Parks Commission Minutes 11-29-2012PARKS COMMISSION MINUTES I Nov 29, 2012 MINUTES PARKS COMMISSION THURSDAY NOVEMBER 29, 2012 - 8 A.M. "To enhance community pride through developing and maintaining City parks with a high standard of quality. " Members Present: Larry Nolan, Nancy McCaffrey, Tim Stalpes, Gene Emmanuel Members Absent: Beth Bigelow, Brian Stumpf, Council Liaison Others Present: Tom Pawelk, Park Superintendent, Angela Schumann, Community Development Director, Ellen Eden, Community Development Intern, Bob Paschke, Public Works Director 1. Call to Order. Chair Larry Nolan called the meeting to order at 8 a.m. and declared a quorum present. 2. Approve Minutes of September 20, 2012 Parks Commission Meeting. GENE EMMANUEL MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE SEPTEMBER 20, 2012 PARKS COMMISSION MEETING. TIM STALPES SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. Capital Outlay Improvements: Tom Pawelk said that he would like input from the Parks Commission on prioritizing the upcoming capital outlay improvements. Tom said that they are short on funds so a lot of main projects are on hold. Tom said we are going to lay every project on the line for the council. Tom said this meeting is going to be in January. Tom asked the commission to prioritize the list of projects (provided by Tom). Tom said that there is no money for the projects unless the levy is increased and there is a cap on the levy of $7.9 million. On January 10th the council will be voting on the budget. They can't increase the budget but they can lower it. The amount the levy went up is not enough to cover the maintenance increases. Gene Emmanuel asked Tom to prioritize what he deems we have to have and then show that to the Parks Commission for them to make a recommendation. Tom will send the Parks Commission a list and he'll highlight the main areas and if there's anything they want to add to let him know. Page 1 of 4 PARKS COMMISSION MINUTES I Nov 29, 2012 YMCA: Tom Pawelk said that Parcel 1 has been applied for, which is the future athletic field area. Parcel 1 is the land just directly to the south of the bio -farm, a total of 40 acres. The Wright County Board approved the match for that parcel. This will be the first phase of the athletic field complex. The total complex will encompass 160 acres. 4. Citizens requests and comments. Larry Nolan said that the new patio and table in East Bridge Park looks very nice. Gene Emmanuel commented that driving around the community the parks look very nice and commended Tom and his department on a good job. 5. Review and discuss Safe Routes to School Grant. Tom Pawelk said that Angela, Bruce and himself are reviewing this grant. There is a total of $180,000 in grant funds that Monticello is eligible to apply for. Within the $180,000 they are going to try to make connection points within the community that never were completed with the developments. They also will review areas of concern for safety and putting in flashing crossings where necessary. Tom asked the Parks Commission if they had input for areas that need connections that they are aware of. Tom noted a connection needed from Hunters Crossing to Pioneer Park and another section from Highland Way to the WWTP. Tom said they will focus on major corridors and hopefully convince the powers that be to put sidewalk or pathways on both sides of the street versus just one; especially on TH 25 by the old Monticello Ford where there's a dirt path on the west side of TH 25. Another area of concern is the downtown intersection of 25/75 and we need to improve safety for pedestrian traffic down there. Larry Nolan said there is obviously a need on both sides of TH 25 and that should be a high priority. Tom said that Bruce Westby has talked with Jim Johnson at the school and the school district will isolate some pieces that they think are important. The grant application will have to include a letter of support from the school district to be successful. Larry asked Tom to send a listing out to the Parks Commission once they have their priorities. Larry said everyone should take the time to look at it and drive around the community. Nancy McCaffrey agreed that it's a good positive step for Monticello to have a focus on pedestrian traffic. Tom said he'll put together the proposed routes for the safe routes and the capital improvement for pathways, segments, etc. and e -mail to the commission. 6. Discuss trailhead signage and parking lot amenities. Tom Pawelk asked if everyone had a chance to review the online info that was sent out. Tom went over the map of the proposed signs. Tom said this is a base map and nothing is set in stone so to let him know if there are any changes. This will be linking with the trailhead project next year with two of the segments Page 2 of 4 PARKS COMMISSION MINUTES I Nov 29, 2012 needing to be completed by July. Tom said along with that they have a large monument sign that will be placed at the trailhead facility and lit with a solar powered light. That will be out by the Rod and Gun Club on CSAH 75 West. These signs are for the four segments that will be done this year. The city's trail segments will be done but Angela Schumann said she is not sure about the county's shoulder. Larry Nolan asked about segment 4 and why the route was going north. Angela explained that Xcel Energy is designating that as they will have to give us an easement. Tom said that they will be placing the same style table/bench at the trailhead as they did at East Bridge Park. They will also put in a bike stand holding 10 bikes at the trailhead. The estimated grant funds will cover the signs, trail connections, bike racks, the trailhead, parking lot, etc. The total project is estimated at $370,000. The only thing not covered is $67,000 in the engineering preparation so that portion will be City funded. The county will provide the gates that keep vehicles out. There are no other costs coming out of the current budget for this, other than some man hours from the Parks Department. Gene Emmanuel asked about the signage going east into Monticello and if there is grant funding for that. Angela Schumann said there is no grant funding for the signage so they have made a list of all of the signs needed. Without a funding source they are looking at phasing in the signing in the rest of the community. At 7th Street and TH 25 where the Hillside Cemetery walls come together at the corner, they will be putting in a way finding sign there and possibly a metal swan built into the wall. Angela said they want to mirror the elements in East Bridge Park. Angela said they have all the approvals needed from the City Council. Nancy McCaffrey brought up the issue of the Rod & Gun Club and said they should put up some signage as visitors may not be aware of that. Larry Nolan also noted that they should put in some satellite restrooms at the trailhead. NANCY MCCAFFREY MOVED TO ACCEPT THE SIGNAGE PLANS FOR THE CSAH 75 IMPROVEMENTS AND THE MONTICELLO GREAT RIVER TRAILWAYS & TRAILHEAD AS LAID OUT. TIM STALPES SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 7. Fallon Street Proiect update. Tom Pawelk shared a photo of the area that was proposed for overflow parking. Tom said the City Council did not approve the bituminous pavement with curb as recommended by the Parks Commission. The council said to fill in the parking area with aggregate. Tom said that there would be some issues and more work if they put that in aggregate and he said he feels they should keep it as turf as it is more aesthetically appealing, then this area would be allowed for special events parking only. Gene Emmanuel agreed that aggregate doesn't make sense for that Page 3 of 4 PARKS COMMISSION MINUTES I Nov 29, 2012 area and would cause extra work in the future. With the area in turf it will be easy to replace it to blacktop in the future. Tom said they will hydroseed it and in the spring they will lay a blanket down there. Gene said it is a safety issue there having parking in that particular area as somebody is going to have to back out into the street to get out of that parking lot and somebody could turn and run right into them. Tom said he would like to make a recommendation to the council again that aggregate is not acceptable there. Tom said it will be good for special events but he doesn't want the school kids parking there and walking to school to avoid the parking fee in the school parking lot. Tom said the parking lot design for this area included over 20 parking spots. Nancy agreed with Tom that if we can't get the blacktop then it's logical to keep the turf there and it is better long term due to the runoff from the rain and is more aesthetically pleasing as part of the park. GENE EMMANUEL MOVED TO RECOMMEND AN ORGANIC FINISH IN THE PIONEER PARK PROPOSED PARKING AREA IN LIEU OF AGGREGATE AND IN THE FUTURE TO RECOMMEND THIS PARKING AREA BE BLACKTOP. NANCY MCCAFFREY SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 8. Riverside Cemetery update. Tom Pawelk informed the commission that Glunz Construction retired as the cemetery excavator. Tom said they put out an RFP and Jakes Excavating out of Buffalo came in with the low proposal. They are an experienced cemetery excavating company and have also received a recommendation from Glunz Construction. City Council awarded the new contract at the last council meeting, which will begin on December 1, 2012. 9. Next meeting scheduled for January 24, 2013 The next Parks Commission Meeting is scheduled for 8 a.m. in the Public Works Conference Room on Thursday, January 24, 2013. 10. Adiourn. NANCY MCCAFFREY MOVED TO ADJOURN AT 9:20 A.M. GENE EMMANUEL SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. RECORDED BY: teeth c�Or l? DATE APPROVED: 711, 1 -23 -13 ATTEST: - Iz Page 4 of 4