Planning Commission Minutes 11-01-2016MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, November 1St, 2016 - 6:00 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Commissioners: Brad Fyle, Linda Buchmann, Sam Murdoff, Marc Simpson, Lucas Wynne Council Liaison: Charlotte Gabler Staff Angela Schumann, Steve Grittman (NAC), Jacob Thunander, John Rued 1. General Business A. Call to Order Chairman Fyle called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. B. Consideration of approving minutes a. Regular Meeting Minutes — October 0, 2016 MARC SIMPSON MOVED TO APPROVE THE REGULAR MEETING MINUTES OF OCTOBER 4TH, 2016. MOTION SECONDED BY LINDA BUCHMANN. MOTION CARRIED, 4 -0 WITH SAM MURDOFF ABSENT. C. Citizen Comments None. D. Consideration of adding items to the agenda None. 2. Publk Hearings A. Public Hearing — Consideration of a request for Conditional Use Permit for vehicle sales and rental in a B -3 (Highway Business) and B -4 (Regional Business) District, a request for Preliminary and Final Plat for Camping World 1st Addition, and a request for Rezoning from a B -3 to a B -4 District Applicant: FRHP Lincolnshire, LLC Steve Grittman, NAC introduced the proposed project location for Camping World. The project proposes utilizing several parcels for the operation, which include a seven acre parcel previously owned and occupied by Quality RV. An additional parcel totaling 1.58 acres is proposed by the applicant to expand the site for recreational sales and service. Grittman explained the seven acre parcel is identified as B -4 (Regional Business) and the 1.58 acre parcel is identified as B -3 (Highway Business). To ensure all parcels are the same zoning, the applicant is proposing combining the lots and rezoning the seven acre parcel to a B -3 District to allow for vehicle sales, service, and rental on the property through Conditional Use Permit. Chairman Fyle asked the intention of the triangular piece located in the southwest corner of the proposed project. Grittman stated that parcel is owned by the City and originally a part of a right -of -way. The initial road design of Chelsea Road and 901h Street was changed, leaving a remnant piece of property. The applicant shows the parcel being used for stormwater management, but the parcel would need to be acquired from the City and the final plat amended to show the parcel as part of the larger lot. Grittman also mentioned a standard in the Monticello Zoning Ordinance that creates a ratio between the building size and lot area for vehicle sales and rental. Currently, the building located on the site is 45,000 square feet, but by adding the additional 1.58 acre parcel, the applicant would be required to increase the overall square footage of the existing building to be 15 percent of the lot coverage. Grittman explained the applicant could choose to increase the building size per the zoning code or request a variance to the 15 percent lot coverage. Grittman stated it also appears the Zoning Ordinance language has a slight typographical error listed under the parcel size. City Staff recommends seeking a variance based on the intent of this section of the code. Grittman noted City Staff's recommendation for approval of conditional use permits, rezoning, and plats with conditions, but explained the City Engineer's concern with an additional access point at the intersection of Chelsea Road and 90th Street. Chairman Fyle noted the seven acre parcel was originally used as vehicle sales and service. He asked if parcel was rezoned since ownership. Grittman explained that Xcel Energy occupied and utilized the site for office space following the dealership ownership. To accommodate this land use, the area was required to be rezoned to B -4. Commissioner Murdoff asked for the zoning of surrounding parcels. Grittman stated a mix of B -3 and B -4 exists. Chairman Fyle opened the public hearing. Melissa Nance, Director of Real Estate and Development of Camping World, began by providing the history of Camping World's interest in Monticello. She stated in August Quality RV ceased operations, with Camping World acquiring the site in September. Camping World has been completing repairs to the parking lot and renovating the existing building. Nance also mentioned that all previous employees of Quality RV are now employees of Camping World and are being paid until the opening of the Monticello store. She also anticipates by the end of the first year having over 50 employees and doubling the previous revenue produced by Quality RV. Commissioner Simpson asked if the Roger's Camping World would continue operating. Nance stated the Roger's store has been with the company for over 20 years and does not anticipate the closing of that store. Commissioner Simpson asked for clarification of the operations of the Monticello site. Nance confirmed sales, service, and retail would be provided. 2 Chairman Fyle asked Nance if she had an opportunity to review and address the comments identified in Exhibit Z of the staff report. Nance responded by having no concerns with complying to Exhibit Z of the staff report. Hearing no further comments from the public, Chairman Fyle closed the public hearing. As Grittman previously explained, Chairman Fyle reminded the Planning Commission of the possible variance request for building size and lot ratio. Chairman Fyle stated he authorized City Staff to publish the public hearing notice to comply with meeting notice requirements for the applicant to have a special meeting prior to the City Council's November 14th meeting. Decision 1. Resolution PC- 2016 -036, Rezoning from B -4, Regional Business to B -3, Highway Business. MARC SIMPSON MOVED TO ADOPT RESOLUTION PC- 2016 -036, RECOMMENDATION ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE NO. 655, REZONING THE LOT 1, BLOCK 1, 90TH STREET 2ND ADDITION FROM B -4, REGIONAL BUSINESS TO B -3, HIGHWAY BUSINESS DISTRICT. SAM MURDOFF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 5 -0. Decision 2. Resolution PC- 2016 -037, Conditional Use Permits for Vehicle Sales and Rental and Accessory Vehicle (Automotive) Service SAM MURDOFF MOVED TO ADOPT RESOLUTION PC- 2016 -037, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF THE CONDITIONAL USE PERMITS FOR VEHICLE SALES AND RENTAL AND ACCESSORY VEHICLE (AUTOMOTIVE) SERVICE FOR CAMPING WORLD RV, BASED ON THE FINDINGS IN SAID RESOLUTION, AND SUBJECT TO REQUIREMENTS OF EXHIBIT Z. MARC SIMPSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 5 -0. Sam Murdoff asked if Camping World was considering purchasing the small City- owned, right -of -way parcel. Nance confirmed. Murdoff asked if that needed to be considered when approving the preliminary plat. Grittman stated that was accommodated in the conditions identified in the staff report. Assuming they do acquire that parcel, it would need to be included in the final plat. Decision 3. Resolution PC- 2016 -038, Preliminary Plat for Camping World Addition. SAM MURDOFF MOVED TO ADOPT RESOLUTION PC- 2016 -038, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF THE PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR CAMPING WORLD ADDITION, BASED ON THE FINDINGS IN SAID RESOLUTION, AND SUBJECT TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF EXHIBIT Z, AND SUBJECT TO RESUBMISSION OF A FINAL PLAT 3 INCORPORATING ALL ACQUIRED PROPERTY SHOWN ON THE PROPOSED PLANS. LINDA BUCHMANN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 5 -0. EXHIBIT Z Rezoning from B -4, General Business to B -3, Highway Business Conditional Use Permit for Vehicle Sales and Rental Conditional Use Permit for Accessory Minor Vehicle Repair Preliminary Plat for Camping World Addition 3801 Chelsea Road Lot 1, Block 1, 901" Street 2nd Addition and that part of Lot 1, Block 1 which lies Northeasterly of Vacated Chelsea Court as dedicated in the 90t' Street 3rd Addition 1. The applicant will prepare an amended final plat incorporating all acquired property shown on the plans into the same development parcel. 2. The applicant meets all performance standards as identified in the staff report and zoning ordinance, including verification of lighting compliance. 3. The applicant will submit the necessary paperwork to vacate the drainage and utility easements related to the plat, and the plat is subject to encroachment agreements governing improvements prior to vacation of the easements. 4. The applicant is found to meet all applicable zoning regulations governing building size ratios, or the applicant receives approval of a variance based on the existing lot and building sizes. 5. Signage plans will be submitted for permits in accordance with sign ordinance allowances and processing. The monument sign shall be relocated in conformance to setback requirements. 6. Requirements of the City Engineer's report dated October 25, 2016 are complied with. 7. Requirements of MnDOT as related to their review of the plat. 8. The applicant is required to continue to comply with the standards identified for the Accessory Use Auto Repair — Minor. 9. Requirements and comments of other city staff are incorporated into the final approval. Brad Fyle asked the Planning Commissioners if a quorum would be present on November 14"' at 5 p.m. for the variance request. Linda Buchmann, Marc Simpson, and Brad Fyle stated they would be present. 0 MARC SIMPSON MOVED TO HOLD A SPECIAL MEETING ON NOVEMBER 14TH AT 5 P.M. FOR A REQUEST FOR VARIANCE TO MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE, CHAPTER 5, SECTION 2 — USE SPECIFIC STANDARDS AS IT RELATES TO MINIMUM BUILDING SIZE FOR VEHICLES SALES /RENTAL USES. SAM MURDOFF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 5 -0. B. Consideration of a request for an amendment to the City of Monticello's Comprehensive Plan to re -guide subject parcel from `Urban Reserve' to `Places to Recreate' Applicant: City of Monticello Angela Schumann stated a request to amend the City's long range land use map to re -guide a parcel owned by the City of Monticello from `Urban Reserve' to `Places to Recreate'. The City's land use plan and map includes long range land use designations for the corporate city limits and the Monticello Orderly Annexation Area limits. Schumann stated `Urban Reserve' is identified in the comprehensive plan as a way to hold properties in reserve in terms of their designations, until the City has determined the proper designation under a development scenario. A portion of a 157 acre parcel totaling 27 acres is requested to be changed from `Urban Reserve' to `Places to Recreate' to complete the land use designation for the remainder of the Bertram Chain of Lakes Regional Park. Schumann familiarized the Planning Commission of the location of the park and provided a brief background of the development of the park. She reminded the Planning Commission of the master plan that was created to guide the development and layout of the park. Schumann explained the importance of incorporating the 27 acre parcel as `Places to Recreate' that is also identified in the master plan as part of the active area of the park. She said the acreage would provide additional space for buffering between the active and passive areas of the park. The fields are also placed in a more `park -like' setting where there is space for walking paths, concession stands, and other amenities. The Comprehensive Plan's Park and Pathway chapter specifically identifies "Prioritizing the acquisition and development for the Bertram Chain of Lakes Regional Park," as one of seven priorities. As part of the development plan, the City Council approved the use of the additional 27 acres of the parcel for the athletic park. The total athletic area is expected to be 118 acres. Schumann stated by re- guiding the parcel consistency will exist between the long range land use plan map and other objectives identified in the park and pathway plan or master plan. Council member Charlotte Gabler asked if the fields seeded to the south of the 27 acres were owned by Wright County or the City. Schumann responded that interim improvements where the seeding recently occurred is under the jurisdiction of the County and are owned jointly by the City and County. 5 Chairman Fyle opened the public hearing. Hearing no comments, the public hearing was closed. Chairman Fyle asked if the County has to approve this designation as well. Schumann stated only the City. Commissioner Murdoff asked for the timeline of the project. Schumann stated interim improvements were completed this year, which include flexible turf spaces and a path that connects the regional park. Those improvements are expected to be playable next year. Schumann also explained the City's Finance Director has created a plan to set aside a specific amount each year for each phase of the project. Based on that timeline, the first phase of Bertram Chain of Lakes Athletic Park is expected to be completed in 2019 or 2020. The 27 acre parcel is expected to be completed first. LINDA BUCHMANN MOVED TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. PC -2016- 038, A RESOLUTION RE- GUIDING THE SUBJECT 27 -ACRE PARCEL AS "PLACES TO RECREATE" CONSISTENT WITH THE CITY'S LONG- TERM LAND USE GOALS AND OBJECTIVES AND BASED ON FINDINGS IN SAID RESOLUTION. LUCAS WYNNE SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 5 -0. 3. Regaullnr Agenda A. Consideration of the Community Development Directors Report Angela Schumann pointed out that Mill's Fleet Farm processed a PUD adjustment to balance the soils on the lot and create a berm along the southwest side of their site. The City Council approved that adjustment. Schumann also noted the EDA is in the process of collecting proposals for a small area study of the downtown. She explained the opportunity of the Planning Commission to be involved in the planning process. One of which was a joint meeting with the EDA, where commissioners were able to observe changes to the Downtown with the help of the Embracing Downtown Plan. Proposals for the small area study are due on November Yd and will be reviewed during an EDA special meeting scheduled for November 14tH B. Consideration of 2017 Planning Areas of Interest Angela Schumann stated the last time the Planning Commission had a work plan was in 2012. She said the Planning Commission could continue being a reactionary board that acts on land use applications as they come or also they could look at short and long term accomplishments. She explained some of the accomplishments from this work plan, which included: • Updated Community Context section of the Comprehensive Plan — June, 2013 0 • Review of growth projections from Comprehensive Plan — August, 2012 • Completed the Interchange Planning Report — April, 2016 • Recommended a temporary sign ordinance (approved by City Council) — January, 2016 and May, 2016 • Held a PUD ordinance workshop and completed ordinance amendments — January, 2012 • Recommended a shoreland and wild & scenic ordinance (approved by City Council)— September, 2012 • Prepared CCD ordinance amendments in concert with the Embracing Downtown Plan — August, 2012 Schumann asked the Planning Commission for interest areas that could be accomplished in a 2017 work plan. A few suggestions included reviewing the zoning and subdivision ordinances for conflicts, errors, and outdated data. She also suggested reviewing and researching the capital improvement plan, zoning ordinance topic overviews (e.g. home occupations, adult use ordinance, and performance zone), and planning for future topics (e.g. sustainability, housing for changing demographics, and complete streets). Schumann said that of the discussed ordinance amendments, City Staff would bring those in conflict in front of the Planning Commission, when necessary. Ideally, Schumann would like to create this work plan for adoption at the December, 2016 or the January, 2017 Planning Commission meeting. Chairman Fyle asked if City Staff could prepare a survey that contains the items Schumann suggested, then each Planning Commission could independently identify the issues they wish to focus on. Once all results were submitted, City Staff and the Planning Commission could better determine the collective interest areas to be included on the 2017 work plan. Lucas Wynne suggested that there be a space in the survey for the Planning Commission to write in any areas that were not covered in the Schumann suggestions. 4. Added Items None. 5. Adjournment MARC SIMPSON MOVED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 7:11 P.M. LINDA BUCHMANN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 5 -0. 7 Recorder: Jacob Thunander ?—F Approved: December 6, 2016 /` Attest: Development Director