MCC Advisory Board Minutes 07-20-2010MCC Advisory Board Minutes 7/20/10 MONTICELLO COMMUNITY CENTER (MCC) ADVISORY BOARD MEETING MINUTES TUESDAY, JULY 20,2010-4:30 P.M. RIVER ROOM Board Members Present: Sandra Theros -Vice Chair, Jennifer Bethke, Clint Herbst, Darren Paumen Board Members Absent: Ron Broekemeier- Chair, Susie Wojchouski Staff Member Present: Kitty Baltos- Director 1. Call meeting to order. The meeting was called to order by Vice Chair Sandra Theros at 4:34 p.m. She noted the absence of Ron Broekemeier and Susie Wojchouski. 2. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. The following items were added to the agenda: a) Friends of Bertram b) Classes of MCC membership c) Riverfest 3. Consideration of approving the minutes from the June 15, 2010 regular meeting. Jennifer Bethke made a MOTION TO APPROVE THE MINUTES as submitted. The MOTION WAS SECONDED by Clint Herbst. The MOTION PASSED unanimously. 4. Update Items. a. Financial summary through June 2010 Kitty Baltos presented the MCC May and June revenue and expense statements. The following items were discussed in some detail. Revenue Room Rental Internal Use: Kitty noted that the MCC had previously been tracking room use and based estimates on that data. She noted that the Senior Center now uses their own space instead of the Mississippi Room and pointed out that the Chamber pays the non - profit rate for room rentals. City staff use a lot of the MCC rooms. Clint suggested that staff may adjust that room rental estimate at audit time. Expenses Contract Employees: There was some discussion about the cost of fitness instructors as contract employees. Class costs include a 40% profit for MCC after paying the instructor. Additional classes were scheduled after the budget estimates were completed. Gas and Electric Costs: Kitty noted that those are metered together. MCC estimates in terms of square footage. Utilities have fluctuated greatly in the past few years. Finance MCC Advisory Board Minutes 7/20/10 Director Tom Kelly has been monitoring it closely. Lighting improvements have made a big difference in savings. Darren noted that the expense figures don't total properly and determined that there was an error in the calculation. Line 155 should be $700,791.30. The $622,105.38 figure may be in there twice. Sandra pointed out that the May statement has same error. b. Visit summary through June 2010 Kitty indicated that May MCC visits were up but that June visits had decreased a bit as in past years. She also noted that the number of birthday parties had increased in May. She pointed out that the person arranging birthday parties for the MCC is very approachable on the phone and markets the MCC birthday package very well. Sandy asked if MCC could take birthday reservations online or by emailed reservation requests. Clint suggested including a Frequently Asked Questions section on the website. The board would like to see program registration online. Kitty agreed with these ideas and put them on the 2010 to do list. C. Manager's Monthly Recap Swimming lessons continue to be very popular with students enrolling every day. There is also a significant and growing demand for private swim lessons. Friendship Island has more than doubled its participation this year with thirty children enrolled. There is a wait list for August. The program offers a range of age- appropriate summer (and school holiday) activities for kids from post -K through sixth grade. A certified teacher writes the curriculum which includes nearby field trips as well as activities at the MCC facility. Families can arrange to participate 1 -4 days per week (or by drop -in if space is available) every day but Friday. This program provides between $7,000 -9,000 per month. MCC hired five new staff members. Thirteen kids went off to school. Six employees were recognized for their 10 -year employment anniversary. 5. Discussion on 2011 preliminary budget Kitty provided information on the budget requests for 2011 and indicated that twelve items highlighted in yellow in the supporting documents may create revenue. Kitty described each budget request and summarized the various levels of need. Those items that could potentially create revenue are: Summer Intern: Kitty suggested that an intern could help with filling in at the Farmers Market on days when the manager isn't there, helping to schedule and operate Friendship Island and establish and promote a Kindermusic program. Teleconferencing Equipment: Kitty pointed out that this would be a great service to offer citizens. Clint suggested that an option might be to rent a room in the FiberNet Building and set up there. MCC Advisory Board Minutes 7/20/10 Paint and Repair Pool Play Structure: This is a recurring maintenance expense. Sand and Reseal Wood Floor Mississippi Room: The floor gets a lot of use and needs reconditioning. Lighting for Wedding Decor: Most wedding parties arrange for upgraded decorating package. Concession Equipment: Upgrading equipment will result in continued successful concession sales. Fitness Class Supplies: Need mats and related supplies. Community events, Supplies and Services: Halloween parade was cut by $3,000 in last year's budget. Friendship Island Supplies: Could use cabinet for storage. Water Slide re- glazing: Jennifer suggested that it may be an option to skip the $2,500 inspection cost and instead do the required reglazing. Flat Screen Monitors /TVs for Facility & Fitness: Staff recommends put 3 monitors in fitness center and downstairs for MCC promotion. Jen noted that these type of monitors are used more often than bulletin boards. Fitness Equipment Replaced: Fitness equipment needs new belts and boards. Each has 20,000 miles usage. Bought them 3 years ago. Plan to increase locker costs in 2011 to use for this purpose. Other items discussed in some detail are described as follows: Floor Scrubber: The floor scrubber MCC purchased ten years ago needs to be replaced. Jen questioned this purchase if floors are to be replaced. Curb Cut, South Side Building: A curb cut would create easier access to the Mississippi Room for caterers and liquor providers. Kitty had gotten an estimate of $4,000 for the work. Clint suggested finding out what it would cost if City staff did the work. Replace Door Frames Pool Locker Rooms: Metal- capped door frames are rusting after five years. There is pool corrosion. Air handling system wasn't planned well. Dumont dehumidification is running fairly well. Most centers have gone thru four systems instead of two. Laptop computer for general use: Equipment could be used to watch safety training. Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) Kitty presented the MCC CIP as noted in her report. Those items discussed in some detail are included as follows: Carpet /Flooring Replacement: Replace worn carpet /tile flooring in six locations as noted on CIP report. MCC Advisory Board Minutes 7/20/10 Energy Management and Improvements: New front end system for controlling entire system and on demand water heater. Unexpected Maintenance Requirements: Compressors, pool heat exchangers, fitness equipment. There was discussion about establishing a fund that would maintain a balance for these type of events rather than budget a certain amount each year. Electronic Reader Board Sign: Community sign would cost $20,000 using revenue from Bernicks, FiberNet and the Liquor Store. Recreation Equipment: Requires every other year replacement plan. Gym Floor Replaced: Strip down flooring and redo with different type. Recreation Building Addition: This item involves the future expansion of the fitness area and adding a bathroom to the second floor above the kitchen. Adding small lockers to allow users to keep belongings nearby might also bring in some revenue. Darren pointed out that it would be difficult to arrange for $250,000 in one year and suggested instead setting aside funds per year for building addition purposes. The same type of funding plan could be put into place for planning to open up the pool area to a potential splash park. The location would be perfect and it would be a huge draw. Kitty had heard of a quote of $250,000 for such a park in Princeton. The Board suggested that MCC look into getting bids for a splash park. Replace Dehumidification System: This item may need to be moved to up 2011. Estimates were $100,000 and are now $300,000. Replace Wood Floor, Mississippi Room: There was discussion about replacing the floor entirely with Pergo at some point as the surface will only allow resealing two more times. Kitty would like to get change the teardrop shape of the flooring. Windows Glass Replacement: Windows have popped and need replacing. Additional CIP requests were noted but not discussed at length. Jennifer stated that she didn't think there were any unreasonable in the budget requests. The board also considered additional ideas. There was brief discussion about incorporating canoe rental into MCC programming. Participants could be dropped off at Montisippi Park or Bertram Lake for an excursion and /or lessons. Board would need to consider vehicle trailer, storage, and insurance costs. Corrine would like to see the pool ceiling repainted. Clint noted that MCC needs to be allowed to keep any surplus funds to meet its longer range goals rather than the policy of use it or lose it. Kitty agreed to compile these budgets for further board and Finance review. Sandra asked if MCC could look at overages and shortages over time. MCC Advisory Board Minutes 7/20/10 6. Items added to the agenda a) Friends of Bertram: Sandra recommended that the Board check out the Friends website. She suggested they could use a lot of help. Kitty agreed to using the logo to promote the Friends on Channel 12 and at the Movie in the Park preview show. b) Classes of MCC Membership: Jennifer noted that some of her friends joined Gold's Gym because they offer classes for free. She also pointed out that be beneficial to have a variety of instructors at MCC in order to draw more participants. She volunteered to talk to staff at Gold's Gym to find out how the member /nonmember options are handled especially as related to classes. Kitty agreed that it would be useful to do a satisfaction survey for class participants. It may also give an indication if costs are an issue. There was a discussion about possibly giving a membership discount for taking so many classes. c) Riverfest: Clint noted that Kitty did an excellent job hosting the Riverfest Parade on Channel 12. Bill Bruce from the Cable Commission assisted. She indicated that Channel 12 is now broadcasting on FiberNet. Clint pointed out that there were issues with property being blocked off along 3rd Street on the parade route that should be handled differently next year. He noted that there were some 160 parade entries. He suggested that Riverfest consider charging for participation in the parade, like Buffalo does, in order to fund other activities such as a marching band. Clint will be next year's Riverfest Chair. Adjourn. Jennifer made a MOTION TO ADJOURN. The MOTION WAS SECONDED by Clint. The MOTION PASSED unanimously. Meeting was adjourned at 6:34 p.m. Recorder: Kerry T. Burri10 Approved: August 17, 2010 1 Attest: Advisory Board Representative