City Council Agenda Packet 04-25-2016 SpecialAGENDA CITY COUNCIL QUARTERLY WORKSHOP MEETING MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, March 28, 2016 — 5 p.m. Academy Room AGENDA 1. 95th Street Extension 2. Flashing Yellow Arrows at Mayor Intersections A WSBInfrastructure ■ Engineering ■ Planning ■ Construction 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite #300 & Assaciales, Inc. Minneapolis, MN 55416 Tel: 763 541 -4800 Fax: 763 541 -1700 Memorandum To: Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator Angela Schumann, AICP, Com m u n ity Developm en t Director Shibani Bisson, P. E., City Engineer City of Monticello From: Chuck Rickart, PE, PTOE, Transportation Engineer WSB & Associates, Inc. Date: April 25, 2016 Re: Project Update 951 Street Extension — Gillard Avenue to Broadway City of Monticello WSB Project No: 1627 -99 Back;4round At the November 23, 2015 meeting the City Council authorized WSB to proceed with the Feasibility Report addressing the extension of 95th Street between Gillard Avenue and Broadway Street. City Council requested that prior to proceeding with the full Feasibility Report, an update be provided in order for the Council to determine if they want to proceed with completing the Feasibility Report. The primary concerns of the City Council were: • Impacts to adjacent properties • Safety of access to /from Gillard Avenue at CR 39 • Cost of the 95th Street extension • Benefit of the 95th Street extension The purpose of this agenda item is to provide the Council with an update on our preliminary findings and receive direction on proceeding with the full Feasibility Report or an alternate recommendation. Traffic Analysis A traffic analysis was completed documenting the existing traffic conditions along Gillard Avenue and projecting future traffic conditions with and without the proposed 95th Street extension. Existing Average Daily Traffic (ADT), AM peak hour and PM peak hour volumes were collected the week of January 18, 2016. Turning movement counts were also collected at the intersections of Gillard Avenue and CR 39, Gillard Avenue and River Forest Drive and Gillard Avenue at 95th Street. Based on the existing traffic counts the following was concluded: 95' Street Extension — Gillard Avenue to Broadway April 25, 2016 Page 2 of 6 • Existing (2016) ADT on Gillard Avenue is between 1,620 and 1,850 vehicles per day. Previous traffic counts were conducted in 2001 on Gillard Avenue. Those counts ranged from 1050 to 1200. The primary reason for the increase over the 15 year period is the development of the Sunset Ponds area. • 85% to 90% of the traffic entering or exiting CR 39 at Gillard Avenue has an origin or destination in the City of Monticello (i.e. left turning from Gillard Avenue to CR 39 or right turn from CR 39 to Gillard Avenue). • Traffic on Gillard Avenue is not using River Forest Drive as a cut - through avoiding the CR 39 intersection. • Currently there is not a significant traffic generation impacting Gillard Avenue from the area east on 95th Street or Haug Avenue. In addition to documenting the existing traffic conditions, future projected traffic conditions were determined for the impacted roadways. Future conditions were determined assuming traffic being generated from the area east of Gillard Avenue to Harding Avenue would use 90th Street and Haug Avenue to 95th Street. With these assumptions and assuming that the Sunset Ponds development is fully occupied, it was estimated that an additional 1,200 daily trips would enter the roadway system. Based on this additional traffic the future traffic projections on Gillard Avenue and 95th Street were determined. The results show that with full build out of the area east of Gillard Avenue the following conditions could occur: Without the 95th Street extension, traffic on Gillard Avenue would increase from between 1,620 and 1850 ADT today to between 2,500 and 2,750 ADT, depending on the location along Gillard Avenue. With the 95th Street extension, traffic on 95th Street is estimated to be 1,500 ADT. With the 95th Street extension, traffic on Gillard Avenue would decrease from between 1,620 and 1,850 ADT today to between 900 and 1,100 ADT depending on the location along Gillard Avenue. The attached Traffic Volume Figure shows the existing traffic volumes and the projected future daily ADT volumes with and without the 95th Street extension. A typical local City street would have traffic volumes up to 1,200 vpd. Traffic volumes higher than 1,200 vpd are typical for collector type streets. Traffic capacity of a two lane roadway is up to 5,000 vpd depending on; the topography, locations of driveways and streets intersecting the roadway, condition of the roadway, rural or urban cross - section and speed of traffic. Considering Gillard Avenue is in need of pavement rehabilitation, the existing traffic volume of 1,620 vpd to 1,850 vpd is approaching a critical level. However, if the roadway was improved (pavement rehabilitation, possible addition of curb and gutter etc.) the critical level could be in the range of 2,000 vpd to 2,500 vpd. 95' Street Extension — Gillard Avenue to Broadway April 25, 2016 Page 3 of 6 Comparable City streets with similar traffic volumes are: • Broadway east of CR 18/39 — 2050 vpd • Fenning Avenue south of School Blvd — 1800 vpd • Fallon Avenue south of Chelsea Rd — 1750 vpd • Street north of 7th Ave — 1450 vpd • Innsbrook Dr south of Chelsea Rd — 1850 vpd (estimated- no counts have been taken) Preliminary 95t' Street Roadway Alignment Options and Pedestrian Connections Two preliminary roadway alignment options were developed extending 95th Street from where it currently ends just west of Gillard Avenue, to Broadway within the existing MnDOT right of way, taking into consideration construction of a potential future noise wall with the expansion of I -94 to three lanes. Option 1 — Noise wall located south of 95th St alignment, adjacent to I -94 Option 2 — Noise Wall located north of 95th Street alignment, adjacent to residential properties The attached figures show both options. Each option assumes a 28 foot wide, two lane section and provides for pedestrian connections from Broadway to 95th Street and Mill Trail Lane. In addition, both options also include the addition of approximately 20 parking stall adjacent to the roadway at River Mill Park. Based on these preliminary concept plans the following was concluded: • Both alternatives have right of way and/or easement impacts to the adjacent residents. The property impacts were reduced by utilizing a 28 foot wide street compared to the City standard 32 foot wide street. Option 2 with the noise wall adjacent to the residential property would have more impact. • The noise wall adjacent to I -94 (Option 1) will provide better noise reduction at a lower cost then the option adjacent to the residential properties. This is primarily due to the height and location of the proposed walls. • The preliminary roadway and trail construction cost is estimated to be approximately $1.1 million excluding right of way /easements or the noise wall. • The noise wall cost is estimated to range from approximately $500,000 to $750,000 depending on length and height of the wall. Currently MnDOT is developing a program called the Greater MN Stand -Alone Noise Barrier Program to address noise concerns in residential areas that were developed before 1997. Unfortunately the River Mill Addition was platted in 1998 -2001 and therefore will not qualify for this program. 95t' Street Extension — Gillard Avenue to Broadway April 25, 2016 Page 4 of 6 Gillard Avenue at CR 39 Intersection Improvements City staff met with Wright County to discuss options for safety improvements for the intersection of Gillard Avenue and CR 39. The following short term and long term improvements were discussed. Short Term Improvements • Dynamic Speed Signs: These electronic signs would provide an indication of the speed a vehicle is traveling. It has been documented that these signs have been effective in controlling speed. The estimated cost for two signs would be approximately $10,000. Rural Intersection Conflict Warning System (RICWS): This includes flashing signs indicating vehicle presence at the intersection. The estimated cost would be approximately $50,000. Turn Lane Improvements: This would include converting the by -pass lane to a left turn lane and providing additional separation for the right turn lane. The estimated cost would be approximately $125,000. Enforcement with Speed Trailer: In order to address the speeding concerns on CR 39 specifically at the speed transition from 45 mph to 55 mph, additional enforcement should be provided including use of a speed trailer. Additional enforcement on Gillard Avenue could address local speeding concerns as well. Long Term Improvements • Construction of a roundabout at the intersection. This improvement would provide opportunity to make a pedestrian connection across CR 39 as well as slow traffic down on CR 39. The roundabout could be viewed as a streetscape feature marking the entrance to the City. The estimated cost of a roundabout is approximately $750,000, not including any right of way costs. With a roundabout and pedestrian connection across CR 39, a pathway connection could be made along the Mississippi River to the Swan Park, Ellison Park and ultimately to East Bridge Park, providing a regional connection to the City and following the Mississippi River Trail (MRT) route. County staff was in support of the short term improvements. County safety funds may be available for sharing in some of the costs for the short term improvements. CR 39 is identified as a future four lane roadway from Broadway to the east. County staff agreed that a roundabout may be a viable long term option for the transition area from four lane back to two lane in the future. Conclusions and Recommendations The traffic analysis and preliminary roadway options were reviewed by staff on March 1 and April 19, 2016 and the Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC) on March 3, 2016. The conclusions from those meetings included: 95' Street Extension — Gillard Avenue to Broadway April 25, 2016 Page 5 of 6 • While the traffic benefit of the proposed 95th Street extension is minimal with today's traffic the connection may be of benefit in the future at full build out of the area with an estimated 1500 vehicles per day. • Both 95th Street roadway alignment alternatives, with the noise wall adjacent to I- 94 (Option 1) or adjacent to the residents (Option 2), provide a good connection between Gillard Avenue and Broadway. Both alternatives include pedestrian connection adjacent to the roadway from the neighborhoods and River Mill Park. The primary difference is that with the noise wall adjacent to the residence (Option 2) there are more property impacts. • The 95th Street extension will provide benefit to Gillard Avenue with the reduction of traffic. However, the safety issues at the Gillard Avenue and CR 39 intersection should be addressed with or without the extension of 95th Street. Based on the review and conclusions the following is recommended: 1. Do not construct the 95th Street extension at this time, however with any adjacent improvement (I -94 expansion or noise wall), insure that the alignment can be implemented based on the preliminary options developed. 2. Consider extending 95th Street in the long term as a result of new development that would increase traffic on Gillard Avenue to a critical level. 3. Work with Wright County on the implementation of Short Term improvements at the intersection of Gillard Avenue and CR 39. Based on the following priority. a. Turn lane Improvements b. Dynamic Speed Signs c. Rural Intersection Conflict Warning System 4. Work with Wright County on including the future roundabout at the Gillard Avenue and CR 39 in the County's Capital Improvement Plan. 5. If the 95th Street extension is not considered at this time, work with MnDOT on a location of the noise wall that would not preclude the roadway extension in the future when deemed necessary. 6. If the 95th Street extension is not considered at this time, provide a pathway connection from where it currently ends at River Mill Park to Broadway. This could also include a path connection along Broadway Street to Meadow Oak Road with a review of the traffic control at the intersections. 7. If the 95th Street extension is not considered at this time, provide a driveway connection with a parking lot north of Broadway for traffic destined for either River Mill Park or Freeway Fields Park. 95t' Street Extension — Gillard Avenue to Broadway April 25, 2016 Page 6 of 6 8. Consider improving the pavement and roadway section on Gillard Avenue as part of the City's Capital Improvement Plan. 9. Utilize a speed trailer to enforce speeds on Gillard Avenue and CR 39. MILL RUN ROAD Vii° �,t�T• f1��' .S OOa� K __,i MEP00� PROPOSED ROW EX TRAIL I � •_'1111,1y� CONSTRUCTION LIMITS WITH WALL NEAR TH94 021 FF r' O i 4"i! . r 4 t AMA POTENTIAL RETAINING WALL rn MILL TRAIL LANE -n 4, ! A ! CONSTRUCTION LIMITS WITH WALL NEAR TH94 a s. ! "EX TRAIL ky' 95TH ST� E ' 1 �1 �. A .i "' 701 Xenia Avenue South, Suite 300 CITY OF MONTICELLO WSB Minnea�paolWls� MIN bengscolm 95TH STREET NE EXTENSION - OPTION 1 WALL ADJACENT TO 194 & Associates, Inc. 763 - 5414800 -Fax 76 3-541 -1700 INFRASTRUCTURE I ENGINEERING I PLANNING (CONSTRUCTION WSB Project No.01627 -99 �I T PROPOSED ROW N -� EX TRAIL C_S, t,- TRAIL OPTION 2 MAX GRADE ,J► i F �,.; _ -,"�. � w . , � -, � •. , . � � \ •. ? o WITH WALL BEHIND TRAIL :. , w j �,aJ : �- � _ - CONSTRUCTION LIMITS WI J _ TRAIL LANE CONSTRUCTION LIMITS °� _ - ' .'"��•a„ WITH WALL BEHIND TRAIL N 1010 ± W_ vw I 701 Xenia Avenue South, Suite 300 WSB Minnewwapolis, MIN 55416 w.wsb sbeng.com g.com & Associates, Inc. ■.■ 763 - 504800 -Fax 763 -541 -1700 INFRASTRUCTURE I ENGINEERING I PLANNING (CONSTRUCTION WS13 PfoleCt No.01627 -99 lop D c yEX TRAIL±_ r ''.'. , lid 227 95TH STS CITY OF MONTICELLO 95TH STREET NE EXTENSION - OPTION 2 WALL BEHIND TRAIL a e"� CITY OF Monticetto Date: Printed: 31112016 WSB Filename, K: \01627- 990 \Cad\Exhlblts \fig -01 Traffic Volumes.dgn Leeend XX Existing AM Peak Volumes (XX) Existing PM Peak Volumes 8250 ADT Z7 [11 600 AD (311 187 1 z5 �r %,\w (11,� "y 10 Q"!A . ' k It 11? -4 T, "I"k -a ja-� A� [400 ADT] (1s) 30 ..4 00 ADT" (1) o ' L --�,� 1 '• e, L o � U- QJ P > s, v Q LU .. y OC L z roll f\ N -T 40 ADT +' .� .,x [40 ADT] (0) (0) (0) ApS 11D0 1311 D .ol -D l �q 0 roo�e�P ®�„ t ti r, ice- r W.,,,.��..v r F— F-r°' Ln 0 I 9"'m Street NE Q Q N O rLD-i N Ln r 1 (6) o (1) 350 ADT r s' 1 -0 t [1400 ADT] 95th Street NE 0 ) r 0 a o O N O F- o~ oQ Qo d 1. 1 1. . om CITY OF 95th Street Extension Monticdo City of Monticello, Minnesota } N 0 Tt i tt Traffic Volumes MontJL%.-.%.,-.fl,o Project Update 95th Street Extension (Gillard Avenue to Broadway) April 25, 2016 t Monticello Initial Project Concerns: • Impacts to adjacent properties • Safety of access to /from Gillard Avenue at CR 39 • Cost of the 95thStreet extension • Benefit of the 95thStreet extension C, I_I.Y (.)F A A4onticeffo - i rt OF � Montiello Current Traffic Analysis: • Existing ADT on Gillard Avenue: 1,620 to 1,850 vehicles per day. Historic counts conducted in 2001: 1050 to 1200 vehicles per day. • 85% to 90% of the traffic entering or exiting CR 39 at Gillard Avenue has an origin or destination in the City of Monticello (i.e. left turning from Gillard Avenue to CR 39 or right turn from CR 39 to Gillard Avenue). • Traffic on Gillard Avenue is not using River Forest Drive as a cut - through avoiding the CR 39 intersection. • Currently there is not a significant traffic generation impacting Gillard Avenue from the area west on 95th Street or Haug Avenue. • It is not likely that future long term development east of Haug Avenue will utilize the 95th Street extension when traveling to and from Monticello with CR 39 being the likely primary route. C, I F Y (.)F Ato A4iceno Traffic Volumes .0.�j F Any M.W 51. 'M MTF ip 2) MOD AD T ZHDFJrl T- 1, ON C2 :,�- V at a z Ah d 1. z ita 40 A D r Ir 3$0 AI)T 140 ADD I )LMAD� 95th Street NE 4K i Monticello Future Traffic Projections: Current Traffic on Gillard Ave: 1,620 to 1,850 ADT With the 95th Street Extension: • Gillard Avenue: 900 to 1,100 ADT • 95th Street: 1,500 ADT Without the 95th Street Extension: • Gillard Avenue: 2,500 to 2,750 ADT • • i Monticello Future Traffic Projections: • Typical local City Street 1,200 ADT or less with a capacity of up to 5,000 ADT. • Existing 1,850 on Gillard is approaching a critical level. With rehabilitation, critical level could be improved to 2,000 to 2,500 ADT. • Comparable City Streets: • Broadway, east of CR 18/39 = 2,050 vpd • Fenning Avenue, south of School Blvd =1,800 vpd • Fallon Avenue, south of Chelsea Rd =1,750 vpd • Cedar Street, north of 7th Ave =1,450 vpd • Innsbrook Drive, south of Chelsea Rd =1,850 vpd (estimate) • • t Monticello Project Considerations - 95th Street: • Future Traffic Impact • Proposed 28 foot Street Section to limit impacts • Existing is 36 -feet wide • Potential Noise Wall Location • Right of Way /Easement Impacts • Estimated Cost - $1.1 million y A4onticeno Preliminary Roadway Alignments - Option 1 '41 -v, b,"i WWI r ti 4� r SCI, L [I 74M 1 "'IAe"414r ■!LL �n Y� ,. C[T4s "�JLT[414 1.,4111x. PITII PALL Yi ATI t•!Ji ''„ f' AhF P YSQY/ TRUC.1711#4 L I Y 1 T ill l IIAI 1 41 +h I Ilyl A�E 4 ST sip �. +may I 411 h,.}: ",I EgP�I. CITY OF MONTICECE 95TH STREET NE EXTENSION - OPTION 1 WALL ADJACENT TO 194 C I T Y OF Monticello Preliminary Roadway Alignments - Option 2 crry bF M ONTICELLO 145TH MEET 4S EXTENSION - OPMON 2 WALL 6EHIND VWL i Monticello CR 39 /Gillard Ave Intersection • Safety improvements to CR39 /Gillard Ave intersection should be considered with or without 95th Street • Short Term Solution • Enforcement with Speed Trailer • Dynamic Speed Signs • Flashing signs indicating vehicle presence ($50,000) • Rural Intersection Conflict Warning System • Separated EB CR 39 right turn lane at Gillard Ave and WB CR 39 left turn lane at Gillard Ave($125,000) • Long Term Solution • Roundabout at Gillard and CR 39 M t Monticello Pathway /Park Connections: • Battle Rapids Park • Future regional pathway along Mississippi River • Connection to Broadway St, Freeway Fields and Meadow Oak Road /Dog Park • Broadway St driveway connection and parking lot for River Mill or Freeway Fields Park C, I_I.Y (.)F A A4onticeffo - i i Monticello Conclusions: • Future traffic volume benefit of 95th St Extension at full buildout is estimated at 1,500 vpd. • The 95th Street extension will provide benefit to Gillard Avenue with the reduction of traffic. However, the safety issues at the Gillard Avenue and CR 39 intersection should be addressed with or without the extension of 95th Street. • Noise wall can be implemented with or without 95th Street Extension. • i Monticello Recommendations: • Provide for the 95th St extension when area to east develops in the future or Gillard Ave approaches a critical traffic volume and account for future noise wall. • Work with Wright County on improvement options for the Gillard Avenue at CR 39 intersection • Provide a pathway connection from where it currently ends at River Mill Park to Broadway and driveway /parking access to River Mill Park and Freeway Fields Park • Consider improving the pavement and roadway section on Gillard Avenue as part of the City's Capital Improvement Plan. • Utilize a speed trailer to enforce speeds on Gillard Avenue and CR 39. Summary - Flashing Yellow Arrows (1) Both MnDOT and Wright County cost share policy's splits cost by who has jurisdiction on each leg of the intersection. The estimated cost shown is a best case scenario for funding. If MnDOT and /or the County choose not to participate the City would be responsible for those additional costs. (2) Total costs includes construction and 8% indirect costs. The largest item costs are $30,000 for a new cabinet and $7,000 for a new controller City Street Light Fund 2016* Estimated Cost Share (1) 3yr Crash History $680,000 $690,000 $650,000 Annual Franchise Fee Revenue $300,000 $300,000 $300,000 FYA ($215,000) ($215,000) ($215,000) Street Lighting Project in CIP ($75,000) ($125,000) ($75,000) MnDOT County City Total Crashes Correctable 2012 ADT 1 $650,0001 $660,000 Intersection Total Cost (2) Crashes Priority Year Map ID # TH 25 @ School Blvd ------------------------------------------------------------ - - - - -- $37,000 ------------- - - - - -- $18,500 -------- - - - - -- -------- - - - - -- $18,500 --------- - - - - -- 13 ----------- - - - - -- 6 ----------- - - - - -- 25,500 ------------ - - - - -- 1 ------------ - - - - -- 1 -------- - - - - -- TH 25 @ Chelsea Rd ------------------------------------------------------------ - - - - -- $89,500 ------------- - - - - -- $44,750 -------- - - - - -- -------- - - - - -- $44,750 --------- - - - - -- 19 ----------- - - - - -- 6 ----------- - - - - -- 25,500 ------------ - - - - -- 1 ------------ - - - - -- 2 -------- ------- TH 25 @ I -94 EB Ramp / Oakwood Dr ------------------------------------------------------------ - - - - -- $58,300 ------------- - - - - -- $43,725 -------- - - - - -- -------- - - - - -- $14,575 --------- - - - - -- 15 ----------- - - - - -- 3 ----------- - - - - -- 25,500 ------------ - - - - -- 1 ------------ - - - - -- 3 -------- - - - - -- TH 25 @ 1 -94 WB ramp ------------------------------------------------------------ - - - - -- $66,000 ------------- - - - - -- $66,000 -------- - - - - -- -------- - - - - -- --------- - - - - -- 9 ----------- - - - - -- 2 ----------- - - - - -- 26,000 ------------ - - - - -- 1 ------------ - - - - -- 4 -------- - - - - -- TH 25 @ River St $72,600 $36,300 $36,300 16 2 26,000 1 5 Total TH 25 Signals - Year 1 $323,400 $209,275 $0 $114,125 72 19 ------------------------------------------------------------ - - - - -- CSAH 18-@-1--94- / Chelsea Rd -----------------EB --Ramp ------------------------------------- - - - - -- ------------- - - - - -- $71,500 ------------- - - - - -- -------- - - - - -- $17,875 -------- - - - - -- -------- - - - - -- $35,750 -------- - - - - -- --------- - - - - -- $17,875 --------- - - - - -- ----------- - - - - -- 7 --------------------------- ----------- - - - - -- 1 -- - - - - -- ------------ - - - - -- 11,200 ------------ - - - - -- ------------------ 2 ------------ - - - - -- -------- - - - - -- 6 -------- - - - - -- CSAH 18 @ 1 -94 WB Ramp / 7th St -------------------------------- $71,500 $17,875 -------- - - - - -- $35,750 --------- - - - - -- $17,875 --------- - - - - -- 11 ------------------------------------ 6 11,200 ------------ - - - - -- 2 ----------------------------------- 7 CSAH 18 @ CSAH 39 /CSAH 75 (Broadway) $71,500 1 1 $53,625 $17,875 7 3 11,200 2 8 Total CSAH 18 Signals - Year 2 $214,500 $35,750 $125,125 $53,625 25 10 ------------------------------------------------------------ - - - - -- CSAH 75 @ CSAH 39 / Elm St ------------------------------------------------------------ - - - - -- ------------- - - - - -- $56,000 ------------- - ------------------------ -------- - - - - -- --------- - - - - -- $42,000 ------ - - - - -- --------- - - - - -- $14,000 --------- - - - - -- ------------------------------------ 4 ------------------------------------ 1 ------------ - - - - -- 7,200 ------------ - - - - -- ------------ - - - - -- 3 ------------ - - - - -- --------------- 9 -------- - - - - -- CSAH 75 @ Hospital / School Entrance ------------------------------------------------------------ - - - - -- $65,500 ------------- - ------------------------ $32,750 ------ - - - - -- $32,750 --------- - - - - -- 0 ----------- - - - - -- 0 ----------- - - - - -- 9,300 ------------ - - - - -- 3 ------------ - - - - -- 10 -------- - - - - -- CSAH 75 @ Highland Way $56,000 1 1 $28,000 1 $28,000 2 1 9,300 3 11 Total CSAH 75 Signals - Year 3 $177,500 $0 $102,750 $74,750 6 2 Total $715,400 $245,025 $227,875 $242,500 103 31 (1) Both MnDOT and Wright County cost share policy's splits cost by who has jurisdiction on each leg of the intersection. The estimated cost shown is a best case scenario for funding. If MnDOT and /or the County choose not to participate the City would be responsible for those additional costs. (2) Total costs includes construction and 8% indirect costs. The largest item costs are $30,000 for a new cabinet and $7,000 for a new controller City Street Light Fund * As of 12/31/15, the Street Light Fund Balance was $680,000 ** The remaining balance could be utilized for flashing yellow arrows and /or future lighting needs at the Bertram Athletic Complex 2016* 2017 2018 Street Light Fund Balance $680,000 $690,000 $650,000 Annual Franchise Fee Revenue $300,000 $300,000 $300,000 St Light Mtce and Electric Fee Expenses ($215,000) ($215,000) ($215,000) Street Lighting Project in CIP ($75,000) ($125,000) ($75,000) Remaining Street Light End of Year Fund Balance ** 1 $690,000 1 $650,0001 $660,000 * As of 12/31/15, the Street Light Fund Balance was $680,000 ** The remaining balance could be utilized for flashing yellow arrows and /or future lighting needs at the Bertram Athletic Complex v• • s - Or 4 . 6-' I C' i •_ lk IL 7R 41 1 b L MP �7 • JOB A �: i