460.20 Vendor: 3688 SOURCEONE SOLUTIONS LLC Check Sequence: 79 1217 Mar 2016 Billing (15) inserts 2,000.23 03/29/2016 656- 49870 - 431800 1217 Mar 2016 Postage 559.94 03/29/2016 656- 49870 - 432200 Check Total: 2,560.17 Vendor: 3309 SOUTHERN WINE & SPIRITS OF MINNESO' Check Sequence: 80 1385506 resale - liquor 2,268.84 03/29/2016 609 - 49750- 425100 1385506 freight 25.55 03/29/2016 609 - 49750- 433300 AP- Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (03/23/2016 - 1:15 PM) Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number 1385507 freight 1.40 03/29/2016 609 - 49750- 433300 1385507 resale - cherries 42.00 03/29/2016 609 - 49750- 425500 1385508 resale -wine 1,442.00 03/29/2016 609 - 49750- 425300 1385508 freight 32.20 03/29/2016 609 - 49750- 433300 1387792 resale - liquor 341.33 03/29/2016 609 - 49750- 425100 1387792 Freight 1.86 03/29/2016 609 - 49750- 433300 1387793 Freight 15.40 03/29/2016 609 - 49750- 433300 1387793 Resale- wine 790.00 03/29/2016 609 - 49750- 425300 Check Total: 4,960.58 Vendor: 1497 SPECTRUM SUPPLY COMPANY Check Sequence: 81 25560 Bathroom Supplies (1) Case 65.00 03/29/2016 101 - 42200 - 421990 Check Total: 65.00 Vendor: 2564 SPORTS PRO LLC Check Sequence: 82 419 Labor - Elliptical #C18 Repairs (1 hr) 80.00 03/29/2016 226 - 45122- 440800 419 Materials= Elliptical C18 Repairs: Belts (2), Lo, 143.30 03/29/2016 226 - 45122- 440800 Check Total: 223.30 Vendor: 4213 SCR ST. CLOUD REFRIDERATION, INC Check Sequence: 83 312987 remove /replace fan motor- Bev. Air3 Door 397.11 03/29/2016 609 - 49754- 440440 Check Total: 397.11 Vendor: 1518 TDS TELECOM Check Sequence: 84 665- 837 -0005 Voice - Non Published Number Charges 17.48 03/29/2016 702 - 00000 - 432100 665- 838 -0000 Voice - Non Published Number Charges 119.05 03/29/2016 702 - 00000 - 432100 763 - 271 -3230 TDS 97.05 03/29/2016 702 - 00000 - 432100 763 - 271 -3257 TDS 87.09 03/29/2016 702 - 00000 - 432100 763 - 295 -2005 TDS 14.18 03/29/2016 702 - 00000 - 432100 763 - 295 -3714 TDS 326.81 03/29/2016 702 - 00000 - 432100 763 - 295 -4054 TDS 42.91 03/29/2016 702 - 00000 - 432100 Check Total: 704.57 Vendor: 2251 TEGNA/GANNETT CO INC Check Sequence: 85 1046 -1139 Tegna February 2016 1,486.80 03/29/2016 656- 49879 - 430920 Check Total: 1,486.80 Vendor: 1522 THORPE DISTRIBUTING COMPANY Check Sequence: 86 AP- Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (03/23/2016 - 1:15 PM) Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number 00120075 resale - beer -73.30 03/29/2016 609 - 49750- 425200 1049088 resale - beer 20,381.00 03/29/2016 609 - 49750- 425200 1052119 resale - beer 204.15 03/29/2016 609 - 49750- 425200 1052120 resale - beer n/a 72.00 03/29/2016 609 - 49750- 425400 1055596 resale - beer n/a 147.00 03/29/2016 609 - 49750- 425400 Check Total: 20,730.85 Vendor: 2252 TOWER DISTRIBUTION COMPANY Check Sequence: 87 499794 WGN America 2016 189.37 03/29/2016 656- 49879- 430920 Check Total: 189.37 Vendor: 3594 TRIMARK Check Sequence: 88 2602133 shot glasses 70.31 03/29/2016 609 - 49750- 425400 2602135 wine tasting glasses 472.47 03/29/2016 609 - 49754 - 421990 Check Total: 542.78 Vendor: 1550 VEOLIA WATER N AM OPERATING SERV L: Check Sequence: 89 00055917 April 2016 WWTP Operation & Maintenance 60,645.00 03/29/2016 602 - 49480 - 430800 00056071 12C003 - Progress Inv# 34 WWTP - February 2( 600.78 03/29/2016 602 - 00000 - 165010 Check Total: 61,245.78 Vendor: 2325 GREG VEROOTIS Check Sequence: 90 468 Engine 11 Co- (10) Jumbo Gear Bag 500.00 03/29/2016 101 - 42200 - 421990 Check Total: 500.00 Vendor: 1552 VIKING COCA COLA BOTTLING CO Check Sequence: 91 1705005 resale - soda pop 381.50 03/29/2016 609 - 49750- 425400 1705135 resale - soda pop 327.00 03/29/2016 609 - 49750- 425400 Check Total: 708.50 Vendor: 1684 VINOCOPIA Check Sequence: 92 0146764 resale - wine 328.00 03/29/2016 609 - 49750- 425300 0146764 resale - liquor 213.50 03/29/2016 609 - 49750- 425100 0146764 freight 12.50 03/29/2016 609 - 49750- 433300 0147242 freight 10.00 03/29/2016 609 - 49750- 433300 0147242 resale - liquor 207.25 03/29/2016 609 - 49750- 425100 0147242 resale- wine 106.00 03/29/2016 609 - 49750- 425300 0147242 Resale - Wine N/A 14.00 03/29/2016 609 - 49750- 425400 AP- Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (03/23/2016 - 1:15 PM) Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number AP- Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (03/23/2016 - 1:15 PM) Check Total: 891.25 Vendor: 3796 W.S. DARLEY & CO Check Sequence: 93 17234618 bearing ball; (3) pump injct; (2) oil seal; (5) O -ri 264.65 03/29/2016 101 - 42200 - 422100 Check Total: 264.65 Vendor: 1561 WATER LABORATORIES INC Check Sequence: 94 5426 Water Testing Feb 2016 688.00 03/29/2016 601 - 49440 - 422740 Check Total: 688.00 Vendor: 1567 WES OLSON ELECTRIC LLC Check Sequence: 95 7688 Labor - Replace Ballast (1.5 hrs) 102.00 03/29/2016 101 - 45501- 440100 7688 Materials - Ballast & Electronic Lamp 55.36 03/29/2016 101 - 45501- 440100 Check Total: 157.36 Vendor: 1572 THE WINE COMPANY Check Sequence: 96 419386 resale- wine 588.00 03/29/2016 609 - 49750- 425300 419386 freight 8.40 03/29/2016 609 - 49750- 433300 Check Total: 596.40 Vendor: 1573 WINE MERCHANTS INC Check Sequence: 97 7072250 resale - wine 2,203.88 03/29/2016 609 - 49750- 425300 7072250 freight 36.72 03/29/2016 609- 49750- 433300 7072536 resale- wine 392.00 03/29/2016 609 - 49750- 425300 7072536 freight 5.76 03/29/2016 609 - 49750- 433300 Check Total: 2,638.36 Vendor: 2219 WORLD FISHING NETWORK LTD Check Sequence: 98 615 -1013 World Fishing February 2016 21.47 03/29/2016 656- 49879 - 430920 Check Total: 21.47 Vendor: 2645 WRIGHT CO AUDITOR -TREAS Check Sequence: 99 20899 248203 R155- 010 - 067010 1st & 2nd Half Payments 1,126.02 03/29/2016 213 - 46522- 443990 212962205 R155- 018 - 001012 is& 2nd Half Payments 11,138.00 03/29/2016 101 - 41940 - 437100 22192 2205 R155- 066 - 000010 1st & 2nd Half Payments 1,541.55 03/29/2016 101 - 41940- 437100 22193 2205 R155- 066 - 000020 1st & 2nd Half Payments 1,174.03 03/29/2016 101 - 41940 - 437100 36308 2205 R213- 100 - 081400 1st & 2nd Half Payments 7,452.00 03/29/2016 602 - 49480 - 437100 48956 2205 R155- 121- 000010 1st Half Payment 0.04 03/29/2016 101 - 45201- 437100 AP- Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (03/23/2016 - 1:15 PM) Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number 489572205 R155- 121 - 0000201st Half Payment 0.04 03/29/2016 101 - 45201- 437100 49652 2205 R155- 121 - 000030 1st Half Payment 0.04 03/29/2016 101 - 45201- 437100 639752205 R155- 159 - 0000301st Half Payment 0.29 03/29/2016 101 - 41940 - 443990 6615 2205 R155- 176 - 002010 1st & 2nd Half Payments 290.58 03/29/2016 601 - 49440 - 443990 67753 248203 R155- 171 - 000060 1st & 2nd Half Payments 1,318.00 03/29/2016 213 - 46301- 437100 712983475 P155- 600 - 000010 1st Half Payment 5,680.00 03/29/2016 101 - 41940 - 437100 74318 226376 8213- 100 - 084302 1st & 2nd Half Payments 426.00 03/29/2016 229 - 45202- 437100 Check Total: 30,146.59 Vendor: 1577 WRIGHT CO AUDITOR -TREAS - ACH Check Sequence: 100 3/14/2016 Court Fines & Fees for February 2016 3,085.44 03/29/2016 101 - 42100 - 430410 Check Total: 3,085.44 Vendor: 1579 WRIGHT COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPARTMEN Check Sequence: 101 7853 Ticket #7853 (76.01) Tons of Salt + 10% Service 10,476.46 03/29/2016 101 - 43125- 421700 Check Total: 10,476.46 Vendor: 1907 XO COMMUNICATIONS LLC Check Sequence: 102 281001960 data & intemet access- 3/1- 31/2016 2,010.75 03/29/2016 656- 49879 - 430930 281076482 data & intemet access- 3/1- 31/2016 5,491.63 03/29/2016 656- 49879 - 430930 Check Total: 7,502.38 Total for Check Run: 324,016.62 Total of Number of Checks: 102 The preceding list of bills payables was reviewed and approved for payment. Date: 3/28/16 Approved by Mayor Brian Stumpf AP- Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (03/23/2016 - 1:15 PM) City Council Agenda: 3/28/16 2B. Consideration of approving new hires and departures for City departments (TE) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Council is asked to ratify the hiring and departures of employees that have occurred recently in the departments listed. It is recommended that the Council officially ratify the hiring /departure of all listed employees including part-time and seasonal workers. Al. Budget Impact: (positions are generally included in budget) A2. Staff Work Load Impact: If new positions, there may be some training involved. If terminated positions, existing staff would pick up those hours, as needed, until replaced. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to ratify the hire /departures of the employees as identified on the attached list. 2. Motion to deny the recommended hires and departures. C. RECOMMENDATION: By statute the City Council has the authority to approve all hires /departures. City staff recommends Alternative #1, for the Council to approve the hires and/or departures as listed. D. SUPPORTING DATA: • List of new /terminated employees NEW EMPLOYEES Name Title Department Hire Date Class TERMINATING EMPLOYEES Name Reason Department Last Day Class Scott lano Voluntary Parks 2/18/16 Seasonal Anna Davidson Involuntary MCC 3/15/16 PT Andrew Florey Voluntary MCC 3/16/16 PT Emily Fenske Voluntary MCC 3/22/16 PT New Hire and Terms City Council 2016: 3/23/2016 City Council Agenda: 03/28/16 2C. Consideration of approving the sale or disposal of surplus city property (WO) There is no report this City Council cycle. City Council Agenda: 3/28/16 21). Consideration to approve Resolution 2016 -014 approving donations from Run Sponsors - Ausco Design, CentraCare Health Monticello, Health Source Chiropractic, and Schlenner Wenner and Co and Movie Sponsors - The Monticello Times, Great River Shopper and Schlenner Wenner and Co. (KB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Council is being asked to approve the donations /sponsorships for the Blazin' Thru Bertram/Phillip LaVallee Memorial Run and for the Summer Movie in the Park series. The run sponsors are Ausco Design, CentraCare Health Monticello, Health Source Chiropractic and Schlenner Wenner and Co. Please note that on the contribution form they are donating $400. Only $250 of the $400 stays in the City for the Blazin' Thru Bertram trail run. The balance of $150 will be forwarded to the school in support of the High School Track and Field program. Since the three runs are a part of a series, we do our fundraising together. The movie sponsors are The Monticello Times and Schlenner Wenner and Co. They have been movie sponsors for a number of years and we're grateful for their continued support of this great program. As required by state statute, if the City accepts the donation of funds, the City Council needs to adopt a resolution specifying the amount of the donation and its use. Al. Budget Impact: The donation/sponsorship will pay for expenses of the run or movie programming. A2. Staff Workload Impact: Staff will do the work to put on this event. Our sponsors will be recognized in all our advertisement and banners. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve the contribution and authorize use of funds as specified. 2. Motion to not approve the contribution and return the funds to the donors. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommendation is to adopt the resolution accepting the contributions. D. SUPPORTING DATA: • Resolution 2016 -014 City of Monticello RESOLUTION NO. 2016-014 RESOLUTION APPROVING CONTRIBUTIONS WHEREAS, the City of Monticello is generally authorized to accept contributions of real and personal property pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Sections 465.03 and 465.04 for the benefit of its citizens and is specifically authorized to maintain such property for the benefit of its citizens in accordance with the terms prescribed by the donor. Said gifts may be limited under provisions of MN Statutes Section 471.895. WHEREAS, the following persons and or entities have offered to contribute contributions or gifts to the City as listed: DONOR/ENTITY DESCRIPTION VALUE Ausco Design In -Kind Contributions $250.00 CentraCare Health, Monticello Cash Contribution $250.00 Health Source Chiropractic Cash Contributions $250.00 Schlenner Wenner & Co. Cash Contributions $250.00 Monticello Times /Great River Shopper In -Kind Contributions $550.00 Schlenner Wenner & Co Cash Contributions $550.00 WHEREAS, all said contributions are intended to aid the City in establishing facilities, operations or programs within the city's jurisdiction either alone or in cooperation with others, as allowed by law; and WHEREAS, the City Council hereby finds that it is appropriate to accept the contributions offered. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of Monticello as follows: 1. The contributions described above are hereby accepted by the City of Monticello. 2. The contributions described above will be used as designated by the donor. This may entail reimbursing or allocating the money to another entity that will utilize the funds for the following stated purpose: DONOR/ENTITY PURPOSE /AMOUNT Ausco Design Blazin' Thru Bertram/Phillip LaVallee Memorial Run CentraCare Health, Monticello Blazin' Thru Bertram/Phillip LaVallee Memorial Run Health Source Chiropractic Blazin' Thru Bertram/Phillip LaVallee Memorial Run Schlenner Wenner & Co. Blazin' Thru Bertram/Phillip LaVallee Memorial Run Monticello Times /Great River Shopper Movie in the Park Sponsor Schlenner Wenner & Co. Movie in the Park Sponsor Adopted by the City Council of Monticello this 28th day of March, 2016. Brian Stumpf, Mayor ATTEST: Jennifer Schreiber, City Clerk City Council Agenda: 03/28/16 2E. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2016 -015 approving a contribution from various donors for future off -leash dog park at Meadow Oak Park. (KB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: In planning for the future off -leash dog park in Monticello, the Paws for Parks volunteer committee has worked tirelessly over the past year gathering donations to cover the initial costs to fence in the 2 -acre area of Meadow Oak Park. This land was authorized and approved by the Monticello City Council for use as an off -leash dog park at their regular meeting on March 9, 2015. Donation sources include the web based Go Fund Me page dedicated to Monticello Paws for Parks, along with donations being accepted at city hall from private sources, proceeds from the Wag & Walk Festival in September 2015, the Winter Romp and Silent Auction in February 2016, and various other donations from local businesses, vet clinics, and anonymous match donations. To date, the donations total $12,076.70. As required by state statute, if the City accepts the donation of funds, the City Council needs to adopt a resolution specifying the amount of the donation and its use. Al. Budget Impact: The donations will be used to pay for fencing in the off -leash dog park in Meadow Oak Park A2. Staff Workload Impact: Staff will meet with the contractor to finalize the dog park layout and oversee the fencing installation. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve the contribution and authorize use of funds as specified. 2. Motion to not approve the contribution and return the funds to the donors. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommendation is to adopt the resolution accepting the contributions. Parks Commission and staff would like to formally thank the Paws for Parks volunteer committee for all of their hard work and dedication to raising funds to build Monticello's first off -leash dog park. D. SUPPORTING DATA: • Resolution 2016 -015 City of Monticello RESOLUTION NO. 2016-015 RESOLUTION APPROVING CONTRIBUTIONS WHEREAS, the City of Monticello is generally authorized to accept contributions of real and personal property pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Sections 465.03 and 465.04 for the benefit of its citizens and is specifically authorized to maintain such property for the benefit of its citizens in accordance with the terms prescribed by the donor. Said gifts may be limited under provisions of MN Statutes Section 471.895. WHEREAS, the following persons and or entities have offered to contribute contributions or gifts to the City as listed: DONOR/ENTITY DESCRIPTION VALUE Paws for Parks Donations Cash Contributions Various Outdoor Event Donations $253.01 Wag & Walk Festival $4,858.10 Schwan's Fundraiser $116.51 Cub Foods Grocery Bagging Fundraiser $566.00 Santa Pictures Fundraiser $120.00 Silent Auction & Winter Romp $2,936.35 Drop -In City Hall Donations $1,465.00 Go Fund Me Site $1,761.73 Total Paws for Parks Donations $12,076.70 WHEREAS, all said contributions are intended to aid the City in establishing facilities, operations or programs within the city's jurisdiction either alone or in cooperation with others, as allowed by law; and WHEREAS, the City Council hereby finds that it is appropriate to accept the contributions offered. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of Monticello as follows: 1. The contributions described above are hereby accepted by the City of Monticello. 2. The contributions described above will be used as designated by the donor. This may entail reimbursing or allocating the money to another entity that will utilize the funds for the following stated purpose: DONOR/ENTITY PURPOSE /AMOUNT Paws for Parks - Cash Contributions Monticello Off -Leash Dog Park Fencing Adopted by the City Council of Monticello this 28th day of March, 2016. Brian Stumpf, Mayor ATTEST: Jennifer Schreiber, City Clerk City Council Agenda: 03/28/2016 2F. Consideration to accept quotes and authorization to enter into a contract for fencing in the off -leash dog park at Meadow Oak Park. (TM, WO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: In March of 2015 staff introduced the idea to create an off -leash dog park in Monticello, proposing an open green space area in Meadow Oak Park that was already being maintained by staff based upon a recommendation by the Monticello Parks Commission. Following discussion, the City Council moved to set aside two acres of green space area at Meadow Oak Park for the future dog park. A subcommittee of the Parks Commission was then implemented with the goal of raising the necessary funds to complete the fencing. The subcommittee known as Paws for Parks includes a number of community volunteers who have been on a mission since then, with a hefty goal of raising up to $20,000 for the dog park project. To date, the group has raised over $12,000 towards this project. The Parks Department 2016 construction plans include installing the fence and directional boring a 320' 2 -inch water line to the dog park. Staff requested quotes for two different fence styles in order to provide options for Council to choose from. The first option for fencing material quoted is for installation of a 5' high black vinyl coated chain link fence with top rails and posts set in concrete. This option would give the park a durable and attractive appearance. Two quotes were received as follows: CONTRACTOR DESCRIPTION TOTAL QUOTE Authority Fence & Deck Installation of 5' black vinyl $20,995.00 Clearwater, MN 55320 coated chain link fence with (less $1,800 donation of top rails, and end posts set in labor) concrete. Including two $19,195.00 double gated entries and maintenance gates. Town & Country Fence Installation of 5' black vinyl $22,950.00 Brooklyn Park, MN coated chain link fence with 55445 top rails, and end posts set in concrete. Including two double gated entries and maintenance gates. The second option quoted is for installation of a 5' high black woven wire with driven wooden treated posts. This option would give the park a natural ranch or farm appearance. Two quotes were received as follows: CONTRACTOR DESCRIPTION TOTAL QUOTE Minnesota Pro Fence Installation of 5' black $13,590.00 Browerville, MN 56438 woven wire fence with wooden treated posts and top rails. Including two City Council Agenda: 03/28/2016 It is recognized that a water source is necessary in a dog park so the animals running and playing have clean drinking water available. In researching the water options, it has been determined that a directional bore from the water main on Meadow Oak Drive to the park will be necessary. This is a 320' run of 2" piping going into a 1" service line within the dog park. Two quotes were received for the project; Telcom Construction in the amount of $2,720 and MP Nexlevel in the amount of $4,160. Al. Budget Impact: Funding for the project will consist of donations accepted on behalf of Paws for Parks totaling $12,076.70. Furthermore, $15,000 is included in the 2016 Park & Pathway Fund for the dog park implementation so a portion of these funds will be utilized to finalize the project, including the cost to directional bore in the water source in the amount of $2,720. A2. Staff Workload Impact: Staff time will include working with the contractor to finalize the fencing layout and gate placement. The contractor will install the fencing and staff will inspect the fencing after installation. 2 double gated entries and maintenance gates. Olson Fencing Installation of 5' black $19,487.80 Winona, MN 55987 woven wire fence with wooden treated posts and top rails. Including two double gated entries and maintenance gates. It is recognized that a water source is necessary in a dog park so the animals running and playing have clean drinking water available. In researching the water options, it has been determined that a directional bore from the water main on Meadow Oak Drive to the park will be necessary. This is a 320' run of 2" piping going into a 1" service line within the dog park. Two quotes were received for the project; Telcom Construction in the amount of $2,720 and MP Nexlevel in the amount of $4,160. Al. Budget Impact: Funding for the project will consist of donations accepted on behalf of Paws for Parks totaling $12,076.70. Furthermore, $15,000 is included in the 2016 Park & Pathway Fund for the dog park implementation so a portion of these funds will be utilized to finalize the project, including the cost to directional bore in the water source in the amount of $2,720. A2. Staff Workload Impact: Staff time will include working with the contractor to finalize the fencing layout and gate placement. The contractor will install the fencing and staff will inspect the fencing after installation. 2 City Council Agenda: 03/28/2016 B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to accept the quotes received for fencing and to enter into a contract with Authority Fence & Deck based upon their low quote for the black vinyl coated chain link fencing, including top rail, double gated entries, maintenance gates and installation at a total cost of $19,195 which includes a deduction for donated labor in the amount of $1,800. Furthermore, authorizing Telcom Construction to directional bore the water line at a cost of $2,720. 2. Motion to accept the quotes received for fencing and to enter into a contract with Minnesota Pro Fence based upon their low quote for the black woven wire farm style fencing with wooden treated end posts, top rails, double gated entries, maintenance gates and installation at a total cost of $13,590. Furthermore, authorizing Telcom Construction to directional bore the water line at a cost of $2,720. 3. Motion to authorize one of the fencing options for the dog park but to deny directional boring the water source at this time. 4. Motion to deny all work at the dog park. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends the City Council to approve either Alternative #1 or Alternative #2 for the fencing installation at the dog park including directional boring in the water source. Parks Commission and staff prefer the black chain link fencing for a more neighborhood feel in the park. However, City Council may wish to choose the black woven wire fencing with wood treated posts for a more natural rural feel in the park. Parks Commission and staff would also like to recognize Paws for Parks volunteers for their hard work and dedication in raising funds to implement the dog park. Their efforts are truly appreciated. D. SUPPORTING DATA: • Paws for Parks fundraising brochure • Aerial layout of fencing concept at the dog park • Fencing option pictures • Aerial map indicating water line location at the dog park 010 op ReACH OUR GOAL! 520,000 !•`�� y AYf a o N SECURE ONLINE TAX DEDUCTIBLE a o DONATIONS ACCEPTED AT: 4 E o V uw.gofundmemmlpawsforparks O � C O InFind us on.� 3 Facebook 3 3 Monticello Paws for Parks C 101�*r% w� ww iv 'i '• r' ■ QZ .4 %4 Z* Working to raise funds to build Monticello's first off -leash dog park. Please consider donating today! Monticello P Welcome to Monticello Paws for Parks. This group is for everyone who would like to be a part of bringing a dog park to Monticello! We want to say thank you to a special young community member, Sophie Rosh, for getting the ball rolling Sophie's father, Joe Rosh, tells us that one day his eight -year old daughter approached him and said, "Dad, we should have a dog park in Monticello and the area by Meadow Oak Park (close to our Sophie with Belevedere house of course) is the perfect place!" At the time, Joe tells us they had just adopted Belevedere, a black Cockapoo, and Sophie felt like he needed a place to run, socialize, and be protected. From there Joe's goal was to introduce Sophie to civic engagement and grassroots organizing. They traveled around the metro area and examined a number of dog parks and from there decided to compose an email to the Monticello Parks Department with some of their findings and recommendations. Joe notes that without Sophie, his family never would have adopted Belevedere and certainly they would not have had an interest in a dog park. Thanks to Sophie, and a whole bunch of other committed people who jumped on board, the residents of Monticello and their beloved dogs will have the opportunity to be more actively engaged with their community. THE CITY'S SUPPORT Based upon a recommendation from the Monticello Parks Commission and City staff, the City Council authorized setting aside a portion of Meadow Oak Park to be used as a future off -leash dog park. This is approximately two acres of open green space and a shaded area with oak trees. The site is located on the east end of the city off of Meadow Oak Drive and County Road 75 near the old eastbound freeway frontage road entrance. This site is an ideal location for a dog park for many reasons including: • The City's pathway system runs along the property • The park is lighted along the pathway. • A paved parking lot is nearby within walking distance to the park. • A dock may be installed at the pond area for splash play. With the land now secured for the future dog park, it is up to us to raise the funds needed to fence in and develop the park. IMPROVEMENT COSTS The initial start -up cost for the park is estimated at $20,000. This money will allow for all improvements needed to establish the dog park. The plan is to install a double gated entry, fence in the entire area, bring in a watering station, fence in a separate small dog area, and install benches, picnic tables and trash receptacles. HOW YOU CAN HELP We are offering founding sponsorship levels which will put your name on a sign at the park! However, any donation amount you can provide to help us establish this park would be greatly appreciated! Donation levels as follows: (OR DONATE ANY AMOUNT) 000 40 Puppy= $50 000 y► Best Friend = $100 i0o y� Leader of the Pack = $500 000 M Top Dog = $1,000 Matt Koshiol is ready for the Paws for Parks fundraising launch and he has worked to save his allowance to be our first "Best Friend" sponsor of they park! Please follow Matt's lead and Matt with Burney donate today! SECURE ONLINE DONATIONS ACCEPTED AT: www.gofundme.com /PawsforParks DONATIONS BEING ACCEPTED ON BEHALF OF PAWS FOR PARKS IN- PERSON AT MONTICELLO CITY HALL (CASH, CHECKS OR CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED) PAYABLE TO: CITY OF MONTICELLO mm JW al e a emu e y e � e i • e e � bx • z i u . Y • _ am ' yy � 7 � m � R� • ..e- :.rr - a - � 16 all P + k >. I • 1 1 FED _ JW A �.-,. w S '�� - � • Pte.], AV i4 f•, Y ' f �:'4ta' ilM a ISO, S " 'ary6 •4 i -1 4i Mill y � - ,if►_I�- p lit WW. WMWAP 1 T i(� N•.��,.0 da K h# S�� r77i '4• p 2p yt Ipi i 1 / �- cr i• +t °t F`� i it �' ♦i! 4'ii�,F F �'( tiF : �.�jas r 'r a' kk dr R ^� 'b .r � C'�e..111 �,f 1� 1� �. 'M.a'1 rl •� � '�1 al y a F 't :. •t �1i .i i lay t •nr S ' AL City Council Agenda — 3/28/16 2G. Consideration to adopt Resolution 2016 -016 approving a Conditional Use Permit for Co- location of a Wireless Telecommunication Service Antenna on a City Water tower. Applicant: Verizon Wireless. (NAC) Property: Legal: Part of Lot 1 Block 2, Jefferson Commons, Lying North of the South 150.00 Feet Thereof Address: NA - School Blvd, Monticello The site is a City owned lot that contains a water tower in the Jefferson Commons 1St Addition Plat. Planning Case Number: 2016 -003 A. REFERENCE & BACKGROUND Request(s): Conditional Use Permit to construct cellular communication devices on the top of the City owned water tower. The project would also include leasing of a 33 foot by 20 foot space for a prefab equipment building surrounded by a chain link fence. Deadline for Decision: March 291h, 2016 Land Use Designation: Places to Shop Zoning Designation: B -4 Regional Business District The purpose of the "B -4" regional business district is to provide for the establishment of commercial and service activities which draw from and serve customers from the entire community or region The proposed use is a conditional use in the district. Current Site Use: The site is currently occupied by a water tower surrounded by a chain link fence. Surrounding Land Uses: North: B -4 Regional Business District East: B -4 Regional Business District South: M -H Manufactured Home Park District West: B -4 Regional Business District Project Description: The applicant proposes to construct wireless antennas on the top of the existing water tower and lease space for a City Council Agenda — 3/28/16 prefab equipment building on the property. The ground equipment building will be located on the southwest portion of the property. There will be three antenna arrays of 4 antennae each on the top of the water tower. Ordinance Requirements: Per ordinance, a Conditional Use Permit is required for the new antenna equipment. ANALYSIS The applicant proposes to install wireless antenna equipment on the top of an existing water tower. The equipment will be approximately 155 feet off the ground. The project also calls for a prefab building on the southwest corner of the property. The building will house the wireless antennae electrical and switching equipment. The building will be surrounded by a concrete pad on the north and east sides. On the south side of the building, a bituminous driveway will provide access to the building and connect to an existing curb -cut at the southeast part of the property. The prefab building will be surrounded by a separate chain link fence. The equipment inside the prefab building will exit the building near the roof line of the building and travel over the existing chain link fence which surrounds the tower. The cabling equipment will then go underground and enter the water tower from below grade. Because the antenna arrays will be mounted on an existing handrail on the top of the tower, the City will require that a structural engineer verify the structural capacity of the handrail as a part of its building review. Conditional Use Permit Review Common Conditional Use application materials include the following: Parking. There is no specific parking requirement. Landscaping. The applicant is proposing to plant four trees on the western property line. The trees will match existing trees to the south of the project site. The current plan includes two additional trees to continue the vegetation between the proposed location and the Fibemet "head -end" building. These should be removed from the plan as they are located in the area of a gate. Lighting. No additional lighting is proposed. Signage. No signage is proposed. Building Design. The equipment building that is proposed is made out of exposed aggregate concrete and is a prefab design. 2 City Council Agenda — 3/28/16 Access and Circulation. The property gets its access from a private street that connects to School Blvd. An existing right -of -way is in place for this access. No additional traffic or improvements are anticipated resulting from this application. Grading and Drainage. No changes to grade or drainage are proposed. Utilities. No city utilities are impacted by this work. Conditional Use Permit Requirements The zoning ordinance requires a Conditional Use Permit for wireless antenna equipment. The applicants have submitted the required information and appear to be in compliance with each of the required regulations of the code. The code provides for a series of submission requirements to permit the City to verify compliance with achieving the location objectives. These include the following: • Signed lease • Project description and justification • Proof of Insurance • Legal description and survey • Radio frequency coverage analysis • Site plans for landscaping and grading • Architectural drawings • Decommissioning plan • Development agreement and financial securities Some of these requirements are primarily relevant to the construction of a new tower. However, the applicant has submitted the information applicable to the antenna construction and building construction, including the architectural design, project description, survey data, and coverage analysis data. As noted, the impacts are slight; the applicant seeks to install equipment on the top of an existing water tower and construct an equipment building. The proposed arrays will be attached to an existing fence on the top of the water tower and will be five feet above the top of the water tower. The equipment will not protrude beyond the edge of the water tower. With regard to screening, the additional vegetation to planted on the west will provide screening from adjoining property. Other existing vegetation to the south and east provide screening in those directions. As with all telecommunications equipment of this type, the City is required to make reasonable accommodations to allow the use, based on technology and service needs of the operator and the public. Moreover, the City must accommodate construction of this type of equipment when the impact is not substantial, and there is no expectation of 3 City Council Agenda — 3/28/16 impacts on public health, safety, and welfare. The proposed construction appears to be consistent with these requirements. Planning Commission Recommendation The Planning Commission considered this item at a public hearing at its regular meeting on March 2" d, 2016. The Commission asked primarily clarifying questions, and there was no one from the public speaking on the question at the public hearing. After closing the hearing, the Commission voted unanimously to recommend approval of the Conditional Use Permit, subject to the items in Exhibit Z of the staff report. Those items include the following: 1. Structural engineer review of the support structures by the City. 2. Continued coordination with FiberNet Monticello with regard to FiberNet use and equipment on the Water Tower. 3. Removal from the plan of the 2 proposed trees along the south fence line in front of the existing gate. 4. Execution of a lease with the City for the site as approved by the City Council. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS Planning Commission recommends alternative 1 below. Decision 1: Resolution approving a Conditional Use Permit for the construction of telecommunication antenna equipment and equipment building. 1. Motion to approve Resolution 2016 -014 approving the Conditional Use Permit, subject to those conditions in Exhibit Z and pending the structural engineer's review and approval. 2. Motion to deny Resolution 2016 -014 for the Conditional Use Permit, based on findings to be made by the City Council. Motion to table action on the request, pending additional information as identified by the City Council. C. STAFF RECOMMNDATION Staff recommends approval of the Conditional Use Permit pending the structural engineer's review and approval, based on the application materials provided, and with findings that the proposal meets the requirements of the ordinance, and that the proposal is constructing equipment with no visual or other impacts on surrounding property. Formal findings are included the attached resolution and conditions are included by reference in Exhibit Z. 4 City Council Agenda — 3/28/16 D. SUPPORTING DATA • Exhibit Z — Conditions of Approval • Resolution 2016 -016 • PC Resolution Applicant Narrative • Application Plan Packet, including: Title Page Site Plan Grading Plan Enlarged Site Plan Detail Elevations and Mounting Detail Building Elevation and Foundation Plan Detail Specifications Grounding Plan Building Elevations Utility Plan Antenna Layout Specifications and Details Site Survey Exhibit Z Conditions of Approval — Conditional Use Permit Verizon Wireless — Jefferson Commons Water Tower 1. Structural engineer review of the support structures by the City. 2. Continued coordination with FiberNet Monticello with regard to FiberNet use and equipment on the Water Tower. 3. Removal from the plan of the 2 proposed trees along the south fence line in front of the existing gate. 4. Execution of a lease with the City for the site as approved by the City Council. 5 CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2016 -016 A RESOLUTION OF THE MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL APPROVING A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A WIRELESS ANTENNA FACILITY ON THE FOLLOWING PARCEL: THAT PART OF LOT 1 BLOCK 2, JEFFERSON COMMONS, LYING NORTH OF THE SOUTH 150.00 FEET THEREOF WHEREAS, Verizon Wireless has submitted an application for approval of a Conditional Use Permit to construct a wireless service antenna facility and equipment building; and WHEREAS, the property in question is guided for commercial uses under the "Places to Shop" category in the Monticello Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, the property in question is zoned B -4, General Business according to the official Monticello zoning map and ordinance; and WHEREAS, the proposed project is consistent with the requirements of the zoning ordinance for the intended use; and WHEREAS, the proposed project will meet the goals and policies of the Monticello Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance encouraging co- location of such facilities on existing antenna support structures; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on March 2, 2016 on the application and the applicant and members of the public were provided the opportunity to present information to the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, the City Council has considered all of the comments and the staff report, which are incorporated by reference into the resolution; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Monticello hereby makes the following Findings of Fact in relation to the recommendation of approval: 1. The property is guided for commercial uses, consistent with the proposed use and zoning. 2. The use meets the performance requirements for wireless services antenna arrays as identified by the Planning Commission's findings. 3. The proposed facility will have no significant impact on the visual impact or public services requirements of the surrounding area. 4. The proposed facility is consistent with the City's policy of promoting co- location of such facilities on existing structures. 5. The use will not overburden the City's street or utility services. 6. The use will not create undue levels of traffic or other negative impacts. 7. The use can coexist with other existing facilities and uses on the City's Water Tower. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota: The Monticello City Council hereby approves the Conditional Use Permit for construction of a wireless services antenna facility as recommended by the Planning Commission, subject to compliance with related codes and regulations for such use, and the following conditions: 1. Structural engineer review of the support structures by the City. 2. Continued coordination with FiberNet Monticello with regard to FiberNet use and equipment on the Water Tower. 3. Removal from the plan of the 2 proposed trees along the south fence line in front of the existing gate. 4. Execution of a lease with the City for the site as approved by the City Council. ADOPTED this 28th day of March, 2016, by the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota. MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL ATTEST: Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator Brian Stumpf, Mayor CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MRNNN ES ®TA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. FC -2016 -005 RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AMENDMENT TO ALLOW PLACEMENT OF TELECOMMUNICATIONS ANTENNA EQUIPMENT ON AN EXISTING CITY WATER TOWER WHEREAS, the applicant has an existing wireless services antenna array on an existing water tower in Jefferson Commons, legally described as that part of Lot 1, Block 2, lying north of the south 150 feet thereof; and WHEREAS, the subject property is zoned B -4, Regional Business, in which co- location of wireless communications antennae are allowed by Conditional Use Permit; and WHEREAS, the proposed equipment will not interfere with the City's use of the tower for Fibernet antennae or other uses; and WHEREAS, the height of the equipment above grade will minimize any potential visual impact of the replacement equipment; and WHEREAS, no other changes are proposed to the site that would impact land uses in the area; and WHEREAS, the proposed development amendment is consistent with the general intent of the communications requirements of the zoning ordinance; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing to consider the matter at its regular meeting on March 2" d, 2016 and the applicant and members of the public were provided the opportunity to present information to the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has considered all of the comments and the staff report, which are incorporated by reference into the resolution; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello makes the following Findings of Fact in relation to the recommendation of approval: 1. The proposed amendment is consistent with the intent of the Monticello Comprehensive Plan. 2. The proposed amendment will meet the requirements of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance. 3. The proposed amendment will not create undue burdens on public systems, including streets and utilities. CIITY OIL MONTIICE LILO WRffGI[- T COUNTY9 MIINNN ESOTA PLANNING C®MM�SSION RESOLUTION NO. FC- 2016 -005 4. The proposed amendment will not create substantial impacts, visual or otherwise, on neighboring land uses. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota that the proposed Conditional Use Permit amendment is hereby recommended for approval. ADOPTED this 2nd day of March, 2016, by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, IViinnesota. MONTICLLLO PLANNING C 1AI., M1ISSION 0 ATTEST: e, Angela Sy iu4i n, 1�-ommunity Development Director 2 Buell Consulting, Inc. 1360 Energy Park Drive, Suite 210 Saint Paul, Minnesota 55108 (651) 361 -8110 www.buellconsulting.com Site Acquisition Permitting Established 1991 January 27, 2016 VIA FEDERAL EXPRESS City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Monticello, MN 55362 Re: Verizon Wireless — Application for Conditional Use Permit (Site Ref: MIN Hayward) Proposed Wireless Telecommunications Equipment Collocation on City of Monticello Water Tower, 3692 School Boulevard, Monticello, MN 55362 (PID #11155- 176 - 002010) To the Planning Commission and City Council of the City of Monticello: Please accept the attached Zoning Narrative together with the enclosed Land Use Application, Conditional Use Permit Checklist, and telecommunications facility construction drawings and related, supplemental information and documentation as the formal application for a Conditional Use Permit for a proposed Verizon wireless communications facility in the City of Monticello, MN. The facility is to consist of wireless telecommunications antennas affixed to the handrail on top of the above mentioned water tower, associated base station communications equipment on ground level, and other associated cabling and site improvements. As required pursuant to the Conditional Use Permit requirements as detailed within the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Monticello, the following narrative serves to identify appropriate information pertaining to this application, and also addresses how the proposed telecommunications facility is consistent with the Code. I, or another agent from Buell Consulting, will be in attendance on behalf of Verizon Wireless at the Planning Commission meeting and subsequent City Council meeting during which this application will be considered. If any reader of this application has questions, please do not hesitate to call meat (651) 361 -8110. I look forward to working with the City of Monticello to help improve Verizon Wireless service in this area. Sincerely, �7 Brent Kabat Site Development Agent Buell Consulting, Inc. bkabat@buellconsulting.com Enclosures Page 1 of 7 Buell Consulting, Inc. 1360 Energy Park Drive, Suite 210 Saint Paul, Minnesota 55108 ELL(651) 361 -8110 www.buellconsulting.com Site Acquisition Permitting Established 1991 ZONING NARRATIVE In general, the proposed Verizon Wireless telecommunications facility adheres to and is consistent with the City of Monticello, Minnesota, Zoning Ordinance (referred to hereinafter as the "Ordinance "). Specifically, pursuant to Chapter 4: Finishing Standards, Section 4.13 "Telecommunication Towers and Antennas," the proposed telecommunications tower facility satisfies applicable standards of the ordinance as follows: Chapter 4, Section 4.13 — Telecommunication Towers and Antennas Section (E) — Wireless Telecommunications Service Antennae and Antenna Support Structures: (1) Wireless Telecommunications Service Antennae: The contemplated antenna collocation is proposed to be installed on the existing water tower, which qualifies as an antenna support structure in conformance with the Ordinance. The proposed collocation is an allowable conditional use. (2) Wireless Telecommunications Service Antennae Support Structures (a) The proposed installation does not require the construction of a new freestanding antenna support structure; sub -item (a) and its subdivisions therefore do not apply to this application. (b) The proposed installation does not require the construction of a new freestanding antenna support structure; sub -item (b) and its subdivisions therefore do not apply to this application. Section (F) — General provisions for wireless telecommunications service antennae and antenna support structures (1) The proposed installation does not require the construction of a new freestanding antenna support structure; item (1) therefore does not apply to this application. (2) The proposed installation does not require the construction of a new freestanding antenna support structure; item (2) therefore does not apply to this application. (3) The proposed installation does not require the construction of a new freestanding antenna support structure; item (3) and its sub -items therefore do not apply to this application. (4) Siting Provisions. (a) The antennae proposed as a component of the contemplated wireless telecommunications facility are planned for collocation on an existing structure (the water tower) in accordance with this sub -item. (b) No part of any proposed antenna, the existing water tower (the antenna support structure), or any appurtenances that are accessory to the proposed facility will extend over a public right of way or property line, and will not be sited within a public utility or drainage easement. Page 2 of 7 Buell Consulting, Inc. 1360 Energy Park Drive, Suite 210 Saint Paul, Minnesota 55108 ELL(651) 361 -8110 www.buellconsulting.com Site Acquisition Permitting Established 1991 (c) The proposed installation does not include the construction of a new antenna support structure, sub -item (c) therefore does not apply to this application. (5) Setbacks (a) The applicable rear -yard and side -yard setbacks in the underlying B -4 Business District are zero (0) feet and zero (0) feet, respectively. The proposed base station equipment shelter is the component of the facility to which these setbacks would apply, and the base station equipment shelter has been sited to greatly exceed the minimum setbacks required. (b) The proposed installation does not include the construction of a new antenna support structure, sub -item (b) therefore does not apply. (c) The proposed installation does not include the construction of a new antenna support structure, sub -item (c) therefore does not apply. (6) Design and Construction (a) Except for signage that is or may be required by any manufacturer or federal, state, or local governmental or regulatory agency or authority for the purpose of identifying, warning or informing of pertinent site information, no other advertising signage or other similar display will be placed on the facility. (b) The proposed facility will be constructed in such a way that adheres to the applicable City and State Building Codes. All permits required for construction of the facility will be applied for and obtained, as applicable, prior to construction of the facility. (c) As applicable and required by the Ordinance, structure design, mounting and installation of the antennae will comply with manufacturers' specifications and will be reviewed, approved, and certified by a licensed professional engineer as necessary. (d) The proposed facility will be grounded for protection against lightning strikes in accordance with applicable provisions of State codes. (e) Base station communications equipment, as possible, will be housed within an enclosed, prefabricated equipment shelter that is shown in the enclosed "Rev B" construction drawings. i. The accessory building, or equipment shelter, is a prefabricated concrete structure with an exposed aggregate exterior that blends in with the immediate surroundings. Landscaping has been proposed for planting along the west side of the proposed equipment shelter to increase the level of screening from property located to the west of the facility, and additional arborvitae have been planned for planting to fill in a gap identified by City Planning Staff in the existing row of arborvitae that parallels the southernmost lot line of the water tower property. Page 3 of 7 Buell Consulting, Inc. 1360 Energy Park Drive, Suite 210 Saint Paul, Minnesota 55108 ELL(651) 361 -8110 www.buellconsulting.com Site Acquisition Permitting Established 1991 ii. The proposed installation does not include equipment that would require an enclosure on the top of the water tower or a rooftop, sub -item (ii) therefore does not apply. iii. Applicable transmitting, receiving, and switching equipment on ground level will be housed within the proposed equipment shelter, and landscaping will be included for additional screening as described in item (6)(e)(i) above. iv. N/A — Sub -item (iv) was approved by City of Monticello City Council to be removed from the Ordinance as a consent - agenda approval at the regularly scheduled City Council meeting on November 23, 2015. (7) Lights and Attachments (a) No lighting in addition to any lighting that may already be present on top of the existing water tower will be added or rearranged to illuminate or indicate the presence of the antennas unless required by a Federal or State regulatory authority. (b) A LED light will be present on both the front and the rear of the equipment shelter. The lights are used for security purposes, and the fixtures are designed to direct light downwards to minimize any unnecessary light pollution or spillage. The lights are switched on an off automatically by a photovoltaic sensor such that they are only lit during the nighttime hours. (8) Site Landscaping (a) The area within the secure fenced enclosure surrounding Verizon's equipment shelter will be maintained by Verizon personnel to control dust, weeds, and drainage. The access driveway is proposed to be constructed of asphalt or bituminous paving and will help to further control dust and weeds. (9) Non - Interference (a) The planned antennas transmit signals that are in accordance with Verizon Wireless's Federal Communications Commission licensure. Because the operating frequencies are unique to what Verizon's licensure allows, the signals that are transmitted do not, under normal operating conditions, interfere with other electronic or communications devices. Section (G) — Application process and submittal requirements for wireless telecommunications service antenna support structures (1) Submittal Requirements. (a) Verizon Wireless, as the proposed Tenant, and the City of Monticello, as the proposed Landlord, continue to work together as of the time of the preparation of this application to finalize and approve the terms of the contemplated Water Tower Lease. Page 4 of 7 Buell Consulting, Inc. 1360 Energy Park Drive, Suite 210 Saint Paul, Minnesota 55108 ELL(651) 361 -8110 www.buellconsulting.com Site Acquisition Permitting Established 1991 (b) The proposed project, as described above and within the enclosed "Rev B" construction drawings, includes the collocation of Verizon Wireless telecommunications antennas on top of the City of Monticello's School Boulevard water tower, base station equipment within an enclosed equipment shelter on ground level near the south side of the water tower property, and other associated cabling and related equipment. The need for a new wireless telecommunications facility (or "Cell Site ") at this location is driven primarily by the need provide additional capacity to the existing wireless network. Much in the same way that a municipal water service system works, the greater the number of users and the more demand those users place on the municipal water service system, the lower the water pressure becomes for each user, driving the need to add new water tower to bring the water pressure back up to acceptable levels. This proposed cell site at the School Boulevard water tower will add to the capacity and performance of the wireless network just as a new water tower would add to the capacity and performance of the municipal water service — without this proposed installation, the capacity of the network is strained, and as the demand continues to grow, the more the individual user's experience will deteriorate. For more information on this subject, and to additional justify the need for this proposed cell site, please see the enclosed "RF Coverage Study," as well as the informative "Introduction to Cellular Technology" document. (c) Please see the enclosed Certificate of Liability Insurance as proof of insurance. (d) The legal description of the property on which the improvements are to be located is included as the "Property Description" on the site survey that can be found within the enclosed "Rev B" construction drawings, and reads as follows: That part of Lot 1, Block 2, Jefferson Commons First Addition, Wright County, Minnesota, lying northerly of the southerly 150.00 feet thereof. Together with a permanent easement for drainage and utility purposes over the northerly 6.00 feet of the southerly 150.00 feet of said Lot 1. (e) Please see the site survey that can be found within the enclosed "Rev B" construction drawings. (f) Please see the enclosed "RF Coverage Study" for more information pertaining to this sub - item. In this RF Coverage Study, two existing structures that were identified as possible alternative antenna collocation options (a three story bank building approximately 0.35 miles northeast of the water tower, and an existing monopole communications tower approximately 1.25 miles northeast of the water tower) are compared to the RF coverage attainable with the proposed antenna installation on the City of Monticello's School Boulevard water tower. Page 5 of 7 Buell Consulting, Inc. 1360 Energy Park Drive, Suite 210 Saint Paul, Minnesota 55108 ELL(651) 361 -8110 www.buellconsulting.com Site Acquisition Permitting Established 1991 (g) A landscaping plan has been prepared and can be found within the enclosed "Rev B" construction drawings that illustrates the proposed planting of arborvitae to provide screening to the equipment shelter on ground level where necessary. (h) Please refer to the site plans that can be found within the enclosed "Rev B" construction drawings that include topographic and elevational information pertaining to the proposed site. The proposed installation will not require significant alteration of the existing grading and drainage conditions of the water tower site and, therefore, will have little to no impact on the existing grading and drainage patterns of the site. (i) Please see the enclosed "Rev B" construction drawings for architectural drawings of the appurtenant structures planned for the site. (j) As is currently defined within Paragraph A of Section Two, "Use and Description of Equipment" of the proposed Water Tower Lease between the City of Monticello and Verizon Wireless, and unless the language that is applicable to the Tenant's ( Verizon) removal of its Tenant Facilities ( "Tenant Facilities" are defined within the said section of the lease as follows: "...communications facilities and uses incidental thereto, including, without limitation, utility lines, transmission lines, electronic equipment, radio transmitting and receiving antennas, supporting equipment and structures thereto... "), Section Seven, "Termination," paragraph C will read as follows: "Within sixty (60) days after termination or earlier expiration of this Agreement, Tenant shall remove the Tenant Facilities at Tenant's cost and Expense. " In accordance with paragraph C of Section Seven of the Lease as it is defined above, Verizon would be responsible to remove the Tenant Facilities accordingly (or to "decommission the site ") and the estimated cost to do so is fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00). The items contemplated to arrive at this cost estimate to decommission Verizon's proposed facility are as follows: remove antennas; remove feedline, hangers (including those that are welded), mounts, and touch up paint; remove equipment shelter; remove power and fiber; restore ground [to condition similar to what existed prior to the construction of Verizon's proposed facility], and to cover the cost, if required, to involve an engineering firm that would or may be required to review the removal said decommissioning. (k) As required by the Ordinance, a security in an amount that is equivalent to the estimated cost to remove the Tenant Facilities from the Landlord's water tower and property will be established after the Conditional Use Permit for the proposed wireless telecommunications facility has been approved. (1) Terms and items of the development agreement referenced in this sub -item of the Ordinance are addressed within the proposed draft of the Water Tower Lease to which the City of Page 6 of 7 Buell Consulting, Inc. 1360 Energy Park Drive, Suite 210 Saint Paul, Minnesota 55108 ELL(651) 361 -8110 www.buellconsulting.com Site Acquisition Permitting Established 1991 Monticello and Verizon Wireless will be party to. This lease agreement, its accompanying exhibits, and the Rev B construction drawings that were provided with Conditional Use Permit application describe and illustrate the improvements, removal requirements in general, and the responsibilities of each party to the proposed Water Tower Lease, financial or otherwise. In addition to the required execution of this proposed Lease by both the City of Monticello and Verizon Wireless, and as established by the Ordinance, this facility shall not be constructed until after the Conditional Use Permit being sought for the project has been approved and its reasonable terms or conditions have been defined and established. (m)In accordance with the Ordinance, should the Community Development Director and/or City Council specify, determine, or require that any information in addition to what has been provided in accompaniment to this Conditional Use Permit application, said additional information shall be provided. Page 7 of 7 r 1NIRELESS MINC HAYWARD NEW BUILD AREA MAP v _ �, LKRIVE NORTH MONTICELLO ANNANDALE SITE ANOKA .BUFFALO iis9' N. 35W" io ROCKFORD • OSSE0. Pms �% 694' 2 12 DELANO 1169 694 HOWARD LAKE 160 941, 494 - 35W 12 _ `36' 12 3 394 WATERTOWN PKII S MINN •POLIS • 1ss f90 f35W' EXCELSIOR. 494 62 62 LESTER PRAIRIE EDE PRAIRIE 494Y WACONIA 3 W' CHASKA 1272 1? MINNESOTA ' 177 F1vE6 �35EJ GLENCOE _212_ ____--,212,, SAVAGE N0400D / YOUNG AMERICA ' LI BURNSVILLE' DIRECTIONS FROM BLOOMINGTON RNC: HEAD WEST ON W 108TH ST/ W OLD SHAKOPEE RD FOR 1.0 MI. TAKE US -169 N FOR 3.7 M1. TAKE THE EXIT FOR 1-494 W FOR 17.7 M1. TAKE EXIT 27 TO MERGE ONTO 1 -94 W TOWARD ST. CLOUD FOR 23.4 MI. TAKE EXIT 193 FOR MN -25 TOWARD BUFFALO / MONTICELLO. TURN LEFT ONTO MN -25 S FOR 0.9 MI. TURN RIGHT ONTO SCHOOL BLVD FOR 0.3 MI. SITE WILL BE ON YOUR LEFT AT THE MONTICELLO WATER TOWER. GENERAL NOTES VICINITY MAP 193 E 7TH EXIT RD NORTH 1. In the event that Special Inspections are not performed in compliance with the contract terms, bid specifications and /or specified form, the General Contractor will be liable for all damages, construction performance, failures, and corrective actions related to the same. 2. The following general notes shall apply to drawings and govern unless otherwise noted or specified. 3. The work delineated in these drawings and described in the specifications shall conform to codes, standards and regulations that have jurisdiction in the state of Minnesota , and the city of Monticello. 4. Requirements and regulations pertaining to R.F. safety codes and practices must be incorporated in the work even though they may not be listed individually and separately in either the drawings or the specifications. 5. Compare field conditions with architectural and engineering drawings. Any discrepancies shall be directed to the Architect for clarification prior to fabrication and /or construction. Submit necessary shop drawings prior to fabrication for approval by the Architect. No information or details on these sheets may be used without the permission of the owner, or the architect. 6. Do not scale drawings! 11" x 17" drawings to scale 24" x 36" drawings scale multiply by 2 7. Unless otherwise shown or noted, typical details shall be used where applicable. 8. Details shall be considered typical at similar conditions. 9. Safety measures: The contractor shall be solely and completely responsible for the conditions of the job site, including safety of the persons and property and for independent engineering reviews of these conditions. The Architect's or Engineers' job site review is not intended to include review of the adequacy of the contractor's safety measures. 10. Within these plans and specifications, "Owner" implies VERIZON WIRELESS. 11. The work is the responsibility of the general contractor unless noted otherwise. 12. The terms "contractor" and "g.c." refer to the owner's general contractor and the general contractor's sub - contractors. It is the general contractor's responsibility to determine the division of work among sub - contractors. 13. The general contractor is responsible in obtaining necessary public and private underground utility locate services prior to start of excavating / construction. SHEETINDEX SHEET SHEET DESCRIPTION T -1 PROJECT INFORMATION, MAPS, DIRECTIONS, AND SHEET INDEX A -1 SITE PLAN, DETAIL INDEX, & PHOTOS A -1.1 GRADING PLAN A -2 ENLARGED SITE PLAN A -3 COAX AND ANTENNA KEY, NOTES, AND DETAILS A-4 TOWER ELEVATION, ANTENNA MOUNTING DETAIL A -5 PREFAB SHELTER PLAN, ELEVATIONS, NOTES, AND DETAILS A -6 CABLE BRIDGE DETAILS, PHOTOS, AND MISC DETAILS A -7 OUTLINE SPECIFICATIONS A -8 PAINTING SPECIFICATIONS G -1 GROUNDING NOTES AND DETAILS G -2 GROUNDING PLAN AND NOTE KEY G -3 GROUNDING ELEVATIONS U -1 UTILITY PLAN, HAND HOLE DETAIL, AND NOTES S -1 to S -7 STRUCTURAL PLAN, NOTES, AND DETAILS 1 &2 1 SURVEY GENERAL NOTES STRUCTURAL PROJECT INFORMATION SITE NAME: MINC HAYWARD PROJECT NUMBER: 20151251797 LOCATION CODE: 387832 SITE ADDRESS: SCHOOL BLVD OPERATIONS MONTICELLO, MN 55362 COUNTY: WRIGHT LATITUDE: N45° 17'06.33" (NAD83) LONGITUDE: W93'48'40.87" (NAD83) GROUND ELEVATION: 969.0' AMSL (NAVD88) ANTENNA TIP HEIGHT: 1123.0' AMSL - 154.0' AGL ANTENNA CENTERLINE HEIGHT: 1119.0' AMSL - 150.0' AGL III re]1iia:7_1141 HUZ- I_I•61ME1111AFTITe7I OVERALL STRUCTURE HEIGHT DRAWING BASED ON SITE DATA FORM DATED: OCCUPANCY: BUILDING TYPE: SITE AREA: ROOF LOAD: 1124.6' AMSL - 155.6' AGL 09 -09 -15 S -2 V -B 33' -0" X 20' -0" = 660 S.F. LIVELOAD = 105 PSF PARKING: PROVIDED ESTIMATED COAX RUN: (1) 6RRU HYBRID CABLE 300' LONG ('X' SECTOR) (1) 6RRU HYBRID CABLE 280' LONG ('Y' SECTOR) (1) 6RRU HYBRID CABLE 280' LONG ('Z' SECTOR) PROJECT DESCRIPTION: INSTALL THE PROPOSED PREFAB EQUIPMENT SHELTER AT GRADE AND THE ANTENNAS ON THE RAILING OF THE MONTICELLO WATER TOWER TO IMPROVE COMMUNICATION SERVICE IN THE MONTICELLO, MN AREA. VERIZON WIRELESS DEPARTMENTAL APPROVALS DESCRIPTION NAME DATE RE ENGINEER VICTOR DUROSOMO 10 -08 -15 OPERATIONS RON SIMMONS 10 -08 -15 MANAGER ALL BLOOMINGTON, MN 55438 CONSTRUCTION STEVE COLLIN 10 -12 -15 ENGINEER COMPANY CONTACT: 1518 CHESTNUT AVE SURVEYOR: MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55403 LESSOR/ LICENSOR APPROVAL SIGNATURE PRINTED NAME DATE "NO CENSOR: PLEASE CHECK THE APPROPRIATE BOX BELOW ES. ❑ CHANGES NEEDED. SEE COMMENTS ON PLANS. ISSUE SUMMARY REV. DESCRIPTION SHEET OR DETAIL A ISSUED FOR REVIEW 10 -07 -15 ALL B ISSUED FOR PERMITS 12 -07 -15 ALL C ISSUED FOR PERMITS 02 -16 -16 ALL BLOOMINGTON, MN 55438 RON REITER (612) 720 -0052 POWER UTILITY XCEL ENERGY COMPANY CONTACT: 1518 CHESTNUT AVE SURVEYOR: MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55403 CONTACTS LESSOR / LICENSOR: CITY OF MONTICELLO 505 WALNUT ST, SUITE 1 ARCHITECT: MONTICELLO, MN 55362 WAYNE OBERG 763 - 271 -3211 LESSEE: VERIZON WIRELESS 10801 BUSH LAKE ROAD BLOOMINGTON, MN 55438 RON REITER (612) 720 -0052 POWER UTILITY XCEL ENERGY COMPANY CONTACT: 1518 CHESTNUT AVE SURVEYOR: MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55403 MIKE PRATT (763) 273 -7963 �.� �0..�.... L/. 3- ; LICENSED ARCHITECT 12427 I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly registered Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota. ROBERT J. DAVIS, Reg. No. 12427 Date DESIGN 9973 VALLEY VIEW RD. EDEN PRAIRIE, MN 55344 (952) 903 -9299 W W W.DESIGNl EP.COM VERIZON WIRELESS 10801 BUSH LAKE ROAD BLOOMINGTON, MN 55438 (612) 720 -0052 I PROJECT I 20151251797 LOC. CODE: 387832 MINC HAYWARD TELCO UTILITY T.B.D. COMPANY CONTACT: SCHOOL BLVD MONTICELLO, MN 55362 T -1 SHEET CONTENTS: ARCHITECT: DESIGN 1 OF EDEN PRAIRIE, LLC. CONTACTS 9973 VALLEY VIEW ROAD ISSUE SUMMARY EDEN PRAIRIE, MN 55344 SHEET INDEX (952) 903 -9299 DEPARTMENTAL APPROVALS SURVEYOR: WIDSETH SMITH NOLTING LESSOR APPROVAL 610 FILLMORE STREET - PO BOX 1028 PROJECT INFORMATION ALEXANDRIA, MN 56308 -1028 AREA & VICINITY MAPS 320 - 762 -8149 GENERAL NOTES STRUCTURAL ULTEIG ENGINEERS DRAWN BY: TRD ENGINEER: 5201 E. RIVER ROAD, SUITE 308 DATE: 09 -15 -15 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55421 CHECKED BY: CDB (763) 571 -2500 REV. A 10 -07 -15 REV. B 12 -07 -15 GEOTECHNICAL T.B.D ENGINEER: REV. C 02 -16 -16 T -1 2 ACCESS FROM SCHOOL BLVD SCALE: LOOKING SOUTHEAST EXISTING WATER TOWER 3 SCALE: LOOKING SOUTH °yf GENERATOR TYPE: DIESEL DETAIL INDEX h f yf FROST DEPTH DETAIL DETAIL DESCRIPTION °yf Oy \ OyFf �Oyf DESIGN = 4' -0" SHELTER PREFABRICATED EQUIPMENT SHELTER Vz12.12 -4C e Oy \ py f \ OyF o yf \ 1.1 BOLLARD DETAIL °Nf 2.1 FENCE SECTION 3.1 CABLE BRIDGE SECTION he \ Oy \ pyF °yf \ f °yf c \ Nf \�hf\ 4.1 CABLE BRIDGE ELEVATION 6.1 GATE DETAIL Oy f f \ o V V\II�rL O \ °ti` g�V \ °HF 8.1 TELCO ENTRY DETAIL Olt X962 �� 9.1 CMPH DETAIL \ S °yf °O pF963� �V 10.1 ONE -LINE ELECTRICAL RISER DIAGRAM 9 11.1 GROUNDING DETAILS O - 964 -- \ \ \ �y f \ °hF \ 12.1 ELECTRICAL H -FRAME DETAIL (DETAIL 2) �yf Oy f - - - A oti� — EXISTING PUBLIC _ Q' RIGHT OR WAY Oyf °yf ON- EXISTING 6' WIDE DRAINAGE \ \ Nf \ \ OyF \ Oy£\ & UTILITY EASEMENT, TYP o \ Z\ pyf \Oyf hf�� \ \oyf °yf\ EXISTING OH °yF� oyfRANSMISSION EXISTING BITUMINOUS DRIVE 66� n \oyf f \Oy Oyf\ �yf\ CCC�Oyf LINES, TYP LESSEE 20' WIDE ACCESS do UTILITIES RIGHTS OF WAY 0'r LESSEE 10' WIDE UTILITIES °yf RIGHT OF WAY 66'6f \ o EXISTING BUILDING----____� PROPOSED BITUMINOUS DRIVE EXISTING APPROACH 4 SCALE: LOOKING SOUTH c \ yf oy \ Gqf g66. \ NF O F \ \, -966 - \ LESSEE 10' 96� WIDE UTILITIES I RIGHT OF WAY�y see PROPOSED PREFAB EQUIPMENT SHELTER COMPOUND, SEE A -2 '966' 969'\ Ep"e-sA x A !t•1!) 1t/tt:!!s• • ft+ g ?• *•!!t•♦tlitr)tllf[Ntif)ltR)t UTILIZE I' LESSExE 33, X 20 CURB APPROACH EMSTING LAND SPACE \�96j \\ L, II EXISTING PROPERTY LINE EXISTING BUILDINGS I TH- S I T E PLAN GRAPHIC SALE SCALE: 1" = 100' 6 so• 100' j..DA ors LICENSED ARCHITECT 12427 e . �i ``\ I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly registered Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota. ROBERT J. DAVIS, Reg. No. 12427 M!. ,1� Date: DESIGN -hL 9973 VALLEY VIEW RD. EDEN PRAIRIE, MN 55344 (952) 903 -9299 WWW.DESIGNIEP.COM VERIZON WIRELESS 10801 BUSH LAKE ROAD BLOOMINGTON, MN 55438 (612) 720 -0052 I PROJECT I 20151251797 LOC. CODE: 387832 MINC HAYWARD SCHOOL BLVD MONTICELLO, MN 55362 SHEET CONTENTS: SITE PLAN DETAIL INDEX PHOTOS DRAWN BY TRDI CDBI REV. B 12 -07 -15 REV. C 02 -167 A -1 EXISTING WATER TOWER I PROPOSED ANTENNAS MOUNTED ON HANDRAIL, SEE A -4 LESSEE 4' WIDE II CABLE EASEMENT PROPOSED PREFAB EQUIPMENT SHELTER COMPOUND, SEE A -2 '966' 969'\ Ep"e-sA x A !t•1!) 1t/tt:!!s• • ft+ g ?• *•!!t•♦tlitr)tllf[Ntif)ltR)t UTILIZE I' LESSExE 33, X 20 CURB APPROACH EMSTING LAND SPACE \�96j \\ L, II EXISTING PROPERTY LINE EXISTING BUILDINGS I TH- S I T E PLAN GRAPHIC SALE SCALE: 1" = 100' 6 so• 100' j..DA ors LICENSED ARCHITECT 12427 e . �i ``\ I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly registered Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota. ROBERT J. DAVIS, Reg. No. 12427 M!. ,1� Date: DESIGN -hL 9973 VALLEY VIEW RD. EDEN PRAIRIE, MN 55344 (952) 903 -9299 WWW.DESIGNIEP.COM VERIZON WIRELESS 10801 BUSH LAKE ROAD BLOOMINGTON, MN 55438 (612) 720 -0052 I PROJECT I 20151251797 LOC. CODE: 387832 MINC HAYWARD SCHOOL BLVD MONTICELLO, MN 55362 SHEET CONTENTS: SITE PLAN DETAIL INDEX PHOTOS DRAWN BY TRDI CDBI REV. B 12 -07 -15 REV. C 02 -167 A -1 T- I i I i I I I I I I I I I I v \ \ I I I I � I / / ) I I I � I I I I ( � a v� I \ o < �41, /// / 41 / ,,/, 969.0' 968.3' A x 968.0' a- a , 968.1' r DRIVE R i 968.3' f DRIVE f 968°5' 96 PROPOSED _ --.Noy= 968.0' '- i / i i i i i i - L-- - - E-1 Oo ti / GRADING PLAN GRAPHIC SCALE SCALE: 1/16" = V -0" 0 1 8 s ,, � .fie• •.•. 1. , NOTE: CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE LICENSED PUBLIC AND PRIVATE UTILITY LOCATES ARCHITECT — PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION START. `. 12427 — NOTIFY THE ARCHITECT AND THE VZWQ� OF ANY UTILITY LINE ISSUES. CONSTRUCTION ENGINEER IMMEDIATELY I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly registered Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota. ROBERT J. DAVIS, Reg. No. 12427 DRIVE EDGE ELEV 968.5' J DRIVE CENTER ELEV 968.65' ss8.7' 969 969.0' • •: I I \ M cocci Gc NORTH �9 Signed: 11 -24 -15 Date: DESIGN 9973 VALLEY VIEW RD. EDEN PRAIRIE, MN 55344 (952) 903 -9299 WWW.DESIGN1EP.COM VERIZON WIRELESS 10801 BUSH LAKE ROAD BLOOMINGTON, MN 55438 (612) 720 -0052 PROJECT 20151251797 LOC. CODE: 387832 MINC HAYWARD SCHOOL BLVD MONTICELLO, MN 55362 SHEET CONTENTS: GRADING PLAN DATE: 09 -15 -15 \ I CDB REV. A 10 -07 -15 REV. B 12 -07 -15 REV. C 02 -16 -16 \ I, LO I I I I I / / ) I I I � I I I I ( � a v� I \ o < �41, /// / 41 / ,,/, 969.0' 968.3' A x 968.0' a- a , 968.1' r DRIVE R i 968.3' f DRIVE f 968°5' 96 PROPOSED _ --.Noy= 968.0' '- i / i i i i i i - L-- - - E-1 Oo ti / GRADING PLAN GRAPHIC SCALE SCALE: 1/16" = V -0" 0 1 8 s ,, � .fie• •.•. 1. , NOTE: CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE LICENSED PUBLIC AND PRIVATE UTILITY LOCATES ARCHITECT — PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION START. `. 12427 — NOTIFY THE ARCHITECT AND THE VZWQ� OF ANY UTILITY LINE ISSUES. CONSTRUCTION ENGINEER IMMEDIATELY I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly registered Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota. ROBERT J. DAVIS, Reg. No. 12427 DRIVE EDGE ELEV 968.5' J DRIVE CENTER ELEV 968.65' ss8.7' 969 969.0' • •: I I \ M cocci Gc NORTH �9 Signed: 11 -24 -15 Date: DESIGN 9973 VALLEY VIEW RD. EDEN PRAIRIE, MN 55344 (952) 903 -9299 WWW.DESIGN1EP.COM VERIZON WIRELESS 10801 BUSH LAKE ROAD BLOOMINGTON, MN 55438 (612) 720 -0052 PROJECT 20151251797 LOC. CODE: 387832 MINC HAYWARD SCHOOL BLVD MONTICELLO, MN 55362 SHEET CONTENTS: GRADING PLAN DATE: 09 -15 -15 CHECKED BY: CDB REV. A 10 -07 -15 REV. B 12 -07 -15 REV. C 02 -16 -16 A -1.1 PROPOSED ARBOR VITAE TO MATCH EXISTING, TYP OF 6, SEE A -6 EXISTING VEGETATION ol EQ. i i i EXISTING FENCE & GATE LESSEE 4' WIDE CABLE EASEMENT (3) PROPOSED 04" UG PVC CONDUIT NOTE: CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE LICENSED TO TOWER, SEE A -6. APPROX 80 LF PUBLIC AND PRIVATE UTILITY LOCATES ARCHITECT = PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION START. 12427 NOTIFY THE ARCHITECT AND THE VZW viQ: FFE= r,E \ ,,��i,�i/ CONSTRUCTION ENGINEER IMMEDIATELY OF ANY UTILITY LINE ISSUES. PROPOSED CHAIN LINK FENCE W/ NO BARBED WIRE, MATCH / // / EXISTING, SEE DETAIL INDEX / ,j j// j// i I hereby certify that this plan. / /, , specification or report was 7' -3" /j , /, prepared by me or under my direct / //, ` supervision and that I am a duly �j registered Architect under PROPOSED CONCRETE / /� ,� /,�� / / the laws of the State of Minnesota. PAD AROUND SHELTER, // // / / /j/ ` ROBERT J. DAVIS, Reg. No. 12427 —SEE A -5 — — ` - f7/7—�7L x x x x x x x x x x PROPOSED CABLE j' I signed: _ `i w I / / BRIDGE, SEE A -5 w 11 -24 -15 PROPOSED METER & I Date: DISCONNECT, SEE U-1 + + W QI DESIGN O d x U 0 0 al 9973 VALLEY VIEW RD. N Z 6 L++I EDEN PRAIRIE, MN 55344 S w ( o I (952) 903 -9299 + = I x I -N cv of WWW.DESIGN1EP.COM N I U I az x I PROPOSED FIBER OPTIC HAND HOLE, SEE U-1 ' VERIZON + WIRELESS 10801 BUSH LAKE ROAD BLOOMINGTON, MN 55438 (612) 720 -0052 21' -9 1/2" 4' -0" SHELTER GATE 0 2' -0" V -5" 2' -0" 3 W } PROJECT 31' -2 1/2" `ol o z_° `30 3 20151251797 cm CONCRETE PAD a s N o LOC. CODE: 387832 °?o 0 o rn w W w" MINC 33' -0" o m N a LAND SPACE HAYWARD I I 0 I -- -- -- _ SCHOOL BLVD MONTICELLO, MN 55362 31' -2 1/2" ol EQ. EQ. -' ' - t NORTH SHEET CONTENTS. ENLARGED SITE PLAN DRAWN BY TRD DATE: 09 -15 -15 CHECKED BY CDB REV. A 10 -07 -15 REV. B 12 -07 -15 REV. C 02 -16 -16 ENLARGED SITE PLAN GRAPHIC SCALE 1 SC 1/8" = -0" 0 a e ALE: 1' A-2 ANTENNA KEY EQUIPMENT CABLE KEY 80' -0" AZIMUTH POSITION FUNCTION QTY MANUFACTURER MODEL MOD ANTENNA ANTENNA ANTENNA ELEC MECH QTY I COAX MANUFACTURER MODEL DIELECTRIC DIAMETER I RUN TYPE LENGTH TIP CENTER DOWNTILT DOWNTILT TYPE (INCH) (FEET) 50' 1.1 SPARE_ 1 JMA X_7CQAP -86- 8_65_ -V 96" 154.0'_ 150.0' 0° WITH MATCHED LOAD___________ - 1.2 SPARE - 2ND PORT _SPARE_ SPARE _ - - __0° - -__- _TERMINATE T_ER_MINA_TE_WITH MATCHED_L_OA_D _ 1.3 TX /RXO = - - - _ - - _ 3RD PORT _ 700LTE +45 _ _ _ 3' -- 0* - _ RRUS -613 (1) ROSENBERGER HJ- 712015 HYBRID 1 RRU ERICSSON - 1.4 TX /RX1 - - 4TH PORT 700LTE -45 - - - - - WITH A2 JUMPER SECTOR BOX TO RRU - 1.5 SPARE - - 5TH PORT SPARE - - - 0° 0' LO TERMINATE WITH MATCHED AD - - - - -- - - - -- 1.6 - - -- SPARE - -- - - - - - -- - ---- - - - - -- 6TH PORT - - - -- SPARE - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - -- - - - -- - --- - - - - -- -- ------ - - - - -- TERMINATE WITH MATCHED LOAD 50' 2.1 TX /_RXO 1 JMA X_7C_QAP_ -8_6- -V_ PCSLTE +45 96" 154.0' 150.0' 2' RRUS12 -B2 (1) ROSENBERGER HJ- 712015 HYBRID - 2.2 -- TX /RX1 - - - - - - _865_ 2ND PORT PCSLTE -45 _ - _ _ - _ _ - - - _ - -- _ _0 _ - 1 RRU ERICSSON WITH A2 JUMPER SECTOR BOX TO RRU - -- - -- ---------------- - - - - -- - - - 2.3 -- FUTURE - -- - - - -- - ----------- 3RD PORT 85OLTE +45 - - - -- - - - - -- - - -- - - - 3° - - -- 0' - - - -- - - - - - - TERMINATE WITH MATCHED LOAD - - - - -- 2.4 - - -- FUTURE - -- - - - - -- - ---- - - - - -- 4TH PORT - - - -- 85OLTE -45 - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - -- - - - -- - -------------------------------------- TERMINATE WITH MATCHED LOAD ° - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - -- 2.5 - - -- - - -- TX /RX2 - - - - - -- - - -- - - - - -- - - - - - -- ---- - - - - -- 5TH PORT ---- - - - - -- - - - -- PCSLTE +45 - - - -- - - - -- - - - - -- - - - -- - - - - -- - - - -- - - - - -- - - -- 2' - - -- - - -- 0' - - -- -------------------------------------- CONNECT THESE PORTS TO A2 MODEL ON RRUS12 -B2 AT POSITION 2.1/2.2 w - 2.6 TX /RX3 - - 6TH PORT PCSLTE -45 - - - - - V' 50' _ _ 3.1 _ TX /_RXO 1 _ JMA _ X_7C_QAP 86 -865 -V _ - _ _ _ AWSLTE +45 _ _ _ _ _ _ _96° _ 154.0' 150.0' _ 2' 0' RRUSi 2 -B4 1 ROSENBERGER HJ- 712015 HYBRID 1 RRU ERICSSON ( ) 3.2 TX /RX1 - - 2ND PORT AWSLTE -45 - - _ _ _ WITH A2 JUMPER SECTOR BOX TO RRU - - -- - -- 3 3 -3.3 -- --- - - -- - - -- - -- 3RD PORT ---- --- - -- 70OLTE +45 --- -- - - - - -- - - - -_ 3' - - -- 0' - - - - - - CONNECT THESE PORTS TO A2 MODEL ON RRUS -B13 AT POSITION 1.3/1.4 - 3.4 TX /RX3 - - 4TH PORT 70OLTE -45 - - - - - ____- 15 - TX /RX2 - -- - - -- - - - - - -- 5TH PORT - -- -- AWSLTE +45 - _ - _ - _27 _ 9 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ CONNECT THESE PORTS TO A2 MODEL ON RRUS12 -B4 AT POSITION 3.1/3.2 - 3.6 TX /RX3 - - 6TH PORT AWSLTE -45 - - - - - 50' 4.1 SPARE 1 JMA X7CQAP -86 -865 -V SPARE 96° 154.0' 150.0' 0° 0° TERMINATE WITH MATCHED LOAD - 4.2 SPARE - - PORT SPARE - - - - - 5555____ TERMINATE WITH MATCHED LOAD - _ 4.3 FUTURE - - - - -2ND 3RD PORT 85OLTE +45 - - - 3° 0' TERMINATE WITH MATCHED LOAD - 4.4 FUTURE - - 4TH PORT 85OLTE -45 - - - - - TERMINATE WITH MATCHED LOAD - 4.5 -- SPARE - 5TH PORT SPARE - - - 0° 0° ------------------- TERMINATE WITH MATCHED LOAD - - - - -- - - - 4.6 - - -- SPARE - -- - - - - - -- - ---- - - - - -- 6TH PORT - - - -- SPARE - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - -- - - - -- - -------------------------------------- TERMINATE WITH MATCHED LOAD 170' 1.1 SPARE 1 JMA X7CQAP -86 -865 -V SPARE 96° 154.0' 150.0' 0° 0 TERMINATE WITH MATCHED LOAD - 1.2 SPARE - - PORT SPARE - -_ - - - T_ER_MINA_TE WITH MATCHED LOAD - - -- -- _2ND -- -4TH _ - - -- - -- - - - -- - 3 - _ -0 - 1 1- RRU ERICSSON I RWITH�3 JUMPERESECTORJBOX2TO 1.4 TX /RX01 -- PORT 70OLTE -45 - RRUBRID - ------------------------------ 1.5 SPARE - -- 5TH PORT - - - -- SPARE - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - -- 0° - - -- 0 -1- -L1) - -- -- ----------------- TERMINATE WITH MATCHED LOAD - 1.6 SPARE - - 6TH PORT SPARE - - - - - ------------------- TERMINATE WITH MATCHED LOAD 1_70' 2.1 TX /_RXO _ 1 JM_A_- X_7C_QAP -86 -865 -7 PCSLTE +45 - -96" _ _ 154.0' _ _ 150.0,---- 2' _ _2* _ 1 RRU ERICSSON RRUS12 -B2 (1) ROSENBERGER HJ- 712015 HYBRID - 2.2 TX /RX1_ - - 2ND PORT PORT PCSLTE -45 - - - - - WITH A2_ JUMPER SE_CT_OR_ B_OX TO RRU - 2.3 FUTURE - - 3RD PORT 85OLTE +45 - - - 3° 0' TERMINATE WITH MATCHED LOAD - 2.4 FUTURE - - 4TH PORT 85OLTE -45 - - - - - TERMINATE WITH MATCHED - 2.5 T_X /RX2 - - 55TH_ PORT_ PCSLTE +45 - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - -- - 2* - - -- * - CONNECT THESE PORTS TO A2 MODEL ON RRUS12 -B2 AT POSITION 2.1/2.2 w - 2.6 TX /RX3 - - 6TH PORT PCSLTE -45 - - - - - r" 1_70' _ 3.1 _ TX /_RXO 1 _ JMA _ _ X_7C_QAP 8_6- _865 -V_ _ - AWSLTE +45 _ _96" _ 154.0' _ _ 150.0' _ _ 2' _ 0' RRUS12 -64 1 ROSENBERGER HJ- 712015 HYBRID 1 RRU ERICSSON ( ) - 3.2 TX /R_X1_ -_ - 2ND_ PORT_ AWSLTE -45 - - - _ - WITH A2 JUMPER SECTOR BOX TO RRU ----------------- - 3.3 - - 3RD PORT 70OLTE +45 - - - -- - -_ -- - - - -- 3_- __�_ CONNECT THESE PORTS TO A2 MODEL ON RRUS -613 AT POSITION 1.3/1.4 - 3.4 TX /RX3 - - 4TH PORT 70OLTE -45 - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - -- 3.5 - -6 TX /RX2 -- - -_- - - - - - -- 5TH PORT ---- --- - -- AWSLTE - --- -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- 2 - - - - -- -------------------------------------- CONNECT THESE PORTS TO A2 MODEL ON RRUS12 -B4 AT POSITION 3.1/3.2 - 3,6 TX /RX3 - 6TH PORT AWSLTE -45 - - - - - 170' 4.1 SPARE 1 JMA X7CQAP -86 -865 -V SPARE 96" 154.0' 150.0' 0° 0° TERMINATE WITH MATCHED LOAD - 4.2 SPARE - - 2ND PORT SPARE - - - - - TERMINATE WITH MATCHED LOAD - - - - -- - - - -- 4.3 - - - - FUTURE - -- - - - - - -- - ---- - - - - -- PORT - - - -- 850LTE +45 - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - -- 3° - - - - -------------------------------------- TERMINATE WITH MATCHED LOAD----------- ------ - - - 4.4 - - -- FUTURE - -- - - - - - -- - -- -3RD -- 4TH PORT - - - -- 85OLTE -45 - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - - -0° - - ------ - - - - -- - TERMINATE WITH MATCHED LOAD - 4.5 SPARE - - 5TH PORT SPARE - - - 0° 0° ------------------- TERMINATE WITH MATCHED LOAD - 4.6 SPARE - - 6TH PORT SPARE - - - - - ------------------- TERMINATE WITH MATCHED LOAD 290' 1.1 SPARE 1 JMA X7CQAP -86 -865 -V SPARE 96" 154.0' 150.0' 0° 0' TERMINATE WITH MATCHED LOAD - 1.2 SPARE - - 2ND PORT SPARE - - - -__ - TERMINATE WITH MATCHED LOAD 3 - _ _ - 1 �- RRU ERICSSON I RWITHI3A123 JUMPERESECTORJBOX2TO _ 1.4 TX /RXi 4TH PORT 700LTE -45 70OLTE - _ 11 L RRU - - - -- 1.5 - SPARE -- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - 5TH PORT - - - -- SPARE - - -_- - - - - - - - - - -- 0° - - -- 0' -r1) -�- - - - - -- T - - - - -- - - -- 1.6 - - -- SPARE -_- - - - - -- - ---- - - - - -- 6TH PORT - - - -- SPARE - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - -- - - - -- - _ER_MINA_TE_WITH_MATCHED_L_OA_D - -- ------ - - - - -- TERMINATE WITH MATCHED LOAD 2_90' 2.1 T_X /_RXO 1 JMA_- X_7C_QAP -86 -865 -V PCSLTE +45 - -96" _ _ 154.0' _ _ 150.0' _ _ 7 _ 0' - 1 RRU ERICSSON RRUS12 -B2 (1) ROSENBERGER HJ- 712015 HYBRID - 2.2 TX /RX1 - - 2ND PORT PCSLTE -45 - - - - - WITH A2 JUMPER SECTOR BOX TO RRU - - - - -- - - -3 2.3 - - -- FUTURE - -- - - - - - -- - --- - - - - - -- 3RD PORT 5 +7 850LTE +45 - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - -- 3° - - -- 0 - - - -- - - - -- - - ------ - - - - -- TERMINATE WITH MATCHED LOAD - - - - -- - - - -- 2.4 - - -- FUTURE - -- - - - - - -- - ---- - - - - -- 4TH PORT - - - -- 85OLTE -45 - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - -- - - - -- - -------------------------------------- TERMINATE WITH MATCHED LOAD - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - -- 2.5 - -5 - - -- TX /RX2 - - -- -_- - -- - - - - -- - - - - - -- ---- - - - - -- 5TH PORT -5TH POOR - -- - - - -- PCSLTE +45 - - - -- - - - -- - - - - -- - - - -- - - - - -- - - - -- - - - - -- - - -- 2' - -' _ - - -- 0 0' -------------------------------------- CONNECT THESE PORTS TO A2 MODEL ON RRUS12 -B2 AT POSITION 2.1/2.2 w - 2.6 TX /RX3 - - 6TH PORT PCSLTE -45 - - - - - 2_90' 3.1 TX /_RXO 1 JMA - X_7C_QAP 86 -865 -V AWSLTE +45 154.0' 150.0' 2' 0' RRUSH2 -64 (1) ROSENBERGER HJ- 712015 HYBRID _ - _ _ 3.2 TX /RXi _ -_ _ - _ _ _ _ 2ND PORT_ _ _ _ _ _ AWSLTE -45 _ _96° _ - _ _ - _ _ - - - WITH A2 JU_MP_ER SE_CT_OR BOX TO RRU - -_ - -- - 3.3 - TX /RX2 - - -- - - - - - -- 3RD PORT - -- -- 70OLTE +45 -- _ - -_- __ -__ __ -__ _ _ 3_ _ __� CONNECT THESE PORTS TO A2 MODEL ON RRUS -B13 AT POSITION 1.3/1.4 - 3.4 TX /RX3 - - 4TH PORT 70OLTE -45 - - - - - -- - -- -3.5 TX /RX2 - - 5TH PORT AWSLTE +45 - - - -- - - - -- - - - -- _2' --0' CONNECT THESE PORTS TO A2 MODEL ON RRUS12 -B4 AT POSITION 3.1/3.2 - 3.6 TX /RX3 - - 6TH PORT AWSLTE -45 - - - - - 290 4.1 SPARE 1 JMA X7CQAP -86 -865 -V SPARE 96" 154.0' 150.0' 0' 0 ° TERMINATE WITH MATCHED LOAD - 4.2 SPARE - - 2ND PORT SPARE - - - - - TERMINATE WITH MATCHED LOAD - - - - -- - - - -- 4.3 - - -- FUTURE - -- - - - - - -- - ---- - - - - -- 3RD PORT - - - -- 85OLTE +45 - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - -- 3° - - -- 0' -------------------------------------- TERMINATE WITH MATCHED LOAD - - - - -- - - - -- 4.4 - - -- FUTURE -_- - - - - -- - ---- - - - - -- 4TH PORT - - - -- 85OLTE -45 - -_ -- - - - -- - - - - -- - - - -- - - - -- - -------------------------------------- TERMINATE WITH MATCHED LOAD - 4.5 SPARE - - 5TH PORT SPARE - - - 0' 0' TERMINATE WITH MATCHED LOAD - 4.6 SPARE - - 6TH PORT SPARE - - - - - TERMINATE WITH MATCHED LOAD PROPOSED ADDITIONAL: 48 COAX ANDREW LDF4 -50A FOAM 1/2" 10' (6) DISTRIBUTION BOXES, MODEL #RXXDC- 3315 -PF -48 (3 AT SHELTER, 3 ON RAILING) JUMPER (1) 6RRU HYBRID CABLE, ROSENBERGER MODEL #HL- 9612300 (SHELTER TO 'X' SECTOR) (1) 6RRU HYBRID CABLE, ROSENBERGER MODEL #HL- 9612280 (SHELTER TO 'Y' SECTOR) ANTENNA KEY COAX KEY (1) 6RRU HYBRID CABLE, ROSENBERGER MODEL #HL- 9612280 (SHELTER TO 'Z' SECTOR) 3 2 (48) ERICSSON RET /ASIG JUMPERS (BETWEEN RRUS AND ANTENNAS, 16 /SECTOR) SCALE: NONE SCALE: NONE (24) 500 TERMINATIONS FOR SPARE PORTS (8 /SECTOR) 6RRU CABLE LENGTH (DIST. BOX AT SHELTER TO DIST. BOX AT 'X' SECTOR) PVC CONDUIT RUN 80' -0" WALL TO DRYWELL 20' -0" RAID CENTER 150' -0" ROOF HATCH TO 'X' SECTOR 35' -0" EXTRA 10' -0" TOTAL 295' -0" TOTAL ROUNDED UP 300' -0" POSITION ANTENNA 6RRU CABLE LENGTH (DIST. BOX AT SHELTER TO DIST. BOX AT 'Y' SECTOR) PVC CONDUIT RUN 80' -0" WALL TO DRYWELL 20' -0" RAD CENTER 150' -0" ROOF HATCH TO 'Y' SECTOR 20' -0" EXTRA 10' -0" TOTAL 280' -0" TOTAL ROUNDED UP 280' -0" 6RRU CABLE LENGTH (DIST. BOX AT SHELTER TO DIST. BOX AT 'Z' SECTOR) PVC CONDUIT RUN 80' -0" WALL TO DRYWELL 20' -0" RAID CENTER 150' -0" ROOF HATCH TO 'Z' SECTOR 15' -0" EXTRA 10' -0" TOTAL 275 -0" TOTAL ROUNDED UP 280' -0" COAX JUMPER RRU /RX MODULE HYBRID JUMPER DISTRIBUTION BOX (AT EACH SECTOR) 6RRU HYBRID CABLE DISTRIBUTION BOX (MOUNTED AT SHELTER) S ONE -LINE DIAGRAM NOTES: 1) QUANTITIES AND MODEL NUMBERS PER ANTENNA AND EQUIPMENT /CABLE KEYS. 2) OVERALL LENGTH OF POWER CABLES NOT TO EXCEED 367' FROM POWER SUPPLY TO REMOTE RADIO UNIT. 3) DASHED LINES INDICATED FUTURE EQUIPMENT /CABLES. 4) COAX JUMPER: MAX. LENGTH 15' -0 ", UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. 5) HYBRID JUMPER: MAX. LENGTH 15' -0 ". 6) CABLE HANGER (UNIVERSAL): ROSENBERGER #TH415 -U158 7) CABLE HANGER (STACKABLE): ROSENBERGER #TH428 -S128 8) GROMMET (6 -12): ROSENBERGER #CX649 -3536 9) GROMMET (HYBRID JUMPER, SINGLE): ROSENBERGER #CX651 -2829 10) GROMMET (HYBRID JUMPER, DOUBLE): ROSENBERGER #CX652 -1714 ONE -LINE DIAGRAM SCALE:NONE ��,F'RS J, Dq LjJ; LICENSED ARCHITECT 12427 I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly registered Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota. ROBERT J. DAVIS, Reg. No. 12427 Date: DESIGNfi, 9973 VALLEY VIEW RD. I EDEN PRAIRIE, MN 55344 (952) 903 -9299 W W W.DESIGN 1 EP.COM VERIZON WIRELESS 10801 BUSH LAKE ROAD BLOOMINGTON, MN 55438 (612) 720 -0052 PROJECT 20151251797 LOC. CODE: 387832 MINC HAYWARD SCHOOL BLVD MONTICELLO, MN 55362 SHEET CONTENTS ONE -LINE DIAGRAM CABLE LENGTH CALCS COAX, & ANTENNA KEY DRAWN BY: TRD DATE: 09 -15 -15 CHECKED BY: CDB REV. C 02 -16 -161 I` t N o Q N \^�J N N qy ro h a y BAY 12 EXISTING KICKERS NOTE 1.) SHELTER FOUNDATION, CONCRETE COMPOUND, AND BITUMINOUS ROAD TO BE EXCAVATED AND CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH RECOMMENDATIONS AND SPECIFICATIONS OF THE GEOTECHNICAL REPORT WHICH IS NOT INCLUDED IN THIS PACKAGE. DISCREPANCIES BETWEEN THE REPORT AND THE OTHER DOCUMENTS TO BE IMMEDIATELY REPORTED TO VERIZON WIRELESS AND THE ARCHITECT. 2.) THE ARCHITECT MAKES NO WARRANTY, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, OF THE ACCURACY OF THE STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS AND THE PERFORMANCE OF THE COMPLETED CONSTRUCTION AS SHOWN ON THESE DOCUMENTS AND THE STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS. WELD SEAM BAY 1 BAY 2 qw VE BAY 11 EXISTING PUCK, BAY 3 HOT WELDED UTILIZE EXISTING PENETRATIONS, PROPOSED (PER SECTOR): SEE STRUCTURAL , _ _ _ \ (4) ANTENNAS (3) PROPOSED i (4) RRUS HYBRID CABLES X �\ (1) DISTRIBUTION BOX EXISTING AIRMAX —/ BAY 10 ANTENNA, TYP OF 3 PROPOSED Z— BRACKETS J EXISTING RAILING UNISTRUT FOR CABLES, SEE STRUCTURAL BAY 9 EXISTING CONDUIT, RUNNING ALONG OUTSIDE OF RAILING BAY 8 EXISTING JUNCTION BOX \ SEE STRUCTURAL I DIFYWELL I I b SO IO \\ O X ,O MUSHROOM VENT / BAY 6 BAY 7 1� 1_TE #21/ #2.2 Pcs1_TE �j1.3 /116�ooATE 1 3 2 AWS 6 PCSOE 5 #4.1 4.2 SPARE #3. / #4.3�444 6 g5PARE #3.5/3.67 #25/2 #4.5/ Y' AZIMUTH ® 170 NORTH ANTENNA MOUNTING DETAIL GRAPHIC SCALE 2 SCALE: 1/4" = 1' -0" o r 4• NOTE: CONTRACTOR TO OBTAIN CURRENT FINAL SDF & FAA DETERMINATION FROM VZW PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION COMMENCEMENT NOTE: CONTRACTOR TO ENSURE TIP OF ANTENNAS ARE BELOW BOTTOM OF OBSTRUCTION LIGHT PER FAA/FCC STANDARDS BAY 4 LIGHT TO BE HIGHEST POINT ON TOWER BAY 5 EXISTING OBS LIGHT COAX LV LICENSED ARCHITECT RAISE EXISTING OBS LIGHT TO BE a _ HIGHEST POINT ON TOWER, SEE 12427 STRUCTURAL °Q PROPOSED T.O. OBS LIGHT ��: e •; 1124.6' AMSL/155.6' AGL �� q °° • �� OL PROPOSED ANTENNA TIP 1123.0' AMSL /154.0' AGL EXISTING ANTENNA TIP 1124.2' AMSL /155.2' AGL OL PROPOSED ANTENNA CL TOP OF RAILING 1119.0- AMSL /150.0' AGL 1118.6' AMSL /149.6' AGL I hereb certify that this an UTILIZE EXISTING PENETRATIONS 0 DRYWELL HATCH FOR HYBRID CABLES, SEE STRUCTURAL PROPOSED CABLES MOUNTED TO EXPANSION RING INSIDE MANWAY TUBE, SEE STRUCTURAL PROPOSED CABLES MOUNTED TO RAILING, SEE STRUCTURAL (3) PROPOSED HYBRID CABLES MOUNTED TO STEM OF TOWER, SEE STRUCTURAL PROPOSED CABLE - BRIDGE, SEE A -6 PROPOSED PREFAB EQUIPMENT SHELTER, SEE A -5 PROPOSED 04" UG PVC CONDUIT, SEE A -6 I' I I I I I I I I I MONTH' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ELLO I - - - -- r_ I EXIST NC z — - -�_J DRYWELL i TULi�_ I I EXISTING I I I I I I I I I I I I I LANDING V41O EXISTING '01I� ." LADDER AND I I I LADDER CAGE �Q s �j" 6 Aso 9�A I J�PA, RAISE EXISTING OBS BAY 4 LIGHT TO BE HIGHEST POINT ON TOWER BAY 5 EXISTING OBS LIGHT COAX LV LICENSED ARCHITECT RAISE EXISTING OBS LIGHT TO BE a _ HIGHEST POINT ON TOWER, SEE 12427 STRUCTURAL °Q PROPOSED T.O. OBS LIGHT ��: e •; 1124.6' AMSL/155.6' AGL �� q °° • �� OL PROPOSED ANTENNA TIP 1123.0' AMSL /154.0' AGL EXISTING ANTENNA TIP 1124.2' AMSL /155.2' AGL OL PROPOSED ANTENNA CL TOP OF RAILING 1119.0- AMSL /150.0' AGL 1118.6' AMSL /149.6' AGL I hereb certify that this an UTILIZE EXISTING PENETRATIONS 0 DRYWELL HATCH FOR HYBRID CABLES, SEE STRUCTURAL PROPOSED CABLES MOUNTED TO EXPANSION RING INSIDE MANWAY TUBE, SEE STRUCTURAL PROPOSED CABLES MOUNTED TO RAILING, SEE STRUCTURAL (3) PROPOSED HYBRID CABLES MOUNTED TO STEM OF TOWER, SEE STRUCTURAL PROPOSED CABLE - BRIDGE, SEE A -6 PROPOSED PREFAB EQUIPMENT SHELTER, SEE A -5 PROPOSED 04" UG PVC CONDUIT, SEE A -6 I' I I I I I I I I I MONTH' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ELLO UTILIZE EXISTING 04" UG PVC CONDUIT, SEE A -6 EXISTING 150" HIGH COMPOSITE WATER TOWER 969.0" AMSL EAST ELEVATION GRAPHIC SCALE SCALE: 1" = 20' 0 10' 1 y p specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly registered Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota. ROBERT J. DAVIS, Reg. No. 12427 Mr. . Date: DESIGN h. 9973 VALLEY VIEW RD. I EDEN PRAIRIE, MN 55344 (952) 903 -9299 WWW.DESIGNlEP.COM VERIZON WIRELESS 10801 BUSH LAKE ROAD BLOOMINGTON, MN 55438 (612) 720 -0052 I PROJECT I 20151251797 LOC. CODE: 387832 MINC HAYWARD SCHOOL BLVD MONTICELLO, MN 55362 SHEET CONTENTS: TOWER ELEVATION ANTENNA MOUNTING DETAIL DRAWN BY TRDI CDBI REV. B 12 -07 -15 REV. C 02 -16 -16 A -4 I - - - -- r_ I EXIST NC +— — - -�_J DRYWELL TULi�_ I I EXISTING I I I I I I I I I I I I I LANDING I I I I I I I I I I I I EXISTING LADDER AND I I I LADDER CAGE I I I J UTILIZE EXISTING 04" UG PVC CONDUIT, SEE A -6 EXISTING 150" HIGH COMPOSITE WATER TOWER 969.0" AMSL EAST ELEVATION GRAPHIC SCALE SCALE: 1" = 20' 0 10' 1 y p specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly registered Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota. ROBERT J. DAVIS, Reg. No. 12427 Mr. . Date: DESIGN h. 9973 VALLEY VIEW RD. I EDEN PRAIRIE, MN 55344 (952) 903 -9299 WWW.DESIGNlEP.COM VERIZON WIRELESS 10801 BUSH LAKE ROAD BLOOMINGTON, MN 55438 (612) 720 -0052 I PROJECT I 20151251797 LOC. CODE: 387832 MINC HAYWARD SCHOOL BLVD MONTICELLO, MN 55362 SHEET CONTENTS: TOWER ELEVATION ANTENNA MOUNTING DETAIL DRAWN BY TRDI CDBI REV. B 12 -07 -15 REV. C 02 -16 -16 A -4 0 O I I I I I I IJ ---- ---- -- - - -- -I LEFT ELEVATION Q 0 �■ 02 � o C3 e EXPOSED • AGGREGATE • 1 m CONCRETE - STEEL DOORS C e.l I I I I I 1 1 L --------- ------ --- ---- --- - - - --I FRONT ELEVATION GRAPHIC SCALE 5 SCALE: 1/8" = 1' -0" o a e• I I I I I I IJ -- ------ - - - - -- �I RIGHT ELEVATION 4 SCALE: 1/8" = 1' -0" NOTE: wm- CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE PENETRATION IN CONTRACTOR TO FOAM FILL AND CAP BOTH SIDES o PREFABRICATED SHELTER WALL FOR TELCO ENTRY. (EXTERIOR /INTERIOR) OF EXISTING UNUSED O CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY FINAL LOCATION & SIZE TYPNI TION(S) IN PREFABRICATED SHELTER WALL CAL OF PROPOSED TELCO ENTRY W/VZW CONSTRUCTION ENGINEER. APPROXIMATE SIZE TELCO ENTRY 4 "0. EXPOSED AGGREGATE CONCRETE 0 TO ELECTRIC ENTRY I I II LI BACK ELEVATION GRAPHIC SCALE SCALE: 1/8" = 1' -0" BUILDING WALL BUILDING FLOOR 2" 8" 1" X 2 3/4" BOLT 1 1/16 "0 HOLES © ® 1" LOCKWASHER 1" FLAT 2 "OD WASHER 7/8 "0 HOLES p 3/4" X 2 1/2" SLEEVE ANCHOR Cj GALV. STEEL WITH FLATWASHER TIE DOWN 1 3/8" TIE DOWN BRACKET 3/8" PLATE ANCHORING DETAILS GRAPHIC SCALE $ SCALE: 1/2" = 1' -0" a z• 5-0" SOLID COMPO�41 ° WOOD DECKING II 5' -0" 2x6x5" TREATED BLOCKING 2x6x5" TREATED BLOCKING / STOOP TO BE CENTERED ON DOOR � '-2" �i � -4" �i � -4" �i '-2" —TWO (2) 6' -0" HIGH FLUORESCENT ORAN 1 GE FIBERGLASS SNOW PLOW MARKERS. MOUNT TO (2) 2x6x8' N0.1 CONSTRUCTION GRADE ACQ TREATED MATERIAL REQUIRED STOOP SIDE W /BRACKET, OR PRE -DRILL & (1) 2x6x10' NO.1 CONSTRUCTION GRADE TREATED MATERIAL REQUIRED SCREWS, OR DIRECT - BURIAL, #SP3872 FROM (9) 5/4x6x6' SOLID COMPOSITE DECKING MATERIAL REQUIRED 0" SPACING ROCKARTSIGNS.COM 480.854.3400, OR EQUAL 3 " - #2 SQUARE DRIVE GALVANIZED DECK SCREWS TO BE USED WOOD STOOP PLAN &SCA�7= T FRAMING PLAN 9 SCALE: 1/4" = 1' -0" 1' -0" GRAPHIC SCALE o z' a' z 0 co 2' -0" ' 7-0 1 2 6' -9" / " 8' -0" 7' -5" — — — — — — — — ---I Cj EXTINGUISHER a BUILDING Br. CONTROL JOINT, TYP I I` I hereby certify that this plan, " CONC O I AD SEE 2/ o 2 O O GENERATOR MUFFLER prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly io I N I in a> In WOOD ROBERT J. DAVIS, Reg. No. 12427 STOOPS 2. EQUIPPED BLDG WEIGHT IS APPROXIMATELY 107,500# I 3. T/O FNDN. ELEV. = SEE SITE PLAN BUSS BAR FLOOR PLAN LICENSED ARCHITECT 12427 .r% FIRE — — — — — — — — ---I Cj EXTINGUISHER a BUILDING Br. NOTES: I hereby certify that this plan, " specification or report was 2 O O GENERATOR MUFFLER prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly 4' X 5' NORTH registered Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota. WOOD ROBERT J. DAVIS, Reg. No. 12427 STOOPS 2. EQUIPPED BLDG WEIGHT IS APPROXIMATELY 107,500# I 3. T/O FNDN. ELEV. = SEE SITE PLAN BUSS BAR FLOOR PLAN FIBREBOND" IV SCHOOL BLVD MONTICELLO, MN 55362 3 SHEET CONTENTS: FOUNDATION PLAN & DETAILS FLOOR PLAN A SCALE: 1/8" = 1' -0" ATTN: STACEY COLVIN © HVAC FILTER HOOD DOOR Signed: WOOD STOOP FINISHED FLOOR SEE 8/A -4 PRECAST SHELTER 11 -24 -15 Date: FLOOR STRUCTURE 6" AIR SPACE DESIGN 4 CONCRETE PAD AROUND SHE f 1 #4 CONT REINFORCING 9973 VALLEY VIEW RD. REBAR, 12" O.C.E.W. EDEN PRAIRIE, MN 55344 M 41 COMPACTED GRANULAR FILL WW W.DESIDESI99 GNIEP.COM #4 REBAR AT 16" ON CENTER 1 "F- "AT CORNERS NOTE: 24 MAINTAIN 3" 4-iJ #4 REBAR STIRRUP COVER ON REBAR AT 16" ON CENTER VERIZON J 20" 8" CONCRETE WIRELESS FOOTI NG w/ (2) - #4 CONTINUOUS REBAR 10801 BUSH LAKE ROAD BLOOMINGTON, MN 55438 FOUNDATION SECTION AT 32" N C ENTER (s12)7zo -oosz 2 SCALE: 3/8" = 1' -0" PROJECT 20151251797 LOC. CODE: 387832 21' -9 1/2" MINC -,2' TYP. ------- - --I�k HAYWARD TYP. OF 4 DTL NORTH CONCRETE PAD PLAN FOUNDATION PLAN 6 1 SCALE: 1/8" = V -0" NORTH DRAWN BY CONCRETE PAD PLAN GRAPHIC SCALE DATE: 11 FIELD - APPLIED ITEMS CONTRACTOR- FURNISHED ITEMS CHECKED -E SCALE: 1 /8" = 1' -0" o a' e• SHIPPED LOOSE WITHIN PREFAB REV. A C7 HOFFMAN ENCLOSURE TRDI CDBI — — — — — — — — ---I Cj I �� REV. B 12 -07 -15 BUILDING Br. NOTES: EXTERIOR LIGHT FIXTURE ® PVC CONDUIT & FITTINGS REV, C 02 -16 -16 O GENERATOR MUFFLER 1. TOP OF WALLS TO BE LEVEL ±1 /8 ". Fibrebond Corporation 1300 Davenport Drive 2. EQUIPPED BLDG WEIGHT IS APPROXIMATELY 107,500# I 3. T/O FNDN. ELEV. = SEE SITE PLAN BUSS BAR I O FIBREBOND" IV SCHOOL BLVD MONTICELLO, MN 55362 Q SHEET CONTENTS: FOUNDATION PLAN & DETAILS FLOOR PLAN A �— — — — — — — — — ATTN: STACEY COLVIN © HVAC FILTER HOOD L ELEVATIONS ANCHORING DETAILS TYP. OF 4 DTL NORTH CONCRETE PAD PLAN FOUNDATION PLAN 6 1 SCALE: 1/8" = V -0" NORTH DRAWN BY CONCRETE PAD PLAN GRAPHIC SCALE DATE: 11 FIELD - APPLIED ITEMS CONTRACTOR- FURNISHED ITEMS CHECKED -E SCALE: 1 /8" = 1' -0" o a' e• SHIPPED LOOSE WITHIN PREFAB REV. A C7 HOFFMAN ENCLOSURE TRDI CDBI Cj ANCHORING PLATES (18" x 18" x 6 ") REV. B 12 -07 -15 BUILDING Br. Q EXTERIOR LIGHT FIXTURE ® PVC CONDUIT & FITTINGS REV, C 02 -16 -16 O GENERATOR MUFFLER iQPREFABRICATED Fibrebond Corporation 1300 Davenport Drive ® BUSS BAR FIBREBOND" IV Minden, LA 71055 800 - 824 -2614 Q ROOF SHEILD A ATTN: STACEY COLVIN © HVAC FILTER HOOD 5 PROPOSED CABLE BRACKETS - MOUNTED TO TOWER STEM, SEE STRUCTURAL r EXISTING PERSONNEL DOOR EXISTING ON DOOR - EXISTING OVERFLOW PIPE - EXISTING LADDER RFIXISTINI CONDUIT IN USF i UTIUZE EXISTING PVC CONDUIT 0 • o 0 0 0 0 0 0 PROPOSED UG PVC CONDUIT NORTH / s TOWER BASE PLAN GRAPHIC SCALE 5 -4° to' -e" NOTE: TREES & SHRUBS - GROUND LINE TO BE THE SAME AS EXISTED AT THE NURSERY. GARDEN HOSE 3 GUYS OF 10 GAUGE TWISTED WIRE 120' APART AROUND TREE. � TURNBUCKLE 4" SOIL SAUCER 24 "x2 "x2" STAKE DRIVEN FLUSH W/ FINISHED GRADE. 2 1/2" DIA. - 10' LONG CEDAR STAKE WITH NOTCHED END (7' EXPOSED) - 2 PER TREE. FOLD BACK BURLAP FROM TOP OF BALL. 2" MULCH BACKFILL WITH TOP SOIL & PEAT MOSS 3:1 RATIO BY VOLUME IN 9" LAYERS. WATER EACH LAYER UNTIL SETTLED, LOOSEN SUBSOIL o xSTL�' ,U .;liiio - All- 12" MIN E III TEE I I TREE EQUALS TWICE BALL DIAMETER PLANTING DETAIL GRAPHIC SCALE 4 SCALE: 1/8'. = 1'-0" o a' e' PROPOSED CABLE BRIDGE POST THREADED END - ACCEPT ADAPTI REFER TO S.D.F. F( TYPE OF GI ANTENNA & REQUIRI ADAPTER TYI 1.5 "0 x S -6" GALV S PIPE MAST, RECLINI PROPOSED PIPE TO PIPE CLAMP SETS BY SITE TPROP�OSED I I CABLES UTILIZE EXISTING CONDUITS PHOTO - EXISTING CONDUITS 6 SCALE: LOOKING WEST PRO 1, PART #ACP08K ELEVATIONS s GPS MOUNTING DETAIL SCALE: 3/4" = 1' -0" ®I 1 1 • PLAN VIEW PHOTO - TOP OF TANK SCALE: LOOKING SOUTHWEST EDGES TYPICAL CONSTRUCTION: EDGES \ \ \\ J, D DRESSED 2' BITUMINOUS TOPPING OVER 4" ASPHALTIC CONCRETE DRESSED MIN. 12:1 �\��R..•••• ° • •...A °v MIN. 12:1 SLOPE OVER 6" CLASS 5 OR ROADSTONE BASE SLOPE ROAD DETAIL 12'_0" 3 LICENSED SCALE: 1/4" = 1' -0" ARCHITECT GRADE GRADE E.Q. E.Q. CABLE BRIDGE RESTS ON GALV, GPS ANTENNA 12427 slim- No I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly registered Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota. ROBERT J. DAVIS, Reg. No. 12427 Date: DESIGN 9973 VALLEY VIEW RD. EDEN PRAIRIE, MN 55344 (952) 903 -9299 WWW.DESIGNlEP.COM VERIZON WIRELESS 10801 BUSH LAKE ROAD BLOOMINGTON, MN 55438 (612) 720 -0052 I PROJECT I 20151251797 LOC. CODE: 387832 L & IH ,_ I [111 - DATE: 14' -0" LIGHTWEIGHT CONC. FILLED 4 "0 SCHED. 80 PVC GLUED HAYWARD ANY VARIANCE FROM THIS ROADWAY DESIGN MUST WATERTIGHT CONDUIT W/ BE APPROVED BY THE OWNER AND ARCHITECT NOTE: ROAD AS DESIGNED WILL HOLD A 20,000 # VEHICLE ROAD DETAIL GRAPHIC SCALE 3 0 2 SCALE: 1/4" = 1' -0" ° 2' 4' SCHOOL BLVD E.Q. E.Q. CABLE BRIDGE RESTS ON GALV, GPS ANTENNA STEEL ANGLE PROVIDED W/ BLDG. BOLT TO BLDG. W/ 3/8" 0 X 2" SHEET CONTENTS: LONG EXPANSION BOLTS 3 i/2" O.D. 40 CONTRACTOR TO SUPPLY GALVANIZED STEEL PIPE TEFL AND INSTALL 10 GAUGE 4' -0" LENGTH OF GRIP -STRUT THHN POWER AND I _Z-BRACKET (TYP.) HARM WIRING THRU- BOLTED TO CABLE BRIDGE (2) 1 1/2" 6, NON- METAWC WATERPROOF FLEX (3) PROPOSED DIST. BOXES CONDUITS - CONTRACTOR TO SUPPLY PROPOSED JBOX AND INSTALL EXTERIOR FIBER RUN IN 1 1/2" NON- METALLIC GRADE FIBER JUMPER, WATERPROOF FLEX CONDUIT (LC /LC X12 -FIBER SM UPC W R (3) HYBRID CABLES OFNP IN/OUT TRUNK W /OSP �/— POST, SEE 7 /A -6 C- BREAKS PULL GRIP AVAIL v (3) 4" VALMONT BOOT. MODIFY AS THROUGH GREYBAR), VERIFY z NEEDED TO ACCEPT REQUIRED CABLES LENGTH. V4, BUSS GONG PAD u BAR BACKFILLED' SOIL slim- No I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly registered Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota. ROBERT J. DAVIS, Reg. No. 12427 Date: DESIGN 9973 VALLEY VIEW RD. EDEN PRAIRIE, MN 55344 (952) 903 -9299 WWW.DESIGNlEP.COM VERIZON WIRELESS 10801 BUSH LAKE ROAD BLOOMINGTON, MN 55438 (612) 720 -0052 I PROJECT I 20151251797 LOC. CODE: 387832 L & IH ,_ I [111 - DATE: MINC LIGHTWEIGHT CONC. FILLED 4 "0 SCHED. 80 PVC GLUED HAYWARD AROUND CONDUIT WATERTIGHT CONDUIT W/ 12 -07 -15 TO PREVENT SETTLING. 22 112'. 24" RADIUS. TYP. OF 3 CABLE BRIDGE SECTION GRAPHIC SCALE 0 2 SCALE: 1/4" = V -0" 0 1 2' 4• SCHOOL BLVD E.Q. E.Q. MONTICELLO, MN 55362 SHEET CONTENTS: PROPOSED ADDITIONAL 2' -0" x CABLE BRIDGE PLAN CABLE BRIDGE SECTION 4' -0" LENGTH OF GRIP -STRUT ROAD DETAIL THRU- BOLTED TO CABLE BRIDGE GPS MOUNT DETAIL 6, TO PROTECT DISTRIBUTION BOXES PLANTING DETAIL TOWER BASE PLAN -� �- PROPOSED GPS MOUNTED TO PHOTOS �/— POST, SEE 7 /A -6 CABLE BRIDGE PLAN GRAPHIC SCALE SCALE: 1/4" = V -0" o z' a' DRAWN BY: TRD DATE: 09 -15 -15 CHECKED BY: CDB REV. A 10 -07 -15 REV. B 12 -07 -15 REV. C 02 -16 -16 A -6 GENERAL CONDITIONS 00 0001 PERMITS Construction Permit shall be acquired by, or in the name of, Verizon Wireless, to be hereinafter referred to as the OWNER. Other permits shall be acquired by the Contractor. 00 0002 SURVEY FEES Survey shall be furnished by the Architect. Layout Staking shall be coordinated with the Surveyor per "Request For Quote ", (RFQ). 01 0010 INSURANCE & BONDS Contractor is to furnish Insurance certificates for themselves and subcontractors. Contractor will provide any required Bonding. Contractor agrees to warranty the project for (1) one year after completion. 01 0400 SUPERVISION & COORDINATION Contractor shall provide supervision throughout the Project, coordinating the work of the Subcontractors, and delivery & installation of Owner — fumished items. Contractor's responsibilities include arranging & conducting of Underground Utilities Locates. Contractor shall comply with municipal, county, state and /or federal codes, including OSHA & AWWA. 01 0600 TESTING Contractor is responsible for providing Agencies with sufficient notice to arrange for Test Samples (i.e.: Concrete Cylinders), and for Special Inspections. 01 2000 MEETINGS Contractor shall make themselves aware of, and attend, meetings with the Owner and /or Architect. Contractor is to attend a Pre — Construction Meeting of all parties involved, prior to the start of construction. 01 5100 TEMPORARY UTILITIES Contractor shall maintain the job site in a clean and orderly fashion, providing temporary sanitary facilities, waste disposal, and security (fence area or trailer module). 01 5300 EQUIPMENT RENTAL Contractor shall furnish equipment necessary to expedite work. 01 5900 FIELD OFFICES & SHEDS Contractor shall provide security (fence area or trailer module) for tools and materials that remain overnight on site. 01 7000 CLEAN UP & CLOSE OUT Contractor shall clean up the Site to the satisfaction of Owner. Contractor shall complete the items listed on the Owner's Punch List, and shall sign and return the List to the Owner. Contractor shall maintain a set of drawings during the job, on which changes shall be noted in red ink. A full set of redlined drawings (As— Builts) are to be given to the Architect at Job completion and submit "construction work complete memo" to Construction Engineer. 01 8000 TRUCKS & MILEAGE Contractor shall provide transportation for their own personnel 01 8300 TRAVEL TIME & PER DIEM Contractor shall provide room and board for their own personnel, and reasonable time for traveling to & from job site. 01 9200 TAXES Contractor shall pay sales and /or use tax on materials and taxable services. SITEWORK 02 1000 SITE PREPARATION Contractor is to mobilize within 7 calendar days of the Owner issuing a 'START' document. Contractor will immediately report to Architect if any environmental considerations arise. Site shall be scraped to a depth of 3" minimum to remove vegetative matter, and scrapings shall be stockpiled on site. Excess material to be disposed of in accordance with RFQ. 02 1100 ROAD IMPROVEMENT & CONSTRUCTION Contractor shall furnish materials for, and install, a twelve foot (12') wide bituminous roadway from the road access to the work area, for truck and crane access to site. Base course shall be 6" deep MN class 5 or roadstone base, 4" asphaltic concrete, topped with 2" bituminous topping. Road shall be graded smooth, and edges dressed, at job completion. 02 2000 EARTHWORK & EXCAVATION Excavation material shall be used for surface grading as necessary; excess to be stockpiled on site. Excess material to be disposed of in accordance with RFQ. For dewatering excavated areas, contractor shall utilize sock or sediment filter for filtering of water discharge. 02 5000 PAVING & SURFACING New paving shall be according to plans, or match existing adjacent paving. Asphalt paving shall be 2" bituminous topping over 4" asphaltic concrete, underlaid with 6" Class 5 or roadstone base. 02 7800 POWER TO SITE Contractor shall coordinate the electrical service to the building with the Utility Provider. Conduits shall include pull strings. Underground conduits shall be 2 -1/2" Schedule 40 PVC. (schedule 80 PVC under roads and drives) Cable to be 3/0 THWN CU. Trenches shall be backfilled in a timely fashion, using a compactor, and including two (2) detectable ribbons; one each at 3" and 15" above conduit. Service shall be 200 amp, single phase, 120/240 volt. Service type shall be "General Time —Of —Day" if available, and meter base shall be approved by utility provider. 02 7900 TELCO TO SITE Contractor shall provide 2" schedule 40 PVC conduit, (schedule 80 PVC under roads and drives) with 'large sweep' elbows & pull string for TELCO service as noted on plans. Cable to be fiber optic lines, source and provider T.B.D. Trenches shall be as in 02 7800. 02 8000 SITE IMPROVEMENTS N/A 02 8001 FENCING All fence materials and fittings shall be galvanized steel. Fence shall be 6' -0" high x 9 ga. X 2" chain link fabric, w/ 7 ga. bottom tension wire. Comer and Gate posts shall be 2 7/8" O.D. sch 40 steel pipe, driven 60" below grade. Line posts shall be 2 3/8" O.D. sch 40 steel pipe. Top Rails shall be 1 5/8" O.D. steel pipe. Gate frames shall be 1 5/8" O.D. welded pipe. Bracing shall be 3/8" truss rods and 1 5/8" O.D. pipe mid —rails at comers. Gate latch shall be commercial grade, "Cargo" or equal. Fabric shall extend to within 1" of finish grade. Fence enclosures shall be completed within 7 days of tower erecting. Existing fences shall be protected against damage during this work, and any damage that may occur shall be repaired or replaced to equal existing preconstruction condition. 02 8500 IRRIGATION SYSTEMS Contractor shall add to /re —route existing irrigation system as necessary for new construction. Contractor shall provide temporary irrigation of new trees, shrubs, and sod, to be maintained so it survives 1 year after planting. 02 9000 LANDSCAPING Contractor to restore turf areas damaged by construction by preparing soil, seeding & watering to maintain grass survival for 1 year. Contractor shall protect existing landscape elements that are not in the Scope of Work. Reasonable precautions shall be taken to assure the health of existing trees and shrubbery. If conflicts arise regarding the location of root systems, branch lines, etc., the Architect must be contacted prior to performing Work that may cause damage. Damage resulting from disregard of this Article shall be compensated by the Responsible Party and at a cost to be determined by the Property Owner, Architect, and Owner. Contractor shall furnish and install new trees, shrubs, and sod, watering per 02 8500. CONCRETE 03 1000 CONCRETE FORMWORK Concrete forms shall be dimension lumber, modular, or steel. 03 6000 GROUT N/A 03 8000 TOWER FOUNDATION N/A 03 8001 CATHODIC PROTECTION N/A 03 9000 SHELTER FOUNDATION Contractor shall furnish & install materials for Shelter foundation. Concrete shall be 6% f1% air entrained, and 4,000 psi at 28 days. All reinforcing steel is to be Grade 60 (ASTM 615). Anchor bolts are furnished by Contractor. Contractor shall comply with the Owner's Standard CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS MINIMUM CONCRETE STANDARDS. 03 9050 TRANSPORT AND SET SHELTER Contractor shall provide crane(s) and /or truck for setting shelter per RFQ. Contractor shall install items shipped loose within shelter, including but not limited to: exterior light and sensor and buss bars. MASONRY 04 0000 MASONRY N/A METALS 05 0000 METALS Contractor will furnish and install structural and fabricated steel items not specifically furnished by Owner, and install Owner— furnished items. Structural steel shall be fabricated and erected per AISC specifications. Welding shall conform to AWS standards. Feld welding shall be as shown on Shop Drawings, performed by AWS Certified Welders, and inspected as prescribed by the Structural Engineer. Steel shall be ASTM A992 OR A36, and 3/4" field bolts shall be A325. Temporary erecting bolts, clip hangers, and bracing shall be furnished by Contractor. Fabrications shall be shop welded if possible, and galvanized before delivery to site. Structural steel, and miscellaneous iron and steel, shall be hot dipped galvanized per ASTM A123 thickness grade 55. Fabricated iron and steel hardware shall be hot dipped galvanized per ASTM A153. Repair of damaged or uncoated galvanized surfaces shall be per ASTM A780. Contractor shall ensure the existence of a 3/8" cable safety climb system (DBI /SALA or equal) on tower. 05 5000 ANTENNA MOUNTS Contractor to furnish and install antenna mounts. Contractor shall ensure the existence of a 3/8" cable safety climb (DBI /Sala or equal) on the Tower. Contractor shall provide for temporary security fence at base of Tower. NOTE: FOR ALL WATER TANK APPLICATIONS CAPACITOR DISCHARGE STUD MANUFACTURER TO BE "NORTHLAND FASTENING SYSTEMS ", PH # 1- 800 - 432 -7883. COORDINATE WITH STRUCTURAL SPECIFICATIONS. WOOD & PLASTICS 06 1000 ROUGH CARPENTRY Contractor shall provide materials, labor for wood stoops per architectural documents, see detail booklet. 06 2000 FINISH CARPENTRY N/A THERMAL & MOISTURE 07 2000 INSULATION N/A 07 2500 FIREPROOFING N/A 07 3000 SHINGLES AND ROOFING TILES N/A 07 5000 MEMBRANE ROOFING N/A 07 6000 FLASHING AND SHEET METAL N/A DOORS AND HARDWARE 08 0000 DOORS AND HARDWARE PREFAB: Door is furnished and installed by Prefab Manufacturer with 'Construction' key core. FINISHES 09 2600 DRYWALL N/A 09 5700 FLOOR COVERING N/A 09 9000 PAINTING Touchup paint construction related scrapes & scratches. Paint bollards EXTERIOR: Contractor shall paint antennas to match per SEH Specifications (ATTACHED). On existing water tanks, the antennas and mounts an all other exposed items shall be primed and painted to match existing finish of tower. Welds and scorch marks shall be properly ground and /or cleaned before painting. Coax Cables, Hybrid Cables and Flexible Non — Metallics (as referenced within the drawings) to be solvent wiped and prepared to manufacturer's recommendations. Primer. Two (2) coats XIM Advanced Technology LIMA bonding primer /sealer. Finish: Two (2) coats Sherwin Williams Sher —Cryl HPA acrylic coating. Finish coat shall be a solid color to match existing water tower color. TNEMEC 57BR "Cloud" EXECUTION: Surface Preparation Shop Prepared Materials 1. Ferrous Metal: SSPC SP -6 Commercial Blast Cleaning Surface Profile: 1.5 -2.5 mils 2. Non — ferrous Metal: SSPC SP -7 Brush off Blast Cleaning or SSPC SP1 Solvent Cleaning and scarify by sanding Painted Surfaces: Abrade by sanding to scarify and de —gloss the existing finish Paint Application 1. Shop — Tape —off (two —inch minimum) surfaces that will be in the Heat - Affected —Zone during field welding. 2. Primer: Generic Type: Epoxy polyamide, Number of coats: 1 Dry film thickness: 2.0 -3.0 mils 3. Finish (Interior): Generic Type: Epoxy polyamide, Number of coats: 1 Dry film thickness: 2.0 -3.0 mils 4. Finish (Exterior): Generic Type: Acrylic polyurethane, Number of coats: 1 Dry film thickness: 2.0 -3.0 mils SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION 13 1260 CABLE BRIDGE & ROOF SHIELD Cable bridge to be 24 inch wide, 12 gauge, 'grip strut' supported no more than 6' -0" on center by 3 1/2" steel pipe and 3" x 5" x 1/4" x 30" long angle. Cable bridge overhang extensions not to exceed 1' -6 ". Steel to be hot dipped galvanized. Roof shield is supplied by shelter manufacturer. 13 1400 ANTENNA INSTALL Contractor shall install Owners antennas and feed lines during erecting. Contractor shall test and certify transmission lines per current VZW standards. MECHANICAL 15 4000 PLUMBING N/A 15 5000 HVAC PREFAB: Shelter is factory— equipped with two through —wall package units of 5 —ton and 10 KW capacity. ELECTRIC 16 5000 LIGHTING AND ELECTRICAL Contractor shall perform work as described on the Electrical Plans. Contractor shall provide labor and materials as necessary to complete the work shown on plans. 16 6000 GROUNDING Contractor shall make themselves familiar with and follow the current GROUNDING STANDARDS of VERIZON WIRELESS. Contractor shall perform work as shown on Grounding Plans. Any site — specific grounding issues not covered by the GROUNDING STANDARD are to be addressed by the Contractor to the Owner. OWNER — FURNISHED EQUIPMENT & FEES PREFABRICATED EQUIPMENT SHELTER & ROOF SHEILD ANTENNAS AND DOWNTILT BRACKETS BUILDING PERMIT FEE MATERIALS TESTING FEES SPECIAL INSPECTIONS FEES CONTRACTOR— FURNISHED EQUIPMENT WAVE GUIDE SUPPORTS, INCLUDING LINE HANGER 'SNAP —IN' CHANNELS, 'UNISTRUT' MATERIALS AND CONNECTORS. COAXIAL CABLES, CONNECTORS, BOOTS, RELATED HARDWARE POWER TO SITE, TELCO TO SITE. CABLE BRIDGE SCOPE OF WORK: CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE MATERIALS, LABOR, TOOLS, TRANSPORTATION, SUPERVISION, ETC. TO FULLY EXECUTE WORK. WORK REQUIREMENTS ARE DETAILED ON THE DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND SHALL INCLUDE, BUT NOT BE LIMITED TO, THE FOLLOWING ITEMS: SITE PREPARATION SITE WORK AND ROAD CONSTRUCTION SHELTER FOUNDATION CONCRETE PAD COMPOUND AND FENCING SITE GROUNDING ELECTRICAL AND TELEPHONE SERVICES SET SHELTER INSTALL ANTENNAS & CABLES CABLE BRIDGE & ROOF SHIELD Contractor to compare drawings against Owner's "Request for Quote ", (RFQ). If discrepancies arise, Contractor shall verify with Owner that the RFQ supersedes the drawings. ° Jr °DALr'': LICENSED ARCHITECT 12427 e, ` ` ° °• � � I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly registered Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota. ROBERT J. DAVIS, Reg. No. 12427 Date' DESIGN 9973 VALLEY VIEW RD. EDEN PRAIRIE, MN 55344 (952) 903 -9299 W W W.DESIGNI EP.COM VERIZON WIRELESS 10801 BUSH LAKE ROAD BLOOMINGTON, MN 55438 (612) 720 -0052 I PROJECT I 20151251797 LOC. CODE: 387832 MINC HAYWARD SCHOOL BLVD MONTICELLO, MN 55362 SHEET CONTENTS: OUTLINE SPECIFICATIONS DRAWN BY: TRD DATE: 09 -15 -15 CHECKED BY: CDB REV. A 10 -07 -15 REV. B 12 -07 -15 REV. C 02 -16 -16 A -7 09 9000 PAINTING Touchup paint construction related scrapes & scratches. All exhaust ports on the Ve6zon equipment shelter must be field surface prepared and painted black with appropriate high tempurature coating. a. Painting of all new items and repair of all damaged areas of the tower will be required. Surface preparation and painting requirements are as follows: Under the direction of the Engineer, spot repair the tank and tower surfaces where the coating has been damaged by structural repairs and modifications using SSPC —SP -10 Near White Metal Blast Clean. This work includes all new items and at other areas damaged by structural repairs or modifications. Feather edges of existing coating, at spot blasted areas, using SSPC —SP -3 Power Tool Cleaning methods. b. Before any primer or coating is applied, metal surfaces shall be completely dry, dust free, inspected, and approved by the Engineer. c. No coating shall be permitted when the relative humidity is expected to exceed 85% or temperature is expected to drop below 40 degrees within 8 hours after the application of the coating. Proceed with surface preparation and coating application only when air and surface temperatures are above the manufacturer's recommended minimum surface temperature and below 100 degrees F, and surface temperature is at least 5 degrees above wet bulb air temperature reading. Coating shall not be applied to dusty, wet, or damp surfaces and shall not be applied in rain, snow, fog, or mist. If working conditions are questionable, the Engineer shall make the decision and the Contractor shall accept the Engineer's interpretation as final and binding. d. Prime coat must be applied within 8 hours of abrasive blasting. e. Apply by brush one (1) additional coat of primer to insure a uniform coat of primer thoroughly worked into and around all seams, welds, bolt assemblies, plate overlap seams, and other irregularities in the surface. f. Antennas, exterior coax cables, and exterior jumper cables to be painted to match existing tank color. All items attached directly to the tank, such as mounting brackets and supports, should be painted to match existing tank coating system and color. Cables may require scarification prior to coating. g. Exposed coaxial cables: Solvent wipe all exposed cables prior to priming with the recommended solvent. Prime the cables and jumper cables with 2 coats of X —I —M Coax Cable Binder & Sealer (Product No. 1138). Manufacturer's phone number is (800) 262 -8469. After priming, apply one finish coat to the cables as directed by the engineer. h. If galvanized materials used, the galvanized surfaces must be solvent wiped and brush — blasted prior to coating. j. Specifications apply to both shop and field coating. k. Exterior surface spot repair and re— coating: k.a. Spot prime and finish coat repaired areas as specified by manufacturer. The coating system shall match the existing coating system on the tower. The exterior primer shall be TNEMEC Series 90 -1K97 Aromatic Polyurethane, Zinc Rich Primer 2.0 — 3.5 mils DFT. The DFT of the primer at any individual spot measurement location shall be 3.0 mils minimum. Intermediate coat shall be TNEMEC Series N140, at 4.0 — 6.0 mils DFT. The DF of the primer plus intermediate coat at any individual spot measurement location shall be 5.0 mils minimum. Exterior finish coat shall be TNEMEC Series 1075 at 2.0 — 4.0 mils DFT. The total dry film thickness including the primer and the finish coat shall be 8.0 mils minimum — 13.5 mils with an average of 11.0 mils DFT. The minimum dry film thickness of the coating at any individual spot location shall be 8.0 mils. Color shall match the existing coating color (TNEMEC 57BR "Cloud ") on the tower. k.b. Exterior coating shall be by brush and roller only. I. Interior wet surface spot repair and re— coating: Spot blast the interior area of the tank at locations damaged during installation of antenna support brackets and penetrations through tower, to an SSPC —SP -10 Near White Metal Blast. Feather edges of existing coating, at spot blasted areas, using SSPC —SP -3 Power Tool Cleaning methods. The coating system shall match the existing coating system on the tank. It is believed that the existing coating system is a TNEMEC Series 90 -1K97 Aromatic Polyurethane, Zinc Rich Primer 2.0 — 3.5 mils DFT. The DFT of the primer at any individual spot measurement location shall be 3.0 mils minimum. Intermediate coat shall be TNEMEC Series N140, at 4.0 — 6.0 mils DFT. The DFT of the primer plus intermediate coat at any individual spot measurement location shall be 6.0 mils minimum. The finish coat shall be TNEMEC Series N140 at 4.0 -6.0 mils. The total dry film thickness including the primer, intermediate and finish coat shall be 9.0 mils minimum — 12.0 mils with an average of 10.0 mils. The minimum dry film thickness of the coating at any individual spot location shall be 8.0 mils. The color shall match the existing interior dry color of 15 BL Tank White. Shop Painting shall follow the above mentioned procedures. IT. Antennal panel painting instructions: Hand scarify with 120 grit sand paper Solvent wipe the antennas with Denatured alcohol Prime with Sherwin Williams Pro —Cryl primer at 2.0 -4.— mils DFT Finish coat with Sherwin Williams Sher —Cryl high performance Acrylic at 2.0 -4.0 mils DFT Color to match the existing color on the tower (TNEMEC 57BR "Cloud ") J. LICENSED ARCHITECT 12427 Z ......... ..... ...: e - I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly registered Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota. ROBERT J. DAVIS, Reg. No. 12427 Date' DESIGN L 9973 VALLEY VIEW RD. EDEN PRAIRIE, MN 55344 (952) 903 -9299 W W W.DESIGNI EP.COM VERIZON WIRELESS 10801 BUSH LAKE ROAD BLOOMINGTON, MN 55438 (612) 720 -0052 I PROJECT I 20151251797 LOC. CODE: 387832 MINC HAYWARD SCHOOL BLVD MONTICELLO, MN 55362 SHEET CONTENTS: PAINTING SPECIFICATIONS DRAWN BY: TRD REV. A 1 REV. C 02 -16 -161 F fe MA GENERAL GROUNDING NOTES: An external buried ground ring (Lead 1) shall be established around the equipment shelter and tower foundations. Lead 1 shall be kept 24" from foundations; if foundations are less than 48" apart, keep Lead 1 centered between them. If the tower base is over 20' -0" from the equipment shelter, a separate Lead 1 shall be established around each foundation, and the two Lead 1 s shall be bonded with two parallel leads at least 6 feet apart horizontally. Connections between the two Lead is shall be bi— directional. All subgrade connections shall be by exothermic weld, brazed weld, or gas —tight UL467— listed compression fittings pre — filled with anti — oxidant compound. Subgrade connections shall not be 'cold galvanize' coated. Lead 1 shall be #2 solid bare tin —clad (SBTC) copper wire buried at local frost depth. Lead 1 bends shall be minimum 24" radius. 'Whip' lead bends may be of 12" radius. Ground rods shall be galvanized steel, 5/8 "0, spaced ten feet apart, or as shown. Rods shall be kept min. 24 inches from foundations. Ground rods are required to be installed at their full specified length. Depth shall be as shown in Detail 1/G1. SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS FOR GROUND RODS: When ground rods are not specified to be backfilled w/ Bentonite Slurry: If boulders, bedrock, or other obstructions prevent driving of ground rods, the Contractor will need to have drilling equipment bore a hole for ground rod placement. Hole to be backfilled w/ Bentonite Slurry. When specified with slurried Bentonite encasement, drilling equipment will be need to be used to be bore a hole for ground rod placement. Slurry shall be made from pelletized material ( "Grounding Gravel "); powdered Bentonite is not allowed. If boulders, bedrock, or other obstructions are found, Contractor shall drill to the specified depth and provide Bentonite encasements. Above —grade connections shall be by lugs w/ two —hole tongues unless noted otherwise, joined to solid leads by welding (T &B 54856BE 'BROWN'), self— threading (RECOGNIZED, EM 2522DH.75.312), or 10,000psi crimping (BURNDY YA3C 2TC 14E2). Surfaces that are galvanized or coated shall have coating(s) removed prior to bolting. Bolts shall be stainless steel with flat washers on each side of the connection and a lock washer beneath the fastening nut. Star —tooth washers shall be used between lug & dissimilar metal (capper —to— steel, etc) but are not required between tin —clad CU lugs & tin —clad CU bus bars. Lug tongues shall be coated with anti — oxidant compound, and excess compound wiped clean after bolting. The connection shall then be coated with cold — galvanizing compound, or with color— matching paint. Ground bars exposed to weather shall be tin —clad copper, and shall be clean of any oxidation prior to lug bolting. Galvanized items shall have zinc removed within 1" of weld area, and below lug surface contact area. After welding or bolting, the joint shall be coated with cold galvanizing compound. Ground Bar leads Ground bars are isolated electrically from tower bottoms and equipment shelters by their standoff mounts. Leads from each ground bar to the ground ring shall be a pair of #2 SBTC, each connected to Lead 1 bi— directionally with #2 SBTC 'jumpers'. Pairs of #2 SBTC may be required between ground bars. Leads shall be routed to ground bars as follows: * The Main Ground Bar (MGB), typically mounted inside on the equipment shelter 'back' wall. * The Entry Cable Port Ground Bars (ECPGB), mounted inside and outside on the equipment shelter walls beneath the transmission line port. Note: Transmission line grounds also attach to the ECPGBs. * The Transmission Line Ground Bar (TGB) mounted at the base of the tower to which the transmission line grounds are attached. Transmission line grounds also attach to the TGBs. NOTE: Contractor shall confirm that TGBs exist at 75 —foot vertical intervals on any guyed or self — support tower, and that transmission lines are grounded to each TGB. Only the bottom —most TGB is isolated from the tower steel frame; upper TGBs may use the tower steel frame as common ground, requiring no copper leads between TGBs. 2 SBTC Whip leads eads "Whip" leads shall connect the buried external ground King to the following items: Monopole Towers: * Three whips to flanges on the monopole base, at least 90' apart. If none are provided, attach to the baseplate or consult tower manufacturer. Self— Support Towers: * Two whips to flange(s) on each tower leg base. If none are provided, attach to the baseplate or consult tower manufacturer. Guyed Towers: * Two whips to flange(s) on the tower base. If none are provided, attach to the baseplate or consult tower manufacturer. * Establish a Lead 1 within the fence enclosure of each guy anchor, at least 40 foot perimeter and having 4 ground rods. * #2 SBTC leads shall extend up, and be clamped (bronze clamshell or equal), to any two guy wires. NEVER weld leads to the guy wires. The lead to the guy anchor 'hand' plate may be welded. Fences: Metallic fence within 25 feet of tower Lead 1, or within 6 feet of shelter lead 1, shall have whip leads as follows: * Each corner post. * Each pair of gate posts. * Any line post over 20' -0" from a grounded post. * Each gate leaf to its respective gatepost using braided strap (3/4 ", tin —clad copper w/ lug ends). * Fences around guy anchors shall be grounded in similar fashion. Fuel tanks: NEVER WELD to any fuel enclosure. NEVER penetrate the fuel containment. Metal tanks shall have one whip lead attached. Use an approved clamp or two —hole lug on an available flange. EE uioment Shelter and Other General Requirements: * Extend new Lead 216 up to shelter halo, remaking two —way connections as needed. Generator — equipped shelters have 6 such connections. Connections within the shelter shall be by compression; NEVER weld inside the shelter. * Each vertical support pipe of the exterior cable bridge. Bridge end shall be kept at least 6" from the tower structure. The cable bridge shall be jumpered to the vertical support pipes with #2 SBTC at each vertical support pipe. * Opposite corners of the roof shield over the equipment shelter. * Each HVAC unit shield, if separate (may be ' jumpered' to main roof shield). * Each HVAC package unit. * Commercial electric meter box. * Generator receptacle, if present. * Steel building skid, if shelter is metal frame. * Each air intake or exhaust fan vent louver. * Each generator vent hood or louver. * Generator exhaust stack, external. * Opposite corners of generator support frame, if separate from shelter. * Generator fuel tank, if separate from generator unit. * Host building rain gutter, downspouts, and roof flashings within 25 feet. * Telco MPOP (Main Point of Presence), if external to equipment shelter. * Within cable vaults, one each to the ladder and to the manhole rim. Note: The door frame is connected to the interior ground halo, and need no separate connection to the external ground ring. Inspection & Testing Test lead #1 and ground rods after installation but before backfilling or connecting to any other grounding, using the 3 —point fall of potential method. Contractor to notify Verizon Wireless senior construction engineer at least 48 hours prior to testing. Document installation and test results with photographs. SYMBOL AND NOTE LEGEND #2 SBTC AROUND SHELTER, TOWER, OR GUY ANCHOR 5/8" X 10' -0" GALVANIZED STEEL GROUND ROD O TEST WELL PREFERRED LOCATION #2 SBTC 'WHIP' LEAD (2) #2 SBTC FROM MGB, PGB, OR TGB TO LEAD 1 © AC HVAC UNIT 21B BC BUILDING CORNER © BO BOLLARD © CBS CABLE BRIDGE SUPPORT POST ® EL ELECTRICAL SERVICE GROUND © EM COMMERCIAL ELECTRICAL METER © FAN GUY ANCHOR PLATE © FP FENCE POST 90 GEN GENERATOR NSTD33 -9 GP GATE POST, 3/4" BRAID STRAP TO LEAF © GPS GPS UNIT © GUY GUY WIRE, MECH. CLAMP ONLY — NO WELDS © HL HOOD OR LOUVER © HB OUTSIDE OF HOFFMAN BOX 5Q MGB MAIN GROUND BAR © MU GENERATOR MUFFLER 53) PGB PORT GROUND BAR © RBR FOUNDATION REINFORCING © RS ROOF SHIELD © SB STEEL BEAM © SP STEEL POST © STP STEEL PLATFORM © TEL HOFFMAN BOX Q5 TGB TOWER GROUND BAR © TWR TOWER BASE © VP DIESEL FUEL VENT PIPE Note: Contractor to provide #2 solid bare tin —clad (SBTC) copper wire lead from #1 ground ring to air conditioner & ice shield if provided by VZW. LEAD IDENTIFICATION & DESCRIPTION: 1 RING, EXTERNAL BURIED w/ RODS #2 SBTC 1A RING, CONCRETE ENCASED #2 SBTC 2 DEEP ANODE (TO IMPROVE OHMS) ROD OR PIPE 3 RING TO BLDG STL FRAME #2 SBTC 4 MAIN AC PANEL NEUTRAL BUS TO (2) GROUND RODS, ISOLATED FROM LEAD #1 NEC 250.66 5 RING TO GROUND BAR T2TF2 SBTC 6 RING TO EXT MTL OBJECT #2 SBTC 7 DEEP ANODE TO MGB NSTD33 -9 8 AC PANEL TO WATER METER NEC 250.66 9 EXT WATER TO INT WATER PIPES NSTD33 -9 10 INT WATER PIPE TO MGB NSTD33 -9 11 -12 NOT USED 38 FGB TO PDU GB #750MCM I —STR 13 AC PANEL TO MGB NSTD33 -9 14 MGB /FGB TO BLDG STL FRAME #2/0 I —STR 14C MGB /FGB TO ROOF /WALL MTL PNL #1/0 I —STR 15 MGB /FGB TO FGB —HE SAME FLOOR #2/0 I —STR 16 NOT USED 16A ECPGB TO CABLE ENTRY RACK #1/0 I —STR 17 MGB TO CABLE SHIELDING #6 I —STR 17A ECPGB TO CABLE SHIELDING #6 I —STR 17B MGB /FGB TO F -0 SPLICE SHELF #1 I —STR 18 LOWEST MGB /FGB TO HIGHEST FGB #2/0 I —STR 19 LEAD 18 TO OTHER FGBs, <6' #2/0 I —STR 20 MGB /FGB TO BRANCH AC PNL #6 I —STR 20A NEAREST GRND TO DISCONNECT PNL NEC 250.66 20B GWB TO AC DISTR PNL #6 I —STR 21 MGB /FGB TO INT HALO #2 I —STR 21A INTERIOR 'GREEN' HALO #2 I —STR 21B INT HALO TO EXT RING #2 SBTC 21C INT HALO TO EQUIPMENT MTL #6 I —STR 22 ROOF TOWER RING TO ROOF GRND NFPA 780 23 MGB /FGB TO ECPGB, SAME FLOOR #1 I —STR 23A MGB /FGB TO CXR —HF LINR PROT #6 I —STR 24 ECPGB TO EACH PROTECTOR ASSEMBLY #6 I —STR 24A LOWER PROT ASSY TO UPPER #6 I —STR 25 RING TO NEAREST LIGHTNING ROD #2 SBTC 26 LGHTNG ROD SYS TO NEARBY MTL NFPA 780 27 RING TO TOWER RING (2) #2 SBTC 28 RING TO SHELTER RING (2) #2 SBTC 29 BRANCH AC PNL TO BTTY CHG FIRM NSTD33 -11 30 BRANCH AC PNL TO OUTLETS NSTD33 -11 31 MGB /FGB TO PWR, BTTY FRAMES #2/0 I —STR 32 #31 TO BATTERY CHARGER FRAME #6 I —STR 33 #31 TO BATTERY RACK FRAME #6 I —STR 34 #31 TO PCU FRAME #6 I —STR 35 #31 TO DSU FRAME #6 I —STR 36 #31 TO PDU FRAME #6 I —STR 37 MGB /FGB TO BUY RETURN NSTD33 -14.5 37A MGB /FGB TO RTN TERM CARR SUPP #6 I —STR 38 FGB TO PDU GB #750MCM I —STR 38A FGB TO PDU GB CARRIER SUPPLY #2/0 I —STR 39 DC BUS DUCT TO NEXT SECTION #6 I —STR 40 DC BUS DUCT TO MGB /FGB #6 I —STR 41A MGB /FGB TO #58 #2/0 I —STR 42 -44 NOT USED 45 MAIN AC PNL TO BRANCH AC PNL NSTD33 -11 46 BRANCH AC PNL TO DIED OUTLET NSTD33 -11 47 FGB TO INTEG FIRM #2 I —STR 48 LEAD #31 TO INTEG FIRM #6 I —STR 49 INTEG FIRM TO EQUIP SHELF BY FASTENERS 50 PDU BTTY REr TO #51 #2/0 I —STR 51 #50 TO TRANS FRM ISO DC PWR #6 I —STR 52 TRANS FIRM FUSE TO FIRM OR BAR #8 I —STR 53A MGB /FGB TO PDF /BDFB NSTD33 -22 54 MGB /FGB TO STATIC DEVICES #6 I —STR 55 MGB /FGB TO CABLE AT ENTRY #6 I —STR 56 MGB /FGB TO AC PWR RADIO XMTTR #6 I —STR 57A MGB /FGB TO CBL GRID /RUNWAY #2/0 I —STR 58A #41A TO AISLE FRAME #2 I —STR 59A #58A TO EACH SGL FRAME GRND #6 I —STR 60 -89 NOT USED 10,000 PSI COMPRESSION FITTING 90 GENERATOR FRAME TO EXT RING #2 SBTC LICENSED ARCHITECT 12427 e,� ` Z.................:- I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly registered Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota. ROBERT J. DAVIS, Reg. No. 12427 07, Date' DESIGN 9973 VALLEY VIEW RD. EDEN PRAIRIE, MN 55344 (952) 903 -9299 W W W.DESIGNI EP.COM VERIZON WIRELESS 10801 BUSH LAKE ROAD BLOOMINGTON, MN 55438 (612) 720 -0052 NOTE: REMOVE GALVANIZING FROM O DATE: O CHECKED BY: COB PROJECT FENCE POSTS IN AREAS LUGS WILL REV. B 12 -07 -15 REV. C BURNDY 20151251797 BE INSTALLED. LIGHTLY COAT THE O O YA6C 2TC 14 LOC. CODE: 387832 UNDERSIDE OF THE LUGS W/ CRIMP LUG O ANTI —OX COMPOUND BEFORE ATTACHING TO POSTS. BELDEN MIN C ru O UBgIAR HAYWARD BRAIDED TOP VIEW SIDE VIEW STRAP TWO —HOLE 10,000 PSI GATE BONDED TO FENCE POST HYTAP CONNECTOR COMPRESSION FITTING (2 TWO —HOLE 10,000 PSI COMPRESSION FITTING 10,000 PSI COMPRESSION FITTING UL 9498 LISTED w/ 314" BRAIDED TINNED COPPER JUMPER STRAP FITTING MUST BE UL467 LISTED SCHOOL BLVD ACCEPTABLE FOR DIRECT BURIAL MONTICELLO, MN 55362 COMPRESSION CONNECTOR DETAILS SHEET CONTENTS: 2 SCALE: NONE GROUNDING NOTES i 1 N KI &A1.� ul IIP'" TYPE VS TYPE VS ROUND SURFACE FLAT SURFACE WELD: THOMAS & BETTS, 54856BE BROWN33" CRIMP: BURNDY, YA3C 2TC 14E2, 10,000 PSI SCREW RECOGNIZED, EM 2522DH.75.312 TYPE HS TYPE GT TYPE PT TYPE GL LUG EXOTHERMIC WELD DETAILS 1 SCALE:NONE DRAWN BY: TRD DATE: 09 -15 -15 CHECKED BY: COB REV. A 10 -07 -15 REV. B 12 -07 -15 REV. C 02 -16 -16 G -1 10' -0° O.C. OR AS SHOWN NORTH GROUNDING PLAN 1 SCALE: NONE �-D EM ©yI SP I I I I I® I I 0 o w o ¢ V) N I1 r - - - -1 1 I L - - - -J x- GROUNDING DETAIL INDEX J..Dq /L',, O��•° �� °•°.rte LICENSED ARCHITECT I - 12427 /9 <, p•`� % .......... 777 DETAIL DETAIL DESCRIPTION 11.1 TEST WELL DETAIL GROUND RING & ROD DETAIL 11.2 SHELTER HALO DETAIL 11.3 REBAR GROUNDING DETAIL 11.4 if 11.5 TYPICAL GROUNDING CABLE BRIDGE DETAIL 11.6 TYPICAL TOWER GROUNDING DETAIL FPQ6 FP TEST WELL PREFERRED // y j �y - - -� LOCATION i _ i ©© EL � � SRS �!\ �, � 1© GP 1 x I I I x AC 6� I I x - I AC© x I j RS 1 1 I FP© 4 ' o III �� /I GP FP© ©I I I TELI 1 I / RBR 10' -0° O.C. OR AS SHOWN NORTH GROUNDING PLAN 1 SCALE: NONE �-D EM ©yI SP I I I I I® I I 0 o w o ¢ V) N I1 r - - - -1 1 I L - - - -J x- GROUNDING DETAIL INDEX J..Dq /L',, O��•° �� °•°.rte LICENSED ARCHITECT I - 12427 /9 <, p•`� % .......... 777 DETAIL DETAIL DESCRIPTION 11.1 TEST WELL DETAIL GROUND RING & ROD DETAIL 11.2 SHELTER HALO DETAIL 11.3 REBAR GROUNDING DETAIL 11.4 CONDUIT DETAIL & CONCRETE STOOP PENETRATION DETAIL 11.5 TYPICAL GROUNDING CABLE BRIDGE DETAIL 11.6 TYPICAL TOWER GROUNDING DETAIL I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly registered Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota. ROBERT J. DAVIS, Reg. No. 12427 ice.• .�. Date: DESIGN 9973 VALLEY VIEW RD. EDEN PRAIRIE, MN 55344 (952) 903 -9299 WWW.DESIGNlEP.COM VERIZON WIRELESS 10801 BUSH LAKE ROAD BLOOMINGTON, MN 55438 (612) 720 -0052 PROJECT 20151251797 LOC. CODE: 387832 MINC HAYWARD SCHOOL BLVD MONTICELLO, MN 55362 SHEET CONTENTS: GROUNDING PLAN NOTE: DRAWN BY: DATE: 1. CONTRACTOR SHALL ENSURE THAT EACH CHECKEDE WHIP IS ROUTED TO LEAD 1 BY THE REV. A SHORTEST PATH, AND BENDS SHALL NOT REV.B BE LESS THAN 12" RADIUS REV. C G -2 TRDI 10 -07 -15 12 -07 -15 02 -16 -16 �ryF L YNUVUStU WANU HULG/VULL tlUR, LOCATED WITHIN PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY INSTALLED BY DARK FIBER PROVIDER PROPOSED FIBER DISTRIBUTION PEDESTAL MAY BE REQUIRED BY UTILITY PROVIDER / _ PROPOSED HAND HOLE /PULL BOX, LOCATED WITHIN PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY INSTALLED BY LIT FIBER PROVIDER PROPOSED 17" X 30" X 24" HAND HOLE /PULL BOX, 12" MAX. FROM RIGHT OF WAY. BY G.C. °yF 0� �c �XISTINC OF WAY LINE Oye ye v � c °yf N S ` LESSEE 20' WIDE �He ACCESS & UTILTIES A , RIGHTS OF WAY \ �\ \ EXISTING SIGN ��� �yF� 3 Oy0 L \yc 0/,Z- �Oy OyF >F \ °yf EXISTINTYPTILITIES, °ye LESSEE 10' WIDE °yF UTILTIES RIGHT OF WAY X EXISTING 6' WIDE DRAINAGE \ % \ \ & UTILTIES EASEMENT % \ � o \ yF \E NORTH FIBER PULL BOX LOCATION PLAN GRAPHIC SCALE 3 SCALE: 1/16" = 1' -0" o 1 81 18' PROPOSED UGC 0 ELECTRICAL RUN FROM METER & DISCONNECT TO SHELTER, GC, 2 APPROX 20 LFJ + I I 0 I 0 PROPOSED JUNCTION BOX WITH INTERNAL GROUND BAR I (PER GROUNDING DETAIL) I PROPOSED UG FIBER I OPTIC RUN FROM HAND HOLE TO SHELTER c� LESSEE 10' WIDE �I UTILITIES RIGHT OF WAY /-4—x L3 PROPOSED METER & OG f` I DISCO DENNECT, SEE I TAIL INDEX L I LESSEE 33 X 20' LAND SPACE PROPOSED 17" X 30" X 24" HAND HOLE /PULL BOX AND UNDERGROUND FIBER CONDUIT TO JUNCTION BOX BY G.C. NORTH 2 COMPOUND UTILITY PLAN GRAPHIC SCALE SCALE: 1/16" = 1' -0" o 1 st 1s' PROPOSED UNDERGROUND FIBER CONDUIT WITH A TRACEABLE WIRE FROM HAND HOLE /PULL BOX WITHIN PROPERTY, TO COMPOUND HAND HOLE /PULL BOX BY G.C., MINIMUM OF 42" BELOW GRADE W/ 2 DETECTABLE RIBBONS, APPROX 710 LF LESSEE 20' WIDE ACCESS — & UTILITIES RIGHTS OF WAY POWER TYPE: \ \ \\ 120/240V, SINGLE `� PHASE, 200 AMPS t-4 1. CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE PUBLIC AND PRIVATE UTILITY LOCATES PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION START. NOTIFY THE ARCHITECT AND THE VZW CONSTRUCTION ENGINEER IMMEDIATELY OF ANY UTILITY LINE ISSUES. 2. EXISTING UNDERGROUND UTILITY LOCATIONS ARE APPROXIMATE AND NOT ALL UTILITIES ARE SHOWN. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE TO NOT DAMAGE UNDERGROUND UTILITIES AND MUST CONDUCT BOTH PUBLIC AND PRIVATE UTILITY LOCATES BEFORE EXCAVATING. 3. CONTRACTOR SHALL RESTORE ALL AREAS, INCLUDING LANDSCAPE, DISTURBED BY CONSTRUCTION TO PRE — CONSTRUCTION CONDITIONS. 4. PROPOSED CONDUIT TO BE 2" DIA SCHEDULE 40, 2" DIA SCHEDULE 80 CONDUIT TO BE INSTALLED UNDER A ROADWAY /PARKING LOT OR IF SPECIFIED BY A LAND OWNER �X ", t OyF - -- \ UTILIZE EXISTING TRANSFORMER _ PROPOSED UG ELECTRICAL I \\X \ RUN FROM EXISTING ( / TRANSFROMER TO METER & DISCONNECT, BY GC, MIN 42" BELOW GRADE, N / W/ 2 DETECTABLE RIBBONS, APPROX 155 LF / I \ V x _ _x_' \• I� u1 I � � x x �—x x x x x x —x— O II I I II II I Lj I� I NORTH 1 SITE UTILITY PLAN GRAPHIC SCALE SCALE: V = 100' -0" o so' 00' LICENSED ARCHITECT 12427 Q I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly registered Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota. ROBERT J. DAVIS, Reg. No. 12427 Sign Date: DESIGN h. 9973 VALLEY VIEW RD. EDEN PRAIRIE, MN 55344 (952) 903-9299 WWW.DESIGNIEP.COM VERIZON WIRELESS 10801 BUSH LAKE ROAD BLOOMINGTON, MN 55438 (612) 720 -0052 I PROJECT I 20151251797 LOC. CODE: 387832 MINC HAYWARD SCHOOL BLVD MONTICELLO. MN 55362 SHEET CONTENTS: SITE UTILITY PLAN PULLBOX LOCATION PLAN DRAWN BY: TRD DATE: 09 -15 -15 CHECKED BY: CDB REV. B 12-07-151 REV. C U -1 mm 4255 LeAit Avenue N. 8L Paul, Minnesota %125 Plwrie: 551.415.3550 Fax: 541.415.2001 Paul -Bb i Verret -DBbdl lakes- Fatal -Sian Fess W Web: www.uSeiS.aan EXISTING I hereby certify that this plan SEAM WELD epareidcabonmero report PROP. CABLES —FIBER nder m P p Y Y FEED TAILS FROM MAIN direct supervision and that I DISTRIBUTION BOX am a duly Licensed Professional (SECTOR Z) TO RRUS Engineer nder the laws (SECTOR Z) (FIELD of the e St State of Minnesota. VERIFY) - zz ryPed d or ISAAC ODLAND Z" SECTOR @ ", / Signature: 290° AZIMUTH - EXISTING 47985 3 "x3"xY4° KICKERS PROPOSED MAIN - (TYP.) BOX AND ., !> Q' 0 Gj�Q. "X" SECIOR @ Lc No.: oa }e: 12 -07 -15 RRUS. RRUS. TYP. EACH 50° AZIMUTH EXISTING SECTOR , \ 1 ( WATER TAN �� CONCRETE WALL • ° EXISTING - TANK 1% PROPOSED ANTENNAS TYP. EACH SECTOR EXISTING WATER MAIN DESIGN 6 CONTRACTOR TO UTILIZE VENT ` SUPPORT EXISTING PENETRATIONS �� ROBERT J DAVIS, All FOR VERIZON CABLE, WITH G PROP. CABLES—FIBER ARCHITECT NEW WATERPROOF BOOTS 5(� MAIN 9973 VALLEY VIEW RD. \ (FIELD VERIFY SIZE) TYP. "" -- -- -_\ \ DISTRIBUTIONF BOOM EDEN PRAIRIE, MN 55344 �Q. — (SECTOR X) TO RRUS (952) 903 -9299 EXISTING AIRWAY �� (i (SECTOR X) (FIELD ANTENNA BY OTHERS VERIFY) EXISTING (TYP. 3 LOCATIONS) B CLIMBING TYP. S-6 PROPOSED PENETRATION LADDER PROPOSED IN EXISTING DRYTUBE FOR EXISTING I 1O ANTENNA TYP. PROPOSED HYBRID DRYWELL EACH SECTOR CABLES. SEE DETAIL E TUBE �\O SHEET S -2. (FIELD (3) PROP. HYBRID CABLES Q 7 EXISTING VERIFY LOCATION) VERIZON FROM GROUND EQUIPMENT , - - -� � ' EXISTING � � _ -" PROPOSED OVERFLOW FOR PROPOSED HYBRID CABLE TO MAIN DISTRIBUTION BOXES DRYWELL RRUS. TYP. PIPE AND WIRELESS (SECTOR X, Y AND Z) �� TUBE EACH SECTOR WALL ROUTING INSIDE BELOW SUPPORT EXISTING DRYTUBE 10801 BUSH LAKE ROAD CONTRACTOR TO INSTALL SEE DETAIL A SHEET S -3 BLOOMINGTON, MN 55438 Z— BRACKETS BETWEEN EXISTING DRY TUBE AND HANDRAIL \T EXISTING OBSTRUCTION �� PROPOSED FOR HYBRID CABLE f EXISTING MANWAY I LIGHT TO BE HYBRID CABLES INSTALLATION (TYP). TANK HATCH RAISED AND TO BE ROUTED (FIELD VERIFY EXACT VENT RELOCATED TO EXISTING UNDER EXISTING LOCATION, Z— BRACKET EXIST VERTICAL CATWALK CATWALK AT THIS PROJECT LENGTH & QUANTITY)(SEE —� POST. SEE DETAIL AND LOCATION ONLY C /S -3 FOR ADDITIONAL C SHEET S -4 RAILING 20151251797 INFORMATION) EXISTING OVERHEAD MINC — - EXISTING EXISTING CLIMBING °�� DOOR CONDUIT FOR LADDER FROM GROUND o OBSTRUCTION LIGHT LEVEL TO CATWALK LEVEL HAYWARD EXISTING JUNCTION BOX AND CONDUIT a o o EXISTING PROPOSED HYBRID CABLES CONDUITS AT ON CLUSTER BOX MOUNT FLOOR LEVEL EXISTING CONDUIT ROUTED (SEE DETAIL D SHEET S -2) (TYP.) ALONG THE OUTSIDE OF THE EXISTING HANDRAIL SCHOOL BOULEVARD PROP. CABLES —FIBER PROPOSED MINTICELLO, MN 55362 FEED TAILS FROM MAIN HYBRID CABLE ON VERTICAL DISTRIBUTION BOX BRACKET MOUNT (SECTOR Y) TO RRUS A �� (SECTOR Y) (FIELD "Y" SHEET S-2) PROPOSED PLAN VIEW VERIFY) SECTOR @ 170' AZIMUT' N N DRAWN BY: GJP DATE: 12 -07 -15 CHECKED BY: IJO REV. 0 LEI PROJ. # 15.003359 PLAN @ PROPOSED ANTENNA LAYOUT 1/4° = V -0° B PLAN @ PROPOSED WATER TOWER GROUND �,. - - A S- LEVEL ALONG WITH CATWALK /DRYTUBE LAYOUT 1 FIELD VERIFY LOCATION OF CONTRACTOR TO FIELD VERIFY LOCATION OF PROPOSED APPLY SILICONE PROPOSED BRACKET CAULK PRIOR TO BRACKET wi� TIGHTENING NUTS PROPOSED SIMPSON (TYP.) TITEN HD CONCRETE ANDREW GALV, OUTSIDE SCREW ANCHOR Y2 "x3" (2 SCREWS QWLe.1i A- .N. BL Peal, 11,11 Win (3) PROP. HYBRID UNIVERSAL ANGLE CABLES WITH EQUAL MOUNTED @ 3' -0" O.C. SNAP —IN HANGERS - - -- —_- EXISTING WATER TOWER CONCRETE PER BRACKET) (IF NEEDED OVERSIZED WASHER) ote Phan: e5—I&W5a Fax 851.x15.2001 sc Pie - elPeacx- De— -De lUi -Farpo -Stitt Fab We°° www.olrolo�wa AND GROMMETS CONTRACTOR TO ' PROVIDE & INSTALL A (3) PROP. HYBRID CABLES WITH WALL NEOPRENE PAD AND - SNAP —IN HANGERS. I hereby certify that this plan METAL SHIM BETWEEN OUTSIDE / AND GROMMETS 5 specification, or report was prepared by me or under my THE BEAM CLAMP & _ direct supervision and that I THE LIP OF THE 4 CONTRACTOR TO a m a duly Licensed Professional EXISTING CATWALK a NSIDE N CAULK PRIOR TO of Engineer d the of r Minnesota. _ TIGHTENING NUTS rasa air PROPOSED EXISTING CATWALK (TYP.) Printed Name: ISAAC ODLAND VALMONT /SITE PRO 1 SNBX3 GALV. MINI � EXISTING WATER 11 14° 010 BRACKET @ TOWER CONCRETE Signature, 48" O.C. MAX OR WALL a Li, Na... 47985 APPROVED EQUIVALENT Q CONTRACTOR TO INSTALL (TYR) 1/2 "0 GALVANIZED A36 Dare: 12 -07 -15 CONTRACTOR TO INSTALL J —BOLT FOR HYBRID VALMONT SP1587 BRACKET CABLE AND COAX - TO PROPERLY SECURE .SUPPORT (CONTRACTOR NSIDE HORIZONTAL COAX AND TO VERIFY EXACT HYBRID CABLE. (FIELD QUANTITY AND LOCATION) PROPOSED SIMPSON VERIFY EXACT LOCATIONS (TYP.) DESIGN CONTRACTOR TO INSTALL TITEN HD CONCRETE AND QUANTITY, SPACE AT VALMONT SP1587 BRACKET SCREW ANCHOR 48" O.C. MAX.) ROBERT J DAVIS, All TO PROPERLY SECURE Y "x3" ( 2 SCREWS (3) PROP. HYBRID HORIZONTAL COAX AND PER BRACKET) (IF CABLES WITH ARCHITECT HYBRID CABLE. (FIELD NEEDED OVERSIZED SNAP —IN HANGERS 9973 VALLEY VIEW RD. VERIFY EXACT LOCATIONS WASHER) AND GROMMETS EDEN PRAIRIE, MN 55344 AND QUANTITY, SPACE AT (952) 903 -9299 48" O.C. MAX.) PROPOSED COAX ROUTING PROPOSED HORIZONTAL COAX ROUTING AT PROPOSED COAX VERTICAL ROUTING FROM AT CATWALK Nc - C FLOOR LEVEL (IF NEEDED) No SCALE B FLOOR LEVEL TO CATWALK LEVEL No SCALE A GENERAL NOTES: NOTE: CONTRACTOR TO FORM KICK PLATE 1. FIELD VERIFY EXACT LOCATION OF NEW USING (1) 10 "0 SCH. 80 PIPE & Y2" VERIZON PENETRATION TO AVOID INTERFERING WITH CLIMBING LADDERS AND ANY OTHER PART OF FLAT STOCK. W WIRELESS THE WATER TOWER. 10801 BUSH LAKE ROAD 2. PROPOSED PENETRATION SHALL BE BLACK HOT BLOOMINGTON, MN 55438 DIPPED GALVANIZED, (FIELD PRIMED AND PAINTED TO MATCH THE EXISTING WATER TOWER COLOR. EXISTING WATER TANK DRYWELL PROJECT F 20151251797 S -2 MINC HAYWARD Y2 "x12 %4" PLATE 4" 7 0' N SCHOOL BOULEVARD MINTICELLO, MN 55362 SHEET CONTENTS: BEVEL PLATE AS SHOWN SECTIONS AND DETAILS 10 "4 SCH. 80 PIPE DRAWN BY: GJP SEAL (CUT IN HALF) DATE: 12 -07 -15 3/5 WELD BY: IJO NCHECKED REV. 0 LEI PROJ. # 15.00359 PROPOSED PENETRATION AT No SCALE F PROPOSED PENETRATION AT No SCALE E PROPOSED PENETRATION AT No SCALE D S -2 EXIST. WATER TOWER DRY TUBE EXIST. WATER TOWER DRY TUBE EXIST. WATER TOWER DRYWELL NOTE: A METAL SHIM SHALL BE USED ALONG WITH NEOPRENE PAD AT ALL CLAMP LOCATIONS. PROPOSED SITE PRO 1 PART# NOTE: ZB24 Z- BRACKET BOLTED TO (3) PROP. HYBRID INSTALL NEOPRENE PAD UNISTRUT FOR COAX SUPPORT CABLES WITH 4285 LeAnpbn Avenue N. @ ALL CLAMP LOCATIONS (TYP.) (TYP.) SNAP -IN HANGERS EXISTING DRYWELL LADDER BL Peal, Minnesota 55128 Ph M: WIAMMO Fax: ' EXISTING AND GROMMETS EXISTING DRYWELL SI PaWe'anmck3 DenverOWOH IeWs farpp 9bux Falls wx,:.ww.a�o.aom HANDRAIL CONTRACTOR TO UTILIZE (3) PROPOSED HYBRID EXISTING PROP. DRYTUBE PROPOSED GALV. EXPANSION HANGER EXISTING PENETRATIONS CABLES WITH SNAP -IN DRYWELL EXPANSION RING MOUNTED 48" O.C. FOR VERIZON CABLE, WITH HANGERS AND GROMMETS FULL HEIGHT OF I hereby certify that this plan NEW WATERPROOF BOOTS (FIELD VERIFY SIZE) TYP. CONTRACTOR TO INSTALL 1/2 "0 GALVANIZED A36 i� THE DRYWELL specification, p r ed by or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I J -BOLT FOR HYBRID am a duly Licensed Professional CABLE AND COAX under CONTRACTOR TO SUPPORT (CONTRACTOR of thleeState of Minnesota. - - - - - -- — APPLY SILICONE CAULK PRIOR TO TO VERIFY EXACT Typed Printed Name: ar ISAAC ODLAND ----- - - - - -� TIGHTENING NUTS QUANTITY AND LOCATION) (TYP.) (TYP.) L '4' GGL� signature: U.. No.: 47985 Date: 12 -07 -1 5 TOP OF TANK PROPOSED GALV. PROPOSED GALV. COAX ANGLE ADAPTER FOR UNISTRUT COAX ANGLE ADAPTER FOR UNISTRUT ATTACHMENT TO — - DESIGN ATTACHMENT ATTACHMENT TO EXISTING HATCH EXISTING BOTTOM RAIL PLATE ROBERT J DAVIS, All (2) PROPOSED EXISTING CATWALK ARCHITECT UNISTRUTS, FIELD AND 9973 VALLEY VIEW RD. VERIFY LENGTH. RAILING EDEN PRAIRIE, MN 55344 (952) 903 -9299 PROPOSED HYBRID INSTALLATION AT TOP NO SCALE C J—HOOK NO SCALE B PROPOSED CABLE ROUTING FULL NO SCALE A OF EXIST. WATER TOWER HEIGHT OF DRYWELL VERIZON NOTE: INSTALL NEOPRENE PAD NOTE: INSTALL NEOPRENE PAD @ ALL CLAMP LOCATIONS (TYP.) @ ALL CLAMP LOCATIONS (TYP.) WIRELESS 10801 BUSH LAKE ROAD NOTE: NOTE: BLOOMINGTON, MN 55438 A METAL SHIM SHALL BE USED A METAL SHIM SHALL BE USED ALONG WITH NEOPRENE PAD AT ALONG WITH NEOPRENE PAD AT ALL CLAMP LOCATIONS. ALL CLAMP LOCATIONS. PROPOSED GALV. PROJECT COAX CLUSTER FOR COAX TO BE ROUTED PROPOSED GALV. COAX CLUSTER FOR AS NEEDED ALONG COAX TO BE ROUTED BOTTOM RAIL AS NEEDED ALONG 20151251797 BOTTOM RAIL MINC HAYWARD (2) PROP. HYBRID CABLES WITH SNAP -IN (1) PROP. HYBRID HANGERS AND CABLE WITH SNAP -IN GROMMETS HANGER AND GROMMET PROPOSED GALV. A COAX ANGLE ADAPTER PROPOSED GALV. SCHOOL BOULEVARD FOR COAX TO coax ANGLE ADAPTER MINTICELLO, MN 55362 ROUTED AS NEEDED FOR COAX TO BE � ALONG BOTTOM RAIL - ROUTED AS NEEDED SHEET CONTENTS: ALONG BOTTOM RAIL J EXISTING TOE KICK SECTIONS AND DETAILS EXISTING TOE KICK DRAWN BY: GJP DATE: 12 -07 -15 CHECKED BY: IJO REV. 0 UEI PROJ. # 15.00359 NOT USED NO SCALE F PROPOSED HYBRID CABLE ROUTING ALONG TOP NO SCALE E PROPOSED HYBRID CABLE ROUTING ALONG TOP NO SCALE D S -3 OF EXISTING WATER TOWER OF EXISTING WATER TOWER NOTE: 1. PROPOSED OBSTRUCTION LIGHT MOUNTING PROP. HYBRID CABLE SUPPORT AND ffl-� PIPE, BRACKETS AND MOUNTING HARDWARE ROUTING NOTES: SHALL BE GALVANIZED. (TYP.) 1. CONTRACTOR SHALL SWEEP /ROUTE PROPOSED HYBRID CABLE AS NEEDED TO NOT INTERFERE WITH 4285 Left— A --N. EXISTING PROPOSED ANTENNA MOUNTING FRAMES AND BRACES. Ph - G51A15�380o51 Fax: 851.a152801 OBSTRUCTION si. PaW- elsrrt- oea.« -oeooa �„- F,xeP -sw�x Falls LIGHT RELOCATED 2. CONTRACTOR SHALL ROUTE AND INSTALL THE PROPOSED Web: —A.10— HYBRID CABLE TO THE PROPOSED COAX BRACKETS WITH SNAP -IN HANGERS GROMMETS, CONTRACTOR SHALL COMPLETE ANY AND ALL REPAIRS AS REQUIRED I hereby certify that this plan PRIOR TO THE INSTALLATION OF THE PROPOSED HYBRID CABLE. (REPAIR PAINT AS NEEDED TO MATCH EXISTING specification, or report was AFTER REPAIRS). prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws NOTES: NOTES: of the state of Minnesota. CONTRACTOR TO U Typed ar WELD A THREADED ADAPTER TO THE 1. CONTRACTOR TO INSTALL HOIST 1. CONTRACTOR TO REPAIR AND PAINT TO MATCI GRIPS TO SECURE HYBRID CABLE EXISTING WATER TOWER AS REQUIRED AFTER Printed Nome: ISAAC ODLAND �'p Gm ON J- BOLTS. signature: ��° TOP OF THE PIPE PLACEMENT OF PROPOSED ANTENNA MOUNTING 2 ANY EQUIPMENT INSTALLED SHALL TO ALLOW TO ALLOW HARDWARE. NOT INTERFERE WITH THE U.. No.: 47985 OF 2. CONTRACTOR TO INSTALL WELDED INSERTS ON NORMAL OPERATION OR USE OF EXISTING PIPE, BOTH ENDS OF THE ANTENNA MOUNTING PIPES THE TOWER. Date: 12 -07 -15 JUNCTION BOX PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. ALL ATTACHMENTS TO THE WATER AND LIGHT 3. CONTRACTOR SHALL UTILIZE NEOPRENE STRIPS TOWER HANDRAIL SYSTEM MUST ON HARDWARE WHERE CONTACT IS MADE WITH BE MADE IN A MANNER THAT NOTE: PAINTED SURFACES. FASTENING SEQUENCE MAINTAINS COMPLIANCE WITH CONTRACTOR TO SHOULD INCLUDE NYLON WASHERS BETWEEN THE CURRENT OSHA REQUIREMENTS o PLACE RELOCATED OBSTRUCTION LIGHT PLATE PIVOT PLATES 2" DIA. 6 1/2" PAINTED SURFACE AND THE GALVANIZED WASHER. FOR ACCESS. DESIGN J.� ■ �►�7 V AT EXISTING SCHEDULE VERITCAL HAND RAIL 80 PIPE POST (CONTRACTOR PAINTING / GALVANIZING NOTES: NOTE: ROBERT J DAVIS, All TO SEAL BOTH ARCHITECT = �AICHFDULF ENDS) 1 . IN GENERAL WHERE ANGLE 9973 VALLEY VIEW RD. 1. PROPOSED ANTENNAS INSTALLED ON THE EXTERIOR ADAPTERS, CLAMPS OR ANY OTHER EDEN PRAIRIE, MN 55344 _ ro OF THE WATER TOWER SHALL BE SHOP PAINTED TO AREAS OF WHICH THERE IS METAL TO (952) 903 -9299 80 PIPE r�i 3�Ig" MATCH THE EXISTING WATER TOWER COLOR. (VERIFY METAL CONTACT, PROVIDE A NEOPRENE z (CONTRACTOR TO COLOR). AND TAPE COLORED CLOSELY TO SEAL BOTH ENDS) N MATCH THE TOWER COLOR BETWEEN Q 2. ALL EXPOSED JUMPERS AND HYBRID CABLES SHALL THE PART AND THE BASE MATERIAL TO B BE PREVENT EXCESS DAMAGE TO THE THE EXISTING WATER TOWER ° PLATE COLOR. (VDERiFOY COLOR) COATING AND PROVIDE A MOISTURE "x6)'z "x0' BARRIER IN THE EVENT OF COATING Ya -6° 3. PROPOSED MOUNTING PIPES AND ALL MOUNTING DAMAGE IF ANGLE ADAPTERS ARE HARDWARE IS TO BE GALVANIZED AND OR PROVIDED USED, PROVIDE THE NEOPRENE IN A NON- CORRODING MATERIAL. BARRIER AND A METAL SHIM. VERIZON 0 WIRELESS INSTALL ° NEOPRENE PAD \ 1 4" EXIST. 10801 BUSH LAKE ROAD w ° L ALL CLAMP LOCATIONS (TYP.) � VERTICAL BLOOMINGTON, MN 55438 x HAND RAIL o PIVOT PLATES SHALL (2) VALMONT POST BE TRIMMED TO SCP CLAMP HAVE A V' RADIUS HALVES OR EQUAL (2> 3i8° DIA. PROJECT 112" 2., 1 1/2° 1 1/2° U -BOLTS 20151251797 EXIST. 3 /s" DIA PIN AND MIN RAILING O COTTER KEY (PIN VERTICAL REMOVAL WILL POST ALLOW LIGHT TO PIVOT FOR BULB HAYWARD CHANGING) N _ B � SCHOOL BOULEVARD MINTICELLO, MN 55362 a SHEET CONTENTS: EXIST. TANK SECTIONS AND DETAILS ROOF \ 3/8" DIA BOLT W/ WASHER AND LOCK + NUT (LOOSEN TO o ALLOW LIGHT TO PIVOT) RE -ROUT EXISTING CONDUIT TO PROPOSED DRAWN BY: GJP OBSTRUCTION LIGHT LOCATION, CONTRATOR DATE: 12 -07 -15 CHECKED BY: IJO TO PLACE FLEXIBLE CONDUIT AT BASE OF REV.O LIGHT TO ALLOW THE LIGHT TO PIVOT UEI PROJ. # 15.00359 EXISTING OBSTRUCTION LIGHT RELOCATED/RAISED NO SCALE C PROPOSED OBSTRUCTION NO SCALE B NOTES NO SCALE A % LIGHT MOUNTING ERICSSON RRUS -12 W/ SOLAR SHIELD AND RRUS A2 RX MODULE COMSCOPE RxxDC- 3315 —PF -48 DIMENSIONS, WxDxH:470x275x518mm (18.50 "00.8 %20.39 ") WEIGHT, WITHOUT BRACKETS: 80 Ibs DIMENSIONS, WxDxH:40Cx26lx564mm (15.73 "x10.25 "x22.98 ") f WEIGHT, WITH BRACKETS: 27 Ibs I ":-y.� = �•t$ 4285 Lexing— Avenue N. St. Paul, Minnesota 55128 ll Pbone: 881.415.9800 Fex: 851.418.2801 aPeul -9 l- Demer- Delmit Lelw -FU -9 Felt Web: www.ultelB.mm f + I_ li? hereby Y °�ify that this plan �I * f # f ♦� *R! ! �� #* �s�lR* f *- l i f 'f'�.* f t� # !� �' �• I PROP. PIPE MOUNT, specification, or report was lob prepared y me or under my !fli!! R �R�f ff# �* #� r��'� #,� to e- 2} USING SUPPLIED EQUIPMENT HARDWARE, direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional �!f# � 7 l MOUNT BRACKET TO Engineer under the laws �I/i!.* f l��a _ ANTENNA PIPE of the State of Minnesota. * #tt ! # # # R !� ; rr 3 of+ f Typed or Printed Name: ISAAC ODLAND � Signature: Lie. No.: 47985 u i I �f PRQP. EQUIPMENT AND °atav 12 -07 -15 !; �710[H WIPI0plkt>r1� MOUNTING BRACKET �. r I y �•. 96` 21XW WEI�B e11t"�. - t„ Oan the ir5kided an IeR r r - t = — DESIGN ; LtUTtBeex 1rr.ILKRd �I #I ROBERT J DAVIS, AIA • ARCHITECT y 9973 VALLEY VIEW RD. EDEN PRAIRIE, MN 55344 (952) 903 -9299 RRUS -12 W/ SOLAR SHIELD NO SCALE C MAIN DISTRIBUTION BOX (TOP) No SCALE B PROPOSED MAIN DISTRIBUTION No SCALE A VERIZON AND RRUS A2 RX MODULE BOX MOUNTING HARDWARE WIRELESS ERICSSON RRUS -135 W/ SOLAR SHIELD ERICSSON RRUS —B13 W/ SOLAR SHIELD 10801 BUSH LAKE ROAD AND RRUS A2 RX MODULE AND RRUS A2 RX MODULE BLOOMINGTON, MN 55438 DIMENSIONS, Wx Dx H:432x183x501mm (17 "x7.2 "x19.7 ") DIMENSIONS, WxDxH:432x183x501mm (17 °x7.2 "x19.7 ") WEIGHT, WITHOUT BRACKETS: 80 Ibs WEIGHT, WITHOUT BRACKETS: 80 Ibs PROJECT 20151251797 MINC A "I ! 41 #, � #! 0l0� HAYWAR D ��� * #.0 8,* *ff't ; #��ert 110 too 01.10 0 00# me 064 SCHOOL BOULEVARD *e, PROP. PIPE MOUNT, USING SUPPLIED #, *, MINTICELLO, MN 55362 - - EQUIPMENT HARDWARE, *, SHEET CONTENTS: MOUNT BRACKET TO ANTENNA PIPE SECTIONS AND DETAILS �t DRAWN BY: GJP - _ a DATE: 12 -07 -15 ` J' 1 PROP. GALV. ' �' CHECKED BY: IJO .. -. - _ -.• , EQUIPMENT PIPE REV. 0 r - - Ir L- UEI PROJ. # 15.00359 RRUS' -135 W/ SOLAR SHIELD No SCALE F RRUS W/ SOLAR SHIELD NO SCALE E RRUS -1313 W/ SOLAR SHIELD No SCALE D S -5 AND RRUS A2 RX MODULE AND RRUS A2 RX MODULE MOUNTING AND RRUS A2 RX MODULE PROPOSED MAIN DISTRIBUTION BOX SEE DETAIL B SHEET S -5 FOR S Min— MORE INFO Se mil, Wl+ Pboee: 861.415.9800 Fez: 851.4152001 9LPm -9 l-Demer -De [Lelw-FUpo.9 Felt Web: www.ultelB.mm y I hereby certify that this plan specification, or report was PROP. 2Y2" SCH. 80 x 8' -0" PROP. 2X" SCH. 80 x 8' -0" — prepared by me or under my PIPE (MAX.) (BOTH ENDS PIPE (MAX.) (BOTH ENDS direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional CAPPED WITH WELDED END CAPPED WITH WELDED END Engineer under the laws LJ LJ I CAPS, FIELD VERIFY) CAPS, FIELD VERIFY) of the State of Minnesota. I PROP. 2Y2" SCH. 80 x 8' -0" — PROPOSED Typed or O PIPE (MAX.) (BOTH ENDS ANTENNA Printed Name: ISAAC ODLAND CAPPED WITH WELDED END AND MOUNTING HARDWARE CGG� CAPS, FIELD VERIFY) sign0lure: nEm� I I Lie. No.: 47985 INSIDE HANDRAIL INSIDE HANDRAIL INSIDE HANDRAIL Dale. 12 -07 -15 OUTSIDE HANDRAIL C'JTSIDE HANDRAIL OUTSIDE HANDRAIL PROPOSED HANDRAIL PIPE MOUNT PROPOSED HANDRAIL PIPE MOUNT PROPOSED HANDRAIL PIPE MOUNT DESIGN PROP RRUS —B13 BRACKET KIT ATTACHED TO PROP RRUS -12 BRACKET KIT ATTACHED TO BRACKET KIT ATTACHED TO W/A -2. EXISTING BOTTOM AND TOP RAIL W/A -2. EXISTING BOTTOM AND TOP RAIL EXISTING BOTTOM AND TOP RAIL -- ANTENNA ROBERT J DAVIS, AIA SEE DETAIL D (SITE PRO 1 PART# HMB —A OR SEE DETAIL C (SITE PRO 1 PART# HMB —A OR (SITE PRO 1 PART# HMB —A OR CENTERLINE ARCHITECT SHEET S -5 FOR ENGINEER APPROVED EQUAL). SHEET S -5 FOR ENGINEER APPROVED EQUAL). ENGINEER APPROVED EQUAL). VIEW MORE INFO AND NEOPRENE PAD REQUIRED MORE INFO AND NEOPRENE PAD REQUIRED NEOPRENE PAD REQUIRED EDEN PRAIRIE, 553 EDEN PRAIRIE, MN 55344 (952) 903 -9299 MOUNTING BETWEEN HANDRAIL AND MOUNTING C 11 BETWEEN HANDRAIL AND BETWEEN HANDRAIL AND BRACKET. BRACKET. BRACKET. EXISTING TOP RAIL (L3 "x3 "xY4 ", EXISTING TOP RAIL (L3 "x3 "xY4 ", EXISTING TOP RAIL (L3 %3 "xY4 ", TYP.) FIELD VERIFY TYP.) FIELD VERIFY TYR.) FIELD VERIFY 7 A� VERIZO � EXISTING VERTICAL POST (L3 "x3 "xY4 °, TYP.) BEYOND EXISTING VERTICAL POST (L3 "x3 "xY4 ", TYP.) BEYOND EXISTING VERTICAL POST (L3 "x3 %)/4 ", TYP.) BEYOND - WIRELESS I I� • • EXISTING MID RAIL (L3 "x3 "xY4 ", 10801 BUSH LAKE ROAD BLOOMINGTON, MN 55438 EXISTING 2" CONDUIT ROUTED EXISTING 2" CONDUIT ROUTED TYP.) FIELD VERIFY ALONG THE OUTSIDE OF THE ALONG THE OUTSIDE OF THE EXISTING HANDRAIL. FIELD VERIFY EXISTING HANDRAIL. FIELD VERIFY EXISTING 2" CONDUIT ROUTED PROP RRUS -135 — PROP RRUS -12 — ALONG THE OUTSIDE OF THE W/A -2. EXISTING MID RAIL (1_3 "x3 "A4 ", W /A -2. EXISTING MID RAIL (L3 "x3 "xY4 ", EXISTING HANDRAIL. FIELD VERIFY PROJECT SEE DETAIL F TYP.) FIELD VERIFY SEE DETAIL C =1 3 TYP.) FIELD VERIFY SHEET S -5 FOR SHEET S -5 FOR EXISTING BOTTOMRAIL (L3x3xY4 ", MORE INFO AND EXISTING BOTTOMRAIL (L3x3xY4 MORE INFO AND EXISTING BOTTOMRAIL (L3x3xY4 ", TYP.) FIELD VERIFY 20151251797 MOUNTING TYP.) FIELD VERIFY MOUNTING TYP.) FIELD VERIFY MINC C Li HAYWARD EXISTING TOE KICK PLATE (4 "xY4" EXISTING TOE KICK PLATE (4 %,Y4" EXISTING TOE KICK PLATE (4 "xY4" TYP.) FIELD VERIFY TYP.) FIELD VERIFY TYP.) FIELD VERIFY SCHOOL BOULEVARD EXISTING WATER TANK EXISTING WATER TANK EXISTING WATER TANK MINTICELLO, MN 55362 SURFACE SURFACE SURFACE SHEET CONTENTS: GENERAL NOTES NOTE: NOTE: NOTE: 1. THE PROPOSED ANTENNAS, 1. THE PROPOSED ANTENNAS, 1. THE PROPOSED ANTENNAS, ANTENNA MOUNTING PIPES AND ALL ANTENNA MOUNTING PIPES AND ALL ANTENNA MOUNTING PIPES AND ALL DRAWN BY: GJP ASSOCIATED HARDWARE SHALL BE ASSOCIATED HARDWARE SHALL BE ASSOCIATED HARDWARE SHALL BE DATE: 12 -07 -15 SHOP PAINTED TO MATCH THE SHOP PAINTED TO MATCH THE SHOP PAINTED TO MATCH THE CHECKED BY: IJO EXISTING WATER TOWER COLOR. EXISTING WATER TOWER COLOR. EXISTING WATER TOWER COLOR. 2. ALL ANTENNA FEED LINES, JUMPERS, 2. ALL ANTENNA FEED LINES, JUMPERS, 2. ALL ANTENNA FEED LINES, JUMPERS, REV.0 COAX AND HYBRID CABLE CANNOT COAX AND HYBRID CABLE CANNOT COAX AND HYBRID CABLE CANNOT INTERFERE WITH TOP OF THE NOTE: INTERFERE WITH TOP OF THE NOTE: INTERFERE WITH TOP OF THE NOTE: HANDRAIL MUST BE ROUTED AS A METAL SHIM SHALL BE USED HANDRAIL MUST BE ROUTED AS A METAL SHIM SHALL BE USED HANDRAIL MUST BE ROUTED AS A METAL SHIM SHALL BE USED SUCH THAT THEY COMPLY WITH ALONG WITH NEOPRENE PAD AT SUCH THAT THEY COMPLY WITH ALONG WITH NEOPRENE PAD AT SUCH THAT THEY COMPLY WITH ALONG WITH NEOPRENE PAD AT OSHA REQUIREMENTS REGARDING ALL CLAMP LOCATIONS, OSHA REQUIREMENTS REGARDING ALL CLAMP LOCATIONS. OSHA REQUIREMENTS REGARDING ALL CLAMP LOCATIONS. HANDRAILS. HANDRAILS. HANDRAILS. UEI PROJ. # 15.00359 PROPOSED ANTENNA AND EQUIPMENT o SCALE C PROPOSED ANTENNA AND EQUIPMENT No scALE B PROPOSED ANTENNA AND EQUIPMENT o scALE A -6 MOUNTING DETAIL (HANDRAIL LOCATION) MOUNTING DETAIL (HANDRAIL LOCATION) MOUNTING DETAIL (HANDRAIL LOCATION) 3. ALL TESTING REPORTS SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE OWNER. STRUCTURAL STEEL CONT. STRUCTURAL STEEL MIN C DESIGN LOADS ESIGN CODE: A. WIND LOAD (PER AWWA) 1. "SPECIFICATION FOR THE DESIGN, FABRICATION, AND ERECTION OF 1. WIND SPEED: 90 MPH STRUCTURAL STEEL FOR BUILDINGS" (AISC), LATEST EDITION. 2. ALL SURFACES TO BE WELDED SHALL BE STRIPPED OF 2. GUST EFFECT FACTOR = 1.0 2. STEEL CONSTRUCTION MANUAL (AISC), LATEST EDITION. 3. FORCE COEFFICIENT = 1.0 B. MATERIALS: STRUCTURAL WELD. CODES 1. WIDE FLANGE SHAPES — ASTM A992 (Fy = 50 KSI) a 5L Angon Avenue N. 1, Min A. INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE — 2006 B. STATE OF MINNESOTA BUILDING CODE — 2007 2. HOLLOW STRUCTURAL SECTIONS (HSS) — ASTM A500, OR. B (Fy =46 Pb ne 1s-.950o'Fez: SSi.a15.zoo1 gpeub gmey .peme .OeM LLe u. Feryo -9bu Pet C. ASCE 7 — 2005 KSI) `Nebo eN" mrea�m D. AWWA DIOO -05 1. PIPE STEEL — ASTM A53, GRADE B (Fy = 35 KSI) GENERAL NOTES 4. WELDING ELECTRODES — ASTM A233 E70 SERIES. A. WITHIN THESE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS, "OWNER" GENERAL NOTES 5. CONNECTION BOLTS — ASTM A325 I hereby certify that this plan MISCELLANEOUS 6. MISCELLLANEQUS STEEL — ASTM A36 A. THE CONTRACTOR IS TO VERIFY ALL EXISTING CONDITIONS C. INSTALLATION NOTES specification, or report was AND DIMENSIONS PRIOR TO THE START OF ANY WORK. THE 1. SHOP AND FIELD WELDING IS TO BE PER AWS 31.1, LATEST EDITION. prepared by me or under my CONTRACTOR IS TO REPORT TO THE STRUCTURAL ENGINEER ALL WELDING IS TO BE PERFORMED BY CERTIFIED WELDERS ONLY. direct supervision and that I OF RECORD ANY AND ALL CONFLICTS IN THE CONSTRUCTION 2. THE STEEL SUPPLIER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE DESIGN OF ALL CAP am a duly Licensed Professional DOCUMENTS AND /OR THE ACTUAL CONSTRUCTED CONDITIONS PLATES, BEARING PLATES, BASE PLATES, STIFFENERS, SPLICES, AND Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota. IMMEDIATELY. CONNECTIONS UNLESS DETAILED ON THE DRAWINGS. THE STEEL B. UNLESS SPECIFICALLY NOTED, NO PROVISIONS HAVE BEEN SUPPLIER IS TO INCLUDE ALL BOLTS AND HOLES FOR REQUIRED Typed or printed Name: ISAAC ODLAND MADE IN THE STRUCTURAL DOCUMENTS FOR FUTURE "OSHA" CONNECTIONS. EXPANSION OR ADDITION. THE STRUCTURAL MEMBERS HAVE D. STRUCTURAL STEEL TESTING— THE OWNER, AT HIS OWN BEEN DESIGNED FOR THEIR FINAL IN PLACE LOADS ONLY EXPENSE, SHALL sig —i.f81 UGr� (SEE "DESIGN LOADS "). EMPLOY THE SERVICES OF AN INDEPENDENT TESTING 47985 C. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR BRACING ALL AGENCY TO TEST THE Lt.. No.: STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS, WITHOUT OVERSTRESSING, AS FOLLOWING: 2 -07 -15 REQUIRED UNTIL THE ENTIRE PROJECT IS COMPLETE. Date. STOCKPILING OF ANY MATERIALS ON THE STRUCTURAL 1. SHOP FABRICATED WORK: PERFORM TESTS NOTED ABOVE, EXCEPT ELEMENTS IS AT THE CONTRACTOR'S OWN RISK. BOLT TESTING MAY BE REDUCED OR DELETED IF THE FABRICATION SHOP SATISFIES THE QUALITY CERTIFICATION PROGRAM OF AISC FOR DISPOSAL OF DEBRIS A CATEGORY 1 FABRICATOR OR A MORE STRINGENT CRITERIA. A. ALL MATERIAL TO BE REMOVED SHALL BECOME THE TESTING MAY ALSO BE WAIVED IF THE FABRICATOR IS APPROVED BY PROPERTY OF THE CONTRACTOR. MATERIALS SHALL BE BOTH THE BUILDING OFFICIAL AND THE STRUCTURAL ENGINEER OF DESIGN DISPOSED OF OFF SITE AT A LOCATION SECURED AND RECORD. ARRANGED FOR BY THE CONTRACTOR. BURNING OR BURIAL OF DEBRIS ON SITE SHALL NOT BE ALLOWED. THE 2 WELDING, AS FOLLOWS: CONTRACTOR SHALL ASSUME FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE ROBERT J DAVIS, AIA ACCEPTANCE OF THE MATERIAL AND FOR ANY DAMAGES FILLET WELDS: VISUALLY INSPECT 100% OF ALL FILLET WELDS FOR ARCHITECT RESULTING FROM ITS OPERATIONS. ALL COSTS ASSOCIATED SIZE, LENGTH, AND QUALITY PER AWS D1 .1 . 9973 VALLEY VIEW RD. WITH DISPOSAL OF DEMOLITION MATERIAL OR DEBRIS SHALL EDEN PRAIRIE, MN 55344 (952)903 -9299 BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR. PARTIAL PENETRATION WELDS: TEST 100% OF ALL PARTIAL SITE MAINTENANCE AND FINISHING OPERATIONS PENETRATION WELDS EXCEEDING 5/16 INCH USING A MAGNETIC A. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL TAKE REASONABLE MEASURES TO PARTICLE TESTER PER ASTM E109. PERFORM TESTING ON BOTH THE MINIMIZE DUST AND NOISE DURING THEIR OPERATIONS. ROOT PASS AND THE FINISHED WELD. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ADHERE TO ALL REQUIREMENTS OF THE CITY TO MINIMIZE THE DUST TRACKING OF MUD AND FULL PENETRATION WELDS: TEST 100% OF ALL FULL PENETRATION DEBRIS OFF —SITE DURING AND AFTER DEMOLITION. WATER WELDS EXCEEDING 5/16 INCH USING AN ULTRASONIC TESTER PER OF OTHER METHODS OF DUST CONTROL SHALL BE USED IF AWS DTT SECTION 6. TEST 25% OF ALL FULL PENETRATION WELDS NECESSARY. LESS THAN 5/16 INCH USING A MAGNETIC PARTICLE TESTER PER B. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE ASTM E109. PERFORM TESTING ON BOTH THE ROOT PASS AND THE VERIZON SECURITY OF THE SITE AND PROTECTION FROM THE SAFETY FINISHED WELD. HAZARDS DURING THEIR OPERATIONS, W WIRELESS PROCEDURES AND PREPARATION: VERIFY THE FOLLOWING: 1. QUALIFICATIONS OF ALL WELDERS AS AWS CERTIFIED 10801 BUSH LAKE ROAD II. PROPOSED WELDING PROCEDURES AND MATERIALS BLOOMINGTON, MN 55438 III. ADEQUATE PREPARATION OF PAYING SURFACES IV. PREHEAT AND INTERPASS TEMPERATURES OF STEEL V. PROPER TECHNIQUE AND SEQUENCE OF WELDING, CLEANING, AND NUMBER OF PASSES VI. BACKER BARS ARE REMOVED AND EXPOSED SURFACE FILED CLEAN PROJECT 3. ALL TESTING REPORTS SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE OWNER. STRUCTURAL STEEL CONT. 20151251797 MIN C E. STRUCTURAL STEEL GALVANIZING: HAYWARD 1. ALL STRUCTURAL STEEL SHALL BE HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM A123. 2. ALL SURFACES TO BE WELDED SHALL BE STRIPPED OF ALL PAINT AND HOT DIPPED GALVANIZING PROTECTIVE COATING PRIOR TO WELDING TO ENSURE A QUALITY STRUCTURAL WELD. 3. ALL WELDED SURFACES SHALL BE PAINTED WITH MINIMUM SCHOOL BOULEVARD TWO COATS OF COLD GALVANIZING PAINT. 4. ALL FIELD CUT SURFACES AND FIELD DRILLED HOLES MINTICELLO, MN 55362 SHALL BE PAINTED WITH MINIMUM TWO COATS OF COLD GALVANIZING PAINT. SHEET CONTENTS: GENERAL NOTES A. WITHIN THESE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS, "OWNER" GENERAL NOTES IMPLIES VERIZON WIRELESS. DRAWN BY: GJP DATE: 12 -07 -15 CHECKED BY: IJO REV. 0 LEI PROJ. # 15.00359 S -7 SITE SURVEY PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: (per Old Republic National Title Insurance Company Commitment No. 102647, date July 15, 2015.) The land referred to in this Commitment is described as follows: That part of Lot 1, Block 2, Jefferson Commons First Addition, Wright County, Minnesota, lying northerly of the southerly 150.00 feet thereof. Together with a permanent easement for drainage and utility purposes over the northerly 6.00 feet of the southerly 150.00 feet of said Lot 1. SCHEDULE "B" EXHIBITS: (per Old Republic National Title Insurance Company Commitment No. 102647, date July 15, 2015.) 1 -11.) Not related to the survey. 12.) Easement for drainage and utility purposes as shown on the recorded plat of Jefferson Commons First Addition, filed as Document No. 964076. Plat and easements are as shown on the survey. 13.) Not related to the survey. 14.) Terms and Conditions of Access Easement Agreement dated 9- 21 -06, filed 9- 25 -06, as Document No. 1027001, by and between the City of Monticello, Prairie's Edge Real Estate, Inc., and Timothy W. Anderson and Carol A. Anderson. This document describes a permanent easement for vehicle access and sign purposes across the Parent Parcel to benefit Lot 1, Block 2, JEFFERSON COMMONS SECOND ADDITION. Said easement is as shown on the survey. 15.) Subject to easement for vehicular and pedestrian ingress and egress purposes over part of the subject premises as legally described and contained in that certain quit claim deed in favor of LLC to Prairie's Edge Office Center Association, dated 11- 29 -06, filed 12 -4 -06, as Document No. 1034949. This document describes an easement for vehicular and pedestrian purposes. The legal description provided in said document is ambiguous, therefore, it is not shown on the survey. 16.) City of Monticello Certificate of Subdivision Approval, dated 3- 21 -13, filed 4 -8 -13, as Document No. 1233521. This document approves a simple subdivision of Lot 1, Block 2, JEFFERSON COMMONS FIRST ADDITION into Parcel 1 and Parcel 2. Said document also designates the south 6 feet of Parcel 1 and the north 6 feet of parcel 2 for Drainage and Utility Purposes. Said simple subdivision and easements are as shown on the survey. 17.) Not related to the survey. LAND SPACE DESCRIPTION: That part of Lot 1, Block 2, JEFFERSON COMMONS FIRST ADDITION, according to the recorded plat thereof, Wright County, Minnesota, described as follows: Commencing at the northeast corner of the Southeast Quarter of Section 15, Township 121 North, Range 25 West of the Fifth Principal Meridian, said Wright County; thence South 0 degrees 47 minutes 55 seconds East along the East line of said Southeast Quarter, a distance of 1255.23 feet; thence South 89 degrees 12 minutes 05 seconds West, a distance of 1274.62 feet to the Point of Beginning of the land space to be described; thence North 0 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds East, a distance of 20.00 feet; thence South 90 degrees 00 minute 00 seconds West, a distance of 33.00 feet; thence South 0 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West, a distance of 20.00 feet; thence North 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds East, a distance of 33.00 feet to the Point of Beginning. ACCESS & UTILITIES RIGHTS OF WAY DESCRIPTION: A 20.00 foot wide right of way for ingress, egress and utility purposes over, under and across Lot 1, Block 2, JEFFERSON COMMONS FIRST ADDITION, according to the recorded plat thereof, Wright County, Minnesota, lying between 0.00 feet and 20.00 feet to the left of the following described Line "A" : Commencing at the northeast corner of the Southeast Quarter of Section 15, Township 121 North, Range 25 West of the Fifth Principal Meridian, said Wright County; thence South 0 degrees 47 minutes 55 seconds East along the East line of said Southeast Quarter, a distance of 1255.23 feet; thence South 89 degrees 12 minutes 05 seconds West, a distance of 1274.62 feet; thence North 0 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds East, a distance of 20.00 feet; thence South 90 degrees 00 minute 00 seconds West, a distance of 33.00 feet; thence South 0 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West, a distance of 20.00 feet to the Point of Beginning of said Line "A" ; thence South 0 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West, a distance of 20.00 feet; thence North 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds East, a distance of 104.91 feet; thence North 67 degrees 04 minutes 19 seconds East, a distance of 82.09 feet; thence North 0 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds East, a distance of 72.11 feet; thence northwesterly, a distance of 134.57 feet along a tangential curve concave to the southwest, having a radius of 120.00 feet and a central angle of 64 degrees 15 minutes 17 seconds to the northeasterly line of said Lot 1; thence North 64 degrees 15 minutes 17 seconds West tangent to the last described curve and along said northeasterly line of Lot 1, a distance of 326.74 feet; thence North 21 degrees 29 minutes 02 seconds West along said northeasterly line of Lot 1, a distance of 228.34 feet to the southeasterly right of way line of School Boulevard and said Line "A" there terminating. The sideline of said right of way shall be shortened or lengthened to terminate at said southeasterly right of way line of School Boulevard. UTILITIES RIGHT OF WAY DESCRIPTION: A 10.00 foot wide right of way for utility purposes over, under and across Lot 1, Block 2, JEFFERSON COMMONS FIRST ADDITION, according to the recorded plat thereof, Wright County, Minnesota, lying between 0.00 feet and 10.00 feet to the right of the following described Line "B" Commencing at the northeast corner of the Southeast Quarter of Section 15, Township 121 North, Range 25 West of the Fifth Principal Meridian, said Wright County; thence South 0 degrees 47 minutes 55 seconds East along the East line of said Southeast Quarter, a distance of 1255.23 feet; thence South 89 degrees 12 minutes 05 seconds West, a distance of 1274.62 feet to the Point of Beginning of said Line "B" ; thence North 0 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds East, a distance of 20.00 feet; thence North 27 degrees 02 minutes 35 seconds West, a distance of 25.68 feet; thence North 0 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds East, a distance of 160.04 feet; thence North 64 degrees 15 minutes 17 seconds West, a distance of 251.57 feet; thence North 21 degrees 29 minutes 02 seconds West, a distance of 240.60 feet to the southeasterly right of way line of School Boulevard and said Line "B" there terminating. The sideline of said right of way shall be shortened or lengthened to terminate at said southeasterly right of way line of School Boulevard. I. 11aII A 4.00 foot wide right of way for utility purposes over, under and across Lot 1, Block 2, JEFFERSON COMMONS FIRST ADDITION, according to the recorded plat thereof, Wright County, Minnesota, lying between 0.00 feet and 4.00 feet to the right of the following described Line "C" : Commencing at the northeast corner of the Southeast Quarter of Section 15, Township 121 North, Range 25 West of the Fifth Principal Meridian, said Wright County; thence South 0 degrees 47 minutes 55 seconds East along the East line of said Southeast Quarter, a distance of 1255.23 feet; thence South 89 degrees 12 minutes 05 seconds West, a distance of 1274.62 feet; thence North 0 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds East, a distance of 20.00 feet; thence South 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West, a distance of 14.68 feet to the Point of Beginning of said Line "C" ; thence North 38 degrees 45 minutes 17 seconds East, a distance of 68.00 feet and said Line "C" there terminating. The sideline of said right of way shall be shortened to terminate at a line bearing North 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds East from the Point of Beginning. G) 966 _ O %C - Z g66 / /ne 326 4 \FO ✓ /fort 0 20 40 \ � I I ✓ D �, -, FFR Bost r G I 1­10­1 `. F4 R 0 °9e cys Foe SON CO / / SCALE ( IN FEET) o/ty `,\ Foe NS , �ot DETAIL - - - -- - - - - - -; - - -- ; - - -___ N �. Fos 1 q I I I G DiT /0 C N Grass Surface /ON S � 96,> 2 IN , I s I o m � I s >> , �- Existing . 0 �\ ^Q) I �' Transformer 'J IN I � E t7 W 4- T C t Grass Surface / xis Ing a a e ower en el ------------------ Ground E Elevation = 9 969.0 N NAVD88 \\ Bottom o of Painter's Ring = 1 1060.3 N NAVD88 \\ Top of S Stem = 1 1062.8 N NAVD88 \\ Top of T Tank Elevation = 1 1114.5 N NAVD88 \'Top of R Rail Elevation = 1 1119.3 N NAVD88 Tallest A Appurtenance Elev. = 1 1124.9 N NAVD88 c Latitude = N45' 17' 0 06.33" N c Longitude = W93' 48' 4 40.87" N NAD83 I \ I I c • • w Grass O Surface 0 O 0 0 z I I I � T I � I � � I I I D o \ 4 6 - I _ 2 CEO 3 (� I o \ I � I II � I � I ` .Q 1 969 I F- Existing Edge of I I � Water Tank `�\ W 1 - -- 969 E Oo Existing 16' wide \ Access Gate �� -- Existing Overflow \ Pipe \ / X 10 O� /t \ %�, �i W 2 ANN 0 969 < (n /4-- 4' wide Utilities �o c9 � '0 \ �' 0' G On Cg.4 - - - -- \\� 967 n ' ' O Existing Concrete I \ Curb & Gutter I \ 1 \ i i I n 1 1 . I \ 1 � \ O I - L-- - - - -__ \0 \ 1 ; 1 ; � N CV ; i 03 \ \ W ; 0\[ I \\ \ %��^ Right of Way ' o I I \ \ ,, ` ,, j Grass Surface p a) ^\ <�, N I z \ - - -� - -- \ Point of Beginning of 4 wide 6, \\ Utilities Right of Way �� _, �� 'yR /'`, i �` d' 1 \ Also Line C - �'' LLl 1 `14.68-: ° ° 33.00 - -' 00011 \ O O 0- \ 00 S90 °00'00 "W o ° ; - -'- \\ o N LAND SPACE N o I Point of Beginning of 20' wide - - - -- /; "�'`�""`°`- - - - - -- - - - - - -- �g Access & Utilities Rights of Way I I 33.00 -__ ,,_ -' , a2 ; = i - - - - - -- 9 y I S89 °12 05 W 1274.6 Also Line "A" °O 0 1 ' N90 °00'00 "E ,> 0 ° ; -- & Point 10' wide e Utilities Right of N6�0�� �'---- - - - - -- I I 9 Y Line "A" Also Line "B" ------------------------------------ �--------------------------------------------------------------------- I'-' g 69 - -- N90 00'00 "E 104.91 - - -- - - - - -- - _ _ - - O n \o n T H I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS DOCUMENT WAS SHEET 1 OF 2 SHEETS © 2015 WIDSETH SMITH NOLTING SITE NAME. PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED LAND SURVEYOR UNDER THE I nInic n� TNT eTnTE OF MINNESC�T.!�. MINC HAYWARD WIDSETH SMITH NOLTING rte, z - SIGNATURE. _ FULL SCALE ON 22 "x34" Engineering I Architecture I Surveying I Environmental Wright County, MN No. Date REVISIONS By CHK APPID SHAWN M. KUPCHO, L.S. HALF SCALE ON 11 "x17" FIELD WORK: 8/14/15 1 CHECKED BY: SMK DRAWN BY: TJH DATE: 12/4/15 LICENSE # 49021 0494A1736.000 �o c9 � '0 \ �' 0' G On Cg.4 - - - -- \\� 967 n ' ' O Existing Concrete I \ Curb & Gutter I \ 1 \ i i I n 1 1 . I \ 1 � \ O I - L-- - - - -__ \0 \ 1 ; 1 ; � N CV ; i 03 \ \ W ; 0\[ I \\ \ %��^ Right of Way ' o I I \ \ ,, ` ,, j Grass Surface p a) ^\ <�, N I z \ - - -� - -- \ Point of Beginning of 4 wide 6, \\ Utilities Right of Way �� _, �� 'yR /'`, i �` d' 1 \ Also Line C - �'' LLl 1 `14.68-: ° ° 33.00 - -' 00011 \ O O 0- \ 00 S90 °00'00 "W o ° ; - -'- \\ o N LAND SPACE N o I Point of Beginning of 20' wide - - - -- /; "�'`�""`°`- - - - - -- - - - - - -- �g Access & Utilities Rights of Way I I 33.00 -__ ,,_ -' , a2 ; = i - - - - - -- 9 y I S89 °12 05 W 1274.6 Also Line "A" °O 0 1 ' N90 °00'00 "E ,> 0 ° ; -- & Point 10' wide e Utilities Right of N6�0�� �'---- - - - - -- I I 9 Y Line "A" Also Line "B" ------------------------------------ �--------------------------------------------------------------------- I'-' g 69 - -- N90 00'00 "E 104.91 - - -- - - - - -- - _ _ - - O n \o n T H I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS DOCUMENT WAS SHEET 1 OF 2 SHEETS © 2015 WIDSETH SMITH NOLTING SITE NAME. PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED LAND SURVEYOR UNDER THE I nInic n� TNT eTnTE OF MINNESC�T.!�. MINC HAYWARD WIDSETH SMITH NOLTING rte, z - SIGNATURE. _ FULL SCALE ON 22 "x34" Engineering I Architecture I Surveying I Environmental Wright County, MN No. Date REVISIONS By CHK APPID SHAWN M. KUPCHO, L.S. HALF SCALE ON 11 "x17" FIELD WORK: 8/14/15 1 CHECKED BY: SMK DRAWN BY: TJH DATE: 12/4/15 LICENSE # 49021 0494A1736.000 Point of Beginning of 20' wide - - - -- /; "�'`�""`°`- - - - - -- - - - - - -- �g Access & Utilities Rights of Way I I 33.00 -__ ,,_ -' , a2 ; = i - - - - - -- 9 y I S89 °12 05 W 1274.6 Also Line "A" °O 0 1 ' N90 °00'00 "E ,> 0 ° ; -- & Point 10' wide e Utilities Right of N6�0�� �'---- - - - - -- I I 9 Y Line "A" Also Line "B" ------------------------------------ �--------------------------------------------------------------------- I'-' g 69 - -- N90 00'00 "E 104.91 - - -- - - - - -- - _ _ - - O n \o n T H I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS DOCUMENT WAS SHEET 1 OF 2 SHEETS © 2015 WIDSETH SMITH NOLTING SITE NAME. PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED LAND SURVEYOR UNDER THE I nInic n� TNT eTnTE OF MINNESC�T.!�. MINC HAYWARD WIDSETH SMITH NOLTING rte, z - SIGNATURE. _ FULL SCALE ON 22 "x34" Engineering I Architecture I Surveying I Environmental Wright County, MN No. Date REVISIONS By CHK APPID SHAWN M. KUPCHO, L.S. HALF SCALE ON 11 "x17" FIELD WORK: 8/14/15 1 CHECKED BY: SMK DRAWN BY: TJH DATE: 12/4/15 LICENSE # 49021 0494A1736.000 LEGEND 7 MAILBOX � ELEC POLE X WATER VALVE ❑ CATCH BASIN yo WATER HYDRANT SIGN n ELEC METER �- Point of Beginning 7 7 of Land ❑ TELE PEDESTAL �T TELE HANDHOLE O STORM MANHOLE \ G GAS METER AC A/C UNIT ,> >, Also Line B SHRUB 0 GUARD POST GATE POST V V v V CHAIN LINK FENCE SECTION LINE r -' -•.'I; QUARTER LINE - -- RIGHT OF WAY LINE ; BOUNDARY LINE 6 LAND SPACE ---- - - - - -- EASEMENT LINE I� LOT LINE ------ - - - - -- EXISTING EASEMENT LINE UGE— UNDERGROUND ELEC GAS UNDERGROUND GAS FOC— UNDERGROUND FIBER OPTIC - - CENTERLINE a CONCRETE SURFACE BUILDING WALL HATCH rgq to 0 40 80 SCALE ( IN FEET) ORIENTATION OF THIS BEARING SYSTEM IS BASED ON THE WRIGHT COUNTY COORDINATE SYSTEM NAD83 (1996) O = DENOTES A FOUND SECTION CORNER MONUMENT = DENOTES A FOUND IRON MONUMENT GRID NORTH 0 °03'04" GEODETIC NORTH H / oyF,, °yF °yF OiyF ovyF or \ \r 5 oy SITE SURVEY o C,iTrpns O so s� \ss` � A� • � \ � F . 'yF F yF epr p /SS /yF \ �t °r °rce S \\ o �/ O - - -L. 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Utilities are per observed evidence, GOPHER STATE ONE CALL Locate Request Ticket 152221839, dated August 15, 2015. 2.) The Proposed Land Space together with all Access and Utilities Rights of Way are within the area described in the Property Description contained herein. SITE NAME: MINC HAYWARD Wright County, MN No.I Date FIELD WORK 8/14/15 -------- %-------- - - - - -- \- ------------ I------------------- - - - - -- `O Grass Surface \ I r -- I r -. -T- I _\ \ I \ �- Point of Beginning 7 7 of Land Space p I I Existing 0' g wide -'I & 10 wide Utilities Right Of `\ 1 Way Existing 27' wide -" 16 I Sliding I Gate ,> >, Also Line B I Sliding Gate - I r -' -•.'I; Existing Generator -� SEE DETAIL ; 6 I� Existing I\ 1 A ,, r -, 'I/ I -T- n I Existing Building Building I I /- -+ I 1 1 1 I I I 1 I! \ I / \L �' L I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS DOCUMENT WAS SHEET 2 OF 2 SHEETS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED LAND SURVEYOR UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. SIGNATURE:' '_ FULL SCALE ON 22 "x34" REVISIONS By CHK APP'D Onr -MIN M. KUPCHO, L_ -D. HALF SCALE ON 11 "xII CHECKED BY: SMK DRAWN BY: TJH DATE: 12/4/15 LICENSE # 49021 0494A1736.000 I9 N QD QD N w in Ln O i0 O Southeast corner of the SE 1/4 of Sec. 15, Twp. 121 N, Rng. 25 W \ I I I © 2015 WIDSETH SMITH NOLTING WIDSETH SMITH NOLTING Engineering I Architecture I Surveying I Environmental City Council Agenda: 03/08/16 2H. Consideration of approving the Verizon Wireless lease installing, maintaining and operating communication facilities at the School Boulevard water tower. (WO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Verizon Wireless desires to enter into a lease with the city to install, maintain and operate communication facilities on the water tower and on the ground outside the fence. With assistance from the city's legal counsel, staff has negotiated an agreement with Verizon. The eighth version of the agreement is attached. Agreement highlights: 1. Annual rent of $24,000 plus 2.5% additional each year. 2. Initial term of 5 years, second term of 5 years with Verizon approval, three additional 5 year terms where either party can opt out 60 days prior to automatic renewal. 3. Escrow account to reimburse city costs up to $10,000. The taxable market value of the tower is $35,000. The annual property tax at the current tax capacity rate is approximately $1,000. The lease for the communication tower located at Public Works has similar terms, except the annual adjustment is 3 %. The Public Works tower cost the city $180,000. Verizon is responsible for constructing the road to its building outside the fence. Verizon assets on the tower and on the ground do not interfere with any city assets. Al. Budget Impact: Over 25 years: revenue $819, 768. A2. Staff Workload Impact: Minimal. Verizon increases rent automatically and sends monthly checks. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve Verizon Wireless lease agreement. 2. Motion to not approve Verizon Wireless lease agreement. 3. Motion to C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends Alternative #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Verizon Wireless site lease agreement Memorandum of site lease agreement SITE LEASE AGREEMENT THIS SITE LEASE AGREEMENT (Agreement ") is entered into this day of 201 , between the CITY OF MONTICELLO, a Minnesota municipal corporation, with offices at 505 Walnut Street, Monticello, Minnesota, 55362 ( "Landlord "); and Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC, d/b /a Verizon Wireless, with its principal offices at One Verizon Way, Mail Stop 4AW100, Basking Ridge, New Jersey 07920 (telephone number 866- 862 - 4404), ( "Tenant ") SECTION ONE Property and Premises Subject to the following terms and conditions, Landlord leases to Tenant a portion of that certain space ( "Tower Space ") on the Landlord's Water Tower ( "Tower "), at Landlord's property located at 3692 School Boulevard, Monticello, MN 55362 described on Exhibit "A" (the "Property ") in the City of Monticello, together with a parcel of land sufficient for the installation of Tenant's equipment and building (the "Land Space ") generally as shown on Exhibit "A," together with sufficient space for the installation and maintenance of wires, cables, conduits and pipes running from the Tower to the equipment building and for the installation and maintenance of cables and utility wires, poles, cables, conduits, and pipes over, under, or along a right -of way extending from the nearest public right -of -way ( "Rights of Way "). The Tower Space, Land Space and Rights -of -Way are collectively referred to as the "Premises" and are depicted on attached Exhibit "B." 1 MONTICELLO: Water Tower Tenant File: MIN Hayward Located at 3692 School Blvd SECTION TWO Use and Description of Equipment A. The Premises shall be used by Tenant solely for the purpose of installing, maintaining and operating communications facilities and uses incidental thereto, including, without limitation, utility lines, transmission lines, electronic equipment, radio transmitting and receiving antennas, supporting equipment and structures thereto ( "Tenant Facilities ") provided such use is not inconsistent with the Landlord's use of the Property. The Tenant Facilities to be utilized in connection with such use is described on Exhibit "C" attached hereto. The design and color of the antennae, waveguide and other external equipment shall be subject to the Landlord's approval, which shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed. Tenant may make routine repairs, modifications, replacements, upgrades and alterations to the Tenant Facilities as Tenant deems appropriate without Landlord's consent. Tenant shall obtain Landlord's prior written approval (which shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed) before making any visible material upgrades, modifications, alterations or additions to the antenna, waveguide or other external equipment located on the Tower, excepting like kind replacement. Upon at least ninety (90) days notice from Landlord, Tenant, at its sole cost and expense, shall make any necessary arrangements to assist and protect the Landlord and its contractors during any scheduled maintenance and painting procedure on or in the Property. Should Landlord determine that the scheduled maintenance or painting of the Property will prevent Tenant from temporarily using the Tower as Tenant's communications facility, Tenant, at its sole cost and expense, shall move the equipment but shall have the right to install and operate a temporary antenna facility (including a Cell -on- Wheels) on a mutually acceptable location on the Property. 2 MONTICELLO: Water Tower Tenant File: MIN Hayward Located at 3692 School Blvd Tenant shall mark all their permanent coaxial cable with a tag legibly stating their company's name along with a service phone number before and after it penetrates any real surface. B. Pursuant to Tenant's regulatory communication licenses and subject to the terms of this Agreement, Tenant may have use of the Premises for the transmission and reception of communication signals as permitted by the Federal Communication Commission; for the construction, operation and maintenance of related facilities, equipment, antennae, including the right to periodically change antenna types, mounting locations and azimuths; and for related activities. The use of the Premises by Tenant under this Agreement shall at all times be in accordance with the Technical Minimum Site Standards as described on Exhibit "D." Subject to the terms herein, Landlord agrees to cooperate with Tenant in obtaining, at Tenant's expense, all licenses and permits required for Tenant's use of the Premises (the "Governmental Approvals ") In addition, as long as the foregoing activities do not interfere with the Landlord's or a pre- existing tenant's use of the Property and provided seven (7) days advance written notice is sent to Landlord (such notice to include a description of the type of work to be performed), Landlord agrees to allow Tenant to perform, at Tenant's own expense, surveys, soil testing and other engineering procedures on, under, and over the Property necessary to determine that Tenant's use of the Premises will be compatible with Tenant's engineering specifications, system design and Governmental Approvals. C. Tenant shall provide Landlord a cash escrow in the amount of ten thousand dollars ($10,000) prior to beginning construction to pay for costs associated with inspections, pre- construction meetings, various city reviews and outside consultants, and final punch list. Upon completion and acceptance of the construction work, Landlord will release any unused portion of the escrow, with a statement showing paid expenses. 3 MONTICELLO: Water Tower Tenant File: MIN Hayward Located at 3692 School Blvd D. Tenant shall be allowed reasonable access to the Premises twenty -four (24) hours a day, 365 days a year for the use of the Premises in compliance with this Agreement. SECTION THREE Term The initial term of this Agreement shall be five (5) years ( "Initial Term "), commencing on the date Tenant commences installation of the equipment on the Premises. In the event the date of commencing installation of equipment falls between the 1St and 15th of the month, the Initial Term shall commence on the 1St of that month, and if such date falls between the 16th and 31" of the month, then the Initial Term shall commence on the 1St day of the following month (either of the foregoing being the "Commencement Date "). Landlord and Tenant agree that they shall acknowledge in writing the Commencement Date in the event the Commencement Date is based upon the date Tenant commences installation of equipment on the Premises. Landlord and Tenant acknowledge and agree that initial rental payment(s) may not actually be sent by Tenant until thirty (30) days after written acknowledgement confirming the Commencement Date. This Agreement shall automatically renew and extend for one additional five (5) year term ( "First Renewal Term ") unless Tenant notifies Landlord in writing of its intention not to renew this Agreement at least sixty (60) days prior to the expiration of the Initial Term. After the First Renewal Term, this Agreement shall automatically renew and extend for three (3) additional five (5) year terms ( "Renewal Term" or "Renewal Terms ") unless either Party notifies the other Party in writing of its intention not to renew this Agreement at least sixty (60) days prior to the expiration of the First Renewal Term or any subsequent Renewal Term. Each Renewal Term shall be on the same terms and conditions as set forth herein except for the amount of Rent, which shall be determined in accordance with Article Four below. If either Party 4 MONTICELLO: Water Tower Tenant File: MIN Hayward Located at 3692 School Blvd determines not to renew the Lease, this Agreement shall be terminated effective on the date of the expiration of the Initial Term or the current Renewal Term, as the case may be. SECTION FOUR Rent The annual rent is Twenty Four Thousand and 00 /100 Dollars ($24,000), to be paid. Within fifteen (15) days of the Commencement Date and in annual installments on or before the annual anniversary date of the Commencement Date. Landlord and Tenant acknowledge and agree that initial rental payment for the first year may not actually be sent by Tenant until thirty (30) days after written acknowledgement confirming the Commencement Date. The annual Rent shall increase each year by two and one -half percent (2.5 %) on the annual anniversary of the Commencement Date. Should the Landlord enter into separate lease of the Tower with another tenant, the annual rent for Tenant shall be reduced by $ 2,400 per year per tenant beginning the following year. Within thirty (30) days such event, Landlord shall send written notice to Tenant advising Tenant of the adjusted rental rate for the following year. SECTION FIVE 1ntPrfPrPnrP Tenant's installation, operation, and maintenance of its Tenant Facilities shall not damage or interfere with Landlord's operations and shall not interfere with Landlord's municipal activities or systems located on the Property or the existing equipment of other tenants located on the Property. Landlord agrees to give at least ninety (90) days advance notice of any repair or maintenance activities related to the leased premises to the Tenant and to reasonably cooperate with Tenant to carry out such activities with a minimum amount of interference to Tenant's 5 MONTICELLO: Water Tower Tenant File: MIN Hayward Located at 3692 School Blvd transmission operations. Tenant, at its sole cost and expense, shall have the right to install and operate a temporary antenna facility (including a Cell -on- Wheels) on a mutually acceptable location on the Property during any period of repair, maintenance, or interference. Landlord shall not permit its lessees, invitees or agents to use any portion of the Property in any way which materially interferes with the operations of Tenant. Such interference shall be deemed a material breach by Landlord, and Landlord shall have the responsibility to correct said interference. Tenant understands and agrees that Tenant's use of the Property is non - exclusive and Landlord shall maintain the right to contract with other communication systems users to operate communication equipment on the Property. Such use by other users shall not cause material physical or frequency interference to Tenant's operation or equipment at the Premises. It shall be the obligation of Tenant not to cause interference to other tenants occupying the other portions of the Property prior to the execution date of this Agreement (chronological priority for frequency protection rights) provided that the installations of other tenant's equipment and facilities predate the installation of the Tenant Facilities. In the event the Landlord, Tenant or any other tenant of Landlord experiences frequency interference, Landlord shall notify each tenant of such interference (including Tenant), and will work with all tenants to resolve the interference. All parties involved in the frequency interference shall, at their own expense, engage the services of a communications engineering firm to conduct frequency interference analyses. If the suspected interference cannot be resolved by the parties involved in such interference after consultation with their respective engineers, then the respective engineers shall select an engineering firm to act as a final mediator to resolve the frequency interference. The parties shall comply with the mediator's findings. Priority shall be given to the tenant with 6 MONTICELLO: Water Tower Tenant File: MIN Hayward Located at 3692 School Blvd the longest tenure at the Property. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Landlord and Tenant acknowledge that there will not be an adequate remedy at law for noncompliance with the provisions of this paragraph and therefore, either party shall have the right to equitable remedies, such as, without limitation, injunctive relief and specific performance. SECTION SIX Improvement; Utilities; Access A. Tenant shall have the right, at Tenant's expense, to erect and maintain on the Premises the equipment listed on Exhibit "C." Tenant shall not erect and maintain any additional items or equipment on the Tower, except for like kind replacement, without the prior written consent of the Landlord. Tenant shall otherwise be permitted to modify its equipment in accordance with Section 2 (A) herein. Tenant may not sublease the Premises. B. Tenant shall have the right at their expense and Landlord's approval to install utilities on the Premises in order to operate the facilities described in this Agreement. Tenant shall at its own expense arrange for separate metering of utility services that must be read from outside the surrounding fence. Tenant shall at its own expense arrange for the relocation of any utilities needed to provide service to its equipment, and Landlord shall reasonably cooperate with the same. Tenant shall pay for all utility services it consumes in its operations. C. Background checks shall be completed on all Tenant employees who request access to any of the water system facilities, reservoir, wells or other public works facility located within the Property ( "Facilities" or "Facility "). The Facilities do not include Tenant's Land Space. Background checks performed by the Tenant requesting access for its employees cannot be used in substitution of Landlord's background check. Landlord reserves the right to refuse access to any Facility located within or about the Property based on the results of the 7 MONTICELLO: water Tower Tenant File: MIN Hayward Located at 3692 School Blvd background check. Landlord will update the background checks annually. The following guidelines represent the procedures, duties and responsibilities of Landlord and Tenant with respect to access to the Property or Premises: i. Background Checks. Tenant's employees requesting access to the Facilities shall submit the name of the Tenant and other pertinent information regarding the access request to Landlord's Operations and Maintenance Department as set forth below. Information must be received sufficiently in advance of the visit to the Facilities to allow for the completion of a background check. The Landlord's Operations and Maintenance Department will provide the information to the Monticello Police Department who will complete the background check. The Police Department will return the results of the background check to the Operations and Maintenance Department for review and disposition. Information provided to the Landlord concerning background checks will be maintained on file for one year. ii. Procedures. All individuals must present appropriate state, federal, or company issued photo identification before access is granted to the Facilities. All individuals, regardless of the status of the background check, will be escorted by Landlord personnel when working within the Facilities. Individuals with approved background checks will be allowed to work within the Premises unescorted, subject to escort requirements for work within Facility areas. Individuals without approved background checks will be escorted while they are working in or around the Premises. 8 MONTICELLO: Water Tower Tenant File: MIN Hayward Located at 3692 School Blvd Tenant shall contact the Landlord's Public Works Department at 763 -295- 2711 from 7:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. central time Monday through Friday or 763 - 370 -7442 at all other times to obtain access to the Premises. iii. Tenant Charges for Access. In the event the Landlord's Operations and Maintenance Department is required to escort an individual, the Tenant will be billed by Landlord for costs and expenses incurred by the Landlord in dispatching employees to the Facilities. In the event the Landlord's personnel is called out after regular City business hours as set forth above or on City holidays, to provide access to the Facilities, charges for the callout will be billed to the Tenant. SECTION SEVEN Termination A. This Agreement may be terminated upon thirty (30) days written notice from Landlord to Tenant in the event Rent is not paid by Tenant on or before the annual Anniversary Date of each year during the Initial Term or any Renewal Term, as applicable, and the default is not cured within the thirty (30) day notice period. B. Except as otherwise provided herein, this Agreement may be terminated, without any penalty or further liability, following sixty (60) days written notice as follows: (1) by either party upon a material default of any covenant or term hereof (except for the payment of Rent) by the other party, which default is not cured within sixty (60) days of receipt of written notice of default unless such default may not reasonably be cured within a sixty (60) day period, in which case, this Agreement may not be terminated if the defaulting party commences action to cure the default with such sixty (60) day period and proceeds with due diligence to fully cure 9 MONTICELLO: Water Tower Tenant File: MIN Hayward Located at 3692 School Blvd the default and thereafter cures the default (without, however, limiting any other rights available to the parties at law, in equity, or pursuant to any other provisions hereof); (2) by Tenant if it is unable to obtain or maintain any license, permit, or other governmental agency approval necessary to the construction and/or operation of the Tenant Facilities or Tenant's business; (3) by Tenant if the Premises are or become unacceptable under the Tenant's design or engineering specifications for the communication system network to which the Tenant Facilities belong; or (4) by Tenant, after the Initial Term, if Tenant determines that any soil boring tests or structural analysis is unsatisfactory or Tenant, in its sole discretion, determines that the use of the Premises is obsolete or unnecessary. C. If this Agreement is terminated, Rent shall be prorated as of the date of termination, and, in the event of termination for any reason other than nonpayment of Rent, all prepaid Rents shall be refunded to Tenant within ninety (90) days of said termination. D. Within sixty (60) days after termination or earlier expiration of this Agreement, Tenant shall remove the Tenant Facilities at Tenant's cost and expense. E. In the event Landlord seeks to decommission the Tower, Landlord shall provide Tenant with 180 -days notice and will work with Tenant to find an alternative location on the Property to install Tenant's equipment. F. Should Landlord, any time during the Term decide (i) to sell or transfer all or any part of the Property or the Tower thereon to a purchaser other than Tenant, or (ii) to grant to a third party by easement or other legal instrument an interest in and to that portion of the Tower and or Property occupied by Tenant, or a larger portion thereof, for the purpose of operating and maintaining communications facilities or the management thereof, such sale or grant of an 10 MONTICELLO: Water Tower Tenant File: MIN Hayward Located at 3692 School Blvd easement or interest therein shall be under and subject to this Agreement and any such purchaser or transferee shall recognize Tenant's rights hereunder under the terms of this Agreement. SECTION EIGHT Taxes Tenant shall pay any personal property taxes, assessments or charges assessed on, or any portion of such taxes and charges attributable to, the Tenant Facilities. Landlord shall pay when due all real property taxes and all other fees and assessments attributable to the Premises. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Tenant shall pay any increase in real property taxes levied against the Premises for the period from the Commencement Date through to termination of this Agreement that is directly attributable to Tenant's use of the Premises. Landlord agrees to furnish proof of such increase to Tenant. Tenant shall have the right, at its sole option and at its sole cost and expense, to appeal, challenge or seek modification of any tax assessment or billing for which Tenant is wholly or partly responsible for payment. Landlord shall reasonably cooperate with Tenant at Tenant's expense in filing, prosecuting and perfecting any appeal or challenge to taxes as set forth in the preceding sentence, including but not limited to, executing any consent, appeal or other similar document. In the event that as a result of any appeal or challenge by Tenant, there is a reduction, credit or repayment received by the Landlord for any taxes previously paid by Tenant, Landlord agrees to promptly reimburse to Tenant the amount of said reduction, credit or repayment. In the event that Tenant does not have the standing rights to pursue a good faith and reasonable dispute of any taxes under this paragraph, Landlord will pursue such dispute at Tenant's sole cost and expense upon written request of Tenant. 1 1 MONTICELLO: Water Tower Tenant File: MIN Hayward Located at 3692 School Blvd SECTION NINE Inenranra A. Tenant shall maintain commercial general liability insurance insuring Tenant against liability for bodily injury (including death) or damage to property arising out of use of the Premises by Tenant with combined single limits of Two Million and No /100 Dollars ($2,000,000.00) per occurrence, and Landlord will be included as an additional insured as their interest may appear under this Agreement under such policy. Tenant shall also maintain fire and extended coverage insurance insuring Tenant's personal property for its full insurable value. Tenant shall provide Landlord a Certificate of Insurance in a form reasonably acceptable to the Landlord. B. Tenant shall provide Landlord with proof of workers' compensation insurance covering all of Tenant's employees who access the Premises in accordance with state law. SECTION TEN Destruction of Premises If the Tower is destroyed or damaged so as to reasonably hinder the Tenant's effective use of the Premises, Tenant may elect to terminate this Agreement effective as of the date of the damage or destruction by notifying Landlord not more than forty-five (45) days following the date of damage. In such event, all rights and obligations of the parties under this Agreement shall cease as of the date of the damage or destruction and Tenant shall be entitled to the reimbursement of any Rent prepaid by Tenant. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, this Section 10 shall not require Landlord to rebuild or repair the Tower upon damage or destruction; however if Landlord decides not to repair the Tower, Tenant has the option, within forty -five (45) days of the date of damage, to commence the repairs and this Agreement shall not 12 MONTICELLO: Water Tower Tenant File: MIN Hayward Located at 3692 School Blvd terminate. If Tenant repairs the Tower, Tenant shall have the right to deduct the costs of the repairs /improvements from the succeeding rental amounts normally due from the Tenant to the Landlord. SECTION ELEVEN Condemnation If a condemning authority takes all of the Property, or a portion sufficient, in the Tenant's determination, to render the Premises unsuitable for the use which Tenant was then making of the Premises, this Agreement shall terminate as of the date the title vests in the condemning authority. The parties shall be entitled to share in the condemnation proceeds in proportion to the values of their respective interest in the Premises. Sale of all or part of the Premises to a purchaser with the power of eminent domain in the face of the exercise of the power, shall be treated as a taking by condemnation. SECTION TWELVE 1Vn+irac All notices, requests, demands and other communications hereunder shall be in writing and shall be deemed given if personally delivered or mailed, certified mail, return receipt requested or by nationally recognized overnight courier to the addresses set forth below. Landlord or Tenant may from time to time designate any other address for their purposes by providing written notice to the other parry. If to Landlord: City of Monticello 505 Walnut St. Monticello, MN 55362 Telephone: 763 - 295 -2711 Fax: 763 - 295 -4404 13 MONTICELLO: Water Tower Tenant File: MIN Hayward Located at 3692 School Blvd If to Tenant: Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC d/b /a Verizon Wireless 180 Washington Valley Road Bedminster, New Jersey 07921 Attention: Network Real Estate SECTION THIRTEEN Title and Quiet Enjoyment A. Landlord warrants that: (i) it has full right, power, and authority to execute this Agreement; (ii) it has good and unencumbered title to the Premises free and clear of any liens or mortgages; (iii) the Premises constitute a legal lot that may be leased without the need for any subdivision or platting approval; and (iv) the Premises are in compliance with all building, life /safety, and other laws of any governmental or quasi governmental authority. Tenant, upon paying the rent, shall peaceably and quietly have, hold and enjoy the Premises. B. Notwithstanding any other provision in this Agreement to the contrary, Tenant acknowledges that Landlord makes no warranties, express or implied with respect to Tenant's ability to expand its operations on the Premises beyond what is depicted on the exhibits attached hereto. SECTION FOURTEEN Hazardous Substances Tenant shall hold Landlord harmless from and indemnify Landlord against any damage, loss, expense, response costs, or liability, including consultant fees and attorney's fees resulting from the presence of hazardous substances on, under or around the Property or resulting from hazardous substances being generated, stored, disposed of, or transported to, on, under, or around the Property if the hazardous substances were generated, stored, disposed of, or transported by Tenant or its employees agents in violation of applicable law. Tenant shall in no event be 14 MONTICELLO: Water Tower Tenant File: MIN Hayward Located at 3692 School Blvd responsible for any hazardous materials found on the Property that were not caused by Tenant's actions, and Landlord represents and warrants that to the best of Landlord's knowledge, no hazardous materials exist on the Property. Neither party shall be liable for any claims, losses or liabilities caused or permitted by the other party. SECTION FIFTEEN Indemnity Each Party shall indemnify and hold the other harmless against any claim of liability or loss from personal injury or property damage resulting from or arising out of the negligence or willful misconduct of the indemnifying Party, its employees, contractors or agents, except to the extent such claims or damages may be due to or caused by the negligence or willful misconduct of the other Party, or its employees, contractors or agents. SECTION SIXTEEN Assignment Tenant may not assign, or otherwise transfer all or any part of its interest in this Agreement or in the Premises without the prior written consent of Landlord, which such consent will not be unreasonably withheld, condition or delayed; provided, however, that Tenant may assign its interest to its parent company, any subsidiary or affiliate of it or its parent company or to any successor -in- interest or entity acquiring fifty -one percent (51%) or more of its stock or assets in the market defined by the Federal Communications Commission in which the Property is located by reason of a merger, acquisition or other business reorganization, subject to any financing entity's interest, if any, in this Agreement. No change in stock ownership, partnership interest or control of Tenant or transfer upon partnership or corporate dissolution of Tenant shall constitute an assignment hereunder. Landlord may assign this Agreement upon written notice to 15 MONTICELLO: Water Tower Tenant File: MIN Hayward Located at 3692 School Blvd Tenant, subject to the assignee assuming all of Landlord's obligations herein. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Agreement, Tenant may assign, mortgage, pledge, hypothecate or otherwise transfer without consent its interest in this Agreement to any financing entity, or agent on behalf of any financing entity to whom Tenant (i) has obligations for borrowed money or in respect of guaranties thereof, (ii) has obligations evidenced by bonds, debentures, notes or similar instruments, or (iii) has obligations under or with respect to letters of credit, bankers acceptances and similar facilities or in respect of guaranties thereof. SECTION SEVENTEEN Binding Effect: Successors and Assigns This Agreement shall run with the Property. This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties, their respective successors, and assigns. SECTION EIGHTEEN Waiver of Landlord's Lien Landlord waives any lien rights it may have concerning the Tenant Facilities which are deemed Tenant's personal property and not fixtures, and Tenant has the right to remove the same at any time without Landlord's consent. SECTION NINETEEN Miscellaneous A. The prevailing party in any litigation arising hereunder shall be entitled to its reasonable attorney's fees and court costs, including appeals, if any. B. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement and understanding of the parties, and supersedes all offers, negotiations, and other agreements. There are no representations or 16 MONTICELLO: Water Tower Tenant File: MIN Hayward Located at 3692 School Blvd understandings of any kind not set forth herein. Any amendments to said Agreement must be in writing and executed by both parties. C. If either party is represented by a real estate broker in this transaction, that party shall be full responsible for any fee due such broker, and shall hold the other party harmless from any claims for commission by such broker. D. This Agreement shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Minnesota. E. If any term of this Agreement is found to be void or invalid, such invalidity shall not affect the remaining terms of the Agreement, which shall continue in full force and effect. F. Tenant may obtain title insurance on its leasehold interest in the Property. G. In any case where the approval or consent of one party hereto is required, requested or otherwise to be given under this Agreement, such party shall not unreasonably delay, condition or withhold its approval or consent. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have executed this Agreement the day and year first above written. LANDLORD: CITY OF MONTICELLO, a Minnesota municipal corporation Brian Stumpf, Mayor Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator TENANT: VERIZON WIRELESS (VAW) LLC d/b /a Verizon Wireless an Its: 17 MONTICELLO: Water Tower Tenant File: MIN Hayward Located at 3692 School Blvd Exhibit "A ": Description of the "Property" Exhibit "B ": Description of the "Premises" Exhibit "C ": Description of "Tenant Facilities" Exhibit "D" Technical Minimum Site Standards 18 MONTICELLO: Water Tower Tenant File: MIN Hayward Located at 3692 School Blvd STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ss. COUNTY OF WRIGHT ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 200_, by BRIAN STUMPF and by JEFF O'NEILL, respectively, the Mayor and City Administrator of the CITY OF MONTICELLO, a Minnesota municipal corporation, on behalf of the corporation and pursuant to the authority granted by its City Council. STATE OF ss. COUNTY OF Notary Public The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this by , the Wireless (VAW) LLC d /b /a Verizon Wireless, on its behalf. Notary Public THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY: CAMPBELL KNUTSON Professional Association 317 Eagandale Office Center 1380 Corporate Center Curve Eagan, MN 55121 Telephone: (651) 452 -5000 JJJ day of of Verizon 19 MONTICELLO: Water Tower Tenant File: MIN Hayward Located at 3692 School Blvd EXHIBIT "A" to SITE LEASE AGREEMENT DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY That part of Lot 1, Block 2, Jefferson Commons First Addition, Wright County, Minnesota, lying northerly of the southerly 150.00 feet thereof. Together with a permanent easement for drainage and utility purposes over the northerly 6.00 feet of the southerly 150.00 feet of said Lot 1. 20 MONTICELLO: Water Tower Tenant File: MIN Hayward Located at 3692 School Blvd EXHIBIT "B" to SITE LEASE AGREEMENT DESCRIPTION OF PREMISES LAND SPACE DESCRIPTION: That part of Lot 1, Block 2, JEFFERSON COMMONS FIRST ADDITION, according to the recorded plat thereof, Wright County, Minnesota, described as follows: Commencing at the northeast corner of the Southeast Quarter of Section 15, Township 121 North, Range 25 West of the Fifth Principal Meridian, said Wright County; thence South 0 degrees 47 minutes 55 seconds East along the East line of said Southeast Quarter, a distance of 1255.23 feet; thence South 89 degrees 12 minutes 05 seconds West, a distance of 1274.62 feet to the Point of Beginning of the land space to be described; thence North 0 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds East, a distance of 20.00 feet; thence South 90 degrees 00 minute 00 seconds West, a distance of 33.00 feet; thence South 0 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West, a distance of 20.00 feet; thence North 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds East, a distance of 33.00 feet to the Point of Beginning. ACCESS & UTILITIES RIGHTS OF WAY DESCRIPTION: A 20.00 foot wide right of way for ingress, egress and utility purposes over, under and across Lot 1, Block 2, JEFFERSON COMMONS FIRST ADDITION, according to the recorded plat thereof, Wright County, Minnesota, lying between 0.00 feet and 20.00 feet to the left of the following described Line "A ": Commencing at the northeast corner of the Southeast Quarter of Section 15, Township 121 North, Range 25 West of the Fifth Principal Meridian, said Wright County; thence South 0 degrees 47 minutes 55 seconds East along the East line of said Southeast Quarter, a distance of 1255.23 feet; thence South 89 degrees 12 minutes 05 seconds West, a distance of 1274.62 feet; thence North 0 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds East, a distance of 20.00 feet; thence South 90 degrees 00 minute 00 seconds West, a distance of 33.00 feet; thence South 0 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West, a distance of 20.00 feet to the Point of Beginning of said Line "A "; thence South 0 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West, a distance of 20.00 feet; thence North 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds East, a distance of 104.91 feet; thence North 67 degrees 04 minutes 19 seconds East, a distance of 82.09 feet; thence North 0 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds East, a distance of 72.11 feet; thence northwesterly, a distance of 134.57 feet along a tangential curve concave to the southwest, having a radius of 120.00 feet and a central angle of 64 degrees 15 minutes 17 seconds to the northeasterly line of said Lot 1; thence North 64 degrees 15 minutes 17 seconds West tangent to the last described curve and along said northeasterly line of Lot 1, a distance of 326.74 feet; thence North 21 degrees 29 minutes 02 seconds West along 21 MONTICELLO: Water Tower Tenant File: MIN Hayward Located at 3692 School Blvd said northeasterly line of Lot 1, a distance of 228.34 feet to the southeasterly right of way line of School Boulevard and said Line "A" there terminating. The sideline of said right of way shall be shortened or lengthened to terminate at said southeasterly right of way line of School Boulevard. 22 MONTICELLO: Water Tower Tenant File: MIN Hayward Located at 3692 School Blvd °NF OyF \ ON OyF \ HF ONE. \ ONF ONFF \ OOyF OyE. \yF ON's \\ \ r Oti. V o"t O \ N \ OH \ ON NF °NF HF HF c�Q \NF \ oHF \ N \oyF F \ oNFF \ON \\ \ \G ON- \ �\ oN \ °yF O \ EXISTING PUBLIC _ _ ` \ \ °HF °NF \ \ RIGHT OF WAY EXISTING 6' WIDE DRAINAGE & UTILITY O \ HF \ ONF �� O EASEMENT, TYP \ Z\ NF oyF \ \, 0/-/,- \ EXISTING OH NF TRANSMISSION EXISTING BITUMINOUS DRIVE \ \ ONF HF \ O oyF \pyF \ F \\ OHF LINES, TYP NF Oy O LESSEE 20' WIDE ACCESS & UTILITIES RIGHTS Of WAY °yF °HF \ 0 ONF F H LESSEE 10' WIDE UTILITIES \ \ °NF \ Oy \ °HF \ \ �/ °HF RIGHT OF WAY ° �9F \ O F \ °NF \ ° °NF HF \ °yF \ Oy EXISTING BUILDING LESSEE 10' WIDE UTILITIES I RIGHT OF WAY EXISTING \ \S WATER TOWER LESSEE 4' WIDE I I ®�: I I m CABLE EASEMENT Iv'I I c LESSEE 33' X 20' \ I( LAND SPACE x O /fix x x x x x 7—X-11 0 I EXISTING II PROPERTY LINE I II EXISTING BUILDINGS I NORTH I MINC HAYWARD EXISTING ANTENNA TIP 155.2' AGL OL LESSEE ANTENNA SPACE TOP OF RAILING 150.0' AGL 149.6' AGL MONTICELLO EXISTING 150' HIGH COMPOSITE WATER TOWER GRADE ® BASE 0.0 AGL MINC HAYWARD EXHIBIT "C" to SITE LEASE AGREEMENT DESCRIPTION OF TENANT FACILITIES Twelve (12) antennas at 150 foot centerline above ground level, three (3) cable lines from equipment to antennas, 12' x 22' equipment building with communications /power supply equipment, telephone and electrical facilities, and all associated equipment and appurtenances related to the aforementioned antennas, lines, equipment and facilities. 23 MONTICELLO: Water Tower Tenant File: MIN Hayward Located at 3692 School Blvd EXHIBIT "D" to SITE LEASE AGREEMENT TECHNICAL MINIMUM SITE STANDARDS All equipment must be housed in an RF tight, metal enclosure that provides at least 60 db of attenuation to any internal RF signals. Desk -top base stations and open racks cannot be used without special approval; additional shielding kits may be required. 2. At least 60 db of isolation for 450 MHZ, 800 MHZ, 900 MHZ and 1800 — 2000 MHZ transmitters and 30 db of isolation for 150 MHZ and 40 MHZ transmitters must be provided; a harmonic filter must be provided on the transmitters between the antenna and any ferrite device used. Additional filtering and isolation may be required and will be considered on a case -by -case basis. 3. Maximum transmitter power allowed into the antenna feed line will be 110 watts per transmitter. (Higher power levels will be considered on a case -by -case basis; additional protective devices may be required.) 4. Only jacketed copper Heliax cable will be permitted for transmission line at the site. All on -site intercabling must use RG /9, RG /142, RG /214 or I/2 inch Superflex. RG /8 or any other single shielded cable will not be allowed. 5. Proposed transmitters that will cause second order, third order or fifth order intermodulation products on existing receiver frequencies will not be permitted on the site. A receiver with the same frequency as an existing second order, third order or fifth order intermodulation product at the site, will not be permitted on the site. 6. All transmitters shall be equipped with band -pass cavities that will provide at least the following attenuation of side band noise, if needed: 40 MHA band: 50 db at 1 MHZ 150 MHZ band: 50 db at 1.5 MHZ 450 MHZ band: 50 db at 2.5 MHZ 800/900 MHZ band: 50 db at 10 MHZ 1800/1900 MHz Microwave PCS: 50 db at 20 MHZ 7. Each cabinet must be identified by the owner's name, address and FCC station license; it also must have the name and telephone number of the responsible service agency. 8. Prior to approving any application for antenna space at the site, an engineering study will be conducted by the Engineer for the City of Monticello, consisting of at least the following items: 24 MONTICELLO: Water Tower Tenant File: MIN Hayward Located at 3692 School Blvd a. Intermodulation interference (IM) calculations of all transmitters and receivers known to exist in the area at time of application. (Study will include 2nd, 3rd and 5th order IM terms, and A + B — C, three - product terms.) b. Transmitter noise and receiver desensing calculations of all equipment at the site. c. Analysis of best equipment and antenna locations at the site. d. Analysis of AC power requirements. e. Report to prospective site user regarding application. 25 MONTICELLO: Water Tower Tenant File: MIN Hayward Located at 3692 School Blvd DRAFTED BY AND RETURN TO: Hessian & McKasy, P.A. 3700 RBC Plaza 60 South Sixth Street Minneapolis, MN 55402 (Site Name: MIN Hayward) (Space above this line for Recorder's use.) MEMORANDUM OF SITE LEASE AGREEMENT THIS MEMORANDUM OF SITE LEASE AGREEMENT is made this day of , 20, between the City of Monticello, a Minnesota municipal corporation with office at 505 Walnut Street, Monticello, MN 55362, hereinafter referred to as "LANDLORD ", and Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC d/b /a Verizon Wireless, a Minnesota limited liability company with its address for notice located at 180 Washington Valley Road, Bedminster, New Jersey 07921, hereinafter referred to as "TENANT ". LANDLORD and TENANT are at times collectively referred to hereinafter as the "Parties" or individually as the "Party ". 1. LANDLORD and TENANT entered into a Site Lease Agreement (the "Agreement ") on , 20 , for an initial term of five (5) years, commencing on the Commencement Date. The Agreement will automatically renew and extend for one additional five (5) year term, unless TENANT notifies LANDLORD in writing of its intention not to renew the Agreement at least sixty (60) days prior to the expiration of the initial term. Thereafter, the Agreement shall automatically renew and extend for three (3) additional five (5) year renewal terms unless either Party notifies the other Party in writing of its intention not to renew the Agreement at least sixty (60) days prior to the expiration of the then current term. 2. Pursuant to the Agreement, LANDLORD leased to TENANT a portion of that certain space on the LANDLORD'S Water Tower, located at 3692 School Boulevard, City of Monticello, County of Wright, State of Minnesota, as legally described on Exhibit "A ", together with a parcel of land sufficient for the installation of TENANT's equipment and building, together with sufficient space for the installation and maintenance of wires, cables, conduits and pipes running from the Tower to the equipment building and as well as along the necessary rights of way. MIN Hayward Memorandum of Site Lease Agreement 1 3. The Agreement will commence on the date TENANT commences installation of equipment on the Property. In the event the date of commencing installation of equipment falls between the 1St and 15th of the month, the Initial Term shall commence on the 1St of that month, and if such date falls between the 16th and 31St of the month, then the Initial Term shall commence on the 1St day of the following month (either of the foregoing being the "Commencement Date "). 4. The terms, covenants and provisions of the Agreement, the terms of which are hereby incorporated by reference into this Memorandum, shall extend to and be binding upon the heirs, personal representative, successors and assigns of LESSOR and LESSEE. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, hereunto and to a duplicate hereof, LESSOR and LESSEE have caused this Memorandum to be duly executed on the date written herein below. LANDLORD: City of Monticello By: _ Name: Its: By: Name: Its: Date: TENANT: Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC d/b /a Verizon Wireless By: Phillip Glass Its: Executive Director - Network Date: Acknowledgments on following page The remainder of this page intentionally left blank MIN Hayward Memorandum of Site Lease Agreement 2 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS LANDLORD ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ss. COUNTY OF WRIGHT ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 20_, by BRIAN STUMPF and by JEFF O'NEILL, respectively, the Mayor and City Administrator of the CITY OF MONTICELLO, a Minnesota municipal corporation, on behalf of the corporation and pursuant to the authority granted by its City Council. Notary Public LESSEE ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF ) ss. COUNTY OF ) On this day of , 20, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State of duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared , to me known to be the of Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC d/b /a Verizon Wireless, that executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC d/b /a Verizon Wireless, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year first above written. MIN Hayward Memorandum of Site Lease Agreement Print or Type Name: Notary Public in and for the State of My appointment expires: 3 Exhibit "A" (Legal Description) Page 1 of 1 That part of Lot 1, Block 2, Jefferson Commons First Addition, Wright County, Minnesota, lying northerly of the southerly 150.00 feet thereof. Together with a permanent easement for drainage and utility purposes over the northerly 6.00 feet of the southerly 150.00 feet of said Lot 1. MIN Hayward Memorandum of Site Lease Agreement City Council Agenda: 03/28/16 2I. Consideration to approve a Special Event Permit allowing the use of the City Commuter Lot and related assistance in coniunction with a recycling event on April 30th, 2016. Applicant, Jason Warehime, Metro Appliance Recycling (AS /PW) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The City Council is asked to consider approval of a special event permit for a recycling day hosted by Metro Appliance Recycling. This event is hosted by Metro Appliance Recycling as a private company and is open to the public and not limited to city residents. The event is proposed to run from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the City Commuter Parking Lot on Deegan Avenue, as outlined in the applicant's narrative. Metro Recycling has coordinated this event for the recycling of appliances, furniture, tires, and electronics for the past four years. Similar to prior years, the applicant is requesting the use of the full commuter parking lot. Metro Appliance is also requesting to have the special event permit fee waived. Staff has met with Muller Theatres for approval to use the gravel portion of their parking lot for public parking the day of the event. Public Works will place a reader sign at the commuter parking lot two weeks in advance directing patrons to those two locations on the day of the event. Al. Budget Impact: The applicant is requesting that the City waive the event permit and temporary sign permit. Council will note that temporary sign permit fees have not typically been waived for other events. As such, the approval below does not include the waiver for sign fee. A2. Staff Workload Impact: Staff time will be required to place the reader sign at the lot prior to the event and to take down the sign following the event. This event will require very little staff time for placing signs and notifications. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve the Special Event Permit for Metro Appliance Recycling allowing temporary use of the City's Commuter Parking Lot on Deegan Avenue on Saturday, April 30th, 2016, for a recycling event, including waiver of special event permit fee. Approval is contingent on: a) Continued coordination on site plan and event operations with Street Superintendent b) Submission of written permission of Muller Theatres property owner to utilize the gravel area of the Muller Theater parking lot for the day of the event. c) Submission of certificate of liability coverage with City named as additional insured for event. City Council Agenda: 03/28/16 2. Motion to deny the Special Event Permit for Metro Appliance Recycling allowing temporary use of the City's Commuter Parking Lot on Deegan Avenue on Saturday, April 30th, 2016 C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends Alternative #1 for the approval of the Special Event Permit for Metro Appliance Recycling to host a recycling event Saturday, April 30th, 2016. Feedback from residents has been positive and they appreciate having this service D. SUPPORTING DATA: Applicant Narrative Applicant Site Plan and Layout 2 Monticello Recycles Day is a single day event in which Metro Appliance Recycling sets up trucks, trailers, and dumpsters in a designated parking lot were residence can bring in Appliances, computers, electronics, and other items for recycling. The city has agreed in the past to use the commuter parking lot located at 9250 Deegan Ave. for this event. The city has agreed to place a signage sign on location in advance to let residence know that the parking lot will be closed for the day of the event. The city of Monticello has agreed, in the past, to promote the event via their website, digital sign boards, utility billing, city council meeting, and any other means available to the city to inform the residence. Metro Appliance Recycling will place an advertising sign on location in advance to promote the event. We will supply all equipment and staff necessary to operate the event. Equipment will be set up the morning of the event then removed by the end of the event day. We leave the parking lot in the same condition as we found it and leave no rubbish behind. The event is scheduled to run from Sam —1 pm. We also request that the city of Monticello waive the special permit and temporary sign permit fees charged by the city. Any question may be directed to Jason Warehime at 763 - 241 -8787. U') rN li Z-d Buijoho� eoueilddV otieW dtt:ZL 96 17Z juVy City Council Agenda: 03/28/2016 2J. Consideration to approve the purchase of Neptune radio reading units for the Water Department. (MT, WO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Council is asked to consider the third bulk purchase of 650 Neptune radio reading units, which are attached to water meters. The first purchase occurred in September 2014 and the second in May 2015. The first purchase included equipment and software essential to performing radio reads. To date, staff has installed 1,215 of the 1,300 units purchased (2 x 650). Prior to initiation of the Neptune MXU installation program, staff read 2,200 water meters using a Sensus drive -by reader and 1,957 meters manually by walking the routes. Manually read (quarterly) meters has dropped to about 750. The Water Department goal is to have all water meters read by radio signal in 2017. It was necessary to switch to the Neptune reading units as Sensus, the provider of other radio reading units and meters, discontinued making the radio reading units that the city was using. The total cost for the 650 Neptune radio reading units is $69,641; which breaks down to $107.14 per unit. This price for the same unit has not increased from the 2015 purchase. Staff determined that Neptune radio units are reliable and best meet the city's needs. No other units are being sought and Ferguson Water Works is the sole authorized seller of the Neptune units in the five state area. Al. Budget Impact: In preparation for these purchases, the Water Department has allocated appropriate funds in the Meter and MXU Budget for 2016, which has a balance of $74,635. A2. Staff Workload Impact: Staff workload for this project will be intense with staff installing the radio readers outside of residential homes in late November through March. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve purchasing 650 Neptune radio reading units for a total cost of $69,641 with funding from the 2016 Water Department Meter and MXU budget. 2. Motion to approve purchasing 650 Neptune radio reading units at a later date. 3. Motion to deny purchasing the radio reading units at this time. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends purchasing the Neptune radio reading units from Ferguson Waterworks in the amount of $69,641 as outlined in Alternative #1. Furthermore, if the City Council Agenda: 03/28/2016 City is interested in transitioning to a fixed network push- button reading system in the future, this system has the capabilities to do so. A SUPPORTING DATA: • Quotes from Ferguson Waterworks for the purchase of 650 Neptune radio reading units. • Routes, route area, radio reading unit numbers to be installed, and schedule. 2 Z FERGUSOU Waterworks a WOLSELET=,ny 16:43:34 MAR 16 2016 Bid No.......: 6064378 Bid Date....: 03116/16 Quoted By.: RDR FERGUSON WATERWORKS #2518 169491 STAVE NE Deliver To: soott.holmvig @ferguson.com BLAINE, MN 55449 -4311 From: Ryan Raupp Comments: Customer. CITY OF MONTICELLO ATTN ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 505 WALNUT ST SUITE 1 MONTICELLO, MN 55362 Cust PO # ... : Item Description N13341200 R900 V4 WALL MIU FERGUSON WATERWORKS #2516 Price Quotation Phone: 763 -560 -5200 Fax :763 -560 -1799 Page # 1 Cust 763- 295 -2711 Terms........: NET 10TH PROX Ship TO: CITY OF MONTICELLO ATTN ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 505 WALNUT ST SUITE 1 MONTICELLO, MN 55362 Job Name: V4 MIU Quantity Net Price UM Total 650 107.140 EA 69641.00 Net Total: Tax: Freight: Total: $69641.00 $0.00 $0.00 $69641.00 Quoted prices are based upon receipt of the total quantity for immediate shipment (48 hours). SHIPMENTS BEYOND 48 HOURS SHALL BE AT THE PRICE IN EFFECT AT TIME OF SHIPMENT UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. Seller not responsible for delays, lack of product or increase of pricing due to causes beyond our control, and /or based upon Local, State and Federal laws governing type of products that can be sold or put into commerce. This quote is offered contingent upon the buyer's acceptance of Seller's terms and conditions, which are incorporated by reference and found either following this document, or on the web at http: // wolseleyna .com /terms_conditionsSale.htm]. Govt Buyers: All items are open market unless noted otherwise. LEAD LAW WARNING: It is illegal to install products that are not "lead free" in accordance with US Federal or other applicable law in potable water systems anticipated for human consumption. Products with *NP in the description are NOT lead free and can only be installed in non - potable applications. Buyer is solely responsible for product selection. ROUTE,NUMBER DATE MAILED NUMBER OF LETTERS MAILED A_' A 1 12/17/14 151 River St E 6 02/11/15 231 River St W 8 10/28/15 222 Par West 13 01/05/16 267 Cardinal Hills 11(a) 02/12/16 117 (partial route) Meadow Oaks (west) 11(b) Nov 2016 185 (remaining) * Meadow Oaks (east) 10 Jan 2017 356 * River Mill 14 Mar 2017 412 * Klein Farms * To be installed Total= 1,941 YEAR RADIO UNITS PURCHASED ACCOUNTS 2014 650 72 New — residential accounts 4 New — commercial accounts 32 Townhome association lawn irrigation meters 16 City lawn irrigation meters 23 Replacement of existing Sensus radio units 151 Route #1- River St E 231 Route #6 - River St W 529 Installed in 2014 2015 650 44 New — residential accounts 4 New — commercial accounts 222 Route #8 — Par West 267 Route #13 —Cardinal Hills 117 Route #11a — Meadow Oaks (west) 37 Replacement of existing Sensus radio units 691 Installed in 2015 2016* 650 77 New — residential accounts ?? New— commercial accounts 77 Replacement of existing Sensus radio units 185 Route #11b - Meadow Oaks (east) 2017* 650 ?? New — residential accounts ?? New — commercial accounts ?? Replacement of existing Sensus radio units 356 j Route #10 - River Mill (late 2016 —early 2017) 412 1 Route #14 - Klein Farms * To be installed City Council Agenda: 03/28/16 2K. Consideration to adopt Resolution 2016 -017 approving plans and specifications and authorizing the advertisement of bids for the 2016 Street Reconstruction Project, City Proiect No. 15CO01 (SB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: On January 11, 2016, the City Council held the public hearing and authorized the preparation of plans and specifications for the 2016 Street Reconstruction project, which includes improvements identified as "Area 5" in the City's Overall Street Reconstruction Plan. In general, the project includes the following improvements: Street Reconstruction — Area 5 The streets proposed to be reconstructed total approximately 14,050 feet in length and include: • 3rd and 4th Street East from TH 25 to Washington Street • 6th Street East from TH 25 to Cedar Street • Cedar and Ramsey Street from 7th Street East to East Broadway Street • Washington Street from the railroad tracks to East Broadway Street • Wright Street from 7th Street East to the railroad tracks, as well as • Palm, New, Wright, and Hennepin Streets between 4th Street East and East Broadway Street The streets will be reclaimed and paved with spot curb replacement as needed, except where utility replacement work occurs. Sidewalk Improvements: • Construct a new 6 -foot wide concrete sidewalk along the west side of Cedar Street from 7th Street to 4th Street • Construct a new 6 -foot wide concrete sidewalk along the west side of Washington Street from the rail road tracks to Broadway Street • Replace approximately 20% of the sidewalk along the south side of East Broadway Street between Cedar Street and Washington Street that has settled or deteriorated. • Replace damaged sidewalk on 3rd and 4th Streets between TH 25 and Cedar Street. Utility Improvements — Area 5 • Replace the sanitary sewer along 4th Street (between Washington Street and Palm Street) and slip line the remaining sanitary sewer mains within Area 5 • Replace all of the sanitary sewer services from the mainline to the property line • Replace the majority of the sanitary sewer castings • Replace water main valves and hydrants • Replace storm sewer pipe and structures and castings where needed • Install new storm sewer pipe and structures on 3rd Street between TH 25 and Cedar Street to improve drainage conditions • Replace 6 -inch watermain line with a 12 -inch watermain on Ramsey St between 4th Street and Broadway City Council Agenda: 03/28/16 • Construct a new 10 -inch watermain between Well #1 and #2 in Block 34 • Extend 12 to 16 -inch watermain along Cedar Street, 4th Street and Ramsey Street as a new raw watermain feed for a potential future water treatment plant at the City's reservoir site. A segment of the watermain already exists along Cedar Street from Block 34. The project is anticipated to be bid on May 5, 2016. Currently the plans are being reviewed by MnDOT State Aid as improvements on 4th Street, Cedar Street and Washington Street are eligible for State Aid funding. It should be noted that the plans for the TH 25 /7th Street intersection improvements are being prepared separately and will be bid separately from the Area 5 improvements. The TH 25/7th Street intersection improvement plans will require MnDOT District 3 and Central office review and agreement approvals that will take longer to approve since it involves trunk highway funds that MnDOT has committed to fund for the turn lane construction on TH 25. Al. Budget Impact: The total estimated project cost for the Area 5 street and utility improvements total $4,800,000 for Area 5 street and utility improvements. Street, sidewalk and storm sewer improvements are estimated at $3,200,000. Sanitary sewer and watermain improvements are estimated at $1,600,000. These costs include 25% of the construction cost for contingency and indirect costs. This project is proposed to be funded using street reconstruction and improvement bonds, capital improvement funds, utility enterprise funds, advancement of state aid funds and special assessments to benefitting properties. As described at the public hearing for the project, single - family residential property owners are proposed to be assessed for street construction at a rate of $4,500 per lot /unit with access to any of the reconstructed streets. The project area includes a few duplex units and residential homes that have multiple dwelling units that are classified as multi- family units. These units are contained within one parcel and therefore have one PID. Each dwelling unit contained within one parcel is proposed to be assessed $4,500 per unit. Non - residential lots (includes apartment buildings) are proposed to be assessed for street reconstruction at a rate of $100 per front foot. It is anticipated that approximately $1,200,000 will be levied in special assessments for the project. Approximately $750,000 of the project costs are eligible for State Aid funding. The City will need to advance these funds as the current balance is $400,000. A2. Staff Workload Impact: WSB will administer the bidding process. 2 City Council Agenda: 03/28/16 ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to adopt Resolution 2016 -017 approving plans and specifications and authorizing the advertisement of bids for the 2016 Street Reconstruction Project, City Project No. 15C001 2. Motion to deny adoption of Resolution 2016 -017 at this time. B. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends approving Alternative #1 as this project has been identified in the City's Capital Improvement Plan and it is timely to move forward now for construction to commence this year. D. SUPPORTING DATA: • Resolution 2016 -017 • Project Plans (available at City Hall) CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2016-017 APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND AUTHORIZING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS FOR 2016 STREET RECONSTRUCTION IMPROVEMENTS — AREA 5, CITY PROJECT NO. 11CO01 WHEREAS, pursuant to resolution approved by the City Council on January 11, 2016, the City Engineer has prepared plans and specifications for the 2016 Street Reconstruction Project generally described as follows: Area 5 — Street Reconstruction: • 3rd and 4th Street East from TH 25 to Washington Street • 6th Street East from TH 25 to Cedar Street • Cedar and Ramsey Street from 7th Street East to East Broadway Street • Washington Street from the railroad tracks to East Broadway Street • Wright Street from 7th Street East to the railroad tracks, as well as • Palm, New, Wright, and Hennepin Streets between 4th Streets East and East Broadway Street; and Area 5 - Sidewalk Improvements • Along west side of Cedar Street from 7th St. to 4th St. West side of Washington Street from the rail road tracks to Broadway Replace 20% of sidewalk along south side of East Broadway between Cedar St. and Washington Street Replace damages sidewalk on 3rd and 4th Streets between TH 25 and Cedar St.; and Area 5 — Utility Improvements • Replace Sanitary Sewer along 4th Street between Washington Street and Palm Street and slip line the remaining sanitary sewer within Area 5 • Replace sanitary sewer services from mainline to property line • Replace majority of sanitary sewer castings • Replace water main valves and hydrants • Replace storm sewer pipe and structures on 3rd Street between TH 25 and 4th Street and Broadway • Construct new 10 -inch watermain in Block 34 • Extend watermain along Cedar Street, 4th Street and Ramsey Street; and Other appurtenant work. WHEREAS, the City Engineer has presented such plans and specifications to the Council for approval; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF MONTICELL0, MINNESOTA: Such plans and specifications, a copy of which is on file in the office of the City Clerk, are hereby approved. 2. The City Clerk shall prepare and cause to be inserted in the official paper and in the Star Tribune and /or Construction Bulletin an advertisement for bid upon the making of such improvement under such approved plans and specifications. The advertisement shall be published no less than three weeks before the last day for submission of bids, once in the City's legal publication and at least once in either a newspaper published in a city of the first class or a trade paper. To be eligible as a trade paper, a publication shall have all the qualifications of a legal newspaper except that, instead of the requirement that it shall contain general and local news, such trade paper shall contain building and construction news of interest to contractors in this state, among whom it shall have a general circulation. The advertisement shall specify the work to be done and shall state when the bids will be opened and that the award of the bid and the responsibility of the bidders will be considered by the City Council. Any bidder whose responsibility is questioned during consideration of the bid will be given an opportunity to address the Council on the issue of responsibility. No bids will be considered unless sealed and filed with the Clerk and accompanied by a cash deposit, cashier's check, bid bond or certified check payable to the City for 5% of the amount of such bid. ADOPTED BY the Monticello City Council this 28th day of March, 2016. CITY OF MONTICELLO Brian Stumpf, Mayor ATTEST: Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator City Council Agenda: 03/28/16 2L. Consideration to adopt Resolution 2016 -018 requesting MnDOT aid for the TH 25/7th intersection improvements, City Project No. 15CO04 (SB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: On January 11, 2016, the City Council held the public hearing and authorized the preparation of plans and specifications for the TH 25 and 7th Street Intersection Improvement project. Improvements to the intersection include the following: 7th Street East: • Reconstruct bituminous pavement between TH 25 and Cedar Street. • Construct a right turn lane and relocate sidewalk along westbound 7th Street between TH 25 and Cedar Street. • Install 6 -foot wide concrete sidewalk on the south side of 7th Street from TH 25 to Cedar Street, adjacent to Perkins, Americinn and Taco Bell. • Signal improvements including flashing yellow arrows at the TH 25 approaches with center left turn lane striping on 7th Street between TH 25 and Cedar Street TH 25: • Construct northbound and southbound right turn lanes at 7th Street. • Signal improvements including flashing yellow arrows at the 7th Street approaches • Complete streetscape improvements along the TH 25 corridor between 7th Street and 6th Street. • Construct City entrance monument /plaza at the northeast corner of TH 25 and 7th Street. • Install 6- foot -wide concrete sidewalk and boulevard treatments on the west side from 7th Street to 6th Street. • Install 8- foot -wide concrete sidewalk and boulevard treatments on the east side from 7th Street to 6th Street. • Install modular block retaining wall north on the east side north and south of 7th Street to match the recently constructed wall along 7th Street adjacent to Hillside cemetery. MnDOT District 3 has agreed to contribute partial funding through their local initiative trunk high way funding program for the intersection improvements as follows: • MnDOT to contribute 100% of the base construction costs for the right turn lane construction on north bound and southbound TH 25 at 7th Street • MnDOT to contribute 50% of the permanent signal construction costs for their "legs" of the intersection The above cost share is consistent with MnDOT's cost participation policy for City initiated projects. In order to request the funding, the City is required to pass a resolution requesting the funds and agree to enter into a future agreement with MnDOT that will address the terms of the funding and construction and maintenance of the improvements. The proposed resolution basically initiates the process for developing the agreement. Staff will present the agreement to the Council at a later date, likely prior to bidding the project. City Council Agenda: 03/28/16 Currently the plans are being reviewed by MnDOT District 3 and Central office and will take approximately 8 -10 weeks to review and develop the agreement since the project involves trunk highway funding. It is proposed to bid the project in June or July with the construction to begin after the TH 25 and CSAH 75 improvements are complete. Al. Budget Impact: The total estimated project cost for the TH 25 and 7th Street intersection improvements totals $1,400,000. This cost include 25% of the construction cost for contingency and indirect costs. This project is proposed to be funded using street reconstruction bonds, capital improvement funds, advancement of state aid funds, MnDOT local initiative funds and special assessments to benefitting properties. MnDOT's local initiative share is estimated at $335,000. It is anticipated that approximately $43,000 will be levied in special assessments to Perkins, Taco Bell and the Americinn hotel for street reconstruction and new sidewalk construction along 7th Street. Approximately $875,000 of the project costs are eligible for State Aid funding. The City will need to advance these funds as the current balance is $400,000. A2. Staff Workload Impact: City Staff will submit the resolution to MnDOT. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to adopt Resolution 2016 -018 to adopt Resolution #2016 -xxx requesting MnDOT aid for the TH 25 /7th intersection improvements, City Project No. 15C004. 2. Motion to deny adoption of Resolution 2016 -018 at this time. B. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends approving Alternative #1 to initiate the process to receive MnDOT local initiative funds for the project. D. SUPPORTING DATA: • Resolution 2016 -018 2 CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2016 -018 REQUESTING AID FOR IMPROVEMENTS ON TRUNK HIGHWAY 25 AT INTERSECTION OF 7Th STREET SOUTH WHEREAS, the City of Monticello proposes to make certain improvements at the intersection of Trunk Highway 25 and 7th Street South under local initiative (SP 8605 -53), and the improvements include addition of right turn lanes, relocating and installing new sidewalks, signal improvements including flashing yellow arrows; and completing streetscape improvements; and WHEREAS, it is the City's desire that the State of Minnesota provide funding of said improvements to Trunk Highway 25 and 7th Street South intersection located in the City of Monticello; and NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Monticello, Wright County, Minnesota, that, following approval by the MnDOT of plans and specifications for the said improvement of TH 25/7th St. S. intersection, and, before a contract is awarded for the construction of said improvements, the City shall enter into an agreement with the State which shall provide that the City shall receive funding from the State of Minnesota for the State's share of the improvements. ADOPTED BY the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota, this 28th day of March, 2016. CITY OF MONTICELLO Brian Stumpf, Mayor ATTEST: Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator Voting in Favor: Voting in Opposition: City Council Agenda: 03/28/16 3A. Public Hearing: Consideration to adopt Resolution 2016 -019 approving the issuance of revenue bonds by the City of St. Cloud on behalf of Centracare Health System (WO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The St. Benedict's Senior Community, here in Monticello and operated by CentraCare Health System, a Minnesota nonprofit, was originally financed as part of a revenue bond issued by the City of St. Cloud. As a nonprofit, they can issue debt using a government entity's tax exempt status, in which they have facilities located. Since CentraCare Health System has locations in St. Cloud, Monticello and other communities, they issued debt using St. Cloud's tax exempt status. CentraCare Health System is now trying to refinance their debt again using the City of St. Cloud as the debt issuer. Since part of the bonds financed St. Benedict's Senior Community in Monticello, the City of Monticello is required by federal tax law to hold a public hearing and approve the sale of debt. This action has no effect on the City of Monticello or commits the City to any future debt obligations or expenses. Al. Budget Impact: This action has no financial impact on the City. A2. Staff Workload Impact: This action has no staff impact now or in the future. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to adopt Resolution #2016 -019 approving the issuance of revenue bonds by the City of St. Cloud on behalf of CentraCare Health. 2. Deny the resolution calling for a public hearing. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends Alternative #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: • Resolution 2016 -019 4814 - 3834- 7550FalseI False CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2016-019 APPROVING THE ISSUANCE OF REVENUE BONDS BY THE CITY OF ST. CLOUD ON BEHALF OF CENTRACARE HEALTH SYSTEM BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota (the "City "), as follows: SECTION 1 Recitals and Findings 1.1. CentraCare Health System, a Minnesota nonprofit corporation (the "System "), has advised this Council of its desire to refinance the acquisition, construction and equipping of St. Benedict's Senior Community — Monticello, located at 1301 and 1305 Seventh Street in the City (the "Facilities ") with the proceeds of revenue bonds (the "Bonds ") issued by the City of St. Cloud, Minnesota (the "Issuer "), under the authority of Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.152 through 469.165 and Chapter 462C, as amended (the "Act "). The Bonds are proposed to be issued in an aggregate amount which is not expected to exceed $275,000,000, the proceeds of which will be used to finance and refinance in part the acquisition, construction, renovation, remodeling and equipping by the System or its affiliates of health care facilities located in the cities of St. Cloud, Melrose and Long Prairie, Minnesota, in addition to the City. 1.2. At a public hearing held on the date hereof, all parties who appeared at the hearing were given an opportunity to express their views with respect to the proposal to refinance the Facilities through the issuance of the Bonds under the Act by the Issuer, and interested persons were given the opportunity to submit written comments to the City Administrator before the time of the hearing. SECTION 2 Approvals 2.1. The issuance of Bonds by the Issuer pursuant to the Act to refinance the Facilities is hereby consented to and approved. The terms of the Bonds shall be as are approved by the governing body of the Issuer. 2.2. The Mayor and City Administrator and other officers of the City are authorized and directed to furnish to the System, the Issuer and the attorneys rendering an opinion on the issuance of the Bonds certified copies of all proceedings and records of the City relating to the Bonds and such other affidavits and certificates as may be required to show the facts relating to the legality and marketability of the Bonds as such facts appear from the books and records in the officer's custody and control or as otherwise known to them, and all such certified copies, certificates and affidavits, including any heretofore furnished, shall constitute representations of the City as to the truth of all statements contained therein. Adopted by the City Council of the City of Monticello on this 28th day of March, 2016. ATTEST Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator CITY OF MONTICELLO Brian Stumpf, Mayor 2