Parks Commission Minutes 03-27-2014PARKS COMMISSION MINUTES I March 27, 2014 MINUTES PARKS COMMISSION THURSDAY MARCH2 27, 2014 - 4:30 P.M. "To enhance community pride through developing and maintaining Cityparks with a high standard of quality. " Members Present: Larry Nolan, Nancy McCaffrey, Tim Stalpes, Jack Gregor Members Absent: Brian Stoll Others Present: Tom Pawelk, Park Superintendent 1. Call to Order. Chair Larry Nolan called the meeting to order at 4:30 p.m. and declared a quorum present. 2. Approve Minutes of Special Parrs Commission Meeting from February 26, 2014. Correction of Larry Nolan as present and not absent at the February 26th meeting. NANCY MCCAFFREY MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE FEBRUARY 26, 2014 SPECIAL PARKS COMMISSION MEETING WITH THE CORRECTION AS NOTED. MOTION SECONDED BY TIM STALPES. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 4 -0. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. None. 4. Citizens requests and comments. None. 5. Recap of March 4th Special Joint Planning and Parks Commission Meeting. Tom Pawelk said there are no minutes from the meeting as there was not a quorum present. However, Tom said it was a good thing for the Parks Commission to meet with and understand the Planning Commission. Tom said that it came to his attention that we need to work on marketing and advertising our parks as one of the Planning Commission members was unaware of the number of parks and park amenities in Monticello. Briefly touched on the Page 1 of 5 PARKS COMMISSION MINUTES I March 27, 2014 pathway connections from Spirit Hills to the Wildwood Ridge developments, and the Fenning Avenue Project from Spirit Hills all the way to Hillside Farms. Tom said with the Monte Club project they were able to move forward and form a subcommittee for the mountain bike use on the hill. Tom has not had a chance to meet with them but he has been meeting with MORC. Tom said they should be able to put in 12 miles of trails up there. The subcommittee direction is to develop the plan for the hill and bring it to the City Council for approval. 6. Monte Hill update with newly developed subcommittee. Tom Pawelk said the subcommittee members that volunteered included Don, the owner of Broadway Cycle, Kevin Sorenson, Riverwood Bank, Grant from the Planning Commission, Larry Nolan from the Parks Commission and Tim Stalpes as the Parks Commission backup. Tom said they will be working with MORC to create a design for a sustainable single track trail. They will talk about design and layout of the loop trail system so it starts in the parking area and comes back to the parking area. They will review the topography of the hill and follow the contour lines. The potential is for a 12 mile course. Tom said that when they are designing the trail they want to create an experience for the user. Tom said they are very particular of what they do to the land. The challenge area will have a separate design and include rocks, stumps, logs, etc. and will be a core loop trail that is designed for experienced riders. The final plan to bring back to the City Council will identify the core benefits of the single track being on the hill and how it will benefit the City of Monticello. The subcommittee will need to explain to council how the trail will be established by finessing through the landscape and saving the native trees, explain the future maintenance of the trail; and lastly, the budget and how it will run. This will be more defined when we see what's happening out there at Bertram with their newly developed trail. Tom said so far there has been no City staff labor at Bertram; it has all been done by MORC. Nancy McCaffrey shared information from the "Explore Minnesota" brochure which talks about finding your sport and mountain biking is one of the activities. Nancy talked about eventually having the opportunity to advertise through Explore Minnesota. Nancy asked if it's possible in the future to have a few bikes to rent up there in the lot or verbally phone in to arrange to have the rental bikes dropped off; basically a pickup and delivery service. Tom will look into that. Tom said there is money in the budget this year which will be utilized for the planning efforts. The goal will be to do the build next year and will take a full season to create as the trail is created by hand. Goal is to have the trails open by the fall of 2015. 7. Update on springy tree orders. Tom Pawelk said that this year we sold 225 trees, which is up 42% from last year. That is great news for the number of trees going into the community. Tom said that we did more advertising and allowed residents to order more trees per order. Page 2 of 5 PARKS COMMISSION MINUTES I March 27, 2014 It is helping to expand the urban forest and is a great thing. Tom said they may look at increasing the minimum order amount for next year. Tom said this is the 7th year of the Spring Tree Program. 8. Update on Monticello Tree City USA status award. Tom Pawelk said that Monticello has been awarded Tree City USA. Got an award for our tree program, tree preservation and tree management. Monday night Tom presented the award at the City Council Meeting. Tom said that the award is from the National Arbor Day Foundation. Tom said they will be sending street signs for advertising. Tom thanked the Parks Commission for all their guidance over the years. The Parks Commission wanted to personally thank Tom Pawelk and the Park employees for all of their hard work and efforts. 9. Consideration of approving tree planting sketch for the Great River Trailhead. Tom distributed the tree planting layout for the Great River Trail and Trailhead area. Tom said that Xcel Energy had some concerns about the shade trees and possibly interfering in the power lines; however, they have given their blessing on the plan. There will be four different species of trees to be planted which will make the area look more aesthetically pleasing. Tom said these will be trees that are ordered with the spring tree program. Tom said in the trailhead area they will plant oak trees for the shade in the future. Tom said one of the tree species to be planted is flowering and will attract birds and butterflies. There are some trees that will be removed that were damaged with the construction. The Park staff will water and maintain the trees. Tom said as a heads up that next year they will be doing some collector route plantings, on 7th Street, Chelsea Road, and School Boulevard where the street lights have been put in. 10. Consideration of recommending a new scheduled time for the regular Parks Commission meetings. TIM STALPES MOVED TO CHANGE THE OFFICIAL PARKS COMMISSION MEETING TIME TO 4:30 P.M. ON THE 4' THURSDAY EVERY OTHER MONTH GOING FORWARD. MOTION SECONDED BY JACK GREGOR. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 4 -0. 11. Consideration of scheduling an upcoming spring park tour. Tom Pawelk said that the Planning Commission has expressed interest on attending the parks tour as well. Tom said we will plan to take both City vans for the tour. Tom said it will be important to identify the park areas that we're Page 3 of 5 PARKS COMMISSION MINUTES I March 27, 2014 working on and specifically including the Monte Club Hill and Rolling Woods Park, River Mill Park, Pioneer Park, East and West Bridge Parks to demonstrate accomplishments, and Sunset Ponds Park to highlight the newest play structure. Tom also said that any time a Parks Commission member would like a complete tour of Bertram to let Tom know and he will provide a tour around the park. The consensus is to go on a separate tour with the Planning Commission at the Bertram Chain of Lakes Regional Park. The spring park tour will be scheduled for May 8, 2014, at 4:30 p.m. meeting at the Public Works Department. The BCOL Regional Park tour will be a separate tour to be scheduled at a later date. 12. Bertram Chain of Lakes (BCOL) Regional Park acquisition and development update. Tom Pawelk said the goal is to close on Phases 5 & 6 in June, and that will include the Bertram Lake beach. Along with that, one of the focuses that the mayor has is opening the beach this summer. Tom will be working on that as required. Tom said that the BCOL Advisory Council is working with the Frostbite Challenge Committee to host the family fishing contest at Bertram Lake next year due to the draining of Pelican Lake. Tom said that the athletic complex design will be brought to the City Council in April for the option of utilizing a portion of the City owned farmland for a portion of the fields. This adjusted design which was approved by the Athletic Field Subcommittee will allow for more open space and aid in the option of utilizing lower match grant funds for future land acquisitions on the natural areas. Tom will email the Parks Commission with the meeting date and time. 13. Consideration of approving the next regular Parks Commission Meeting for May 22, 2014. The next regular Parks Commission Meeting is scheduled for May 22, 2014, at 4:30 p.m. at the Public Works Department. Tim Stalpes will be unable to attend the meeting. Page 4 of 5 PARKS COMMISSION MINUTES I March 27, 2014 14. Motion to adjourn. NANCY MCCAFFREY MOVED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. MOTION SECONDED BY TIM STALPES. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 4 -0. RECORDED BY: G, DATE APPROVED: July 24 2014 ATTEST: ,r.'Ga' ' .r -� Page 5 of 5