IEDC Minutes 02-07-2012MINUTES MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE (IEDC) Tuesday, February 7, 2012 7:00 a.m., Boom Island Room MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair Luke Dahlheimer, Vice Chair Joni Pawelk, Patrick Thompson, Bill Tapper, Dan Olson, Zona Gutzwiller, Wayne Elam, Jim Johnson, Don Roberts, Tim O'Connor, and Wes Olson LIASIONS PRESENT: Sandy Suchy, Chamber Clint Herbst, Mayor Glen Posusta, City Council MEMBERS ABSENT: Rich Harris, Dick Van Allen, Chris Kruse STAFF PRESENT: Economic Development Director Megan Barnett - Livgard, City Administrator Jeff O'Neill I. Call to Order 2. 3. 4. 5. Luke Dahlheimer called the meeting to order at 7:00 a.m. Approve Minutes BILL TAPPER MOVED TO APPROVE THE JANUARY 3, 2012 MINUTES. MOTION WAS SECONDED BY WAYNE ELAM. MOTION CARRIED 11 -0. Consideration of adding items to the Agenda None Reports Staff suggested moving forward with the agenda rather than providing verbal reports. Monticello Branding & Image Campaign Staff recommended that Monticello initiate a City -wide branding and image campaign to create a unifying marketing strategy which includes all of Monticello's amenities. Branding is not just about a logo or tag line but instead a way to define the community and take strategic steps to clearly communicate that message. Establishing a brand would set Monticello apart from other communities. Statistics indicate that site selectors often choose a location for their next business based on brand. The cities of Lakeville and Elk River went through a branding process and the State of Minnesota is currently doing the same. Staff noted that Elk River retained its logo but added the tag line, "Powered by Nature," which is being embraced by local businesses as a way to market themselves in partnership with the City brand. IEDC Minutes 02/07/12 There was some discussion about retaining Monticello's current logo and tag line, "Your kind of place." Several on the committee had never heard of the tag line. Staff indicated that the purpose of the RFP would be to solicit marketing firms to define research and implementation methods, a tangible way to measure results, and a long -term communications strategy for the branding campaign. Staff estimated that the survey component of this initiative could be completed within 2 -4 months. A timeline would also be developed for realistic implementation of this effort for this year and the next five years. Funds are available in the EDA General Fund budget for this initiative. The City would also apply for a grant through the Initiative Program and pursue private investment partnerships to implement this effort. Many City departments have marketing budgets that might be utilized as a potential funding resource. There were some comments about the long -term marketing commitment required to be successful. Staff pointed out that a strong brand could bring about economic growth. Many on the IEDC seemed to agree in principle that brand is important to a community. There was some discussion as to whether or not the timing was right to establish a brand for Monticello due to all the recent initiatives. Staff suggested that the timing may actually be ideal in that there has recently been much data gathered about Monticello and significant momentum has been established. There was some concern that more discussion was needed before deciding to proceed. DON ROBERTS MOVED TO RECOMMEND THAT THE EDA FURTHER EVALUATE DIRECTING CITY STAFF TO PREPARE A BRANDING AND IMAGE RFP AND ALLOCATE A MAXIMUM OF $30,000 OF EDA FUNDS. MOTION WAS SECONDED BY PATRICK THOMPSON. MOTION CARRIED 11 -0. 6. Presentation by the Monticello School District regarding STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, & Math) program initiatives and opportunities Monticello School Superintendent Jim Johnson pointed out that educators must change their teaching strategies to prepare students for a very different world than that of their parents. He said that knowledge -based learning has been replaced by continual learning. The focus is now on teaching kids how to think and problem - solve. He indicated that the current educational standards don't provide students the skills they need to succeed in the workplace. Schools are looking to programs such as the Science Technology Engineering and Math (STEM) and Project Lead the Way to address that issue. He indicated that students are exposed to hands -on skill building earlier in their education and throughout their school day. He discussed the differing levels of ability at school and how teachers meet students where they are at and work to move them ahead. He responded to questions about how the district addresses holding back students that haven't met requirements as well as the support services provided for those students and high 2 IEDC Minutes 02/07/12 achievers. He asked that the IEDC work with the schools to help legislators and parents understand that a four -year college education may not provide the skills needed to succeed in the workplace and that targeted high school initiatives can prepare students to earn a living rather than accumulate debt. He pointed out that the district is now partnering with St. Cloud Tech and Anoka - Hennepin to provide many opportunities for college credit for high school classes. Monticello schools also plan to pair up with the City of Becker to work on robotics and the City of Monticello to work on video production. The school district has also been partnering with local industries UMC and Production Stamping to provide real life problem- solving scenarios for students. There was some discussion about the difficulty of obtaining student internships because of liability issues and restrictions in the workplace. Jim Johnson emphasized the value of job shadowing especially in the junior and senior year. Staff noted that a robust school district is key to successfully marketing a community. The IEDC will consider ideas for partnering with the school district and options for touring the high school at the end of March or beginning of April. 7. Adjournment BILL TAPPER MOVED TO ADJOURN AT 8:31 AM. MOTION WAS SECONDED BY DON ROBERTS. MOTION CARRIED 11 -0. Recorder: Approved: Attest: T> T T • V ■ 1.