MCC Advisory Board Minutes 07-19-2011MINUTES MONTICELLO COMMUNITY CENTER (MCC) ADVISORY BOARD TUESDAY, JULY 19,2011 — 4:30 P.M. RIVER ROOM Board Members Present: Ron Broekemeier, Sandra Theros, Jennifer Bethke, Darren Paumen, Clint Herbst Board Liaison Absent: Lloyd Hilgart Staff Members Present: Kitty Baltos- Director 1. Call meeting to order Ron Broekemeier called the meeting to order at 4:34 pm. 2. Consideration of adding items to the agenda a) CIP b) Monthly Recap c) ADA Compliance 3. Consideration of approving the minutes from the June 21, 2011 regular meeting SANDRA THEROS MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF JUNE 21, 2011. MOTION WAS SECONDED BY JENNIFER BETHKE. MOTION CARRIED 5 -0. 4. Update Items a) Facility usage update through June 2011 More than 200 folks used the community center in June. The ice arena has been used less frequently and, as a result, MCC has been cutting back on public skate hours. It seems that people do not realize the ice arena is open. There was some discussion about utilizing signage on open skate days. b) Second quarter financial statements through June 2011 There was a change in the method of accounting for wedding revenue. The true expense for providing wedding security will be specified in 2012. Anticipated tax funding to be received has not yet been included in this report. Staff will consult with Finance Director Tom Kelly about this and a question related to the homestead credit. There were some questions about the cost of the warehouse remodel and where the purchase of fitness equipment was accounted for. Staff will add a column to the spreadsheet to provide a quarterly comparison to the financial statement. MCC Advisory Board Minutes 07/19/11 c) Manager's Monthly Recap Staff toured the Prairie West building and determined that the space might be appropriate to use for Friendship Island in the summer. Traffic at the Farmer's Market has been affected by the temporary signage regulations in the City's zoning ordinance. The Planning Commission will consider amending the code to address this issue. Now that the warehouse remodel had been completed, staff plan to look into the option of including fitness classes as part of membership in the fall. Online registration for classes is also in the works as well. 5. Review and recommendations for the 2012 preliminary budget submitted The Board had some questions about percentage changes on the revenue and expenditure report. These numbers are likely because tax revenue and debt service had not yet been included. Staff noted that there had also been some changes in the method of accounting for certain line items. The report will be revised with assistance from Finance if appropriate. MCC will create a separate line item to track the revenue received for the Silver Sneakers fitness program. Staff outlined some of the budget requests noted as priorities by staff and responded to questions. There were a number of budget requests that are expected to be considered as part of the natatorium improvement project. Staff spoke with Dan at Clearwater Outfitting to begin to explore options for providing canoe and kayak equipment, shuttle service and possibly river tours as a way to address the survey and study results which recommend utilizing the river. 6. Review and discussion on the progress of the natatorium improvements to date The Building Committee continues to consider options for moving forward with improvements to the pool area. Staff briefly summarized the analysis and recommendations of the report provided by Weld Architects. There was some discussion about how the building would look and function differently based on the proposed changes. There was also brief consideration about how to fund the project including options to bond, tap into reserves, levy or conduct a referendum. Staff gave details about some of the options included in the Building Committee's prioritized list of improvements. There were a number of questions related to the upgrading the building automation systems, the options that Weld didn't recommend, and the water slide. Staff noted that the Building Committee agreed with all initiatives that would have energy savings and quick payback. There were also questions about when and how to incorporate the option of expanding the fitness area into the building improvements. Staff agreed to check with Wold about options to retain the windows in the pool area in case of building expansion. The Advisory Board will be included in any upcoming special meeting as City Council considers how to proceed with the natatorium improvement project. MCC Advisory Board Minutes 07/19/11 7. Consideration of adding items to the agenda a) CIP Other than the natatorium improvement project initiative, CIP requests submitted by the MCC are mostly related to maintenance and equipment replacement. b) Monthly Recap This item was discussed as part of updates. c) ADA Compliance New ADA guidelines require that natatoriums with more than 300 lineal feet of gutter area provide a portable lift into the pool. This would cost about $5,000. Staff will measure the pool area and talk to the state about access. 8. Adjourn The meeting was adjourned at 6:25 pm. Recorder: Kerry T. Burri Approved: Augu416, 2W I