IEDC Minutes 04-06-2010MEETING MINUTES INDUSTRIAL & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE (IEDC) Tuesday, April 6, 2010 7:00 a.m., Mississippi Room MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair Don Roberts, Vice Chair Rich Harris, Patrick Thompson, Dick Van Allen, Zona Gutzwiller, Chris Kruse, Luke Dahlheimer, Wes Olson, Wayne Elam, and Adam Stolpestad LIASIONS PRESENT: Sandy Suchy, Glen Posusta CITY STAFF PRESENT: Economic Development Director Megan Barnett, City Administrator Jeff O’Neill, FiberNet Monticello Brett DeMarais LIASIONS ABSENT: Mayor Clint Herbst MEMBERS ABSENT: Bill Tapper, Dan Olson, Elaine DeWenter, Lynne Dahl-Fleming and Marshall Smith Call to Order IEDC Chair Don Roberts called the meeting to order at 7:00 a.m. and welcomed new members. Approve Minutes There were no minutes available. Consideration of adding items to the Agenda No items were added to the agenda. Economic Development Report: Economic Development Director Barnett provided an update on the Embracing Downtown Monticello RFP included in the agenda packet. She noted that the proposals would be accepted through April 30, 2010. There was much discussion about how the project will be funded and what it will accomplish. Barnett pointed out that the funding source will be through surplus TIF funds. City Administrator Jeff O’Neill summarized that the document will be used as a planning tool to help focus City resources. Barnett stated that there have been inquiries regarding existing industrial and commercial buildings. She mentioned that the EDA will be looking at downtown willing seller inquiry forms at their May meeting. Wayne Elam stated that the economy is starting to improve. Certain business sectors need more square footage. Manufacturing is leading us out of this recession. Land sales are nonexistent and land prices are all over the place. City Report: O’Neill reported on the Public Works effort to reduce mowing in boulevards and parks. This info will be reviewed at future Council meeting. He also stated that the FiberNet Monticello (FNM) project is moving forward but that delays have been frustrating. Phone switch testing is in the process, programming has been purchased, agreements are in place and it is the hope to complete construction by the end of this year. Approximately 400 homes are currently using internet service. More than 60 businesses are signed up for drops. Staff will bring a proposal to award a franchise to FNM at an upcoming Council meeting. O’Neill summarized where the nuclear waste storage issue stands at the State Legislature. There will be an effort to add language to a bill amendment to handle the decommissioning of the Yucca Mountain facility and the movement of waste receptacles casks now that the nuclear moratorium will not be lifted. It is likely the upcoming election will affect current politics related to this matter. Chamber Report: Sandy Suchy provided an update on Chamber of Commerce and Industry events. She reported that the Chamber lost a few larger businesses but picked up some smaller businesses bringing total membership to 274. She stated that the Chamber recently joined Grow MN, a statewide business retention and expansion program, and that they will share what they learn with local businesses and the City. Elect Secretary Barnett stated that Lynne Dahl-Fleming had expressed initial interest in acting as Committee Secretary. Chair Don Roberts noted Lynne submitted a resignation early this morning. Barnett suggested that between Kerry Burri and herself, minute taking would be covered. Elect a representative from the IEDC to serve on the Embracing Downtown Steering Committee Barnett asked for a volunteer to represent the IEDC on the Embracing Downtown Monticello Steering Committee for a 9 month to 1 year commitment. The role of the Steering Committee will be to provide input throughout the project. Chris Kruse agreed to represent the IEDC and report back monthly on project status. Wes Olson will be an alternate representative for the IEDC. MOTION BY DON ROBERTS APPOINTING CHRIS KRUSE AND WES OLSON AS AN ALTERNATIVE TO REPRESENT THE IEDC ON THE EMBRACING DOWNTOWN STEERING COMMITTEE, SECONDED BY PAT THOMPSON. MOTION CARRIED 15-0. Establish criteria for an Industry of the Year Award Suchy presented a proposal that the City and the Chamber offer a joint Industry of the Year Award. She defined possible eligibility and evaluation criteria and a program timeline, and is looking for feedback on the draft policy. There were a number of questions about the need for two awards, the sponsorship of the award, and the nomination process. The issue was tabled for further discussion. Adjournment: MOTION BY DON ROBERTS TO ADJOURN. SECONDED BY WAYNE ELAM MOTION CARRIED 15-0. Meeting adjourned at 8:10 a.m.